Sustainable Packaging Summit 2024 on-demand | MEMBERSHIP | Packaging Europe

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id="agenda-title_3042" class="htmlContent"><div class="sleeve"> <h1 style="text-align: center; font-weight: normal; letter-spacing: .125rem; text-transform: uppercase; color: #fff;">AGENDA</h1> </div></div></div> </div> </div> <div class="twoColumns"> <div class="columnContainer"> <div class="column columnOne"> <div id="day-one_3043" class="htmlContent"><div class="sleeve"> <h2 style="text-align: center; font-weight: normal; letter-spacing: .125rem; text-transform: uppercase; color: #fff;">Strategy Stage – 12th November</h2> <button class="wv-accordion accordion-light-grey" style="background-color: #1a9cd8; color: #fff;">08:45 - 09:05&nbsp;CET – Mapping the sustainability challenge</button> <div class="wv-panel"> <p>Leading voices contextualize the discussions of the next two days by assessing progress in packaging sustainability, our fundamental business, regulatory and innovation challenges, and how they interconnect.</p> </div> <button class="wv-accordion accordion-light-grey" style="background-color: #1a9cd8; color: #fff;">09:05 - 09:25&nbsp;CET –&nbsp;Virginie Helias keynote</button> <div class="wv-panel"> <p>Join Virginie Helias, Chief Sustainability Officer at P&amp;G, to learn how she’s leading the company’s sustainability strategy to unlock more worth from packaging materials long after their first use. From innovative solutions that solve consumer needs to cross-industry collaborations that help scale new packaging solutions, she’ll share how this strategy comes to life through best-in-class brand examples and why it’s important to improve the sustainability profile at every stage of the packaging process - not just at end of life.</p> </div> <button class="wv-accordion accordion-light-grey" style="background-color: #1a9cd8; color: #fff;">09:40 - 10:45&nbsp;CET –&nbsp;Maintaining momentum</button> <div class="wv-panel"> <p>Will brands opt for greener packaging when consumer budgets are under pressure, and what’s the outlook for infrastructure investment when interest rates are rocketing? Industry is challenged with accelerating progress on environmental impacts at a time when some brands have acknowledged that they cannot meet their 2025 goals. In the face of economic headwinds, systemic barriers and preoccupation in some sectors with seismic mergers, we explore business perspectives on how to maintain and build momentum.</p> </div> <button class="wv-accordion accordion-light-grey" style="background-color: #1a9cd8; color: #fff;">11:15 - 12:15&nbsp;CET –&nbsp;The reporting headache</button> <div class="wv-panel"> <p>The elephant in the room. Looming reporting requirements – associated with new regulation, EU taxonomy, and science-based targets – present a severe headache for business. In this session, we explain how data hygiene, harmonized standards, and common data sets are crucial to meeting obligations – and cleaning up your internal mess.</p> </div> <button class="wv-accordion accordion-light-grey" style="background-color: #1a9cd8; color: #fff;">13:15 - 13:35&nbsp;CET –&nbsp;Tom Szaky: Creating competitive advantage through business model innovations on waste and packaging end-of-life</button> <div class="wv-panel"> <p>Tom Szaky, CEO &amp; Founder of TerraCycle &amp; Loop, will share insights and examples of how companies can create competitive advantage through business model innovations on waste and packaging end-of-life, particularity for hard-to-recycle package formats like flexible films, small items, and more. By naming and confronting the ‘elephants in the room’ which may be hindering progress towards achieving corporate commitments and meeting impending regulatory requirements, Tom will share practical tips for how the industry can make meaningful action on recycling, recycled content, and reuse.</p> </div> <button class="wv-accordion accordion-light-grey" style="background-color: #1a9cd8; color: #fff;">13:35 - 15:00&nbsp;CET –&nbsp;Navigating regulatory landscapes</button> <div class="wv-panel"> <p>This is a pivotal year. In Europe, questions surround how PPWR will unfold as we await the impact of elections in addition to a tsunami of secondary legislation that threatens to fragment regulatory demands and damage competitiveness. On the Strategy Stage we bring together business, regulators and EPR perspectives - with Nestlé’s Jodie Roussell, Wolfgang Trunk from the European Commission, EUROPEN’s Francesca Stevens, Joachim Quoden from EXPRA, and moderator Hans van Bochove (Heineken), to explore the challenges raised by regulation, from mandatory targets to reporting requirements, to identify the gaps, and define how we can respond. But we also propose viewing 2024 as an opportunity: if we can lay the strategic foundations for an ambitious path to meet science-based environmental targets, we have a chance to set the course for a decade of growth.</p> </div> <button class="wv-accordion accordion-light-grey" style="background-color: #1a9cd8; color: #fff;">15:00 - 15:15&nbsp;CET –&nbsp;The importance of science-based targets</button> <div class="wv-panel"> <p>&nbsp;</p> </div> </div></div></div> <div class="column columnTwo"> <div id="day-one_3046" class="htmlContent"><div class="sleeve"> <h2 style="text-align: center; font-weight: normal; letter-spacing: .125rem; text-transform: uppercase; color: #fff;">Innovation Stage – 12th November</h2> <button class="wv-accordion accordion-light-grey" style="background-color: #156e98; color: #fff;">09:40 - 10:00&nbsp;CET –&nbsp;Trent Huntington: innovation keynote</button> <div class="wv-panel"> <p>&nbsp;</p> </div> <button class="wv-accordion accordion-light-grey" style="background-color: #156e98; color: #fff;">10:00 - 10:15&nbsp;CET –&nbsp;The world is just a thought away: David Katz keynote</button> <div class="wv-panel"> <p>What if the only thing standing between what is and what can be is a single thought?</p> <p>In this session, David Katz, Founder and CEO of Plastic Bank, invites the audience to shift their approach from sustainability to prosperity, and experience the transformative power of thought in reshaping our reality.</p> <p>David will share practical strategies for redefining success by cultivating a prosperity mindset within organisations. This holistic approach empowers businesses to grow while protecting the environment and uplifting underserved communities. He will demonstrate how entrepreneurs can create lasting value for all their stakeholders by broadening their focus from profit-seeking to prosperity-sharing.</p> <p>Be inspired to lead with intentionality and bring exponential prosperity to people, the planet, and your business.</p> </div> <button class="wv-accordion accordion-light-grey" style="background-color: #156e98; color: #fff;">10:15 - 10:45&nbsp;CET –&nbsp;Fresh approaches to collaboration</button> <div class="wv-panel"> <p>&nbsp;</p> </div> <button class="wv-accordion accordion-light-grey" style="background-color: #156e98; color: #fff;">11:15 - 12:15&nbsp;CET –&nbsp;HORIZON projects</button> <div class="wv-panel"> <p>&nbsp;</p> </div> <button class="wv-accordion accordion-light-grey" style="background-color: #156e98; color: #fff;">13:15 - 15:15&nbsp;CET –&nbsp;Start-up pitches</button> <div class="wv-panel"> <p>Glimpse the innovation horizon with a curated selection of exciting packaging sustainability start-ups in expansion phase.</p> </div> <button class="wv-accordion accordion-light-grey" style="background-color: #156e98; color: #fff;">15:45 - 17:30&nbsp;CET –&nbsp;Opportunities in renewables</button> <div class="wv-panel"> <p>&nbsp;</p> </div> </div></div></div> </div> </div> <div class="twoColumns"> <div class="columnContainer"> <div class="column columnOne"> <div id="day-one_3049" class="htmlContent"><div class="sleeve"> <h2 style="text-align: center; font-weight: normal; letter-spacing: .125rem; text-transform: uppercase; color: #fff;">Strategy Stage – 13th November</h2> <button class="wv-accordion accordion-light-grey" style="background-color: #1a9cd8; color: #fff;">08:45 - 09:05&nbsp;CET –&nbsp;Necessity is the cause of invention: Louis Lindenberg keynote</button> <div class="wv-panel"> <p>A wake-up call to begin day 2 of the Summit. In Europe we have the upcoming PPWR which sets out the clear targets that need to be achieved. Meanwhile, we have a recycling industry in turmoil as the price of virgin is low and brand owners and retailers don’t want to pay those kinds of prices, which sets us on a course for Armageddon. Louis Lindenberg, who supports numerous international packaging sustainability initiatives after stepping down after over a decade as Unilever’s global packaging sustainability director, argues that to avoid trouble, the whole value chain must pull together (without waiting until the regulations have been fully adopted): working backwards (creating a demand) and working forward (designing for recycling). In between, we need to develop collection and sorting, as well as mechanical – physical – chemical recycling, which can meet the market’s requirements. We cannot afford to procrastinate!</p> </div> <button class="wv-accordion accordion-light-grey" style="background-color: #1a9cd8; color: #fff;">09:05 - 10:15&nbsp;CET –&nbsp;Global supply chains for circular plastics</button> <div class="wv-panel"> <p>On the backdrop of INC-5, the latest instalment of negotiations in the UN Plastics Treaty, we explore not just the global regulatory levers, but the practical actions that stakeholders can collectively take to help develop supply chains and markets for circular plastics.</p> </div> <button class="wv-accordion accordion-light-grey" style="background-color: #1a9cd8; color: #fff;">10:45 - 12:00&nbsp;CET –&nbsp;The paper opportunity</button> <div class="wv-panel"> <p>Paper-based and bio-based alternatives are popular with consumers. We explore the environmental considerations around switching to a renewable packaging material, and the barriers and opportunities confronting the renewable-based businesses.</p> </div> <button class="wv-accordion accordion-light-grey" style="background-color: #1a9cd8; color: #fff;">13:00 - 14:15&nbsp;CET –&nbsp;Reuse consortiums</button> <div class="wv-panel"> <p>The gear-shift from innovation to bringing change at scale is crucial to achieving our sustainability goals and meeting our regulatory obligations. This applies especially to the context of reusable packaging, where we have seen many impressive pilot schemes, but volumes lag way behind the levels necessary to eliminate plastic waste. The Sustainable Packaging Summit will address this challenge with a strategic panel discussion exploring how we can create the conditions in which consortiums driving reuse can flourish. Featuring Holly Nelson (Unilever), Emmanuelle Bautista (CITEO), Amy Larkin (PR3), Feng Wang (UN Environment Programme), Mirjam Karmiggelt (GS1), and Noam Assael (Avery Dennison), we assess the respective roles that can be played by governance, international standards and EPR – as well as learnings from value chain collaborators on the keys to growth.</p> </div> <button class="wv-accordion accordion-light-grey" style="background-color: #1a9cd8; color: #fff;">14:15 - 15:00&nbsp;CET –&nbsp;HolyGrail 2.0: What’s the future of digital watermarks?</button> <div class="wv-panel"> <p>As the cross-value chain project HolyGrail 2.0 approaches its final stages of R&amp;D testing, some of the stakeholders take a look at the achievements, and unveil the exciting initiatives and opportunities ahead.</p> </div> <button class="wv-accordion accordion-light-grey" style="background-color: #1a9cd8; color: #fff;">15:30 - 16:30&nbsp;CET –&nbsp;Downstream alignment on scalable circular solutions</button> <div class="wv-panel"> <p>Brands and retailers are under pressure to meet mandatory targets for recycled content in packaging materials – while also complying with regulation governing contact-sensitive applications. There’s an urgent need for pre-competitive alignment to identify and nurture scalable solutions. Holly Nelson (Unilever), Hannah Drew (Aldi South Group), Alexander-Christian Root (PreZero), Feliks Bezati (Mars) and Filipe Vieira de Castro (Veolia CIRCPACK) search for pathways to this goal.</p> </div> </div></div></div> <div class="column columnTwo"> <div id="day-one_3050" class="htmlContent"><div class="sleeve"> <h2 style="text-align: center; font-weight: normal; letter-spacing: .125rem; text-transform: uppercase; color: #fff;">Innovation Stage – 13th November</h2> <button class="wv-accordion accordion-light-grey" style="background-color: #156e98; color: #fff;">08:45 - 09:30&nbsp;CET –&nbsp;Keynotes</button> <div class="wv-panel"> <p>&nbsp;</p> </div> <button class="wv-accordion accordion-light-grey" style="background-color: #156e98; color: #fff;">09:30 - 10:15&nbsp;CET –&nbsp;Labelling</button> <div class="wv-panel"> <p>&nbsp;</p> </div> <button class="wv-accordion accordion-light-grey" style="background-color: #156e98; color: #fff;">10:45 - 12:00&nbsp;CET –&nbsp;Digitization and AI</button> <div class="wv-panel"> <p>In what ways can Artificial Intelligence and digital technologies support our packaging sustainability mission? Speakers will explore applications of AI, from improving environmental benchmarking to explaining how it can improve the accuracy of waste sorting. Featuring Patrick van Baal (Perfect Sorting Consortium), Michael Nieuwesteeg (NVC), Jan Somers (GS1), and Judy Moon (Digimarc) with Florian Constabel (Wipak)</p> </div> <button class="wv-accordion accordion-light-grey" style="background-color: #156e98; color: #fff;">13:00 - 13:30&nbsp;CET –&nbsp;P&amp;G: Unlocking sustainable solutions through industry partnerships</button> <div class="wv-panel"> <p>In this session, Gian De Belder will start with a brief description of the 5 pillar model and how to drive circularity in packaging. This will be followed by a series of examples of recent Industry Partnerships in packaging, including LAZRmark and Dow and P&amp;G’s development of dissolution recycling, that are crucial to driving progress. At the end he will discuss the requirements for making such partnerships successful.</p> </div> <button class="wv-accordion accordion-light-grey" style="background-color: #156e98; color: #fff;">13:30 - 15:00&nbsp;CET – Circular plastics</button> <div class="wv-panel"> <p>&nbsp;</p> </div> <button class="wv-accordion accordion-light-grey" style="background-color: #156e98; color: #fff;">15:30 - 16:15&nbsp;CET –&nbsp;Sustainability in the supply chain</button> <div class="wv-panel"> <p>&nbsp;</p> </div> <button class="wv-accordion accordion-light-grey" style="background-color: #156e98; color: #fff;">16:15 - 16:45&nbsp;CET –&nbsp;Circular pharmaceuticals</button> <div class="wv-panel"> <p>How do we achieve circularity in pharmaceutical packaging that also has to meet the most stringent of safety demands? There is a significant gulf that exists between companies that acknowledge and reference the need for collaboration, and those that are pro-actively collaborating with their peers and their competitors across an industry.</p> <p>Honeywell &amp; Chiesi are founding members of CiPPPA, a pre-competitive multi stakeholder collaborative addressing the End of Life for hard to recycle pharmaceutical packaging formats. During this discussion Harriet and Duncan will discuss how CiPPPA works, how they’ve overcome some of the challenges in setting up such an initiative, and what pre-competitive collaboration looks like.</p> </div> </div></div></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="columns" class="container"> <div id="colwrapper" class="inner-sleeve"> <div id="colmain"> <div id="content"> <div id="content_sleeve"> <div id="main" class="area"> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="rightcolumn" class="fluidrightcolumn rightcolumn"> <div id="rightcolumn_sleeve"> <div id="mainright" class="area"> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="container"> <div class="inner-sleeve"> <div id="foot" class="area"> </div> </div> </div> <div class="footer_ad"> <div class="footer_ad_strip"> <div class="ad"> </div> </div> </div> <div id="footer" class="footer" role="contentinfo"> <div class="container footerTopNavPageText"> <div class="inner-sleeve"> <div class="nav topNav"><ul><li class="first"><a href="">Topics</a></li><li class=""><a href="">Sections</a></li><li class=""><a href="">Events</a></li><li class="last"><a href="">Subscribe</a></li></ul></div><div class="footerSocial"> <ul> <!--li class="footerSocialFacebook"> <a href="#" title="Connect with us on Facebook">Connect with us on Facebook</a> </li>--> <li class="footerSocialTwitter" title="Connect with us on Twitter"> <a href="">Connect with us on Twitter</a> </li> <li class="footerSocialLinkedin" title="Connect with us on Linked In"> <a href="">Connect with us on Linked in</a> </li> <!--li class="footerSocialEmail" title="Email us"> <a href="#">Email us</a> </li>--> <li class="footerSocialYoutube" title="Connect with us on Youtube"> <a href="">Connect with us on Youtube</a> </li> <!--li class="footerSocialInstagram" title="Connect with us on Instagram"> <a href="#">Connect with us on Instagram</a> </li>--> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <div class="container bottomNav"><div class="inner-sleeve"><ul><li class="first"><a href="">About Us</a></li><li><a href="">Submissions</a></li><li><a href="">Contact us</a></li><li><a href="">Magazine</a></li><li><a href="">Media Pack</a></li><li><a href="">Terms & Conditions</a></li><li><a href="" class="newWindow">Privacy Policy</a></li><li class="last">© 2024 Packaging Europe Ltd</li></ul></div></div> <div class="bottom"> <div class="container footerBottomNavPageText"> <div class="inner-sleeve"> <p class="webvision">Site powered by <a href="">Webvision Cloud</a></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <script src="/Magazine/core.js?p=7513768168161844" defer></script> <script> $(function(){ $('.videoblock iframe').attr('scrolling', 'auto'); 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