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class="postimage" alt="화면 캡처 2023-01-10 103008.jpg" title="화면 캡처 2023-01-10 103008.jpg (305.83 KiB) Viewed 7919 times" /></a></dt> </dl> </dd> <dd> <dl class="file"> <dt><img src="./images/upload_icons/zip.gif" alt="" /> <a class="postlink" href="./download/file.php?id=94373&amp;sid=5cd9c70bc7e6dfd00ea83fd6cd4c330b">ASotW-Fields of Fire-Auto-Save12.gz</a></dt> <dd>(289.05 KiB) Downloaded 136 times</dd> </dl> </dd> </dl> </div> </div> <div class="back2top"> <a href="#top" class="top" title="Top"> <i class="icon fa-chevron-circle-up fa-fw icon-gray" aria-hidden="true"></i> <span class="sr-only">Top</span> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div id="p678771" class="post has-profile bg1"> <div class="inner"> <dl class="postprofile" id="profile678771"> <dt class="has-profile-rank has-avatar"> <div class="avatar-container"> <a href="./memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&amp;u=121854&amp;sid=5cd9c70bc7e6dfd00ea83fd6cd4c330b" class="avatar"><img class="avatar" 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title="Post"> <i class="icon fa-file fa-fw icon-lightgray icon-md" aria-hidden="true"></i><span class="sr-only">Post</span> </a> <span class="responsive-hide">by <strong><a href="./memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&amp;u=121854&amp;sid=5cd9c70bc7e6dfd00ea83fd6cd4c330b" style="color: #16a589;" class="username-coloured">Lord-Knightmare</a></strong> &raquo; </span><time datetime="2023-01-10T04:13:44+00:00">January 10th, 2023, 4:13 am</time> </p> <div class="content"><blockquote cite="./viewtopic.php?p=678748&amp;sid=5cd9c70bc7e6dfd00ea83fd6cd4c330b#p678748"><div><cite><a href="./memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&amp;u=236421&amp;sid=5cd9c70bc7e6dfd00ea83fd6cd4c330b">LT2310</a> wrote: <a href="./viewtopic.php?p=678748&amp;sid=5cd9c70bc7e6dfd00ea83fd6cd4c330b#p678748" data-post-id="678748" onclick="if(document.getElementById(hash.substr(1)))href=hash">↑</a><span class="responsive-hide">January 9th, 2023, 2:59 pm</span></cite> Are these enough or should I upload whole lot of savefiles from 'Fields of Fire"?<br> I hope its enough </div></blockquote> The start of scenario save is preferred. The turn/autosaves wont help</div> <div id="sig678771" class="signature"><span style="font-size:85%;line-height:116%">Creator of "<a href=";t=30087" class="postlink">War of Legends</a>"<br> Creator of the <a href=";t=54212" class="postlink">Isle of Mists</a> survival scenario.<br> Maintainer of <a href=";t=23656" class="postlink">Forward They Cried</a><br> <a href="" class="postlink">User:Knyghtmare</a> | <a href="" class="postlink">My Medium</a></span></div> </div> </div> <div class="back2top"> <a href="#top" class="top" title="Top"> <i class="icon fa-chevron-circle-up fa-fw icon-gray" aria-hidden="true"></i> <span class="sr-only">Top</span> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div id="p678776" class="post has-profile bg2"> <div class="inner"> <dl class="postprofile" id="profile678776"> <dt class="no-profile-rank no-avatar"> <div class="avatar-container"> </div> <a href="./memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&amp;u=236421&amp;sid=5cd9c70bc7e6dfd00ea83fd6cd4c330b" class="username">LT2310</a> </dt> <dd class="profile-posts"><strong>Posts:</strong> <a href="./search.php?author_id=236421&amp;sr=posts&amp;sid=5cd9c70bc7e6dfd00ea83fd6cd4c330b">12</a></dd> <dd class="profile-joined"><strong>Joined:</strong> October 11th, 2021, 9:59 am</dd> </dl> <div class="postbody"> <div id="post_content678776"> <h3 > <a href="./viewtopic.php?p=678776&amp;sid=5cd9c70bc7e6dfd00ea83fd6cd4c330b#p678776">Re: A Song of the Winds (prequel to The Dragon Trilogy, SP Campaign for 1.14 &amp; 1.15)</a> </h3> <ul class="post-buttons"> <li> <a href="./posting.php?mode=quote&amp;p=678776&amp;sid=5cd9c70bc7e6dfd00ea83fd6cd4c330b" title="Reply with quote" class="button button-icon-only"> <i class="icon fa-quote-left fa-fw" aria-hidden="true"></i><span class="sr-only">Quote</span> </a> </li> </ul> <p class="author"> <a class="unread" href="./viewtopic.php?p=678776&amp;sid=5cd9c70bc7e6dfd00ea83fd6cd4c330b#p678776" title="Post"> <i class="icon fa-file fa-fw icon-lightgray icon-md" aria-hidden="true"></i><span class="sr-only">Post</span> </a> <span class="responsive-hide">by <strong><a href="./memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&amp;u=236421&amp;sid=5cd9c70bc7e6dfd00ea83fd6cd4c330b" class="username">LT2310</a></strong> &raquo; </span><time datetime="2023-01-10T05:59:44+00:00">January 10th, 2023, 5:59 am</time> </p> <div class="content"><blockquote cite="./viewtopic.php?p=678771&amp;sid=5cd9c70bc7e6dfd00ea83fd6cd4c330b#p678771"><div><cite><a href="./memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&amp;u=121854&amp;sid=5cd9c70bc7e6dfd00ea83fd6cd4c330b">Lord-Knightmare</a> wrote: <a href="./viewtopic.php?p=678771&amp;sid=5cd9c70bc7e6dfd00ea83fd6cd4c330b#p678771" data-post-id="678771" onclick="if(document.getElementById(hash.substr(1)))href=hash">↑</a><span class="responsive-hide">January 10th, 2023, 4:13 am</span></cite> <blockquote cite="./viewtopic.php?p=678748&amp;sid=5cd9c70bc7e6dfd00ea83fd6cd4c330b#p678748"><div><cite><a href="./memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&amp;u=236421&amp;sid=5cd9c70bc7e6dfd00ea83fd6cd4c330b">LT2310</a> wrote: <a href="./viewtopic.php?p=678748&amp;sid=5cd9c70bc7e6dfd00ea83fd6cd4c330b#p678748" data-post-id="678748" onclick="if(document.getElementById(hash.substr(1)))href=hash">↑</a><span class="responsive-hide">January 9th, 2023, 2:59 pm</span></cite> Are these enough or should I upload whole lot of savefiles from 'Fields of Fire"?<br> I hope its enough </div></blockquote> The start of scenario save is preferred. The turn/autosaves wont help </div></blockquote> Oh, didn't know that. Sorry, here's the start of scenario saves from both scenarios.</div> <dl class="attachbox"> <dt> Attachments </dt> <dd> <dl class="file"> <dt><img src="./images/upload_icons/zip.gif" alt="" /> <a class="postlink" href="./download/file.php?id=94381&amp;sid=5cd9c70bc7e6dfd00ea83fd6cd4c330b">ASotW-Fields of Fire.gz</a></dt> <dd>(129.29 KiB) Downloaded 150 times</dd> </dl> </dd> <dd> <dl class="file"> <dt><img src="./images/upload_icons/zip.gif" alt="" /> <a class="postlink" href="./download/file.php?id=94380&amp;sid=5cd9c70bc7e6dfd00ea83fd6cd4c330b">ASotW-Convergence.gz</a></dt> <dd>(124.18 KiB) Downloaded 129 times</dd> </dl> </dd> </dl> </div> </div> <div class="back2top"> <a href="#top" class="top" title="Top"> <i class="icon fa-chevron-circle-up fa-fw icon-gray" aria-hidden="true"></i> <span class="sr-only">Top</span> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div id="p678813" class="post has-profile bg1"> <div class="inner"> <dl class="postprofile" id="profile678813"> <dt class="no-profile-rank no-avatar"> <div class="avatar-container"> </div> <a href="./memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&amp;u=236421&amp;sid=5cd9c70bc7e6dfd00ea83fd6cd4c330b" class="username">LT2310</a> </dt> <dd class="profile-posts"><strong>Posts:</strong> <a href="./search.php?author_id=236421&amp;sr=posts&amp;sid=5cd9c70bc7e6dfd00ea83fd6cd4c330b">12</a></dd> <dd class="profile-joined"><strong>Joined:</strong> October 11th, 2021, 9:59 am</dd> </dl> <div class="postbody"> <div id="post_content678813"> <h3 > <a href="./viewtopic.php?p=678813&amp;sid=5cd9c70bc7e6dfd00ea83fd6cd4c330b#p678813">Re: A Song of the Winds (prequel to The Dragon Trilogy, SP Campaign for 1.14 &amp; 1.15)</a> </h3> <ul class="post-buttons"> <li> <a href="./posting.php?mode=quote&amp;p=678813&amp;sid=5cd9c70bc7e6dfd00ea83fd6cd4c330b" title="Reply with quote" class="button button-icon-only"> <i class="icon fa-quote-left fa-fw" aria-hidden="true"></i><span class="sr-only">Quote</span> </a> </li> </ul> <p class="author"> <a class="unread" href="./viewtopic.php?p=678813&amp;sid=5cd9c70bc7e6dfd00ea83fd6cd4c330b#p678813" title="Post"> <i class="icon fa-file fa-fw icon-lightgray icon-md" aria-hidden="true"></i><span class="sr-only">Post</span> </a> <span class="responsive-hide">by <strong><a href="./memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&amp;u=236421&amp;sid=5cd9c70bc7e6dfd00ea83fd6cd4c330b" class="username">LT2310</a></strong> &raquo; </span><time datetime="2023-01-12T00:09:29+00:00">January 12th, 2023, 12:09 am</time> </p> <div class="content">No clue about what's the problem yet?<br> Hope its nothing big.</div> </div> </div> <div class="back2top"> <a href="#top" class="top" title="Top"> <i class="icon fa-chevron-circle-up fa-fw icon-gray" aria-hidden="true"></i> <span class="sr-only">Top</span> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div id="p678822" class="post has-profile bg2"> <div class="inner"> <dl class="postprofile" id="profile678822"> <dt class="has-profile-rank has-avatar"> <div class="avatar-container"> <a href="./memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&amp;u=121854&amp;sid=5cd9c70bc7e6dfd00ea83fd6cd4c330b" class="avatar"><img class="avatar" src="./download/file.php?avatar=121854_1351160483.png" width="72" height="72" alt="User avatar" /></a> </div> <a href="./memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&amp;u=121854&amp;sid=5cd9c70bc7e6dfd00ea83fd6cd4c330b" style="color: #16a589;" class="username-coloured">Lord-Knightmare</a> </dt> <dd class="profile-rank">Discord Moderator</dd> <dd class="profile-posts"><strong>Posts:</strong> <a href="./search.php?author_id=121854&amp;sr=posts&amp;sid=5cd9c70bc7e6dfd00ea83fd6cd4c330b">2445</a></dd> <dd class="profile-joined"><strong>Joined:</strong> May 24th, 2010, 5:26 pm</dd> <dd class="profile-custom-field profile-phpbb_location"><strong>Location:</strong> Somewhere in the depths of Irdya, gathering my army to eventually destroy the known world.</dd> <dd class="profile-contact"> <strong>Contact:</strong> <div class="dropdown-container dropdown-left"> <a href="#" class="dropdown-trigger" title="Contact Lord-Knightmare"> <i class="icon fa-commenting-o fa-fw icon-lg" aria-hidden="true"></i><span class="sr-only">Contact Lord-Knightmare</span> </a> <div class="dropdown"> <div class="pointer"><div class="pointer-inner"></div></div> <div class="dropdown-contents contact-icons"> <div> <a href="" title="Website" class="last-cell"> <span class="contact-icon phpbb_website-icon">Website</span> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </dd> </dl> <div class="postbody"> <div id="post_content678822"> <h3 > <a href="./viewtopic.php?p=678822&amp;sid=5cd9c70bc7e6dfd00ea83fd6cd4c330b#p678822">Re: A Song of the Winds (prequel to The Dragon Trilogy, SP Campaign for 1.14 &amp; 1.15)</a> </h3> <ul class="post-buttons"> <li> <a href="./posting.php?mode=quote&amp;p=678822&amp;sid=5cd9c70bc7e6dfd00ea83fd6cd4c330b" title="Reply with quote" class="button button-icon-only"> <i class="icon fa-quote-left fa-fw" aria-hidden="true"></i><span class="sr-only">Quote</span> </a> </li> </ul> <p class="author"> <a class="unread" href="./viewtopic.php?p=678822&amp;sid=5cd9c70bc7e6dfd00ea83fd6cd4c330b#p678822" title="Post"> <i class="icon fa-file fa-fw icon-lightgray icon-md" aria-hidden="true"></i><span class="sr-only">Post</span> </a> <span class="responsive-hide">by <strong><a href="./memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&amp;u=121854&amp;sid=5cd9c70bc7e6dfd00ea83fd6cd4c330b" style="color: #16a589;" class="username-coloured">Lord-Knightmare</a></strong> &raquo; </span><time datetime="2023-01-12T07:26:52+00:00">January 12th, 2023, 7:26 am</time> </p> <div class="content">Can you give me the save file which stored hathor? I think I need an earlier save file</div> <div id="sig678822" class="signature"><span style="font-size:85%;line-height:116%">Creator of "<a href=";t=30087" class="postlink">War of Legends</a>"<br> Creator of the <a href=";t=54212" class="postlink">Isle of Mists</a> survival scenario.<br> Maintainer of <a href=";t=23656" class="postlink">Forward They Cried</a><br> <a href="" class="postlink">User:Knyghtmare</a> | <a href="" class="postlink">My Medium</a></span></div> </div> </div> <div class="back2top"> <a href="#top" class="top" title="Top"> <i class="icon fa-chevron-circle-up fa-fw icon-gray" aria-hidden="true"></i> <span class="sr-only">Top</span> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div id="p678823" class="post has-profile bg1"> <div class="inner"> <dl class="postprofile" id="profile678823"> <dt class="no-profile-rank no-avatar"> <div class="avatar-container"> </div> <a href="./memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&amp;u=236421&amp;sid=5cd9c70bc7e6dfd00ea83fd6cd4c330b" class="username">LT2310</a> </dt> <dd class="profile-posts"><strong>Posts:</strong> <a href="./search.php?author_id=236421&amp;sr=posts&amp;sid=5cd9c70bc7e6dfd00ea83fd6cd4c330b">12</a></dd> <dd class="profile-joined"><strong>Joined:</strong> October 11th, 2021, 9:59 am</dd> </dl> <div class="postbody"> <div id="post_content678823"> <h3 > <a href="./viewtopic.php?p=678823&amp;sid=5cd9c70bc7e6dfd00ea83fd6cd4c330b#p678823">Re: A Song of the Winds (prequel to The Dragon Trilogy, SP Campaign for 1.14 &amp; 1.15)</a> </h3> <ul class="post-buttons"> <li> <a href="./posting.php?mode=quote&amp;p=678823&amp;sid=5cd9c70bc7e6dfd00ea83fd6cd4c330b" title="Reply with quote" class="button button-icon-only"> <i class="icon fa-quote-left fa-fw" aria-hidden="true"></i><span class="sr-only">Quote</span> </a> </li> </ul> <p class="author"> <a class="unread" href="./viewtopic.php?p=678823&amp;sid=5cd9c70bc7e6dfd00ea83fd6cd4c330b#p678823" title="Post"> <i class="icon fa-file fa-fw icon-lightgray icon-md" aria-hidden="true"></i><span class="sr-only">Post</span> </a> <span class="responsive-hide">by <strong><a href="./memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&amp;u=236421&amp;sid=5cd9c70bc7e6dfd00ea83fd6cd4c330b" class="username">LT2310</a></strong> &raquo; </span><time datetime="2023-01-12T08:31:41+00:00">January 12th, 2023, 8:31 am</time> </p> <div class="content"><blockquote cite="./viewtopic.php?p=678822&amp;sid=5cd9c70bc7e6dfd00ea83fd6cd4c330b#p678822"><div><cite><a href="./memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&amp;u=121854&amp;sid=5cd9c70bc7e6dfd00ea83fd6cd4c330b">Lord-Knightmare</a> wrote: <a href="./viewtopic.php?p=678822&amp;sid=5cd9c70bc7e6dfd00ea83fd6cd4c330b#p678822" data-post-id="678822" onclick="if(document.getElementById(hash.substr(1)))href=hash">↑</a><span class="responsive-hide">January 12th, 2023, 7:26 am</span></cite> Can you give me the save file which stored hathor? I think I need an earlier save file </div></blockquote> This is the one that stored Hathor as I recall.<br> So maybe you can tell me whats the problem with Abhai not getting recalled in 'Convergence'?</div> <dl class="attachbox"> <dt> Attachments </dt> <dd> <dl class="file"> <dt><img src="./images/upload_icons/zip.gif" alt="" /> <a class="postlink" href="./download/file.php?id=94392&amp;sid=5cd9c70bc7e6dfd00ea83fd6cd4c330b">ASotW-At the Crossroads of Time and Space.gz</a></dt> <dd>(92.13 KiB) Downloaded 147 times</dd> </dl> </dd> </dl> </div> </div> <div class="back2top"> <a href="#top" class="top" title="Top"> <i class="icon fa-chevron-circle-up fa-fw icon-gray" aria-hidden="true"></i> <span class="sr-only">Top</span> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div id="p678827" class="post has-profile bg2"> <div class="inner"> <dl class="postprofile" id="profile678827"> <dt class="has-profile-rank has-avatar"> <div class="avatar-container"> <a href="./memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&amp;u=121854&amp;sid=5cd9c70bc7e6dfd00ea83fd6cd4c330b" class="avatar"><img class="avatar" src="./download/file.php?avatar=121854_1351160483.png" width="72" height="72" alt="User avatar" /></a> </div> <a href="./memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&amp;u=121854&amp;sid=5cd9c70bc7e6dfd00ea83fd6cd4c330b" style="color: #16a589;" class="username-coloured">Lord-Knightmare</a> </dt> <dd class="profile-rank">Discord Moderator</dd> <dd class="profile-posts"><strong>Posts:</strong> <a href="./search.php?author_id=121854&amp;sr=posts&amp;sid=5cd9c70bc7e6dfd00ea83fd6cd4c330b">2445</a></dd> <dd class="profile-joined"><strong>Joined:</strong> May 24th, 2010, 5:26 pm</dd> <dd class="profile-custom-field profile-phpbb_location"><strong>Location:</strong> Somewhere in the depths of Irdya, gathering my army to eventually destroy the known world.</dd> <dd class="profile-contact"> <strong>Contact:</strong> <div class="dropdown-container dropdown-left"> <a href="#" class="dropdown-trigger" title="Contact Lord-Knightmare"> <i class="icon fa-commenting-o fa-fw icon-lg" aria-hidden="true"></i><span class="sr-only">Contact Lord-Knightmare</span> </a> <div class="dropdown"> <div class="pointer"><div class="pointer-inner"></div></div> <div class="dropdown-contents contact-icons"> <div> <a href="" title="Website" class="last-cell"> <span class="contact-icon phpbb_website-icon">Website</span> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </dd> </dl> <div class="postbody"> <div id="post_content678827"> <h3 > <a href="./viewtopic.php?p=678827&amp;sid=5cd9c70bc7e6dfd00ea83fd6cd4c330b#p678827">Re: A Song of the Winds (prequel to The Dragon Trilogy, SP Campaign for 1.14 &amp; 1.15)</a> </h3> <ul class="post-buttons"> <li> <a href="./posting.php?mode=quote&amp;p=678827&amp;sid=5cd9c70bc7e6dfd00ea83fd6cd4c330b" title="Reply with quote" class="button button-icon-only"> <i class="icon fa-quote-left fa-fw" aria-hidden="true"></i><span class="sr-only">Quote</span> </a> </li> </ul> <p class="author"> <a class="unread" href="./viewtopic.php?p=678827&amp;sid=5cd9c70bc7e6dfd00ea83fd6cd4c330b#p678827" title="Post"> <i class="icon fa-file fa-fw icon-lightgray icon-md" aria-hidden="true"></i><span class="sr-only">Post</span> </a> <span class="responsive-hide">by <strong><a href="./memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&amp;u=121854&amp;sid=5cd9c70bc7e6dfd00ea83fd6cd4c330b" style="color: #16a589;" class="username-coloured">Lord-Knightmare</a></strong> &raquo; </span><time datetime="2023-01-12T11:19:15+00:00">January 12th, 2023, 11:19 am</time> </p> <div class="content"><blockquote class="uncited"><div> So maybe you can tell me whats the problem with Abhai not getting recalled in 'Convergence'? </div></blockquote> There was no issue such as this for me. Might be version specific.</div> <div id="sig678827" class="signature"><span style="font-size:85%;line-height:116%">Creator of "<a href=";t=30087" class="postlink">War of Legends</a>"<br> Creator of the <a href=";t=54212" class="postlink">Isle of Mists</a> survival scenario.<br> Maintainer of <a href=";t=23656" class="postlink">Forward They Cried</a><br> <a href="" class="postlink">User:Knyghtmare</a> | <a href="" class="postlink">My Medium</a></span></div> </div> </div> <div class="back2top"> <a href="#top" class="top" title="Top"> <i class="icon fa-chevron-circle-up fa-fw icon-gray" aria-hidden="true"></i> <span class="sr-only">Top</span> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div id="p678828" class="post has-profile bg1"> <div class="inner"> <dl class="postprofile" id="profile678828"> <dt class="no-profile-rank no-avatar"> <div class="avatar-container"> </div> <a href="./memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&amp;u=236421&amp;sid=5cd9c70bc7e6dfd00ea83fd6cd4c330b" class="username">LT2310</a> </dt> <dd class="profile-posts"><strong>Posts:</strong> <a href="./search.php?author_id=236421&amp;sr=posts&amp;sid=5cd9c70bc7e6dfd00ea83fd6cd4c330b">12</a></dd> <dd class="profile-joined"><strong>Joined:</strong> October 11th, 2021, 9:59 am</dd> </dl> <div class="postbody"> <div id="post_content678828"> <h3 > <a href="./viewtopic.php?p=678828&amp;sid=5cd9c70bc7e6dfd00ea83fd6cd4c330b#p678828">Re: A Song of the Winds (prequel to The Dragon Trilogy, SP Campaign for 1.14 &amp; 1.15)</a> </h3> <ul class="post-buttons"> <li> <a href="./posting.php?mode=quote&amp;p=678828&amp;sid=5cd9c70bc7e6dfd00ea83fd6cd4c330b" title="Reply with quote" class="button button-icon-only"> <i class="icon fa-quote-left fa-fw" aria-hidden="true"></i><span class="sr-only">Quote</span> </a> </li> </ul> <p class="author"> <a class="unread" href="./viewtopic.php?p=678828&amp;sid=5cd9c70bc7e6dfd00ea83fd6cd4c330b#p678828" title="Post"> <i class="icon fa-file fa-fw icon-lightgray icon-md" aria-hidden="true"></i><span class="sr-only">Post</span> </a> <span class="responsive-hide">by <strong><a href="./memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&amp;u=236421&amp;sid=5cd9c70bc7e6dfd00ea83fd6cd4c330b" class="username">LT2310</a></strong> &raquo; </span><time datetime="2023-01-12T11:49:28+00:00">January 12th, 2023, 11:49 am</time> </p> <div class="content"><blockquote cite="./viewtopic.php?p=678827&amp;sid=5cd9c70bc7e6dfd00ea83fd6cd4c330b#p678827"><div><cite><a href="./memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&amp;u=121854&amp;sid=5cd9c70bc7e6dfd00ea83fd6cd4c330b">Lord-Knightmare</a> wrote: <a href="./viewtopic.php?p=678827&amp;sid=5cd9c70bc7e6dfd00ea83fd6cd4c330b#p678827" data-post-id="678827" onclick="if(document.getElementById(hash.substr(1)))href=hash">↑</a><span class="responsive-hide">January 12th, 2023, 11:19 am</span></cite> <blockquote class="uncited"><div> So maybe you can tell me whats the problem with Abhai not getting recalled in 'Convergence'? </div></blockquote> There was no issue such as this for me. Might be version specific. </div></blockquote> Too bad, just gotta play some other campaigns for a while until I get to know what the problem is.<br> <br> By the way, is Revansurik on vacation right now?<br> Not having Abhai on 'Convergence' is critical on gameplay since I can't recruit without him.<br> I might be the only one who's experiencing this problem, but I cna't just give up playing, you know.</div> </div> </div> <div class="back2top"> <a href="#top" class="top" title="Top"> <i class="icon fa-chevron-circle-up fa-fw icon-gray" aria-hidden="true"></i> <span class="sr-only">Top</span> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div id="p678829" class="post has-profile bg2"> <div class="inner"> <dl class="postprofile" id="profile678829"> <dt class="has-profile-rank has-avatar"> <div class="avatar-container"> <a href="./memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&amp;u=121854&amp;sid=5cd9c70bc7e6dfd00ea83fd6cd4c330b" class="avatar"><img class="avatar" src="./download/file.php?avatar=121854_1351160483.png" width="72" height="72" alt="User avatar" /></a> </div> <a href="./memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&amp;u=121854&amp;sid=5cd9c70bc7e6dfd00ea83fd6cd4c330b" style="color: #16a589;" class="username-coloured">Lord-Knightmare</a> </dt> <dd class="profile-rank">Discord Moderator</dd> <dd class="profile-posts"><strong>Posts:</strong> <a href="./search.php?author_id=121854&amp;sr=posts&amp;sid=5cd9c70bc7e6dfd00ea83fd6cd4c330b">2445</a></dd> <dd class="profile-joined"><strong>Joined:</strong> May 24th, 2010, 5:26 pm</dd> <dd class="profile-custom-field profile-phpbb_location"><strong>Location:</strong> Somewhere in the depths of Irdya, gathering my army to eventually destroy the known world.</dd> <dd class="profile-contact"> <strong>Contact:</strong> <div class="dropdown-container dropdown-left"> <a href="#" class="dropdown-trigger" title="Contact Lord-Knightmare"> <i class="icon fa-commenting-o fa-fw icon-lg" aria-hidden="true"></i><span class="sr-only">Contact Lord-Knightmare</span> </a> <div class="dropdown"> <div class="pointer"><div class="pointer-inner"></div></div> <div class="dropdown-contents contact-icons"> <div> <a href="" title="Website" class="last-cell"> <span class="contact-icon phpbb_website-icon">Website</span> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </dd> </dl> <div class="postbody"> <div id="post_content678829"> <h3 > <a href="./viewtopic.php?p=678829&amp;sid=5cd9c70bc7e6dfd00ea83fd6cd4c330b#p678829">Re: A Song of the Winds (prequel to The Dragon Trilogy, SP Campaign for 1.14 &amp; 1.15)</a> </h3> <ul class="post-buttons"> <li> <a href="./posting.php?mode=quote&amp;p=678829&amp;sid=5cd9c70bc7e6dfd00ea83fd6cd4c330b" title="Reply with quote" class="button button-icon-only"> <i class="icon fa-quote-left fa-fw" aria-hidden="true"></i><span class="sr-only">Quote</span> </a> </li> </ul> <p class="author"> <a class="unread" href="./viewtopic.php?p=678829&amp;sid=5cd9c70bc7e6dfd00ea83fd6cd4c330b#p678829" title="Post"> <i class="icon fa-file fa-fw icon-lightgray icon-md" aria-hidden="true"></i><span class="sr-only">Post</span> </a> <span class="responsive-hide">by <strong><a href="./memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&amp;u=121854&amp;sid=5cd9c70bc7e6dfd00ea83fd6cd4c330b" style="color: #16a589;" class="username-coloured">Lord-Knightmare</a></strong> &raquo; </span><time datetime="2023-01-12T13:54:55+00:00">January 12th, 2023, 1:54 pm</time> </p> <div class="content">The problem is that the bug might be a simple fix...but given the fact that I had played this work before maintaining, I am not sure where it happens. One additional issue is the time taken to playtest through each scenario...which can be hours. So, yeah a fix for this "hathor" bug might be coming this month. Perhaps later.<br> <blockquote class="uncited"><div> By the way, is Revansurik on vacation right now? </div></blockquote> I am not exactly sure. He is part of the Wesnoth Modders Guild Discord but hasn't been active as of late.</div> <div id="sig678829" class="signature"><span style="font-size:85%;line-height:116%">Creator of "<a href=";t=30087" class="postlink">War of Legends</a>"<br> Creator of the <a href=";t=54212" class="postlink">Isle of Mists</a> survival scenario.<br> Maintainer of <a href=";t=23656" class="postlink">Forward They Cried</a><br> <a href="" class="postlink">User:Knyghtmare</a> | <a href="" class="postlink">My Medium</a></span></div> </div> </div> <div class="back2top"> <a href="#top" class="top" title="Top"> <i class="icon fa-chevron-circle-up fa-fw icon-gray" aria-hidden="true"></i> <span class="sr-only">Top</span> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div id="p678832" class="post has-profile bg1"> <div class="inner"> <dl class="postprofile" id="profile678832"> <dt class="no-profile-rank no-avatar"> <div class="avatar-container"> </div> <a href="./memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&amp;u=236421&amp;sid=5cd9c70bc7e6dfd00ea83fd6cd4c330b" class="username">LT2310</a> </dt> <dd class="profile-posts"><strong>Posts:</strong> <a href="./search.php?author_id=236421&amp;sr=posts&amp;sid=5cd9c70bc7e6dfd00ea83fd6cd4c330b">12</a></dd> <dd class="profile-joined"><strong>Joined:</strong> October 11th, 2021, 9:59 am</dd> </dl> <div class="postbody"> <div id="post_content678832"> <h3 > <a href="./viewtopic.php?p=678832&amp;sid=5cd9c70bc7e6dfd00ea83fd6cd4c330b#p678832">Re: A Song of the Winds (prequel to The Dragon Trilogy, SP Campaign for 1.14 &amp; 1.15)</a> </h3> <ul class="post-buttons"> <li> <a href="./posting.php?mode=quote&amp;p=678832&amp;sid=5cd9c70bc7e6dfd00ea83fd6cd4c330b" title="Reply with quote" class="button button-icon-only"> <i class="icon fa-quote-left fa-fw" aria-hidden="true"></i><span class="sr-only">Quote</span> </a> </li> </ul> <p class="author"> <a class="unread" href="./viewtopic.php?p=678832&amp;sid=5cd9c70bc7e6dfd00ea83fd6cd4c330b#p678832" title="Post"> <i class="icon fa-file fa-fw icon-lightgray icon-md" aria-hidden="true"></i><span class="sr-only">Post</span> </a> <span class="responsive-hide">by <strong><a href="./memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&amp;u=236421&amp;sid=5cd9c70bc7e6dfd00ea83fd6cd4c330b" class="username">LT2310</a></strong> &raquo; </span><time datetime="2023-01-12T14:39:39+00:00">January 12th, 2023, 2:39 pm</time> </p> <div class="content"><blockquote cite="./viewtopic.php?p=678829&amp;sid=5cd9c70bc7e6dfd00ea83fd6cd4c330b#p678829"><div><cite><a href="./memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&amp;u=121854&amp;sid=5cd9c70bc7e6dfd00ea83fd6cd4c330b">Lord-Knightmare</a> wrote: <a href="./viewtopic.php?p=678829&amp;sid=5cd9c70bc7e6dfd00ea83fd6cd4c330b#p678829" data-post-id="678829" onclick="if(document.getElementById(hash.substr(1)))href=hash">↑</a><span class="responsive-hide">January 12th, 2023, 1:54 pm</span></cite> The problem is that the bug might be a simple fix...but given the fact that I had played this work before maintaining, I am not sure where it happens. One additional issue is the time taken to playtest through each scenario...which can be hours. So, yeah a fix for this "hathor" bug might be coming this month. Perhaps later.<br> <blockquote class="uncited"><div> By the way, is Revansurik on vacation right now? </div></blockquote> I am not exactly sure. He is part of the Wesnoth Modders Guild Discord but hasn't been active as of late. </div></blockquote> Thank you, I'll be looking forward to a bug fix. I'll be playing the ASoF again in the meantime</div> </div> </div> <div class="back2top"> <a href="#top" class="top" title="Top"> <i class="icon fa-chevron-circle-up fa-fw icon-gray" aria-hidden="true"></i> <span class="sr-only">Top</span> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div id="p679084" class="post has-profile bg2"> <div class="inner"> <dl class="postprofile" id="profile679084"> <dt class="has-profile-rank has-avatar"> <div class="avatar-container"> <a href="./memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&amp;u=121854&amp;sid=5cd9c70bc7e6dfd00ea83fd6cd4c330b" class="avatar"><img class="avatar" src="./download/file.php?avatar=121854_1351160483.png" width="72" height="72" alt="User avatar" /></a> </div> <a href="./memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&amp;u=121854&amp;sid=5cd9c70bc7e6dfd00ea83fd6cd4c330b" style="color: #16a589;" class="username-coloured">Lord-Knightmare</a> </dt> <dd class="profile-rank">Discord Moderator</dd> <dd class="profile-posts"><strong>Posts:</strong> <a href="./search.php?author_id=121854&amp;sr=posts&amp;sid=5cd9c70bc7e6dfd00ea83fd6cd4c330b">2445</a></dd> <dd class="profile-joined"><strong>Joined:</strong> May 24th, 2010, 5:26 pm</dd> <dd class="profile-custom-field profile-phpbb_location"><strong>Location:</strong> Somewhere in the depths of Irdya, gathering my army to eventually destroy the known world.</dd> <dd class="profile-contact"> <strong>Contact:</strong> <div class="dropdown-container dropdown-left"> <a href="#" class="dropdown-trigger" title="Contact Lord-Knightmare"> <i class="icon fa-commenting-o fa-fw icon-lg" aria-hidden="true"></i><span class="sr-only">Contact Lord-Knightmare</span> </a> <div class="dropdown"> <div class="pointer"><div class="pointer-inner"></div></div> <div class="dropdown-contents contact-icons"> <div> <a href="" title="Website" class="last-cell"> <span class="contact-icon phpbb_website-icon">Website</span> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </dd> </dl> <div class="postbody"> <div id="post_content679084"> <h3 > <a href="./viewtopic.php?p=679084&amp;sid=5cd9c70bc7e6dfd00ea83fd6cd4c330b#p679084">Re: A Song of the Winds (prequel to The Dragon Trilogy, SP Campaign for 1.14 &amp; 1.15)</a> </h3> <ul class="post-buttons"> <li> <a href="./posting.php?mode=quote&amp;p=679084&amp;sid=5cd9c70bc7e6dfd00ea83fd6cd4c330b" title="Reply with quote" class="button button-icon-only"> <i class="icon fa-quote-left fa-fw" aria-hidden="true"></i><span class="sr-only">Quote</span> </a> </li> </ul> <p class="author"> <a class="unread" href="./viewtopic.php?p=679084&amp;sid=5cd9c70bc7e6dfd00ea83fd6cd4c330b#p679084" title="Post"> <i class="icon fa-file fa-fw icon-lightgray icon-md" aria-hidden="true"></i><span class="sr-only">Post</span> </a> <span class="responsive-hide">by <strong><a href="./memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&amp;u=121854&amp;sid=5cd9c70bc7e6dfd00ea83fd6cd4c330b" style="color: #16a589;" class="username-coloured">Lord-Knightmare</a></strong> &raquo; </span><time datetime="2023-01-24T18:16:04+00:00">January 24th, 2023, 6:16 pm</time> </p> <div class="content">Hmm, this is gonna take longer than I thought. That scenario is so damn long...<br> <br> Also, it has so many buggs...this might take months to patch <div class="codebox"><p>Code: <a href="#" onclick="selectCode(this); return false;">Select all</a></p><pre><code> 20230125 02:01:06 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:01:06 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:01:06 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:01:06 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:01:07 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:01:07 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:01:07 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:01:07 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:01:07 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:01:07 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:01:07 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:01:07 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:01:07 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:01:07 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:01:16 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:01:16 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:01:16 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:01:16 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:01:16 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:01:16 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:01:16 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:01:16 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:01:16 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:01:16 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:01:19 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:01:19 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:01:19 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:01:19 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:01:19 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:01:19 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:01:19 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:01:19 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:01:19 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:01:19 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:01:20 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:01:20 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:01:20 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:01:20 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:01:20 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:01:20 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:01:20 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:01:20 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:01:20 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:01:20 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:01:20 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:01:20 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:01:20 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:01:20 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:01:20 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:01:20 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:01:20 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:01:20 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:01:20 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:01:20 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:01:20 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:01:20 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:01:20 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:01:20 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:01:20 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:01:20 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:01:20 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:01:20 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:01:20 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:01:20 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:01:20 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:01:20 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:01:20 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:01:20 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:01:20 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:01:20 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:01:20 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:01:20 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:01:20 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:01:20 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:01:20 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:01:20 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:01:22 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:01:22 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:01:22 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:01:22 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:01:22 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:01:22 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:01:22 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:01:22 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:01:22 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:01:22 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:01:22 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:01:22 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:01:22 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:01:22 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:01:22 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:01:22 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:01:46 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:01:46 error config: Different size lists when pairing coordinate ranges: 32 vs 56,33,57 20230125 02:01:46 error config: Different size lists when pairing coordinate ranges: 32 vs 56,33,57 20230125 02:01:46 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:01:46 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:01:46 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:01:46 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:01:46 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:01:46 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:01:46 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:01:46 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:01:46 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:01:50 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:01:50 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:01:50 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:01:50 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:01:50 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:01:50 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:01:50 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:01:50 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:01:50 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:01:50 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:01:56 warning filesystem: Conflicting files in binary_path: 'C:\Users\USER\Documents\My Games\Wesnoth1.17/data/add-ons/A_Song_of_the_Winds/images/attacks/divine-lightning.png' and 'C:\Users\USER\Documents\My Games\Wesnoth1.17/data/add-ons/War_of_Legends/images/attacks/divine-lightning.png' 20230125 02:01:58 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:01:58 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:01:58 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:01:58 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:01:58 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:01:58 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:01:58 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:01:58 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:01:58 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:01:58 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:01:58 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:01:58 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:01:59 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:01:59 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:01:59 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:01:59 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:01:59 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:01:59 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:01:59 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:01:59 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:01:59 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:01:59 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:01:59 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:01:59 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:01:59 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:01:59 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:01:59 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:01:59 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:01:59 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:01:59 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:01:59 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:01:59 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:01:59 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:01:59 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:01:59 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:01:59 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:01:59 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:01:59 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:01:59 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:01:59 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:01:59 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:01:59 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:01:59 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:01:59 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:01:59 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:01:59 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:02:11 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:02:11 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:02:11 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:02:11 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:02:11 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:02:11 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:02:11 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:02:11 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:02:11 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:02:11 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:02:11 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:02:11 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:02:12 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:02:12 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:02:12 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:02:12 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:02:40 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:02:40 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:02:40 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:02:40 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:02:40 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:02:40 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:02:40 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:02:40 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:02:40 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:02:40 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:02:40 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:02:40 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:02:40 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:02:40 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:02:40 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:02:40 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:02:40 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:02:40 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:02:40 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:02:40 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:02:40 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:02:40 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:02:40 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:02:40 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:02:40 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:02:40 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:02:40 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:02:40 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:02:40 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:02:40 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:02:40 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:02:40 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:02:40 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:02:40 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:02:40 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:02:40 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:02:40 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:02:40 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:02:40 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:02:40 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:02:40 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:02:40 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:02:40 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:02:40 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:02:40 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:02:40 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:02:40 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:02:55 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:02:55 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:02:55 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:02:55 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:02:55 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:02:55 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:02:56 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:02:56 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:02:56 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:02:56 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:02:56 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:02:56 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:02:57 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:02:57 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:02:57 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:02:57 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:02:57 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:02:57 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:02:57 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:02:57 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:02:57 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:02:57 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:02:57 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:02:57 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:02:57 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:02:57 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:02:57 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:02:57 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:02:57 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:02:57 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:02:57 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:02:57 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:02:57 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:02:57 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:02:57 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:02:57 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:02:57 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:02:57 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:02:57 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:02:57 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:02:57 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:02:57 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:02:57 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:02:57 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:02:57 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:02:57 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:03:08 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:03:08 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:03:08 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:03:08 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:03:08 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:03:08 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:03:08 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:03:08 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:03:08 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:03:08 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:03:08 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:03:08 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:03:08 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:03:08 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:03:08 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:03:08 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:03:08 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:03:08 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:03:08 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:03:08 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:03:08 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:03:08 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:03:08 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:03:08 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:03:13 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:03:13 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:03:13 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:03:13 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:03:13 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:03:13 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:03:13 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:03:13 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:03:13 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:03:13 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:03:13 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:03:13 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:03:13 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:03:13 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:03:13 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:03:13 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:03:13 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:03:13 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:03:13 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:03:13 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:03:13 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:03:13 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:03:13 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:03:13 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:03:13 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:03:13 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:03:13 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:03:13 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:03:13 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:03:13 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:03:13 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:03:13 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:03:13 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:03:13 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:03:13 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:03:13 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:03:13 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:03:13 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:03:13 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:03:13 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:03:14 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:03:14 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:03:14 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:03:14 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:03:14 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:03:14 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:03:14 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:03:14 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:03:14 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:03:14 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:03:14 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:03:14 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:03:14 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:03:14 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:03:14 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:03:14 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:03:14 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:03:14 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:03:14 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:03:14 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:03:14 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:03:14 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:03:14 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:03:14 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:03:45 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:03:45 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:03:45 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:03:45 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:03:45 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead 20230125 02:03:45 warning deprecation: special= has been deprecated and may be removed at any time.; Please use special_id or special_type instead </code></pre></div></div> <div id="sig679084" class="signature"><span style="font-size:85%;line-height:116%">Creator of "<a href=";t=30087" class="postlink">War of Legends</a>"<br> Creator of the <a href=";t=54212" class="postlink">Isle of Mists</a> survival scenario.<br> Maintainer of <a href=";t=23656" class="postlink">Forward They Cried</a><br> <a href="" class="postlink">User:Knyghtmare</a> | <a href="" class="postlink">My Medium</a></span></div> </div> </div> <div class="back2top"> <a href="#top" class="top" title="Top"> <i class="icon fa-chevron-circle-up fa-fw icon-gray" aria-hidden="true"></i> <span class="sr-only">Top</span> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div id="p679088" class="post has-profile bg1"> <div class="inner"> <dl class="postprofile" id="profile679088"> <dt class="has-profile-rank has-avatar"> <div class="avatar-container"> <a href="./memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&amp;u=121854&amp;sid=5cd9c70bc7e6dfd00ea83fd6cd4c330b" class="avatar"><img class="avatar" src="./download/file.php?avatar=121854_1351160483.png" width="72" height="72" alt="User avatar" /></a> </div> <a href="./memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&amp;u=121854&amp;sid=5cd9c70bc7e6dfd00ea83fd6cd4c330b" style="color: #16a589;" class="username-coloured">Lord-Knightmare</a> </dt> <dd class="profile-rank">Discord Moderator</dd> <dd class="profile-posts"><strong>Posts:</strong> <a href="./search.php?author_id=121854&amp;sr=posts&amp;sid=5cd9c70bc7e6dfd00ea83fd6cd4c330b">2445</a></dd> <dd class="profile-joined"><strong>Joined:</strong> May 24th, 2010, 5:26 pm</dd> <dd class="profile-custom-field profile-phpbb_location"><strong>Location:</strong> Somewhere in the depths of Irdya, gathering my army to eventually destroy the known world.</dd> <dd class="profile-contact"> <strong>Contact:</strong> <div class="dropdown-container dropdown-left"> <a href="#" class="dropdown-trigger" title="Contact Lord-Knightmare"> <i class="icon fa-commenting-o fa-fw icon-lg" aria-hidden="true"></i><span class="sr-only">Contact Lord-Knightmare</span> </a> <div class="dropdown"> <div class="pointer"><div class="pointer-inner"></div></div> <div class="dropdown-contents contact-icons"> <div> <a href="" title="Website" class="last-cell"> <span class="contact-icon phpbb_website-icon">Website</span> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </dd> </dl> <div class="postbody"> <div id="post_content679088"> <h3 > <a href="./viewtopic.php?p=679088&amp;sid=5cd9c70bc7e6dfd00ea83fd6cd4c330b#p679088">Re: A Song of the Winds (prequel to The Dragon Trilogy, SP Campaign for 1.14 &amp; 1.15)</a> </h3> <ul class="post-buttons"> <li> <a href="./posting.php?mode=quote&amp;p=679088&amp;sid=5cd9c70bc7e6dfd00ea83fd6cd4c330b" title="Reply with quote" class="button button-icon-only"> <i class="icon fa-quote-left fa-fw" aria-hidden="true"></i><span class="sr-only">Quote</span> </a> </li> </ul> <p class="author"> <a class="unread" href="./viewtopic.php?p=679088&amp;sid=5cd9c70bc7e6dfd00ea83fd6cd4c330b#p679088" title="Post"> <i class="icon fa-file fa-fw icon-lightgray icon-md" aria-hidden="true"></i><span class="sr-only">Post</span> </a> <span class="responsive-hide">by <strong><a href="./memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&amp;u=121854&amp;sid=5cd9c70bc7e6dfd00ea83fd6cd4c330b" style="color: #16a589;" class="username-coloured">Lord-Knightmare</a></strong> &raquo; </span><time datetime="2023-01-24T18:55:16+00:00">January 24th, 2023, 6:55 pm</time> </p> <div class="content">Hmm, so I got passed with with a stored Hathor<br> So, the bug isn't fatal, it's just revan might have wanted a sequential progression in that scenario.<br> <br> Never confront the Asuri thingy before the Windsong puzzle part is done. Otherwise it will break.</div> <div id="sig679088" class="signature"><span style="font-size:85%;line-height:116%">Creator of "<a href=";t=30087" class="postlink">War of Legends</a>"<br> Creator of the <a href=";t=54212" class="postlink">Isle of Mists</a> survival scenario.<br> Maintainer of <a href=";t=23656" class="postlink">Forward They Cried</a><br> <a href="" class="postlink">User:Knyghtmare</a> | <a href="" class="postlink">My Medium</a></span></div> </div> </div> <div class="back2top"> <a href="#top" class="top" title="Top"> <i class="icon fa-chevron-circle-up fa-fw icon-gray" aria-hidden="true"></i> <span class="sr-only">Top</span> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div id="p680022" class="post has-profile bg2"> <div class="inner"> <dl class="postprofile" id="profile680022"> <dt class="no-profile-rank no-avatar"> <div class="avatar-container"> </div> <a href="./memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&amp;u=258717&amp;sid=5cd9c70bc7e6dfd00ea83fd6cd4c330b" class="username">elduendeoscuro</a> 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