Enterprise Risk Management (ERM)|LY Corporation
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The Risk Management Committee convenes to make decisions related to risks.</p><p class="c-body">(1) Risk management: The Company identifies risks that could impact its achievement of the LY Corporation Group’s (the “Group”) mission and business goals and then analyzes these from two angles: (i) how severe the impact would be if the risk actually happens (i.e., how much it would affect the Company’s ability to achieve its goals), and (ii) the likelihood of the risk happening (i.e., how likely would it be to occur and how frequently). From this, the Company assesses the risk level based on impact × likelihood and prepares measures accordingly. Additionally, it identifies the top risks for the LY Corporation Group based on analyses of internal and external environments and the opinions of management and the personnel in charge. While bearing in mind the environmental impact, the Company reviews these top risks as needed, ranks them by priority level, and carries out and monitors the progress of measures.</p><p class="c-body">(2) Crisis management: In the event of an incident, the Company takes prompt and appropriate initial actions to prevent the situation from escalating and to quickly bring it under control, and considers measures to prevent recurrence.</p><p class="c-body">(3) Establishment of basic rules, plans and systems: The Company establishes policies, rules, regulations, and others to support the operation of ERM processes.</p><p class="c-body">(4) Risk intelligence activities: The Company collects and analyzes external information on matters such as the business environment and changes in social conditions, and shares the information with those engaged in risk management throughout the Group.</p><p class="c-body">(5) Fostering risk conscious culture and education: The Company communicates the importance of risk management as a top message to all employees. Additionally, it uses all available channels to raise awareness on risk management throughout the Group so that all personnel can engage in their daily activities with risk management in mind.</p><p class="c-body">(6) Information disclosure: The Company discloses the material risks of the LY Corporation Group and the status of its efforts to address them in a timely and appropriate manner through available channels.</p><picture class="c-image center"><img src="" alt="Diagram of the ERM Process. The company first takes on a risk management process to identify potential risks. The individual steps are written from left to right of the diagram, starting with the steps involved to perform a risk assessment. This includes an analysis of the internal environment, analysis of the external environment, identification of risks, and their evaluation. Risk assessment is followed by risk response, monitoring, and follow-ups. While the aim of risk management is to visualize potential risks, the crisis management process is undertaken to identify risks that have already materialized. The steps involved in crisis management are listed from left to right of the diagram, starting with incident response. This is followed by the establishment of an incident response team, damage control, and recovery, which are all implemented based on the company’s business continuity plan. Then, information disclosures are made through the securities report, company website, and so on. The entire enterprise risk management process is based on the following foundations: establishment of plans, systems, and basic rules such as policies and regulations; risk intelligence activities; and the education and fostering of a risk-conscious culture within the company."></picture><div class="c-vertical-link-list sp-viewmore"><div class="inner"><h4 class="heading">INDEX</h4> <ul><li><a class="c-icon-link" href="#anc1">ERM Structure</a></li><li><a class="c-icon-link" href="#anc7">Risk Management Structure of the LY Corporation Group</a></li><li><a class="c-icon-link" href="#anc8">Risk Categories</a></li><li><a class="c-icon-link" href="#anc9">Fostering Risk Conscious Culture within the LY Corporation Group</a></li><li><a class="c-icon-link" href="#anc10">Risk Management in Service Planning and Development</a></li><li><a class="c-icon-link" href="#anc2">Top Risks of the LY Corporation Group</a></li><li><a class="c-icon-link" href="#anc4">Critical Incident Response</a></li><li><a class="c-icon-link" href="#anc5">Business Continuity Plan (BCP)</a></li></ul></div> <button type="button"><span>VIEW more</span></button> </div><h2 class="c-h2" id="anc1">ERM Structure</h2><p class="c-body">LY Corporation establishes an ERM structure, designating the highest responsibilities to the President and Representative Director, and strives to reduce and prevent risks by smoothly implementing an ERM process The ISO31000 framework is used as an external guiding standard.</p><picture class="c-image center"><img src="" alt="Diagram of the ERM Structure. The Risk Management Committee supervises the entire Group’s risk management. It is chaired by the President and Representative Director who is also the Chief Executive of Risk Management. Members of the committee comprise non-outside directors, CFO, CTO, head of the Governance Group who is responsible for supervising risks, personnel appointed by the Chief Executive of Risk Management, and the corporate officer in charge of the Supervisory Organization of Risk Management. The committee works with the Supervisory Organization of Risk Management by way of providing instructions and receiving reports. The Supervisory Organization of Risk Management also collaborates and reports to business divisions and divisions responsible for risk management. The executive body, which includes the Risk Management Committee and Supervisory Organization of Risk Management, collaborates and reports to group companies through each of their Supervisory Organization of Risk Management."></picture><p class="c-note">*1 The Risk Management Committee is chaired by the President and Representative Director (the Chief Executive of Risk Management) and its members comprise directors (excluding outside directors) who serve as Committee members, the CFO and CTO, and the head of the Governance Group (responsible for supervising risks), as well as personnel appointed by the Chief Executive of Risk Management, and the corporate officer in charge of the Supervisory Organization of Risk Management. The Committee supervises the risk management of the entire Group.</p><h2 class="c-h2" id="anc7">Risk Management Structure of the LY Corporation Group</h2><p class="c-body">The Board of Directors develops the basic policies on risk management applicable to the entire Group. Based on the basic policies, executive bodies such as the Risk Management Committee, the Supervisory Organization of Risk Management, divisions responsible for risk management, and business divisions, develop the ERM structure and promote Group-wide risk management activities in cooperation with the Group companies.<br />In order to promptly respond to risks in an ever-changing business environment, important matters are reported to and discussed in the Management Committee<sup>*2</sup> and other relevant bodies. In addition, senior general managers are responsible for risks arising from the fields supervised by each business division head, and RM (Risk Management) Promotion Managers are also appointed to ensure a prompt response to risks. The Company maintains independent structures for Audit and Supervisory Committee members and internal auditing for providing advice on and ensuring the effectiveness of risk management.<br /><br />Furthermore, the function overseeing risk management is structurally separated from the business divisions to ensure independence.</p><p class="c-note">*2 The Management Committee is a meeting body comprising the President and Representative Director, directors and others.</p><h2 class="c-h2" id="anc8">Risk Categories</h2><p class="c-body">LY Corporation defines risk categories to thoroughly understand the risks faced by the LY Corporation Group. The Company classifies risks within specific fields as risk categories and designates the divisions in charge of each risk category to conduct risk assessments. When a top risk is identified from among the risk categories, the division in charge of the risk category also becomes the risk owner.</p><style> .riskmanagement_table {} .riskmanagement_table .mod-change-sp-table__table-head:nth-child(n+2) { border-top: 1px solid #DDDDDD; } .riskmanagement_table .mod-change-sp-table__inner-list:before { content: none; } .riskmanagement_table div.mod-change-sp-table__list-ttl+.mod-change-sp-table__inner-list:before { top: 0; right: 0; left: 0; margin: auto; width: 89.47368%; height: 1px; background-color: #DDDDDD; content: ""; } .riskmanagement_table .mod-change-sp-table__inner-list .mod-change-sp-table__inner-list-item:nth-child(even) { margin-bottom: 4vw; } .riskmanagement_table .mod-change-sp-table__inner-list .mod-change-sp-table__inner-list-item:last-child { margin-bottom: 0; } </style> <div class="riskmanagement_table"> <div class="txt-section-contents__table txt-section-contents__table--governance show-sp"> <div class="mod-change-sp-table"> <p class="mod-change-sp-table__table-head">Strategic risks</p> <ul class="mod-change-sp-table__list"> <li class="mod-change-sp-table__list-item"> <ul class="mod-change-sp-table__inner-list"> <li class="mod-change-sp-table__inner-list-item">Business strategy risks:</li> <li class="mod-change-sp-table__inner-list-item">Risks affecting or arising from the organization's business strategy and strategic objectives</li> </ul> </li> </ul> <p class="mod-change-sp-table__table-head">Non-strategic risks</p> <ul class="mod-change-sp-table__list"> <li class="mod-change-sp-table__list-item"> <div class="mod-change-sp-table__list-ttl">Finance</div> <ul class="mod-change-sp-table__inner-list"> <li class="mod-change-sp-table__inner-list-item">Market risks:</li> <li class="mod-change-sp-table__inner-list-item">Risks of financial impact from fluctuations in various market risk factors</li> <li class="mod-change-sp-table__inner-list-item">Credit risks:</li> <li class="mod-change-sp-table__inner-list-item">Risks of incurring financial losses due to the deterioration of financial conditions of credit recipients</li> <li class="mod-change-sp-table__inner-list-item">Liquidity risks:</li> <li class="mod-change-sp-table__inner-list-item">Risks of not being able to secure necessary funds, inhibiting cash management, or risks of being forced to raise funds at an interest rate significantly higher than usual</li> </ul> <div class="mod-change-sp-table__list-ttl">Investment</div> <ul class="mod-change-sp-table__inner-list"> <li class="mod-change-sp-table__inner-list-item">Investment risks:</li> <li class="mod-change-sp-table__inner-list-item">Risks of being affected by fluctuations in the value of invested assets in inter-company investments/loans and M&As</li> </ul> <div class="mod-change-sp-table__list-ttl">Information technology</div> <ul class="mod-change-sp-table__inner-list"> <li class="mod-change-sp-table__inner-list-item">System operational risks:</li> <li class="mod-change-sp-table__inner-list-item">Risks of incurring losses due to errors, system downtime, malfunctions, or inadequacies in operations necessary for the running and maintenance of services</li> <li class="mod-change-sp-table__inner-list-item">Product quality risks:</li> <li class="mod-change-sp-table__inner-list-item">Risk of affecting users due to lack of quality control in the services and products provided</li> <li class="mod-change-sp-table__inner-list-item">Information security risks:</li> <li class="mod-change-sp-table__inner-list-item">Risks of damage due to break down, corruption, or falsification of information systems or data, or information leakage</li> </ul> <div class="mod-change-sp-table__list-ttl">Legal/compliance</div> <ul class="mod-change-sp-table__inner-list"> <li class="mod-change-sp-table__inner-list-item">Legal risks:</li> <li class="mod-change-sp-table__inner-list-item">Risks of being affected by penalties and damage compensations resulting from non-compliance with or breach of contracts for various transactions, etc., and risks of the companies and employees of the LY Corporation Group violating laws and regulations</li> <li class="mod-change-sp-table__inner-list-item">Compliance risks:</li> <li class="mod-change-sp-table__inner-list-item">Risks of being affected by actions that violate the LY Corporation Group Code of Conduct or internal regulations, risks of the Group or its employees committing violations intentionally or due to gross negligence</li> <li class="mod-change-sp-table__inner-list-item">Money laundering and financing of terrorism risks:</li> <li class="mod-change-sp-table__inner-list-item">Risks of the LY Corporation Group’s services being misused for money laundering or for financing terrorism, or risks of being warned by supervisory authorities for insufficiencies in anti-money laundering measures</li> </ul> <div class="mod-change-sp-table__list-ttl">Governance</div> <ul class="mod-change-sp-table__inner-list"> <li class="mod-change-sp-table__inner-list-item">Corporate governance risks:</li> <li class="mod-change-sp-table__inner-list-item">Risks that insufficiently established governance frameworks for important decision-making in the LY Corporation Group lead to inability of the Group to make timely and appropriate decisions</li> <li class="mod-change-sp-table__inner-list-item">Data governance risks:</li> <li class="mod-change-sp-table__inner-list-item">Risks associated with the management and use of retained data</li> <li class="mod-change-sp-table__inner-list-item">Supply chain governance risks:</li> <li class="mod-change-sp-table__inner-list-item">Risks of being affected by the inappropriate selection of subcontractors or inadequate management of subcontract work and subcontract employees</li> </ul> <div class="mod-change-sp-table__list-ttl">Social</div> <ul class="mod-change-sp-table__inner-list"> <li class="mod-change-sp-table__inner-list-item">Economic security risks:</li> <li class="mod-change-sp-table__inner-list-item">Risks of being affected by changes in political, economic, and social climates in specific countries and regions related to businesses</li> <li class="mod-change-sp-table__inner-list-item">Regulatory/public policy risks:</li> <li class="mod-change-sp-table__inner-list-item">Inadequacies related to understanding of regulations, policies, stakeholder conditions, etc.; risks related to insufficient response to the various laws and regulations</li> <li class="mod-change-sp-table__inner-list-item">Environmental/social risks:</li> <li class="mod-change-sp-table__inner-list-item">Risks of businesses adversely affecting the environment or society, or risks of businesses being affected by external social environment </li> <li class="mod-change-sp-table__inner-list-item">Reputation risks:</li> <li class="mod-change-sp-table__inner-list-item">Risks of being affected by the spreading of bad reputations or rumors, or risks of failing to respond to the media</li> </ul> <div class="mod-change-sp-table__list-ttl">Business operation</div> <ul class="mod-change-sp-table__inner-list"> <li class="mod-change-sp-table__inner-list-item">Business continuity risks:</li> <li class="mod-change-sp-table__inner-list-item">Risks of difficulty in continuing to operate businesses or services due to natural disasters or other external factors</li> <li class="mod-change-sp-table__inner-list-item">Human risks:</li> <li class="mod-change-sp-table__inner-list-item">Risks related to human resources, or risks that threaten the life/health of employees</li> <li class="mod-change-sp-table__inner-list-item">Business operations risks:</li> <li class="mod-change-sp-table__inner-list-item">Risks of incurring losses due to clerical errors in business operations</li> </ul> <div class="mod-change-sp-table__list-ttl">Other</div> <ul class="mod-change-sp-table__inner-list"> <li class="mod-change-sp-table__inner-list-item">Tangible asset risks:</li> <li class="mod-change-sp-table__inner-list-item">Risks of losses due to damage to tangible assets or deterioration in the quality of work environment</li> </ul> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div><table class="c-table show-pc" style="width: 100%;"> <thead> <tr> <th style="width: 30%;" colspan="2">Classification</th> <th>Risk Categories</th> <th>Outline</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td colspan="2">Strategic risks</td> <td>Business strategy risks</td> <td>Risks affecting or arising from the organization's business strategy and strategic objectives</td> </tr> <tr> <td rowspan="21">Non-strategic risks</td> <td rowspan="3">Finance</td> <td>Market risks</td> <td>Risks of financial impact from fluctuations in various market risk factors</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Credit risks</td> <td>Risks of incurring financial losses due to the deterioration of financial conditions of credit recipients</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Liquidity risks</td> <td>Risks of not being able to secure necessary funds, inhibiting cash management, or risks of being forced to raise funds at an interest rate significantly higher than usual</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Investment</td> <td>Investment risks</td> <td>Risks of being affected by fluctuations in the value of invested assets in inter-company investments/loans and M&As</td> </tr> <tr> <td rowspan="3">Information technology</td> <td>System operational risks</td> <td>Risks of incurring losses due to errors, system downtime, malfunctions, or inadequacies in operations necessary for the running and maintenance of services</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Product quality risks</td> <td>Risk of affecting users due to lack of quality control in the services and products provided</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Information security risks</td> <td>Risks of damage due to break down, corruption, or falsification of information systems or data, or information leakage</td> </tr> <tr> <td rowspan="3">Legal/compliance-</td> <td>Legal risks</td> <td>Risks of being affected by penalties and damage compensations resulting from non-compliance with or breach of contracts for various transactions, etc., and risks of the companies and employees of the LY Corporation Group violating laws and regulations</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Compliance risks</td> <td>Risks of being affected by actions that violate the LY Corporation Group Code of Conduct or internal regulations, risks of the Group or its employees committing violations intentionally or due to gross negligence</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Money laundering and financing of terrorism risks</td> <td>Risks of the LY Corporation Group’s services being misused for money laundering or for financing terrorism, or risks of being warned by supervisory authorities for insufficiencies in anti-money laundering measures</td> </tr> <tr> <td rowspan="3">Governance</td> <td>Corporate governance risks</td> <td>Risks that insufficiently established governance frameworks for important decision-making in the LY Corporation Group lead to inability of the Group to make timely and appropriate decisions</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Data governance risks</td> <td>Risks associated with the management and use of retained data</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Supply chain governance risks</td> <td>Risks of being affected by the inappropriate selection of subcontractors or inadequate management of subcontract work and subcontract employees</td> </tr> <tr> <td rowspan="4">Social</td> <td>Economic security risks</td> <td>Risks of being affected by changes in political, economic, and social climates in specific countries and regions related to businesses</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Regulatory/public policy risks</td> <td>Inadequacies related to understanding of regulations, policies, stakeholder conditions, etc.; risks related to insufficient response to the various laws and regulations</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Environmental/social risks</td> <td>Risks of businesses adversely affecting the environment or society, or risks of businesses being affected by external social environment</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Reputation risks</td> <td>Risks of being affected by the spreading of bad reputations or rumors, or risks of failing to respond to the media</td> </tr> <tr> <td rowspan="3">Business operation</td> <td>Business continuity risks</td> <td>Risks of difficulty in continuing to operate businesses or services due to natural disasters or other external factors</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Human risks</td> <td>Risks related to human resources, or risks that threaten the life/health of employees</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Business operations risks</td> <td>Risks of incurring losses due to clerical errors in business operations</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Other</td> <td>Tangible asset risks</td> <td>Risks of losses due to damage to tangible assets or deterioration in the quality of work environment</td> </tr> </tbody> </table><h2 class="c-h2" id="anc9">Fostering Risk Conscious Culture within the LY Corporation Group</h2><p class="c-body">LY Corporation regularly conducts (one or more times a year) mandatory training for all employees to learn the basic knowledge and concepts of risk management necessary to perform their work and to raise their awareness. The Company also gathers risk-related proposals and information from internal and external experts in various fields and notifies all employees of these.</p><p class="c-body">The Company also believes that building relationships that facilitate the sharing of important information and communication among the Group companies is an important aspect of risk management of the Group. The Company is therefore committed to communication with each Group company and regularly shares information with the risk management staff of each company.</p><p class="c-body">Risk management activities are promoted through mutual sharing of information on matter such as the Company’s initiatives and other information from each Group company.</p><p class="c-body">In addition, risk intelligence seminars and other activities open to all personnel from the Group are held to raise risk management awareness throughout the Group.</p><h2 class="c-h2" id="anc10">Risk Management in Service Planning and Development</h2><p class="c-body">LY Corporation examines risks during service planning and development in accordance with its business characteristics. For example, the Company introduces guidelines that clearly define the process for developing and operating products. At PayPay Corporation, a Group company, each department conducts risk identification, risk assessment, and control evaluation, and the company has introduced a process in which the frontline itself develops a risk response plan if the residual risks are unacceptable.</p><h2 class="c-h2" id="anc2">Top Risks of the LY Corporation Group</h2><p class="c-body">From its risk management activities, the Company selects the top risks for the LY Corporation Group, which serve as a guideline for the risk management activities of the entire Group.</p><p class="c-body">Top risks are identified one or more times a year after the Risk Management Committee discusses risks that could have significant impact on the LY Corporation Group. Important risks identified during the fiscal year are reported to the Management Committee and decisions are made on a case-by-case basis. The Risk Management Committee will also convene as needed in addition to their regular meetings.</p><p class="c-body">Risk owners are appointed for top risks in order to clarify the responsibilities over the response measures. The risk owners promote the matters decided by the Management Committee and other bodies regarding priorities and response policies, and report the status of their response to the Risk Management Committee once every six months.</p><p class="c-body">After the reports on risk management are submitted to the Risk Management Committee, the details are also reported to the outside directors by the Supervisory Organization of Risk Management at the Board of Directors meetings.</p><p class="c-body">A structure is in place and is implemented so that the Supervisory Organization of Risk Management can regularly monitor the implementation status of risk management.</p><h3 class="c-index-h3">FY2024 Top Risks of the LY Corporation Group</h3><ul class="c-list"> <li><span>Regulatory compliance</span></li> <li><span>Geopolitical risks</span></li> <li><span>Data governance</span></li> <li><span>Information security</span></li> </ul><p class="c-body">Please refer to the Annual Securities Reports (currently available in Japanese only) for financial risks that may have material impacts on investors' investment decisions.</p><h4 class="c-index-h4">Related Links</h4> <div class="c-vertical-link-list no-frame mt20"> <ul> <li><a class="c-icon-link pdf" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Annual Securities Reports: "Risk Factors" (currently available in Japanese only)</a></li> </ul> </div><h2 class="c-h2" id="anc4">Critical Incident Response</h2><p class="c-body">The criteria for critical incidents are defined in the Rules on Incident Management. A system is in place to promptly report incidents which fall under critical incidents to the management via the Supervisory Organization of Risk Management. A system is also in place to ensure that the reported incidents are also shared with the divisions responsible for risk management, so that the status of the incidents within the Group can be promptly identified.</p><h2 class="c-h2" id="anc5">Business Continuity Plan (BCP)</h2><p class="c-body">LY Corporation provides numerous services that serve as infrastructures essential for daily lives and businesses. Many of these services play important roles in the event of a sudden accident/natural disaster, and the social responsibilities of the Company are increasing. The Company implements systems to minimize damages in the event of a disaster and to ensure that users have stable access to its services.</p><h3 class="c-index-h3">Continuance of Services in Emergencies</h3><p class="c-body">Especially at the time of emergencies, such as large-scale earthquakes, one of LY Corporation’s missions is to provide services needed by users, such as Yahoo! JAPAN News, disaster information, and the LINE communication app, without interruption.</p><p class="c-body">To ensure that users can continue to access the services with peace of mind, the Company establishes a system to ensure the continuous operation of services at multiple locations in emergencies.</p><h3 class="c-index-h3">Flexible Work Systems Taking Emergencies into Account</h3><p class="c-body">LY Corporation introduces a work system that allows employees to work from home in a VPN environment with appropriate security measures in place.</p><p class="c-body">While providing diverse and flexible work styles, as part of the BCP, this work style is designed to ensure the safety of employees and the continuity of business operations in the event of natural disasters or other situations that make it difficult for employees to commute or leave the house.</p><h3 class="c-index-h3">Establishment of Crisis Response Headquarters and Periodic Drills</h3><p class="c-body">In the event of an emergency, a Crisis Response Headquarters, led by the President and Representative Director will be established to ensure the continuity and early recovery of services.<br />LY Corporation formulates the BCP Rules that form the basis for the Crisis Response Headquarters, clarifies the roles of management and each department in the event of an emergency, gathers relevant personnel to conduct drills on the assumption of an emergency situation and safety confirmation drills for all employees on a regular basis, and reviews the BCP as needed in response to drill results and changes in the environment.</p> </div><!-- /.body-inner --> </div><!-- /.body-container --> <script src="/en/en_footer.js"></script> </div><!-- /.global-container --> <a href="#top" class="page-top">Page top</a> <script src="/assets/js/lib.js"></script> <script src="/assets/js/common.js"></script> </body> </html>