CT Judicial Branch Committees and Commissions

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If you expect a meeting to be live, but don't see it, please refer back to the individual meeting notice. As we can stream only one meeting at a time on this page, some meetings may be streamed on another channel. Please refer to the meeting notice for the applicable link. </span></p> <ul class="text" style="line-height:175%; font-size:0.9em"> <li><a href="access/default.htm">Access to Justice Commission</a> <li><a href="pst/Advisory_ADA/default.htm">Advisory Board on the Americans with Disabilities Act</a> <li><a href="ap_rules/">Advisory Committee on Appellate Rules</a><img alt="Conference Table" src="../imgs/committee_table.jpg" width="35%" style="float:right; padding:2%"> <li><a href="pst/Advisory_Cultural_Competency/default.htm">Advisory Committee on Cultural Competency </a> <li><a href="CBEC/">Bar Examining Committee</a> <li><a href="">Bench-Bar Foreclosure Committee</a></li> <li><a href="csf/">Client Security Fund Committee</a> <li><a href="code_evidence/">Code of Evidence Oversight Committee of the Supreme Court</a> <li><a href="ContinuingLegalEducation/default.htm">Commission on Minimum Continuing Legal Education </a> <li><a href="artificial_intelligence_CLS/default.htm">Committee on Artificial Intelligence in the Connecticut Legal System</a> <li><a href="ethics/">Committee on Judicial Ethics</a> <li><a href="OVS/default.htm">Connecticut Advisory Council for Victims of Crime</a> <li><a href="ethics/">Ethics, Committee on Judicial</a> <li><a href="executive/default.htm">Executive Committee of the Superior Court Judges</a> <li><a href="InterstateCompact/default.htm">Interstate Compact for Adult Offender Supervision Connecticut State Council</a> <li><a href="judges_advisory/default.htm">Judges' Advisory Committee on E-Filing</a> <li><a href="judges/default.htm">Judges Annual Meeting</a> <li><a href="media/">Judicial-Media Committee</a> <li><a href="Juror_Data_Analysis/default.htm">Juror Data Analysis Committee</a> <li><a href="jury_taskforce/default.htm">Jury Selection Task Force Committee</a> <li><a href="lawlib/default.htm">Law Library Advisory Committee</a> <li><a href="../LegalExchange/default.htm">Legal Exchange</a> <li><a href="lssc/default.htm">Legal Specialization Screening Committee</a> (LSSC) <li><a href="pst/lep/default.htm">Limited English Proficiency, Committee on</a> <li><a href="parent_edu">Parent Education Advisory Committee</a> <li><a href="records/default.htm">Record Retention Committee</a> <li><a href="rules/">Rules Committee of the Superior Court</a> <li><a href="safe/default.htm">Sexual Assault Forensic Examiners Advisory Committee</a><!--<img alt="New" longdesc="New" src="../imgs/new2.gif">--> <li><a href="GAL_AMC/default.htm">Standing Committee on Guardians Ad Litem and Attorneys for the Minor Child in Family Matters</a> <!--<li><a href="Opioid_taskforce/default.htm">Task Force to Study the Feasibility of Establishing Opioid Intervention Courts</a>&nbsp;<img alt="New" longdesc="New" src="../imgs/new2.gif"> --> </ul> <!--<p><a href="comm_archive.htm"><strong>Archived Committees &gt; &gt;</strong></a></p> --> <p class="text"><a href="#Top">Top</a></p> </section> <!-- #EndEditable --> </div> </section> </article> </section> </section> </div> <footer id="JudMaster_Footer" class="MasterFooter" style="font-size:1em;"></footer> </form> <script src="/JudMaster/scripts/JudMaster.js?v2" type="text/javascript"></script> </body> <!-- #EndTemplate --> </html>

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