Login - ECHEMI
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var pageDirect = ""; var googleClientId = ""; var facebookAppid = "2642643859094547"; var facebookKey = "d9e684b88fc71f12843c14262a67b864"; var qq_client_id = "101965910"; /*是否要校验验证码(0:不验证 1:验证)*/ var verCodeCheckFlag = "0"; var loginType = "0"; $(function () { var exclusive = ""; var freezeReason = "账号已冻结,Account has been frozen."; if(exclusive == '1'){ alertBox_pc("Tips","Your account is logged in from another place. If it is not operated by yourself, please change your login password in time.","Confirm"); return false; }else if (exclusive == '2'){ alertBox_pc("Tips","Sorry, the membership of the primary account of this account has expired, this account has expired.","Confirm"); return false; }else if (exclusive == '3'){ alertBox_pc("Tips",freezeReason,"Confirm"); return false; } $('.input_item input').focus(function () { $(this).parent().addClass('focus') }) $('.input_item input').blur(function () { $(this).parent().removeClass('focus') }) //------------------登录页面密码长按显示或隐藏-------------------- //鼠标松开时密码隐藏 $("#openEye").click(function () { //修改input标签的类型 $("#password").attr("type", "password"); //显示密码的图片隐藏 $("#openEye").hide(); //隐藏密码的图片显示 $("#closeEye").show(); }); //鼠标按下时密码显示 $("#closeEye").click(function () { //修改input标签的类型 $("#password").attr("type", "text"); //隐藏密码的图片显示 $("#closeEye").hide(); //显示密码的图片隐藏 $("#openEye").show(); }); var sendVerCodePhoneAllowFlag = true; $('.form_box .code_btn').click(function () { var phone = $("#customerPhone").val().trim(); if (phone == "") { showLoginErrorMsg("customerPhone", "Please enter your phone."); return false; } if (sendVerCodePhoneAllowFlag){ sendVerCodePhoneAllowFlag = false; }else{ return; } if (!checkPhone(phone,"CN")){ showLoginErrorMsg("customerPhone", "Please fill in the correct mobile number."); return false; } $(this).addClass('disabled'); loadingBox(); $.ajax({ type : "POST", dataType : "JSON", url : webRootAjax + "/login/", data : { phone : phone }, success : function(data) { loadingStop(); if (data.success) { countdownRun(); }else{ var msg = data.msg; var message = ""; if (msg == "PHONE_IS_EMPTY") { message = "Please enter your phone."; }else if (msg== "SEND_UPPER_TIME"){ message = "Please try again in 15 minutes."; }else if (msg== "NOT_CHINA_TELEPHONE_NO"){ message = "Please enter your Chinese mobile phone number."; }else{ message = "System error!"; } showLoginErrorMsg("smsVerCode", message); } } }); }) $('.message_verificate_code').click(function () { $(this).parents('.form_box').hide().siblings('.form_box').show(); loginType = $('.form_box').filter(function() { return $(this).css('display') === 'block'; }).attr('data-login-type'); }) $('.for_other_login').on('keydown', 'input', function (event) { if (event.key === 'Enter' || event.keyCode === 13) { event.preventDefault(); // 阻止默认行为(如换行等) doLogin(); } }); }) function countdownRun() { let time = 60; $('.form_box .code_btn span').html('( '+ time +'s )'); var timer = setInterval(function () { time--; $('.form_box .code_btn span').html('( '+ time +'s )'); if (time == 0) { $('.form_box .code_btn').removeClass('disabled'); $('.form_box .code_btn span').html(''); clearInterval(timer); sendVerCodePhoneAllowFlag = true; } },1000) } /*刷新验证码*/ function refreshVerCode() { $("#verCodeImg").prop("src", webRoot+"/randCodeImage?" + new Date().getTime()); } /*项目检查*/ function checkLoginItems(id) { //登录邮箱检查 if (id=="username" || id=="ALL") { var username = $("#username").val().trim(); if (username == "") { showLoginErrorMsg("username", "Email Address"); return false; }else{ hideLoginErrorMsg("username"); } } //登录密码检查 if (id=="password" || id=="ALL") { var password = $("#password").val(); if (password == "") { showLoginErrorMsg("password", "Please enter your password"); return false; }else{ hideLoginErrorMsg("password"); } } if (verCodeCheckFlag=="1" && (id=="verCode" || id=="ALL")) { var verCode = $("#verCode").val(); if (verCode == "") { showLoginErrorMsg("verCode", "Please enter verification code."); return false; }else{ hideLoginErrorMsg("verCode"); } } return true; } function checkPhoneLoginItems(id) { //登录手机号检查 if (id=="customerPhone" || id=="ALL") { var customerPhone = $("#customerPhone").val().trim(); if (customerPhone == "") { showLoginErrorMsg("customerPhone", "Please enter your phone."); return false; }else{ hideLoginErrorMsg("customerPhone"); } } //登录密码检查 if (id=="smsVerCode" || id=="ALL") { var smsVerCode = $("#smsVerCode").val(); if (smsVerCode == "") { showLoginErrorMsg("smsVerCode", "Please enter the verification code."); return false; }else{ hideLoginErrorMsg("smsVerCode"); } } return true; } /*执行登录*/ var loginFlag =true; function doLogin() { //登录检查 if (loginFlag){ var data; if (loginType == '0'){ if (!checkLoginItems("ALL")){ return false; } data = { username : $("#username").val().trim(), password : $.md5($("#password").val()), //md5加密 verCodeCheckFlag : verCodeCheckFlag, verCode : $("#verCode").val(), loginType:"0", keepLogin : $("#keepLogin")[0].checked } }else if (loginType == '1'){ if (!checkPhoneLoginItems("ALL")){ return false; } data = { username : $("#customerPhone").val().trim(), verCodeCheckFlag : "0", smsVerCode : $("#smsVerCode").val(), loginType:"1", keepLogin : $("#keepLoginByPhone")[0].checked } } loadingBox(); loginFlag=false; $(".sign_btn").text("Logging in..."); $.ajax({ type : "POST", dataType : "JSON", url : webRootAjax + "/login/", data : data, async : false, success : function(data) { loadingStop(); if (data.success) { var obj = data.obj; var customerType = obj.customerType; var authenticationStatus = obj.authenticationStatus; var isFirstLogin = obj.isFirstLogin; if (returnUrl != null && returnUrl != "") { location.href = returnUrl; } else { if(customerType == '2'|| customerType =='4'){ location.href = webRootSupplier; }else{ location.href = webRoot; } } }else{ $(".sign_btn").text("Login"); loginFlag=true; var msg = data.msg; var message = ""; var id = "verCode"; if (loginType == '1'){ id = "smsVerCode"; } if (msg == "CUSTOMER_NOT_ACTIVATED_ERROR") { message = "The customer has not been activated. Please <a href='javascript:void(0)' onclick='sendActivationEmail()' style='color: #1470cc'>send an activation email</a> or <a href='javascript:void(0)' onclick='register()' style='color: #1470cc'>register again</a>."; }else if (msg == "PASSWORD_NOT_CORRECT_ERROR") { message = "Please enter the correct password."; id = "password"; }else if (msg == "VERIFICATION_CODE_ERROR") { message = "Please enter the correct verification code."; }else if (msg == "SUB_ACCOUNT_INVALID") { message = "Sorry, the membership of the primary account of this account has expired, this account has expired."; }else if (msg == "CUSTOMER_NOT_EXIST_ERROR") { if (loginType == '0'){ message = "Wrong user name or password."; }else{ message = "The current mobile number is not verified, please log in by entering the password."; } }else if (msg == "CUSTOMER_OPERATOR_NOT_EXIST") { if (loginType == '0'){ message = "Wrong user name or password."; }else{ message = "The current mobile number is not verified, please log in by entering the password."; } }else if (msg == "VER_CODE_ERROR") { message = "The entered verification code is incorrect."; }else { message = msg; } if (msg == "CUSTOMER_NOT_ACTIVATED_ERROR") { showLoginErrorMsgHtml(id, message); } else { showLoginErrorMsg(id, message); } if (loginType == '0'){ //刷新验证码,并展示 refreshVerCode(); $("#verCode_div").show(); verCodeCheckFlag = "1"; } } } }); } } function showLoginErrorMsg(id, message) { $("#" + id + "_error_div").css("display", "block"); $("#" + id + "_error_span").text(message); } function showLoginErrorMsgHtml(id, message) { $("#" + id + "_error_div").css("display", "block"); $("#" + id + "_error_span").html(message); } function hideLoginErrorMsg(id) { $("#" + id + "_error_div").css("display", "none"); $("#" + id + "_error_span").text(""); } function sendActivationEmail() { var username = $("#username").val().trim(); $.ajax({ type : "POST", dataType : "JSON", url : webRootAjax + "/register/", data : { customerMail: username }, success : function(json) { loadingStop(); if (json.success) { alertBox_pc("Tips", "Your verification email has been sent successfully", "Confirm"); }else{ var msg = json.msg; var message = ""; if (msg == "ALREADY_ACTIVATED_BUYER") { message = "Your account has been activated"; }else if (msg == "BUYER_NOT_EXIST") { message = "Sorry, the account has not been registered!"; }else if (msg == "CUSTOMER_NOT_EXIST_ERROR") { message = "The user does not exist."; }else{ message = "System Error!"; } alertBox_pc("Tips", message, "Confirm"); } } }); } function register() { var username = $("#username").val().trim(); if (username.indexOf('@') == -1) { location.href = webRoot + "/register.html"; } else { location.href = webRoot + "/register.html?email=" + username; } } </script> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script src="" async defer></script> <script src=""></script> </html>