OOPSLA 2003 –– Advance Program -- OOPSLA is the One Conference to Attend this Year

<html> <head> <title>OOPSLA 2003 &#150;&#150; Advance Program -- OOPSLA is the One Conference to Attend this Year</title> <meta name="keywords" content="OOPSLA is the One Conference to Attend this Year object-oriented, object oriented, programming, object-oriented applications, object technology, OOPSLA, object-oriented languages, Java, Smalltalk, C++, CLOS, object-oriented analysis, object-oriented design, software engineering, software development, object training, ACM, conference, components, distributed objects, Object-Oriented, Object Oriented Programming, Object-Oriented Applications, Object Technology, oopsla, Object-Oriented Languages, java, smalltalk, c++, clos, Object-Oriented Analysis, Object-Oriented Design, Software Engineering, Software Development, Object Training, acm, Conference, Components, Distributed Objects, OBJECT-ORIENTED, OBJECT ORIENTED, PROGRAMMING, OBJECT-ORIENTED APPLICATIONS, OBJECT TECHNOLOGY, OBJECT-ORIENTED LANGUAGES, JAVA, SMALLTALK, OBJECT-ORIENTED ANALYSIS, OBJECT-ORIENTED DESIGN, SOFTWARE ENGINEERING, SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT, CONFERENCE, COMPONENTS, DISTRIBUTED OBJECTS"> <meta name="Description" content="Official site of the OOPSLA 2003 Conference, Anaheim, California, October 26-30, 2003"> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../css/apstyle.css"> </head> <body> <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td class="header-left"><img src="../images/bannerCar.jpg"></td> <td> <table> <tr> <td class="header-logo"><img src="../images/bannerWords.jpg"></td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="tab" colspan="2"> <table> <tr> <td><a class="selectedtab" href="index.html">Home</a></td> <td class="tabspacer">&middot;</td> <td><a class="tab" href="at_a_glance.html">Schedule</a></td> <td class="tabspacer">&middot;</td> <td><a class="tab" href="tracks.html">Tracks</a></td> <td class="tabspacer">&middot;</td> <td><a class="tab" href="recommendations.html">Recommendations</a></td> <td class="tabspacer">&middot;</td> <td><a class="tab" href="reg.html">Registration</a></td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="menu"> <p><a class="menu" href="wlc.html">Welcome</a></p> <p><a class="menu" href="spc.html">Special Events</a></p> <p><a class="menu" href="cmp.html">ACM Competition</a></p> <p><a class="menu" href="oop.html">Help Promote OOPSLA</a></p> <p><a class="menu" href="stu.html">Student Volunteers</a></p> <p><a class="menu" href="hou.html">Housing and Transportation</a></p> <p><a class="menu" href="index.html"></a></p> <p><a class="menu" href="index.html"></a></p> <p><a class="menu" href="index.html"></a></p> <p><a class="menu" href="index.html"></a></p> <p><a class="menu" href="pas.html">Past OOPSLAs</a></p> <p><a class="menu" href="com.html">Committee</a></p> <p><a class="menu" href="acm.html">ACM</a></p> <p><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><img src="../images/PoweredByHP.bmp"></p> </td> <td class="content"> <table> <tr> <td width="80%"> <table border=3 width="100%" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="0" align="center" bordercolor="#0033FF"> <tr><td valign="middle" align="center"><FONT size="6" face="Arial"><b>OOPSLA 2003 is Over</b></font></td></tr> </table> <p><i>For program information visit the <a href="at_a_glance.html">schedule</a> page, or view the <a href="" target="blank">final program</a><img src="../images/PdfDocumentIcon.gif" alt="PDF"> (PDF: 910k).</i></p> <h2>Experience the Future of Object Technology</h2> <p> OOPSLA is the premier gathering of practitioners, researchers, educators, and students sharing their ideas and experiences with object technology. <i>OOPSLA is more than cutting edge&#151;it shapes what cutting edge will look like in the years to come.</i> OOPSLA offers a variety of outstanding events and activities that benefit a wide spectrum of participants&#151;from novices to experts and everyone in between. </p> <h2>With So Much to Offer, OOPSLA May be the Only Conference You Need to Attend!</h2> <table> <tr> <td width="325"> <p> This year's <a href="spe.html">invited speakers</a> include OOPSLA keynote speaker <b>Tim O'Reilly</b>, O'Reilly &amp; Associates, and Onward! keynote speaker Professor <b>Lawrence Lessig</b>, Stanford University Law School; plus invited talks by Dr. <b>Erich Gamma</b>, IBM, on Eclipse; <b>Gerald Labedz</b>, Motorola, on Augmented Reality; and Dr. <b>David Ungar</b>, Sun Microsystems, on Programming Language Design. </p> <p>OOPSLA's renowned, world-class <a href="tut.html">tutorials</a> program offers you the knowledge you need to be most effective in today's demanding research and industrial climate. This year's OOPSLA has over 50 tutorials to choose from! </p> <p>OOPSLA <a href="wor.html">workshops</a> are intensive collaborative sessions where groups of object technologists meet to surface, discuss, and attempt to solve challenging problems facing their field. </p> </td> <td width="325"> <p><a href="des.html">DesignFest&reg;</a> participants learn more about design by doing it! Sharpen your skills by rolling up your sleeves and working on a real problem with other participants. </p> <p>The <a href="onw.html">Onward!</a> Track contains technical and philosophical papers describing new paradigms or metaphors in computing, new thinking about objects, new framings of computational problems or systems, and new technologies. </p> <p>A special track, <a href="ddd.html">Domain-Driven Development</a>, focuses on a range of emerging technologies, including Model-Driven Architecture, Aspect-Oriented Modeling, and Generative Programming. </p> <p>Visit <b>Bookseller's Alley</b> where you can meet and talk with the authors&#151;they're at OOPSLA too! </p> <p><b>And much more</b>, like <a href="pan.html">panels</a>, <a href="pra.html">practitioner's reports</a>, <a href="pos.html">poster sessions</a>, the <a href="doc.html">doctoral symposium</a>, the <a href="edu.html">educators' symposium</a>, <a href="dem.html">demonstrations</a>, and the peer-reviewed <a href="pap.html">technical papers</a>. </p> </td> </tr> </table> <h2>Important Dates</h2> <p>Last Day of Early Registration: <b>Thursday, 18 September 2003</b></p> <p>Last Day of Advanced Registration: <b>Thursday, 9 October 2003</b></p> </p> </td> <td width="20%"></td> </tr> </table><br></td> </tr> </table> </body> </html>

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