TablEdit Tablature Editor

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I was creating my own dulcimer lined paper and handwriting everything, and it wasn't always pretty. With TablEdit, I can enter the TABs, and I end up with a beautiful piece of music. Each note is spaced correctly for the timing, and the notes show tails and dots to help read the right timing. I'm proud to share this music with my friends. I also love the playback feature, that allows me to listen to what I write as I go along.<br><br>I have so much more to learn about the program, but it's a simple way to make nice sheet music."<br><cite>Jean Giese - Texas, USA</cite> <br> <br> <a href="../welcome/endorse.shtml">Read more...</a> </p> </div> </div> <div class="gutter-vertical"></div> <div id="column-2"> <h2>Welcome to TablEdit</h2> <!-- #BeginEditable "content" --> <p><strong><a href="bios/pete_townshend.shtml">Musicians</a> using TablEdit</strong></p> <p><strong><a href="welcome/whatsn_e.shtml">What's new</a> in v3.04</strong> New Image Import <a target="_blank" href="">Windows</a> <a target="_blank" href="">macOS</a> </p> <br /> <br /> <div align="center"> <a href="download/index.shtml" onmouseover="t=te.src;te.src=te.lowsrc" onmouseout="te.src=t"> <img name="te" lowsrc="images/teon.png" src="images/teoff.png" title="CLICK HERE to Download your FREE demo of TablEdit Tablature Editor and start making music NOW!" border="0" ></a> &nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="tefview/index.shtml" onmouseover="t=tv.src;tv.src=tv.lowsrc" onmouseout="tv.src=t"> <img name="tv" lowsrc="images/tvon.png" src="images/tvoff.png" title="CLICK HERE to Download your FREE copy of TEFview TablEdit file viewer!" border="0" /></a> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<A HREF="ios/index.shtml" title="Click here to discover our mobile apps for iOS and Android"><img src="images/newtv_ios.png" border="0"></a> <!-- &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<A HREF="/welcome/20th_e.shtml"><img src="images/20th134.jpg" border="0"></a> --> </div> <br /> <p align="left"><b>TablEdit</b> is a program for creating, editing, printing and listening to tablature and sheet music (standard notation) for guitar and other fretted, stringed instruments, including mandolin, ukulele, bass and <a href="instrument/banjo/">banjo</a> (even taking into consideration the special aspect of the fifth string).<br /> <br /> Additionally, <b>TablEdit</b>, while designed for guitarists, by guitarists, is not limited to fretted instruments like other tablature programs. Through ongoing consultation with experts on other instruments, <b>TablEdit</b> has developed support for hammered and <a href="instrument/dulcimer/">mountain dulcimer</a>, harmonica, diatonic button accordion, chromatic accordion, anglo-irish concertina, drums, violin, tin whistle, recorder, xaphoon, native american flute, autoharp, <a href="help/english/steel_guitar.shtml">pedal steel guitar</a>, arabic oud...<br /> <br /> <b>TablEdit</b> runs on <a href="/help/english/the_interface.shtml">Windows</a> and <a href="/help/english_m/the_interface.shtml">MacOS</a>. A lite version (TEFpad) is available for <A href="/ios/tp_e.shtml">iOS</a> and <A href="/ios/tpa_e.shtml">Android</a>.<br /> <br /> <strong>So, What does TablEdit have to offer you? Read on...</strong><br /> <ul> <li> <b>TablEdit</b> supports <em><b>both</b></em> tablature and standard notation and features instant conversion from each one to the other.</li> <li> <b>TablEdit's</b> multi document interface allows the opening of multiple TablEdit files at the same time.</li> <li> <b>TablEdit</b> supports English, French, German, Spanish and Japanese as build-in languages.<br /> The program offers virtually unlimited language support: 17 <a href="download/language.shtml">linguistic patches</a> actually available.<br /> Help files are available in <a href="help/english/">English</a>, French, German and Spanish.</li> <li> <b>TablEdit</b> offers multitrack entering, editing and fully configurable printing: up to 16 instruments of from 1 to 12 strings each.</li> <li> <b>TablEdit</b> features <a href="screen/printout.shtml"> high quality printout</a> of tablature and/or musical staves. Custom chord diagrams and lead sheets can as well be printed out separately.</li> <li> <b>TablEdit</b> can recognize a <a href="help/english/import_image.shtml">tablature image or a PDF file</a>.</li> <li> <b>TablEdit</b> can save an image of the printed output in a variety of graphic formats (png, jpg, bmp, gif, tiff).</li> <li> <b>TablEdit</b> offers playback of tablatures via MIDI output with complete real time sound control (volume, balance, voices, MIDI banks...).</li> <li> <b>TablEdit</b> opens and saves MusicXML files.</li> <li> <b>TablEdit</b> can import ASCII, MIDI, ABC, GuitarPro, PowerTab, Bucket O' Tab, TabRite, and Wayne Cripps files. Files can be saved in TablEdit format or exported to ASCII, HTML, ABC, RTF, MIDI, NIFF, <a href="screen/lilypond.shtml">Lilypond</a> or WAV formats.</li> <li> <b>TablEdit</b> can record what you play on your MIDI instrument direct to tablature as well.</li> <li> and <b>TablEdit</b> has many other features: </li> <li style="list-style-type: none;"> <ul> <li> alternate tunings and conversion from one tuning to another, </li> <li> transposition,</li> <li> complete control over note duration and attack for each note,</li> <li> various effects (hammer-on, pull-off, chokes, bends, slide, vibrato, roll, grace notes, muted notes, rasgueado, etc.), </li> <li> fingerings and pick strokes, tempo and time signature changes, grace notes, crescendo, </li> <li> notation editing features (multiple voices, clefs, key signature, beaming and stem control, alterations, legato...), </li> <li> editing and construction of custom chord diagrams.</li> <li> insertion of playing and historical notes,</li> <li> lyrics management,</li> <li> support of Visualinear tablature, </li> <li> support of AdTab fingerings, </li> <li> scale inspector,</li> <li> speed trainer,</li> <li> graphical fingerboard &amp; keyboard, </li> <li> quickview, juke box &amp; file manager (Win),</li> <li> ability to zoom in and out in the editing window (Mac),</li> </ul> </ul> <br /> <b>TablEdit</b> is further distinguished by its minimalized size and optimized code for speed of loading and running.<br /> <br /> <center>But don't take our word for it, test drive for yourself!<br /> <br /> Download our <b><blink></blink></b><blink><a href="/download/index.shtml"><strong>FREE DEMO</strong></a></blink><br /> and see how fun and easy it is to create your own tablature and sheet music...<br /> OR<br /> Fill out our <a href="/reg/register.shtml">Online Registration Form</a> to purchase TablEdit!<br /> <br /> Whether it's original music or interpretations of your favorite songs, <p><strong>TablEdit is the right tool for the right job!</strong></p> <p> <!-- <img src=";sh=F" /> --> </p> </center> <!-- #EndEditable --> </div> <div class="gutter-vertical"></div> <div id="column-3"> </div> </div> </div> <div class="gutter-vertical"></div> <div id="footer"> <ul id="menu3"> <li><a href="/index.shtml">Home</a> <li><a href="/screen/index.shtml">Screen shots</a> <li><a href="/faq/index.shtml">FAQ</a> <li><a href="/download/index.shtml">Download</a> <li><a href="/contact/index.shtml">Contact</a> <li><a href="/help/english/index.shtml">Help</a> <li><a href="/links/index.shtml">Links</a> <li><a href="/search.shtml">Search</a> <li><a href="/reg/index.shtml">Order online</a></li> </ul> <p>&copy; Copyright 1997-2025 <a href=""></a> | Site Design by Wolfram Fiedler</p> </div> </body></html>

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