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b--u-py-2 b--lg:u-pb-2 lg:u-pt-0 u-border-t u-border-b u-border-gray-800 b--u-text-caps" data-target="legal-toc.headline" data-action="click->legal-toc#displayTableofContents">Table of content</h3> <div class="t-legal-article__toc__nav u-border-b" data-target="legal-toc.list" data-action="click->legal-toc#displayTableofContents"> <nav id="TableOfContents"> <ul> <li><a href="#what-are-cookies">What are cookies?</a></li> <li><a href="#do-we-use-cookies">Do we use cookies?</a></li> <li><a href="#what-cookies-are-used-for">What cookies are used for? </a> <ul> <li><a href="#required-cookies">Required cookies</a></li> <li><a href="#performance-cookies">Performance cookies</a></li> <li><a href="#advertising-and-marketing-cookies">Advertising and Marketing cookies</a></li> <li><a href="#preferences-and-functional-cookies">Preferences and Functional cookies</a></li> <li><a href="#third-party-cookies-and-other-technologies">Third-party cookies and other technologies</a></li> </ul> </li> <li><a href="#how-to-control-disable-and-delete-cookies">How to control, disable, and delete cookies?</a></li> </ul> </nav> </div> </div> </aside> <article class="t-legal-article__content b--u-px-0.5 b--lg:u-px-0"> <p>At <strong>Text</strong>, we believe in being transparent about how and when we use cookies for the purposes of giving you the best possible personalized browsing experience of our website.</p> <div class="t-legal-article-explainer b--u-bg-yellow-50 u-rounded-sm b--u-p-4 b--u-my-6 b--md:u-mt-4"> <p class="b--u-text-black-900 b--u-text-bold">What that means for you?</p> <p class="b--u-text-sm b--u-text-black-900 u-mb-0">Cookies, cookies everywhere, right? Here you can find out why we use cookies and how you can handle them.</p> </div> <h2 id="what-are-cookies">What are cookies?</h2> <p>Cookies are information that is sent by us and stored on your device in your browser&rsquo;s file directory. This information might be about you, your preferences, or your device, and is mostly used to make our website work as you expect it to. </p> <h2 id="do-we-use-cookies">Do we use cookies?</h2> <p>Yes. Your browsing experience with our website should be fun and easy, and by accessing our website (as defined below) you agree to let us do our best to make your website experience more personal with ever-increasing levels of personalization and rich interactive functionality. When you, as a non-registered user to our Services (a “Visitor”) visits or browses any of our domains or subdomains operated by Text, Inc. and its affiliates (collectively, the “website”) you give us and our partners your consent to store and retrieve cookies on your device to enhance your website experience, analyze its traffic and usage, and assist in our marketing efforts.</p> <h2 id="what-cookies-are-used-for">What cookies are used for? </h2> <p>Cookies are unique to your browser and can store a wide range of information (including your name, home address, email address, or telephone number, but only if you provide it). They allow us to track, save, and store information about your interactions and use of our website, and your website preferences to present you with information customized to fit your needs. We all do it with the use of different cookies, like:</p> <h3 id="required-cookies">Required cookies</h3> <p>These cookies are necessary to enable the basic features of our website to function. They concern security, integrity, accessibility, internal website usage and maintenance data, and make the website work correctly. These cookies do not store any personally identifiable information.</p> <h3 id="performance-cookies">Performance cookies</h3> <p>These cookies allow us to evaluate and improve the performance of our website. They enable us to analyze website traffic and collect and report information on its usage to know which pages are the most and least popular. All information these cookies collect is aggregated and therefore anonymous.</p> <h3 id="advertising-and-marketing-cookies">Advertising and Marketing cookies</h3> <p>These cookies are used to show you targeted ads, content, and recommendations that we and our partners believe may be relevant to you. They help us to understand your interests better, how you got to us, or know when content has been shown to you. We may also use them to help us to deliver you marketing campaigns and monitor their performance (e.g., when you visited our Help Center and then made a subscription to our Services) or to allow you to share certain pages with social networks, or to post comments on our website). These cookies store personally identifiable information. </p> <h3 id="preferences-and-functional-cookies">Preferences and Functional cookies</h3> <p>These cookies help us to improve our features and services;  create logs and records when you access our website from different devices; and enable our website to remember your regional preferences and information that changes the way our website looks or behaves (such as your login status, preferred language, or location). These cookies store personally identifiable information.</p> <h3 id="third-party-cookies-and-other-technologies">Third-party cookies and other technologies</h3> <p>Our website may contain certain third-party cookies or other technologies, independent from us. You hereby acknowledge that we may allow some partners to use cookies to streamline your experience on our website. We do not have access to or control over these cookies.</p> <h2 id="how-to-control-disable-and-delete-cookies">How to control, disable, and delete cookies?</h2> <p>Some of the cookies used on our website may be deleted from your device automatically after you leave our website (session-based cookies) or may be stored on your device for a longer period until you or your browser deletes them or until they expire (stored or persistent cookies). </p> <p>If you don&rsquo;t want our website to store some of our cookies on your device, <strong>you can control them through your device browser settings</strong> to manage them on a site-by-site basis, giving you more control over your privacy and preferences. This means that you may disable cookies from all websites except those that you trust. Restricting our cookies may affect the functionalities of our website and may impact your website experience as it will no longer be personalized to you. However, we respect your privacy, and if you wish to refuse the use and storage of certain cookies from our website on your device, you should go to your web browser security settings to block them from our website and external service providers or to alert you when cookies are being sent to your device. It’s easy to manage. Just click on one of the links below (or open the browser website you’re using) to go directly to your browser manual. 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