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Garden": "Hogar y jard\u00edn", "Avatar photo": "Foto de avatar", "Claim your business": "Reclama tu negocio", "Roofing": "Tejados", "Please refer to our <0&gt;Content Guidelines</0&gt; and <1&gt;Terms of Service</1&gt; and let us know why you think the content you\u2019ve reported may violate these guidelines.": "Consulte nuestras <0&gt;Directrices de Contenidos</0&gt; y <1&gt;Condiciones del Dervicio</1&gt; y d\u00edganos por qu\u00e9 cree que el contenido que ha denunciado puede infringir estas directrices.", "Real Estate Agents": "Agentes inmobiliarios", "Noon": "Mediod\u00eda", "Great lists": "Grandes listas", "Check out this photo on Yelp": "Echa un vistazo a esta foto en Yelp", "Gyms": "Gimnasios", "province": "provincia", "Caption": "T\u00edtulo", "Yelp Blog for Business": "Blog de Yelp para empresas", "Report Review": "Se\u00f1alar rese\u00f1a", "Home Cleaning": "Limpieza dom\u00e9stica", "Browse Files": "Examinar archivos", "Parking": "Aparcamiento", "Phone Repair": "Reparaci\u00f3n de m\u00f3viles", "Yelp - Oops!": "Yelp - \u00a1Vaya hombre!", "%{rating} star rating": "Puntuaci\u00f3n de %{rating} estrellas", "Back": "Volver ", "A business owner paid for this ad. For more information visit <a href=\"%{bizSiteUrl}\"&gt;Yelp for Business</a&gt;.": "Un propietario de un negocio pag\u00f3 por este anuncio. Para obtener m\u00e1s informaci\u00f3n, visite <a href=\"%{bizSiteUrl}\"&gt;Yelp para Negocios</a&gt;.", "Complete this step to create your account.": "Completa este paso para crear tu cuenta.", "You will receive a message at <0&gt;%{emailAddress}</0&gt; if you\u2019ve registered your account with that email address. Please check for an email from Yelp and click on the included link to reset your password.": "Recibir\u00e1s un mensaje en <0&gt;%{emailAddress}</0&gt; si has registrado tu cuenta con esa direcci\u00f3n de correo electr\u00f3nico. Comprueba si hay un correo electr\u00f3nico de Yelp y haz clic en el enlace incluido para restablecer tu contrase\u00f1a.", "Current map area": "\u00c1rea del mapa actual", "Painters": "Pintores", "Near": "Cerca de", "Oops, there was a problem flagging this content. Please try again later.": "Vaya, se ha producido un problema al se\u00f1alar el contenido. Por favor, int\u00e9ntalo de nuevo m\u00e1s tarde.", "Upload": "Subir", "Malaysia": "Malasia", "Car Dealers": "Concesionarios de autom\u00f3viles", "state": "estado", "Pricey": "M\u00e1s bien caro", "Turkey": "Turqu\u00eda", "<ol&gt;\n <li&gt;At the top of your Opera window, near the web address, you should see a <b&gt;gray location pin</b&gt;. Click it.</li&gt;\n <li&gt;In the window that pops up, click <b&gt;Clear This Setting</b&gt;</li&gt;\n <li&gt;You're good to go! Reload this Yelp page and try your search again.</li&gt;\n </ol&gt;\n <p&gt;\n If you're still having trouble, check out <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"&gt;Opera's support page</a&gt;.\n You can also search near a city, place, or address instead.\n </p&gt;": "<ol&gt;\n <li&gt;En la parte superior de tu navegador Opera, cerca de la direcci\u00f3n URL, deber\u00edas ver un <b&gt;puntero gris</b&gt;. Pulsa en \u00e9l.</li&gt;\n <li&gt;En la ventana emergente, pulsa en <b&gt;Clear This Setting</b&gt;</li&gt;\n <li&gt;\u00a1Est\u00e1 todo listo! Actualiza esta p\u00e1gina de Yelp y vuelve a realizar la b\u00fasqueda.</li&gt;\n </ol&gt;\n <p&gt;\n Si sigues teniendo problemas, por favor, revisa la <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"&gt;P\u00e1gina de Ayuda de Opera</a&gt;.\n Tambi\u00e9n puedes buscar cerca de una ciudad, un lugar o una direcci\u00f3n.\n </p&gt;", "Yelp for Business": "Yelp para empresas", "Campgrounds": "Campings", "Share review": "Compartir rese\u00f1a", "Ad Choices": "Opciones de publicidad", "Connect with great local businesses": "Conecta con peque\u00f1os comercios fant\u00e1sticos", "Sponsored": "Patrocinado", "Photo of %{businessName}": "Foto de %{businessName}", "Check back again soon.": "Vuelva a consultar pronto.", "Dinner": "Cena", "Taiwan": "Taiw\u00e1n", "About Yelp": "Sobre Yelp", "Careers": "Carreras", "Why do you want to report this question?": "\u00bfPor qu\u00e9 quieres se\u00f1alar esta pregunta?", "Oops, something went wrong. Please try again.": "Vaya, algo ha salido mal. Int\u00e9ntalo de nuevo. ", "Find": "Buscar", "Back to Login": "Volver al inicio de sesi\u00f3n", "Japanese": "Cocina japonesa", "We generally don\u2019t take sides in factual disputes and allow Yelpers to stand behind their reviews, but please include information in the box below which might allow us to independently verify your claims.": "Por lo general, nosotros no tomamos parte en las pol\u00e9micas sobre los hechos y permitimos a los yelpers respaldar sus rese\u00f1as. No obstante, incluye toda la informaci\u00f3n que estimes oportuna en el cajet\u00edn que aparece m\u00e1s abajo para tratar de verificar tus inquietudes de forma independiente.", "The email address you entered has already been registered.": "La direcci\u00f3n de correo electr\u00f3nico que has introducido ya est\u00e1 registrada.", "Previous photo": "Foto anterior", "Share business": "Compartir negocio", "First Name": "Nombre", "Italian": "Cocina italiana", "e.g. Taylor is awesome, <0&gt;he</0&gt; writes the best reviews": "por ejemplo: Taylor es incre\u00edble, <0&gt;el</0&gt; escribe las mejores rese\u00f1as", "Continue with email": "Continuar con el correo electr\u00f3nico", "Nova Scotia": "Nueva Escocia", "Business owners paid for these ads. For more information visit <a href=\"%{bizSiteUrl}\"&gt;Yelp for Business</a&gt;.": "Propietarios de Negocios pagaron por estos anuncios. Para obtener m\u00e1s informaci\u00f3n, visite <a href=\"%{bizSiteUrl}\"&gt;Yelp para Negocios</a&gt;.", "Email Address": "Correo electr\u00f3nico", "Clear search": "Borrar b\u00fasqueda", "<p&gt;First, try refreshing the page and clicking Current Location again. Make sure you click <b&gt;Allow</b&gt; or <b&gt;Grant Permissions</b&gt; if your browser asks for your location. If your browser doesn't ask you, try these steps:</p&gt;": "<p&gt;Primero, refresca la p\u00e1gina y pulsa de nuevo en \"Ubicaci\u00f3n actual\". Aseg\u00farate de pulsar <b&gt;Permitir</b&gt; o <b&gt;Dar permiso</b&gt; cuando tu navegador solicite acceso a tu ubicaci\u00f3n. Si tu navegador no solicita acceso a tu ubicaci\u00f3n, prueba con estos pasos:</p&gt;", "Log in with password": "Iniciar sesi\u00f3n con contrase\u00f1a", "Massage": "Masajes", "Select an option...": "Selecciona una opci\u00f3n...", "Thai": "Comida tailandesa", "French": "Franc\u00e9s", "Contractors": "Contratistas", "I'm the business owner": "Soy el due\u00f1o del negocio", "Birthday (optional)": "Cumplea\u00f1os (opcional)", "Search photos": "Buscar fotos", "Loading": "Cargando", "Dry Cleaning": "Tintorer\u00edas", "Developers": "Desarrolladores", "Oops, we can't find your location": "Vaya, no encontramos tu ubicaci\u00f3n", "Log in to make the most of Yelp": "Inicia sesi\u00f3n para aprovechar Yelp al m\u00e1ximo", "Find Reviews": "Ver rese\u00f1as", "Back to photos": "Volver a fotos", "Try Again": "Int\u00e9ntalo de nuevo", "Open app": "Abrir aplicaci\u00f3n", "Please provide specific details below:": "Por favor, proporciona detalles espec\u00edficos aqu\u00ed abajo:", "It will appear on their profile page if they accept.": "Aparecer\u00e1 en su p\u00e1gina de perfil si aceptan.", "Auto Services": "Servicios de autom\u00f3viles", "Nurseries &amp; Gardening": "Viveros y jardiner\u00eda", "Add a Business on Yelp": "A\u00f1adir un negocio a Yelp", "Oops! You need to have verified your email to log in with Apple. Please log in using your email and password.": "\u00a1Vaya! Debe haber verificado su correo electr\u00f3nico para iniciar sesi\u00f3n con Apple. Inicie sesi\u00f3n con su correo electr\u00f3nico y contrase\u00f1a.", "Verify": "Confirmar", "Log in to Business Account": "Inicie sesi\u00f3n en la cuenta comercial", "By proceeding, you agree to Yelp\u2019s <0&gt;Terms of Service</0&gt; and acknowledge Yelp\u2019s <1&gt;Privacy Policy</1&gt;.": "Al proceder, usted acepta las <0&gt;Condiciones de Servicio</0&gt; de Yelp y reconoce la <1&gt;Pol\u00edtica de Privacidad</1&gt; de Yelp.", "Password strength: good": "Seguridad de la contrase\u00f1a: buena", "Singapore": "Singapur", "Yelp Project Cost Guides": "Gu\u00eda de costes para proyectos en Yelp", "Philippines": "Filipinas", "New Hampshire": "Nuevo Hampshire", "Other Options": "Otras opciones", "Settings": "Configuraci\u00f3n", "Reactions": "Reacciones", "Poland": "Polonia", "Sweden": "Suecia", "Yelp Mobile": "Yelp m\u00f3vil", "Plumbers": "Fontaneros", "The password you entered is blocked and may have been involved in a breach from another website. <0&gt;Click here</0&gt; to have a password reset email sent to <1&gt;%{emailAddress}</1&gt;.": "La contrase\u00f1a que has introducido est\u00e1 bloqueada y puede haber estado involucrada en una violaci\u00f3n de otro sitio web. <0&gt;Haga clic aqu\u00ed</0&gt; para que se le env\u00ede un correo electr\u00f3nico de restablecimiento de contrase\u00f1a a <1&gt;%{emailAddress}</1&gt;.", "France": "Francia", "<a %{hcaptcha_info}&gt;This site is protected by hCaptcha - </a&gt; <a %{hcaptcha_pp}&gt;See additional Privacy Policy</a&gt; <a %{hcaptcha_tos}&gt;and Terms</a&gt;": "<a %{hcaptcha_info}&gt;Este sitio est\u00e1 protegido por hCaptcha - </a&gt; <a %{hcaptcha_pp}&gt; Ver Pol\u00edtica de privacidad adicional</a&gt; <a %{hcaptcha_tos}&gt; y T\u00e9rminos</a&gt;", "Danish": "Dan\u00e9s", "Doctors": "M\u00e9dicos", "Verified License": "Licencia verificada", "Spanish": "Espa\u00f1ol", "Uploaded %{numOfPhotosUploadedSucceed} of %{totalPhotos}": "Cargado %{numOfPhotosUploadedSucceed} de %{totalPhotos}", "Electricians": "Electricistas", "Bakeries": "Panader\u00edas", "Save": "Guardar", "You\u2019re cool": "Eres genial", "Before Photo": "Foto del \"antes\"", "Edit photo": "Editar foto", "Report Question": "Se\u00f1alar pregunta", "Report Photo": "Se\u00f1alar foto", "North Dakota": "Dakota del Norte", "Learn more": "M\u00e1s informaci\u00f3n", "Talk": "Foro", "Heating &amp; Air Conditioning": "Calefacci\u00f3n y Aire Acondicionado", "e.g. Taylor is awesome, <0&gt;they</0&gt; write the best reviews": "por ejemplo: Taylor es incre\u00edble, <0&gt;ellos</0&gt; escriben las mejores rese\u00f1as", "Please enter your email address and we will send you an email about how to reset your password.": "Por favor, escribe tu direcci\u00f3n de e-mail y te enviaremos un correo electr\u00f3nico sobre c\u00f3mo restablecer tu contrase\u00f1a.", "Lunch": "Comida", "Barbers": "Barber\u00edas", "Sign up": "Reg\u00edstrate", "Why do you want to report this review?": "\u00bfPor qu\u00e9 quieres se\u00f1alar esta rese\u00f1a?", "Swedish": "Sueco", "Churches": "Iglesias", "Next photo": "Siguiente foto", "New Brunswick": "Nuevo Brunswick", "Bike Rentals": "Alquiler de bicicletas", "Status": "Estado", "Canada": "Canad\u00e1", "Yelp homepage": "P\u00e1gina de inicio de Yelp", "Pennsylvania": "Pensilvania", "Reset Password": "Restablecer contrase\u00f1a", "Food Orders": "Pedidos de comida", "<0&gt;We need to confirm it\u2019s really you.</0&gt; We\u2019ve sent an email with a login link to <1&gt;%{emailAddress}</1&gt;. <2&gt;Send another one</2&gt;?": "<0&gt;Necesitamos confirmar que realmente eres t\u00fa.</0&gt; Hemos enviado un correo electr\u00f3nico con un enlace de acceso a <1&gt;%{emailAddress}</1&gt;. <2&gt;\u00bfEnviar otro</2&gt;?", "Tell them how you feel!": "\u00a1Diles c\u00f3mo te sientes!", "Business Listings provided by Yellow Pages\u00ae": "P\u00e1gina de negocio proporcionada por P\u00e1ginas Amarillas\u00ae", "Birthday": "Fecha de nacimiento", "Yelp Elite Squad": "Pelot\u00f3n de \u00c9lite de Yelp", "Belgium": "B\u00e9lgica", "Now": "Ahora", "Mini Golf": "Minigolf", "New Mexico": "Nuevo M\u00e9xico", "Pagination navigation": "Navegaci\u00f3n de p\u00e1ginas", "Learn more about Yelp Guaranteed. Opens a new tab": "M\u00e1s informaci\u00f3n sobre Yelp Garantizado. Abre una nueva pesta\u00f1a", "Bars": "De copas", "Share video": "Compartir v\u00eddeo", "We\u2019re sorry. We can\u2019t find the page you\u2019re looking for.": "Lo sentimos. No podemos encontrar la p\u00e1gina que est\u00e1s buscando.", "Spain": "Espa\u00f1a", "Female": "Femenino", "Sign Up": "Registrarse", "Almost done! Set the crop for your profile photo.": "\u00a1Casi termina! Establece el recorte para tu foto de perfil.", "Photos for %{businessName}": "Fotos de %{businessName}", "Yelp Guaranteed": "Garantizado por Yelp", "Projects": "Proyectos", "Yelp Deals": "Promociones Yelp", "Investor Relations": "Estrategia de inversi\u00f3n", "Landscaping": "Paisajismo y dise\u00f1o", "Auto Detailing": "Limpieza de veh\u00edculos", "Cover photo": "Foto de portada", "Beaches": "Playas", "Please try a new <0&gt;search</0&gt;.": "Por favor, intente una nueva <0&gt;b\u00fasqueda</0&gt;.", "Skip": "Saltar", "<span itemprop=\"reviewCount\"&gt;%{smart_count}</span&gt; recommended review||||<span itemprop=\"reviewCount\"&gt;%{smart_count}</span&gt; recommended reviews": "<span itemprop=\"reviewCount\"&gt;%{smart_count}</span&gt; rese\u00f1a recomendada||||<span itemprop=\"reviewCount\"&gt;%{smart_count}</span&gt; rese\u00f1as recomendadas", "We\u2019re working to fix this as soon as we can. Try a new <0&gt;search</0&gt;.": "Estamos trabajando para solucionar esto tan pronto como podamos. Prueba una nueva <0&gt;b\u00fasqueda</0&gt;.", "Content Guidelines": "Directrices de contenido", "Delivery": "Entrega a domicilio", "Yelp logo": "Logo de Yelp", "Finland": "Finlandia", "Chinese": "Cocina china", "Nail Salons": "Manicura y pedicura", "Next": "Siguiente", "Moderate": "Moderado", "Download the Yelp app": "Descarga la aplicaci\u00f3n de Yelp", "Yelper names or email addresses": "Nombre o direcci\u00f3n de e-mail de los Yelpers ", "Email addresses": "Direcci\u00f3n de e-mail", "Denmark": "Dinamarca", "Nightlife": "Noche", "Yelp for Restaurant Owners": "Yelp para Propietarios de Restaurantes", "The Local Yelp": "Yelp Local", "Warning": "Advertencia", "Skip to main content": "Ir al contenido principal", "Continue with Google": "Continuar con Google", "(Optional)": "(Opcional)", "Press": "Prensa", "Share": "Compartir", "Send": "Enviar", "I work at the business": "Trabajo en este negocio", "Save &amp; continue": "Guardar y Continuar", "Northern Mariana Islands": "Islas Marianas del Norte", "Nearby": "Inmediaciones", "Share on Twitter": "en Twitter", "Manage Cookies": "Gestionar Cookies", "English": "Ingl\u00e9s", "Tree Services": "Servicios de jardiner\u00eda", "Collections": "Colecciones", "Turkish": "Turco", "Mexico": "M\u00e9xico", "<ol&gt;\n <li&gt;At the top-right hand corner of the window, click the <b&gt;button with three dots on it</b&gt;, then <b&gt;Settings</b&gt;.</li&gt;\n <li&gt;Click <b&gt;Choose what to clear</b&gt; underneath <b&gt;Clear browsing data</b&gt;.</li&gt;\n <li&gt;Click <b&gt;Show more</b&gt;, then make sure only the box labeled <b&gt;Location permissions</b&gt; is checked.</li&gt;\n <li&gt;Click <b&gt;Clear</b&gt;.</li&gt;\n <li&gt;You're good to go! Refresh this Yelp page and try your search again.</li&gt;\n </ol&gt;\n <p&gt;\n You can also search near a city, place, or address instead.\n </p&gt;": "<ol&gt;\n <li&gt;En la esquina superior derecha de la ventana, pulsa en el <b&gt;bot\u00f3n con los tres puntos</b&gt; y luego en <b&gt;Configuraci\u00f3n</b&gt;.</li&gt;\n <li&gt;Pulsa en <b&gt;Selecciona qu\u00e9 borrar</b&gt; debajo de <b&gt;Borrar datos de navegaci\u00f3n</b&gt;.</li&gt;\n <li&gt;Pulsa en <b&gt;Mostrar m\u00e1s</b&gt;, aseg\u00farate de que la casilla<b&gt;Permisos de ubicaci\u00f3n</b&gt; sea la \u00fanica marcada.</li&gt;\n <li&gt;Pulsa en <b&gt;Borrar</b&gt;.</li&gt;\n <li&gt;\u00a1Todo est\u00e1 listo! Refresca esta p\u00e1gina de Yelp y vuelve a realizar la b\u00fasqueda.</li&gt;\n </ol&gt;\n <p&gt;\n Tambi\u00e9n puedes buscar cerca de una ciudad, un lugar o una direcci\u00f3n.\n </p&gt;", "Why do you want to report this friend request?": "\u00bfPor qu\u00e9 quieres denunciar esta solicitud de amistad?", "Your Email": "Tu correo electr\u00f3nico", "<p&gt;First, try refreshing the page and clicking Current Location again. Make sure you click <b&gt;Allow</b&gt; or <b&gt;Grant Permissions</b&gt; if your browser asks for your location. Also, try <a href=\"\"&gt;enabling Location Services for your browser</a&gt;. If your browser still doesn't ask you, try these steps:</p&gt;": "<p&gt;Primero, actualiza la p\u00e1gina y pulsa de nuevo en \"Ubicaci\u00f3n actual\". Aseg\u00farate de pulsar <b&gt;Permitir</b&gt; o <b&gt;Dar permiso</b&gt; cuando tu navegador solicite acceso a tu ubicaci\u00f3n. Tambi\u00e9n puedes intentar <a href=\"\"&gt;activando los servicios de localizaci\u00f3n de tu navegador</a&gt;. Si tu navegador no solicita acceso a tu ubicaci\u00f3n, prueba con estos pasos:</p&gt;", "Welcome to Yelp, %{0}!": "\u00a1Bienvenido a Yelp, %{0}!", "Optometrists": "Optometristas", "Support": "Ayuda", "Info": "Informaci\u00f3n", "Uploading %{numOfPhotosTriedUploadPlusOne} of %{totalPhotos}\u2026": "Cargando %{numOfPhotosTriedUploadPlusOne} de %{totalPhotos}...", "Log Out": "Salir", "Oops! Something went wrong.": "\u00a1Uy! Algo ha salido mal.", "ZIP Code": "C\u00f3digo postal", "Remove": "Eliminar", "Before photo": "Foto de antes", "Pet Groomers": "Peluquer\u00eda canina", "Dermatologists": "Dermat\u00f3logos", "We\u2019re sorry. Something went wrong on this page.": "Lo sentimos. Algo sali\u00f3 mal en esta p\u00e1gina.", "Check out this video on Yelp": "Echa un vistazo a este v\u00eddeo en Yelp", "Delete photo": "Eliminar foto", "Add a business": "Agregar un negocio", "Sign in to Yelp": "Iniciar sesi\u00f3n en Yelp", "Food Trucks": "Cami\u00f3n de comida ", "Virgin Islands": "Islas V\u00edrgenes", "Got it": "Entendido", "The Netherlands": "Holanda", "We couldn't find you quickly enough! Try again later, or search near a city, place, or address instead.": "\u00a1No te encontramos! Int\u00e9ntalo de nuevo m\u00e1s tarde o busca cerca de una ciudad, un lugar o una direcci\u00f3n.", "Business categories": "Categor\u00edas del negocio", "Yes, I want Yelp to send me marketing emails about Yelp\u2019s products, services, and local events. I can unsubscribe at any time.": "S\u00ed, quiero recibir emails sobre productos, servicios y eventos locales de Yelp. Puedo cancelar mi suscripci\u00f3n en cualquier momento.", "Dentists": "Dentistas", "Optional": "Opcional", "New Zealand": "Nueva Zelanda", "Categories": "Categor\u00edas", "West Virginia": "Virginia del Oeste", "Auto Repair": "Talleres mec\u00e1nicos", "American Samoa": "Samoa Americana", "Languages": "Idiomas", "British Columbia": "Columbia Brit\u00e1nica", "HVAC": "Calefacci\u00f3n y aire acondicionado", "Log in": "Acceder", "Physical Therapy": "Fisioterapia", "Ultra High-End": "Muy caro", "Yelp Blog": "Blog de Yelp", "Last Name": "Apellidos", "<span itemprop=\"reviewCount\"&gt;%{smart_count}</span&gt; review||||<span itemprop=\"reviewCount\"&gt;%{smart_count}</span&gt; reviews": "<span itemprop=\"reviewCount\"&gt;%{smart_count}</span&gt; rese\u00f1a||||<span itemprop=\"reviewCount\"&gt;%{smart_count}</span&gt; rese\u00f1as", "Locksmiths": "Cerrajeros", "Table Management": "Gestionar mesas", "Claim your Business Page": "Toma el control de tu p\u00e1gina", "Podiatrists": "Pod\u00f3logos", "Log in to Yelp": "Acceder a Yelp", "%{number} of %{total}": "%{number} de %{total}", "<ol&gt;\n <li&gt;Click <b&gt;Safari</b&gt; in the Menu Bar at the top of the screen, then <b&gt;Preferences</b&gt;.</li&gt;\n <li&gt;Click the <b&gt;Websites</b&gt; tab, then click <b&gt;Location</b&gt; on the left-hand panel.</li&gt;\n <li&gt;Next to <b&gt;</b&gt; in the right-hand panel, change the dropdown to <b&gt;Ask</b&gt; or <b&gt;Allow</b&gt;.</li&gt;\n <li&gt;MacOS may now prompt you to enable Location Services. If it does, follow its instructions to enable Location Services for Safari.</li&gt;\n <li&gt;Close the Settings dialog and refresh the page. Try using Current Location search again.</li&gt;\n </ol&gt;\n <p&gt;\n If you're still having trouble, check out <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"&gt;Safari's support page</a&gt;.\n You can also search near a city, place, or address instead.\n </p&gt;": "<ol&gt;\n <li&gt;Pulsa en <b&gt;Safari</b&gt; en la barra del men\u00fa en la parte superior de la pantalla y luego en <b&gt;Preferencias</b&gt;.</li&gt;\n <li&gt;Pulsa en la pesta\u00f1a de <b&gt;P\u00e1ginas web</b&gt;, y a continuaci\u00f3n, en la parte izquierda, pulsa en <b&gt;Ubicaci\u00f3n</b&gt;.</li&gt;\n <li&gt;Despu\u00e9s, en la parte derecha, en <b&gt;</b&gt;, cambia el desplegable a <b&gt;Preguntar</b&gt; o <b&gt;Permitir</b&gt;.</li&gt;\n <li&gt;Puede que ahora MacOS te pida que actives los servicios de ubicaci\u00f3n. Si lo haces, sigue sus instrucciones para activar los servicios de ubicaci\u00f3n en Safari.</li&gt;\n <li&gt;Cierra el di\u00e1logo de ajustes y refresca la p\u00e1gina. Intenta volver a realizar una b\u00fasqueda con la ubicaci\u00f3n actual.</li&gt;\n </ol&gt;\n <p&gt;\n Si sigues teniendo problemas, revisa la <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"&gt;P\u00e1gina de Ayuda de Safari</a&gt;.\n Tambi\u00e9n puedes buscar cerca de una ciudad, lugar o direcci\u00f3n.\n </p&gt;", "Towing": "Gr\u00faas y remolques", "New to Yelp? <0&gt;Sign up</0&gt;": "\u00bfEres nuevo en Yelp? <0&gt;Reg\u00edstrate</0&gt;", "South Dakota": "Dakota del Sur", "Junkyards": "Chatarrer\u00edas", "Menu": "Men\u00fa", "There\u2019s always more than one side to a story, and business owners can address misunderstandings via their Business Account by posting a public comment or sending a direct message to the reviewer.": "Siempre hay m\u00e1s de una versi\u00f3n en cada historia, y los propietarios de negocio pueden aclarar cualquier malentendido a trav\u00e9s de la cuenta de empresa mediante una respuesta p\u00fablica o enviando un mensaje directo al comentarista en cuesti\u00f3n.", "Enter your gender": "Escribe tu identidad de g\u00e9nero", "Oops, something went wrong. Please try again later.": "Vaya, algo no ha ido bien. Int\u00e9ntalo de nuevo m\u00e1s tarde.", "Try again": "Int\u00e9ntalo de nuevo", "Continue with Apple": "Continuar con Apple", "Resend link": "Reenviar enlace", "German": "Alem\u00e1n", "OK": "Ok", "Your Name": "Tu nombre", "Go back": "Volver", "Newfoundland and Labrador": "Terranova y Labrador", "Hot New Businesses": "Reci\u00e9n llegados y arrasando", "<ol&gt;\n <li&gt;At the top of your Firefox window, to the left of the web address, you should see a <b&gt;green lock</b&gt;. Click it.</li&gt;\n <li&gt;In the window that pops up, you should see <b&gt;Blocked</b&gt; or <b&gt;Blocked Temporarily</b&gt; next to <b&gt;Access Your Location</b&gt;. Click the <b&gt;x</b&gt; next to this line.</li&gt;\n <li&gt;You're good to go! Refresh this Yelp page and try your search again.</li&gt;\n </ol&gt;\n <p&gt;\n If you're still having trouble, check out <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"&gt;Firefox's support page</a&gt;.\n You can also search near a city, place, or address instead.\n </p&gt;": "<ol&gt;\n <li&gt;En la parte superior de tu ventana de Firefox, a la izquierda de la direcci\u00f3n web, deber\u00edas ver un <b&gt;candado verde</b&gt;. Haz clic en \u00e9l.</li&gt;\n <li&gt;En la ventana que aparece, deber\u00edas ver <b&gt;Bloqueado</b&gt; o <b&gt;Bloqueado temporalmente</b&gt; junto a <b&gt;Accede a tu ubicaci\u00f3n</b&gt;. Haz clic en la <b&gt;x</b&gt; que aparece junto a esta l\u00ednea.</li&gt;\n <li&gt;Ya puedes continuar. Actualiza esta p\u00e1gina de Yelp y vuelve a intentar la b\u00fasqueda.</li&gt;\n </ol&gt;\n <p&gt;\n Si sigues teniendo problemas, consulta <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"&gt;la p\u00e1gina de soporte de Firefox</a&gt;.\n Tambi\u00e9n puedes buscar cerca de una ciudad, lugar o direcci\u00f3n.\n </p&gt;", "Switzerland": "Suiza", "Republic of Ireland": "Republica de Irlanda", "<p&gt;\n Oops! We don't recognize the web browser you're currently using. Try checking the browser's help menu, or searching the Web for instructions to turn on HTML5 Geolocation for your browser.\n You can also search near a city, place, or address instead.\n </p&gt;": "<p&gt;\n Ups, no reconocemos el navegador que est\u00e1s utilizando. Intenta revisar el men\u00fa de ayuda de tu navegador o busca en internet instrucciones para activar la geolocalizaci\u00f3n de HTML5 en tu navegador.\n Tambi\u00e9n puedes buscar cerca de una ciudad, lugar o direcci\u00f3n.\n </p&gt;", "*": "* ", "Body Shops": "Taller de chapa y pintura", "Thrift Stores": "Segunda mano", "Before": "Antes", "Movers": "Mudanzas", "Restaurants": "Restaurantes", "Reservations": "Reservas", "Current Location": "Ubicaci\u00f3n actual", "Terms": "Condiciones", "Share post": "Compartir publicaci\u00f3n", "Home Services": "Hogar", "Great photo": "Gran foto", "Oops! You need to have verified your email to log in with Google. Please log in using your email and password.": "Vaya, para acceder a trav\u00e9s de Google primero tienes que confirmar tu direcci\u00f3n de e-mail. Por favor, inicia la sesi\u00f3n utilizando tu e-mail y contrase\u00f1a de Yelp.", "Why do you want to report this photo?": "\u00bfPor qu\u00e9 quieres se\u00f1alar esta fotograf\u00eda?", "Sign up for Yelp": "Reg\u00edstrate en Yelp", "OR": "o", "About": "Sobre", "Password strength: fair": "Seguridad de la contrase\u00f1a: justa", "%{smart_count} review||||%{smart_count} reviews": "%{smart_count} rese\u00f1a||||%{smart_count} rese\u00f1as", "(no rating)": "(sin valoraciones)", "Some business data by <a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\" href=\"\" class=\"%{classes}\"&gt;</a&gt;": "Algunos datos de negocios proporcionados por<a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\" href=\"\" class=\"%{classes}\"&gt;</a&gt;", "Notifications": "Avisos", "How would you like to be referred to?": "\u00bfC\u00f3mo quieres que nos dirijamos a ti?", "e.g. Taylor is awesome, <0&gt;she</0&gt; writes the best reviews": "por ejemplo: Taylor es incre\u00edble, <0&gt;ella</0&gt; escribe las mejores rese\u00f1as", "My reviews, friends, and more": "Mis rese\u00f1as, amigos y m\u00e1s.", "Report": "Se\u00f1alar", "Oil Change": "Cambio de aceite", "Continue with Email": "Continuar por email", "Required": "Obligatorio", "Dutch": "Holand\u00e9s", "Louisiana": "Luisiana", "Privacy Policy": "Pol\u00edtica de privacidad", "Pizza": "Pizzer\u00eda", "Events": "Eventos", "Cancel": "Cancelar", "Looks like something went wrong.<0/&gt;Please try again later.": "Parece que algo sali\u00f3 mal.<0/&gt;Int\u00e9ntelo de nuevo m\u00e1s tarde.", "Page: %{page}": "P\u00e1gina: %{page}", "Oops, this photo failed to upload. Please retry.": "Esta foto no se ha podido cargar. Int\u00e9ntalo de nuevo.", "Go to %{baseUrl}": "Ir a %{baseUrl}", "Carrier rates may apply": "Puede que tu operador aplique tarifas", "Your compliment is missing a message.": "Le falta un mensaje a su cumplido.", "Well, that doesn\u2019t seem right.": "Bueno, eso no parece correcto.", "Password": "Contrase\u00f1a", "Bowling": "Boleras", "Your caption is a bit on the short side. Try adding a few more details.": "Tu descripci\u00f3n es un poco escueta. Intenta a\u00f1adir un par de detalles m\u00e1s.", "Breakfast &amp; Brunch": "Desayuno y brunch", "Swimming Pools": "Piscinas", "BEFORE": "ANTES", "Captions help others identify what's in the photo.": "Las descripciones ayudan a que los dem\u00e1s sepan qu\u00e9 hay en la foto.", "Prince Edward Island": "Isla del Pr\u00edncipe Eduardo", "Inexpensive": "Barato", "Male": "Masculino", "United Kingdom": "Reino Unido", "Bookmarks": "Favoritos", "Delete photo?": "\u00bfBorrar foto?", "User actions": "Acciones del usuario", "We\u2019ve sent a login link to <0&gt;%{emailAddress}</0&gt;.": "Hemos enviado un enlace de acceso a <0&gt;%{emailAddress}</0&gt;.", "South Carolina": "Carolina del Sur", "Tires": "Neum\u00e1ticos", "or": "o", "Car Wash": "Lavado de coches", "Cannabis Dispensaries": "Dispensarios de cannabis", "More": "M\u00e1s", "Germany": "Alemania", "I'm a customer": "Soy cliente", "Forgot password?": "\u00bfOlvidaste la contrase\u00f1a?", "Yelp confirmed a business or employee license.": "Yelp ha verificado la licencia del negocio o empleado.", "Delete": "Eliminar", "Apartments": "Alquiler", "<ol&gt;\n <li&gt;At the top of your Chrome window, near the web address, click <b&gt;the gray lock icon</b&gt;.</li&gt;\n <li&gt;In the window that pops up, make sure <b&gt;Location</b&gt; is set to <b&gt;Ask (default)</b&gt; or <b&gt;Allow</b&gt;.</li&gt;\n <li&gt;You're good to go! Reload this Yelp page and try your search again.</li&gt;\n </ol&gt;\n <p&gt;\n If you're still having trouble, check out <a href=\";hl=en&amp;oco=0\" target=\"_blank\"&gt;Google's support page</a&gt;.\n You can also search near a city, place, or address instead.\n </p&gt;": "<ol&gt;\n <li&gt;En la parte superior de tu navegador Chrome, al lado de la direcci\u00f3n URL, pulsa en <b&gt;el candado gris</b&gt;.</li&gt;\n <li&gt;En la ventana emergente, aseg\u00farate que la <b&gt;Ubicaci\u00f3n</b&gt; este configurada a <b&gt;Preguntar (por defecto)</b&gt; o <b&gt;Permitir</b&gt;.</li&gt;\n <li&gt;\u00a1Est\u00e1 todo listo! Actualiza esta p\u00e1gina de Yelp y vuelve a realizar la b\u00fasqueda.</li&gt;\n </ol&gt;\n <p&gt;\n Si sigues teniendo problemas, por favor, revisa la <a href=\";hl=es-419&amp;oco=0%22%20target\"&gt;P\u00e1gina de Ayuda de Google</a&gt;.\n Tambi\u00e9n puedes buscar cerca de una ciudad, un lugar o una direcci\u00f3n.\n </p&gt;", "Report Answer": "Se\u00f1alar respuesta", "Northwest Territories": "Territorios del Noroeste", "Why do you want to report this answer?": "\u00bfPor qu\u00e9 quieres se\u00f1alar esta respuesta?", "Your Privacy Choices": "Sus Opciones de Privacidad", "Shopping": "Compras", "Password strength: great": "Seguridad de la contrase\u00f1a: genial", "About Me": "Mi perfil", "Florists": "Florister\u00edas", "Sharing link": "Enlace para compartir", "Add More": "A\u00f1adir m\u00e1s", "Gender": "Sexo", "Czech Republic": "Rep\u00fablica Checa", "Home Cleaners": "Limpieza del hogar", "Portuguese": "Portugu\u00e9s", "Countries": "Pa\u00edses", "Success": "Hecho", "United States": "Estados Unidos", "There was a problem retrieving your Google profile. Please try again.": "Hubo un problema al recuperar su perfil de Google. Int\u00e9ntalo de nuevo.", "Forgot Password": "Contrase\u00f1a olvidada", "Select photos to upload": "Seleccionar las fotos a subir", "Oops, the photo \u201c%{fileName}\u201d is too large to upload. The file size must be under %{fileSizeFormattedBytes}.": "Vaya, la foto \u201c%{fileName}\u201d es demasiado grande. El tama\u00f1o m\u00e1ximo es de %{fileSizeFormattedBytes}.", "Personalize your account details below": "Personalice los datos de su cuenta a continuaci\u00f3n", "Welcome to Yelp!": "\u00a1Bienvenido a Yelp!", "Hotels": "Hoteles", "To log in to Yelp with Apple, first agree to our Terms of Service and confirm that you\u2019ve read our Privacy Policy by checking the box below.": "Para iniciar sesi\u00f3n en Yelp con Apple, primero acepte nuestros T\u00e9rminos de Servicio y confirme que ha le\u00eddo nuestra P\u00f3liza de Privacidad marcando la casilla a continuaci\u00f3n.", "Terms of Service": "Condiciones de servicio", "Pest Control": "Control de plagas", "No notifications yet": "A\u00fan no hay notificaciones", "Finnish": "Finland\u00e9s", "Dry Cleaners": "Tintorer\u00edas", "Brazil": "Brasil", "Previous": "Anterior", "New York": "Nueva York", "Change Photo": "Cambiar Foto", "Report Friend Request": "Reportar Solicitud de Amistad", "Clear filters": "Borrar filtros", "More than 5 years ago": "Hace m\u00e1s de 5 a\u00f1os", "North Carolina": "Carolina del Norte", "Finding your location...": "Buscando tu ubicaci\u00f3n...", "Banks &amp; Credit Unions": "Bancos y cajas", "By continuing, you agree to Yelp\u2019s <0&gt;Terms of Service</0&gt; and acknowledge Yelp\u2019s <1&gt;Privacy Policy</1&gt;, including Yelp\u2019s cookie policy.": "Al continuar, usted acepta las <0&gt;Condiciones del Servicio</0&gt; de Yelp y reconoce la <1&gt;P\u00f3liza de Privacidad</1&gt; de Yelp, incluida la pol\u00edtica de cookies de Yelp.", "Login via email link": "Iniciar sesi\u00f3n a trav\u00e9s del enlace de correo electr\u00f3nico", "Italy": "Italia", "Add photos": "A\u00f1ade fotos", "Takeout": "Para llevar", "You\u2019re funny": "Eres gracioso", "%{current_page} of %{total_pages}": "%{current_page} de %{total_pages}", "District of Columbia": "Distrito de Columbia", "Mexican": "Cocina mexicana", "To": "Para", "This field is required.": "Campo obligatorio.", "Write a Review": "Escribir rese\u00f1a", "You\u2019re almost done!": "\u00a1Ya casi terminas!", "These businesses bought these ads to meet new customers on Yelp. For more information visit <a href=\"%{bizSiteUrl}\"&gt;Yelp for Business</a&gt;.": "Estos negocios compraron estos anuncios para conocer nuevos clientes en Yelp. Para m\u00e1s informaci\u00f3n, visite <a href=\"%{bizSiteUrl}\"&gt;Yelp para Negocios</a&gt;.", "Midnight": "Medianoche", "Delete video": "Eliminar v\u00eddeo", "Log In": "Acceder", "Already on Yelp? <0&gt;Log in</0&gt;": "\u00bfYa est\u00e1s en Yelp? <0&gt;Iniciar sesi\u00f3n</0&gt;", "Add caption": "A\u00f1adir descripci\u00f3n", "We couldn't find an accurate position. If you're using a laptop or tablet, try moving it somewhere else and give it another go. Or, search near a city, place, or address instead.": "No conseguimos encontrar tu ubicaci\u00f3n exacta. Si est\u00e1s utilizando un ordenador port\u00e1til o una tablet, intenta moverte a otra ubicaci\u00f3n e int\u00e9ntalo de nuevo. O busca cerca de una ciudad, un lugar o una direcci\u00f3n.", "Japan": "Jap\u00f3n", "Report Video": "Se\u00f1alar v\u00eddeo", "Just now": "En este momento", "Messages": "Mensajes", "Write more": "Escribe m\u00e1s", "Oregon": "Oreg\u00f3n", "Some Data By Acxiom": "Algunos datos proporcionados por Acxiom", "Compliment sent": "Elogio enviado", "Cute pic": "Bonita foto", "NEW": "NUEVO", "Trust &amp; Safety": "Confianza y Seguridad", "Open in App": "Abrir en la app", "By continuing, you agree to Yelp\u2019s <0&gt;Terms of Service</0&gt; and acknowledge Yelp\u2019s <1&gt;Privacy Policy</1&gt;.": "Al continuar, aceptas las <0&gt;Condiciones del Servicio</0&gt; de Yelp y la <1&gt;Pol\u00edtica de Privacidad</1&gt; de Yelp.", "Sorry, but we don\u2019t take sides in factual disputes. If a review appears to reflect a user\u2019s personal experience and opinions, it is our policy to let the user stand behind their review.": "Lo sentimos, pero nosotros no tomamos parte en las pol\u00e9micas sobre los hechos. Si la rese\u00f1a parece reflejar la experiencia y la opini\u00f3n personal del usuario, es nuestra pol\u00edtica permitir al usuario el poder respaldar su rese\u00f1a.", "Search": "Buscar", "Compliment": "Piropear", "No matching friends found": "No hemos encontrado a ning\u00fan amigo", "To log in to Yelp with Google, first agree to our Terms of Service and confirm that you\u2019ve read our Privacy Policy by checking the box below.": "Para iniciar sesi\u00f3n en Yelp con Google, primero acepte nuestros T\u00e9rminos de Servicio y confirme que ha le\u00eddo nuestra P\u00f3liza de Privacidad marcando la casilla a continuaci\u00f3n.", "Czech": "Checo", "%{smart_count} recommended review||||%{smart_count} recommended reviews": "%{smart_count} rese\u00f1a recomendada||||%{smart_count} rese\u00f1as recomendadas", "Something broke and we're not sure what. Try again later, or search near a city, place, or address instead.": "Hemos detectado un problema desconocido. Int\u00e9ntalo de nuevo m\u00e1s tarde o busca cerca de una ciudad, un lugar o una direcci\u00f3n.", "Done": "Hecho", "Cities": "Ciudades", "<0&gt;<1&gt;<2/&gt;</1&gt;</0&gt;<3&gt;or drag and drop more photos</3&gt;": "<0&gt;<1&gt;<2/&gt;</1&gt;</0&gt;<3&gt;o arrastra y suelta m\u00e1s fotos</3&gt;", "Advertise on Yelp": "Anunciarse en Yelp", "City": "Ciudad", "There was a problem retrieving your Apple profile. Please try again.": "Hubo un problema al recuperar tu perfil de Apple. Int\u00e9ntalo de nuevo.", "What\u2019s in this photo?": "\u00bfDe qu\u00e9 es esta foto?", "Add a note (optional)": "A\u00f1adir una nota (opcional)", "<a %{recaptcha_info}&gt;This site is protected by reCAPTCHA -</a&gt; <a %{google_pp}&gt;See additional Privacy Policy</a&gt; <a %{google_tos}&gt;and Terms</a&gt;": "<a %{recaptcha_info}&gt;Este sitio est\u00e1 protegido por reCAPTCHA -</a&gt; <a %{google_pp}&gt; Ver P\u00f3liza de Privacidad adicional</a&gt; <a %{google_tos}&gt; y T\u00e9rminos</a&gt;", "%{username} said": "%{username} ha dicho", "Business Owner Login": "Inicio de sesi\u00f3n del Propietario del Negocio", "Norway": "Noruega", "Edit caption": "Editar descripci\u00f3n", "Good writer": "Buen escritor", "Oops! Something went wrong. Please try again.": "Vaya, algo ha salido mal. Int\u00e9ntalo de nuevo.", "Text me a link for the Yelp app": "Env\u00edame un SMS para descargar la aplicaci\u00f3n de Yelp", "Upload Photo": "Subir foto", "By continuing, I agree to Yelp\u2019s <0&gt;Terms of Service</0&gt; and acknowledge Yelp\u2019s <1&gt;Privacy Policy</1&gt;, including Yelp\u2019s cookie policy.": "Al continuar, acepto las <0&gt;Condiciones de Servicio</0&gt; de Yelp y reconozco la <1&gt;P\u00f3liza de Privacidad</1&gt; de Yelp, incluida la p\u00f3liza de cookies de Yelp.", "Claim your business for free": "Reclama tu negocio gratis", "Business Success Stories": "Historias de \u00c9xito", "Explore Yelp for Business": "Explora Yelp para Negocios", "Add a Business": "A\u00f1adir un negocio", "Business Support": "Apoyo Empresarial", "Malay": "Malayo", "Why do you want to report this content?": "\u00bfPor qu\u00e9 quieres se\u00f1alar este contenido?", "Discover": "Descubrir", "Account Settings": "Configuraci\u00f3n", "To join Yelp, first agree to our Terms of Service and confirm that you\u2019ve read our Privacy Policy by checking the box below.": "Para unirte a Yelp, por favor, primero acepta nuestras Condiciones de Servicio y confirma haber le\u00eddo nuestra Pol\u00edtica de Privacidad marcando la casilla de abajo.", "Share on Facebook": "en Facebook", "For Businesses": "Para empresas", "Just a note": "Un apunte", "My Collections": "Mis colecciones", "Are you a human? Please complete the bot challenge below.": "\u00bfEres de carne y hueso? Completa el proceso de verificaci\u00f3n que se muestra a continuaci\u00f3n.", "New Jersey": "Nueva Jersey", "Chiropractors": "Quiropr\u00e1cticos", "More options": "M\u00e1s opciones", "Find Friends": "Buscar amigos", "What's your relationship to the business?": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l es su relaci\u00f3n con el negocio?", "Promotion": "Promoci\u00f3n", "Norwegian": "Noruego", "Hair Salons": "Peluquer\u00edas", "Burgers": "Hamburgueser\u00edas", "Accessibility Statement": "Declaraci\u00f3n de Accesibilidad", "Sorry, that photo is too large to upload.": "Lo sentimos, esa foto es demasiada grande para subirla.", "Polish": "Polaco", "More than 5 yrs ago": "Hace m\u00e1s de 5 a\u00f1os", "e.g. tacos, Mel's": "ej, tapas, asador", "Close": "Cerrar"}, "requestCookies": {"BIZ_OWNER": null, "LOCATION": null}, "requestHeaders": {"X-Original-Url": "", "User-Agent": "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0; SLCC1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.04506; .NET CLR 3.5.21022; .NET CLR 1.0.3705; 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For more information visit \u003ca href=\"%{bizSiteUrl}\">Yelp for Business\u003c/a>.": "Un propietario de un negocio pag\u00f3 por este anuncio. Para obtener m\u00e1s informaci\u00f3n, visite \u003ca href=\"%{bizSiteUrl}\">Yelp para Negocios\u003c/a>.", "Complete this step to create your account.": "Completa este paso para crear tu cuenta.", "You will receive a message at \u003c0>%{emailAddress}\u003c/0> if you\u2019ve registered your account with that email address. Please check for an email from Yelp and click on the included link to reset your password.": "Recibir\u00e1s un mensaje en \u003c0>%{emailAddress}\u003c/0> si has registrado tu cuenta con esa direcci\u00f3n de correo electr\u00f3nico. Comprueba si hay un correo electr\u00f3nico de Yelp y haz clic en el enlace incluido para restablecer tu contrase\u00f1a.", "Current map area": "\u00c1rea del mapa actual", "Painters": "Pintores", "Near": "Cerca de", "Oops, there was a problem flagging this content. Please try again later.": "Vaya, se ha producido un problema al se\u00f1alar el contenido. Por favor, int\u00e9ntalo de nuevo m\u00e1s tarde.", "Upload": "Subir", "Malaysia": "Malasia", "Car Dealers": "Concesionarios de autom\u00f3viles", "state": "estado", "Pricey": "M\u00e1s bien caro", "Turkey": "Turqu\u00eda", "\u003col>\n \u003cli>At the top of your Opera window, near the web address, you should see a \u003cb>gray location pin\u003c/b>. Click it.\u003c/li>\n \u003cli>In the window that pops up, click \u003cb>Clear This Setting\u003c/b>\u003c/li>\n \u003cli>You're good to go! Reload this Yelp page and try your search again.\u003c/li>\n \u003c/ol>\n \u003cp>\n If you're still having trouble, check out \u003ca href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Opera's support page\u003c/a>.\n You can also search near a city, place, or address instead.\n \u003c/p>": "\u003col>\n \u003cli>En la parte superior de tu navegador Opera, cerca de la direcci\u00f3n URL, deber\u00edas ver un \u003cb>puntero gris\u003c/b>. Pulsa en \u00e9l.\u003c/li>\n \u003cli>En la ventana emergente, pulsa en \u003cb>Clear This Setting\u003c/b>\u003c/li>\n \u003cli>\u00a1Est\u00e1 todo listo! Actualiza esta p\u00e1gina de Yelp y vuelve a realizar la b\u00fasqueda.\u003c/li>\n \u003c/ol>\n \u003cp>\n Si sigues teniendo problemas, por favor, revisa la \u003ca href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">P\u00e1gina de Ayuda de Opera\u003c/a>.\n Tambi\u00e9n puedes buscar cerca de una ciudad, un lugar o una direcci\u00f3n.\n \u003c/p>", "Yelp for Business": "Yelp para empresas", "Campgrounds": "Campings", "Share review": "Compartir rese\u00f1a", "Ad Choices": "Opciones de publicidad", "Connect with great local businesses": "Conecta con peque\u00f1os comercios fant\u00e1sticos", "Sponsored": "Patrocinado", "Photo of %{businessName}": "Foto de %{businessName}", "Check back again soon.": "Vuelva a consultar pronto.", "Dinner": "Cena", "Taiwan": "Taiw\u00e1n", "About Yelp": "Sobre Yelp", "Careers": "Carreras", "Why do you want to report this question?": "\u00bfPor qu\u00e9 quieres se\u00f1alar esta pregunta?", "Oops, something went wrong. Please try again.": "Vaya, algo ha salido mal. Int\u00e9ntalo de nuevo. ", "Find": "Buscar", "Back to Login": "Volver al inicio de sesi\u00f3n", "Japanese": "Cocina japonesa", "We generally don\u2019t take sides in factual disputes and allow Yelpers to stand behind their reviews, but please include information in the box below which might allow us to independently verify your claims.": "Por lo general, nosotros no tomamos parte en las pol\u00e9micas sobre los hechos y permitimos a los yelpers respaldar sus rese\u00f1as. No obstante, incluye toda la informaci\u00f3n que estimes oportuna en el cajet\u00edn que aparece m\u00e1s abajo para tratar de verificar tus inquietudes de forma independiente.", "The email address you entered has already been registered.": "La direcci\u00f3n de correo electr\u00f3nico que has introducido ya est\u00e1 registrada.", "Previous photo": "Foto anterior", "Share business": "Compartir negocio", "First Name": "Nombre", "Italian": "Cocina italiana", "e.g. Taylor is awesome, \u003c0>he\u003c/0> writes the best reviews": "por ejemplo: Taylor es incre\u00edble, \u003c0>el\u003c/0> escribe las mejores rese\u00f1as", "Continue with email": "Continuar con el correo electr\u00f3nico", "Nova Scotia": "Nueva Escocia", "Business owners paid for these ads. For more information visit \u003ca href=\"%{bizSiteUrl}\">Yelp for Business\u003c/a>.": "Propietarios de Negocios pagaron por estos anuncios. Para obtener m\u00e1s informaci\u00f3n, visite \u003ca href=\"%{bizSiteUrl}\">Yelp para Negocios\u003c/a>.", "Email Address": "Correo electr\u00f3nico", "Clear search": "Borrar b\u00fasqueda", "\u003cp>First, try refreshing the page and clicking Current Location again. Make sure you click \u003cb>Allow\u003c/b> or \u003cb>Grant Permissions\u003c/b> if your browser asks for your location. If your browser doesn't ask you, try these steps:\u003c/p>": "\u003cp>Primero, refresca la p\u00e1gina y pulsa de nuevo en \"Ubicaci\u00f3n actual\". Aseg\u00farate de pulsar \u003cb>Permitir\u003c/b> o \u003cb>Dar permiso\u003c/b> cuando tu navegador solicite acceso a tu ubicaci\u00f3n. Si tu navegador no solicita acceso a tu ubicaci\u00f3n, prueba con estos pasos:\u003c/p>", "Log in with password": "Iniciar sesi\u00f3n con contrase\u00f1a", "Massage": "Masajes", "Select an option...": "Selecciona una opci\u00f3n...", "Thai": "Comida tailandesa", "French": "Franc\u00e9s", "Contractors": "Contratistas", "I'm the business owner": "Soy el due\u00f1o del negocio", "Birthday (optional)": "Cumplea\u00f1os (opcional)", "Search photos": "Buscar fotos", "Loading": "Cargando", "Dry Cleaning": "Tintorer\u00edas", "Developers": "Desarrolladores", "Oops, we can't find your location": "Vaya, no encontramos tu ubicaci\u00f3n", "Log in to make the most of Yelp": "Inicia sesi\u00f3n para aprovechar Yelp al m\u00e1ximo", "Find Reviews": "Ver rese\u00f1as", "Back to photos": "Volver a fotos", "Try Again": "Int\u00e9ntalo de nuevo", "Open app": "Abrir aplicaci\u00f3n", "Please provide specific details below:": "Por favor, proporciona detalles espec\u00edficos aqu\u00ed abajo:", "It will appear on their profile page if they accept.": "Aparecer\u00e1 en su p\u00e1gina de perfil si aceptan.", "Auto Services": "Servicios de autom\u00f3viles", "Nurseries & Gardening": "Viveros y jardiner\u00eda", "Add a Business on Yelp": "A\u00f1adir un negocio a Yelp", "Oops! You need to have verified your email to log in with Apple. Please log in using your email and password.": "\u00a1Vaya! Debe haber verificado su correo electr\u00f3nico para iniciar sesi\u00f3n con Apple. Inicie sesi\u00f3n con su correo electr\u00f3nico y contrase\u00f1a.", "Verify": "Confirmar", "Log in to Business Account": "Inicie sesi\u00f3n en la cuenta comercial", "By proceeding, you agree to Yelp\u2019s \u003c0>Terms of Service\u003c/0> and acknowledge Yelp\u2019s \u003c1>Privacy Policy\u003c/1>.": "Al proceder, usted acepta las \u003c0>Condiciones de Servicio\u003c/0> de Yelp y reconoce la \u003c1>Pol\u00edtica de Privacidad\u003c/1> de Yelp.", "Password strength: good": "Seguridad de la contrase\u00f1a: buena", "Singapore": "Singapur", "Yelp Project Cost Guides": "Gu\u00eda de costes para proyectos en Yelp", "Philippines": "Filipinas", "New Hampshire": "Nuevo Hampshire", "Other Options": "Otras opciones", "Settings": "Configuraci\u00f3n", "Reactions": "Reacciones", "Poland": "Polonia", "Sweden": "Suecia", "Yelp Mobile": "Yelp m\u00f3vil", "Plumbers": "Fontaneros", "The password you entered is blocked and may have been involved in a breach from another website. \u003c0>Click here\u003c/0> to have a password reset email sent to \u003c1>%{emailAddress}\u003c/1>.": "La contrase\u00f1a que has introducido est\u00e1 bloqueada y puede haber estado involucrada en una violaci\u00f3n de otro sitio web. \u003c0>Haga clic aqu\u00ed\u003c/0> para que se le env\u00ede un correo electr\u00f3nico de restablecimiento de contrase\u00f1a a \u003c1>%{emailAddress}\u003c/1>.", "France": "Francia", "\u003ca %{hcaptcha_info}>This site is protected by hCaptcha - \u003c/a> \u003ca %{hcaptcha_pp}>See additional Privacy Policy\u003c/a> \u003ca %{hcaptcha_tos}>and Terms\u003c/a>": "\u003ca %{hcaptcha_info}>Este sitio est\u00e1 protegido por hCaptcha - \u003c/a> \u003ca %{hcaptcha_pp}> Ver Pol\u00edtica de privacidad adicional\u003c/a> \u003ca %{hcaptcha_tos}> y T\u00e9rminos\u003c/a>", "Danish": "Dan\u00e9s", "Doctors": "M\u00e9dicos", "Verified License": "Licencia verificada", "Spanish": "Espa\u00f1ol", "Uploaded %{numOfPhotosUploadedSucceed} of %{totalPhotos}": "Cargado %{numOfPhotosUploadedSucceed} de %{totalPhotos}", "Electricians": "Electricistas", "Bakeries": "Panader\u00edas", "Save": "Guardar", "You\u2019re cool": "Eres genial", "Before Photo": "Foto del \"antes\"", "Edit photo": "Editar foto", "Report Question": "Se\u00f1alar pregunta", "Report Photo": "Se\u00f1alar foto", "North Dakota": "Dakota del Norte", "Learn more": "M\u00e1s informaci\u00f3n", "Talk": "Foro", "Heating & Air Conditioning": "Calefacci\u00f3n y Aire Acondicionado", "e.g. Taylor is awesome, \u003c0>they\u003c/0> write the best reviews": "por ejemplo: Taylor es incre\u00edble, \u003c0>ellos\u003c/0> escriben las mejores rese\u00f1as", "Please enter your email address and we will send you an email about how to reset your password.": "Por favor, escribe tu direcci\u00f3n de e-mail y te enviaremos un correo electr\u00f3nico sobre c\u00f3mo restablecer tu contrase\u00f1a.", "Lunch": "Comida", "Barbers": "Barber\u00edas", "Sign up": "Reg\u00edstrate", "Why do you want to report this review?": "\u00bfPor qu\u00e9 quieres se\u00f1alar esta rese\u00f1a?", "Swedish": "Sueco", "Churches": "Iglesias", "Next photo": "Siguiente foto", "New Brunswick": "Nuevo Brunswick", "Bike Rentals": "Alquiler de bicicletas", "Status": "Estado", "Canada": "Canad\u00e1", "Yelp homepage": "P\u00e1gina de inicio de Yelp", "Pennsylvania": "Pensilvania", "Reset Password": "Restablecer contrase\u00f1a", "Food Orders": "Pedidos de comida", "\u003c0>We need to confirm it\u2019s really you.\u003c/0> We\u2019ve sent an email with a login link to \u003c1>%{emailAddress}\u003c/1>. \u003c2>Send another one\u003c/2>?": "\u003c0>Necesitamos confirmar que realmente eres t\u00fa.\u003c/0> Hemos enviado un correo electr\u00f3nico con un enlace de acceso a \u003c1>%{emailAddress}\u003c/1>. \u003c2>\u00bfEnviar otro\u003c/2>?", "Tell them how you feel!": "\u00a1Diles c\u00f3mo te sientes!", "Business Listings provided by Yellow Pages\u00ae": "P\u00e1gina de negocio proporcionada por P\u00e1ginas Amarillas\u00ae", "Birthday": "Fecha de nacimiento", "Yelp Elite Squad": "Pelot\u00f3n de \u00c9lite de Yelp", "Belgium": "B\u00e9lgica", "Now": "Ahora", "Mini Golf": "Minigolf", "New Mexico": "Nuevo M\u00e9xico", "Pagination navigation": "Navegaci\u00f3n de p\u00e1ginas", "Learn more about Yelp Guaranteed. Opens a new tab": "M\u00e1s informaci\u00f3n sobre Yelp Garantizado. Abre una nueva pesta\u00f1a", "Bars": "De copas", "Share video": "Compartir v\u00eddeo", "We\u2019re sorry. We can\u2019t find the page you\u2019re looking for.": "Lo sentimos. No podemos encontrar la p\u00e1gina que est\u00e1s buscando.", "Spain": "Espa\u00f1a", "Female": "Femenino", "Sign Up": "Registrarse", "Almost done! Set the crop for your profile photo.": "\u00a1Casi termina! Establece el recorte para tu foto de perfil.", "Photos for %{businessName}": "Fotos de %{businessName}", "Yelp Guaranteed": "Garantizado por Yelp", "Projects": "Proyectos", "Yelp Deals": "Promociones Yelp", "Investor Relations": "Estrategia de inversi\u00f3n", "Landscaping": "Paisajismo y dise\u00f1o", "Auto Detailing": "Limpieza de veh\u00edculos", "Cover photo": "Foto de portada", "Beaches": "Playas", "Please try a new \u003c0>search\u003c/0>.": "Por favor, intente una nueva \u003c0>b\u00fasqueda\u003c/0>.", "Skip": "Saltar", "\u003cspan itemprop=\"reviewCount\">%{smart_count}\u003c/span> recommended review||||\u003cspan itemprop=\"reviewCount\">%{smart_count}\u003c/span> recommended reviews": "\u003cspan itemprop=\"reviewCount\">%{smart_count}\u003c/span> rese\u00f1a recomendada||||\u003cspan itemprop=\"reviewCount\">%{smart_count}\u003c/span> rese\u00f1as recomendadas", "We\u2019re working to fix this as soon as we can. Try a new \u003c0>search\u003c/0>.": "Estamos trabajando para solucionar esto tan pronto como podamos. Prueba una nueva \u003c0>b\u00fasqueda\u003c/0>.", "Content Guidelines": "Directrices de contenido", "Delivery": "Entrega a domicilio", "Yelp logo": "Logo de Yelp", "Finland": "Finlandia", "Chinese": "Cocina china", "Nail Salons": "Manicura y pedicura", "Next": "Siguiente", "Moderate": "Moderado", "Download the Yelp app": "Descarga la aplicaci\u00f3n de Yelp", "Yelper names or email addresses": "Nombre o direcci\u00f3n de e-mail de los Yelpers ", "Email addresses": "Direcci\u00f3n de e-mail", "Denmark": "Dinamarca", "Nightlife": "Noche", "Yelp for Restaurant Owners": "Yelp para Propietarios de Restaurantes", "The Local Yelp": "Yelp Local", "Warning": "Advertencia", "Skip to main content": "Ir al contenido principal", "Continue with Google": "Continuar con Google", "(Optional)": "(Opcional)", "Press": "Prensa", "Share": "Compartir", "Send": "Enviar", "I work at the business": "Trabajo en este negocio", "Save & continue": "Guardar y Continuar", "Northern Mariana Islands": "Islas Marianas del Norte", "Nearby": "Inmediaciones", "Share on Twitter": "en Twitter", "Manage Cookies": "Gestionar Cookies", "English": "Ingl\u00e9s", "Tree Services": "Servicios de jardiner\u00eda", "Collections": "Colecciones", "Turkish": "Turco", "Mexico": "M\u00e9xico", "\u003col>\n \u003cli>At the top-right hand corner of the window, click the \u003cb>button with three dots on it\u003c/b>, then \u003cb>Settings\u003c/b>.\u003c/li>\n \u003cli>Click \u003cb>Choose what to clear\u003c/b> underneath \u003cb>Clear browsing data\u003c/b>.\u003c/li>\n \u003cli>Click \u003cb>Show more\u003c/b>, then make sure only the box labeled \u003cb>Location permissions\u003c/b> is checked.\u003c/li>\n \u003cli>Click \u003cb>Clear\u003c/b>.\u003c/li>\n \u003cli>You're good to go! Refresh this Yelp page and try your search again.\u003c/li>\n \u003c/ol>\n \u003cp>\n You can also search near a city, place, or address instead.\n \u003c/p>": "\u003col>\n \u003cli>En la esquina superior derecha de la ventana, pulsa en el \u003cb>bot\u00f3n con los tres puntos\u003c/b> y luego en \u003cb>Configuraci\u00f3n\u003c/b>.\u003c/li>\n \u003cli>Pulsa en \u003cb>Selecciona qu\u00e9 borrar\u003c/b> debajo de \u003cb>Borrar datos de navegaci\u00f3n\u003c/b>.\u003c/li>\n \u003cli>Pulsa en \u003cb>Mostrar m\u00e1s\u003c/b>, aseg\u00farate de que la casilla\u003cb>Permisos de ubicaci\u00f3n\u003c/b> sea la \u00fanica marcada.\u003c/li>\n \u003cli>Pulsa en \u003cb>Borrar\u003c/b>.\u003c/li>\n \u003cli>\u00a1Todo est\u00e1 listo! Refresca esta p\u00e1gina de Yelp y vuelve a realizar la b\u00fasqueda.\u003c/li>\n \u003c/ol>\n \u003cp>\n Tambi\u00e9n puedes buscar cerca de una ciudad, un lugar o una direcci\u00f3n.\n \u003c/p>", "Why do you want to report this friend request?": "\u00bfPor qu\u00e9 quieres denunciar esta solicitud de amistad?", "Your Email": "Tu correo electr\u00f3nico", "\u003cp>First, try refreshing the page and clicking Current Location again. Make sure you click \u003cb>Allow\u003c/b> or \u003cb>Grant Permissions\u003c/b> if your browser asks for your location. Also, try \u003ca href=\"\">enabling Location Services for your browser\u003c/a>. If your browser still doesn't ask you, try these steps:\u003c/p>": "\u003cp>Primero, actualiza la p\u00e1gina y pulsa de nuevo en \"Ubicaci\u00f3n actual\". Aseg\u00farate de pulsar \u003cb>Permitir\u003c/b> o \u003cb>Dar permiso\u003c/b> cuando tu navegador solicite acceso a tu ubicaci\u00f3n. Tambi\u00e9n puedes intentar \u003ca href=\"\">activando los servicios de localizaci\u00f3n de tu navegador\u003c/a>. Si tu navegador no solicita acceso a tu ubicaci\u00f3n, prueba con estos pasos:\u003c/p>", "Welcome to Yelp, %{0}!": "\u00a1Bienvenido a Yelp, %{0}!", "Optometrists": "Optometristas", "Support": "Ayuda", "Info": "Informaci\u00f3n", "Uploading %{numOfPhotosTriedUploadPlusOne} of %{totalPhotos}\u2026": "Cargando %{numOfPhotosTriedUploadPlusOne} de %{totalPhotos}...", "Log Out": "Salir", "Oops! Something went wrong.": "\u00a1Uy! Algo ha salido mal.", "ZIP Code": "C\u00f3digo postal", "Remove": "Eliminar", "Before photo": "Foto de antes", "Pet Groomers": "Peluquer\u00eda canina", "Dermatologists": "Dermat\u00f3logos", "We\u2019re sorry. Something went wrong on this page.": "Lo sentimos. Algo sali\u00f3 mal en esta p\u00e1gina.", "Check out this video on Yelp": "Echa un vistazo a este v\u00eddeo en Yelp", "Delete photo": "Eliminar foto", "Add a business": "Agregar un negocio", "Sign in to Yelp": "Iniciar sesi\u00f3n en Yelp", "Food Trucks": "Cami\u00f3n de comida ", "Virgin Islands": "Islas V\u00edrgenes", "Got it": "Entendido", "The Netherlands": "Holanda", "We couldn't find you quickly enough! Try again later, or search near a city, place, or address instead.": "\u00a1No te encontramos! Int\u00e9ntalo de nuevo m\u00e1s tarde o busca cerca de una ciudad, un lugar o una direcci\u00f3n.", "Business categories": "Categor\u00edas del negocio", "Yes, I want Yelp to send me marketing emails about Yelp\u2019s products, services, and local events. I can unsubscribe at any time.": "S\u00ed, quiero recibir emails sobre productos, servicios y eventos locales de Yelp. Puedo cancelar mi suscripci\u00f3n en cualquier momento.", "Dentists": "Dentistas", "Optional": "Opcional", "New Zealand": "Nueva Zelanda", "Categories": "Categor\u00edas", "West Virginia": "Virginia del Oeste", "Auto Repair": "Talleres mec\u00e1nicos", "American Samoa": "Samoa Americana", "Languages": "Idiomas", "British Columbia": "Columbia Brit\u00e1nica", "HVAC": "Calefacci\u00f3n y aire acondicionado", "Log in": "Acceder", "Physical Therapy": "Fisioterapia", "Ultra High-End": "Muy caro", "Yelp Blog": "Blog de Yelp", "Last Name": "Apellidos", "\u003cspan itemprop=\"reviewCount\">%{smart_count}\u003c/span> review||||\u003cspan itemprop=\"reviewCount\">%{smart_count}\u003c/span> reviews": "\u003cspan itemprop=\"reviewCount\">%{smart_count}\u003c/span> rese\u00f1a||||\u003cspan itemprop=\"reviewCount\">%{smart_count}\u003c/span> rese\u00f1as", "Locksmiths": "Cerrajeros", "Table Management": "Gestionar mesas", "Claim your Business Page": "Toma el control de tu p\u00e1gina", "Podiatrists": "Pod\u00f3logos", "Log in to Yelp": "Acceder a Yelp", "%{number} of %{total}": "%{number} de %{total}", "\u003col>\n \u003cli>Click \u003cb>Safari\u003c/b> in the Menu Bar at the top of the screen, then \u003cb>Preferences\u003c/b>.\u003c/li>\n \u003cli>Click the \u003cb>Websites\u003c/b> tab, then click \u003cb>Location\u003c/b> on the left-hand panel.\u003c/li>\n \u003cli>Next to \u003cb>\u003c/b> in the right-hand panel, change the dropdown to \u003cb>Ask\u003c/b> or \u003cb>Allow\u003c/b>.\u003c/li>\n \u003cli>MacOS may now prompt you to enable Location Services. If it does, follow its instructions to enable Location Services for Safari.\u003c/li>\n \u003cli>Close the Settings dialog and refresh the page. Try using Current Location search again.\u003c/li>\n \u003c/ol>\n \u003cp>\n If you're still having trouble, check out \u003ca href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Safari's support page\u003c/a>.\n You can also search near a city, place, or address instead.\n \u003c/p>": "\u003col>\n \u003cli>Pulsa en \u003cb>Safari\u003c/b> en la barra del men\u00fa en la parte superior de la pantalla y luego en \u003cb>Preferencias\u003c/b>.\u003c/li>\n \u003cli>Pulsa en la pesta\u00f1a de \u003cb>P\u00e1ginas web\u003c/b>, y a continuaci\u00f3n, en la parte izquierda, pulsa en \u003cb>Ubicaci\u00f3n\u003c/b>.\u003c/li>\n \u003cli>Despu\u00e9s, en la parte derecha, en \u003cb>\u003c/b>, cambia el desplegable a \u003cb>Preguntar\u003c/b> o \u003cb>Permitir\u003c/b>.\u003c/li>\n \u003cli>Puede que ahora MacOS te pida que actives los servicios de ubicaci\u00f3n. Si lo haces, sigue sus instrucciones para activar los servicios de ubicaci\u00f3n en Safari.\u003c/li>\n \u003cli>Cierra el di\u00e1logo de ajustes y refresca la p\u00e1gina. Intenta volver a realizar una b\u00fasqueda con la ubicaci\u00f3n actual.\u003c/li>\n \u003c/ol>\n \u003cp>\n Si sigues teniendo problemas, revisa la \u003ca href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">P\u00e1gina de Ayuda de Safari\u003c/a>.\n Tambi\u00e9n puedes buscar cerca de una ciudad, lugar o direcci\u00f3n.\n \u003c/p>", "Towing": "Gr\u00faas y remolques", "New to Yelp? \u003c0>Sign up\u003c/0>": "\u00bfEres nuevo en Yelp? \u003c0>Reg\u00edstrate\u003c/0>", "South Dakota": "Dakota del Sur", "Junkyards": "Chatarrer\u00edas", "Menu": "Men\u00fa", "There\u2019s always more than one side to a story, and business owners can address misunderstandings via their Business Account by posting a public comment or sending a direct message to the reviewer.": "Siempre hay m\u00e1s de una versi\u00f3n en cada historia, y los propietarios de negocio pueden aclarar cualquier malentendido a trav\u00e9s de la cuenta de empresa mediante una respuesta p\u00fablica o enviando un mensaje directo al comentarista en cuesti\u00f3n.", "Enter your gender": "Escribe tu identidad de g\u00e9nero", "Oops, something went wrong. Please try again later.": "Vaya, algo no ha ido bien. Int\u00e9ntalo de nuevo m\u00e1s tarde.", "Try again": "Int\u00e9ntalo de nuevo", "Continue with Apple": "Continuar con Apple", "Resend link": "Reenviar enlace", "German": "Alem\u00e1n", "OK": "Ok", "Your Name": "Tu nombre", "Go back": "Volver", "Newfoundland and Labrador": "Terranova y Labrador", "Hot New Businesses": "Reci\u00e9n llegados y arrasando", "\u003col>\n \u003cli>At the top of your Firefox window, to the left of the web address, you should see a \u003cb>green lock\u003c/b>. Click it.\u003c/li>\n \u003cli>In the window that pops up, you should see \u003cb>Blocked\u003c/b> or \u003cb>Blocked Temporarily\u003c/b> next to \u003cb>Access Your Location\u003c/b>. Click the \u003cb>x\u003c/b> next to this line.\u003c/li>\n \u003cli>You're good to go! Refresh this Yelp page and try your search again.\u003c/li>\n \u003c/ol>\n \u003cp>\n If you're still having trouble, check out \u003ca href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Firefox's support page\u003c/a>.\n You can also search near a city, place, or address instead.\n \u003c/p>": "\u003col>\n \u003cli>En la parte superior de tu ventana de Firefox, a la izquierda de la direcci\u00f3n web, deber\u00edas ver un \u003cb>candado verde\u003c/b>. Haz clic en \u00e9l.\u003c/li>\n \u003cli>En la ventana que aparece, deber\u00edas ver \u003cb>Bloqueado\u003c/b> o \u003cb>Bloqueado temporalmente\u003c/b> junto a \u003cb>Accede a tu ubicaci\u00f3n\u003c/b>. Haz clic en la \u003cb>x\u003c/b> que aparece junto a esta l\u00ednea.\u003c/li>\n \u003cli>Ya puedes continuar. Actualiza esta p\u00e1gina de Yelp y vuelve a intentar la b\u00fasqueda.\u003c/li>\n \u003c/ol>\n \u003cp>\n Si sigues teniendo problemas, consulta \u003ca href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">la p\u00e1gina de soporte de Firefox\u003c/a>.\n Tambi\u00e9n puedes buscar cerca de una ciudad, lugar o direcci\u00f3n.\n \u003c/p>", "Switzerland": "Suiza", "Republic of Ireland": "Republica de Irlanda", "\u003cp>\n Oops! We don't recognize the web browser you're currently using. Try checking the browser's help menu, or searching the Web for instructions to turn on HTML5 Geolocation for your browser.\n You can also search near a city, place, or address instead.\n \u003c/p>": "\u003cp>\n Ups, no reconocemos el navegador que est\u00e1s utilizando. Intenta revisar el men\u00fa de ayuda de tu navegador o busca en internet instrucciones para activar la geolocalizaci\u00f3n de HTML5 en tu navegador.\n Tambi\u00e9n puedes buscar cerca de una ciudad, lugar o direcci\u00f3n.\n \u003c/p>", "*": "* ", "Body Shops": "Taller de chapa y pintura", "Thrift Stores": "Segunda mano", "Before": "Antes", "Movers": "Mudanzas", "Restaurants": "Restaurantes", "Reservations": "Reservas", "Current Location": "Ubicaci\u00f3n actual", "Terms": "Condiciones", "Share post": "Compartir publicaci\u00f3n", "Home Services": "Hogar", "Great photo": "Gran foto", "Oops! You need to have verified your email to log in with Google. Please log in using your email and password.": "Vaya, para acceder a trav\u00e9s de Google primero tienes que confirmar tu direcci\u00f3n de e-mail. Por favor, inicia la sesi\u00f3n utilizando tu e-mail y contrase\u00f1a de Yelp.", "Why do you want to report this photo?": "\u00bfPor qu\u00e9 quieres se\u00f1alar esta fotograf\u00eda?", "Sign up for Yelp": "Reg\u00edstrate en Yelp", "OR": "o", "About": "Sobre", "Password strength: fair": "Seguridad de la contrase\u00f1a: justa", "%{smart_count} review||||%{smart_count} reviews": "%{smart_count} rese\u00f1a||||%{smart_count} rese\u00f1as", "(no rating)": "(sin valoraciones)", "Some business data by \u003ca target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\" href=\"\" class=\"%{classes}\">\u003c/a>": "Algunos datos de negocios proporcionados por\u003ca target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\" href=\"\" class=\"%{classes}\">\u003c/a>", "Notifications": "Avisos", "How would you like to be referred to?": "\u00bfC\u00f3mo quieres que nos dirijamos a ti?", "e.g. Taylor is awesome, \u003c0>she\u003c/0> writes the best reviews": "por ejemplo: Taylor es incre\u00edble, \u003c0>ella\u003c/0> escribe las mejores rese\u00f1as", "My reviews, friends, and more": "Mis rese\u00f1as, amigos y m\u00e1s.", "Report": "Se\u00f1alar", "Oil Change": "Cambio de aceite", "Continue with Email": "Continuar por email", "Required": "Obligatorio", "Dutch": "Holand\u00e9s", "Louisiana": "Luisiana", "Privacy Policy": "Pol\u00edtica de privacidad", "Pizza": "Pizzer\u00eda", "Events": "Eventos", "Cancel": "Cancelar", "Looks like something went wrong.\u003c0/>Please try again later.": "Parece que algo sali\u00f3 mal.\u003c0/>Int\u00e9ntelo de nuevo m\u00e1s tarde.", "Page: %{page}": "P\u00e1gina: %{page}", "Oops, this photo failed to upload. Please retry.": "Esta foto no se ha podido cargar. Int\u00e9ntalo de nuevo.", "Go to %{baseUrl}": "Ir a %{baseUrl}", "Carrier rates may apply": "Puede que tu operador aplique tarifas", "Your compliment is missing a message.": "Le falta un mensaje a su cumplido.", "Well, that doesn\u2019t seem right.": "Bueno, eso no parece correcto.", "Password": "Contrase\u00f1a", "Bowling": "Boleras", "Your caption is a bit on the short side. Try adding a few more details.": "Tu descripci\u00f3n es un poco escueta. Intenta a\u00f1adir un par de detalles m\u00e1s.", "Breakfast & Brunch": "Desayuno y brunch", "Swimming Pools": "Piscinas", "BEFORE": "ANTES", "Captions help others identify what's in the photo.": "Las descripciones ayudan a que los dem\u00e1s sepan qu\u00e9 hay en la foto.", "Prince Edward Island": "Isla del Pr\u00edncipe Eduardo", "Inexpensive": "Barato", "Male": "Masculino", "United Kingdom": "Reino Unido", "Bookmarks": "Favoritos", "Delete photo?": "\u00bfBorrar foto?", "User actions": "Acciones del usuario", "We\u2019ve sent a login link to \u003c0>%{emailAddress}\u003c/0>.": "Hemos enviado un enlace de acceso a \u003c0>%{emailAddress}\u003c/0>.", "South Carolina": "Carolina del Sur", "Tires": "Neum\u00e1ticos", "or": "o", "Car Wash": "Lavado de coches", "Cannabis Dispensaries": "Dispensarios de cannabis", "More": "M\u00e1s", "Germany": "Alemania", "I'm a customer": "Soy cliente", "Forgot password?": "\u00bfOlvidaste la contrase\u00f1a?", "Yelp confirmed a business or employee license.": "Yelp ha verificado la licencia del negocio o empleado.", "Delete": "Eliminar", "Apartments": "Alquiler", "\u003col>\n \u003cli>At the top of your Chrome window, near the web address, click \u003cb>the gray lock icon\u003c/b>.\u003c/li>\n \u003cli>In the window that pops up, make sure \u003cb>Location\u003c/b> is set to \u003cb>Ask (default)\u003c/b> or \u003cb>Allow\u003c/b>.\u003c/li>\n \u003cli>You're good to go! Reload this Yelp page and try your search again.\u003c/li>\n \u003c/ol>\n \u003cp>\n If you're still having trouble, check out \u003ca href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Google's support page\u003c/a>.\n You can also search near a city, place, or address instead.\n \u003c/p>": "\u003col>\n \u003cli>En la parte superior de tu navegador Chrome, al lado de la direcci\u00f3n URL, pulsa en \u003cb>el candado gris\u003c/b>.\u003c/li>\n \u003cli>En la ventana emergente, aseg\u00farate que la \u003cb>Ubicaci\u00f3n\u003c/b> este configurada a \u003cb>Preguntar (por defecto)\u003c/b> o \u003cb>Permitir\u003c/b>.\u003c/li>\n \u003cli>\u00a1Est\u00e1 todo listo! Actualiza esta p\u00e1gina de Yelp y vuelve a realizar la b\u00fasqueda.\u003c/li>\n \u003c/ol>\n \u003cp>\n Si sigues teniendo problemas, por favor, revisa la \u003ca href=\"\">P\u00e1gina de Ayuda de Google\u003c/a>.\n Tambi\u00e9n puedes buscar cerca de una ciudad, un lugar o una direcci\u00f3n.\n \u003c/p>", "Report Answer": "Se\u00f1alar respuesta", "Northwest Territories": "Territorios del Noroeste", "Why do you want to report this answer?": "\u00bfPor qu\u00e9 quieres se\u00f1alar esta respuesta?", "Your Privacy Choices": "Sus Opciones de Privacidad", "Shopping": "Compras", "Password strength: great": "Seguridad de la contrase\u00f1a: genial", "About Me": "Mi perfil", "Florists": "Florister\u00edas", "Sharing link": "Enlace para compartir", "Add More": "A\u00f1adir m\u00e1s", "Gender": "Sexo", "Czech Republic": "Rep\u00fablica Checa", "Home Cleaners": "Limpieza del hogar", "Portuguese": "Portugu\u00e9s", "Countries": "Pa\u00edses", "Success": "Hecho", "United States": "Estados Unidos", "There was a problem retrieving your Google profile. Please try again.": "Hubo un problema al recuperar su perfil de Google. Int\u00e9ntalo de nuevo.", "Forgot Password": "Contrase\u00f1a olvidada", "Select photos to upload": "Seleccionar las fotos a subir", "Oops, the photo \u201c%{fileName}\u201d is too large to upload. The file size must be under %{fileSizeFormattedBytes}.": "Vaya, la foto \u201c%{fileName}\u201d es demasiado grande. El tama\u00f1o m\u00e1ximo es de %{fileSizeFormattedBytes}.", "Personalize your account details below": "Personalice los datos de su cuenta a continuaci\u00f3n", "Welcome to Yelp!": "\u00a1Bienvenido a Yelp!", "Hotels": "Hoteles", "To log in to Yelp with Apple, first agree to our Terms of Service and confirm that you\u2019ve read our Privacy Policy by checking the box below.": "Para iniciar sesi\u00f3n en Yelp con Apple, primero acepte nuestros T\u00e9rminos de Servicio y confirme que ha le\u00eddo nuestra P\u00f3liza de Privacidad marcando la casilla a continuaci\u00f3n.", "Terms of Service": "Condiciones de servicio", "Pest Control": "Control de plagas", "No notifications yet": "A\u00fan no hay notificaciones", "Finnish": "Finland\u00e9s", "Dry Cleaners": "Tintorer\u00edas", "Brazil": "Brasil", "Previous": "Anterior", "New York": "Nueva York", "Change Photo": "Cambiar Foto", "Report Friend Request": "Reportar Solicitud de Amistad", "Clear filters": "Borrar filtros", "More than 5 years ago": "Hace m\u00e1s de 5 a\u00f1os", "North Carolina": "Carolina del Norte", "Finding your location...": "Buscando tu ubicaci\u00f3n...", "Banks & Credit Unions": "Bancos y cajas", "By continuing, you agree to Yelp\u2019s \u003c0>Terms of Service\u003c/0> and acknowledge Yelp\u2019s \u003c1>Privacy Policy\u003c/1>, including Yelp\u2019s cookie policy.": "Al continuar, usted acepta las \u003c0>Condiciones del Servicio\u003c/0> de Yelp y reconoce la \u003c1>P\u00f3liza de Privacidad\u003c/1> de Yelp, incluida la pol\u00edtica de cookies de Yelp.", "Login via email link": "Iniciar sesi\u00f3n a trav\u00e9s del enlace de correo electr\u00f3nico", "Italy": "Italia", "Add photos": "A\u00f1ade fotos", "Takeout": "Para llevar", "You\u2019re funny": "Eres gracioso", "%{current_page} of %{total_pages}": "%{current_page} de %{total_pages}", "District of Columbia": "Distrito de Columbia", "Mexican": "Cocina mexicana", "To": "Para", "This field is required.": "Campo obligatorio.", "Write a Review": "Escribir rese\u00f1a", "You\u2019re almost done!": "\u00a1Ya casi terminas!", "These businesses bought these ads to meet new customers on Yelp. For more information visit \u003ca href=\"%{bizSiteUrl}\">Yelp for Business\u003c/a>.": "Estos negocios compraron estos anuncios para conocer nuevos clientes en Yelp. Para m\u00e1s informaci\u00f3n, visite \u003ca href=\"%{bizSiteUrl}\">Yelp para Negocios\u003c/a>.", "Midnight": "Medianoche", "Delete video": "Eliminar v\u00eddeo", "Log In": "Acceder", "Already on Yelp? \u003c0>Log in\u003c/0>": "\u00bfYa est\u00e1s en Yelp? \u003c0>Iniciar sesi\u00f3n\u003c/0>", "Add caption": "A\u00f1adir descripci\u00f3n", "We couldn't find an accurate position. If you're using a laptop or tablet, try moving it somewhere else and give it another go. Or, search near a city, place, or address instead.": "No conseguimos encontrar tu ubicaci\u00f3n exacta. Si est\u00e1s utilizando un ordenador port\u00e1til o una tablet, intenta moverte a otra ubicaci\u00f3n e int\u00e9ntalo de nuevo. O busca cerca de una ciudad, un lugar o una direcci\u00f3n.", "Japan": "Jap\u00f3n", "Report Video": "Se\u00f1alar v\u00eddeo", "Just now": "En este momento", "Messages": "Mensajes", "Write more": "Escribe m\u00e1s", "Oregon": "Oreg\u00f3n", "Some Data By Acxiom": "Algunos datos proporcionados por Acxiom", "Compliment sent": "Elogio enviado", "Cute pic": "Bonita foto", "NEW": "NUEVO", "Trust & Safety": "Confianza y Seguridad", "Open in App": "Abrir en la app", "By continuing, you agree to Yelp\u2019s \u003c0>Terms of Service\u003c/0> and acknowledge Yelp\u2019s \u003c1>Privacy Policy\u003c/1>.": "Al continuar, aceptas las \u003c0>Condiciones del Servicio\u003c/0> de Yelp y la \u003c1>Pol\u00edtica de Privacidad\u003c/1> de Yelp.", "Sorry, but we don\u2019t take sides in factual disputes. If a review appears to reflect a user\u2019s personal experience and opinions, it is our policy to let the user stand behind their review.": "Lo sentimos, pero nosotros no tomamos parte en las pol\u00e9micas sobre los hechos. Si la rese\u00f1a parece reflejar la experiencia y la opini\u00f3n personal del usuario, es nuestra pol\u00edtica permitir al usuario el poder respaldar su rese\u00f1a.", "Search": "Buscar", "Compliment": "Piropear", "No matching friends found": "No hemos encontrado a ning\u00fan amigo", "To log in to Yelp with Google, first agree to our Terms of Service and confirm that you\u2019ve read our Privacy Policy by checking the box below.": "Para iniciar sesi\u00f3n en Yelp con Google, primero acepte nuestros T\u00e9rminos de Servicio y confirme que ha le\u00eddo nuestra P\u00f3liza de Privacidad marcando la casilla a continuaci\u00f3n.", "Czech": "Checo", "%{smart_count} recommended review||||%{smart_count} recommended reviews": "%{smart_count} rese\u00f1a recomendada||||%{smart_count} rese\u00f1as recomendadas", "Something broke and we're not sure what. Try again later, or search near a city, place, or address instead.": "Hemos detectado un problema desconocido. Int\u00e9ntalo de nuevo m\u00e1s tarde o busca cerca de una ciudad, un lugar o una direcci\u00f3n.", "Done": "Hecho", "Cities": "Ciudades", "\u003c0>\u003c1>\u003c2/>\u003c/1>\u003c/0>\u003c3>or drag and drop more photos\u003c/3>": "\u003c0>\u003c1>\u003c2/>\u003c/1>\u003c/0>\u003c3>o arrastra y suelta m\u00e1s fotos\u003c/3>", "Advertise on Yelp": "Anunciarse en Yelp", "City": "Ciudad", "There was a problem retrieving your Apple profile. Please try again.": "Hubo un problema al recuperar tu perfil de Apple. Int\u00e9ntalo de nuevo.", "What\u2019s in this photo?": "\u00bfDe qu\u00e9 es esta foto?", "Add a note (optional)": "A\u00f1adir una nota (opcional)", "\u003ca %{recaptcha_info}>This site is protected by reCAPTCHA -\u003c/a> \u003ca %{google_pp}>See additional Privacy Policy\u003c/a> \u003ca %{google_tos}>and Terms\u003c/a>": "\u003ca %{recaptcha_info}>Este sitio est\u00e1 protegido por reCAPTCHA -\u003c/a> \u003ca %{google_pp}> Ver P\u00f3liza de Privacidad adicional\u003c/a> \u003ca %{google_tos}> y T\u00e9rminos\u003c/a>", "%{username} said": "%{username} ha dicho", "Business Owner Login": "Inicio de sesi\u00f3n del Propietario del Negocio", "Norway": "Noruega", "Edit caption": "Editar descripci\u00f3n", "Good writer": "Buen escritor", "Oops! Something went wrong. Please try again.": "Vaya, algo ha salido mal. Int\u00e9ntalo de nuevo.", "Text me a link for the Yelp app": "Env\u00edame un SMS para descargar la aplicaci\u00f3n de Yelp", "Upload Photo": "Subir foto", "By continuing, I agree to Yelp\u2019s \u003c0>Terms of Service\u003c/0> and acknowledge Yelp\u2019s \u003c1>Privacy Policy\u003c/1>, including Yelp\u2019s cookie policy.": "Al continuar, acepto las \u003c0>Condiciones de Servicio\u003c/0> de Yelp y reconozco la \u003c1>P\u00f3liza de Privacidad\u003c/1> de Yelp, incluida la p\u00f3liza de cookies de Yelp.", "Claim your business for free": "Reclama tu negocio gratis", "Business Success Stories": "Historias de \u00c9xito", "Explore Yelp for Business": "Explora Yelp para Negocios", "Add a Business": "A\u00f1adir un negocio", "Business Support": "Apoyo Empresarial", "Malay": "Malayo", "Why do you want to report this content?": "\u00bfPor qu\u00e9 quieres se\u00f1alar este contenido?", "Discover": "Descubrir", "Account Settings": "Configuraci\u00f3n", "To join Yelp, first agree to our Terms of Service and confirm that you\u2019ve read our Privacy Policy by checking the box below.": "Para unirte a Yelp, por favor, primero acepta nuestras Condiciones de Servicio y confirma haber le\u00eddo nuestra Pol\u00edtica de Privacidad marcando la casilla de abajo.", "Share on Facebook": "en Facebook", "For Businesses": "Para empresas", "Just a note": "Un apunte", "My Collections": "Mis colecciones", "Are you a human? Please complete the bot challenge below.": "\u00bfEres de carne y hueso? Completa el proceso de verificaci\u00f3n que se muestra a continuaci\u00f3n.", "New Jersey": "Nueva Jersey", "Chiropractors": "Quiropr\u00e1cticos", "More options": "M\u00e1s opciones", "Find Friends": "Buscar amigos", "What's your relationship to the business?": "\u00bfCu\u00e1l es su relaci\u00f3n con el negocio?", "Promotion": "Promoci\u00f3n", "Norwegian": "Noruego", "Hair Salons": "Peluquer\u00edas", "Burgers": "Hamburgueser\u00edas", "Accessibility Statement": "Declaraci\u00f3n de Accesibilidad", "Sorry, that photo is too large to upload.": "Lo sentimos, esa foto es demasiada grande para subirla.", "Polish": "Polaco", "More than 5 yrs ago": "Hace m\u00e1s de 5 a\u00f1os", "e.g. tacos, Mel's": "ej, tapas, asador", "Close": "Cerrar"}, "requestCookies": {"BIZ_OWNER": null, "LOCATION": null}, "requestHeaders": {"X-Original-Url": "", "User-Agent": "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0; SLCC1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.04506; .NET CLR 3.5.21022; .NET CLR 1.0.3705; .NET CLR 1.1.4322)"}, "requestPath": "/biz_photos/nUFa0FctN5MnFvTKXBR1Wg", "requestUrl": "", "requestTimestampMs": 1740602387930, "routeParams": {"businessAlias": "nUFa0FctN5MnFvTKXBR1Wg"}, "userId": null, "bizUserId": null, "uniqueRequestId": "094af61077a33521", "site": "www", "gaConfig": {"clientID": "4882B7B5D47A4A82", "dimensions": {"www": {"full_url": [34, "/biz_photos/nUFa0FctN5MnFvTKXBR1Wg?select=5Nv7v0wCthW4PhlxKLNyWA"], "internal_ip": [27, false], "referrer": [64, "none"]}, "global": {"full_url": [15, "/biz_photos/nUFa0FctN5MnFvTKXBR1Wg?select=5Nv7v0wCthW4PhlxKLNyWA"], "internal_ip": [18, false], "referrer": [28, "none"]}}, "domain": "", "enable_high_volume_events": false, "ga_enabled": false, "js_dimensions": {"www": {}, "global": {}}, "metrics": {"www": {}, "global": {}}, "trackers": {"www": "UA-30501-24", "global": "UA-30501-1"}, "user_id": null, "customParameters": {"guv": "4882B7B5D47A4A82", "known_bot": "none", "remote_ip": "", "full_url": "/biz_photos/nUFa0FctN5MnFvTKXBR1Wg?select=5Nv7v0wCthW4PhlxKLNyWA", "internal_ip": false, "referrer": "none"}}, "guv": "4882B7B5D47A4A82", "legacyProps": {}, "csrfTokens": {"logout": "9be3404bbb326beb3e668f1d0fcc54d83ecdb6166e85c4e528c7945f4448135c"}, "bunsenContext": {"context": [{"schema_id": 311757, "payload_data": {"is_interactive": true}}, {"schema_id": 284175, "payload_data": {"normed_device_type": "MainSiteDesktop"}}, {"schema_id": 280599, "payload_data": {"country": "ES", "language": "es"}}, {"schema_id": 280941, "payload_data": {"internal_ip": false}}, {"schema_id": 312281, "payload_data": {"offset": null}}, {"schema_id": 311701, "payload_data": {"platform": "www"}}, {"schema_id": 311702, "payload_data": {"os_name": "windows", "os_version": "x.x.x"}}, {"schema_id": 312263, "payload_data": {"product": "consumer", "product_version": "eb2d3b02"}}, {"schema_id": 171864, "payload_data": {"unique_request_id": "43fb99d46d6acab55982b989025eee2f"}}, {"schema_id": 309536, "payload_data": {"unique_view_id": "43fb99d46d6acab55982b989025eee2f", "previous_unique_view_id": null}}, {"schema_id": 311510, "payload_data": {"user_id_encid": null}}, {"schema_id": 311758, "payload_data": {"interface_name": "ie", "interface_version": "7.0.x"}}, {"schema_id": 284174, "payload_data": {"normed_app_version": "unknown"}}, {"schema_id": 321983, "payload_data": {"user_advertising_id": null}}, {"schema_id": 279661, "payload_data": {"guv": "4882B7B5D47A4A82"}}, {"schema_id": 378331, "payload_data": {"session_id": null}}, {"schema_id": 311756, "payload_data": {"hardware_model": null}}, {"schema_id": 352511, "payload_data": {"source": "gondola"}}, {"schema_id": 311859, "payload_data": {"page_id": "b7ba587ec5fcdaa4afe87b6d313a54a16f6a3456"}}]}, "bunsenExperiments": {}, "bunsenUnloggedAssignments": {"": {"param_name": "", "param_value": "true", "experiment_run_id": null, "experiment_id": null, "cohort_id": null, "exclusion_reason": 2, "config_id": "47257092f1b910ad831f923fc39ecc27", "allocator_version": "0.2.36"}, "yelp.msite.nav_menu.project_workspace_entrypoint": {"param_name": "yelp.msite.nav_menu.project_workspace_entrypoint", "param_value": "false", "experiment_run_id": null, "experiment_id": null, "cohort_id": null, "exclusion_reason": 11, "config_id": "47257092f1b910ad831f923fc39ecc27", "allocator_version": "0.2.36"}, "yelp.www.login_flow.passwordless_login_ui": {"param_name": "yelp.www.login_flow.passwordless_login_ui", "param_value": "false", "experiment_run_id": null, "experiment_id": null, "cohort_id": null, "exclusion_reason": 2, "config_id": "47257092f1b910ad831f923fc39ecc27", "allocator_version": "0.2.36"}, "yelp.msite.nav_menu.project_workspace_entrypoint_all_locales": {"param_name": "yelp.msite.nav_menu.project_workspace_entrypoint_all_locales", "param_value": "true", "experiment_run_id": 12287, "experiment_id": 6532, "cohort_id": 34215, "exclusion_reason": null, "config_id": "47257092f1b910ad831f923fc39ecc27", "allocator_version": "0.2.36"}}, "requestBucketerExperiments": {}}; 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