Plant ID Help - Calflora
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale=1.0, user-scalable=1" /> <title>Plant ID Help - Calflora </title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="aheader.css" type="text/css"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="atext.css" type="text/css"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="abox.css" type="text/css"> <link rel=stylesheet type="text/css" href="entry.css"> <link rel=stylesheet type="text/css" href="help.css"> <link rel=stylesheet type="text/css" href="poe-help.css"> <style type="text/css"> <!-- .colTwo { font-size: 11pt; line-height: 15pt; padding: 12px 0px 12px 12px; border-bottom: 1px solid #ffffff; } .colOne { font-size: 12pt; font-weight: normal; padding: 12px 0px 12px 12px; background-color: #fafbfb; } .colWhite { background-color: #ffffff; } .paleYellow { background-color: #ffffd7; } .palePink { background-color: #ffe7e7; } --> </style> <script language='javascript' src='com.gmap3.PlantIDA/com.gmap3.PlantIDA.nocache.js'></script> </head> <body bgcolor="#fafafa" class=A9> <div style="padding: 8px 12px 0px 12px;"> <table border=0 width=100% class=fxt cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0> <tr><td width=51%></td><td width=40></td><td></td></tr> <tr><td colspan=3> <table width=100% border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 height=42 class=headDarkGreenBox> <tr><td width=38> <a title="Calflora Home" href="//" class=blueLink><img alt="logo" src="imgx/newsun100dk.gif" width=36 border=0></a></td> <td width=1></td> <td class=A13> <span class=headLogoDarkBG> <a id=mainLink href="//" class=whiteLink title="Calflora Search"> Calflora </a> <span class='yellowHead A11'> <nobr>PLANT ID HELP</nobr> </span></span> </td> <td></td> <td width=100 align=right class='whiteHead A10' id=userSlot></td> <td width=5></td> <td width=140 align=center id=loginSlot></td> <td width=5></td> </table> </td></tr> </table> <DIV style="max-width: 950px;"> <Table border=0 width=100% class=fxt cellspacing=1 cellpadding=0> <tr> <td width=40></td> <td width=38%></td> <td width=4></td> <td></td> <td width=40></td> </tr> <tr><td height=10></td></tr> <tr><td colspan=5 valign=top> <div class=A12 style="border: 1px solid #ececec; background-color: #f2f2f2; line-height: 17pt; padding: 10px 20px 10px 10px;"> <P class=hang> <b>Question:</b> <br>I have some photos of a plant, and I need help identifying the plant. </P> <P class=hang> <b>Answer #1:</b> <br>Add an observation record to Calflora with your photos attached, and put this observation into <nobr>the <b>PLANT ID HELP</b> group.</nobr> <br> <nobr>Other people in this group</nobr> may be able to help identify the plant. </div> </td></tr> <tr><td height=10></td></tr> <tr><td></td><td class=colOne valign=top> <span class=A12> <b>1. Register as a contributor. </b> </td> <td class=sepbarv></td> <td class=colWhite valign=top> <div class="colTwo" id=contribSlot></div> </td></tr> <tr><td></td><td colspan=3 height=2 class=sepbar></td></tr> <tr><td></td><td class=colOne valign=top> <span class=A12> <b>2. Join the PLANT ID HELP group. </b> </td> <td class=sepbarv></td> <td class=colWhite valign=top> <div class="colTwo" id=memberSlot></div> </td></tr> <tr><td></td><td colspan=3 height=2 class=sepbar></td></tr> <tr><td></td><td class=colOne valign=top> <span class=A12> <b>3. Add an observation with one or more photos attached. </b> </td> <td class=sepbarv></td> <td class="colTwo colWhite" valign=top> Use the <a class=xvioletLink target=_blank href=""> <b>Plant Observation Entry</b></a> application (POE) to add your photo(s) and the location. <br> Here are <a class=xgrayLink target=_blank href="//"> specific instructions</a> for adding a record. <P> <!-- If your photo is already on the web, you can simply paste in the URL. If your photo is on your computer, you can upload it. <P> --> If you have a hypothesis as to what the plant is, for instance the genus, enter it into the <span class=FTitle>Scientific Name</span> field. Otherwise, enter <b>unknown</b>. </td></tr> <tr><td></td><td colspan=3 height=2 class=sepbar></td></tr> <tr><td></td><td class=colOne valign=top> <span class=A12> <b>4. Put your observation into the <nobr>PLANT ID HELP</nobr> group. </b> </td> <td class=sepbarv></td> <td class="colTwo colWhite" valign=top> Use the <a target=_blank class=xvioletLink href="//"> My Observations</a> application to find your record. Click on the purple pencil <img src='img/pencil15.gif'> next to the record, and then click <b>edit</b> in the menu in order to edit the record in <a class=xvioletLink href="">Plant Observation Entry</a> (POE). <P> In POE, press <button>EDIT</button> to start editing the record. Select the <nobr><b>PLANT ID HELP</b></nobr> group from the <span class=FTitle>Group</span> drop down. Press <button>SAVE</button> to save the record. <P> Now that your record is in the <b>PLANT ID HELP</b> group, other members of the group will be able to see it and offer suggestions. </td></tr> <tr><td></td><td colspan=3 height=2 class=sepbar></td></tr> <tr><td></td><td class=colOne valign=top> <span class=A12> <b>5. Wait for comments; check group activity. </b> </td> <td class=sepbarv></td> <td class="colTwo colWhite" valign=top> If another member of the group has an idea about what the plant is, they will write a comment on your record. When this happens, you will likely receive an email from Calflora saying that there are comments on your record. <Div id=exampleCommentML class=moreless style="padding-left: 20px;"> <br> To make sure that Calflora will send an email when there are comments on your records, go to <a target=_blank class=xvioletLink href="//"> My Calflora / Preferences</a>, and check <nobr> <b>send email about comments on my records</b> </nobr> <br><br> Here is an example of an observation detail page showing comments: <a class=xgrayLink target=_blank href="//"> record #cbo25494</a> </Div> <P> You can also go to <a target=_blank class=xvioletLink href="//"> My Calflora / Comments</a>, and search for any comments on your observation records. <P> You can also <a target=_blank class=xgrayLink href="//"> check the activity</a> for the PLANT ID HELP group. </td></tr> <tr><td></td><td colspan=3 height=2 class=sepbar></td></tr> <tr><td></td><td class=colOne valign=top> <span class=A12> <b>6. Change the name of the plant <br>in your observation. </b> </td> <td class=sepbarv></td> <td class="colTwo colWhite" valign=top> If you receive a suggestion about the name of the plant in your photo, and you accept the suggestion, you can change the name of the plant in your observation record. <P> <b>Editing a record:</b> Once you have entered an observation, you can find it again with the <a target=_blank class=xvioletLink href="//"> My Observations</a> application. Click on the purple pencil <img src='img/pencil15.gif'>, and then click <b>edit</b> in the menu to open the record in <a class=xvioletLink href="">POE</a>, <P> Edit your record, and enter the new name into the <span class=FTitle>Scientific Name</span> field. <Div id=publishML class=moreless style="padding-left: 20px;"> If you want any other Calflora user to be able to see your record, set <nobr><span class=FTitle>Access by others</span></nobr> to <b>published</b>. </Div> </td></tr> <tr><td colspan=5 valign=top> <div class=A12 style="border: 1px solid #ececec; background-color: #f2f2f2; line-height: 17pt; padding: 10px 20px 10px 10px;"> <P class=hang> <b>Answer #2:</b> <br>Add an observation record to Calflora with your photos attached. When you are editing your record in Plant Observation Entry (POE), use the <nobr><b>ID from PlantNet</b></nobr> function to request an identification from the <a class=xgrayLink href=''>PlantNet</a> system. Here is a description of the process on the POE <a class=xgrayLink href='help/poe-help.html#PlantNet'>HELP page</a> <br><br> Or paste one of your photos into the <a class=xgrayLink href=''> <b>PlantNet Identify</b></a> web application. <br> </div> </td></tr> </Table> </DIV> </div> <a name="end"></a> <Div width=600px id=msgDisplay style="min-height: 0px; background-color: #fefefe;"> </Div> </body> </html>