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2.48 3.74 5.51 4.81 8.99 1.07 3.46 1.61 7.32 1.61 11.48v47.19zm41.15 1.08c-4.18 0-8.03-.85-11.44-2.53s-6.38-4.16-8.81-7.38c-2.42-3.2-4.33-7.21-5.66-11.93-1.32-4.69-2-10.15-2-16.21 0-5.5.75-10.66 2.22-15.33 1.47-4.69 3.62-8.82 6.38-12.28 2.77-3.47 6.17-6.23 10.13-8.19 3.96-1.97 8.45-2.97 13.35-2.97 4.37 0 8.14.71 11.21 2.1 2.71 1.23 5.2 2.9 7.43 4.99v-35.85h16.47v104.52h-9.85c-2.27 0-3.8-1.15-4.44-3.31l-1.2-7.01c-2.93 3.26-6.25 5.96-9.9 8.02-3.97 2.24-8.64 3.37-13.88 3.37m7.76-63.89c-5.85 0-10.49 2.17-13.78 6.46-3.32 4.32-5 10.84-5 19.37 0 4.45.38 8.3 1.14 11.43.75 3.11 1.83 5.67 3.23 7.63 1.38 1.93 3.08 3.35 5.05 4.22 1.99.88 4.27 1.32 6.77 1.32 3.82 0 7.16-.84 9.92-2.48 2.75-1.64 5.34-3.99 7.71-6.98v-33.83c-2.07-2.63-4.36-4.49-6.82-5.54-2.51-1.07-5.28-1.61-8.22-1.61m73.81 63.96c-4.08 0-7.73-.69-10.85-2.06-3.12-1.36-5.79-3.32-7.91-5.82-2.12-2.49-3.74-5.51-4.81-8.99-1.07-3.46-1.61-7.32-1.61-11.48v-47.19h16.47v47.19c0 4.8 1.11 8.56 3.3 11.19 2.17 2.6 5.54 3.92 10.01 3.92 3.31 0 6.43-.77 9.3-2.28 2.83-1.5 5.54-3.58 8.04-6.2v-53.82h16.46v74.38h-9.85c-2.27 0-3.8-1.15-4.44-3.31l-1-5.91c-1.34 1.36-2.76 2.64-4.22 3.79-1.72 1.36-3.58 2.54-5.52 3.51s-4.05 1.73-6.26 2.27c-2.21.53-4.61.8-7.13.8m85.41-.06c-4.6 0-8.96-.87-12.97-2.59-4-1.72-7.54-4.26-10.53-7.53-2.98-3.27-5.36-7.32-7.08-12.04-1.71-4.71-2.58-10.15-2.58-16.18 0-5.45.78-10.58 2.33-15.23 1.55-4.67 3.85-8.76 6.83-12.15 2.98-3.4 6.73-6.09 11.15-8.01 4.41-1.91 9.56-2.88 15.31-2.88 5.37 0 10.17.89 14.26 2.63s7.79 4.25 10.98 7.45l.3.3-4.36 5.97c-.5.66-.99 1.17-1.46 1.53-1.03.8-3.06.93-5-.34-.88-.57-1.94-1.21-3.14-1.89-1.19-.68-2.65-1.31-4.34-1.87-1.67-.56-3.79-.84-6.32-.84-3.27 0-6.16.59-8.6 1.75s-4.51 2.84-6.15 5c-1.66 2.17-2.91 4.85-3.73 7.95-.82 3.14-1.24 6.71-1.24 10.63s.45 7.72 1.35 10.87c.89 3.14 2.18 5.82 3.84 7.96 1.64 2.13 3.66 3.78 6.01 4.89 2.34 1.11 5.02 1.68 7.95 1.68s5.28-.35 7.09-1.05c1.82-.7 3.36-1.48 4.57-2.32 1.23-.85 2.3-1.65 3.17-2.35.97-.79 2.03-1.19 3.16-1.19 1.41 0 2.52.56 3.29 1.65l4.62 5.98-.25.31c-1.8 2.19-3.82 4.06-6 5.56-2.17 1.5-4.51 2.74-6.93 3.69-2.42.94-4.97 1.63-7.58 2.04s-5.28.62-7.92.62m124.21 0c-5.51 0-10.54-.91-14.97-2.7s-8.28-4.38-11.43-7.71c-3.15-3.32-5.61-7.38-7.3-12.08-1.69-4.69-2.55-10.02-2.55-15.85s.86-11.17 2.55-15.85c1.7-4.7 4.15-8.75 7.3-12.05s7-5.88 11.43-7.67 9.47-2.7 14.97-2.7 10.47.91 14.9 2.7 8.27 4.38 11.4 7.67c3.12 3.29 5.57 7.35 7.27 12.04 1.69 4.68 2.55 10.02 2.55 15.85s-.86 11.17-2.55 15.85c-1.7 4.7-4.14 8.76-7.27 12.08s-6.97 5.92-11.4 7.71-9.44 2.7-14.9 2.7m0-63.58c-6.52 0-11.41 2.19-14.56 6.52-3.18 4.38-4.8 10.7-4.8 18.81s1.61 14.4 4.8 18.73c3.15 4.28 8.04 6.45 14.56 6.45s11.26-2.17 14.38-6.45c3.16-4.33 4.76-10.63 4.76-18.73s-1.6-14.43-4.76-18.81c-3.12-4.33-7.96-6.52-14.38-6.52m66.4 62.51h-16.47v-74.38h9.49c1.78 0 3 .34 3.73 1.18 1.8 1.44 3.41l.78 7.92c2.17-4 4.76-7.23 7.7-9.63 3.34-2.72 7.39-4.11 12.04-4.11 1.61 0 3.16.19 4.58.56 1.43.37 2.74.94 3.89 1.68l.25.16-1.11 11.95c-.23 1.01-.59 1.65-1.09 2.04-.49.38-1.14.57-1.92.57s-1.8-.13-3.19-.41c-1.31-.26-2.7-.39-4.15-.39-2.09 0-3.95.3-5.54.9s-3.03 1.49-4.3 2.64c-1.27 1.16-2.41 2.59-3.39 4.27-.97 1.67-1.9 3.6-2.74 5.74v46.02zm-126.69 1.15c-6.2 0-11.06-1.78-14.43-5.3-3.36-3.51-5.07-8.5-5.07-14.84v-42.23h-7.56c-.08 0-.15 0-.23-.02h-3.52v-12.17h12.07v-25.08h15.67l.03 25.12h20.36v12.15h-20.36v41.15c0 2.5.61 4.41 1.81 5.7 1.21 1.3 2.78 1.93 4.81 1.93 1.13 0 2.12-.15 2.92-.44.83-.3 1.55-.63 2.15-.97.6-.35 1.13-.68 1.59-.99.54-.37 1.08-.56 1.61-.56 1.05 0 1.9.57 2.52 1.69l4.82 7.9-.32.28c-2.44 2.14-5.35 3.81-8.66 4.95-3.3 1.14-6.74 1.72-10.23 1.72" fill="#fff"/> <g fill="#b2e032"> <path d="m33.38 16.69c0 9.21-7.48 16.68-16.69 16.68s-16.69-7.47-16.69-16.68 7.47-16.69 16.69-16.69 16.69 7.47 16.69 16.69"/> <path d="m70.82 16.69c0 9.21-7.48 16.68-16.69 16.68s-16.69-7.47-16.69-16.68 7.47-16.69 16.69-16.69 16.69 7.47 16.69 16.69"/> <path d="m33.38 53.45c0 9.22-7.48 16.69-16.69 16.69s-16.69-7.47-16.69-16.69 7.47-16.69 16.69-16.69 16.69 7.47 16.69 16.69"/> <path d="m70.82 53.45c0 9.22-7.48 16.69-16.69 16.69s-16.69-7.47-16.69-16.69 7.47-16.69 16.69-16.69 16.69 7.47 16.69 16.69"/> </g> <g fill="#89c32e" transform="translate(37.44 37.76)"> <path d="m71.14 16.69c0 9.22-7.47 16.69-16.69 16.69s-16.68-7.47-16.68-16.69 7.47-16.69 16.68-16.69 16.69 7.47 16.69 16.69"/> <path d="m33.38 52.46c0 9.21-7.48 16.68-16.69 16.68s-16.69-7.47-16.69-16.68 7.47-16.69 16.69-16.69 16.69 7.47 16.69 16.69"/> <path d="m71.14 52.46c0 9.21-7.47 16.68-16.69 16.68s-16.68-7.47-16.68-16.68 7.47-16.69 16.68-16.69 16.69 7.47 16.69 16.69"/> </g> </g> </g> <path d="m136.77 139.91h7.15l3.8 38.49v6.55l2.38-6.55 17.05-38.49h6.85l4.47 38.49v6.55l2.38-6.55 17.5-38.49h7.07l-23.82 52.11h-8.41l-3.95-42.44-18.54 42.44h-8.04l-5.88-52.11z" fill="#fff" fill-rule="nonzero"/> <path d="m200.95 175.95c0-10.65 7.74-21.89 20.7-21.89 9.45 0 15.78 5.73 15.78 15.11 0 1.34-.07 2.75-.37 4.24l-.37 2.08h-29.18c0 7.89 4.47 11.32 10.12 11.32 6.03 0 9.38-3.05 11.54-7.52h6.55c-3.05 8.64-9.16 13.47-18.91 13.47s-15.86-7.59-15.86-16.83zm30.52-6.11c0-6.85-3.87-9.83-10.42-9.83s-10.87 4.32-12.73 9.83z" fill="#fff" fill-rule="nonzero"/> <path d="m248.52 187.93-.74 4.09h-6.55l9.6-54.35h6.55l-3.72 21.07c3.13-2.9 7.07-4.69 12.06-4.69 8.41 0 14.67 5.81 14.67 16.38 0 11.76-7.97 22.33-20.32 22.33-6.33 0-9.98-2.61-11.54-4.84zm25.31-17.12c0-7.82-4.24-10.79-9.6-10.79-6.4 0-11.61 4.54-12.73 10.94l-.82 4.69c-.15.89-.22 1.64-.22 2.38 0 5.36 3.5 8.79 9.01 8.79 8.49 0 14.37-6.55 14.37-16.01z" fill="#fff" fill-rule="nonzero"/> <path d="m284.03 180.41h6.18c.3 3.8 2.53 6.4 8.19 6.4 4.47 0 8.56-1.86 8.56-6.03 0-2.83-1.41-4.32-9.16-6.25-5.29-1.34-9.75-4.32-9.75-10.05s5.21-10.42 13.4-10.42 12.88 4.62 12.88 11.76h-6.33c0-4.24-3.28-6.1-7-6.1-3.05 0-6.55 1.27-6.55 4.39 0 2.83 2.83 4.39 8.78 5.73 7 1.56 10.27 4.84 10.27 10.27 0 7.37-5.96 12.66-15.71 12.66-8.93 0-13.77-4.24-13.77-12.36z" fill="#fff" fill-rule="nonzero"/> <path d="m326.32 154.8h6.55l-6.55 37.22h-6.55zm.22-9.82c0-2.61 2.16-4.76 4.76-4.76s4.76 2.16 4.76 4.76-2.16 4.76-4.76 4.76-4.76-2.16-4.76-4.76z" fill="#fff" fill-rule="nonzero"/> <path d="m342.25 185.03c0-.82.07-1.64.22-2.61l3.8-21.66h-7.37l1.04-5.96h7.37l2.01-11.17 6.1 2.38-1.56 8.79h8.93l-1.04 5.96h-8.93l-3.87 22.04c-.07.45-.15.82-.15 1.19 0 2.01 1.27 2.83 4.02 2.83 1.71 0 2.53-.15 4.02-.45l-.97 5.66c-1.64.52-2.83.74-5.58.74-4.84 0-8.04-2.46-8.04-7.74z" fill="#fff" fill-rule="nonzero"/> <path d="m364.81 175.95c0-10.65 7.74-21.89 20.7-21.89 9.45 0 15.78 5.73 15.78 15.11 0 1.34-.07 2.75-.37 4.24l-.37 2.08h-29.18c0 7.89 4.47 11.32 10.12 11.32 6.03 0 9.38-3.05 11.54-7.52h6.55c-3.05 8.64-9.16 13.47-18.91 13.47s-15.86-7.59-15.86-16.83zm30.52-6.11c0-6.85-3.87-9.83-10.42-9.83s-10.87 4.32-12.73 9.83z" fill="#fff" fill-rule="nonzero"/> <path d="m430.18 139.91h7.3l9.45 43.33 24.27-43.33h7.82l-9.16 52.11h-7.15l6.18-35.29-19.88 35.29h-6.77l-7.89-35.29-6.18 35.29h-7.15z" fill="#fff" fill-rule="nonzero"/> <path d="m481.17 176.32c0-11.17 8.04-22.26 22.41-22.26 10.05 0 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fill="#fff" fill-rule="nonzero"/> <path d="m611.39 176.32c0-11.17 8.04-22.26 22.41-22.26 10.05 0 16.6 6.4 16.6 16.23 0 11.84-8.34 22.48-22.11 22.48-10.05 0-16.9-6.77-16.9-16.45zm32.45-5.51c0-7.07-4.54-10.79-10.94-10.79-8.64 0-14.96 7.15-14.96 16.01 0 6.18 4.39 10.79 11.09 10.79 8.19 0 14.81-7.07 14.81-16.01z" fill="#fff" fill-rule="nonzero"/> <path d="m661.41 154.8h6.55l-.89 4.84c2.61-3.65 6.18-5.58 10.94-5.58 1.56 0 2.68.3 3.72.75l-1.86 5.66c-.52-.22-1.27-.45-2.31-.45-5.14 0-9.08 2.46-11.76 7l-4.39 25.01h-6.55l6.55-37.22z" fill="#fff" fill-rule="nonzero"/> <path d="m688.96 154.8h6.55l-6.55 37.22h-6.55zm.22-9.82c0-2.61 2.16-4.76 4.76-4.76s4.76 2.16 4.76 4.76-2.16 4.76-4.76 4.76-4.76-2.16-4.76-4.76z" fill="#fff" fill-rule="nonzero"/> <path d="m705.71 154.8h6.55l-.89 4.84c3.2-3.28 7.07-5.58 12.88-5.58 7.15 0 11.24 4.17 11.24 10.65 0 .97-.07 2.08-.22 2.98l-4.24 24.34h-6.55l4.24-24.49c.15-.74.22-1.27.22-1.79 0-3.72-2.38-5.73-6.63-5.73-4.54 0-9.01 2.68-12.21 7l-4.39 25.01h-6.55l6.55-37.22z" 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