To be sung every day | I thank God and I am as thrilled | LiederNet

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They are below each translation.</p> <p>Note: You <b>must</b> use the copyright symbol &copy; when you reprint copyright-protected material.</p> </div> <script> function dismissWarning() { document.getElementById('copyright-warning').classList.add('hidden'); } </script> <div id="text-buttons"> <button id="details-btn" onclick="toggleDetails()">Show fewer details</button> <button id="combine-columns" onclick="toggleInterleaved()">Show text and translation together</button> </div> <div id="related-ad-and-text"> <!-- logic for the related ad --> <div id="text-table" class="text-table"> <div id="text-auth" class="auth text-auth"> by <a href="/lieder/get_author_texts.html?AuthorId=542">Matthias Claudius</a> (1740 - 1815)</div> <div id="tr-auth" class="auth tr-auth">Translation 漏 by <a href="/lieder/get_texts.html?ContribId=452">Malcolm Wren</a></div><br> <div id="text-title" class="title text-title">T&auml;glich&nbsp;zu&nbsp;singen</div> <div id="text-lang" class="lang text-lang detail">Language:&ensp;<span class="orig">German&nbsp;(Deutsch)&nbsp;</span></div> <div id="text-trs" class="trs text-trs detail"><span>Our&nbsp;translations:&nbsp; <b class="tr"><a title="Catalan&nbsp;(Catal脿)" class="transbox1" href="/lieder/get_text.html?TextId=123667">CAT</a></b> <b class="singable_tr"><a title="Singable Dutch&nbsp;(Nederlands)" class="transbox1" href="/lieder/get_text.html?TextId=59022">DUT</a></b> <b class="tr"><a title="English" class="transbox1" href="/lieder/get_text.html?TextId=124234">ENG</a></b> <b class="tr"><a title="French&nbsp;(Fran莽ais)" class="transbox1" href="/lieder/get_text.html?TextId=93514">FRE</a></b> <b class="tr"><a title="Italian&nbsp;(Italiano)" class="transbox1" href="/lieder/get_text.html?TextId=59758">ITA</a></b></span></div> <div id="text-prmlinks" class="prm-links text-prmlinks detail"></div> <div id="text-gelinks" class="ge-links text-gelinks detail"></div> <div id="text-admlinks" class="adm-links text-admlinks detail"></div> <div id="the-text" class="text the-text notranslate"><pre>Ich danke Gott und freue mich Wie's Kind zur [Weihnachtgabe]<sup>1</sup>, Da脽 ich [bin, bin! Und]<sup>2</sup> da脽 ich dich, Sch枚n Menschlich Antlitz! habe; Da脽 ich die Sonne, Berg und Meer, Und Laub und Gras kann sehen, Und Abends unterm Sternenheer Und lieben Monde gehen; Und da脽 mir denn zu Muthe ist, Als wenn wir Kinder kamen, Und sahen, was der heil'ge Christ Bescheeret hatte, Amen! Ich danke Gott mit Saitenspiel, Da脽 ich kein K枚nig worden; Ich w盲r geschmeichelt worden viel, Und w盲r vielleicht verdorben. Auch bet' ich ihn von Herzen an, Da脽 ich auf dieser Erde Nicht bin ein grosser reicher Mann, Und auch wohl keiner werde. Denn Ehr' und Reichthum treibt und bl盲ht, Hat mancherley Gefahren, Und vielen hat's das Herz verdreht, Die weiland wacker waren. Und all das Geld und all das Gut Gew盲hrt zwar viele Sachen; Gesundheit, Schlaf und guten Muth Kann's aber doch nicht machen. Und die sind doch, bey Ja und Nein! Ein rechter Lohn und Segen! Drum will ich mich nicht gro脽 kastey'n Des vielen Geldes wegen. Gott gebe mir nur jeden Tag, So viel ich darf zum Leben. Er giebt's dem Sperling auf dem Dach; Wie sollt' ers mir nicht geben!</pre> </div> <div id="text-sung-texts" class="notes text-sung-texts detail"><div class="sung-texts"><p>Available sung texts: (<a href="/lieder/about_sung_texts.html">what is this?</a>)</p><span>&bull;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</span><a href="/lieder/get_text.html?TextId=3874&SettingId=146213">G. Bachlund</a>&ensp;<span>&bull;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</span><a href="/lieder/get_text.html?TextId=3874&SettingId=4299">F. Schubert</a>&ensp;</div></div> <div id="text-notes" class="notes text-notes detail notranslate"><p>F. Schubert sets stanzas 1, 2, 4, 9<BR> G. Bachlund sets stanzas 1-2, 4, 9<BR> </p><a href="get_text.html?TextId=3874&RF=1">View original text (without footnotes)</a><br> <p>Confirmed with <u>ASMUS omnia sua SECUM portans, oder S盲mmtliche Werke des Wandsbecker Bothen</u>, III. Theil. Beym Verfasser, und in Commi脽ion bey Fr. Perthes & Comp. in Hamburg. [1777], pages 128-130; and with <u>Poetische Blumenlese f眉r das Jahr 1778.</u> Herausgegeben von Joh. Heinr. Vo脽. Hamburg, bey Carl Ernst Bohn, pages 146-147.</p> <sup>1</sup> Bachlund, Schubert: "Weihnachtsgabe"<br/> <sup>2</sup> Bachlund, Schubert: "hier bin und"<br/><br> <p><p class="text-info">Text Authorship:</p><ul><li> by <a href="/lieder/get_author_texts.html?AuthorId=542">Matthias Claudius</a> (1740 - 1815), "T盲glich zu singen", first published 1777&emsp13;<a href="/lieder/status_info.html"><span class="verified">[author's text checked 1 time against a primary source]</span></a></li></ul></p><a id="settings"></a> <p class="text-info">Musical settings <span style="font-weight:normal;">(art songs, Lieder, m&eacute;lodies, (etc.), choral pieces, and other vocal works set to this text), listed by composer (not necessarily exhaustive):</span></p><ul> <li> by <a href="/lieder/get_settings.html?ComposerId=8142">Gary Bachlund</a> (b. 1947), "T盲glich zu singen", 2012, stanzas 1-2,4,9 [ medium voice and piano ]&emsp13;<a href="/lieder/status_info.html"><span class="verified">[sung text checked 1 time]</span></a></li> <li> by <a href="/lieder/get_settings.html?ComposerId=4741">Friedrich Ludwig 脝melius Kunzen</a> (1761 - 1817), "T&auml;glich zu singen", published 1788 [ voice and piano or organ or harpsichord ], from <a href="/lieder/assemble_texts.html?SongCycleId=13514">Weisen und lyrische Ges盲nge</a>, no. 21, Flensburg und Leipzig: Korten'sche Buchhandlung, also set in <a href="/lieder/get_text.html?TextId=129829">Danish&nbsp;(Dansk)</a>&emsp13;<a href="/lieder/status_info.html"><span class="verified">[sung text checked 1 time]</span></a></li> <li> by <a href="/lieder/get_settings.html?ComposerId=5468">Johann Friedrich Reichardt</a> (1752 - 1814), "T&auml;glich zu singen"&emsp13;<a href="/lieder/status_info.html"><span class="unverified">[sung text not yet checked]</span></a></li> <li> by <a href="/lieder/get_settings.html?ComposerId=2520">Franz Peter Schubert</a> (1797 - 1828), "T盲glich zu singen", D 533 (1817), published 1895, stanzas 1,2,4,9 [ voice, piano ]&emsp13;<a href="/lieder/status_info.html"><span class="verified">[sung text checked 1 time]</span></a></li> <li> by <a href="/lieder/get_settings.html?ComposerId=5681">Johann Abraham Peter Schulz</a> (1747 - 1800), "T&auml;glich zu singen", published 1782-90&emsp13;<a href="/lieder/status_info.html"><span class="unverified">[sung text not yet checked]</span></a></li> </ul> <p>Settings in other languages, adaptations, or excerpts:<br/></p> <ul> <li>Also set in Danish&nbsp;(Dansk), a translation by <a href="/lieder/get_author_texts.html?AuthorId=33037">Hans Wilhelm Riber</a> (1760 - 1796) , "En daglig Sang" ; composed by Friedrich Ludwig 脝melius Kunzen. <ul><ul><li> <a href="/lieder/get_text.html?TextId=129829">Go to the text.</a><br/></li></ul></ul></li></ul> <p>Other available translations, adaptations or excerpts, and transliterations (if applicable): <ul><li><B class="tr">CAT</B> <a href="/lieder/get_text.html?TextId=123667">Catalan&nbsp;(Catal脿)</a> (Salvador Pila) , "Per cantar cada dia", <B>copyright &copy;</B> 2018, (re)printed on this website with kind permission </li><li><B class="tr">DUT</B> <a href="/lieder/get_text.html?TextId=59022">Dutch&nbsp;(Nederlands)</a> [singable] (Lau Kanen) , "Dagelijks te zingen", <B>copyright &copy;</B> 2010, (re)printed on this website with kind permission </li><li><B class="tr">ENG</B> <a href="/lieder/get_text.html?TextId=124234">English</a> (Malcolm Wren) , "To be sung every day", <B>copyright &copy;</B> 2018, (re)printed on this website with kind permission </li><li><B class="tr">FRE</B> <a href="/lieder/get_text.html?TextId=93514">French&nbsp;(Fran莽ais)</a> (Guy Laffaille) , "脌 chanter chaque jour", <B>copyright &copy;</B> 2012, (re)printed on this website with kind permission </li><li><B class="tr">ITA</B> <a href="/lieder/get_text.html?TextId=59758">Italian&nbsp;(Italiano)</a> (Ferdinando Albeggiani) , "Da cantare ogni giorno", <B>copyright &copy;</B> 2010, (re)printed on this website with kind permission </li></ul></p> <br>Research team for this page: Emily Ezust <b>[Administrator]</b> , Richard Morris , Peter Rastl <b>[Guest Editor]</b> <p>This text was added to the website between May 1995 and September 2003.<br>Line count: <b>36</b><br> Word count: <b>197</b></p> </div> <div id="tr-title" class="title tr-title">To&nbsp;be&nbsp;sung&nbsp;every&nbsp;day</div> <div id="tr-lang" class="lang tr-lang detail">Language:&ensp;<span class="orig">English&nbsp;</span>&emsp13;after&nbsp;the&emsp13;<span class="orig">German&nbsp;(Deutsch)&nbsp;</span></div> <div id="tr-trs" class="trs tr-trs detail"></div> <div id="tr-prmlinks" class="prm-links tr-prmlinks detail"></div> <div id="tr-gelinks" class="ge-links tr-gelinks detail"></div> <div id="tr-admlinks" class="adm-links tr-admlinks detail"></div> <div id="the-tr" class="text the-tr notranslate"><pre>I thank God and I am as thrilled As a child receiving his Christmas presents, That I am, that I exist and that I have you, That I have a human face! That I can see the sun, mountains and sea, That I can see leaves and grass, And in the evenings under the host of stars I can watch the dear moon moving; And that I am just as cheerful As when we children came And saw what we had been Given for Christmas, Amen! With my stringed instrument I thank God That I have not become a King; I would have been tremendously flattered And perhaps I would have been corrupted. I also thank God with all my heart That on this Earth I Am not a powerful, rich man, And I pray that I will not become one. For fame and riches drive you on and puff you up, They have lots of risks, And they have twisted many hearts Which were formerly honest. And all that money and all those goods Provide plenty of things; But health, sleep and a positive attitude Are things they cannot grant. Whatever people say, these things are A real reward and blessing! I shall therefore not beat myself up All because of a load of money. May God give me each day As much as I need to live on. That is what he gives to the sparrow on the roof; Why should he not give the same to me?</pre> </div> <div id="tr-sung-texts" class="notes tr-sung-texts detail"></div> <div id="tr-notes" class="notes tr-notes detail notranslate"><p></p><p><p class="text-info">Text Authorship:</p><ul><li> Translation from German&nbsp;(Deutsch) to English <B>copyright &copy;</B> 2018 by <a href="./get_texts.html?ContribId=452">Malcolm Wren</a>, (re)printed on this website with kind permission. <span style="color:red">To reprint and distribute this author's work for concert programs, CD booklets, etc., you may ask the copyright-holder(s) directly or ask us; we are authorized to grant permission on their behalf. Please provide the translator's name when contacting us.</span><br> Contact:&emsp14;<a class="email" name="bGljZW5zZXNAbGllZGVyLm5ldA">licenses@<ins>email.</ins>lieder.<ins>example.</ins>net</a><br> <br> </ul><p class="text-info">Based on:</p><ul><li> a text in German&nbsp;(Deutsch) by <a href="/lieder/get_author_texts.html?AuthorId=542">Matthias Claudius</a> (1740 - 1815), "T盲glich zu singen", first published 1777<ul><li> <a href="/lieder/get_text.html?TextId=3874">Go to the text page.</a></li></ul></li></ul></p><a id="settings"></a> &nbsp;<br><p>This text was added to the website: 2018-04-10 <br>Line count: <b>36</b><br> Word count: <b>250</b></p> </div> </div> </div> <script src="/lieder/js/placard.js?v=2"></script> <script> function toggleInterleaved() { if (document.getElementById('text-table').classList.contains('combined-columns')) { separate(); } else { combine(); } } function combine() { showFewer(); document.getElementById('text-table').classList.add('combined-columns'); document.getElementById('text-title').classList.add('interleaved'); document.getElementById('the-text').classList.add('interleaved'); document.getElementById('tr-title').classList.add('interleaved', 'interleaved-tr-title'); document.getElementById('the-tr').classList.add('interleaved', 'interleaved-tr'); document.getElementById('text-auth').classList.add('interleaved'); document.getElementById('tr-auth').classList.add('interleaved', 'interleaved-tr-auth'); document.getElementById('combine-columns').textContent = 'Show text and translation separately'; } function separate() { showMore(); document.getElementById('text-table').classList.remove('combined-columns'); document.getElementById('text-title').classList.remove('interleaved'); document.getElementById('the-text').classList.remove('interleaved'); document.getElementById('tr-title').classList.remove('interleaved','interleaved-tr-title'); document.getElementById('the-tr').classList.remove('interleaved', 'interleaved-tr'); document.getElementById('text-auth').classList.remove('interleaved'); document.getElementById('tr-auth').classList.remove('interleaved', 'interleaved-tr-auth'); document.getElementById('combine-columns').textContent = 'Show text and translation together'; } function toggleDetails() { if (document.getElementById('details-btn').textContent === 'Show fewer details') { showFewer(); } else { if (document.getElementById('text-table').classList.contains('combined-columns')) { separate(); } else { showMore(); } } } function showMore() { var elements = document.getElementsByClassName('detail') for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) { elements[i].style.display = ''; } document.getElementById('text-auth').classList.remove('show'); document.getElementById('tr-auth').classList.remove('show'); document.getElementById('details-btn').textContent = 'Show fewer details'; } function showFewer() { var elements = document.getElementsByClassName('detail') for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) { elements[i].style.display = 'none'; } document.getElementById('text-auth').classList.add('show'); document.getElementById('tr-auth').classList.add('show'); document.getElementById('details-btn').textContent = 'Show more details'; } </script> </section> <!-- / PRIMARY CONTENT AND ASSOCIATED ELEMENTS --> </div> <!-- /NAV + CONTENT --> </main> <!-- /MAIN --> <!-- ANYTHING THAT FOLLOWS THE CONTENT --> <aside id="after-the-content"> <div id="donations-card" class="donations-card"> <div class="donations-title">Gentle Reminder</div> <p> This website began in 1995 as a personal project by Emily Ezust, who has been working on it full-time without a salary since 2008. 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