Solar & Storage Live KSA 2025 | Riyadh
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Construct. Operate. <br /> <span style="text-align: center; font-weight: 700; color: rgb(255, 255, 255); font-size: 38px; margin-bottom: 24px;"> Residential, C&I and utility solar and storage projects </span> </h1> <h4 style="text-align: center; font-weight: 700; color: rgb(255, 255, 255); font-size: 28px;"> 12 - 14 October, Riyadh Front, Saudi Arabia </h4> <p> </p> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-4"> <p style="text-align: center;"> <a class="langEN btn btn-lg btn-orange-main center-block hvr-glow" href=""> APPLY TO SPONSOR/EXHIBIT </a> </p> </div> <div class="col-md-4"> <p style="text-align: center;"> <a class="langEN btn btn-lg btn-orange-main center-block hvr-glow" href=""> APPLY TO SPEAK </a> </p> </div> <div class="col-md-4"> <p style="text-align: center;"> <a class="langEN btn btn-lg btn-orange-main center-block hvr-glow" href=""> REGISTER FOR FREE </a> </p> </div> </div> <p> </p> </div> </li></ul></div></div><!-- END REVOLUTION SLIDER --><script type="text/javascript"> var revapi29, tpj; 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From keynote presentations, practical case studies and country spotlights to interactive discussions and workshops.<br /> </span></p><div style="text-align: center;"><a class="hvr-float-shadow btn btn-orange-main btn-lg" href="">APPLY TO SPEAK </a></div></div></div><div class="flexitem box3"><div class="what">THE EXHIBITION</div><div class="who">FREE TO ATTEND</div><img alt="The Solar Show KSA" class="img-responsive img-center" src="" /><div style="padding:10px;"><p style="text-align: left;">Nothing beats face-to-face engagement. Solar & Storage Live KSA creates three-days of high-volume networking with leading utilities, power producers, project developers, investors, and solution providers. Sometimes it’s the chance meetings that lead to the biggest opportunities.</p><p style="text-align: center; "><a class="hvr-float-shadow btn btn-orange-main btn-lg" href="">REGISTER FOR FREE </a></p></div></div><div class="flexitem box3"><div class="what">NETWORKING</div><div class="who">IN-PERSON</div><img alt="The Solar Show KSA" class="img-responsive img-center" src="" /><div style="padding:10px;"><p>While business is done on the show floor, relationships are often cultivated and strengthened at networking events. Solar & Storage Live KSA exhibitors and sponsors are invited to join a range of social networking events around the show.</p><p style="text-align: center; "><a class="hvr-float-shadow btn btn-orange-main btn-lg" href="">FREE TICKETS </a></p></div></div></div></div><!--<div class="langSA"> <div class="row flexcontainer"> <div class="flexitem box3"> <div class="what"> المؤتمر </div> <div class="who"> الحضور مجانيّ </div> <img alt="The Solar Show KSA" class="img-responsive img-center" src="" /> <div style="padding:10px;"> <p style="text-align: right;"> <span style="font-size: 14px;"> يتألف معرض الطاقة الشمسية وطاقة المستقبل في المملكة العربية السعودية من أربعة مسارات مليئة بأحدث المحتويات وأكثرها ابتكاراً. وتتضمن هذه المسارات العروض التقديمية الرئيسية، ودراسات حالات عملية مميزة، وأبرز العروض الخاصة بالدولة بالإضافة إلى مناقشات مثرية وورش عمل تفاعلية <br /> </span> </p> <div style="text-align: center;"> <a class="hvr-float-shadow btn btn-orange-main btn-lg" href=""> قدّم طلب للتحدّث </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="flexitem box3"> <div class="what"> المعرض </div> <div class="who"> الحضور مجانيّ </div> <img alt="The Solar Show KSA" class="img-responsive img-center" src="" /> <div style="padding:10px;"> <p style="text-align: right;"> لا شيء يضاهي قيمة التواصل وجهاً لوجه. يُعتبر معرض الطاقة الشمسية في المملكة العربية السعودية فرصة ذهبية للتفاعل الوثيق على مدة يومين مع الجهات الرائدة ومنتجي الطاقة ومطوري المشاريع والمستثمرين ومقدمي الحلول. في بعض الأحيان، يمكن أن يؤدي اللقاء العفوي إلى تكوين أهمّ الفرص </p> <p style="text-align: center; "> <a class="hvr-float-shadow btn btn-orange-main btn-lg" href=""> سجّل مجاناً </a> </p> </div> </div> <div class="flexitem box3"> <div class="what"> التواصل </div> <div class="who"> شخصياً </div> <img alt="The Solar Show KSA" class="img-responsive img-center" src="" /> <div style="padding:10px;"> <p style="text-align: right;"> بينما تسير الأعمال داخل صالة العرض، تتكوّن غالباً الروابط وتتعزز من خلال فعاليات التواصل. لذلك، إن العارضين والرعاة في معرض الطاقة الشمسية في المملكة العربية السعودية مدعوون للمشاركة في مجموعة متنوعة من فعاليات التواصل الاجتماعي المتعلقة بهذا المعرض </p> <p style="text-align: center; "> <a class="hvr-float-shadow btn btn-orange-main btn-lg" href=""> الحضور مجانيّ </a> </p> </div> </div> </div></div>--><style type="text/css">div.box3 { border: 1px solid #474545; width:31%; margin:1%; justify-content:start; background: #fff; } div.what{ color: #000; font-size:30px; text-align:center; font-weight:700; padding:15px; } div.who{ background: #8cc63f; padding:15px; color: #fff; font-weight:700; font-size:24px; text-align:center } div.box3 img { margin-bottom:15px; width:100%; }</style></section> <a class="arrow" data-jumpto="#past-spex"></a> <section class="s22061 s-extra" id="past-spex"> <div class="row"><div class="col-sm-12"><h2 class="langEN" style="font-weight: 700; font-size: 38px; color: rgb(2, 3, 2); text-align: center;">Past sponsors & exhibitors</h2><p> </p><div><div class="flex-container"><div id="SpnMid" class="flexslider"><ul class="slides" data-rows-count="2"><li><div class="Spn" data-eventId="10864"><p>Title Sponsor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="" title="more about Riyadh Cables Group of Companies at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Riyadh Cables Group of Companies at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> <div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Diamond Sponsor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="" title="more about Trina Solar at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Trina Solar at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> </li> <li><div class="Spn" data-eventId="10864"><p>Diamond Sponsor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="" title="more about Jeddah cables at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Jeddah cables at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> <div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Titanium Sponsor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="" title="more about Bahra Cables Co. at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Bahra Cables Co. at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> </li> <li><div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Titanium Sponsor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="#0" title="more about Bahra Cables Co. at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024"><img src="" alt="Bahra Cables Co. at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> <div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Platinum Sponsor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="#0" title="more about HiTHIUM at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024"><img src="" alt="HiTHIUM at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> </li> <li><div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Solar Testing Sponsor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="" title="more about Fluke at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Fluke at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> <div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Gold Sponsor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="" title="more about Menlo Electric at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Menlo Electric at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> </li> <li><div class="Spn" data-eventId="10864"><p>Gold Sponsor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="" title="more about MESC at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="MESC at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> <div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Gold Sponsor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="" title="more about SMA Solar Technology AG at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="SMA Solar Technology AG at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> </li> <li><div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Gold Sponsor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="" title="more about Solar Arabia Co at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Solar Arabia Co at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> <div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Gold Sponsor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="" title="more about X-NOOR at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="X-NOOR at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> </li> <li><div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Silver Sponsor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="#0" title="more about Energy Pool at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024"><img src="" alt="Energy Pool at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> <div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Networking Lounge Sponsor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="" title="more about Engie at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Engie at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> </li> <li><div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Bag Sponsor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="" title="more about power n sun at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="power n sun at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> <div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Lanyard Sponsor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="" title="more about PV HARDWARE at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="PV HARDWARE at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> </li> <li><div class="Spn" data-eventId="10864"><p>Badge Sponsor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="" title="more about MATCO - ALOJAIMI at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="MATCO - ALOJAIMI at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> <div class="Spn" data-eventId="10864"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="#0" title="more about Diyar Middle East at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024"><img src="" alt="Diyar Middle East at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> </li> <li><div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="#0" title="more about Mejdaf Trading Company at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024"><img src="" alt="Mejdaf Trading Company at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> <div class="Spn" data-eventId="10864"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="#0" title="more about UCIC Cables at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024"><img src="" alt="UCIC Cables at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> </li> <li><div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="#0" title="more about Aalborg CSP A/S at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024"><img src="" alt="Aalborg CSP A/S at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> <div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="#0" title="more about Abunayyan Trading Company at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024"><img src="" alt="Abunayyan Trading Company at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> </li> <li><div class="Spn" data-eventId="10864"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="" title="more about Aditya Birla Insulators (A unit of Grasim Industries Ltd.) at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Aditya Birla Insulators (A unit of Grasim Industries Ltd.) at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> <div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="" title="more about Aegeus Technologies Pvt Ltd at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Aegeus Technologies Pvt Ltd at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> </li> <li><div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="" title="more about Aeron Systems Pvt Ltd. at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Aeron Systems Pvt Ltd. at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> <div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="#0" title="more about Aerospace Baykee (GuangDong) Technology Co.,Ltd at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024"><img src="" alt="Aerospace Baykee (GuangDong) Technology Co.,Ltd at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> </li> <li><div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="#0" title="more about AESOLAR at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024"><img src="" alt="AESOLAR at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> <div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="#0" title="more about Afkar Co at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024"><img src="" alt="Afkar Co at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> </li> <li><div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="" title="more about AJ POWER Co.,Ltd. at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="AJ POWER Co.,Ltd. at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> <div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="#0" title="more about Al Babtain Metalogalva Solar at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024"><img src="" alt="Al Babtain Metalogalva Solar at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> </li> <li><div class="Spn" data-eventId="10864"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="" title="more about Al Yamuna Densons Industries at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Al Yamuna Densons Industries at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> <div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="#0" title="more about Al-Asasiyah at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024"><img src="" alt="Al-Asasiyah at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> </li> <li><div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="#0" title="more about Alexform at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024"><img src="" alt="Alexform at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> <div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="#0" title="more about alfanar at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024"><img src="" alt="alfanar at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> </li> <li><div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="#0" title="more about Alliaverre for Industry at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024"><img src="" alt="Alliaverre for Industry at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> <div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="#0" title="more about Alrabeh International Trading Company at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024"><img src="" alt="Alrabeh International Trading Company at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> </li> <li><div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="#0" title="more about Anhui Suodian Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd. at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024"><img src="" alt="Anhui Suodian Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd. at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> <div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="#0" title="more about ANTAI TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD. at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024"><img src="" alt="ANTAI TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD. at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> </li> <li><div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="" title="more about AOKE EPOWER CO.,LTD at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="AOKE EPOWER CO.,LTD at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> <div class="Spn" data-eventId="10864"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="#0" title="more about Arab Engineers at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024"><img src="" alt="Arab Engineers at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> </li> <li><div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="#0" title="more about Arabian Qudra at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024"><img src="" alt="Arabian Qudra at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> <div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="#0" title="more about Ard Solutions at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024"><img src="" alt="Ard Solutions at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> </li> <li><div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="#0" title="more about Arizona for trading and maintenance at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024"><img src="" alt="Arizona for trading and maintenance at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> <div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="#0" title="more about Astronergy at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024"><img src="" alt="Astronergy at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> </li> <li><div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="" title="more about Atlas Expo International Fairs at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Atlas Expo International Fairs at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> <div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="#0" title="more about AURORAS INNOTECH GUANGDONG CO., LTD at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024"><img src="" alt="AURORAS INNOTECH GUANGDONG CO., LTD at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> </li> <li><div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="#0" title="more about Advanced United Systems at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024"><img src="" alt="Advanced United Systems at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> <div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="" title="more about BML Metering at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="BML Metering at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> </li> <li><div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="#0" title="more about BSL New Energy Technology Co., Ltd at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024"><img src="" alt="BSL New Energy Technology Co., Ltd at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> <div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="" title="more about BSS Engineering Solutions at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="BSS Engineering Solutions at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> </li> <li><div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="" title="more about Canadian Solar at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Canadian Solar at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> <div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="" title="more about CEPCO Renewables at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="CEPCO Renewables at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> </li> <li><div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="#0" title="more about Changzhou Flysolar Technology Co.,Ltd at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024"><img src="" alt="Changzhou Flysolar Technology Co.,Ltd at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> <div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="#0" title="more about CHINT Global at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024"><img src="" alt="CHINT Global at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> </li> <li><div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="" title="more about CIXI CITY RIXING ELECTRONICS CO., LTD at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="CIXI CITY RIXING ELECTRONICS CO., LTD at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> <div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="" title="more about Clenergize at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Clenergize at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> </li> <li><div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="#0" title="more about Cornex New Energy Co.,Ltd. at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024"><img src="" alt="Cornex New Energy Co.,Ltd. at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> <div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="#0" title="more about Crown Micro at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024"><img src="" alt="Crown Micro at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> </li> <li><div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="" title="more about DAH Solar Co.,LTD at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="DAH Solar Co.,LTD at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> <div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="" title="more about DANYANG WINPOWER WIRE&CABLE MFG CO., LTD at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="DANYANG WINPOWER WIRE&CABLE MFG CO., LTD at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> </li> <li><div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="#0" title="more about DANYANG WINPOWER WIRE&CABLE MFG CO., LTD at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024"><img src="" alt="DANYANG WINPOWER WIRE&CABLE MFG CO., LTD at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> <div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="" title="more about DARBCO at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="DARBCO at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> </li> <li><div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="#0" title="more about Digital Circuits at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024"><img src="" alt="Digital Circuits at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> <div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="#0" title="more about Dongguan Sunworth Solar Energy at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024"><img src="" alt="Dongguan Sunworth Solar Energy at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> </li> <li><div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="#0" title="more about Dongguan Xsd Cable Technology at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024"><img src="" alt="Dongguan Xsd Cable Technology at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> <div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="#0" title="more about East Group Co Ltd at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024"><img src="" alt="East Group Co Ltd at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> </li> <li><div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="#0" title="more about Eco-Fastening Industry at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024"><img src="" alt="Eco-Fastening Industry at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> <div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="#0" title="more about Econess Energy Co., Ltd at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024"><img src="" alt="Econess Energy Co., Ltd at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> </li> <li><div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="#0" title="more about Elements Saudia Ltd. at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024"><img src="" alt="Elements Saudia Ltd. at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> <div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="#0" title="more about EliTe Solar Co., Ltd. at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024"><img src="" alt="EliTe Solar Co., Ltd. at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> </li> <li><div class="Spn" data-eventId="10864"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="" title="more about Energia at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Energia at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> <div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="" title="more about Energy Futures Consulting at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Energy Futures Consulting at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> </li> <li><div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="#0" title="more about Energy Tracks at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024"><img src="" alt="Energy Tracks at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> <div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="#0" title="more about EnviroMet at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024"><img src="" alt="EnviroMet at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> </li> <li><div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="" title="more about EnviroMet at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="EnviroMet at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> <div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="" title="more about Environment and Waste Management S.r.l. at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Environment and Waste Management S.r.l. at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> </li> <li><div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="#0" title="more about Epsolar at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024"><img src="" alt="Epsolar at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> <div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="#0" title="more about ERAM POWER ELECTRONICS COMPANY at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024"><img src="" alt="ERAM POWER ELECTRONICS COMPANY at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> </li> <li><div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="#0" title="more about Eshraq at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024"><img src="" alt="Eshraq at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> <div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="#0" title="more about Ethraa Company at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024"><img src="" alt="Ethraa Company at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> </li> <li><div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="#0" title="more about Eurogulf Transformer at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024"><img src="" alt="Eurogulf Transformer at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> <div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="" title="more about Exliporc New Energy (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Exliporc New Energy (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> </li> <li><div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="#0" title="more about Focusmain Intelligent Technology (Jiangsu) Co., LTD. at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024"><img src="" alt="Focusmain Intelligent Technology (Jiangsu) Co., LTD. at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> <div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="#0" title="more about FOSHAN NAMKOO NEW ENERGY TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD. at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024"><img src="" alt="FOSHAN NAMKOO NEW ENERGY TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD. at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> </li> <li><div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="" title="more about Foshan SNAT Energy Electrical Technology CO.,LTD at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Foshan SNAT Energy Electrical Technology CO.,LTD at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> <div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="#0" title="more about Fujian Huazhen New Energy Technology Co., LTD. at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024"><img src="" alt="Fujian Huazhen New Energy Technology Co., LTD. at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> </li> <li><div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="#0" title="more about Future Earth Energy Systems at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024"><img src="" alt="Future Earth Energy Systems at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> <div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="#0" title="more about GeoSUN Africa (Pty) Ltd at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024"><img src="" alt="GeoSUN Africa (Pty) Ltd at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> </li> <li><div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="#0" title="more about Gold Cup Electric Apparatus Co., Ltd. at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024"><img src="" alt="Gold Cup Electric Apparatus Co., Ltd. at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> <div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="#0" title="more about Goodwe Technologies Co., Ltd at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024"><img src="" alt="Goodwe Technologies Co., Ltd at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> </li> <li><div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="" title="more about Gospower Electric Technology CO.,LTD at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Gospower Electric Technology CO.,LTD at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> <div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="#0" title="more about Gotion at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024"><img src="" alt="Gotion at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> </li> <li><div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="" title="more about Green Watt Company for Energy at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Green Watt Company for Energy at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> <div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="#0" title="more about Guangdong Huichuang New Energy Co.,Ltd at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024"><img src="" alt="Guangdong Huichuang New Energy Co.,Ltd at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> </li> <li><div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="#0" title="more about Guangdong Litharv New Energy Technology Co., Ltd at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024"><img src="" alt="Guangdong Litharv New Energy Technology Co., Ltd at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> <div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="#0" title="more about Guangdong Mezic Tech Co., Ltd. at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024"><img src="" alt="Guangdong Mezic Tech Co., Ltd. at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> </li> <li><div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="#0" title="more about Guangdong Prostar New Energy Technology Co., Ltd. at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024"><img src="" alt="Guangdong Prostar New Energy Technology Co., Ltd. at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> <div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="" title="more about Guangdong Solarthon Technology Co.,Ltd. at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Guangdong Solarthon Technology Co.,Ltd. at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> </li> <li><div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="" title="more about Guangdong Techfine Electronic Co., Ltd at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Guangdong Techfine Electronic Co., Ltd at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> <div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="" title="more about Guangdong Yuqiu Intelligent Technology Co.,Ltd at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Guangdong Yuqiu Intelligent Technology Co.,Ltd at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> </li> <li><div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="" title="more about Gulf Specialized Co. at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Gulf Specialized Co. at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> <div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="#0" title="more about Guochu (Tianjin) Steel Development Co., Ltd. at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024"><img src="" alt="Guochu (Tianjin) Steel Development Co., Ltd. at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> </li> <li><div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="#0" title="more about Guosheng Shian Technology Co., Ltd. at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024"><img src="" alt="Guosheng Shian Technology Co., Ltd. at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> <div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="" title="more about Haala Energy at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Haala Energy at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> </li> <li><div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="#0" title="more about Hangzhou Huasu Technology Co., Ltd. at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024"><img src="" alt="Hangzhou Huasu Technology Co., Ltd. at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> <div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="#0" title="more about Hangzhou Kaige New Energy Technology Co., LTD. at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024"><img src="" alt="Hangzhou Kaige New Energy Technology Co., LTD. at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> </li> <li><div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="#0" title="more about Hangzhou Star Shuaier Solar Technology Co. , Ltd at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024"><img src="" alt="Hangzhou Star Shuaier Solar Technology Co. , Ltd at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> <div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="#0" title="more about Hangzhou Vulcan New Material Technology Co.,LTD. at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024"><img src="" alt="Hangzhou Vulcan New Material Technology Co.,LTD. at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> </li> <li><div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="" title="more about Hebei Honde Industrial Trade Imp and Exp at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Hebei Honde Industrial Trade Imp and Exp at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> <div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="#0" title="more about HEBEI YIHENG SCIENCE &TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD. at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024"><img src="" alt="HEBEI YIHENG SCIENCE &TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD. at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> </li> <li><div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="" title="more about HellermannTyton GmbH at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="HellermannTyton GmbH at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> <div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="#0" title="more about Hengyang Ritar Power Co., Ltd at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024"><img src="" alt="Hengyang Ritar Power Co., Ltd at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> </li> <li><div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="" title="more about HORAY SOLAR at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="HORAY SOLAR at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> <div class="Spn" data-eventId="10864"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="" title="more about at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" target="_blank"><img src="" alt=" at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> </li> <li><div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="" title="more about Huasun Energy at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Huasun Energy at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> <div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="http://All SDA Energy is a leading provider of innovative energy solutions, committed to delivering sustainable and efficient energy services. Our mission is to drive the transition towards cleaner energy through cutting-edge technology and expert consultancy." title="more about Hunan Allsda Energy Co., Ltd at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Hunan Allsda Energy Co., Ltd at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> </li> <li><div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="#0" title="more about Hunan Fullde Electric Co., Ltd. at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024"><img src="" alt="Hunan Fullde Electric Co., Ltd. at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> <div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="#0" title="more about Hunan GCE Technology Co., Ltd. at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024"><img src="" alt="Hunan GCE Technology Co., Ltd. at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> </li> <li><div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="#0" title="more about Hunan Huamin Holdings Co., Ltd. at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024"><img src="" alt="Hunan Huamin Holdings Co., Ltd. at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> <div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="#0" title="more about HUZHOU GELEI CABLES CO.,LTD at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024"><img src="" alt="HUZHOU GELEI CABLES CO.,LTD at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> </li> <li><div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="#0" title="more about ies at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024"><img src="" alt="ies at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> <div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="#0" title="more about Ifbot Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024"><img src="" alt="Ifbot Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> </li> <li><div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="" title="more about INFYPOWER at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="INFYPOWER at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> <div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="" title="more about IRSC (POWER FOR GENERATIONS) at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="IRSC (POWER FOR GENERATIONS) at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> </li> <li><div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="" title="more about ISAM KABBANI ENERGY at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="ISAM KABBANI ENERGY at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> <div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="#0" title="more about JA SOLAR at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024"><img src="" alt="JA SOLAR at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> </li> <li><div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="#0" title="more about Jetion Solar (China) Co Ltd at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024"><img src="" alt="Jetion Solar (China) Co Ltd at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> <div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="#0" title="more about Jiangsu Essis New Energy Technology Co., Ltd. at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024"><img src="" alt="Jiangsu Essis New Energy Technology Co., Ltd. at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> </li> <li><div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="" title="more about Jiangsu Guoning Power Cable Co., Ltd at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Jiangsu Guoning Power Cable Co., Ltd at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> <div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="#0" title="more about Jiangsu Hanchu Energy Technology Co., Ltd at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024"><img src="" alt="Jiangsu Hanchu Energy Technology Co., Ltd at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> </li> <li><div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="#0" title="more about Jiangsu Oliter Energy Technology Co Ltd at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024"><img src="" alt="Jiangsu Oliter Energy Technology Co Ltd at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> <div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="#0" title="more about JIANGSU XJH ENERGY CORPORATION LIMITED at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024"><img src="" alt="JIANGSU XJH ENERGY CORPORATION LIMITED at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> </li> <li><div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="#0" title="more about JIAXING AOKE TRADING CO.,LTD. at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024"><img src="" alt="JIAXING AOKE TRADING CO.,LTD. at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> <div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="#0" title="more about Jiaxing Feiya New Energy Co.,Ltd at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024"><img src="" alt="Jiaxing Feiya New Energy Co.,Ltd at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> </li> <li><div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="#0" title="more about Jiaxing Solarway New Energy Co.,Ltd at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024"><img src="" alt="Jiaxing Solarway New Energy Co.,Ltd at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> <div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="#0" title="more about JIAXING XURI SOLAR TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024"><img src="" alt="JIAXING XURI SOLAR TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> </li> <li><div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="#0" title="more about Jinhua Juxing Power Supply Co., Ltd at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024"><img src="" alt="Jinhua Juxing Power Supply Co., Ltd at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> <div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="#0" title="more about Jinko Solar Co. at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024"><img src="" alt="Jinko Solar Co. at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> </li> <li><div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="#0" title="more about Knyee Energy at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024"><img src="" alt="Knyee Energy at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> <div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="" title="more about Kontrolmatik Technologies at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Kontrolmatik Technologies at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> </li> <li><div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="#0" title="more about Lapp Cables at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024"><img src="" alt="Lapp Cables at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> <div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="" title="more about Leapting at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Leapting at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> </li> <li><div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="#0" title="more about LONGi Solar Technology Co., Ltd at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024"><img src="" alt="LONGi Solar Technology Co., Ltd at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> <div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="" title="more about Luminous Power Technologies Pvt Ltd at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Luminous Power Technologies Pvt Ltd at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> </li> <li><div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="" title="more about MADA'IN ALMOSTQBAL ENERGY COMPANY at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="MADA'IN ALMOSTQBAL ENERGY COMPANY at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> <div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="#0" title="more about Megger at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024"><img src="" alt="Megger at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> </li> <li><div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="" title="more about meteocontrol GmbH at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="meteocontrol GmbH at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> <div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="#0" title="more about Mica Power at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024"><img src="" alt="Mica Power at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> </li> <li><div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="#0" title="more about Mokun Renewable Technology Co.,Ltd at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024"><img src="" alt="Mokun Renewable Technology Co.,Ltd at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> <div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="#0" title="more about MUST ENERGY (GUANGDONG) TECH CO., LTD at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024"><img src="" alt="MUST ENERGY (GUANGDONG) TECH CO., LTD at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> </li> <li><div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="" title="more about Nanchang Nanfei Technology Co, Ltd. at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Nanchang Nanfei Technology Co, Ltd. at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> <div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="" title="more about Natheer Technical Services LLC at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Natheer Technical Services LLC at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> </li> <li><div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="#0" title="more about Ningbo Deye Inverter Technology Co.,Ltd at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024"><img src="" alt="Ningbo Deye Inverter Technology Co.,Ltd at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> <div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="" title="more about Omega Engineering Industries at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Omega Engineering Industries at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> </li> <li><div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="#0" title="more about ORIENTAL SMART LION(FUJIAN) ENERGY STORAGE TECHNOLOGY Co.LTD at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024"><img src="" alt="ORIENTAL SMART LION(FUJIAN) ENERGY STORAGE TECHNOLOGY Co.LTD at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> <div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="#0" title="more about Orisun Invest at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024"><img src="" alt="Orisun Invest at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> </li> <li><div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="#0" title="more about Ouyue Electric Technology Co., Ltd at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024"><img src="" alt="Ouyue Electric Technology Co., Ltd at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> <div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="" title="more about PAPRSKY SERVICES INC at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="PAPRSKY SERVICES INC at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> </li> <li><div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="" title="more about Philadelphia Solar at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Philadelphia Solar at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> <div class="Spn" data-eventId="10864"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="" title="more about Platipus at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Platipus at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> </li> <li><div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="#0" title="more about Power Stone (Xiamen) Technology Co., Ltd at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024"><img src="" alt="Power Stone (Xiamen) Technology Co., Ltd at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> <div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="#0" title="more about PT Mounting System at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024"><img src="" alt="PT Mounting System at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> </li> <li><div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="#0" title="more about PYTES Energy at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024"><img src="" alt="PYTES Energy at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> <div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="#0" title="more about Q-Sun Anhui Co.,Ltd. at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024"><img src="" alt="Q-Sun Anhui Co.,Ltd. at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> </li> <li><div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="#0" title="more about REPT Battero Energy Co. Ltd at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024"><img src="" alt="REPT Battero Energy Co. Ltd at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> <div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="#0" title="more about Resun Solar Energy Co., Ltd. at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024"><img src="" alt="Resun Solar Energy Co., Ltd. at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> </li> <li><div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="#0" title="more about Robotico at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024"><img src="" alt="Robotico at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> <div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="#0" title="more about Saudi Steel Structure at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024"><img src="" alt="Saudi Steel Structure at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> </li> <li><div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="#0" title="more about Saudi Transformers Co Ltd at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024"><img src="" alt="Saudi Transformers Co Ltd at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> <div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="#0" title="more about Senwa Energy at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024"><img src="" alt="Senwa Energy at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> </li> <li><div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="" title="more about SGURRENERGY at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="SGURRENERGY at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> <div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="" title="more about Shandong Longye Machinary at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Shandong Longye Machinary at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> </li> <li><div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="#0" title="more about Fujian Bettenergy Technology Co., Ltd at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024"><img src="" alt="Fujian Bettenergy Technology Co., Ltd at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> <div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="#0" title="more about JIANGSU Modern Solar Lighting Co,Ltd at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024"><img src="" alt="JIANGSU Modern Solar Lighting Co,Ltd at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> </li> <li><div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="#0" title="more about Shanghai Optech Science&technology Ltd. at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024"><img src="" alt="Shanghai Optech Science&technology Ltd. at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> <div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="#0" title="more about Shanghai Yingfa Risen New Energy Technology Group Co., Ltd. at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024"><img src="" alt="Shanghai Yingfa Risen New Energy Technology Group Co., Ltd. at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> </li> <li><div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="#0" title="more about Shenzhen Atess Power Technology Co.,Ltd at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024"><img src="" alt="Shenzhen Atess Power Technology Co.,Ltd at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> <div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="" title="more about SHENZHEN PKNERGY ENERGY CO.,LTD at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="SHENZHEN PKNERGY ENERGY CO.,LTD at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> </li> <li><div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="#0" title="more about SHENZHEN SAITER NEW ENERGY TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024"><img src="" alt="SHENZHEN SAITER NEW ENERGY TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> <div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="" title="more about Shenzhen SiShang Technology Co.,Ltd. at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Shenzhen SiShang Technology Co.,Ltd. at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> </li> <li><div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="#0" title="more about SHENZHEN YUFAI AURORA OPTOELECTRONIC CO., LTD. at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024"><img src="" alt="SHENZHEN YUFAI AURORA OPTOELECTRONIC CO., LTD. at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> <div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="" title="more about Shenzhen Zetara Power System Co., Ltd at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Shenzhen Zetara Power System Co., Ltd at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> </li> <li><div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="#0" title="more about Shenzhen Zhilai Sci And Tech Co., Ltd. at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024"><img src="" alt="Shenzhen Zhilai Sci And Tech Co., Ltd. at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> <div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="#0" title="more about SINOTECH Company Limited at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024"><img src="" alt="SINOTECH Company Limited at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> </li> <li><div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="" title="more about SL Rack at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="SL Rack at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> <div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="#0" title="more about Solar Land Energy Co. at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024"><img src="" alt="Solar Land Energy Co. at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> </li> <li><div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="#0" title="more about Solar N Plus New Energy Technology Co., Ltd. at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024"><img src="" alt="Solar N Plus New Energy Technology Co., Ltd. at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> <div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="#0" title="more about Solar S at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024"><img src="" alt="Solar S at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> </li> <li><div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="#0" title="more about Solar Watt Renewable Energy at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024"><img src="" alt="Solar Watt Renewable Energy at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> <div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="#0" title="more about Solarity - Jordan at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024"><img src="" alt="Solarity - Jordan at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> </li> <li><div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="#0" title="more about SolaX Power Network Technology (Zhejiang) CO., Ltd at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024"><img src="" alt="SolaX Power Network Technology (Zhejiang) CO., Ltd at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> <div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="" title="more about Solmacher at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Solmacher at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> </li> <li><div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="#0" title="more about at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024"><img src="" alt=" at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> <div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="#0" title="more about Startech FZE at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024"><img src="" alt="Startech FZE at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> </li> <li><div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="#0" title="more about Startech FZE at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024"><img src="" alt="Startech FZE at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> <div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="#0" title="more about Suncime Digital New Energy Intelligent (Shenzhen) Co.,Ltd at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024"><img src="" alt="Suncime Digital New Energy Intelligent (Shenzhen) Co.,Ltd at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> </li> <li><div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="#0" title="more about Sungrow Power Supply Co., Ltd at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024"><img src="" alt="Sungrow Power Supply Co., Ltd at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> <div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="#0" title="more about SUNLIKE SOLAR CO., LTD at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024"><img src="" alt="SUNLIKE SOLAR CO., LTD at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> </li> <li><div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="#0" title="more about Sunshine Middle East at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024"><img src="" alt="Sunshine Middle East at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> <div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="#0" title="more about Sunsynk at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024"><img src="" alt="Sunsynk at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> </li> <li><div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="#0" title="more about SUPER POWER NEW ENERGY CO.,LTD at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024"><img src="" alt="SUPER POWER NEW ENERGY CO.,LTD at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> <div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="#0" title="more about Sustainable Future at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024"><img src="" alt="Sustainable Future at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> </li> <li><div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="#0" title="more about Suzhou HORAD New Energy Equipment Co., Ltd. at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024"><img src="" alt="Suzhou HORAD New Energy Equipment Co., Ltd. at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> <div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="" title="more about Taqat badeela at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Taqat badeela at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> </li> <li><div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="" title="more about Task at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Task at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> <div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="" title="more about Tbea at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Tbea at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> </li> <li><div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="" title="more about Prime Contractor for Renewable Energy at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Prime Contractor for Renewable Energy at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> <div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="" title="more about Tiger New Power Technology Co., Ltd at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Tiger New Power Technology Co., Ltd at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> </li> <li><div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="#0" title="more about Washa Al Wisam Factory Company at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024"><img src="" alt="Washa Al Wisam Factory Company at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> <div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="" title="more about Wenzhou Xinchi International Trade Co.,Ltd at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Wenzhou Xinchi International Trade Co.,Ltd at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> </li> <li><div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="#0" title="more about Wuxi City Qunxing Wire&Cable Co.,Ltd at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024"><img src="" alt="Wuxi City Qunxing Wire&Cable Co.,Ltd at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> <div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="#0" title="more about Wuxi Sunket New Energy Technology Co., Ltd. at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024"><img src="" alt="Wuxi Sunket New Energy Technology Co., Ltd. at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> </li> <li><div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="#0" title="more about Wuxi Suntech Power Co., Ltd. at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024"><img src="" alt="Wuxi Suntech Power Co., Ltd. at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> <div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="#0" title="more about Wuxi-Xinhongye Wire and Cable at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024"><img src="" alt="Wuxi-Xinhongye Wire and Cable at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> </li> <li><div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="#0" title="more about XIAMEN YOSHI METAL PRODUCT CO.,LTD at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024"><img src="" alt="XIAMEN YOSHI METAL PRODUCT CO.,LTD at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> <div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="#0" title="more about Xiamen Bright New Energy Co., Ltd at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024"><img src="" alt="Xiamen Bright New Energy Co., Ltd at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> </li> <li><div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="#0" title="more about Xiamen Egret Solar New Energy Technology Co., Ltd at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024"><img src="" alt="Xiamen Egret Solar New Energy Technology Co., Ltd at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> <div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="#0" title="more about Xiamen KSENG Metal Tech Co., Ltd at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024"><img src="" alt="Xiamen KSENG Metal Tech Co., Ltd at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> </li> <li><div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="#0" title="more about Xiamen Sic New Energy Co., Ltd. at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024"><img src="" alt="Xiamen Sic New Energy Co., Ltd. at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> <div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="" title="more about XIAMEN TOPENERGY CO.,LTD at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="XIAMEN TOPENERGY CO.,LTD at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> </li> <li><div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="" title="more about Xiamen Yingcan New Energy Technology Co., Ltd at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Xiamen Yingcan New Energy Technology Co., Ltd at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> <div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="" title="more about Xingdong Lithium Battery Technology Co., Ltd at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Xingdong Lithium Battery Technology Co., Ltd at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> </li> <li><div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="#0" title="more about YANGLIN TECH CO., LTD at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024"><img src="" alt="YANGLIN TECH CO., LTD at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> <div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="#0" title="more about Yingkou Jinchen Machinery Co., Ltd. at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024"><img src="" alt="Yingkou Jinchen Machinery Co., Ltd. at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> </li> <li><div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="#0" title="more about Yingli Energy Development Co., Ltd at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024"><img src="" alt="Yingli Energy Development Co., Ltd at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> <div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="" title="more about Yuens (Xiamen) New Material Co.,Ltd. at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Yuens (Xiamen) New Material Co.,Ltd. at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> </li> <li><div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="#0" title="more about Yueqing Yirui Electric Appliance CO.,LTD. at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024"><img src="" alt="Yueqing Yirui Electric Appliance CO.,LTD. at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> <div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="#0" title="more about Zayel Solar at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024"><img src="" alt="Zayel Solar at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> </li> <li><div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="#0" title="more about Zhangzhou Huawei Power Supply Technology Co., Ltd. at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024"><img src="" alt="Zhangzhou Huawei Power Supply Technology Co., Ltd. at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> <div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="" title="more about ZHEJIANG BYU ENERGY CO.LTD at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="ZHEJIANG BYU ENERGY CO.LTD at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> </li> <li><div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="" title="more about ZHEJIANG CHIFENG ELECTRIC CO.,LTD. at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="ZHEJIANG CHIFENG ELECTRIC CO.,LTD. at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> <div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="" title="more about Zhejiang greenmore energy technology co.,ltd at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Zhejiang greenmore energy technology co.,ltd at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> </li> <li><div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="#0" title="more about Zhejiang Guangtian Electric Power Equipment Co.,ltd. at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024"><img src="" alt="Zhejiang Guangtian Electric Power Equipment Co.,ltd. at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> <div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="#0" title="more about Zhejiang Hua Power Co.,Ltd at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024"><img src="" alt="Zhejiang Hua Power Co.,Ltd at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> </li> <li><div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="#0" title="more about Zhejiang Inovus Technology CO., LTD at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024"><img src="" alt="Zhejiang Inovus Technology CO., LTD at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> <div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="#0" title="more about Zhejiang Jinggong Integration Technology Co., Ltd. at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024"><img src="" alt="Zhejiang Jinggong Integration Technology Co., Ltd. at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> </li> <li><div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="#0" title="more about ZHEJIANG JUJIANG NEW ENERGY TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD. at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024"><img src="" alt="ZHEJIANG JUJIANG NEW ENERGY TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD. at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> <div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="#0" title="more about Zhejiang Kaimin Electric Co., Ltd. at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024"><img src="" alt="Zhejiang Kaimin Electric Co., Ltd. at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> </li> <li><div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="#0" title="more about Zhejiang Lever Technology Co.,Ltd. at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024"><img src="" alt="Zhejiang Lever Technology Co.,Ltd. at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> <div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="#0" title="more about Zhejiang Lisiner Industrial Development Co.,Ltd. at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024"><img src="" alt="Zhejiang Lisiner Industrial Development Co.,Ltd. at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> </li> <li><div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="#0" title="more about Zhejiang Narada Power Source Co., Ltd. at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024"><img src="" alt="Zhejiang Narada Power Source Co., Ltd. at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> <div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="" title="more about Zhejiang Singi Electrical at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Zhejiang Singi Electrical at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> </li> <li><div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="#0" title="more about Zhejiang Sunohoo Technology Co.,Ltd at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024"><img src="" alt="Zhejiang Sunohoo Technology Co.,Ltd at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> <div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="#0" title="more about ZHEJIANG TECHAN ADVANCED MATERIALS CO.,LTD at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024"><img src="" alt="ZHEJIANG TECHAN ADVANCED MATERIALS CO.,LTD at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> </li> <li><div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="#0" title="more about Zhejiang Xinghai Energy Technology CO.,LTD. at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024"><img src="" alt="Zhejiang Xinghai Energy Technology CO.,LTD. at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> <div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="" title="more about Zhengzhou Hanfa Imp & Exp Trading Co.,Ltd at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Zhengzhou Hanfa Imp & Exp Trading Co.,Ltd at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> </li> <li><div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="#0" title="more about Zuper Inc at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024"><img src="" alt="Zuper Inc at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> <div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Exhibitor</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="" title="more about 珠海市美信电子科技有限公司 ZHUHAI MEIXIN ELECTRONIC TECHNOLOGY C0., LTD at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="珠海市美信电子科技有限公司 ZHUHAI MEIXIN ELECTRONIC TECHNOLOGY C0., LTD at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> </li> <li><div class="Spn" data-eventId="10864"><p>Startup</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="" title="more about Apple Energy Technologies (Pvt.) Ltd at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Apple Energy Technologies (Pvt.) Ltd at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> <div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Startup</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="" title="more about Buraq Energy Solutions at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Buraq Energy Solutions at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> </li> <li><div class="Spn" data-eventId="10864"><p>Startup</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="#0" title="more about Green sun at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024"><img src="" alt="Green sun at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> <div class="Spn" data-eventId="10864"><p>Startup</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="" title="more about IHSAN for Renewable Energy at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="IHSAN for Renewable Energy at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> </li> <li><div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Startup</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="#0" title="more about NOORTECH at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024"><img src="" alt="NOORTECH at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> <div class="Spn" data-eventId="10864"><p>Startup</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="" title="more about Nur United Power Company at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Nur United Power Company at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> </li> <li><div class="Spn" data-eventId="10864"><p>Startup</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="#0" title="more about Rocket Choolha at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024"><img src="" alt="Rocket Choolha at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> <div class="Spn" data-eventId="10845"><p>Startup</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="" title="more about SOWASH SOLAR MAINTENANCE SOLUTIONS at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="SOWASH SOLAR MAINTENANCE SOLUTIONS at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> </li> <li><div class="Spn" data-eventId="10864"><p>Startup</p><div><span class="helper"></span><a href="" title="more about Voltforge Energy Storage Solutions Private Limited at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Voltforge Energy Storage Solutions Private Limited at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" /></a></div></div> </li></ul></div></div></div><p> </p></div></div></section> <a class="arrow" data-jumpto="#past-speakers"></a> <section class="s22062 s-extra" id="past-speakers"> <div class="row"><div class="col-sm-12"><h2 style="font-weight: 700; font-size: 38px; color: rgb(2, 3, 2); text-align: center;">Past speakers</h2><p> </p><div class="flex-container"><div id="SpkRotator" class="flexslider"><ul class="slides"><li><div class="Spk"><img src="" alt="Muhammad Abbasi at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" class="img-responsive "/><div class="SpkOverlay"><div class="Name">Muhammad Abbasi</div><div class="JTitle">TE</div><div Class="Company">King Abdullah University of Science and Technology</div></div></div> <div class="Spk"><img src="" alt="Ali Abdulla Alsadadi at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" class="img-responsive "/><div class="SpkOverlay"><div class="Name">Ali Abdulla Alsadadi</div><div class="JTitle">Chief of Information Technology</div><div Class="Company">Ministry of Oil and Environment - Bahrain</div></div></div> </li><li><div class="Spk"><img src="" alt="Nofal Adbulhadi at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" class="img-responsive "/><div class="SpkOverlay"><div class="Name">Nofal Adbulhadi</div><div class="JTitle">Senior Electrical Engineer, Senior Project Manager , PhD Researcher in Renewable Energy and Project Management</div><div Class="Company">Marafiq</div></div></div> <div class="Spk"><img src="" alt="Fayez Al Dossari at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" class="img-responsive "/><div class="SpkOverlay"><div class="Name">Fayez Al Dossari</div><div class="JTitle">Director of Operations</div><div Class="Company">Sabic</div></div></div> </li><li><div class="Spk"><img src="" alt="Faisal Al Hadi at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" class="img-responsive "/><div class="SpkOverlay"><div class="Name">Faisal Al Hadi</div><div class="JTitle">Expert</div><div Class="Company">Confidential Government Entity</div></div></div> <div class="Spk"><img src="" alt="Khalfan Alburtamani at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" class="img-responsive "/><div class="SpkOverlay"><div class="Name">Khalfan Alburtamani</div><div class="JTitle">Senior General Manager Regulatory and Corporate Affairs and Advanced Metering Infrastructure GM</div><div Class="Company">NAMA Electricity Distribution</div></div></div> </li><li><div class="Spk"><img src="" alt="Majdi Alfaraj at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" class="img-responsive "/><div class="SpkOverlay"><div class="Name">Majdi Alfaraj</div><div class="JTitle">Electrical Engineer</div><div Class="Company">Sabic</div></div></div> <div class="Spk"><img src="" alt="Wesam Alghamdi at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" class="img-responsive "/><div class="SpkOverlay"><div class="Name">Wesam Alghamdi</div><div class="JTitle">Chief Executive Officer</div><div Class="Company">NEOM Green Hydrogen Company</div></div></div> </li><li><div class="Spk"><img src="" alt="Mustafa AlHakeem at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" class="img-responsive "/><div class="SpkOverlay"><div class="Name">Mustafa AlHakeem</div><div class="JTitle">Hydrogen Expert</div><div Class="Company">Confidential Government Entity</div></div></div> <div class="Spk"><img src="" alt="Mohamed Alhamar at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" class="img-responsive "/><div class="SpkOverlay"><div class="Name">Mohamed Alhamar</div><div class="JTitle">Chief of Purchase Planning & Quality Control</div><div Class="Company">Electricity & Water Authority - E.W.A. Bahrain</div></div></div> </li><li><div class="Spk"><img src="" alt="Husain Almakrami at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" class="img-responsive "/><div class="SpkOverlay"><div class="Name">Husain Almakrami</div><div class="JTitle">Renewable Energy Expert</div><div Class="Company">Royal Commission for Jubail & Yanbu</div></div></div> <div class="Spk"><img src="" alt="Abdulkareem Alsenan at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" class="img-responsive "/><div class="SpkOverlay"><div class="Name">Abdulkareem Alsenan</div><div class="JTitle">Sustainability & Energy Engineer</div><div Class="Company">UNITED-SABIC</div></div></div> </li><li><div class="Spk"><img src="" alt="Hadi Alyami at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" class="img-responsive "/><div class="SpkOverlay"><div class="Name">Hadi Alyami</div><div class="JTitle">Senior Manager, Mobility Technology and Sustainability Technology & Innovation</div><div Class="Company">NEOM</div></div></div> <div class="Spk"><img src="" alt="Saleh Alzahrani at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" class="img-responsive "/><div class="SpkOverlay"><div class="Name">Saleh Alzahrani</div><div class="JTitle">General Manager</div><div Class="Company">Saudi Accreditation center</div></div></div> </li><li><div class="Spk"><img src="" alt="Jeffrey Beyer at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" class="img-responsive "/><div class="SpkOverlay"><div class="Name">Jeffrey Beyer</div><div class="JTitle">Chief Technical Advisor to the Saudi Arabian Ministry of Energy's Technology and Innovation Department</div><div Class="Company">UNDP</div></div></div> <div class="Spk"><img src="" alt="Abdelilah Chami at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" class="img-responsive "/><div class="SpkOverlay"><div class="Name">Abdelilah Chami</div><div class="JTitle">Director of Strategy - Sustainable Development</div><div Class="Company">Enel Green Power</div></div></div> </li><li><div class="Spk"><img src="" alt="Hussien El Sheikh at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" class="img-responsive "/><div class="SpkOverlay"><div class="Name">Hussien El Sheikh</div><div class="JTitle">Cluster Director of Engineering</div><div Class="Company">Hilton</div></div></div> <div class="Spk"><img src="" alt="Kristijonas Gedvilas at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" class="img-responsive "/><div class="SpkOverlay"><div class="Name">Kristijonas Gedvilas</div><div class="JTitle">Chief Executive Officer</div><div Class="Company">European Chamber of Commerce KSA</div></div></div> </li><li><div class="Spk"><img src="" alt="Rasmi Hamzeh at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" class="img-responsive "/><div class="SpkOverlay"><div class="Name">Rasmi Hamzeh</div><div class="JTitle">Executive Director</div><div Class="Company">Jordan Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Fund (JREEEF) & Ministry Of Energy & Mineral Resources (Memr).</div></div></div> <div class="Spk"><img src="" alt="Syed Fasih Hussain at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" class="img-responsive "/><div class="SpkOverlay"><div class="Name">Syed Fasih Hussain</div><div class="JTitle">Unit Head - Project Finance, Wholesale Credit Risk</div><div Class="Company">Saudi Alawwal Bank</div></div></div> </li><li><div class="Spk"><img src="" alt="Kenichiro Kitamura at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" class="img-responsive "/><div class="SpkOverlay"><div class="Name">Kenichiro Kitamura</div><div class="JTitle">Chief Representative for the Middle East</div><div Class="Company">Japan Bank for International Cooperation</div></div></div> <div class="Spk"><img src="" alt="Aymen Koubaa at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" class="img-responsive "/><div class="SpkOverlay"><div class="Name">Aymen Koubaa</div><div class="JTitle">Director</div><div Class="Company">Societe Generale DIFC Branch</div></div></div> </li><li><div class="Spk"><img src="" alt="Marek Kubik at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" class="img-responsive "/><div class="SpkOverlay"><div class="Name">Marek Kubik</div><div class="JTitle">Director of BESS</div><div Class="Company">ENOWA</div></div></div> <div class="Spk"><img src="" alt="Zia Ul Rab Siddiqui at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" class="img-responsive "/><div class="SpkOverlay"><div class="Name">Zia Ul Rab Siddiqui</div><div class="JTitle">Director - Investments</div><div Class="Company">Arab Petroleum Investments Corporation (APICORP)</div></div></div> </li><li><div class="Spk"><img src="" alt="Murali Venkatraman at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" class="img-responsive "/><div class="SpkOverlay"><div class="Name">Murali Venkatraman</div><div class="JTitle">Head of Data Analytics and AI - Energy & Water</div><div Class="Company">ENOWA</div></div></div> <div class="Spk"><img src="" alt="Faisal Wali at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" class="img-responsive "/><div class="SpkOverlay"><div class="Name">Faisal Wali</div><div class="JTitle">Energy, Water, & Environment, Manager</div><div Class="Company">KAUST @NEOM</div></div></div> </li><li><div class="Spk"><img src="" alt="Lina Osman at Solar & Storage Live KSA 2024" class="img-responsive "/><div class="SpkOverlay"><div class="Name">Lina Osman</div><div class="JTitle">Managing Director & Head of Sustainable Finance</div><div Class="Company">Standard Chartered Bank</div></div></div> </li></ul></div></div><p> </p></div></div><!--<div class="row flexcontainer speakers"> <div class="speaker flexitem"> <div class="speaker__content-wrap"> <div class="speaker__content"> <div class="speaker__content__inner"> <a href="speakers.stm" style="text-decoration:none;"> Faisal Al Hadi <br /> Expert of Investment and Value Creation <br /> Confidential Government Entity, KSA </a> </div> </div> <img alt="Faisal Al Hadi speaking at Solar & Storage Live KSA" class="speaker__image" src="" /> </div> </div> <div class="speaker flexitem"> <div class="speaker__content-wrap"> <div class="speaker__content"> <div class="speaker__content__inner"> <a href="speakers.stm" style="text-decoration:none;"> Ali Abdulla Alsadadi <br /> Chief of Information Technology <br /> Ministry of Oil and Environment, Bahrain </a> </div> </div> <img alt=" Ali Abdulla Alsadadi speaking at Solar & Storage Live KSA" class="speaker__image" src="" /> </div> </div> <div class="speaker flexitem"> <div class="speaker__content-wrap"> <div class="speaker__content"> <div class="speaker__content__inner"> <a href="speakers.stm" style="text-decoration:none;"> Kristijonas Gedvilas <br /> Chief Executive Officer <br /> European Chamber of Commerce KSA Office, KSA </a> </div> </div> <img alt="Kristijonas Gedvilas speaking at Solar & Storage Live KSA" class="speaker__image" src="" /> </div> </div> <div class="speaker flexitem"> <div class="speaker__content-wrap"> <div class="speaker__content"> <div class="speaker__content__inner"> <a href="speakers.stm" style="text-decoration:none;"> Majdi Al Faraj <br /> Principal Engineer – Electric <br /> SABIC, KSA </a> </div> </div> <img alt="Majdi Al Faraj speaking at Solar & Storage Live KSA" class="speaker__image" src="" /> </div> </div> <div class="speaker flexitem"> <div class="speaker__content-wrap"> <div class="speaker__content"> <div class="speaker__content__inner"> <a href="speakers.stm" style="text-decoration:none;"> Dr Marek Kubik <br /> Director of BESS (Battery Energy Storage Systems) <br /> ENOWA NEOM, KSA </a> </div> </div> <img alt=" Dr Marek Kubik speaking at Solar & Storage Live KSA" class="speaker__image" src="" /> </div> </div> <div class="speaker flexitem"> <div class="speaker__content-wrap"> <div class="speaker__content"> <div class="speaker__content__inner"> <a href="speakers.stm" style="text-decoration:none;"> Jeffrey Beyer <br /> Chief Technical Advisor to KSA Ministry of Energy Technology & Innovation Dept <br /> United Nations Development Programme, KSA </a> </div> </div> <img alt=" Jeffrey Beyer speaking at Solar & Storage Live KSA" class="speaker__image" src="" /> </div> </div> <div class="speaker flexitem"> <div class="speaker__content-wrap"> <div class="speaker__content"> <div class="speaker__content__inner"> <a href="speakers.stm" style="text-decoration:none;"> Aymen Koubaa <br /> Regional Head – Energy & Infrastructure ME <br /> Societe Generale Corporate and Investment Banking SGCIB, UAE </a> </div> </div> <img alt=" Aymen Koubaa speaking at Future Energy Live KSA" class="speaker__image" src="" /> </div> </div> <div class="speaker flexitem"> <div class="speaker__content-wrap"> <div class="speaker__content"> <div class="speaker__content__inner"> <a href="speakers.stm" style="text-decoration:none;"> Murali Venkatraman <br /> Head AI Data and Data Analytics <br /> ENOWA NEOM – Adjunct Professor of Energy & Climate KAUST, KSA </a> </div> </div> <img alt="Murali Venkatraman speaking at Future Energy Live KSA" class="speaker__image" src="" /> </div> </div></div><p> </p><!--<div class="row"> <div class="col-md-4 col-md-offset-4"> <p> <strong> <a class="btn btn-orange-main btn-lg hvr-grow center-block" href=""> REGISTER FOR FREE </a> </strong> </p> </div></div>--><style type="text/css">#SpkRotator div.SpkOverlay div.JTitle {font-size:9pt !important;} #SpkRotator div.Company {font-size:10pt !important;} .speakers { align-items:flex-start; display:flex; flex-wrap:wrap; } .speakers { flex-wrap:wrap; display:flex; justify-content:space-between; padding:0; } .speakers:after{ content:""; flex:auto; } .speaker{ color:#fff; overflow:hidden; height:auto; width:24%; padding:0; margin-bottom:0.5%; margin-right:.5%; margin-left:.5%; position:relative; } .speaker:hover{ cursor:pointer} .speaker:before{ padding-top:100%; display:block; content:""; } .speaker .speaker__image{ overflow:hidden; position:absolute; top:0; left:0; z-index:0; height:100%; width:100%; -webkit-transition:all 1s ease; transition:all 1s ease; object-fit:cover; } .speaker:hover .speaker__image{ -webkit-transform:scale(1.05); transform:scale(1.05)} .speaker .speaker__content__inner{ width:100%; color:#fff; font-weight:700; } .speaker .speaker__content__inner a{ color: #fff 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the Middle East & Africa series</h2><p> </p><div class="owl-theme owl-carousel events"><div class="item"><a href="" target="blank"><img class="img-responsive img-center" src="" /></a><div class="etext"><a href="" target="blank"><b>Solar & Storage Live Cape Town </b><br />15 - 16 October 2025<br />Cape Town International Convention Centre </a></div></div><div class="item"><a href="" target="blank"><img class="img-responsive img-center" src="" /></a><div class="etext"><a href="" target="blank"><b>Solar & Storage Live KSA </b><br />12 - 14 October 2025<br />Riyadh Front, Saudi Arabia </a></div></div><div class="item"><a href="" target="blank"><img class="img-responsive img-center" src="" /></a><div class="etext"><a href="" target="blank"><b>Solar & Storage Live Africa </b><br />25 - 27 March 2025<br />NASREC, Johannesburg, South Africa </a></div></div><div class="item"><a href="" target="blank"><img class="img-responsive img-center" src="" /></a><div class="etext"><a href="" target="blank"><b>Solar & Storage Live Egypt </b><br />29 - 30 April 2025<br />Egypt International Exhibition Center, New Cairo, Egypt </a></div></div><div class="item"><a href="" target="blank"><img class="img-responsive img-center" src="" /></a><div class="etext"><a href="" target="blank"><b>Solar & Storage Live Dubai </b><br />24 - 25 June 2025<br />Dubai World Trade Centre, Dubai, UAE </a></div></div><div class="item"><a href="" target="blank"><img class="img-responsive img-center" src="" /></a><div class="etext"><a href="" target="blank"><b>Solar & Storage Live Kenya </b><br />26 - 27 August 2025<br />Nairobi, Kenya </a></div></div></div></div></div><div><a href="" target="blank"><style type="text/css">div.item { border:2px solid #ebebeb; } div.item img { padding:20px; } div.etext { background: #ebebeb; padding:15px; text-align:center; color: #000; font-size:16px; } div.etext a { color: #000 !important; text-decoration:none; }</style> <script> $(document).ready(function(){$(".events").owlCarousel({autoplay:true, loop:true, nav:true, dots:false, margin: 20, responsive: { 0: { items:1}, 768: {items:2}, 1200: {items:3}}});});</script> </a></div></section> <a class="arrow" data-jumpto="#prospectus"></a> <section class="s22064 s-extra" id="prospectus"> <div class="row"><div class="col-md-6"><img class="img-responsive img-center" src="" /></div><div class="col-md-6"><h2 class="langEN" style="color:#020302; font-size:38px; font-weight:700;">Exhibit/sponsor Solar & Storage Live KSA</h2><p> </p><p class="langEN" style="font-size:16px;">Solar & Storage Live KSA is the definitive event that brings together new technology, efficiency, new thinking, and best practice in the industry as the countries’ premier major services and supplier-led exhibition, with a high-level multi-track conference.</p><p class="langEN" style="font-size:16px;">Companies that provide solutions and services to the solar, renewable and clean energy ecosystem are in high demand in Saudi Arabia- and this is where Solar & Storage Live KSA comes in – download the prospectus today to find out how you can get involved.<br /> </p><div class="row"><div class="col-md-8"><p><a class="btn btn-lg btn-orange-main center-block hvr-glow langEN" href="">enquire now </a></p></div></div></div></div></section> </div> </div> </section> <div id="SectionBottom"><div style="background-color: #474545; padding:50px 0 !important"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-12"> <h2 class="langEN" style="font-size: 38px; text-align: center; font-weight: 700;color:#8dc637; "> Get involved at <span style="color:#fff; font-size: 38px; text-align: center; font-weight: 700;"> Solar & Storage Live KSA </span> <br /> </h2> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-6 col-md-3"> <h4 class="langEN" style="text-align: center; color: #8dc637;"> <strong> CONNECT WITH US </strong> </h4> <div class="row"> <div class="col-xs-6"> <a href="" target="_blank"> <img alt="" 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(function () { var e, a = /\+/g, // Regex for replacing addition symbol with a space r = /([^&=]+)=?([^&]*)/g, d = function (s) { return decodeURIComponent(s.replace(a, " ")); }, q = document.referrer.substring(1); //q =; while (e = r.exec(q)) urlParams[d(e[1])] = d(e[2]); })(); if ($('#webticker').length) { $('#webticker').css("display", "block"); // reveal ticker on load.. $('#webticker').webTicker({ speed: 50, //pixels per second direction: "left", //if to move left or right moving: true, //weather to start the ticker in a moving or static position startEmpty: false, //weather to start with an empty or full ticker duplicate: true, //if there is less items then visible on the ticker you can duplicate the items to make it continuous rssfrequency: 0, //the frequency of updates in minutes. 0 means do not refresh updatetype: "reset", //how the update would occur options are "reset" or "swap" hoverpause: true //pause the ticker when hovered }); } } catch(err) { } //alert("resize"); //$(window).trigger('resize'); }); $(document).ready(function () { //alert("doc ready"); InitWindow(); DocReady(); RunParallax(); CheckSearchTerms(); ListSearch(); CheckAgendaTimezone(); }) function CheckSearchTerms() { // check if sending search parameters.. var strQ = ""; if ("q" in urlParams) { strQ = urlParams["q"]; } else if ("prev" in urlParams) { strQ = "" } if (strQ != "") { $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: strServicePath + "AddSearchTerm", data: "{Token:'" + strEventHash + "',SearchString:'" + strQ + "',EventID:'" + strEventID + "'}", contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8", dataType: "json", success: function(msg) { Debug("webservice response: " + msg.d); }, failure: function() { Debug("webservice search term call failed."); } }); } } function CheckUrlSsl() { var strUsesSSL = ($('meta[name=Terrapinn-SSL]').length > 0) ? $('meta[name=Terrapinn-SSL]').attr("content") : '0'; var strProtocol = document.location.protocol; //console.log('CheckUrlSsl(): ' + strUsesSSL); //console.log('SSL? 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"); } } function SetData(strKey, oValue, intTtl ) { var oEntry = { Value : oValue, Ttl : intTtl, Now : new Date().getTime() }; var strData = JSON.stringify(oEntry); localStorage.setItem(strKey, strData); } function hashCode(str){ var hash = 0; if (str.length == 0) return hash; for (i = 0; i < str.length; i++) { char = str.charCodeAt(i); hash = ((hash<<5)-hash)+char; hash = hash & hash; // Convert to 32bit integer } return strKeyHeader + hash; } function PurgeOldCache() { let keys = Object.keys(localStorage); for(let strKey of keys) { if (strKey.startsWith(strKeyHeader)) { // read it...and check... var oEntry = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(strKey)||"0"); if (oEntry != "0") { if (flgPurgeCache || (oEntry.Ttl && ((parseInt(oEntry.Ttl) + parseInt(oEntry.Now)) < new Date().getTime()))) { //console.log("PurgeOldCache(), data EXPIRED, purging... "); localStorage.removeItem(strKey); } else { //console.log("PurgeOldCache(), cache NOT expired... " + oEntry.Value.length); } } } } } jQuery.browser = {}; (function () { jQuery.browser.msie = false; jQuery.browser.version = 0; if (navigator.userAgent.match(/MSIE ([0-9]+)\./)) { jQuery.browser.msie = true; jQuery.browser.version = RegExp.$1; } })(); function ShowFeed(arrItems, intMaxArticles, strType, flgShowLead, flgShowImage, strColorOverride) { var html = ''; var arrImgs; var intMaxLength = 180; var intMaxTitleLength = 100; var i = 0; var strTitle = arrItems.title; var strDescription = arrItems.description; var strLink =; var strPrecis = ''; var strItemTitle = ''; //console.log('ShowFeed: ' + strType); //console.dir(arrItems); if (strType=='LIST') { //html += '<div class="row BlogTitle"><div class="col-md-12"><h1><a href="' + strLink + '">' + arrItems.title + '</a></h1><h2>' + strDescription + '</h2></div></div>'; html += '<div class="row">'; } else if (strType=='ROTATOR') { html+= '<div class="flex-container"><div id="BlogRotator" class="flexslider"><ul class="slides">' } //console.log('ShowFeed: arrItems.items.length: ' + arrItems.items.length); for(i; i < arrItems.items.length && i < intMaxArticles; i++) { try { var item = arrItems.items[i]; strItemTitle = item.title; if (strItemTitle.length > intMaxTitleLength) { strItemTitle = strItemTitle.substring(0,intMaxTitleLength) + '..'; } //description might be html? try { strPrecis = $(item.description).text(); } catch(err) { strPrecis = item.description; } if (strPrecis.length > intMaxLength) { strPrecis = strPrecis.substring(0,intMaxLength) + '..'; } arrImages = {}; try { if (flgShowImage) { arrImages = $('<div>' + item.description + '</div>').find('img'); } } catch (ex) { } if (strType=='LIST') { if (i!=0) { if ((i) % 2 == 0) { html += '<div class="clearfix visible-sm"> </div>'; } if ((i) % 3 == 0) { html += '<div class="clearfix visible-md"> </div>'; } if ((i) % 4 == 0) { html += '<div class="clearfix visible-lg"> </div>'; } } html += '<div class="col-sm-6 col-md-4 col-lg-3"><div class="BlogContentHolder">'; if (arrImages.length>0) { html += '<div class="BlogContent" style="background:url(\'' + arrImages[0].src + '\');background-repeat: no-repeat;background-size: cover;">' + '<h3><a href="' + + '" target="_blog" title="' + strPrecis + '">'+ strItemTitle + '</a></h3>' + '</div>'; } else { html += '<div class="BlogContent" style="">' + '<h3><a href="' + + '" target="_blog" title="' + strPrecis + '">'+ strItemTitle + '</a></h3>' + '</div>'; } if (flgShowLead) { html += '<div class="BlogPrecis"><p>' + strPrecis + ' <a href="' + + '" target="_blog" title="' + strItemTitle + '">continues</a> »</p></div>'; } html += '</div></div>'; } else if (strType=='ROTATOR') { if (arrImages.length>0) { html += '<li>'; html += '<div class="BlogContent" style="background:url(\'' + arrImages[0].src + '\');background-repeat: no-repeat;background-size: cover;">' + '<h3><a href="' + + '" title="' + strPrecis + '" target="_blog">'+ strItemTitle + '</a></h3>' + '</div>'; if (flgShowLead) { html += '<div class="BlogPrecis"><p>' + strPrecis + ' <a href="' + + '" target="_blog" title="' + strItemTitle + '">continues</a> »</p></div>'; } html+= '</li>'; } else { html += '<li>'; html += '<div class="BlogContent">' + '<h3><a href="' + + '" target="_blog" title="' + strPrecis + '">'+ strItemTitle + '</a></h3>' + '</div>'; if (flgShowLead) { html += '<div class="BlogPrecis"><p>' + strPrecis + ' <a href="' + + '" target="_blog" title="' + strItemTitle + '">continues</a> »</p></div>'; } html += '</li>'; } } } catch(err) { showError(err); //console.log(err.message); } } if (strType=='LIST') { html += '</div>'; } else if (strType=='ROTATOR') { html += '</ul></div></div>'; } if (!flgShowImage) { html += '<style>div#BlogContent div.BlogContent { height:auto!important; }</style>'; } if (strColorOverride!='') { html += '<style>div#BlogContent h3 { background:#' + strColorOverride + '!important; } </style>'; } //console.log('html: ' + html); jQuery('div#BlogContent').append(html); if (strType=='ROTATOR') { $('#BlogRotator').flexslider({ animation: "slide", initDelay: 2000, slideshowSpeed: 3500, easing: "jswing", animationSpeed: 600, animationLoop: true, itemWidth: 320, itemMargin: 15, minItems: 1, //maxItems: 15, pauseOnHover: true, controlNav: true, move: 2 //, start: function(slider){ alert("starting.."); } }); } } function GetFeed(strURL, intMaxArticles, flgIsIntro) { var intCacheTime = 3600000; // 1 hour cache var strHashKey = hashCode(String(window.location)); var arrItems = {}; arrItems = GetData(strHashKey,intCacheTime); if (arrItems && arrItems.length > 0) { ShowFeed(arrItems, intMaxArticles, flgIsIntro); } else { jQuery.getFeed({ url: strURL, success: function(feed) { SetData(strHashKey, feed, intCacheTime); ShowFeed(feed, intMaxArticles, flgIsIntro); } }); } } const monthNames = ["", "January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"]; const monthNamesShort = ["", "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun","Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"]; var DateTime; var oDate; function CheckAgendaTimezone() { //console.log("CheckAgendaTimezone()"); // testing... // = () => new Date(2020, 6, 8).valueOf(); //luxon.Settings.defaultZoneName = 'America/New_York'; if ( $("div#Agenda").length && $("div#Agenda").hasClass("VirtualEvent") ) { //console.log("dealing with agenda.."); loadExtScript('', function() { return (typeof luxon === 'object'); }, CheckAgendaTimezoneRun); } } function CheckAgendaTimezoneRun() { //console.log("CheckAgendaTimezoneRun()"); // instantiate Luxon... DateTime = luxon.DateTime; var strLocalZone = DateTime.local().zoneName; strLocalZone = strLocalZone.substr(strLocalZone.indexOf('/') + 1, strLocalZone.length - 1); //console.log("Time zone city: " + strLocalZone); //console.log("Event city: " + strEventCity); if (strLocalZone == strEventCity) { return; } // testing... //console.log("local time: " + DateTime.local().toLocaleString(DateTime.TIME_24_SIMPLE)); //console.log("local timezone (browser): " + Intl.DateTimeFormat().resolvedOptions().timeZone) //console.log("local timezone: " + DateTime.local().zoneName); var oTimezone = $('<div id="TimeZoneChanger"><h3>Time zone</h3></div>'); var oHtml = $('<div class="onoffswitch"></div>'); var oBtn = $('<input type="checkbox" name="onoffswitch" class="onoffswitch-checkbox" id="myonoffswitch" tabindex="0" />'); var oLabel = $('<label class="onoffswitch-label" for="myonoffswitch"><span class="onoffswitch-inner" data-before="Local" data-after="Event"></span><span class="onoffswitch-switch"></span></label>'); $(oHtml).append($(oBtn)); $(oHtml).append($(oLabel)); $(oTimezone).append($(oHtml)); // filter version... $('div.AgendaHeader>div').append($(oTimezone)); // older version... $('div#Agenda').prepend($(oTimezone)); //var strLocalZone = DateTime.local().zoneName; //strLocalZone = strLocalZone.substr(strLocalZone.indexOf('/') + 1, strLocalZone.length - 1); $("span.onoffswitch-inner").attr('data-before', strLocalZone); $("span.onoffswitch-inner").attr('data-after', strEventCity); $("#myonoffswitch").change(function () { if ($("#myonoffswitch").is(":checked")) { DoTimezone(); } else { DoTimezoneLocal(); } }); } function DoTimezone() { //console.log("DoTimezone()"); $("div.Time").each(function () { oDate = DateTime.fromISO($(this).attr('data')); $(this).html('<span class="TimeDate">' + monthNamesShort[oDate.month] + ' ' + + '</span>' + oDate.toLocaleString(DateTime.TIME_24_SIMPLE)); }); $("div.session>span").each(function () { oDate = DateTime.fromISO($(this).attr('data')); $(this).html('<span class="TimeDate">' + monthNamesShort[oDate.month] + ' ' + + '</span>' + oDate.toLocaleString(DateTime.TIME_24_SIMPLE)); }); } function DoTimezoneLocal() { //console.log("DoTimezoneLocal()"); $("div.Time").each(function () { if (strEventZone == 'UTC0') { oDate = DateTime.fromISO($(this).attr('data'), { zone: 'UTC+0' }); } else { oDate = DateTime.fromISO($(this).attr('data'), { zone: strEventZone }); } //oDate = DateTime.fromISO($(this).attr('data'), { zone: strEventZone }); $(this).html('<span class="TimeDate">' + monthNamesShort[oDate.month] + ' ' + + '</span>' + oDate.toLocaleString(DateTime.TIME_24_SIMPLE)); }); $("div.session>span").each(function () { if (strEventZone == 'UTC0') { oDate = DateTime.fromISO($(this).attr('data'), { zone: 'UTC+0' }); } else { oDate = DateTime.fromISO($(this).attr('data'), { zone: strEventZone }); } //oDate = DateTime.fromISO($(this).attr('data'), { zone: strEventZone }); $(this).html('<span class="TimeDate">' + monthNamesShort[oDate.month] + ' ' + + '</span>' + oDate.toLocaleString(DateTime.TIME_24_SIMPLE)); }); } function loadExtScript(src, test, callback) { var s = document.createElement('script'); s.src = src; document.body.appendChild(s); var callbackTimer = setInterval(function() { var call = false; try { call =; } catch (e) {} if (call) { clearInterval(callbackTimer);; } }, 100); } </script> <!-- youtube / flickr --> <script type="text/javascript"> /* <![CDATA[ */ // load photos from Flickr -either to gallery or rotator... function GetPhotos(intCount, flgGallery) { if (typeof strPhotos === 'undefined') { return; } intCount = (typeof intCount === "undefined") ? 500 : intCount; flgGallery = (typeof flgGallery === "undefined") ? true : flgGallery; $.ajax({ url: '', data: { format: 'json', method: 'flickr.photosets.getPhotos', api_key: 'b3a6ea9e962408fb6a57e1266989eba2', photoset_id: strPhotos, per_page: intCount, page: 1 }, dataType: 'jsonp', jsonp: 'jsoncallback' }).done(function (result) { var baseUrl; var linksContainer; if (flgGallery) { linksContainer = $('#links') } else { linksContainer = $('#Photos .slides') } $.each(, function (index, photo) { baseUrl = 'https://farm' + + '' + photo.server + '/' + + '_' + photo.secret; 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} function GetVideos(intCount, flgGallery) { var strKey = 'AIzaSyA2lXOFdwO0MoSF3Z0FkKEAlNh0jAtKKrw'; var strBaseURL = ''; var strBaseParams = '?part=contentDetails%2C+snippet&fields=items%2Fsnippet%2Ftitle%2Citems%2Fsnippet%2Fdescription%2Citems%2Fsnippet%2Fthumbnails%2Fmedium%2Furl%2Citems%2FcontentDetails%2FvideoId&key=' + strKey; if (typeof strVideos === 'undefined') { return; } intCount = (typeof intCount === "undefined") ? 50 : intCount; flgGallery = (typeof flgGallery === "undefined") ? true : flgGallery; $.getJSON(strBaseURL + strBaseParams + '&playlistId=' + strVideos + '&maxResults=' + intCount, function(data) { var linksContainer; if (flgGallery) { linksContainer = $('#links') } else { linksContainer = $('#Videos .slides') } for(var i=0; i<data.items.length; i++) { if (flgGallery) { $('<a/>').append($('<img></img>').prop("src", "" + data.items[i].contentDetails.videoId + "/1.jpg")) .prop('href', '' + data.items[i].contentDetails.videoId) .prop('title', data.items[i].snippet.title) .prop('type', 'text/html') .attr('data-youtube', data.items[i].contentDetails.videoId) .attr('data-poster', data.items[i].snippet.thumbnails.medium.url) .attr('data-gallery', '') .appendTo(linksContainer); } else { //show in rotator.. $('<li/>').append($('<a class="PlayYouTubeVideo" href="' + data.items[i].contentDetails.videoId + '" title="' + data.items[i].snippet.title + ' ' + data.items[i].snippet.description + '" onclick="return ShowVideo(this);"><img src="' + data.items[i].snippet.thumbnails.medium.url + '" alt="' + data.items[i].snippet.title + '" /></a>')).appendTo(linksContainer); } } if (flgGallery) { var links = document.getElementById('links').getElementsByTagName('a'), options = { startSlideshow: true, slideshowInterval: 6800, carousel: false, closeOnEscape: true, youTubeVideoIdProperty: 'youtube', youTubePlayerVars: undefined, youTubeClickToPlay: false }, gallery = blueimp.Gallery(links, options); } else { $('#Videos').flexslider({ animation: "slide", animationSpeed: 600, slideshow: false, itemWidth: 250, minItems: 1, maxItems: 8, controlNav: false, start: function(slider){ $('body').removeClass('loading'); } }); } }); } /* ]]> */ </script> <!-- Evt udpates --> <script> var intArchiveMonths = 3; 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}}); }); } if ($('#elqCustomerGUID').val() != '') { var guid = $('#elqCustomerGUID').val(); debugout("have guid: " + guid); if ($('#SFDCContactID').length && $('#SFDCContactID').val()=='') { debugout("guid gotten, and SFDCContactID unknown...calling data lookup.."); elqTracker.getData({key: "{466702f1-a0a7-4198-aa3c-6196e5b21656}", lookup: "", success: function() { EvtUpdatesSetElqContent_Cookie($('#elqCustomerGUID').val()); }}); } } elqTracker.getGUID(function(guid) { debugout("[lookup] " + "guid: " + guid); $('#elqCustomerGUID').val(guid); debugout("guid gotten: " + $('#elqCustomerGUID').val() + " calling data lookup.."); if (guid != undefined) { elqTracker.getData({key: "{466702f1-a0a7-4198-aa3c-6196e5b21656}", lookup: "", success: function() { EvtUpdatesSetElqContent_Cookie(guid); }}); } }); }); }); function EvtUpdatesSetElqContent_Cookie(strGUID) { debugout("EvtUpdatesSetElqContent_Cookie('" + strGUID + "')"); if (typeof GetElqContentPersonalizationValue == "function") { //if ($('#V_ElqEmailAddress').length) { $('#V_ElqEmailAddress').val(GetElqContentPersonalizationValue('V_ElqEmailAddress')) } //if ($('#V_ElqLastName').length) { $('#V_ElqLastName').val(GetElqContentPersonalizationValue('V_ElqLastName')) } //if ($('#V_ElqCompanyName').length) { $('#V_ElqCompanyName').val(GetElqContentPersonalizationValue('V_ElqCompanyName')) } if ($('#txtEvtUpdatesEmail').length && $('#txtEvtUpdatesEmail').val()=='') { $('#txtEvtUpdatesEmail').val(GetElqContentPersonalizationValue('V_ElqEmailAddress')) } //var _Title = GetElqContentPersonalizationValue('V_ElqTitle'); //ElqDoUpate('#txtTitle',_Title); //var _Firstname = GetElqContentPersonalizationValue('V_ElqFirstName'); //ElqDoUpate('#txtFirstname',_Firstname); //var _Lastname = GetElqContentPersonalizationValue('V_ElqLastName'); //ElqDoUpate('#txtLastname',_Lastname); //var _Company = GetElqContentPersonalizationValue('V_ElqCompanyName'); //ElqDoUpate('#txtCompany',_Company); //ElqDoUpate('#txtOrganisation',_Company); //var _Email = GetElqContentPersonalizationValue('V_ElqEmailAddress'); //ElqDoUpate('#txtEmail',_Email); //ElqDoUpate('#txtEmailConfirm',_Email); //var _Phone = GetElqContentPersonalizationValue('V_ElqPhoneNumber'); //ElqDoUpate('#txtPhone',_Phone); //ElqDoUpate('#txtTel',_Phone); if ($('#SFDCContactID').val()=='') { debugout("$('#SFDCContactID').val(): " + $('#SFDCContactID').val()); if ($('#txtEvtUpdatesEmail').val() != '') { debugout("calling data lookup based on [EvtUpdatesSetElqContent_Cookie()] : " + $('#txtEvtUpdatesEmail').val()); elqTracker.getData({key: "{64cb133a-2f29-4fba-be03-abfeb3a0cf3a}", lookup: "<C_EmailAddress>" + $('#txtEvtUpdatesEmail').val() + "</C_EmailAddress>", success: function() { EvtUpdatesPopulateForm(true); }}); } } } } function EvtUpdatesPopulateForm(flgIsCookie) { debugout("EvtUpdatesPopulateForm('" + flgIsCookie + "')"); if (typeof GetElqContentPersonalizationValue == "function") { var oHistoryDate = new Date(); oHistoryDate.setMonth(oHistoryDate.getMonth() - intArchiveMonths); var oLastModified; var _LastModified = GetElqContentPersonalizationValue('C_DateModified'); var arrParts = _LastModified.split('/'); if (arrParts.length == 3) { debugout("_LastModified: " + _LastModified + " / " + arrParts[2] + " : " + (arrParts[0]-1) + " : " + arrParts[1]); debugout("oHistoryDate: " + oHistoryDate); oLastModified = new Date(arrParts[2], arrParts[0]-1, arrParts[1]); } if (arrParts.length != 3 || oLastModified > oHistoryDate) { debugout("Elq data valid"); // populate.. if ($('#txtEvtUpdatesFirstname').val() == '') { $('#txtEvtUpdatesFirstname').val(GetElqContentPersonalizationValue('C_FirstName')); } if ($('#txtEvtUpdatesLastname').val() == '') { $('#txtEvtUpdatesLastname').val(GetElqContentPersonalizationValue('C_LastName')); } } else { debugout("Date test failed, not populated"); } //basics.. always update, since a reflection on the email used $('#SFDCContactID').val(GetElqContentPersonalizationValue('SFDCContactID')); $('#SFDCAccountID').val(GetElqContentPersonalizationValue('SFDCAccountID')); debugout("SFDCContactID: " + $('#SFDCContactID').val()); debugout("SFDCAccountID: " + $('#SFDCAccountID').val()); } else { debugout("no ELQ function"); } } function EvtUpdatesValidate() { debugout("EvtUpdatesValidate()"); if (submitOnce == 0) { var oInput; var flgFirstError = true; $("div#EvtUpdates div.form-group").each(function(){ oInput = $(this).find("input"); //debugout(oInput.val()); //debugout("has class? " + oInput.hasClass("inputRequired")); if (oInput.length && oInput.hasClass("inputRequired") && $.trim(oInput.val()) == '') { //error debugout("ERROR. data for input: " + oInput.val()); $(this).removeClass("has-success"); $(this).addClass("has-error"); if (flgFirstError) { oInput.focus(); flgFirstError=false; } } else { $(this).removeClass("has-error"); $(this).addClass("has-success"); } }); } else { flgFirstError = false; } return flgFirstError; } function EvtUpdatesProcess() { debugout("EvtUpdatesProcess()"); var flgOK = true; EvtUpdatesProcessStart(); dataLayer.push({ 'event': 'goalVPV', 'VPV': '/evtUpdates/' }); submitOnce = 1; //var strServicePath = "/template/live/events.asmx/"; var strServicePath = "/template/live/events.asmx/"; //var strData = "{'EID':'" + strEventID + "','Email':'" + $("#txtEvtUpdatesEmail").val() + "','Firstname':'" + $("#txtEvtUpdatesFirstname").val() + "','Lastname':'" + $("#txtEvtUpdatesLastname").val() + "'}"; var strFirstname = ($("#txtEvtUpdatesFirstname").length > 0) ? $("#txtEvtUpdatesFirstname").val() : ''; var strLastname = ($("#txtEvtUpdatesLastname").length > 0) ? $("#txtEvtUpdatesLastname").val() : ''; var strOffice = ($("#TerrapinnMetaOffice").length > 0) ? $("#TerrapinnMetaOffice").attr('content') : ''; //console.log('strOffice: ' + strOffice); var strData = "{'EID':'" + strEventID + "','Email':'" + $("#txtEvtUpdatesEmail").val() + "','Firstname':'" + strFirstname + "','Lastname':'" + strLastname + "','Office':'" + strOffice + "'}"; debugout("strData: " + strData); LE.init('bc9b6f96-0d5d-45d7-87de-253d43edf3e6'); LE.log("Evt updates subscription attempt [" + strEventID + "] [" + window.location + "]"); debugout("LSE evt tracked"); jQuery.ajax({ type: "POST", url: strServicePath + "EventSignup", data: '{"Token":"' + strEventHash + '","EventID":"' + strEventID + '","oParams":"' + strData + '"}', contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8", dataType: "json", success: function (msg) { debugout("webservice response: " + msg.d); if (msg.d) { //good.. debugout("success"); EvtUpdatesProcessResult(true); } else { //error.. flgOK = false; debugout("apologies, unable to complete this at present"); EvtUpdatesProcessResult(false); } }, failure: function () { flgOK = false debugout("apologies, unable to complete this at present"); EvtUpdatesProcessResult(false); } }); } function EvtUpdatesProcessStart() { debugout("EvtUpdatesProcessStart()"); // hide form.. var intTime = 250; var intCount = 0; $("div#EvtUpdates div.form-group").each(function(i, el){ intCount = intCount+1; setTimeout(function(){ $(el).animate({right: '400px', opacity: '0'}, "slow"); }, intCount * intTime); }); intCount = intCount + 2; setTimeout(function(){ $("div#EvtUpdates div.form-group").css("display","none"); $("div#EvtUpdates div.form-inline").append('<img src="" alt="ajax loader icon" id="EvtUpdatesAjaxLoader" />'); }, (intCount * intTime)); } function EvtUpdatesProcessResult(flgResult) { debugout("EvtUpdatesProcessResult() : " + flgResult); // show msg.. var strHtml = ''; if (flgResult) { strHtml = '<h3 style="opacity:0;" id="EvtUpdatesResponseMsg">' + strResponseMsg + '</h3>'; } else { strHtml = '<h3 style="opacity:0;" id="EvtUpdatesResponseMsg">Apologies, at this time we\'re unable to carry out this request. Please try again later or <a href="mailto:' + strResponseCS + '">get in touch</a></h3>'; LE.log("Evt updates subscription FAILS [" + strEventID + "] [" + window.location + "]"); } setTimeout(function(){ $("img#EvtUpdatesAjaxLoader").animate({opacity: '0'}, "fast"); $("div#EvtUpdates div.form-inline").append(strHtml); $("img#EvtUpdatesAjaxLoader").css("display","none"); $("h3#EvtUpdatesResponseMsg").animate({opacity: '1'}, "slow"); }, 2050); } jQuery.fn.hideInput = function() { this.animate({left: '300px', opacity: '0'}, "slow"); return this; }; function debugout(strData) { try { //if (getParameterByName('adrian')=='1') { alert(strData);console.log(strData); } //console.log(strData); // alert(strData); } catch(err) { } } function showError(ex) { //var caller_line = ex.stack.split("\n")[4]; //var index = caller_line.indexOf("at "); //var clean = caller_line.slice(index+2, caller_line.length); console.log(ex); } function getParameterByName(name) { try { name = name.replace(/[\[]/, "\\\[").replace(/[\]]/, "\\\]"); var regexS = "[\\?&]" + name + "=([^&#]*)"; var regex = new RegExp(regexS); var results = regex.exec(; if(results == null) return ""; else return decodeURIComponent(results[1].replace(/\+/g, " ")); } catch(err) { console.log(err.message); } } </script> <!-- Wisepops checks --> <script> var intWisepopChecks = 0; $(function () { try { return; window.setTimeout(CheckWiepops, 500); } catch(err) { console.log(err.message); } }); function CheckWiepops() { intWisepopChecks = intWisepopChecks+1; //console.log("intWisepopChecks: " + intWisepopChecks); if (intWisepopChecks>10) { return; } if ($("div#wisepop-main-container").length) { //alert("have wisepops"); _paq.push(['trackEvent', 'Wisepops', 'Shown', '']); $("a.wisepop-building-block-action").click(function() { //alert("wisepops clicked! " + this.href); _paq.push(['trackEvent', 'Wisepops', 'ActionTaken', this.href]); //return false; }); $("div.wisepop-overlay").click(function() { //alert("wisepops cleared!!"); _paq.push(['trackEvent', 'Wisepops', 'Closed', 'overlay']); }); $("a.wisepop-close").click(function() { //alert("wisepops cleared!!"); _paq.push(['trackEvent', 'Wisepops', 'Closed', 'cross']); }); $("div#wisepop-content a[data-action~='close']").click(function() { //alert("wisepops cleared!!"); _paq.push(['trackEvent', 'Wisepops', 'Closed', 'close']); }); } else { window.setTimeout(CheckWiepops, 500); } } function CheckMyAccount() { var evtDate = $("span.dtstart").attr("data-start-utc"); //console.log($("span.dtstart").attr("data-start-utc")); //evtDate = new Date("2023-10-30"); if (intWidth > SMALL_WINDOW) { if (Date.parse(evtDate) >= Date.parse(new Date("2023-12-30"))) { $("div#VenueAndDates").css("text-align","left"); $("div#VenueAndDates").css("padding-left","90px"); $('div#VenueAndDates').append('<div id="NewButtons"><a href="register" id="btnReg" title="get your tickets now" class="btn btn-default">Tickets</a><a href="" id="btnMyAccount" title="login to your Terrapinn account" class="btn btn-default">Login</a></div>'); } } } function ProcessPanelOrgs(strType,strEIDs) { console.log("ProcessPanelOrgs('" + strType + "','" + strEIDs + "')"); var arrEIDs = strEIDs.split(','); console.dir(arrEIDs); // first cycle through an remove all items not referenced by the EID collection... $("div#" + strType + " ul li div.Spn").each(function( index ) { if (!arrEIDs.includes($(this).attr('data-eventId'))) { $(this).remove(); console.log("removed"); } }); // now re-sort the positions... var intCount = 0; var strHTML = '<li>'; $("div#" + strType + " ul li div.Spn").each(function( index ) { strHTML += '<div class="Spn">' + $(this).html() + '</div>'; intCount ++; if ((intCount % 2) == 0) { strHTML += '</li><li>'; } }); strHTML += '</li>'; $("div#" + strType + " ul").empty(); $("div#" + strType + " ul").append(strHTML); } function ProcessListingOrgs(strType, strEIDs) { console.log("ProcessOrgs('" + strType + "','" + strEIDs + "')"); var arrEIDs = strEIDs.split(','); console.dir(arrEIDs); // first cycle through an remove all items not referenced by the EID collection... $("div#" + strType + " div.Panel").each(function( index ) { //console.log($(this).attr('data-eventId')); if (!arrEIDs.includes($(this).attr('data-eventId'))) { $(this).remove(); //console.log("removed"); } else { //console.log($(this).attr('data-eventId')); } }); // now reprocess alignment... var intCount = 0; var strHTML = '<div class="row Framed">'; $("div#" + strType + " div.Panel").each(function( index ) { //console.log($( this ).clone()).html()); strHTML += '<div class="col-sm-3 Panel">' + $(this).html() + '</div>'; intCount ++; if ((intCount % 4) == 0) { strHTML += '</div><div class="row Framed">'; } }); strHTML += '</div>'; $("div#" + strType).empty(); $("div#" + strType).append(strHTML); } </script> <!-- Captcha --> <script src="/config/inc/tracking/GA_Captcha.js"></script> <script src="/config/inc/tracking/sourcebuster.min.js"></script> <script src="/config/inc/tracking/AF_Attribution.js?v=3"></script> <script defer="defer" type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script defer="defer" type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <!-- base tracking --> <script src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script></body> </html>