BBC - Wales Music: Stereophonics lead Cable tributes

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width:420px"> <p>Post categories: <a href="" rel="tag" title="">Artists</a> </p> <p class="user-pic"> <a href=""> <img class="author_pic" src="/staticarchive/47fe2162b164adb136294f8349d163a90efca5a2.png" width="50" alt="James McLaren"></a> <span class="vcard author"><a href="">James McLaren</a></span> <span class="separator">|</span> <abbr class="published" title="2010-06-08T07:29:35+00:00">07:29 UK time, Tuesday, 8 June 2010</abbr> </p> </div> <div class="cleardiv"><!-- clearing --></div> </div> <div class="post_content"> Tributes to <a href="">Stuart Cable</a> have been made by many people across the UK and the world, from his ex-bandmates in <a href="">Stereophonics</a> to Welsh Assembly ministers.<br><br>While we've been <a href="">collecting tributes from ordinary fans of Cable</a>, here's a collection of quotes from the great and the good.<br><br>Stereophonics frontman Kelly Jones:<br><div id="meta-information" class="content-group"><br></div> <div class="emp-holder"> <div id="mediaAsset" class="mediaAssetA"> <div class="mediaAssetWrapper"> <!-- Embedding the player --> <!-- This is the embedded player component --> <div class="videoInStoryA"> <div id="emp-10257976-562" class="emp"><embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src="/staticarchive/e4d068064c3e14f39d7171b3f5f79294c94b3e39.swf?revision=18269_18398" id="embeddedPlayer_10257976" flashvars=";;config_settings_language=default&amp;;domId=emp-10257976-562&amp;;;config_settings_autoPlay=true&amp;config_settings_showPopoutButton=false&amp;config_plugin_fmtjLiveStats_pageType=eav1&amp;config_plugin_fmtjLiveStats_edition=Domestic&amp;fmtjDocURI=%2F1%2Fhi%2Fwales%2F10257976.stm&amp;config_settings_showShareButton=true&amp;config_settings_showUpdatedInFooter=true" quality="high" wmode="default" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="512" height="323"><a style="left: 512px ! important; 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My heart, my thoughts and my prayers go out to Stuart's family x." - <a href=""><b>Katherine Jenkins</b></a><br><br>"Whenever you met Stuart, you always walked away with a massive smile on your face. Such a gigantic personality which was reflected in his drumming. He really will be missed." - <a href=""><b>Manic Street Preachers</b></a><br><br>""I am so sad and shocked at the news about Stuart Cable. He was such generous company and will be missed terribly. My love goes to his family. He was a truly lovely person who was passionate about not only his own music but others too - a genuine star in that sense, and gone too soon." - <a href=""><b>Cerys Matthews</b></a><br><br>"I will remember him as someone who was so alive - I can't believe he's gone. I don't know what the circumstances are but it's a real tragedy. He was always smiling and laughing and great to be around. He had lots of energy and couldn't wait for the next day to come around. He was a larger than life character who seemed to be a driving force behind the personality of the Stereophonics." - <b>Mike Peters, <a href="">The Alarm</a></b><br><br>"He will be remembered for his big heart and booming voice, his bonhomie and his compassion for those less fortunate than himself. I will always remember him as a loyal friend. Someone I shared many of the best and often the funniest times in my life." - <b>John Brand, manager</b><br><br>"He was so full of life, such a character. He always made you feel welcome. Always friendyl to us, always looked after us on tour, There's not many people like him you meet in this business. He had a big heart and always had time to talk to everybody." - <b>Grant Nicholas, <a href="">Feeder</a><br><br></b>"Such incredibly sad news. May I offer my deepest sympathies to Stuart's family and friends at this difficult time. Stuart was an incredible musician, a fantastic broadcaster but more importantly he was an amazing human being. I feel honoured to have shared a radio studio and many a backstage chat with him for both the BBC and commercial radio as his energy and generous spirit was truly infectious." - <b>Kevin Hughes, former BBC Radio Wales presenter, now Capital FM London.</b><br><br>"Everyone in Only Men Aloud were shocked and saddened to hear of the news of the passing of Stuart Cable this morning. Stuart was "one of the boys" and was very excited about our new venture; Only Boys Aloud, wanting to lend his support by performing with us at various events in the near future. At our launch in Merthyr Rugby Club a few weeks ago, he mucked in with everything that was going on and was, as he always was, a truly great bloke- an international rock star with his feet firmly planted at home in the Valleys. He will be sadly missed and our thoughts and sympathies go out to his family and friends." - <b>Only Men Aloud</b><br><br>"Stuart was someone who gave a lot of hope and inspiration to young people who wanted to make music in Wales and proved that you can really achieve anything. I had the pleasure of meeting him a few times and he always had a smile on his face whenever you would see him. He always had time to talk to people and was interested in hearing about what was going on, especially in the Welsh music scene. I was so sad to hear the news today, he will be greatly missed by so many people but never forgotton. Rest in peace." - <b>Romesh Dodangoda</b>, <b>record producer</b><br><b><br></b>"He was always lovely when we met. Love to his family and friends. RIP." - <b>Chris Moyles<br></b><br>"It's a real shame and I'm shocked to be honest. I've met him a few times and he was always really pleasant and had time for everyone. After this weekend, when we got to play with Stereophonics, it's terribly bittersweet." - <b>Aled Phillips, <a href="">Kids In Glass Houses</a></b><br><br>"Hard to believe the news about Stuart Cable. Such a lovely, funny guy." - <b>Bethan Elfyn</b><br><br>"Very sad news about Stuart Cable this morning. My thoughts are with his friends and family." - <b>Huw Stephens</b><br><br>"Stuart Cable RIP. Very sad." - <b>Zane Lowe</b><br><br>"RIP Stuart Cable... Can't believe the terrible news. Such a lovely warm and funny bloke and great drummer. Love to his family and friends." - <b>Jason Perry, record producer and member of A</b><br><br>"Terrible about the death of Stuart Cable the Stereophonics' drummer, met him two weeks ago - what lovely guy." - <b>Dom Joly</b><br><br>"R.I.P. Stuart Cable. X" - <b>Ian Watkins, <a href="">Lostprophets</a><br></b><br>Just woke up to the news about Stuart Cable. Absolutely gutted. You'll be very missed sir, RIP." - <b>Mike Lewis, Lostprophets</b><br><br>"All the times I've ever met him he was awesome. Super-friendly and an all-round top bloke. Gutted." - <b>Lee Gaze, Lostprophets</b><br><br>"Terribly sad news about Stuart Cable, such a lovely, warm, funny, talented man." - <b>Rob Brydon</b><br><br>"Stuart Cable! Damn that's sad." - <b>Fran Healy, Travis</b><br><br>"I was so shocked to hear Stuart Cable had passed away today.I always enjoyed chatting to him.Super drummer. Super guy. I feel for his family x." - <b>Robert Earnshaw</b><br><br>"Worked with him at V2 Records, every ex- V2er is in mourning today. Phonics were our heart and Stuart was theirs :(." - <b>Sarah Harries</b><br><br>"Wales and the world has just lost one of its biggest characters. I've never known anyone who can put and instant smile on someone's face like Stuart did. He was such a friendly bloke and had a lot of time for his fans which is very rare these days. i was very fortunate to meet him at the Kerrang awards many years ago and became good friends with him and had many a good night out. there would never be a boring night out when Cable was around, he was the life and soul of the party. i will miss him and that powerful voice of his. you rock, RIP." - <b>Pritchard, Dirty Sanchez</b><br><br>"I'm so sad to hear this tragic news. Stuart and I had only recently become friends, having played on his radio show. He was a good and passionate interviewer and had a deep knowledge of music. For instance I was very impressed that he knew who Paul Robeson was and his links with Wales. We got on so well, I felt like I had known him a long time which is a measure of his kindness and empathy. Stuart just made life bigger in every way. Whether you were in his presence or speaking to him on the phone you couldn't help but smile and be inspired by his enthusiasm. I'm missing that big deep voice already. This is such a shock and my thoughts are with his family and loved ones. Big love to you Stuart, you have gone far too soon. X" - <a href=""><b>Martyn Joseph</b></a><br><br>"Being a drummer and growing up in Aberdare, I always looked upon Stuart as a role model and an inspiration. When I started drumming as a young teenager I only hoped and dreamed that it could ever become more than a hobby for me, but seeing Stuart and the 'Phonics making a name for themselves coming from the same small valley in Wales really gave me the belief that anything was possible, and set me on the road to becoming a full time musician myself. "I think everyone who met Stuart had a funny story to tell about him. My favourite one was when we were performing at the Welsh Music Awards and Stuart was to present the award for 'Best Welsh Live Act'. During the rehearsal I was standing with Stuart behind the stage and Stuart whispered over to me 'Oh Butt- you've won the award - make sure you act surprised though and don't tell anyone I told you, or they won't have me back next year!' "We had the pleasure of running into Stuart many times over the years, every time with a wide grin plastered on his face, and every time he was the best of company. "After getting my requested Christmas gift from my wife of 'Demons and Cocktails' (and reading through it cover to cover on Boxing Day) I was looking forward to crossing paths with Stuart again to tell him how much I enjoyed the book, but sadly I never got the opportunity. "Stu - thanks for inspiring me to follow my dream. You will be sorely missed. RIP" - <b>Ryan Richards, <a href="">Funeral For A Friend</a></b><br><br>"I just wanted to leave my thoughts for his family and friends and to add what great company Stuart was, I spent some time with him and the lads from Killing For Company recording a few years ago and it was a really memorable time. Myself and Stuart shared drum riffs and our love for John Bonham, it was a memorable time and I will not forget his great company." - <b>Greg Haver, record producer</b><br><br>I just wanted to send you something about Stuart Cable because since the early days of The Automatic he was one of the most brilliant and supportive people we encountered. He was one of the few really genuine people you meet in the music industry when he said he'd come down to a gig he would, and be one of the most enthusiastic people there, which to a bunch of eighteen year olds meant the world. From then on we'd bump into him all over the place and he'd always be there with big smiles, hugs and a friendly face, wanting a drink and a chat. He was one of those people that always left a massive impression, one of the few big characters left in a music industry which is becoming increasingly bland and tempered down. "The last time I saw him he was listening back to a mastered track from our last album and he came up, beaming, thumbs up shouting "IT SOUNDS LIKE SABBATH!" which was the biggest praise I think he could give. "I feel lucky to have met Stuart, shared a stage (even drum kits) with him. He'll be massively missed." - <b>Iwan Griffiths, <a href="">The Automatic</a></b><br><br>"I am shocked and saddened by this tragic news. Stuart was a hugely popular figure in the local community and throughout Wales as a whole and people are understandably devastated by his untimely death. I met with Stuart at a number of events in Cynon Valley over the years and was also pleased to welcome him to the Assembly some years back. Obviously my heart goes out to his family and my thoughts are with them at this very sad time." - <b>Chris Chapman AM, Cynon Valley</b><br><p><span class="Apple-style-span" style="border-collapse: separate; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: 'Times New Roman'; font-size: 16px; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: normal; letter-spacing: normal; line-height: normal; orphans: 2; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; widows: 2; word-spacing: 0px;"><span class="Apple-style-span" style="color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family: Arial,sans-serif; font-size: 12px; line-height: 18px;"><p style="border-width: 0px; margin: 0px 5px 15px 0px; padding: 0px; font-weight: inherit; font-style: inherit; font-size: 1.083em; font-family: inherit; vertical-align: baseline;"><br></p></span></span></p> <div class="bbc-st bbc-st-slim bbc-st-colour bbc-st-light"> <a href="/modules/sharetools/share?;appId=news">Share this page</a> </div> <div class="cleardiv"></div> </div> <!--No uid list supplied to dna.--> <link rel="stylesheet" rev="stylesheet" href="/staticarchive/b171f6295dafa594e000486294caf5ef2e356648.css"><link rel="stylesheet" rev="stylesheet" href="/staticarchive/bdc8e6063cc77eae5dd70863b70699ca669df7f2.css"><!--[if lte IE 7]> <link rel="stylesheet" rev="stylesheet" href=""/> <![endif]--><script type="text/javascript"> (function(){ gloader.load( ["glow", "1", ""], { async: true, onLoad: function(glow) { glow.ready(function() { commentsParams = { version : '2.6.19', bbc_id_env : '', base_non_secure_url : '', base_secure_url : '', ajax_load_url : '', ajax_preview_url : '', user_auth_url : '', translations_url : '', items_per_page : 100, sort_order : 'Ascending', sort_by : 'Created', filter : 'none', current_page : 1, page_count : 0, comment_count : 0, site_name : 'blog399', forum_id : 'movabletype399_221683', title : 'Stereophonics lead Cable tributes', preset : 'blog', parent_uri : '', postFreq : 0, character_limit : 0, loc : 'en-GB', timezone : 'Europe/London', policy_uri : 'comment', allow_not_signed_in_commenting : '', rtl : false, textarea_height : '40px' ,logged_in : false };"/staticarchive/9fded8c38030f7e4fa43d9cc9c0033b2315234ef.js", { useCache : true }); 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