EyeWonder :: Privacy
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("EyeWonder") recognizes the importance of privacy for its advertisers, publishers and users. Below is EyeWonder’s policy on collecting, using, disclosing, maintaining and protecting the information that it receives through EyeWonder®-powered advertisements or through its World Wide Web site (the "Site"). Any questions or concerns regarding these policies or practices should be directed to: <p><strong> EyeWonder, Inc.<br> 233 Peachtree Street, NE<br> Harris Tower, Suite 500 <br> Atlanta, GA 30303 <br> Ph: (678) 891-2020 <br> Fax: (678) 891-2017<br> <br> </strong> <a href="javascript:'','','status=yes, width=600,height=500,location=noresizable=no,scrollBars=no, left=100, top=0' ); void('');" onmouseover="self.status=' ';return true;" onmouseout="self.status=' ';return true;" class="blue_link">Contact Us</a></p> <p>When an EyeWonder® advertisement is received on a computer or other electronic device, EyeWonder utilizes techniques to determine whether that device has previously received the advertisement, as well as techniques to evaluate the user’s interaction with the advertisement (including any information voluntarily provided by the user in surveys or otherwise). Such information is used to avoid sending repetitive advertising to the user, as well as to customize subsequent advertising to enhance the user’s experience and to comport with the user’s habits or preferences, and to sometimes measure the effectiveness of the advertisement. From time to time, advertisers, publishers or portals request that EyeWonder collect, or assist in the collection of, information supplied by consumers in connection with an EyeWonder® advertisement, or a user’s interaction with such an advertisement, which may include personal information. This information is provided directly to the advertiser, publisher and/or portal, and is not used independently by EyeWonder. EyeWonder is informed that this information is to be used by the advertiser, publisher and/or portal, in accordance its own particular privacy policy. However, EyeWonder cannot control the use of such information by any such advertiser, publisher or portal, and is not responsible for their use of such information.</p> <p>Information collected through the Site varies, depending on the sections of the Site visited and the information the visitor chooses to provide. For visitors to the public sections of the Site who read or download information, EyeWonder collects only non-personally identifiable information about the visit, including the IP address of the visitor’s computer, the visitor’s type of computer and operating system, the date and time of access, and the URL of the web site from which the visitor linked directly to the Site. EyeWonder does not collect any personally identifiable information from visitors who visit only the public sections of the Site. For visitors who contact EyeWonder via e-mail or who participate in an online survey, the information provided in the e-mail message or survey response is collected, including the visitor’s e-mail address, and any questions or comments the visitor provides. EyeWonder may use "cookies" or "scripts" to collect any of the information described above. Some Internet browsers can be adjusted to disable the use of cookies and scripts; however, some functionalities of the Site may not be available without the use of cookies and scripts. </p> <p>Information that EyeWonder collects is used for its internal business purposes, including studying the use of the Site. If a question or comment is sent to EyeWonder by e-mail, EyeWonder uses the information therein to respond to the question or comment. EyeWonder also may use the information provided to it to send news and information that EyeWonder believes may be of interest. In addition, EyeWonder may disclose information concerning the Site and its visitors in aggregate, non-personally identifiable form. From time to time, EyeWonder may disclose to others personally identifiable information about visitors in connection with the operation of the Site. For example, EyeWonder provides certain personally identifiable information to its vendors and licensors in order to permit EyeWonder to provide various products and services to the visitor. </p> <p>When EyeWonder obtains personally identifiable information from a Site visitor, EyeWonder; provides the opportunity to "opt-out" of any third party disclosure of that information or its use in ways unrelated to the operation of the Site. Visitors who desire to opt-out of such disclosures may do so by contacting EyeWonder at the address above. In addition, any visitor who chooses not to receive any news or information from EyeWonder may let EyeWonder know by contacting it at the address above. </p> <p>EyeWonder uses industry-standard security measures to protect any personally identifiable information provided to it. However, EyeWonder cannot guarantee that submissions to the Site, or that any content residing on, or transmissions from, EyeWonder’s servers will be completely secure. </p> <p>Any password-protected areas of the Site can be accessed only with a valid password. Each password owner is responsible for keeping the password secret and confidential, and for notifying EyeWonder if the password may have been stolen or might otherwise be misused. </p> <p><b>About Cookies</b><br> Cookies used by EyeWonder: </p><ul> <li>Comply with Platform for Privacy Preferences (P3P)</li> <li>Are set only for the domain "" (if third party) </li> <li>Are NOT used to collect or track personally identifiable information </li> <li>Are used to enhance and improve user experience </li></ul> <p>Our cookies generally are used to enhance or improve user experience. One example is for a sound preference for our videos on a group of sites. Opting out will break this improved functionality. </p> <p><script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"> <!-- function openPopup(URL) {,"","status=yes, width=500,height=500,location=noresizable=no,scrollBars=no, left=100, top=0"); } function writeContact() { // Contact us document.writeln('<a href="javascript: openPopup(\'\'); void(\'\');" onmouseover="self.status=\' \';return true;" onmouseout="self.status=\' \';return true;" class="blue_link">Contact Us</a>'); } // --> </script> <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"> <!-- // Opt in document.writeln('<input type="button" onclick="openPopup(\'\');" value="Opt Out">'); // Opt out document.writeln(' <input type="button" onclick="openPopup(\'\');" value="Opt In">'); // --> </script> <noscript> <!-- Opt in --> <a href="" class="blue_link" target="_blank">Opt Out</a> <!-- Opt out --> | <a href="" class="blue_link" target="_blank">Opt In</a> </noscript> </p> <p>If you have any questions about EyeWonder’s use of cookies, or if you identify a potential privacy issue, please <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"> <!-- writeContact(); // --> </script> <noscript> <p> <!-- Contact us --> <a href="" class="blue_link" target="_blank">Contact Us</a> </p> </p> </noscript> <p> </p> </div> </td> <!-- end col_3--> <td class="col_5"> </td></tr> <tr> <td class="col_1_bottom"> </td> <td class="col_2"> </td> <td width="521" class="col_3_footer"> <div style="padding-left:10px; padding-right:10px;"> <p><a href="legal.php">Legal</a> | <a href="privacy.php">Privacy</a> | <a href="sitemap.php">Site Map</a> © 2008 EyeWonder, Inc.</p> </div> </td> <td class="col_4" width="178"> </td> <td> </td> </tr> </table> <br/> </body> </html> <!-- FILE ARCHIVED ON 11:30:28 Jun 27, 2009 AND RETRIEVED FROM THE INTERNET ARCHIVE ON 11:36:48 Nov 25, 2024. 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