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There is something very touching and beautiful about the love and reverence of these poor orphans for the young abbé. This orphanage owes its origin to a poor but charitable man, a mason, named Giovanni Borgi, who lived early in this century. This good man was devoted to works of charity, and his heart was full of compassion for the poor and afflicted. Often, after working hard all day, he would pass the night watching by the lonely sick bed of some invalid poorer than himself. One evening, returning home, he saw two poor little children asleep upon the steps of the Panthéon, and, moved with pity, he lifted up the little unfortunates and carried them home. Little by little new orphans were added to the number whom he used to call "his children," and they, in return, gave him the name of Father, Tata, in Italian, and thus arose the name of the Hospital Tata-Giovanni. It was in this sanctuary, which, M. de St. Hermel says, "is the most beautiful of all the basilicas, for it is the basilica of the poor," that the second and third Masses of the holy priest were offered, in the midst of his beloved orphans. He had, however, one affliction; the condition on which, owing to his epilepsy, the Pope allowed him to celebrate Mass, was that he should always have an assistant priest. Entreating one day His Holiness to remove this painful obligation, the Pope, it is said, told him to pray in the Church of Our Lady of Angels, gave him the privilege sought, adding "that henceforth he would be no longer subject to it," and, as some say, predicted that he would one day wear the tiara. From that day the malady never attacked him. From the time of his ordination Abbé Mastai devoted his means, his time, his strength, his very existence to the prosperity, material and moral, of this household. He lived amongst them, knew each one by name, and made himself acquainted with the history of each. They were never made to feel the rule of a master, but rather the tender love of a father. His teaching had the simplicity and unction of the Gospel, and his manner was sweet and loving, like that of his Divine Master. He never lost sight of these orphan children, and even after they had left the hospital, his solicitude watched over them in the different careers they may have embraced. His simple chamber was poorly furnished; nothing there that could be dispensed with, for the charity of the abbé was ingenious in employing every coin, even to the last bajoco of his pension, to procure warm clothing, and more abundant food for the little ones. And he would try and provide amusements suitable to their age. "It is not enough," he would say, "to feed and clothe poor children, deprived as these are of maternal caresses and all the sweetness of life. No; that money is well spent which will bring smiles into their eyes and joy to their hearts. I love nothing better than the noisy, clamorous joy of those poor little beings, devoted, it would seem, from infancy to sorrow and misery. The children placed the most entire confidence in their true friend, and opened their little hearts to him in all their troubles.</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column'>But we must have the testimony of one of themselves, a cobbler in the city of Rome, Angelo Vocacelli, who was an inmate of the TataGiovanni at the time the sad news reached them that the Abbé Mastai was to accompany Monseignor Muri, on a foreign mission to South America. This little sketch of the parting between the orphans and their beloved father is full of interest, and was related by Angelo to M. Felix Clavé, author of the Vie de Pie IX., on the occasion of his showing him through the hospital. "It was here," he said, "that I witnessed, and took part in one of the saddest scenes of my life. It was the evening of a beautiful summer's day. The abbé was to leave, and we were not told till the moment of parting had almost arrived. We remarked that during supper he never spoke a word, and when we rose from table, and he had returned thanks, he motioned to us to reseat ourselves, and announced the melancholy news. A cry of sorrow burst from everyone in the refectory. We were then 122, big and little, and not one there who did not weep bitterly. We rushed from our places to throw ourselves into his arms. Some kissed his hands, and others caught hold of his robes. Those who could not get near him cried out, in the most touching accents, and in the most supplicating manner, that he would not abandon them. Who will comfort us? Who will love us now?' And he was so grieved at our agony, and I am sure pained at the thought of parting, that he wept too, and clasped to his heart those who were nearest to him. I could not believe,' he said, that our separation would be so sorrowful.' He tried to get to his room, but we would not suffer it. We closed the door, we surrounded him, and he patiently and sweetly comforted and instructed us all night long; for no one slept that night in the Tata-Giovanni, He recommended us to love work, to submit ourselves to whoever should be appointed to his post, as we would be willing to submit to him; to love God and our neighbours, and to devote ourselves to our duties, and to the service of the unfortunate. Day dawned at length, and the carriage which was to convey away our beloved master was heard rolling up to the porch, and in an hour after we were orphans indeed." The poor shoemaker wept during this recital, and evidently still retained his old love for the Abbé Mastai; and he says, that on hearing of his elevation to the Pontificate, he and all the old pupils cried out, "This is our Pope; this is the Pope of the poor and the afflicted."</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column' style='text-indent:1em;'>(To be continued.)</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column' style='text-indent:1em;'>Catholic Heroism.</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column'>WHILST thanking God that the terrible scourge of leprosy has almost disappeared from our own continent, we must not forget that there are still regions on our globe where this fearful malady is by no means rare. Three miles from Port of Spain, in the Island of Trinidad, West Indies, there is a magnificent establishment for lepers under the care It stands in a spacious of the Dominican nuns.</p> </div> </div> <!-- Content from Google Book Search, generated at 1740649509833061 --> <div class='flow' style=''> <a class='page' id='PA22'></a> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column'>enclosure on the shore of the sea, and under shelter of a mountain. It consists of three separate buildings, one for men, one for women, and the central lodge for the Sisters. A lawn, studded here and there with trees, under the shade of which the poor afflicted creatures may rest in the sea air, and the sunny, open, inviting look of the place, gives one far more the idea of a sea-side villa than of a leper house. In March, 1868, five Dominican nuns from Bonnay, diocese of Autun, came out at the request of Mgr. Gonin, Archbishop of Port of Spain, to undertake this heroic mission. Later on, fresh recruits were added to the little body, until the Sisters numbered fifteen; their patients being seventy, men, women and children. Listen to what one of the nuns says of this malady :-"It is impossible to give an exact description of the leprosy. With some, it only attacks the hands, the feet, the nose, or the ears, but not without either contracting, swelling, or eating them away; with others, the face is covered with excrescences, which render the patient unrecognisable, and turn into horrible wounds. In the beginning, the skin of the white man becomes red, and that of the blacks, whitish. The most terrible variety of this hideous evil is the leonine leprosy, so called because the head of the sufferer resembles that of a lion. Some lepers die of dropsy; others live to an advanced age. Leprosy is not incompatible with other maladies.</p> <p class='gtxt_column' style='text-indent:1em;'>"Notwithstanding the deformity of the features of their faces, we could descry an air of satisfaction and joy amongst our lepers when they saw us. The superintendent had certainly improved the lot of these unhappy creatures, but he had not been able to make the halls, &c., as they should be."</p> <p class='gtxt_column' style='text-indent:1em;'>Under the regime of the Sisters, a wonderful improvement took place. Their first care was to get up a little oratory, under the protection of Our Lady of the Rosary. They had many difficulties to contend with. Listen again to one of that heroic little band, describing their early days at Cocorite:"On taking possession of our new dwelling, we found a vast population of two-winged blacksbats-that used to treat us to their melody all the night long. These disagreeable guests had taken up their abode under the rafters of the roof; the negroes feared destroying them, believing it to be unlucky' . . . Then we had mosquitos, and other insects that entered freely, because there was no glass in the windows. These miseries were nothing, however, compared to the moral miseries under our eyes."</p> <p class='gtxt_column' style='text-indent:1em;'>There was much consolation also in the way of moral improvement in store for St. Dominic's daughters. The lepers could not observe without being touched thereby, two hours in the morning, and two more in the evening devoted to dressing their wounds, washing their ulcers, &c., by total strangers to them, who could only be actuated by the love of God. Many Protestants were converted. Two Chinese and two Hindoes were baptized in August, 1868; ten patients made their first communion, and seventeen were confirmed on the 16th of the same month.</p> <p class='gtxt_column' style='text-indent:1em;'>In 1869 yellow fever broke out in the little community, and carried off in twenty days nine reli</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column'>gious. They were quickly replaced from France, and the work continues to prosper. There are now a hundred lepers at Cocorite, and a school has been set up, attended by forty or fifty native pupils.</p> <p class='gtxt_column' style='text-indent:1em;'>A few words written by one of these "wise virgins," a few days before her death, will close our little notice of this interesting and truly heroic work :-" Our sweet Jesus allows me to send you my last farewell. O how I bless Him for it! . . . To-day, perhaps, or to-inorrow, at latest, I think will be the Great Day! O my mother, how happy I am! . . . . A little while ago there came a crisis, and I found it difficult to be resigned to languish longer here below. . . . Now I see my feet swelling perceptibly, this signal for departure has revived me. .. All our Sisters are mothers to me in affection and care. I shall greet the Community on high from all of you. Pray that I may be soon admitted; for my sins are there perhaps to retard my entry. Good-bye, my beloved mother, rejoice in the gladness of your happy child; chosen, called by the Spouse."</p> <p class='gtxt_column' style='text-indent:1em;'>See what life is, see what death is, at the Leperhouse of Cocorite!</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column gtxt_lineated'>Sancta Maria della Rotonda. <br/> (THE PANTHEON.) <br/></p> <p class='gtxt_column'>WHEN that famous diarist and very worthy man, John Evelyn, entered Rome by the Vatican Gate, about five o'clock one November evening, he was so "perplexed for a convenient lodging" that he had to wander up and down on horseback, until some one brought him to the house of a Frenchman, near the Piazza Spagnola; whence, issuing forth next morning, he presented his letters of introduction to "Father John, a Benedictine monk, and Superior of his Order for the English College of Douay, a person of singular learning, religion, and humanity;" to Mr. Patrick Carey, a "witty young priest, brother to our learned Lord Falkland;" and to some other learned and distinguished men, from whom he received instructions "how to behave in town," and what masters and books to consult in his study of antiquities, churches, and other objects of interest.</p> <p class='gtxt_column' style='text-indent:1em;'>Somewhat more than two hundred and forty years later, we had ourselves the good fortune to be one of a party of travellers from the Green Isle, entering Rome for the first time, and bent, according to the tastes and acquirements of the constituent members, on antiquarian research, study of the Fine Arts, and devout pilgrimage to the holy places of the Eternal City. More fortunate than the accomplished tourist of Charles the First's time, we suffered no anxiety as to the matter of a con venient lodging. Shot out, bag and baggage, from the train that had whizzed and stormed over the wild and beautiful Campagna, we were left almost within the shadow of the Baths of Diocletian to make our election, and once for all to say should we follow the troop of American and English voyageurs, and take our way to the fashionable quarter of the Piazza di Spagna, or direct our steps</p> </div> </div> <!-- Content from Google Book Search, generated at 1740649509842431 --> <div class='flow' style=''> <a class='page' id='PA23'></a> <div class='gtxt_body' style='margin-bottom: 1.5em;'> <p class='gtxt_body'>in an opposite direction-namely, to the older and more characteristic part of the city, where, in the Piazza della Minerva, stands the hotel of the same name, the establishment most frequented by the legitimist French, the Catholic Irish, and the Ultramontissimi of every clime and degree. The general voice of antiquary, artist, and pilgrim was for the latter course; and in a short half-hour we were settled in the commodious Albergo, filling up one side of the square, of which two other sides are occupied by the American College and the venerable Church of Sancta Maria Sopra Minerva, adjoining the convent in which the General of the Dominicans resides. Agreeable as the first impression was, experience only confirmed the wisdom of the choice. French was more frequently heard through the house than American slang, and varieties of the Irish brogue caught the discerning ear oftener than genuine high-pitched English. But there was mingling enough of races and parties to make a pleasant effect of variety and contrast. French Royalists, with their romantic Middle Age devotion, were not to be confounded with English converts, possessed of an enthusiasm different, but no less intense. An Italian Republican was sometimes to be seen and heard at the table d'hôte; occasionally we had the company of an ex-minister of Victor Emmanuel, whose court was then in Florence; and on one occasion somewhat of a sensation was excited, especially among the waiters, by the appearance of an eccentric and by no means well-bred lady, whose nationality it would have been impossible to recognise at a glance, and whose manners were not of a kind to discourage impertinence or check a contemptuous smile. This lady turned out to be, if not a power in the Italian State, at any rate a very bad influence in it -the daughter of Madame Bonaparte Wyse and the wife of Rattazzi. It was easy to guess that madame might prove as dangerous and disagreeable to her friends as she could ever be to her foes; and the meaning was abundantly evident of the witty Romans, who noted the misfortunes that had befallen Pius the Ninth's enemies. somewhat in this way: Cavour-dead; Rospigliosi-blind; somebody else gone mad; and Rattazzi-married!</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_body' style='margin-bottom: 1.5em;'> <p class='gtxt_body' style='text-indent:1em;'>The vicinity of the Piazza della Rotonda was another good thing. A short turn leads into the midst of the Roman market, where the popolani and the contadini gesticulate over heaps of purple brocali and piles of delicate salsafi, or bargain at the booths for the leg of a turkey or the quarter of a chicken; where edible feathered creatures flutter about and cackle away the time that intervenes before the inevitable slaughter; where birdcages stand piled around the fountain, with their tenantry of solemn owls, doves that peacefully coo in Babel itself, bright-winged songsters and nightingales in their dusky attire, too gifted to be beautiful also; and where, in the midst of the commonest life of the latest day, stands that wonder of architectural beauty and solidity, the Pantheon of old Rome, the S. Maria ad Martyres, or della Rotonda, of the Christian city. Here again we meet our good friend Evelyn, who in his quaint English describes the edifice as it stood and stands.</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_body' style='margin-bottom: 1.5em;'> <p class='gtxt_body' style='text-align:right;'>66</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_body' style='margin-bottom: 1.5em;'> <p class='gtxt_body' style='text-indent:1em;'>"Turning a little down," he says, we came to another piazza, in which stands a sumptuous vase of porphyrie, and a faire fountaine; but the grace of the market, and indeed the admiration of the whole world, is the Pantheon, now called S. Maria della Rotonda, formerly sacred to all the gods, and still remaining the most entire antiquitie of the citie. It was built by Marcus Agrippa, as testifies the architrave of the portico, sustain'd by thirteen pillars of Theban marble, six foote thick and fiftythree in height, of one intire stone. In this porch is an old inscription. Entering the church, we admire the fabric, wholly coverd with one cupola, seemingly suspended in the aire, and receiving light by a hole in the middle onely. The structure is neere as high as broad, viz., 144 foote, not counting the thicknesse of the walls, which is 22 more to the top, all of white marble; and til Urban VIII. converted part of the metall into ordinance to warr against the Duke of Parma, and part to make the high altar in St. Peter's, it was all over cover'd with Corinthian brasse, ascending by 40 degrees within the roof or convex of the cupola, richly carved with octagons in stone. There are niches in the walls, in which stood heretofore the statues of Jupiter and the other gods and goddesses; and here was that Venus which had hung in her ear the other union that Cleopatra</p> <p class='gtxt_body'>its fellow. There are severall of those niches one above another, for the celestial, terrestrial, and subterranean deities, but the place is now converted into a church dedicated to the B. Virgin and all the saints."</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_body' style='margin-bottom: 1.5em;'> <p class='gtxt_body' style='text-indent:1em;'>Among other advantages of the situation, the travellers soon found occasion to reckon the neigh-was about to dissolve and drink up as she had done bourhood of the Gesù. Though the Minerva was literally next door, and a prayer at the tomb of St. Catherine of Sienna considered the first duty of the day, the English-speaking strangers had many times occasion to trouble the courteous Fathers, and ask their aid in other than purely spiritual ways. In the Gesù, as well as in many another house of the Institute, the Jesuit Fathers are truly the slaves of the people of God. Catholics from the British Isles, no matter in what part of holy Rome they might be saying, were certain to be met with some time of the day in or about that church; and if dear, good Father French, who is now in a better world, seemed to make no account of the continual interruptions he was subject to, the sacristan and the brothers at any rate must have wondered at the multiplicity of the calls during the day, and the number of strangers wanting the padre in the confessional every morning.</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_body'> <p class='gtxt_body' style='text-indent:1em;'>Raphael, who was a great architect as well as the prince of painters, must have regarded this monu ment with particular admiration and affection; for n his last will he commanded, says Vasari, that a certain portion of his property should be employed in the restoration of one of the ancient tabernacles in Santa Maria Rotonda, which he had selected as his burial-place, and for which he had ordered that an altar, with the figure of Our Lady in marble, should be prepared. He also left funds for a Mass to be celebrated yearly for the repose of his soul, in the same church. The incomparable artist, who had entered life on Good Friday, 1483, died on the same great solemnity, 1520. His remains were</p> </div> </div> <!-- Content from Google Book Search, generated at 1740649509850245 --> <div class='flow' style=''> <a class='page' id='PA24'></a> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column'>laid in state in the hall where he had last worked, and in which still hung from the scaffolding that supported it the picture of the Transfiguration, which he had painted for the Cardinal Giulio de Medici. All the great, the good, the gifted mourned over him. Pope Leo X. shed tears when he heard of his death. Every artist in Rome followed him to the grave; for by all he was beloved and wellnigh worshipped. We can fancy that grand and mournful procession defiling through the Piazza, disappearing under Agrippa's portico, and filling up the temple once sacred to the pagan divinities within whose enclosure was to rest the</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column'>Zurla, who represented His Holiness, the Governor of Rome, and other men of rank and eminence, witnessed the opening of the walled-in grave, which, after ineffectual diggings in other directions, was discovered under the altar of the Blessed Virgin. The skeleton of the great painter was found entire, the head of singularly fine form, in perfect preservation, with all its teeth still very beautiful. The scientific men who were present felt satisfied of the perfect resemblance of the remains to the portraits of Raphael still preserved. A mould was taken of the skull, and also of the bones of the hand, which crumbled to dust immediately after. The Roman</p> </div> <div class='gimg_graphic'> <img height="290" width="352" src=",359,877,723" alt="[graphic][subsumed][merged small][merged small]" /></div> <div class='gtxt_caption'> <p class='gtxt_caption'>greatest of Christian artists, the painter by excellence | public were admitted to view the body, which after of the Madonna and the Child.</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column' style='text-indent:1em;'>About thirty years ago, a dispute of rather long standing between the Academy of St. Luke and the virtuosi of the Pantheon waxed exceedingly warm, in reference to the identity and possession of a skull which the Academicians affirmed to be Raphael's, while the virtuosi declared it to be that of the founder of their society. The members of St. Luke's sought to account for their possession of the relic, and to retain it. The other learned body greatly desired to have the head of Don Desiderio. In order to set the question for ever at rest, it was resolved to open the grave of Raphael; and the virtuosi invited the Consulting Commission of Antiquities and the Fine Arts, the Academy of St. Luke, and the Academy of Archæology to be present on the occasion. These societies, as well as Cardinal</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column'>a few days was placed in a wooden coffin covered with lead, and enclosed in a marble sarcophagus, taken for that purpose by order of the Sovereign Pontiff from the Museum of the Vatican. Finally, on the evening of the 18th September, 1833, the sarcophagus with its contents was placed in exactly the same spot whence the remains had been taken. The ceremonial, says the Diario di Roma, was conducted with much solemn pomp, and the interior of the Rotonda was funereally illuminated on the occasion.</p> <p class='gtxt_column' style='text-indent:1em;'>What, we wonder, shall be the next mournful or imposing scene destined to leave yet another memory clinging to the walls of this stately monument of close on nineteen hundred years!</p> </div> </div> <!-- Content from Google Book Search, generated at 1740649509855313 --> <div class='flow' style=''> <a class='page' id='PA25'></a> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column' style='text-indent:1em;'>TO CORRESPONDENTS.</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column' style='text-indent:1em;'>No anonymous correspondence can be attended to. The Editor will gratefully receive Reports of the Proceedings of Sodalities, &c. Letters for the Editor are to be sent to Rev. Robert Kelly, S.J., Upper Gardiner-st., Dublin; ALL business letters to Mr. Joseph Dollard, 13 & 14 Dame-street.</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column' style='text-indent:1em;'>TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION.</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_body'> <p class='gtxt_body gtxt_lineated'>take delight in expatiating on the ill-doing of the <br/>poor Irish in England. Perhaps if those who re- <br/>joice in circumstances that place them above the <br/>temptations which beset poverty, would advance <br/>one step further, and investigate, where they are so <br/>prompt to condemn, they would be surprised to <br/>find how many virtues exist even amid the mot <br/>evil surroundings, and be induced to admit that a <br/>soil so far from barren, may, if cultivation replace <br/>neglect, yield a future harvest such as richly to <br/></p> <p class='gtxt_body gtxt_lineated'>Price 1d.; by Post, 2d. Subscription for One Year (24 repay the exertion entailed. <br/> Numbers), 35.; free by Post, 4s. <br/></p> </div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column' style='text-indent:1em;'>NOTICE:</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column' style='text-indent:1em;'>The Monthly Monitor ceased on 1st September instant. Parties having subscribed to November will, therefore, be supplied with the first and second numbers of the ILLUSTRATED MONITOR, in lieu of two numbers due, without extra charge. The “Sultana" shall be continued in our next.</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column' style='text-indent:1em;'>Such is the aim of the societies of which we speak, and it is impossible to over-estimate the good they do. Weekly meetings for the sale of work are held in the parochial school-house. These are presided over by several nuns and ladies of the association. The industrious mothers come to invest their sav ings. One of the priests always manages to steal an hour from his many avocations, to speak some words of instruction and encouragement, and the evening concludes with the recital of the Rosary, in which all join. Thus the poor are brought into constant intercourse with priests and religious, and are assured of the sympathy of the higher classes,</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_body'> <p class='gtxt_body' style='text-indent:1em;'>The Illustrated Monitor. who are powerful to aid and solace them in their</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column' style='text-indent:1em;'>DUBLIN, SEPTEMBER 15TH, 1874.</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column' style='text-indent:1em;'>English Ladies</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column' style='text-indent:1em;'>AND OUR IRISH POOR. OUR appeal to "good and virtuous ladies" to aid us in the dissemination of entertaining and instructive literature and reliable information, both religious, political, and social, has met with more than one prompt and generous response. Among others, the Lady Georgiana Fullerton, whose name is a household word of charity and sympathy with the poor-especially the Irish poor-of London, has sent us an order for 50 copies of each issue, which order she hopes may soon increase to 500 or 5,000.</p> <p class='gtxt_column' style='text-indent:1em;'>Her ladyship, in conjunction with others, noble and devoted like herself, is establishing clothing societies and mothers' meetings throughout London. Each society is under the presidency of the parochiai clergy, and the ladies are assisted in its administration by the nuns of "The Poor Servants of the Mother of God," whose principal mission is to assist the poor in every possible way.</p> <p class='gtxt_column' style='text-indent:1em;'>Through the action of these societies, industrious persons, whose small weekly earnings vary with the seasons, and are liable to vicissitudes, can procure clothes and bedding of the best and most serviceable description, purchased at cost price, the payment for which is arranged to suit the circumstances and meet the convenience of the buyer. Thus the investment weekly of a few pence, which would probably have been wasted, enables the mothers of respectable, hard-working families to provide them with comforts otherwise unattainable. The ladies themselves devote several hours each week to making up the garments, and the strong shirt purchased by the fish-hawker, has probably been stitched by the hand of a duchess.</p> <p class='gtxt_column' style='text-indent:1em;'>Many people, as well as many papers, seem to</p> </div> <div class='gtxt_column'> <p class='gtxt_column'>hard struggle with poverty and temptation, and during sickness and adverse seasons. Through prayer and good example, they are led to practise virtues that have for their end the glory of God and the sanctification of their families. If these societies, which unite all classes in mutual goodwill, were more general, they would be the most perfect antidote to Communism, by leading the citizens of earth to emulate the example of those in that heaven we all hope to attain, where order ascends above order, and those in a lower grade are not less blessed and content, because the Creator of all has ordained that others should occupy a higher sphere.</p> <p class='gtxt_column'>Father Ignatius Spencer, whose intimate knowledge of the Irish was acquired through years of missionary labour amongst them, remarks that he always admired their "Christian and Catholic virtue of reverence for all entitled to it, either by sanctity or position." The writer was reminded of this sentiment by hearing a person thus describe a party given by a noble lady to the members of a mothers' meeting :-"Glory be to God, it was a blessed sight to see all the grand ladies attending on us so humbly, and giving us full and plenty of the best; God reward them.”</p> <p class='gtxt_column' style='text-indent:1em;'>Lady Georgiana Fullerton is desirous of securing the permanent efficacy of these societies, by inducing the members to co-operate with the Association of Temperance, that thereby its blessings may be spread through the Catholics of London. She therefore purposes to establish a depôt for the enrolment of associates and sale of Monitors in each district. This has been successfully inaugu rated in Seven Dials, St. Patrick's, where nearly every member who attended the meeting held on the 17th August, offered herself as a zealatrice, and promised to use every effort to induce her family, friends, and neighbours, to join. And on that night, in the parish which, in the heart of London, is dedicated to the glorious patron of the dear Green Isle, the prayers of the association were re</p> </div> </div> </div> </div></div><a id="legacy-text-prev" style="font-size:80%;float:left;margin:2px 2px 2px 12px" href=>« Previous</a><a id="legacy-text-next" style="font-size:80%;float:right;margin:2px 12px 2px 2px" href=>Continue »</a></div></td></tr></table></div></div></div></div></div><script>(function() {var href = window.location.href;if (href.indexOf('?') !== -1) {var parameters = href.split('?')[1].split('&');for (var i = 0; i < parameters.length; i++) {var param = parameters[i].split('=');if (param[0] == 'focus') {var elem = document.getElementById(param[1]);if (elem) {elem.focus();}}}}})();</script>