{"title":"Potential of Selected Microbial Strains to Degrade the Gasoil of Hydrocarbon Polluted Soil","authors":"Ali Zazoua, Anis Zazoua, Ahcen Taleb, Nicole Jaffrezic-Renault","volume":64,"journal":"International Journal of Environmental and Ecological Engineering","pagesStart":189,"pagesEnd":194,"ISSN":"1307-6892","URL":"https:\/\/\/pdf\/953","abstract":"<p>Although oil-based drilling fluids are of paramount practical and economical interest, they represent a serious source of pollution, once released into the environment as drill cuttings. The aim of this study is to assess the capability of isolated microorganisms to degrade gasoil fuel. The commonly used physicochemical and biodegradation remediation techniques of petroleum contaminated soil were both investigated. The study revealed that natural biodegradation is favorable. Even though, the presence of heavy metals, the moisture level of (8.55%) and nutrient deficiencies put severe constrains on microorganisms- survival ranges inhibiting the biodegradation process. The selected strains were able to degrade the diesel fuel at significantly high rates (around 98%).<\/p>\r\n","references":"[1] O. Radwan, S.S., 2008. Microbiology of oil-contaminated desert soils\r\nand coastal areas in the Arabian Gulf. Soil Biology 13. In: Dion, P.,\r\nNautiyal, C.S. (Eds.), Microbiology of Extreme Soils. 13, 275-298\r\n[2] Mahmoud, H., Al-Hasan, R.H., Khanafer, M., Radwan, S.S.,2010. A\r\nmicrobiological study of the self-cleaning potential of oily Arabian\r\nGulf coasts. Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res. 17, 383-391\r\n[3] Ijah, U. J. J., Ndana, M., 2003. Stimulated biodegradation of crude oil\r\nin soil amended with periwinkle shells. The Environmentalist. 23,\r\n249-254\r\n[4] Iquatt, C.B., Oyewole, O.A., Abioye, O.P., 2006. Bioremediation of\r\npetroleum polluted soil. International Journal of Natural and Applied\r\nScience. 1, 21-25\r\n[5] Ismailov, N. M., 1985. Biodegradation of oil hydrocarbons in soil\r\ninoculated with yeasts. Microbiology 54, 670-675\r\n[6] Khan, N., Warith, M.A., Luk, G., 2007. A comparison of acute\r\ntoxicity of biodiesel, biodiesel blends, and diesel on aquatic\r\norganisms. J. Air Waste Manage. 57, 286-296\r\n[7] Lapinskiene, A., Martinkus, P., Rebzdaite, V., 2006. Eco-toxicological\r\nstudies of diesel and biodiesel fuels in aerated soil. Environ. Pollut.\r\n142, 432-437\r\n[8] Bento, F.M., Camargo, F.A., Okeke, B.C., Frankenberger W.T., 2005.\r\nComparative bioremediation of soils contaminated with diesel oil by\r\nnatural attenuation, biostimulation and bioaugmentation. Bioresource\r\nTechnol. 96, 1049-1055\r\n[9] Prince, R., Parkerton, T.F., Lee, C., 2007. The primary aerobic\r\nbiodegradation of gasoline hydrocarbons. Environ. Sci. Technol. 41,\r\n3316-3321\r\n[10] Samanta, S.K., Singh, O.M., Jain, R.K., 2002. Polycyclic aromatic\r\nhydrocarbons: environmental pollution and bioremediation - review,\r\nTrends in Biotechnology. 20, 243-248\r\n[11] Larpent, M-C., Sanglier, JJ., 1992. Biotechnologie- principes et\r\nm\u00e9thodes, Edition, Doin \u00e9diteurs, Paris, 704\r\n[12] Lecomte, P., 1998. Les sites pollu\u00e9s : traitement des sols et des eaux\r\nsouterraines, 2\u00e8me \u00e9dition, Lavoisier, Paris, 130\r\n[13] Eriksson, M., Ka, J.O., Mohn, W.W., 2001. Effects of Low\r\nTemperature and Freez- Thaw Cycles on Hydrocarbon Biodegradation\r\nin Arctic Tundra Soil. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 67,\r\n5107-5112\r\n[14] Fredrickson, JK., Hicks Compuestos, RJ., LI, SW., Brockman,FJ.,\r\n1988. Plasmid incidence in bact\u00e9ria from deep subsurface sediments.\r\nAppl. Environ Microbiol. 54, 2916-2923\r\n[15] Oudot, J., 1984. Rate of microbial degradation of petroleum\r\ncomponents as determined by computerized capillary gaschromatography\r\nand computerized mass-spectrometry. Mar.Environ.\r\n13, 277-302\r\n[16] Oudot, J., 2000. Biod\u00e9gradation du fuel de l-Erika. Life Science.323,\r\n945-950\r\n[17] DeMello, JA., Carmichael, CA., Peacock, EE., Nelson, RK., Arey,\r\nJS., Reddy, CM., 2007. Biodegradation and environmental behavior of\r\nbiodiesel mixtures in the sea: an initial study. Mar. Pollut. Bull. 54,\r\n894-904\r\n[18] Prince, R., Haitmanek, C., Lee, C.C., 2008. The primary aerobic\r\nbiodegradation of biodiesel B20, Chemosphere, 71, 1446-1451\r\n[19] Bocard, C., 2006. Mar\u00e9es noire et sols pollu\u00e9s par les hydrocarbures,\r\nEdition Technip. 234-239.","publisher":"World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology","index":"Open Science Index 64, 2012"}