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Chair" class="pc"> <img src="img/top_img_01_sp.png" alt="Isao Kubo Sustainability Committee Chair" class="sp"> </p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="illust_wrap"> <div class="illust_01"></div> <div class="illust_02"></div> </div> </div><!-- [ /sustaina-contentarea ] --> <!-- [ sustaina-contentarea ] --> <div class="sustaina-contentarea bg-lightblue bg-curve message-detail"> <div class="contents-inner"> <div class="detail-contents"> <!-- <h2>Based on our Group mission “Space for your Smile,” we will contribute to the sustainability of society, the environment of the earth and the space, and improve corporate value through the practice of sustainability management.</h2> --> <p class="text">Based on the Group's mission and sustainability policy, “Space for your Smile,”the Group promotes sustainability management and aims to contribute to the realization of a prosperous society by working to solve social issues through its business, and to achieve sustainable growth for society and the company.<br> We have clarified the process for achieving this as a value creation story. By leveraging the Group’s various management resources adn which are the source of our competitiveness and pursuiting “Procure, Deliver and and Expand”, we will strengthen and expand our business in line with our management strategy to solve social issues, connect all information and excitement of space and the earth through both the space business and the media business, and deliver smiles to all people.</p> <p class="image pc"><a class="zoom-modal" data-modalwidth="1200" data-modalheight="685" href="img/policy_img_01.png"><img src="img/policy_img_01.png" alt="Sustainability Policy"></a></p> <p class="image sp"><a class="zoom-modal" data-modalwidth="670" data-modalheight="478" href="img/policy_img_01_sp.png"><img src="img/policy_img_01_sp.png" alt="Sustainability Policy"></a></p> <p class="btn-link btn-type-01 btn-l"><a href=""><span>Group Mission</span></a></p> </div> <div class="detail-contents"> <h2>Initiatives to Achieve Materiality</h2> <p class="text">Amid major changes in the global environment and market environment, the business environment surrounding our Group has changed significantly over the past few years. While it is necessary to give due consideration to the impact on the supply chain and stakeholders, such as climate change, environmental issues, and respect for human rights, we see the provision of solutions to emerging social and global issues as a major opportunity.<br>As part of this process, our Group has identified 9 materiality themes that should be addressed as a group that also addresses the SDGs and ESG. Under the materiality themes, we have identified our vision for 2030 and the materiality that represents the actions we will take to achieve it, and have set long-term target and short-term target for each fiscal year.</p> <p class="btn-link btn-type-01 btn-l"><a href=""><span>Materiality</span></a></p> </div> <div class="detail-contents"> <h2>Society: A company where each person can shine</h2> <p class="text">We believe that human capital is extremely important for achieving sustainable growth, and we have positioned it as an indispensable foundation for “Improving profitability in existing businesses”and “Exploring new business domains” in our management strategy. We will focus on two pillars: a human resources strategy that proactively invests human capital in focus areas in both the space and media business segments, and a strengthening of engagement to enable human resources to demonstrate their capabilities.</p> </div> <div class="detail-contents"> <h2>Environment: Living together with the Earth</h2> <p class="text">In response to environmental issues such as climate change, we have announced our support for the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Information (TCFD), established our Basic Environmental Policy and Green Procurement Policy, and are steadily advancing initiatives such as bringing forward our Scope 1 and 2 carbon neutrality targets to the end of f2025.<br>The Group considers responding to climate change to be a major business opportunity. The seeds of new businesses are also growing, such as the utilization of image analysis data from Earth observation satellites (low-orbit satellites) and the development of technology to remove the ever-increasing amount of space debris.</p> </div> <div class="detail-contents"> <h2>Governance: Correct and flexible management</h2> <p class="text">Since we are engaged in the highly public business of communications and broadcasting, we have been striving to ensure and improve the transparency and soundness of our management since our establishment in April 2007. In addition, as a company listed on the Prime Market, we recognize that society requires and expects us to achieve a high level of governance. In order to respond to these needs, we have established a system to realize appropriate business operations, and we are focusing on strengthening cybersecurity, personal information protection, information security systems, etc., as well as developing and operating a risk management system to prepare for risks including climate change. We have been working on respect for human rights for some time, but we have established the Group Human Rights Policy with the aim of fulfilling our responsibility to respect the fundamental human rights of not only our company but also all stakeholders. In the future, we will conduct human rights risk assessments and implement measures as necessary.<br><br>The SKY Perfect JSAT Group will continue to promote sustainability management under our Group mission, “Space for your Smile”, with the aim of making all spaces of the earth, space, and future society filled with smiles.<br><br>We look forward to your continued support.</p> <p class="btn-link btn-type-01 btn-l"><a href="/en/sustainability/esg/"><span>ESG Information</span></a></p> </div> </div> </div><!-- [ /sustaina-contentarea ] --> <!-- [ various-links ] --> <div class="sustaina-contentarea various-links"> <div class="contents-inner"> <h3>Related Links</h3> <div class="contents-highlight-template"> </div> <div class="contents-desc-template" data-contents="esg,library"> </div> <ul class="box-link-wrap"> <li class="box-link image1"><a href=""><p class="image"><img src="/en/sustainability/common/img/img_links_satellite.png" alt="Space Business"></p> <p class="text">Space 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