<strong>Paper Title</strong><br> Towards The Net Margin Prediction of Building Construction Projects<br> <br> <strong>Abstract</strong><br> The objective of this research paper is determine whether there is a relationship between the Net Margin and other indicators and to understand how the Net Margin for building construction project varies. One example of those indicators is “subcontracting”. Many construction companies refer to subcontractors to overcome economic and capacity constraints. We analyze the impact of the subcontracting practice and the price per square meter on the Net Margin for building construction projects. This work was based on a set of hundreds construction projects in France. The potential of Artificial Intelligence in Construction is also investigated and the results show the first prediction model. Future research should focus on creating Machine Learning programs to predict Key performance indicators for construction projects such as the net margin. Keywords - Building Construction, Artificial Intelligence, Prediction, Margin, Subcontracting, Finance