The Best New Sports Podcast Right Now - June 2024 -
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}</style><div class="blog-container"><p><script async src=""></script> <script>window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; function gtag() { dataLayer.push(arguments); } gtag('js', new Date()); gtag('config', 'G-CESP3QW02J'); function getTime() { let currentDate = new Date(); let formattedDate = currentDate.toLocaleString('en-GB', { month: 'long' }).toLowerCase() + "_" + currentDate.getFullYear(); return formattedDate; }; window.addEventListener('selectionchange', () => { let selection = window.getSelection(); if (selection.toString().trim() !== '') { gtag('event', 'blog_clk', { 'event_category': 'sel' , 'event_label': 'sel_' + getTime() }); } });</script></p><div class="head"><h1 class="blog-title">The Best New Sports Podcast Right Now – June 2024</h1><p><img class="cover" src="" /></p></div><div class="content"><div class="left"><p class="introduction">Get ready to dive into the world of sports with our latest podcast series! From NFL tampering accusations and the changing landscape of the wide receiver market to the latest NBA trade rumors and the future of sports broadcasting, we’ve got you covered. Join us as we discuss the Celtics’ championship win, the impact of the NBA draft, and the upcoming NBA Finals. We’ll also explore the world of British slang, share our thoughts on Taylor Swift’s concert in London, and even delve into the importance of hygiene (or lack thereof). Tune in for insightful analysis, hilarious anecdotes, and a whole lot of sports talk!</p><h2 class="sub-title">The 10 Best Sports episodes</h2> <section class="ep-list"><script>window.addEventListener('load', () => { document.querySelector("#nav-1 .ep-title").addEventListener('click', () => { gtag('event', 'blog_clk', { event_category: 'ep_title', event_label: 'ep_title_'+ getTime() });'https:\/\/\/episode\/id5083967-id711640413'); }); document.querySelector("#nav-1 .ep-cover").addEventListener('click', () => { gtag('event', 'blog_clk', { event_category: 'ep_title', event_label: 'ep_title_'+ getTime() });'https:\/\/\/episode\/id5083967-id711640413'); }); });</script></p><div id="nav-1" class="ep-item"><h3 class="ep-title">Travis’ New Ring, Father’s Day Traditions and Justin Jefferson Got Paid | Ep 95</h3><p><img class="ep-cover" /></p><p class="summmary">The podcast discusses the NFL’s recent tampering accusations, the Falcons’ guilt, Kirk Cousins’ unintentional self-incrimination, and the rising wide receiver market, concluding with a discussion about the importance of speed and versatility in modern NFL offenses.</p><p class="summary">The podcast begins by discussing the NFL’s recent tampering accusations, with the Falcons being found guilty of improper contact with Kirk Cousins, Darnell Mooney, and Charlie Wohner during the 52-hour legal tampering period. The Falcons will forfeit their 2025 5th round draft pick and pay a $250,000 fine, while general manager Terry Fontano will pay a $50,000 fine. The hosts discuss how Cousins unintentionally incriminated himself by admitting to contacting the Falcons staff before free agency officially began. The conversation then shifts to the wide receiver market, which has been reset by Justin Jefferson’s four-year, $140 million contract with the Vikings. The hosts discuss how the wide receiver market has surpassed the tackle market in terms of average salary, and how the emphasis on speed and versatility in modern NFL offenses has driven up the value of receivers like Tyreek Hill, AJ Brown, and Justin Jefferson. The hosts also discuss the importance of having a strong offensive line and defensive line, and how these positions are crucial for success in the NFL. The podcast concludes with a discussion about the importance of having players who can do multiple things, and how the league has become more multi-offense, with teams utilizing multiple personnel groupings to create mismatches and put defenses in a bind.</p><p><iframe src="" width="100%" height="200" frameborder="0"></iframe></p></div><p><script>window.addEventListener('load', () => { document.querySelector("#nav-2 .ep-title").addEventListener('click', () => { gtag('event', 'blog_clk', { event_category: 'ep_title', event_label: 'ep_title_'+ getTime() });'https:\/\/\/episode\/id5083967-id707772034'); }); document.querySelector("#nav-2 .ep-cover").addEventListener('click', () => { gtag('event', 'blog_clk', { event_category: 'ep_title', event_label: 'ep_title_'+ getTime() });'https:\/\/\/episode\/id5083967-id707772034'); }); });</script></p><div id="nav-2" class="ep-item"><h3 class="ep-title">Travis Addresses the Nation, Jason Exposes ‘Big Soap’ and Kickoffs Are Officially Back | Ep 93</h3><p><img class="ep-cover" /></p><p class="summmary">Travis Kelsey shares his experience at the White House with President Biden, where he was warned by Secret Service members that he would be tasered if he touched the podium, and Jason Kelsey discusses his controversial stance on washing feet and the importance of ‘hot spots’ for hygiene, and the episode concludes with a breakdown of Travis Kelsey’s only touchdown pass and a celebration of the week’s Royal 92% winner, Elias Medina, a social worker and boxing coach.</p><p class="summary">Travis Kelsey recounts his recent visit to the White House with the Kansas City Chiefs, where he was warned by Secret Service members that he would be tasered if he touched the podium. He also discusses the new NFL kickoff rules and how the Chiefs are considering using a defensive player, Justin Reed, for kickoffs instead of Harrison Butker due to the increased risk of tackles. Jason Kelsey continues his controversial stance on hygiene, arguing that washing feet is unnecessary and that only ‘hot spots’ need to be cleaned. He also shares his thoughts on the movie ‘Life is Beautiful,’ which he recently watched and found to be a beautiful and inspiring film. The episode concludes with a breakdown of Travis Kelsey’s only touchdown pass, a play that involved a ‘window dressing’ formation to confuse the defense and create an opportunity for Byron Pringle to score. The episode also celebrates the week’s Royal 92% winner, Elias Medina, a social worker and boxing coach who has made a significant impact on the lives of young people in his community. The episode concludes with a discussion of the upcoming season and the importance of special teams in the NFL.</p><p><iframe src="" width="100%" height="200" frameborder="0"></iframe></p></div><p><script>window.addEventListener('load', () => { document.querySelector("#nav-3 .ep-title").addEventListener('click', () => { gtag('event', 'blog_clk', { event_category: 'ep_title', event_label: 'ep_title_'+ getTime() });'https:\/\/\/episode\/id5083967-id709716847'); }); document.querySelector("#nav-3 .ep-cover").addEventListener('click', () => { gtag('event', 'blog_clk', { event_category: 'ep_title', event_label: 'ep_title_'+ getTime() });'https:\/\/\/episode\/id5083967-id709716847'); }); });</script></p><div id="nav-3" class="ep-item"><h3 class="ep-title">Travis Hitting Dingers, The One Play Jason Wants Back & Buying The Eagles | Ep 94</h3><p><img class="ep-cover" /></p><p class="summmary">Jason and Travis discuss the importance of learning from mistakes, then highlight Tanya Moro, a high school teacher and softball coach, as this week’s ‘Royal 92 Percenter’ for her generosity and dedication to her community, before concluding with a call to action for listeners to nominate deserving individuals for the award.</p><p class="summary">The episode begins with Jason and Travis reflecting on the importance of learning from mistakes, particularly those that result in a loss. They agree that the plays that don’t go well are the ones that stick with them the most. The conversation then shifts to the ‘Royal 92 Percenter’ segment, where they recognize Tanya Moro, a high school English teacher and softball coach, for her generosity and dedication to her community. Tanya is praised for her volunteer work, her role as a city council member, and her unwavering support for her students. Jason and Travis express their admiration for teachers and emphasize the importance of recognizing their contributions. The episode concludes with a call to action for listeners to nominate deserving individuals for the ‘Royal 92 Percenter’ award, encouraging them to share stories of people who embody generosity and make a positive impact on their communities.</p><p><iframe src="" width="100%" height="200" frameborder="0"></iframe></p></div><p><script>window.addEventListener('load', () => { document.querySelector("#nav-4 .ep-title").addEventListener('click', () => { gtag('event', 'blog_clk', { event_category: 'ep_title', event_label: 'ep_title_'+ getTime() });'https:\/\/\/episode\/id5083967-id713823062'); }); document.querySelector("#nav-4 .ep-cover").addEventListener('click', () => { gtag('event', 'blog_clk', { event_category: 'ep_title', event_label: 'ep_title_'+ getTime() });'https:\/\/\/episode\/id5083967-id713823062'); }); });</script></p><div id="nav-4" class="ep-item"><h3 class="ep-title">Jason Gets Heckled, Travis Golfs with The Great One and the Kelces London Era | Ep 96</h3><p><img class="ep-cover" /></p><p class="summmary">Travis and Jason discuss their experience at Taylor Swift’s concert in London, including meeting Prince William and Princess Charlotte, and then they play a British slang quiz and try a Philly cheesesteak at a Philadelphia-themed bar in London.</p><p class="summary">Travis and Jason continue their discussion about Taylor Swift’s concert in London, highlighting the intimate atmosphere created by her acoustic performance. They share their experience meeting Prince William and Princess Charlotte backstage, emphasizing the down-to-earth nature of the royal family. The episode then transitions into a British slang quiz, where Travis and Jason attempt to decipher common British phrases, revealing their lack of knowledge about British slang. They conclude the episode with a review of a Philly cheesesteak at a Philadelphia-themed bar in London, comparing it to the authentic cheesesteaks found in Philadelphia.</p><p><iframe src="" width="100%" height="200" frameborder="0"></iframe></p></div><p><script>window.addEventListener('load', () => { document.querySelector("#nav-5 .ep-title").addEventListener('click', () => { gtag('event', 'blog_clk', { event_category: 'ep_title', event_label: 'ep_title_'+ getTime() });'https:\/\/\/episode\/id2930887-id709023879'); }); document.querySelector("#nav-5 .ep-cover").addEventListener('click', () => { gtag('event', 'blog_clk', { event_category: 'ep_title', event_label: 'ep_title_'+ getTime() });'https:\/\/\/episode\/id2930887-id709023879'); }); });</script></p><div id="nav-5" class="ep-item"><h3 class="ep-title">Boston Wins Game 2, Plus NBA Draft Stuff, Nets/Hawks Advice, and the Next Lakers Coach With Ryen Russillo</h3><p><img class="ep-cover" /></p><p class="summmary">The hosts discuss potential trades involving Trae Young, Jimmy Butler, and other players, exploring various scenarios and analyzing the value of different assets, while also speculating on the Lakers’ coaching search and the potential for a Monty Williams return.</p><p class="summary">The hosts delve into the complexities of potential trades involving Trae Young and Jimmy Butler, exploring various scenarios and analyzing the value of different assets. They discuss the Atlanta Hawks’ potential for a rebuild, considering the possibility of trading both Young and De’Andre Hunter. They also examine the Brooklyn Nets’ situation, considering their lack of a first-round pick in the 2025 draft and their need for a second star. The hosts explore potential trades for Young to Brooklyn, Miami, and other teams, weighing the pros and cons of each scenario. They also discuss the potential for a Jimmy Butler trade, considering his age and durability. The hosts then transition to a discussion about the Lakers’ coaching search, speculating on the potential for a Monty Williams return. They analyze the factors that could influence Williams’ decision, including the Lakers’ willingness to pay him a high salary. The hosts also discuss the potential for other candidates, including JJ Redick and Dan Hurley. They conclude by offering their final advice for the Hawks and Nets, suggesting that the Hawks should trade at least one of their star players and that the Nets should try to build around Mikal Bridges.</p><p><iframe src="" width="100%" height="200" frameborder="0"></iframe></p></div><p><script>window.addEventListener('load', () => { document.querySelector("#nav-6 .ep-title").addEventListener('click', () => { gtag('event', 'blog_clk', { event_category: 'ep_title', event_label: 'ep_title_'+ getTime() });'https:\/\/\/episode\/id2930887-id707073839'); }); document.querySelector("#nav-6 .ep-cover").addEventListener('click', () => { gtag('event', 'blog_clk', { event_category: 'ep_title', event_label: 'ep_title_'+ getTime() });'https:\/\/\/episode\/id2930887-id707073839'); }); });</script></p><div id="nav-6" class="ep-item"><h3 class="ep-title">Part 2: Barkley’s Future, TNT’s Possible Past, and 2024 NBA Media Trends With Ryen Russillo and Bryan Curtis</h3><p><img class="ep-cover" /></p><p class="summmary">The podcast discusses the future of sports broadcasting, particularly the impact of streaming services and the value of live sports rights, and the hosts debate the importance of studio shows in the current media landscape.</p><p class="summary">This episode of the NBA Sunday pod continues the discussion about the future of sports broadcasting, with the hosts focusing on the impact of streaming services and the increasing value of live sports rights. They express concerns about the potential fragmentation of the NBA product as rights are split across multiple platforms, and they speculate on the future of Inside the NBA, a show that has become a cultural touchstone for basketball fans. The hosts believe that Charles Barkley, the show’s biggest star, holds the key to its future, as his decision to stay or leave will determine the show’s fate. The episode then delves into a broader discussion about the changing nature of sports studio shows, with the hosts debating the importance of these shows in the current media landscape. They argue that the rise of streaming services and the abundance of content have diminished the value of traditional studio shows, as viewers have more options for consuming sports content. The hosts also discuss the challenges of creating engaging studio shows in an era of short attention spans and the need for personalities who can command an audience. The episode concludes with a reflection on the evolution of sports broadcasting and the need for networks to adapt to the changing media landscape.</p><p><iframe src="" width="100%" height="200" frameborder="0"></iframe></p></div><p><script>window.addEventListener('load', () => { document.querySelector("#nav-7 .ep-title").addEventListener('click', () => { gtag('event', 'blog_clk', { event_category: 'ep_title', event_label: 'ep_title_'+ getTime() });'https:\/\/\/episode\/id2930887-id711883330'); }); document.querySelector("#nav-7 .ep-cover").addEventListener('click', () => { gtag('event', 'blog_clk', { event_category: 'ep_title', event_label: 'ep_title_'+ getTime() });'https:\/\/\/episode\/id2930887-id711883330'); }); });</script></p><div id="nav-7" class="ep-item"><h3 class="ep-title">The 12 Remaining NBA Questions With Rob Mahoney and Chris Ryan</h3><p><img class="ep-cover" /></p><p class="summmary">The hosts discuss the Celtics’ championship win, the Finals MVP debate, and the rise of Jalen Brown, while also exploring the league’s shift towards a more parity-driven landscape where mid-seeded teams can make deep playoff runs, and then they dive into a conversation about the upcoming season, speculating on potential ‘crash the party’ teams and the impact of the luxury tax apron.</p><p class="summary">The episode begins with a discussion about the Celtics’ championship win and the surprising focus on the Finals MVP vote over the team’s overall success. The hosts delve into the reasons behind this, including the open question of who deserved the award and the natural pivot point in the series once the Celtics’ dominance became clear. They also explore the potential trickle-down effect of the NBA’s focus on individual narratives, even over team success. The conversation then shifts to Jalen Brown’s breakout season, highlighting his development as a top-15 player and his newfound consistency and physicality. The hosts discuss the Celtics’ system and how it allows both Tatum and Brown to thrive, while also acknowledging that Tatum may still have another level to reach. The episode concludes with a broader discussion about the league’s changing landscape, with the rise of mid-seeded teams making deep playoff runs and the impact of injuries on player rankings. The hosts also debate the merits of various awards, including the Finals MVP, and propose a new playoff MVP award to better reflect the entire postseason. The hosts then transition into a discussion about the upcoming season, speculating on potential ‘crash the party’ teams, those who could make unexpected deep runs in the playoffs. They discuss the impact of the luxury tax apron on teams’ strategies and the potential for trades and roster moves. The conversation also touches on the future of the Dallas Mavericks, the Memphis Grizzlies, and the Houston Rockets, highlighting their strengths and weaknesses and the potential for them to make significant moves in the offseason. The episode concludes with a discussion about the upcoming Olympics and the potential for Team USA to be a dominant force, despite the absence of some key players.</p><p><iframe src="" width="100%" height="200" frameborder="0"></iframe></p></div><p><script>window.addEventListener('load', () => { document.querySelector("#nav-8 .ep-title").addEventListener('click', () => { gtag('event', 'blog_clk', { event_category: 'ep_title', event_label: 'ep_title_'+ getTime() });'https:\/\/\/episode\/id2930887-id714067687'); }); document.querySelector("#nav-8 .ep-cover").addEventListener('click', () => { gtag('event', 'blog_clk', { event_category: 'ep_title', event_label: 'ep_title_'+ getTime() });'https:\/\/\/episode\/id2930887-id714067687'); }); });</script></p><div id="nav-8" class="ep-item"><h3 class="ep-title">Part 2: NBA Draft Winners, Losers, and More Losers With Ryen Russillo</h3><p><img class="ep-cover" /></p><p class="summmary">Ryan Resilla and Bill Simmons discuss their favorite and least favorite picks from the first round of the 2023 NBA Draft, highlighting the Spurs’ trade for the eighth pick and the Celtics’ selection of Jordan Walsh, and then they talk about their experiences with jerseys, including the time Bill Simmons bought a Tony Simmons jersey and the time Kyle Creighton stole a UVM lax zip up.</p><p class="summary">Ryan Resilla and Bill Simmons recap the first round of the 2023 NBA Draft, focusing on their favorite and least favorite picks. Resilla praises the Minnesota Timberwolves’ trade for the eighth pick, which allowed them to draft Dillingham, a player he believes can provide much-needed scoring. Simmons, on the other hand, is confused by the San Antonio Spurs’ decision to trade for the eighth pick, questioning their motivation for acquiring swap rights with Minnesota. He also criticizes the Detroit Pistons’ decision to draft Ron Holland, arguing that they already have too many non-shooters on their roster. Simmons also expresses his disappointment with the Portland Trail Blazers’ selection of Klingon, believing that they already have enough centers. The two then discuss the Celtics’ selection of Jordan Walsh, with Simmons expressing his excitement for the pick and highlighting Walsh’s shooting ability. They also discuss the potential impact of the draft on the upcoming season, with Simmons predicting that the Spurs will continue to tank and the Celtics will be a contender. The conversation then shifts to jerseys, with Bill Simmons sharing his experiences with buying and wearing jerseys, including the time he bought a Tony Simmons jersey and the time Kyle Creighton stole a UVM lax zip up. Simmons also talks about his collection of jerseys, which includes a Moses ABA jersey and a UMass can be one. He also shares his thoughts on the different types of jerseys, including the real ones and the cheaper ones. The conversation ends with Simmons talking about his experience going to a Patriots game at the old Foxboro stadium and how it was a terrible experience. He also talks about his Charles Barkley jersey and how he has been known to wear it in the past.</p><p><iframe src="" width="100%" height="200" frameborder="0"></iframe></p></div><p><script>window.addEventListener('load', () => { document.querySelector("#nav-9 .ep-title").addEventListener('click', () => { gtag('event', 'blog_clk', { event_category: 'ep_title', event_label: 'ep_title_'+ getTime() });'https:\/\/\/episode\/id2930887-id711344872'); }); document.querySelector("#nav-9 .ep-cover").addEventListener('click', () => { gtag('event', 'blog_clk', { event_category: 'ep_title', event_label: 'ep_title_'+ getTime() });'https:\/\/\/episode\/id2930887-id711344872'); }); });</script></p><div id="nav-9" class="ep-item"><h3 class="ep-title">The Celtics Win Banner 18 With Bill’s Dad</h3><p><img class="ep-cover" /></p><p class="summmary">The Boston Celtics won their 18th NBA championship, defeating the Dallas Mavericks in a game where Jayson Tatum played exceptionally well and the Celtics dominated the boards, and the hosts discuss the Celtics’ future prospects, including the possibility of attracting veteran talent.</p><p class="summary">The Boston Celtics have won their 18th NBA championship, defeating the Dallas Mavericks in a thrilling game seven. The podcast discusses the game in detail, highlighting Jayson Tatum’s exceptional performance, including his clutch drives in the fourth quarter. The hosts also praise the Celtics’ dominance on the boards, a stark contrast to their struggles in game four. The podcast then delves into the MVP debate, with both Tatum and Jaylen Brown considered strong contenders. The hosts ultimately lean towards Tatum, citing his crucial contributions throughout the playoffs. The podcast also discusses the Celtics’ overall success, crediting coach Joe Mazzulla’s growth and the team’s strong chemistry. The hosts also acknowledge the importance of Brad Stevens’s moves in building a championship-caliber team. The podcast concludes with a discussion of the Celtics’ future, highlighting the potential for continued success with their core players and the possibility of attracting veteran talent. The hosts believe that the Celtics are the safest bet in the East and could potentially attract a veteran player looking for a discount. They also discuss the team’s roster, including the possibility of bringing back some of their current role players. The hosts also share a humorous anecdote about the Celtics’ good luck charm, a young girl who attended many games and seems to bring good fortune to the team.</p><p><iframe src="" width="100%" height="200" frameborder="0"></iframe></p></div><p><script>window.addEventListener('load', () => { document.querySelector("#nav-10 .ep-title").addEventListener('click', () => { gtag('event', 'blog_clk', { event_category: 'ep_title', event_label: 'ep_title_'+ getTime() });'https:\/\/\/episode\/id2930887-id707694211'); }); document.querySelector("#nav-10 .ep-cover").addEventListener('click', () => { gtag('event', 'blog_clk', { event_category: 'ep_title', event_label: 'ep_title_'+ getTime() });'https:\/\/\/episode\/id2930887-id707694211'); }); });</script></p><div id="nav-10" class="ep-item"><h3 class="ep-title">The NBA Finals Gambling Preview With Cousin Sal and Joe House</h3><p><img class="ep-cover" /></p><p class="summmary">Bill Simmons, Joe House, and Sal discuss the upcoming NBA Finals, with a focus on the Celtics and Mavericks, and discuss their predictions, betting strategies, and the potential for a Celtics dynasty, and then they transition to NFL predictions, with a focus on the San Francisco 49ers and Kansas City Chiefs as Super Bowl favorites, and discuss their favorite bets for the upcoming season.</p><p class="summary">Bill Simmons, Joe House, and Sal discuss the upcoming NBA Finals, with a focus on the Celtics and Mavericks. They analyze the series, discussing the Celtics’ strengths and weaknesses, the Mavericks’ potential for an upset, and the impact of Luka Doncic’s performance. They also delve into betting strategies, with Simmons highlighting the Celtics’ potential for a dynasty and House emphasizing the importance of considering the Mavericks’ recent success. The conversation touches on the potential for a Celtics dynasty, with Simmons highlighting their recent success and the possibility of them becoming the dominant team in Boston. They also discuss the impact of the Celtics’ recent success on the city of Boston, with Simmons suggesting that they have a real chance to be the “king of the city.” The episode concludes with a discussion of various betting options, including player props and series bets, with Simmons, House, and Sal sharing their insights and predictions. The conversation then transitions to NFL predictions, with Simmons, House, and Sal discussing their favorite bets for the upcoming season. They highlight the San Francisco 49ers and Kansas City Chiefs as Super Bowl favorites, and discuss the potential for upsets from teams like the Baltimore Ravens and the Buffalo Bills. They also discuss the impact of the new NFL season on the betting landscape, with Simmons suggesting that there are fewer value bets available this year. The episode concludes with a discussion of the upcoming US Open golf tournament, with Simmons highlighting the potential for a strong performance from Mark Hubbard.</p><p><iframe src="" width="100%" height="200" frameborder="0"></iframe></p></div> </section> <section class="qa-list"><div class="title">Q&A</div><div id="nav-11" class="qa-item"><h5 class="question">What is the main topic of this podcast channel?</h5><p class="answer">This podcast channel focuses on sports, specifically discussing various topics related to the NFL, NBA, and other sports leagues.</p></div><div id="nav-12" class="qa-item"><h5 class="question">What are the Falcons accused of doing in the first episode?</h5><p class="answer">The Falcons were accused of tampering with players Kirk Cousins, Darnell Mooney, and Charlie Wohner during the 52-hour legal tampering period before free agency.</p></div><div id="nav-13" class="qa-item"><h5 class="question">What is the “Royal 92 Percenter” segment about?</h5><p class="answer">The “Royal 92 Percenter” segment recognizes individuals who embody generosity and make a positive impact on their communities.</p></div><div id="nav-14" class="qa-item"><h5 class="question">What is the main topic of the episode discussing the Celtics’ championship win?</h5><p class="answer">The episode discusses the Celtics’ championship win, the Finals MVP debate, and the team’s future prospects.</p></div><div id="nav-15" class="qa-item"><h5 class="question">What is the main topic of the episode discussing the 2023 NBA Draft?</h5><p class="answer">The episode recaps the first round of the 2023 NBA Draft, focusing on the hosts’ favorite and least favorite picks.</p></div> </section> <section class="related-list"><div class="title">Related Blogs</div><div class="related-wrapper"><p><script>window.addEventListener('load', () => { document.querySelector("#related-blog-1").addEventListener('click', () =>'https:\/\/\/blog\/top-10-true-crime-podcasts')); 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}); })</script></li><li id="nav_nav-6"><a href="#nav-6">Part 2: Barkley’s Future, TNT’s Possible Past, and 2024 NBA Media Trends With Ryen Russillo and Bryan Curtis</a> <script>window.addEventListener('load', () => { document.querySelector("#nav_nav-6").addEventListener('click', () => { gtag('event', 'blog_clk', { event_category: 'nav', event_label: 'nav_' + getTime() }); }); })</script></li><li id="nav_nav-7"><a href="#nav-7">The 12 Remaining NBA Questions With Rob Mahoney and Chris Ryan</a> <script>window.addEventListener('load', () => { document.querySelector("#nav_nav-7").addEventListener('click', () => { gtag('event', 'blog_clk', { event_category: 'nav', event_label: 'nav_' + getTime() }); }); })</script></li><li id="nav_nav-8"><a href="#nav-8">Part 2: NBA Draft Winners, Losers, and More Losers With Ryen Russillo</a> <script>window.addEventListener('load', () => { document.querySelector("#nav_nav-8").addEventListener('click', () => { gtag('event', 'blog_clk', { event_category: 'nav', event_label: 'nav_' + getTime() }); }); })</script></li><li id="nav_nav-9"><a href="#nav-9">The Celtics Win Banner 18 With Bill’s Dad</a> <script>window.addEventListener('load', () => { document.querySelector("#nav_nav-9").addEventListener('click', () => { gtag('event', 'blog_clk', { event_category: 'nav', event_label: 'nav_' + getTime() }); }); })</script></li><li id="nav_nav-10"><a href="#nav-10">The NBA Finals Gambling Preview With Cousin Sal and Joe House</a> <script>window.addEventListener('load', () => { document.querySelector("#nav_nav-10").addEventListener('click', () => { gtag('event', 'blog_clk', { event_category: 'nav', event_label: 'nav_' + getTime() }); }); })</script></li><li id="nav_nav-11"><a href="#nav-11">What is the main topic of this podcast channel?</a> <script>window.addEventListener('load', () => { document.querySelector("#nav_nav-11").addEventListener('click', () => { gtag('event', 'blog_clk', { event_category: 'nav', event_label: 'nav_' + getTime() }); }); })</script></li><li id="nav_nav-12"><a href="#nav-12">What are the Falcons accused of doing in the first episode?</a> <script>window.addEventListener('load', () => { document.querySelector("#nav_nav-12").addEventListener('click', () => { gtag('event', 'blog_clk', { event_category: 'nav', event_label: 'nav_' + getTime() }); 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