Cookie Policy - MDPI
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If you consent to it, we will use cookies for analytics purposes. </p> <p class="mb-2">See our <a class='company-link' href=''>Cookie Policy</a> to read more about the cookies we set.</p> <p>You can withdraw and manage your consent at any time, by clicking "Manage cookies" at the bottom of each website page.</p> </div> <div class="flex flex-col items-center gap-[10px] mt-6 flex-shrink-0 mb-2 w-full md:flex-row md:w-auto lg:flex-col"> <button class="careersite-button w-full" data-action="click->common--cookies--alert#acceptAll">Accept all cookies</button> <button class="careersite-button w-full" data-action="click->common--cookies--alert#disableAll">Disable non-necessary cookies</button> <button class="font-medium p-2 company-link hover:opacity-animated" data-action="click->common--cookies--alert#openPreferences">Cookie preferences</button> </div> </dialog> <dialog data-controller="common--cookies--preferences" data-common--cookies--preferences-checked-categories-value="[]" data-action="open-cookie-preferences@window->common--cookies--preferences#open" class="bg-company-primary text-company-primary shadow-form inset-x-4 mb-4 rounded max-w-screen-sm p-4 overflow-auto max-h-[80vh] z-cookie-alert backdrop:bg-[rgba(0,0,0,0.6)] sm:p-10 sm:mb-auto sticky top-2"> <div class="mb-5 text-center;"> <h1 class="font-bold mb-2 text-lg">Select which cookies you accept</h1> <p class="text-left mb-2">On this site, we always set cookies that are strictly necessary, meaning they are necessary for the site to function properly.</p> <p class="text-left mb-2">If you consent to it, we will also set other types of cookies. You can provide or withdraw your consent to the different types of cookies using the toggles below. You can change or withdraw your consent at any time, by clicking the link “Manage Cookies”, which is always available at the bottom of the site.</p> <p class="text-left">To learn more about what the different types of cookies do, how your data is used when they are set etc, see our <a href='' class='underline text-company-link'>Cookie Policy</a>.</p> </div> <div class="mb-10 text-sm leading-snug"> <div class="flex mb-3 items-start sm:mb-5 cursor-default" data-preference-type="strictly_necessary"> <div class="label-switch label-switch--disabled"> <input type="checkbox" disabled="disabled" id="strictly_necessary" checked="checked" class="peer"> <div class="checkbox peer-focus:ring-2 peer-focus:ring-blue-600"></div> </div> <div class="ml-4 flex flex-col"> <label class="font-semibold" for="strictly_necessary">Strictly necessary</label> <p>These cookies are necessary to make the site work properly, and are always set when you visit the site.</p> <span> <strong>Vendors</strong> <span>Teamtailor</span> </span> </div></div> <div class="flex mb-3 items-start sm:mb-5" data-preference-type="analytics"> <div class="label-switch"> <input type="checkbox" id="analytics" class="peer" data-common--cookies--preferences-target="categoryInput" data-action="input->common--cookies--preferences#handleCategoryToggle"> <div class="checkbox peer-focus:ring-2 peer-focus:ring-blue-600"></div> </div> <div class="ml-4 flex flex-col"> <label class="font-semibold cursor-pointer" for="analytics">Analytics</label> <p>These cookies collect information to help us understand how the site is being used.</p> <span> <strong>Vendors</strong> <span>Teamtailor</span> </span> </div></div> </div> <div class="flex flex-col items-center gap-6"> <button class="careersite-button w-full" data-action="click->common--cookies--preferences#handleAccept">Accept these cookies</button> <button class="careersite-button w-full" data-action="click->common--cookies--preferences#handleDecline">Decline non-necessary cookies</button> </div> </dialog> <header class="header z-career-header flex w-full h-20 hover:after:top-0 !relative" data-section-model="header" style=""> <div class="absolute top-0 w-full h-full ltr:left-0 rtl:right-0"> <div class="flex items-center h-full ltr:ml-2 rtl:mr-2" data-controller="common--header--menu" data-common--header--menu-open-value="false" data-test="header-menu"> <button class="relative flex items-center gap-4 px-4 no-underline cursor-pointer h-14 sm:w-auto bg-opacity-80 sm:bg-transparent z-career-header-menu-button focus-visible-header" aria-expanded="false" data-action="click->common--header--menu#toggle" data-common--header--menu-target="button" > <span class="header-menu-burger" data-common--header--menu-target="burger"> <span class="header-menu-burger__item"></span> <span class="header-menu-burger__item"></span> <span class="header-menu-burger__item"></span> <span class="header-menu-burger__item"></span> </span> <span class="hidden text-sm 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font-bold">Employee</span> <a class="hover:underline focus-visible-header self-end" href="">Log in</a> <div class="flex flex-col main-nav-companies"> <span class="self-end mt-12 text-lg font-bold">MDPI </span> <a class="hover:underline focus-visible-header self-end" href="">MDPI </a> <a class="hover:underline focus-visible-header self-end" href="">MDPI Japan</a> <a class="hover:underline focus-visible-header self-end" href="">MDPI Serbia</a> <a class="hover:underline focus-visible-header self-end" href="">MDPI Spain</a> <a class="hover:underline focus-visible-header self-end" href="">MDPI Switzerland</a> <a class="hover:underline focus-visible-header self-end" href="">MDPI UK</a> <a class="hover:underline focus-visible-header self-end" href="">MDPI Romania</a> <a class="hover:underline focus-visible-header self-end" href="">MDPI Poland</a> <a class="hover:underline focus-visible-header self-end" href="">MDPI Canada</a> <a class="hover:underline focus-visible-header self-end" href="">MDPI Singapore</a> <a class="hover:underline focus-visible-header self-end" href="">MDPI Thailand</a> <a class="hover:underline focus-visible-header self-end" href="">MDPI Korea</a> </div> <span class="mt-12 text-lg font-bold">Candidate</span> <a class="hover:underline focus-visible-header self-end" href="">Log in to Connect</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="flex items-center mx-auto"> <a class="relative h-18 flex items-center justify-center text-center focus-visible-header" id="e9e238144799fe58f3cf383653b322e5a" data-test="company-logo" data-turbo-permanent="true" href=""> <img alt="MDPI career site" class="mx-auto max-w-[180px] sm:max-w-[200px] max-h-[90%]" src="" /> </a> </div> </header> <main class="flex flex-col grow mx-auto max-w-full block-padding block-px lg:max-w-screen-md"> <h1 class="font-company-header text-4xl text-center md:text-5xl leading-tight mb-4" data-controller="fit-title">Cookie Policy</h1> <div class="company-links prose"> <p>This site is provided by MDPI . MDPI (“we”, “us”) use cookies and similar technologies (jointly referred to as “cookies”) on this site.</p> <p>This Cookie Policy explains what cookies are, why they are used, and your choices regarding their use.</p> <p>For more information on how MDPI processes personal data on this career site, please visit MDPI ’s <a href="">Privacy Policy here</a>.</p> <h3>What are cookies?</h3> <p>A cookie is a small file containing a string of characters that is sent to your computer when you visit a website. When you visit the site again, the cookie allows that site to recognise your browser. This way, the information you previously provided can be retrieved. Cookies may store user preferences and other information to enhance your experience on the site or be used to track you when you navigate to other sites.</p> <h3>What types of cookies are used on this site?</h3> <ul> <li><em>Strictly necessary cookies:</em> These cookies are necessary to make the site work properly.</li> <li><em>Analytics cookies:</em> These cookies collect information that is used to help us understand how the site is being used.</li> </ul> <h4>What cookies are used on this site?</h4> <div class="overflow-x-auto"> <table id="cookie-table" class="text-sm"> <thead> <tr> <th colspan="2">Name</th> <th colspan="1">Type</th> <th colspan="1">Vendor</th> <th colspan="1">Expires</th> <th colspan="3">Description</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td colspan="2">_tt_session</td> <td colspan="1">Strictly necessary</td> <td colspan="1">Teamtailor</td> <td colspan="1">2 days</td> <td colspan="3"> This cookie is used to keep the context of a visitor (e.g. to keep you logged in on the site). </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2">referrer</td> <td colspan="1">Analytics</td> <td colspan="1">Teamtailor</td> <td colspan="1">Session</td> <td colspan="3"> This cookie is used to identify the web link used to direct visitors to the site. </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2">_ttCookiePermissions</td> <td colspan="1">Strictly necessary</td> <td colspan="1">Teamtailor</td> <td colspan="1">6 months</td> <td colspan="3"> This cookie is used to hide the cookie banner once you have interacted with it. </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2">_ttAnalytics</td> <td colspan="1">Analytics</td> <td colspan="1">Teamtailor</td> <td colspan="1">6 months</td> <td colspan="3"> This cookie is used to gather insights about how visitors use the site. </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <h3>Your control of cookies</h3> <p>You have the right to decide whether to accept or reject cookies that are not strictly necessary. You can do so by:</p> <ul> <li>Indicating your preference on the banner that appears when you enter the site.</li> <li>Clicking “Cookie Preferences” on the banner that appears when you enter the site, to tailor your preferences.</li> <li>Changing your already selected preferences by clicking the link “Manage Cookies”, which is always available at the bottom of the site.</li> <li>Restricting cookies by altering your browser settings. The way in which you can restrict cookies varies from browser to browser. You should therefore visit your web browser's help menu for more information.</li> </ul> <h3>Contact us</h3> <p>If you have any questions about this Cookie Policy, please email MDPI at <a href=""></a>.</p> <p>The Cookie Policy for this career site was last updated on September 21, 2023.</p> </div> </main> <div data-section-model="footer"> <footer class="block-px"> <div class="text-lg block-padding"> <div class="w-full mx-auto sm:flex block-max-w--lg"> <div class="w-full lg:flex-shrink-0 md:w-[47%] md:text-center lg:text-unset lg:w-[25%] md:pr-[3%] mb-10 lg:mb-0 last:mb-0 footer-nav-menu"> <h2 class="mb-4 text-xl font-company-header">Career site</h2> <ul class="flex flex-col gap-y-3"> <li class="w-full text-md leading-tight"> <a class="py-1 w-full company-link" href="">Start</a> </li> <li class="w-full text-md leading-tight"> <a class="py-1 w-full company-link" href="">Jobs</a> </li> <li class="w-full text-md leading-tight"> <a class="py-1 w-full company-link" href="/data-privacy">Data & privacy</a> </li> <li class="w-full text-md leading-tight"> <button data-controller="cookie-preferences" data-action="click->cookie-preferences#openCookiePreferences" class="company-link font-company-body text-unset py-1">Manage cookies</button> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="w-full lg:flex-shrink-0 md:w-[47%] md:text-center lg:text-unset lg:w-[25%] md:pr-[3%] mb-10 lg:mb-0 last:mb-0 footer-nav-companies"> <h2 class="mb-4 text-xl font-company-header">MDPI </h2> <ul class="flex flex-col gap-y-3"> <li class="w-full text-md leading-tight"> <a class="py-1 w-full company-link" href="">MDPI </a> </li> <li class="w-full text-md leading-tight"> <a class="py-1 w-full company-link" href="">MDPI Japan</a> </li> <li class="w-full text-md leading-tight"> <a class="py-1 w-full company-link" href="">MDPI Serbia</a> </li> <li class="w-full text-md leading-tight"> <a class="py-1 w-full company-link" href="">MDPI Spain</a> </li> <li class="w-full text-md leading-tight"> <a class="py-1 w-full company-link" href="">MDPI Switzerland</a> </li> <li class="w-full text-md leading-tight"> <a class="py-1 w-full company-link" href="">MDPI UK</a> </li> <li class="w-full text-md leading-tight"> <a class="py-1 w-full company-link" href="">MDPI Romania</a> </li> <li class="w-full text-md leading-tight"> <a class="py-1 w-full company-link" href="">MDPI Poland</a> </li> <li class="w-full text-md leading-tight"> <a class="py-1 w-full company-link" href="">MDPI Canada</a> </li> <li class="w-full text-md leading-tight"> <a class="py-1 w-full company-link" href="">MDPI Singapore</a> </li> <li class="w-full text-md leading-tight"> <a class="py-1 w-full company-link" href="">MDPI Thailand</a> </li> <li class="w-full text-md leading-tight"> <a class="py-1 w-full company-link" href="">MDPI Korea</a> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="flex flex-col items-center justify-center grow shrink-0 text-base sm:items-end sm:justify-end"></div></div></div> <div class="flex flex-col py-4 mx-auto text-center border-t sm:text-unset block-max-w--lg border-company-primary-text border-opacity-15 sm:justify-between sm:flex-row"> <div class="flex justify-center w-full sm:w-auto"> <a class="text-company-primary hover:text-company-link focus-visible-company focus-visible:rounded" href="">Employee login</a> </div> <div class="flex justify-center w-full sm:w-auto"> </div> </div> </footer></div> <script nonce=""> function trackPageView(url) { var searchParams = new URLSearchParams(; 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