Verifiable Builds, New Theme Editor, Send When Online and So Much More

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Move along." alt="Dude in a jacket inspecting the hologram of a mechanical dog to verify it's built according to the blueprints provided."/></a> </div> <!-- For those prowling deep in the shadows of the pillars supporting this page, here's a bonus non-winter themed version of the image: /file/464001695/1/nxVa_f-qKS8.216020/9da7686ded6f1e7bef --> <p>Telegram is the only mass market messaging app with <a href="">open source</a> apps. Since <strong>2013</strong>, this not only allows independent researchers to <strong>verify the integrity</strong> of end-to-end encryption, but also helps look for vulnerabilities (or <a href="">backdoors</a> <img class="emoji" src="//" width="20" height="20" alt="😈" />).</p> <p>As of this update, Telegram becomes the first messaging app to allow you to <strong>independently verify</strong> that the code on GitHub is the <strong>exact same code</strong> that was used to build the app you downloaded from <strong>App Store</strong> or <strong>Google Play</strong>. Security researchers are welcome to check out our <a href="">Guide to Reproducible Builds for iOS and Android</a>.</p> <p>But we know security isn&#39;t the only reason you love Telegram – so we&#39;ve also added <strong>dozens of new features</strong> and improvements. Gather round, this blog post is a long one.</p> <h4><a class="anchor" name="theme-editor-2-0" href="#theme-editor-2-0"><i class="anchor-icon"></i></a>Theme Editor 2.0</h4> <p>Using the <strong>new theme editor</strong> in Chat Settings (or <em>Appearance Settings</em> on iOS), you can quickly tweak the style of elements in Telegram chats and add <strong>awesome gradients</strong> to both your messages and your background. Switch between tabs (Main Color, Background, My Messages) to see how deep this rabbit hole goes:</p> <div class="blog_video_player_wrap" style="max-width: 400px; margin: 20px auto 20px;"> <video class="blog_video_player tl_blog_vid_autoplay" onclick="videoTogglePlay(this)" autoplay loop controls muted poster="/file/464001901/1/VR5l86UqaBI.47366/3a8b96e6ff0760c95e" style="max-width: 400px;" title="Could all these gradients be a complex allegory for there being no good or evil, only a spectrum between? Nah." alt="Video demonstrating the new gradient tool in the updated in-app theme editor."> <source src="/file/464001940/3/78UcwEnPEuo.4799153.mp4/e4262626f9e88a0e4f" type="video/mp4"> </video> </div> <p>Once you&#39;re done editing, you can quickly <strong>share the result</strong> of your work with friends so that they can continue tuning your theme. </p> <p>By the way, this update includes dozens of new <strong>cool patterns</strong> you can apply to your background. Our favorites are the <em>Math</em> and <em>Parisian</em> motifs, but there&#39;s also one we made especially for New Year&#39;s Eve.</p> <div class="blog_wide_image"> <a href="/file/464001326/1/eHuBKzF9Lh4.288899/1f135a074a169f90e5" target="_blank"><img src="/file/464001098/2/aw1iikW0b4I.78035/2083cd76dcb5f4fda4" title="Guess which one I tattoed on my back." alt="Screenshot demonstrating some of the new background patterns." srcset="/file/464001326/1/eHuBKzF9Lh4.288899/1f135a074a169f90e5 , 2x" /></a> </div> <p>There are new patterns with cats as well. And space. And cats <em>in</em> space. No time to explain, go check them all out.</p> <!--Hardcore theme builders may also like the [Online Theme Editor](, which allows editing themes for Telegram apps across all platforms – down to the tiniest details.--> <h4><a class="anchor" name="new-predefined-colors" href="#new-predefined-colors"><i class="anchor-icon"></i></a>New Predefined Colors</h4> <p>Not in a creative mood? Not a problem – we&#39;ve added a boatload of new <strong>predefined color schemes</strong> for Telegram&#39;s default themes. The theme of your dreams may be just a few taps away, try the new options under Classic, Night, Day, etc.</p> <div class="blog_video_player_wrap" style="max-width: 400px; margin: 20px auto 20px;"> <video class="blog_video_player tl_blog_vid_autoplay" onclick="videoTogglePlay(this)" autoplay loop controls muted poster="/file/464001646/1/Up0xQ5gYxHo.115103/55b454d4a092bc269c" style="max-width: 400px;" title="Beep. Beep. The outrageously funny alt description for this video is temporarily unavailble." alt="Video demonstrating the interface for selecting different flavors for various themes."> <source src="/file/464001778/1/TPP15fpcrKI.4256659.mp4/54316060947da7a345" type="video/mp4"> </video> </div> <h4><a class="anchor" name="send-when-online" href="#send-when-online"><i class="anchor-icon"></i></a>Send When Online</h4> <p>Some things are best served fresh, like sushi and today&#39;s hot memes. For messages that have to be delivered at the perfect moment, we&#39;ve added the option to <a href="">schedule messages</a> to be sent when your recipient <strong>comes online</strong>.</p> <p>Now you can slide your message in with the morning post – or time a funky <a href="">duck sticker</a> for the exact moment a meeting gets boring.</p> <div class="blog_video_player_wrap" style="max-width: 400px; margin: 20px auto 20px;"> <video class="blog_video_player tl_blog_vid_autoplay" onclick="videoTogglePlay(this)" autoplay loop controls muted poster="/file/464001964/1/IM2V7yQkHe0.61235/2b707f5f0ef477a9ab" style="max-width: 400px;" title="Warning: it's only a nice surprise if you have something in your fridge besides mold and sauces." alt="Video demonstrating a message scheduled to be sent when the recipient comes online."> <source src="/file/464001827/1/DZuyKitefxE.1593030.mp4/4bfc00ee5ff633eec8" type="video/mp4"> </video> </div> <p>Note that this option is only available if you are allowed to see your recipient&#39;s <strong>online status</strong>. You can still sneak out of bed without anyone noticing.</p> <h4><a class="anchor" name="improved-venue-sharing" href="#improved-venue-sharing"><i class="anchor-icon"></i></a>Improved Venue Sharing</h4> <p>Location sharing has been updated to make finding <strong>venues</strong> easier. You can now tap a place directly on the map to select it, rather than scrolling through a list of all the power converter purveyors in Tosche Station.</p> <div class="blog_video_player_wrap" style="max-width: 400px; margin: 20px auto 20px;"> <video class="blog_video_player tl_blog_vid_autoplay" onclick="videoTogglePlay(this)" autoplay loop controls muted poster="/file/464001545/3/09ABP2qHDXM.49775/b20106955a29bd00b3" style="max-width: 400px;" title="Take a left here, a right there and then just go home and order pizza." alt="Video demonstrating the new interfaces for selecting venues when sharing your location."> <source src="/file/464001001/2/kK42x966ldI.2546166.mp4/b0b6867e919a6af532" type="video/mp4"> </video> </div> <h4><a class="anchor" name="view-search-results-as-a-list" href="#view-search-results-as-a-list"><i class="anchor-icon"></i></a>View Search Results as a List</h4> <p>The <strong>Search</strong> function allows you to easily jump between messages containing a keyword – or sent by a particular person, or even from a certain day. Tapping the bottom bar will now switch to <strong>list view</strong> in case you want to see all the results on one page.</p> <div class="blog_video_player_wrap" style="max-width: 400px; margin: 20px auto 20px;"> <video class="blog_video_player tl_blog_vid_autoplay" onclick="videoTogglePlay(this)" autoplay loop controls muted poster="/file/464001383/1/EBFGSSKs2Tw.64079/4546de30337d261dee" style="max-width: 400px;" title="Find the message you're looking for in less than 80 days." alt="Video showcasing the new list view in Search Mode on mobile apps."> <source src="/file/464001736/4/yJh_JSGIvXE.2070301.mp4/6c6491f73de700ed02" type="video/mp4"> </video> </div> <p>On iOS, you can also <strong>select several messages</strong> without leaving Search Mode. (Before you ask, this feature was already available on Android.)</p> <div class="blog_image_wrap blog_medium_image_wrap"> <a href="/file/464001535/1/99wTv6AlGEg.197772/9e25366591a945adef" target="_blank"><img src="/file/464001370/1/Jevee8922FI.44850/639b8d8af12f50f8b0" title="This would have really helped out in that one movie with Ellen Degeneres and the fish. What was it called again?" alt="Screenshot showing several messages selected in a chat on iOS – without leaving the Search Mode." srcset="/file/464001535/1/99wTv6AlGEg.197772/9e25366591a945adef , 2x" /></a> </div> <h4><a class="anchor" name="podcast-and-audiobook-support" href="#podcast-and-audiobook-support"><i class="anchor-icon"></i></a>Podcast and Audiobook Support</h4> <p>You&#39;ve always been able to <a href="">share files</a> of up to <strong>1,5 GB</strong>, but podcasts and audiobooks now get special treatment. Telegram apps will <strong>remember</strong> your last position when resuming playback of audio files longer than <strong>20 minutes</strong>.</p> <p>If you&#39;d like to make podcasts get to the point a little faster, try the new <strong>2x button</strong> (which you already know from <a href="">voice messages</a>). We&#39;ve eliminated voice chipmunking in <strong>96.8%</strong> of cases.</p> <div class="blog_image_wrap blog_medium_image_wrap"> <a href="/file/464001799/1/H0-d1_YTmjM.38870/4e71d3de0a3d815312" target="_blank"><img src="/file/464001102/3/iTTm_lt_S74.10358/919a285f00c125fb26" title="1x playback tests show that the remaining 3.2% were using helium in the original recordings." alt="Screenshot showing the location of the 2x playback button for long audio files." srcset="/file/464001799/1/H0-d1_YTmjM.38870/4e71d3de0a3d815312 , 2x" /></a> </div> <p>On iOS, you can skip forward and back with <strong>high-precision scrubbing</strong>: just hold on the progress bar and slide your finger down, then left or right.</p> <h3><a class="anchor" name="new-on-android" href="#new-on-android"><i class="anchor-icon"></i></a>New On Android</h3> <h4><a class="anchor" name="switch-to-night-mode-faster" href="#switch-to-night-mode-faster"><i class="anchor-icon"></i></a>Switch to Night Mode Faster</h4> <p>Telegram has shielded your eyes in dark places with <strong>Night Mode</strong> <a href="">since 2017</a>. The power of the sun and moon are now even easier to control, with the <strong>Night Mode Switch</strong> at the top of the menu. Tap the moon icon and watch the sun rise and fall at your whim. </p> <div class="blog_video_player_wrap" style="max-width: 400px; margin: 20px auto 20px;"> <video class="blog_video_player tl_blog_vid_autoplay" onclick="videoTogglePlay(this)" autoplay loop controls muted poster="/file/464001699/2/FMAg2HRGVws.25082/0c3df7e5a71655e205" style="max-width: 400px;" title="You merely adopted the Night Mode. I was born in it – molded by it." alt="The new night mode switch in the side menu on Android."> <source src="/file/464001202/2/zlwQac9YpVM.1707120.mp4/4a6d4d270aec062b02" type="video/mp4"> </video> </div> <p><strong>Maps</strong> have also joined the <strong>dark side</strong> in Night Mode, so you don&#39;t accidentally burn yourself while browsing locations late in the evening. Ve do as the count vills. (•,..,•)</p> <div class="blog_image_wrap blog_medium_image_wrap"> <a href="/file/464001940/2/K7sbpHahUvY.106003/90092e1ef67983967a" target="_blank"><img src="/file/464001529/1/KemhvWvc7kg.28653/0bfbdcb2b30cf1185a" title="Ver is ze nearest blood bank?" alt="A shared location on a map in Night Mode on Telegram for Android." srcset="/file/464001940/2/K7sbpHahUvY.106003/90092e1ef67983967a , 2x" /></a> </div> <p>On iOS, dark maps turn on and off with the <strong>system dark mode</strong>. Speaking of which, we recently added the option to <strong>sync</strong> your Telegram theme with system dark mode on <strong>iOS 13</strong>.</p> <!-- <div class="blog_image_wrap blog_medium_image_wrap"> <a href="/file/464001557/2/PWaY5cGWElA.75272/a9aa4e0eaecf9c3237" target="_blank"><img src="/file/464001147/1/V3TENnQbBMw.18931/bc88c7922913f858a6" title="TITLE" alt="TITLE" srcset="/file/464001557/2/PWaY5cGWElA.75272/a9aa4e0eaecf9c3237 , 2x" /></a> </div>--> <h4><a class="anchor" name="sleek-new-animations" href="#sleek-new-animations"><i class="anchor-icon"></i></a>Sleek New Animations</h4> <p>We&#39;ve peppered the interface with little ripple animations when you press on things to help you get more joy out of buttons. Snappy new animations await when jumping between messages in a chat, opening global search or pulling out the archive folder. To get a closer look at a user&#39;s profile picture, drag down on their profile page.</p> <div class="blog_video_player_wrap" style="max-width: 400px; margin: 20px auto 20px;"> <video class="blog_video_player tl_blog_vid_autoplay" onclick="videoTogglePlay(this)" autoplay loop controls muted poster="/file/464001758/1/GMGyChzyzY8.34928/34bac72677de28c88f" style="max-width: 400px;" title="A whole minute on Telegram and not a single message sent? Maybe these animations are too distracting." alt="Video showcasing the new animations described above."> <source src="/file/464001947/1/8bR1gGf42tU.3527798.mp4/58cef6401052b430ae" type="video/mp4"> </video> </div> <h4><a class="anchor" name="select-parts-of-messages" href="#select-parts-of-messages"><i class="anchor-icon"></i></a>Select Parts of Messages</h4> <p>Following in the <a href="">footsteps</a> of the iOS app, Android now also lets you <strong>select a portion</strong> of the message text to copy or share, instead of only the full text. Sometimes you only want a slice, rather than the whole pie.</p> <div class="blog_video_player_wrap" style="max-width: 400px; margin: 20px auto 20px;"> <video class="blog_video_player tl_blog_vid_autoplay" onclick="videoTogglePlay(this)" autoplay loop controls muted poster="/file/464001946/1/eMBgeO6JUV0.47066/3ffd7e806c79010f51" style="max-width: 400px;" title="If you find a gold bar in trash bag, will you take the whole trash can or just the gold bar?" alt="Selecting a part of the message text on Telegram for Android"> <source src="/file/464001263/1/FmNcpmmEUdI.1670740.mp4/4ed03c0402e1b972e7" type="video/mp4"> </video> </div> <h4><a class="anchor" name="multi-sharing-from-other-apps" href="#multi-sharing-from-other-apps"><i class="anchor-icon"></i></a>Multi-sharing from Other Apps</h4> <p>Sharing is caring, so we&#39;ve made it easier than ever to <strong>share</strong> content <strong>from other apps</strong> with your friends. You can now tap and hold to select <strong>multiple recipients</strong> – and even add a <strong>comment</strong> in case your savage subtweet needs some context.</p> <div class="blog_video_player_wrap" style="max-width: 400px; margin: 20px auto 20px;"> <video class="blog_video_player tl_blog_vid_autoplay" onclick="videoTogglePlay(this)" autoplay loop controls muted poster="/file/464001000/3/fS-99LFh0Qw.72702/e185f283a2b73f331e" style="max-width: 400px;" title="You get a cat pic, you get a cat pic, EVERYONE gets a cat pic!" alt="Sharing a picture from another app to several Telegram contacts at once with a comment."> <source src="/file/464001398/2/_wn4pijwOo0.1405179.mp4/24625a2b2c34094109" type="video/mp4"> </video> </div> <h4><a class="anchor" name="mark-archive-as-read" href="#mark-archive-as-read"><i class="anchor-icon"></i></a>Mark Archive as Read</h4> <p>A cluttered chat list reflects a cluttered mind. Clear up those extra unread message counters in your <strong>archive</strong> by tapping and holding the archive folder and marking them all <strong>read</strong>. (Not to be confused with marking it red, that&#39;s a job for themes.)</p> <div class="blog_image_wrap blog_medium_image_wrap"> <a href="/file/464001273/2/WGCY0NYAC9Y.36622/6e6ff6ebc87edfe36d" target="_blank"><img src="/file/464001046/3/eef62caOcAI.10275/6ed3c830cac14dcf25" title="A vast trove of knowledge, news updates from all over the world, spiciest memes? Eh, you'll get to them one day." alt="Mark all messages as read in the Archive on Android." srcset="/file/464001273/2/WGCY0NYAC9Y.36622/6e6ff6ebc87edfe36d , 2x" /></a> </div> <h4><a class="anchor" name="and-other-android-goodies" href="#and-other-android-goodies"><i class="anchor-icon"></i></a>And Other Android Goodies</h4> <p>You can сhoose <strong>video quality</strong> in a more intuitive way when sending videos.</p> <div class="blog_image_wrap blog_medium_image_wrap"> <a href="/file/464001957/1/_MFxEGvlB9g.101264/0711e002071f6abba8" target="_blank"><img src="/file/464001700/1/Ej0KTSHPkos.19309/a9a2935e38344fa30f" title="Gradients, light and dark themes, the balance between higher quality and smaller size — we dedicate this update to metaphors that cut deep." alt="New button for selecting video quality when sending a video." srcset="/file/464001957/1/_MFxEGvlB9g.101264/0711e002071f6abba8 , 2x" /></a> </div> <p><strong>Sending contacts</strong> now uses a simple, card-style interface that won&#39;t take up your whole screen (unless you pull up to expand it).</p> <div class="blog_image_wrap blog_medium_image_wrap"> <a href="/file/464001464/3/0sVcVfRB8jE.88417/ec79bd9ee0b58de9d3" target="_blank"><img src="/file/464001945/1/VafYKldrQfk.22336/1b2f37597decaf3ee6" title="Search for a name to skip the wild goose chase." alt="New contact sharing screen." srcset="/file/464001330/3/3DArjzUAOr4.88417/e9905cf1bb8dfa06f4 , 2x" /></a> </div> <p>When you&#39;re done listening to a voice message with your phone up to your ear, Telegram automatically records a reply - but now you can disable that by turning off <a href="">Raise to Speak</a> in your Chat Settings. </p> <p>We found <strong>31</strong> other shiny bugs to fix and improvements to make on Android, just in time for your Telegram advent calendar. See if you can find them all.</p> <h3><a class="anchor" name="new-on-ios" href="#new-on-ios"><i class="anchor-icon"></i></a>New on iOS</h3> <h4><a class="anchor" name="text-size-all-the-way" href="#text-size-all-the-way"><i class="anchor-icon"></i></a>Text Size, All the Way</h4> <p>You&#39;ve been able to adjust the size of message text on Telegram from the beginning, but now you can scale the font size <strong>throughout the app</strong>. I&#39;m not sure if Grandma reads this blog regularly, so you may have to tell her yourself.</p> <div class="blog_image_wrap blog_medium_image_wrap"> <a href="/file/464001385/1/VQCWzMGRVe0.99269/cad5fb874870247178" target="_blank"><img src="/file/464001953/1/-jN0wJsndOo.24145/7dfc99dfec095c62ee" title="VLADISLAV: I've managed to find a woman up, watching television. And, uh, she seems like she'd be a good victim. I'm just going to use hypnosis on her... See me... See me... She can't, she can't see me from that angle." alt="Telegram for iOS with enlarged font." srcset="/file/464001385/1/VQCWzMGRVe0.99269/cad5fb874870247178 , 2x" /></a> </div> <h4><a class="anchor" name="choose-your-browser" href="#choose-your-browser"><i class="anchor-icon"></i></a>Choose Your Browser</h4> <p><strong>External browsers</strong> are now supported for opening <a href="">links</a> – you can select your preferred app in <em>Settings &gt; Data and Storage &gt; Other</em>.</p> <div class="blog_image_wrap blog_medium_image_wrap"> <a href="/file/464001174/2/ONVx9TTdnRk.74522/7b2b3bf545d016d3d3" target="_blank"><img src="/file/464001848/2/KesoNZi-8Cs.16964/c8340c31f1b75e0ea7" title="Did you click the link? That never gets old." alt="Browser settings screen." srcset="/file/464001174/2/ONVx9TTdnRk.74522/7b2b3bf545d016d3d3 , 2x" /></a> </div> <h4><a class="anchor" name="share-sheet-settings" href="#share-sheet-settings"><i class="anchor-icon"></i></a>Share Sheet Settings</h4> <p>Your most popular Telegram chats were recently added to the <strong>iOS Share Sheet</strong>. In case you&#39;d like to control what can (or can&#39;t <img class="emoji" src="//" width="20" height="20" alt="😉" />) appear there, you can use the new toggles under <em>Settings &gt; Data and Storage &gt; Other &gt; Share Sheet</em>.</p> <div class="blog_image_wrap blog_medium_image_wrap"> <a href="/file/464001300/2/jCLqUKbXnzQ.125832/40b9d6908d21c9c557" target="_blank"><img src="/file/464001413/1/_LpKEoSDAfY.29917/c2409ea008ac06d8be" title="For those who want to keep their sheet to themselves." alt="Share Sheet settings screen." srcset="/file/464001300/2/jCLqUKbXnzQ.125832/40b9d6908d21c9c557 , 2x" /></a> </div> <h4><a class="anchor" name="switch-accounts-faster" href="#switch-accounts-faster"><i class="anchor-icon"></i></a>Switch Accounts Faster</h4> <p>Superman has had a hard time finding phone booths lately, so we added a way to swiftly <strong>switch accounts</strong> right from your home screen on <strong>iOS 13</strong>. Simply hold down on the app icon any time you need to change costumes.</p> <div class="blog_image_wrap blog_medium_image_wrap"> <a href="/file/464001881/1/6NU71RU0VsU.107754/a718acc69b1aa37c16" target="_blank"><img src="/file/464001017/1/bezOkiLLD1M.27407/5b797083df20d4392f" title="Never mind the red button that photobombed this screenshot." alt="App menu on an iOS 13 home screen, featuring a 'Switch Account' button" srcset="/file/464001881/1/6NU71RU0VsU.107754/a718acc69b1aa37c16 , 2x" /></a> </div> <p>Remember that you can use Telegram with <a href="">multiple accounts</a>, switching between up to <strong>3 phone numbers</strong> without logging out.</p> <h4><a class="anchor" name="storage-usage-at-a-glance" href="#storage-usage-at-a-glance"><i class="anchor-icon"></i></a>Storage Usage At a Glance</h4> <p>The <strong>Storage Usage</strong> page has been <strong>redesigned</strong> to more quickly find the settings you&#39;re looking for. It also shows your device&#39;s storage status, and how much space all those other pesky apps are using compared to Telegram. Bigger, after all, is not always better.</p> <p>You did know that with Telegram there&#39;s <a href="">no need to store every silly meme</a> people ever sent you on your precious device, right?</p> <div class="blog_image_wrap blog_medium_image_wrap"> <a href="/file/464001820/2/iidrvjT67vk.157694/f4e05ac3ec85afc079" target="_blank"><img src="/file/464001531/1/wvaiRo0IYgQ.37499/cb2ceba1a7b12c02a5" title="If only I could clean my apartment this easily." alt="Storage Usage settings screen." srcset="/file/464001820/2/iidrvjT67vk.157694/f4e05ac3ec85afc079 , 2x" /></a> </div> <h4><a class="anchor" name="cache-clearing-shortcuts" href="#cache-clearing-shortcuts"><i class="anchor-icon"></i></a>Cache-Clearing Shortcuts</h4> <p>Selecting multiple messages in a group or channel gives you the option to <strong>clear</strong> the chat&#39;s <strong>cache</strong>. Like we said, no need to store what you don&#39;t need – but also no need to delete actual messages. Just keep things in the cloud, like the cool kids.</p> <div class="blog_image_wrap blog_medium_image_wrap"> <a href="/file/464001962/1/doS3JNVYB14.52695/f70ab713546e4acd50" target="_blank"><img src="/file/464001969/1/pBqeoVW9zGU.13664/f89e74ac5d552d6ca8" title="Never put actual cats in a dustbin like that. If you absolutely must, try a cardboard box." alt="Clear Cache button in a channel." srcset="/file/464001962/1/doS3JNVYB14.52695/f70ab713546e4acd50 , 2x" /></a> </div> <p>Check out <em>Settings &gt; Data and Storage &gt; Storage Usage</em> for more options.</p> <h4><a class="anchor" name="member-lists-the-shorter-scrolls" href="#member-lists-the-shorter-scrolls"><i class="anchor-icon"></i></a>Member Lists: The Shorter Scrolls</h4> <p>In case you&#39;re looking to leave some large groups and start fresh in the new decade, long member lists will <strong>collapse</strong>, so you can get to the <em>&#39;Leave Group&#39;</em> button without scrolling.</p> <p>By the way, swiping on a group or channel from the chat list and selecting <em>&#39;Delete&#39;</em> is still the shortest way out, but now there is more than one way to leave the New Year&#39;s party early.</p> <div class="blog_image_wrap blog_medium_image_wrap"> <a href="/file/464001403/1/2PHYFnL-W28.112804/60092177967f5a5a7d" target="_blank"><img src="/file/464001168/1/GORhgkrcCWI.26709/7bebdc02eab48e273a" title="Another way of leaving a group chat quickly is to tell the admins you don't like Baby Yoda." alt="Group members screen with a collapsed member list." srcset="/file/464001403/1/2PHYFnL-W28.112804/60092177967f5a5a7d , 2x" /></a> </div> <p>And that&#39;s all for today. <strong>Happy New Year!</strong></p> <p><strong>2020</strong> is going to be <em>fun</em>. Enjoy winter while we get back to our little warm R&amp;D bunker deep deep underground.</p> <div><br></div> <p><em>December 31, 2019,<br>The Telegram Team</em></p> <div><br></div> <!-- **P.S.** If you don't want to miss any reindeer-themed chain emails this season, you should definitely try our [**Gmail Bot**](, which allows you to access your **Gmail** account right from Telegram. We worked with Google to make sure our Gmail bot is secure and officially endorsed by the Christmas elves.--></div> </div> <div class="tl_main_share clearfix"> <a href="" class="tl_telegram_share_btn" id="tl_telegram_share_btn" data-text="Introducing Reproducible Apps, Theme Editor 2.0, Send When Online and So Much More" data-url=""><i class="tl_telegram_share_icon"></i><span class="tl_telegram_share_label" target="_blank">Forward</span></a> <a href="" class="tl_twitter_share_btn" id="tl_twitter_share_btn" data-text="Introducing Reproducible Apps, Theme Editor 2.0, Send When Online and So Much More" data-url="" data-via="Telegram">Tweet <span class="tl_twitter_share_cnt"></span></a> </div> </div> <div class="tl_main_recent_news_wrap tlb_other_news_wrap tl_blog_list_page_wrap"> <h3 class="tl_main_recent_news_header"> <a href="/blog">Other News</a> </h3> <div class="tl_main_recent_news_cards clearfix"> <a class="dev_blog_card_link_wrap" href="/blog/fullscreen-miniapps-and-more"><div class="dev_blog_card_wrap"> <img class="dev_blog_card_image" src="" /> <div class="dev_blog_card_alltext_wrap"> <h4 class="dev_blog_card_title">Mini Apps 2.0: Full-Screen Mode, Home Screen Icons, Geolocation and 10 more features</h4> <div class="dev_blog_card_lead">Today we launch the largest update in the history of mini apps. They get a full-screen mode…</div> </div> <div class="dev_blog_card_date">Nov 17, 2024</div> </div></a><a class="dev_blog_card_link_wrap" href="/blog/dynamic-video-quality-and-more"><div class="dev_blog_card_wrap"> <img class="dev_blog_card_image" src="" /> <div class="dev_blog_card_alltext_wrap"> <h4 class="dev_blog_card_title">Improved Videos and Much More</h4> <div class="dev_blog_card_lead">Today&#39;s update adds faster loading, better quality and new speed controls to videos, last edit timestamps, attaching media to sent messages, increased limits for mini apps, new monetization…</div> </div> <div class="dev_blog_card_date">Oct 31, 2024</div> </div></a><a class="dev_blog_card_link_wrap" href="/blog/gifts-verification-platform"><div class="dev_blog_card_wrap"> <img class="dev_blog_card_image" src="" /> <div class="dev_blog_card_alltext_wrap"> <h4 class="dev_blog_card_title">Gifts, Verification Platform and More</h4> <div class="dev_blog_card_lead">Users can now send Gifts to their friends: the recipients of gifts can display them on their profile pages or turn them into Stars. Additionally, Telegram launched a platform for businesses…</div> </div> <div class="dev_blog_card_date">Oct 5, 2024</div> </div></a><a class="dev_blog_card_link_wrap" href="/blog/star-giveaways-iv-in-browser"><div class="dev_blog_card_wrap"> <img class="dev_blog_card_image" src="" /> <div class="dev_blog_card_alltext_wrap"> <h4 class="dev_blog_card_title">Star Giveaways and More</h4> <div class="dev_blog_card_lead">With today&#39;s update, groups and channels can use Telegram Stars as prizes in Giveaways. Also, any article you open in the Telegram Browser can now be converted to Instant View, making…</div> </div> <div class="dev_blog_card_date">Sep 6, 2024</div> </div></a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="footer_wrap"> <div class="footer_columns_wrap footer_desktop"> <div class="footer_column footer_column_telegram"> <h5>Telegram</h5> <div class="footer_telegram_description"></div> Telegram is a cloud-based mobile and desktop messaging app with a focus on security and speed. </div> <div class="footer_column"> <h5><a href="/faq">About</a></h5> <ul> <li><a href="/faq">FAQ</a></li> <li><a href="/privacy">Privacy</a></li> <li><a href="/press">Press</a></li> </ul> </div> <div class="footer_column"> <h5><a href="/apps#mobile-apps">Mobile Apps</a></h5> <ul> <li><a href="/dl/ios">iPhone/iPad</a></li> <li><a href="/android">Android</a></li> <li><a href="/dl/web">Mobile Web</a></li> </ul> </div> <div class="footer_column"> <h5><a href="/apps#desktop-apps">Desktop Apps</a></h5> <ul> <li><a href="//">PC/Mac/Linux</a></li> <li><a href="//">macOS</a></li> <li><a href="/dl/web">Web-browser</a></li> </ul> </div> <div class="footer_column footer_column_platform"> <h5><a href="//">Platform</a></h5> <ul> <li><a href="//">API</a></li> <li><a href="//">Translations</a></li> <li><a href="//">Instant View</a></li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="footer_columns_wrap footer_mobile"> <div class="footer_column"> <h5><a href="/faq">About</a></h5> </div> <div class="footer_column"> <h5><a href="/blog">Blog</a></h5> </div> <div class="footer_column"> <h5><a href="/apps">Apps</a></h5> </div> <div class="footer_column"> <h5><a href="//">Platform</a></h5> </div> <div class="footer_column"> <h5><a href="/press">Press</a></h5> </div> </div> </div> <script src="/js/main.js?47"></script> <script>initScrollVideos(true); twitterCustomShareInit(); blogSideImageInit(); backToTopInit("Go up"); removePreloadInit(); </script> </body> </html> <!-- page generated in 12.79ms -->

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