ALL Coliving | Seu novo jeito de morar

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text-other-dark opacity-0" data-anim-description> No ALL Coliving, você encontra apartamentos privativos, com espaços compartilhados por andar e <br class='hidden md:block' /> praticidades que só um hotel pode oferecer. </p> <p class="typography-subtitle text-center mt-6 text-other-dark opacity-0" data-anim-subtitle> Dê as boas-vindas a um mundo de possibilidades. </p> <div class="flex mt-8 justify-center flex-col sm:flex-row"> <div class="sm:mr-5"> <div class=" max-w-sm sm:max-w-[18.75rem] md:max-w-[22.5rem] lg:max-w-sm mx-auto mb-5 "> <article data-anim-cards class="bg-white rounded-bl-3xl shadow-custom h-full opacity-0"> <div class="rounded-bl-3xl overflow-hidden swiper" data-carousel> <div class="swiper-wrapper"> <picture class=" swiper-slide relative after:absolute after:bottom-0 after:right-0 after:h-[2.5rem] after:w-full after:bg-gradient-dark-top "> <source srcset='/dist/img/praticidade/praticidades_coworking_1.webp 1x, /dist/img/praticidade/praticidades_coworking_1_@2x.webp 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data-clamp-text class=' typography-paragraph text-center text-other-light line-clamp-2 sm:line-clamp-none '>Espaços <a class=' text-primary hover:text-primary-light underline' href='' target=' _blank' rel='noopener'> Wojo </a> estrategicamente pensados para você trabalhar com tranquilidade,variar o home office e conhecer pessoas com interesses em comum.</p><button data-clamp-button class=' inline-block bg-none border-none text-primary underline sm:hidden '>mais</button></div> </div> </div> </article> </div> <div class=" max-w-sm sm:max-w-[18.75rem] md:max-w-[22.5rem] lg:max-w-sm mx-auto mb-5 "> <article data-anim-cards class="bg-white rounded-bl-3xl shadow-custom h-full opacity-0"> <div class="rounded-bl-3xl overflow-hidden swiper" data-carousel> <div class="swiper-wrapper"> <picture class=" swiper-slide relative after:absolute after:bottom-0 after:right-0 after:h-[2.5rem] after:w-full after:bg-gradient-dark-top "> <source srcset='/dist/img/praticidade/praticidades_experiencias_1.webp 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items-end"> <div data-clamp class=' flex flex-col items-center'><p data-clamp-text class=' typography-paragraph text-center text-other-light line-clamp-2 sm:line-clamp-none '>Se você adora conhecer pessoas, culturas e histórias, seu lugar é aqui. Crie momentos inesquecíveis a partir da vivência compartilhada.</p><button data-clamp-button class=' inline-block bg-none border-none text-primary underline sm:hidden '>mais</button></div> </div> </div> </article> </div> </div> <div class="sm:mt-20"> <div class=" max-w-sm sm:max-w-[18.75rem] md:max-w-[22.5rem] lg:max-w-sm mx-auto mb-5 "> <article data-anim-cards class="bg-white rounded-bl-3xl shadow-custom h-full opacity-0"> <div class="rounded-bl-3xl overflow-hidden swiper" data-carousel> <div class="swiper-wrapper"> <picture class=" swiper-slide relative after:absolute after:bottom-0 after:right-0 after:h-[2.5rem] after:w-full after:bg-gradient-dark-top "> <source srcset='/dist/img/praticidade/praticidades_liberdade_1.webp 1x, /dist/img/praticidade/praticidades_liberdade_1_@2x.webp 2x' type="image/webp" /> <img width="384px" height="211px" srcset='/dist/img/praticidade/praticidades_liberdade_1_@2x.jpg 2x' src="/dist/img/praticidade/praticidades_liberdade_1.jpg" alt="" loading="lazy" /> </picture> <picture class=" swiper-slide relative after:absolute after:bottom-0 after:right-0 after:h-[2.5rem] after:w-full after:bg-gradient-dark-top "> <source srcset='/dist/img/praticidade/praticidades_liberdade_2.webp 1x, /dist/img/praticidade/praticidades_liberdade_2_@2x.webp 2x' type="image/webp" /> <img width="384px" height="211px" srcset='/dist/img/praticidade/praticidades_liberdade_2_@2x.jpg 2x' src="/dist/img/praticidade/praticidades_liberdade_2.jpg" alt="" loading="lazy" /> </picture> </div> <div class="carousel-pagination swiper-pagination"></div> </div> <div class="p-6 sm:px-10 sm:pt-8 sm:pb-10"> <h3 class="typography-h3 text-center mb-2 sm:mb-4">Liberdade de ir e vir</h3> <div class="flex items-end"> <div data-clamp class=' flex flex-col items-center'><p data-clamp-text class=' typography-paragraph text-center text-other-light line-clamp-2 sm:line-clamp-none '>O Coliving tem a liberdade que você precisa para descomplicar suas idas e vindas. É moradia sem contrato tradicional, sem burocracia e com pagamento em até 3 vezes sem juros.</p><button data-clamp-button class=' inline-block bg-none border-none text-primary underline sm:hidden '>mais</button></div> </div> </div> </article> </div> <div class=" max-w-sm sm:max-w-[18.75rem] md:max-w-[22.5rem] lg:max-w-sm mx-auto mb-5 "> <article data-anim-cards class="bg-white rounded-bl-3xl shadow-custom h-full opacity-0"> <div class="rounded-bl-3xl overflow-hidden swiper" data-carousel> <div class="swiper-wrapper"> <picture class=" swiper-slide relative after:absolute after:bottom-0 after:right-0 after:h-[2.5rem] after:w-full after:bg-gradient-dark-top "> <source srcset='/dist/img/praticidade/praticidades_estilo_1.webp 1x, /dist/img/praticidade/praticidades_estilo_1_@2x.webp 2x' type="image/webp" /> <img width="384px" height="211px" srcset='/dist/img/praticidade/praticidades_estilo_1_@2x.jpg 2x' src="/dist/img/praticidade/praticidades_estilo_1.jpg" alt="" loading="lazy" /> </picture> <picture class=" swiper-slide relative after:absolute after:bottom-0 after:right-0 after:h-[2.5rem] after:w-full after:bg-gradient-dark-top "> <source srcset='/dist/img/praticidade/praticidades_estilo_2.webp 1x, /dist/img/praticidade/praticidades_estilo_2_@2x.webp 2x' type="image/webp" /> <img width="384px" height="211px" srcset='/dist/img/praticidade/praticidades_estilo_2_@2x.jpg 2x' src="/dist/img/praticidade/praticidades_estilo_2.jpg" alt="" loading="lazy" /> </picture> </div> <div class="carousel-pagination swiper-pagination"></div> </div> <div class="p-6 sm:px-10 sm:pt-8 sm:pb-10"> <h3 class="typography-h3 text-center mb-2 sm:mb-4">Estilo de vida</h3> <div class="flex items-end"> <div data-clamp class=' flex flex-col items-center'><p data-clamp-text class=' typography-paragraph text-center text-other-light line-clamp-2 sm:line-clamp-none '>Conviva com pessoas que valorizam <br />um estilo de vida mais sustentável, colaborativo, prático e econômico, assim como você.</p><button 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25.2188C10.3828 24.9844 10.0391 24.9375 9.80469 25.125C9.57031 25.3125 9.52344 25.6563 9.71094 25.8906L10.9297 27.4453C11.0313 27.5703 11.1797 27.6485 11.3438 27.6563C11.3516 27.6563 11.3594 27.6563 11.3594 27.6563C11.5156 27.6563 11.6641 27.5938 11.7656 27.4766L15.3125 23.5235C15.5078 23.2969 15.4844 22.9531 15.2656 22.75Z" fill="#BCAA95"/> <path d="M15.2656 29.5625C15.0391 29.3594 14.6953 29.3828 14.4922 29.6016L11.3828 33.0703L10.5703 32.0313C10.3828 31.7969 10.0391 31.75 9.80469 31.9375C9.57031 32.125 9.52344 32.4688 9.71094 32.7031L10.9297 34.2578C11.0313 34.3828 11.1797 34.4609 11.3438 34.4687C11.3516 34.4687 11.3594 34.4687 11.3594 34.4687C11.5156 34.4687 11.6641 34.4062 11.7656 34.2891L15.3125 30.3359C15.5078 30.1094 15.4844 29.7578 15.2656 29.5625Z" fill="#BCAA95"/> </svg> </span> </span> <h3 class="typography-h4 mb-2">Comodidade</h3> <div class="typography-paragraph text-other-dark leading-tight"> <p>É só entrar e morar. 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32.0469 8.00003C31.4297 7.39065 31.0938 6.57034 31.0938 5.70315C31.0938 4.83597 31.4297 4.01565 32.0469 3.40628C32.8047 2.64847 33.25 1.64065 33.3125 0.578154C33.3281 0.273467 33.1016 0.0156542 32.7969 2.9226e-05C32.5 -0.0155958 32.2344 0.210967 32.2188 0.515654C32.1719 1.31253 31.8359 2.07034 31.2734 2.63284C30.4531 3.45315 30 4.5469 30 5.70315C30 6.86722 30.4531 7.95315 31.2734 8.77347C32.5391 10.0469 32.5391 12.1094 31.2734 13.375Z" fill="#BCAA95"/> <path d="M35.5625 13.375C34.75 14.1875 34.2969 15.2735 34.2891 16.4219C34.2891 16.7266 34.5313 16.9688 34.8359 16.9688C35.1406 16.9688 35.3828 16.7266 35.3828 16.4219C35.3906 15.5625 35.7266 14.75 36.3359 14.1407C38.0313 12.4453 38.0313 9.69534 36.3359 8.00003C35.7188 7.38284 35.3828 6.57034 35.3828 5.70315C35.3828 4.83597 35.7188 4.01565 36.3359 3.40628C37.0938 2.64847 37.5391 1.64065 37.6016 0.578154C37.6172 0.273467 37.3906 0.0156542 37.0859 2.9226e-05C36.7891 -0.0155958 36.5234 0.210967 36.5078 0.515654C36.4609 1.31253 36.125 2.07034 35.5625 2.63284C34.7422 3.45315 34.2891 4.5469 34.2891 5.70315C34.2891 6.86722 34.7422 7.95315 35.5625 8.77347C36.8281 10.0469 36.8281 12.1094 35.5625 13.375Z" fill="#BCAA95"/> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0"> <rect width="40" height="40" fill="white"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> </span> </span> <h3 class="typography-h4 mb-2">Alimentação</h3> <div class="typography-paragraph text-other-dark leading-tight"> <p>Café da manhã, serviço de quarto e restaurante, para você comer algo incrível quando não estiver na vibe de cozinhar.</p> </div> </article> </div> <div class=" px-4 col-start-1 row-start-2 row-span-2 sm:px-0 hidden invisible lg:block lg:visible "> <div data-anim-block class=" bg-custom flex flex-col items-center justify-between pt-6 rounded-bl-3xl h-full w-full overflow-hidden sm:items-end sm:flex-row sm:w-full sm:max-w-md sm:mx-auto lg:items-start lg:flex-col "> <div class="sm:max-w-[15rem] sm:pb-8 lg:pb-0 lg:max-w-none"> <h3 class="px-6 typography-h5 font-bold">Segurança</h3> 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3.16243 15.8963C3.13894 15.8806 3.10763 15.8571 3.10763 15.8102V15.8024C3.10763 15.1996 3.48337 14.6673 4.01566 14.4481C4.02348 14.5029 4.02348 14.5577 4.02348 14.6125C4.02348 15.1526 3.73386 15.6458 3.25636 15.9041ZM20.0939 2.09589C23.1155 2.09589 25.5656 4.55382 25.5656 7.56752C25.5656 9.68885 24.3366 11.6145 22.4266 12.5225C21.5656 12.3503 20.681 12.2564 19.8043 12.2564C19.0607 12.2564 18.317 12.319 17.5969 12.4442C15.7886 11.5127 14.6223 9.6184 14.6223 7.57534C14.6223 4.55382 17.0802 2.09589 20.0939 2.09589ZM38.4344 25.454L35.7887 25.6888C35.4912 25.7123 35.2329 25.908 35.1311 26.182C34.3953 28.0842 33.0333 29.8297 31.2016 31.2387C31.0528 31.3562 30.9432 31.5205 30.9119 31.7084L29.8708 37.0157H25.8708L25.362 34.8787C25.2603 34.4638 24.8532 34.2055 24.4384 34.2916C23.0842 34.5812 21.6751 34.7299 20.2505 34.7299C17.9178 34.7299 15.6712 34.3386 13.5734 33.5636C13.362 33.4853 13.135 33.501 12.9315 33.6106C12.7358 33.7123 12.5949 33.9002 12.5401 34.1115L11.8278 37.0078H7.97652L6.85714 28.9922C6.84149 28.8669 6.78669 28.7417 6.71624 28.6399C5.40117 26.8474 4.71233 24.82 4.71233 22.7613C4.71233 20.3033 5.67515 17.9472 7.49119 15.9354C9.29941 13.9315 11.8121 12.4207 14.7554 11.5597C14.7945 11.5519 14.8258 11.5362 14.8571 11.5205C15.2172 11.998 15.6321 12.4286 16.1096 12.7887C15.6321 12.9296 15.1703 13.0939 14.7084 13.2896C14.4266 13.407 14.3014 13.728 14.4188 14.0098C14.5362 14.2916 14.8571 14.4168 15.1389 14.2994C15.9374 13.9628 16.7593 13.7123 17.6047 13.5558C18.3249 13.4227 19.0685 13.3523 19.8121 13.3523C21.8082 13.3523 23.7965 13.8532 25.5421 14.8004C25.6282 14.8474 25.7143 14.863 25.8004 14.863C25.9961 14.863 26.184 14.7613 26.2857 14.5734C26.4266 14.3072 26.3327 13.9785 26.0665 13.8297C25.3777 13.454 24.6654 13.1487 23.9217 12.9061C24.4932 12.499 24.9941 12.0059 25.4012 11.4423C26.1761 11.6536 26.9432 11.9198 27.6712 12.225C27.8982 12.319 28.1487 12.3033 28.3601 12.1859L30.8415 10.7769V13.6027C30.8415 13.8454 30.9589 14.0802 31.1468 14.229C33.0333 15.6614 34.4188 17.454 35.1546 19.3953C35.2485 19.6536 35.4755 19.8415 35.7417 19.8885L38.4344 20.3816V25.454Z" fill="#BCAA95"/> <path d="M16.7984 8.29542C17.1037 8.29542 17.3464 8.05276 17.3464 7.74748C17.3464 6.13496 18.6614 4.81989 20.274 4.81989C20.5793 4.81989 20.8219 4.57723 20.8219 4.27194C20.8219 3.96666 20.5793 3.724 20.274 3.724C18.0587 3.724 16.2505 5.53222 16.2505 7.74748C16.2505 8.05276 16.501 8.29542 16.7984 8.29542Z" fill="#BCAA95"/> <path d="M29.9022 19.5988C30.5766 19.5988 31.1233 19.052 31.1233 18.3776C31.1233 17.7032 30.5766 17.1565 29.9022 17.1565C29.2278 17.1565 28.681 17.7032 28.681 18.3776C28.681 19.052 29.2278 19.5988 29.9022 19.5988Z" fill="#BCAA95"/> </svg> </span> </span> <h3 class="typography-h4 mb-2">Economia</h3> <div class="typography-paragraph text-other-dark leading-tight"> <p>Esqueça os gastos com água, luz, internet e reparos. 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12.2509 21.657C12.2914 21.7421 12.332 21.8275 12.3726 21.9131C12.4528 21.8369 12.75 21.5631 13.1307 21.2895C13.1721 21.2598 13.2146 21.23 13.2578 21.2005C13.269 21.1928 13.2804 21.1852 13.2917 21.1775C13.7175 20.8913 14.2167 20.6359 14.6298 20.6481C14.7857 20.6509 14.9288 20.6779 15.0626 20.7211C15.0656 20.7221 15.0685 20.7231 15.0715 20.7241C15.2635 20.7874 15.4362 20.8843 15.5992 20.9915C15.6015 20.993 15.6037 20.9945 15.6059 20.9959C15.6961 21.0554 15.7833 21.118 15.8693 21.1796C15.9545 21.2407 16.0385 21.301 16.1229 21.3565C16.1241 21.3572 16.1252 21.358 16.1264 21.3587C16.1842 21.3967 16.2423 21.4325 16.3011 21.4647C16.4423 21.5422 16.5877 21.5997 16.7443 21.6199C16.6518 21.6859 16.5547 21.7288 16.4323 21.7376C16.3215 21.7457 16.1901 21.7259 16.0227 21.6702C15.9133 21.6352 15.8267 21.5889 15.7344 21.5394C15.6497 21.4941 15.5602 21.4462 15.4437 21.4021C15.3179 21.3518 15.1836 21.3183 15.0074 21.3015C14.9035 21.29 14.7679 21.2854 14.618 21.3004C14.6155 21.3006 14.6131 21.3009 14.6106 21.3011C14.326 21.3306 13.9911 21.4308 13.7236 21.6869C13.413 21.9502 13.0737 22.2217 12.863 22.3872C12.8553 22.3933 12.8477 22.3992 12.8404 22.405C12.7609 22.4672 12.7025 22.5123 12.6747 22.5331L12.6579 22.5498C12.6537 22.5531 12.6494 22.5563 12.6451 22.5596C12.6452 22.5595 12.645 22.5596 12.6451 22.5596C12.5098 22.662 12.3758 22.761 12.2431 22.8567C11.899 23.1048 11.5617 23.3326 11.2209 23.5511C10.9343 23.7349 10.6452 23.9122 10.3477 24.0897C10.0152 24.288 9.67208 24.4865 9.30992 24.6946C9.39861 24.3219 9.41708 23.9388 9.38126 23.5535C9.21465 21.7612 7.87327 19.9215 6.95926 18.8575C6.47091 18.289 6.10456 17.942 6.10456 17.942C6.7595 17.2506 6.75969 17.2508 6.75989 17.251L6.76507 17.2559L6.77626 17.2666L6.81472 17.304C6.84725 17.3358 6.89323 17.3814 6.95055 17.4396C7.06511 17.556 7.22546 17.7234 7.41444 17.9331C7.79095 18.351 8.28838 18.9451 8.76501 19.6449C9.23914 20.3411 9.71055 21.1678 10.0141 22.0502C10.1214 22.3622 10.2102 22.6884 10.2696 23.0237C10.6793 22.7719 11.0732 22.5164 11.4719 22.2366C11.0993 21.4526 10.7336 20.6848 10.3899 19.9631C9.67368 18.4596 9.053 17.1565 8.66515 16.3259C7.66755 14.1992 8.26912 12.1702 8.99189 10.767C9.3569 10.0584 9.77057 9.47201 10.0737 9.06447C10.1576 8.95176 10.2221 8.86683 10.2764 8.79545C10.3317 8.7226 10.3764 8.66388 10.4198 8.60414C10.4204 8.60333 10.421 8.60253 10.4216 8.60174C10.5061 8.38824 10.6676 8.20453 10.8903 8.09621ZM5.94428 19.1474C5.71623 20.3195 5.25858 21.4084 4.2921 23.086C3.00828 25.3062 3.06702 27.0069 3.95646 28.4814C4.3278 29.0843 4.0116 29.6671 3.45787 30.1689C2.73106 30.8274 1.59501 31.3462 1.06724 31.5872C1.0249 31.6066 0.986473 31.6241 0.952487 31.6398C2.02526 31.5925 3.03437 31.349 3.95142 31.0018C6.77149 29.9342 8.721 27.8865 8.97428 27.5514C10.1559 25.9732 11.1158 24.9504 11.8067 24.3066C11.9783 24.1467 12.1333 24.0103 12.271 23.8944C12.7782 23.4678 13.0506 23.3215 13.0523 23.3206C13.0669 23.3511 13.0814 23.3816 13.096 23.4121C13.2192 23.67 13.3424 23.9275 13.4649 24.1836C15.2373 27.8901 16.8786 31.3047 16.8786 31.3047L16.0202 31.7173L15.6925 31.035C15.4838 30.6005 15.1856 29.9794 14.8273 29.2326C14.2364 28.0008 13.4821 26.4269 12.6967 24.7849C12.6687 24.8096 12.64 24.8352 12.6106 24.8617C11.9625 25.4457 10.984 26.4562 9.73665 28.1222L9.73403 28.1257C9.49019 28.4483 8.49327 29.4925 7.00435 30.4829C5.50447 31.4805 3.41488 32.4846 0.994424 32.5913C0.539749 32.6113 0.134434 32.3069 0.0270168 31.8646C-0.080401 31.4223 0.140101 30.9659 0.553312 30.7751C0.588961 30.7587 0.627862 30.7409 0.669618 30.7217C1.12093 30.5151 1.90567 30.1558 2.52004 29.7046C2.86141 29.4538 3.05578 29.2407 3.13446 29.0926C3.17348 29.0191 3.16864 29.0126 3.15453 28.9937C3.1518 28.9901 3.14872 28.986 3.14555 28.9808L3.14093 28.9733C2.61192 28.0963 2.31495 27.1206 2.35766 26.0262C2.39988 24.9441 2.77133 23.8136 3.46726 22.6099C4.70265 20.4654 5.02748 19.4114 5.15542 17.8636C5.18559 17.4985 5.42244 17.1831 5.7646 17.0524C6.10676 16.9216 6.49396 16.9991 6.75989 17.251L6.10456 17.942C6.0693 18.3686 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36.7188 32.8202 36.9922 30.5234C37.2188 30.414 37.4297 30.2656 37.6094 30.0859L39.3125 28.3827C39.75 27.9452 39.9844 27.3671 39.9844 26.7499V22.0702C40 21.8906 39.9375 21.7265 39.8281 21.5859ZM38.4375 23.8827H36.2188L35.8594 22.6171H38.4375V23.8827ZM32.7891 16.3437L30.6094 19.6952L23.3125 20.0077L24.3984 15.6718C24.8516 15.6796 25.3047 15.7031 25.7578 15.7421L32.7891 16.3437ZM11.1641 19.7577C14.6875 17.2031 18.9141 15.789 23.2734 15.6718L22.1719 20.0546L10.1094 20.5702C10.4062 20.3281 10.7578 20.0468 11.1641 19.7577ZM7.82812 33.0468C6.13281 33.0468 4.75781 31.6718 4.75781 29.9765C4.75781 28.2812 6.13281 26.9062 7.82812 26.9062C9.52344 26.9062 10.8984 28.2812 10.8984 29.9765C10.8984 31.6718 9.52344 33.0468 7.82812 33.0468ZM7.82812 25.3437C5.53906 25.3437 3.63281 27.0077 3.26562 29.1952H2.05469V27.3124C2.05469 25.3437 3.3125 23.5937 5.17969 22.9687L8.64062 21.8124C8.71094 21.789 8.77344 21.7577 8.83594 21.7109L21.8984 21.1484L19.8828 29.1874H12.3984C12.0234 27.0156 10.1172 25.3437 7.82812 25.3437ZM32.3984 33.0468C30.7031 33.0468 29.3281 31.6718 29.3281 29.9765C29.3281 28.2812 30.7031 26.9062 32.3984 26.9062C34.0938 26.9062 35.4688 28.2812 35.4688 29.9765C35.4688 31.6718 34.0938 33.0468 32.3984 33.0468ZM38.2188 27.2734L36.8359 28.6562C36.2656 26.7421 34.4922 25.3515 32.3984 25.3515C30.1094 25.3515 28.2031 27.0156 27.8359 29.2031H21.0078L23.0312 21.1171L30.9375 20.7812C31.1172 20.7734 31.2734 20.6796 31.375 20.5312L34.0312 16.4531L36.2812 16.6484L35.5938 18.0156C35.4609 18.289 35.4922 18.6093 35.6797 18.8515L37.7969 21.5312H35.1406C34.9687 21.5312 34.8047 21.6093 34.7031 21.7499C34.6016 21.8906 34.5703 22.0624 34.6172 22.2265L35.2891 24.5859C35.3594 24.8202 35.5703 24.9843 35.8125 24.9843H38.4375V26.7577C38.4375 26.9452 38.3594 27.1327 38.2188 27.2734Z" fill="#BCAA95"/> <path d="M7.82812 27.9453C6.70312 27.9453 5.78906 28.8594 5.78906 29.9844C5.78906 31.1094 6.70312 32.0234 7.82812 32.0234C8.95312 32.0234 9.86719 31.1094 9.86719 29.9844C9.86719 28.8594 8.95312 27.9453 7.82812 27.9453ZM7.82812 30.9219C7.3125 30.9219 6.88281 30.5 6.88281 29.9766C6.88281 29.4609 7.30469 29.0312 7.82812 29.0312C8.35156 29.0312 8.77344 29.4531 8.77344 29.9766C8.77344 30.5 8.35156 30.9219 7.82812 30.9219Z" fill="#BCAA95"/> <path d="M32.3984 27.9453C31.2734 27.9453 30.3594 28.8594 30.3594 29.9844C30.3594 31.1094 31.2734 32.0234 32.3984 32.0234C33.5234 32.0234 34.4375 31.1094 34.4375 29.9844C34.4375 28.8594 33.5234 27.9453 32.3984 27.9453ZM32.3984 30.9219C31.8828 30.9219 31.4531 30.5 31.4531 29.9766C31.4531 29.4609 31.875 29.0312 32.3984 29.0312C32.9219 29.0312 33.3437 29.4531 33.3437 29.9766C33.3437 30.5 32.9219 30.9219 32.3984 30.9219Z" fill="#BCAA95"/> <path d="M30.375 22.4686H28.5547C28.25 22.4686 28.0078 22.7108 28.0078 23.0155C28.0078 23.3202 28.25 23.5624 28.5547 23.5624H30.375C30.6797 23.5624 30.9219 23.3202 30.9219 23.0155C30.9219 22.7108 30.6719 22.4686 30.375 22.4686Z" fill="#BCAA95"/> <path d="M17.5 23.5624H19.3203C19.625 23.5624 19.8672 23.3202 19.8672 23.0155C19.8672 22.7108 19.625 22.4686 19.3203 22.4686H17.5C17.1953 22.4686 16.9531 22.7108 16.9531 23.0155C16.9531 23.3202 17.2031 23.5624 17.5 23.5624Z" fill="#BCAA95"/> <path d="M3.85156 14.1953V19.6953C3.85156 20.125 4.20312 20.4766 4.63281 20.4766C5.0625 20.4766 5.41406 20.125 5.41406 19.6953V14.1953C7.59375 13.8203 9.26562 11.9219 9.26562 9.63281C9.26562 7.07812 7.1875 5 4.63281 5C2.07812 5 0 7.07812 0 9.63281C0 11.9219 1.66406 13.8203 3.85156 14.1953ZM4.63281 6.5625C6.32812 6.5625 7.70312 7.9375 7.70312 9.63281C7.70312 11.3281 6.32031 12.7031 4.63281 12.7031C2.94531 12.7031 1.5625 11.3203 1.5625 9.63281C1.5625 7.94531 2.9375 6.5625 4.63281 6.5625Z" fill="#BCAA95"/> <path d="M3.875 11.9922C4.17969 11.9922 4.42188 11.75 4.42188 11.4453V10.1797H4.92969C5.73438 10.1797 6.38281 9.52344 6.38281 8.72656C6.38281 7.92969 5.73438 7.26562 4.92969 7.26562H3.875C3.57031 7.26562 3.32812 7.50781 3.32812 7.8125V11.4453C3.32812 11.75 3.57031 11.9922 3.875 11.9922ZM4.42188 8.35938H4.92969C5.13281 8.35938 5.28906 8.52344 5.28906 8.71875C5.28906 8.92187 5.125 9.07812 4.92969 9.07812H4.42188V8.35938Z" fill="#BCAA95"/> </svg> </span> </span> <h3 class="typography-h4 mb-2">Praticidade</h3> <div class="typography-paragraph text-other-dark leading-tight"> <p>Do estacionamento ao serviço de enxoval: tem tudo em só lugar, invista tempo no que importa de verdade.</p> </div> </article> </div> <div data-anim-block class="swiper-slide"> <article class=" p-6 rounded-bl-3xl border border-other border-opacity-50 bg-white h-full "> <span class="block mb-4 text-other" aria-hidden="true"> <span class="text-other fill-current w-10"> <svg width="40" height="40" viewBox="0 0 40 40" fill="none" xmlns="" aria-labelledby="leisure" role="img"> <title id="leisure">Ícone decorativo</title> <g clip-path="url(#clip0)"> <path d="M12.9845 24.2481C12.5969 24.6357 12.0775 24.8527 11.5271 24.8527C10.9767 24.8527 10.4574 24.6357 10.0698 24.2481C9.32558 23.5039 8.34109 23.1008 7.29458 23.1008C6.24806 23.1008 5.25582 23.5116 4.51938 24.2481C4.13178 24.6357 3.6124 24.8527 3.06202 24.8527C2.51163 24.8527 1.99225 24.6357 1.60465 24.2481C1.24031 23.8837 0.651163 23.8837 0.286822 24.2481C-0.0775193 24.6124 -0.0775193 25.2016 0.286822 25.5659C1.03101 26.3101 2.0155 26.7132 3.06202 26.7132C4.10853 26.7132 5.10078 26.3023 5.83721 25.5659C6.64341 24.7597 7.95349 24.7597 8.75969 25.5659C9.50388 26.3101 10.4884 26.7132 11.5349 26.7132C12.5814 26.7132 13.5736 26.3023 14.3101 25.5659C15.1163 24.7597 16.4264 24.7597 17.2326 25.5659C17.9768 26.3101 18.9612 26.7132 20.0078 26.7132C21.0543 26.7132 22.0465 26.3023 22.783 25.5659C23.1706 25.1783 23.6899 24.9612 24.2403 24.9612C24.7907 24.9612 25.3101 25.1783 25.6977 25.5659C26.4419 26.3101 27.4264 26.7132 28.4729 26.7132C29.3101 26.7132 30.1085 26.4496 30.7675 25.969C30.938 25.9302 31.0853 25.814 31.155 25.6512C31.1861 25.6202 31.2171 25.5891 31.2481 25.5581C32.0543 24.7519 33.3644 24.7519 34.1706 25.5581C35.7054 27.093 38.1938 27.093 39.7209 25.5581C40.0853 25.1938 40.0853 24.6047 39.7209 24.2403C39.3566 23.876 38.7675 23.876 38.4031 24.2403C37.5969 25.0465 36.2868 25.0465 35.4806 24.2403C35.062 23.8217 34.5814 23.5194 34.062 23.3333V9.57364H39.0698C39.4961 9.57364 39.845 9.22481 39.845 8.79845C39.845 8.37209 39.4961 8.02326 39.0698 8.02326H34.0465C33.7907 4.65891 30.9768 2 27.5426 2C24.1163 2 21.2946 4.65891 21.0388 8.02326H18.9457C18.6977 4.65891 15.8837 2 12.4574 2C9.03101 2 6.2093 4.65891 5.95349 8.02326H0.930233C0.503876 8.02326 0.155039 8.37209 0.155039 8.79845C0.155039 9.22481 0.503876 9.57364 0.930233 9.57364H15.0233V23.1705C14.2791 23.3101 13.5659 23.6744 12.9845 24.2481ZM30.1163 9.57364V12.969H18.9768V9.57364H30.1163ZM30.6977 14.062C30.8992 14.062 31.062 14.2248 31.062 14.4264C31.062 14.6279 30.8992 14.7907 30.6977 14.7907H18.9768V14.0698H30.6977V14.062ZM18.9768 18.1783V15.8682H30.1163V18.1783H18.9768ZM18.9768 19.2636H30.6977C30.8992 19.2636 31.062 19.4264 31.062 19.6279C31.062 19.8295 30.8992 19.9923 30.6977 19.9923H18.9768V19.2636ZM25.0698 8.02326C25.3721 6.93798 26.3643 6.13954 27.5426 6.13954C28.7209 6.13954 29.7209 6.93798 30.0155 8.02326H25.0698ZM28.4729 24.8527C27.9225 24.8527 27.4031 24.6357 27.0155 24.2481C25.4806 22.7132 22.9923 22.7132 21.4651 24.2481C21.0775 24.6357 20.5581 24.8527 20.0078 24.8527C19.6434 24.8527 19.2946 24.7597 18.9845 24.5814V21.0698H30.124V24.0775C30.062 24.1318 30 24.186 29.9457 24.2481C29.5426 24.6434 29.031 24.8527 28.4729 24.8527ZM27.5426 3.08527C30.5426 3.08527 32.9768 5.52713 32.9768 8.51938V8.55814C32.9535 8.63566 32.938 8.71318 32.938 8.79845C32.938 8.88372 32.9535 8.96124 32.9768 9.03876V23.1085C32.3721 23.0698 31.7597 23.1628 31.1938 23.4031V20.9767C31.7442 20.7674 32.1318 20.2403 32.1318 19.6202C32.1318 19 31.7364 18.4729 31.1938 18.2636V15.7674C31.7442 15.5581 32.1318 15.031 32.1318 14.4109C32.1318 13.7907 31.7364 13.2636 31.1938 13.0543V8.71318C31.1938 6.69767 29.5504 5.06202 27.5426 5.06202C25.7597 5.06202 24.2713 6.34109 23.9535 8.03101H22.1318C22.3876 5.25581 24.7132 3.08527 27.5426 3.08527ZM12.4574 3.08527C15.4574 3.08527 17.8915 5.52713 17.8915 8.51938V23.7209C17.3488 23.3721 16.7364 23.1628 16.1085 23.1085V8.71318C16.1085 6.69767 14.4651 5.06202 12.4574 5.06202C10.6744 5.06202 9.18605 6.34109 8.86822 8.03101H7.03876C7.29458 5.25581 9.62791 3.08527 12.4574 3.08527ZM14.9302 8.02326H9.97675C10.2791 6.93798 11.2713 6.13954 12.4496 6.13954C13.6279 6.13954 14.6279 6.93798 14.9302 8.02326Z" fill="#BCAA95"/> <path d="M38.4108 30.0077C37.6046 30.8139 36.2946 30.8139 35.4884 30.0077C33.9535 28.4728 31.4651 28.4728 29.938 30.0077C29.1318 30.8139 27.8217 30.8139 27.0155 30.0077C25.4806 28.4728 22.9922 28.4728 21.4651 30.0077C20.6589 30.8139 19.3488 30.8139 18.5426 30.0077C17.0077 28.4728 14.5194 28.4728 12.9922 30.0077C12.186 30.8139 10.876 30.8139 10.0698 30.0077C8.53488 28.4728 6.04651 28.4728 4.51938 30.0077C3.71318 30.8139 2.4031 30.8139 1.5969 30.0077C1.23256 29.6434 0.643411 29.6434 0.27907 30.0077C-0.0852707 30.3721 -0.0852707 30.9612 0.27907 31.3255C1.81395 32.8604 4.30232 32.8604 5.82946 31.3255C6.63566 30.5194 7.94573 30.5194 8.75194 31.3255C10.2868 32.8604 12.7752 32.8604 14.3023 31.3255C15.1085 30.5194 16.4186 30.5194 17.2248 31.3255C18.7597 32.8604 21.2481 32.8527 22.7752 31.3255C23.5814 30.5194 24.8915 30.5194 25.6977 31.3255C27.2326 32.8604 29.7209 32.8604 31.2481 31.3255C32.0543 30.5194 33.3643 30.5194 34.1705 31.3255C34.938 32.093 35.938 32.4728 36.9457 32.4728C37.9535 32.4728 38.9535 32.093 39.7209 31.3255C40.0853 30.9612 40.0853 30.3721 39.7209 30.0077C39.3643 29.6434 38.7752 29.6434 38.4108 30.0077Z" fill="#BCAA95"/> <path d="M38.4108 35.7675C38.0232 36.1551 37.5039 36.3722 36.9535 36.3722C36.4031 36.3722 35.8837 36.1551 35.4961 35.7675C33.9612 34.2326 31.4729 34.2326 29.9457 35.7675C29.5581 36.1551 29.0388 36.3722 28.4884 36.3722C27.938 36.3722 27.4186 36.1551 27.031 35.7675C25.4961 34.2326 23.0077 34.2326 21.4806 35.7675C21.093 36.1551 20.5736 36.3722 20.0232 36.3722C19.4729 36.3722 18.9535 36.1551 18.5659 35.7675C17.031 34.2326 14.5426 34.2326 13.0155 35.7675C12.6279 36.1551 12.1085 36.3722 11.5581 36.3722C11.0077 36.3722 10.4884 36.1551 10.1008 35.7675C8.56589 34.2326 6.07752 34.2326 4.55039 35.7675C4.16279 36.1551 3.64341 36.3722 3.09302 36.3722C2.54264 36.3722 2.02326 36.1551 1.63566 35.7675C1.27132 35.4032 0.68217 35.4032 0.31783 35.7675C-0.0465115 36.1318 -0.0465115 36.721 0.31783 37.0853C1.06202 37.8295 2.04651 38.2326 3.09302 38.2326C4.13953 38.2326 5.13178 37.8218 5.86822 37.0853C6.67442 36.2791 7.98449 36.2791 8.7907 37.0853C9.53488 37.8295 10.5194 38.2326 11.5659 38.2326C12.6124 38.2326 13.6046 37.8218 14.3411 37.0853C15.1473 36.2791 16.4574 36.2791 17.2636 37.0853C18.0077 37.8295 18.9922 38.2326 20.0388 38.2326C21.0853 38.2326 22.0775 37.8218 22.8139 37.0853C23.6201 36.2791 24.9302 36.2791 25.7364 37.0853C26.4806 37.8295 27.4651 38.2326 28.5116 38.2326C29.5581 38.2326 30.5504 37.8218 31.2868 37.0853C31.6744 36.6977 32.1938 36.4807 32.7442 36.4807C33.2946 36.4807 33.8139 36.6977 34.2015 37.0853C35.7364 38.6202 38.2248 38.6202 39.7519 37.0853C40.1163 36.721 40.1163 36.1318 39.7519 35.7675C39.3643 35.4032 38.7752 35.4032 38.4108 35.7675Z" fill="#BCAA95"/> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0"> <rect width="40" height="40" fill="white"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> </span> </span> <h3 class="typography-h4 mb-2">Lazer</h3> <div class="typography-paragraph text-other-dark leading-tight"> <p>Piscina, sauna, academia e muito mais, para você usar quando quiser. 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19.9 17.4C19.8 17.4 19.7 17.4 19.6 17.5L17.4 18.6L17.8 16.2C17.8 16 17.8 15.8 17.6 15.7L16.1 14L18.5 13.7C18.7 13.7 18.8 13.6 18.9 13.4L20 11.1L21.1 13.3C21.2 13.5 21.3 13.6 21.5 13.6L23.9 13.9L22.2 15.7Z" fill="#BCAA95"/> <path d="M33.8 14C32.9 14 32.1 14.2 31.3 14.5C30.9 8.7 26 4 20 4C14 4 9.1 8.7 8.7 14.6C7.9 14.2 7.1 14 6.2 14C2.8 14 0 16.8 0 20.2C0 22.7 1 25.4 2.9 28.3C4.3 30.4 5.7 31.8 5.8 31.9C5.9 32 6.1 32 6.2 32C6.3 32 6.5 32 6.6 31.9C6.7 31.8 9.7 29.2 11.3 25.3C12.1 26.9 13 28.5 14.1 30.1C16.7 34 19.3 36.6 19.4 36.7C19.6 36.9 19.8 37 20.1 37C20.3 37 20.5 36.9 20.7 36.8C20.8 36.7 23.4 34.4 26 30.7C27.2 29 28.2 27.3 29 25.6C30.7 29.2 33.4 31.9 33.5 32C33.6 32.1 33.7 32.2 33.9 32.2C34 32.2 34.2 32.2 34.3 32.1C34.4 32 35.8 30.8 37.2 28.7C39.1 26 40.1 23.1 40.1 20.4C40 16.8 37.2 14 33.8 14ZM6.2 30.7C5 29.4 1.1 24.8 1.1 20.2C1.1 17.4 3.4 15.1 6.2 15.1C7.1 15.1 7.9 15.3 8.7 15.8C8.7 16.5 8.8 17.3 8.9 18C8.3 17.2 7.3 16.7 6.2 16.7C4.2 16.7 2.7 18.3 2.7 20.2C2.7 22.1 4.3 23.7 6.2 23.7C7.8 23.7 9.2 22.6 9.6 21C9.8 21.7 10.1 22.4 10.4 23.1C10.5 23.3 10.6 23.5 10.7 23.7C9.5 27.3 7.1 29.8 6.2 30.7ZM8.6 20.3C8.6 21.6 7.5 22.7 6.2 22.7C4.9 22.7 3.8 21.6 3.8 20.3C3.8 19 4.9 17.9 6.2 17.9C7.5 17.9 8.6 18.9 8.6 20.3ZM24.4 29.4C22.7 31.9 20.9 33.7 20 34.6C19.1 33.6 17.3 31.6 15.5 28.9C13.2 25.5 10.5 20.3 10.5 15.2C10.5 10 14.7 5.8 19.9 5.8C25.1 5.8 29.3 10 29.3 15.2C29.4 21.1 26.7 26.2 24.4 29.4ZM33.8 30.7C32.9 29.8 30.7 27.1 29.5 24.1C29.5 24 29.6 23.9 29.6 23.8C29.9 23 30.2 22.2 30.4 21.4C30.9 22.8 32.2 23.8 33.8 23.8C35.8 23.8 37.3 22.2 37.3 20.3C37.3 18.4 35.7 16.8 33.8 16.8C32.7 16.8 31.8 17.3 31.1 18C31.2 17.3 31.2 16.6 31.3 15.8C32.1 15.4 32.9 15.1 33.8 15.1C36.6 15.1 38.9 17.4 38.9 20.2C38.9 25.3 35.1 29.5 33.8 30.7ZM31.4 20.3C31.4 19 32.5 17.9 33.8 17.9C35.1 17.9 36.2 19 36.2 20.3C36.2 21.6 35.1 22.7 33.8 22.7C32.5 22.7 31.4 21.6 31.4 20.3Z" fill="#BCAA95"/> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0"> <rect width="40" height="40" fill="white"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> 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É a combinação perfeita de privacidade e comodidade. </p> <a href='/categoria-premium' class="button block font-normal w-full">Conheça os hotéis</a> </div> </div> </th> <th scope="col"> <div class="table-card__card"> <div class="bg-other py-3"> <h3 class="typography-h6 text-white uppercase font-semibold"> Flex </h3> </div> <picture> <source srcset="/dist/img/comparativo/comparativo_flex.webp 1x, /dist/img/comparativo/comparativo_flex_2x.webp 2x" media="image/webp"> <img width="304px" height="138px" class="w-full" srcset="/dist/img/comparativo/comparativo_flex_2x.jpg 2x" src="/dist/img/comparativo/comparativo_flex.jpg" alt="" loading=lazy /> </picture> <div class="px-6 pb-4 flex flex-col flex-grow justify-between max-w-[19rem]"> <p class="py-4 text-other-dark typography-paragraph-2 font-normal"> Com o Flex você pode garantir sua individualidade e acessar espaços compartilhados, a um passo de você. </p> <a href='/categoria-flex' class="button block font-normal w-full">Conheça os hotéis</a> </div> </div> </th> <th scope="col"> <div class="table-card__card"> <div class="bg-other py-3"> <h3 class="typography-h6 text-white uppercase font-semibold"> Smart </h3> </div> <picture> <source srcset="/dist/img/comparativo/comparativo_smart.webp 1x, /dist/img/comparativo/comparativo_smart_2x.webp 2x" media="image/webp"> <img width="304px" height="138px" class="w-full" srcset="/dist/img/comparativo/comparativo_smart_2x.jpg 2x" src="/dist/img/comparativo/comparativo_smart.jpg" alt="" loading=lazy /> </picture> <div class="px-6 pb-4 flex flex-col flex-grow justify-between max-w-[19rem]"> <p class="py-4 text-other-dark typography-paragraph-2 font-normal"> É o apê aconchegante onde menos é mais, com espaços coletivos para tudo o que você precisa. Viva com praticidade e liberdade. </p> <a href='/categoria-smart' class="button block font-normal w-full">Conheça os hotéis</a> </div> </div> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <th scope="row"> <div class="flex items-center"> <span aria-hidden="true"> <svg class="text-other w-6" width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns="" aria-labelledby="laptop" role="img"> <title id="laptop">Ícone de laptop</title> <path d="M17.5 15.8334H2.49998C2.05795 15.8334 1.63403 15.6578 1.32147 15.3453C1.00891 15.0327 0.833313 14.6088 0.833313 14.1667V13.3334H2.49998V5.83341C2.49998 5.39139 2.67557 4.96746 2.98813 4.6549C3.3007 4.34234 3.72462 4.16675 4.16665 4.16675H15.8333C16.2753 4.16675 16.6993 4.34234 17.0118 4.6549C17.3244 4.96746 17.5 5.39139 17.5 5.83341V13.3334H19.1666V14.1667C19.1666 14.6088 18.991 15.0327 18.6785 15.3453C18.3659 15.6578 17.942 15.8334 17.5 15.8334ZM4.16665 5.83341V13.3334H15.8333V5.83341H4.16665Z" fill="#BCAA95"/> </svg> </span> <p class="ml-4">Coworking</p> 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</svg> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <th scope="row"> <div class="flex items-center"> <span aria-hidden="true"> <svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M10 0.833252C9.33696 0.833252 8.70107 1.09664 8.23223 1.56548C7.76339 2.03433 7.5 2.67021 7.5 3.33325C7.5 3.79349 7.8731 4.16659 8.33333 4.16659C8.79357 4.16659 9.16667 3.79349 9.16667 3.33325C9.16667 3.11224 9.25446 2.90028 9.41074 2.744C9.56703 2.58772 9.77899 2.49992 10 2.49992C10.221 2.49992 10.433 2.58772 10.5893 2.744C10.7455 2.90028 10.8333 3.11227 10.8333 3.33328C10.8332 3.33548 10.8324 3.35218 10.8266 3.3865C10.8201 3.42453 10.809 3.4746 10.7916 3.53751C10.7567 3.66444 10.7029 3.82047 10.6314 4.00095C10.4885 4.36188 10.2929 4.77631 10.09 5.17694C9.88826 5.57506 9.68564 5.94706 9.53295 6.22031C9.48383 6.30822 9.44005 6.3856 9.40334 6.44998L2.00568 10.1488C1.57833 10.3624 1.23562 10.7141 1.0331 11.1468C0.830555 11.5796 0.780086 12.0681 0.889871 12.5331C0.999656 12.9982 1.26326 13.4125 1.63797 13.709C2.01263 14.0054 2.47657 14.1667 2.95434 14.1667H3.75V18.3332C3.75 18.7934 4.1231 19.1665 4.58333 19.1665H15.4167C15.8769 19.1665 16.25 18.7934 16.25 18.3332V14.1667H17.0459C17.5236 14.1667 17.9874 14.0054 18.3621 13.709C18.7368 13.4125 19.0004 12.9982 19.1102 12.5331C19.22 12.0681 19.1695 11.5796 18.967 11.1468C18.7644 10.7141 18.4216 10.3624 17.9943 10.1488L11.1556 6.72945C11.2843 6.49348 11.4303 6.21913 11.5767 5.93019C11.7904 5.50842 12.0115 5.04291 12.1811 4.61438C12.3356 4.2241 12.5 3.74007 12.5 3.33325C12.5 2.67021 12.2366 2.03433 11.7678 1.56548C11.2989 1.09664 10.663 0.833252 10 0.833252ZM17.0459 12.5H16.25V12.4998C16.25 12.0396 15.8769 11.6665 15.4167 11.6665H4.58333C4.1231 11.6665 3.75 12.0396 3.75 12.4998V12.5H2.95405C2.85172 12.5 2.75239 12.4655 2.67215 12.402C2.59191 12.3385 2.53546 12.2498 2.51195 12.1502C2.48844 12.0506 2.49925 11.946 2.54262 11.8533C2.58599 11.7606 2.65951 11.6853 2.75104 11.6395L10 8.01503L17.2491 11.6396C17.3407 11.6853 17.4141 11.7606 17.4574 11.8533C17.5008 11.946 17.5116 12.0506 17.4881 12.1502C17.4646 12.2498 17.4081 12.3385 17.3279 12.402C17.2477 12.4655 17.1482 12.5 17.0459 12.5ZM5.5 17C5.5 16.7239 5.72386 16.5 6 16.5H14C14.2761 16.5 14.5 16.7239 14.5 17C14.5 17.2761 14.2761 17.5 14 17.5H6C5.72386 17.5 5.5 17.2761 5.5 17Z" fill="#BCAA95"/> </svg> </span> <p class="ml-4">Serviço de lavanderia</p> </div> </th> <td> <div class="table-card__content"> <svg class="text-primary w-6" width="18" height="13" viewBox="0 0 18 13" fill="none" xmlns="" aria-labelledby="check" role="img"> <title id="check">Check</title> <path d="M17 1L6 12L1 7" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> </svg> </div> </td> <td> <div class="table-card__content"> <svg class="text-primary w-6" width="18" height="13" viewBox="0 0 18 13" fill="none" xmlns="" aria-labelledby="check" role="img"> <title id="check">Check</title> <path d="M17 1L6 12L1 7" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> </svg> </div> </td> <td> <div class="table-card__content"> <svg class="text-primary w-6" width="18" height="13" viewBox="0 0 18 13" fill="none" xmlns="" aria-labelledby="check" role="img"> <title id="check">Check</title> <path d="M17 1L6 12L1 7" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> </svg> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <th scope="row"> <div class="flex items-center"> <span aria-hidden="true"> <svg class="text-other w-6" width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns="" aria-labelledby="laundry" role="img"> <title id="laundry">Ícone de máquina de lavar</title> <path d="M8.136 13.864C8.73705 14.4633 9.55121 14.7999 10.4 14.7999C11.2488 14.7999 12.0629 14.4633 12.664 13.864C13.2633 13.263 13.5999 12.4488 13.5999 11.6C13.5999 10.7512 13.2633 9.93705 12.664 9.336L8.136 13.864ZM15.2 2.008L5.6 2C4.712 2 4 2.712 4 3.6V16.4C4 17.288 4.712 18 5.6 18H15.2C16.088 18 16.8 17.288 16.8 16.4V3.6C16.8 2.712 16.088 2.008 15.2 2.008ZM8.8 3.6C9.24 3.6 9.6 3.96 9.6 4.4C9.6 4.84 9.24 5.2 8.8 5.2C8.36 5.2 8 4.84 8 4.4C8 3.96 8.36 3.6 8.8 3.6ZM6.4 3.6C6.84 3.6 7.2 3.96 7.2 4.4C7.2 4.84 6.84 5.2 6.4 5.2C5.96 5.2 5.6 4.84 5.6 4.4C5.6 3.96 5.96 3.6 6.4 3.6ZM10.4 16.4C7.752 16.4 5.6 14.248 5.6 11.6C5.6 8.952 7.752 6.8 10.4 6.8C13.048 6.8 15.2 8.952 15.2 11.6C15.2 14.248 13.048 16.4 10.4 16.4Z" fill="#BCAA95"/> </svg> </span> <p class="ml-4">Lavanderia coletiva</p> </div> </th> <td> <div class="table-card__content"> <p class=" text-primary uppercase font-display font-semibold text-[0.625rem] leading-tight "> Sob consulta </p> </div> </td> <td> <div class="table-card__content"> <p class=" text-primary uppercase font-display font-semibold text-[0.625rem] leading-tight "> Sob consulta </p> </div> </td> <td> <div class="table-card__content"> <p class=" text-primary uppercase font-display font-semibold text-[0.625rem] leading-tight "> Sob consulta </p> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <th scope="row"> <div class="flex items-center"> <span aria-hidden="true"> <svg class="text-other w-6" width="16" height="14" viewBox="0 0 16 14" fill="none" xmlns="" aria-labelledby="kitchen" role="img" cla> <title id="kitchen">Ícone de cozinha</title> <path d="M0.00384521 9.3697C0.00384521 6.66269 0.00384521 3.95568 0.00384521 1.2518C0.0101042 1.23928 0.0226222 1.22363 0.0226222 1.20798C0.122766 0.503848 0.726758 0 1.48097 0C5.82783 0.00312949 10.1747 0 14.5216 0.00312949C14.6593 0.00312949 14.8032 0.0156475 14.9378 0.0500719C15.6075 0.231582 15.9987 0.763596 15.9987 1.48338C15.9987 4.05895 15.9987 6.63452 15.9987 9.20696C15.9987 9.25703 15.9955 9.30711 15.9924 9.36344C10.6535 9.3697 5.32711 9.3697 0.00384521 9.3697ZM7.01078 6.33096C7.03268 6.28402 7.03581 6.26837 7.0452 6.25585C7.69926 5.22312 7.70552 4.18726 7.07024 3.14201C7.04833 3.10758 7.06085 3.02309 7.08901 2.99179C7.18603 2.876 7.30182 2.77899 7.40509 2.66633C7.58347 2.46917 7.58034 2.20003 7.40509 2.01852C7.22358 1.83388 6.94819 1.82449 6.74477 2.00913C6.64463 2.09989 6.54761 2.19377 6.45686 2.29705C6.38175 2.38467 6.32542 2.38467 6.22527 2.32208C5.22697 1.72122 4.22553 1.72122 3.22722 2.31582C3.18341 2.34086 3.1396 2.36902 3.08014 2.40345C2.95809 2.27201 2.84229 2.1437 2.72024 2.02478C2.59819 1.90273 2.45111 1.84953 2.27899 1.89021C1.92222 1.97158 1.79078 2.3878 2.04114 2.66007C2.16632 2.79776 2.31654 2.91043 2.45737 3.03248C2.41355 3.08568 2.41042 3.10133 2.40104 3.11384C1.74697 4.14658 1.74071 5.18244 2.376 6.22769C2.39791 6.26211 2.38539 6.34661 2.35722 6.3779C2.26021 6.49369 2.14442 6.59071 2.04114 6.70337C1.86276 6.90053 1.86589 7.16966 2.04114 7.35117C2.22265 7.53581 2.49805 7.5452 2.70147 7.36056C2.80161 7.26981 2.89862 7.17592 2.98938 7.07265C3.06449 6.98502 3.12082 6.98502 3.22096 7.04761C4.21614 7.64535 5.21758 7.64535 6.21589 7.05387C6.2597 7.02884 6.30351 7.00067 6.35358 6.96938C6.47876 7.09456 6.59142 7.21661 6.71034 7.3324C6.92315 7.53894 7.20168 7.5452 7.39257 7.35117C7.58347 7.16027 7.57721 6.88175 7.37067 6.66895C7.25801 6.55628 7.1297 6.44675 7.01078 6.33096ZM13.5733 6.33722C13.589 6.29028 13.5921 6.27776 13.5952 6.2715C14.2524 5.23564 14.2649 4.19352 13.6265 3.14514C13.6046 3.11071 13.6171 3.02622 13.6453 2.99492C13.7423 2.87913 13.8581 2.78212 13.9614 2.66946C14.1398 2.4723 14.1366 2.20316 13.9582 2.02165C13.7767 1.83701 13.5013 1.83075 13.2979 2.01226C13.1978 2.10302 13.0976 2.1969 13.01 2.30018C12.9349 2.3878 12.8786 2.38467 12.7784 2.32521C11.7864 1.72122 10.7849 1.72122 9.78664 2.31582C9.74282 2.34086 9.70214 2.36902 9.64268 2.40658C9.5175 2.27201 9.40171 2.14683 9.27966 2.02478C9.15761 1.90273 9.01052 1.84953 8.8384 1.89021C8.48477 1.97471 8.35333 2.3878 8.60369 2.6632C8.72887 2.80089 8.87908 2.91356 9.01678 3.03874C8.9761 3.08255 8.9761 3.09507 8.96984 3.10445C8.31264 4.14032 8.30013 5.18244 8.93854 6.23082C8.96045 6.26524 8.94793 6.34974 8.91977 6.38103C8.82275 6.49682 8.70696 6.59384 8.60369 6.7065C8.42531 6.90366 8.42844 7.17279 8.60682 7.3543C8.78833 7.53894 9.06372 7.5452 9.26714 7.36369C9.36728 7.27294 9.46743 7.17905 9.55505 7.07578C9.63016 6.98815 9.68649 6.99128 9.78664 7.05074C10.7818 7.64848 11.7832 7.64848 12.7816 7.057C12.8254 7.03197 12.8661 7.0038 12.9255 6.96625C13.0476 7.09456 13.1571 7.21974 13.276 7.33553C13.4888 7.54207 13.7673 7.5452 13.9582 7.3543C14.1491 7.1634 14.1429 6.88488 13.9332 6.67207C13.8174 6.55628 13.6922 6.44675 13.5733 6.33722Z" fill="#BCAA95"/> <path d="M0.00312949 10.3054C2.50672 10.3054 5.00719 10.3054 7.53268 10.3054C7.53268 11.2474 7.53268 12.1831 7.53268 13.1157C5.43905 13.1157 3.34543 13.1157 1.2518 13.1157C1.23302 13.1094 1.21424 13.0969 1.19547 13.0938C0.835574 13.0375 0.547661 12.8653 0.312949 12.5868C0.137698 12.3771 0.0625898 12.1268 0 11.8702C0.00312949 11.3444 0.00312949 10.8249 0.00312949 10.3054ZM2.84471 11.7137C2.84784 11.4602 2.63816 11.2443 2.38154 11.2411C2.12805 11.238 1.91212 11.4477 1.90899 11.7043C1.90586 11.9578 2.11554 12.1737 2.37215 12.1769C2.62877 12.18 2.84158 11.9703 2.84471 11.7137ZM5.18244 11.2443C4.92895 11.2474 4.71614 11.4633 4.71927 11.7168C4.7224 11.9703 4.93834 12.1831 5.19182 12.18C5.44531 12.1769 5.65812 11.9609 5.65499 11.7074C5.65499 11.4508 5.43905 11.2411 5.18244 11.2443Z" fill="#BCAA95"/> <path d="M8.46844 13.1156C8.46844 12.1861 8.46844 11.2567 8.46844 10.3147C10.9814 10.3147 13.4819 10.3147 15.998 10.3147C15.998 10.6339 16.0043 10.95 15.9949 11.2661C15.9886 11.5289 16.0043 11.8043 15.9417 12.0547C15.7946 12.6368 15.4003 12.981 14.8057 13.0937C14.7869 13.0968 14.7681 13.1093 14.7493 13.1156C12.6557 13.1156 10.5621 13.1156 8.46844 13.1156ZM11.2819 11.7073C11.2787 11.4538 11.0659 11.241 10.8093 11.2442C10.5558 11.2473 10.343 11.4601 10.3461 11.7167C10.3493 11.9702 10.5621 12.183 10.8187 12.1799C11.0722 12.1736 11.2819 11.9608 11.2819 11.7073ZM13.6196 12.1767C13.8731 12.1799 14.089 11.9671 14.0921 11.7136C14.0953 11.4601 13.8825 11.2442 13.629 11.241C13.3755 11.2379 13.1596 11.4507 13.1564 11.7042C13.1564 11.9608 13.3661 12.1736 13.6196 12.1767Z" fill="#BCAA95"/> <path d="M3.76794 3.08264C4.40949 2.729 5.026 2.729 5.70197 3.09828C5.57679 3.20156 5.46412 3.28293 5.36711 3.37994C5.14179 3.60526 5.12927 3.88692 5.33269 4.08408C5.52984 4.27498 5.80524 4.26246 6.02743 4.04339C6.12445 3.94951 6.21207 3.84624 6.30283 3.74296C6.67837 4.21552 6.68462 5.04483 6.30596 5.64883C6.20268 5.53304 6.11506 5.41724 6.01178 5.31397C5.79898 5.10429 5.52045 5.09804 5.32956 5.28894C5.13866 5.47983 5.14179 5.75836 5.34833 5.97117C5.44848 6.07444 5.56114 6.16833 5.68319 6.28099C5.03225 6.64088 4.41574 6.64088 3.73665 6.2716C3.86182 6.16832 3.97449 6.08696 4.0715 5.98994C4.29682 5.76462 4.30934 5.48296 4.10593 5.28581C3.90877 5.09491 3.63337 5.10742 3.41118 5.32649C3.31416 5.42037 3.22654 5.52365 3.13578 5.62692C2.76024 5.15437 2.75398 4.32505 3.13265 3.72106C3.23593 3.83685 3.32355 3.95264 3.42683 4.05591C3.63963 4.26559 3.91816 4.27185 4.10905 4.08095C4.29995 3.89005 4.29369 3.61152 4.09028 3.39872C3.99326 3.29231 3.88373 3.1953 3.76794 3.08264Z" fill="#BCAA95"/> <path d="M9.68892 5.66137C9.32277 4.99479 9.32277 4.37828 9.68892 3.7117C9.79845 3.83688 9.88608 3.95267 9.98935 4.05282C10.2022 4.26249 10.4775 4.26875 10.6716 4.07785C10.8625 3.89008 10.8593 3.60843 10.6559 3.39563C10.5558 3.29235 10.4463 3.19534 10.3242 3.08268C10.972 2.72592 11.5854 2.72592 12.2676 3.09519C12.1424 3.19847 12.0298 3.27983 11.9328 3.37685C11.7074 3.60217 11.6949 3.88382 11.8952 4.08098C12.0924 4.27188 12.3678 4.25936 12.5899 4.04343C12.6901 3.94641 12.784 3.84314 12.8904 3.73361C13.244 4.37828 13.2409 4.99479 12.8779 5.65824C12.7683 5.53306 12.6807 5.41727 12.5774 5.314C12.3646 5.10432 12.0892 5.09807 11.8952 5.28896C11.7043 5.47673 11.7074 5.75839 11.9109 5.97119C12.011 6.07447 12.1205 6.17148 12.2426 6.28414C11.5948 6.6409 10.9814 6.6409 10.2992 6.27162C10.4243 6.16835 10.537 6.08698 10.634 5.98997C10.8593 5.76465 10.8719 5.48299 10.6716 5.28583C10.4744 5.09494 10.199 5.10432 9.97996 5.32339C9.87982 5.42666 9.79532 5.53932 9.68892 5.66137Z" fill="#BCAA95"/> </svg> </span> <p class="ml-4">Minicozinha no apto</p> </div> </th> <td> <div class="table-card__content"> <svg class="text-primary w-6" width="18" height="13" viewBox="0 0 18 13" fill="none" xmlns="" aria-labelledby="check" role="img"> <title id="check">Check</title> <path d="M17 1L6 12L1 7" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> </svg> </div> </td> <td> <div class="table-card__content"> <p class=" text-primary uppercase font-display font-semibold text-[0.625rem] leading-tight "> Não </p> </div> </td> <td> <div class="table-card__content"> <p class=" text-primary uppercase font-display font-semibold text-[0.625rem] leading-tight "> Não </p> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <th scope="row"> <div class="flex items-center"> <span aria-hidden="true"> <svg class="text-other w-6" width="16" height="11" viewBox="0 0 16 11" fill="none" xmlns="" aria-labelledby="pan" role="img"> <title id="pan">Ícone de panela</title> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M12.1175 10.0854H4.18739C2.46775 10.0854 1.81622 3.81519 1.81622 3.81519H14.49C14.49 3.81646 14.1496 10.0854 12.1175 10.0854Z" fill="#BCAA95"/> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M16 4.42764C16 4.74769 15.6495 5.00678 15.2189 5.00678L0.779822 5.00672C0.348009 5.00672 1.69569e-05 4.74763 1.69569e-05 4.42758C1.69569e-05 4.10753 0.348009 3.84717 0.779822 3.84717L15.2189 3.84723C15.6495 3.84723 16 4.10759 16 4.42764Z" fill="#BCAA95"/> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M6.87604 0H9.31706V1.64724H6.87604V0Z" fill="#BCAA95"/> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1.79584 1.88535C1.79584 1.54551 2.07133 1.27002 2.41117 1.27002H13.7615C14.1014 1.27002 14.3769 1.54551 14.3769 1.88535C14.3769 2.22519 14.1014 2.50069 13.7615 2.50069H2.41117C2.07133 2.50069 1.79584 2.22519 1.79584 1.88535Z" fill="#BCAA95"/> </svg> </span> <p class="ml-4">Utensílios de cozinha</p> </div> </th> <td> <div class="table-card__content"> <svg class="text-primary w-6" width="18" height="13" viewBox="0 0 18 13" fill="none" xmlns="" aria-labelledby="check" role="img"> <title id="check">Check</title> <path d="M17 1L6 12L1 7" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> </svg> </div> </td> <td> <div class="table-card__content"> <svg class="text-primary w-6" width="18" height="13" viewBox="0 0 18 13" fill="none" xmlns="" aria-labelledby="check" role="img"> <title id="check">Check</title> <path d="M17 1L6 12L1 7" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> </svg> </div> </td> <td> <div class="table-card__content"> <svg class="text-primary w-6" width="18" height="13" viewBox="0 0 18 13" fill="none" xmlns="" aria-labelledby="check" role="img"> <title id="check">Check</title> <path d="M17 1L6 12L1 7" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> </svg> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <th scope="row"> <div class="flex items-center"> <span aria-hidden="true"> <icon class="text-other w-6" src="/dist/img/icons/modality-table.svg"></icon> <svg class="text-other w-6" width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns="" aria-labelledby="table" role="img"> <title id="table">Ícone de mesa</title> <path d="M18.3334 6.24992C18.3334 4.64159 14.6 3.33325 10 3.33325C5.40002 3.33325 1.66669 4.64159 1.66669 6.24992C1.66669 7.75825 4.95835 9.00825 9.16669 9.14992V12.4999H7.79169C7.10835 12.4999 6.50002 12.9166 6.24169 13.5499L5.41669 15.6083C5.22502 16.1166 5.59169 16.6666 6.14169 16.6666C6.45835 16.6666 6.74169 16.4749 6.85835 16.1833L7.66669 14.1666H12.3334L13.1417 16.1833C13.2584 16.4749 13.5417 16.6666 13.8584 16.6666C14.4084 16.6666 14.7834 16.1166 14.575 15.6083L13.75 13.5499C13.5 12.9166 12.8834 12.4999 12.2084 12.4999H10.8334V9.14992C15.0417 9.00825 18.3334 7.75825 18.3334 6.24992Z" fill="#BCAA95"/> </svg> </span> <p class="ml-4">Minicopa compartilhada</p> </div> </th> <td> <div class="table-card__content"> <p class=" text-primary uppercase font-display font-semibold text-[0.625rem] leading-tight "> Sob consulta </p> </div> </td> <td> <div class="table-card__content"> <svg class="text-primary w-6" width="18" height="13" viewBox="0 0 18 13" fill="none" xmlns="" aria-labelledby="check" role="img"> <title id="check">Check</title> <path d="M17 1L6 12L1 7" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> </svg> </div> </td> <td> <div class="table-card__content"> <svg class="text-primary w-6" width="18" height="13" viewBox="0 0 18 13" fill="none" xmlns="" aria-labelledby="check" role="img"> <title id="check">Check</title> <path d="M17 1L6 12L1 7" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> </svg> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <th scope="row"> <div class="flex items-center"> <span aria-hidden="true"> <svg class="text-other w-6" width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns="" aria-labelledby="microwave" role="img"> <title id="microwave">Ícone de micro-ondas</title> <path d="M3.33335 4.16675C2.89133 4.16675 2.4674 4.34234 2.15484 4.6549C1.84228 4.96746 1.66669 5.39139 1.66669 5.83341V14.1667C1.66669 14.6088 1.84228 15.0327 2.15484 15.3453C2.4674 15.6578 2.89133 15.8334 3.33335 15.8334H16.6667C17.1087 15.8334 17.5326 15.6578 17.8452 15.3453C18.1578 15.0327 18.3334 14.6088 18.3334 14.1667V5.83341C18.3334 5.39139 18.1578 4.96746 17.8452 4.6549C17.5326 4.34234 17.1087 4.16675 16.6667 4.16675H3.33335ZM3.33335 5.83341H13.3334V14.1667H3.33335V5.83341ZM15.8334 5.83341C16.0544 5.83341 16.2663 5.92121 16.4226 6.07749C16.5789 6.23377 16.6667 6.44573 16.6667 6.66675C16.6667 6.88776 16.5789 7.09972 16.4226 7.256C16.2663 7.41228 16.0544 7.50008 15.8334 7.50008C15.6123 7.50008 15.4004 7.41228 15.2441 7.256C15.0878 7.09972 15 6.88776 15 6.66675C15 6.44573 15.0878 6.23377 15.2441 6.07749C15.4004 5.92121 15.6123 5.83341 15.8334 5.83341ZM10.8334 7.50008V12.5001H12.5V7.50008H10.8334ZM15.8334 9.16675C16.0544 9.16675 16.2663 9.25455 16.4226 9.41083C16.5789 9.56711 16.6667 9.77907 16.6667 10.0001C16.6667 10.2211 16.5789 10.4331 16.4226 10.5893C16.2663 10.7456 16.0544 10.8334 15.8334 10.8334C15.6123 10.8334 15.4004 10.7456 15.2441 10.5893C15.0878 10.4331 15 10.2211 15 10.0001C15 9.77907 15.0878 9.56711 15.2441 9.41083C15.4004 9.25455 15.6123 9.16675 15.8334 9.16675Z" fill="#BCAA95"/> </svg> </span> <p class="ml-4">Micro-ondas no apto</p> </div> </th> <td> <div class="table-card__content"> <svg class="text-primary w-6" width="18" height="13" viewBox="0 0 18 13" fill="none" xmlns="" aria-labelledby="check" role="img"> <title id="check">Check</title> <path d="M17 1L6 12L1 7" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> </svg> </div> </td> <td> <div class="table-card__content"> <svg class="text-primary w-6" width="18" height="13" viewBox="0 0 18 13" fill="none" xmlns="" aria-labelledby="check" role="img"> <title id="check">Check</title> <path d="M17 1L6 12L1 7" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> </svg> </div> </td> <td> <div class="table-card__content"> <p class=" text-primary uppercase font-display font-semibold text-[0.625rem] leading-tight "> Não </p> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <th scope="row"> <div class="flex items-center"> <span aria-hidden="true"> <svg class="text-other w-6" width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns="" aria-labelledby="industrial" role="img"> <title id="industrial">Ícone de freezer</title> <path d="M14.1667 1.66675H5.83335C4.91669 1.66675 4.16669 2.41675 4.16669 3.33341V15.8334C4.16669 16.2754 4.34228 16.6994 4.65484 17.0119C4.9674 17.3245 5.39133 17.5001 5.83335 17.5001V18.3334H7.50002V17.5001H12.5V18.3334H14.1667V17.5001C15.0917 17.5001 15.8334 16.7584 15.8334 15.8334V3.33341C15.8334 2.89139 15.6578 2.46746 15.3452 2.1549C15.0326 1.84234 14.6087 1.66675 14.1667 1.66675ZM8.33335 12.5001H6.66669V8.33342H8.33335V12.5001Z" fill="#BCAA95"/> </svg> </span> <p class="ml-4">Refrigerador no apto</p> </div> </th> <td> <div class="table-card__content"> <p class=" text-primary uppercase font-display font-semibold text-[0.625rem] leading-tight "> Geladeira 120L </p> </div> </td> <td> <div class="table-card__content"> <p class=" text-primary uppercase font-display font-semibold text-[0.625rem] leading-tight "> Geladeira 120L </p> </div> </td> <td> <div class="table-card__content"> <p class=" text-primary uppercase font-display font-semibold text-[0.625rem] leading-tight "> Frigobar </p> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <th scope="row"> <div class="flex items-center"> <span aria-hidden="true"> <svg class="text-other w-6" width="16" height="12" viewBox="0 0 16 12" fill="none" xmlns="" aria-labelledby="tv" role="img"> <title id="tv">Ícone de tv</title> <path d="M14.3953 10.1333H1.60467C1.17925 10.1328 0.771399 9.96357 0.470581 9.66275C0.169762 9.36193 0.000529242 8.95409 0 8.52867V1.60467C0.000529242 1.17924 0.169762 0.771399 0.470581 0.470581C0.771399 0.169762 1.17925 0.000529242 1.60467 0H14.3953C14.8208 0.000529242 15.2286 0.169762 15.5294 0.470581C15.8302 0.771399 15.9995 1.17924 16 1.60467V8.52867C15.9995 8.95409 15.8302 9.36193 15.5294 9.66275C15.2286 9.96357 14.8208 10.1328 14.3953 10.1333Z" fill="#BCAA95"/> <path d="M3.73334 11.2H12.2667H3.73334Z" fill="#BCAA95"/> <path d="M3.73334 11.2H12.2667" stroke="#BCAA95" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-miterlimit="10" stroke-linecap="round"/> </svg> </span> <p class="ml-4">TV no apto</p> </div> </th> <td> <div class="table-card__content"> <p class=" text-primary uppercase font-display font-semibold text-[0.625rem] leading-tight "> Smart TV </p> </div> </td> <td> <div class="table-card__content"> <div class="flex flex-col items-center justify-center"> <svg class="text-primary w-6 mb-1" width="18" height="13" viewBox="0 0 18 13" fill="none" xmlns="" aria-labelledby="check" role="img"> <title id="check">Check</title> <path d="M17 1L6 12L1 7" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> </svg> <p class=" text-primary uppercase font-display font-semibold text-[0.625rem] leading-tight "> (Smart TV sob consulta) </p> </div> </div> </td> <td> <div class="table-card__content"> <div class="flex flex-col items-center justify-center"> <svg class="text-primary w-6 mb-1" width="18" height="13" viewBox="0 0 18 13" fill="none" xmlns="" aria-labelledby="check" role="img"> <title id="check">Check</title> <path d="M17 1L6 12L1 7" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> </svg> <p class=" text-primary uppercase font-display font-semibold text-[0.625rem] leading-tight "> (Smart TV sob consulta) </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <th scope="row"> <div class="flex items-center"> <span aria-hidden="true"> <svg class="text-other w-6" width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns="" aria-labelledby="gym" role="img"> <title id="gym">Ícone de academia</title> <path d="M7.18482 17.9497C7.25677 18.0277 7.29503 18.131 7.29129 18.237C7.28754 18.3431 7.2421 18.4434 7.16482 18.5161L6.29602 19.3285C6.21844 19.4006 6.11543 19.4389 6.0096 19.4351C5.90378 19.4313 5.8038 19.3856 5.73162 19.3081L0.672022 13.8553C0.600122 13.7772 0.561932 13.674 0.565752 13.5679C0.569572 13.4619 0.615093 13.3616 0.692422 13.2889L1.56242 12.4777C1.60081 12.442 1.64587 12.4141 1.69501 12.3958C1.74416 12.3775 1.79643 12.3691 1.84885 12.371C1.90126 12.3728 1.95279 12.3851 2.00049 12.4069C2.04818 12.4287 2.09111 12.4597 2.12682 12.4981L7.18482 17.9497ZM13.6408 7.6897C13.7127 7.76776 13.7509 7.87104 13.7471 7.9771C13.7433 8.08316 13.6978 8.18342 13.6204 8.2561L8.15242 13.3641C8.07484 13.4362 7.97183 13.4745 7.866 13.4707C7.76018 13.4669 7.6602 13.4212 7.58802 13.3437L6.28282 11.9353C6.21092 11.8572 6.17273 11.754 6.17655 11.6479C6.18037 11.5419 6.22589 11.4416 6.30322 11.3689L11.77 6.2609C11.8084 6.22518 11.8534 6.19736 11.9025 6.17905C11.9516 6.16074 12.0039 6.15229 12.0563 6.15418C12.1086 6.15608 12.1601 6.16828 12.2078 6.19009C12.2555 6.21191 12.2983 6.2429 12.334 6.2813L13.6408 7.6897ZM9.04522 16.2109C9.19482 16.3721 9.18562 16.6269 9.02482 16.7773L8.15482 17.5893C8.11643 17.625 8.07138 17.6529 8.02223 17.6712C7.97308 17.6895 7.92081 17.698 7.8684 17.6961C7.81598 17.6942 7.76445 17.682 7.71676 17.6601C7.66906 17.6383 7.62613 17.6073 7.59042 17.5689L2.53362 12.1161C2.46167 12.0381 2.42341 11.9348 2.42716 11.8288C2.4309 11.7227 2.47635 11.6224 2.55362 11.5497L3.42202 10.7381C3.4996 10.666 3.60262 10.6277 3.70844 10.6315C3.81427 10.6353 3.91425 10.681 3.98642 10.7585L9.04522 16.2109ZM17.4704 7.8853C17.5423 7.96341 17.5804 8.06672 17.5765 8.17278C17.5726 8.27884 17.527 8.37908 17.4496 8.4517L16.58 9.26371C16.5024 9.33586 16.3994 9.37427 16.2935 9.37052C16.1876 9.36677 16.0875 9.32116 16.0152 9.2437L10.9576 3.7921C10.8856 3.71415 10.8472 3.61087 10.851 3.50479C10.8547 3.3987 10.9003 3.29839 10.9776 3.2257L11.8496 2.4117C11.888 2.37598 11.933 2.34816 11.9821 2.32985C12.0312 2.31154 12.0835 2.30309 12.1359 2.30498C12.1882 2.30688 12.2397 2.31908 12.2874 2.34089C12.3351 2.36271 12.3779 2.3937 12.4136 2.4321L17.4704 7.8853ZM19.328 6.1493C19.3998 6.22748 19.438 6.3308 19.4342 6.43689C19.4303 6.54298 19.3849 6.6433 19.3076 6.7161L18.4396 7.5277C18.4013 7.56346 18.3563 7.5913 18.3072 7.60965C18.2581 7.62799 18.2059 7.63648 18.1535 7.63462C18.1011 7.63276 18.0496 7.6206 18.0019 7.59882C17.9542 7.57704 17.9113 7.54608 17.8756 7.5077L12.8188 2.0537C12.7469 1.97558 12.7087 1.87229 12.7125 1.7662C12.7162 1.66011 12.7616 1.55976 12.8388 1.4869L13.7076 0.673704C13.7459 0.637917 13.7909 0.610038 13.8399 0.591668C13.889 0.573298 13.9412 0.564798 13.9936 0.566657C14.0459 0.568515 14.0974 0.580694 14.1451 0.602496C14.1927 0.624298 14.2356 0.655294 14.2712 0.693704L19.328 6.1493Z" fill="#BCAA95"/> </svg> </span> <p class="ml-4">Academia</p> </div> </th> <td> <div class="table-card__content"> <svg class="text-primary w-6" width="18" height="13" viewBox="0 0 18 13" fill="none" xmlns="" aria-labelledby="check" role="img"> <title id="check">Check</title> <path d="M17 1L6 12L1 7" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> </svg> </div> </td> <td> <div class="table-card__content"> <p class=" text-primary uppercase font-display font-semibold text-[0.625rem] leading-tight "> Sob consulta </p> </div> </td> <td> <div class="table-card__content"> <p class=" text-primary uppercase font-display font-semibold text-[0.625rem] leading-tight "> Sob consulta </p> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <th scope="row"> <div class="flex items-center"> <span aria-hidden="true"> <svg class="text-other w-6" width="20" height="16" viewBox="0 0 20 16" fill="none" xmlns="" aria-labelledby="pool" role="img"> <title id="pool">Ícone de piscina</title> <path d="M19.5 13H19C18.1863 13 17.5687 12.7369 17.2472 12.4406C16.9691 12.1841 16.6328 12 16.2544 12H15.745C15.3666 12 15.0303 12.1841 14.7522 12.4406C14.4313 12.7369 13.8138 13 13 13C12.1862 13 11.5688 12.7369 11.2472 12.4406C10.9691 12.1841 10.6328 12 10.2544 12H9.745C9.36656 12 9.03031 12.1841 8.75219 12.4406C8.43125 12.7369 7.81375 13 7 13C6.18625 13 5.56875 12.7369 5.24719 12.4406C4.96906 12.1841 4.63281 12 4.25437 12H3.745C3.36656 12 3.03031 12.1841 2.75219 12.4406C2.43125 12.7369 1.81375 13 1 13H0.5C0.22375 13 0 13.2238 0 13.5V14.5C0 14.7762 0.22375 15 0.5 15H1C2.20687 15 3.2725 14.6191 4 14.005C4.7275 14.6194 5.79313 15 7 15C8.20687 15 9.2725 14.6191 10 14.005C10.7275 14.6194 11.7931 15 13 15C14.2069 15 15.2725 14.6191 16 14.005C16.7275 14.6194 17.7931 15 19 15H19.5C19.7763 15 20 14.7762 20 14.5V13.5C20 13.2238 19.7763 13 19.5 13ZM7 12V9H13V12C13.5975 12 13.9644 11.8075 14.0747 11.7056C14.3613 11.4412 14.6747 11.2575 15 11.1409V4C15 3.44875 15.4487 3 16 3C16.5513 3 17 3.44875 17 4V4.5C17 4.77625 17.2237 5 17.5 5H18.5C18.7763 5 19 4.77625 19 4.5V4C19 2.34563 17.6544 1 16 1C14.3456 1 13 2.34563 13 4V7H7V4C7 3.44875 7.44875 3 8 3C8.55125 3 9 3.44875 9 4V4.5C9 4.77625 9.22375 5 9.5 5H10.5C10.7762 5 11 4.77625 11 4.5V4C11 2.34563 9.65438 1 8 1C6.34562 1 5 2.34563 5 4V11.1406C5.32531 11.2572 5.63875 11.4412 5.92531 11.7053C6.03562 11.8075 6.4025 12 7 12Z" fill="#BCAA95"/> </svg> </span> <p class="ml-4">Piscina/Sauna</p> </div> </th> <td> <div class="table-card__content"> <p class=" text-primary uppercase font-display font-semibold text-[0.625rem] leading-tight "> Sob consulta </p> </div> </td> <td> <div class="table-card__content"> <p class=" text-primary uppercase font-display font-semibold text-[0.625rem] leading-tight "> Sob consulta </p> </div> </td> <td> <div class="table-card__content"> <p class=" text-primary uppercase font-display font-semibold text-[0.625rem] leading-tight "> Sob consulta </p> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <th scope="row"> <div class="flex items-center"> <span aria-hidden="true"> <svg class="text-other w-6" width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns="" aria-labelledby="coffee" role="img"> <title id="coffee">Ícone de café</title> <path d="M4.16667 1.66675H5.83333V4.16675H4.16667V1.66675ZM7.5 1.66675H9.16667V4.16675H7.5V1.66675ZM10.8333 1.66675H12.5V4.16675H10.8333V1.66675ZM15.8333 7.50008H14.1667V6.66675C14.1667 6.44573 14.0789 6.23377 13.9226 6.07749C13.7663 5.92121 13.5543 5.83341 13.3333 5.83341H3.33333C3.11232 5.83341 2.90036 5.92121 2.74408 6.07749C2.5878 6.23377 2.5 6.44573 2.5 6.66675V15.0001C2.5 15.6631 2.76339 16.299 3.23223 16.7678C3.70107 17.2367 4.33696 17.5001 5 17.5001H11.6667C12.3297 17.5001 12.9656 17.2367 13.4344 16.7678C13.9033 16.299 14.1667 15.6631 14.1667 15.0001H15.8333C16.7525 15.0001 17.5 14.2526 17.5 13.3334V9.16675C17.5 8.24758 16.7525 7.50008 15.8333 7.50008ZM14.1667 13.3334V9.16675H15.8333L15.835 13.3334H14.1667Z" fill="#BCAA95"/> </svg> </span> <p class="ml-4">Máquina de café/chá</p> </div> </th> <td> <div class="table-card__content"> <p class=" text-primary uppercase font-display font-semibold text-[0.625rem] leading-tight "> Sob consulta </p> </div> </td> <td> <div class="table-card__content"> <p class=" text-primary uppercase font-display font-semibold text-[0.625rem] leading-tight "> Sob consulta </p> </div> </td> <td> <div class="table-card__content"> <p class=" text-primary uppercase font-display font-semibold text-[0.625rem] leading-tight "> Sob consulta </p> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <th scope="row"> <div class="flex items-center"> <span aria-hidden="true"> <svg class="text-other w-6" width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns="" aria-labelledby="sofa" role="img"> <title id="sofa">Ícone de sofá</title> <path d="M4.16669 7.62508V5.83341C4.16669 4.91675 4.91669 4.16675 5.83335 4.16675H14.1667C15.0834 4.16675 15.8334 4.91675 15.8334 5.83341V7.63341C14.8667 7.97508 14.1667 8.89175 14.1667 9.97508V11.6667H5.83335V9.96675C5.83335 8.89175 5.13335 7.96675 4.16669 7.62508ZM16.6667 8.33342C15.75 8.33342 15 9.08342 15 10.0001V12.5001H5.00002V10.0001C5.00002 9.55805 4.82443 9.13413 4.51187 8.82157C4.1993 8.50901 3.77538 8.33342 3.33335 8.33342C2.89133 8.33342 2.4674 8.50901 2.15484 8.82157C1.84228 9.13413 1.66669 9.55805 1.66669 10.0001V14.1667C1.66669 15.0834 2.41669 15.8334 3.33335 15.8334V17.5001H5.00002V15.8334H15V17.5001H16.6667V15.8334C17.5834 15.8334 18.3334 15.0834 18.3334 14.1667V10.0001C18.3334 9.08342 17.5834 8.33342 16.6667 8.33342Z" fill="#BCAA95"/> </svg> </span> <p class="ml-4">Espaço de convivência</p> </div> </th> <td> <div class="table-card__content"> <p class=" text-primary uppercase font-display font-semibold text-[0.625rem] leading-tight "> Sob consulta </p> </div> </td> <td> <div class="table-card__content"> <p class=" text-primary uppercase font-display font-semibold text-[0.625rem] leading-tight "> Sob consulta </p> </div> </td> <td> <div class="table-card__content"> <p class=" text-primary uppercase font-display font-semibold text-[0.625rem] leading-tight "> Sob consulta </p> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <th scope="row"> <div class="flex items-center"> <span aria-hidden="true"> <svg class="text-other w-6" width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns="" aria-labelledby="pet" role="img"> <title id="pet">Ícone de pet</title> <path d="M11.9 8.4C13.2 8.4 14 6.5 14 5.3C14 4.3 13.5 3.1 12.5 3.1C11.2 3.1 10.4 5 10.4 6.2C10.4 7.2 10.9 8.4 11.9 8.4ZM8.09999 8.4C9.09999 8.4 9.59999 7.2 9.59999 6.2C9.59999 4.9 8.79999 3 7.49999 3C6.49999 3 5.99999 4.2 5.99999 5.2C5.89999 6.5 6.69999 8.4 8.09999 8.4ZM15.5 7.4C14.2 7.4 13.3 9.2 13.3 10.5C13.3 11.4 13.7 12.3 14.6 12.3C15.9 12.3 16.8 10.5 16.8 9.2C16.8 8.3 16.3 7.4 15.5 7.4ZM6.79999 10.5C6.79999 9.2 5.79999 7.4 4.59999 7.4C3.69999 7.4 3.29999 8.3 3.29999 9.2C3.29999 10.5 4.29999 12.3 5.49999 12.3C6.39999 12.3 6.79999 11.4 6.79999 10.5ZM9.99999 10.3C7.99999 10.3 5.29999 13.5 5.29999 15.7C5.29999 16.7 5.99999 17 6.79999 17C7.99999 17 8.89999 16.2 9.99999 16.2C11 16.2 11.9 17 13 17C13.8 17 14.7 16.8 14.7 15.7C14.7 13.5 12 10.3 9.99999 10.3Z" fill="#BCAA95"/> </svg> </span> <p class="ml-4">Pet friendly</p> </div> </th> <td> <div class="table-card__content"> <p class=" text-primary uppercase font-display font-semibold text-[0.625rem] leading-tight "> Sob consulta </p> </div> </td> <td> <div class="table-card__content"> <p class=" text-primary uppercase font-display font-semibold text-[0.625rem] leading-tight "> Sob consulta </p> </div> </td> <td> <div class="table-card__content"> <p class=" text-primary uppercase font-display font-semibold text-[0.625rem] leading-tight "> Sob consulta </p> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> <div class="block lg:hidden overflow-hidden" data-table-card='{"current": "pt"}'> <div class=" carousel container carousel--outside-pagination carousel--same-height swiper overflow-visible " data-carousel-card> <ul class="swiper-wrapper overflow-visible" data-anim-table> <li class="swiper-slide"> <div class="table-card__card"> <div class="bg-other py-3"> <h3 class="typography-h6 text-white uppercase font-semibold"> Premium </h3> </div> <picture> <source srcset="/dist/img/comparativo/comparativo_premium.webp 1x, /dist/img/comparativo/comparativo_premium_2x.webp 2x" media="image/webp"> <img width="268px" height="122px" class="w-full" srcset="/dist/img/comparativo/comparativo_premium_2x.jpg 2x" src="/dist/img/comparativo/comparativo_premium.jpg" alt="" loading=lazy /> </picture> <div class="px-6 pb-4 flex flex-col justify-between flex-grow"> <p class="py-4 text-other-dark typography-paragraph-2 font-normal"> O apartamento completo para quem adora cozinhar, receber amigos e quer resolver a vida sem sair de casa. É a combinação perfeita de privacidade e comodidade. </p> <a href='/categoria-premium' class="button block font-normal w-full">Conheça os hotéis</a> </div> </div> </li> <li class="swiper-slide"> <div class="table-card__card"> <div class="bg-other py-3"> <h3 class="typography-h6 text-white uppercase font-semibold"> Flex </h3> </div> <picture> <source srcset="/dist/img/comparativo/comparativo_flex.webp 1x, /dist/img/comparativo/comparativo_flex_2x.webp 2x" media="image/webp"> <img width="268px" height="122px" class="w-full" srcset="/dist/img/comparativo/comparativo_flex_2x.jpg 2x" src="/dist/img/comparativo/comparativo_flex.jpg" alt="" loading=lazy /> </picture> <div class="px-6 pb-4 flex flex-col justify-between flex-grow"> <p class="py-4 text-other-dark typography-paragraph-2 font-normal"> Com o Flex você pode garantir sua individualidade e acessar espaços compartilhados, a um passo de você. </p> <a href='/categoria-flex' class="button block font-normal w-full">Conheça os hotéis</a> </div> </div> </li> <li class="swiper-slide"> <div class="table-card__card"> <div class="bg-other py-3"> <h3 class="typography-h6 text-white uppercase font-semibold"> Smart </h3> </div> <picture> <source srcset="/dist/img/comparativo/comparativo_smart.webp 1x, /dist/img/comparativo/comparativo_smart_2x.webp 2x" media="image/webp"> <img width="268px" height="122px" class="w-full" srcset="/dist/img/comparativo/comparativo_smart_2x.jpg 2x" src="/dist/img/comparativo/comparativo_smart.jpg" alt="" loading=lazy /> </picture> <div class="px-6 pb-4 flex flex-col justify-between flex-grow"> <p class="py-4 text-other-dark typography-paragraph-2 font-normal"> É o apê aconchegante onde menos é mais, com espaços coletivos para tudo o que você precisa. Viva com praticidade e liberdade. </p> <a href='/categoria-smart' class="button block font-normal w-full">Conheça os hotéis</a> </div> </div> </li> </ul> <div class="carousel-pagination carousel-pagination--dark swiper-pagination"></div> </div> <ul class="table-card__list" data-table-card-list> <li class="table-card__list-item"> <div class="flex items-center"> <span aria-hidden="true"> <svg class="text-other w-6" width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns="" aria-labelledby="laptop" role="img"> <title id="laptop">Ícone de laptop</title> <path d="M17.5 15.8334H2.49998C2.05795 15.8334 1.63403 15.6578 1.32147 15.3453C1.00891 15.0327 0.833313 14.6088 0.833313 14.1667V13.3334H2.49998V5.83341C2.49998 5.39139 2.67557 4.96746 2.98813 4.6549C3.3007 4.34234 3.72462 4.16675 4.16665 4.16675H15.8333C16.2753 4.16675 16.6993 4.34234 17.0118 4.6549C17.3244 4.96746 17.5 5.39139 17.5 5.83341V13.3334H19.1666V14.1667C19.1666 14.6088 18.991 15.0327 18.6785 15.3453C18.3659 15.6578 17.942 15.8334 17.5 15.8334ZM4.16665 5.83341V13.3334H15.8333V5.83341H4.16665Z" fill="#BCAA95"/> </svg> </span> <p class="ml-4 text-other-dark text-sm">Coworking</p> </div> <div class="flex justify-center text-center max-w-[9.0625rem] w-full ml-2" data-table-card-value></div> </li> <li class="table-card__list-item"> <div class="flex items-center"> <span aria-hidden="true"> <svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M10 0.833252C9.33696 0.833252 8.70107 1.09664 8.23223 1.56548C7.76339 2.03433 7.5 2.67021 7.5 3.33325C7.5 3.79349 7.8731 4.16659 8.33333 4.16659C8.79357 4.16659 9.16667 3.79349 9.16667 3.33325C9.16667 3.11224 9.25446 2.90028 9.41074 2.744C9.56703 2.58772 9.77899 2.49992 10 2.49992C10.221 2.49992 10.433 2.58772 10.5893 2.744C10.7455 2.90028 10.8333 3.11227 10.8333 3.33328C10.8332 3.33548 10.8324 3.35218 10.8266 3.3865C10.8201 3.42453 10.809 3.4746 10.7916 3.53751C10.7567 3.66444 10.7029 3.82047 10.6314 4.00095C10.4885 4.36188 10.2929 4.77631 10.09 5.17694C9.88826 5.57506 9.68564 5.94706 9.53295 6.22031C9.48383 6.30822 9.44005 6.3856 9.40334 6.44998L2.00568 10.1488C1.57833 10.3624 1.23562 10.7141 1.0331 11.1468C0.830555 11.5796 0.780086 12.0681 0.889871 12.5331C0.999656 12.9982 1.26326 13.4125 1.63797 13.709C2.01263 14.0054 2.47657 14.1667 2.95434 14.1667H3.75V18.3332C3.75 18.7934 4.1231 19.1665 4.58333 19.1665H15.4167C15.8769 19.1665 16.25 18.7934 16.25 18.3332V14.1667H17.0459C17.5236 14.1667 17.9874 14.0054 18.3621 13.709C18.7368 13.4125 19.0004 12.9982 19.1102 12.5331C19.22 12.0681 19.1695 11.5796 18.967 11.1468C18.7644 10.7141 18.4216 10.3624 17.9943 10.1488L11.1556 6.72945C11.2843 6.49348 11.4303 6.21913 11.5767 5.93019C11.7904 5.50842 12.0115 5.04291 12.1811 4.61438C12.3356 4.2241 12.5 3.74007 12.5 3.33325C12.5 2.67021 12.2366 2.03433 11.7678 1.56548C11.2989 1.09664 10.663 0.833252 10 0.833252ZM17.0459 12.5H16.25V12.4998C16.25 12.0396 15.8769 11.6665 15.4167 11.6665H4.58333C4.1231 11.6665 3.75 12.0396 3.75 12.4998V12.5H2.95405C2.85172 12.5 2.75239 12.4655 2.67215 12.402C2.59191 12.3385 2.53546 12.2498 2.51195 12.1502C2.48844 12.0506 2.49925 11.946 2.54262 11.8533C2.58599 11.7606 2.65951 11.6853 2.75104 11.6395L10 8.01503L17.2491 11.6396C17.3407 11.6853 17.4141 11.7606 17.4574 11.8533C17.5008 11.946 17.5116 12.0506 17.4881 12.1502C17.4646 12.2498 17.4081 12.3385 17.3279 12.402C17.2477 12.4655 17.1482 12.5 17.0459 12.5ZM5.5 17C5.5 16.7239 5.72386 16.5 6 16.5H14C14.2761 16.5 14.5 16.7239 14.5 17C14.5 17.2761 14.2761 17.5 14 17.5H6C5.72386 17.5 5.5 17.2761 5.5 17Z" fill="#BCAA95"/> </svg> </span> <p class="ml-4 text-other-dark text-sm">Serviço de lavanderia</p> </div> <div class="flex justify-center text-center max-w-[9.0625rem] w-full ml-2" data-table-card-value></div> </li> <li class="table-card__list-item"> <div class="flex items-center"> <span aria-hidden="true"> <svg class="text-other w-6" width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns="" aria-labelledby="laundry" role="img"> <title id="laundry">Ícone de máquina de lavar</title> <path d="M8.136 13.864C8.73705 14.4633 9.55121 14.7999 10.4 14.7999C11.2488 14.7999 12.0629 14.4633 12.664 13.864C13.2633 13.263 13.5999 12.4488 13.5999 11.6C13.5999 10.7512 13.2633 9.93705 12.664 9.336L8.136 13.864ZM15.2 2.008L5.6 2C4.712 2 4 2.712 4 3.6V16.4C4 17.288 4.712 18 5.6 18H15.2C16.088 18 16.8 17.288 16.8 16.4V3.6C16.8 2.712 16.088 2.008 15.2 2.008ZM8.8 3.6C9.24 3.6 9.6 3.96 9.6 4.4C9.6 4.84 9.24 5.2 8.8 5.2C8.36 5.2 8 4.84 8 4.4C8 3.96 8.36 3.6 8.8 3.6ZM6.4 3.6C6.84 3.6 7.2 3.96 7.2 4.4C7.2 4.84 6.84 5.2 6.4 5.2C5.96 5.2 5.6 4.84 5.6 4.4C5.6 3.96 5.96 3.6 6.4 3.6ZM10.4 16.4C7.752 16.4 5.6 14.248 5.6 11.6C5.6 8.952 7.752 6.8 10.4 6.8C13.048 6.8 15.2 8.952 15.2 11.6C15.2 14.248 13.048 16.4 10.4 16.4Z" fill="#BCAA95"/> </svg> </span> <p class="ml-4 text-other-dark text-sm">Lavanderia coletiva</p> </div> <div class="flex justify-center text-center max-w-[9.0625rem] w-full ml-2" data-table-card-value></div> </li> <li class="table-card__list-item"> <div class="flex items-center"> <span aria-hidden="true"> <svg class="text-other w-6" width="16" height="14" viewBox="0 0 16 14" fill="none" xmlns="" aria-labelledby="kitchen" role="img" cla> <title id="kitchen">Ícone de cozinha</title> <path d="M0.00384521 9.3697C0.00384521 6.66269 0.00384521 3.95568 0.00384521 1.2518C0.0101042 1.23928 0.0226222 1.22363 0.0226222 1.20798C0.122766 0.503848 0.726758 0 1.48097 0C5.82783 0.00312949 10.1747 0 14.5216 0.00312949C14.6593 0.00312949 14.8032 0.0156475 14.9378 0.0500719C15.6075 0.231582 15.9987 0.763596 15.9987 1.48338C15.9987 4.05895 15.9987 6.63452 15.9987 9.20696C15.9987 9.25703 15.9955 9.30711 15.9924 9.36344C10.6535 9.3697 5.32711 9.3697 0.00384521 9.3697ZM7.01078 6.33096C7.03268 6.28402 7.03581 6.26837 7.0452 6.25585C7.69926 5.22312 7.70552 4.18726 7.07024 3.14201C7.04833 3.10758 7.06085 3.02309 7.08901 2.99179C7.18603 2.876 7.30182 2.77899 7.40509 2.66633C7.58347 2.46917 7.58034 2.20003 7.40509 2.01852C7.22358 1.83388 6.94819 1.82449 6.74477 2.00913C6.64463 2.09989 6.54761 2.19377 6.45686 2.29705C6.38175 2.38467 6.32542 2.38467 6.22527 2.32208C5.22697 1.72122 4.22553 1.72122 3.22722 2.31582C3.18341 2.34086 3.1396 2.36902 3.08014 2.40345C2.95809 2.27201 2.84229 2.1437 2.72024 2.02478C2.59819 1.90273 2.45111 1.84953 2.27899 1.89021C1.92222 1.97158 1.79078 2.3878 2.04114 2.66007C2.16632 2.79776 2.31654 2.91043 2.45737 3.03248C2.41355 3.08568 2.41042 3.10133 2.40104 3.11384C1.74697 4.14658 1.74071 5.18244 2.376 6.22769C2.39791 6.26211 2.38539 6.34661 2.35722 6.3779C2.26021 6.49369 2.14442 6.59071 2.04114 6.70337C1.86276 6.90053 1.86589 7.16966 2.04114 7.35117C2.22265 7.53581 2.49805 7.5452 2.70147 7.36056C2.80161 7.26981 2.89862 7.17592 2.98938 7.07265C3.06449 6.98502 3.12082 6.98502 3.22096 7.04761C4.21614 7.64535 5.21758 7.64535 6.21589 7.05387C6.2597 7.02884 6.30351 7.00067 6.35358 6.96938C6.47876 7.09456 6.59142 7.21661 6.71034 7.3324C6.92315 7.53894 7.20168 7.5452 7.39257 7.35117C7.58347 7.16027 7.57721 6.88175 7.37067 6.66895C7.25801 6.55628 7.1297 6.44675 7.01078 6.33096ZM13.5733 6.33722C13.589 6.29028 13.5921 6.27776 13.5952 6.2715C14.2524 5.23564 14.2649 4.19352 13.6265 3.14514C13.6046 3.11071 13.6171 3.02622 13.6453 2.99492C13.7423 2.87913 13.8581 2.78212 13.9614 2.66946C14.1398 2.4723 14.1366 2.20316 13.9582 2.02165C13.7767 1.83701 13.5013 1.83075 13.2979 2.01226C13.1978 2.10302 13.0976 2.1969 13.01 2.30018C12.9349 2.3878 12.8786 2.38467 12.7784 2.32521C11.7864 1.72122 10.7849 1.72122 9.78664 2.31582C9.74282 2.34086 9.70214 2.36902 9.64268 2.40658C9.5175 2.27201 9.40171 2.14683 9.27966 2.02478C9.15761 1.90273 9.01052 1.84953 8.8384 1.89021C8.48477 1.97471 8.35333 2.3878 8.60369 2.6632C8.72887 2.80089 8.87908 2.91356 9.01678 3.03874C8.9761 3.08255 8.9761 3.09507 8.96984 3.10445C8.31264 4.14032 8.30013 5.18244 8.93854 6.23082C8.96045 6.26524 8.94793 6.34974 8.91977 6.38103C8.82275 6.49682 8.70696 6.59384 8.60369 6.7065C8.42531 6.90366 8.42844 7.17279 8.60682 7.3543C8.78833 7.53894 9.06372 7.5452 9.26714 7.36369C9.36728 7.27294 9.46743 7.17905 9.55505 7.07578C9.63016 6.98815 9.68649 6.99128 9.78664 7.05074C10.7818 7.64848 11.7832 7.64848 12.7816 7.057C12.8254 7.03197 12.8661 7.0038 12.9255 6.96625C13.0476 7.09456 13.1571 7.21974 13.276 7.33553C13.4888 7.54207 13.7673 7.5452 13.9582 7.3543C14.1491 7.1634 14.1429 6.88488 13.9332 6.67207C13.8174 6.55628 13.6922 6.44675 13.5733 6.33722Z" fill="#BCAA95"/> <path d="M0.00312949 10.3054C2.50672 10.3054 5.00719 10.3054 7.53268 10.3054C7.53268 11.2474 7.53268 12.1831 7.53268 13.1157C5.43905 13.1157 3.34543 13.1157 1.2518 13.1157C1.23302 13.1094 1.21424 13.0969 1.19547 13.0938C0.835574 13.0375 0.547661 12.8653 0.312949 12.5868C0.137698 12.3771 0.0625898 12.1268 0 11.8702C0.00312949 11.3444 0.00312949 10.8249 0.00312949 10.3054ZM2.84471 11.7137C2.84784 11.4602 2.63816 11.2443 2.38154 11.2411C2.12805 11.238 1.91212 11.4477 1.90899 11.7043C1.90586 11.9578 2.11554 12.1737 2.37215 12.1769C2.62877 12.18 2.84158 11.9703 2.84471 11.7137ZM5.18244 11.2443C4.92895 11.2474 4.71614 11.4633 4.71927 11.7168C4.7224 11.9703 4.93834 12.1831 5.19182 12.18C5.44531 12.1769 5.65812 11.9609 5.65499 11.7074C5.65499 11.4508 5.43905 11.2411 5.18244 11.2443Z" fill="#BCAA95"/> <path d="M8.46844 13.1156C8.46844 12.1861 8.46844 11.2567 8.46844 10.3147C10.9814 10.3147 13.4819 10.3147 15.998 10.3147C15.998 10.6339 16.0043 10.95 15.9949 11.2661C15.9886 11.5289 16.0043 11.8043 15.9417 12.0547C15.7946 12.6368 15.4003 12.981 14.8057 13.0937C14.7869 13.0968 14.7681 13.1093 14.7493 13.1156C12.6557 13.1156 10.5621 13.1156 8.46844 13.1156ZM11.2819 11.7073C11.2787 11.4538 11.0659 11.241 10.8093 11.2442C10.5558 11.2473 10.343 11.4601 10.3461 11.7167C10.3493 11.9702 10.5621 12.183 10.8187 12.1799C11.0722 12.1736 11.2819 11.9608 11.2819 11.7073ZM13.6196 12.1767C13.8731 12.1799 14.089 11.9671 14.0921 11.7136C14.0953 11.4601 13.8825 11.2442 13.629 11.241C13.3755 11.2379 13.1596 11.4507 13.1564 11.7042C13.1564 11.9608 13.3661 12.1736 13.6196 12.1767Z" fill="#BCAA95"/> <path d="M3.76794 3.08264C4.40949 2.729 5.026 2.729 5.70197 3.09828C5.57679 3.20156 5.46412 3.28293 5.36711 3.37994C5.14179 3.60526 5.12927 3.88692 5.33269 4.08408C5.52984 4.27498 5.80524 4.26246 6.02743 4.04339C6.12445 3.94951 6.21207 3.84624 6.30283 3.74296C6.67837 4.21552 6.68462 5.04483 6.30596 5.64883C6.20268 5.53304 6.11506 5.41724 6.01178 5.31397C5.79898 5.10429 5.52045 5.09804 5.32956 5.28894C5.13866 5.47983 5.14179 5.75836 5.34833 5.97117C5.44848 6.07444 5.56114 6.16833 5.68319 6.28099C5.03225 6.64088 4.41574 6.64088 3.73665 6.2716C3.86182 6.16832 3.97449 6.08696 4.0715 5.98994C4.29682 5.76462 4.30934 5.48296 4.10593 5.28581C3.90877 5.09491 3.63337 5.10742 3.41118 5.32649C3.31416 5.42037 3.22654 5.52365 3.13578 5.62692C2.76024 5.15437 2.75398 4.32505 3.13265 3.72106C3.23593 3.83685 3.32355 3.95264 3.42683 4.05591C3.63963 4.26559 3.91816 4.27185 4.10905 4.08095C4.29995 3.89005 4.29369 3.61152 4.09028 3.39872C3.99326 3.29231 3.88373 3.1953 3.76794 3.08264Z" fill="#BCAA95"/> <path d="M9.68892 5.66137C9.32277 4.99479 9.32277 4.37828 9.68892 3.7117C9.79845 3.83688 9.88608 3.95267 9.98935 4.05282C10.2022 4.26249 10.4775 4.26875 10.6716 4.07785C10.8625 3.89008 10.8593 3.60843 10.6559 3.39563C10.5558 3.29235 10.4463 3.19534 10.3242 3.08268C10.972 2.72592 11.5854 2.72592 12.2676 3.09519C12.1424 3.19847 12.0298 3.27983 11.9328 3.37685C11.7074 3.60217 11.6949 3.88382 11.8952 4.08098C12.0924 4.27188 12.3678 4.25936 12.5899 4.04343C12.6901 3.94641 12.784 3.84314 12.8904 3.73361C13.244 4.37828 13.2409 4.99479 12.8779 5.65824C12.7683 5.53306 12.6807 5.41727 12.5774 5.314C12.3646 5.10432 12.0892 5.09807 11.8952 5.28896C11.7043 5.47673 11.7074 5.75839 11.9109 5.97119C12.011 6.07447 12.1205 6.17148 12.2426 6.28414C11.5948 6.6409 10.9814 6.6409 10.2992 6.27162C10.4243 6.16835 10.537 6.08698 10.634 5.98997C10.8593 5.76465 10.8719 5.48299 10.6716 5.28583C10.4744 5.09494 10.199 5.10432 9.97996 5.32339C9.87982 5.42666 9.79532 5.53932 9.68892 5.66137Z" fill="#BCAA95"/> </svg> </span> <p class="ml-4 text-other-dark text-sm">Minicozinha no apto</p> </div> <div class="flex justify-center text-center max-w-[9.0625rem] w-full ml-2" data-table-card-value></div> </li> <li class="table-card__list-item"> <div class="flex items-center"> <span aria-hidden="true"> <svg class="text-other w-6" width="16" height="11" viewBox="0 0 16 11" fill="none" xmlns="" aria-labelledby="pan" role="img"> <title id="pan">Ícone de panela</title> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M12.1175 10.0854H4.18739C2.46775 10.0854 1.81622 3.81519 1.81622 3.81519H14.49C14.49 3.81646 14.1496 10.0854 12.1175 10.0854Z" fill="#BCAA95"/> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M16 4.42764C16 4.74769 15.6495 5.00678 15.2189 5.00678L0.779822 5.00672C0.348009 5.00672 1.69569e-05 4.74763 1.69569e-05 4.42758C1.69569e-05 4.10753 0.348009 3.84717 0.779822 3.84717L15.2189 3.84723C15.6495 3.84723 16 4.10759 16 4.42764Z" fill="#BCAA95"/> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M6.87604 0H9.31706V1.64724H6.87604V0Z" fill="#BCAA95"/> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1.79584 1.88535C1.79584 1.54551 2.07133 1.27002 2.41117 1.27002H13.7615C14.1014 1.27002 14.3769 1.54551 14.3769 1.88535C14.3769 2.22519 14.1014 2.50069 13.7615 2.50069H2.41117C2.07133 2.50069 1.79584 2.22519 1.79584 1.88535Z" fill="#BCAA95"/> </svg> </span> <p class="ml-4 text-other-dark text-sm">Utensílios de cozinha</p> </div> <div class="flex justify-center text-center max-w-[9.0625rem] w-full ml-2" data-table-card-value></div> </li> <li class="table-card__list-item"> <div class="flex items-center"> <span aria-hidden="true"> <svg class="text-other w-6" width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns="" aria-labelledby="table" role="img"> <title id="table">Ícone de mesa</title> <path d="M18.3334 6.24992C18.3334 4.64159 14.6 3.33325 10 3.33325C5.40002 3.33325 1.66669 4.64159 1.66669 6.24992C1.66669 7.75825 4.95835 9.00825 9.16669 9.14992V12.4999H7.79169C7.10835 12.4999 6.50002 12.9166 6.24169 13.5499L5.41669 15.6083C5.22502 16.1166 5.59169 16.6666 6.14169 16.6666C6.45835 16.6666 6.74169 16.4749 6.85835 16.1833L7.66669 14.1666H12.3334L13.1417 16.1833C13.2584 16.4749 13.5417 16.6666 13.8584 16.6666C14.4084 16.6666 14.7834 16.1166 14.575 15.6083L13.75 13.5499C13.5 12.9166 12.8834 12.4999 12.2084 12.4999H10.8334V9.14992C15.0417 9.00825 18.3334 7.75825 18.3334 6.24992Z" fill="#BCAA95"/> </svg> </span> <p class="ml-4 text-other-dark text-sm">Minicopa compartilhada</p> </div> <div class="flex justify-center text-center max-w-[9.0625rem] w-full ml-2" data-table-card-value></div> </li> <li class="table-card__list-item"> <div class="flex items-center"> <span aria-hidden="true"> <svg class="text-other w-6" width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns="" aria-labelledby="microwave" role="img"> <title id="microwave">Ícone de micro-ondas</title> <path d="M3.33335 4.16675C2.89133 4.16675 2.4674 4.34234 2.15484 4.6549C1.84228 4.96746 1.66669 5.39139 1.66669 5.83341V14.1667C1.66669 14.6088 1.84228 15.0327 2.15484 15.3453C2.4674 15.6578 2.89133 15.8334 3.33335 15.8334H16.6667C17.1087 15.8334 17.5326 15.6578 17.8452 15.3453C18.1578 15.0327 18.3334 14.6088 18.3334 14.1667V5.83341C18.3334 5.39139 18.1578 4.96746 17.8452 4.6549C17.5326 4.34234 17.1087 4.16675 16.6667 4.16675H3.33335ZM3.33335 5.83341H13.3334V14.1667H3.33335V5.83341ZM15.8334 5.83341C16.0544 5.83341 16.2663 5.92121 16.4226 6.07749C16.5789 6.23377 16.6667 6.44573 16.6667 6.66675C16.6667 6.88776 16.5789 7.09972 16.4226 7.256C16.2663 7.41228 16.0544 7.50008 15.8334 7.50008C15.6123 7.50008 15.4004 7.41228 15.2441 7.256C15.0878 7.09972 15 6.88776 15 6.66675C15 6.44573 15.0878 6.23377 15.2441 6.07749C15.4004 5.92121 15.6123 5.83341 15.8334 5.83341ZM10.8334 7.50008V12.5001H12.5V7.50008H10.8334ZM15.8334 9.16675C16.0544 9.16675 16.2663 9.25455 16.4226 9.41083C16.5789 9.56711 16.6667 9.77907 16.6667 10.0001C16.6667 10.2211 16.5789 10.4331 16.4226 10.5893C16.2663 10.7456 16.0544 10.8334 15.8334 10.8334C15.6123 10.8334 15.4004 10.7456 15.2441 10.5893C15.0878 10.4331 15 10.2211 15 10.0001C15 9.77907 15.0878 9.56711 15.2441 9.41083C15.4004 9.25455 15.6123 9.16675 15.8334 9.16675Z" fill="#BCAA95"/> </svg> </span> <p class="ml-4 text-other-dark text-sm">Micro-ondas no apto</p> </div> <div class="flex justify-center text-center max-w-[9.0625rem] w-full ml-2" data-table-card-value></div> </li> <li class="table-card__list-item"> <div class="flex items-center"> <span aria-hidden="true"> <svg class="text-other w-6" width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns="" aria-labelledby="industrial" role="img"> <title id="industrial">Ícone de freezer</title> <path d="M14.1667 1.66675H5.83335C4.91669 1.66675 4.16669 2.41675 4.16669 3.33341V15.8334C4.16669 16.2754 4.34228 16.6994 4.65484 17.0119C4.9674 17.3245 5.39133 17.5001 5.83335 17.5001V18.3334H7.50002V17.5001H12.5V18.3334H14.1667V17.5001C15.0917 17.5001 15.8334 16.7584 15.8334 15.8334V3.33341C15.8334 2.89139 15.6578 2.46746 15.3452 2.1549C15.0326 1.84234 14.6087 1.66675 14.1667 1.66675ZM8.33335 12.5001H6.66669V8.33342H8.33335V12.5001Z" fill="#BCAA95"/> </svg> </span> <p class="ml-4 text-other-dark text-sm">Refrigerador no apto</p> </div> <div class="flex justify-center text-center max-w-[9.0625rem] w-full ml-2" data-table-card-value></div> </li> <li class="table-card__list-item"> <div class="flex items-center"> <span aria-hidden="true"> <svg class="text-other w-6" width="16" height="12" viewBox="0 0 16 12" fill="none" xmlns="" aria-labelledby="tv" role="img"> <title id="tv">Ícone de tv</title> <path d="M14.3953 10.1333H1.60467C1.17925 10.1328 0.771399 9.96357 0.470581 9.66275C0.169762 9.36193 0.000529242 8.95409 0 8.52867V1.60467C0.000529242 1.17924 0.169762 0.771399 0.470581 0.470581C0.771399 0.169762 1.17925 0.000529242 1.60467 0H14.3953C14.8208 0.000529242 15.2286 0.169762 15.5294 0.470581C15.8302 0.771399 15.9995 1.17924 16 1.60467V8.52867C15.9995 8.95409 15.8302 9.36193 15.5294 9.66275C15.2286 9.96357 14.8208 10.1328 14.3953 10.1333Z" fill="#BCAA95"/> <path d="M3.73334 11.2H12.2667H3.73334Z" fill="#BCAA95"/> <path d="M3.73334 11.2H12.2667" stroke="#BCAA95" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-miterlimit="10" stroke-linecap="round"/> </svg> </span> <p class="ml-4 text-other-dark text-sm">TV no apto</p> </div> <div class="flex justify-center text-center max-w-[9.0625rem] w-full ml-2" data-table-card-value></div> </li> <li class="table-card__list-item"> <div class="flex items-center"> <span aria-hidden="true"> <svg class="text-other w-6" width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns="" aria-labelledby="gym" role="img"> <title id="gym">Ícone de academia</title> <path d="M7.18482 17.9497C7.25677 18.0277 7.29503 18.131 7.29129 18.237C7.28754 18.3431 7.2421 18.4434 7.16482 18.5161L6.29602 19.3285C6.21844 19.4006 6.11543 19.4389 6.0096 19.4351C5.90378 19.4313 5.8038 19.3856 5.73162 19.3081L0.672022 13.8553C0.600122 13.7772 0.561932 13.674 0.565752 13.5679C0.569572 13.4619 0.615093 13.3616 0.692422 13.2889L1.56242 12.4777C1.60081 12.442 1.64587 12.4141 1.69501 12.3958C1.74416 12.3775 1.79643 12.3691 1.84885 12.371C1.90126 12.3728 1.95279 12.3851 2.00049 12.4069C2.04818 12.4287 2.09111 12.4597 2.12682 12.4981L7.18482 17.9497ZM13.6408 7.6897C13.7127 7.76776 13.7509 7.87104 13.7471 7.9771C13.7433 8.08316 13.6978 8.18342 13.6204 8.2561L8.15242 13.3641C8.07484 13.4362 7.97183 13.4745 7.866 13.4707C7.76018 13.4669 7.6602 13.4212 7.58802 13.3437L6.28282 11.9353C6.21092 11.8572 6.17273 11.754 6.17655 11.6479C6.18037 11.5419 6.22589 11.4416 6.30322 11.3689L11.77 6.2609C11.8084 6.22518 11.8534 6.19736 11.9025 6.17905C11.9516 6.16074 12.0039 6.15229 12.0563 6.15418C12.1086 6.15608 12.1601 6.16828 12.2078 6.19009C12.2555 6.21191 12.2983 6.2429 12.334 6.2813L13.6408 7.6897ZM9.04522 16.2109C9.19482 16.3721 9.18562 16.6269 9.02482 16.7773L8.15482 17.5893C8.11643 17.625 8.07138 17.6529 8.02223 17.6712C7.97308 17.6895 7.92081 17.698 7.8684 17.6961C7.81598 17.6942 7.76445 17.682 7.71676 17.6601C7.66906 17.6383 7.62613 17.6073 7.59042 17.5689L2.53362 12.1161C2.46167 12.0381 2.42341 11.9348 2.42716 11.8288C2.4309 11.7227 2.47635 11.6224 2.55362 11.5497L3.42202 10.7381C3.4996 10.666 3.60262 10.6277 3.70844 10.6315C3.81427 10.6353 3.91425 10.681 3.98642 10.7585L9.04522 16.2109ZM17.4704 7.8853C17.5423 7.96341 17.5804 8.06672 17.5765 8.17278C17.5726 8.27884 17.527 8.37908 17.4496 8.4517L16.58 9.26371C16.5024 9.33586 16.3994 9.37427 16.2935 9.37052C16.1876 9.36677 16.0875 9.32116 16.0152 9.2437L10.9576 3.7921C10.8856 3.71415 10.8472 3.61087 10.851 3.50479C10.8547 3.3987 10.9003 3.29839 10.9776 3.2257L11.8496 2.4117C11.888 2.37598 11.933 2.34816 11.9821 2.32985C12.0312 2.31154 12.0835 2.30309 12.1359 2.30498C12.1882 2.30688 12.2397 2.31908 12.2874 2.34089C12.3351 2.36271 12.3779 2.3937 12.4136 2.4321L17.4704 7.8853ZM19.328 6.1493C19.3998 6.22748 19.438 6.3308 19.4342 6.43689C19.4303 6.54298 19.3849 6.6433 19.3076 6.7161L18.4396 7.5277C18.4013 7.56346 18.3563 7.5913 18.3072 7.60965C18.2581 7.62799 18.2059 7.63648 18.1535 7.63462C18.1011 7.63276 18.0496 7.6206 18.0019 7.59882C17.9542 7.57704 17.9113 7.54608 17.8756 7.5077L12.8188 2.0537C12.7469 1.97558 12.7087 1.87229 12.7125 1.7662C12.7162 1.66011 12.7616 1.55976 12.8388 1.4869L13.7076 0.673704C13.7459 0.637917 13.7909 0.610038 13.8399 0.591668C13.889 0.573298 13.9412 0.564798 13.9936 0.566657C14.0459 0.568515 14.0974 0.580694 14.1451 0.602496C14.1927 0.624298 14.2356 0.655294 14.2712 0.693704L19.328 6.1493Z" fill="#BCAA95"/> </svg> </span> <p class="ml-4 text-other-dark text-sm">Academia</p> </div> <div class="flex justify-center text-center max-w-[9.0625rem] w-full ml-2" data-table-card-value></div> </li> <li class="table-card__list-item"> <div class="flex items-center"> <span aria-hidden="true"> <svg class="text-other w-6" width="20" height="16" viewBox="0 0 20 16" fill="none" xmlns="" aria-labelledby="pool" role="img"> <title id="pool">Ícone de piscina</title> <path d="M19.5 13H19C18.1863 13 17.5687 12.7369 17.2472 12.4406C16.9691 12.1841 16.6328 12 16.2544 12H15.745C15.3666 12 15.0303 12.1841 14.7522 12.4406C14.4313 12.7369 13.8138 13 13 13C12.1862 13 11.5688 12.7369 11.2472 12.4406C10.9691 12.1841 10.6328 12 10.2544 12H9.745C9.36656 12 9.03031 12.1841 8.75219 12.4406C8.43125 12.7369 7.81375 13 7 13C6.18625 13 5.56875 12.7369 5.24719 12.4406C4.96906 12.1841 4.63281 12 4.25437 12H3.745C3.36656 12 3.03031 12.1841 2.75219 12.4406C2.43125 12.7369 1.81375 13 1 13H0.5C0.22375 13 0 13.2238 0 13.5V14.5C0 14.7762 0.22375 15 0.5 15H1C2.20687 15 3.2725 14.6191 4 14.005C4.7275 14.6194 5.79313 15 7 15C8.20687 15 9.2725 14.6191 10 14.005C10.7275 14.6194 11.7931 15 13 15C14.2069 15 15.2725 14.6191 16 14.005C16.7275 14.6194 17.7931 15 19 15H19.5C19.7763 15 20 14.7762 20 14.5V13.5C20 13.2238 19.7763 13 19.5 13ZM7 12V9H13V12C13.5975 12 13.9644 11.8075 14.0747 11.7056C14.3613 11.4412 14.6747 11.2575 15 11.1409V4C15 3.44875 15.4487 3 16 3C16.5513 3 17 3.44875 17 4V4.5C17 4.77625 17.2237 5 17.5 5H18.5C18.7763 5 19 4.77625 19 4.5V4C19 2.34563 17.6544 1 16 1C14.3456 1 13 2.34563 13 4V7H7V4C7 3.44875 7.44875 3 8 3C8.55125 3 9 3.44875 9 4V4.5C9 4.77625 9.22375 5 9.5 5H10.5C10.7762 5 11 4.77625 11 4.5V4C11 2.34563 9.65438 1 8 1C6.34562 1 5 2.34563 5 4V11.1406C5.32531 11.2572 5.63875 11.4412 5.92531 11.7053C6.03562 11.8075 6.4025 12 7 12Z" fill="#BCAA95"/> </svg> </span> <p class="ml-4 text-other-dark text-sm">Piscina/Sauna</p> </div> <div class="flex justify-center text-center max-w-[9.0625rem] w-full ml-2" data-table-card-value></div> </li> <li class="table-card__list-item"> <div class="flex items-center"> <span aria-hidden="true"> <svg class="text-other w-6" width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns="" aria-labelledby="coffee" role="img"> <title id="coffee">Ícone de café</title> <path d="M4.16667 1.66675H5.83333V4.16675H4.16667V1.66675ZM7.5 1.66675H9.16667V4.16675H7.5V1.66675ZM10.8333 1.66675H12.5V4.16675H10.8333V1.66675ZM15.8333 7.50008H14.1667V6.66675C14.1667 6.44573 14.0789 6.23377 13.9226 6.07749C13.7663 5.92121 13.5543 5.83341 13.3333 5.83341H3.33333C3.11232 5.83341 2.90036 5.92121 2.74408 6.07749C2.5878 6.23377 2.5 6.44573 2.5 6.66675V15.0001C2.5 15.6631 2.76339 16.299 3.23223 16.7678C3.70107 17.2367 4.33696 17.5001 5 17.5001H11.6667C12.3297 17.5001 12.9656 17.2367 13.4344 16.7678C13.9033 16.299 14.1667 15.6631 14.1667 15.0001H15.8333C16.7525 15.0001 17.5 14.2526 17.5 13.3334V9.16675C17.5 8.24758 16.7525 7.50008 15.8333 7.50008ZM14.1667 13.3334V9.16675H15.8333L15.835 13.3334H14.1667Z" fill="#BCAA95"/> </svg> </span> <p class="ml-4 text-other-dark text-sm">Máquina de café/chá</p> </div> <div class="flex justify-center text-center max-w-[9.0625rem] w-full ml-2" data-table-card-value></div> </li> <li class="table-card__list-item"> <div class="flex items-center"> <span 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text-sm">Espaço de convivência</p> </div> <div class="flex justify-center text-center max-w-[9.0625rem] w-full ml-2" data-table-card-value></div> </li> <li class="table-card__list-item"> <div class="flex items-center"> <span aria-hidden="true"> <svg class="text-other w-6" width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns="" aria-labelledby="pet" role="img"> <title id="pet">Ícone de pet</title> <path d="M11.9 8.4C13.2 8.4 14 6.5 14 5.3C14 4.3 13.5 3.1 12.5 3.1C11.2 3.1 10.4 5 10.4 6.2C10.4 7.2 10.9 8.4 11.9 8.4ZM8.09999 8.4C9.09999 8.4 9.59999 7.2 9.59999 6.2C9.59999 4.9 8.79999 3 7.49999 3C6.49999 3 5.99999 4.2 5.99999 5.2C5.89999 6.5 6.69999 8.4 8.09999 8.4ZM15.5 7.4C14.2 7.4 13.3 9.2 13.3 10.5C13.3 11.4 13.7 12.3 14.6 12.3C15.9 12.3 16.8 10.5 16.8 9.2C16.8 8.3 16.3 7.4 15.5 7.4ZM6.79999 10.5C6.79999 9.2 5.79999 7.4 4.59999 7.4C3.69999 7.4 3.29999 8.3 3.29999 9.2C3.29999 10.5 4.29999 12.3 5.49999 12.3C6.39999 12.3 6.79999 11.4 6.79999 10.5ZM9.99999 10.3C7.99999 10.3 5.29999 13.5 5.29999 15.7C5.29999 16.7 5.99999 17 6.79999 17C7.99999 17 8.89999 16.2 9.99999 16.2C11 16.2 11.9 17 13 17C13.8 17 14.7 16.8 14.7 15.7C14.7 13.5 12 10.3 9.99999 10.3Z" fill="#BCAA95"/> </svg> </span> <p class="ml-4 text-other-dark text-sm">Pet friendly</p> </div> <div class="flex justify-center text-center max-w-[9.0625rem] w-full ml-2" data-table-card-value></div> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </section> <div class="bg-gradient-right"> <section id="perguntas-frequentes" class="pt-20 pb-24"> <div class="container flex flex-col lg:flex-row" data-anim-faq> <h2 class="typography-h2 min-w-[17.5rem] mb-10 mr-0 lg:mr-32" data-anim-title> Dúvidas <br class='hidden lg:block' />frequentes </h2> <div class="flex-grow" data-anim-questions> <div> <ol class="accordion-list"> <li> <div data-accordion> <button class="text-left font-body text-other-dark w-full flex justify-between items-center py-4" data-accordion-button> <span class="accordion-title" data-accordion-title>O que é coliving?</span> <svg width="14" height="8" viewBox="0 0 14 8" fill="none" xmlns="" aria-labelledby="arrow-down" role="img" class="flex-shrink-0 ml-4 mr-1.5 transition-transform duration-500" data-accordion-arrow> <title id="arrow-down">Seta de dropdowns ou acordeons</title> <path d="M1 1L7 7L13 1" stroke="#BCAA95" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> </svg> </button> <div class="overflow-hidden max-h-0 opacity-0 transition-all duration-500" data-accordion-panel> <div data-accordion-content class="font-body text-other-light prose pb-4 pr-6 max-w-none"> <p>Para resumir, o coliving é um conceito de moradia compartilhada. Esse jeito de morar surgiu por volta dos anos 1970 e era conhecido como cohousing. De lá para cá, a ideia se popularizou e ganhou força graças às pessoas que valorizam a economia compartilhada, com um estilo de vida sustentável, prático e focado em troca de experiências. Hoje, o coliving já faz parte de vilas, e, agora, dos hotéis Accor, que oferecem privacidade e comodidades da rede e ainda mais vantagens do que outras opções de moradia compartilhada convencional.</p> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div data-accordion> <button class="text-left font-body text-other-dark w-full flex justify-between items-center py-4" data-accordion-button> <span class="accordion-title" data-accordion-title>Quais as vantagens de morar em um hotel?</span> <svg width="14" height="8" viewBox="0 0 14 8" fill="none" xmlns="" aria-labelledby="arrow-down" role="img" class="flex-shrink-0 ml-4 mr-1.5 transition-transform duration-500" data-accordion-arrow> <title id="arrow-down">Seta de dropdowns ou acordeons</title> <path d="M1 1L7 7L13 1" stroke="#BCAA95" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> </svg> </button> <div class="overflow-hidden max-h-0 opacity-0 transition-all duration-500" data-accordion-panel> <div data-accordion-content class="font-body text-other-light prose pb-4 pr-6 max-w-none"> <p> Imagine-se fazendo um aluguel convencional, daqueles que envolve contrato, mudança, instalações, reparos, contas fixas, despesas que oscilam. Agora, imagine ter um apartamento prontinho para morar, repleto de comodidades, em que você sabe exatamente o que vai gastar. Bem mais prático, transparente e vantajoso, né? </p><p>Ao morar em um ALL Coliving, você tem:</p><ul> <li> Acesso às comodidades e áreas de lazer sob demanda, como academia, café da manhã, piscina, sauna, spa, wi-fi, lavanderia e faxina, por exemplo. </li><li> Acesso a espaços de coworking, totalmente preparados para o seu home office render muito mais. </li><li> Mais praticidade, afinal, não precisa assinar contratos, depender de um fiador ou fazer depósitos de garantia. Você também não precisa contratar pessoas para instalar sua internet, TV ou arrumar uma torneira. Está tudo prontinho, esperando por você. </li><li> Quartos ainda mais completos, com cozinhas integradas e diversos equipamentos ou cozinhas compartilhadas por andar. </li><li> Não há contas separadas, como água, luz, internet, IPTU ou despesas com manutenções. </li><li> Segurança física e sanitária: recepção 24 horas, opção de estacionamento, câmeras de segurança e medidas sanitárias rígidas fazem parte do pacote de proteção de qualquer hotel Accor. </li><li> Acúmulo de pontos no programa de fidelidade e lifestyle ALL – Accor Live Limitless, para garantir suas férias em algum lugar paradisíaco. </li></ul> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div data-accordion> <button class="text-left font-body text-other-dark w-full flex justify-between items-center py-4" data-accordion-button> <span class="accordion-title" data-accordion-title>O que é o ALL Coliving?</span> <svg width="14" height="8" viewBox="0 0 14 8" fill="none" xmlns="" aria-labelledby="arrow-down" role="img" class="flex-shrink-0 ml-4 mr-1.5 transition-transform duration-500" data-accordion-arrow> <title id="arrow-down">Seta de dropdowns ou acordeons</title> <path d="M1 1L7 7L13 1" stroke="#BCAA95" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> </svg> </button> <div class="overflow-hidden max-h-0 opacity-0 transition-all duration-500" data-accordion-panel> <div data-accordion-content class="font-body text-other-light prose pb-4 pr-6 max-w-none"> <p> É uma maneira moderna de viver, em espaços otimizados com áreas comuns compartilhadas, dentro de hotéis ALL - Accor Live Limitless. São apartamentos privativos, com toda conveniência disponível nos hotéis Accor. Esse conceito reúne espaços de convivência nas áreas comuns e programações especiais para moradores, buscando fortalecer o senso de comunidade e as relações interpessoais. E, para fechar com chave de ouro, você ainda conta com serviços que podem ser contratados à parte, como uso de espaços de coworking, lavanderia, etc. </p> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div data-accordion> <button class="text-left font-body text-other-dark w-full flex justify-between items-center py-4" data-accordion-button> <span class="accordion-title" data-accordion-title>Como são os apartamentos?</span> <svg width="14" height="8" viewBox="0 0 14 8" fill="none" xmlns="" aria-labelledby="arrow-down" role="img" class="flex-shrink-0 ml-4 mr-1.5 transition-transform duration-500" data-accordion-arrow> <title id="arrow-down">Seta de dropdowns ou acordeons</title> <path d="M1 1L7 7L13 1" stroke="#BCAA95" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> </svg> </button> <div class="overflow-hidden max-h-0 opacity-0 transition-all duration-500" data-accordion-panel> <div data-accordion-content class="font-body text-other-light prose pb-4 pr-6 max-w-none"> <p> Não importa o seu gosto ou as suas necessidades, temos um apartamento perfeito para você. São 3 categorias, com diferentes configurações, para atender a todos. O mais completo deles é o <i>Premium</i>, ideal para quem gosta de cozinhar e receber os amigos com mais privacidade. Já o <i>Flex</i> é aquele que equilibra a moradia compartilhada com momentos de individualidade. Tem ainda o <i>Smart</i>, feito para quem tem um estilo de vida mais minimalista e segue o conceito de “menos é mais”. </p><p> Confira os detalhes de todos eles <a href='/sobre/' class='text-primary hover:text-primary-light underline'>aqui</a>. </p> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div data-accordion> <button class="text-left font-body text-other-dark w-full flex justify-between items-center py-4" data-accordion-button> <span class="accordion-title" data-accordion-title>Como funcionam os serviços adicionais?</span> <svg width="14" height="8" viewBox="0 0 14 8" fill="none" xmlns="" aria-labelledby="arrow-down" role="img" class="flex-shrink-0 ml-4 mr-1.5 transition-transform duration-500" data-accordion-arrow> <title id="arrow-down">Seta de dropdowns ou acordeons</title> <path d="M1 1L7 7L13 1" stroke="#BCAA95" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> </svg> </button> <div class="overflow-hidden max-h-0 opacity-0 transition-all duration-500" data-accordion-panel> <div data-accordion-content class="font-body text-other-light prose pb-4 pr-6 max-w-none"> <p> Para a sua comodidade, os hotéis Accor oferecem serviços adicionais, no estilo pay per use. Você só paga se utilizar e pode solicitar apenas quando precisar. Mais prático impossível, né? </p><p> Os serviços adicionais são: estacionamento, lavanderia coletiva, salas de reunião privativas, arrumação de quarto, faxina completa e troca de enxoval. 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