Beverages | September 2024 - Browse Articles

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</option> <option value="ejihpe" > European Journal of Investigation in Health, Psychology and Education (EJIHPE) </option> <option value="fermentation" > Fermentation </option> <option value="fibers" > Fibers </option> <option value="fintech" > FinTech </option> <option value="fire" > Fire </option> <option value="fishes" > Fishes </option> <option value="fluids" > Fluids </option> <option value="foods" > Foods </option> <option value="forecasting" > Forecasting </option> <option value="forensicsci" > Forensic Sciences </option> <option value="forests" > Forests </option> <option value="fossstud" > Fossil Studies </option> <option value="foundations" > Foundations </option> <option value="fractalfract" > Fractal and Fractional (Fractal Fract) </option> <option value="fuels" > Fuels </option> <option value="future" > Future </option> <option value="futureinternet" > Future Internet </option> <option value="futurepharmacol" > Future Pharmacology </option> <option value="futuretransp" > 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<option value="hardware" > Hardware </option> <option value="healthcare" > Healthcare </option> <option value="hearts" > Hearts </option> <option value="hemato" > Hemato </option> <option value="hematolrep" > Hematology Reports </option> <option value="heritage" > Heritage </option> <option value="histories" > Histories </option> <option value="horticulturae" > Horticulturae </option> <option value="hospitals" > Hospitals </option> <option value="humanities" > Humanities </option> <option value="humans" > Humans </option> <option value="hydrobiology" > Hydrobiology </option> <option value="hydrogen" > Hydrogen </option> <option value="hydrology" > Hydrology </option> <option value="hygiene" > Hygiene </option> <option value="immuno" > Immuno </option> <option value="idr" > Infectious Disease Reports </option> <option value="informatics" > Informatics </option> <option value="information" > Information </option> <option value="infrastructures" > Infrastructures </option> <option value="inorganics" > Inorganics </option> <option value="insects" > Insects </option> <option value="instruments" > Instruments </option> <option value="iic" > Intelligent Infrastructure and Construction </option> <option value="ijerph" > International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IJERPH) </option> <option value="ijfs" > International Journal of Financial Studies (IJFS) </option> <option value="ijms" > International Journal of Molecular Sciences (IJMS) </option> <option value="IJNS" > International Journal of Neonatal Screening (IJNS) </option> <option value="ijpb" > International Journal of Plant Biology (IJPB) </option> <option value="ijt" > International Journal of Topology </option> <option value="ijtm" > International Journal of Translational Medicine (IJTM) </option> <option value="ijtpp" > International Journal of Turbomachinery, Propulsion and Power (IJTPP) </option> <option value="ime" > International Medical Education (IME) </option> <option value="inventions" > Inventions </option> <option value="IoT" > IoT </option> <option value="ijgi" > ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information (IJGI) </option> <option value="J" > J </option> <option value="jal" > Journal of Ageing and Longevity (JAL) </option> <option value="jcdd" > Journal of Cardiovascular Development and Disease (JCDD) </option> <option value="jcto" > Journal of Clinical &amp; Translational Ophthalmology (JCTO) </option> <option value="jcm" > Journal of Clinical Medicine (JCM) </option> <option value="jcs" > Journal of Composites Science (J. Compos. Sci.) </option> <option value="jcp" > Journal of Cybersecurity and Privacy (JCP) </option> <option value="jdad" > Journal of Dementia and Alzheimer&#039;s Disease (JDAD) </option> <option value="jdb" > Journal of Developmental Biology (JDB) </option> <option value="jeta" > Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Analyses (JETA) </option> <option value="jfb" > Journal of Functional Biomaterials (JFB) </option> <option value="jfmk" > Journal of Functional Morphology and Kinesiology (JFMK) </option> <option value="jof" > Journal of Fungi (JoF) </option> <option value="jimaging" > Journal of Imaging (J. Imaging) </option> <option value="jintelligence" > Journal of Intelligence (J. Intell.) </option> <option value="jlpea" > Journal of Low Power Electronics and Applications (JLPEA) </option> <option value="jmmp" > Journal of Manufacturing and Materials Processing (JMMP) </option> <option value="jmse" > Journal of Marine Science and Engineering (JMSE) </option> <option value="jmahp" > Journal of Market Access &amp; Health Policy (JMAHP) </option> <option value="jmp" > Journal of Molecular Pathology (JMP) </option> <option value="jnt" > Journal of Nanotheranostics (JNT) </option> <option value="jne" > Journal of Nuclear Engineering (JNE) </option> <option value="ohbm" > Journal of Otorhinolaryngology, Hearing and Balance Medicine (JOHBM) </option> <option value="jop" > Journal of Parks </option> <option value="jpm" > Journal of Personalized Medicine (JPM) </option> <option value="jpbi" > Journal of Pharmaceutical and BioTech Industry (JPBI) </option> <option value="jor" > Journal of Respiration (JoR) </option> <option value="jrfm" > Journal of Risk and Financial 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</option> <option value="limnolrev" > Limnological Review </option> <option value="lipidology" > Lipidology </option> <option value="liquids" > Liquids </option> <option value="literature" > Literature </option> <option value="livers" > Livers </option> <option value="logics" > Logics </option> <option value="logistics" > Logistics </option> <option value="lubricants" > Lubricants </option> <option value="lymphatics" > Lymphatics </option> <option value="make" > Machine Learning and Knowledge Extraction (MAKE) </option> <option value="machines" > Machines </option> <option value="macromol" > Macromol </option> <option value="magnetism" > Magnetism </option> <option value="magnetochemistry" > Magnetochemistry </option> <option value="marinedrugs" > Marine Drugs </option> <option value="materials" > Materials </option> <option value="materproc" > Materials Proceedings </option> <option value="mca" > Mathematical and Computational Applications (MCA) </option> <option value="mathematics" > 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rel="noopener noreferrer">view full-size image</a>): Given the high sugar content of chocolate-flavored milk and the growing demand for healthier, reduced-sugar alternatives, the present study investigated how replacing sucrose with either synthetic (acesulfame-K) or natural (steviol glycoside) sweeteners in chocolate-flavored milk affected the sensory profile as well as consumer perception and liking. It was found that partial sucrose replacement preserved sensory qualities, while full replacement led to bitterness and off-flavors. Our cluster analysis identified two segments: one favored the synthetic sweetener system, while the other preferred partial sucrose replacement, regardless of sweetener type. These findings emphasize the need for consumer segmentation in developing reduced-sugar products, with partial sucrose replacement showing promise in maintaining taste expectations.&nbsp;<a href="">View this paper</a> </div> </div> <ul> <li>Issues are regarded as officially published after their release is announced to the <a href="/journal/beverages/toc-alert">table of contents alert mailing list</a>.</li> <li>You may <a href="/journal/beverages/toc-alert">sign up for e-mail alerts</a> to receive table of contents of newly released issues.</li> <li>PDF is the official format for papers published in both, html and pdf forms. 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Norris</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Scott Taylor, Jr.</strong> and </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>D. Christopher Taylor</strong></span> </div> <div class="color-grey-dark"> <em>Beverages</em> <b>2024</b>, <em>10</em>(3), 92; <a href=""></a> - 23 Sep 2024 </div> Viewed by 1056 <div class="abstract-div"> <a href="#" onclick="$(this).next('.abstract-cropped').toggleClass('inline').next('.abstract-full').toggleClass('inline'); return false;"> <strong>Abstract </strong> </a> <div class="abstract-cropped inline"> This manuscript analyzes the issues presented in Executive Order 14036, which aimed to promote competition in the American economy, including specific directives for the alcohol industry. Specifically, this manuscript focuses on the issues regarding distilled spirits regulation and delves into the implications for <a href="#" data-counterslink = "" onclick="$(this).parents('.abstract-cropped').toggleClass('inline').next('.abstract-full').toggleClass('inline'); return false;"> [...] Read more.</a> </div> <div class="abstract-full "> This manuscript analyzes the issues presented in Executive Order 14036, which aimed to promote competition in the American economy, including specific directives for the alcohol industry. Specifically, this manuscript focuses on the issues regarding distilled spirits regulation and delves into the implications for the distilled spirits sector. The order addresses anti-competitive practices, encouraging regulatory bodies to review and revise existing policies that may hinder fair market practices. This paper explores these issues and provides a historical context of distilled spirits regulation in the United States, examining how past policies have shaped the current landscape. It analyzes the key provisions of Executive Order 14036, highlighting its potential to foster increased competition, innovation, and consumer choice within the distilled spirits market. Lastly, the article provides a call to action for policymakers, academia, and consumers which will aid distilled spirits producers in gaining parity with beer and wine producers. <a href="/2306-5710/10/3/92">Full article</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="generic-item article-item"> <input class="article-list-checkbox export-element" type="checkbox" name="articles_ids[]" value="1480138" data-select-all-name="article-listing"> <div class="article-content"> <div class="label right label__btn"> <span style="font-size: 12px; color: #1a1a1a;"> 23 pages, 2691 KiB &nbsp; </span> <a href="/2306-5710/10/3/91/pdf?version=1726652157" class="UD_Listings_ArticlePDF" title="Article PDF" data-name="Craft Beer in Food Science: A Review and Conceptual Framework" data-journal="beverages"> <i class="material-icons custom-download"></i> </a> </div> <div class="article-icons"><span class="label openaccess" data-dropdown="drop-article-label-openaccess" aria-expanded="false">Open Access</span><span class="label articletype">Review</span></div> <a class="title-link" href="/2306-5710/10/3/91">Craft Beer in Food Science: A Review and Conceptual Framework</a> <div class="authors"> by <span class="inlineblock "><strong>Laura Gobbi</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Marino Stanković</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Marco Ruggeri</strong> and </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Marco Savastano</strong></span> </div> <div class="color-grey-dark"> <em>Beverages</em> <b>2024</b>, <em>10</em>(3), 91; <a href=""></a> - 18 Sep 2024 </div> Viewed by 1651 <div class="abstract-div"> <a href="#" onclick="$(this).next('.abstract-cropped').toggleClass('inline').next('.abstract-full').toggleClass('inline'); return false;"> <strong>Abstract </strong> </a> <div class="abstract-cropped inline"> Craft beer represents a dynamic and creative segment within the food and beverage industry, emphasizing quality, aroma, health, sustainability, locality, and tailored brewing techniques. This paper explores the multifaceted roles of craft beer&rsquo;s production and consumption growth dynamics. Both a bibliometric analysis and <a href="#" data-counterslink = "" onclick="$(this).parents('.abstract-cropped').toggleClass('inline').next('.abstract-full').toggleClass('inline'); return false;"> [...] Read more.</a> </div> <div class="abstract-full "> Craft beer represents a dynamic and creative segment within the food and beverage industry, emphasizing quality, aroma, health, sustainability, locality, and tailored brewing techniques. This paper explores the multifaceted roles of craft beer&rsquo;s production and consumption growth dynamics. Both a bibliometric analysis and a systematic literature review were conducted on a sample of 239 scientific papers to provide an in-depth evaluation of the main characteristics and influences that craft beer has in the field of food science. Based on the identified roles of craft beer/breweries in the selected sample of literature, a conceptual framework was constructed to serve as a guideline for policymakers and different stakeholders. In this way, our findings enrich the existing literature and contribute to a better understanding of craft beer production and surroundings, which can be beneficial for promoting sustainable policies and innovative strategies for the growth of small/micro-producers and entrepreneurs in this niche market. Furthermore, this evidence can stimulate clear and ethical information to enhance consumers&rsquo; knowledge and agendas to strengthen the identity of local communities. <a href="/2306-5710/10/3/91">Full article</a> </div> </div> <div class="belongsTo" style="margin-bottom: 10px;"> (This article belongs to the Section <a href="/journal/beverages/sections/malting_brewing_beer">Malting, Brewing and Beer</a>)<br/> </div> <a href="#" class="abstract-figures-show" data-counterslink = "" ><span >&#9658;</span><span style=" display: none;">&#9660;</span> Show Figures </a><div class="abstract-image-preview "><div class="arrow left-arrow" id="prev1480138"><i class="fa fa-caret-left"></i></div><div class="arrow right-arrow" id="next1480138"><i class="fa fa-caret-right"></i></div><div class="absgraph cycle-slideshow manual" data-cycle-fx="scrollHorz" data-cycle-timeout="0" data-cycle-next="#next1480138" data-cycle-prev="#prev1480138" data-cycle-progressive="#images1480138" data-cycle-slides=">div" data-cycle-log="false"><div class='openpopupgallery cycle-slide' data-imgindex='0' data-target='article-1480138-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src="" data-src="" alt="" style="border: 0;"><p>Figure 1</p></div><script id="images1480138" type="text/cycle" data-cycle-split="---"><div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='1' data-target='article-1480138-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 2</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='2' data-target='article-1480138-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 3</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='3' data-target='article-1480138-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 4</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='4' data-target='article-1480138-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 5</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='5' data-target='article-1480138-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 6</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='6' data-target='article-1480138-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 7</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='7' data-target='article-1480138-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 8</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='8' data-target='article-1480138-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 9</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='9' data-target='article-1480138-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 10</p></div></script></div></div><div id="article-1480138-popup" class="popupgallery" style="display: inline; line-height: 200%"><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 1</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;PRISMA flow diagram steps in literature sampling.&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2306-5710/10/3/91'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 2</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;Papers by research areas.&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2306-5710/10/3/91'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 3</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;The bibliometric network of the observed literature.&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2306-5710/10/3/91'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 4</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;Papers by year of publication.&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2306-5710/10/3/91'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 5</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;Papers by document types.&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2306-5710/10/3/91'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 6</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;Papers by geographic allocation.&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2306-5710/10/3/91'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 7</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;Papers by author’s association.&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2306-5710/10/3/91'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 8</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;Papers by indexing criteria.&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2306-5710/10/3/91'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 9</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;Papers by publishing journals.&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2306-5710/10/3/91'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 10</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;The conceptual framework: the key identified roles of craft beer production in food science.&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2306-5710/10/3/91'>Full article</a></strong> "></a></div> </div> </div> <div class="generic-item article-item"> <input class="article-list-checkbox export-element" type="checkbox" name="articles_ids[]" value="1478221" data-select-all-name="article-listing"> <div class="article-content"> <div class="label right label__btn"> <span style="font-size: 12px; color: #1a1a1a;"> 16 pages, 1715 KiB &nbsp; </span> <a href="/2306-5710/10/3/90/pdf?version=1726303103" class="UD_Listings_ArticlePDF" title="Article PDF" data-name="SAAZ—Fine Aroma Hop Pedigree: A Review of Current Knowledge" data-journal="beverages"> <i class="material-icons custom-download"></i> </a> </div> <div class="article-icons"><span class="label openaccess" data-dropdown="drop-article-label-openaccess" aria-expanded="false">Open Access</span><span class="label articletype">Review</span></div> <a class="title-link" href="/2306-5710/10/3/90">SAAZ&mdash;Fine Aroma Hop Pedigree: A Review of Current Knowledge</a> <div class="authors"> by <span class="inlineblock "><strong>Jana Olšovská</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Lenka Straková</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Vladimír Nesvadba</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Tomáš Vrzal</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Michaela Malečková</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Josef Patzak</strong> and </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Pavel Donner</strong></span> </div> <div class="color-grey-dark"> <em>Beverages</em> <b>2024</b>, <em>10</em>(3), 90; <a href=""></a> - 14 Sep 2024 </div> <a href="/2306-5710/10/3/90#metrics">Cited by 1</a> |&nbsp;Viewed by 725 <div class="abstract-div"> <a href="#" onclick="$(this).next('.abstract-cropped').toggleClass('inline').next('.abstract-full').toggleClass('inline'); return false;"> <strong>Abstract </strong> </a> <div class="abstract-cropped inline"> The hop variety Saaz is well known over the world and is usually used for brewing of lager beers. Recently, the new related varieties Saaz Late, Brilliant, Comfort, and Shine were registered. Information about these varieties is splintered and often available only in <a href="#" data-counterslink = "" onclick="$(this).parents('.abstract-cropped').toggleClass('inline').next('.abstract-full').toggleClass('inline'); return false;"> [...] Read more.</a> </div> <div class="abstract-full "> The hop variety Saaz is well known over the world and is usually used for brewing of lager beers. Recently, the new related varieties Saaz Late, Brilliant, Comfort, and Shine were registered. Information about these varieties is splintered and often available only in the Czech language in regional journals. This review (i) summarizes previously published data (breeding history, genetic data, basic parameters such as yield, sensory profile, concentrations of key technologically important hop compounds), (ii) presents long-term data (2004&ndash;2021), and (iii) shows similarities/differences among these varieties. All Saaz varieties are typically fine aroma hops with a relatively low content of alpha bitter acids ranging from 5 to 7 wt%, cohumulone amounts lower than 30% rel., and hop oil content of about 1.0 wt%. Even though the new varieties have no identical chemical parameters to the original Saaz, they can substitute this established standard as well. Furthermore, the varieties Saaz Comfort and Saaz Shine show high resistance to <i>Pseudoperonospora humuli</i> as well as very good tolerance to drought. <a href="/2306-5710/10/3/90">Full article</a> </div> </div> <a href="#" class="abstract-figures-show" data-counterslink = "" ><span >&#9658;</span><span style=" display: none;">&#9660;</span> Show Figures </a><div class="abstract-image-preview "><div class="arrow left-arrow" id="prev1478221"><i class="fa fa-caret-left"></i></div><div class="arrow right-arrow" id="next1478221"><i class="fa fa-caret-right"></i></div><div class="absgraph cycle-slideshow manual" data-cycle-fx="scrollHorz" data-cycle-timeout="0" data-cycle-next="#next1478221" data-cycle-prev="#prev1478221" data-cycle-progressive="#images1478221" data-cycle-slides=">div" data-cycle-log="false"><div class='openpopupgallery cycle-slide' data-imgindex='0' data-target='article-1478221-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src="" data-src="" alt="" style="border: 0;"><p>Graphical abstract</p></div><script id="images1478221" type="text/cycle" data-cycle-split="---"><div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='1' data-target='article-1478221-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 1</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='2' data-target='article-1478221-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 2</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='3' data-target='article-1478221-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 3</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='4' data-target='article-1478221-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 4</p></div></script></div></div><div id="article-1478221-popup" class="popupgallery" style="display: inline; line-height: 200%"><a href="" title=" <strong>Graphical abstract</strong><br/><strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2306-5710/10/3/90'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 1</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;Hop cones of Saaz varieties.&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2306-5710/10/3/90'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 2</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;Aroma of Saaz varieties.&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2306-5710/10/3/90'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 3</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;Dendrogram of genetic distances for 250 world hop cultivars (Czech hop cultivars are labeled in blue, and studied Saaz hop cultivars are labeled in red).&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2306-5710/10/3/90'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 4</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;Average content of essential oils in new aromatic varieties and the original variety.&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2306-5710/10/3/90'>Full article</a></strong> "></a></div> </div> </div> <div class="generic-item article-item"> <input class="article-list-checkbox export-element" type="checkbox" name="articles_ids[]" value="1477412" data-select-all-name="article-listing"> <div class="article-content"> <div class="label right label__btn"> <a data-dropdown="drop-supplementary-1477412" aria-controls="drop-supplementary-1477412" aria-expanded="false" title="Supplementary Material"> <i class="material-icons">attachment</i> </a> <div id="drop-supplementary-1477412" class="f-dropdown label__btn__dropdown label__btn__dropdown--wide" data-dropdown-content aria-hidden="true" tabindex="-1"> Supplementary material: <br/> <a href="/2306-5710/10/3/89/s1?version=1726218226"> Supplementary File 1 (ZIP, 140 KiB) </a><br/> </div> </div> <div class="label right label__btn"> <span style="font-size: 12px; color: #1a1a1a;"> 15 pages, 287 KiB &nbsp; </span> <a href="/2306-5710/10/3/89/pdf?version=1726218225" class="UD_Listings_ArticlePDF" title="Article PDF" data-name="Alternatives to Traditional Aging of Bobal Red Wines from Semi-Arid Climate: Influence on Phenolic Composition and Related Properties" data-journal="beverages"> <i class="material-icons custom-download"></i> </a> </div> <div class="article-icons"><span class="label openaccess" data-dropdown="drop-article-label-openaccess" aria-expanded="false">Open Access</span><span class="label articletype">Article</span></div> <a class="title-link" href="/2306-5710/10/3/89">Alternatives to Traditional Aging of Bobal Red Wines from Semi-Arid Climate: Influence on Phenolic Composition and Related Properties</a> <div class="authors"> by <span class="inlineblock "><strong>María Osorio Alises</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Eva Sánchez Palomo</strong> and </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>M. Ángel González-Viñas</strong></span> </div> <div class="color-grey-dark"> <em>Beverages</em> <b>2024</b>, <em>10</em>(3), 89; <a href=""></a> - 13 Sep 2024 </div> Viewed by 755 <div class="abstract-div"> <a href="#" onclick="$(this).next('.abstract-cropped').toggleClass('inline').next('.abstract-full').toggleClass('inline'); return false;"> <strong>Abstract </strong> </a> <div class="abstract-cropped inline"> The effect of oak chips on the phenolic composition, color characteristics, and antioxidant capacity of Bobal red wines caused by contact with oak chips at different stages of the winemaking process has been studied. Performance liquid chromatography&ndash;diode array detection (HPLC-DAD) was used to <a href="#" data-counterslink = "" onclick="$(this).parents('.abstract-cropped').toggleClass('inline').next('.abstract-full').toggleClass('inline'); return false;"> [...] Read more.</a> </div> <div class="abstract-full "> The effect of oak chips on the phenolic composition, color characteristics, and antioxidant capacity of Bobal red wines caused by contact with oak chips at different stages of the winemaking process has been studied. Performance liquid chromatography&ndash;diode array detection (HPLC-DAD) was used to determine the detailed phenolic composition of wines and antioxidant activity, and chromatic characteristics were determined by spectrophotometric methods. Standard red winemaking process was applied to make the Bobal control wine. The rest of the wines were elaborated with oak chip contact at two dose levels (3 and 6 g/L) in different phases of the winemaking process: during alcoholic fermentation (AF), during malolactic fermentation (MLF), and in young wines. The phenolic composition, antioxidant activity, and chromatic characteristics of Bobal control wines were slightly but significantly modified by contact with the oak chips. Wines in contact with oak chips during malolactic fermentation showed a decrease in the concentration of resveratrol-monomer stilbenes, monomeric anthocyanins, and pyranoanthocyanins. In general, the concentration of total resveratrol is influenced by the dose level used, resulting in a 10% decrease when the dose level is 6 g/L compared to the 3 g/L dose. <a href="/2306-5710/10/3/89">Full article</a> </div> </div> <div class="belongsTo" style="margin-bottom: 10px;"> (This article belongs to the Section <a href="/journal/beverages/sections/Wine_Spirits_Oenological_Products">Wine, Spirits and Oenological Products</a>)<br/> </div> </div> </div> <div class="generic-item article-item"> <input class="article-list-checkbox export-element" type="checkbox" name="articles_ids[]" value="1476270" data-select-all-name="article-listing"> <div class="article-content"> <div class="label right label__btn"> <span style="font-size: 12px; color: #1a1a1a;"> 17 pages, 1194 KiB &nbsp; </span> <a href="/2306-5710/10/3/88/pdf?version=1726113667" class="UD_Listings_ArticlePDF" title="Article PDF" data-name="Preliminary Characterisation of Metschnikowia pulcherrima to Be Used as a Starter Culture in Red Winemaking" data-journal="beverages"> <i class="material-icons custom-download"></i> </a> </div> <div class="article-icons"><span class="label openaccess" data-dropdown="drop-article-label-openaccess" aria-expanded="false">Open Access</span><span class="label articletype">Article</span></div> <a class="title-link" href="/2306-5710/10/3/88">Preliminary Characterisation of <i>Metschnikowia pulcherrima</i> to Be Used as a Starter Culture in Red Winemaking</a> <div class="authors"> by <span class="inlineblock "><strong>Bruno Testa</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Francesca Coppola</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Massimo Iorizzo</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Massimo Di Renzo</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Raffaele Coppola</strong> and </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Mariantonietta Succi</strong></span> </div> <div class="color-grey-dark"> <em>Beverages</em> <b>2024</b>, <em>10</em>(3), 88; <a href=""></a> - 12 Sep 2024 </div> <a href="/2306-5710/10/3/88#metrics">Cited by 1</a> |&nbsp;Viewed by 713 <div class="abstract-div"> <a href="#" onclick="$(this).next('.abstract-cropped').toggleClass('inline').next('.abstract-full').toggleClass('inline'); return false;"> <strong>Abstract </strong> </a> <div class="abstract-cropped inline"> In the last decade, the application of non-<i>Saccharomyces</i> yeasts in oenology as a natural tool to obtain wine diversification and higher quality has aroused great interest. In this work, three <i>Metschnikowia pulcherrima</i> strains, isolated from a vineyard, were characterised through the evaluation <a href="#" data-counterslink = "" onclick="$(this).parents('.abstract-cropped').toggleClass('inline').next('.abstract-full').toggleClass('inline'); return false;"> [...] Read more.</a> </div> <div class="abstract-full "> In the last decade, the application of non-<i>Saccharomyces</i> yeasts in oenology as a natural tool to obtain wine diversification and higher quality has aroused great interest. In this work, three <i>Metschnikowia pulcherrima</i> strains, isolated from a vineyard, were characterised through the evaluation of their main oenological properties, antimicrobial activity, and specific enzymatic activities (&beta;-glucosidase, &beta;-lyase, polygalacturonase, and protease). The <i>M. pulcherrima</i> strains did not produce any inhibition against <i>Saccharomyces cerevisiae</i>, while they were able to exert an antimicrobial action against some unwanted bacteria and yeasts frequently present in grape must and potentially causing the alteration of wines. After this preliminary screening, <i>M. pulcherrima</i> AS3C1 has been selected to be used in the winemaking of red grape <i>Vitis vinifera</i> cv. Aglianico on a pilot scale. The effect of the sequential inoculation of <i>M. pulcherrima</i> AS3C1 with a commercial strain of <i>S. cerevisiae</i> was verified using for comparison a single inoculum with <i>S. cerevisiae</i> and a spontaneous fermentation. Our results showed a higher concentration of anthocyanins and catechins in wines obtained by the sequential inoculation of <i>M. pulcherrima</i> AS3C1 and <i>S. cerevisiae</i>. On the basis of the data obtained, <i>M. pulcherrima</i> AS3C1 possesses an enzymatic profile and some oenological properties that could contribute positively to the definition of the chemical composition of wines, suggesting its possible use for red winemaking processes. <a href="/2306-5710/10/3/88">Full article</a> </div> </div> <div class="belongsTo" style="margin-bottom: 10px;"> (This article belongs to the Section <a href="/journal/beverages/sections/Wine_Spirits_Oenological_Products">Wine, Spirits and Oenological Products</a>)<br/> </div> <a href="#" class="abstract-figures-show" data-counterslink = "" ><span >&#9658;</span><span style=" display: none;">&#9660;</span> Show Figures </a><div class="abstract-image-preview "><div class="arrow left-arrow" id="prev1476270"><i class="fa fa-caret-left"></i></div><div class="arrow right-arrow" id="next1476270"><i class="fa fa-caret-right"></i></div><div class="absgraph cycle-slideshow manual" data-cycle-fx="scrollHorz" data-cycle-timeout="0" data-cycle-next="#next1476270" data-cycle-prev="#prev1476270" data-cycle-progressive="#images1476270" data-cycle-slides=">div" data-cycle-log="false"><div class='openpopupgallery cycle-slide' data-imgindex='0' data-target='article-1476270-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src="" data-src="" alt="" style="border: 0;"><p>Figure 1</p></div><script id="images1476270" type="text/cycle" data-cycle-split="---"><div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='1' data-target='article-1476270-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 2</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='2' data-target='article-1476270-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 3</p></div></script></div></div><div id="article-1476270-popup" class="popupgallery" style="display: inline; line-height: 200%"><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 1</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;Inhibitory effects of &lt;span class=&quot;html-italic&quot;&gt;M. pulcherrima&lt;/span&gt; strains against &lt;span class=&quot;html-italic&quot;&gt;H. guilliermondii&lt;/span&gt; ATCC 10630: (&lt;b&gt;1&lt;/b&gt;) negative control; (&lt;b&gt;2&lt;/b&gt;) inhibitory activity of &lt;span class=&quot;html-italic&quot;&gt;M. pulcherrima&lt;/span&gt; ASB3R; (&lt;b&gt;3&lt;/b&gt;) inhibitory activity of &lt;span class=&quot;html-italic&quot;&gt;M. pulcherrima&lt;/span&gt; AS3C1; (&lt;b&gt;4&lt;/b&gt;) inhibitory activity of &lt;span class=&quot;html-italic&quot;&gt;M. pulcherrima&lt;/span&gt; 14AS.&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2306-5710/10/3/88'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 2</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;Colonies morphology of &lt;span class=&quot;html-italic&quot;&gt;S. cerevisiae&lt;/span&gt; (creamy white) and &lt;span class=&quot;html-italic&quot;&gt;M. pulcherrima&lt;/span&gt; (light blue) using WL agar medium.&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2306-5710/10/3/88'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 3</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;Ethanol evolution (% &lt;span class=&quot;html-italic&quot;&gt;v&lt;/span&gt;/&lt;span class=&quot;html-italic&quot;&gt;v&lt;/span&gt;) during fermentation in test AG-1 (inoculation with &lt;span class=&quot;html-italic&quot;&gt;S. cerevisiae&lt;/span&gt; F33), test AG-2 (&lt;span class=&quot;html-italic&quot;&gt;M. pulcherrima&lt;/span&gt; AS3C1 and &lt;span class=&quot;html-italic&quot;&gt;S. cerevisiae&lt;/span&gt; F33, sequential inoculum), and test AG-3 (spontaneous fermentation).&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2306-5710/10/3/88'>Full article</a></strong> "></a></div> </div> </div> <div class="generic-item article-item"> <input class="article-list-checkbox export-element" type="checkbox" name="articles_ids[]" value="1476017" data-select-all-name="article-listing"> <div class="article-content"> <div class="label right label__btn"> <span style="font-size: 12px; color: #1a1a1a;"> 10 pages, 727 KiB &nbsp; </span> <a href="/2306-5710/10/3/87/pdf?version=1726056727" class="UD_Listings_ArticlePDF" title="Article PDF" data-name="Continuous Primary Beer Fermentation with Yeast Immobilized in Alginate–Chitosan Microcapsules with a Liquid Core" data-journal="beverages"> <i class="material-icons custom-download"></i> </a> </div> <div class="article-icons"><span class="label openaccess" data-dropdown="drop-article-label-openaccess" aria-expanded="false">Open Access</span><span class="label articletype">Article</span></div> <a class="title-link" href="/2306-5710/10/3/87">Continuous Primary Beer Fermentation with Yeast Immobilized in Alginate&ndash;Chitosan Microcapsules with a Liquid Core</a> <div class="authors"> by <span class="inlineblock "><strong>Vesela Shopska</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Mina Dzhivoderova-Zarcheva</strong> and </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Georgi Kostov</strong></span> </div> <div class="color-grey-dark"> <em>Beverages</em> <b>2024</b>, <em>10</em>(3), 87; <a href=""></a> - 11 Sep 2024 </div> Viewed by 784 <div class="abstract-div"> <a href="#" onclick="$(this).next('.abstract-cropped').toggleClass('inline').next('.abstract-full').toggleClass('inline'); return false;"> <strong>Abstract </strong> </a> <div class="abstract-cropped inline"> The application of continuous fermentation with immobilized cells in brewing is a challenge because of problems with carrier selection and reactor design, which have economic impacts on the beer produced. Moreover, immobilization alters yeast physiology, which significantly affects beer flavor and aroma. Therefore, <a href="#" data-counterslink = "" onclick="$(this).parents('.abstract-cropped').toggleClass('inline').next('.abstract-full').toggleClass('inline'); return false;"> [...] Read more.</a> </div> <div class="abstract-full "> The application of continuous fermentation with immobilized cells in brewing is a challenge because of problems with carrier selection and reactor design, which have economic impacts on the beer produced. Moreover, immobilization alters yeast physiology, which significantly affects beer flavor and aroma. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the feasibility of a continuous fermentation system, consisting of a packed bed column bioreactor, containing lager brewing yeast, immobilized in alginate&ndash;chitosan microcapsules with a liquid core, in the primary beer fermentation. The results showed that the system entered in a stationary mode on the 3rd day and worked stably in this mode for 6 days. The &ldquo;green&rdquo; beer was taken at every 24 h at the output of the reactor and used for secondary fermentation with the yeast cells leaked from the capsules during the primary fermentation. The extract consumption, ethanol production, and pH change during primary and secondary fermentation were investigated. Some of the secondary yeast metabolites such as vicinal diketones, higher alcohols, esters, and aldehydes in &ldquo;green&rdquo; and final beers were determined and it was found that the flavor profile of the final beer was comparable to two industrially produced Bulgarian beers. <a href="/2306-5710/10/3/87">Full article</a> </div> </div> <div class="belongsTo" style="margin-bottom: 10px;"> (This article belongs to the Section <a href="/journal/beverages/sections/malting_brewing_beer">Malting, Brewing and Beer</a>)<br/> </div> <a href="#" class="abstract-figures-show" data-counterslink = "" ><span >&#9658;</span><span style=" display: none;">&#9660;</span> Show Figures </a><div class="abstract-image-preview "><div class="arrow left-arrow" id="prev1476017"><i class="fa fa-caret-left"></i></div><div class="arrow right-arrow" id="next1476017"><i class="fa fa-caret-right"></i></div><div class="absgraph cycle-slideshow manual" data-cycle-fx="scrollHorz" data-cycle-timeout="0" data-cycle-next="#next1476017" data-cycle-prev="#prev1476017" data-cycle-progressive="#images1476017" data-cycle-slides=">div" data-cycle-log="false"><div class='openpopupgallery cycle-slide' data-imgindex='0' data-target='article-1476017-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src="" data-src="" alt="" style="border: 0;"><p>Figure 1</p></div><script id="images1476017" type="text/cycle" data-cycle-split="---"><div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='1' data-target='article-1476017-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 2</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='2' data-target='article-1476017-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 3</p></div></script></div></div><div id="article-1476017-popup" class="popupgallery" style="display: inline; line-height: 200%"><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 1</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;Immobilized cell system for continuous main fermentation: 1—wort tank; 2—peristaltic pump; 3—pipes; 4—water bath; 5—packed bed; 6—column; 7—overflow; 8—pressure control connection; 9—“green” beer tank; 10—grid [&lt;a href=&quot;#B9-beverages-10-00087&quot; class=&quot;html-bibr&quot;&gt;9&lt;/a&gt;].&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2306-5710/10/3/87'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 2</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;Changes in extract, alcohol, and pH during continuous primary fermentation.&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2306-5710/10/3/87'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 3</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;Basic beer parameters in the final beers, produced by continuous primary fermentation with immobilized cells and batch secondary fermentation with free cells.&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2306-5710/10/3/87'>Full article</a></strong> "></a></div> </div> </div> <div class="generic-item article-item"> <input class="article-list-checkbox export-element" type="checkbox" name="articles_ids[]" value="1475235" data-select-all-name="article-listing"> <div class="article-content"> <div class="label right label__btn"> <span style="font-size: 12px; color: #1a1a1a;"> 20 pages, 1014 KiB &nbsp; </span> <a href="/2306-5710/10/3/86/pdf?version=1726017797" class="UD_Listings_ArticlePDF" title="Article PDF" data-name="Application of Life Cycle Assessment in Beer Production: Systematic Review" data-journal="beverages"> <i class="material-icons custom-download"></i> </a> </div> <div class="article-icons"><span class="label openaccess" data-dropdown="drop-article-label-openaccess" aria-expanded="false">Open Access</span><span class="label articletype">Review</span></div> <a class="title-link" href="/2306-5710/10/3/86">Application of Life Cycle Assessment in Beer Production: Systematic Review</a> <div class="authors"> by <span class="inlineblock "><strong>Fabrizio D’Ascenzo</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Giuliana Vinci</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Lucia Maddaloni</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Marco Ruggeri</strong> and </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Marco Savastano</strong></span> </div> <div class="color-grey-dark"> <em>Beverages</em> <b>2024</b>, <em>10</em>(3), 86; <a href=""></a> - 10 Sep 2024 </div> Viewed by 2081 <div class="abstract-div"> <a href="#" onclick="$(this).next('.abstract-cropped').toggleClass('inline').next('.abstract-full').toggleClass('inline'); return false;"> <strong>Abstract </strong> </a> <div class="abstract-cropped inline"> The production of beer, a beverage of global cultural and industrial importance, has a significant impact on the environment due to the use of natural resources and the emissions generated during the various stages of the production process. Therefore, this article examines the <a href="#" data-counterslink = "" onclick="$(this).parents('.abstract-cropped').toggleClass('inline').next('.abstract-full').toggleClass('inline'); return false;"> [...] Read more.</a> </div> <div class="abstract-full "> The production of beer, a beverage of global cultural and industrial importance, has a significant impact on the environment due to the use of natural resources and the emissions generated during the various stages of the production process. Therefore, this article examines the sustainability of beer production through a review of literature articles that have used Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) to assess its environmental impacts. A systematic literature review was conducted by selecting peer-reviewed articles published between 2001 and July 2024 using databases such as Scopus and Google Scholar. The search included studies analyzing different stages of the beer life cycle, from raw material production to packaging and distribution, using specific keywords related to LCA and brewing. The results showed that energy use and packaging are the two critical aspects identified in the review, which represent a significant part of the environmental footprint. However, it is important to note that the available studies on the subject are few and heterogeneous and they use different methodologies, impact categories, and functional units, which complicates the comparison and synthesis of results, limiting the ability to draw definitive conclusions. Recommendations were made to improve sustainability, including the adoption of more efficient technologies, the use of recycled materials for packaging, and the implementation of sustainable agricultural practices. These strategies could aim to significantly reduce the overall environmental impact of beer production. <a href="/2306-5710/10/3/86">Full article</a> </div> </div> <a href="#" class="abstract-figures-show" data-counterslink = "" ><span >&#9658;</span><span style=" display: none;">&#9660;</span> Show Figures </a><div class="abstract-image-preview "><div class="arrow left-arrow" id="prev1475235"><i class="fa fa-caret-left"></i></div><div class="arrow right-arrow" id="next1475235"><i class="fa fa-caret-right"></i></div><div class="absgraph cycle-slideshow manual" data-cycle-fx="scrollHorz" data-cycle-timeout="0" data-cycle-next="#next1475235" data-cycle-prev="#prev1475235" data-cycle-progressive="#images1475235" data-cycle-slides=">div" data-cycle-log="false"><div class='openpopupgallery cycle-slide' data-imgindex='0' data-target='article-1475235-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src="" data-src="" alt="" style="border: 0;"><p>Figure 1</p></div><script id="images1475235" type="text/cycle" data-cycle-split="---"><div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='1' data-target='article-1475235-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 2</p></div></script></div></div><div id="article-1475235-popup" class="popupgallery" style="display: inline; line-height: 200%"><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 1</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;Article selection processes of Google Scholar and Scopus Database.&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2306-5710/10/3/86'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 2</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;Principle System Boundaries of Beer LCA Study (Different colors represent the main system boundary approaches: blue for cradle-to-grave, orange for gate-to-gate, and green for cradle-to-gate).&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2306-5710/10/3/86'>Full article</a></strong> "></a></div> </div> </div> <div class="generic-item article-item"> <input class="article-list-checkbox export-element" type="checkbox" name="articles_ids[]" value="1474726" data-select-all-name="article-listing"> <div class="article-content"> <div class="label right label__btn"> <a data-dropdown="drop-supplementary-1474726" aria-controls="drop-supplementary-1474726" aria-expanded="false" title="Supplementary Material"> <i class="material-icons">attachment</i> </a> <div id="drop-supplementary-1474726" class="f-dropdown label__btn__dropdown label__btn__dropdown--wide" data-dropdown-content aria-hidden="true" tabindex="-1"> Supplementary material: <br/> <a href="/2306-5710/10/3/85/s1?version=1725947368"> Supplementary File 1 (ZIP, 82 KiB) </a><br/> </div> </div> <div class="label right label__btn"> <span style="font-size: 12px; color: #1a1a1a;"> 9 pages, 819 KiB &nbsp; </span> <a href="/2306-5710/10/3/85/pdf?version=1725947367" class="UD_Listings_ArticlePDF" title="Article PDF" data-name="Perceptions of Young People Regarding the Tax on Sweetened Drinks in Poland and an Assessment of Changes in Their Consumption in Terms of Taxation" data-journal="beverages"> <i class="material-icons custom-download"></i> </a> </div> <div class="article-icons"><span class="label openaccess" data-dropdown="drop-article-label-openaccess" aria-expanded="false">Open Access</span><span class="label articletype">Article</span></div> <a class="title-link" href="/2306-5710/10/3/85">Perceptions of Young People Regarding the Tax on Sweetened Drinks in Poland and an Assessment of Changes in Their Consumption in Terms of Taxation</a> <div class="authors"> by <span class="inlineblock "><strong>Regina Ewa Wierzejska</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Agnieszka Wiosetek-Reske</strong> and </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Barbara Wojda</strong></span> </div> <div class="color-grey-dark"> <em>Beverages</em> <b>2024</b>, <em>10</em>(3), 85; <a href=""></a> - 10 Sep 2024 </div> Viewed by 717 <div class="abstract-div"> <a href="#" onclick="$(this).next('.abstract-cropped').toggleClass('inline').next('.abstract-full').toggleClass('inline'); return false;"> <strong>Abstract </strong> </a> <div class="abstract-cropped inline"> In 2021, the tax on sweetened beverages was introduced in Poland. It is worth knowing how consumers, especially young people, perceive the tax and whether there are any changes in the consumption of such drinks. This cross-sectional study was conducted in 2022 and <a href="#" data-counterslink = "" onclick="$(this).parents('.abstract-cropped').toggleClass('inline').next('.abstract-full').toggleClass('inline'); return false;"> [...] Read more.</a> </div> <div class="abstract-full "> In 2021, the tax on sweetened beverages was introduced in Poland. It is worth knowing how consumers, especially young people, perceive the tax and whether there are any changes in the consumption of such drinks. This cross-sectional study was conducted in 2022 and analyzed a convenience sample of young people&rsquo;s attitudes towards the effectiveness of the tax as well as beverage consumption in the second year of the tax&rsquo;s implementation. This study was conducted using a questionnaire method among 334 young people (167 school students and 167 university students). The vast majority of the study participants (84%) had heard about the introduction of the tax (there was no statistically significant difference between the school students&rsquo; and the university students&rsquo; knowledge). Of these, 90% knew that beverages with added sugar are taxed, but only 43% were conscious that beverages with sweeteners are also subject to the tax. Forty percent of those surveyed believed that the introduction of the tax could reduce beverage consumption, while 35% denied this possibility. The view that the tax would have a beneficial effect on reducing drink consumption was statistically significantly more frequently expressed by school students compared to university students (55% vs. 25%; <i>p</i> &lt; 0.05). Of those who were aware of the tax, 31% declared they drank fewer beverages following its introduction, while 58% reported that they had not changed the amount they drank. About 33% of the respondents said they drank sweetened beverages several times a week. According to the study, as a result of the tax, almost one-third of surveyed young Poles reported drinking less beverages than before the tax. <a href="/2306-5710/10/3/85">Full article</a> </div> </div> <a href="#" class="abstract-figures-show" data-counterslink = "" ><span >&#9658;</span><span style=" display: none;">&#9660;</span> Show Figures </a><div class="abstract-image-preview "><div class="arrow left-arrow" id="prev1474726"><i class="fa fa-caret-left"></i></div><div class="arrow right-arrow" id="next1474726"><i class="fa fa-caret-right"></i></div><div class="absgraph cycle-slideshow manual" data-cycle-fx="scrollHorz" data-cycle-timeout="0" data-cycle-next="#next1474726" data-cycle-prev="#prev1474726" data-cycle-progressive="#images1474726" data-cycle-slides=">div" data-cycle-log="false"><div class='openpopupgallery cycle-slide' data-imgindex='0' data-target='article-1474726-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src="" data-src="" alt="" style="border: 0;"><p>Figure 1</p></div><script id="images1474726" type="text/cycle" data-cycle-split="---"><div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='1' data-target='article-1474726-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 2</p></div></script></div></div><div id="article-1474726-popup" class="popupgallery" style="display: inline; line-height: 200%"><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 1</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;The approach to beverage consumption after the introduction of the tax.&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2306-5710/10/3/85'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 2</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;The usual frequency of drinking sweet beverages.&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2306-5710/10/3/85'>Full article</a></strong> "></a></div> </div> </div> <div class="generic-item article-item"> <input class="article-list-checkbox export-element" type="checkbox" name="articles_ids[]" value="1474122" data-select-all-name="article-listing"> <div class="article-content"> <div class="label right label__btn"> <span style="font-size: 12px; color: #1a1a1a;"> 14 pages, 3043 KiB &nbsp; </span> <a href="/2306-5710/10/3/84/pdf?version=1725868147" class="UD_Listings_ArticlePDF" title="Article PDF" data-name="Chemometric Approach Application in Modern Wine Studies" data-journal="beverages"> <i class="material-icons custom-download"></i> </a> </div> <div class="article-icons"><span class="label openaccess" data-dropdown="drop-article-label-openaccess" aria-expanded="false">Open Access</span><span class="label articletype">Article</span></div> <a class="title-link" href="/2306-5710/10/3/84">Chemometric Approach Application in Modern Wine Studies</a> <div class="authors"> by <span class="inlineblock "><strong>Martina Fikselová</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Lucia Benešová</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Silvia Jakabová</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Ján Mezey</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Jozef Čapla</strong> and </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Jozef Golian</strong></span> </div> <div class="color-grey-dark"> <em>Beverages</em> <b>2024</b>, <em>10</em>(3), 84; <a href=""></a> - 9 Sep 2024 </div> Viewed by 657 <div class="abstract-div"> <a href="#" onclick="$(this).next('.abstract-cropped').toggleClass('inline').next('.abstract-full').toggleClass('inline'); return false;"> <strong>Abstract </strong> </a> <div class="abstract-cropped inline"> The wine market is affected by the origin of wines, but the current wine traceability system has some limitations. The idea of geographical authenticity and quality has increased as one of the most important parameters influencing consumers&rsquo; preferences. Chemical parameters such as total <a href="#" data-counterslink = "" onclick="$(this).parents('.abstract-cropped').toggleClass('inline').next('.abstract-full').toggleClass('inline'); return false;"> [...] Read more.</a> </div> <div class="abstract-full "> The wine market is affected by the origin of wines, but the current wine traceability system has some limitations. The idea of geographical authenticity and quality has increased as one of the most important parameters influencing consumers&rsquo; preferences. Chemical parameters such as total polyphenolic content (TPC), alcohol and organic acid content (total acids, malic and tartaric acids), and antioxidant activity were observed in this work at 15 dry white wines of varieties Pinot blanc, Riesling, Sauvignon blanc, and Chardonnay, which originated from three different countries. FTIR and spectrophotometry methods (TPC and DPPH) were used and chemometric approaches such as ANOVA and PCA were selected as the most important for evaluation. In general, high levels of malic acid, TPC, and antioxidant activity were detected in Austrian wines. Pinot blanc, Chardonnay, and Sauvignon from the same producing region in Austria showed higher results. The higher overall acid concentration was a distinguishing feature of the Slovakian Sauvignon and Riesling varieties, particularly in the case of tartaric acid. Austrian samples showed significantly higher antioxidant activity compared to Hungarian Chardonnay (<i>p</i> = 0.002) and Sauvignon (<i>p</i> = 0.007), comparable to TPC. The application of statistical analysis was useful in demonstrating many discrepancies, particularly by application of the PCA method. <a href="/2306-5710/10/3/84">Full article</a> </div> </div> <div class="belongsTo" style="margin-bottom: 10px;"> (This article belongs to the Section <a href="/journal/beverages/sections/Wine_Spirits_Oenological_Products">Wine, Spirits and Oenological Products</a>)<br/> </div> <a href="#" class="abstract-figures-show" data-counterslink = "" ><span >&#9658;</span><span style=" display: none;">&#9660;</span> Show Figures </a><div class="abstract-image-preview "><div class="arrow left-arrow" id="prev1474122"><i class="fa fa-caret-left"></i></div><div class="arrow right-arrow" id="next1474122"><i class="fa fa-caret-right"></i></div><div class="absgraph cycle-slideshow manual" data-cycle-fx="scrollHorz" data-cycle-timeout="0" data-cycle-next="#next1474122" data-cycle-prev="#prev1474122" data-cycle-progressive="#images1474122" data-cycle-slides=">div" data-cycle-log="false"><div class='openpopupgallery cycle-slide' data-imgindex='0' data-target='article-1474122-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src="" data-src="" alt="" style="border: 0;"><p>Figure 1</p></div><script id="images1474122" type="text/cycle" data-cycle-split="---"><div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='1' data-target='article-1474122-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 2</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='2' data-target='article-1474122-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 3</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='3' data-target='article-1474122-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 4</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='4' data-target='article-1474122-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 5</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='5' data-target='article-1474122-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 6</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='6' data-target='article-1474122-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 7</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='7' data-target='article-1474122-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 8</p></div></script></div></div><div id="article-1474122-popup" class="popupgallery" style="display: inline; line-height: 200%"><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 1</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;Statistical evaluation of total acid content (g L&lt;sup&gt;−1&lt;/sup&gt;) in wines by their different origin. Note: Variety: RR—Riesling (Blanc), PB—Pinot blanc, SB—Sauvignon blanc. Origin: SVK-S—Southern Slovak wine-growing region, SVK-C—Central Slovak wine-growing region, HUN—Hungary, AUT—Austria. * means that the &lt;span class=&quot;html-italic&quot;&gt;p&lt;/span&gt; value is statistically significant at the 0.05 level.&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2306-5710/10/3/84'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 2</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;Statistical evaluation of malic acid concentration (g L&lt;sup&gt;−1&lt;/sup&gt;) in wines by their different origin. Note: Variety: RR—Riesling (Blanc), PB—Pinot blanc, SB—Sauvignon blanc. Origin: SVK-S—Southern Slovak wine-growing region, SVK-C—Central Slovak wine-growing region, HUN—Hungary, AUT—Austria. * means that the &lt;span class=&quot;html-italic&quot;&gt;p&lt;/span&gt; value is statistically significant at the 0.05 level.&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2306-5710/10/3/84'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 3</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;Statistical evaluation of tartaric acid concentration (g L&lt;sup&gt;−1&lt;/sup&gt;) in wines by their different origin. Note: Variety: RR—Riesling (Blanc), PB—Pinot blanc, SB—Sauvignon blanc. t Origin: SVK-S—Southern Slovak wine-growing region, SVK-C—Central Slovak wine-growing region, HUN—Hungary, AUT—Austria. * means that the &lt;span class=&quot;html-italic&quot;&gt;p&lt;/span&gt; value is statistically significant at the 0.05 level.&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2306-5710/10/3/84'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 4</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;Statistical evaluation of alcohol content (%) in wines by their different origin. Note: Variety: RR—Riesling (Blanc), PB—Pinot blanc, SB—Sauvignon blanc. Origin: SVK-S—Southern Slovak wine-growing region, SVK-C—Central Slovak wine-growing region, HUN—Hungary, AUT—Austria. * means that the &lt;span class=&quot;html-italic&quot;&gt;p&lt;/span&gt; value is statistically significant at the 0.05 level.&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2306-5710/10/3/84'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 5</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;Statistical evaluation of antioxidant activity (% inhibition DPPH.) in wines by their different origin. Note: Variety: RR—Riesling (Blanc), PB—Pinot blanc, SB—Sauvignon blanc. Origin: SVK-S—Southern Slovak wine-growing region, SVK-C—Central Slovak wine-growing region, HUN—Hungary, AUT—Austria. * means that the &lt;span class=&quot;html-italic&quot;&gt;p&lt;/span&gt; value is statistically significant at the 0.05 level.&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2306-5710/10/3/84'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 6</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;Statistical evaluation of TPC (mg GAE L&lt;sup&gt;−1&lt;/sup&gt; ) in wines by their different origin. Note: Variety: RR—Riesling (Blanc), PB—Pinot blanc, SB—Sauvignon blanc. Origin: SVK-S—Southern Slovak wine-growing region, SVK-C—Central Slovak wine-growing region, HUN—Hungary, AUT—Austria. * means that the &lt;span class=&quot;html-italic&quot;&gt;p&lt;/span&gt; value is statistically significant at the 0.05 level.&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2306-5710/10/3/84'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 7</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;Application of PCA analysis to represent the different wine varietals according to their origin. Note: Variety: RR—Riesling (Blanc), PB—Pinot blanc, SB—Sauvignon blanc, CH—Chardonnay; Origin: SVK-S—Southern Slovak wine-growing region, SVK-C—Central Slovak wine-growing region, HUN—Hungary, AUT—Austria.&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2306-5710/10/3/84'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 8</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;Representation of the main and supplementary parameters by the PCA evaluation.&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2306-5710/10/3/84'>Full article</a></strong> "></a></div> </div> </div> <div class="generic-item article-item"> <input class="article-list-checkbox export-element" type="checkbox" name="articles_ids[]" value="1472838" data-select-all-name="article-listing"> <div class="article-content"> <div class="label right label__btn"> <span style="font-size: 12px; color: #1a1a1a;"> 19 pages, 4046 KiB &nbsp; </span> <a href="/2306-5710/10/3/83/pdf?version=1725617276" class="UD_Listings_ArticlePDF" title="Article PDF" data-name="The Effect of High Pressure on Levilactobacillus brevis in Beer—Inactivation and Sublethal Injury" data-journal="beverages"> <i class="material-icons custom-download"></i> </a> </div> <div class="article-icons"><span class="label openaccess" data-dropdown="drop-article-label-openaccess" aria-expanded="false">Open Access</span><span class="label articletype">Article</span></div> <a class="title-link" href="/2306-5710/10/3/83">The Effect of High Pressure on <i>Levilactobacillus brevis</i> in Beer&mdash;Inactivation and Sublethal Injury</a> <div class="authors"> by <span class="inlineblock "><strong>Justyna Nasiłowska</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Barbara Sokołowska</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Marzena Woszczyk</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Joanna Bucka-Kolendo</strong> and </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Adrian Wojtczak</strong></span> </div> <div class="color-grey-dark"> <em>Beverages</em> <b>2024</b>, <em>10</em>(3), 83; <a href=""></a> - 6 Sep 2024 </div> Viewed by 546 <div class="abstract-div"> <a href="#" onclick="$(this).next('.abstract-cropped').toggleClass('inline').next('.abstract-full').toggleClass('inline'); return false;"> <strong>Abstract </strong> </a> <div class="abstract-cropped inline"> Beer, with its low pH, presence of hop acids, alcohol content, and limited nutrient availability, presents a hostile environment for most bacteria. However, <i>Levilactobacillus brevis</i> remains a significant spoilage organism in the brewing industry. This study examines the impact of high hydrostatic pressure <a href="#" data-counterslink = "" onclick="$(this).parents('.abstract-cropped').toggleClass('inline').next('.abstract-full').toggleClass('inline'); return false;"> [...] Read more.</a> </div> <div class="abstract-full "> Beer, with its low pH, presence of hop acids, alcohol content, and limited nutrient availability, presents a hostile environment for most bacteria. However, <i>Levilactobacillus brevis</i> remains a significant spoilage organism in the brewing industry. This study examines the impact of high hydrostatic pressure (HHP) on the inactivation and sublethal injury of <i>Lb. brevis</i> KKP 3574 in beer and wort. The results indicate that applying HHP at 400 MPa for 5 min effectively inactivates <i>Lb. brevis</i>, achieving up to a 7 log CFU/mL reduction in bacterial counts in beer, with no detectable sublethal injuries in beer samples. In contrast, in 10% wort, a sublethal injury level of 1.1 log CFU/mL was observed following the same HHP treatment. Furthermore, this study reveals a differential response of <i>Lb. brevis</i> cells depending on their growth phase; cells in the logarithmic growth phase are more susceptible to HHP, showing greater reduction in viability compared to those in the stationary phase. The survival dynamics of sublethally injured cells during refrigerated storage are also explored, with no regeneration observed in beer samples treated at pressures of 400 MPa or higher. These findings underscore the potential of HHP as a robust method for enhancing the microbiological safety and stability of beer while minimizing the risk of spoilage due to sublethally injured bacterial cells. This study provides crucial insights into optimizing HHP parameters to ensure product quality in the brewing industry. <a href="/2306-5710/10/3/83">Full article</a> </div> </div> <div class="belongsTo" style="margin-bottom: 10px;"> (This article belongs to the Section <a href="/journal/beverages/sections/malting_brewing_beer">Malting, Brewing and Beer</a>)<br/> </div> <a href="#" class="abstract-figures-show" data-counterslink = "" ><span >&#9658;</span><span style=" display: none;">&#9660;</span> Show Figures </a><div class="abstract-image-preview "><div class="arrow left-arrow" id="prev1472838"><i class="fa fa-caret-left"></i></div><div class="arrow right-arrow" id="next1472838"><i class="fa fa-caret-right"></i></div><div class="absgraph cycle-slideshow manual" data-cycle-fx="scrollHorz" data-cycle-timeout="0" data-cycle-next="#next1472838" data-cycle-prev="#prev1472838" data-cycle-progressive="#images1472838" data-cycle-slides=">div" data-cycle-log="false"><div class='openpopupgallery cycle-slide' data-imgindex='0' data-target='article-1472838-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src="" data-src="" alt="" style="border: 0;"><p>Figure 1</p></div><script id="images1472838" type="text/cycle" data-cycle-split="---"><div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='1' data-target='article-1472838-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 2</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='2' data-target='article-1472838-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 3</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='3' data-target='article-1472838-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 4</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='4' data-target='article-1472838-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 5</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='5' data-target='article-1472838-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 6</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='6' data-target='article-1472838-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 7</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='7' data-target='article-1472838-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 8</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='8' data-target='article-1472838-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 9</p></div></script></div></div><div id="article-1472838-popup" class="popupgallery" style="display: inline; line-height: 200%"><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 1</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;Survivability of &lt;span class=&quot;html-italic&quot;&gt;Levilactobacillus brevis&lt;/span&gt; KKP 3574 during refrigerated storage in 10% wort enumerated on selective (MRS with 2% NaCl) and non-selective (MRS) media.&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2306-5710/10/3/83'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 2</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;Survivability of &lt;span class=&quot;html-italic&quot;&gt;Levilactobacillus brevis&lt;/span&gt; KKP 3574 during refrigerated storage after pressurization in Vienna Lager beer enumerated on selective (MRS with 2% NaCl) and non-selective (MRS) media.&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2306-5710/10/3/83'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 3</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;Survivability of &lt;span class=&quot;html-italic&quot;&gt;Levilactobacillus brevis&lt;/span&gt; KKP 3574 during refrigerated storage after pressurization in Pale Lager beer enumerated on selective (MRS with NaCl) and non-selective (MRS) media.&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2306-5710/10/3/83'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 4</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;Effect of pressure on the survivability and sublethal injuries of &lt;span class=&quot;html-italic&quot;&gt;Levilactobacillus brevis&lt;/span&gt; KKP 3574 in 10% wort, depending on the growth phase. Asterisks (*) indicate statistically significant differences (&lt;span class=&quot;html-italic&quot;&gt;p&lt;/span&gt; &amp;lt; 0.05) between non-selective and selective media. The absence of asterisks denotes no statistically significant difference.&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2306-5710/10/3/83'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 5</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;Effect of pressure on the survivability and sublethal injuries of &lt;span class=&quot;html-italic&quot;&gt;Levilactobcillus brevis&lt;/span&gt; KKP 3574 in Vienna Lager beer, depending on the growth phase. Asterisks (*) indicate statistically significant differences (&lt;span class=&quot;html-italic&quot;&gt;p&lt;/span&gt; &amp;lt; 0.05) between non-selective and selective media. The absence of asterisks denotes no statistically significant difference.&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2306-5710/10/3/83'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 6</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;Effect of pressure on the survivability and sublethal injuries of &lt;span class=&quot;html-italic&quot;&gt;Levilactobacillus brevis&lt;/span&gt; KKP 3574 in Pale Lager beer, depending on the growth phase. Asterisks (*) indicate statistically significant differences (&lt;span class=&quot;html-italic&quot;&gt;p&lt;/span&gt; &amp;lt; 0.05) between non-selective and selective media. The absence of asterisks denotes no statistically significant difference.&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2306-5710/10/3/83'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 7</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;Survivability of &lt;span class=&quot;html-italic&quot;&gt;Levilactobacillus brevis&lt;/span&gt; KKP 3574 in the stationary and logarithmic growth phases during refrigerated storage after pressurization in 10% wort.&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2306-5710/10/3/83'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 8</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;Survivability of &lt;span class=&quot;html-italic&quot;&gt;Levilactobacillus brevis&lt;/span&gt; KKP 3574 in the stationary and logarithmic growth phases during refrigerated storage after pressurization in Vienna Lager beer.&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2306-5710/10/3/83'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 9</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;Survivability of &lt;span class=&quot;html-italic&quot;&gt;Levilactobacillus brevis&lt;/span&gt; KKP 3574 in the stationary and logarithmic growth phases during refrigerated storage after pressurization in Pale Lager beer.&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2306-5710/10/3/83'>Full article</a></strong> "></a></div> </div> </div> <div class="generic-item article-item"> <input class="article-list-checkbox export-element" type="checkbox" name="articles_ids[]" value="1472060" data-select-all-name="article-listing"> <div class="article-content"> <div class="label right label__btn"> <a data-dropdown="drop-supplementary-1472060" aria-controls="drop-supplementary-1472060" aria-expanded="false" title="Supplementary Material"> <i class="material-icons">attachment</i> </a> <div id="drop-supplementary-1472060" class="f-dropdown label__btn__dropdown label__btn__dropdown--wide" data-dropdown-content aria-hidden="true" tabindex="-1"> Supplementary material: <br/> <a href="/2306-5710/10/3/82/s1?version=1725530359"> Supplementary File 1 (ZIP, 215 KiB) </a><br/> </div> </div> <div class="label right label__btn"> <span style="font-size: 12px; color: #1a1a1a;"> 12 pages, 1635 KiB &nbsp; </span> <a href="/2306-5710/10/3/82/pdf?version=1725530358" class="UD_Listings_ArticlePDF" title="Article PDF" data-name="Grape Varieties for Sparkling Wine Production in Santa Catarina, Brazil: A Study of Phenology, Production, Chemical Composition, and Sensory Evaluation" data-journal="beverages"> <i class="material-icons custom-download"></i> </a> </div> <div class="article-icons"><span class="label openaccess" data-dropdown="drop-article-label-openaccess" aria-expanded="false">Open Access</span><span class="label articletype">Article</span></div> <a class="title-link" href="/2306-5710/10/3/82">Grape Varieties for Sparkling Wine Production in Santa Catarina, Brazil: A Study of Phenology, Production, Chemical Composition, and Sensory Evaluation</a> <div class="authors"> by <span class="inlineblock "><strong>Adrielen Tamiris Canossa</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Douglas André Würz</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Alberto Fontanella Brighenti</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Daiana Petry Rufato</strong> and </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Leo Rufato</strong></span> </div> <div class="color-grey-dark"> <em>Beverages</em> <b>2024</b>, <em>10</em>(3), 82; <a href=""></a> - 5 Sep 2024 </div> Viewed by 707 <div class="abstract-div"> <a href="#" onclick="$(this).next('.abstract-cropped').toggleClass('inline').next('.abstract-full').toggleClass('inline'); return false;"> <strong>Abstract </strong> </a> <div class="abstract-cropped inline"> High-altitude and cold climate regions such as S&atilde;o Joaquim, in Santa Catarina, Brazil, a recent wine-growing region, are characterized by wines with pronounced acidity, ideal for sparkling wine production. The cultivars with potential for producing sparkling wines in this region were unknown. This <a href="#" data-counterslink = "" onclick="$(this).parents('.abstract-cropped').toggleClass('inline').next('.abstract-full').toggleClass('inline'); return false;"> [...] Read more.</a> </div> <div class="abstract-full "> High-altitude and cold climate regions such as S&atilde;o Joaquim, in Santa Catarina, Brazil, a recent wine-growing region, are characterized by wines with pronounced acidity, ideal for sparkling wine production. The cultivars with potential for producing sparkling wines in this region were unknown. This research evaluates quality sparkling wines from Ribolla Gialla, Riesling Renano, Solaris, Sangiovese, Canaiolo Nero, Chardonnay, and Pinot Noir. The study considered the phenological, productive, and qualitative performance of these varieties in the 2017/2018 and 2018/2019 seasons. Ribolla Gialla, Riesling Renano, and Sangiovese, with later bud break and better productive aspects, are the best viticultural adaptations for the region. Riesling Renano maintains higher acidity. Sparkling wines from Solaris, Chardonnay, and Ribolla Gialla showed the most balanced chemical parameters. Sangiovese produced sparkling wine with the highest aroma intensity and toasted notes. Considering phenological, productive, and qualitative parameters, Riesling Renano, Ribolla Gialla, and Sangiovese are the most promising varieties for sparkling wine production in S&atilde;o Joaquim. Quality sparkling wines can be produced in this region using varieties different from those traditionally used in Brazil, enhancing the diversity of Brazilian viticulture. <a href="/2306-5710/10/3/82">Full article</a> </div> </div> <div class="belongsTo" style="margin-bottom: 10px;"> (This article belongs to the Special Issue <a href=" /journal/beverages/special_issues/440S9AWLY8 ">Sparkling Wines</a>)<br/> </div> <a href="#" class="abstract-figures-show" data-counterslink = "" ><span >&#9658;</span><span style=" display: none;">&#9660;</span> Show Figures </a><div class="abstract-image-preview "><div class="arrow left-arrow" id="prev1472060"><i class="fa fa-caret-left"></i></div><div class="arrow right-arrow" id="next1472060"><i class="fa fa-caret-right"></i></div><div class="absgraph cycle-slideshow manual" data-cycle-fx="scrollHorz" data-cycle-timeout="0" data-cycle-next="#next1472060" data-cycle-prev="#prev1472060" data-cycle-progressive="#images1472060" data-cycle-slides=">div" data-cycle-log="false"><div class='openpopupgallery cycle-slide' data-imgindex='0' data-target='article-1472060-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src="" data-src="" alt="" style="border: 0;"><p>Figure 1</p></div><script id="images1472060" type="text/cycle" data-cycle-split="---"><div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='1' data-target='article-1472060-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 2</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='2' data-target='article-1472060-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 3</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='3' data-target='article-1472060-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 4</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='4' data-target='article-1472060-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 5</p></div></script></div></div><div id="article-1472060-popup" class="popupgallery" style="display: inline; line-height: 200%"><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 1</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;Monthly average of rainfall, average temperature, maximum temperature, minimum temperature and thermal amplitude during the vegetative period of the vine in the high-altitude region of Santa Catarina, Brazil.&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2306-5710/10/3/82'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 2</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;Average duration of phenological stages, counted from the winter solstice, of the studied grape varieties for sparkling wine production in São Joaquim, SC, 2018/2019 harvest.&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2306-5710/10/3/82'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 3</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;Principal component analysis was conducted using productivity, number of clusters per plant, number of berries, soluble solids, titratable acidity, pH, and total polyphenols of the seven grape varieties destined for the production of sparkling wines.&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2306-5710/10/3/82'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 4</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;Principal component analysis of the chemical variables of sparkling wines produced from seven grape varieties intended for the production of sparkling wines, harvested in 2018 and 2019 in São Joaquim, SC.&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2306-5710/10/3/82'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 5</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;Principal component analysis of the sensory analysis of sparkling wines, harvested in 2018 and 2019 from São Joaquim, SC.&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2306-5710/10/3/82'>Full article</a></strong> "></a></div> </div> </div> <div class="generic-item article-item"> <input class="article-list-checkbox export-element" type="checkbox" name="articles_ids[]" value="1469753" data-select-all-name="article-listing"> <div class="article-content"> <div class="label right label__btn"> <a data-dropdown="drop-supplementary-1469753" aria-controls="drop-supplementary-1469753" aria-expanded="false" title="Supplementary Material"> <i class="material-icons">attachment</i> </a> <div id="drop-supplementary-1469753" class="f-dropdown label__btn__dropdown label__btn__dropdown--wide" data-dropdown-content aria-hidden="true" tabindex="-1"> Supplementary material: <br/> <a href="/2306-5710/10/3/81/s1?version=1725274949"> Supplementary File 1 (ZIP, 76 KiB) </a><br/> </div> </div> <div class="label right label__btn"> <span style="font-size: 12px; color: #1a1a1a;"> 17 pages, 4450 KiB &nbsp; </span> <a href="/2306-5710/10/3/81/pdf?version=1725274949" class="UD_Listings_ArticlePDF" title="Article PDF" data-name="Effects of Pre-Fermentative Treatments with Non-Synthetic Ternary Component Fining Agents Based on Pea Protein on the Volatile Profiles of Aromatic Wines of Tămâioasă Românească" data-journal="beverages"> <i class="material-icons custom-download"></i> </a> </div> <div class="article-icons"><span class="label openaccess" data-dropdown="drop-article-label-openaccess" aria-expanded="false">Open Access</span><span class="label articletype">Article</span></div> <a class="title-link" href="/2306-5710/10/3/81">Effects of Pre-Fermentative Treatments with Non-Synthetic Ternary Component Fining Agents Based on Pea Protein on the Volatile Profiles of Aromatic Wines of T&#259;m&acirc;ioas&#259; Rom&acirc;neasc&#259;</a> <div class="authors"> by <span class="inlineblock "><strong>Oana Arina Antoce</strong> and </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>George Adrian Cojocaru</strong></span> </div> <div class="color-grey-dark"> <em>Beverages</em> <b>2024</b>, <em>10</em>(3), 81; <a href=""></a> - 2 Sep 2024 </div> Viewed by 637 <div class="abstract-div"> <a href="#" onclick="$(this).next('.abstract-cropped').toggleClass('inline').next('.abstract-full').toggleClass('inline'); return false;"> <strong>Abstract </strong> </a> <div class="abstract-cropped inline"> To remove oxidizable polyphenolic compounds from wines, fining treatments with products of various origins are applied before or after fermentation. Seeking alternatives to the treatments with animal proteins or synthetic materials such as polyvinylpolypyrrolidone (PVPP), vegetal and mineral products are tested. One of <a href="#" data-counterslink = "" onclick="$(this).parents('.abstract-cropped').toggleClass('inline').next('.abstract-full').toggleClass('inline'); return false;"> [...] Read more.</a> </div> <div class="abstract-full "> To remove oxidizable polyphenolic compounds from wines, fining treatments with products of various origins are applied before or after fermentation. Seeking alternatives to the treatments with animal proteins or synthetic materials such as polyvinylpolypyrrolidone (PVPP), vegetal and mineral products are tested. One of these alternative agents is pea protein (P), which can be combined with chitosan (K), yeast cell walls (Y), active carbon (C), and/or Ca-bentonite (B). Aside from the proven polyphenol removal effect, these products can also have an impact on aroma. This research evaluates the effect of P and ternary combinations with P on the volatile compounds of aromatic wines from the T&#259;m&acirc;ioas&#259; rom&acirc;neasc&#259; variety. Several variants of treatments with P and with ternary mixtures involving P were prepared in triplicate with a total dose of 20 g/hL of fining agent applied during the pre-fermentative phase. Volatile profiles were determined using a flash gas chromatograph with two short columns of different polarities. The chromatographic peak areas for the identified ethylic esters, acetates and terpenes were used to compare the fining treatment effects. To test the significant differences between experimental variants, the Analysis of Similarity (ANOSIM) was used. The influences of P used alone and PVPP used alone were both significantly different compared to control (untreated), but based on the dissimilarity index R, PVPP affected the volatile profile about twice as much as P, showing that pea protein is a good alternative for PVPP. The ethyl esters were especially reduced by PVPP, while P especially reduced the terpenes. From all the tested pea protein ternary agents, those containing bentonite (PCB and PYB) showed a significant reducing effect on all classes of compounds and therefore are not recommended. The combinations containing yeast cell walls, PCY and PKY, are the most interesting alternatives to both PVPP and P used independently, PCY being the least aggressive of all treatments on overall aroma, preserving well the aroma compounds of all determined classes, including terpenes. <a href="/2306-5710/10/3/81">Full article</a> </div> </div> <div class="belongsTo" style="margin-bottom: 10px;"> (This article belongs to the Section <a href="/journal/beverages/sections/Wine_Spirits_Oenological_Products">Wine, Spirits and Oenological Products</a>)<br/> </div> <a href="#" class="abstract-figures-show" data-counterslink = "" ><span >&#9658;</span><span style=" display: none;">&#9660;</span> Show Figures </a><div class="abstract-image-preview "><div class="arrow left-arrow" id="prev1469753"><i class="fa fa-caret-left"></i></div><div class="arrow right-arrow" id="next1469753"><i class="fa fa-caret-right"></i></div><div class="absgraph cycle-slideshow manual" data-cycle-fx="scrollHorz" data-cycle-timeout="0" data-cycle-next="#next1469753" data-cycle-prev="#prev1469753" data-cycle-progressive="#images1469753" data-cycle-slides=">div" data-cycle-log="false"><div class='openpopupgallery cycle-slide' data-imgindex='0' data-target='article-1469753-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src="" data-src="" alt="" style="border: 0;"><p>Figure 1</p></div><script id="images1469753" type="text/cycle" data-cycle-split="---"><div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='1' data-target='article-1469753-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 2</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='2' data-target='article-1469753-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 3</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='3' data-target='article-1469753-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 4</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='4' data-target='article-1469753-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 5</p></div></script></div></div><div id="article-1469753-popup" class="popupgallery" style="display: inline; line-height: 200%"><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 1</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;Box-and-whisker plots of inter-group and intra-group ranked distances of various chromatographic peak areas resulting from multivariate analysis of similarity (ANOSIM). Boxes represent the interquartile range (IQR) between Q1 and Q3, and the horizontal line inside the box defines Q2, the median. Whiskers represent the lowest and highest values within the range of 1.5 × IQR, that is, Q1 − 1.5 × IQR and Q3 + 1.5 × IQR, respectively.&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2306-5710/10/3/81'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 2</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;Principal Component Analysis (PCA) biplot showing the relationship between the overall volatile compound variables and the sample groups of control, PVPP, and PKC samples. Vectors indicate variable direction and loading. Light-coloured ellipses represent 95% confidence intervals for each sample group.&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2306-5710/10/3/81'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 3</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;Principal Component Analysis (PCA) biplot showing the relationship between the overall volatile compound variables and the sample groups of control, PVPP, PCB, and PYB samples. Vectors indicate variable direction and loading. Light-coloured ellipses represent 95% confidence intervals for each sample group.&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2306-5710/10/3/81'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 4</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;Principal Component Analysis (PCA) biplot showing the relationship between the volatile terpene variables and the sample groups of control, PVPP and P samples. Vectors indicate variable direction and loading. Light-coloured ellipses represent 95% confidence intervals for each sample group.&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2306-5710/10/3/81'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 5</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;Principal Component Analysis (PCA) biplot showing the relationship between the overall volatile compound variables and the sample groups of control, PVPP, PKY and PCY samples. Vectors indicate variable direction and loading. Light-coloured ellipses represent 95% confidence intervals for each sample group.&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2306-5710/10/3/81'>Full article</a></strong> "></a></div> </div> </div> <div class="generic-item article-item"> <input class="article-list-checkbox export-element" type="checkbox" name="articles_ids[]" value="1469427" data-select-all-name="article-listing"> <div class="article-content"> <div class="label right label__btn"> <span style="font-size: 12px; color: #1a1a1a;"> 17 pages, 1170 KiB &nbsp; </span> <a href="/2306-5710/10/3/80/pdf?version=1725262323" class="UD_Listings_ArticlePDF" title="Article PDF" data-name="Innovative Craft Beers Added with Purple Grape Pomace: Exploring Technological, Sensory, and Bioactive Characteristics" data-journal="beverages"> <i class="material-icons custom-download"></i> </a> </div> <div class="article-icons"><span class="label openaccess" data-dropdown="drop-article-label-openaccess" aria-expanded="false">Open Access</span><span class="label articletype">Article</span></div> <a class="title-link" href="/2306-5710/10/3/80">Innovative Craft Beers Added with Purple Grape Pomace: Exploring Technological, Sensory, and Bioactive Characteristics</a> <div class="authors"> by <span class="inlineblock "><strong>Barbara Ribeiro Teixeira Luz</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Cristiane Nunes da Silva</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Guilherme de Freitas de Lima Hercos</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Bernardo Dias Ribeiro</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Mariana Buranelo Egea</strong> and </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Ailton Cesar Lemes</strong></span> </div> <div class="color-grey-dark"> <em>Beverages</em> <b>2024</b>, <em>10</em>(3), 80; <a href=""></a> - 2 Sep 2024 </div> Viewed by 802 <div class="abstract-div"> <a href="#" onclick="$(this).next('.abstract-cropped').toggleClass('inline').next('.abstract-full').toggleClass('inline'); return false;"> <strong>Abstract </strong> </a> <div class="abstract-cropped inline"> Purple grape juice produces a significant amount of grape pomace (GP) as a by-product, which can be reused as a raw material in producing craft beers with bioactive properties. The objective of this study was to produce craft beers with the addition of <a href="#" data-counterslink = "" onclick="$(this).parents('.abstract-cropped').toggleClass('inline').next('.abstract-full').toggleClass('inline'); return false;"> [...] Read more.</a> </div> <div class="abstract-full "> Purple grape juice produces a significant amount of grape pomace (GP) as a by-product, which can be reused as a raw material in producing craft beers with bioactive properties. The objective of this study was to produce craft beers with the addition of GP during the fermentation process to evaluate the incorporation of bioactive compounds, aiming at using a by-product generated in the production of grape juice. Craft beer was produced, incorporating GP at concentrations of 1%, 5%, and 10% (<i>w</i>/<i>w</i>), and the physicochemical, technological, bioactive, and sensory properties were evaluated. The beers with the highest concentrations of GP (10% <i>w</i>/<i>w</i>) exhibited higher bioactive concentrations, including phenolic compounds (308 mg GAE/L), flavonoids (0.05 g of quercetin/L), anthocyanins (754.6 mg cyanidin-3-glucoside/L), and antioxidant capacities, as measured by DPPH (1878.2 &micro;M Trolox/L), ABTS (4294.5 &micro;M Trolox/L), and FRAP (844.7 mg ascorbic acid/L) methods. Adding GP promoted lower brightness (62.2) and intensified the a*, b*, and chroma parameters (18.0, 10.1, and 20.6, respectively), with the pigments of GP contributing to changes in the color parameters. However, increased sedimentation was observed under both conditions analyzed (4 &deg;C and 25 &deg;C), due to the higher presence of particulate matter from GP (3.4% and 3.7%, respectively). In general, for sensory analysis, while the knowledge of beneficial effects did not significantly change emotional responses, there were distinct emotional profiles associated with different beer samples. Utilizing GP for the bioactivation of beer is a positive approach to enhance its overall properties and an effective way to address issues related to the disposal of this by-product. <a href="/2306-5710/10/3/80">Full article</a> </div> </div> <a href="#" class="abstract-figures-show" data-counterslink = "" ><span >&#9658;</span><span style=" display: none;">&#9660;</span> Show Figures </a><div class="abstract-image-preview "><div class="arrow left-arrow" id="prev1469427"><i class="fa fa-caret-left"></i></div><div class="arrow right-arrow" id="next1469427"><i class="fa fa-caret-right"></i></div><div class="absgraph cycle-slideshow manual" data-cycle-fx="scrollHorz" data-cycle-timeout="0" data-cycle-next="#next1469427" data-cycle-prev="#prev1469427" data-cycle-progressive="#images1469427" data-cycle-slides=">div" data-cycle-log="false"><div class='openpopupgallery cycle-slide' data-imgindex='0' data-target='article-1469427-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src="" data-src="" alt="" style="border: 0;"><p>Figure 1</p></div><script id="images1469427" type="text/cycle" data-cycle-split="---"><div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='1' data-target='article-1469427-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 2</p></div></script></div></div><div id="article-1469427-popup" class="popupgallery" style="display: inline; line-height: 200%"><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 1</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;Visual appearance of the control craft beer (without grape pomace) (&lt;b&gt;A&lt;/b&gt;) and craft beers with 1% (&lt;b&gt;B&lt;/b&gt;), 5% (&lt;b&gt;C&lt;/b&gt;), and 10% grape pomace (&lt;b&gt;D&lt;/b&gt;).&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2306-5710/10/3/80'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 2</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;Representation of samples in the first and second dimensions of the Correspondence Analysis of grape pomace craft beer formulations (&lt;span style=&quot;color:red&quot;&gt;□&lt;/span&gt;) using the CATA EsSense Profile&lt;sup&gt;®&lt;/sup&gt;. Terms (&lt;span style=&quot;color:#4472C4&quot;&gt;○&lt;/span&gt;): Active, Adv: Adventurous, Affec: Affectionate, Agg: Aggressive, Bored, Calm, Daring, Disg: Disgusted, Energ: Energetic, Enth: Enthusiastic, Free, Friend: Friendly, Glad, Good, Good-n: Good-natured, Guilty, Hap: Happy, Int: Interested, Joy: Joyful, Loving, Merry, Mild, Nost: Nostalgic, Peac: Peaceful, Pleat: Pleasant, Plead: Pleased, Polite, Quiet, Sat: Satisfied, Sec: Secure, Ste: Steady, Tame, Und: Understanding, Warm, Whole, and Wild.&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2306-5710/10/3/80'>Full article</a></strong> "></a></div> </div> </div> <div class="generic-item article-item"> <input class="article-list-checkbox export-element" type="checkbox" name="articles_ids[]" value="1469255" data-select-all-name="article-listing"> <div class="article-content"> <div class="label right label__btn"> <a data-dropdown="drop-supplementary-1469255" aria-controls="drop-supplementary-1469255" aria-expanded="false" title="Supplementary Material"> <i class="material-icons">attachment</i> </a> <div id="drop-supplementary-1469255" class="f-dropdown label__btn__dropdown label__btn__dropdown--wide" data-dropdown-content aria-hidden="true" tabindex="-1"> Supplementary material: <br/> <a href="/2306-5710/10/3/79/s1?version=1725248697"> Supplementary File 1 (ZIP, 386 KiB) </a><br/> </div> </div> <div class="label right label__btn"> <span style="font-size: 12px; color: #1a1a1a;"> 14 pages, 1086 KiB &nbsp; </span> <a href="/2306-5710/10/3/79/pdf?version=1725248697" class="UD_Listings_ArticlePDF" title="Article PDF" data-name="Improvement of the Chemical Quality of Cachaça" data-journal="beverages"> <i class="material-icons custom-download"></i> </a> </div> <div class="article-icons"><span class="label openaccess" data-dropdown="drop-article-label-openaccess" aria-expanded="false">Open Access</span><span class="label articletype">Article</span></div> <a class="title-link" href="/2306-5710/10/3/79">Improvement of the Chemical Quality of <i>Cacha&ccedil;a</i></a> <div class="authors"> by <span class="inlineblock "><strong>Amanda de Andrade Marcondes Pereira</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Maria Soledad M. S. F. Acevedo</strong> and </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>André Ricardo Alcarde</strong></span> </div> <div class="color-grey-dark"> <em>Beverages</em> <b>2024</b>, <em>10</em>(3), 79; <a href=""></a> - 2 Sep 2024 </div> Viewed by 791 <div class="abstract-div"> <a href="#" onclick="$(this).next('.abstract-cropped').toggleClass('inline').next('.abstract-full').toggleClass('inline'); return false;"> <strong>Abstract </strong> </a> <div class="abstract-cropped inline"> The objective of this study was to determine the chemical composition of sugarcane spirits and commercial <i>Cacha&ccedil;as</i>, comparing them with the limits established by national legislation and with studies conducted in previous periods. Previous studies have shown that 50% of the samples <a href="#" data-counterslink = "" onclick="$(this).parents('.abstract-cropped').toggleClass('inline').next('.abstract-full').toggleClass('inline'); return false;"> [...] Read more.</a> </div> <div class="abstract-full "> The objective of this study was to determine the chemical composition of sugarcane spirits and commercial <i>Cacha&ccedil;as</i>, comparing them with the limits established by national legislation and with studies conducted in previous periods. Previous studies have shown that 50% of the samples of this distillate were above the contaminant limits allowed by national legislation, constituting one of the main factors responsible for the low volume of exports. In this research, 531 <i>Cacha&ccedil;a</i> samples were analyzed in order to verify whether they complied with the limits of contaminants and volatile compounds required by Brazilian legislation. The results obtained indicate that Brazilian producers have adapted to the use of good manufacturing practices during the production process, ensuring the standardization of this distilled beverage and consequent compliance with legislation. <a href="/2306-5710/10/3/79">Full article</a> </div> </div> <div class="belongsTo" style="margin-bottom: 10px;"> (This article belongs to the Section <a href="/journal/beverages/sections/quality_nutrition_chemistry_beverages">Quality, Nutrition, and Chemistry of Beverages</a>)<br/> </div> <a href="#" class="abstract-figures-show" data-counterslink = "" ><span >&#9658;</span><span style=" display: none;">&#9660;</span> Show Figures </a><div class="abstract-image-preview "><div class="arrow left-arrow" id="prev1469255"><i class="fa fa-caret-left"></i></div><div class="arrow right-arrow" id="next1469255"><i class="fa fa-caret-right"></i></div><div class="absgraph cycle-slideshow manual" data-cycle-fx="scrollHorz" data-cycle-timeout="0" data-cycle-next="#next1469255" data-cycle-prev="#prev1469255" data-cycle-progressive="#images1469255" data-cycle-slides=">div" data-cycle-log="false"><div class='openpopupgallery cycle-slide' data-imgindex='0' data-target='article-1469255-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src="" data-src="" alt="" style="border: 0;"><p>Figure 1</p></div><script id="images1469255" type="text/cycle" data-cycle-split="---"><div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='1' data-target='article-1469255-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 2</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='2' data-target='article-1469255-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 3</p></div></script></div></div><div id="article-1469255-popup" class="popupgallery" style="display: inline; line-height: 200%"><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 1</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;Flow chart of the production of &lt;span class=&quot;html-italic&quot;&gt;Cachaça&lt;/span&gt; in an alembic. Source: Developed by the authors.&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2306-5710/10/3/79'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 2</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;Graph of data proportions according to the limits established by the legislation. Source: Developed by the authors.&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2306-5710/10/3/79'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 3</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;Evolution of the percentage of &lt;span class=&quot;html-italic&quot;&gt;Cachaças&lt;/span&gt; and sugarcane spirits that fail to meet the Brazilian legislation in relation to ethyl carbamate over the years. Source: This material was prepared by the authors based on the work conducted by Andrade-Sobrinho et al. [&lt;a href=&quot;#B49-beverages-10-00079&quot; class=&quot;html-bibr&quot;&gt;49&lt;/a&gt;], Baffa Júnior et al. [&lt;a href=&quot;#B50-beverages-10-00079&quot; class=&quot;html-bibr&quot;&gt;50&lt;/a&gt;], Labanca et al. [&lt;a href=&quot;#B51-beverages-10-00079&quot; class=&quot;html-bibr&quot;&gt;51&lt;/a&gt;], Nóbrega et al. [&lt;a href=&quot;#B52-beverages-10-00079&quot; class=&quot;html-bibr&quot;&gt;52&lt;/a&gt;], Nóbrega et al. [&lt;a href=&quot;#B53-beverages-10-00079&quot; class=&quot;html-bibr&quot;&gt;53&lt;/a&gt;], Masson et al. [&lt;a href=&quot;#B54-beverages-10-00079&quot; class=&quot;html-bibr&quot;&gt;54&lt;/a&gt;], and Bortoletto and Alcarde [&lt;a href=&quot;#B55-beverages-10-00079&quot; class=&quot;html-bibr&quot;&gt;55&lt;/a&gt;].&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2306-5710/10/3/79'>Full article</a></strong> "></a></div> </div> </div> <div class="generic-item article-item"> <input class="article-list-checkbox export-element" type="checkbox" name="articles_ids[]" value="1464235" data-select-all-name="article-listing"> <div class="article-content"> <div class="label right label__btn"> <a data-dropdown="drop-supplementary-1464235" aria-controls="drop-supplementary-1464235" aria-expanded="false" title="Supplementary Material"> <i class="material-icons">attachment</i> </a> <div id="drop-supplementary-1464235" class="f-dropdown label__btn__dropdown label__btn__dropdown--wide" data-dropdown-content aria-hidden="true" tabindex="-1"> Supplementary material: <br/> <a href="/2306-5710/10/3/78/s1?version=1724668207"> Supplementary File 1 (ZIP, 1002 KiB) </a><br/> </div> </div> <div class="label right label__btn"> <span style="font-size: 12px; color: #1a1a1a;"> 21 pages, 3489 KiB &nbsp; </span> <a href="/2306-5710/10/3/78/pdf?version=1724668207" class="UD_Listings_ArticlePDF" title="Article PDF" data-name="Understanding the Mellowing Effect of Bottle Aging on the Sensory Perceptions of Varietal Dry White Wines" data-journal="beverages"> <i class="material-icons custom-download"></i> </a> </div> <div class="article-icons"><span class="label openaccess" data-dropdown="drop-article-label-openaccess" aria-expanded="false">Open Access</span><span class="label articletype">Article</span></div> <a class="title-link" href="/2306-5710/10/3/78">Understanding the Mellowing Effect of Bottle Aging on the Sensory Perceptions of Varietal Dry White Wines</a> <div class="authors"> by <span class="inlineblock "><strong>Giovanni Marasà</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Joana Ferreira</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Mariana Mota</strong> and </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Manuel Malfeito-Ferreira</strong></span> </div> <div class="color-grey-dark"> <em>Beverages</em> <b>2024</b>, <em>10</em>(3), 78; <a href=""></a> - 26 Aug 2024 </div> Viewed by 744 <div class="abstract-div"> <a href="#" onclick="$(this).next('.abstract-cropped').toggleClass('inline').next('.abstract-full').toggleClass('inline'); return false;"> <strong>Abstract </strong> </a> <div class="abstract-cropped inline"> The aging ability of dry white wines has been increasingly recognized. The present work aimed to identify which sensory features drive their quality assessment by experienced tasters. Individuals assessed several sensory attributes, using dark tasting glasses. Wines originated from the grape varieties Alvarinho, <a href="#" data-counterslink = "" onclick="$(this).parents('.abstract-cropped').toggleClass('inline').next('.abstract-full').toggleClass('inline'); return false;"> [...] Read more.</a> </div> <div class="abstract-full "> The aging ability of dry white wines has been increasingly recognized. The present work aimed to identify which sensory features drive their quality assessment by experienced tasters. Individuals assessed several sensory attributes, using dark tasting glasses. Wines originated from the grape varieties Alvarinho, Arinto, Sauvignon Blanc and Pinot Bianco with a wide range of ages. Basic physical&ndash;chemical analysis, browning (Abs 420 nm), elemental composition and a partial volatile fraction were also determined. The overall quality scores were a function of complexity and balance and were negatively influenced by the perception of faultiness. The aging process could be associated with a continuous sensory space characterized by a declining perception of freshness and an intensification in the mellowed flavors. Despite their age, wines were characterized by an austere perception caused by their acidity, saltiness, bitterness, smoothness and dryness. Nevertheless, quality scores were similar from the youngest to the oldest tasted wines (17 years old). The exception was a Sauvignon Blanc wine from a recent vintage that was judged as faulty due to the perception of earthiness. Overall, the tasted wines displayed an unexpected aging ability as demonstrated by the difference between the predicted and real wine ages. To improve the recognition of old wines, the metaphor &ldquo;mellowed by age&rdquo; is proposed to describe flavors resulting from beneficial aging instead of &ldquo;oxidized by age&rdquo;. <a href="/2306-5710/10/3/78">Full article</a> </div> </div> <div class="belongsTo" style="margin-bottom: 10px;"> (This article belongs to the Special Issue <a href=" /journal/beverages/special_issues/D7G7A640JO ">Sensory Analysis as a Tool for the Improvement of the Quality of Beverages</a>)<br/> </div> <a href="#" class="abstract-figures-show" data-counterslink = "" ><span >&#9658;</span><span style=" display: none;">&#9660;</span> Show Figures </a><div class="abstract-image-preview "><div class="arrow left-arrow" id="prev1464235"><i class="fa fa-caret-left"></i></div><div class="arrow right-arrow" id="next1464235"><i class="fa fa-caret-right"></i></div><div class="absgraph cycle-slideshow manual" data-cycle-fx="scrollHorz" data-cycle-timeout="0" data-cycle-next="#next1464235" data-cycle-prev="#prev1464235" data-cycle-progressive="#images1464235" data-cycle-slides=">div" data-cycle-log="false"><div class='openpopupgallery cycle-slide' data-imgindex='0' data-target='article-1464235-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src="" data-src="" alt="" style="border: 0;"><p>Figure 1</p></div><script id="images1464235" type="text/cycle" data-cycle-split="---"><div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='1' data-target='article-1464235-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 2</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='2' data-target='article-1464235-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 3</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='3' data-target='article-1464235-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 4</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='4' data-target='article-1464235-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 5</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='5' data-target='article-1464235-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 6</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='6' data-target='article-1464235-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 7</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='7' data-target='article-1464235-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 8</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='8' data-target='article-1464235-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 9</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='9' data-target='article-1464235-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 10</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='10' data-target='article-1464235-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 11</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='11' data-target='article-1464235-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 12</p></div></script></div></div><div id="article-1464235-popup" class="popupgallery" style="display: inline; line-height: 200%"><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 1</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;Box plots depicting “Quality” score distributions among the tasted wines (•, average; horizontal line, median; lower horizontal dash, 5% of the scores, higher horizontal dash, 95% of the scores; box, 25% and 75% of the scores; ♦, extreme scores) (different scores are indicated by different letters when &lt;span class=&quot;html-italic&quot;&gt;p&lt;/span&gt; &amp;gt; 0.05) (refer to &lt;a href=&quot;#beverages-10-00078-t001&quot; class=&quot;html-table&quot;&gt;Table 1&lt;/a&gt; for sample codes).&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2306-5710/10/3/78'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 2</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;Principal Component Analysis of active (black) and supplementary (blue) variables (&lt;b&gt;left panel&lt;/b&gt;) and biplot with active variables and wines (&lt;b&gt;right panel&lt;/b&gt;). Wines were grouped according to Cluster Analysis.&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2306-5710/10/3/78'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 3</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;Correspondence Analysis of aroma and flavor descriptors cited by more than 10%, at least in one wine, as active variables (in red) and those less cited as supplementary variables (in brown). Wines are indicated in blue.&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2306-5710/10/3/78'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 4</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;Cluster Analysis of wines grouped according to (&lt;b&gt;a&lt;/b&gt;) their CATA characterization and (&lt;b&gt;b&lt;/b&gt;) their sensory descriptors according to wines.&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2306-5710/10/3/78'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 5</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;Frequencies of citation (%) of flavor families according to the wine clusters (I, SB21; II, AL22, SB16, PB12; III, AL17, AR17, AR15, PB20, PB15, PB10, SB13; IV, AL19, AL14, AR11; V, AR10, AR06, PB06).&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2306-5710/10/3/78'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 6</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;Frequencies of citation of the flavor clusters “Freshness” (●) and “Mellowed” (○) for all white wines except SB19. Regression lines: “Freshness”, slope −3.85 ± 0.59, r = −0.860, &lt;span class=&quot;html-italic&quot;&gt;p&lt;/span&gt; &amp;lt; 0.0001; “Mellowed”, slope 3.60 ± 0.34, r = 0.939, &lt;span class=&quot;html-italic&quot;&gt;p&lt;/span&gt; &amp;lt; 0.0001.&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2306-5710/10/3/78'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 7</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;Relations between the average predicted ages and the average color scores of the oldest and youngest wines of each grape variety (-, linear fit; ---, 95% confidence limits; vertical and horizontal bars, standard deviations).&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2306-5710/10/3/78'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 8</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;The effect of age on wine browning measured as the absorbance at 420 nm (-, linear fit; --, 95% confidence limit).&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2306-5710/10/3/78'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 9</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;Flavor and color changes in wines tasted in dark glasses (flavor families: “Freshness”, green; “Mellowed”, orange; “Austere”/“Acidity”, blue; predicted age, black; Abs 420 nm, open circles). Wines were aligned according to decreasing values of “Freshness” perception.&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2306-5710/10/3/78'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 10</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;Hierarchical clustering dendogram of the wines according to their elemental constitutions.&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2306-5710/10/3/78'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 11</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;Biplot of the Multifactorial Analysis illustrative of quantitative variables associated with proper aging using wines grouped by age perception (&lt;b&gt;a&lt;/b&gt;) and grape variety (&lt;b&gt;b&lt;/b&gt;) (2-propenal stands for 2-propenal, 3-(2,6,6-trimethyl-1-cyclohexen-1-yl)).&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2306-5710/10/3/78'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 12</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;Biplot of the Multifactorial Analysis illustrative of wines grouped by age perception (&lt;b&gt;a&lt;/b&gt;) and grape variety (&lt;b&gt;b&lt;/b&gt;) using confidence ellipses.&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2306-5710/10/3/78'>Full article</a></strong> "></a></div> </div> </div> <div class="generic-item article-item"> <input class="article-list-checkbox export-element" type="checkbox" name="articles_ids[]" value="1462904" data-select-all-name="article-listing"> <div class="article-content"> <div class="label right label__btn"> <span style="font-size: 12px; color: #1a1a1a;"> 16 pages, 2262 KiB &nbsp; </span> <a href="/2306-5710/10/3/77/pdf?version=1724655096" class="UD_Listings_ArticlePDF" title="Article PDF" data-name="Aroma Potential of German Riesling Winegrapes during Late-Stage Ripening" data-journal="beverages"> <i class="material-icons custom-download"></i> </a> </div> <div class="article-icons"><span class="label openaccess" data-dropdown="drop-article-label-openaccess" aria-expanded="false">Open Access</span><span class="label articletype">Article</span></div> <a class="title-link" href="/2306-5710/10/3/77">Aroma Potential of German Riesling Winegrapes during Late-Stage Ripening</a> <div class="authors"> by <span class="inlineblock "><strong>Thi H. Nguyen</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Daniel Zimmermann</strong> and </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Dominik Durner</strong></span> </div> <div class="color-grey-dark"> <em>Beverages</em> <b>2024</b>, <em>10</em>(3), 77; <a href=""></a> - 23 Aug 2024 </div> Viewed by 694 <div class="abstract-div"> <a href="#" onclick="$(this).next('.abstract-cropped').toggleClass('inline').next('.abstract-full').toggleClass('inline'); return false;"> <strong>Abstract </strong> </a> <div class="abstract-cropped inline"> The &ldquo;aromatic maturity&rdquo; of winegrapes is not fully understood, particularly during the later stages of ripening. The contribution of grapes to wine aroma has historically been challenging to determine, given most aroma compounds originate from nonvolatile precursors. In this study, an analytical approach <a href="#" data-counterslink = "" onclick="$(this).parents('.abstract-cropped').toggleClass('inline').next('.abstract-full').toggleClass('inline'); return false;"> [...] Read more.</a> </div> <div class="abstract-full "> The &ldquo;aromatic maturity&rdquo; of winegrapes is not fully understood, particularly during the later stages of ripening. The contribution of grapes to wine aroma has historically been challenging to determine, given most aroma compounds originate from nonvolatile precursors. In this study, an analytical approach previously developed for red winegrapes was adapted to assess the &ldquo;aroma potential&rdquo; of Riesling from two vineyards in Essenheim and Durbach, Germany, during the 2022 vintage, by extracting and hydrolyzing aroma precursors in an anoxic model wine matrix. Following sensory and chemical analyses of the hydrolysates using flash profiling and gas chromatography, a multiple factor analysis revealed vineyard- and ripening-dependent changes to aroma, even after total soluble solids had plateaued. As samples matured, <i>green apple</i> and <i>fresh</i>/<i>vegetal</i> aromas were prominent among the Durbach hydrolysates, likely due to persistent concentrations of hexanol. Hydrolysates from both vineyards nonetheless developed more pronounced <i>citrus fruit</i>, <i>tropical fruit</i>, and <i>floral</i> aromas, reflecting increased concentrations of various norisoprenoids and terpenoids. Findings suggest delaying harvest past technological maturity could confer greater aromatic intensity and complexity. The analytical approach used here appears promising for future studies on other grape varieties and other factors that could influence aroma, such as viticultural practices and environmental conditions. <a href="/2306-5710/10/3/77">Full article</a> </div> </div> <div class="belongsTo" style="margin-bottom: 10px;"> (This article belongs to the Special Issue <a href=" /journal/beverages/special_issues/D7G7A640JO ">Sensory Analysis as a Tool for the Improvement of the Quality of Beverages</a>)<br/> </div> <a href="#" class="abstract-figures-show" data-counterslink = "" ><span >&#9658;</span><span style=" display: none;">&#9660;</span> Show Figures </a><div class="abstract-image-preview "><div class="arrow left-arrow" id="prev1462904"><i class="fa fa-caret-left"></i></div><div class="arrow right-arrow" id="next1462904"><i class="fa fa-caret-right"></i></div><div class="absgraph cycle-slideshow manual" data-cycle-fx="scrollHorz" data-cycle-timeout="0" data-cycle-next="#next1462904" data-cycle-prev="#prev1462904" data-cycle-progressive="#images1462904" data-cycle-slides=">div" data-cycle-log="false"><div class='openpopupgallery cycle-slide' data-imgindex='0' data-target='article-1462904-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src="" data-src="" alt="" style="border: 0;"><p>Figure 1</p></div><script id="images1462904" type="text/cycle" data-cycle-split="---"><div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='1' data-target='article-1462904-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 2</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='2' data-target='article-1462904-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 3</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='3' data-target='article-1462904-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 4</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='4' data-target='article-1462904-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 5</p></div></script></div></div><div id="article-1462904-popup" class="popupgallery" style="display: inline; line-height: 200%"><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 1</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;Total soluble solids (°Brix) over time at both vineyards. Samples in bold marked with an asterisk (*) were selected for further analysis.&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2306-5710/10/3/77'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 2</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;Mock-up of the flash profiling form. Letters placed on the scales indicate the individual hydrolysates, ranked according to perceived intensity for any given attribute, with circles indicating ties.&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2306-5710/10/3/77'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 3</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;Hydrolysate scores on the first two dimensions of the consensus space generated by multiple factor analysis of the flash profiling dataset. Colors indicate clusters according to hierarchical clustering on principle components.&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2306-5710/10/3/77'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 4</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;Attribute loadings on the first two dimensions of the consensus space generated by multiple factor analysis of the flash profiling dataset: (&lt;b&gt;a&lt;/b&gt;) &lt;span class=&quot;html-italic&quot;&gt;pome fruit&lt;/span&gt; attributes; (&lt;b&gt;b&lt;/b&gt;) &lt;span class=&quot;html-italic&quot;&gt;fresh&lt;/span&gt;/&lt;span class=&quot;html-italic&quot;&gt;vegetal&lt;/span&gt; attributes; (&lt;b&gt;c&lt;/b&gt;) &lt;span class=&quot;html-italic&quot;&gt;dried&lt;/span&gt;/&lt;span class=&quot;html-italic&quot;&gt;herbal&lt;/span&gt; attributes; (&lt;b&gt;d&lt;/b&gt;) &lt;span class=&quot;html-italic&quot;&gt;citrus fruit&lt;/span&gt; attributes; (&lt;b&gt;e&lt;/b&gt;) &lt;span class=&quot;html-italic&quot;&gt;tropical fruit&lt;/span&gt; attributes; (&lt;b&gt;f&lt;/b&gt;) &lt;span class=&quot;html-italic&quot;&gt;floral&lt;/span&gt; attributes. Numbers after each attribute indicate the panelist.&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2306-5710/10/3/77'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 5</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;Loadings for aroma compounds, projected as supplementary variables onto the first two dimensions of the consensus space generated by multiple factor analysis of the flash profiling dataset.&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2306-5710/10/3/77'>Full article</a></strong> "></a></div> </div> </div> <div class="generic-item article-item"> <input class="article-list-checkbox export-element" type="checkbox" name="articles_ids[]" value="1462668" data-select-all-name="article-listing"> <div class="article-content"> <div class="label right label__btn"> <a data-dropdown="drop-supplementary-1462668" aria-controls="drop-supplementary-1462668" aria-expanded="false" title="Supplementary Material"> <i class="material-icons">attachment</i> </a> <div id="drop-supplementary-1462668" class="f-dropdown label__btn__dropdown label__btn__dropdown--wide" data-dropdown-content aria-hidden="true" tabindex="-1"> Supplementary material: <br/> <a href="/2306-5710/10/3/76/s1?version=1724414531"> Supplementary File 1 (ZIP, 1311 KiB) </a><br/> </div> </div> <div class="label right label__btn"> <span style="font-size: 12px; color: #1a1a1a;"> 18 pages, 1549 KiB &nbsp; </span> <a href="/2306-5710/10/3/76/pdf?version=1724860212" class="UD_Listings_ArticlePDF" title="Article PDF" data-name="Impact of Different Wood Types on the Chemical Composition and Sensory Profile of Aged Tsipouro: A Comparative Study" data-journal="beverages"> <i class="material-icons custom-download"></i> </a> </div> <div class="article-icons"><span class="label openaccess" data-dropdown="drop-article-label-openaccess" aria-expanded="false">Open Access</span><span class="label articletype">Article</span></div> <a class="title-link" href="/2306-5710/10/3/76">Impact of Different Wood Types on the Chemical Composition and Sensory Profile of Aged Tsipouro: A Comparative Study</a> <div class="authors"> by <span class="inlineblock "><strong>Athanassios Karathanos</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Georgia Soultani</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Nikolaos Kontoudakis</strong> and </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Yorgos Kotseridis</strong></span> </div> <div class="color-grey-dark"> <em>Beverages</em> <b>2024</b>, <em>10</em>(3), 76; <a href=""></a> - 23 Aug 2024 </div> Viewed by 654 <div class="abstract-div"> <a href="#" onclick="$(this).next('.abstract-cropped').toggleClass('inline').next('.abstract-full').toggleClass('inline'); return false;"> <strong>Abstract </strong> </a> <div class="abstract-cropped inline"> The production of high-quality aged marc spirits includes a minimum period of six months of ageing in oak barrels. Lastly, producers are interested in alternative botanical origin wood. The present study is aimed at investigating the influence of Greek oak (<i>Quercus trojana</i> <a href="#" data-counterslink = "" onclick="$(this).parents('.abstract-cropped').toggleClass('inline').next('.abstract-full').toggleClass('inline'); return false;"> [...] Read more.</a> </div> <div class="abstract-full "> The production of high-quality aged marc spirits includes a minimum period of six months of ageing in oak barrels. Lastly, producers are interested in alternative botanical origin wood. The present study is aimed at investigating the influence of Greek oak (<i>Quercus trojana</i>) and Greek chestnut (<i>Castanea sativa</i>) compared with French (<i>Quercus petraia</i>) and American oak (<i>Quercus alba</i>) on the chemical composition and sensorial characteristics of aged tsipouro, produced from marc from the Black Muscat variety. Gas chromatography&ndash;olfactometry&ndash;mass spectrometry (GC&ndash;O&ndash;MS) was used to identify volatile compounds of the aged tsipouro. Also, colour and polyphenol measurements were made, and an organoleptic evaluation was performed by 16 trained tasters. The findings revealed rather similar results between the tsipouro made from different wood species, especially between Greek and French oaks, and relative differentiation for that of chestnut. All the aged distillates exhibited a pleasant and rich aromatic potential, dominated by floral and fruity terpene varietal aromas as well as wood-related volatiles. Chestnut, with a high phenolic potential, gives pleasant organoleptic effects over time and can be an alternative wood for ageing spirits. This research highlights the importance of wood selection in the tsipouro ageing process and enables the use of Greek wood species in the ageing of spirits. <a href="/2306-5710/10/3/76">Full article</a> </div> </div> <div class="belongsTo" style="margin-bottom: 10px;"> (This article belongs to the Special Issue <a href=" /journal/beverages/special_issues/900D38BT40 ">Wine and Spirits</a>)<br/> </div> <a href="#" class="abstract-figures-show" data-counterslink = "" ><span >&#9658;</span><span style=" display: none;">&#9660;</span> Show Figures </a><div class="abstract-image-preview "><div class="arrow left-arrow" id="prev1462668"><i class="fa fa-caret-left"></i></div><div class="arrow right-arrow" id="next1462668"><i class="fa fa-caret-right"></i></div><div class="absgraph cycle-slideshow manual" data-cycle-fx="scrollHorz" data-cycle-timeout="0" data-cycle-next="#next1462668" data-cycle-prev="#prev1462668" data-cycle-progressive="#images1462668" data-cycle-slides=">div" data-cycle-log="false"><div class='openpopupgallery cycle-slide' data-imgindex='0' data-target='article-1462668-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src="" data-src="" alt="" style="border: 0;"><p>Figure 1</p></div><script id="images1462668" type="text/cycle" data-cycle-split="---"><div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='1' data-target='article-1462668-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 2</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='2' data-target='article-1462668-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 3</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='3' data-target='article-1462668-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 4</p></div></script></div></div><div id="article-1462668-popup" class="popupgallery" style="display: inline; line-height: 200%"><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 1</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;Total phenolic index (TPI) of tsipouro marc spirits aged for 5 years while in contact with French oak (FO), American oak (AO), Greek oak (GO), and Greek chestnut (GC). All data are expressed as the average of 3 samples ± standard deviation. Different Latin letters indicate statistical differences (&lt;span class=&quot;html-italic&quot;&gt;p&lt;/span&gt; &amp;lt; 0.05).&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2306-5710/10/3/76'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 2</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;CIELAB chromatic coordinates: a*, b*, and lightness L* of tsipouro marc spirits aged for 5 years while in contact with French oak (FO), American oak (AO), Greek oak (GO), and Greek chestnut (GC). All data are expressed as the average of 3 samples. Different Latin letters indicate statistical differences (&lt;span class=&quot;html-italic&quot;&gt;p&lt;/span&gt; &amp;lt; 0.05) for the L* and a* parameters and Greek letters for the b* parameter.&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2306-5710/10/3/76'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 3</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;CIELAB chromatic coordinates: chroma C* and hue h* of tsipouro marc spirits aged for 5 years while in contact with French oak (FO), American oak (AO), Greek oak (GO), and Greek chestnut (GC). All data are expressed as the average of 3 samples ± standard deviation. Different Latin letters indicate statistical differences (&lt;span class=&quot;html-italic&quot;&gt;p&lt;/span&gt; &amp;lt; 0.05).&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2306-5710/10/3/76'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 4</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;The mean value of the sensory attributes of the five different tsipouro marc spirits aged without wood contact (control) and in contact for 5 years with French oak (FO), American oak (AO), Greek oak (GO), and Greek chestnut (GC).&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2306-5710/10/3/76'>Full article</a></strong> "></a></div> </div> </div> <div class="generic-item article-item"> <input class="article-list-checkbox export-element" type="checkbox" name="articles_ids[]" value="1461519" data-select-all-name="article-listing"> <div class="article-content"> <div class="label right label__btn"> <a data-dropdown="drop-supplementary-1461519" aria-controls="drop-supplementary-1461519" aria-expanded="false" title="Supplementary Material"> <i class="material-icons">attachment</i> </a> <div id="drop-supplementary-1461519" class="f-dropdown label__btn__dropdown label__btn__dropdown--wide" data-dropdown-content aria-hidden="true" tabindex="-1"> Supplementary material: <br/> <a href="/2306-5710/10/3/75/s1?version=1724319225"> Supplementary File 1 (ZIP, 526 KiB) </a><br/> </div> </div> <div class="label right label__btn"> <span style="font-size: 12px; color: #1a1a1a;"> 21 pages, 8765 KiB &nbsp; </span> <a href="/2306-5710/10/3/75/pdf?version=1724320429" class="UD_Listings_ArticlePDF" title="Article PDF" data-name="Preparation of Polyphenol-Rich Herbal Beverages from White Willow (Salix alba) Bark with Potential Alzheimer’s Disease Inhibitory Activity In Silico" data-journal="beverages"> <i class="material-icons custom-download"></i> </a> </div> <div class="article-icons"><span class="label openaccess" data-dropdown="drop-article-label-openaccess" aria-expanded="false">Open Access</span><span class="label articletype">Article</span></div> <a class="title-link" href="/2306-5710/10/3/75">Preparation of Polyphenol-Rich Herbal Beverages from White Willow (<i>Salix alba</i>) Bark with Potential Alzheimer&rsquo;s Disease Inhibitory Activity In Silico</a> <div class="authors"> by <span class="inlineblock "><strong>Liwen Zheng</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Jean-Christophe Jacquier</strong> and </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Niamh Harbourne</strong></span> </div> <div class="color-grey-dark"> <em>Beverages</em> <b>2024</b>, <em>10</em>(3), 75; <a href=""></a> - 22 Aug 2024 </div> <a href="/2306-5710/10/3/75#metrics">Cited by 1</a> |&nbsp;Viewed by 873 <div class="abstract-div"> <a href="#" onclick="$(this).next('.abstract-cropped').toggleClass('inline').next('.abstract-full').toggleClass('inline'); return false;"> <strong>Abstract </strong> </a> <div class="abstract-cropped inline"> White willow (<i>Salix alba</i>) is a medicinal plant traditionally used to treat pain and inflammation. The aims of this study were to produce polyphenol-rich herbal beverages from willow bark with different ethanol content, temperatures, and solvent pH and to explore neuroprotective <a href="#" data-counterslink = "" onclick="$(this).parents('.abstract-cropped').toggleClass('inline').next('.abstract-full').toggleClass('inline'); return false;"> [...] Read more.</a> </div> <div class="abstract-full "> White willow (<i>Salix alba</i>) is a medicinal plant traditionally used to treat pain and inflammation. The aims of this study were to produce polyphenol-rich herbal beverages from willow bark with different ethanol content, temperatures, and solvent pH and to explore neuroprotective potentials of willow polyphenols. The phenolic compounds quantified in the willow infusions were salicin, chlorogenic acid, epicatechin, <i>p</i>-salicylic acid, and <i>p</i>-coumaric acid; the former three compounds exhibited promising inhibitory potentials against acetylcholinesterase (AChE) and butyrylcholinesterase (BuChE) in molecular docking studies. Total phenol content and antioxidant activity were maximum when prepared with 50% ethanol-in-water at room temperature. Although aqueous infusions contained fewer total phenols than those extracted with 50% hydroalcoholic solutions, they enhanced the extraction of chlorogenic acid and salicin content, which may possess promising neuroprotective potentials. The addition of citric acids in hot water infusions led to a higher proportion of non-tannins and had a lighter appearance, which may result in less astringent mouthfeel and better consumer acceptance. Overall, the obtained results indicate that willow bark prepared with hot water and/or with addition of citric acids is rich in bioactive compounds with high antioxidant activity and possible neuroprotective activities in silico, which could serve as valuable ingredients for inclusion in functional beverages. <a href="/2306-5710/10/3/75">Full article</a> </div> </div> <div class="belongsTo" style="margin-bottom: 10px;"> (This article belongs to the Special Issue <a href=" /journal/beverages/special_issues/AOH823IY48 ">Traditional, Functional and Novel Fruit Beverages: Cultivation, Processing and Consumption</a>)<br/> </div> <a href="#" class="abstract-figures-show" data-counterslink = "" ><span >&#9658;</span><span style=" display: none;">&#9660;</span> Show Figures </a><div class="abstract-image-preview "><div class="arrow left-arrow" id="prev1461519"><i class="fa fa-caret-left"></i></div><div class="arrow right-arrow" id="next1461519"><i class="fa fa-caret-right"></i></div><div class="absgraph cycle-slideshow manual" data-cycle-fx="scrollHorz" data-cycle-timeout="0" data-cycle-next="#next1461519" data-cycle-prev="#prev1461519" data-cycle-progressive="#images1461519" data-cycle-slides=">div" data-cycle-log="false"><div class='openpopupgallery cycle-slide' data-imgindex='0' data-target='article-1461519-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src="" data-src="" alt="" style="border: 0;"><p>Graphical abstract</p></div><script id="images1461519" type="text/cycle" data-cycle-split="---"><div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='1' data-target='article-1461519-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 1</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='2' data-target='article-1461519-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 2</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='3' data-target='article-1461519-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 3</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='4' data-target='article-1461519-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 4</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='5' data-target='article-1461519-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 5</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='6' data-target='article-1461519-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 6</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='7' data-target='article-1461519-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 7</p></div></script></div></div><div id="article-1461519-popup" class="popupgallery" style="display: inline; line-height: 200%"><a href="" title=" <strong>Graphical abstract</strong><br/><strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2306-5710/10/3/75'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 1</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;Effect of ethanol content on the content of phenolic constituents in the willow infusions. Different letters (a–e) for each constituent indicate significant differences (&lt;span class=&quot;html-italic&quot;&gt;p&lt;/span&gt; &amp;lt; 0.05).&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2306-5710/10/3/75'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 2</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;Effect of ethanol content on the content of phenolic compounds: chlorogenic acid (&lt;b&gt;A&lt;/b&gt;), epicatechin (&lt;b&gt;B&lt;/b&gt;), salicin (&lt;b&gt;C&lt;/b&gt;), &lt;span class=&quot;html-italic&quot;&gt;p&lt;/span&gt;-salicylic acid (&lt;b&gt;D&lt;/b&gt;), and &lt;span class=&quot;html-italic&quot;&gt;p&lt;/span&gt;-coumaric acid (&lt;b&gt;E&lt;/b&gt;) in the willow infusions. Different letters (a–d) indicate significant differences (&lt;span class=&quot;html-italic&quot;&gt;p&lt;/span&gt; &amp;lt; 0.05).&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2306-5710/10/3/75'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 3</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;Effect of extraction temperature on the content of phenolic constituents in the willow infusions. Different letters (a–d) for each constituent indicate significant differences (&lt;span class=&quot;html-italic&quot;&gt;p&lt;/span&gt; &amp;lt; 0.05).&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2306-5710/10/3/75'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 4</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;Effect of extraction temperature on the content of phenolic compounds: chlorogenic acid (&lt;b&gt;A&lt;/b&gt;), epicatechin (&lt;b&gt;B&lt;/b&gt;), salicin (&lt;b&gt;C&lt;/b&gt;), &lt;span class=&quot;html-italic&quot;&gt;p&lt;/span&gt;-salicylic acid (&lt;b&gt;D&lt;/b&gt;), and &lt;span class=&quot;html-italic&quot;&gt;p&lt;/span&gt;-coumaric acid (&lt;b&gt;E&lt;/b&gt;) in the willow infusions. Different letters (a–c) indicate significant differences (&lt;span class=&quot;html-italic&quot;&gt;p&lt;/span&gt; &amp;lt; 0.05).&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2306-5710/10/3/75'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 5</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;Effect of pH and temperature on the content of phenolic constituents in the willow infusions. Different letters (a–c) for each constituent indicate significant differences (&lt;span class=&quot;html-italic&quot;&gt;p&lt;/span&gt; &amp;lt; 0.05).&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2306-5710/10/3/75'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 6</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;Effect of pH and temperature on the content of phenolic compounds: chlorogenic acid (&lt;b&gt;A&lt;/b&gt;), epicatechin (&lt;b&gt;B&lt;/b&gt;), salicin (&lt;b&gt;C&lt;/b&gt;), &lt;span class=&quot;html-italic&quot;&gt;p&lt;/span&gt;-salicylic acid (&lt;b&gt;D&lt;/b&gt;), and &lt;span class=&quot;html-italic&quot;&gt;p&lt;/span&gt;-coumaric acid (&lt;b&gt;E&lt;/b&gt;) in the willow infusions. Different letters (a–c) indicate significant differences (&lt;span class=&quot;html-italic&quot;&gt;p&lt;/span&gt; &amp;lt; 0.05).&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2306-5710/10/3/75'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 7</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;The docking poses of different ligands with their receptors: (&lt;b&gt;A&lt;/b&gt;) AChE and (&lt;b&gt;B&lt;/b&gt;) BuChE in total and detailed view. (&lt;b&gt;A1&lt;/b&gt;) represents donepezil (red sticks) docked into the active site of AChE. (&lt;b&gt;B1&lt;/b&gt;) represents tacrine (red sticks) docked into the active site of BuChE. (&lt;b&gt;A2&lt;/b&gt;) and (&lt;b&gt;B2&lt;/b&gt;) epicatechin (wheat sticks) docked in the active sites of AChE and BuChE. (&lt;b&gt;A3&lt;/b&gt;) and (&lt;b&gt;B3&lt;/b&gt;) represent chlorogenic acid (purple sticks) docked in the active sites of AChE and BuChE. (&lt;b&gt;A4&lt;/b&gt;) and (&lt;b&gt;B4&lt;/b&gt;) represent salicin (yellow sticks) docked in the active sites of AChE and BuChE. (&lt;b&gt;A5&lt;/b&gt;) and (&lt;b&gt;B5&lt;/b&gt;) represent &lt;span class=&quot;html-italic&quot;&gt;p&lt;/span&gt;-coumaric acid (white sticks) docked in the active sites of AChE and BuChE. (&lt;b&gt;A6&lt;/b&gt;) and (&lt;b&gt;B6&lt;/b&gt;) represent &lt;span class=&quot;html-italic&quot;&gt;p&lt;/span&gt;-salicylic acid (light pink sticks) docked in the active sites of AChE and BuChE.&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2306-5710/10/3/75'>Full article</a></strong> "></a></div> </div> </div> <div class="generic-item article-item"> <input class="article-list-checkbox export-element" type="checkbox" name="articles_ids[]" value="1461386" data-select-all-name="article-listing"> <div class="article-content"> <div class="label right label__btn"> <span style="font-size: 12px; color: #1a1a1a;"> 13 pages, 1336 KiB &nbsp; </span> <a href="/2306-5710/10/3/74/pdf?version=1724834708" class="UD_Listings_ArticlePDF" title="Article PDF" data-name="Decoding Preferences: A Comparative Analysis of Non-Alcoholic and Alcoholic Cocktails through Acceptance and Qualitative Insights" data-journal="beverages"> <i class="material-icons custom-download"></i> </a> </div> <div class="article-icons"><span class="label openaccess" data-dropdown="drop-article-label-openaccess" aria-expanded="false">Open Access</span><span class="label articletype">Article</span></div> <a class="title-link" href="/2306-5710/10/3/74">Decoding Preferences: A Comparative Analysis of Non-Alcoholic and Alcoholic Cocktails through Acceptance and Qualitative Insights</a> <div class="authors"> by <span class="inlineblock "><strong>María Mora</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Elena Romeo-Arroyo</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Francisco José Pérez-Elortondo</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Iñaki Etaio</strong> and </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Laura Vázquez-Araújo</strong></span> </div> <div class="color-grey-dark"> <em>Beverages</em> <b>2024</b>, <em>10</em>(3), 74; <a href=""></a> - 22 Aug 2024 </div> Viewed by 875 <div class="abstract-div"> <a href="#" onclick="$(this).next('.abstract-cropped').toggleClass('inline').next('.abstract-full').toggleClass('inline'); return false;"> <strong>Abstract </strong> </a> <div class="abstract-cropped inline"> This study aimed to evaluate consumer perception and acceptance of non-alcoholic cocktails compared to their traditional alcoholic counterparts in a restaurant setting. Three popular cocktails&mdash;gintonic, mojito, and mule&mdash;and their non-alcoholic versions (NoLo) were assessed following a three &times; two experimental design. A total <a href="#" data-counterslink = "" onclick="$(this).parents('.abstract-cropped').toggleClass('inline').next('.abstract-full').toggleClass('inline'); return false;"> [...] Read more.</a> </div> <div class="abstract-full "> This study aimed to evaluate consumer perception and acceptance of non-alcoholic cocktails compared to their traditional alcoholic counterparts in a restaurant setting. Three popular cocktails&mdash;gintonic, mojito, and mule&mdash;and their non-alcoholic versions (NoLo) were assessed following a three &times; two experimental design. A total of 600 participants (approximately 100 per cocktail) participated at the Basque Culinary Center&rsquo;s restaurant. Participants rated their liking of the cocktails using a nine-point hedonic scale and provided open-ended responses about the sensory characteristics and the consumption contexts or emotions evoked by the different cocktails. The results showed differences in the acceptance of the six cocktails, but no significant differences between the alcoholic and non-alcoholic versions, suggesting that NoLo alternatives were similarly well-received. Open-ended responses were analyzed using latent dirichlet allocation (LDA) to uncover latent topics, and Fisher&rsquo;s exact test and correspondence analysis were used to identify differences in the mentioned topics per cocktail. Specific sensory attributes, emotions, and contexts were associated with each type of cocktail, but no differences were found between the alcoholic and non-alcoholic versions. These findings demonstrate the viability of non-alcoholic cocktails in real consumption settings, eliciting similar liking scores, sensory attributes, contexts, and emotions in consumers. This study also highlighted the potential of natural language processing techniques for analyzing open-ended questions. <a href="/2306-5710/10/3/74">Full article</a> </div> </div> <div class="belongsTo" style="margin-bottom: 10px;"> (This article belongs to the Section <a href="/journal/beverages/sections/sensory_analysis_beverages">Sensory Analysis of Beverages</a>)<br/> </div> <a href="#" class="abstract-figures-show" data-counterslink = "" ><span >&#9658;</span><span style=" display: none;">&#9660;</span> Show Figures </a><div class="abstract-image-preview "><div class="arrow left-arrow" id="prev1461386"><i class="fa fa-caret-left"></i></div><div class="arrow right-arrow" id="next1461386"><i class="fa fa-caret-right"></i></div><div class="absgraph cycle-slideshow manual" data-cycle-fx="scrollHorz" data-cycle-timeout="0" data-cycle-next="#next1461386" data-cycle-prev="#prev1461386" data-cycle-progressive="#images1461386" data-cycle-slides=">div" data-cycle-log="false"><div class='openpopupgallery cycle-slide' data-imgindex='0' data-target='article-1461386-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src="" data-src="" alt="" style="border: 0;"><p>Figure 1</p></div><script id="images1461386" type="text/cycle" data-cycle-split="---"><div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='1' data-target='article-1461386-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 2</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='2' data-target='article-1461386-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 3</p></div></script></div></div><div id="article-1461386-popup" class="popupgallery" style="display: inline; line-height: 200%"><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 1</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;Latent topics identified from the open-ended question on sensory characteristics. (&lt;b&gt;a&lt;/b&gt;) Ten latent topics with their respective items and citation frequency extracted from LDA analysis. (&lt;b&gt;b&lt;/b&gt;) Heatmap of the association between the latent topics and the assessed cocktails.&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2306-5710/10/3/74'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 2</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;Topics identified from the open-ended question on contexts and emotions evoked by the cocktails. (&lt;b&gt;a&lt;/b&gt;) Ten latent topics with their respective items and citation frequency extracted from LDA analysis. (&lt;b&gt;b&lt;/b&gt;) Heatmap of the association between the latent topics and the assessed cocktails.&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2306-5710/10/3/74'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 3</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;Symmetric plot of sensory attributes, contextual situations, and emotions related to traditional and NoLo cocktails.&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2306-5710/10/3/74'>Full article</a></strong> "></a></div> </div> </div> <div class="generic-item article-item"> <input class="article-list-checkbox export-element" type="checkbox" name="articles_ids[]" value="1455614" data-select-all-name="article-listing"> <div class="article-content"> <div class="label right label__btn"> <a data-dropdown="drop-supplementary-1455614" aria-controls="drop-supplementary-1455614" aria-expanded="false" title="Supplementary Material"> <i class="material-icons">attachment</i> </a> <div id="drop-supplementary-1455614" class="f-dropdown label__btn__dropdown label__btn__dropdown--wide" data-dropdown-content aria-hidden="true" tabindex="-1"> Supplementary material: <br/> <a href="/2306-5710/10/3/73/s1?version=1723558406"> Supplementary File 1 (ZIP, 79 KiB) </a><br/> </div> </div> <div class="label right label__btn"> <span style="font-size: 12px; color: #1a1a1a;"> 18 pages, 1031 KiB &nbsp; </span> <a href="/2306-5710/10/3/73/pdf?version=1723632426" class="UD_Listings_ArticlePDF" title="Article PDF" data-name="Chemical Characterization of Cider Produced in Hardanger—From Juice to Finished Cider" data-journal="beverages"> <i class="material-icons custom-download"></i> </a> </div> <div class="article-icons"><span class="label openaccess" data-dropdown="drop-article-label-openaccess" aria-expanded="false">Open Access</span><span class="label articletype">Article</span></div> <a class="title-link" href="/2306-5710/10/3/73">Chemical Characterization of Cider Produced in Hardanger&mdash;From Juice to Finished Cider</a> <div class="authors"> by <span class="inlineblock "><strong>Ingunn Øvsthus</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Mitja Martelanc</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Alen Albreht</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Tatjana Radovanović Vukajlović</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Urban Česnik</strong> and </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Branka Mozetič Vodopivec</strong></span> </div> <div class="color-grey-dark"> <em>Beverages</em> <b>2024</b>, <em>10</em>(3), 73; <a href=""></a> - 13 Aug 2024 </div> Viewed by 1081 <div class="abstract-div"> <a href="#" onclick="$(this).next('.abstract-cropped').toggleClass('inline').next('.abstract-full').toggleClass('inline'); return false;"> <strong>Abstract </strong> </a> <div class="abstract-cropped inline"> Our investigation delves into the previously uncharted territory of cider composition from Norway. This study aimed to obtain an overview of the qualitative and quantitative compositions of general chemical parameters, polyphenols (individual and total expressed as gallic acids equivalents), selected esters, and selected <a href="#" data-counterslink = "" onclick="$(this).parents('.abstract-cropped').toggleClass('inline').next('.abstract-full').toggleClass('inline'); return false;"> [...] Read more.</a> </div> <div class="abstract-full "> Our investigation delves into the previously uncharted territory of cider composition from Norway. This study aimed to obtain an overview of the qualitative and quantitative compositions of general chemical parameters, polyphenols (individual and total expressed as gallic acids equivalents), selected esters, and selected C6-alcohols in ciders with the PDO label Cider from Hardanger. In total, 45 juice and cider samples from the fermentation process were collected from 10 cider producers in Hardanger in 2019, 2020, and 2021. Individual sugars, acids, ethanol, and 13 individual phenols were quantified using HPLC-UV/RI. Seven ethyl esters of fatty acids, four ethyl esters of branched fatty acids, ten acetate esters, two ethyl esters of hydroxycinnamic acids, and four C6-alcohols were quantified using HS-SPME-GC-MS. For samples of single cultivars (&lsquo;Aroma&rsquo;, &lsquo;Discovery&rsquo;, &lsquo;Gravenstein&rsquo;, and &lsquo;Summerred&rsquo;), the sum of the measured individual polyphenols in the samples ranges, on average, from 79 to 289 mg L<sup>&minus;1</sup> (the lowest for &lsquo;Summerred&rsquo; and highest for &lsquo;Discovery&rsquo; and &lsquo;Gravenstein&rsquo;). Chlorogenic acid was the most abundant polyphenol in all samples. Ethyl butyrate, ethyl hexanoate, ethyl octanoate, ethyl decanoate, ethyl isobutyrate, ethyl 2-methylbutyrate, isoamyl acetate, and hexanol were present at concentrations above the odour threshold and contributed to the fruity flavour of the Cider from Hardanger. <a href="/2306-5710/10/3/73">Full article</a> </div> </div> <div class="belongsTo" style="margin-bottom: 10px;"> (This article belongs to the Topic <a href="/topics/K95102U32T">Advances in Analysis of Flavors and Fragrances: Chemistry, Properties and Applications in Food Quality Improvement</a>)<br/> </div> <a href="#" class="abstract-figures-show" data-counterslink = "" ><span >&#9658;</span><span style=" display: none;">&#9660;</span> Show Figures </a><div class="abstract-image-preview "><div class="absgraph cycle-slideshow"><div class='openpopupgallery cycle-slide' data-imgindex='0' data-target='article-1455614-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src="" data-src="" alt="" style="border: 0;"><p>Figure 1</p></div></div></div><div id="article-1455614-popup" class="popupgallery" style="display: inline; line-height: 200%"><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 1</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;Principal component analysis loading plot (&lt;b&gt;A&lt;/b&gt;) and score plot for cultivars (&lt;b&gt;B&lt;/b&gt;) for measured esters and C6-alcohols in the collected samples in 2019, 2020, and 2021 for ciders. Aroma compounds in bold letters are in concentrations over the threshold limit.&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2306-5710/10/3/73'>Full article</a></strong> "></a></div> </div> </div> <div class="generic-item article-item"> <input class="article-list-checkbox export-element" type="checkbox" name="articles_ids[]" value="1449087" data-select-all-name="article-listing"> <div class="article-content"> <div class="label right label__btn"> <span style="font-size: 12px; color: #1a1a1a;"> 15 pages, 263 KiB &nbsp; </span> <a href="/2306-5710/10/3/72/pdf?version=1723091326" class="UD_Listings_ArticlePDF" title="Article PDF" data-name="Clustering Consumer Adoption Behavior with Respect to Innovative Tea Products in the Chinese Market" data-journal="beverages"> <i class="material-icons custom-download"></i> </a> </div> <div class="article-icons"><span class="label openaccess" data-dropdown="drop-article-label-openaccess" aria-expanded="false">Open Access</span><span class="label articletype">Article</span></div> <a class="title-link" href="/2306-5710/10/3/72">Clustering Consumer Adoption Behavior with Respect to Innovative Tea Products in the Chinese Market</a> <div class="authors"> by <span class="inlineblock "><strong>Han Yin</strong> and </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Eddy S. Fang</strong></span> </div> <div class="color-grey-dark"> <em>Beverages</em> <b>2024</b>, <em>10</em>(3), 72; <a href=""></a> - 2 Aug 2024 </div> Viewed by 1090 <div class="abstract-div"> <a href="#" onclick="$(this).next('.abstract-cropped').toggleClass('inline').next('.abstract-full').toggleClass('inline'); return false;"> <strong>Abstract </strong> </a> <div class="abstract-cropped inline"> This study explores the diffusion of innovative tea products in the Chinese market, examining the shift from traditional tea consumption toward &ldquo;new tea&rdquo; products characterized by convenience, variety, and alignment with contemporary consumer preferences. Using a structured questionnaire, data were collected from 543 <a href="#" data-counterslink = "" onclick="$(this).parents('.abstract-cropped').toggleClass('inline').next('.abstract-full').toggleClass('inline'); return false;"> [...] Read more.</a> </div> <div class="abstract-full "> This study explores the diffusion of innovative tea products in the Chinese market, examining the shift from traditional tea consumption toward &ldquo;new tea&rdquo; products characterized by convenience, variety, and alignment with contemporary consumer preferences. Using a structured questionnaire, data were collected from 543 participants and analyzed through factor-cluster analysis to segment consumers based on their innovation adoption behavior. The results indicate that younger, educated, and higher-income groups adopt new tea innovations more rapidly. Notably, early adopters, representing over half of the consumer base, are not frequent consumers of these beverages, compelling suppliers to continually innovate to maintain long-term revenue growth. This study contributes to the literature by highlighting the influence of sociodemographic factors on adoption rates and offering strategic marketing insights to enhance the uptake of new tea products. These findings underscore the importance of targeting demographic segments effectively and addressing the unique consumption patterns of early adopters to drive sustained market growth. <a href="/2306-5710/10/3/72">Full article</a> </div> </div> <div class="belongsTo" style="margin-bottom: 10px;"> (This article belongs to the Section <a href="/journal/beverages/sections/tea_coffee_water_non-alcoholic_beverages">Tea, Coffee, Water, and Other Non-Alcoholic Beverages</a>)<br/> </div> </div> </div> <div class="generic-item article-item"> <input class="article-list-checkbox export-element" type="checkbox" name="articles_ids[]" value="1448992" data-select-all-name="article-listing"> <div class="article-content"> <div class="label right label__btn"> <span style="font-size: 12px; color: #1a1a1a;"> 22 pages, 315 KiB &nbsp; </span> <a href="/2306-5710/10/3/71/pdf?version=1722603409" class="UD_Listings_ArticlePDF" title="Article PDF" data-name="Impact of Fining Agents on Color, Phenolics, Aroma, and Sensory Properties of Wine: A Review" data-journal="beverages"> <i class="material-icons custom-download"></i> </a> </div> <div class="article-icons"><span class="label openaccess" data-dropdown="drop-article-label-openaccess" aria-expanded="false">Open Access</span><span class="label articletype">Review</span></div> <a class="title-link" href="/2306-5710/10/3/71">Impact of Fining Agents on Color, Phenolics, Aroma, and Sensory Properties of Wine: A Review</a> <div class="authors"> by <span class="inlineblock "><strong>Yogesh Kumar</strong> and </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Rajat Suhag</strong></span> </div> <div class="color-grey-dark"> <em>Beverages</em> <b>2024</b>, <em>10</em>(3), 71; <a href=""></a> - 2 Aug 2024 </div> Viewed by 1247 <div class="abstract-div"> <a href="#" onclick="$(this).next('.abstract-cropped').toggleClass('inline').next('.abstract-full').toggleClass('inline'); return false;"> <strong>Abstract </strong> </a> <div class="abstract-cropped inline"> Fining agents are widely used in the wine industry to improve the quality and stability of wine by removing impurities and unwanted compounds. However, their impact on the color, phenolics, aroma, and sensory properties of wine remains poorly understood. This review aims to <a href="#" data-counterslink = "" onclick="$(this).parents('.abstract-cropped').toggleClass('inline').next('.abstract-full').toggleClass('inline'); return false;"> [...] Read more.</a> </div> <div class="abstract-full "> Fining agents are widely used in the wine industry to improve the quality and stability of wine by removing impurities and unwanted compounds. However, their impact on the color, phenolics, aroma, and sensory properties of wine remains poorly understood. This review aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the effects of fining agents on these critical wine attributes. We examine the role of different fining agents, including gelatin, pea proteins, and potato proteins, in modifying the color and phenolic profile of wine. Additionally, we discussed the impact of fining agents on the sensory properties of wine, including bitterness, astringency, sweetness, aroma and the flavor of wine. Our analysis highlights the importance of considering the origin, dosage, and composition of the wine when selecting fining agents to achieve optimal outcomes. Furthermore, we emphasize the need for preliminary trials and instrumental measurements to ensure the effectiveness of fining agents in different wine matrices. This review provides a valuable resource for winemakers and researchers seeking to optimize the use of fining agents in wine production. <a href="/2306-5710/10/3/71">Full article</a> </div> </div> <div class="belongsTo" style="margin-bottom: 10px;"> (This article belongs to the Section <a href="/journal/beverages/sections/Wine_Spirits_Oenological_Products">Wine, Spirits and Oenological Products</a>)<br/> </div> </div> </div> <div class="generic-item article-item"> <input class="article-list-checkbox export-element" type="checkbox" name="articles_ids[]" value="1448681" data-select-all-name="article-listing"> <div class="article-content"> <div class="label right label__btn"> <span style="font-size: 12px; color: #1a1a1a;"> 12 pages, 646 KiB &nbsp; </span> <a href="/2306-5710/10/3/70/pdf?version=1722591608" class="UD_Listings_ArticlePDF" title="Article PDF" data-name="Color and Its Effect on Dietitians’ Food Choices: Insights from Tomato Juice Evaluation" data-journal="beverages"> <i class="material-icons custom-download"></i> </a> </div> <div class="article-icons"><span class="label openaccess" data-dropdown="drop-article-label-openaccess" aria-expanded="false">Open Access</span><span class="label articletype">Article</span></div> <a class="title-link" href="/2306-5710/10/3/70">Color and Its Effect on Dietitians&rsquo; Food Choices: Insights from Tomato Juice Evaluation</a> <div class="authors"> by <span class="inlineblock "><strong>Agnieszka Bielaszka</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Wiktoria Staśkiewicz-Bartecka</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Agata Kiciak</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Martyna Wieczorek</strong> and </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Marek Kardas</strong></span> </div> <div class="color-grey-dark"> <em>Beverages</em> <b>2024</b>, <em>10</em>(3), 70; <a href=""></a> - 2 Aug 2024 </div> Viewed by 718 <div class="abstract-div"> <a href="#" onclick="$(this).next('.abstract-cropped').toggleClass('inline').next('.abstract-full').toggleClass('inline'); return false;"> <strong>Abstract </strong> </a> <div class="abstract-cropped inline"> Color plays a significant role in consumer decisions about food products, influencing preferences and choices and eliciting positive or negative associations. This study aimed to investigate the impact of color on dietitian food preferences, using selected tomato juices as an example. This study <a href="#" data-counterslink = "" onclick="$(this).parents('.abstract-cropped').toggleClass('inline').next('.abstract-full').toggleClass('inline'); return false;"> [...] Read more.</a> </div> <div class="abstract-full "> Color plays a significant role in consumer decisions about food products, influencing preferences and choices and eliciting positive or negative associations. This study aimed to investigate the impact of color on dietitian food preferences, using selected tomato juices as an example. This study was conducted in two stages. In the first stage, the color of the tomato juices was evaluated using a Tri-Color SF80 spectrophotometer. In the second stage, the serialization method performed sensory analysis among dietitians. Results showed that dietitians pay special attention to the color of food products. Spectrophotometric analysis indicated that not all tested pairs of juices had color differences noticeable to an inexperienced observer. There was no clear correlation between the specific color parameters and the choices made by dietitians. These findings suggest that while color is an important factor in consumer preferences, it is not the sole determinant, highlighting the complexity of consumer decision-making processes and providing valuable insights for product marketing strategies. <a href="/2306-5710/10/3/70">Full article</a> </div> </div> <a href="#" class="abstract-figures-show" data-counterslink = "" ><span >&#9658;</span><span style=" display: none;">&#9660;</span> Show Figures </a><div class="abstract-image-preview "><div class="absgraph cycle-slideshow"><div class='openpopupgallery cycle-slide' data-imgindex='0' data-target='article-1448681-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src="" data-src="" alt="" style="border: 0;"><p>Figure 1</p></div></div></div><div id="article-1448681-popup" class="popupgallery" style="display: inline; line-height: 200%"><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 1</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;Chromaticity charts showing juice color measurement values.&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2306-5710/10/3/70'>Full article</a></strong> "></a></div> </div> </div> <div class="generic-item article-item"> <input class="article-list-checkbox export-element" type="checkbox" name="articles_ids[]" value="1448718" data-select-all-name="article-listing"> <div class="article-content"> <div class="label right label__btn"> <span style="font-size: 12px; color: #1a1a1a;"> 21 pages, 1237 KiB &nbsp; </span> <a href="/2306-5710/10/3/69/pdf?version=1722592930" class="UD_Listings_ArticlePDF" title="Article PDF" data-name="Pigmented Native Maize: Unlocking the Potential of Anthocyanins and Bioactive Compounds from Traditional to Functional Beverages" data-journal="beverages"> <i class="material-icons custom-download"></i> </a> </div> <div class="article-icons"><span class="label openaccess" data-dropdown="drop-article-label-openaccess" aria-expanded="false">Open Access</span><span class="label articletype">Review</span></div> <a class="title-link" href="/2306-5710/10/3/69">Pigmented Native Maize: Unlocking the Potential of Anthocyanins and Bioactive Compounds from Traditional to Functional Beverages</a> <div class="authors"> by <span class="inlineblock "><strong>Diana Reyes-Pavón</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Kathleen Stephany Soto-Sigala</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Edén Cano-Sampedro</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Vianey Méndez-Trujillo</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>María Josse Navarro-Ibarra</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Ricardo Pérez-Pasten-Borja</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Carlos Olvera-Sandoval</strong> and </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Edgar Torres-Maravilla</strong></span> </div> <div class="color-grey-dark"> <em>Beverages</em> <b>2024</b>, <em>10</em>(3), 69; <a href=""></a> - 2 Aug 2024 </div> Viewed by 1254 <div class="abstract-div"> <a href="#" onclick="$(this).next('.abstract-cropped').toggleClass('inline').next('.abstract-full').toggleClass('inline'); return false;"> <strong>Abstract </strong> </a> <div class="abstract-cropped inline"> Cereals have been a foundational component of human diets across different continents, with rice dominating in Asia, sorghum in Africa, wheat in Europe, and maize in America. Mexico, more accurately Mesoamerica, is recognized as the origin of maize (including pigmented maize), with its <a href="#" data-counterslink = "" onclick="$(this).parents('.abstract-cropped').toggleClass('inline').next('.abstract-full').toggleClass('inline'); return false;"> [...] Read more.</a> </div> <div class="abstract-full "> Cereals have been a foundational component of human diets across different continents, with rice dominating in Asia, sorghum in Africa, wheat in Europe, and maize in America. Mexico, more accurately Mesoamerica, is recognized as the origin of maize (including pigmented maize), with its first ancestor traced back to Tehuac&aacute;n, Puebla, Mexico. Pigmented maize owes its vibrant colors due to its anthocyanin (i.e., cyanidin-3-glucoside) contents, which contribute to the red, purple, or blue coloration and offer notable health benefits. The antioxidant properties of maize are crucial, given the role of oxidative stress in various diseases, and present a valuable resource for functional foods and nutraceuticals. Emerging studies underscore the prebiotic potential of anthocyanins, showing their ability to modulate gut microbiota positively. This review aims to explore the potential of pigmented maize in traditional Mexican beverage (such as pozol and tejuino) production, emphasizing the bioactive compounds (mainly anthocyanins) present and their health benefits while also considering new opportunities in the functional food industry. <a href="/2306-5710/10/3/69">Full article</a> </div> </div> <div class="belongsTo" style="margin-bottom: 10px;"> (This article belongs to the Special Issue <a href=" /journal/beverages/special_issues/AOH823IY48 ">Traditional, Functional and Novel Fruit Beverages: Cultivation, Processing and Consumption</a>)<br/> </div> <a href="#" class="abstract-figures-show" data-counterslink = "" ><span >&#9658;</span><span style=" display: none;">&#9660;</span> Show Figures </a><div class="abstract-image-preview "><div class="arrow left-arrow" id="prev1448718"><i class="fa fa-caret-left"></i></div><div class="arrow right-arrow" id="next1448718"><i class="fa fa-caret-right"></i></div><div class="absgraph cycle-slideshow manual" data-cycle-fx="scrollHorz" data-cycle-timeout="0" data-cycle-next="#next1448718" data-cycle-prev="#prev1448718" data-cycle-progressive="#images1448718" data-cycle-slides=">div" data-cycle-log="false"><div class='openpopupgallery cycle-slide' data-imgindex='0' data-target='article-1448718-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src="" data-src="" alt="" style="border: 0;"><p>Figure 1</p></div><script id="images1448718" type="text/cycle" data-cycle-split="---"><div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='1' data-target='article-1448718-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 2</p></div></script></div></div><div id="article-1448718-popup" class="popupgallery" style="display: inline; line-height: 200%"><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 1</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;Integrated creation of functional food. Created on &lt;a href=&quot;; target=&quot;_blank&quot;&gt;;/a&gt; (2024) (accessed on 17 July 2024).&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2306-5710/10/3/69'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 2</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;Pigmented maize is harvested in Mesoamerica and other regions (&lt;b&gt;1&lt;/b&gt;) and has been used for the preparation of traditional beverages (&lt;b&gt;2&lt;/b&gt;) from the southeastern and western zones in Mexico. Especially used on festive occasions, these beverages are fermented with Enterobacteriaceae and various lactic acid bacteria (i.e., tejuino and pozol). One of the important bioactive agents of these beverages from pigmented maize are anthocyanins (&lt;b&gt;3&lt;/b&gt;), one group of vegetal dyes with implications in human health. One of the most important is the intestinal effect on the intestinal barrier (&lt;b&gt;4&lt;/b&gt;) and specifically on the microbiota protecting the intestinal lumen. Here, several bacteria use anthocyanins (&lt;b&gt;3&lt;/b&gt;), fermenting them through gut enzymes (cyanidin-3 glucoside to phenolic acids and polyphenolic metabolites) and increasing their immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, and anti-diabetic effects, and even in the aglycone form, they have also shown strong antioxidant effects. This is why the food and biotechnological industries (&lt;b&gt;5&lt;/b&gt;) have developed methods that can be used in the production, fortification, and re-formulation of new nutraceuticals (&lt;b&gt;6&lt;/b&gt;) and supplements with specific effects on nutrition and health. Created on (2024) (accessed on 28 June 2024).&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2306-5710/10/3/69'>Full article</a></strong> "></a></div> </div> </div> <div class="generic-item article-item"> <input class="article-list-checkbox export-element" type="checkbox" name="articles_ids[]" value="1448620" data-select-all-name="article-listing"> <div class="article-content"> <div class="label right label__btn"> <a data-dropdown="drop-supplementary-1448620" aria-controls="drop-supplementary-1448620" aria-expanded="false" title="Supplementary Material"> <i class="material-icons">attachment</i> </a> <div id="drop-supplementary-1448620" class="f-dropdown label__btn__dropdown label__btn__dropdown--wide" data-dropdown-content aria-hidden="true" tabindex="-1"> Supplementary material: <br/> <a href="/2306-5710/10/3/68/s1?version=1722589386"> Supplementary File 1 (ZIP, 3416 KiB) </a><br/> </div> </div> <div class="label right label__btn"> <span style="font-size: 12px; color: #1a1a1a;"> 29 pages, 10006 KiB &nbsp; </span> <a href="/2306-5710/10/3/68/pdf?version=1722589386" class="UD_Listings_ArticlePDF" title="Article PDF" data-name="The Impacts of Frozen Material-Other-Than-Grapes (MOG) on Aroma Compounds of Cabernet Franc and Cabernet Sauvignon" data-journal="beverages"> <i class="material-icons custom-download"></i> </a> </div> <div class="article-icons"><span class="label openaccess" data-dropdown="drop-article-label-openaccess" aria-expanded="false">Open Access</span><span class="label articletype">Article</span></div> <a class="title-link" href="/2306-5710/10/3/68">The Impacts of Frozen Material-Other-Than-Grapes (MOG) on Aroma Compounds of Cabernet Franc and Cabernet Sauvignon</a> <div class="authors"> by <span class="inlineblock "><strong>Yibin Lan</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Xiaoyu Xu</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Jiaming Wang</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Emily Aubie</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Marnie Crombleholme</strong> and </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Andrew Reynolds</strong></span> </div> <div class="color-grey-dark"> <em>Beverages</em> <b>2024</b>, <em>10</em>(3), 68; <a href=""></a> - 2 Aug 2024 </div> Viewed by 914 <div class="abstract-div"> <a href="#" onclick="$(this).next('.abstract-cropped').toggleClass('inline').next('.abstract-full').toggleClass('inline'); return false;"> <strong>Abstract </strong> </a> <div class="abstract-cropped inline"> An undesirable sensory attribute (&ldquo;floral taint&rdquo;) has recently been detected in red wines from some winegrowing jurisdictions in North America (e.g., Ontario, British Columbia, Washington), caused by the introduction of frost-killed leaves and petioles [materials-other-than-grapes (MOG)] during mechanical harvest and winemaking. It was <a href="#" data-counterslink = "" onclick="$(this).parents('.abstract-cropped').toggleClass('inline').next('.abstract-full').toggleClass('inline'); return false;"> [...] Read more.</a> </div> <div class="abstract-full "> An undesirable sensory attribute (&ldquo;floral taint&rdquo;) has recently been detected in red wines from some winegrowing jurisdictions in North America (e.g., Ontario, British Columbia, Washington), caused by the introduction of frost-killed leaves and petioles [materials-other-than-grapes (MOG)] during mechanical harvest and winemaking. It was hypothesized that terpenes, norisoprenoids, and higher alcohols would be the main responsible compounds. The objectives were to investigate the causative volatile compounds for floral taint and explore threshold concentrations for this problem. Commercial wines displaying varying intensities of floral taint were subjected to GC-MS and sensory analysis. Several odor-active compounds were higher in floral-tainted wines, including terpenes (geraniol, citronellol, <i>cis</i>- and <i>trans</i>-rose oxide), norisoprenoids (&beta;-damascenone, &beta;-ionone), five ethyl esters, and three alcohols. Thereafter, fermentations of Cabernet Franc (CF) and Cabernet Sauvignon (CS) (2016, 2017) were conducted. MOG treatments were (<i>w</i>/<i>w</i>): 0, 0.5%, 1%, 2%, and 5% petioles, and 0, 0.25%, 0.5%, 1%, and 2% leaf blades. Terpenes (linalool, geraniol, nerol, nerolidol, citronellol, citral, <i>cis</i>- and <i>trans</i>-rose oxides, eugenol, myrcene), norisoprenoids (&alpha;- and &beta;-ionone), and others (e.g., hexanol, octanol, methyl and ethyl salicylate) increased linearly/quadratically with increasing MOG levels in both cultivars. Principal components analysis separated MOG treatments from the controls, with 5% petioles and 2% leaves as extremes. Increasing MOG levels in CF wines increased floral aroma intensity, primarily associated with terpenes, higher alcohols, and salicylates. Increased leaf levels in CF were associated with higher vegetal and earthy attributes. Increased petioles in CS were not correlated with floral aromas, but increased leaves increased floral, vegetal, and herbaceous attributes. Overall, petioles contributed more to floral taint than leaves through increased terpenes and salicylates (floral notes), while leaves predominantly contributed norisoprenoids and C<sub>6</sub> alcohols (green notes). <a href="/2306-5710/10/3/68">Full article</a> </div> </div> <div class="belongsTo" style="margin-bottom: 10px;"> (This article belongs to the Special Issue <a href=" /journal/beverages/special_issues/900D38BT40 ">Wine and Spirits</a>)<br/> </div> <a href="#" class="abstract-figures-show" data-counterslink = "" ><span >&#9658;</span><span style=" display: none;">&#9660;</span> Show Figures </a><div class="abstract-image-preview "><div class="arrow left-arrow" id="prev1448620"><i class="fa fa-caret-left"></i></div><div class="arrow right-arrow" id="next1448620"><i class="fa fa-caret-right"></i></div><div class="absgraph cycle-slideshow manual" data-cycle-fx="scrollHorz" data-cycle-timeout="0" data-cycle-next="#next1448620" data-cycle-prev="#prev1448620" data-cycle-progressive="#images1448620" data-cycle-slides=">div" data-cycle-log="false"><div class='openpopupgallery cycle-slide' data-imgindex='0' data-target='article-1448620-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src="" data-src="" alt="" style="border: 0;"><p>Figure 1</p></div><script id="images1448620" type="text/cycle" data-cycle-split="---"><div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='1' data-target='article-1448620-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 2</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='2' data-target='article-1448620-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 3</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='3' data-target='article-1448620-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 4</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='4' data-target='article-1448620-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 5</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='5' data-target='article-1448620-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 6</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='6' data-target='article-1448620-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 7</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='7' data-target='article-1448620-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 8</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='8' data-target='article-1448620-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 9</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='9' data-target='article-1448620-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 10</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='10' data-target='article-1448620-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 11</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='11' data-target='article-1448620-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 12</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='12' data-target='article-1448620-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 13</p></div></script></div></div><div id="article-1448620-popup" class="popupgallery" style="display: inline; line-height: 200%"><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 1</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;Relationships between several frozen leaf levels (N = 30) added to Ontario Cabernet Franc wine fermentations vs. aroma compound concentrations, 2016. *, **, ***, ****, NS: Significant at &lt;span class=&quot;html-italic&quot;&gt;p&lt;/span&gt; ≤ 0.05, 0.01, 0.001, 0.0001, or not significant, respectively. L, Q: Linear or quadratic trends, respectively. &lt;sup&gt;a&lt;/sup&gt; Odor-active for at least the highest leaf treatment. Information on other compounds is in &lt;a href=&quot;#app1-beverages-10-00068&quot; class=&quot;html-app&quot;&gt;Supplemental Table S4&lt;/a&gt;.&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2306-5710/10/3/68'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 2</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;Relationships between several frozen petiole levels (N = 30) added to Ontario Cabernet Franc wine fermentations vs. aroma compound concentrations, 2016. **, ***, ****, NS: Significant at &lt;span class=&quot;html-italic&quot;&gt;p&lt;/span&gt; ≤ 0.01, 0.001, 0.0001, or not significant, respectively. L, Q: Linear or quadratic trends, respectively. &lt;sup&gt;a&lt;/sup&gt; Odor-active for at least the highest petiole treatment. Information on other compounds is in &lt;a href=&quot;#app1-beverages-10-00068&quot; class=&quot;html-app&quot;&gt;Supplemental Table S5&lt;/a&gt;.&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2306-5710/10/3/68'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 3</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;Relationships between several frozen leaf levels (N = 15) added to Ontario Cabernet Sauvignon wine fermentations vs. aroma compound concentrations, 2016. **, ***, ****, NS: Significant at &lt;span class=&quot;html-italic&quot;&gt;p&lt;/span&gt; ≤ 0.01, 0.001, 0.0001, or not significant, respectively. L, Q: Linear or quadratic trends, respectively. &lt;sup&gt;a&lt;/sup&gt; Odor-active for at least the highest leaf treatment. Information on other compounds is in &lt;a href=&quot;#app1-beverages-10-00068&quot; class=&quot;html-app&quot;&gt;Supplemental Table S6&lt;/a&gt;.&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2306-5710/10/3/68'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 4</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;Relationships between several frozen petiole levels (N = 15) added to Ontario Cabernet Sauvignon wine fermentations vs. aroma compound concentrations, 2016. *, **, ***, ****, NS: Significant at &lt;span class=&quot;html-italic&quot;&gt;p&lt;/span&gt; ≤ 0.05, 0.01, 0.001, 0.0001, or not significant, respectively. L, Q: Linear or quadratic trends, respectively. &lt;sup&gt;a&lt;/sup&gt; Odor-active for at least the highest petiole treatment. Information on other compounds is in &lt;a href=&quot;#app1-beverages-10-00068&quot; class=&quot;html-app&quot;&gt;Supplemental Table S7&lt;/a&gt;.&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2306-5710/10/3/68'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 5</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;Relationships between several frozen leaf levels (N = 15) added to Ontario Cabernet Sauvignon wine fermentations vs. aroma compound concentrations, 2017. *, **, ***, ****, NS: Significant at &lt;span class=&quot;html-italic&quot;&gt;p&lt;/span&gt; ≤ 0.05, 0.01, 0.001, 0.0001, or not significant, respectively. L, Q: Linear or quadratic trends, respectively. &lt;sup&gt;a&lt;/sup&gt; Odor-active for at least the highest leaf treatment. Information on other compounds is in &lt;a href=&quot;#app1-beverages-10-00068&quot; class=&quot;html-app&quot;&gt;Supplemental Table S10&lt;/a&gt;.&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2306-5710/10/3/68'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 6</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;Relationships between several frozen petiole levels (N = 15) added to Ontario Cabernet Sauvignon wine fermentations vs. aroma compound concentrations, 2017. **, ***, ****, NS: Significant at &lt;span class=&quot;html-italic&quot;&gt;p&lt;/span&gt; ≤ 0.01, 0.001, 0.0001, or not significant, respectively. L, Q: Linear or quadratic trends, respectively. &lt;sup&gt;a&lt;/sup&gt; Odor-active for at least the highest petiole treatment. Information on other compounds is in &lt;a href=&quot;#app1-beverages-10-00068&quot; class=&quot;html-app&quot;&gt;Supplemental Table S11&lt;/a&gt;.&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2306-5710/10/3/68'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 7</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;Principal components analysis of aroma compounds of: Cabernet Franc wines, Ontario, Canada, 2017. Abbreviations in lower figure: Control (0 MOG addition); other treatments refer to % &lt;span class=&quot;html-italic&quot;&gt;w&lt;/span&gt;/&lt;span class=&quot;html-italic&quot;&gt;w&lt;/span&gt; addition of frozen leaves or petioles.&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2306-5710/10/3/68'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 8</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;Principal components analysis of aroma compounds of Cabernet Sauvignon wines, Ontario, Canada, 2017. Abbreviations in lower figure: Control (0 MOG addition); other treatments refer to % &lt;span class=&quot;html-italic&quot;&gt;w&lt;/span&gt;/&lt;span class=&quot;html-italic&quot;&gt;w&lt;/span&gt; addition of frozen leaves or petioles. Compound abbreviations in upper figure: DS: diethyl succinate; EN: ethyl nonanoate; IA: isoamyl acetate; PA: phenylethyl acetate; PAol: phenylethyl alcohol.&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2306-5710/10/3/68'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 9</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;Sensory response of Ontario Cabernet Franc wines in relation to frozen leaf (&lt;b&gt;A&lt;/b&gt;–&lt;b&gt;G&lt;/b&gt;) and petiole (&lt;b&gt;H&lt;/b&gt;–&lt;b&gt;N&lt;/b&gt;) additions, 2016. *, ***, NS: Significant at &lt;span class=&quot;html-italic&quot;&gt;p&lt;/span&gt; ≤ 0.05, 0.001, or not significant, respectively. L, Q: Linear or quadratic trends, respectively.&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2306-5710/10/3/68'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 10</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;Sensory response of Ontario Cabernet Sauvignon wines in relation to frozen leaf (&lt;b&gt;A&lt;/b&gt;–&lt;b&gt;G&lt;/b&gt;) and petiole (&lt;b&gt;H&lt;/b&gt;–&lt;b&gt;N&lt;/b&gt;) additions, 2016. *, **, ***, NS: Significant at &lt;span class=&quot;html-italic&quot;&gt;p&lt;/span&gt; ≤ 0.05, 0.01, 0.001, or not significant, respectively. L, Q: Linear or quadratic trends, respectively.&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2306-5710/10/3/68'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 11</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;Principal components analysis of sensory data of: (&lt;b&gt;A&lt;/b&gt;): Cabernet Franc and (&lt;b&gt;B&lt;/b&gt;): Cabernet Sauvignon, Ontario, Canada, 2016. Abbreviations: Control: 0 MOG addition; R1, R2, R3: Replicates 1, 2, and 3, respectively. (&lt;b&gt;B&lt;/b&gt;): CTL: 0 MOG addition; 0.25L, 0.5L, 1L, 2L: 0.25, 0.5, 1, and 2% &lt;span class=&quot;html-italic&quot;&gt;w&lt;/span&gt;/&lt;span class=&quot;html-italic&quot;&gt;w&lt;/span&gt; addition of frozen leaves; 0.5P, 1P, 2P, 5P: 0.5, 1, 2, and 5% &lt;span class=&quot;html-italic&quot;&gt;w&lt;/span&gt;/&lt;span class=&quot;html-italic&quot;&gt;w&lt;/span&gt; addition of frozen petioles. Uppercase and lowercase descriptors refer to orthonasal and taste/retronasal descriptors, respectively.&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2306-5710/10/3/68'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 12</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;Partial least squares analysis of sensory data of Cabernet Franc, Ontario, Canada, 2016. Variability of X: 45.2%, Y: 23.3%. (&lt;b&gt;A&lt;/b&gt;): Aroma compounds and sensory descriptors; (&lt;b&gt;B&lt;/b&gt;): Aroma compounds, sensory descriptors, and treatments. Abbreviations: CTL: 0 MOG addition; R1, R2, R3: Replicates 1, 2, and 3, respectively; 0.25L, 0.5L, 1L, 2L: 0.25, 0.5, 1, and 2% &lt;span class=&quot;html-italic&quot;&gt;w&lt;/span&gt;/&lt;span class=&quot;html-italic&quot;&gt;w&lt;/span&gt; addition of frozen leaves; 0.5P, 1P, 2P, 5P: 0.5, 1, 2, and 5% &lt;span class=&quot;html-italic&quot;&gt;w&lt;/span&gt;/&lt;span class=&quot;html-italic&quot;&gt;w&lt;/span&gt; addition of frozen petioles. Uppercase and lowercase descriptors refer to orthonasal and taste/retronasal descriptors, respectively.&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2306-5710/10/3/68'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 13</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;Partial least squares analysis of sensory data of Cabernet Sauvignon, Ontario, Canada, 2016. Variability of X: 43.1%, Y: 27.4%. (&lt;b&gt;A&lt;/b&gt;): Aroma compounds and sensory descriptors; (&lt;b&gt;B&lt;/b&gt;): Aroma compounds, sensory descriptors, and treatments. Abbreviations: CTL: 0 MOG addition; R1, R2, R3: Replicates 1, 2, and 3, respectively; 0.25L, 0.5L, 1L, 2L: 0.25, 0.5, 1, and 2% &lt;span class=&quot;html-italic&quot;&gt;w&lt;/span&gt;/&lt;span class=&quot;html-italic&quot;&gt;w&lt;/span&gt; addition of frozen leaves; 0.5P, 1P, 2P, 5P: 0.5, 1, 2, and 5% &lt;span class=&quot;html-italic&quot;&gt;w&lt;/span&gt;/&lt;span class=&quot;html-italic&quot;&gt;w&lt;/span&gt; addition of frozen petioles.&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2306-5710/10/3/68'>Full article</a></strong> "></a></div> </div> </div> <div class="generic-item article-item"> <input class="article-list-checkbox export-element" type="checkbox" name="articles_ids[]" value="1447443" data-select-all-name="article-listing"> <div class="article-content"> <div class="label right label__btn"> <span style="font-size: 12px; color: #1a1a1a;"> 15 pages, 801 KiB &nbsp; </span> <a href="/2306-5710/10/3/67/pdf?version=1722484416" class="UD_Listings_ArticlePDF" title="Article PDF" data-name="Cloud Point Extraction in Beverage Analysis: Innovations and Applications for Trace Elements" data-journal="beverages"> <i class="material-icons custom-download"></i> </a> </div> <div class="article-icons"><span class="label openaccess" data-dropdown="drop-article-label-openaccess" aria-expanded="false">Open Access</span><span class="label articletype">Review</span></div> <a class="title-link" href="/2306-5710/10/3/67">Cloud Point Extraction in Beverage Analysis: Innovations and Applications for Trace Elements</a> <div class="authors"> by <span class="inlineblock "><strong>Ingrid Hagarová</strong> and </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Martin Urík</strong></span> </div> <div class="color-grey-dark"> <em>Beverages</em> <b>2024</b>, <em>10</em>(3), 67; <a href=""></a> - 1 Aug 2024 </div> <a href="/2306-5710/10/3/67#metrics">Cited by 1</a> |&nbsp;Viewed by 947 <div class="abstract-div"> <a href="#" onclick="$(this).next('.abstract-cropped').toggleClass('inline').next('.abstract-full').toggleClass('inline'); return false;"> <strong>Abstract </strong> </a> <div class="abstract-cropped inline"> Cloud point extraction (CPE) has emerged as a highly promising method for the isolation and preconcentration of trace elements from beverages. By utilizing nonionic surfactants to form micellar structures that encapsulate analytes, CPE significantly enhances extraction efficiency and detection limits, often achieving improvements <a href="#" data-counterslink = "" onclick="$(this).parents('.abstract-cropped').toggleClass('inline').next('.abstract-full').toggleClass('inline'); return false;"> [...] Read more.</a> </div> <div class="abstract-full "> Cloud point extraction (CPE) has emerged as a highly promising method for the isolation and preconcentration of trace elements from beverages. By utilizing nonionic surfactants to form micellar structures that encapsulate analytes, CPE significantly enhances extraction efficiency and detection limits, often achieving improvements by several orders of magnitude. The optimization of CPE conditions, particularly the selection of surfactants and complexing agents, plays a crucial role in ensuring accurate analytical results. This review underscores the integration of CPE with spectrometric methods as a powerful approach for the separation, preconcentration, and quantification of numerous (ultra)trace elements across a wide range of beverages, including drinking water, wine, beer, juices, tea, and milk. The analytical potential of this integration is substantiated by the comprehensive examples listed in this paper, which include various strategies for sample preparation tailored specifically for different beverage types. While highlighting the effectiveness of conventional CPE methods, this review also emphasizes recent modifications and advancements in CPE techniques that further enhance their utility in beverage analysis. These advancements not only improve detection sensitivity but also align with the principles of green chemistry by reducing solvent consumption and energy requirements. <a href="/2306-5710/10/3/67">Full article</a> </div> </div> <a href="#" class="abstract-figures-show" data-counterslink = "" ><span >&#9658;</span><span style=" display: none;">&#9660;</span> Show Figures </a><div class="abstract-image-preview "><div class="absgraph cycle-slideshow"><div class='openpopupgallery cycle-slide' data-imgindex='0' data-target='article-1447443-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src="" data-src="" alt="" style="border: 0;"><p>Figure 1</p></div></div></div><div id="article-1447443-popup" class="popupgallery" style="display: inline; line-height: 200%"><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 1</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;Schematic illustration of the cloud point extraction steps for the separation and preconcentration of trace elements, using Cu(II) as a model analyte.&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2306-5710/10/3/67'>Full article</a></strong> "></a></div> </div> </div> <div class="generic-item article-item"> <input class="article-list-checkbox export-element" type="checkbox" name="articles_ids[]" value="1447452" data-select-all-name="article-listing"> <div class="article-content"> <div class="label right label__btn"> <a data-dropdown="drop-supplementary-1447452" aria-controls="drop-supplementary-1447452" aria-expanded="false" title="Supplementary Material"> <i class="material-icons">attachment</i> </a> <div id="drop-supplementary-1447452" class="f-dropdown label__btn__dropdown label__btn__dropdown--wide" data-dropdown-content aria-hidden="true" tabindex="-1"> Supplementary material: <br/> <a href="/2306-5710/10/3/66/s1?version=1722484988"> Supplementary File 1 (ZIP, 135 KiB) </a><br/> </div> </div> <div class="label right label__btn"> <span style="font-size: 12px; color: #1a1a1a;"> 13 pages, 1413 KiB &nbsp; </span> <a href="/2306-5710/10/3/66/pdf?version=1722484988" class="UD_Listings_ArticlePDF" title="Article PDF" data-name="Effect of Heat Pasteurization and Enzymatic Maceration on Yield, Color, Sugars, Organic Acids, and Phenolic Content in the ‘Merlot Kanthus’ Grape Juice" data-journal="beverages"> <i class="material-icons custom-download"></i> </a> </div> <div class="article-icons"><span class="label openaccess" data-dropdown="drop-article-label-openaccess" aria-expanded="false">Open Access</span><span class="label articletype">Article</span></div> <a class="title-link" href="/2306-5710/10/3/66">Effect of Heat Pasteurization and Enzymatic Maceration on Yield, Color, Sugars, Organic Acids, and Phenolic Content in the &lsquo;Merlot Kanthus&rsquo; Grape Juice</a> <div class="authors"> by <span class="inlineblock "><strong>Alema Puzovic</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Massimiliano Pelacci</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Kristyna Simkova</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Metka Hudina</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Denis Rusjan</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Robert Veberic</strong> and </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Maja Mikulic-Petkovsek</strong></span> </div> <div class="color-grey-dark"> <em>Beverages</em> <b>2024</b>, <em>10</em>(3), 66; <a href=""></a> - 1 Aug 2024 </div> Viewed by 844 <div class="abstract-div"> <a href="#" onclick="$(this).next('.abstract-cropped').toggleClass('inline').next('.abstract-full').toggleClass('inline'); return false;"> <strong>Abstract </strong> </a> <div class="abstract-cropped inline"> This study researched the combined effects of heat treatment and varying concentrations of the pectolytic enzyme on the improvement of yield, color, and extraction of sugars, acids, and bioactive compounds of the &lsquo;Merlot Kanthus&rsquo; grape juice. Application of low (0.05 IU/mL) and high <a href="#" data-counterslink = "" onclick="$(this).parents('.abstract-cropped').toggleClass('inline').next('.abstract-full').toggleClass('inline'); return false;"> [...] Read more.</a> </div> <div class="abstract-full "> This study researched the combined effects of heat treatment and varying concentrations of the pectolytic enzyme on the improvement of yield, color, and extraction of sugars, acids, and bioactive compounds of the &lsquo;Merlot Kanthus&rsquo; grape juice. Application of low (0.05 IU/mL) and high (0.09 IU/mL) enzyme treatment substantially increased the yield of unpasteurized and pasteurized juice. Color intensity significantly improved in the pasteurized juice with a high enzyme concentration (CIRG 4.4) and the pasteurized juice without enzymes (4.5). No considerable differences in the total sugar concentration between the treatments were observed; however, the concentration of organic acids was improved by 27 and 13% in unpasteurized and pasteurized juice with a high enzyme concentration, respectively. A total of 78 individual phenolic compounds were identified, and the treatment with a high enzyme concentration had the most notable effect on the total anthocyanins, improving their concentration by 33.6% and increasing the concentration of 18 individual compounds. The heat treatment increased flavonol concentration by 41%. Overall, heat and enzyme treatment, mainly the high enzyme concentration, had a very favorable effect on the parameters of the analyzed &lsquo;Merlot Kanthus&rsquo; grape juice, with a significant increase in the yield of bioactive components. <a href="/2306-5710/10/3/66">Full article</a> </div> </div> <a href="#" class="abstract-figures-show" data-counterslink = "" ><span >&#9658;</span><span style=" display: none;">&#9660;</span> Show Figures </a><div class="abstract-image-preview "><div class="arrow left-arrow" id="prev1447452"><i class="fa fa-caret-left"></i></div><div class="arrow right-arrow" id="next1447452"><i class="fa fa-caret-right"></i></div><div class="absgraph cycle-slideshow manual" data-cycle-fx="scrollHorz" data-cycle-timeout="0" data-cycle-next="#next1447452" data-cycle-prev="#prev1447452" data-cycle-progressive="#images1447452" data-cycle-slides=">div" data-cycle-log="false"><div class='openpopupgallery cycle-slide' data-imgindex='0' data-target='article-1447452-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src="" data-src="" alt="" style="border: 0;"><p>Figure 1</p></div><script id="images1447452" type="text/cycle" data-cycle-split="---"><div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='1' data-target='article-1447452-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure 2</p></div> --- <div class='openpopupgallery' data-imgindex='2' data-target='article-1447452-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src=''><p>Figure A1</p></div></script></div></div><div id="article-1447452-popup" class="popupgallery" style="display: inline; line-height: 200%"><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 1</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;Average sugar concentration in the grape juice of the cultivar ‘Merlot Kanthus’ (g/L). The values are the means of triplicate samples. Means separation by Tukey’s test (&lt;span class=&quot;html-italic&quot;&gt;p&lt;/span&gt; ≤ 0.05).&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2306-5710/10/3/66'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 2</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;Average organic acid concentration in the grape juice of the cultivar ‘Merlot Kanthus’ (g/L). The values are the means of triplicate samples. Means separation by Tukey’s test (&lt;span class=&quot;html-italic&quot;&gt;p&lt;/span&gt; ≤ 0.05).&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2306-5710/10/3/66'>Full article</a></strong> "></a><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure A1</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;Schematic representation of the grape juice extraction procedure.&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2306-5710/10/3/66'>Full article</a></strong> "></a></div> </div> </div> <div class="generic-item article-item"> <input class="article-list-checkbox export-element" type="checkbox" name="articles_ids[]" value="1446836" data-select-all-name="article-listing"> <div class="article-content"> <div class="label right label__btn"> <span style="font-size: 12px; color: #1a1a1a;"> 13 pages, 900 KiB &nbsp; </span> <a href="/2306-5710/10/3/65/pdf?version=1722416684" class="UD_Listings_ArticlePDF" title="Article PDF" data-name="Influence of Ethanol Concentration on the Extraction of Cannabinoid and Volatile Compounds for Dry-Hemped Beer" data-journal="beverages"> <i class="material-icons custom-download"></i> </a> </div> <div class="article-icons"><span class="label openaccess" data-dropdown="drop-article-label-openaccess" aria-expanded="false">Open Access</span><span class="label articletype">Article</span></div> <a class="title-link" href="/2306-5710/10/3/65">Influence of Ethanol Concentration on the Extraction of Cannabinoid and Volatile Compounds for Dry-Hemped Beer</a> <div class="authors"> by <span class="inlineblock "><strong>Santiago Cárdenas-Pinto</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Jacob E. Gazaleh</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Drew Budner</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Shea Keene</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Leena R. Dhoble</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Abhisheak Sharma</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Brian Pearson</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Zhen Jia</strong>, </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Boce Zhang</strong> and </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Katherine A. Thompson-Witrick</strong></span> </div> <div class="color-grey-dark"> <em>Beverages</em> <b>2024</b>, <em>10</em>(3), 65; <a href=""></a> - 31 Jul 2024 </div> Viewed by 1327 <div class="abstract-div"> <a href="#" onclick="$(this).next('.abstract-cropped').toggleClass('inline').next('.abstract-full').toggleClass('inline'); return false;"> <strong>Abstract </strong> </a> <div class="abstract-cropped inline"> Beer is one of the most widely consumed beverages in the world. Since the legalization of low-delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) (&lt;0.03%) <i>Cannabis sativa</i> in the United States, this controversial plant is being looked upon as a potential flavor additive for use in beer. <i>Cannabis sativa</i> <a href="#" data-counterslink = "" onclick="$(this).parents('.abstract-cropped').toggleClass('inline').next('.abstract-full').toggleClass('inline'); return false;"> [...] Read more.</a> </div> <div class="abstract-full "> Beer is one of the most widely consumed beverages in the world. Since the legalization of low-delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) (&lt;0.03%) <i>Cannabis sativa</i> in the United States, this controversial plant is being looked upon as a potential flavor additive for use in beer. <i>Cannabis sativa</i> shares similar aromatic and flavor characteristics to that of hops (<i>Humulus lupulus).</i> This study was designed to determine the influence ethanol concentration has on the cannabinoid and volatile compounds found in beer. Three experimental beers with varying ethanol (3, 6, and 9% ABV) concentrations were used for this experiment. Using dry-hopping practices and dosing from commercial brewing techniques, hemp was placed in the beer for five days at 25 &deg;C. Cannabinoids and volatile compounds were analyzed following the completion of the dry-hemping process. Statistical differences were observed only for the cannabinoid, tetrahydrocannabinolic acid (THCA), while, no other individual cannabinoid or the summation of the total cannabinoids were statistically different. Volatile compounds were analyzed using gas chromatography&ndash;mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Statistical differences were observed between the monoterpenes and the sesquiterpenes volatile compound groups. In summary, ethanol concentration appears to have no impact on the extraction efficiency of cannabinoids but does appear to influence volatile compounds when hemp is added to beer through the dry-hemping process. <a href="/2306-5710/10/3/65">Full article</a> </div> </div> <div class="belongsTo" style="margin-bottom: 10px;"> (This article belongs to the Section <a href="/journal/beverages/sections/quality_nutrition_chemistry_beverages">Quality, Nutrition, and Chemistry of Beverages</a>)<br/> </div> <a href="#" class="abstract-figures-show" data-counterslink = "" ><span >&#9658;</span><span style=" display: none;">&#9660;</span> Show Figures </a><div class="abstract-image-preview "><div class="absgraph cycle-slideshow"><div class='openpopupgallery cycle-slide' data-imgindex='0' data-target='article-1446836-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src="" data-src="" alt="" style="border: 0;"><p>Figure 1</p></div></div></div><div id="article-1446836-popup" class="popupgallery" style="display: inline; line-height: 200%"><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 1</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;Principal component analysis (PCA) of the total volatile compounds; N = 3; base beer, 3% ethanol, 6% ethanol, and 9% ethanol beer.&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2306-5710/10/3/65'>Full article</a></strong> "></a></div> </div> </div> <div class="generic-item article-item"> <input class="article-list-checkbox export-element" type="checkbox" name="articles_ids[]" value="1443260" data-select-all-name="article-listing"> <div class="article-content"> <div class="label right label__btn"> <span style="font-size: 12px; color: #1a1a1a;"> 10 pages, 422 KiB &nbsp; </span> <a href="/2306-5710/10/3/64/pdf?version=1721981033" class="UD_Listings_ArticlePDF" title="Article PDF" data-name="Quality Characteristics of Piquette: A Potential Use of Grape Pomace" data-journal="beverages"> <i class="material-icons custom-download"></i> </a> </div> <div class="article-icons"><span class="label openaccess" data-dropdown="drop-article-label-openaccess" aria-expanded="false">Open Access</span><span class="label articletype">Communication</span></div> <a class="title-link" href="/2306-5710/10/3/64">Quality Characteristics of Piquette: A Potential Use of Grape Pomace</a> <div class="authors"> by <span class="inlineblock "><strong>Aude A. Watrelot</strong> and </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>James Hollis</strong></span> </div> <div class="color-grey-dark"> <em>Beverages</em> <b>2024</b>, <em>10</em>(3), 64; <a href=""></a> - 26 Jul 2024 </div> Viewed by 939 <div class="abstract-div"> <a href="#" onclick="$(this).next('.abstract-cropped').toggleClass('inline').next('.abstract-full').toggleClass('inline'); return false;"> <strong>Abstract </strong> </a> <div class="abstract-cropped inline"> Grape pomace is a common waste product that can be used as compost, as animal feed or discarded. The goal of this study was to evaluate the quality and consumers&rsquo; perception of a value-added grape pomace beverage, piquette, made using different red grape <a href="#" data-counterslink = "" onclick="$(this).parents('.abstract-cropped').toggleClass('inline').next('.abstract-full').toggleClass('inline'); return false;"> [...] Read more.</a> </div> <div class="abstract-full "> Grape pomace is a common waste product that can be used as compost, as animal feed or discarded. The goal of this study was to evaluate the quality and consumers&rsquo; perception of a value-added grape pomace beverage, piquette, made using different red grape cultivars, yeast strains and grape pomace to water ratios. Petite Pearl and Marquette grape pomace were soaked using different pomace to water ratios in water for 2 days, prior to being pressed. Cane sugar was added to the juices prior to inoculation with three yeast strains (Cross Evolution, ICV D254, and Exotics Mosaic). The piquettes were bottled before chemical analysis and sensory evaluation by an untrained sensory panel following 8 months of storage. Piquettes made from Petite Pearl grape pomace, regardless of yeast strain, were preferred by consumers. Petite Pearl piquettes were fruity and pink, especially using D254 yeast. Piquettes made from different ratios of Petite Pearl pomace to water on a larger scale lacked nutrients at the beginning of fermentation, which led to &ldquo;rotten-egg&rdquo; aromas and were the least accepted by consumers. <a href="/2306-5710/10/3/64">Full article</a> </div> </div> <div class="belongsTo" style="margin-bottom: 10px;"> (This article belongs to the Special Issue <a href=" /journal/beverages/special_issues/AOH823IY48 ">Traditional, Functional and Novel Fruit Beverages: Cultivation, Processing and Consumption</a>)<br/> </div> <a href="#" class="abstract-figures-show" data-counterslink = "" ><span >&#9658;</span><span style=" display: none;">&#9660;</span> Show Figures </a><div class="abstract-image-preview "><div class="absgraph cycle-slideshow"><div class='openpopupgallery cycle-slide' data-imgindex='0' data-target='article-1443260-popup'><span class="helper"></span><img src="" data-src="" alt="" style="border: 0;"><p>Figure 1</p></div></div></div><div id="article-1443260-popup" class="popupgallery" style="display: inline; line-height: 200%"><a href="" title=" <strong>Figure 1</strong><br/> &lt;p&gt;Color swatches of the piquette samples obtained after the conversion of the L*, a*, and b* parameters to color.&lt;/p&gt; <strong style='display: block; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 18px;'><a style='color: #fff' href='/2306-5710/10/3/64'>Full article</a></strong> "></a></div> </div> </div> <div class="generic-item article-item"> <input class="article-list-checkbox export-element" type="checkbox" name="articles_ids[]" value="1438530" data-select-all-name="article-listing"> <div class="article-content"> <div class="label right label__btn"> <span style="font-size: 12px; color: #1a1a1a;"> 28 pages, 871 KiB &nbsp; </span> <a href="/2306-5710/10/3/63/pdf?version=1721380902" class="UD_Listings_ArticlePDF" title="Article PDF" data-name="Introducing a Standardized Sensory Analysis Method for Wine: A Methodology for the Recruitment, Selection, Training, and Monitoring of Assessors—Implementation on the Greek Variety “Agiorgitiko”" data-journal="beverages"> <i class="material-icons custom-download"></i> </a> </div> <div class="article-icons"><span class="label openaccess" data-dropdown="drop-article-label-openaccess" aria-expanded="false">Open Access</span><span class="label articletype">Article</span></div> <a class="title-link" href="/2306-5710/10/3/63">Introducing a Standardized Sensory Analysis Method for Wine: A Methodology for the Recruitment, Selection, Training, and Monitoring of Assessors&mdash;Implementation on the Greek Variety &ldquo;Agiorgitiko&rdquo;</a> <div class="authors"> by <span class="inlineblock "><strong>Ioannis Ligas</strong> and </span><span class="inlineblock "><strong>Yorgos Kotseridis</strong></span> </div> <div class="color-grey-dark"> <em>Beverages</em> <b>2024</b>, <em>10</em>(3), 63; <a href=""></a> - 19 Jul 2024 </div> Viewed by 1212 <div class="abstract-div"> <a href="#" onclick="$(this).next('.abstract-cropped').toggleClass('inline').next('.abstract-full').toggleClass('inline'); return false;"> <strong>Abstract </strong> </a> <div class="abstract-cropped inline"> The international wine trade plays a crucial role in the global economy, and an effective method for wine sensory analysis is essential. The International Organization of Vine and Wine (OIV) has issued a review document on wine sensory analysis, but further specialization and <a href="#" data-counterslink = "" onclick="$(this).parents('.abstract-cropped').toggleClass('inline').next('.abstract-full').toggleClass('inline'); return false;"> [...] Read more.</a> </div> <div class="abstract-full "> The international wine trade plays a crucial role in the global economy, and an effective method for wine sensory analysis is essential. The International Organization of Vine and Wine (OIV) has issued a review document on wine sensory analysis, but further specialization and development remain indispensable. Our research team adopted standardized methodologies from the organoleptic evaluation of olive oil and the sensory analysis of milk and dairy products, which served as the foundation for creating a robust and repeatable methodology for the recruitment, selection, training, and monitoring of assessors for wine sensory analysis. A statistically validated method for wine sensory analysis was developed during this study. Simultaneously, a comparative study involving two distinct groups of candidate assessors was conducted, with one group trained in the organoleptic evaluation of olive oil and another untrained in this area, aiming to compare the effectiveness of untrained and trained assessors in further training for wine evaluation. Finally, the developed method was applied to sensorially evaluate 25 PDO Nemea wine products. Based on the results, it appears that the proposed method for recruiting, training, and selecting assessors is reliable and leads to sensory panels with excellent reproducibility. Furthermore, it establishes that assessors from an olive oil organoleptic evaluation panel have a higher likelihood of being selected as assessors for a wine sensory analysis panel. <a href="/2306-5710/10/3/63">Full article</a> </div> </div> <div class="belongsTo" style="margin-bottom: 10px;"> (This article belongs to the Section <a href="/journal/beverages/sections/sensory_analysis_beverages">Sensory Analysis of Beverages</a>)<br/> </div> <a href="#" class="abstract-figures-show" data-counterslink = "" ><span >&#9658;</span><span style=" display: none;">&#9660;</span> Show Figures </a><div class="abstract-image-preview "><div class="arrow left-arrow" id="prev1438530"><i class="fa fa-caret-left"></i></div><div class="arrow right-arrow" id="next1438530"><i class="fa fa-caret-right"></i></div><div class="absgraph cycle-slideshow manual" data-cycle-fx="scrollHorz" data-cycle-timeout="0" data-cycle-next="#next1438530" data-cycle-prev="#prev1438530" data-cycle-progressive="#images1438530" 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