Code of Conduct : Doosan Group | Doosan Corporation
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href="/en/intro/affiliates/?menu=auxiliary-organizations"> <span>Doosan Business Research Institute</span> </a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!--//search_rm--> <div id="CSR" class="container subNavi_csr_csr-code"> <div id="SUB_KEYVISUAL"> <div class="kv_inner"> <div id="TOP_KEYVISUAL" class="section gu_sub_top v2"> <div class="sec_inner"> <h1 class="kr_sd_700">Code of Conduct</h1> </div> <div class="kv_img_box"> <div class="kv_img_area"></div> </div> </div> <div id="INDICATOR"> <div class="indicator_inner kr_sd_400"> <a href="/en"> <span>Home</span> </a> <a href="/en/csr/about-csr/?menu=csr-strategy"> <span>CSR</span> </a> <a class="on" href="/en/csr/csr-code/?menu=code-of-conduct"> <span>Code of Conduct</span> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="SUB_WRAPPER" class="section"> <div id="CSR_TAB" class="gu_tab_depth3"> <ul> <li class="on li_message-from-the-chiarman" data-parameter="message-from-the-chiarman"> <a href="/en/csr/csr-code/?menu=message-from-the-chiarman">A message from the Chairman</a> </li> <li class="li_code-of-conduct" data-parameter="code-of-conduct"> <a href="/en/csr/csr-code/?menu=code-of-conduct">Doosan Code of Conduct</a></li> <li class="li_cyber-report" data-parameter="cyber-report"> <a href="/en/csr/csr-code/?menu=cyber-report">Whistle Blowing Center</a> </li> </ul> </div> <div id="CSR_CONTENTS"> <div id="MESSEGE_FROM_THE_CHAIRMAN" class="csr_page gu_contents_depth3 on"> <div class="gu_contents_wrap"> <div class="gu_grid gu_grid_sm"> <div class="sec_top code_of_conduct_inner"> <div class="title_section"> <p class="title_desc">The Doosan Credo encompasses our philosophy about people and business which we have developed for over a hundred years. By putting the Credo into action, we now prepare for the next hundred years to come.</p> <div class="desc">As global economic environments and social paradigms are changing at a rapid pace, more emphasis is put on corporate integrity, transparency, respect for our customers, fair business practices with our partners, and commitment to the development of our communities. The Doosan Code of Conduct is firmly anchored in the Doosan Credo and is designed to serve as the guiding principles for all of us at Doosan Corporation and its subsidiaries worldwide. All of us should keep the values in the Code of Conduct close to our hearts and follow the Code at all times. In today’s world, even one person’s misconduct can have a significantly negative impact on the company’s reputation and credibility, which have been built over the course of our long history. In this regard, it is essential that all of us understand and comply with our Code of Conduct. In addition, if you are aware of a violation of the Code of Conduct or applicable laws, it is your obligation to speak up or, where allowed under applicable laws, make a report through our whistleblowing systems. It is everyone’s duty to protect Doosan’s integrity, which is indispensable to realizing our vision for the future as well as carrying out our social responsibility. <br><br>Thank you for embracing the Code of Conduct and making it a part of your life at Doosan. With our commitment to thinking about and doing what is right, I have no doubt that we will be successful in building a proud Doosan which will enhance the quality and value of our world for many generations to come.</div> <div class="charimain">Chairman and CEO of the Doosan Group</div> <div class="name en_plain_r">Jeongwon Park</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="CODE_OF_CONDUCT" class="csr_page gu_contents_depth3"> <div class="gu_contents_wrap"> <div class="gu_grid gu_grid_sm"> <div class="sec_top code_of_conduct_inner"> <div class="title_section"> <p class="title kr_sd_700">Introduction</p> <p class="title_desc kr_sd_500">Doosan is committed to improving competitiveness and fulfilling its corporate social responsibilities through Inhwa, customer-focused business philosophy, transparent business operations and innovation, thereby fostering Doosan’s continuous growth. To this end, we adopt and implement the Doosan Code of Conduct as our guiding principles.</p> <div class="desc kr_sd_400">The Doosan Code of Conduct (the “Code”) applies to all directors, officers, and employees (“employees”) of Doosan Corporation <br/>and its subsidiaries and affiliates (collectively, “Doosan” and individually, the “Company”). Third parties working with Doosan are also encouraged to comply with the Code. <br/><br/>This Code is intended to provide a broad ethical framework for guiding employees’ conduct. It is not meant to encompass all possible situations we may encounter. Thus, each Company will provide supplementary policies aimed at providing guidance in specific areas, which can be found on the Company’s intranet or obtained from the Company’s Legal Department. <br/><br/>All employees are responsible for understanding and complying with the Code and applicable supplementary policies. They are also expected to comply with all applicable laws. To the extent any provision of this Code or supplementary policies conflict with applicable laws, the latter shall take precedence. <br/><br/>Doosan takes seriously any violations of the Code, supplementary policies and applicable laws. If you believe that such violations have occurred, you should report them in accordance with the procedure established by the Company. The Company will take every reasonable precaution to protect your anonymity if you choose to remain anonymous. Any form of retaliation against employees for their reporting such violations in good faith is strictly prohibited.</div> <p class="main_img"> <img src="/images/csr/csr-code/csr-code_diagram.en.png" class="desktop en" alt="Doosan Code of Conduct Image - Integrity and Transparency, Fair Competition, Focus on Our Customers, Innovation, Growth, Community Development, Safety and Environment, Inhwa"> <img src="/images/csr/csr-code/t_csr-code_diagram.en.png" class="tablet en" alt="Doosan Code of Conduct Image - Integrity and Transparency, Fair Competition, Focus on Our Customers, Innovation, Growth, Community Development, Safety and Environment, Inhwa"> <img src="/images/csr/csr-code/m_csr-code_diagram.en.png" class="mobile en" alt="Doosan Code of Conduct Image - Integrity and Transparency, Fair Competition, Focus on Our Customers, Innovation, Growth, Community Development, Safety and Environment, Inhwa"> </p> </div> </div> <div class="sec_middle content_section"> <div class="list_wrap "> <div class="list middle_box1"> <div class="left gu_left_grid"> <p class="list_title gu_title kr_sd_700"><i>Inhwa</i></p> <p class="list_sub_title kr_sd_500">Respect, Teamwork and Openness</p> </div> <div class="right gu_right_grid"> <p class="desc_title kr_sd_500">Our people are at the heart of our growth and success. We recognize individual differences and treat each other with respect. We define “Inhwa” as teamwork in the truest sense based on fairness, openness and camaraderie.</p> <div class="text kr_sd_400 testnse"> <p><span>We are unreservedly committed to the principle of non-discrimination with respect to race, color, gender, age, disability, religion, ideology, political opinion, nationality, ethnicity, health, physical appearance, sexual orientation, education and social, family or marital status.</span><span>Words and conduct detrimental to Inhwa, including offensive remarks, verbal and physical abuse, and sexual harassment, have no place at our workplace.</span><span>The fairness, transparent criteria and sound principles provide guidance on how we hire, evaluate, develop, and promote our people.</span><span>We create and foster an environment of open communication where everyone is encouraged to share reasoned ideas and good-faith opinions.</span><span>We pursue solid teamwork based on fairness and warmth. We treat one another in accordance with fair and equitable standards and principles.</span></p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="list middle_box2"> <div class="left gu_left_grid"> <p class="list_title gu_title kr_sd_700">Integrity and Transparency</p> </div> <div class="right gu_right_grid"> <p class="desc_title kr_sd_500">Integrity and transparency must be applied to every aspect of Doosan’s organization and business.</p> <div class="text kr_sd_400"> <p><span>We must not, directly or indirectly, offer, give, promise to give, receive, agree to receive, or request improper financial or other advantage (including gifts, meals, and entertainment) in our dealings with public officials and individuals in the private sector.</span><span>We must ensure the integrity and accuracy of our business and financial records, consistent with applicable laws, accounting principles and our supplementary policies.</span><span>We must provide material information to our investors in a truthful, reliable and timely manner consistent with applicable laws.</span><span>We must not act in any manner that creates, or appears to create, a conflict between Doosan’s interests and our personal interests. We must not engage in any activities, including activities outside of our employment, which may undermine Doosan’s interests and reputation.</span><span>We must not use, or provide anyone with, inside, non-public information of Doosan for personal benefit or for the benefit of anyone other than the Company. We must not trade, or facilitate another person’s trade, in Doosan’s, or any other company’s, securities based on any inside, non-public information.</span><span>We must safeguard Doosan’s assets from loss, damage, theft, misuse and abuse.</span><span class="USContent">Doosan observes the laws, regulations, and internationally applicable standards related to the prevention of corruption and bribery.</span><span class="nonUSContent">Doosan observes the laws, regulations, and internationally applicable standards related to the prevention of corruption and bribery.</span><span class="nonUSContent">Doosan’s assets may be used only for proper business purposes and for the benefit of the Company. We make sure that such assets and properties are not utilized for political purposes or for the benefit of individuals, private parties, or third parties.</span><span class="USContent">Doosan’s assets must be used only for proper business purposes and for the benefit of the Company.</span><span>We must protect Doosan’s confidential or proprietary information and must not share it with any third party without the Company’s permission.</span><span>We must safeguard the security and confidentiality of personal information in Doosan’s possession in accordance with applicable laws.</span></p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="list middle_box3"> <div class="left gu_left_grid"> <p class="list_title gu_title kr_sd_700">Fair Competition</p> </div> <div class="right gu_right_grid"> <p class="desc_title kr_sd_500">Doosan competes fairly. Doosan is committed to complying with relevant antitrust and competition laws and regulations where it conducts business.</p> <div class="text kr_sd_400"> <p><span>We value our suppliers, contractors and distributors as our business partners, and strive to build trusting relationships with them for mutual growth.</span><span>Doosan is committed to conducting business in ways that do not restrict fair and free competition. We must not unfairly restrict competition by agreeing with, or exchanging information or opinions with, our competitors regarding prices, types and standards of the products and services, supply levels, markets and territories, customers, suppliers, distributors, terms and conditions of transactions, and bidding conditions and methods.</span><span>We must not use Doosan’s dominant market position to exert undue influence on those who deal with us.</span></p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="list middle_box4"> <div class="left gu_left_grid"> <p class="list_title gu_title kr_sd_700">Focus on Our Customers, Innovation, Growth</p> </div> <div class="right gu_right_grid"> <p class="desc_title kr_sd_500">Our customers are the reason we exist. Our business decisions and activities are thoroughly customer-focused.</p> <div class="text kr_sd_400"> <p><span>We are driven to offer our customers the best value by understanding and satisfying their needs. We will listen to our customers and treat them fairly and respectfully.</span><span>We will provide our customers with truthful information about our products and services.</span></p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="list middle_box5"> <div class="left gu_left_grid"> <p class="list_title gu_title kr_sd_700">Innovation & Growth</p> </div> <div class="right gu_right_grid"> <p class="desc_title kr_sd_500">We pursue sustainable growth through continuous innovation.</p> <div class="text kr_sd_400"> <p><span>We are committed to continuously improving our technologies, products, services, processes and systems. To this end, we will actively pursue new and diverse technologies, knowledge, ideas, and information.</span><span>We will constantly set new and challenging goals, thereby improving our individual capabilities and sustaining Doosan’s growth.</span></p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="list middle_box6"> <div class="left gu_left_grid"> <p class="list_title gu_title kr_sd_700">Community Development, <br/>Safety and Environment</p> </div> <div class="right gu_right_grid"> <p class="desc_title kr_sd_500">We are committed to building Doosan as a trusted company that grows with our community. As responsible members of our communities, it is our duty to safeguard the life and safety of everyone in our communities and protect the environment.</p> <div class="text kr_sd_400"> <p><span class="nonUSContent">Doosan takes corporate social responsibility seriously. We will contribute to the development of our community through carrying out our corporate activities and actively fulfilling our corporate social responsibilities while being transparent with our efforts.</span><span class="USContent">Doosan takes corporate social responsibility seriously. We will contribute to the development of our community through carrying out our corporate activities and actively fulfilling our corporate social responsibilities while being transparent with our efforts.</span><span>Doosan is dedicated to maintaining safe working environments and complying with all applicable environmental, health, and safety standards and regulations.</span><span>We are committed to the health and safety of our people, our customers, and the members of our communities in all aspects of our business, including product development, manufacturing and sales activities.</span><span>We are committed to achieving environmentally-friendly growth by actively improving our technology and pursuing innovation.</span></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="gu_btn_big_box gu_btn_down"> <a href="/download/csr/csr-code/Code-of-Conduct-en-global-2020rev.pdf" target="_blank" class="kr_sd_500 nonUSContent" download style="display:none" data-type="pdf" data-category="CSR" data-language="en" data-name="Doosan Code of Conduct"> <span>Doosan Code of Conduct</span> </a> <a href="/download/csr/csr-code/Code-of-Conduct-en-USA-2020rev.pdf" target="_blank" class="kr_sd_500 USContent" download style="display:none" data-type="pdf" data-category="CSR" data-language="en" data-name="Doosan Code of Conduct"> <span>Doosan Code of Conduct</span> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="CYBER_REPORT" class="csr_page gu_contents_depth3"> <div class="gu_contents_wrap"> <div class="gu_grid gu_grid_sm"> <div class="left_section gu_left_grid"> <div class="kr_sd_700 gu_title">Operational Policy</div> </div> <div class="gu_right_grid"> <ul class="right_section"> <li class="right_list kr_sd_500 fclear"><span class="en_plain_r num">01</span><span>The Doosan Whistle Blowing Center is open to all Doosan employees and to the public, and enables anyone to report possible violations of applicable laws and internal policies, including the Doosan Credo and the Doosan Code of Conduct.</span></li> <li class="right_list kr_sd_500 fclear"><span class="en_plain_r num">02</span><span>Whistleblowing reports may be submitted anonymously or non-anonymously. However, the Company may not investigate anonymous reports which are not supported by concrete evidence.</span></li> <li class="right_list kr_sd_500 fclear"><span class="en_plain_r num">03</span><span>The identity of the whistleblower and the contents of the report will be kept confidential. The Company prohibits any retaliation against employees for submitting reports in good faith.</span></li> <li class="right_list kr_sd_500 fclear"><span class="en_plain_r num">04</span><span>The Doosan Operational Rules of the Whistleblowing System apply to the whistleblowing reports submitted by employees of Doosan. These Rules are available on the Company’s intranet or can be obtained from the Company’s designated whistleblowing department.</span></li> <li class="right_list kr_sd_500 fclear"><span class="en_plain_r num">05</span><span>In addition to this online whistleblowing system, the Company accepts whistleblowing reports via various channels, including mail, telephone, fax, e-mail and meetings with the designated whistleblowing department.</span></li> </ul> </div> <div class="gu_btn_big_box gu_btn_arrow "> <a href="" target="_blank" class="kr_sd_500" title="View a new window"> <span>Whistle Blowing Center</span> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!--search_rm--> <div id="FOOTER"> <div class="btn_top"> <a href="javascript:" title="상단으로"> <img src="/images/common/btn_top.svg" class="btn_ver_b" alt="상단으로"> <img src="/images/common/btn_top_w.svg" class="btn_ver_w" alt="상단으로"> </a> </div> <div class="footer_inner fclear"> <div class="logo_area"> <a class="logo" href="/en"> <img src="/images/common/CI_new_footer.png" alt="Doosan"> </a> </div> <div class="copyright">© 2020 Doosan Corporation.</div> <div class="footer_menu"> <ul> <li class="f_menu1"> <a class="kr_sd_500" href="/en/contact-us/?menu=doosan-Companies">Contact Us</a> </li> <li class=""> <a class="kr_sd_500" href="/en/network">Global Network</a> </li> <li class="f_menu1"> <a class="kr_sd_500" href="/en/legal/">Legal</a> </li> <li class="f_menu2"> <a class="kr_sd_500" href="/en/terms/">Terms</a> </li> <li class="f_menu3"> <a class="kr_sd_700 privacy" href="/en/privacy/">Privacy</a> </li> <li class="f_menu3"> <a class="kr_sd_500" href="/en/sitemap/">Sitemap</a> </ul> </div> <div class="youtube_area"> <a href="" target="_blank" title="View a new window"> <img src="/images/common/ico_youtube_red.png" alt="YouTube"> </a> </div> </div> </div> <!--//search_rm--> <script type="text/javascript"> var g_lnbImgUrl = '/images/main/lnb_bg/'; </script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/js/vendor/jquery.nanoscroller.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/js/common.js"></script> <script> CommonJs.dateForm(); </script> <script src="/js/csr/csr-code.js"></script> <script src="/js/csr/csr-code.en.js"></script> </body> </html>