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Their articles published with us have received very well feedback in the field and stimulate a lot of discussions and new insights among the peers.</p><p>Hereby, we would like to highlight some of our outstanding authors, with a brief interview of their thoughts and insights as authors. Allow us to express our heartfelt gratitude for their tremendous effort and valuable contributions to the scientific process.</p><p> <a href="" class="read-more">Read More>></a> </p></div> </div> </div> <div class="item " id="item-1"> <div class="media"> <div class="pull-left"> <img src="" alt="" style="height: 224px;" align="left" /></div><div class="media-body"> <h3 class="media-heading"> <a href="">Reviewer of the Month (2025)</a> </h3> <p>In 2025, TLCR reviewers continue to make outstanding contributions to the peer review process. They demonstrated professional effort and enthusiasm in their reviews and provided comments that genuinely help the authors to enhance their work.</p> <p> Hereby, we would like to highlight some of our outstanding reviewers, with a brief interview of their thoughts and insights as a reviewer. Allow us to express our heartfelt gratitude for their tremendous effort and valuable contributions to the scientific process.</p> <p> <a href="" class="read-more">Read More>></a> </p></div> </div> </div> <div class="item " id="item-2"> <div class="media"> <div class="pull-left"> <img src="" alt="" style="height: 120px;" align="left" /></div><div class="media-body"> <h3 class="media-heading"> <a href="/announcement/view/429">Join us at the 105th Annual Meeting of American Association for Thoracic Surgery (AATS)</a></h3> <p>The 105th Annual Meeting of American Association for Thoracic Surgery (AATS) is going to be held at the Seattle Convention Center, Seattle, WA, USA from May 2 to 5, 2025: <a href="" target="_blank"></a>.</p> <p>As the world's most prestigious thoracic surgery event, the annual meeting of AATS helps grow one’s expertise, network with leading experts, and build the future of thoracic surgery.</p> <p>This year <em>Translational Lung Cancer Research </em> (TLCR) as well as its sister journals and books published by AME Publishing Company will be on display during this exciting academic event! We would like to seize this great opportunity to meet our authors, editorial board members and readers.</p> <p> <a href="/announcement/view/429" class="read-more">Read More>></a> </p></div> </div> </div> <div class="item " id="item-3"> <div class="media"> <div class="pull-left"> <img src="" alt="" style="height: 224px;" align="left" /></div><div class="media-body"> <h3 class="media-heading"> <a href="">TLCR Annual Report 2024</a> </h3> <p>Welcome to the 2024 annual report for <em>Translational Lung Cancer Research</em>. In 2024, the TLCR has continued its mission to increase the quality and impact of the journal, and to provide readers with a novel, well-organized, informative, enlightening and educational journal.</p> <p> We would like to sincerely thank our Editorial Board Members, Guest editors, Reviewers, Authors, Readers for all your supports and contributions to TLCR in 2024, and we look forward to continuing our work with you in the new year.</p> <p> <a href="" class="read-more">Read More>></a> </p></div> </div> </div> <div class="item " id="item-4"> <div class="media"> <div class="pull-left"> <img src="" alt="" style="height: 224px;" align="left" /></div><div class="media-body"> <h3 class="media-heading"> <a href="/post/category/interviews-with-editorial-board-members">Interviews with Editorial Board Members</a></h3> <p>TLCR features a distinguished editorial board, the members of which continue to instill the power of their expertise for the journal’s development. By launching this column, we are glad to introduce to you some of them in the form of interviews, in which they will share their unique career experiences and perspectives. We believe their insights will shed light on the knowledge of related fields.</p> <p> <a href="/post/category/interviews-with-editorial-board-members" class="read-more">Read More>></a> </p></div> </div> </div> <div class="item " id="item-5"> <div class="media"> <div class="pull-left"> <img src="" alt="" style="height: 224px;" align="left" /></div><div class="media-body"> <h3 class="media-heading"> <a href="/post/category/interviews-with-guest-editors">Interviews with Guest Editors</a></h3> <p>Over the years, a number of TLCR guest editors have made valuable contributions to the journal. This column features interviews with our guest editors, who graciously share their experience in scientific careers and provide insightful perspectives on the special series.</p> <p> <a href="/post/category/interviews-with-guest-editors" class="read-more">Read More>></a> </p></div> </div> </div> <div class="item " id="item-6"> <div class="media"> <div class="pull-left"> <img src="" alt="" style="height: 224px;" align="left" /></div><div class="media-body"> <h3 class="media-heading"> <a href="">New Impact Factor for Translational Lung Cancer Research: 4</a> </h3> <p>We are pleased to announce that the Translational Lung Cancer Research (TLCR) has attained its latest impact factor update for the 2023 citation year: 4.</p> <p><a href="" class="read-more">Read More>></a></p></div> </div> </div> <div class="item " id="item-7"> <div class="media"> <div class="pull-left"> <img src=" banner.jpg/w600" alt="" style="height: 224px;" align="left" /></div><div class="media-body"> <h3 class="media-heading"> <a href="/announcement/view/402">Translational Lung Cancer Research 2023 CiteScore Released: 7.2</a> </h3> <p> We are pleased to announce that the <em>Translational Lung Cancer Research</em> (TLCR) has received its 2023 CiteScore: 7.2, ranking 92 out of 404 journals in the Oncology category.</p> <p> Furthermore, we are delighted to highlight the remarkable achievements made by all AME journals in the CiteScore ranking. </p> <p> <a href="/announcement/view/402" class="read-more">Read More>></a> </p></div> </div> </div> </div> <a class="left carousel-control" href="#carousel" data-slide="prev">‹</a> <a class="right carousel-control" href="#carousel" data-slide="next">›</a> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> $('#carousel').carousel({ interval: 8000 }) </script> <div class="row-fluid"> <div class="span3 "> <div class="current-issue block"> <div id="issue-cover-image"> <a class="cover" href=""> <img src="//" alt="Cover Page" /> </a> <p class="date-published"> <a href="">Vol 14, No 1 (January, 2025)</a> </p> </div> <p><a href="/issue/publishAheadOfPrint">Articles in Press</a></p> <p><a href="/issue/archive">Past Issues</a></p> </div> <div class="about block"> <h3>About <span class="journal-path">tlcr</span> </h3> <ul> <li><a href="">About <span class="journal-path">tlcr</span></a> </li> <li><a href="">Editor-in-Chief</a> </li> <li><a href="">Editorial Board</a></li> </ul> <h3>Manuscript Submission</h3> <ul> <li><a href=""> Online Submission</a></li> <li><a href=""> Submit Multimedia Files</a></li> </ul> <h3>AME Editing Service</h3> <ul> <li><a href="" target="_blank"> English Editing</a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank"> Translation</a></li> </ul> <h3>Reprint & Permission</h3> <ul> <li> <a href=""> Reprint</a> </li> <li><!-- pages/view/advertising --> <a href="">Permission</a> </li> </ul> <h3><a href="">Advertising</a></h3> <h3>Contact us</h3> <ul> <li> <h6>General editorial enquiries:</h6> <a href=""> Email: </a> </li> <li> <h6>Copyright related contact: </h6> <a href=""> Email: </a> </li> <li> <h6>Commercial Sales contact (Reprints, advertising, etc.): </h6> <a href=" "> Email: </a> </li> </ul> </div> <div name="ame-ad-100088"></div> </div> <div class="content-main span6"> <ul class="tabs menu" data-tabs="tabs"> <li class="active"><a href="#current-issue" data-toggle="tab">Current Issue</a></li> <li><a href="#most-read-articles" data-toggle="tab">Most Read</a></li> <li><a href="#nih-funded" data-toggle="tab">Funded Articles</a></li> </ul> <div class="pill-content"> <div class="active" id="current-issue"> <div class="section"> <h3 class="section-title">Editorial Commentary</h3> <div class="article"> <h5 class="title"> <a href="/article/view/95505/html"class="title">Lorlatinib in frontline treatment of advanced ALK-positive non-small cell lung cancer: a highly efficient new standard of care but still challenging to manage</a> </h5> <div class="authors"> Mylène Wespiser, Aurélie Swalduz, Maurice Pérol </div> <div class="galleries"> <a href="" class="gallery">PDF <span class="pages">Pages: 1-6</span> </a> <a href="" class="gallery">Full Text <span class="pages">(336)</span> </a> <a href="" class="gallery">Peer Review File </a> <a href="" class="gallery">COI Form </a> <a href="" class="gallery" target="_blank">Open Access</a> <a style="font: 14px arial; width:120px; background-color:transparent;" target="_blank" href=""> <img alt="Get Permission" style="margin-right:10px;margin-left:-3px;" src ="//" /> </a> </div> </div> <div class="article"> <h5 class="title"> <a href="/article/view/95348/html"class="title">Advancing leptomeningeal metastases treatment in <em>EGFR</em>-mutated non-small cell lung cancer: lessons from the BLOSSOM trial</a> </h5> <div class="authors"> Martina Bortolot, Jarno W. J. Huijs, Dieta Brandsma, Annette Compter, Robin M. J. M. van Geel, Lizza E. L. Hendriks </div> <div class="galleries"> <a href="" class="gallery">PDF <span class="pages">Pages: 7-13</span> </a> <a href="" class="gallery">Full Text <span class="pages">(513)</span> </a> <a href="" class="gallery">Peer Review File </a> <a href="" class="gallery">COI Form </a> <a href="" class="gallery" target="_blank">Open Access</a> <a style="font: 14px arial; width:120px; background-color:transparent;" target="_blank" href=""> <img alt="Get Permission" style="margin-right:10px;margin-left:-3px;" src ="//" /> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="section"> <h3 class="section-title">Original Article</h3> <div class="article"> <h5 class="title"> <a href="/article/view/95780/html"class="title">Lobectomy plus lobe-specific lymphadenectomy as the minimum standards of curative resection for hypermetabolic clinical stage IA non-small cell lung cancer</a> </h5> <div class="authors"> Runze Li, Zhifei Li, Peng Li, Jianchuan Chen, Bin Qiu, Fengwei Tan, Qi Xue, Shugeng Gao, Jie He </div> <div class="galleries"> <a href="" class="gallery">PDF <span class="pages">Pages: 14-26</span> </a> <a href="" class="gallery">Full Text <span class="pages">(378)</span> </a> <a href="" class="gallery">Reporting Checklist </a> <a href="" class="gallery">Data Sharing Statement </a> <a href="" class="gallery">Peer Review File </a> <a href="" class="gallery">COI Form </a> <a href="" class="gallery" target="_blank">Open Access</a> <a style="font: 14px arial; 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Carroll, Jennifer Eisenstein, Jared M. Freml, Andrea N. Burnett-Hartman, Robert T. Greenlee, Stacey A. Honda, Christine M. Neslund-Dudas, Katharine A. Rendle, Anil Vachani, Debra P. 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Chan, Brett G.M. 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Wu, Brett W. Carter, Reginald F. 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Simone II </div> </div> <div class="article"> <h5 class="title"> <a href="/article/view/21817/html"class="title">Computer Aided Nodule Analysis and Risk Yield (CANARY) characterization of adenocarcinoma: radiologic biopsy, risk stratification and future directions</a> </h5> <div class="authors"> Ryan Clay, Srinivasan Rajagopalan, Ronald Karwoski, Fabien Maldonado, Tobias Peikert, Brian Bartholmai </div> </div> <div class="article"> <h5 class="title"> <a href="/article/view/12978/html"class="title">Immunotherapy and radiation therapy for operable early stage and locally advanced non-small cell lung cancer</a> </h5> <div class="authors"> Neil K. Taunk, Andreas Rimner, Melissa Culligan, Joseph S. Friedberg, Julie Brahmer, Jamie Chaft </div> </div> <div class="article"> <h5 class="title"> <a href="/article/view/12983/html"class="title">Combining immunotherapy and radiation therapy for small cell lung cancer and thymic tumors</a> </h5> <div class="authors"> Suchit H. Patel, Andreas Rimner, Roger B. Cohen </div> </div> <div class="article"> <h5 class="title"> <a href="/article/view/13708/html"class="title">Intraoperative near-infrared imaging of mesothelioma</a> </h5> <div class="authors"> Gregory Thomas Kennedy, Andrew Newton, Jarrod Predina, Sunil Singhal </div> </div> <div class="article"> <h5 class="title"> <a href="/article/view/13819/html"class="title"><i>BAP1</i>, a tumor suppressor gene driving malignant mesothelioma</a> </h5> <div class="authors"> Mitchell Cheung, Joseph R. Testa </div> </div> <div class="article"> <h5 class="title"> <a href="/article/view/13172/html"class="title">Uncovering the immune tumor microenvironment in non-small cell lung cancer to understand response rates to checkpoint blockade and radiation</a> </h5> <div class="authors"> Jonathan E. Schoenhals, Steven N. Seyedin, Clark Anderson, Eric D. Brooks, Yun R. Li, Ahmed I. Younes, Sharareh Niknam, Ailin Li, Hampartsoum B. Barsoumian, Maria Angelica Cortez, James W. Welsh </div> </div> <div class="article"> <h5 class="title"> <a href="/article/view/13997/html"class="title">Diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers for malignant mesothelioma: an update</a> </h5> <div class="authors"> Zhongjian Chen, Giovanni Gaudino, Harvey I. Pass, Michele Carbone, Haining Yang </div> </div> <div class="article"> <h5 class="title"> <a href="/article/view/13814/html"class="title">Immunotherapy for malignant pleural mesothelioma: current status and future directions</a> </h5> <div class="authors"> Jordan Dozier, Hua Zheng, Prasad S. Adusumilli </div> </div> <div class="article"> <h5 class="title"> <a href="/article/view/14911/html"class="title">Biology and clinical significance of circulating tumor cell subpopulations in lung cancer</a> </h5> <div class="authors"> Linda O’Flaherty, Harriet Wikman, Klaus Pantel </div> </div> <div class="article"> <h5 class="title"> <a href="/article/view/14767/html"class="title">Routine clinical use of circulating tumor cells for diagnosis of mutations and chromosomal rearrangements in non-small cell lung cancer—ready for prime-time?</a> </h5> <div class="authors"> Emma Pailler, Vincent Faugeroux, Marianne Oulhen, Cyril Catelain, Françoise Farace </div> </div> <div class="article"> <h5 class="title"> <a href="/article/view/14564/html"class="title">Challenges and unanswered questions for the next decade of circulating tumour cell research in lung cancer</a> </h5> <div class="authors"> Sumitra Mohan, Francesca Chemi, Ged Brady </div> </div> <div class="article"> <h5 class="title"> <a href="/article/view/13933/html"class="title">Biophysical technologies for understanding circulating tumor cell biology and metastasis</a> </h5> <div class="authors"> Derrick W. Su, Jorge Nieva </div> </div> <div class="article"> <h5 class="title"> <a href="/article/view/13934/html"class="title">Clinical utility of circulating tumor cells in patients with non-small-cell lung cancer</a> </h5> <div class="authors"> Marianna Gallo, Antonella De Luca, Monica Rosaria Maiello, Amelia D’Alessio, Claudia Esposito, Nicoletta Chicchinelli, Laura Forgione, Maria Carmela Piccirillo, Gaetano Rocco, Alessandro Morabito, Gerardo Botti, Nicola Normanno </div> </div> <div class="article"> <h5 class="title"> <a href="/article/view/13169/html"class="title">Integrating immunotherapy into chemoradiation regimens for medically inoperable locally advanced non-small cell lung cancer</a> </h5> <div class="authors"> Salma K. Jabbour, Abigail T. Berman, Charles B. Simone II </div> </div> </div> <div class="section"> <h3 class="section-title">Editorial</h3> <div class="article"> <h5 class="title"> <a href="/article/view/1999/html"class="title">An alternative way to initiate Notch1 signaling in non-small cell lung cancer</a> </h5> <div class="authors"> Yi-Lin Yang, David Jablons, Liang You </div> </div> <div class="article"> <h5 class="title"> <a href="/article/view/13426/html"class="title">Combination MET- and EGFR-directed therapy in MET-overexpressing non-small cell lung cancers: time to move on to better biomarkers?</a> </h5> <div class="authors"> Fernando C. Santini, Siddharth Kunte, Alexander Drilon </div> </div> </div> <div class="section"> <h3 class="section-title">Systematic Review and Meta-analysis</h3> <div class="article"> <h5 class="title"> <a href="/article/view/1407/html"class="title">Association of the metformin with the risk of lung cancer: a meta-analysis</a> </h5> <div class="authors"> Li Wang, Yong Song, Guan-Nan Wu, Dong-Mei Yuan </div> </div> </div> <div class="section"> <h3 class="section-title">China Lung Cancer Research Highlight</h3> <div class="article"> <h5 class="title"> <a href="/article/view/1802/html"class="title">Dll4/Notch1 signaling from tip/stalk endothelial cell specification to stroma-dependent lung tumor inhibition: a flavor of Dll4/Notch1 pleiotropy in tumor cell biology</a> </h5> <div class="authors"> Maria Felice Brizzi, Paola Defilippi </div> </div> </div> <div class="section"> <h3 class="section-title">Editorials</h3> <div class="article"> <h5 class="title"> <a href="/article/view/422/html"class="title">Dulanermin in cancer therapy: Still much to do</a> </h5> <div class="authors"> Cristina Quintavalle, Gerolama Condorelli </div> </div> </div> <div class="section"> <h3 class="section-title">Review Articles</h3> <div class="article"> <h5 class="title"> <a href="/article/view/1144/html"class="title">EGFR molecular testing in African-American non-small cell lung cancer patients - a review of discrepant data</a> </h5> <div class="authors"> Bradley T. Clifford, Pingfu Fu, Nathan A. Pennell, Balazs Halmos, Rom S. Leidner </div> </div> <div class="article"> <h5 class="title"> <a href="/article/view/995/html"class="title">Copy number gains of FGFR1 and 3q chromosome in squamous cell carcinoma of the lung</a> </h5> <div class="authors"> Pedro Mendez, Jose Luis Ramirez </div> </div> <div class="article"> <h5 class="title"> <a href="/article/view/520/html"class="title">Role of HGF/MET axis in resistance of lung cancer to contemporary management</a> </h5> <div class="authors"> Kanwal Pratap Singh Raghav, Ana Maria Gonzalez-Angulo, George R. Blumenschein Jr </div> </div> <div class="article"> <h5 class="title"> <a href="/article/view/214/html"class="title">Circulating soluble intercellular adhesion Molecule-1 in lung cancer: a systematic review</a> </h5> <div class="authors"> Xiaoling Gu, Chunyan Ma, Dongmei Yuan, Yong Song </div> </div> </div> <div class="section"> <h3 class="section-title">Ceritinib</h3> <div class="article"> <h5 class="title"> <a href="/article/view/3041/html"class="title">Clinical development and approval of second generation ALK inhibitors for <em>ALK</em> rearranged lung cancer</a> </h5> <div class="authors"> Daniel B. Costa </div> </div> </div> <div class="section"> <h3 class="section-title">Onartuzumab plus erlotinib</h3> <div class="article"> <h5 class="title"> <a href="/article/view/3452/html"class="title">Targeting MET in NSCLC: looking for a needle in a haystack</a> </h5> <div class="authors"> Lorenza Landi, Federico Cappuzzo </div> </div> </div> <div class="section"> <h3 class="section-title">Nivolumab</h3> <div class="article"> <h5 class="title"> <a href="/article/view/3211/html"class="title">Nivolumab (anti-PD-1, BMS-936558, ONO-4538) in patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer</a> </h5> <div class="authors"> Arun Rajan, James L. Gulley </div> </div> </div> <div class="section"> <h3 class="section-title">Brief Report</h3> <div class="article"> <h5 class="title"> <a href="/article/view/16018/html"class="title">The role of Imaging and Radiation Oncology Core for precision medicine era of clinical trial</a> </h5> <div class="authors"> Ying Xiao, Mark Rosen </div> </div> </div> <div class="section"> <h3 class="section-title">Review Article on Update on Pathology and Predictive Biomarkers of Lung Cancer</h3> <div class="article"> <h5 class="title"> <a href="/article/view/14625/html"class="title">Biology of invasive mucinous adenocarcinoma of the lung</a> </h5> <div class="authors"> Yoon Jin Cha, Hyo Sup Shim </div> </div> <div class="article"> <h5 class="title"> <a href="/article/view/15648/html"class="title">Immunohistochemistry for predictive biomarkers in non-small cell lung cancer</a> </h5> <div class="authors"> Mari Mino- Kenudson </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="publish-ahead-of-print"> <p>Below are the latest Translational Lung Cancer Research articles published online ahead of print publication.</p> <div class="clearfix"> <div>Currently no content available!</div> </div> </div> <div id="articles-on-mdlinx"> <div class="clearfix"> <ul> <li><a href="">Cetuximab in non-small-cell lung cancer</a></li> <li><a href="">Functional CT imaging techniques for the assessment of angiogenesis in lung cancer</a></li> <li><a href="">Is overall survival still the primary endpoint in maintenance non-small cell lung cancer studies? 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