Insights and data analytics | BlockMark Registry Support
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created-at="2023-08-05T17:25:14.955Z" updated-at="2024-07-02T09:34:30.574Z" author-name="Adrian Burden" :author-id="1" editor="markdown" :is-published="true" toc="W3sidGl0bGUiOiJJbnNpZ2h0cyAmIEFuYWx5dGljcyIsImFuY2hvciI6IiNpbnNpZ2h0cy1hbmFseXRpY3MiLCJjaGlsZHJlbiI6W119XQ==" :page-id="32" 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nav-mode="MIXED" effective-permissions="eyJjb21tZW50cyI6eyJyZWFkIjpmYWxzZSwid3JpdGUiOmZhbHNlLCJtYW5hZ2UiOmZhbHNlfSwiaGlzdG9yeSI6eyJyZWFkIjpmYWxzZX0sInNvdXJjZSI6eyJyZWFkIjpmYWxzZX0sInBhZ2VzIjp7InJlYWQiOnRydWUsIndyaXRlIjpmYWxzZSwibWFuYWdlIjpmYWxzZSwiZGVsZXRlIjpmYWxzZSwic2NyaXB0IjpmYWxzZSwic3R5bGUiOmZhbHNlfSwic3lzdGVtIjp7Im1hbmFnZSI6ZmFsc2V9fQ==" edit-shortcuts="eyJlZGl0RmFiIjp0cnVlLCJlZGl0TWVudUJhciI6ZmFsc2UsImVkaXRNZW51QnRuIjp0cnVlLCJlZGl0TWVudUV4dGVybmFsQnRuIjp0cnVlLCJlZGl0TWVudUV4dGVybmFsTmFtZSI6IkdpdEh1YiIsImVkaXRNZW51RXh0ZXJuYWxJY29uIjoibWRpLWdpdGh1YiIsImVkaXRNZW51RXh0ZXJuYWxVcmwiOiJodHRwczovL2dpdGh1Yi5jb20vb3JnL3JlcG8vYmxvYi9tYWluL3tmaWxlbmFtZX0ifQ==" filename="features/"><template slot="contents"><div><h1 class="toc-header" id="insights-analytics"><a href="#insights-analytics" class="toc-anchor">露</a> Insights & Analytics</h1> <p>As a recipient of digital certificates, you are able to view applicable data about how your credentials are performing. This includes certificates received in a personal capacity or on behalf of an organisation you are representing.</p> <p>If your organisation is an issuer of digital certificates, you are able to view further applicable data about how your schemes and certificates sent.</p> <p>The system also provides data about your personal (user) profile views, applicable organisation profile views, and product/service card views. Overtime, we hope that this will demonstrate how certificates generate interest and value to your organisation.</p> <p>Switch between your personal and organisation accounts to reach the data applicable to you or your associated organisations:</p> <br> <p align="center"> <img src="/guide/gotopersonalinsights.jpg"> </p><p> <br> <br> </p><p align="center"> <img src="/guide/gotoorginsights.jpg"> </p><p> <br> </p><blockquote class="is-info"> <p>Not everyone in your organisation has access to the analytics data. This permission can be set for each user in the organisation accounts area. The Insights & Analytics button will be grey and non-functional for a user without the appropriate permission set for them.</p> </blockquote> <blockquote class="is-success"> <p>The tables in these sections have some preset date ranges (drop down: This month to date, last 31 days, etc) which can be selected. If you'd like a specific date range, like a quarter or straddling a month, you can click on the box showing the dates and select an appropriate range on the calendar that appears.<br> </p> </blockquote> <blockquote class="is-success"> <p>The graphs in this section of the platform can be manipulated using the icons on the top right of the plot. You can zoom in and zoom out (along the time-based x-axis), drag a box over a portion as a new area to zoom into, slide along a zoomed-in area, reset to the start with the home icon, and download the image or data in various file formats. Where multiple categories of data are shown, you can click these on and off by selecting them in the key below the x-axis. The plot then re-adjusts the y-axis to suit the remaining data.</p> </blockquote> <blockquote class="is-warning"> <p>We make reasonable efforts to ensure this data is accurately collected and presented, and highlight some of the scope and limitations below. However, we do not warrant the data for its accuracy or completeness, so you should not rely on it for critical situations or commercially-valuable decisions.</p> </blockquote> <blockquote class="is-warning"> <p><a class="is-internal-link is-valid-page" href="/certificates/issuing#Testing">Test/demo certificates</a> are included in the analytics data so that that you can see them working and contributing to the appropriate datasets and graphs. When you delete a test certificate, the data will no longer be included. Therefore, it is recommended that you delete your test certificates before using the analytics data for reports about official certificates, etc.</p> </blockquote> <br> <h3 class="toc-header" id="user-insights"><a href="#user-insights" class="toc-anchor">露</a> User insights</h3> <p>Your personal (user) insights page currently shows headline statistics and a graph.</p> <ul> <li><strong>User profile views:</strong> total number of times your <a class="is-internal-link is-valid-page" href="/guide/profiles#personal-profiles">personal profile</a> page has been displayed during the selected time period. This will include any views by yourself. This category of data has been collected since 6th November 2023.</li> </ul> <br> <p>The '<strong>User profile views</strong>' line graph provides a plot of the number of views your personal profile page has had against time. The total (by appending earlier months' data) will equal the summary total in the headline statistics, but collection of this category of data only goes back to 6th November 2023.</p> <br> <h3 class="toc-header" id="organisation-insights"><a href="#organisation-insights" class="toc-anchor">露</a> Organisation insights</h3> <p>The organisation insights page includes headline statistics and two graphs.</p> <ul> <li> <p><strong>Staff added:</strong> number of users added to your organisation as listed in the organisation accounts area during the selected time period. This total does not include those that have been invited but not yet joined, those pending acceptance, or those that have been dismissed.</p> </li> <li> <p><strong>Organisation profile views:</strong> total number of times your <a class="is-internal-link is-valid-page" href="/guide/profiles#organisation-profiles">organisation profile</a> page has been displayed during the selected time period. This will include any views by yourself or your colleagues. This category of data has been collected since 6th November 2023.</p> </li> <li> <p><strong>Products added:</strong> number of <a class="is-internal-link is-valid-page" href="/guide/organisations/productservicecards">product and service cards</a> that are visible (active) during the selected time period. This does not include any that are hidden or deleted.</p> </li> <li> <p><strong>Product clicks:</strong> total number of 'link' button clicks on your <a class="is-internal-link is-valid-page" href="/guide/organisations/productservicecards">product and service cards</a> during the selected time period. This will include any clicks by yourself or your colleagues. This category of data has been collected since 3rd November 2023.</p> </li> </ul> <br> <p>The '<strong>Organisation profile views</strong>' line graph provides a plot of the number of views your <a class="is-internal-link is-valid-page" href="/guide/profiles#organisation-profiles">organisation profile</a> page has had against time. This data is useful to show how often your organisation's information (certification schemes, received certificates, products and services card, staff credentials, etc) are being displayed. The total (by appending earlier months' data) will equal the summary total in the headline statistics, but collection of this category of data only goes back to 6th November 2023.</p> <p>The '<strong>Product clicks</strong>' bar chart shows instances when your <a class="is-internal-link is-valid-page" href="/guide/organisations/productservicecards">product and service cards</a> have been clicked. These are colour-coded based on the different cards you have displayed. This data is useful to show how often your organisation's product and service offerings are generating interest and referring visitors to your website. The total will equal the summary total in the headline statistics, but collection of this category of data only goes back to 3rd November 2023.</p> <br> <h3 class="toc-header" id="received-certificates-insights"><a href="#received-certificates-insights" class="toc-anchor">露</a> Received certificates insights</h3> <p>The received certificates insights page includes headline statistics, two graphs and a league table.</p> <blockquote class="is-info"> <p>This page is available to you in your personal account and, if you have appropriate permissions, any organisation account(s) you are associated with. As such, the data will either be about your personal certificates or the organisation's certificates of the account you have switched to.</p> </blockquote> <ul> <li> <p><strong>Valid certificates added:</strong> the total current number of certificates you / your organisation has received that are still active (i.e. not pending, expired, suspended or revoked) during the selected time period.</p> </li> <li> <p><strong>Certificates received:</strong> the number of certificates you / your organisation has received during the selected time period, including demo (test) certificates and those that are no longer active or valid. If a test/demo certificate is deleted, this will reduce the number shown.</p> </li> <li> <p><strong>Digital certificate views:</strong> total number of times your / your organisation's <a class="is-internal-link is-valid-page" href="/certificates/displaying#certificate-page">digital certificate pages</a> have been displayed during the selected time period. This will include any views by yourself or your colleagues. This category of data has been collected since December 2019.</p> </li> <li> <p><strong>Total inspections:</strong> total number of times your / your organisation's digital certificates have been <a class="is-internal-link is-valid-page" href="/certificates/inspecting">inspected</a> (viewed and their status recorded) during the selected time period. This will include any inspections by yourself or your colleagues. This category of data has been collected since the inspection feature existed.</p> </li> </ul> <br> <p>The '<strong>Viewing activity for received certificates</strong>' line graph provides a plot of viewing activity for your organisation's received certificates against time. The totals of each category (by appending earlier months' data) will equal the summary totals in the applicable headline statistics. This data is useful to show how often your organisation's received certificates and associated badges are being displayed. The lines on the graph are:</p> <ul> <li><strong>Certificate views:</strong> occasions when your organisation's <a class="is-internal-link is-valid-page" href="/certificates/displaying#certificate-page">digital certificate pages</a> have been displayed. This category of data has been collected since December 2019.</li> <li><strong>Certificate inspections:</strong> occasions when someone has <a class="is-internal-link is-valid-page" href="/certificates/inspecting">inspected</a>, and hence recorded, the details of one of your organisation's certificates. This category of data has been collected since the inspection feature existed.</li> <li><strong>Web smart badge view logs</strong>: occasions when one of your organisation's <a class="is-internal-link is-valid-page" href="/certificates/displaying/website_smartbadges">web smart badges</a> has been displayed, for example embedded on your website. This category of data has been collected since January 2020.</li> <li><strong>Email smart badge view logs</strong>: occasions when one of your organisation's <a class="is-internal-link is-valid-page" href="/certificates/displaying/email_smartbadges">email smart badges</a> has been displayed, for example on your or one of your colleague's email signatures. This category of data has been collected since 24th January 2023.</li> </ul> <br> <p>The '<strong>Your certificate views</strong>' bar chart shows instances when your organisation's <a class="is-internal-link is-valid-page" href="/certificates/displaying#certificate-page">digital certificates</a> have been displayed, broken down into one or more relevant <a class="is-internal-link is-valid-page" href="/certificates/schemes">certification schemes</a>. This data is useful to show which certificates and associated certification schemes that your organisation has been certified against are generating the most interest. This category of data has been collected since December 2019.</p> <br> <p>The <strong>League Table</strong> lists the top ten certificates you / your organisation has received based on the ordering in the selected column (number of certificate views or number of certificate inspections) during the selected time period. These columns can be ordered in ascending or descending order, so you can also investigate the 'bottom ten' as well. Links are provided to take you easily to the certification scheme or the actual certificate to which the data applies.</p> <br><div> </div><h3 class="toc-header" id="issued-certificates-insights"><a href="#issued-certificates-insights" class="toc-anchor">露</a> Issued certificates insights</h3> <p>The issued certificates insights page includes headline statistics, three graphs, and a league table.</p> <blockquote class="is-info"> <p>The issued certificates insights page only applies to organisations, as individuals cannot issue certificates.</p> </blockquote> <ul> <li> <p><strong>Certificate schemes added:</strong> the number of <a class="is-internal-link is-valid-page" href="/certificates/schemes">certification schemes</a> your organisation has created during the selected time period.</p> </li> <li> <p><strong>Certificate scheme views:</strong> the number of times that your certification scheme page(s) have been displayed during the selected time period. This category of data has been collected since 6th November 2023.</p> </li> <li> <p><strong>Certificates issued:</strong> the number of certificates your organisation has issued (including test/demo certificates that have not yet been deleted) during the selected time period. If you delete a test certificate, this will reduce the number shown.</p> </li> <li> <p><strong>Digital certificate views:</strong> the number of times certificates that you have issued through one of your organisation's certification schemes have been displayed during the selected time period. This will include any views by yourself, your colleagues, and the recipient. This category of data has been collected since December 2019.</p> </li> <li> <p><strong>Web smart badge usage:</strong> the percentage indicates the proportion of certificates that your organisation has issued that are making use of the <a class="is-internal-link is-valid-page" href="/certificates/displaying/website_smartbadges">web smart badge</a> (where the feature is applicable) during the selected time period. For example, if you have issued 100 certificates and 60 have embedded the associated code on their website, the value will be 60%. This data is useful to monitor the uptake of smart badges by your recipients. This category of data has been collected since 24th January 2023.</p> </li> <li> <p><strong>Email smart badge usage:</strong> the percentage indicates the proportion of certificates that your organisation has issued that are making use of the <a class="is-internal-link is-valid-page" href="/certificates/displaying/email_smartbadges">email smart badge</a> (where the feature is applicable) during the selected time period. For example, if you have issued 50 certificates and 40 have embedded the associated code on their email signature, the value will be 80%. This data is useful to monitor the uptake of smart badges by your recipients. This category of data has been collected since 24th January 2023.</p> </li> <li> <p><strong>Total inspections:</strong> the number of times digital certificates issued through one of your organisation's certification schemes have been <a class="is-internal-link is-valid-page" href="/certificates/inspecting">inspected</a> (viewed and their status recorded) during the selected time period. This will include any inspections by the recipient. This category of data has been collected since the inspection feature existed.</p> </li> </ul> <br> <p>The '<strong>Viewing activity for issued certificates</strong>' line graph provides a plot of viewing activity for certificates issued through one of your organisation's certification schemes against time. The totals of each category (by appending earlier months' data) will equal the summary totals in the applicable headline statistics. This data is useful to show how often your issued certificates and associated badges are being displayed. The lines on the graph are:</p> <ul> <li><strong>Certificate views:</strong> occasions when on of your <a class="is-internal-link is-valid-page" href="/certificates/displaying#certificate-page">digital certificate pages</a> issued through one of your organisation's certification schemes have been displayed. This category of data has been collected since December 2019.</li> <li><strong>Certificate inspections:</strong> occasions when someone has <a class="is-internal-link is-valid-page" href="/certificates/inspecting">inspected</a>, and hence recorded, the details of one of the certificates issued through one of your organisation's certification schemes. This category of data has been collected since the inspection feature existed.</li> <li><strong>Web smart badge displays</strong>: occasions when a <a class="is-internal-link is-valid-page" href="/certificates/displaying/website_smartbadges">web smart badge</a> linked to a certificate issued through one of your organisation's certification schemes has been displayed, for example embedded on a recipient's website. This category of data has been collected since January 2020.</li> <li><strong>Email smart badge displays</strong>: occasions when an <a class="is-internal-link is-valid-page" href="/certificates/displaying/email_smartbadges">email smart badge</a> linked to a certificate issued through one of your organisation's certification schemes has been displayed, for example on a recipient's email signatures. This category of data has been collected since 24th January 2023.</li> </ul> <br> <p>The '<strong>Issued certificates for each certification scheme</strong>' bar chart shows instances when you issued a certificate with the information broken down into one or more relevant <a class="is-internal-link is-valid-page" href="/certificates/schemes">certification schemes</a>. This data is useful to show how often you are issuing certificates and which certification schemes they relate to. This category of data has been collected since December 2019.</p> <br> <p>The '<strong>Certification scheme views</strong>' bar chart shows occasions when your <a class="is-internal-link is-valid-page" href="/certificates/schemes">certification scheme</a> profile pages have been viewed, broken down into each scheme you manage. This data is useful to show how often information about your certification schemes is being sought and which schemes are generating the most interest. This category of data has been collected since 6th November 2023.</p> <br> <p>The <strong>League Table</strong> lists the top ten certificates your organisation has issued based on the ordering in the selected column (number of certificate views or number of certificate inspections) during the selected time period. These columns can be ordered in ascending or descending order, so you can also investigate the 'bottom ten' as well. Links are provided to take you easily to the certification scheme or the actual certificate to which the data applies.</p> <p>The button 'Group by Scheme' also allows you to create the league table based on your <a class="is-internal-link is-valid-page" href="/certificates/schemes">certification schemes</a>.</p> <br><div> </div></div></template><template slot="comments"><div><comments></comments></div></template></page></div></body></html>