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Predictions </option> <option value='billboard-200-predictions-2024-may-24-to-30' > Billboard 200 Predictions 2024: Tracking week May 24 to 30 </option> <option value='box-office-predictions-2024-may-24-may-26' > Box Office Predictions 2024: May 24 - May 26 </option> <option value='survivor-46-predictions-finale' > Survivor 46 Predictions: Finale </option> <option value='top-chef-21-episode-10-predictions' > Top Chef 21: Episode 10 Predictions </option> <option value='the-voice-25-predictions-finale' > The Voice 25 Predictions: Finale </option> <option value='so-you-think-you-can-dance-18-predictions-episode-10-finale' > So You Think You Can Dance 18 predictions: Episode 10 (Finale) </option> <option value='american-idol-22-predictions-finale' > American Idol 22 Predictions: Finale </option> <option value='billboard-200-predictions-2024-may-17-to-23' > Billboard 200 Predictions 2024: Tracking week May 17 to 23 </option> <option value='box-office-predictions-2024-may-17-may-19' > Box Office Predictions 2024: May 17 - May 19 </option> <option value='top-chef-21-episode-9-predictions' > Top Chef 21: Episode 9 Predictions </option> <option value='survivor-46-predictions-episode-12' > Survivor 46 Predictions: Episode 12 </option> <option value='the-voice-25-predictions-top-9' > The Voice 25 Predictions: Top 9 </option> <option value='so-you-think-you-can-dance-18-predictions-episode-9-top-4' > So You Think You Can Dance 18 predictions: Episode 9 (Top 4) </option> <option value='american-idol-22-predictions-top-5' > American Idol 22 Predictions: Top 5 </option> <option value='billboard-200-predictions-2024-may-10-to-16' > Billboard 200 Predictions 2024: Tracking week May 10 to 16 </option> <option value='box-office-predictions-2024-may-10-may-12' > Box Office Predictions 2024: May 10 - May 12 </option> <option value='the-voice-25-predictions-top-12' > The Voice 25 Predictions: Top 12 </option> <option value='survivor-46-predictions-episode-11' > Survivor 46 Predictions: Episode 11 </option> <option value='top-chef-21-episode-8-predictions' > Top Chef 21: Episode 8 Predictions </option> <option value='tony-awards-2024-predictions' > Tony Awards 2024 </option> <option value='so-you-think-you-can-dance-18-predictions-episode-8-top-5' > So You Think You Can Dance 18 predictions: Episode 8 (Top 5) </option> <option value='american-idol-22-predictions-top-7' > American Idol 22 Predictions: Top 7 </option> <option value='american-idol-22-predictions-top-8' > American Idol 22 Predictions: Top 8 </option> <option value='billboard-200-predictions-2024-may-3-to-9' > Billboard 200 Predictions 2024: Tracking week May 3 to 9 </option> <option value='box-office-predictions-2024-may-3-may-5' > Box Office Predictions 2024: May 3 - May 5 </option> <option value='survivor-46-predictions-episode-10' > Survivor 46 Predictions: Episode 10 </option> <option value='top-chef-21-episode-7-predictions' > Top Chef 21: Episode 7 Predictions </option> <option value='american-idol-22-predictions-top-10' > American Idol 22 Predictions: Top 10 </option> <option value='so-you-think-you-can-dance-18-predictions-episode-7-top-6' > So You Think You Can Dance 18 predictions: Episode 7 (Top 6) </option> <option value='american-idol-22-predictions-top-12' > American Idol 22 Predictions: Top 12 </option> <option value='daytime-emmys-2024-predictions' > Daytime Emmys 2024 </option> <option value='billboard-200-predictions-2024-april-26-to-may-2' > Billboard 200 Predictions 2024: Tracking week April 26 to May 2 </option> <option value='box-office-predictions-2024-april-26-april-28' > Box Office Predictions 2024: April 26 - April 28 </option> <option value='top-chef-21-episode-6-predictions' > Top Chef 21: Episode 6 Predictions </option> <option value='survivor-46-predictions-episode-9' > Survivor 46 Predictions: Episode 9 </option> <option value='american-idol-22-predictions-top-14' > American Idol 22 Predictions: Top 14 </option> <option value='so-you-think-you-can-dance-18-predictions-episode-6-top-8' > So You Think You Can Dance 18 predictions: Episode 6 (Top 8) </option> <option value='american-idol-22-predictions-top-20' > American Idol 22 Predictions: Top 20 </option> <option value='billboard-200-predictions-2024-april-19-to-25' > Billboard 200 Predictions 2024: Tracking week April 19 to 25 </option> <option value='box-office-predictions-2024-april-19-april-21' > Box Office Predictions 2024: April 19 - April 21 </option> <option value='survivor-46-predictions-episode-8' > Survivor 46 Predictions: Episode 8 </option> <option value='top-chef-21-episode-5-predictions' > Top Chef 21: Episode 5 Predictions </option> <option value='acm-awards-2024-predictions' > ACM Awards 2024 </option> <option value='rupauls-drag-race-16-predictions-finale' > RuPauls Drag Race 16 Predictions: Finale </option> <option value='billboard-200-predictions-2024-april-12-to-18' > Billboard 200 Predictions 2024: Tracking week April 12 to 18 </option> <option value='box-office-predictions-2024-april-12-april-14' > Box Office Predictions 2024: April 12 - April 14 </option> <option value='survivor-46-predictions-episode-7' > Survivor 46 Predictions: Episode 7 </option> <option value='top-chef-21-episode-4-predictions' > Top Chef 21: Episode 4 Predictions </option> <option value='american-idol-22-predictions-top-24' > American Idol 22 Predictions: Top 24 </option> <option value='rupauls-drag-race-16-predictions-episode-14' > RuPauls Drag Race 16 Predictions: Episode 14 </option> <option value='billboard-200-predictions-2024-april-5-to-11' > Billboard 200 Predictions 2024: Tracking week April 5 to 11 </option> <option value='top-chef-21-episode-3-predictions' > Top Chef 21: Episode 3 Predictions </option> <option value='box-office-predictions-2024-april-5-april-7' > Box Office Predictions 2024: April 5 - April 7 </option> <option value='survivor-46-predictions-episode-6' > Survivor 46 Predictions: Episode 6 </option> <option value='so-you-think-you-can-dance-18-episode-5-top-10-predictions' > So You Think You Can Dance 18: Episode 5 (Top 10) </option> <option value='rupauls-drag-race-16-predictions-episode-13' > RuPauls Drag Race 16 Predictions: Episode 13 </option> <option value='billboard-200-predictions-2024-march-29-to-april-4' > Billboard 200 Predictions 2024: Tracking week March 29 to April 4 </option> <option value='survivor-46-predictions-episode-5' > Survivor 46 Predictions: Episode 5 </option> <option value='top-chef-21-episode-2-predictions' > Top Chef 21: Episode 2 Predictions </option> <option value='box-office-predictions-2024-march-29-march-31' > Box Office Predictions 2024: March 29 - March 31 </option> <option value='rupauls-drag-race-16-predictions-episode-12' > RuPauls Drag Race 16 Predictions: Episode 12 </option> <option value='billboard-200-predictions-2024-march-22-to-28' > Billboard 200 Predictions 2024: Tracking week March 22 to 28 </option> <option value='box-office-predictions-2024-march-22-march-24' > Box Office Predictions 2024: March 22 - March 24 </option> <option value='survivor-46-predictions-episode-4' > Survivor 46 Predictions: Episode 4 </option> <option value='rupauls-drag-race-16-predictions-episode-11' > RuPauls Drag Race 16 Predictions: Episode 11 </option> <option value='billboard-200-predictions-2024-march-15-to-21' > Billboard 200 Predictions 2024: Tracking week March 15 to 21 </option> <option value='box-office-predictions-2024-march-15-march-17' > Box Office Predictions 2024: March 15 - March 17 </option> <option value='survivor-46-predictions-episode-3' > Survivor 46 Predictions: Episode 3 </option> <option value='rupauls-drag-race-16-predictions-episode-10' > RuPauls Drag Race 16 Predictions: Episode 10 </option> <option value='billboard-200-predictions-2024-march-8-to-14' > Billboard 200 Predictions 2024: Tracking week March 8 to 14 </option> <option value='box-office-predictions-2024-march-8-march-10' > Box Office Predictions 2024: March 8 - March 10 </option> <option value='survivor-46-predictions-episode-2' > Survivor 46 Predictions: Episode 2 </option> <option value='tony-awards-nominations-2024-predictions' > Tony Awards Nominations 2024 </option> <option value='rupauls-drag-race-16-predictions-episode-9' > RuPauls Drag Race 16 Predictions: Episode 9 </option> <option value='billboard-200-predictions-2024-march-1-to-7' > Billboard 200 Predictions 2024: Tracking week March 1 to 7 </option> <option value='box-office-predictions-2024-march-1-march-3' > Box Office Predictions 2024: March 1 - March 3 </option> <option value='writers-guild-awards-2024-predictions' > Writers Guild Awards 2024 </option> <option value='rupauls-drag-race-16-predictions-episode-8' > RuPauls Drag Race 16 Predictions: Episode 8 </option> <option value='billboard-200-predictions-2024-february-23-to-29' > Billboard 200 Predictions 2024: Tracking week February 23 to 29 </option> <option value='box-office-predictions-2024-february-23-february-25' > Box Office Predictions 2024: February 23 - February 25 </option> <option value='rupauls-drag-race-16-predictions-episode-7' > RuPauls Drag Race 16 Predictions: Episode 7 </option> <option value='grammy-nominations-2025-predictions' > Grammy Nominations 2025 </option> <option value='billboard-200-predictions-2024-february-16-to-22' > Billboard 200 Predictions 2024: Tracking week February 16 to 22 </option> <option value='box-office-predictions-2024-february-16-february-18' > Box Office Predictions 2024: February 16 - February 18 </option> <option value='top-chef-21-episode-1-predictions' > Top Chef 21: Episode 1 Predictions </option> <option value='survivor-46-predictions-episode-1' > Survivor 46 Predictions: Episode 1 </option> <option value='rupauls-drag-race-16-predictions-episode-6' > RuPauls Drag Race 16 Predictions: Episode 6 </option> <option value='billboard-200-predictions-2024-february-9-to-15' > Billboard 200 Predictions 2024: Tracking week February 9 to 15 </option> <option value='box-office-predictions-2024-february-9-february-11' > Box Office Predictions 2024: February 9 - February 11 </option> <option value='emmy-awards-nominations-2024-predictions' > Emmy Awards Nominations 2024 </option> <option value='rupauls-drag-race-16-predictions-episode-5' > RuPauls Drag Race 16 Predictions: Episode 5 </option> <option value='billboard-200-predictions-2024-tracking-week-february-2-to-8' > Billboard 200 Predictions 2024: Tracking week February 2 to 8 </option> <option value='box-office-predictions-2024-february-2-february-4' > Box Office Predictions 2024: February 2 - February 4 </option> <option value='ace-eddie-awards-2024-predictions' > ACE Eddie Awards 2024 </option> <option value='oscars-winners-2024-predictions' > Oscars Winners 2024 </option> <option value='gold-derby-film-awards-2024' > Gold Derby Film Awards 2024 </option> <option value='rupauls-drag-race-16-predictions-episode-4' > RuPauls Drag Race 16 Predictions: Episode 4 </option> <option value='billboard-200-predictions-2024-january-26-to-february-1' > Billboard 200 Predictions 2024: Tracking week January 26 to February 1 </option> <option value='box-office-predictions-2024-january-26-january-28' > Box Office Predictions 2024: January 26 - January 28 </option> <option value='bafta-film-awards-2024-predictions' > BAFTA Film Awards 2024 </option> <option value='mpse-golden-reel-awards-2024-predictions' > MPSE Golden Reel Awards 2024 </option> <option value='visual-effects-society-awards-2024-predictions' > Visual Effects Society Awards 2024 </option> <option value='rupauls-drag-race-16-predictions-episode-3' > RuPauls Drag Race 16 Predictions: Episode 3 </option> <option value='producers-guild-awards-2024-predictions' > Producers Guild Awards 2024 </option> <option value='billboard-200-predictions-2024-january-19-to-25' > Billboard 200 Predictions 2024: Tracking week January 19 to 25 </option> <option value='box-office-predictions-2024-january-19-january-21' > Box Office Predictions 2024: January 19 - January 21 </option> <option value='american-society-of-cinematographers-awards-2024-predictions' > American Society of Cinematographers Awards 2024 </option> <option value='sag-awards-tv-2024-predictions' > SAG Awards TV 2024 </option> <option value='sag-awards-film-2024-predictions' > SAG Awards Film 2024 </option> <option value='directors-guild-awards-2024-predictions' > Directors Guild Awards 2024 </option> <option value='cinema-audio-society-awards-2024-predictions' > Cinema Audio Society Awards 2024 </option> <option value='art-directors-guild-awards-2024-predictions' > Art Directors Guild Awards 2024 </option> <option value='rupauls-drag-race-16-predictions-episode-2' > RuPauls Drag Race 16 Predictions: Episode 2 </option> <option value='bafta-film-nominations-2024-predictions' > BAFTA Film Nominations 2024 </option> <option value='billboard-200-predictions-2024-january-12-to-18' > Billboard 200 Predictions 2024: Tracking week January 12 to 18 </option> <option value='box-office-predictions-2024-january-12-january-14' > Box Office Predictions 2024: January 12 - January 14 </option> <option value='costume-designers-guild-awards-2024-predictions' > Costume Designers Guild Awards 2024 </option> <option value='make-up-and-hair-stylists-guild-awards-2024-predictions' > Make-Up and Hair Stylists Guild Awards 2024 </option> <option value='billboard-200-predictions-2024-january-5-to-11' > Billboard 200 Predictions 2024: Tracking week January 5 to 11 </option> <option value='box-office-predictions-2024-january-5-january-7' > Box Office Predictions 2024: January 5 - January 7 </option> <option value='billboard-200-predictions-2024-december-29-to-january-4' > Billboard 200 Predictions 2024: Tracking week December 29 to January 4 </option> <option value='gold-derby-music-awards-2024' > Gold Derby Music Awards 2024 </option> <option value='billboard-200-predictions-2023-december-22-to-28' > Billboard 200 Predictions 2023: Tracking week December 22 to 28 </option> <option value='box-office-predictions-2023-december-22-december-24' > Box Office Predictions 2023: December 22 - December 24 </option> <option value='survivor-45-predictions-finale' > Survivor 45 Predictions: Finale </option> <option value='the-voice-24-predictions-finale' > The Voice 24 Predictions: Finale </option> <option value='critics-choice-film-awards-2024-predictions' > Critics Choice Film Awards 2024 </option> <option value='billboard-200-predictions-2023-december-15-to-21' > Billboard 200 Predictions 2023: Tracking week December 15 to 21 </option> <option value='golden-globes-tv-2024-predictions' > Golden Globes TV 2024 </option> <option value='golden-globes-film-2024-predictions' > Golden Globes Film 2024 </option> <option value='gold-derby-film-awards-nominations-2024' > Gold Derby Film Awards Nominations 2024 </option> <option value='box-office-predictions-2023-december-15-december-17' > Box Office Predictions 2023: December 15 - December 17 </option> <option value='survivor-45-predictions-episode-12' > Survivor 45 Predictions: Episode 12 </option> <option value='rupauls-drag-race-16-predictions-episode-1' > RuPauls Drag Race 16 Predictions: Episode 1 </option> <option value='the-voice-24-predictions-top-9' > The Voice 24 Predictions: Top 9 </option> <option value='critics-choice-tv-awards-2024-predictions' > Critics Choice TV Awards 2024 </option> <option value='independent-spirit-awards-2024-predictions' > Independent Spirit Awards 2024 </option> <option value='billboard-200-predictions-2023-december-8-to-14' > Billboard 200 Predictions 2023: Tracking week December 8 to 14 </option> <option value='box-office-predictions-2023-december-8-december-10' > Box Office Predictions 2023: December 8 - December 10 </option> <option value='survivor-45-predictions-episode-11' > Survivor 45 Predictions: Episode 11 </option> <option value='dancing-with-the-stars-32-finale' > Dancing with the Stars 32: Finale </option> <option value='the-voice-24-predictions-top-12' > The Voice 24 Predictions: Top 12 </option> <option value='billboard-200-predictions-2023-december-1-to-7' > Billboard 200 Predictions 2023: Tracking week December 1 to 7 </option> <option value='survivor-45-predictions-episode-10' > Survivor 45 Predictions: Episode 10 </option> <option value='box-office-predictions-2023-december-1-december-3' > Box Office Predictions 2023: December 1 - December 3 </option> <option value='dancing-with-the-stars-32-week-10-predictions' > Dancing with the Stars 32: Week 10 Predictions </option> <option value='billboard-200-predictions-2023-november-24-to-30' > Billboard 200 Predictions 2023: Tracking week November 24 to 30 </option> <option value='box-office-predictions-2023-november-24-november-26' > Box Office Predictions 2023: November 24 - November 26 </option> <option value='survivor-45-predictions-episode-9' > Survivor 45 Predictions: Episode 9 </option> <option value='dancing-with-the-stars-32-week-9-predictions' > Dancing with the Stars 32: Week 9 Predictions </option> <option value='billboard-200-predictions-2023-november-17-to-23' > Billboard 200 Predictions 2023: Tracking week November 17 to 23 </option> <option value='grammy-awards-2024' > Grammy Awards 2024 </option> <option value='survivor-45-predictions-episode-8' > Survivor 45 Predictions: Episode 8 </option> <option value='box-office-predictions-2023-november-17-november-19' > Box Office Predictions 2023: November 17 - November 19 </option> <option value='dancing-with-the-stars-32-week-8-predictions' > Dancing with the Stars 32: Week 8 Predictions </option> <option value='big-brother-25-predictions-finale' > Big Brother 25 Predictions: Finale </option> <option value='billboard-200-predictions-2023-november-10-to-16' > Billboard 200 Predictions 2023: Tracking week November 10 to 16 </option> <option value='big-brother-25-predictions-live-eviction-14' > Big Brother 25 Predictions: Live Eviction 14 </option> <option value='box-office-predictions-2023-november-10-november-12' > Box Office Predictions 2023: November 10 - November 12 </option> <option value='survivor-45-predictions-episode-7' > Survivor 45 Predictions: Episode 7 </option> <option value='dancing-with-the-stars-32-week-7-predictions' > Dancing with the Stars 32: Week 7 Predictions </option> <option value='billboard-200-predictions-2023-november-3-to-9' > Billboard 200 Predictions 2023: Tracking week November 3 to 9 </option> <option value='box-office-predictions-2023-november-3-november-5' > Box Office Predictions 2023: November 3 - November 5 </option> <option value='big-brother-25-predictions-live-eviction-13' > Big Brother 25 Predictions: Live Eviction 13 </option> <option value='billboard-music-awards-2023' > Billboard Music Awards 2023 </option> <option value='survivor-45-predictions-episode-6' > Survivor 45 Predictions: Episode 6 </option> <option value='dancing-with-the-stars-32-week-6-predictions' > Dancing with the Stars 32: Week 6 Predictions </option> <option value='gotham-awards-2023' > Gotham Awards 2023 </option> <option value='billboard-200-predictions-2023-october-27-to-november-2' > Billboard 200 Predictions 2023: Tracking week October 27 to November 2 </option> <option value='big-brother-25-predictions-live-eviction-12' > Big Brother 25 Predictions: Live Eviction 12 </option> <option value='gold-derby-music-awards-2024-nominations' > Gold Derby Music Awards 2024 Nominations </option> <option value='box-office-predictions-2023-october-27-october-29' > Box Office Predictions 2023: October 27 - October 29 </option> <option value='survivor-45-predictions-episode-5' > Survivor 45 Predictions: Episode 5 </option> <option value='dancing-with-the-stars-32-week-5-predictions' > Dancing with the Stars 32: Week 5 Predictions </option> <option value='billboard-200-predictions-2023-october-20-to-26' > Billboard 200 Predictions 2023: Tracking week October 20 to 26 </option> <option value='big-brother-25-predictions-live-eviction-11' > Big Brother 25 Predictions: Live Eviction 11 </option> <option value='box-office-predictions-2023-october-20-october-22' > Box Office Predictions 2023: October 20 - October 22 </option> <option value='survivor-45-predictions-episode-4' > Survivor 45 Predictions: Episode 4 </option> <option value='dancing-with-the-stars-32-week-4-predictions' > Dancing with the Stars 32: Week 4 Predictions </option> <option value='billboard-200-predictions-2023-october-13-to-19' > Billboard 200 Predictions 2023: Tracking week October 13 to 19 </option> <option value='big-brother-25-predictions-live-eviction-10' > Big Brother 25 Predictions: Live Eviction 10 </option> <option value='box-office-predictions-2023-october-13-october-15' > Box Office Predictions 2023: October 13 - October 15 </option> <option value='survivor-45-predictions-episode-3' > Survivor 45 Predictions: Episode 3 </option> <option value='dancing-with-the-stars-32-week-3-predictions' > Dancing with the Stars 32: Week 3 Predictions </option> <option value='billboard-200-predictions-2023-october-6-to-12' > Billboard 200 Predictions 2023: Tracking week October 6 to 12 </option> <option value='big-brother-25-predictions-live-eviction-9' > Big Brother 25 Predictions: Live Eviction 9 </option> <option value='box-office-predictions-2023-october-6-october-8' > Box Office Predictions 2023: October 6 - October 8 </option> <option value='survivor-45-predictions-episode-2' > Survivor 45 Predictions: Episode 2 </option> <option value='dancing-with-the-stars-32-week-2-predictions' > Dancing with the Stars 32: Week 2 Predictions </option> <option value='billboard-200-predictions-2023-september-29-to-october-5' > Billboard 200 Predictions 2023: Tracking week September 29 to October 5 </option> <option value='big-brother-25-predictions-live-eviction-8' > Big Brother 25 Predictions: Live Eviction 8 </option> <option value='box-office-predictions-2023-september-29-october-1' > Box Office Predictions 2023: September 29 - October 1 </option> <option value='americas-got-talent-18-predictions-finale' > America's Got Talent 18 Predictions: Finale </option> <option value='sag-awards-film-nominations-2024-predictions' > SAG Awards Film Nominations 2024 </option> <option value='billboard-200-predictions-2023-september-22-to-28' > Billboard 200 Predictions 2023: Tracking week September 22 to 28 </option> <option value='big-brother-25-predictions-live-eviction-7' > Big Brother 25 Predictions: Live Eviction 7 </option> <option value='box-office-predictions-2023-september-22-september-24' > Box Office Predictions 2023: September 22 - September 24 </option> <option value='americas-got-talent-18-predictions-qualifiers-5' > America's Got Talent 18 Predictions: Qualifiers 5 </option> <option value='masterchef-13-predictions-finale' > MasterChef 13 Predictions: Finale </option> <option value='golden-globes-film-nominations-2024-predictions' > Golden Globes Film Nominations 2024 </option> <option value='dancing-with-the-stars-32-week-1-predictions' > Dancing with the Stars 32: Week 1 Predictions </option> <option value='sag-awards-tv-nominations-2024-predictions' > SAG Awards TV Nominations 2024 </option> <option value='billboard-200-predictions-2023-september-15-to-21' > Billboard 200 Predictions 2023: Tracking week September 15 to 21 </option> <option value='big-brother-25-predictions-live-eviction-6' > Big Brother 25 Predictions: Live Eviction 6 </option> <option value='cma-awards-2023' > CMA Awards 2023 </option> <option value='box-office-predictions-2023-september-15-september-17' > Box Office Predictions 2023: September 15 - September 17 </option> <option value='masterchef-13-predictions-top-6' > MasterChef 13 Predictions: Top 6 </option> <option value='golden-globes-tv-nominations-2024-predictions' > Golden Globes TV Nominations 2024 </option> <option value='americas-got-talent-18-predictions-qualifiers-4' > America's Got Talent 18 Predictions: Qualifiers 4 </option> <option value='survivor-45-predictions-episode-1' > Survivor 45 Predictions: Episode 1 </option> <option value='billboard-200-predictions-2023-september-8-to-14' > Billboard 200 Predictions 2023: Tracking week September 8 to 14 </option> <option value='big-brother-25-predictions-live-eviction-5' > Big Brother 25 Predictions: Live Eviction 5 </option> <option value='project-runway-20-finale-predictions' > Project Runway 20: Finale Predictions </option> <option value='box-office-predictions-2023-september-8-september-10' > Box Office Predictions 2023: September 8 - September 10 </option> <option value='masterchef-13-predictions-top-9' > MasterChef 13 Predictions: Top 9 </option> <option value='americas-got-talent-18-predictions-qualifiers-3' > America's Got Talent 18 Predictions: Qualifiers 3 </option> <option value='billboard-200-predictions-2023-september-1-to-7' > Billboard 200 Predictions 2023: Tracking week September 1 to 7 </option> <option value='big-brother-25-predictions-live-eviction-4' > Big Brother 25 Predictions: Live Eviction 4 </option> <option value='box-office-predictions-2023-september-1-september-3' > Box Office Predictions 2023: September 1 - September 3 </option> <option value='project-runway-20-episode-13-predictions' > Project Runway 20: Episode 13 Predictions </option> <option value='masterchef-13-predictions-top-11' > MasterChef 13 Predictions: Top 11 </option> <option value='americas-got-talent-18-predictions-qualifiers-2' > America's Got Talent 18 Predictions: Qualifiers 2 </option> <option value='billboard-200-predictions-2023-august-25-to-31' > Billboard 200 Predictions 2023: Tracking week August 25 to 31 </option> <option value='project-runway-20-episode-12-predictions' > Project Runway 20: Episode 12 Predictions </option> <option value='big-brother-25-predictions-live-eviction-3' > Big Brother 25 Predictions: Live Eviction 3 </option> <option value='masterchef-13-predictions-top-13' > MasterChef 13 Predictions: Top 13 </option> <option value='box-office-predictions-2023-august-25-august-27' > Box Office Predictions 2023: August 25 - August 27 </option> <option value='americas-got-talent-18-predictions-qualifiers-1' > America's Got Talent 18 Predictions: Qualifiers 1 </option> <option value='billboard-200-predictions-2023-august-18-to-24' > Billboard 200 Predictions 2023: Tracking week August 18 to 24 </option> <option value='big-brother-25-predictions-live-eviction-2' > Big Brother 25 Predictions: Live Eviction 2 </option> <option value='project-runway-20-episode-11-predictions' > Project Runway 20: Episode 11 Predictions </option> <option value='box-office-predictions-2023-august-18-august-20' > Box Office Predictions 2023: August 18 - August 20 </option> <option value='masterchef-13-predictions-top-14' > MasterChef 13 Predictions: Top 14 </option> <option value='mtv-video-music-awards-2023-predictions' > MTV Video Music Awards 2023 </option> <option value='billboard-200-predictions-2023-august-11-to-17' > Billboard 200 Predictions 2023: Tracking week August 11 to 17 </option> <option value='project-runway-20-episode-10-predictions' > Project Runway 20: Episode 10 Predictions </option> <option value='box-office-predictions-2023-august-11-august-13' > Box Office Predictions 2023: August 11 - August 13 </option> <option value='masterchef-13-predictions-top-15' > MasterChef 13 Predictions: Top 15 </option> <option value='billboard-200-predictions-2023-august-4-to-10' > Billboard 200 Predictions 2023: Tracking week August 4 to 10 </option> <option value='project-runway-20-episode-9-predictions' > Project Runway 20: Episode 9 Predictions </option> <option value='box-office-predictions-2023-august-4-august-6' > Box Office Predictions 2023: August 4 - August 6 </option> <option value='billboard-200-predictions-2023-tracking-week-july-28-to-august-3' > Billboard 200 Predictions 2023: Tracking week July 28 to August 3 </option> <option value='project-runway-20-episode-8-predictions' > Project Runway 20: Episode 8 Predictions </option> <option value='box-office-predictions-2023-july-28-july-30' > Box Office Predictions 2023: July 28 - July 30 </option> <option value='masterchef-13-predictions-top-17' > MasterChef 13 Predictions: Top 17 </option> <option value='big-brother-25-predictions-live-eviction-1' > Big Brother 25 Predictions: Live Eviction 1 </option> <option value='billboard-200-predictions-2023-july-21-to-27' > Billboard 200 Predictions 2023: Tracking week July 21 to 27 </option> <option value='project-runway-20-episode-7-predictions' > Project Runway 20: Episode 7 Predictions </option> <option value='box-office-predictions-2023-july-21-july-23' > Box Office Predictions 2023: July 21 - July 23 </option> <option value='masterchef-13-predictions-top-18' > MasterChef 13 Predictions: Top 18 </option> <option value='creative-arts-emmys-2023-predictions' > Creative Arts Emmys 2023 </option> <option value='primetime-emmy-awards-2023-predictions' > Primetime Emmy Awards 2023 </option> <option value='gold-derby-tv-awards-2023-winners' > Gold Derby TV Awards 2023 </option> <option value='billboard-200-predictions-2023-july-14-to-20' > Billboard 200 Predictions 2023: Tracking week July 14 to 20 </option> <option value='box-office-predictions-2023-july-14-july-16' > Box Office Predictions 2023: July 14 - July 16 </option> <option value='project-runway-20-episode-6-predictions' > Project Runway 20: Episode 6 Predictions </option> <option value='billboard-200-predictions-2023-july-7-to-13' > Billboard 200 Predictions 2023: Tracking week July 7 to 13 </option> <option value='project-runway-20-episode-5-predictions' > Project Runway 20: Episode 5 Predictions </option> <option value='box-office-predictions-2023-july-7-july-9' > Box Office Predictions 2023: July 7 - July 9 </option> <option value='oscars-nominations-2024-predictions' > Oscars Nominations 2024 </option> <option value='billboard-200-predictions-2023-june-30-to-july-6' > Billboard 200 Predictions 2023: Tracking week June 30 to July 6 </option> <option value='project-runway-20-episode-4-predictions' > Project Runway 20: Episode 4 Predictions </option> <option value='box-office-predictions-2023-june-30-july-2' > Box Office Predictions 2023: June 30 - July 2 </option> <option value='masterchef-13-predictions-top-19' > MasterChef 13 Predictions: Top 19 </option> <option value='billboard-200-predictions-2023-june-23-to-29' > Billboard 200 Predictions 2023: Tracking week June 23 to 29 </option> <option value='project-runway-20-episode-2-predictions' > Project Runway 20: Episode 3 Predictions </option> <option value='box-office-predictions-2023-june-23-june-25' > Box Office Predictions 2023: June 23 - June 25 </option> <option value='masterchef-13-predictions-top-20' > MasterChef 13 Predictions: Top 20 </option> <option value='billboard-200-predictions-2023-june-16-to-22' > Billboard 200 Predictions 2023: Tracking week June 16 to 22 </option> <option value='box-office-predictions-2023-june-16-june-18' > Box Office Predictions 2023: June 16 - June 18 </option> <option value='gold-derby-tv-awards-nominations-2023' > Gold Derby TV Awards Nominations 2023 </option> <option value='billboard-200-predictions-2023-june-9-to-15' > Billboard 200 Predictions 2023: Tracking week June 9 to 15 </option> <option value='top-chef-20-finale-predictions' > Top Chef 20: Finale Predictions </option> <option value='box-office-predictions-2023-june-9-june-11' > Box Office Predictions 2023: June 9 - June 11 </option> <option value='billboard-200-predictions-2023-june-2-to-8' > Billboard 200 Predictions 2023: Tracking week June 2 to 8 </option> <option value='top-chef-20-episode-13-predictions' > Top Chef 20: Episode 13 Predictions </option> <option value='box-office-predictions-2023-june-2-june-4' > Box Office Predictions 2023: June 2 - June 4 </option> <option value='billboard-200-predictions-2023-may-26-to-june-1' > Billboard 200 Predictions 2023: Tracking week May 26 to June 1 </option> <option value='top-chef-20-episode-12-predictions' > Top Chef 20: Episode 12 Predictions </option> <option value='box-office-predictions-2023-may-26-may-28' > Box Office Predictions 2023: May 26 - May 28 </option> <option value='survivor-44-predictions-finale' > Survivor 44 Predictions: Finale </option> <option value='the-voice-23-predictions-finale' > The Voice 23 Predictions: Finale </option> <option value='american-idol-21-predictions-finale' > American Idol 21 Predictions: Finale </option> <option value='billboard-200-predictions-2023-may-19-to-25' > Billboard 200 Predictions 2023: Tracking week May 19 to 25 </option> <option value='box-office-predictions-2023-may-19-may-21' > Box Office Predictions 2023: May 19 - May 21 </option> <option value='top-chef-20-episode-11-predictions' > Top Chef 20: Episode 11 Predictions </option> <option value='survivor-44-predictions-episode-12' > Survivor 44 Predictions: Episode 12 </option> <option value='project-runway-20-episode-1-predictions' > Project Runway 20: Episode 2 Predictions </option> <option value='american-idol-21-predictions-top-5' > American Idol 21 Predictions: Top 5 </option> <option value='billboard-200-predictions-2023-may-12-to-18' > Billboard 200 Predictions 2023: Tracking week May 12 to 18 </option> <option value='top-chef-20-episode-10-predictions' > Top Chef 20: Episode 10 Predictions </option> <option value='box-office-predictions-2023-may-12-may-14' > Box Office Predictions 2023: May 12 - May 14 </option> <option value='survivor-44-predictions-episode-11' > Survivor 44 Predictions: Episode 11 </option> <option value='tony-awards-2023-predictions' > Tony Awards 2023 </option> <option value='american-idol-21-predictions-top-8' > American Idol 21 Predictions: Top 8 </option> <option value='american-idol-21-predictions-top-10' > American Idol 21 Predictions: Top 10 </option> <option value='billboard-200-predictions-2023-may-5-to-may-11' > Billboard 200 Predictions 2023: Tracking week May 5 to May 11 </option> <option value='top-chef-20-episode-9-predictions' > Top Chef 20: Episode 9 Predictions </option> <option value='box-office-predictions-2023-may-5-may-7' > Box Office Predictions 2023: May 5 - May 7 </option> <option value='survivor-44-predictions-episode-10' > Survivor 44 Predictions: Episode 10 </option> <option value='daytime-emmys-2023-predictions' > Daytime Emmys 2023 </option> <option value='the-voice-23-predictions-semi-finals' > The Voice 23 Predictions: Semi-Finals </option> <option value='american-idol-21-predictions-top-12' > American Idol 21 Predictions: Top 12 </option> <option value='billboard-200-predictions-2023-april-28-to-may-4' > Billboard 200 Predictions 2023: Tracking week April 28 to May 4 </option> <option value='top-chef-20-episode-8-predictions' > Top Chef 20: Episode 8 Predictions </option> <option value='box-office-predictions-2023-april-28-april-30' > Box Office Predictions 2023: April 28 - April 30 </option> <option value='survivor-44-predictions-episode-9' > Survivor 44 Predictions: Episode 9 </option> <option value='billboard-200-predictions-2023-april-21-to-27' > Billboard 200 Predictions 2023: Tracking week April 21 to 27 </option> <option value='top-chef-20-episode-7-predictions' > Top Chef 20: Episode 7 Predictions </option> <option value='box-office-predictions-2023-april-21-april-23' > Box Office Predictions 2023: April 21 - April 23 </option> <option value='acm-awards-2023-predictions' > ACM Awards 2023 </option> <option value='survivor-44-predictions-episode-8' > Survivor 44 Predictions: Episode 8 </option> <option value='billboard-200-predictions-2023-april-14-to-20' > Billboard 200 Predictions 2023: Tracking week April 14 to 20 </option> <option value='top-chef-20-episode-6-predictions' > Top Chef 20: Episode 6 Predictions </option> <option value='box-office-predictions-2023-april-14-april-16' > Box Office Predictions 2023: April 14 - April 16 </option> <option value='survivor-44-predictions-episode-7' > Survivor 44 Predictions: Episode 7 </option> <option value='mtv-movie-and-tv-awards-2023-predictions' > MTV Movie and TV Awards 2023 </option> <option value='rupauls-drag-race-15-predictions-finale' > RuPauls Drag Race 15 Predictions: Finale </option> <option value='billboard-200-predictions-2023-april-7-to-13' > Billboard 200 Predictions 2023: Tracking week April 7 to 13 </option> <option value='top-chef-20-episode-5-predictions' > Top Chef 20: Episode 5 Predictions </option> <option value='box-office-predictions-2023-april-7-april-9' > Box Office Predictions 2023: April 7 - April 9 </option> <option value='2023-eurovision-song-contest-predictions-semi-finals-2' > 2023 Eurovision Song Contest Predictions: Semi-Finals 2 </option> <option value='survivor-44-predictions-episode-6' > Survivor 44 Predictions: Episode 6 </option> <option value='rupauls-drag-race-15-predictions-episode-14' > RuPauls Drag Race 15 Predictions: Episode 14 </option> <option value='2023-eurovision-song-contest-predictions-semi-finals-1' > 2023 Eurovision Song Contest Predictions: Semi-Finals 1 </option> <option value='billboard-200-predictions-2023-march-31-to-april-6' > Billboard 200 Predictions 2023: Tracking week March 31 to April 6 </option> <option value='top-chef-20-episode-4-predictions' > Top Chef 20: Episode 4 Predictions </option> <option value='box-office-predictions-2023-march-31-april-2' > Box Office Predictions 2023: March 31 - April 2 </option> <option value='survivor-44-predictions-episode-5' > Survivor 44 Predictions: Episode 5 </option> <option value='rupauls-drag-race-15-predictions-episode-13' > RuPauls Drag Race 15 Predictions: Episode 13 </option> <option value='billboard-200-predictions-2023-march-24-to-30' > Billboard 200 Predictions 2023: Tracking week March 24 to 30 </option> <option value='top-chef-20-episode-3-predictions' > Top Chef 20: Episode 3 Predictions </option> <option value='box-office-predictions-2023-march-24-march-26' > Box Office Predictions 2023: March 24 - March 26 </option> <option value='survivor-44-predictions-episode-4' > Survivor 44 Predictions: Episode 4 </option> <option value='rupauls-drag-race-15-predictions-episode-12' > RuPauls Drag Race 15 Predictions: Episode 12 </option> <option value='billboard-200-predictions-2023-march-17-to-23' > Billboard 200 Predictions 2023: Tracking week March 17 to 23 </option> <option value='top-chef-20-episode-2-predictions' > Top Chef 20: Episode 2 Predictions </option> <option value='box-office-predictions-2023-march-17-march-19' > Box Office Predictions 2023: March 17 - March 19 </option> <option value='survivor-44-predictions-episode-3' > Survivor 44 Predictions: Episode 3 </option> <option value='rupauls-drag-race-15-predictions-episode-11' > RuPauls Drag Race 15 Predictions: Episode 11 </option> <option value='billboard-200-predictions-2023-march-10-to-16' > Billboard 200 Predictions 2023: Tracking week March 10 to 16 </option> <option value='box-office-predictions-2023-march-10-march-12' > Box Office Predictions 2023: March 10 - March 12 </option> <option value='survivor-44-predictions-episode-2' > Survivor 44 Predictions: Episode 2 </option> <option value='tony-awards-nominations-2023-predictions' > Tony Awards Nominations 2023 </option> <option value='rupauls-drag-race-15-predictions-episode-10' > RuPauls Drag Race 15 Predictions: Episode 10 </option> <option value='billboard-200-predictions-2023-march-3-to-9' > Billboard 200 Predictions 2023: Tracking week March 3 to 9 </option> <option value='box-office-predictions-2023-march-3-march-5' > Box Office Predictions 2023: March 3 - March 5 </option> <option value='rupauls-drag-race-15-predictions-episode-9' > RuPauls Drag Race 15 Predictions: Episode 9 </option> <option value='billboard-200-predictions-2023-february-24-to-march-2' > Billboard 200 Predictions 2023: Tracking week February 24 to March 2 </option> <option value='box-office-predictions-2023-february-24-february-26' > Box Office Predictions 2023: February 24 - February 26 </option> <option value='grammy-nominations-2024-predictions' > Grammy Nominations 2024 </option> <option value='rupauls-drag-race-15-predictions-episode-8' > RuPauls Drag Race 15 Predictions: Episode 8 </option> <option value='billboard-200-predictions-2023-february-17-to-23' > Billboard 200 Predictions 2023: Tracking week February 17 to 23 </option> <option value='box-office-predictions-2023-february-17-february-19' > Box Office Predictions 2023: February 17 - February 19 </option> <option value='rupauls-drag-race-15-predictions-episode-7' > RuPauls Drag Race 15 Predictions: Episode 7 </option> <option value='billboard-200-predictions-2023-february-10-to-16' > Billboard 200 Predictions 2023: Tracking week February 10 to 16 </option> <option value='box-office-predictions-2023-february-10-february-12' > Box Office Predictions 2023: February 10 - February 12 </option> <option value='ace-eddie-awards-2023-predictions' > ACE Eddie Awards 2023 </option> <option value='survivor-44-predictions-episode-1' > Survivor 44 Predictions: Episode 1 </option> <option value='rupauls-drag-race-15-predictions-episode-6' > RuPauls Drag Race 15 Predictions: Episode 6 </option> <option value='billboard-200-predictions-2023-february-3-to-9' > Billboard 200 Predictions 2023: Tracking week February 3 to 9 </option> <option value='top-chef-20-episode-1-predictions' > Top Chef 20: Episode 1 Predictions </option> <option value='box-office-predictions-2023-february-3-february-5' > Box Office Predictions 2023: February 3 - February 5 </option> <option value='emmy-awards-nominations-2023-predictions' > Emmy Awards Nominations 2023 </option> <option value='writers-guild-awards-2023-predictions' > Writers Guild Awards 2023 </option> <option value='oscars-winners-2023-predictions' > Oscars Winners 2023 </option> <option value='razzie-awards-2023-predictions' > Razzie Awards 2023 </option> <option value='rupauls-drag-race-15-predictions-episode-5' > RuPauls Drag Race 15 Predictions: Episode 5 </option> <option value='billboard-200-predictions-2023-january-27-to-february-2' > Billboard 200 Predictions 2023: Tracking week January 27 to February 2 </option> <option value='box-office-predictions-2023-january-27-january-29' > Box Office Predictions 2023: January 27 - January 29 </option> <option value='bafta-film-awards-2023-predictions' > BAFTA Film Awards 2023 </option> <option value='visual-effects-society-awards-2023-predictions' > Visual Effects Society Awards 2023 </option> <option value='gold-derby-film-awards-2023' > Gold Derby Film Awards 2023 </option> <option value='rupauls-drag-race-15-predictions-episode-4' > RuPauls Drag Race 15 Predictions: Episode 4 </option> <option value='billboard-200-predictions-2023-january-20-to-26' > Billboard 200 Predictions 2023: Tracking week January 20 to 26 </option> <option value='costume-design-guild-awards-2023-predictions' > Costume Design Guild Awards 2023 </option> <option value='producers-guild-awards-2023-predictions' > Producers Guild Awards 2023 </option> <option value='box-office-predictions-2023-january-20-january-22' > Box Office Predictions 2023: January 20 - January 22 </option> <option value='make-up-and-hair-stylists-guild-awards-2023-predictions' > Make-Up and Hair Stylists Guild Awards 2023 </option> <option value='sag-awards-tv-2023-predictions' > SAG Awards TV 2023 </option> <option value='sag-awards-film-2023-predictions' > SAG Awards Film 2023 </option> <option value='directors-guild-awards-2023-predictions' > Directors Guild Awards 2023 </option> <option value='cinema-audio-society-awards-2023-predictions' > Cinema Audio Society Awards 2023 </option> <option value='american-society-of-cinematographers-awards-2023-predictions' > American Society of Cinematographers Awards 2023 </option> <option value='mpse-golden-reel-awards-2023-predictions' > MPSE Golden Reel Awards 2023 </option> <option value='art-directors-guild-awards-2023-predictions' > Art Directors Guild Awards 2023 </option> <option value='rupauls-drag-race-15-predictions-episode-3' > RuPauls Drag Race 15 Predictions: Episode 3 </option> <option value='billboard-200-predictions-2023-january-13-to-19' > Billboard 200 Predictions 2023: Tracking week January 13 to 19 </option> <option value='bafta-film-nominations-2023-predictions' > BAFTA Film Nominations 2023 </option> <option value='box-office-predictions-2023-january-13-january-15' > Box Office Predictions 2023: January 13 - January 15 </option> <option value='billboard-200-predictions-2023-january-6-to-12' > Billboard 200 Predictions 2023: Tracking week January 6 to 12 </option> <option value='box-office-predictions-2023-january-6-january-8' > Box Office Predictions 2023: January 6 - January 8 </option> <option value='rupauls-drag-race-15-predictions-episode-1' > RuPauls Drag Race 15 Predictions: Episodes 1 & 2 </option> <option value='billboard-200-predictions-2023-december-30-to-january-5' > Billboard 200 Predictions 2023: Tracking week December 30 to January 5 </option> <option value='box-office-predictions-2022-december-30-january-1' > Box Office Predictions 2022: December 30 - January 1 </option> <option value='billboard-200-predictions-2022-december-23-to-29' > Billboard 200 Predictions 2022: Tracking week December 23 to 29 </option> <option value='box-office-predictions-2022-december-23-december-25' > Box Office Predictions 2022: December 23 - December 25 </option> <option value='critics-choice-film-awards-2023-predictions' > Critics Choice Film Awards 2023 </option> <option value='golden-globes-tv-2023-predictions' > Golden Globes TV 2023 </option> <option value='golden-globes-film-2023-predictions' > Golden Globes Film 2023 </option> <option value='billboard-200-predictions-2022-december-16-to-22' > Billboard 200 Predictions 2022: Tracking week December 16 to 22 </option> <option value='box-office-predictions-2022-december-16-december-18' > Box Office Predictions 2022: December 16 - December 18 </option> <option value='gold-derby-film-awards-nominations-2023' > Gold Derby Film Awards Nominations 2023 </option> <option value='survivor-43-predictions-finale' > Survivor 43 Predictions: Finale </option> <option value='the-voice-22-predictions-finale' > The Voice 22 Predictions: Finale </option> <option value='critics-choice-tv-awards-2023-predictions' > Critics Choice TV Awards 2023 </option> <option value='billboard-200-predictions-2022-december-9-to-15' > Billboard 200 Predictions 2022: Tracking week December 9 to 15 </option> <option value='box-office-predictions-2022-december-9-december-11' > Box Office Predictions 2022: December 9 - December 11 </option> <option value='survivor-43-predictions-episode-12' > Survivor 43 Predictions: Episode 12 </option> <option value='the-voice-22-predictions-top-8' > The Voice 22 Predictions: Top 8 </option> <option value='gold-derby-music-awards-2023' > Gold Derby Music Awards 2023 </option> <option value='billboard-200-predictions-2022-december-2-to-8' > Billboard 200 Predictions 2022: Tracking week December 2 to 8 </option> <option value='survivor-43-predictions-episode-11' > Survivor 43 Predictions: Episode 11 </option> <option value='box-office-predictions-2022-december-2-december-4' > Box Office Predictions 2022: December 2 - December 4 </option> <option value='the-voice-22-predictions-top-10' > The Voice 22 Predictions: Top 10 </option> <option value='independent-spirit-awards-2023-predictions' > Independent Spirit Awards 2023 </option> <option value='the-masked-singer-8-predictions-finale' > The Masked Singer 8 Predictions: Finale </option> <option value='billboard-200-predictions-2022-november-25-to-december-1' > Billboard 200 Predictions 2022: Tracking week November 25 to December 1 </option> <option value='box-office-predictions-2022-november-25-november-27' > Box Office Predictions 2022: November 25 - November 27 </option> <option value='survivor-43-predictions-episode-10' > Survivor 43 Predictions: Episode 10 </option> <option value='grammy-awards-2023-predictions' > Grammy Awards 2023 </option> <option value='the-voice-22-predictions-top-13' > The Voice 22 Predictions: Top 13 </option> <option value='dancing-with-the-stars-31-week-10-predictions' > Dancing with the Stars 31: Week 10 Predictions (Finale) </option> <option value='billboard-200-predictions-2022-november-18-to-24' > Billboard 200 Predictions 2022: Tracking week November 18 to 24 </option> <option value='box-office-predictions-2022-november-18-november-20' > Box Office Predictions 2022: November 18 - November 20 </option> <option value='survivor-43-predictions-episode-9' > Survivor 43 Predictions: Episode 9 </option> <option value='the-voice-22-predictions-top-16' > The Voice 22 Predictions: Top 16 </option> <option value='dancing-with-the-stars-31-week-9-predictions' > Dancing with the Stars 31: Week 9 Predictions (Semifinals) </option> <option value='billboard-200-predictions-2022-november-11-to-17' > Billboard 200 Predictions 2022: Tracking week November 11 to 17 </option> <option value='box-office-predictions-2022-november-11-november-13' > Box Office Predictions 2022: November 11 - November 13 </option> <option value='survivor-43-predictions-episode-8' > Survivor 43 Predictions: Episode 8 </option> <option value='dancing-with-the-stars-31-week-8-predictions' > Dancing with the Stars 31: Week 8 Predictions ('90s Night) </option> <option value='billboard-200-predictions-2022-november-4-to-10' > Billboard 200 Predictions 2022: Tracking week November 4 to 10 </option> <option value='box-office-predictions-2022-november-4-november-6' > Box Office Predictions 2022: November 4 - November 6 </option> <option value='survivor-43-predictions-episode-7' > Survivor 43 Predictions: Episode 7 </option> <option value='critics-choice-film-nominations-2023-predictions' > Critics Choice Film Nominations 2023 </option> <option value='gotham-awards-2022-predictions' > Gotham Awards 2022 </option> <option value='dancing-with-the-stars-31-week-7-predictions' > Dancing with the Stars 31: Week 7 Predictions (Halloween Night) </option> <option value='billboard-200-predictions-2022-october-28-to-november-3' > Billboard 200 Predictions 2022: Tracking week October 28 to November 3 </option> <option value='box-office-predictions-2022-october-28-october-30' > Box Office Predictions 2022: October 28 - October 30 </option> <option value='survivor-43-predictions-episode-6' > Survivor 43 Predictions: Episode 6 </option> <option value='dancing-with-the-stars-31-week-6-predictions' > Dancing with the Stars 31: Week 6 Predictions (Michael Buble Night) </option> <option value='billboard-200-predictions-2022-october-21-to-27' > Billboard 200 Predictions 2022: Tracking week October 21 to 27 </option> <option value='box-office-predictions-2022-october-21-october-23' > Box Office Predictions 2022: October 21 - October 23 </option> <option value='american-music-awards-2022-predictions' > American Music Awards 2022 </option> <option value='survivor-43-predictions-episode-5' > Survivor 43 Predictions: Episode 5 </option> <option value='dancing-with-the-stars-31-week-5-predictions' > Dancing with the Stars 31: Week 5 Predictions (Most Memorable Year/Prom Night) </option> <option value='gold-derby-music-awards-2023-nominations' > Gold Derby Music Awards 2023 Nominations </option> <option value='billboard-200-predictions-2022-october-14-to-20' > Billboard 200 Predictions 2022: Tracking week October 14 to 20 </option> <option value='box-office-predictions-2022-october-14-october-16' > Box Office Predictions 2022: October 14 - October 16 </option> <option value='survivor-43-predictions-episode-4' > Survivor 43 Predictions: Episode 4 </option> <option value='dancing-with-the-stars-31-week-4-predictions' > Dancing with the Stars 31: Week 4 Predictions (Disney+ Night) </option> <option value='billboard-200-predictions-2022-october-7-to-13' > Billboard 200 Predictions 2022: Tracking week October 7 to 13 </option> <option value='box-office-predictions-2022-october-7-october-9' > Box Office Predictions 2022: October 7 - October 9 </option> <option value='survivor-43-predictions-episode-3' > Survivor 43 Predictions: Episode 3 </option> <option value='dancing-with-the-stars-31-week-3-predictions' > Dancing with the Stars 31: Week 3 Predictions (Bond Night) </option> <option value='box-office-predictions-2022-september-30-october-2' > Box Office Predictions 2022: September 30 - October 2 </option> <option value='billboard-200-predictions-2022-september-30-to-october-6' > Billboard 200 Predictions 2022: Tracking week September 30 to October 6 </option> <option value='big-brother-24-predictions-finale' > Big Brother 24 Predictions: Finale </option> <option value='golden-globes-film-nominations-2023-predictions' > Golden Globes Film Nominations 2023 </option> <option value='survivor-43-predictions-episode-2' > Survivor 43 Predictions: Episode 2 </option> <option value='sag-awards-film-nominations-2023-predictions' > SAG Awards Film Nominations 2023 </option> <option value='golden-globes-tv-nominations-2023-predictions' > Golden Globes TV Nominations 2023 </option> <option value='dancing-with-the-stars-31-week-2-predictions' > Dancing with the Stars 31: Week 2 Predictions (Elvis Night) </option> <option value='billboard-200-predictions-2022-september-23-to-29' > Billboard 200 Predictions 2022: Tracking week September 23 to 29 </option> <option value='big-brother-24-predictions-live-episode-10' > Big Brother 24 Predictions: Live Episode 10 </option> <option value='box-office-predictions-2022-september-23-september-25' > Box Office Predictions 2022: September 23 - September 25 </option> <option value='cma-awards-2022-predictions' > CMA Awards 2022 </option> <option value='billboard-200-predictions-2022-september-16-to-22' > Billboard 200 Predictions 2022: Tracking week September 16 to 22 </option> <option value='big-brother-24-predictions-live-episode-9' > Big Brother 24 Predictions: Live Episode 9 </option> <option value='box-office-predictions-2022-september-16-september-18' > Box Office Predictions 2022: September 16 - September 18 </option> <option value='americas-got-talent-17-predictions-finale' > America's Got Talent 17 Predictions: Finale </option> <option value='sag-awards-tv-nominations-2023-predictions' > SAG Awards TV Nominations 2023 </option> <option value='dancing-with-the-stars-31-week-1-predictions' > Dancing with the Stars 31: Week 1 Predictions </option> <option value='billboard-200-predictions-2022-september-9-to-15' > Billboard 200 Predictions 2022: Tracking week September 9 to 15 </option> <option value='box-office-predictions-2022-september-9-september-11' > Box Office Predictions 2022: September 9 - September 11 </option> <option value='big-brother-24-predictions-live-episode-8' > Big Brother 24 Predictions: Live Episode 8 </option> <option value='survivor-43-predictions-episode-1' > Survivor 43 Predictions: Episode 1 </option> <option value='americas-got-talent-17-predictions-qualifiers-5' > America's Got Talent 17 Predictions: Qualifiers 5 </option> <option value='billboard-200-predictions-2022-tracking-week-september-2-to-8' > Billboard 200 Predictions 2022: Tracking week September 2 to 8 </option> <option value='box-office-predictions-2022-september-2-september-4' > Box Office Predictions 2022: September 2 - September 4 </option> <option value='big-brother-24-predictions-live-episode-7' > Big Brother 24 Predictions: Live Episode 7 </option> <option value='americas-got-talent-17-predictions-qualifiers-4' > America's Got Talent 17 Predictions: Qualifiers 4 </option> <option value='box-office-predictions-2022-august-26-august-28' > Box Office Predictions 2022: August 26 - August 28 </option> <option value='billboard-200-predictions-2022-august-26-to-september-1' > Billboard 200 Predictions 2022: Tracking week August 26 to September 1 </option> <option value='big-brother-24-predictions-live-episode-6' > Big Brother 24 Predictions: Live Episode 6 </option> <option value='americas-got-talent-17-predictions-qualifiers-3' > America's Got Talent 17 Predictions: Qualifiers 3 </option> <option value='box-office-predictions-2022-august-19-august-21' > Box Office Predictions 2022: August 19 - August 21 </option> <option value='billboard-200-predictions-2022-tracking-week-august-19-to-25' > Billboard 200 Predictions 2022: Tracking week August 19 to 25 </option> <option value='big-brother-24-predictions-live-episode-5' > Big Brother 24 Predictions: Live Episode 5 </option> <option value='americas-got-talent-17-predictions-qualifiers-2' > America's Got Talent 17 Predictions: Qualifiers 2 </option> <option value='americas-got-talent-17-predictions-qualifiers-1' > America's Got Talent 17 Predictions: Qualifiers 1 </option> <option value='billboard-200-predictions-2022-august-12-to-18' > Billboard 200 Predictions 2022: Tracking week August 12 to 18 </option> <option value='box-office-predictions-2022-august-12-august-14' > Box Office Predictions 2022: August 12 - August 14 </option> <option value='big-brother-24-predictions-live-episode-4' > Big Brother 24 Predictions: Live Episode 4 </option> <option value='billboard-200-predictions-2022-august-5-to-11' > Billboard 200 Predictions 2022: Tracking week August 5 to 11 </option> <option value='box-office-predictions-2022-august-5-august-7' > Box Office Predictions 2022: August 5 - August 7 </option> <option value='big-brother-24-predictions-live-episode-3' > Big Brother 24 Predictions: Live Episode 3 </option> <option value='mtv-video-music-awards-2022-predictions' > MTV Video Music Awards 2022 </option> <option value='billboard-200-predictions-2022-july-29-to-august-4' > Billboard 200 Predictions 2022: Tracking week July 29 to August 4 </option> <option value='box-office-predictions-2022-july-29-july-31' > Box Office Predictions 2022: July 29 - July 31 </option> <option value='rupauls-drag-race-all-stars-7-predictions-finale' > RuPauls Drag Race All Stars 7 Predictions: Finale </option> <option value='billboard-200-predictions-2022-july-22-to-28' > Billboard 200 Predictions 2022: Tracking week July 22 to 28 </option> <option value='rupauls-drag-race-all-stars-7-predictions-episode-11' > RuPauls Drag Race All Stars 7 Predictions: Episode 11 </option> <option value='box-office-predictions-2022-july-22-july-24' > Box Office Predictions 2022: July 22 - July 24 </option> <option value='big-brother-24-predictions-live-episode-2' > Big Brother 24 Predictions: Live Episode 2 </option> <option value='creative-arts-emmy-awards-2022-predictions' > Creative Arts Emmy Awards 2022 </option> <option value='primetime-emmy-awards-2022-predictions' > Primetime Emmy Awards 2022 </option> <option value='rupauls-drag-race-all-stars-7-predictions-episode-10' > RuPauls Drag Race All Stars 7 Predictions: Episode 10 </option> <option value='box-office-predictions-2022-july-15-july-17' > Box Office Predictions 2022: July 15 - July 17 </option> <option value='billboard-200-predictions-2022-july-15-to-21' > Billboard 200 Predictions 2022: Tracking week July 15 to 21 </option> <option value='oscars-nominations-2023-predictions' > Oscars Nominations 2023 </option> <option value='gold-derby-tv-awards-2022-winners' > Gold Derby TV Awards 2022 Winners </option> <option value='big-brother-24-predictions-live-episode-1' > Big Brother 24 Predictions: Live Episode 1 </option> <option value='billboard-200-predictions-2022-july-8-to-14' > Billboard 200 Predictions 2022: Tracking week July 8 to 14 </option> <option value='rupauls-drag-race-all-stars-7-predictions-episode-9' > RuPauls Drag Race All Stars 7 Predictions: Episode 9 </option> <option value='box-office-predictions-2022-july-8-july-10' > Box Office Predictions 2022: July 8 - July 10 </option> <option value='billboard-200-predictions-2022-july-1-to-7' > Billboard 200 Predictions 2022: Tracking week July 1 to 7 </option> <option value='rupauls-drag-race-all-stars-7-predictions-episode-8' > RuPauls Drag Race All Stars 7 Predictions: Episode 8 </option> <option value='box-office-predictions-2022-july-1-july-3' > Box Office Predictions 2022: July 1 - July 3 </option> <option value='box-office-predictions-2022-june-24-june-26' > Box Office Predictions 2022: June 24 - June 26 </option> <option value='rupauls-drag-race-all-stars-7-predictions-episode-7' > TV DERBY: RuPauls Drag Race All Stars 7 Predictions: Episode 7 </option> <option value='billboard-200-predictions-2022-june-24-to-30' > Billboard 200 Predictions 2022: Tracking week June 24 to 30 </option> <option value='rupauls-drag-race-all-stars-7-predictions-episode-6' > RuPauls Drag Race All Stars 7 Predictions: Episode 6 </option> <option value='box-office-predictions-2022-june-17-june-19' > Box Office Predictions 2022: June 17 - June 19 </option> <option value='billboard-200-predictions-2022-june-10-to-16' > Billboard 200 Predictions 2022: Tracking week June 10 to 16 </option> <option value='gold-derby-tv-awards-nominations-2022' > Gold Derby TV Awards Nominations 2022 </option> <option value='box-office-predictions-2022-june-10-june-12' > Box Office Predictions 2022: June 10 - June 12 </option> <option value='rupauls-drag-race-all-stars-7-predictions-episode-5' > TV DERBY: RuPauls Drag Race All Stars 7 Predictions: Episode 5 </option> <option value='box-office-predictions-2022-june-3-june-5' > Box Office Predictions 2022: June 3 - June 5 </option> <option value='billboard-200-predictions-2022-june-3-to-9' > Billboard 200 Predictions 2022: Tracking week June 3 to 9 </option> <option value='top-chef-19-finale-predictions' > Top Chef 19: Finale </option> <option value='box-office-predictions-2022-may-27-may-29' > Box Office Predictions 2022: May 27 - May 29 </option> <option value='billboard-200-predictions-2022-may-27-to-june-2' > Billboard 200 Predictions 2022: Tracking week May 27 to June 2 </option> <option value='top-chef-19-episode-13-predictions' > Top Chef 19: Episode 13 Predictions </option> <option value='survivor-42-predictions-finale' > Survivor 42 Predictions: Finale </option> <option value='american-idol-20-predictions-finale' > American Idol 20 Predictions: Finale </option> <option value='box-office-predictions-2022-may-20-may-22' > Box Office Predictions 2022: May 20 - May 22 </option> <option value='billboard-200-predictions-2022-may-20-to-26' > Billboard 200 Predictions 2022: Tracking week May 20 to 26 </option> <option value='top-chef-19-episode-12-predictions' > Top Chef 19: Episode 12 Predictions </option> <option value='survivor-42-predictions-episode-12' > Survivor 42 Predictions: Episode 12 </option> <option value='box-office-predictions-2022-may-13-may-15' > Box Office Predictions 2022: May 13 - May 15 </option> <option value='tony-awards-2022-predictions' > Tony Awards 2022 </option> <option value='american-idol-20-predictions-top-5' > American Idol 20 Predictions: Top 5 </option> <option value='daytime-emmys-2022-predictions' > Daytime Emmys 2022 </option> <option value='billboard-200-predictions-2022-may-13-to-19' > Billboard 200 Predictions 2022: Tracking week May 13 to 19 </option> <option value='top-chef-19-episode-11-predictions' > Top Chef 19: Episode 11 Predictions </option> <option value='survivor-42-predictions-episode-11' > Survivor 42 Predictions: Episode 11 </option> <option value='the-masked-singer-7-predictions-finale' > The Masked Singer 7 Predictions: Finale </option> <option value='american-song-contest-1-predictions-finale' > American Song Contest 1 Predictions: Finale </option> <option value='box-office-predictions-2022-may-6-may-8' > Box Office Predictions 2022: May 6 - May 8 </option> <option value='american-idol-20-predictions-top-7' > American Idol 20 Predictions: Top 7 </option> <option value='billboard-200-predictions-2022-may-6-to-12' > Billboard 200 Predictions 2022: Tracking week May 6 to 12 </option> <option value='top-chef-19-episode-10-predictions' > Top Chef 19: Episode 10 Predictions </option> <option value='survivor-42-predictions-episode-10' > Survivor 42 Predictions: Episode 10 </option> <option value='american-song-contest-1-predictions-semi-finals-2' > American Song Contest 1 Predictions: Semi-Finals 2 </option> <option value='american-idol-20-predictions-top-10' > American Idol 20 Predictions: Top 10 </option> <option value='box-office-predictions-2022-april-29-may-1' > Box Office Predictions 2022: April 29 - May 1 </option> <option value='american-idol-20-predictions-top-11' > American Idol 20 Predictions: Top 11 </option> <option value='billboard-200-predictions-2022-april-29-to-may-5' > Billboard 200 Predictions 2022: Tracking week April 29 to May 5 </option> <option value='top-chef-19-episode-9-predictions' > Top Chef 19: Episode 9 Predictions </option> <option value='survivor-42-predictions-episode-9' > Survivor 42 Predictions: Episode 9 </option> <option value='american-song-contest-1-predictions-semi-finals-1' > American Song Contest 1 Predictions: Semi-Finals 1 </option> <option value='american-idol-20-predictions-top-14' > American Idol 20 Predictions: Top 14 </option> <option value='box-office-predictions-2022-april-22-april-24' > Box Office Predictions 2022: April 22 - April 24 </option> <option value='billboard-200-predictions-2022-april-22-to-28' > Billboard 200 Predictions 2022: Tracking week April 22 to 28 </option> <option value='top-chef-19-episode-8-predictions' > Top Chef 19: Episode 8 Predictions </option> <option value='survivor-42-predictions-episode-7' > Survivor 42 Predictions: Episode 8 </option> <option value='box-office-predictions-2022-april-15-april-17' > Box Office Predictions 2022: April 15 - April 17 </option> <option value='rupauls-drag-race-14-predictions-finale' > RuPauls Drag Race 14 Predictions: Finale </option> <option value='billboard-200-predictions-2022-april-15-to-21' > Billboard 200 Predictions 2022: Tracking week April 15 to 21 </option> <option value='billboard-music-awards-2022-predictions' > Billboard Music Awards 2022 </option> <option value='top-chef-19-episode-7-predictions' > Top Chef 19: Episode 7 Predictions </option> <option value='survivor-42-predictions-episode-6' > Survivor 42 Predictions: Episode 6 & 7 </option> <option value='grammy-nominations-2023-predictions' > Grammy Nominations 2023 </option> <option value='box-office-predictions-2022-april-8-april-10' > Box Office Predictions 2022: April 8 - April 10 </option> <option value='rupauls-drag-race-14-predictions-episode-14' > RuPauls Drag Race 14 Predictions: Episode 14 </option> <option value='billboard-200-predictions-2022-april-8-to-14' > Billboard 200 Predictions 2022: Tracking week April 8 to 14 </option> <option value='top-chef-19-episode-6-predictions' > Top Chef 19: Episode 6 Predictions </option> <option value='survivor-42-predictions-episode-5' > Survivor 42 Predictions: Episode 5 </option> <option value='box-office-predictions-2022-april-1-april-3' > Box Office Predictions 2022: April 1 - April 3 </option> <option value='rupauls-drag-race-14-predictions-episode-13' > RuPauls Drag Race 14 Predictions: Episode 13 </option> <option value='billboard-200-predictions-2022-april-1-to-7' > Billboard 200 Predictions 2022: Tracking week April 1 to 7 </option> <option value='top-chef-19-episode-5-predictions' > Top Chef 19: Episode 5 Predictions </option> <option value='survivor-42-predictions-episode-4' > Survivor 42 Predictions: Episode 4 </option> <option value='box-office-predictions-2022-march-25-march-27' > Box Office Predictions 2022: March 25 - March 27 </option> <option value='rupauls-drag-race-14-predictions-episode-12' > RuPauls Drag Race 14 Predictions: Episode 12 </option> <option value='billboard-200-predictions-2022-march-25-to-31' > Billboard 200 Predictions 2022: Tracking week March 25 to 31 </option> <option value='top-chef-19-episode-4-predictions' > Top Chef 19: Episode 4 Predictions </option> <option value='survivor-42-predictions-episode-3' > Survivor 42 Predictions: Episode 3 </option> <option value='cmt-music-awards-2022-predictions' > CMT Music Awards 2022 </option> <option value='box-office-predictions-2022-march-18-march-20' > Box Office Predictions 2022: March 18 - March 20 </option> <option value='rupauls-drag-race-14-predictions-episode-11' > RuPauls Drag Race 14 Predictions: Episode 11 </option> <option value='billboard-200-predictions-2022-march-18-to-24' > Billboard 200 Predictions 2022: Tracking week March 18 to 24 </option> <option value='top-chef-19-episode-3-predictions' > Top Chef 19: Episode 3 Predictions </option> <option value='survivor-42-predictions-episode-2' > Survivor 42 Predictions: Episode 2 </option> <option value='tony-awards-nominations-2022-predictions' > Tony Awards Nominations 2022 </option> <option value='box-office-predictions-2022-march-11-march-13' > Box Office Predictions 2022: March 11 - March 13 </option> <option value='rupauls-drag-race-14-predictions-episode-10' > RuPauls Drag Race 14 Predictions: Episode 10 </option> <option value='billboard-200-predictions-2022-march-11-to-17' > Billboard 200 Predictions 2022: Tracking week March 11 to 17 </option> <option value='top-chef-19-episode-2-predictions' > Top Chef 19: Episode 2 Predictions </option> <option value='box-office-predictions-2022-march-4-march-6' > Box Office Predictions 2022: March 4 - March 6 </option> <option value='rupauls-drag-race-14-predictions-episode-9' > RuPauls Drag Race 14 Predictions: Episode 9 </option> <option value='billboard-200-predictions-2022-march-4-to-10' > Billboard 200 Predictions 2022: Tracking week March 4 to 10 </option> <option value='top-chef-19-episode-1-predictions' > Top Chef 19: Episode 1 Predictions </option> <option value='billboard-200-predictions-2022-february-25-to-march-3' > Billboard 200 Predictions 2022: Tracking week February 25 to March 3 </option> <option value='celebrity-big-brother-3-predictions-finale' > Celebrity Big Brother 3 Predictions: Finale </option> <option value='box-office-predictions-2022-february-25-february-27' > Box Office Predictions 2022: February 25 - February 27 </option> <option value='rupauls-drag-race-14-predictions-episode-8' > RuPauls Drag Race 14 Predictions: Episode 8 </option> <option value='celebrity-big-brother-3-predictions-live-episode-6' > Celebrity Big Brother 3 Predictions: Live Episode 6 </option> <option value='celebrity-big-brother-3-predictions-live-episode-5' > Celebrity Big Brother 3 Predictions: Live Episode 5 </option> <option value='box-office-predictions-2022-february-18-february-20' > Box Office Predictions 2022: February 18 - February 20 </option> <option value='rupauls-drag-race-14-predictions-episode-7' > RuPauls Drag Race 14 Predictions: Episode 7 </option> <option value='celebrity-big-brother-3-predictions-live-episode-4' > Celebrity Big Brother 3 Predictions: Live Episode 4 </option> <option value='billboard-200-predictions-2022-february-18-to-24' > Billboard 200 Predictions 2022: Tracking week February 18 to 24 </option> <option value='survivor-42-predictions-episode-1' > Survivor 42 Predictions: Episode 1 </option> <option value='acm-awards-2022-predictions' > ACM Awards 2022 </option> <option value='oscars-winners-2022-predictions' > Oscars Winners 2022 </option> <option value='celebrity-big-brother-3-predictions-live-episode-3' > Celebrity Big Brother 3 Predictions: Live Episode 3 </option> <option value='box-office-predictions-2022-february-11-february-13' > Box Office Predictions 2022: February 11 - February 13 </option> <option value='billboard-200-predictions-2022-february-11-to-17' > Billboard 200 Predictions 2022: Tracking week February 11 to 17 </option> <option value='razzie-awards-2022-predictions' > Razzie Awards 2022 </option> <option value='rupauls-drag-race-14-predictions-episode-6' > RuPauls Drag Race 14 Predictions: Episode 6 </option> <option value='celebrity-big-brother-3-predictions-live-episode-2' > Celebrity Big Brother 3 Predictions: Live Episode 2 </option> <option value='bafta-film-awards-2022-predictions' > BAFTA Film Awards 2022 </option> <option value='emmy-awards-nominations-2022-predictions' > Emmy Awards Nominations 2022 </option> <option value='box-office-predictions-2022-february-4-february-6' > Box Office Predictions 2022: February 4 - February 6 </option> <option value='rupauls-drag-race-14-predictions-episode-5' > RuPauls Drag Race 14 Predictions: Episode 5 </option> <option value='billboard-200-predictions-2022-february-4-to-10' > Billboard 200 Predictions 2022: Tracking week February 4 to 10 </option> <option value='project-runway-19-finale-predictions' > Project Runway 19: Finale Predictions </option> <option value='ace-eddie-awards-2022-predictions' > ACE Eddie Awards 2022 </option> <option value='producers-guild-awards-2022-predictions' > Producers Guild Awards 2022 </option> <option value='celebrity-big-brother-3-predictions-live-episode-1' > Celebrity Big Brother 3 Predictions: Live Episode 1 </option> <option value='directors-guild-awards-2022-predictions' > Directors Guild Awards 2022 </option> <option value='costume-designers-guild-awards-2022' > Costume Designers Guild Awards 2022 </option> <option value='writers-guild-awards-2022-predictions' > Writers Guild Awards 2022 </option> <option value='american-society-of-cinematographers-awards-2022-predictions' > American Society of Cinematographers Awards 2022 </option> <option value='cinema-audio-society-awards-2022-predictions' > Cinema Audio Society Awards 2022 </option> <option value='gold-derby-film-awards-2022-winners' > Gold Derby Film Awards 2022 Winners </option> <option value='mpse-golden-reel-awards-2022-predictions' > MPSE Golden Reel Awards 2022 </option> <option value='box-office-predictions-2022-january-28-january-30' > Box Office Predictions 2022: January 28 - January 30 </option> <option value='billboard-200-predictions-2022-january-28-to-february-3' > Billboard 200 Predictions 2022: Tracking week January 28 to February 3 </option> <option value='art-directors-guild-awards-2022-predictions' > Art Directors Guild Awards 2022 </option> <option value='rupauls-drag-race-14-predictions-episode-4' > RuPauls Drag Race 14 Predictions: Episode 4 </option> <option value='project-runway-19-episode-13-predictions' > Project Runway 19: Episode 13 Predictions </option> <option value='visual-effects-society-awards-2022-predictions' > Visual Effects Society Awards 2022 </option> <option value='box-office-predictions-2022-january-21-january-23' > Box Office Predictions 2022: January 21 - January 23 </option> <option value='rupauls-drag-race-14-predictions-episode-3' > RuPauls Drag Race 14 Predictions: Episode 3 </option> <option value='billboard-200-predictions-2022-january-21-to-27' > Billboard 200 Predictions 2022: Tracking week January 21 to 27 </option> <option value='project-runway-19-episode-12-predictions' > Project Runway 19: Episode 12 Predictions </option> <option value='sag-awards-tv-2022-predictions' > SAG Awards TV 2022 </option> <option value='sag-awards-film-2022-predictions' > SAG Awards Film 2022 </option> <option value='bafta-film-nominations-2022-predictions' > BAFTA Film Nominations 2022 </option> <option value='make-up-and-hair-stylists-guild-awards-2022-predictions' > Make-Up and Hair Stylists Guild Awards 2022 </option> <option value='box-office-predictions-2022-january-14-january-16' > Box Office Predictions 2022: January 14 - January 16 </option> <option value='rupauls-drag-race-14-predictions-episode-2' > TV DERBY: RuPauls Drag Race 14 Predictions: Episode 2 </option> <option value='billboard-200-predictions-2022-january-14-to-20' > Billboard 200 Predictions 2022: Tracking week January 14 to 20 </option> <option value='project-runway-19-episode-11-predictions' > Project Runway 19: Episode 11 Predictions </option> <option value='society-of-composers-and-lyricists-awards-2022-predictions' > Society of Composers and Lyricists Awards 2022 </option> <option value='box-office-predictions-2022-january-7-january-9' > Box Office Predictions 2022: January 7 - January 9 </option> <option value='billboard-200-predictions-2022-january-7-to-13' > Billboard 200 Predictions 2022: Tracking week January 7 to 13 </option> <option value='billboard-200-predictions-2022-tracking-week-december-31-to-january-6' > Billboard 200 Predictions 2022: Tracking week December 31 to January 6 </option> <option value='box-office-predictions-2021-december-24-december-26' > Box Office Predictions 2021: December 24 - December 26 </option> <option value='billboard-200-predictions-2021-tracking-week-december-24-to-30' > Billboard 200 Predictions 2021: Tracking week December 24 to 30 </option> <option value='project-runway-19-episode-10-predictions' > Project Runway 19: Episode 10 Predictions </option> <option value='gold-derby-film-awards-nominations-2022' > Gold Derby Film Awards Nominations 2022 </option> <option value='independent-spirit-awards-2022-predictions' > Independent Spirit Awards 2022 </option> <option value='box-office-predictions-2021-december-17-december-19' > Box Office Predictions 2021: December 17 - December 19 </option> <option value='critics-choice-film-awards-2022-predictions' > Critics Choice Film Awards 2022 </option> <option value='billboard-200-predictions-2021-december-17-to-23' > Billboard 200 Predictions 2021: Tracking week December 17 to 23 </option> <option value='project-runway-19-episode-9-predictions' > Project Runway 19: Episode 9 Predictions </option> <option value='the-masked-singer-6-predictions-finale' > The Masked Singer 6 Predictions: Finale </option> <option value='survivor-41-predictions-finale' > Survivor 41 Predictions: Finale </option> <option value='gold-derby-music-awards-2022' > Gold Derby Music Awards 2022 </option> <option value='the-voice-21-predictions-finale' > The Voice 21 Predictions: Finale </option> <option value='rupauls-drag-race-14-predictions-episode-1' > RuPauls Drag Race 14 Predictions: Episode 1 </option> <option value='box-office-predictions-2021-december-10-december-12' > Box Office Predictions 2021: December 10 - December 12 </option> <option value='critics-choice-tv-awards-2022-predictions' > Critics Choice TV Awards 2022 </option> <option value='billboard-200-predictions-2021-tracking-week-december-10-to-16' > Billboard 200 Predictions 2021: Tracking week December 10 to 16 </option> <option value='project-runway-19-episode-8-predictions' > Project Runway 19: Episode 8 Predictions </option> <option value='survivor-41-predictions-episode-12' > Survivor 41 Predictions: Episode 12 </option> <option value='the-masked-singer-6-predictions-episode-12' > The Masked Singer 6 Predictions: Episode 12 </option> <option value='the-voice-21-predictions-top-8' > The Voice 21 Predictions: Top 8 </option> <option value='box-office-predictions-2021-december-3-december-5' > Box Office Predictions 2021: December 3 - December 5 </option> <option value='billboard-200-predictions-2021-december-3-to-9' > Billboard 200 Predictions 2021: Tracking week December 3 to 9 </option> <option value='survivor-41-predictions-episode-11' > Survivor 41 Predictions: Episode 11 </option> <option value='the-voice-21-predictions-top-10' > The Voice 21 Predictions: Top 10 </option> <option value='grammy-awards-2022-predictions' > Grammy Awards 2022 </option> <option value='box-office-predictions-2021-november-26-november-28' > Box Office Predictions 2021: November 26 - November 28 </option> <option value='billboard-200-predictions-2021-november-26-to-december-2' > Billboard 200 Predictions 2021: Tracking week November 26 to December 2 </option> <option value='project-runway-19-episode-7-predictions' > Project Runway 19: Episode 7 Predictions </option> <option value='survivor-41-predictions-episode-10' > Survivor 41 Predictions: Episode 10 </option> <option value='the-masked-singer-6-predictions-episode-11' > The Masked Singer 6 Predictions: Episode 11 </option> <option value='the-voice-21-predictions-top-11' > The Voice 21 Predictions: Top 11 </option> <option value='dancing-with-the-stars-30-finale-predictions' > Dancing with the Stars 30: Finale Predictions </option> <option value='box-office-predictions-2021-november-19-november-21' > Box Office Predictions 2021: November 19 - November 21 </option> <option value='billboard-200-predictions-2021-november-19-25' > Billboard 200 Predictions 2021: Tracking week November 19 to 25 </option> <option value='project-runway-19-episode-6-predictions' > Project Runway 19: Episode 6 Predictions </option> <option value='the-masked-singer-6-predictions-episode-10' > The Masked Singer 6 Predictions: Episode 10 </option> <option value='survivor-41-predictions-episode-9' > Survivor 41 Predictions: Episode 9 </option> <option value='the-voice-21-predictions-top-13' > The Voice 21 Predictions: Top 13 </option> <option value='dancing-with-the-stars-30-week-9-predictions' > Dancing with the Stars 30: Week 9 Predictions </option> <option value='box-office-predictions-2021-november-12-november-14' > Box Office Predictions 2021: November 12 - November 14 </option> <option value='billboard-200-predictions-2021-november-12-18' > Billboard 200 Predictions 2021: Tracking week November 12 to 18 </option> <option value='project-runway-19-episode-5-predictions' > Project Runway 19: Episode 5 Predictions </option> <option value='the-masked-singer-6-predictions-episode-9' > The Masked Singer 6 Predictions: Episode 9 </option> <option value='survivor-41-predictions-episode-8' > Survivor 41 Predictions: Episode 8 </option> <option value='the-voice-21-predictions-top-21' > The Voice 21 Predictions: Top 21 </option> <option value='dancing-with-the-stars-30-week-8-predictions' > Dancing with the Stars 30: Week 8 Predictions </option> <option value='box-office-predictions-2021-november-5-november-7' > Box Office Predictions 2021: November 5 - November 7 </option> <option value='billboard-200-predictions-2021-tracking-week-november-5-11' > Billboard 200 Predictions 2021: Tracking week November 5 to 11 </option> <option value='project-runway-19-episode-4-predictions' > Project Runway 19: Episode 4 Predictions </option> <option value='american-music-awards-2021-predictions' > American Music Awards 2021 </option> <option value='survivor-41-predictions-episode-7' > Survivor 41 Predictions: Episode 7 </option> <option value='dancing-with-the-stars-30-week-7-predictions' > Dancing with the Stars 30: Week 7 Predictions </option> <option value='box-office-predictions-2021-october-29-october-31' > Box Office Predictions 2021: October 29 - October 31 </option> <option value='billboard-200-predictions-2021-october-29-november-4' > Billboard 200 Predictions 2021: Tracking week October 29 – November 4 </option> <option value='project-runway-19-episode-3-predictions' > Project Runway 19: Episode 3 Predictions </option> <option value='gotham-awards-2021-predictions-2' > Gotham Awards 2021 </option> <option value='the-masked-singer-6-predictions-episode-7' > The Masked Singer 6 Predictions: Episode 7/8 </option> <option value='survivor-41-predictions-episode-6' > Survivor 41 Predictions: Episode 6 </option> <option value='gold-derby-music-awards-nominations-2022' > Gold Derby Music Awards 2022 Nominations </option> <option value='dancing-with-the-stars-30-week-6-predictions' > Dancing with the Stars 30: Week 6 Predictions </option> <option value='box-office-predictions-2021-october-22-october-24' > Box Office Predictions 2021: October 22 - October 24 </option> <option value='billboard-200-predictions-2021-october-22-28' > Billboard 200 Predictions 2021: Tracking week October 22 – 28 </option> <option value='project-runway-19-episode-2-predictions' > Project Runway 19: Episode 2 Predictions </option> <option value='survivor-41-predictions-episode-5' > Survivor 41 Predictions: Episode 5 </option> <option value='the-masked-singer-6-predictions-episode-6' > The Masked Singer 6 Predictions: Episode 6 </option> <option value='critics-choice-film-nominations-2022-predictions' > Critics Choice Film Nominations 2022 </option> <option value='dancing-with-the-stars-30-week-5-predictions' > Dancing with the Stars 30: Week 5 Predictions </option> <option value='box-office-predictions-2021-october-15-october-17' > Box Office Predictions 2021: October 15 - October 17 </option> <option value='billboard-200-predictions-2021-october-15-21' > Billboard 200 Predictions 2021: Tracking week October 15 – 21 </option> <option value='the-masked-singer-6-predictions-episode-5' > The Masked Singer 6 Predictions: Episode 5 </option> <option value='survivor-41-predictions-episode-4' > Survivor 41 Predictions: Episode 4 </option> <option value='project-runway-19-episode-1-predictions' > Project Runway 19: Episode 1 Predictions </option> <option value='dancing-with-the-stars-30-week-4-predictions' > Dancing with the Stars 30: Week 4 Predictions </option> <option value='box-office-predictions-2021-october-8-october-10' > Box Office Predictions 2021: October 8 - October 10 </option> <option value='sag-awards-tv-nominations-2022-predictions' > SAG Awards TV Nominations 2022 </option> <option value='billboard-200-predictions-2021-october-8-14' > Billboard 200 Predictions 2021: Tracking week October 8 – 14 </option> <option value='the-masked-singer-6-predictions-episode-4' > The Masked Singer 6 Predictions: Episode 4 </option> <option value='survivor-41-predictions-episode-3' > Survivor 41 Predictions: Episode 3 </option> <option value='dancing-with-the-stars-30-week-3-predictions' > Dancing with the Stars 30: Week 3 Predictions (Britney Spears Night) </option> <option value='box-office-predictions-2021-october-1-october-3' > Box Office Predictions 2021: October 1 - October 3 </option> <option value='billboard-200-predictions-2021-october-1-7' > Billboard 200 Predictions 2021: Tracking week October 1 - 7 </option> <option value='the-masked-singer-6-predictions-episode-3' > The Masked Singer 6 Predictions: Episode 3 </option> <option value='big-brother-23-predictions-finale' > Big Brother 23 Predictions: Finale </option> <option value='survivor-41-predictions-episode-2' > Survivor 41 Predictions: Episode 2 </option> <option value='the-masked-singer-6-predictions-episode-2' > The Masked Singer 6 Predictions: Episode 2 </option> <option value='dancing-with-the-stars-30-week-2-predictions' > Dancing with the Stars 30: Week 2 Predictions </option> <option value='box-office-predictions-2021-september-24-september-26' > Box Office Predictions 2021: September 24 - September 26 </option> <option value='billboard-200-predictions-2021-september-24-30' > Billboard 200 Predictions 2021: Tracking week September 24 – 30 </option> <option value='big-brother-23-predictions-live-episode-11' > Big Brother 23 Predictions: Live Episode 11 </option> <option value='the-masked-singer-6-predictions-episode-1' > The Masked Singer 6 Predictions: Episode 1 </option> <option value='box-office-predictions-2021-september-17-september-19' > Box Office Predictions 2021: September 17 - September 19 </option> <option value='billboard-200-predictions-2021-september-17-23' > Billboard 200 Predictions 2021: Tracking week September 17 - 23 </option> <option value='big-brother-23-predictions-live-episode-10' > Big Brother 23 Predictions: Live Episode 10 </option> <option value='cma-awards-2021-predictions' > CMA Awards 2021 </option> <option value='americas-got-talent-16-predictions-finals' > America's Got Talent 16 Predictions: Finals </option> <option value='box-office-predictions-2021-september-10-september-12' > Box Office Predictions 2021: September 10 - September 12 </option> <option value='sag-awards-film-nominations-2022-predictions' > SAG Awards Film Nominations 2022 </option> <option value='billboard-200-predictions-2021-september-10-16' > Billboard 200 Predictions 2021: Tracking week September 10 - 16 </option> <option value='big-brother-23-predictions-live-episode-9' > Big Brother 23 Predictions: Live Episode 9 </option> <option value='americas-got-talent-16-predictions-semifinals-2' > America's Got Talent 16 Predictions: Semifinals 2 </option> <option value='dancing-with-the-stars-30-week-1-predictions' > Dancing with the Stars 30: Week 1 Predictions </option> <option value='survivor-41-predictions-episode-1' > Survivor 41 Predictions: Episode 1 </option> <option value='box-office-predictions-2021-september-3-september-5' > Box Office Predictions 2021: September 3 - September 5 </option> <option value='billboard-200-predictions-2021-september-3-9' > Billboard 200 Predictions 2021: Tracking week September 3 – September 9 </option> <option value='big-brother-23-predictions-live-episode-8' > Big Brother 23 Predictions: Live Episode 8 </option> <option value='rupauls-drag-race-all-stars-6-predictions-finale' > RuPauls Drag Race All Stars 6 Predictions: Finale </option> <option value='americas-got-talent-16-predictions-semifinals-1' > America's Got Talent 16 Predictions: Semifinals 1 </option> <option value='box-office-predictions-2021-august-27-august-29' > Box Office Predictions 2021: August 27 - August 29 </option> <option value='billboard-200-predictions-2021-august-27-september-2' > Billboard 200 Predictions 2021: Tracking week August 27 – September 2 </option> <option value='big-brother-23-predictions-live-episode-7' > Big Brother 23 Predictions: Live Episode 7 </option> <option value='rupauls-drag-race-all-stars-6-predictions-episode-11' > RuPauls Drag Race All Stars 6 Predictions: Episode 11 </option> <option value='americas-got-talent-16-predictions-quarterfinals-3' > America's Got Talent 16 Predictions: Quarterfinals 3 </option> <option value='box-office-predictions-2021-august-20-august-22' > Box Office Predictions 2021: August 20 - August 22 </option> <option value='billboard-200-predictions-2021-august-20-26' > Billboard 200 Predictions 2021: Tracking week August 20 – August 26 </option> <option value='rupauls-drag-race-all-stars-6-predictions-episode-10' > RuPauls Drag Race All Stars 6 Predictions: Episode 10 </option> <option value='big-brother-23-predictions-live-episode-6' > Big Brother 23 Predictions: Live Episode 6 </option> <option value='mtv-video-music-awards-2021-predictions' > MTV Video Music Awards 2021 </option> <option value='box-office-predictions-2021-august-13-august-15' > Box Office Predictions 2021: August 13 - August 15 </option> <option value='big-brother-23-predictions-live-episode-5' > Big Brother 23 Predictions: Live Episode 5 </option> <option value='rupauls-drag-race-all-stars-6-predictions-episode-9' > RuPauls Drag Race All Stars 6 Predictions: Episode 9 </option> <option value='billboard-200-predictions-2021-august-13-19' > Billboard 200 Predictions 2021: Tracking week August 13 - August 19 </option> <option value='box-office-predictions-2021-august-6-august-8' > Box Office Predictions 2021: August 6 - August 8 </option> <option value='big-brother-23-predictions-live-episode-4' > Big Brother 23 Predictions: Live Episode 4 </option> <option value='rupauls-drag-race-all-stars-6-predictions-episode-8' > RuPauls Drag Race All Stars 6 Predictions: Episode 8 </option> <option value='box-office-predictions-2021-july-30-august-1' > Box Office Predictions 2021: July 30 - August 1 </option> <option value='big-brother-23-predictions-live-episode-3' > Big Brother 23 Predictions: Live Episode 3 </option> <option value='rupauls-drag-race-all-stars-6-predictions-episode-7' > RuPauls Drag Race All Stars 6 Predictions: Episode 7 </option> <option value='box-office-predictions-2021-july-23-july-25' > Box Office Predictions 2021: July 23 - July 25 </option> <option value='big-brother-23-predictions-live-episode-2' > Big Brother 23 Predictions: Live Episode 2 </option> <option value='rupauls-drag-race-all-stars-6-predictions-episode-6' > RuPauls Drag Race All Stars 6 Predictions: Episode 6 </option> <option value='creative-arts-emmy-awards-2021-predictions' > Creative Arts Emmy Awards 2021 </option> <option value='primetime-emmy-awards-2021-predictions' > Primetime Emmy Awards 2021 </option> <option value='box-office-predictions-2021-july-16-july-18' > Box Office Predictions 2021: July 16 - July 18 </option> <option value='rupauls-drag-race-all-stars-6-predictions-episode-5' > RuPauls Drag Race All Stars 6 Predictions: Episode 5 </option> <option value='big-brother-23-predictions-live-episode-1' > Big Brother 23 Predictions: Live Episode 1 </option> <option value='gold-derby-tv-awards-2021-winners' > Gold Derby TV Awards 2021 Winners </option> <option value='box-office-predictions-2021-july-9-july-15' > Box Office Predictions 2021: July 9 - July 15 </option> <option value='oscars-nominations-2022-predictions' > Oscars Nominations 2022 </option> <option value='rupauls-drag-race-all-stars-6-predictions-episode-4' > RuPauls Drag Race All Stars 6 Predictions: Episode 4 </option> <option value='box-office-predictions-2021-july-2-july-8' > Box Office Predictions 2021: July 2 - July 8 </option> <option value='rupauls-drag-race-all-stars-6-predictions-episode-3' > RuPauls Drag Race All Stars 6 Predictions: Episode 3 </option> <option value='box-office-predictions-2021-june-25-july-1' > Box Office Predictions 2021: June 25 - July 1 </option> <option value='box-office-predictions-2021-june-18-june-24' > Box Office Predictions 2021: June 18 - June 24 </option> <option value='gold-derby-tv-awards-nominations-2021' > Gold Derby TV Awards Nominations 2021 </option> <option value='box-office-predictions-2021-june-11-june-17' > Box Office Predictions 2021: June 11 - June 17 </option> <option value='daytime-emmys-2021-predictions' > Daytime Emmys 2021 </option> <option value='the-masked-singer-5-finale-predictions' > The Masked Singer 5: Finale </option> <option value='the-voice-20-finale-predictions' > The Voice 20: Finale Predictions </option> <option value='american-idol-19-finale-predictions' > American Idol 19: Finale Predictions </option> <option value='cmt-music-awards-2021-predictions' > CMT Music Awards 2021 </option> <option value='the-masked-singer-5-episode-10-predictions' > The Masked Singer 5: Episode 10 </option> <option value='the-voice-20-top-9-predictions' > The Voice 20: Top 9 Predictions </option> <option value='american-idol-19-top-5-predictions' > American Idol 19: Top 5 Predictions </option> <option value='the-masked-singer-5-episode-9-predictions' > The Masked Singer 5: Episode 9 </option> <option value='american-idol-19-top-7-predictions' > American Idol 19: Top 7 Predictions </option> <option value='billboard-music-awards-2021-predictions' > Billboard Music Awards 2021 </option> <option value='the-voice-20-top-17-predictions' > The Voice 20: Top 17 Predictions </option> <option value='the-masked-singer-5-episode-8-predictions' > The Masked Singer 5: Episode 8 </option> <option value='mtv-movie-and-tv-awards-2021-predictions' > MTV Movie and TV Awards 2021 </option> <option value='american-idol-19-top-10-predictions' > American Idol 19: Top 10 Predictions </option> <option value='the-masked-singer-5-episode-7-predictions' > The Masked Singer 5: Episode 7 </option> <option value='american-idol-19-top-12-predictions' > American Idol 19: Top 12 Predictions </option> <option value='american-idol-19-top-16-predictions' > American Idol 19: Top 16 Predictions </option> <option value='rupauls-drag-race-13-finale-predictions' > Rupauls Drag Race 13: Finale </option> <option value='the-masked-singer-5-episode-6-predictions' > The Masked Singer 5: Episode 6 </option> <option value='american-idol-19-top-24-predictions' > American Idol 19: Top 24 Predictions </option> <option value='rupauls-drag-race-13-episode-14-predictions' > Rupauls Drag Race 13: Episode 14 </option> <option value='the-masked-singer-5-episode-5-predictions' > The Masked Singer 5: Episode 5 </option> <option value='rupauls-drag-race-13-episode-13-predictions' > Rupauls Drag Race 13: Episode 13 </option> <option value='the-masked-singer-5-episode-4-predictions' > The Masked Singer 5: Episode 4 </option> <option value='rupauls-drag-race-13-episode-12-predictions' > Rupauls Drag Race 13: Episode 12 </option> <option value='the-masked-singer-5-episode-3-predictions' > The Masked Singer 5: Episode 3 </option> <option value='oscars-2021-predictions' > Oscars 2021 </option> <option value='rupauls-drag-race-13-episode-11-predictions' > Rupauls Drag Race 13: Episode 11 </option> <option value='razzie-awards-2021-predictions' > Razzie Awards 2021 </option> <option value='ace-eddie-awards-2021-predictions' > ACE Eddie Awards 2021 </option> <option value='the-masked-singer-5-episode-2-predictions' > The Masked Singer 5: Episode 2 </option> <option value='american-society-of-cinematographers-awards-2021-predictions' > American Society of Cinematographers Awards 2021 </option> <option value='the-masked-singer-5-episode-1-predictions' > The Masked Singer 5: Episode 1 </option> <option value='bafta-film-awards-2021-predictions' > BAFTA Film Awards 2021 </option> <option value='directors-guild-awards-2021-predictions' > Directors Guild Awards 2021 </option> <option value='gold-derby-film-awards-2021-winners' > Gold Derby Film Awards 2021 Winners </option> <option value='rupauls-drag-race-13-episode-10-predictions' > Rupauls Drag Race 13: Episode 10 </option> <option value='producers-guild-awards-2021-predictions' > Producers Guild Awards 2021 </option> <option value='costume-designers-guild-awards-2021-predictions' > Costume Designers Guild Awards 2021 </option> <option value='visual-effects-society-awards-2021-predictions' > Visual Effects Society Awards 2021 </option> <option value='cinema-audio-society-awards-2021-predictions' > Cinema Audio Society Awards 2021 </option> <option value='mpse-golden-reel-awards-2021-predictions' > MPSE Golden Reel Awards 2021 </option> <option value='acm-awards-2021-predictions' > ACM Awards 2021 </option> <option value='art-directors-guild-awards-2021-predictions' > Art Directors Guild Awards 2021 </option> <option value='emmy-awards-nominations-2021-predictions' > Emmy Awards Nominations 2021 </option> <option value='rupauls-drag-race-13-episode-9-predictions' > Rupauls Drag Race 13: Episode 9 </option> <option value='make-up-and-hair-stylists-guild-awards-2021-predictions' > Make-Up and Hair Stylists Guild Awards 2021 </option> <option value='writers-guild-awards-2021-predictions' > Writers Guild Awards 2021 </option> <option value='rupauls-drag-race-13-episode-8-predictions' > Rupauls Drag Race 13: Episode 8 </option> <option value='the-masked-dancer-1-finale-predictions' > The Masked Dancer 1: Finale </option> <option value='critics-choice-film-awards-2021-predictions' > Critics Choice Film Awards 2021 </option> <option value='rupauls-drag-race-13-episode-7-predictions' > Rupauls Drag Race 13: Episode 7 </option> <option value='bafta-film-nominations-2021-predictions' > BAFTA Film Nominations 2021 </option> <option value='sag-awards-tv-2021-predictions' > SAG Awards TV 2021 </option> <option value='sag-awards-film-2021-predictions' > SAG Awards Film 2021 </option> <option value='the-masked-dancer-1-episode-7-predictions' > The Masked Dancer 1: Episode 7 </option> <option value='golden-globes-film-2021-predictions' > Golden Globes Film 2021 </option> <option value='golden-globes-tv-2021-predictions' > Golden Globes TV 2021 </option> <option value='gold-derby-film-awards-nominations-2021' > Gold Derby Film Awards Nominations 2021 </option> <option value='rupauls-drag-race-13-episode-6-predictions' > Rupauls Drag Race 13: Episode 6 </option> <option value='the-masked-dancer-1-episode-6-predictions' > The Masked Dancer 1: Episode 6 </option> <option value='independent-spirit-awards-2021-predictions' > Independent Spirit Awards 2021 </option> <option value='rupauls-drag-race-13-episode-5-predictions' > Rupauls Drag Race 13: Episode 5 </option> <option value='the-masked-dancer-1-episode-5-predictions' > The Masked Dancer 1: Episode 5 </option> <option value='critics-choice-tv-awards-2021-predictions' > Critics Choice TV Awards 2021 </option> <option value='rupauls-drag-race-13-episode-4-predictions' > Rupauls Drag Race 13: Episode 4 </option> <option value='the-masked-dancer-1-episode-4-predictions' > The Masked Dancer 1: Episode 4 </option> <option value='rupauls-drag-race-13-episode-3-predictions' > Rupauls Drag Race 13: Episode 3 </option> <option value='the-masked-dancer-1-episode-3-predictions' > The Masked Dancer 1: Episode 3 </option> <option value='rupauls-drag-race-13-episode-2' > Rupauls Drag Race 13: Episode 2 </option> <option value='the-masked-dancer-1-episode-2-predictions' > The Masked Dancer 1: Episode 2 </option> <option value='the-masked-dancer-1-episode-1' > The Masked Dancer 1: Episode 1 </option> <option value='the-voice-19-finale-predictions' > The Voice 19: Finale </option> <option value='the-masked-singer-4-finale-predictions' > The Masked Singer 4: Finale </option> <option value='the-voice-19-top-9-predictions' > The Voice 19: Top 9 </option> <option value='the-masked-singer-4-episode-10-predictions' > The Masked Singer 4: Episode 10 </option> <option value='the-voice-19-top-17-predictions' > The Voice 19: Top 17 </option> <option value='grammy-awards-2021-predictions' > Grammy Awards 2021 </option> <option value='the-masked-singer-4-episode-9-predictions' > The Masked Singer 4: Episode 9 </option> <option value='gold-derby-music-awards-2021' > Gold Derby Music Awards 2021 </option> <option value='dancing-with-the-stars-29-finale-predictions' > Dancing with the Stars 29: Finale </option> <option value='gotham-awards-2021-predictions' > Gotham Awards 2020-21 </option> <option value='the-masked-singer-4-episode-8-predictions' > The Masked Singer 4: Episode 8 </option> <option value='dancing-with-the-stars-29-week-10-predictions' > Dancing with the Stars 29: Week 10 </option> <option value='the-masked-singer-4-episode-7-predictions' > The Masked Singer 4: Episode 7 </option> <option value='grammy-nominations-2022-predictions' > Grammy Nominations 2022 </option> <option value='dancing-with-the-stars-29-week-9-predictions' > Dancing with the Stars 29: Week 9 </option> <option value='the-masked-singer-4-episode-6-predictions' > The Masked Singer 4: Episode 6 </option> <option value='dancing-with-the-stars-29-week-8-predictions' > Dancing with the Stars 29: Week 8 </option> <option value='american-music-awards-2020-predictions' > American Music Awards 2020 </option> <option value='dancing-with-the-stars-29-week-7' > Dancing with the Stars 29: Week 7 </option> <option value='golden-globe-film-nominations-2021-predictions' > Golden Globe Film Nominations 2021 </option> <option value='sag-awards-film-nominations-2021-predictions' > SAG Awards Film Nominations 2021 </option> <option value='big-brother-22-finale-predictions' > Big Brother 22: Finale </option> <option value='the-masked-singer-4-episode-5-predictions' > The Masked Singer 4: Episode 5 </option> <option value='tony-awards-2020' > Tony Awards 2021 </option> <option value='dancing-with-the-stars-29-week-6-predictions' > Dancing with the Stars 29: Week 6 </option> <option value='big-brother-22-live-episode-10-predictions' > Big Brother 22: Live Episode 10 </option> <option value='the-masked-singer-4-episode-4' > The Masked Singer 4: Episode 4 </option> <option value='dancing-with-the-stars-29-week-5-predictions' > Dancing with the Stars 29: Week 5 </option> <option value='sag-awards-tv-nominations-2021-predictions' > SAG Awards TV Nominations 2021 </option> <option value='gold-derby-music-awards-nominations-2021' > Gold Derby Music Awards Nominations 2021 </option> <option value='big-brother-22-live-episode-9-predictions' > Big Brother 22: Live Episode 9 </option> <option value='the-masked-singer-4-episode-3' > The Masked Singer 4: Episode 3 </option> <option value='bet-hip-hop-awards-2020-predictions' > BET Hip Hop Awards 2020 </option> <option value='latin-grammys-2020-predictions' > Latin Grammys 2020 </option> <option value='golden-globes-tv-nominations-2021-predictions' > Golden Globes TV Nominations 2021 </option> <option value='dancing-with-the-stars-29-week-4-predictions' > Dancing with the Stars 29: Week 4 </option> <option value='big-brother-22-live-episode-8-predictions' > Big Brother 22: Live Episode 8 </option> <option value='cmt-music-awards-2020-predictions' > CMT Music Awards 2020 </option> <option value='the-masked-singer-4-episode-2-predictions' > The Masked Singer 4: Episode 2 </option> <option value='dancing-with-the-stars-29-week-3' > Dancing with the Stars 29: Week 3 </option> <option value='billboard-music-awards-2020-predictions' > Billboard Music Awards 2020 </option> <option value='big-brother-22-live-episode-7' > Big Brother 22: Live Episode 7 </option> <option value='americas-got-talent-15-finals' > Americas Got Talent 15: Finals </option> <option value='dancing-with-the-stars-29-week-2' > Dancing with the Stars 29: Week 2 </option> <option value='the-masked-singer-4-episode-1' > The Masked Singer 4: Episode 1 </option> <option value='big-brother-22-live-episode-6' > Big Brother 22: Live Episode 6 </option> <option value='americas-got-talent-15-semifinals-2' > Americas Got Talent 15: Semifinals 2 </option> <option value='oscars-nominations-2021-predictions' > Oscars Nominations 2021 </option> <option value='big-brother-22-live-episode-5' > Big Brother 22: Live Episode 5 </option> <option value='americas-got-talent-15-semifinals-1' > Americas Got Talent 15: Semifinals 1 </option> <option value='dancing-with-the-stars-29-week-1' > Dancing with the Stars 29: Week 1 </option> <option value='cma-awards-2020' > CMA Awards 2020 </option> <option value='big-brother-22-live-episode-4' > Big Brother 22: Live Episode 4 </option> <option value='americas-got-talent-15-quarterfinals-4' > Americas Got Talent 15: Quarterfinals 4 </option> <option value='big-brother-22-live-episode-3' > Big Brother 22: Live Episode 3 </option> <option value='americas-got-talent-15-quarterfinals-3' > Americas Got Talent 15: Quarterfinals 3 </option> <option value='big-brother-22-live-episode-2' > Big Brother 22: Live Episode 2 </option> <option value='americas-got-talent-15-quarterfinals-2' > Americas Got Talent 15: Quarterfinals 2 </option> <option value='big-brother-22-live-episode-1' > Big Brother 22: Live Episode 1 </option> <option value='world-of-dance-4-finale-predictions' > World of Dance 4: Finale </option> <option value='americas-got-talent-15-quarterfinals-1' > Americas Got Talent 15: Quarterfinals 1 </option> <option value='mtv-video-music-awards-2020' > MTV Video Music Awards 2020 </option> <option value='world-of-dance-4-episode-10' > World of Dance 4: Episode 10 </option> <option value='creative-arts-emmy-awards-2020-predictions' > Creative Arts Emmy Awards 2020 </option> <option value='primetime-emmy-awards-2020' > Primetime Emmy Awards 2020 </option> <option value='gold-derby-tv-awards-2020' > Gold Derby TV Awards 2020 </option> <option value='world-of-dance-4-episode-9-predictions' > World of Dance 4: Episode 9 </option> <option value='world-of-dance-4-episode-8' > World of Dance 4: Episode 8 </option> <option value='gold-derby-tv-awards-nominations-2020' > Gold Derby TV Awards Nominations 2020 </option> <option value='world-of-dance-4-episode-7-predictions' > World of Dance 4: Episode 7 </option> <option value='world-of-dance-4-episode-6' > World of Dance 4: Episode 6 </option> <option value='world-of-dance-4-episode-5' > World of Dance 4: Episode 5 </option> <option value='top-chef-all-stars-la-finale-predictions' > Top Chef All-Stars L.A.: Finale </option> <option value='world-of-dance-4-episode-4-predictions' > World of Dance 4: Episode 4 </option> <option value='top-chef-all-stars-la-episode-13-predictions' > Top Chef All-Stars L.A.: Episode 13 </option> <option value='world-of-dance-4-episode-3' > World of Dance 4: Episode 3 </option> <option value='top-chef-all-stars-la-episode-12-predictions' > Top Chef All-Stars L.A.: Episode 12 </option> <option value='world-of-dance-4-episode-2' > World of Dance 4: Episode 2 </option> <option value='daytime-emmys-2020-predictions' > Daytime Emmys 2020 </option> <option value='top-chef-all-stars-l-a-episode-11' > Top Chef All-Stars L.A.: Episode 11 </option> <option value='rupauls-drag-race-12-finale' > Rupauls Drag Race 12: Finale </option> <option value='world-of-dance-4-episode-1-predictions' > World of Dance 4: Episode 1 </option> <option value='top-chef-all-stars-la-episode-10-predictions' > Top Chef All-Stars L.A.: Episode 10 </option> <option value='the-masked-singer-3-finale' > The Masked Singer 3: Finale </option> <option value='the-voice-18-finale' > The Voice 18: Finale </option> <option value='american-idol-18-finale' > American Idol 18: Finale </option> <option value='rupauls-drag-race-12-episode-12' > Rupauls Drag Race 12: Episode 12 </option> <option value='top-chef-all-stars-la-episode-9-predictions' > Top Chef All-Stars L.A.: Episode 9 </option> <option value='survivor-40-finale' > Survivor 40: Finale </option> <option value='the-masked-singer-3-top-4' > The Masked Singer 3: Top 4 </option> <option value='the-voice-18-top-9' > The Voice 18: Top 9 </option> <option value='american-idol-18-top-11' > American Idol 18: Top 11 </option> <option value='rupauls-drag-race-12-episode-11' > Rupauls Drag Race 12: Episode 11 </option> <option value='top-chef-all-stars-la-episode-8-predictions' > Top Chef All-Stars L.A.: Episode 8 </option> <option value='the-masked-singer-3-top-5' > The Masked Singer 3: Top 5 </option> <option value='survivor-40-episode-13' > Survivor 40: Episode 13 </option> <option value='rupauls-drag-race-12-episode-10' > Rupauls Drag Race 12: Episode 10 </option> <option value='top-chef-all-stars-la-episode-7-predictions' > Top Chef All-Stars L.A.: Episode 7 </option> <option value='the-masked-singer-3-top-6' > The Masked Singer 3: Top 6 </option> <option value='survivor-40-episode-12' > Survivor 40: Episode 12 </option> <option value='rupauls-drag-race-12-episode-9' > Rupauls Drag Race 12: Episode 9 </option> <option value='top-chef-all-stars-l-a-episode-6' > Top Chef All-Stars L.A.: Episode 6 </option> <option value='survivor-40-episode-11' > Survivor 40: Episode 11 </option> <option value='rupauls-drag-race-12-episode-8' > Rupauls Drag Race 12: Episode 8 </option> <option value='top-chef-all-stars-la-episode-5-predictions' > Top Chef All-Stars L.A.: Episode 5 </option> <option value='the-masked-singer-3-top-7' > The Masked Singer 3: Top 7 </option> <option value='survivor-40-episode-10' > Survivor 40: Episode 10 </option> <option value='rupauls-drag-race-12-episode-7' > Rupauls Drag Race 12: Episode 7 </option> <option value='top-chef-all-stars-la-episode-4-predictions' > Top Chef All-Stars L.A.: Episode 4 </option> <option value='the-masked-singer-3-top-8' > The Masked Singer 3: Top 8 </option> <option value='survivor-40-episode-9' > Survivor 40: Episode 9 </option> <option value='rupauls-drag-race-12-episode-6' > Rupauls Drag Race 12: Episode 6 </option> <option value='grammy-nominations-2021-predictions' > Grammy Nominations 2021 </option> <option value='top-chef-all-stars-l-a-episode-3-predictions' > Top Chef All-Stars L.A.: Episode 3 </option> <option value='the-masked-singer-3-super-9' > The Masked Singer 3: Super 9 </option> <option value='survivor-40-episode-8' > Survivor 40: Episode 8 </option> <option value='rupauls-drag-race-12-episode-5' > Rupauls Drag Race 12: Episode 5 </option> <option value='survivor-40-episode-7' > Survivor 40: Episode 7 </option> <option value='top-chef-all-stars-la-episode-2-predictions' > Top Chef All-Stars L.A.: Episode 2 </option> <option value='survivor-40-episode-6' > Survivor 40: Episode 6 </option> <option value='survivor-40-episode-5' > Survivor 40: Episode 5 </option> <option value='tony-awards-nominations-2020-predictions' > Tony Awards Nominations 2020 </option> <option value='the-voice-18-top-17' > The Voice 18: Top 17 </option> <option value='acm-awards-2020-predictions' > ACM Awards 2020 </option> <option value='project-runway-18-finale' > Project Runway 18: Finale </option> <option value='survivor-40-episode-4' > Survivor 40: Episode 4 </option> <option value='gold-derby-film-decade-awards' > Gold Derby Film Decade Awards </option> <option value='project-runway-18-episode-12' > Project Runway 18: Episode 12 </option> <option value='survivor-40-episode-3' > Survivor 40: Episode 3 </option> <option value='emmy-awards-nominations-2020-predictions' > Emmy Awards Nominations 2020 </option> <option value='project-runway-18-episode-11' > Project Runway 18: Episode 11 </option> <option value='survivor-40-episode-2' > Survivor 40: Episode 2 </option> <option value='razzie-awards-2020-predictions' > Razzie Awards 2020 </option> <option value='project-runway-18-episode-10' > Project Runway 18: Episode 10 </option> <option value='project-runway-18-episode-9' > Project Runway 18: Episode 9 </option> <option value='project-runway-18-episode-8' > Project Runway 18: Episode 8 </option> <option value='gold-derby-film-decade-awards-2010-2019' > Gold Derby Film Decade Awards 2010-2019 </option> <option value='gold-derby-film-awards-2020' > Gold Derby Film Awards 2020 </option> <option value='project-runway-18-episode-7' > Project Runway 18: Episode 7 </option> <option value='oscars-2020' > Oscars 2020 </option> <option value='project-runway-18-episode-6' > Project Runway 18: Episode 6 </option> <option value='directors-guild-awards-2020-predictions' > Directors Guild Awards 2020 </option> <option value='bafta-film-awards-2020-predictions' > BAFTA Film Awards 2020 </option> <option value='visual-effects-society-awards-2020-predictions' > Visual Effects Society Awards 2020 </option> <option value='producers-guild-awards-2020-predictions' > Producers Guild Awards 2020 </option> <option value='writers-guild-awards-2020-predictions' > Writers Guild Awards 2020 </option> <option value='american-society-of-cinematographers-awards-2020-predictions' > American Society of Cinematographers Awards 2020 </option> <option value='project-runway-18-episode-5' > Project Runway 18: Episode 5 </option> <option value='gold-derby-film-awards-nominations-2020' > Gold Derby Film Awards Nominations 2020 </option> <option value='survivor-40-episode-1' > Survivor 40: Episode 1 </option> <option value='project-runway-18-episode-4' > Project Runway 18: Episode 4 </option> <option value='mpse-golden-reel-awards-2020-predictions' > MPSE Golden Reel Awards 2020 </option> <option value='project-runway-18-episode-3' > Project Runway 18: Episode 3 </option> <option value='survivor-39-finale' > Survivor 39: Finale </option> <option value='ace-eddie-awards-2020-predictions' > ACE Eddie Awards 2020 </option> <option value='sag-awards-tv-2020-predictions' > SAG Awards TV 2020 </option> <option value='sag-awards-film-2020-predictions' > SAG Awards Film 2020 </option> <option value='the-voice-17-finale' > The Voice 17: Finale </option> <option value='cinema-audio-society-awards-2020-predictions' > Cinema Audio Society Awards 2020 </option> <option value='costume-designers-guild-awards-2020-predictions' > Costume Designer Guild Awards 2020 </option> <option value='art-directors-guild-awards-2020-predictions' > Art Directors Guild Awards 2020 </option> <option value='golden-globes-film-2020-predictions' > Golden Globes Film 2020 </option> <option value='golden-globes-tv-2020-predictions' > Golden Globes TV 2020 </option> <option value='critics-choice-2020-tv-awards-predictions' > Critics Choice TV Awards 2020 </option> <option value='critics-choice-film-awards-2020-predictions' > Critics Choice Film Awards 2020 </option> <option value='project-runway-18-episode-2' > Project Runway 18: Episode 2 </option> <option value='survivor-39-episode-13' > Survivor 39: Episode 13 </option> <option value='the-voice-17-top-8' > The Voice 17: Top 8 </option> <option value='survivor-39-episode-12' > Survivor 39: Episode 12 </option> <option value='the-voice-17-top-10' > The Voice 17: Top 10 </option> <option value='project-runway-18-episode-1' > Project Runway 18: Episode 1 </option> <option value='survivor-39-episode-11' > Survivor 39: Episode 11 </option> <option value='independent-spirit-awards-2020' > Independent Spirit Awards 2020 </option> <option value='grammy-awards-2020' > Grammy Awards 2020 </option> <option value='the-voice-17-top-11' > The Voice 17: Top 11 </option> <option value='dancing-with-the-stars-28-week-11-finale' > Dancing with the Stars 28: Week 11 (Finale) </option> <option value='make-up-and-hair-stylist-guild-awards-2020' > Make-Up and Hair Stylists Guild Awards 2020 </option> <option value='survivor-39-episode-10' > Survivor 39: Episode 10 </option> <option value='dancing-with-the-stars-28-week-10' > Dancing with the Stars 28: Week 10 (Semifinals) </option> <option value='critics-choice-awards-nominations-2020' > Critics Choice Awards Nominations 2020 </option> <option value='national-society-of-film-critics-awards-2020' > National Society of Film Critics Awards 2020 </option> <option value='los-angeles-film-critics-awards-2019' > Los Angeles Film Critics Awards 2019 </option> <option value='survivor-39-episode-8' > Survivor 39: Episode 8/9 </option> <option value='new-york-film-critics-circle-awards-2019' > New York Film Critics Circle Awards 2019 </option> <option value='dancing-with-the-stars-28-week-9' > Dancing with the Stars 28: Week 9 </option> <option value='survivor-39-episode-7' > Survivor 39: Episode 7 </option> <option value='dancing-with-the-stars-28-week-8' > Dancing with the Stars 28: Week 8 </option> <option value='american-music-awards-2019' > American Music Awards 2019 </option> <option value='gotham-awards-2019' > Gotham Awards 2019 </option> <option value='survivor-39-episode-6' > Survivor 39: Episode 6 </option> <option value='dancing-with-the-stars-28-week-7' > Dancing with the Stars 28: Week 7 (Halloween Night) </option> <option value='survivor-39-episode-5' > Survivor 39: Episode 5 </option> <option value='dancing-with-the-stars-28-week-6' > Dancing with the Stars 28: Week 6 </option> <option value='gold-derby-tv-decade-awards-2010-2019' > Gold Derby TV Decade Awards 2010-2019 </option> <option value='the-voice-17-top-13' > The Voice 17: Top 13 </option> <option value='survivor-39-episode-4' > Survivor 39: Episode 4 </option> <option value='dancing-with-the-stars-28-week-5' > Dancing with the Stars 28: Week 5 (Disney Night) </option> <option value='golden-globes-2020-film-nominations' > Golden Globes 2020 Film Nominations </option> <option value='survivor-39-episode-3' > Survivor 39: Episode 3 </option> <option value='sag-awards-2020-film-nominations-predictions' > SAG Awards 2020 Film Nominations </option> <option value='dancing-with-the-stars-28-week-4' > Dancing with the Stars 28: Week 4 </option> <option value='sag-awards-2020-tv-nominations-predictions' > SAG Awards 2020 TV Nominations </option> <option value='survivor-39-episode-2' > Survivor 39: Episode 2 </option> <option value='dancing-with-the-stars-28-week-3' > Dancing with the Stars 28: Week 3 </option> <option value='big-brother-21-finale' > Big Brother 21: Finale </option> <option value='dancing-with-the-stars-28-week-2' > Dancing with the Stars 28: Week 2 </option> <option value='big-brother-21-live-episode-12' > Big Brother 21: Live Episode 12 </option> <option value='americas-got-talent-14-finals' > Americas Got Talent 14: Finals </option> <option value='golden-globes-2020-tv-nominations-predictions' > Golden Globes 2020 TV Nominations </option> <option value='big-brother-21-live-episode-11' > Big Brother 21: Live Episode 11 </option> <option value='americas-got-talent-14-semifinals-2' > Americas Got Talent 14: Semifinals 2 </option> <option value='so-you-think-you-can-dance-16-finale' > So You Think You Can Dance 16: Finale </option> <option value='big-brother-21-live-episode-10' > Big Brother 21: Live Episode 10 </option> <option value='americas-got-talent-14-semifinals-1' > Americas Got Talent 14: Semifinals 1 </option> <option value='cma-awards-2019' > CMA Awards 2019 </option> <option value='so-you-think-you-can-dance-16-episode-13-top-6' > So You Think You Can Dance 16: Episode 13 (Top 6) </option> <option value='dancing-with-the-stars-28-week-1-season-premiere' > Dancing with the Stars 28: Week 1 (Season Premiere) </option> <option value='gold-derby-tv-decade-awards-2010-2019-nominations' > Gold Derby TV Decade Awards 2010-2019 Nominations </option> <option value='big-brother-21-live-episode-9' > Big Brother 21: Live Episode 9 </option> <option value='americas-got-talent-14-quarterfinals-3' > Americas Got Talent 14: Quarterfinals 3 </option> <option value='so-you-think-you-can-dance-16-episode-11-top-8' > So You Think You Can Dance 16: Episode 12 (Top 8) </option> <option value='big-brother-21-live-episode-8' > Big Brother 21: Live Episode 8 </option> <option value='americas-got-talent-14-quarterfinals-2' > Americas Got Talent 14: Quarterfinals 2 </option> <option value='big-brother-21-live-episode-7' > Big Brother 21: Live Episode 7 </option> <option value='americas-got-talent-14-quarterfinals-1' > Americas Got Talent 14: Quarterfinals 1 </option> <option value='so-you-think-you-can-dance-16-episode-11-top-10' > So You Think You Can Dance 16: Episode 11 (Top 10) </option> <option value='oscars-nominations-2020' > Oscars Nominations 2020 </option> <option value='big-brother-21-live-episode-6' > Big Brother 21: Live Episode 6 </option> <option value='big-brother-21-live-episode-5' > Big Brother 21: Live Episode 5 </option> <option value='gold-derby-tv-awards-2019' > Gold Derby TV Awards 2019 </option> <option value='mtv-video-music-awards-2019' > MTV Video Music Awards 2019 </option> <option value='big-brother-21-live-episode-4' > Big Brother 21: Live Episode 4 </option> <option value='creative-arts-emmy-awards-2019' > Creative Arts Emmy Awards 2019 </option> <option value='emmy-awards-2019' > Emmy Awards 2019 </option> <option value='big-brother-21-live-episode-3' > Big Brother 21: Live Episode 3 </option> <option value='big-brother-21-live-episode-2' > Big Brother 21: Live Episode 2 </option> <option value='survivor-39-episode-1' > Survivor 39: Episode 1 </option> <option value='big-brother-21-live-episode-1' > Big Brother 21: Live Episode 1 </option> <option value='gold-derby-tv-awards-nominations-2019' > Gold Derby TV Awards Nominations 2019 </option> <option value='project-runway-17-finale' > Project Runway 17: Finale </option> <option value='grammy-nominations-2020' > Grammy Nominations 2020 </option> <option value='project-runway-17-episode-12' > Project Runway 17: Episode 12 </option> <option value='rupauls-drag-race-11-finale' > RuPauls Drag Race 11: Finale </option> <option value='project-runway-17-episode-11' > Project Runway 17: Episode 11 </option> <option value='the-voice-16-finale' > The Voice 16: Finale </option> <option value='mtv-movie-and-tv-awards-2019' > MTV Movie and TV Awards 2019 </option> <option value='american-idol-17-finale' > American Idol 17: Finale </option> <option value='rupauls-drag-race-11-episode-12' > RuPauls Drag Race 11: Episode 12 </option> <option value='project-runway-17-episode-10' > Project Runway 17: Episode 10 </option> <option value='survivor-38-finale' > Survivor 38: Finale </option> <option value='the-voice-16-top-8' > The Voice 16: Top 8 </option> <option value='american-idol-17-top-5' > American Idol 17: Top 5 </option> <option value='rupauls-drag-race-11-episode-11' > RuPauls Drag Race 11: Episode 11 </option> <option value='project-runway-17-episode-9' > Project Runway 17: Episode 9 </option> <option value='survivor-38-episode-13' > Survivor 38: Episode 13 </option> <option value='tony-awards-2019' > Tony Awards 2019 </option> <option value='american-idol-17-top-6' > American Idol 17: Top 6 </option> <option value='world-of-dance-3-world-final' > World of Dance 3: World Final </option> <option value='rupauls-drag-race-11-episode-10' > RuPauls Drag Race 11: Episode 10 </option> <option value='project-runway-17-episode-8' > Project Runway 17: Episode 8 </option> <option value='survivor-38-episode-12' > Survivor 38: Episode 12 </option> <option value='american-idol-17-top-8' > American Idol 17: Top 8 </option> <option value='rupauls-drag-race-11-episode-9' > RuPauls Drag Race 11: Episode 9 </option> <option value='project-runway-17-episode-7' > Project Runway 17: Episode 7 </option> <option value='survivor-38-episode-11' > Survivor 38: Episode 11 </option> <option value='the-voice-16-top-13' > The Voice 16: Top 13 </option> <option value='american-idol-17-top-10' > American Idol 17: Top 10 </option> <option value='world-of-dance-3-divisional-finals' > World of Dance 3: Divisional Finals </option> <option value='rupauls-drag-race-11-episode-8' > RuPauls Drag Race 11: Episode 8 </option> <option value='project-runway-17-episode-6' > TV DERBY: Project Runway 17: Episode 6 </option> <option value='survivor-38-episode-10' > Survivor 38: Episode 10 </option> <option value='american-idol-17-top-14' > TV DERBY: American Idol 17: Top 14 </option> <option value='billboard-music-awards-2019' > Billboard Music Awards 2019 </option> <option value='rupauls-drag-race-11-episode-7' > RuPauls Drag Race 11: Episode 7 </option> <option value='project-runway-17-episode-5' > Project Runway 17: Episode 5 </option> <option value='survivor-38-episode-9' > Survivor 38: Episode 9 </option> <option value='rupauls-drag-race-11-episode-6' > RuPauls Drag Race 11: Episode 6 </option> <option value='project-runway-17-episode-4' > Project Runway 17: Episode 4 </option> <option value='survivor-38-episode-8' > Survivor 38: Episode 8 </option> <option value='rupauls-drag-race-11-episode-5' > RuPauls Drag Race 11: Episode 5 </option> <option value='project-runway-17-episode-3' > Project Runway 17: Episode 3 </option> <option value='project-runway-all-stars-7-finale' > Project Runway All Stars 7: Finale </option> <option value='survivor-38-episode-7' > Survivor 38: Episode 7 </option> <option value='daytime-emmys-2019' > Daytime Emmys 2019 </option> <option value='rupauls-drag-race-11-episode-4' > RuPauls Drag Race 11: Episode 4 </option> <option value='project-runway-17-episode-2' > Project Runway 17: Episode 2 </option> <option value='project-runway-all-stars-7-week-12' > Project Runway All Stars 7: Week 12 </option> <option value='survivor-38-episode-5' > Survivor 38: Episode 5/6 </option> <option value='rupauls-drag-race-11-episode-3' > RuPauls Drag Race 11: Episode 3 </option> <option value='tony-awards-nominations-2019' > Tony Awards Nominations 2019 </option> <option value='project-runway-all-stars-7-week-11' > Project Runway All Stars 7: Week 11 </option> <option value='survivor-38-episode-4' > Survivor 38: Episode 4 </option> <option value='project-runway-17-episode-1' > Project Runway 17: Episode 1 </option> <option value='rupauls-drag-race-11-episode-2' > RuPauls Drag Race 11: Episode 2 </option> <option value='project-runway-all-stars-7-week-10' > Project Runway All Stars 7: Week 10 </option> <option value='survivor-38-episode-3' > Survivor 38: Episode 3 </option> <option value='the-masked-singer-1-top-3' > The Masked Singer 1: Top 3 </option> <option value='project-runway-all-stars-7-week-9' > Project Runway All Stars 7: Week 9 </option> <option value='survivor-38-episode-2' > Survivor 38: Episode 2 </option> <option value='acm-awards-2019' > ACM Awards 2019 </option> <option value='the-masked-singer-1-top-5' > The Masked Singer 1: Top 5 </option> <option value='project-runway-all-stars-7-week-8' > Project Runway All Stars 7: Week 8 </option> <option value='emmy-awards-nominations-2019' > Emmy Awards Nominations 2019 </option> <option value='rupauls-drag-race-all-stars-4-finale' > RuPauls Drag Race All Stars 4: Finale </option> <option value='celebrity-big-brother-2-finale' > Celebrity Big Brother 2: Finale </option> <option value='project-runway-all-stars-7-week-7' > Project Runway All Stars 7: Week 7 </option> <option value='celebrity-big-brother-2-live-episode-5' > Celebrity Big Brother 2: Live Episode 5 </option> <option value='celebrity-big-brother-2-live-episode-4' > Celebrity Big Brother 2: Live Episode 4 </option> <option value='rupauls-drag-race-all-stars-4-episode-9' > RuPauls Drag Race All Stars 4: Episode 9 </option> <option value='survivor-38-episode-1' > Survivor 38: Episode 1 </option> <option value='project-runway-all-stars-7-week-6' > Project Runway All Stars 7: Week 6 </option> <option value='celebrity-big-brother-2-live-episode-3' > TV DERBY: Celebrity Big Brother 2: Live Episode 3 </option> <option value='gold-derby-film-awards-2019' > Gold Derby Film Awards 2019 </option> <option value='rupauls-drag-race-all-stars-4-episode-8' > RuPauls Drag Race All Stars 4: Episode 8 </option> <option value='celebrity-big-brother-2-live-episode-2' > Celebrity Big Brother 2: Live Episode 2 </option> <option value='daytime-emmy-nominations-2019' > Daytime Emmy Nominations 2019 </option> <option value='project-runway-all-stars-7-week-5' > Project Runway All Stars 7: Week 5 </option> <option value='oscars-2019' > Oscars 2019 </option> <option value='razzies-redeemer-award-2019' > Razzies Redeemer Award 2019 </option> <option value='razzie-awards-2019' > Razzie Awards 2019 </option> <option value='golden-reel-awards-2019' > MPSE Golden Reel Awards 2019 </option> <option value='rupauls-drag-race-all-stars-4-episode-7' > RuPauls Drag Race All Stars 4: Episode 7 </option> <option value='project-runway-all-stars-7-week-4' > Project Runway All Stars 7: Week 4 </option> <option value='visual-effects-society-awards-2019' > Visual Effects Society Awards 2019 </option> <option value='celebrity-big-brother-2-live-episode-1' > Celebrity Big Brother 2: Live Episode 1 </option> <option value='cinema-audio-society-awards-2019' > Cinema Audio Society Awards 2019 </option> <option value='make-up-and-hair-stylists-guild-awards-2019' > Make-Up and Hair Stylists Guild Awards 2019 </option> <option value='costume-designers-guild-awards-2019' > Costume Designers Guild Awards 2019 </option> <option value='rupauls-drag-race-all-stars-4-episode-6' > RuPauls Drag Race All Stars 4: Episode 6 </option> <option value='art-directors-guild-awards-2019' > Art Directors Guild Awards 2019 </option> <option value='project-runway-all-stars-7-week-3' > Project Runway All Stars 7: Week 3 </option> <option value='ace-eddie-awards-2019' > ACE Eddie Awards 2019 </option> <option value='bafta-film-awards-2019' > BAFTA Film Awards 2019 </option> <option value='american-society-of-cinematographers-awards-2019' > American Society of Cinematographers Awards 2019 </option> <option value='directors-guild-awards-2019' > Directors Guild Awards 2019 </option> <option value='writers-guild-awards-2019' > Writers Guild Awards 2019 </option> <option value='project-runway-all-stars-7-week-2' > Project Runway All Stars 7: Week 2 </option> <option value='rupauls-drag-race-all-stars-4-episode-5' > RuPauls Drag Race All Stars 4: Episode 5 </option> <option value='producers-guild-awards-2019' > Producers Guild Awards 2019 </option> <option value='rupauls-drag-race-all-stars-4-episode-4' > RuPauls Drag Race All Stars 4: Episode 4 </option> <option value='gold-derby-film-awards-nominations-2019' > Gold Derby Film Awards Nominations 2019 </option> <option value='rupauls-drag-race-all-stars-4-episode-3' > RuPauls Drag Race All Stars 4: Episode 3 </option> <option value='rupauls-drag-race-all-stars-4-episode-2' > RuPauls Drag Race All Stars 4: Episode 2 </option> <option value='survivor-37-finale' > Survivor 37: Finale </option> <option value='sag-awards-tv-2019' > SAG Awards TV 2019 </option> <option value='sag-awards-film-2019' > SAG Awards Film 2019 </option> <option value='the-voice-15-finale' > The Voice 15: Finale </option> <option value='critics-choice-tv-awards-2019' > Critics Choice TV Awards 2019 </option> <option value='critics-choce-film-awards-2019' > Critics Choice Film Awards 2019 </option> <option value='grammy-awards-2019' > Grammy Awards 2019 </option> <option value='golden-globes-film-2019' > Golden Globes Film 2019 </option> <option value='golden-globes-tv-2019' > Golden Globes TV 2019 </option> <option value='survivor-37-episode-13' > Survivor 37: Episode 13 </option> <option value='oscars-nominations-2019-dream-ballot' > Oscars Nominations 2019 Dream Ballot </option> <option value='the-voice-15-top-8' > The Voice 15: Top 8 </option> <option value='dancing-with-the-stars-juniors-week-9-finale' > Dancing with the Stars Juniors: Week 9 (Finale) </option> <option value='survivor-37-episode-12' > Survivor 37: Episode 12 </option> <option value='the-voice-15-top-10' > The Voice 15: Top 10 </option> <option value='dancing-with-the-stars-juniors-week-8' > Dancing with the Stars Juniors: Week 8 </option> <option value='survivor-37-episode-10' > Survivor 37: Episode 10/11 </option> <option value='the-voice-15-top-11' > The Voice 15: Top 11 </option> <option value='dancing-with-the-stars-juniors-week-7' > Dancing with the Stars Juniors: Week 7 </option> <option value='independent-spirit-awards-2019' > Independent Spirit Awards 2019 </option> <option value='survivor-37-episode-9' > Survivor 37: Episode 9 </option> <option value='the-voice-15-top-13' > The Voice 15: Top 13 </option> <option value='rupauls-drag-race-all-stars-4-episode-1' > RuPauls Drag Race All Stars 4: Episode 1 </option> <option value='dancing-with-the-stars-27-finale' > Dancing with the Stars 27: Finale </option> <option value='dancing-with-the-stars-juniors-week-6' > Dancing with the Stars Juniors: Week 6 </option> <option value='survivor-37-episode-8' > Survivor 37: Episode 8 </option> <option value='the-voice-15-top-26' > The Voice 15: Top 26 </option> <option value='dancing-with-the-stars-27-week-8' > Dancing with the Stars 27: Week 8 </option> <option value='critics-choice-film-awards-nominations-2019' > Critics Choice Film Awards Nominations 2019 </option> <option value='survivor-37-episode-7' > Survivor 37: Episode 7 </option> <option value='national-society-of-film-critics-awards-2019' > National Society of Film Critics Awards 2019 </option> <option value='los-angeles-film-critics-awards-2018' > Los Angeles Film Critics Awards 2018 </option> <option value='new-york-film-critics-circle-awards-2018' > New York Film Critics Circle Awards 2018 </option> <option value='dancing-with-the-stars-27-week-7' > Dancing with the Stars 27: Week 7 </option> <option value='dancing-with-the-stars-juniors-week-5' > Dancing with the Stars Juniors: Week 5 </option> <option value='survivor-37-episode-6' > Survivor 37: Episode 6 </option> <option value='dancing-with-the-stars-27-week-6' > Dancing with the Stars 27: Week 6 </option> <option value='dancing-with-the-stars-juniors-week-4' > Dancing with the Stars Juniors: Week 4 </option> <option value='gotham-awards-2018' > Gotham Awards 2018 </option> <option value='survivor-37-episode-5' > Survivor 37: Episode 5 </option> <option value='dancing-with-the-stars-27-week-5' > Dancing with the Stars 27: Week 5 </option> <option value='dancing-with-the-stars-juniors-week-3' > Dancing with the Stars Juniors: Week 3 </option> <option value='survivor-37-episode-4' > Survivor 37: Episode 4 </option> <option value='dancing-with-the-stars-27-week-4' > Dancing with the Stars 27: Week 4 </option> <option value='dancing-with-the-stars-juniors-week-2' > Dancing with the Stars Juniors: Week 2 </option> <option value='survivor-37-episode-3' > Survivor 37: Episode 3 </option> <option value='dancing-with-the-stars-27-week-3' > Dancing with the Stars 27: Week 3 </option> <option value='sag-awards-tv-nominations-2019' > SAG Awards TV Nominations 2019 </option> <option value='survivor-37-episode-2' > Survivor 37: Episode 2 </option> <option value='dancing-with-the-stars-27-week-2-new-york-night-las-vegas-night' > Dancing with the Stars 27: Week 2 (New York Night/Las Vegas Night) </option> <option value='big-brother-20-finals' > Big Brother 20: Finals </option> <option value='golden-globes-tv-nominations-2019' > Golden Globes TV Nominations 2019 </option> <option value='american-music-awards-2018' > American Music Awards 2018 </option> <option value='dancing-with-the-stars-27-week-1-season-premiere' > Dancing with the Stars 27: Week 1 (Season Premiere) </option> <option value='golden-globes-film-nominations-2019' > Golden Globes Film Nominations 2019 </option> <option value='sag-awards-film-nominations-2019' > SAG Awards Film Nominations 2019 </option> <option value='big-brother-20-live-episode-12' > Big Brother 20: Live Episode 12 </option> <option value='americas-got-talent-13-finals' > Americas Got Talent 13: Finals </option> <option value='big-brother-20-live-episode-11' > Big Brother 20: Live Episode 11 </option> <option value='americas-got-talent-13-semifinals-2' > Americas Got Talent 13: Semifinals 2 </option> <option value='world-of-dance-2-world-final' > World of Dance 2: World Final </option> <option value='survivor-37-episode-1' > Survivor 37: Episode 1 </option> <option value='big-brother-20-live-episode-10' > Big Brother 20: Live Episode 10 </option> <option value='world-of-dance-2-divisional-finals' > World of Dance 2: Divisional Finals </option> <option value='americas-got-talent-13-semifinals-1' > Americas Got Talent 13: Semifinals 1 </option> <option value='cma-awards-2018' > CMA Awards 2018 </option> <option value='so-you-think-you-can-dance-15-finals' > So You Think You Can Dance 15: Finale </option> <option value='big-brother-20-live-episode-9' > Big Brother 20: Live Episode 9 </option> <option value='americas-got-talent-13-quarterfinals-3' > Americas Got Talent 13: Quarterfinals 3 </option> <option value='so-you-think-you-can-dance-15-episode-12-top-6' > So You Think you Can Dance 15: Episode 12 (Top 6) </option> <option value='big-brother-20-live-episode-8' > Big Brother 20: Live Episode 8 </option> <option value='americas-got-talent-13-quarterfinals-2' > Americas Got Talent 13: Quarterfinals 2 </option> <option value='so-you-think-you-can-dance-15-episode-11-top-8' > So You Think You Can Dance 15: Episode 11 (Top 8) </option> <option value='big-brother-20-live-episode-7' > Big Brother 20: Live Episode 7 </option> <option value='oscars-nominations-2019' > Oscars Nominations 2019 </option> <option value='americas-got-talent-13-quarterfinals-1' > Americas Got Talent 13: Quarterfinals 1 </option> <option value='big-brother-20-live-episode-6' > Big Brother 20: Live Episode 6 </option> <option value='so-you-think-you-can-dance-15-episode-10-top-10' > So You Think You Can Dance 15: Episode 10 (Top 10) </option> <option value='big-brother-20-live-episode-5' > Big Brother 20: Live Episode 5 </option> <option value='gold-derby-tv-awards-2018' > Gold Derby TV Awards 2018 </option> <option value='big-brother-20-live-episode-4' > Big Brother 20: Live Episode 4 </option> <option value='teen-choice-awards-2018' > Teen Choice Awards 2018 </option> <option value='mtv-video-music-awards-2018' > MTV Video Music Awards 2018 </option> <option value='big-brother-20-live-episode-3' > Big Brother 20: Live Episode 3 </option> <option value='creative-arts-emmys-2018' > Creative Arts Emmys 2018 </option> <option value='emmy-awards-2018' > Emmy Awards 2018 </option> <option value='big-brother-20-live-episode-2' > Big Brother 20: Live Episode 2 </option> <option value='grammy-nominations-2019' > Grammy Nominations 2019 </option> <option value='big-brother-20-live-episode-1' > Big Brother 20: Live Episode 1 </option> <option value='espys-2018' > ESPYS 2018 </option> <option value='gold-derby-tv-awards-2018-nominations' > Gold Derby TV Awards 2018 Nominations </option> <option value='rupauls-drag-race-10-finale' > RuPauls Drag Race 10: Finale </option> <option value='rupauls-drag-race-10-episode-11' > RuPauls Drag Race 10: Episode 11 </option> <option value='rupauls-drag-race-10-episode-10' > RuPauls Drag Race 10: Episode 10 </option> <option value='survivor-36-finale' > Survivor 36: Finale </option> <option value='the-voice-14-finale' > The Voice 14: Finale </option> <option value='dancing-with-the-stars-athletes-week-4-finals' > Dancing with the Stars Athletes: Week 4 (Finals) </option> <option value='rupauls-drag-race-10-episode-9' > RuPauls Drag Race 10: Episode 9 </option> <option value='survivor-36-episode-13' > Survivor 36: Episode 13 </option> <option value='cmt-music-awards-2018' > CMT Music Awards 2018 </option> <option value='the-voice-14-top-8' > The Voice 14: Top 8 </option> <option value='dancing-with-the-stars-athletes-week-3' > Dancing with the Stars Athletes: Week 3 </option> <option value='american-idol-16-finale' > American Idol 16: Finale </option> <option value='rupauls-drag-race-10-episode-8' > RuPauls Drag Race 10: Episode 8 </option> <option value='mtv-movie-and-tv-awards-2018' > MTV Movie and TV Awards 2018 </option> <option value='survivor-36-episode-12' > Survivor 36: Episode 12 </option> <option value='the-voice-14-top-10' > The Voice 14: Top 10 </option> <option value='tony-awards-2018' > Tony Awards 2018 </option> <option value='dancing-with-the-stars-athletes-week-2' > Dancing with the Stars Athletes: Week 2 </option> <option value='american-idol-16-top-7' > American Idol 16: Top 7 </option> <option value='rupauls-drag-race-10-episode-7' > RuPauls Drag Race 10: Episode 7 </option> <option value='survivor-36-episode-11' > Survivor 36: Episode 11 </option> <option value='the-voice-14-top-11' > The Voice 14: Top 11 </option> <option value='american-idol-16-top-10' > American Idol 16: Top 10 </option> <option value='rupauls-drag-race-10-episode-6' > RuPauls Drag Race 10: Episode 6 </option> <option value='survivor-36-episode-10' > Survivor 36: Episode 10 </option> <option value='the-voice-14-top-12' > The Voice 14: Top 12 </option> <option value='billboard-music-awards-2018' > Billboard Music Awards 2018 </option> <option value='american-idol-16-top-14' > American Idol 16: Top 14 </option> <option value='dancing-with-the-stars-athletes-week-1' > Dancing with the Stars Athletes: Week 1 </option> <option value='rupauls-drag-race-10-episode-5' > RuPauls Drag Race 10: Episode 5 </option> <option value='survivor-36-episode-9' > Survivor 36: Episode 9 </option> <option value='the-voice-14-top-24' > The Voice 14: Top 24 </option> <option value='rupauls-drag-race-10-episode-4' > RuPauls Drag Race 10: Episode 4 </option> <option value='survivor-36-episode-8' > Survivor 36: Episode 8 </option> <option value='rupauls-drag-race-10-episode-3' > RuPauls Drag Race 10: Episode 3 </option> <option value='project-runway-all-stars-6-finale' > Project Runway All Stars 6: Finale </option> <option value='survivor-36-episode-7' > Survivor 36: Episode 7 </option> <option value='rupauls-drag-race-10-episode-2' > RuPauls Drag Race 10: Episode 2 </option> <option value='project-runway-all-stars-6-episode-12' > Project Runway All Stars 6: Episode 12 </option> <option value='survivor-36-episode-6' > Survivor 36: Episode 6 </option> <option value='daytime-emmys-2018' > Daytime Emmys 2018 </option> <option value='rupauls-drag-race-10-episode-1' > RuPauls Drag Race 10: Episode 1 </option> <option value='project-runway-all-stars-6-episode-11' > Project Runway All Stars 6: Episode 11 </option> <option value='survivor-36-episode-5' > Survivor 36: Episode 5 </option> <option value='rupauls-drag-race-all-stars-3-episode-8' > Rupaul's Drag Race All Stars 3: Episode 8 </option> <option value='project-runway-all-stars-6-episode-10' > Project Runway All Stars 6: Episode 10 </option> <option value='survivor-36-episode-4' > Survivor 36: Episode 4 </option> <option value='tony-awards-nominations-2018' > Tony Awards Nominations 2018 </option> <option value='acm-awards-2018' > ACM Awards 2018 </option> <option value='rupauls-drag-race-all-stars-3-episode-7' > Rupaul's Drag Race All Stars 3: Episode 7 </option> <option value='project-runway-all-stars-6-episode-9' > Project Runway All Stars 6: Episode 9 </option> <option value='survivor-36-episode-3' > Survivor 36: Episode 3 </option> <option value='celebrity-big-brother-1-finale' > Celebrity Big Brother 1: Finale </option> <option value='rupauls-drag-race-all-stars-3-episode-6' > Rupaul's Drag Race All Stars 3: Episode 6 </option> <option value='project-runway-all-stars-6-episode-8' > Project Runway All Stars 6: Episode 8 </option> <option value='celebrity-big-brother-1-live-episode-5' > Celebrity Big Brother 1: Live Episode 5 </option> <option value='emmy-awards-nominations-2018' > Emmy Awards Nominations 2018 </option> <option value='celebrity-big-brother-1-live-episode-4' > Celebrity Big Brother 1: Live Episode 4 </option> <option value='rupauls-drag-race-all-stars-3-episode-5' > Rupaul's Drag Race All Stars 3: Episode 5 </option> <option value='top-chef-15-finale' > Top Chef 15: Finale </option> <option value='the-amazing-race-30-finale' > The Amazing Race 30: Finale </option> <option value='celebrity-big-brother-1-live-episode-3' > Celebrity Big Brother 1: Live Episode 3 </option> <option value='celebrity-big-brother-1-live-episode-2' > Celebrity Big Brother 1: Live Episode 2 </option> <option value='top-chef-15-episode-11' > Top Chef 15: Episode 11 </option> <option value='rupauls-drag-race-all-stars-3-episode-4' > Rupaul's Drag Race All Stars 3: Episode 4 </option> <option value='project-runway-all-stars-6-episode-7' > Project Runway All Stars 6: Episode 7 </option> <option value='the-amazing-race-30-episode-9-10' > The Amazing Race 30: Episode 9 & 10 </option> <option value='rupauls-drag-race-all-stars-3-episode-3' > Rupaul's Drag Race All Stars 3: Episode 3 </option> <option value='top-chef-15-episode-10' > Top Chef 15: Episode 10 </option> <option value='project-runway-all-stars-6-episode-6' > Project Runway All Stars 6: Episode 6 </option> <option value='the-amazing-race-30-episode-7' > The Amazing Race 30: Episode 7 & 8 </option> <option value='gold-derby-film-awards-2018' > Gold Derby Film Awards 2018 </option> <option value='survivor-36-episode-1' > Survivor 36: Episodes 1 & 2 </option> <option value='celebrity-big-brother-1-episode-1' > Celebrity Big Brother 1: Live Episode 1 </option> <option value='rupauls-drag-race-all-stars-3-episode-2' > Rupaul's Drag Race All Stars 3: Episode 2 </option> <option value='top-chef-15-episode-9' > Top Chef 15: Episode 9 </option> <option value='project-runway-all-stars-6-episode-5' > Project Runway All Stars 6: Episode 5 </option> <option value='oscars-dream-ballot-2018' > Oscars Dream Ballot 2018 </option> <option value='daytime-emmy-nominations-2018' > Daytime Emmy Nominations 2018 </option> <option value='the-amazing-race-30-episode-6' > The Amazing Race 30: Episode 6 </option> <option value='mpse-golden-reel-awards-2018' > MPSE Golden Reel Awards 2018 </option> <option value='oscars-2018' > Oscars 2018 </option> <option value='top-chef-15-episode-8' > Top Chef 15: Episode 8 </option> <option value='razzie-awards-2018' > Razzie Awards 2018 </option> <option value='project-runway-all-stars-6-episode-4' > Project Runway All Stars 6: Episode 4 </option> <option value='the-amazing-race-30-episode-4' > The Amazing Race 30: Episode 4 & 5 </option> <option value='visual-effects-society-awards-2018' > Visual Effects Society Awards 2018 </option> <option value='hells-kitchen-17-finale' > Hell's Kitchen 17: Finale </option> <option value='top-chef-15-episode-7' > Top Chef 15: Episode 7 </option> <option value='project-runway-all-stars-6-episode-3' > Project Runway All Stars 6: Episode 3 </option> <option value='the-amazing-race-30-episode-3' > The Amazing Race 30: Episode 3 </option> <option value='directors-guild-awards-2018' > Directors Guild Awards 2018 </option> <option value='costume-designers-guild-awards-2018' > Costume Designers Guild Awards 2018 </option> <option value='cinema-audio-society-awards-2018' > Cinema Audio Society Awards 2018 </option> <option value='cinematographers-guild-awards-2018' > American Society of Cinematographers Awards 2018 </option> <option value='bafta-film-awards-2018' > BAFTA Film Awards 2018 </option> <option value='hells-kitchen-17-episode-12' > Hell's Kitchen 17: Episode 12 </option> <option value='make-up-and-hair-stylists-guild-awards-2018' > Make-Up and Hair Stylists Guild Awards 2018 </option> <option value='producers-guild-awards-2018' > Producers Guild Awards 2018 </option> <option value='top-chef-15-episode-6' > Top Chef 15: Episode 6 </option> <option value='project-runway-all-stars-6-episode-2' > Project Runway All Stars 6: Episode 2 </option> <option value='writers-guild-awards-2018' > Writers Guild Awards 2018 </option> <option value='art-directors-guild-awards-2018' > Art Directors Guild Awards 2018 </option> <option value='the-amazing-race-30-episode-2' > The Amazing Race 30: Episode 2 </option> <option value='ace-eddie-awards-2018' > ACE Eddie Awards 2018 </option> <option value='top-chef-15-episode-5' > Top Chef 15: Episode 5 </option> <option value='project-runway-all-stars-6-episode-1' > Project Runway All Stars 6: Episode 1 </option> <option value='gold-derby-film-awards-nominations-2018' > Gold Derby Film Awards Nominations 2018 </option> <option value='top-chef-15-episode-4' > Top Chef 15: Episode 4 </option> <option value='the-amazing-race-30-episode-1' > The Amazing Race 30: Episode 1 </option> <option value='hells-kitchen-17-episode-11' > Hell's Kitchen 17: Episode 11 </option> <option value='top-chef-15-episode-3' > Top Chef 15: Episode 3 </option> <option value='survivor-35-finale' > Survivor 35: Finale </option> <option value='the-voice-13-finale' > The Voice 13: Finale </option> <option value='sag-awards-film-2018-2' > SAG Awards Film 2018 </option> <option value='sag-awards-tv-2018' > SAG Awards TV 2018 </option> <option value='golden-globes-film-2018' > Golden Globes Film 2018 </option> <option value='golden-globes-tv-2018' > Golden Globes TV 2018 </option> <option value='hells-kitchen-17-episode-10' > Hell's Kitchen 17: Episode 10 </option> <option value='top-chef-15-episode-2' > Top Chef 15: Episode 2 </option> <option value='survivor-35-episode-13' > Survivor 35: Episode 13 </option> <option value='critics-choice-tv-awards-2018' > Critics Choice TV Awards 2018 </option> <option value='critics-choice-film-awards-2018' > Critics Choice Film Awards 2018 </option> <option value='the-voice-13-top-8' > The Voice 13: Top 8 </option> <option value='hells-kitchen-17-episode-9' > Hell's Kitchen 17: Episode 9 </option> <option value='survivor-35-episode-12' > Survivor 35: Episode 12 </option> <option value='the-voice-13-top-10' > The Voice 13: Top 10 </option> <option value='grammy-awards-2018' > Grammy Awards 2018 </option> <option value='independent-spirit-awards-2018' > Independent Spirit Awards 2018 </option> <option value='survivor-35-episode-10' > Survivor 35: Episode 10/11 </option> <option value='the-voice-13-top-11' > The Voice 13: Top 11 </option> <option value='hells-kitchen-17-episode-8' > Hell's Kitchen 17: Episode 8 </option> <option value='survivor-35-episode-9' > Survivor 35: Episode 9 </option> <option value='dancing-with-the-stars-25-week-10' > Dancing with the Stars 25: Week 10 (Finals) </option> <option value='hells-kitchen-17-episode-7' > Hell's Kitchen 17: Episode 7 </option> <option value='the-voice-13-top-12' > The Voice 13: Top 12 </option> <option value='project-runway-16-episode-14' > Project Runway 16: Episode 14 </option> <option value='survivor-35-episode-8' > Survivor 35: Episode 8 </option> <option value='critics-choice-film-nominations-2018' > Critics Choice Film Nominations 2018 </option> <option value='dancing-with-the-stars-25-week-9' > Dancing with the Stars 25: Week 9 </option> <option value='top-chef-15-episode-1' > Top Chef 15: Episode 1 </option> <option value='hells-kitchen-17-episode-6' > Hell's Kitchen 17: Episode 6 </option> <option value='project-runway-16-episode-13' > Project Runway 16: Episode 13 </option> <option value='survivor-35-episode-7' > Survivor 35: Episode 7 </option> <option value='dancing-with-the-stars-25-week-8' > Dancing with the Stars 25: Week 8 </option> <option value='project-runway-16-episode-12' > Project Runway 16: Episode 12 </option> <option value='survivor-35-episode-6' > Survivor 35: Episode 6 </option> <option value='dancing-with-the-stars-25-week-7' > Dancing with the Stars 25: Week 7 </option> <option value='rupauls-drag-race-all-stars-3-episode-1' > Rupaul's Drag Race All Stars 3: Episode 1 </option> <option value='hells-kitchen-17-episode-5' > Hell's Kitchen 17: Episode 5 </option> <option value='project-runway-16-episode-11' > Project Runway 16: Episode 11 </option> <option value='survivor-35-episode-5' > Survivor 35: Episode 5 </option> <option value='dancing-with-the-stars-25-week-6' > Dancing with the Stars 25: Week 6 </option> <option value='american-music-awards-2017' > American Music Awards 2017 </option> <option value='hells-kitchen-17-episode-4' > Hell's Kitchen 17: Episode 4 </option> <option value='project-runway-16-episode-10' > Project Runway 16: Episode 10 </option> <option value='survivor-35-episode-4' > Survivor 35: Episode 4 </option> <option value='dancing-with-the-stars-25-week-5' > Dancing with the Stars 25: Week 5 </option> <option value='hells-kitchen-17-episode-3' > Hell's Kitchen 17: Episode 3 </option> <option value='project-runway-16-episode-9' > Project Runway 16: Episode 9 </option> <option value='survivor-35-episode-3' > Survivor 35: Episode 3 </option> <option value='dancing-with-the-stars-25-week-4' > Dancing with the Stars 25: Week 4 </option> <option value='hells-kitchen-17-episode-2' > Hell's Kitchen 17: Episode 2 </option> <option value='project-runway-16-episode-8' > Project Runway 16: Episode 8 </option> <option value='survivor-35-episode-2' > Survivor 35: Episode 2 </option> <option value='dancing-with-the-stars-25-week-3' > Dancing with the Stars 25: Week 3 </option> <option value='sag-awards-tv-nominations-2018' > SAG Awards TV Nominations 2018 </option> <option value='golden-globes-tv-nominations-2018' > Golden Globes TV Nominations 2018 </option> <option value='project-runway-16-episode-7' > Project Runway 16: Episode 7 </option> <option value='grammy-nominations-2018' > Grammy Nominations 2018 </option> <option value='so-you-think-you-can-dance-14-finale' > So You Think You Can Dance 14: Finale </option> <option value='dancing-with-the-stars-25-week-2' > Dancing with the Stars 25: Week 2 </option> <option value='project-runway-16-episode-6' > Project Runway 16: Episode 6 </option> <option value='americas-got-talent-12-finals' > America's Got Talent 12: Finals </option> <option value='so-you-think-you-can-dance-14-top-4' > So You Think You Can Dance 14: Top 4 </option> <option value='project-runway-16-episode-5' > Project Runway 16: Episode 5 </option> <option value='big-brother-19-finals' > Big Brother 19: Finals </option> <option value='golden-globes-film-nominations-2018' > Golden Globes Film Nominations 2018 </option> <option value='americas-got-talent-12-semifinals-2' > America's Got Talent 12: Semifinals 2 </option> <option value='dancing-with-the-stars-25-week-1' > Dancing with the Stars 25: Week 1 (Season Premiere) </option> <option value='cma-awards-2017' > CMA Awards 2017 </option> <option value='so-you-think-you-can-dance-14-top-6' > So You Think You Can Dance 14: Top 6 </option> <option value='sag-awards-film-2018' > SAG Awards Film Nominations 2018 </option> <option value='big-brother-19-live-episode-10' > Big Brother 19: Live Episode 10 </option> <option value='project-runway-16-episode-4' > Project Runway 16: Episode 4 </option> <option value='americas-got-talent-12-semifinals-1' > America's Got Talent 12: Semifinals 1 </option> <option value='survivor-35-episode-1' > Survivor 35: Episode 1 </option> <option value='so-you-think-you-can-dance-14-top-7' > So You Think You Can Dance 14: Top 7 </option> <option value='big-brother-19-live-episode-9' > Big Brother 19: Live Episode 9 </option> <option value='project-runway-16-episode-3' > Project Runway 16: Episode 3 </option> <option value='ink-master-9' > Ink Master 9: Finals </option> <option value='americas-got-talent-12-quarterfinals-3' > America's Got Talent 12: Quarterfinals 3 </option> <option value='hells-kitchen-17-episode-1' > Hell's Kitchen 17: Episode 1 </option> <option value='so-you-think-you-can-dance-14-top-8' > So You Think You Can Dance 14: Top 8 </option> <option value='big-brother-19-live-episode-8' > Big Brother 19: Live Episode 8 </option> <option value='project-runway-16-02' > Project Runway 16: Episode 2 </option> <option value='americas-got-talent-12-quarterfinals-2' > America's Got Talent 12: Quarterfinals 2 </option> <option value='so-you-think-you-can-dance-14-week-10' > So You Think You Can Dance 14: Week 10 </option> <option value='oscars-nominations-2018' > Oscars Nominations 2018 </option> <option value='big-brother-19-live-episode-7' > Big Brother 19: Live Episode 7 </option> <option value='project-runway-16-01' > Project Runway 16: Episode 1 </option> <option value='americas-got-talent-12-quarterfinals-1' > America's Got Talent 12: Quarterfinals 1 </option> <option value='so-you-think-you-can-dance-14-week-9' > So You Think You Can Dance 14: Week 9 </option> <option value='world-of-dance-finale' > World of Dance: Finale </option> <option value='big-brother-19-live-episode-6' > Big Brother 19: Live Episode 6 </option> <option value='creative-arts-emmys-2017' > Creative Arts Emmys 2017 </option> <option value='mtv-video-music-awards-2017' > MTV Video Music Awards 2017 </option> <option value='gold-derby-tv-awards-2017' > Gold Derby TV Awards 2017 </option> <option value='the-bachelorette-season-13-top-3' > The Bachelorette Season 13: Top 3 </option> <option value='emmy-awards-2017' > Emmy Awards 2017 </option> <option value='the-bachelorette-season-13-top-4' > The Bachelorette Season 13: Top 4 </option> <option value='outlander-awards-2017' > Outlander Awards 2017 </option> <option value='espy-awards-2017' > ESPYS 2017 </option> <option value='gold-derby-tv-awards-2017-nominations' > Gold Derby TV Awards 2017 Nominations </option> <option value='tca-awards-2017' > TCA Awards 2017 </option> <option value='emmy-awards-nominations-2017-dream-ballot' > Emmy Awards Nominations 2017 Dream Ballot </option> <option value='survivor-34-14' > Survivor #34.14 'No Good Deed Goes Unpunished' </option> <option value='the-voice-season-12-top-4' > The Voice 12: Top 4 </option> <option value='dancing-with-the-stars-24-week-10' > Dancing with the Stars 24: Week 10 (Finals) </option> <option value='survivor-34-13' > Survivor #34.13 'Parting is Such Sweet Sorrow' </option> <option value='the-voice-season-12-top-8' > The Voice 12: Top 8 </option> <option value='dancing-with-the-stars-24-week-9' > Dancing with the Stars 24: Week 9 (Semi-Finals) </option> <option value='survivor-34-12' > Survivor #34.12 'It's Not a High Without a Low' </option> <option value='the-voice-season-12-top-10' > The Voice 12: Top 10 </option> <option value='tony-awards-2017' > Tony Awards 2017 </option> <option value='dancing-with-the-stars-24-week-8' > Dancing with the Stars 24: Week 8 (Dance Trios) </option> <option value='bafta-tv-awards-2017' > BAFTA TV Awards 2017 </option> <option value='survivor-34-11' > Survivor #34.11 'Reinventing How This Game Is Played' </option> <option value='the-voice-top-11' > The Voice 12: Top 11 </option> <option value='dancing-with-the-stars-24-week-7' > Dancing with the Stars 24: Week 7 (Movie Genres & Dance-Offs) </option> <option value='survivor-34-10' > Survivor #34.10 'A Line Drawn in Concrete' </option> <option value='the-voice-top-12' > The Voice 12: Top 12 </option> <option value='dancing-with-the-stars-24-week-6' > Dancing with the Stars 24: Week 6 (Team Dances) </option> <option value='survivor-34-08' > Survivor #34.08/09 'There's a New Sheriff in Town' </option> <option value='the-voice-12-top-20' > The Voice 12: Top 20 </option> <option value='dancing-with-the-stars-24-week-5' > Dancing with the Stars 24: Week 5 (Disney Night) </option> <option value='billboard-music-awards-2017' > Billboard Music Awards 2017 </option> <option value='the-amazing-race-29' > The Amazing Race 29 </option> <option value='mtv-movie-and-tv-awards-2017' > MTV Movie and TV Awards 2017 </option> <option value='survivor-34-07' > Survivor #34.07 'What Happened on Exile, Stays on Exile' </option> <option value='dancing-with-the-stars-24-week-4' > Dancing with the Stars 24: Week 4 (Most Memorable Year) </option> <option value='survivor-34-06' > Survivor #34.06 'Vote Early, Vote Often' </option> <option value='dancing-with-the-stars-24-week-3' > Dancing with the Stars 24: Week 3 (Vegas Night) </option> <option value='survivor-34-05' > Survivor #34.05 'Dirty Deed' </option> <option value='daytime-emmys-2017' > Daytime Emmys 2017 </option> <option value='dancing-with-the-stars-24-week-2' > Dancing with the Stars 24: Week 2 </option> <option value='survivor-34-04' > Survivor #34.04 'The Tables Have Turned' </option> <option value='survivor-34-02' > Survivor #34.03 'Survivor Jackpot' </option> <option value='tony-awards-nominations-2017' > Tony Awards Nominations 2017 </option> <option value='dancing-with-the-stars-season-24-week-1-predictions' > Dancing with the Stars 24: Week 1 (Season Premiere) </option> <option value='derbyite-awards-2017' > Derbyite Awards 2017 </option> <option value='rupauls-drag-race-9' > Rupaul’s Drag Race 9 </option> <option value='acm-awards-2017' > ACM Awards 2017 </option> <option value='emmy-awards-nominations-2017' > Emmy Awards Nominations 2017 </option> <option value='survivor-34-01' > Survivor #34.01/02 'The Stakes Have Been Raised' </option> <option value='gold-derby-film-awards-2017' > Gold Derby Film Awards 2017 </option> <option value='celebrity-apprentice-season-8-final-4' > Celebrity Apprentice 'Season 8, Final 4' </option> <option value='mpse-golden-reel-awards-2017' > MPSE Golden Reel Awards 2017 </option> <option value='daytime-emmy-nominations-2017' > Daytime Emmy Nominations 2017 </option> <option value='celebrity-apprentice-8-05' > Celebrity Apprentice #8.05 'I'm Going Full Ballmer' </option> <option value='oscars-2017' > Oscars 2017 </option> <option value='razzie-awards-2017' > Razzie Awards 2017 </option> <option value='celebrity-apprentice-8-04' > Celebrity Apprentice #8.04 'Scissors and Some Creativity' </option> <option value='cdg-awards-2017' > CDG Awards 2017 </option> <option value='gold-derby-film-awards-nominations-2017' > Gold Derby Film Awards Nominations 2017 </option> <option value='visual-effects-awards-2017' > Visual Effects Awards 2017 </option> <option value='dga-awards-2017' > DGA Awards 2017 </option> <option value='make-up-and-hair-awards-2017' > Make-Up and Hair Awards 2017 </option> <option value='asc-awards-2017' > ASC Awards 2017 </option> <option value='cas-awards-2017' > CAS Awards 2017 </option> <option value='test-derby-2-0' > Test Derby 2.0 </option> <option value='bafta-film-awards-2017' > BAFTA Film Awards 2017 </option> <option value='celebrity-apprentice-8-03' > Celebrity Apprentice #8.03 'Candy For a Billionaire' </option> <option value='producers-guild-awards-2017' > Producers Guild Awards 2017 </option> <option value='art-directors-guild-awards-2017' > Art Directors Guild Awards 2017 </option> <option value='ace-eddie-awards-2017' > ACE Eddie Awards 2017 </option> <option value='wga-awards-2017' > WGA Awards 2017 </option> <option value='celebrity-apprentice-8-02' > Celebrity Apprentice #8.02 'Fire Up That Chopper' </option> <option value='test-derby' > test derby </option> <option value='celebrity-apprentice-8-01' > Celebrity Apprentice #8.01 'In Here You Call Me Governor' </option> <option value='bafta-film-nominations-2017' > BAFTA Film Nominations 2017 </option> <option value='pga-awards-nominations-2017' > PGA Awards Nominations 2017 </option> <option value='dga-awards-nominations-2017' > DGA Awards Nominations 2017 </option> <option value='sag-awards-tv-2017' > SAG Awards TV 2017 </option> <option value='sag-awards-film-2017' > SAG Awards Film 2017 </option> <option value='golden-globes-tv-2017' > Golden Globes TV 2017 </option> <option value='golden-globes-film-2017' > Golden Globes Film 2017 </option> <option value='survivor-season-33-final-6' > Survivor: Season 33 Final 6 </option> <option value='the-voice-season-11-top-4' > The Voice: Season 11 Top 4 </option> <option value='grammy-awards-2017' > Grammy Awards 2017 </option> <option value='project-runway-season-15-final-5' > Project Runway: Season 15 Final 5 </option> <option value='survivor-33-12' > Survivor #33.12 'Slayed the Survivor Dragon' </option> <option value='the-voice-season-11-top-8' > The Voice: Season 11 Top 8 </option> <option value='survivor-33-11' > Survivor #33.11 'About to Have a Rumble' </option> <option value='indie-spirit-awards-2017' > Indie Spirit Awards 2017 </option> <option value='the-voice-season-11-top-10' > The Voice: Season 11 Top 10 </option> <option value='project-runway-15-11' > Project Runway #15.11 'Bold Innovation' </option> <option value='survivor-33-10' > Survivor #33.10 'Million Dollar Gamble' </option> <option value='the-voice-season-11-top-11' > The Voice: Season 11 Top 11 </option> <option value='dancing-with-the-stars-23-week-11' > Dancing with the Stars 23: Week 11 (Finals) </option> <option value='project-runway-15-10' > Project Runway #15.10 'A Power Trip' </option> <option value='survivor-33-09' > Survivor #33.09 'Still Throwin' Punches' </option> <option value='the-voice-season-11-top-12' > The Voice: Season 11 Top 12 </option> <option value='dancing-with-the-stars-23-week-10' > Dancing with the Stars 23: Week 10 (Semifinals) </option> <option value='project-runway-15-09' > Project Runway #15.09 'Life Is Full of Surprises' </option> <option value='survivor-33-08' > Survivor #33.08 'I'm the Kingpin' </option> <option value='dancing-with-the-stars-23-week-9' > Dancing with the Stars 23: Week 9 (Showstoppers Week) </option> <option value='project-runway-15-08' > Project Runway #15.08 'Project Pop Up' </option> <option value='survivor-33-07' > Survivor #33.07 'I Will Destroy You' </option> <option value='dancing-with-the-stars-23-week-8' > Dancing with the Stars 23: Week 8 (Halloween Night) </option> <option value='project-runway-15-07' > Project Runway #15.07 'Welcome to the Urban Jungle' </option> <option value='survivor-33-06' > Survivor #33.06 'The Truth Works Well' </option> <option value='dancing-with-the-stars-23-week-7' > Dancing with the Stars 23: Week 7 (Eras Night) </option> <option value='project-runway-15-06' > Project Runway #15.06 'This IS Crying in Fashion' </option> <option value='survivor-33-05' > Survivor #33.05 'Idol Search Party' </option> <option value='american-music-awards-2016' > American Music Awards 2016 </option> <option value='dancing-with-the-stars-23-week-6' > Dancing with the Stars 23: Week 6 (Latin Night) </option> <option value='project-runway-15-05' > Project Runway #15.05 'There's No I in Team' </option> <option value='sag-awards-tv-nominations-2017' > SAG Awards TV Nominations 2017 </option> <option value='golden-globes-tv-nominations-2017' > Golden Globes TV Nominations 2017 </option> <option value='survivor-33-04' > Survivor #33.04 'Who’s the Sucker at the Table' </option> <option value='dancing-with-the-stars-23-week-5' > Dancing with the Stars 23: Week 5 (Most Memorable Year) </option> <option value='grammy-nominations-2017' > Grammy Nominations 2017 </option> <option value='project-runway-15-04' > Project Runway #15.04 'Sink or Swim' </option> <option value='survivor-33-03' > Survivor #33.03 'Your Job is Recon' </option> <option value='dancing-with-the-stars-23-week-4' > Dancing with the Stars 23: Week 4 (Cirque Du Soleil Night) </option> <option value='big-brother-over-the-top' > Big Brother: Over the Top </option> <option value='project-runway-15-03-blacklight-or-daylight' > Project Runway #15.03 'Blacklight or Daylight' </option> <option value='survivor-33-02-love-goggles' > Survivor #33.02 'Love Goggles' </option> <option value='dancing-with-the-stars-23-week-3' > Dancing with the Stars 23: Week 3 (Face Off Night) </option> <option value='dancing-with-the-stars-23-week-2-tv-night' > Dancing with the Stars 23: Week 2 (TV Night) </option> <option value='americas-got-talent-11-finals' > America’s Got Talent 11 ‘Finals’ </option> <option value='sag-awards-film-nominations-2017' > SAG Awards Film Nominations 2017 </option> <option value='americas-got-talent-11-semi-finals' > America's Got Talent 11 'Semi-Finals' </option> <option value='cma-awards-2016' > CMA Awards 2016 </option> <option value='survivor-33-01-season-premiere' > Survivor #33.01 'May the Best Generation Win' </option> <option value='dancing-with-the-stars-23-week-1-season-premiere' > Dancing with the Stars 23: Week 1 (Season Premiere) </option> <option value='golden-globes-film-nominations-2017' > Golden Globes Film Nominations 2017 </option> <option value='oscars-nominations-2017' > Oscars Nominations 2017 </option> <option value='big-brother-18' > Big Brother 18 </option> <option value='mtv-video-music-awards-2016-2' > MTV Video Music Awards 2016 </option> <option value='mtv-video-music-awards-2016' > MTV Video Music Awards 2016 </option> <option value='emmy-awards-2016' > Emmy Awards 2016 </option> <option value='tca-awards-2016' > TCA Awards 2016 </option> <option value='tony-awards-2016' > Tony Awards 2016 </option> <option value='the-amazing-race-28-09-salt-that-sand' > The Amazing Race #28.09 'Salt That Sand' </option> <option value='survivor-32-10-im-not-here-to-make-good-friends' > Survivor #32.10 'I'm Not Here to Make Good Friends' </option> <option value='dancing-with-the-stars-22-05-switch-up' > Dancing with the Stars #22.05 'Switch-Up' </option> <option value='the-amazing-race-28-08-i-have-a-wedgie-and-a-half' > The Amazing Race #28.08 'I Have a Wedgie and a Half' </option> <option value='survivor-32-09-its-psychological-warfare' > Survivor #32.09 'It's Psychological Warfare' </option> <option value='dancing-with-the-stars-22-04-disney-night' > Dancing with the Stars #22.04 'Disney Night' </option> <option value='the-amazing-race-28-07-welcome-to-bloody-fingers-101' > The Amazing Race #28.07 'Welcome To Bloody Fingers 101' </option> <option value='game-of-thones-6-01-the-red-woman' > Game of Thones #6.01 'The Red Woman' </option> <option value='survivor-32-08-the-jocks-vs-the-pretty-people' > Survivor #32.08 'The Jocks vs. the Pretty People' </option> <option value='dancing-with-the-stars-22-03-most-memorable-year' > Dancing with the Stars #22.03 'Most Memorable Year' </option> <option value='the-walking-dead-6-16-last-day-on-earth' > The Walking Dead #6.16 'Last Day on Earth' </option> <option value='daytime-emmys-2016-dream-ballot' > Daytime Emmys 2016 Dream Ballot </option> <option value='american-idol-15-series-finale' > American Idol 15 'Series Finale' </option> <option value='daytime-emmys-2016' > Daytime Emmys 2016 </option> <option value='survivor-32-07-its-merge-time' > Survivor #32.07 'It's Merge Time' </option> <option value='emmy-awards-nominations-2016-dream-ballot' > Emmy Awards Nominations 2016 Dream Ballot </option> <option value='dancing-with-the-stars-22-02-latin-night' > Dancing with the Stars #22.02 'Latin Night' </option> <option value='the-walking-dead-6-15-east' > The Walking Dead #6.15 'East' </option> <option value='american-idol-15-top-5-week' > American Idol 15 'Top 5 Week' </option> <option value='survivor-32-06-play-or-go-home' > Survivor #32.06 'Play or Go Home' </option> <option value='tony-awards-nominations-2016-dream-ballot' > Tony Awards Nominations 2016 Dream Ballot </option> <option value='daytime-emmy-nominations-2016-dream-ballot' > Daytime Emmy Nominations 2016 Dream Ballot </option> <option value='the-walking-dead-6-14-twice-as-far' > The Walking Dead #6.14 'Twice as Far' </option> <option value='the-amazing-race-28-06-let-the-good-times-roll' > The Amazing Race #28.06 'Let The Good Times Roll' </option> <option value='american-idol-15-top-6-week' > American Idol 15 'Top 6 Week' </option> <option value='mtv-movie-awards-2016' > MTV Movie Awards 2016 </option> <option value='survivor-32-05-the-devils-we-know' > Survivor #32.05 'The Devils We Know' </option> <option value='dancing-with-the-stars-22-01-season-premiere' > Dancing with the Stars #22.01 'Season Premiere' </option> <option value='the-walking-dead-6-13-the-same-boat' > The Walking Dead #6.13 'The Same Boat' </option> <option value='the-amazing-race-28-05-were-only-doing-freaky-stuff-today' > The Amazing Race #28.05 'We're Only Doing Freaky Stuff Today' </option> <option value='american-idol-15-top-8-week' > American Idol 15 'Top 8 Week' </option> <option value='survivor-32-04-signed-sealed-and-delivered' > Survivor #32.04 'Signed Sealed and Delivered' </option> <option value='tony-awards-nominations-2016' > Tony Awards Nominations 2016 </option> <option value='the-walking-dead-6-12-not-tomorrow-yet' > The Walking Dead #6.12 'Not Tomorrow Yet' </option> <option value='the-amazing-race-28-04-get-it-trending' > The Amazing Race #28.04 'Get It Trending' </option> <option value='survivor-32-03-the-circle-of-life' > Survivor #32.03 'The Circle of Life' </option> <option value='the-walking-dead-6-11-knots-untie' > The Walking Dead #6.11 'Knots Untie' </option> <option value='the-amazing-race-28-03-bros-being-jocks' > The Amazing Race #28.03 'Bros Being Jocks' </option> <option value='survivor-32-02-kindergarten-camp' > Survivor #32.02 'Kindergarten Camp' </option> <option value='american-idol-15-top-10-week' > American Idol 15 'Top 10 Week' </option> <option value='the-walking-dead-6-10-the-next-world' > The Walking Dead #6.10 'The Next World' </option> <option value='the-amazing-race-28-02-you-look-like-gollum' > The Amazing Race #28.02 'You Look Like Gollum' </option> <option value='emmy-awards-nominations-2016' > Emmy Awards Nominations 2016 </option> <option value='acm-awards-2016' > ACM Awards 2016 </option> <option value='mpse-golden-reel-awards-2015' > MPSE Golden Reel Awards 2015 </option> <option value='makeup-and-hair-stylists-awards-2015' > MakeUp and Hair Stylists Awards 2015 </option> <option value='gold-derby-film-awards-2015' > Gold Derby Film Awards 2015 </option> <option value='survivor-32-01-im-a-mental-giant' > Survivor #32.01 'I'm a Mental Giant' </option> <option value='oscars-2015' > Oscars 2015 </option> <option value='directors-guild-awards-2015' > Directors Guild Awards 2015 </option> <option value='razzie-awards-2015' > Razzie Awards 2015 </option> <option value='daytime-emmy-nominations-2016' > Daytime Emmy Nominations 2016 </option> <option value='ves-awards-2015' > VES Awards 2015 </option> <option value='cas-awards-2015' > CAS Awards 2015 </option> <option value='best-movie-trailers-2015' > Best Movie Trailers 2015 </option> <option value='bafta-film-awards-2015' > BAFTA Film Awards 2015 </option> <option value='costume-designers-guild-awards-2015' > Costume Designers Guild Awards 2015 </option> <option value='writers-guild-awards-2015' > Writers Guild Awards 2015 </option> <option value='asc-awards-2015' > ASC Awards 2015 </option> <option value='art-directors-guild-awards-2015' > Art Directors Guild Awards 2015 </option> <option value='ace-eddie-awards-2015' > ACE Eddie Awards 2015 </option> <option value='producers-guild-awards-2015' > Producers Guild Awards 2015 </option> <option value='gold-derby-film-awards-nominations-2015' > Gold Derby Film Awards Nominations 2015 </option> <option value='the-amazing-race-28-01-i-shouldve-been-a-boy-scout' > The Amazing Race #28.01 'I Should've Been a Boy Scout' </option> <option value='critics-choice-awards-film-2015' > Critics Choice Awards (Film) 2015 </option> <option value='critics-choice-awards-tv-2015' > Critics Choice Awards (TV) 2015 </option> <option value='golden-globes-film-2015' > Golden Globes (Film) 2015 </option> <option value='golden-globes-tv-2015' > Golden Globes (TV) 2015 </option> <option value='survivor-31-14-season-finale' > Survivor #31.14 'Season Finale' </option> <option value='sag-awards-film-2015' > SAG Awards (Film) 2015 </option> <option value='sag-awards-tv-2015' > SAG Awards (TV) 2015 </option> <option value='the-voice-season-9-finale' > The Voice 'Season 9 Finale' </option> <option value='directors-guild-awards-nominations-2015' > Directors Guild Awards Nominations 2015 </option> <option value='producers-guild-awards-nominations-2015' > Producers Guild Awards Nominations 2015 </option> <option value='grammy-awards-2015' > Grammy Awards 2015 </option> <option value='the-amazing-race-27-12-we-got-a-chance-baby' > The Amazing Race #27.12 'We Got a Chance Baby' </option> <option value='razzie-awards-nominations-2015' > Razzie Awards Nominations 2015 </option> <option value='the-voice-season-9-top-9' > The Voice 'Season 9, Top 9' </option> <option value='los-angeles-film-critics-awards-2015' > Los Angeles Film Critics Awards 2015 </option> <option value='new-york-film-critics-circle-awards-2015' > New York Film Critics Circle Awards 2015 </option> <option value='national-board-of-review-awards-2015' > National Board of Review Awards 2015 </option> <option value='the-walking-dead-6-09-no-way-out' > The Walking Dead #6.09 'No Way Out' </option> <option value='the-amazing-race-27-11-its-not-easy-beating-green' > The Amazing Race #27.11 'It's Not Easy Beating Green' </option> <option value='survivor-31-13-villains-have-more-fun' > Survivor #31.13 'Villains Have More Fun' </option> <option value='survivor-31-12-tiny-little-shanks-to-the-heart' > Survivor #31.12 'Tiny Little Shanks to the Heart' </option> <option value='indie-spirit-awards-2015' > Indie Spirit Awards 2015 </option> <option value='the-voice-season-9-top-10' > The Voice 'Season 9, Top 10' </option> <option value='dancing-with-the-stars-21-11a-finale' > Dancing with the Stars #21.11A 'Finale' </option> <option value='the-walking-dead-6-08-start-to-finish' > The Walking Dead #6.08 'Start to Finish' </option> <option value='the-amazing-race-27-10-bring-the-fun-baby' > The Amazing Race #27.10 'Bring the Fun Baby' </option> <option value='survivor-31-10-and-31-11' > Survivor #31.10 and #31.11 </option> <option value='the-voice-season-9-top-11' > The Voice 'Season 9, Top 11' </option> <option value='dancing-with-the-stars-21-11-finals' > Dancing with the Stars #21.11 'Finals' </option> <option value='the-walking-dead-6-07-heads-up' > The Walking Dead #6.07 'Heads Up' </option> <option value='the-amazing-race-27-09-its-always-the-quiet-ones' > The Amazing Race #27.09 'It's Always the Quiet Ones' </option> <option value='survivor-31-09-witches-coven' > Survivor #31.09 'Witches Coven' </option> <option value='the-voice-season-9-top-12' > The Voice 'Season 9, Top 12' </option> <option value='dancing-with-the-stars-21-10-semi-finals' > Dancing with the Stars #21.10 'Semi-Finals' </option> <option value='the-walking-dead-6-06-always-accountable' > The Walking Dead #6.06 'Always Accountable' </option> <option value='the-amazing-race-27-08-krakow-im-gonna-get-you' > The Amazing Race #27.08 'Krakow, I'm Gonna Get You' </option> <option value='survivor-31-08-you-call-well-haul' > Survivor #31.08 'You Call, We'll Haul' </option> <option value='the-voice-season-9-top-20' > The Voice 'Season 9, Top 20' </option> <option value='critics-choice-awards-tv-nominations-2015' > Critics Choice Awards (TV) Nominations 2015 </option> <option value='dancing-with-the-stars-21-09-showstopper-week' > Dancing with the Stars #21.09 'Showstopper Week' </option> <option value='the-walking-dead-6-05-now' > The Walking Dead #6.05 'Now' </option> <option value='the-amazing-race-27-07-full-speed-ahead-captain' > The Amazing Race #27.07 'Full Speed Ahead, Captain!' </option> <option value='survivor-31-07-play-to-win' > Survivor #31.07 'Play to Win' </option> <option value='critics-choice-awards-film-nominations-2015' > Critics Choice Awards (Film) Nominations 2015 </option> <option value='dancing-with-the-stars-21-08-icons-nightdance-off' > Dancing with the Stars #21.08 'Icons Night/Dance-Off' </option> <option value='the-walking-dead-6-04-heres-not-here' > The Walking Dead #6.04 'Here's Not Here' </option> <option value='sag-awards-tv-nominations-2015' > SAG Awards (TV) Nominations 2015 </option> <option value='the-amazing-race-27-06-my-tongue-doesnt-even-twist-that-way' > The Amazing Race #27.06 'My Tongue Doesn't Even Twist That Way' </option> <option value='survivor-31-06-bunking-with-the-devil' > Survivor #31.06 'Bunking With the Devil' </option> <option value='dancing-with-the-stars-21-07-halloween-special' > Dancing with the Stars #21.07 'Halloween Special' </option> <option value='the-walking-dead-6-03-thank-you' > The Walking Dead #6.03 'Thank You' </option> <option value='american-music-awards-2015' > American Music Awards 2015 </option> <option value='the-amazing-race-27-05-king-of-the-jungle' > The Amazing Race #27.05 'King of the Jungle' </option> <option value='dancing-with-the-stars-21-06-famous-dances' > Dancing with the Stars #21.06 'Famous Dances' </option> <option value='project-runway-14-12-season-finale' > Project Runway #14.12 'Season Finale' </option> <option value='survivor-31-05-a-snake-in-the-grass' > Survivor #31.05 'A Snake in the Grass' </option> <option value='golden-globes-tv-nominations-2015' > Golden Globes (TV) Nominations 2015 </option> <option value='the-walking-dead-6-02-jss' > The Walking Dead #6.02 'JSS' </option> <option value='the-amazing-race-27-04-good-old-fashioned-spit-in-the-face' > The Amazing Race #27.04 'Good Old Fashioned Spit In The Face' </option> <option value='project-runway-14-11-the-runways-in-3d' > Project Runway #14.11 'The Runway's in 3D!' </option> <option value='survivor-31-04-whats-the-beef' > Survivor #31.04 'What's the Beef?' </option> <option value='dancing-with-the-stars-21-05-switch-up' > Dancing with the Stars #21.05 'Switch-Up' </option> <option value='the-amazing-race-27-03-where-my-dogs-at' > The Amazing Race #27.03 'Where My Dogs At?' </option> <option value='dancing-with-the-stars-21-04-most-memorable-year' > Dancing with the Stars #21.04 'Most Memorable Year' </option> <option value='golden-globes-film-nominations-2015' > Golden Globes (Film) Nominations 2015 </option> <option value='the-amazing-race-27-02-get-in-there-and-think-like-a-dog' > The Amazing Race #27.02 'Get in There and Think Like a Dog' </option> <option value='grammy-nominations-2015' > Grammy Nominations 2015 </option> <option value='project-runway-14-10-crews-all-in' > Project Runway #14.10 'Crew's All In' </option> <option value='project-runway-14-09-make-it-sell' > Project Runway #14.09 'Make It Sell' </option> <option value='survivor-31-03-we-got-a-rat' > Survivor #31.03 'We Got a Rat' </option> <option value='sag-awards-film-nominations-2015' > SAG Awards (Film) Nominations 2015 </option> <option value='survivor-31-02-survivor-macgyver' > Survivor #31.02 'Survivor MacGyver' </option> <option value='dancing-with-the-stars-21-03-tv-night' > Dancing with the Stars #21.03 'TV Night' </option> <option value='cma-awards-2015' > CMA Awards 2015 </option> <option value='project-runway-14-08-broadway-or-bust' > Project Runway #14.08 'Broadway or Bust' </option> <option value='dancing-with-the-stars-21-02-hometown-glory' > Dancing with the Stars #21.02 'Hometown Glory' </option> <option value='big-brother-17-season-finale' > Big Brother 17 'Season Finale' </option> <option value='project-runway-14-07-haute-tech-couture' > Project Runway #14.07 'Haute Tech Couture' </option> <option value='americas-got-talent-season-finale' > America's Got Talent 'Season Finale' </option> <option value='big-brother-17-week-11' > Big Brother 17 'Week 11' </option> <option value='project-runway-14-06-lace-to-the-finish' > Project Runway #14.06 'Lace to the Finish' </option> <option value='the-amazing-race-27-01-a-little-too-much-beefcake' > The Amazing Race #27.01 'A Little Too Much Beefcake' </option> <option value='dancing-with-the-stars-21-01-season-premiere' > Dancing with the Stars #21.01 'Season Premiere' </option> <option value='so-you-think-you-can-dance-final-4' > So You Think You Can Dance 'Final 4' </option> <option value='big-brother-17-week-10' > Big Brother 17 'Week 10' </option> <option value='project-runway-14-05-gunn-and-heid' > Project Runway #14.05 'Gunn and Heid' </option> <option value='americas-got-talent-semifinals-week-1' > America's Got Talent 'Semifinals, Week 1' </option> <option value='so-you-think-you-can-dance-top-6-week' > So You Think You Can Dance 'Top 6 Week' </option> <option value='project-runway-14-04-fashion-flip' > Project Runway #14.04 'Fashion Flip' </option> <option value='big-brother-17-week-9' > Big Brother 17 'Week 9' </option> <option value='americas-got-talent-top-36-week-3' > America's Got Talent 'Top 36, Week 3' </option> <option value='so-you-think-you-can-dance-top-8-week' > So You Think You Can Dance 'Top 8 Week' </option> <option value='big-brother-17-week-8' > Big Brother 17 'Week 8' </option> <option value='project-runway-14-03-shut-up-and-sew' > Project Runway #14.03 'Shut Up and Sew' </option> <option value='americas-got-talent-top-36-week-2' > America's Got Talent 'Top 36, Week 2' </option> <option value='so-you-think-you-can-dance-top-10-week' > So You Think You Can Dance 'Top 10 Week' </option> <option value='project-runway-14-02-its-all-in-the-cards' > Project Runway #14.02 'It's All in the Cards' </option> <option value='big-brother-17-week-7' > Big Brother 17 'Week 7' </option> <option value='oscars-2015-nominations' > Oscars 2015 Nominations </option> <option value='americas-got-talent-top-36-week-1' > America's Got Talent 'Top 36, Week 1' </option> <option value='so-you-think-you-can-dance-top-14-week' > So You Think You Can Dance 'Top 14 Week' </option> <option value='big-brother-17-week-6' > Big Brother 17 'Week 6' </option> <option value='so-you-think-you-can-dance-top-16-week' > So You Think You Can Dance 'Top 16 Week' </option> <option value='gold-derby-tv-awards-2015' > Gold Derby TV Awards 2015 </option> <option value='big-brother-17-week-5' > Big Brother 17 'Week 5' </option> <option value='mtv-video-music-awards-2015' > MTV Video Music Awards 2015 </option> <option value='so-you-think-you-can-dance-top-18-week' > So You Think You Can Dance 'Top 18 Week' </option> <option value='emmys-dream-ballot-2015' > Emmys Dream Ballot 2015 </option> <option value='emmy-awards-2015' > Emmy Awards 2015 </option> <option value='big-brother-17-week-4' > Big Brother 17 'Week 4' </option> <option value='big-brother-17-week-3' > Big Brother 17 'Week 3' </option> <option value='so-you-think-you-can-dance-top-20-week' > So You Think You Can Dance 'Top 20 Week' </option> <option value='big-brother-17-week-2' > Big Brother 17 'Week 2' </option> <option value='big-brother-17-week-1' > Big Brother 17 'Week 1' </option> <option value='tca-awards-2015' > TCA Awards 2015 </option> <option value='survivor-31-01-second-chance' > Survivor #31.01 'Second Chance' </option> <option value='gold-derby-tv-awards-nominations-2015' > Gold Derby TV Awards Nominations 2015 </option> <option value='game-of-thones-5-09-the-dance-of-dragons' > Game of Thones #5.09 'The Dance of Dragons' </option> <option value='game-of-thones-5-08-hardhome' > Game of Thones #5.08 'Hardhome' </option> <option value='critics-choice-tv-awards-2015' > Critics Choice TV Awards 2015 </option> <option value='game-of-thones-5-07-the-gift' > Game of Thones #5.07 'The Gift' </option> <option value='survivor-30-14-its-a-fickle-fickle-game' > Survivor #30.14 'It's A Fickle, Fickle Game' </option> <option value='survivor-31-00-top-20-revealed' > Survivor #31.00 'Top 20 Revealed' </option> <option value='dancing-with-the-stars-20-10-finals' > Dancing with the Stars #20.10 'Finals' </option> <option value='the-voice-season-8-finale' > The Voice 'Season 8 Finale' </option> <option value='the-amazing-race-26-12-monster-truck-heroes' > The Amazing Race #26.12 'Monster Truck Heroes' </option> <option value='game-of-thones-5-06-unbowed-unbent-unbroken' > Game of Thones #5.06 'Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken' </option> <option value='survivor-30-13-my-word-is-my-bond' > Survivor #30.13 'My Word is My Bond' </option> <option value='the-voice-top-5-week' > The Voice 'Top 5 Week' </option> <option value='american-idol-season-14-finale' > American Idol 'Season 14 Finale' </option> <option value='dancing-with-the-stars-20-09-semi-finals' > Dancing with the Stars #20.09 'Semi-Finals' </option> <option value='the-amazing-race-26-11-in-it-to-win-it' > The Amazing Race #26.11 'In It to Win It' </option> <option value='americas-got-talent-semifinals-week-2' > America's Got Talent 'Semifinals, Week 2' </option> <option value='survivor-30-12-holding-on-for-dear-life' > Survivor #30.12 'Holding on For Dear Life' </option> <option value='american-idol-top-4-week' > American Idol 'Top 4 Week' </option> <option value='tony-awards-2015-dream-ballot' > Tony Awards 2015 Dream Ballot </option> <option value='the-voice-top-6-week' > The Voice 'Top 6 Week' </option> <option value='game-of-thones-5-10-mothers-mercy' > Game of Thones #5.10 'Mother's Mercy' </option> <option value='tony-awards-2015' > Tony Awards 2015 </option> <option value='dancing-with-the-stars-20-08-americas-choice' > Dancing with the Stars #20.08 'America's Choice' </option> <option value='the-amazing-race-26-10-fruits-of-our-labor' > The Amazing Race #26.10 'Fruits Of Our Labor' </option> <option value='survivor-30-11-survivor-russian-roulette' > Survivor #30.11 'Survivor Russian Roulette' </option> <option value='american-idol-top-5-week' > American Idol 'Top 5 Week' </option> <option value='the-voice-top-8-week' > The Voice 'Top 8 Week' </option> <option value='dancing-with-the-stars-20-07-eras-night' > Dancing with the Stars #20.07 'Eras Night' </option> <option value='the-amazing-race-26-09-can-i-get-a-hot-tub' > The Amazing Race #26.09 'Can I Get a Hot Tub' </option> <option value='american-idol-top-6-week' > American Idol 'Top 6 Week' </option> <option value='survivor-30-10-bring-the-popcorn' > Survivor #30.10 'Bring the Popcorn' </option> <option value='the-voice-top-10-week' > The Voice 'Top 10 Week' </option> <option value='dancing-with-the-stars-20-06-spring-break-special' > Dancing with the Stars #20.06 'Spring Break Special' </option> <option value='the-amazing-race-26-08-look-at-those-guns' > The Amazing Race #26.08 'Look at Those Guns' </option> <option value='the-amazing-race-26-07-back-in-business' > The Amazing Race #26.07 'Back in Business' </option> <option value='american-idol-top-7-week' > American Idol 'Top 7 Week' </option> <option value='survivor-30-09-livin-on-the-edge' > Survivor #30.09 'Livin' On the Edge' 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II" ); data.addRows([[new Date(2024, 9, 18),11.71,10.27,10.37,10.47,9.29,0.77,9.28,3,5.35,4.91],[new Date(2024, 9, 22),11.82,10.39,10.4,10.56,9.39,0.88,9.08,3.05,5.45,5.46],[new Date(2024, 9, 26),11.9,10.43,10.41,10.66,9.33,1.34,8.88,3.98,5.15,6.16],[new Date(2024, 9, 30),11.93,10.52,10.45,10.77,9.39,1.44,8.89,3.97,5.19,6.18],[new Date(2024, 10, 03),11.96,10.55,10.54,10.68,9.37,2.63,8.67,3.99,5.07,6.16],[new Date(2024, 10, 07),12,10.63,10.61,10.76,9.38,3,8.4,4.16,5.08,6.18],[new Date(2024, 10, 11),12.5,11.35,10.82,10.82,9.16,4.08,7.74,4.9,5.37,6.06],[new Date(2024, 10, 15),12.53,11.47,11.05,10.57,9.26,5.46,7.59,5.13,4.99,5.08],[new Date(2024, 10, 19),12.59,11.45,11.05,10.43,9.37,5.84,7.47,5.57,4.73,4.76],[new Date(2024, 10, 23),12.66,11.46,11.19,10.32,9.39,7.13,7.34,5.65,4.95,4.5],[new Date(2024, 10, 27),12.72,11.55,11.21,10.39,9.56,7.86,7.48,5.79,4.98,3.68],[new Date(2024, 11, 01),12.58,11.48,11.15,10.16,9.41,8.7,7.6,5.86,4.9,3.19]]) var options = { animation: { duration: 1000, 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Chu (Wicked)" ); data.addColumn('number', "Mohammad Rasoulof (The Seed of the Sacred Fig)" ); data.addColumn('number', "Ridley Scott (Gladiator II)" ); data.addRows([[new Date(2024, 9, 18),17.33,19.09,9.8,14.92,11.33,3.2,1.78,0.02,1.79,5.18],[new Date(2024, 9, 22),17.52,19.29,10.11,14.98,11.56,3.32,1.9,0.02,2,5.9],[new Date(2024, 9, 26),17.94,19.35,10.56,14.64,10.33,3.51,1.52,0.02,3.02,7.2],[new Date(2024, 9, 30),18.15,19.18,11.25,14.25,10.86,3.51,1.69,0.02,3.01,7.08],[new Date(2024, 10, 03),18.28,19.17,11.86,14.2,11.6,4.03,1.6,0.21,2.64,6.71],[new Date(2024, 10, 07),18.47,19.17,11.69,14.7,11.13,4.39,1.92,0.22,2.27,6.78],[new Date(2024, 10, 11),19.9,19.75,11.66,15.48,10.44,4.24,2.75,0.55,2.87,6.32],[new Date(2024, 10, 15),19.76,19.83,12.96,14.3,11.47,3.93,3.88,1.23,2.47,5.33],[new Date(2024, 10, 19),20.15,19.73,13.25,13.56,11.37,3.98,4.09,1.53,2.72,4.98],[new Date(2024, 10, 23),20.53,19.85,12.97,13.33,11.36,5.69,4.36,1.96,2.43,3.95],[new Date(2024, 10, 27),20.65,20.14,13.3,12.79,11.24,5.72,4.76,3.06,2.15,2.66],[new Date(2024, 11, 01),20.71,19.81,13.67,12.01,11.35,5.46,5.4,3.7,2.25,2.16]]) var options = { animation: { duration: 1000, startup: true, easing: 'out' }, chart: { title: '', subtitle: '' }, chartArea: { left: 45, width: '70%', height: '80%', top: 30 }, legend: { position: 'right' }, height: 300, vAxis: { textPosition: 'out', format: '#\'%\'', }, hAxis: { format: 'd MMM yy', textStyle: { color: '#000', fontName: 'Arial', fontSize: 10, bold: false, italic: true }, ticks: [new Date(2024, 9, 18),new Date(2024, 9, 22),new Date(2024, 9, 26),new Date(2024, 9, 30),new Date(2024, 10, 03),new Date(2024, 10, 07),new Date(2024, 10, 11),new Date(2024, 10, 15),new Date(2024, 10, 19),new Date(2024, 10, 23),new Date(2024, 10, 27),new Date(2024, 11, 01)] }, }; var chart = new google.visualization.LineChart( document.getElementById( '117' ) ); chart.draw(data, options); } }); jQuery(document).ready(function() { jQuery("input[name=graph_type]").change(function () { var graph_type = jQuery(this).val(); if ( 'both' == graph_type ) { jQuery( '.line-graph' ).slideDown( 500 ); jQuery( '.bar-graph' ).slideDown( 500 ); jQuery( '.bar-graph' ).css( 'margin-top', '5px' ); } else if ( 'bar' == graph_type ) { jQuery( '.line-graph' ).slideUp( 500 ); jQuery( '.bar-graph' ).slideDown( 500 ); jQuery( '.bar-graph' ).css( 'margin-top', '0px' ); } else if ( 'line' == graph_type ) { jQuery( '.line-graph' ).slideDown( 500 ); jQuery( '.bar-graph' ).slideUp( 500 ); jQuery( '.bar-graph' ).css( 'margin-top', '0px' ); } }); }); </script> </div> <div class="widget_gd_graph_widget bar-graph"> <div id="graph-bar-chart" class="graph-wrapper"> <div id="227"></div> </div> <script> jQuery(document).ready(function() { jQuery( '#only_bar, #both' ).click( function(e) { if ( jQuery( '#227' ).html() != '' ) { return; } jQuery( '#227' ).html( 'Loading chart..' ); jQuery( '#227' ).slideDown( 500 ); // Bar Chart google.charts.load('current', {packages: ['corechart', 'bar']}); google.charts.setOnLoadCallback(drawBarColors); function drawBarColors() { var data = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable([["",""],["Brady Corbet (The Brutalist)",20.71],["Sean Baker (Anora)",19.81],["Edward Berger (Conclave)",13.67],["Jacques Audiard (Emilia Perez)",12.01],["Denis Villeneuve (Dune: Part Two)",11.35],["RaMell Ross (Nickel Boys)",5.46],["Coralie Fargeat (The Substance)",5.4],["Jon M. Chu (Wicked)",3.7],["Mohammad Rasoulof (The Seed of the Sacred Fig)",2.25],["Ridley Scott (Gladiator II)",2.16]]); var options = { title: '', height: 350, chartArea: { width: '60%', height: '90%', top: 0, left: '15%' }, axisTitlesPosition: 'none', hAxis: { title: '', minValue: 0, textStyle: { color: '#000', fontName: 'Arial', fontSize: 10, bold: false, italic: true }, }, vAxis: { title: 'Nominees', textPosition: 'out', }, legend: { position: "none" }, bar: { groupWidth: "40%" }, fontSize: 12 }; var chart = new google.visualization.BarChart( document.getElementById( '227' ) ); chart.draw(data, options); } } ); }); </script> </div> <div class="widget_gd_graph_head">Best Actress</div> <div class="widget_gd_graph_head_texts"></div> <div class="widget_gd_graph_widget line-graph"> <div id="graph-line-chart" class="graph-wrapper"> <div id="114">Loading chart..</div> </div> <script> jQuery(document).ready(function() { google.charts.load('current', {packages: ['corechart', 'line']}); google.charts.setOnLoadCallback(drawBasic); function drawBasic() { var data = new google.visualization.DataTable(); data.addColumn('date', 'Date'); data.addColumn('number', "Mikey Madison (Anora)" ); data.addColumn('number', "Karla Sofia Gascon (Emilia Perez)" ); data.addColumn('number', "Angelina Jolie (Maria)" ); data.addColumn('number', "Nicole Kidman (Babygirl)" ); data.addColumn('number', "Marianne Jean-Baptiste (Hard Truths)" ); data.addColumn('number', "Cynthia Erivo (Wicked)" ); data.addColumn('number', "Demi Moore (The Substance)" ); data.addColumn('number', "Saoirse Ronan (The Outrun)" ); data.addColumn('number', "Fernanda Torres (I\'m Still Here)" ); data.addColumn('number', "Amy Adams (Nightbitch)" ); data.addRows([[new Date(2024, 9, 18),20.39,17.75,16.19,9.69,5.96,0.88,2.64,9.65,1.34,6.9],[new Date(2024, 9, 22),20.28,17.83,16.44,10.02,6.77,0.91,2.68,8.99,1.52,6.31],[new Date(2024, 9, 26),20.42,17.98,16.65,10.28,7.95,0.89,3.65,8.51,1.56,5.1],[new Date(2024, 9, 30),20.43,18.07,16.81,10.29,7.98,0.89,3.84,8.82,1.39,4.86],[new Date(2024, 10, 03),20.62,17.74,16.87,10.19,8.16,1.71,4.17,8.46,1.39,4.62],[new Date(2024, 10, 07),20.76,17.67,16.96,10.28,8.52,1.76,4.3,8.21,1.4,4.22],[new Date(2024, 10, 11),21.39,18.27,17.16,11.24,8.83,2.37,5.92,7.32,1.46,2.46],[new Date(2024, 10, 15),21.4,18.14,17.21,10.56,8.92,3.18,7.37,5.98,1.42,2.28],[new Date(2024, 10, 19),21.29,18.71,17.32,10.02,9.04,3.49,7.55,5.45,1.6,2.43],[new Date(2024, 10, 23),21.23,18.24,17.41,11.19,9.71,5.27,6.21,3.96,2.72,1.32],[new Date(2024, 10, 27),21.08,18.06,17.76,11.54,9.69,6.2,6.7,3.43,2.17,1.05],[new Date(2024, 11, 01),21.3,17.73,17.59,11.06,8.89,8.79,6.82,2.72,2.25,0.87]]) var options = { animation: { duration: 1000, startup: true, easing: 'out' }, chart: { title: '', subtitle: '' }, chartArea: { left: 45, width: '70%', height: '80%', top: 30 }, legend: { position: 'right' }, height: 300, vAxis: { textPosition: 'out', format: '#\'%\'', }, hAxis: { format: 'd MMM yy', textStyle: { color: '#000', fontName: 'Arial', fontSize: 10, bold: false, italic: true }, ticks: [new Date(2024, 9, 18),new Date(2024, 9, 22),new Date(2024, 9, 26),new Date(2024, 9, 30),new Date(2024, 10, 03),new Date(2024, 10, 07),new Date(2024, 10, 11),new Date(2024, 10, 15),new Date(2024, 10, 19),new Date(2024, 10, 23),new Date(2024, 10, 27),new Date(2024, 11, 01)] }, }; 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var chart = new google.visualization.BarChart( document.getElementById( '224' ) ); chart.draw(data, options); } } ); }); </script> </div> <div class="widget_gd_graph_head">Best Actor</div> <div class="widget_gd_graph_head_texts"></div> <div class="widget_gd_graph_widget line-graph"> <div id="graph-line-chart" class="graph-wrapper"> <div id="112">Loading chart..</div> </div> <script> jQuery(document).ready(function() { google.charts.load('current', {packages: ['corechart', 'line']}); google.charts.setOnLoadCallback(drawBasic); function drawBasic() { var data = new google.visualization.DataTable(); data.addColumn('date', 'Date'); data.addColumn('number', "Adrien Brody (The Brutalist)" ); data.addColumn('number', "Ralph Fiennes (Conclave)" ); data.addColumn('number', "Colman Domingo (Sing Sing)" ); data.addColumn('number', "Timothee Chalamet (A Complete Unknown)" ); data.addColumn('number', "Daniel Craig (Queer)" ); data.addColumn('number', "Jesse Eisenberg (A Real Pain)" ); data.addColumn('number', "Sebastian Stan (The Apprentice)" ); data.addColumn('number', "John David Washington (The Piano Lesson)" ); data.addColumn('number', "Paul Mescal (Gladiator II)" ); data.addColumn('number', "Glen Powell (Hit Man)" ); data.addRows([[new Date(2024, 9, 18),18.84,19.67,18.96,14.76,9.15,0.78,5.52,3.3,2.47,0.04],[new Date(2024, 9, 22),19.06,19.71,18.82,14.44,8.84,0.72,5.68,2.89,3.48,0.04],[new Date(2024, 9, 26),19.03,19.81,18.69,14.37,8.03,0.91,5.98,2.81,4.15,0.03],[new Date(2024, 9, 30),19.2,20.12,18.85,14.5,8.14,0.91,6.01,2.79,4.15,0.04],[new Date(2024, 10, 03),19.37,20.31,18.83,14.39,7.81,1.49,6.45,2.71,3.27,0.04],[new Date(2024, 10, 07),19.53,20.35,18.78,14.5,7.9,1.51,6.08,2.56,3.54,0.03],[new Date(2024, 10, 11),21,20.81,18.85,14.91,8.35,1.32,5.27,1.92,3.85,0.03],[new Date(2024, 10, 15),21.35,21.05,18.6,14.59,9.77,2.01,3.76,1.89,3.43,0.02],[new Date(2024, 10, 19),21.33,20.96,18.86,14.66,10.02,2.42,3.96,2.12,3.04,0.02],[new Date(2024, 10, 23),21.44,21.21,19.04,15.28,8.9,4.36,3.71,1.3,2.48,0.24],[new Date(2024, 10, 27),21.65,21.03,19.12,17.12,9.02,4.55,3.03,0.98,1.37,0.24],[new Date(2024, 11, 01),21.34,20.9,18.78,17.49,8.3,5.24,3.11,1.13,0.92,0.44]]) var options = { animation: { duration: 1000, startup: true, easing: 'out' }, chart: { title: '', subtitle: '' }, chartArea: { left: 45, width: '70%', height: '80%', top: 30 }, legend: { position: 'right' }, height: 300, vAxis: { textPosition: 'out', format: '#\'%\'', }, hAxis: { format: 'd MMM yy', textStyle: { color: '#000', fontName: 'Arial', fontSize: 10, bold: false, italic: true }, ticks: [new Date(2024, 9, 18),new Date(2024, 9, 22),new Date(2024, 9, 26),new Date(2024, 9, 30),new Date(2024, 10, 03),new Date(2024, 10, 07),new Date(2024, 10, 11),new Date(2024, 10, 15),new Date(2024, 10, 19),new Date(2024, 10, 23),new Date(2024, 10, 27),new Date(2024, 11, 01)] }, }; 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var chart = new google.visualization.BarChart( document.getElementById( '222' ) ); chart.draw(data, options); } } ); }); </script> </div> <div class="widget_gd_graph_head">Best Supporting Actress</div> <div class="widget_gd_graph_head_texts"></div> <div class="widget_gd_graph_widget line-graph"> <div id="graph-line-chart" class="graph-wrapper"> <div id="116">Loading chart..</div> </div> <script> jQuery(document).ready(function() { google.charts.load('current', {packages: ['corechart', 'line']}); google.charts.setOnLoadCallback(drawBasic); function drawBasic() { var data = new google.visualization.DataTable(); data.addColumn('date', 'Date'); data.addColumn('number', "Zoe Saldana (Emilia Perez)" ); data.addColumn('number', "Ariana Grande (Wicked)" ); data.addColumn('number', "Felicity Jones (The Brutalist)" ); data.addColumn('number', "Danielle Deadwyler (The Piano Lesson)" ); data.addColumn('number', "Isabella Rossellini (Conclave)" ); data.addColumn('number', "Saoirse Ronan (Blitz)" ); data.addColumn('number', "Aunjanue Ellis-Taylor (Nickel Boys)" ); data.addColumn('number', "Selena Gomez (Emilia Perez)" ); data.addColumn('number', "Monica Barbaro (A Complete Unknown)" ); data.addColumn('number', "Margaret Qualley (The Substance)" ); data.addRows([[new Date(2024, 9, 18),20.7,0.19,13.4,19.23,9.37,9.12,10.36,6.76,0,0.64],[new Date(2024, 9, 22),20.97,0.78,13.62,18.68,8.52,9.44,10.41,7.13,0,0.58],[new Date(2024, 9, 26),21.09,1.59,14.14,18.22,7.92,10.06,10.5,6.85,0.01,0.59],[new Date(2024, 9, 30),21.24,1.82,14.44,18.03,7.84,10.08,10.05,6.93,0,1.03],[new Date(2024, 10, 03),21.16,5.02,14.08,17.29,7.76,9.44,9.98,7.25,0.01,1.16],[new Date(2024, 10, 07),21.21,6.24,14.29,16.48,7.35,9.55,9.76,7.29,0.01,1.18],[new Date(2024, 10, 11),22.01,8.81,15.06,15.41,6.47,10.36,8.26,7.5,0.01,1.39],[new Date(2024, 10, 15),22.49,11.26,15.03,15.83,6.64,9.46,7,6.35,0.01,1.43],[new Date(2024, 10, 19),22.35,12.05,14.96,15.69,6.34,9.64,6.82,6.1,0.01,2.01],[new Date(2024, 10, 23),22.07,15.38,15.05,14.68,6.69,8.65,5.83,5.45,0.95,1.54],[new Date(2024, 10, 27),22.27,16.09,14.9,14.51,6.95,7.96,5.67,5.11,2.08,1.39],[new Date(2024, 11, 01),22.17,17.37,14.69,14.37,7.7,7.17,5.66,5.17,2.17,1.23]]) var options = { animation: { duration: 1000, startup: true, easing: 'out' }, chart: { title: '', subtitle: '' }, chartArea: { left: 45, width: '70%', height: '80%', top: 30 }, legend: { position: 'right' }, height: 300, vAxis: { textPosition: 'out', format: '#\'%\'', }, hAxis: { format: 'd MMM yy', textStyle: { color: '#000', fontName: 'Arial', fontSize: 10, bold: false, italic: true }, ticks: [new Date(2024, 9, 18),new Date(2024, 9, 22),new Date(2024, 9, 26),new Date(2024, 9, 30),new Date(2024, 10, 03),new Date(2024, 10, 07),new Date(2024, 10, 11),new Date(2024, 10, 15),new Date(2024, 10, 19),new Date(2024, 10, 23),new Date(2024, 10, 27),new Date(2024, 11, 01)] }, }; 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var chart = new google.visualization.BarChart( document.getElementById( '226' ) ); chart.draw(data, options); } } ); }); </script> </div> <div class="widget_gd_graph_head">Best Supporting Actor</div> <div class="widget_gd_graph_head_texts"></div> <div class="widget_gd_graph_widget line-graph"> <div id="graph-line-chart" class="graph-wrapper"> <div id="115">Loading chart..</div> </div> <script> jQuery(document).ready(function() { google.charts.load('current', {packages: ['corechart', 'line']}); google.charts.setOnLoadCallback(drawBasic); function drawBasic() { var data = new google.visualization.DataTable(); data.addColumn('date', 'Date'); data.addColumn('number', "Kieran Culkin (A Real Pain)" ); data.addColumn('number', "Guy Pearce (The Brutalist)" ); data.addColumn('number', "Denzel Washington (Gladiator II)" ); data.addColumn('number', "Clarence Maclin (Sing Sing)" ); data.addColumn('number', "Yura Borisov (Anora)" ); data.addColumn('number', "Stanley Tucci (Conclave)" ); data.addColumn('number', "Edward Norton (A Complete Unknown)" ); data.addColumn('number', "Jeremy Strong (The Apprentice)" ); data.addColumn('number', "Samuel L. Jackson (The Piano Lesson)" ); data.addColumn('number', "Jonathan Bailey (Wicked)" ); data.addRows([[new Date(2024, 9, 18),18.69,15.94,11.78,17.29,1.11,9.15,3.95,5.92,5.8,0.02],[new Date(2024, 9, 22),18.31,16.23,13.14,16.49,1.77,8.12,3.91,6.41,5.11,0.02],[new Date(2024, 9, 26),18.39,16.69,15.11,15.69,2.62,8.28,3.6,5.75,4.3,0.02],[new Date(2024, 9, 30),18.57,17.14,15.66,15.34,3.51,8.3,3.39,6.03,4.04,0.01],[new Date(2024, 10, 03),19.21,17.51,16.11,14.95,4.1,8.41,3.6,5.84,3.53,0.2],[new Date(2024, 10, 07),19.29,17.61,16.38,14.58,4.79,8.73,3.62,5.16,3.29,0.2],[new Date(2024, 10, 11),20.21,18.47,16.48,14.19,6.45,8.23,3.57,5.54,1.84,0.23],[new Date(2024, 10, 15),20.45,18.93,16.81,14.39,7.22,7.89,3.86,4.8,1.37,0.24],[new Date(2024, 10, 19),20.85,18.95,16.84,14.4,7.95,7.77,4.29,4.31,1.05,0.26],[new Date(2024, 10, 23),21.3,19,17.33,14.56,8.89,7.3,3.73,3.68,1.23,0.49],[new Date(2024, 10, 27),21.51,19.16,17,15.12,9.72,6.73,3.98,3,0.95,0.48],[new Date(2024, 11, 01),21.32,19,16.9,14.85,10.18,6.44,4.19,2.94,0.93,0.49]]) var options = { animation: { duration: 1000, startup: true, easing: 'out' }, chart: { title: '', subtitle: '' }, chartArea: { left: 45, width: '70%', height: '80%', top: 30 }, legend: { position: 'right' }, height: 300, vAxis: { textPosition: 'out', format: '#\'%\'', }, hAxis: { format: 'd MMM yy', textStyle: { color: '#000', fontName: 'Arial', fontSize: 10, bold: false, italic: true }, ticks: [new Date(2024, 9, 18),new Date(2024, 9, 22),new Date(2024, 9, 26),new Date(2024, 9, 30),new Date(2024, 10, 03),new Date(2024, 10, 07),new Date(2024, 10, 11),new Date(2024, 10, 15),new Date(2024, 10, 19),new Date(2024, 10, 23),new Date(2024, 10, 27),new Date(2024, 11, 01)] }, }; var chart = new google.visualization.LineChart( document.getElementById( '115' ) ); chart.draw(data, options); } }); jQuery(document).ready(function() { jQuery("input[name=graph_type]").change(function () { var graph_type = jQuery(this).val(); if ( 'both' == graph_type ) { jQuery( '.line-graph' ).slideDown( 500 ); jQuery( '.bar-graph' ).slideDown( 500 ); jQuery( '.bar-graph' ).css( 'margin-top', '5px' ); } else if ( 'bar' == graph_type ) { jQuery( '.line-graph' ).slideUp( 500 ); jQuery( '.bar-graph' ).slideDown( 500 ); jQuery( '.bar-graph' ).css( 'margin-top', '0px' ); } else if ( 'line' == graph_type ) { jQuery( '.line-graph' ).slideDown( 500 ); jQuery( '.bar-graph' ).slideUp( 500 ); jQuery( '.bar-graph' ).css( 'margin-top', '0px' ); } }); }); </script> </div> <div class="widget_gd_graph_widget bar-graph"> <div id="graph-bar-chart" class="graph-wrapper"> <div id="225"></div> </div> <script> jQuery(document).ready(function() { jQuery( '#only_bar, #both' ).click( function(e) { if ( jQuery( '#225' ).html() != '' ) { return; } jQuery( '#225' ).html( 'Loading chart..' ); jQuery( '#225' ).slideDown( 500 ); // Bar Chart google.charts.load('current', {packages: ['corechart', 'bar']}); google.charts.setOnLoadCallback(drawBarColors); function drawBarColors() { var data = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable([["",""],["Kieran Culkin (A Real Pain)",21.32],["Guy Pearce (The Brutalist)",19],["Denzel Washington (Gladiator II)",16.9],["Clarence Maclin (Sing Sing)",14.85],["Yura Borisov (Anora)",10.18],["Stanley Tucci (Conclave)",6.44],["Edward Norton (A Complete Unknown)",4.19],["Jeremy Strong (The Apprentice)",2.94],["Samuel L. Jackson (The Piano Lesson)",0.93],["Jonathan Bailey (Wicked)",0.49]]); var options = { title: '', height: 350, chartArea: { width: '60%', height: '90%', top: 0, left: '15%' }, axisTitlesPosition: 'none', hAxis: { title: '', minValue: 0, textStyle: { color: '#000', fontName: 'Arial', fontSize: 10, bold: false, italic: true }, }, vAxis: { title: 'Nominees', textPosition: 'out', }, legend: { position: "none" }, bar: { groupWidth: "40%" }, fontSize: 12 }; var chart = new google.visualization.BarChart( document.getElementById( '225' ) ); chart.draw(data, options); } } ); }); </script> </div> <div class="widget_gd_graph_head">Best Adapted Screenplay</div> <div class="widget_gd_graph_head_texts"></div> <div class="widget_gd_graph_widget line-graph"> <div id="graph-line-chart" class="graph-wrapper"> <div id="118">Loading chart..</div> </div> <script> jQuery(document).ready(function() { google.charts.load('current', {packages: ['corechart', 'line']}); google.charts.setOnLoadCallback(drawBasic); 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} } ); }); </script> </div> <div class="widget_gd_graph_head">Best Original Screenplay</div> <div class="widget_gd_graph_head_texts"></div> <div class="widget_gd_graph_widget line-graph"> <div id="graph-line-chart" class="graph-wrapper"> <div id="119">Loading chart..</div> </div> <script> jQuery(document).ready(function() { google.charts.load('current', {packages: ['corechart', 'line']}); google.charts.setOnLoadCallback(drawBasic); function drawBasic() { var data = new google.visualization.DataTable(); data.addColumn('date', 'Date'); data.addColumn('number', "Anora" ); data.addColumn('number', "The Brutalist" ); data.addColumn('number', "A Real Pain" ); data.addColumn('number', "The Substance" ); data.addColumn('number', "September 5" ); data.addColumn('number', "Hard Truths" ); data.addColumn('number', "Saturday Night" ); data.addColumn('number', "The Seed of the Sacred Fig" ); data.addColumn('number', "Challengers" ); data.addColumn('number', "Blitz" ); data.addRows([[new Date(2024, 9, 18),21.88,17.43,15.6,3.03,5.44,5.48,10.18,2.93,1.49,11.51],[new Date(2024, 9, 22),21.92,17.62,15.35,3.51,5.88,5.87,9.61,2.77,1.5,10.45],[new Date(2024, 9, 26),22.05,17.52,15.62,4.5,7.01,5.68,8.46,2.72,1.48,9.56],[new Date(2024, 9, 30),22.06,18.2,15.64,4.55,7.49,5.41,7.98,2.71,1.61,9.29],[new Date(2024, 10, 03),22.08,18.48,15.51,5.03,7.54,5.27,7.69,2.85,1.9,8.77],[new Date(2024, 10, 07),22.1,18.87,15.95,5.02,8.04,5.81,7.57,2.9,1.8,7.61],[new Date(2024, 10, 11),22.22,20.11,16.43,7.16,10.39,5.47,5.55,3.18,1.75,4.75],[new Date(2024, 10, 15),22.29,20.23,16.66,8.65,10.19,5.66,5.33,2.78,1.73,3.65],[new Date(2024, 10, 19),22.33,20.19,17.32,8.59,10.03,6.13,5.03,3.01,1.75,3.24],[new Date(2024, 10, 23),22.74,19.97,17.68,9.69,9.28,6.63,4.75,3.14,1.48,2.95],[new Date(2024, 10, 27),22.75,19.7,17.26,10.32,9.24,7.51,4.46,2.83,1.8,2.11],[new Date(2024, 11, 01),22.55,19.63,17.18,11.73,9.23,6.86,3.65,3.59,2.13,1.38]]) var options = { animation: { duration: 1000, startup: true, easing: 'out' }, chart: { title: '', subtitle: '' }, chartArea: { left: 45, width: '70%', height: '80%', top: 30 }, legend: { position: 'right' }, height: 300, vAxis: { textPosition: 'out', format: '#\'%\'', }, hAxis: { format: 'd MMM yy', textStyle: { color: '#000', fontName: 'Arial', fontSize: 10, bold: false, italic: true }, ticks: [new Date(2024, 9, 18),new Date(2024, 9, 22),new Date(2024, 9, 26),new Date(2024, 9, 30),new Date(2024, 10, 03),new Date(2024, 10, 07),new Date(2024, 10, 11),new Date(2024, 10, 15),new Date(2024, 10, 19),new Date(2024, 10, 23),new Date(2024, 10, 27),new Date(2024, 11, 01)] }, }; 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} } ); }); </script> </div> <div class="widget_gd_graph_head">Best Cinematography</div> <div class="widget_gd_graph_head_texts"></div> <div class="widget_gd_graph_widget line-graph"> <div id="graph-line-chart" class="graph-wrapper"> <div id="1112">Loading chart..</div> </div> <script> jQuery(document).ready(function() { google.charts.load('current', {packages: ['corechart', 'line']}); google.charts.setOnLoadCallback(drawBasic); function drawBasic() { var data = new google.visualization.DataTable(); data.addColumn('date', 'Date'); data.addColumn('number', "The Brutalist" ); data.addColumn('number', "Dune: Part Two" ); data.addColumn('number', "Nickel Boys" ); data.addColumn('number', "Maria" ); data.addColumn('number', "Emilia Perez" ); data.addColumn('number', "Nosferatu" ); data.addColumn('number', "Conclave" ); data.addColumn('number', "Wicked" ); data.addColumn('number', "Gladiator II" ); data.addColumn('number', "Challengers" ); data.addRows([[new Date(2024, 9, 18),21.67,19.5,11.18,10.85,13.98,4.35,7.42,0.02,3.84,0.09],[new Date(2024, 9, 22),21.49,19.23,11.23,10.55,13.75,4.36,6.78,0.29,4.96,0.3],[new Date(2024, 9, 26),21.69,18.66,11.07,9.63,13.79,4.73,8.04,0.49,5.57,0.28],[new Date(2024, 9, 30),21.69,18.87,10.64,9.56,13.95,4.74,8.31,0.47,5.95,0.27],[new Date(2024, 10, 03),21.76,18.8,11.26,9.51,13.63,4.84,8.25,0.67,5.74,0.27],[new Date(2024, 10, 07),21.77,18.9,11.25,9.67,13.85,4.94,7.99,0.63,5.52,0.46],[new Date(2024, 10, 11),21.89,18.93,11.72,10.26,14.18,5.34,8.19,0.96,4.49,0.54],[new Date(2024, 10, 15),22.13,19.2,11.52,10.5,12.98,6.57,7.89,1.9,3.71,0.55],[new Date(2024, 10, 19),22.16,19.13,10.8,10.69,13.16,6.81,8.21,2.14,3.32,0.59],[new Date(2024, 10, 23),22.2,19.21,11.51,11.35,12.72,6.83,8.67,1.76,2.68,0.59],[new Date(2024, 10, 27),22.39,19.62,12.03,10.66,11.18,8.56,7.9,2.13,2.46,0.58],[new Date(2024, 11, 01),21.93,19.09,12.58,10.44,10.05,8.85,8.35,2.6,2.13,0.79]]) var options = { animation: { duration: 1000, startup: true, easing: 'out' }, chart: { title: '', subtitle: '' }, chartArea: { left: 45, width: '70%', height: '80%', top: 30 }, legend: { position: 'right' }, height: 300, vAxis: { textPosition: 'out', format: '#\'%\'', }, hAxis: { format: 'd MMM yy', textStyle: { color: '#000', fontName: 'Arial', fontSize: 10, bold: false, italic: true }, ticks: [new Date(2024, 9, 18),new Date(2024, 9, 22),new Date(2024, 9, 26),new Date(2024, 9, 30),new Date(2024, 10, 03),new Date(2024, 10, 07),new Date(2024, 10, 11),new Date(2024, 10, 15),new Date(2024, 10, 19),new Date(2024, 10, 23),new Date(2024, 10, 27),new Date(2024, 11, 01)] }, }; 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}); </script> </div> <div class="widget_gd_graph_head">Best Costume Design</div> <div class="widget_gd_graph_head_texts"></div> <div class="widget_gd_graph_widget line-graph"> <div id="graph-line-chart" class="graph-wrapper"> <div id="1113">Loading chart..</div> </div> <script> jQuery(document).ready(function() { google.charts.load('current', {packages: ['corechart', 'line']}); google.charts.setOnLoadCallback(drawBasic); function drawBasic() { var data = new google.visualization.DataTable(); data.addColumn('date', 'Date'); data.addColumn('number', "Wicked" ); data.addColumn('number', "Dune: Part Two" ); data.addColumn('number', "Gladiator II" ); data.addColumn('number', "Maria" ); data.addColumn('number', "Blitz" ); data.addColumn('number', "The Brutalist" ); data.addColumn('number', "Nosferatu" ); data.addColumn('number', "Beetlejuice Beetlejuice" ); data.addColumn('number', "Conclave" ); data.addColumn('number', "The Substance" ); data.addRows([[new Date(2024, 9, 18),20.76,18.56,17.04,15.22,11.78,5.35,3.73,3.01,1.92,0.31],[new Date(2024, 9, 22),20.93,18.46,17.09,15.17,11.38,5.61,3.11,2.85,2.02,0.31],[new Date(2024, 9, 26),20.83,18.22,17.19,14.98,10.82,6.15,2.86,2.93,2.31,0.54],[new Date(2024, 9, 30),20.94,18.51,17.26,15.01,10.54,6.3,3.02,2.68,2.22,0.54],[new Date(2024, 10, 03),20.83,18.58,17.12,15.03,10.14,6.55,3.32,2.93,2.1,0.53],[new Date(2024, 10, 07),20.98,18.68,17.22,14.96,9.72,6.57,3.38,3.21,2.01,0.52],[new Date(2024, 10, 11),21.46,18.82,17.13,15.38,9.79,6.28,3.41,3.11,2.01,0.55],[new Date(2024, 10, 15),22.12,18.72,17.49,15.58,9.46,5.47,4.22,2.88,1.7,0.34],[new Date(2024, 10, 19),21.86,18.44,17.42,15.35,8.94,5.65,5,3.3,1.94,0.37],[new Date(2024, 10, 23),22.71,18.75,17.66,15.46,8.9,5.31,4.59,3.13,2.05,0.37],[new Date(2024, 10, 27),23.05,18.84,17.7,15.04,7.78,5.96,5.44,2.99,1.77,0.4],[new Date(2024, 11, 01),22.78,18.33,17.48,14.21,8.06,5.84,5.57,3.43,1.96,0.4]]) var options = { animation: { duration: 1000, startup: true, easing: 'out' }, chart: { title: '', subtitle: '' }, chartArea: { left: 45, width: '70%', height: '80%', top: 30 }, legend: { position: 'right' }, height: 300, vAxis: { textPosition: 'out', format: '#\'%\'', }, hAxis: { format: 'd MMM yy', textStyle: { color: '#000', fontName: 'Arial', fontSize: 10, bold: false, italic: true }, ticks: [new Date(2024, 9, 18),new Date(2024, 9, 22),new Date(2024, 9, 26),new Date(2024, 9, 30),new Date(2024, 10, 03),new Date(2024, 10, 07),new Date(2024, 10, 11),new Date(2024, 10, 15),new Date(2024, 10, 19),new Date(2024, 10, 23),new Date(2024, 10, 27),new Date(2024, 11, 01)] }, }; 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} } ); }); </script> </div> <div class="widget_gd_graph_head">Best Film Editing</div> <div class="widget_gd_graph_head_texts"></div> <div class="widget_gd_graph_widget line-graph"> <div id="graph-line-chart" class="graph-wrapper"> <div id="1114">Loading chart..</div> </div> <script> jQuery(document).ready(function() { google.charts.load('current', {packages: ['corechart', 'line']}); google.charts.setOnLoadCallback(drawBasic); function drawBasic() { var data = new google.visualization.DataTable(); data.addColumn('date', 'Date'); data.addColumn('number', "The Brutalist" ); data.addColumn('number', "Dune: Part Two" ); data.addColumn('number', "Anora" ); data.addColumn('number', "Conclave" ); data.addColumn('number', "Emilia Perez" ); data.addColumn('number', "Challengers" ); data.addColumn('number', "September 5" ); data.addColumn('number', "The Substance" ); data.addColumn('number', "Wicked" ); data.addColumn('number', "Gladiator II" ); data.addRows([[new Date(2024, 9, 18),20.9,17.42,17.28,12.72,14.77,1.69,6.48,0.04,0.34,1.81],[new Date(2024, 9, 22),20.6,17.61,17.16,12.71,14.36,1.85,6.26,0.05,0.29,2.8],[new Date(2024, 9, 26),20.31,17.47,16.95,13.47,13.44,2.58,6.33,0.06,0.27,4.04],[new Date(2024, 9, 30),20.11,17.76,17,13.85,13.49,2.86,5.62,0.3,0.25,4.17],[new Date(2024, 10, 03),20.44,17.68,16.84,14.31,13.6,2.97,5.52,0.31,0.03,3.67],[new Date(2024, 10, 07),20.5,17.76,16.78,14.09,13.94,3.09,5.31,0.1,0.03,3.77],[new Date(2024, 10, 11),20.86,17.91,16.97,13.99,13.47,3.63,5.38,0.15,0.05,3.94],[new Date(2024, 10, 15),20.59,17.93,17.25,14.63,13.46,3.85,4.7,0.39,0.54,3.45],[new Date(2024, 10, 19),20.38,18.13,16.97,15,13.18,4.12,4.53,0.6,0.6,3.02],[new Date(2024, 10, 23),20.34,18.47,16.87,14.95,12.33,4.08,4.39,0.82,0.57,3.09],[new Date(2024, 10, 27),20.43,19.19,17.59,15.79,12.12,4.06,3.45,1.37,0.96,1.42],[new Date(2024, 11, 01),19.73,19.01,17.8,16.64,9.78,3.84,3.58,2.61,1.84,1.62]]) var options = { animation: { duration: 1000, startup: true, easing: 'out' }, chart: { title: '', subtitle: '' }, chartArea: { left: 45, width: '70%', height: '80%', top: 30 }, legend: { position: 'right' }, height: 300, vAxis: { textPosition: 'out', format: '#\'%\'', }, hAxis: { format: 'd MMM yy', textStyle: { color: '#000', fontName: 'Arial', fontSize: 10, bold: false, italic: true }, ticks: [new Date(2024, 9, 18),new Date(2024, 9, 22),new Date(2024, 9, 26),new Date(2024, 9, 30),new Date(2024, 10, 03),new Date(2024, 10, 07),new Date(2024, 10, 11),new Date(2024, 10, 15),new Date(2024, 10, 19),new Date(2024, 10, 23),new Date(2024, 10, 27),new Date(2024, 11, 01)] }, }; 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} } ); }); </script> </div> <div class="widget_gd_graph_head">Best Makeup and Hairstyling</div> <div class="widget_gd_graph_head_texts"></div> <div class="widget_gd_graph_widget line-graph"> <div id="graph-line-chart" class="graph-wrapper"> <div id="1115">Loading chart..</div> </div> <script> jQuery(document).ready(function() { google.charts.load('current', {packages: ['corechart', 'line']}); google.charts.setOnLoadCallback(drawBasic); function drawBasic() { var data = new google.visualization.DataTable(); data.addColumn('date', 'Date'); data.addColumn('number', "The Substance" ); data.addColumn('number', "Dune: Part Two" ); data.addColumn('number', "Wicked" ); data.addColumn('number', "Beetlejuice Beetlejuice" ); data.addColumn('number', "Nosferatu" ); data.addColumn('number', "A Different Man" ); data.addColumn('number', "Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga" ); data.addColumn('number', "Sasquatch Sunset" ); data.addColumn('number', "The Apprentice" ); data.addColumn('number', "Emilia Perez" ); data.addRows([[new Date(2024, 9, 18),18.47,20.01,14.81,16.72,11.49,7.81,0.51,1,2.2,2.04],[new Date(2024, 9, 22),18.71,19.74,14.92,16.39,11.27,7.68,0.94,0.93,2.11,1.72],[new Date(2024, 9, 26),19.03,19.55,14.13,15.94,10.9,9.09,0.9,1.16,2.23,1.63],[new Date(2024, 9, 30),19.28,19.77,14.37,15.81,10.62,8.46,0.82,1.22,2.07,2.25],[new Date(2024, 10, 03),19.08,19.43,14.58,15.41,11.16,9.01,0.56,1.15,2.01,2.31],[new Date(2024, 10, 07),19.2,19.54,14.51,16.05,11.01,8.84,0.53,1.09,1.94,2.19],[new Date(2024, 10, 11),20.32,19.8,14.74,16.18,11.18,8.48,0.63,1.09,1.65,2.28],[new Date(2024, 10, 15),20.55,19.36,15.74,15.94,11.66,8.23,0.64,1.09,1.57,2.32],[new Date(2024, 10, 19),20.39,19.01,15.91,15.88,12.22,8.17,0.79,1.33,1.25,2.16],[new Date(2024, 10, 23),20.33,18.75,16.12,15.51,12.74,8.14,1.09,0.95,1.52,2.86],[new Date(2024, 10, 27),20.61,18.95,17.35,15.69,13.02,8.41,1.18,1.15,1.14,1.36],[new Date(2024, 11, 01),20.34,17.98,17.92,14.89,13.16,8.28,1.41,1.33,1.22,1.14]]) var options = { animation: { duration: 1000, startup: true, easing: 'out' }, chart: { title: '', subtitle: '' }, chartArea: { left: 45, width: '70%', height: '80%', top: 30 }, legend: { position: 'right' }, height: 300, vAxis: { textPosition: 'out', format: '#\'%\'', }, hAxis: { format: 'd MMM yy', textStyle: { color: '#000', fontName: 'Arial', fontSize: 10, bold: false, italic: true }, ticks: [new Date(2024, 9, 18),new Date(2024, 9, 22),new Date(2024, 9, 26),new Date(2024, 9, 30),new Date(2024, 10, 03),new Date(2024, 10, 07),new Date(2024, 10, 11),new Date(2024, 10, 15),new Date(2024, 10, 19),new Date(2024, 10, 23),new Date(2024, 10, 27),new Date(2024, 11, 01)] }, }; 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chart.draw(data, options); } } ); }); </script> </div> <div class="widget_gd_graph_head">Best Production Design</div> <div class="widget_gd_graph_head_texts"></div> <div class="widget_gd_graph_widget line-graph"> <div id="graph-line-chart" class="graph-wrapper"> <div id="111">Loading chart..</div> </div> <script> jQuery(document).ready(function() { google.charts.load('current', {packages: ['corechart', 'line']}); google.charts.setOnLoadCallback(drawBasic); function drawBasic() { var data = new google.visualization.DataTable(); data.addColumn('date', 'Date'); data.addColumn('number', "Wicked" ); data.addColumn('number', "Dune: Part Two" ); data.addColumn('number', "The Brutalist" ); data.addColumn('number', "Gladiator II" ); data.addColumn('number', "Blitz" ); data.addColumn('number', "Conclave" ); data.addColumn('number', "Nosferatu" ); data.addColumn('number', "Emilia Perez" ); data.addColumn('number', "Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga" ); data.addColumn('number', "Maria" ); data.addRows([[new Date(2024, 9, 18),15.04,21.8,17.78,18.59,13.7,7.58,1.95,0.95,0.27,0.68],[new Date(2024, 9, 22),15.4,21.68,17.39,18.76,14.07,6.57,1.7,0.99,0.26,0.64],[new Date(2024, 9, 26),15.27,21.37,17.5,18.66,13.06,7.4,1.88,1.36,0.25,0.86],[new Date(2024, 9, 30),15.51,21.52,17.56,19.01,13.02,7.22,1.8,1.3,0.23,0.61],[new Date(2024, 10, 03),16.39,21.04,17.59,18.68,12.25,7.29,1.96,1.62,0.43,0.58],[new Date(2024, 10, 07),16.62,21.08,17.45,18.54,11.36,7.51,2.63,1.75,0.41,0.56],[new Date(2024, 10, 11),18.04,20.76,17.88,18.53,10.23,6.98,3.02,1.91,0.28,0.54],[new Date(2024, 10, 15),18.93,20.77,17.2,17.97,11.64,6.61,2.68,1.86,0.28,0.25],[new Date(2024, 10, 19),19.59,20.54,16.88,17.58,11.38,5.92,3.62,2.11,0.29,0.26],[new Date(2024, 10, 23),20.3,20.83,17.97,17.01,11.03,5.6,3.91,1.72,0.53,0.26],[new Date(2024, 10, 27),20.75,20.95,17.4,16.93,9.42,6.03,4.88,1.83,0.53,0.47],[new Date(2024, 11, 01),20.97,20.62,17.06,16.24,9.03,6.56,5.17,1.86,0.51,0.44]]) var options = { animation: { duration: 1000, startup: true, easing: 'out' }, chart: { title: '', subtitle: '' }, chartArea: { left: 45, width: '70%', height: '80%', top: 30 }, legend: { position: 'right' }, height: 300, vAxis: { textPosition: 'out', format: '#\'%\'', }, hAxis: { format: 'd MMM yy', textStyle: { color: '#000', fontName: 'Arial', fontSize: 10, bold: false, italic: true }, ticks: [new Date(2024, 9, 18),new Date(2024, 9, 22),new Date(2024, 9, 26),new Date(2024, 9, 30),new Date(2024, 10, 03),new Date(2024, 10, 07),new Date(2024, 10, 11),new Date(2024, 10, 15),new Date(2024, 10, 19),new Date(2024, 10, 23),new Date(2024, 10, 27),new Date(2024, 11, 01)] }, }; 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} } ); }); </script> </div> <div class="widget_gd_graph_head">Best Score</div> <div class="widget_gd_graph_head_texts"></div> <div class="widget_gd_graph_widget line-graph"> <div id="graph-line-chart" class="graph-wrapper"> <div id="1116">Loading chart..</div> </div> <script> jQuery(document).ready(function() { google.charts.load('current', {packages: ['corechart', 'line']}); google.charts.setOnLoadCallback(drawBasic); function drawBasic() { var data = new google.visualization.DataTable(); data.addColumn('date', 'Date'); data.addColumn('number', "The Brutalist" ); data.addColumn('number', "Conclave" ); data.addColumn('number', "The Wild Robot" ); data.addColumn('number', "Emilia Perez" ); data.addColumn('number', "Challengers" ); data.addColumn('number', "The Room Next Door" ); data.addColumn('number', "Saturday Night" ); data.addColumn('number', "Blitz" ); data.addColumn('number', "Wicked" ); data.addColumn('number', "Gladiator II" ); data.addRows([[new Date(2024, 9, 18),18.5,21.07,10.26,13.3,4.44,2.76,4.71,1.54,0,2.79],[new Date(2024, 9, 22),18.87,20.95,10.95,13.59,4.18,2.97,4.22,1.92,0,2.3],[new Date(2024, 9, 26),19.58,21.06,12.67,13.08,6.02,4.06,6.14,3.19,0,2.9],[new Date(2024, 9, 30),19.79,20.92,12.9,13.22,6.69,4.62,5.87,2.98,0,3.31],[new Date(2024, 10, 03),19.87,20.37,13.22,13.56,7.5,4.89,5.12,2.88,0.29,3.42],[new Date(2024, 10, 07),19.95,20.44,13.3,14.29,7.71,4.75,4.42,2.76,0.29,3.74],[new Date(2024, 10, 11),20.45,20.53,14.1,14.52,7.75,5.19,4.37,2.62,0.52,3.47],[new Date(2024, 10, 15),20.75,20.17,14.34,15,8.4,5.26,4.14,2.79,1.29,2.96],[new Date(2024, 10, 19),20.72,19.82,14.74,14.56,9.08,5.42,4.51,2.73,1.55,2.98],[new Date(2024, 10, 23),20.53,19.96,15.48,14.22,10.41,5.87,3.85,2.9,1.82,2.7],[new Date(2024, 10, 27),20.68,20.2,15.61,13.82,10.56,5.74,4.23,2.12,2.47,2.54],[new Date(2024, 11, 01),20.79,20.12,16.24,13.8,10.86,5.43,4.3,2.45,2.28,1.92]]) var options = { animation: { duration: 1000, startup: true, easing: 'out' }, chart: { title: '', subtitle: '' }, chartArea: { left: 45, width: '70%', height: '80%', top: 30 }, legend: { position: 'right' }, height: 300, vAxis: { textPosition: 'out', format: '#\'%\'', }, hAxis: { format: 'd MMM yy', textStyle: { color: '#000', fontName: 'Arial', fontSize: 10, bold: false, italic: true }, ticks: [new Date(2024, 9, 18),new Date(2024, 9, 22),new Date(2024, 9, 26),new Date(2024, 9, 30),new Date(2024, 10, 03),new Date(2024, 10, 07),new Date(2024, 10, 11),new Date(2024, 10, 15),new Date(2024, 10, 19),new Date(2024, 10, 23),new Date(2024, 10, 27),new Date(2024, 11, 01)] }, }; 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} } ); }); </script> </div> <div class="widget_gd_graph_head">Best Song</div> <div class="widget_gd_graph_head_texts"></div> <div class="widget_gd_graph_widget line-graph"> <div id="graph-line-chart" class="graph-wrapper"> <div id="1117">Loading chart..</div> </div> <script> jQuery(document).ready(function() { google.charts.load('current', {packages: ['corechart', 'line']}); google.charts.setOnLoadCallback(drawBasic); function drawBasic() { var data = new google.visualization.DataTable(); data.addColumn('date', 'Date'); data.addColumn('number', "Emilia Perez (El Mal)" ); data.addColumn('number', "The Wild Robot (Kiss the Sky)" ); data.addColumn('number', "The Six Triple Eight (The Journey)" ); data.addColumn('number', "Emilia Perez (Mi Camino)" ); data.addColumn('number', "Sing Sing (Like a Bird)" ); data.addColumn('number', "Moana 2 (Beyond)" ); data.addColumn('number', "Will and Harper (Harper and Will Go West)" ); data.addColumn('number', "Mufasa: The Lion King (I Always Wanted a Brother)" ); data.addColumn('number', "Piece by Piece (Piece by Piece)" ); data.addColumn('number', "Better Man (Forbidden Road)" ); data.addRows([[new Date(2024, 9, 18),19.12,17.18,13.45,9.85,9.29,0,3.77,2.98,4.58,0.95],[new Date(2024, 9, 22),19.38,17.38,13.88,10.26,8.69,0,3.99,2.59,5.26,0.88],[new Date(2024, 9, 26),19.45,17.64,13.13,11.03,9.2,0.53,4,2.58,4.53,1.04],[new Date(2024, 9, 30),19.58,17.32,13.36,11.15,9.23,2.16,4.28,2.62,4.45,0.96],[new Date(2024, 10, 03),19.34,17.4,13.29,11.87,10.08,3.44,4.15,2.29,4.71,0.48],[new Date(2024, 10, 07),19.8,17.53,13.13,11.98,10.17,3.6,4.37,2.19,4.52,0.46],[new Date(2024, 10, 11),19.58,17.72,13.58,11.18,10.61,4.65,4.75,2.15,4.9,0.57],[new Date(2024, 10, 15),19.49,17.17,13.59,12.24,10.98,5.26,5.43,2.09,4.2,1.13],[new Date(2024, 10, 19),19.21,17.16,13.51,12.01,11.2,6.63,5.86,2.71,3.46,1.1],[new Date(2024, 10, 23),18.59,17.01,13.6,13.01,11.45,7.01,5.33,2.69,3,1.1],[new Date(2024, 10, 27),18.91,18.21,14.05,12.53,11.77,7.15,5.14,2.54,2.93,1.52],[new Date(2024, 11, 01),19.22,18.3,14.62,12.48,11.25,6.25,4.92,3.5,2.52,2.12]]) var options = { animation: { duration: 1000, startup: true, easing: 'out' }, chart: { title: '', subtitle: '' }, chartArea: { left: 45, width: '70%', height: '80%', top: 30 }, legend: { position: 'right' }, height: 300, vAxis: { textPosition: 'out', format: '#\'%\'', }, hAxis: { format: 'd MMM yy', textStyle: { color: '#000', fontName: 'Arial', fontSize: 10, bold: false, italic: true }, ticks: [new Date(2024, 9, 18),new Date(2024, 9, 22),new Date(2024, 9, 26),new Date(2024, 9, 30),new Date(2024, 10, 03),new Date(2024, 10, 07),new Date(2024, 10, 11),new Date(2024, 10, 15),new Date(2024, 10, 19),new Date(2024, 10, 23),new Date(2024, 10, 27),new Date(2024, 11, 01)] }, }; 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var chart = new google.visualization.BarChart( document.getElementById( '2217' ) ); chart.draw(data, options); } } ); }); </script> </div> <div class="widget_gd_graph_head">Best Sound</div> <div class="widget_gd_graph_head_texts"></div> <div class="widget_gd_graph_widget line-graph"> <div id="graph-line-chart" class="graph-wrapper"> <div id="1119">Loading chart..</div> </div> <script> jQuery(document).ready(function() { google.charts.load('current', {packages: ['corechart', 'line']}); google.charts.setOnLoadCallback(drawBasic); function drawBasic() { var data = new google.visualization.DataTable(); data.addColumn('date', 'Date'); data.addColumn('number', "Dune: Part Two" ); data.addColumn('number', "Gladiator II" ); data.addColumn('number', "Wicked" ); data.addColumn('number', "Emilia Perez" ); data.addColumn('number', "Blitz" ); data.addColumn('number', "A Complete Unknown" ); data.addColumn('number', "Twisters" ); data.addColumn('number', "Conclave" ); data.addColumn('number', "The Substance" ); 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} } ); }); </script> </div> <div class="widget_gd_graph_head">Best Visual Effects</div> <div class="widget_gd_graph_head_texts"></div> <div class="widget_gd_graph_widget line-graph"> <div id="graph-line-chart" class="graph-wrapper"> <div id="1120">Loading chart..</div> </div> <script> jQuery(document).ready(function() { google.charts.load('current', {packages: ['corechart', 'line']}); google.charts.setOnLoadCallback(drawBasic); function drawBasic() { var data = new google.visualization.DataTable(); data.addColumn('date', 'Date'); data.addColumn('number', "Dune: Part Two" ); data.addColumn('number', "Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes" ); data.addColumn('number', "Gladiator II" ); data.addColumn('number', "Wicked" ); data.addColumn('number', "Twisters" ); data.addColumn('number', "Mufasa: The Lion King" ); data.addColumn('number', "Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga" ); data.addColumn('number', "Better Man" ); data.addColumn('number', "Alien: Romulus" ); data.addColumn('number', "Deadpool and Wolverine" ); 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