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Chuck Hagel as the new secretary of defense. <span>| 02/26/13 19:59:05 By - By Matthew Schofield</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">State by state, guns laws form an uneven and conflicting mosaic</a></h3> <p class="story_summary"> California forbids the sale of assault weapons. Florida mandates a three-day wait before handgun purchases. And while Texas and Kansas don&#x2019;t require dealers to apply for licenses, Missouri and Idaho don&#x2019;t regulate much of anything at all when it comes to firearms. <span>| 02/26/13 13:14:51 By - By Anita Kumar</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">Pentagon: Crack won't affect future of F-35 fighter</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">A small crack on an engine blade of the controversial F-35 fighter jet means the planes will again be grounded, but the defect does not yet appear to have any effect on the future of the aircraft, a Pentagon official said Monday. <span>| 02/26/13 07:43:19 By - By Matthew Schofield</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">In face of coming budget cuts, U.S. frees illegal immigrants from custody</a></h3> <p class="story_summary"> The federal government released groups of illegal immigrants from custody across the country Monday at the same time the White House was making its case that impending budget cuts would harm efforts to protect the border and enforce federal immigration laws. <span>| 02/25/13 21:05:56 By - By Franco Ordonez</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">Who should pay to defend Larry Craig&#x2019;s bathroom antics?</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">A federal judge this week will confront the surprisingly important fallout from former Idaho Republican Sen. Larry Craig&#x2019;s 2007 bathroom arrest. <span>| 02/25/13 16:52:36 By - By Michael Doyle</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">White House Releases New State-by-State Reports on the Impacts of the Sequester</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">Today, the White House is releasing new state-by-state reports on the devastating impact the sequester will have on jobs and middle class families across the country if Congressional Republicans fail to compromise to avert the sequester by March 1st. <span>| 02/24/13 20:01:20 By - </span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">Will sky fall in S.C. if there&#x92;s no budget deal?</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">In the avalanche of ominous warnings about the impact of forced federal spending cuts on South Carolina, perhaps none is more chilling than this: If Congress and President Barack Obama fail to reach a deal and the cuts start next Friday as scheduled, nearly 20 women in the Palmetto State this year could fail to be diagnosed with breast cancer or cervical cancer because of missed screenings that would have detected them, according to an estimate based on figures from the American Academy of Pediatrics on S.C. screenings and diagnoses over five years. <span>| 02/24/13 00:00:00 By - By James Rosen</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">Coast Guard finds violations on Shell&#x2019;s Arctic drilling rig</a></h3> <p class="story_summary"> The Coast Guard has found serious safety and environmental violations on a Shell drilling rig used in the Arctic waters off Alaska, another blow to the company&#x2019;s controversial bid to harvest oil in the petroleum-rich but sensitive region. <span>| 02/22/13 18:07:39 By - By Sean Cockerham</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">GOP raising stakes for Obama&#x2019;s treasury pick</a></h3> <p class="story_summary"> Republicans are voicing new concerns about the Obama administration&#x2019;s pick for treasury secretary, questioning both Jacob Lew&#x2019;s lucrative 2001 contract with New York University and whether he had anything to do with his subsequent employer Citigroup&#x2019;s winning a lucrative preferred-lender deal to provide loans to students. <span>| 02/22/13 20:01:19 By - By Kevin G. Hall</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">Landmark Supreme Court voting rights debate will have California impact</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">WASHINGTON A Merced County legal victory has unexpectedly pulled it into one of the biggest Supreme Court cases in years. <span>| 02/22/13 16:03:08 By - By Michael Doyle</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">Are some civil rights era protections still relevant? Supreme Court will decide</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">The Justice Department stayed silent when Indiana and Washington state strengthened their voter identification rules. But when Georgia and Texas lawmakers wanted to do the same, they needed federal approval. <span>| 02/22/13 15:20:02 By - By Michael Doyle</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">No plans to remove Cuba from terror list, according to U.S. officials</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">A newspaper report that top State Department officials believe Cuba should be removed from the U.S. list of countries that support terrorism drew denials Thursday from the department and the White House. <span>| 02/22/13 06:50:43 By - Juan O. Tamayo</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">Labor and business reach rare agreement on immigration</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">Two of the nation&#x92;s most powerful interest groups &#x96; labor and business, often at loggerheads &#x96; have come to a rare agreement on the guiding principles for handling future low-skilled immigrant workers. <span>| 02/21/13 18:14:21 By - By Franco Ordonez</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">Scientists expect nation&#x2019;s drought to persist this year</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">More than half of the United States remains in drought, although things have improved from the record-breaking conditions last year that killed 123 and added up to at least $35 billion in economic losses, including crop failure and livestock deaths. <span>| 02/21/13 16:55:13 By - By Erika Bolstad</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">Democrats ask: How can we drill, baby, drill if we let sequester happen?</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">The upcoming automatic federal budget cuts would mean a big hit to energy development, as well as to America&#x92;s national parks, according to the Interior Department, which says oil and gas leasing would be slowed and popular parks would see reduced hours and fewer services. <span>| 02/21/13 16:32:44 By - By Sean Cockerham</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">Doctors delivering babies early much less often, survey finds</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">Doctors have been warned for decades about the dangers of delivering babies early without medical reasons, but the practice remained stubbornly persistent. Now, with pressure on doctors and hospitals from the federal government, private and public insurers and patient advocacy groups, the rate of elective deliveries before 39 weeks is dropping significantly, according to a hospital survey. <span>| 02/21/13 14:40:11 By - By Phil Galewitz</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">Without a budget accord, Pentagon prepares for furloughs</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">Tanks would not roll, fighter jets would be grounded and aircraft carriers might be stuck dockside. <span>| 02/20/13 19:16:36 By - By Matthew Schofield</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">Emails track immigration officials&#x92; focus on finding more criminal aliens</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">Concerned about falling short of congressional deportation targets, federal immigration officials last year beefed up efforts to remove thousands more illegal immigrants convicted of crimes. <span>| 02/20/13 19:06:21 By - Franco Ordo&#xF1;ez</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">Kitsap County, Wash., sheriff&#x2019;s deputy Krista McDonald honored with medal of valor</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">Krista McDonald knows all too well that carrying out the duties of a deputy sheriff can place her in the line of fire. <span>| 02/20/13 18:46:55 By - By Rebecca Lurye</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">Supreme Court rejects one inmate&#x92;s plea but leaves others a lifeline</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">Tara Sheneva Williams&#x92; last chance to leave her rural California prison alive may well have died Wednesday at the U.S. Supreme Court. <span>| 02/20/13 18:05:15 By - By Michael Doyle</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">California highway patrol officers honored at the White House</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">Vice President Joe Biden and Attorney General Eric Holder on Wednesday presented two California Highway Patrol officers the nation&#x92;s highest civilian valor award for their heroism in a deadly 2010 Fresno County shootout. <span>| 02/20/13 16:33:13 By - By Michael Doyle</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">Obama calls Republican senators Graham, Rubio, McCain to talk immigration</a></h3> <p class="story_summary"> After days of criticism that he was excluding Republicans from immigration talks, President Barack Obama on Tuesday reached out to several Republican leaders who are calling for an overhaul of the nation&#x2019;s immigration system. <span>| 02/19/13 19:28:06 By - By Franco Ordonez</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">U.S.: Hacking attacks are constant topic of talks with China</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">Obama administration officials acknowledged Tuesday that China&#x92;s involvement in cyber-attacks on sensitive U.S. companies is a near-constant subject of conversation between the nations&#x92; officials but that there have been few signs that China is willing to stop the attacks. <span>| 02/19/13 18:33:05 By - By Anita Kumar and Tom Lasseter</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">Levy prosecutors sat on key information, defense claims</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">The case against the man convicted of killing former intern Chandra Levy is &#x201C;drastically undercut&#x201D; by information that prosecutors kept to themselves &#x201C;for the better part of a year,&#x201D; according to defense attorneys, who now say they will seek a new trial. <span>| 02/19/13 18:05:24 By - By Michael Doyle</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">Lumbees say they&#x2019;ll keep their eagle feathers, even if it&#x2019;s against the law</a></h3> <p class="story_summary"> Angelica Chavis, a third-year law student in North Carolina, received her prized eagle feather from a tribal elder at age 7, when she was crowned Little Miss Lumbee. <span>| 02/18/13 00:00:00 By - By Rob Hotakainen</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">Obama honors North Carolina man who helps disabled veterans</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">Michael Dorman of Fuquay-Varina, N.C., greeted President Barack Obama with a hearty swing of a handshake Friday at the White House as he received a Presidential Citizens Medal for his volunteer group&#x2019;s work to renovate houses for disabled veterans. <span>| 02/15/13 16:37:36 By - By Renee Schoof</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">In Newtown shooting&#x2019;s wake, schools are scrambling to step up security</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">At Park Hill High School in Kansas City, Mo., some of the most heightened security measures in the area didn&#x2019;t prevent a student from bringing a .22-caliber handgun to school last month. <span>| 02/15/13 13:45:31 By - By Rebecca Lurye</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">Top FBI agent in Seattle alleges sexual bias, claims superiors undercut her</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">The Seattle-based FBI special agent who oversees all bureau operations in Washington state is embroiled in a legal fight with officials who she says have discriminated against her and undermined her work. <span>| 02/14/13 19:42:19 By - By Michael Doyle</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">As VA struggles, delays and errors greet returning warriors</a></h3> <p class="story_summary"> The processing time for disability claims at the Department of Veterans Affairs worsened in a majority of its regional offices last year, and the VA has struggled with its much-anticipated plan to correct its problems, according to two recent audits and a review of department data. <span>| 02/14/13 18:10:22 By - By Chris Adams</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">VA audit finds flaws in North Carolina disability office</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">The Department of Veterans Affairs&#x2019; regional office in Winston-Salem, N.C., processed a key category of disability claims improperly half the time, often because its workers didn&#x2019;t properly schedule medical exams or otherwise follow up with veterans, according to a recent inspection. <span>| 02/14/13 18:10:00 By - By Chris Adams</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">VA audit finds flaws in Anchorage disability office</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">The Department of Veterans Affairs&#x2019; regional office in Anchorage, Alaska, processed a key category of disability claims improperly half the time, and the staff allowed some cases to languish nearly two years because of improper follow-up, according to a recent federal audit. <span>| 02/14/13 18:09:10 By - By Chris Adams</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">Obama pushes preschool for all kids so they don&#x2019;t start out &#x2018;a step behind&#x2019;</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">President Barack Obama visited a preschool in Georgia on Thursday to unveil details about his new plan to ensure that all 4-year-olds &#x2013; including those whose families struggle to make ends meet &#x2013; receive the same opportunities for a high quality early education. <span>| 02/14/13 18:09:31 By - By Renee Schoof</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">Florida port officials, lawmakers blame Corps of Engineers for delayed improvements</a></h3> <p class="story_summary"> The nation&#x2019;s ports aren&#x2019;t ready for changes in global trade patterns and the United States risks losing out to competitors if the federal government doesn&#x2019;t speed up improvements, a group of port officials told lawmakers Thursday. <span>| 02/14/13 16:50:04 By - By Curtis Tate</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">Audit: Mississippi improperly diverted dollars meant to prevent alcohol-related crashes</a></h3> <p class="story_summary"> Despite recording the nation&#x2019;s third highest fatality rate from alcohol-related vehicle crashes, Mississippi has improperly diverted millions of federal highway grant dollars designated for addressing the problem, the U.S. Transportation Department&#x2019;s inspector general has found. <span>| 02/14/13 15:23:37 By - By Greg Gordon</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">Rep. Clyburn not interested in Transportation post</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">U.S. Rep. Jim Clyburn rejected Wednesday the possibility of serving in President Barack Obama&#x92;s Cabinet as transportation secretary, saying he wants instead to help Obama show that an African American can lead the nation. <span>| 02/14/13 11:34:24 By - James Rosen</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">Food issues could complicate Obama&#x2019;s proposed European trade deal</a></h3> <p class="story_summary"> Europeans can be downright fussy when it comes to their food. <span>| 02/13/13 18:48:42 By - By Rob Hotakainen</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">Democrats offer long-shot bill to meet Obama&#x2019;s climate change challenge</a></h3> <p class="story_summary"> Democrats in Congress wasted no time in taking up President Barack Obama&#x2019;s challenge Tuesday night that lawmakers take a "market-based" approach to addressing climate change, even if their effort has little hope of success. <span>| 02/13/13 18:46:12 By - By Erika Bolstad</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">Panetta: Congress hurting itself and U.S. image with continuous squabbling</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">The world is nervously watching a dysfunctional Congress and wondering &#x93;whether or not we can rise to the challenges&#x94; that face the United States, outgoing Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta said Wednesday. <span>| 02/13/13 18:41:25 By - Matthew Schofield</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">On trade, California Republican Nunes is an Obama critic turned ally</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">New plans for a big European trade deal put President Barack Obama and Rep. Devin Nunes, R-Calif., on the same page, for now. <span>| 02/13/13 15:34:26 By - By Michael Doyle</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">Health law&#x92;s Medicaid expansion moves forward, but with many questions</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">In the largest one-year enrollment bump in program history, 8 million Americans are expected to gain health insurance in 2014 through Medicaid under the nation&#x92;s massive health care overhaul. <span>| 02/12/13 17:17:56 By - By Tony Pugh</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="">U.S. will reduce the number of troops in Afghanistan by 34,000</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">President Obama will announce in his State of the Union Address Tuesday night that by this time next year 34,000 troops will have returned to the United States, according to a senior administration official. <span>| 02/12/13 10:18:40 By - Anita Kumar</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">Many African-Americans concerned about Obama&#x2019;s focus on immigrant rights</a></h3> <p class="story_summary"> No sooner did President Barack Obama and a group of senators separately outline proposals to revamp the nation&#x2019;s immigration system than the phone lines on several African-American-oriented talk radio shows heated up with callers blasting the plans. <span>| 02/11/13 17:12:19 By - By William Douglas and Franco Ordonez</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">Despite sanctions, U.S. aid to Afghanistan might also be helping Iran</a></h3> <p class="story_summary"> The Afghan National Army may have broken the U.S.-led economic embargo against Iran by using American aid to buy Iranian fuel for its military vehicles, generators and cooking processes, according to a military audit and experts on the region. <span>| 02/11/13 16:21:26 By - By Matthew Schofield</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">Descendant of anti-slavery icons follows in their footsteps</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">The great-great-great-grandson of escaped slave and abolitionist Frederick Douglass, as well as the great-great-grandson of Booker T. Washington, the pioneering African American educator, he said it has taken him many years to figure out to handle so much historical weight. <span>| 02/11/13 16:04:21 By - Maria Recio</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">New museum will celebrate both the pain and triumph of African-American history</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">It is a blight on American history that history cannot ignore: The exploitation and enslavement of black people for hundreds of years. It will be the challenge of a new museum in the nation&#x92;s capital to tell that story, however uncomfortable the subject might be to some, because it defines the history of African-Americans. <span>| 02/11/13 16:01:13 By - By Maria Recio</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">Mystery continues to surround Chandra Levy murder case</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">The man convicted of killing former intern Chandra Levy returned to court Thursday for the first time in two years, and questions concerning the credibility of a prosecution witness will remain secret for now. <span>| 02/07/13 18:44:56 By - By Michael Doyle</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">Chandra Levy judge maintains veil of secrecy over hearings</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">The ongoing Chandra Levy murder mystery rekindled news media attention Wednesday, as a trial judge told a crowded courtroom that unexpected post-trial proceedings will remain secret for now. <span>| 02/06/13 18:24:03 By - By Michael Doyle</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">Postal Service wants to cut Saturday mail delivery</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">The U.S. Postal Service plans to end Saturday mail delivery beginning in August, a sign that the long-suffering agency may finally be succumbing to e-commerce. <span>| 02/06/13 17:51:38 By - By Beena Raghavendran</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">Obama picks REI chief Sally Jewell to lead Interior</a></h3> <p class="story_summary"> Sally Jewell, a conservation advocate who&#x2019;s the head of the outdoor gear and clothing retailer Recreational Equipment Inc., is President Barack Obama&#x2019;s choice to be the secretary of the interior. <span>| 02/06/13 19:34:39 By - By Sean Cockerham</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">Obama to visit Israel and the West Bank</a></h3> <p class="story_summary"> President Barack Obama will travel to Israel, the West Bank and Jordan this spring, the White House said Tuesday, amid signs the administration is interested in revisiting stalled Middle East peace talks. <span>| 02/05/13 19:10:06 By - By Lesley Clark</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">Advocates work to expand 20-year-old Family and Medical Leave Act</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">Twenty years after the Family and Medical Leave Act became law, 4 in 10 workers aren&#x92;t eligible to take temporary, unpaid leave to recover from serious illnesses or to care for new children or sick relatives. <span>| 02/05/13 17:49:10 By - By Lindsay Wise</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">Republican, Democratic lawmakers will meet separately on looming budget cuts</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">Lawmakers for both major political parties will huddle separately behind closed doors starting Tuesday, plotting strategy for the coming fight over how to prevent deep, across-the-board automatic federal spending cuts scheduled to begin on March 1. <span>| 02/04/13 17:36:51 By - By David Lightman and Kevin G. Hall</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">Judge&#x2019;s actions in Air Force sexual assault case to be questioned</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">An Air Force enlisted man convicted of rape at a Joint Base Charleston court-martial will get a chance to challenge his trial judge, under a new ruling by a military appeals court. <span>| 02/01/13 16:54:49 By - By Michael Doyle</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">Path social media app settles with FTC over privacy issue</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">A popular social-networking app has reached a settlement with federal regulators over allegations that it collected address book information from users&#x92; mobile phones without their knowledge or consent, the Federal Trade Commission announced Friday. <span>| 02/01/13 14:45:01 By - By Lindsay Wise</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">Newtown massacre may impel states to beef up mental health services</a></h3> <p class="story_summary"> The push for expanded mental health services after the mass murders of schoolchildren in Newtown, Conn., has moved from Congress to the nation&#x2019;s statehouses, where health care advocates hope growing tax revenues and renewed outrage over gun violence will lead lawmakers to boost funding for counseling. <span>| 01/31/13 17:10:42 By - By Tony Pugh</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">Obama administration misses some health law deadlines</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">The Obama administration is late in implementing several provisions of the federal health overhaul intended to improve access to care and lower costs. <span>| 01/31/13 16:07:42 By - By Phil Galewitz</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">New combat policy for women cracks the &#x91;Kevlar ceiling&#x92;</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">Those familiar with the impact of the ban on women in combat say the reasons to lift it rest in the numbers. About one in five junior officers are women. But because official combat roles were ruled out for women, and those roles are at least the tiebreaker in promotions, the percentages of women decline as ranks increase. By the time service members reach the rank of general, women are down to about one in 12. <span>| 01/31/13 14:24:23 By - By Matthew Schofield</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">Immigration divides GOP</a></h3> <p class="story_summary"> Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., took his case for an overhaul of the nation&#x2019;s immigration system straight to one of the most influential voices in Republican politics, conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh. <span>| 01/29/13 19:12:30 By - By David Lightman</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="">Ray LaHood stepping down as transportation secretary</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood, a former Republican congressman who joined President Obama's Cabinet, said today he won't serve in the second term. <span>| 01/29/13 11:07:32 By - Lesley Clark</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">Bipartisan group of senators lays out sweeping immigration plan</a></h3> <p class="story_summary"> A bipartisan group of eight prominent senators Monday laid out an ambitious overhaul of the nation&#x2019;s patchwork immigration system that would balance tougher border enforcement with creating a path to citizenship for millions of undocumented immigrants and new opportunities for seasonal farmworkers to gain legal status. <span>| 01/28/13 18:07:04 By - By James Rosen and William Douglas</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">Are the Democratic and Republican parties captives of their extremes?</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">America&#x2019;s two major political parties are prisoners of their images, stifling their ability to broaden their appeal. Democrats are routinely portrayed as liberals and Republicans as conservatives, and movement toward the center, where elections are usually won, is difficult to detect. <span>| 01/28/13 17:12:39 By - By David Lightman</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">Suspect in prison guard murder to get mental health review</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">Attorneys for one of the inmates accused of killing an unarmed guard at the federal prison in Atwater are now having him tested for mental retardation, a step that could save his life. <span>| 01/28/13 17:05:34 By - By Michael Doyle</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">Bit by bit, Obama already nicking away at barriers for illegal immigrants</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">President Barack Obama will unveil his sweeping plan on immigration Tuesday in the midst of a rapidly shifting political environment. It&#x2019;s his most ambitious move yet on the emotionally divisive issue after making a series of smaller steps over the past year. <span>| 01/28/13 16:57:36 By - By Franco Ordonez and Diane Smith</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">Financial crisis has left 401(k)s vulnerable, so what now?</a></h3> <p class="story_summary"> As the father of two college-age kids, Rob Harris knew that finding money to pay soaring tuition costs wasn&#x2019;t going to be easy. Reluctant to saddle himself or his children with loans, the 55-year-old product development manager from Kansas City, Mo., tapped another source: his retirement savings. <span>| 01/27/13 00:00:00 By - By Lindsay Wise</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">California&#x2019;s new congressman, Ami Bera: a doctor in the House</a></h3> <p class="story_summary"> On the fourth floor of the Longworth House Office Building, a short distance down the white marble hallway from the elevator, Rep. Ami Bera is still unpacking things in an office that just last month was somebody else&#x2019;s. <span>| 01/25/13 18:56:39 By - </span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">White House kicks off on gun control campaign</a></h3> <p class="story_summary"> Vice President Joe Biden spoke Friday to Virginia leaders who responded to the worst school shooting in the nation&#x2019;s history as the White House begins its try to sell America on a contentious gun control proposal. <span>| 01/25/13 18:27:08 By - By Anita Kumar</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">GOP ponders uncertain future for policies and political tactics</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">. Stung by an image that it&#x2019;s too rigidly conservative and too &#x201C;stupid&#x201D; about its words and tactics, a somber Republican Party vowed Friday to change its ways. <span>| 01/25/13 17:06:42 By - By David Lightman</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">Inmates&#x2019; request for lower phone rates no longer on hold</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">A 13-year campaign to cut the cost of prison phone calls has finally reached a political dial tone, as inmates and their families have found allies in high places. <span>| 01/25/13 16:41:48 By - By Michael Doyle</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">Democrats offer assault weapons ban, but no GOP support dims its chances</a></h3> <p class="story_summary"> Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., and a group of Capitol Hill lawmakers joined law enforcement officials, mayors, clergy and victims of gun violence Thursday to offer a new ban on assault weapons and high-capacity magazines like the ones used in recent mass shootings in Connecticut and Colorado. <span>| 01/24/13 19:46:52 By - By Curtis Tate</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">After criticism, Obama officials quietly craft new polygraph policy</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">The Obama administration is drawing up a new national polygraph policy in the wake of allegations that federal agencies are pushing legal and ethical limits during screenings of job applicants and employees. <span>| 01/24/13 16:09:41 By - By Marisa Taylor</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">&#x91;Fiscal cliff,&#x92; 2012 elections boost spending on lobbying</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">Congress&#x92; &#x91;fiscal cliff&#x92; fiasco, a flurry of lame-duck legislation and election-season politics drove some of the nation&#x92;s most powerful lobbying forces to increase their governmental influence efforts late last year, newly filed reports show. <span>| 01/24/13 14:27:36 By - By Dave Levinthal</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">McCaskill again tries to ban earmarks</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">Sen. Claire McCaskill is making another run at ending earmarks after the Missouri Democrat tried but failed during her first term in Congress. McCaskill will reintroduce legislation today designed to halt the practice of earmarking, which enables lawmakers to designate funds for special projects back home without legislative scrutiny. <span>| 01/24/13 12:15:17 By - Lindsay Wise</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">Kerry gets warm reception at Senate confirmation hearing</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">Poised to become secretary of state for an administration wrapping up a decade of war, Sen. John Kerry described in his Senate confirmation hearing Thursday a vision for greater trade and engagement with foreign partners to underline that &#x93;American foreign policy is not defined by drones and deployments alone.&#x94; <span>| 01/24/13 17:38:30 By - By Hannah Allam</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">U.S. military to lift ban on women in combat: &#x2018;Historic step for equality&#x2019;</a></h3> <p class="story_summary"> The U.S. military will soon announce the end of a 19-year ban on women in combat, according to a senior defense official, a sweeping change that appears to recognize the reality that female troops have experienced since the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan. <span>| 01/23/13 19:21:51 By - By Matthew Schofield</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">News media challenge court secrecy in Chandra Levy murder case</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">The Chandra Levy murder mystery has transformed, again, into a broader debate over public access to court proceedings. <span>| 01/23/13 18:14:28 By - By Michael Doyle</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">Another Westlands Water District issue washes up at Court of Federal Claims</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">Far from California&#x2019;s San Joaquin Valley, an irrigation drainage problem that once turned deadly continues to confront a crucial but little-known federal court. <span>| 01/23/13 17:56:15 By - By Michael Doyle</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">Gen. Allen cleared in email investigation linked to the Petraeus scandal</a></h3> <p class="story_summary"> The top general in Afghanistan has been cleared in an email scandal that had threatened his career just as he was putting the finishing touches on plans for the American military drawdown in the 11-year-old war. <span>| 01/22/13 19:39:19 By - By Matthew Schofield</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">Westlands Water District&#x2019;s $1 billion claim against U.S. rejected</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">A federal court has quietly dismissed a $1 billion claim by the well-known Westlands Water District, leaving unresolved the long-standing problem of coping with irrigation drainage in California&#x2019;s San Joaquin Valley. <span>| 01/22/13 16:30:48 By - By Michael Doyle</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">South Carolina celebrants join inauguration</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">Dick Harpootlian, the head of the South Carolina Democratic Party, had something he wanted to share with President Barack Obama at the White House just before the president&#x92;s inauguration Monday to a second term. <span>| 01/21/13 17:29:00 By - By James Rosen</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">Flu outbreak kills more children, hospitalizes more seniors</a></h3> <p class="story_summary"> In the deadliest week yet for the nation&#x2019;s stubborn influenza outbreak, nine more children died of flu-related illness last week, bringing the season&#x2019;s pediatric death toll to 29, as local health officials nationwide continue to take protective measures to stop the spread of the virus. <span>| 01/18/13 18:28:30 By - By Tony Pugh</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">Scientists find Camp Lejeune water contamination went back to 1953</a></h3> <p class="story_summary"> Federal health officials have determined that water contamination at Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune exceeded safe levels as far back as August 1953, four years earlier than previous findings. <span>| 01/18/13 17:33:24 By - By Franco Ordonez</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">More twists and turns in the Chandra Levy case</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">The man convicted of killing one-time Washington intern Chandra Levy will soon be returning to court, even as attorneys wrangle over a spreading veil of secrecy. <span>| 01/18/13 15:49:13 By - By Michael Doyle</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">NASA, Boeing planning to use lithium batteries in space station</a></h3> <p class="story_summary"> NASA is planning to install batteries in the International Space Station that are similar to the ones that grounded Boeing&#x2019;s Dreamliner fleet this week and which are also made by the same company. <span>| 01/17/13 19:58:00 By - By Curtis Tate</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">Gun concerns evoking sound and fury, but will anything change?</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">Poll after poll finds more Americans agree that their elected officials need to do something, anything, to prevent more children from dying in a nation with more firearms than any other in the world. But in Washington &#x2013; where cooperation in a divided Congress is tenuous at best &#x2013; it still may not be enough. <span>| 01/17/13 18:48:13 By - By Anita Kumar</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">Georgians inaugural-bound to celebrate the president</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">The 57thpresidential inauguration may be an inside-the-beltway affair, but Georgia residents are crashing the party next week to put their Peach State stamp on festivities marking the final four years of the Barack Obama presidency. <span>| 01/17/13 15:39:31 By - By Tony Pugh</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">LIVE from the presidential inauguration</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">Live inauguration coverage from Washington, D.C. by McClatchy DC Bureau reporters. Check back here starting at 8:15 a.m. as we track Barack Obama's second inauguration from the oath to the inaugural balls. <span>| 01/17/13 15:34:14 By - </span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">FAA grounds Boeing&#x92;s Dreamliner over battery fire risk</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">The Federal Aviation Administration on Wednesday grounded Boeing&#x92;s flagship 787 Dreamliner until the company resolves problems with lithium batteries that caught fire in two different aircraft. <span>| 01/16/13 20:20:04 By - By Curtis Tate McClatchy Newspapers</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">Experts applaud Obama&#x92;s sweeping gun-control plan</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">President Barack Obama&#x92;s wide-ranging plan to curb gun violence in America isn&#x92;t likely to be enacted in full, but experts say the sheer breadth of his proposal will provide a national blueprint for action that can guide lawmakers, fuel a powerful lobbying effort and sustain a national dialogue on gun control. <span>| 01/16/13 19:29:17 By - By Tony Pugh</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">Salazar leaves legacy of drilling expansion, moratorium</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">Interior Secretary Ken Salazar&#x92;s announcement that he&#x92;s stepping down at the end of March leaves his successor to grapple with contentious issues including drilling in Arctic waters off Alaska and fracking for natural gas and oil on public lands. <span>| 01/16/13 18:07:14 By - By Sean Cockerham and Rob Hotakainen</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="">Obama's Interior Secretary Ken Salazar heading back to Colorado</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">Interior Secretary Ken Salazar said today he'll step down from his Cabinet post by the end of March and return to his home state of Colorado. <span>| 01/16/13 10:25:45 By - Lesley Clark</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">Avast! Supreme Court sinks Florida houseboat ruling</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">A Florida resident actually had his &#x201C;boat floated&#x201D; Tuesday by the Supreme Court, as the justices ruled that the city of Riviera Beach could not regulate his home as a maritime vessel. <span>| 01/15/13 16:56:08 By - By Michael Doyle and Ina Paiva Cordle</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">LA Mayor Villaraigosa pushes immigration changes</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, fresh off an aggressive effort to get President Barack Obama re-elected, strode into Washington this week to champion an immigration overhaul. <span>| 01/14/13 18:50:11 By - By Franco Ordonez</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">Fires in Boeing Dreamliner electrical compartment raise safety concerns</a></h3> <p class="story_summary"> While Boeing maintains that a fire in an electronics compartment of Boeing&#x2019;s 787 Dreamliner last week and another fire on a test flight in 2010 are not related, the plane&#x2019;s fire-suppression system does not protect the site where both fires occurred. <span>| 01/14/13 17:24:05 By - By Curtis Tate</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">Attendance likely to drop by a million for second Obama inauguration</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">Marvin Lyman figured it would be a breeze to fill two charter buses to go from Missouri to Washington for President Barack Obama&#x2019;s inauguration, just as it was four years ago when Lyman&#x2019;s phone rang off the hook with people eager to make the trip. <span>| 01/14/13 00:00:00 By - By William Douglas</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">Florida land-use case at Supreme Court may have national impact</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">Coy Koontz Sr. had a plan when he bought 14.9 acres east of Orlando, Fla. It did not include having his son end up at the U.S. Supreme Court, however. <span>| 01/11/13 15:56:37 By - By Michael Doyle</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">Biden on gun control: Public wants us to act</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">Moving quickly, Vice President Joe Biden announced Thursday that he&#x2019;ll urge President Barack Obama to pursue new gun controls as the first, best way to curb gun violence. <span>| 01/10/13 18:38:37 By - By Anita Kumar</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">As states weigh licenses for young illegal immigrants, N.C. switches its position</a></h3> <p class="story_summary"> After first indicating it would grant driver&#x2019;s licenses to young illegal immigrants who have received two-year deferrals from deportation, the North Carolina Division of Motor Vehicles now says it will not allow them to drive until the agency receives a legal opinion that requires it to do otherwise. <span>| 01/10/13 19:56:14 By - By Franco Ordonez</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">Bin Laden death photos might not see the light of day</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">Skeptical-sounding federal judges on Thursday considered whether the public can see pictures of terror mastermind Osama bin Laden, taken after he had been shot dead by U.S. Navy SEALs in a raid on his hideout two years ago. <span>| 01/10/13 15:44:51 By - By Michael Doyle</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="">Inauguration will feature Richard Blanco - first Hispanic poet to read at swearing-in</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">Richard Blanco will serve as the official poet at President Obama's swearing-in ceremony Jan. 21.<p/>Yes, there really is an inaugural poet. <span>| 01/09/13 12:04:46 By - Anita Kumar</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">Supreme Court weighs case of disabled child and medical malpractice award</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">Emily Armstrong remained in her specially equipped Taylorsville, N.C., home on Tuesday while Supreme Court justices wrangled over a legal dilemma entangling her and which defies easy solution. <span>| 01/08/13 17:30:13 By - By Michael Doyle</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">He&#x2019;s back &#x2013; Richard Nixon at 100</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">Richard Nixon would have turned 100 Wednesday, and his old friends will gather at a hotel near the White House to toast the memory of the 37th president. What is not said also will say much about his evolving legacy, because no protesters or seething Nixon-haters are expected outside the doors. <span>| 01/08/13 16:07:24 By - By David Lightman</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">Obama picks fight as he selects Hagel for Defense, Brennan for CIA</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">President Barack Obama&#x2019;s selection of Chuck Hagel to be secretary of defense has turned the presidential nomination process into something it is traditionally not: a fight. <span>| 01/07/13 19:00:56 By - By Anita Kumar and David Lightman</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">California water providers clash with feds over breached contracts</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">Attorneys for two Stockton, Calif.-area water districts urged a judge Friday to order the federal government to pay tens of millions of dollars for failing to deliver promised water from New Melones Lake. <span>| 01/04/13 16:00:24 By - By Michael Doyle</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">New N.C. Rep. Holding is ready for spending fight</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">George Holding is now a member of Congress, with an office in the &#x93;freshman dorm&#x94; and one priority: cutting federal government spending.<p/>&#x93;Cuts have to come first,&#x94; Holding said in an interview Wednesday. &#x93;We&#x92;ve just backed ourselves into a corner where we&#x92;ve got to cut now.&#x94; <span>| 01/04/13 12:56:43 By - Renee Schoof</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">S.C. Rep. Mulvaney's non-vote on Boehner draws attention</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">U.S. Rep. Mick Mulvaney declined Thursday to support giving U.S. Rep. John Boehner a second term as House speaker, joining 11 other Republican lawmakers who protested the Ohioan&#x92;s leadership. <span>| 01/04/13 12:45:14 By - James Rosen</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">Idaho Senator Crapo pleads guilty to drunk driving</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">Sen. Mike Crapo Friday pleaded guilty to drunken driving and was fined $250, had his drivers&#x92; license suspended and sentenced to 180 days in jail, which was suspended. <span>| 01/04/13 11:33:10 By - David Lightman</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">Washington state's newcomers go to work in Congress</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">After learning that he would rank 382nd in seniority in the new U.S. House of Representatives, Democratic Rep. Denny Heck of Olympia, Wash., did a quick calculation to figure out where he stands as a rookie on Capitol Hill. <span>| 01/04/13 07:36:12 By - Ron Hotakainen</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">Nine new U.S. lawmakers from Texas take oath of office</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">Ted Cruz took the oath of office as a U.S. senator at midday Thursday, shedding his political newcomer status and becoming a new federal lawmaker who said he is "honored and humbled" to represent Texas. <span>| 01/04/13 07:33:06 By - Maria Recio</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">Florida&#x92;s newest congressional leaders are sworn into office</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">Lois Frankel, the former mayor of sunny West Palm Beach, had to buy her first pair of winter boots in decades. Joe Garcia, who represents southern Miami-Dade County and the Keys, found a temporary room at University of Miami President Donna Shalala&#x92;s home in Georgetown. <span>| 01/04/13 07:13:38 By - Erika Bolstad</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">Senators: Did CIA tell 'Zero Dark Thirty' filmmakers torture led to bin Laden?</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">The chairs of the Senate intelligence and armed services committees are looking into whether the CIA misled the makers of a movie about the hunt for Osama bin Laden by telling them that &#x93;coercive interrogation&#x94; of suspected terrorists produced intelligence that led to the al Qaida founder&#x92;s hideout in Pakistan. <span>| 01/03/13 19:48:32 By - By Jonathan S. Landay</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">New California Congressman David Valadao living &#x2018;the American dream&#x2019;</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">The San Joaquin Valley&#x2019;s congressional delegation has a new face. <span>| 01/03/13 15:24:05 By - By Michael Doyle</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">With tax deal, U.S. is off the cliff but not out of the woods</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">A day after the nation edged away from a fiscal cliff that had threatened economic doom, the realization that other ominous fiscal battles loom tempered any sense of celebration Wednesday in the nation&#x92;s capital. <span>| 01/02/13 18:06:25 By - By David Lightman and Kevin G. Hall</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">Most of S.C. delegation opposes fiscal cliff deal</a></h3> <p class="story_summary"> Sen. Lindsey Graham was the only Republican member of South Carolina&#x2019;s congressional delegation who voted for the last-minute package to avert a fiscal cliff, saying Congress had to act to prevent catastrophic consequences. <span>| 01/02/13 17:22:15 By - By James Rosen</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">House votes country back from fiscal cliff</a></h3> <p class="story_summary"> America&#x2019;s not going over the fiscal cliff, as the House of Representatives Tuesday approved the last-minute deal to pull the nation away from the brink of economic chaos. <span>| 01/01/13 23:49:22 By - By David Lightman and Lesley Clark</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">Senate passes fiscal deal, fate uncertain in House</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">The Senate passed an agreement early Tuesday to solve the nation&#x2019;s threatening fiscal crisis, a last minute plan to avert sweeping tax increases for most Americans and postponing cuts to government spending that economists say could have triggered a recession. <span>| 01/01/13 06:34:12 By - By Anita Kumar and William Douglas</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">Fiscal crisis is the new normal in Washington</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">They don&#x92;t manage crises. They manage BY crisis. The tortured bargaining by Washington politicians to avoid the higher taxes and drastic spending cuts due to take effect this week aimed at best at a small and temporary fix &#x96; and provided a vivid reminder why the American political system is badly broken. <span>| 12/31/12 22:30:05 By - David Lightman</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">Congress bends rules to rename Yosemite-area peak</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">Congress stretched the rules a bit by naming a Yosemite National Park-area mountain after the late Olympic star and longtime Mono County, Calif., Supervisor Andrea Lawrence. And most everyone is cool with that. <span>| 12/31/12 16:49:20 By - By Michael Doyle</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">From Capitol Hill to Iran, next defense secretary faces challenges</a></h3> <p class="story_summary"> The trial balloon for the next secretary of defense barely lifted off before the darts started zipping at it, from the left and the right. <span>| 12/31/12 15:29:51 By - By Matthew Schofield</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">New Year means tax increases to pay for health care law</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">The tax man is coming in 2013. And he&#x92;s wearing surgical scrubs and has a stethoscope around his neck. <span>| 12/31/12 14:56:29 By - By Tony Pugh</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">10 politicians to watch in 2013</a></h3> <p class="story_summary"> From the halls of the U.S. Capitol to the Oval Office, plenty of political personalities will garner attention in 2013. Some have been in the spotlight for years, while others are embarking on the national stage for the first time. <span>| 12/31/12 14:26:20 By - By Anita Kumar and William Douglas</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">All-volunteer military may desensitize U.S. to war, some fear</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">The all-volunteer military force appears to be passing from generation to generation, leading to the worrying notion that the United States is developing a warrior class. One survey indicated that 57 percent of active troops today are the children of current or former active or reserve service members. <span>| 12/31/12 13:37:09 By - By Matthew Schofield</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">Top 10 political quotes of 2012</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">The top 10 political quotes of 2012. <span>| 12/31/12 13:37:53 By - By David Lightman</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">Budget cliffhanger: talks drag into final hours</a></h3> <p class="story_summary"> The White House and congressional leaders worked overtime Sunday to ward off tax increases set to kick in for most Americans, with Republican leaders signaling a grudging acceptance that some taxes will go up and the two parties narrowing their differences over who should pay more. <span>| 12/30/12 21:11:32 By - By William Douglas and Anita Kumar</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">Taxes key as budget talks start in private</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">Senate leaders worked feverishly behind closed doors Saturday to avert the most painful parts of a looming fiscal crisis, debating which taxpayers could or should pay more as part of a deal that would ward off looming tax increases for everyone. <span>| 12/29/12 21:56:57 By - By William Douglas and Anita Kumar</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">At fiscal cliff&#x2019;s edge, budget talks resume</a></h3> <p class="story_summary"> Just days from a fiscal meltdown, President Barack Obama and congressional leaders resumed stalled talks Friday and head into the weekend with a final attempt to negotiate a last-minute budget compromise that would avert looming tax increases for most Americans that could plunge the country back into recession. <span>| 12/28/12 19:45:14 By - By Anita Kumar and William Douglas</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">New rule puts cloak of privacy on children&#x2019;s apps</a></h3> <p class="story_summary"> Unbeknownst to the lucky children who unwrapped tablets or smartphones this holiday season, new rules issued in Washington to protect their privacy on those devices could have profound implications for the future of the Internet and mobile apps. <span>| 12/28/12 16:17:12 By - By Lindsay Wise</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">Obama and Senate return to D.C., can&#x2019;t find a deal</a></h3> <p class="story_summary"> President Barack Obama and the Senate returned Thursday to Washington to revive stalled negotiations to avert a potentially devastating series of tax increases and spending cuts &#x2013; but both parties remained pessimistic they would find a solution before a crucial end-of-the-year deadline. <span>| 12/27/12 19:12:14 By - By Anita Kumar and William Douglas</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="">EPA administrator Lisa Jackson to resign</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">Lisa Jackson, administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, announced Thursday that she is resigning. <span>| 12/27/12 11:51:19 By - Anita Kumar</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">U.S. will reach federal debt limit on New Year&#x2019;s Eve</a></h3> <p class="story_summary"> The government will reach the $16.4 trillion debt limit Monday, Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner told congressional leaders Wednesday, adding a new and possibly dramatic wrinkle to negotiations aimed at averting the &#x201C;fiscal cliff.&#x201D; <span>| 12/26/12 19:13:34 By - By David Lightman and Kevin G. Hall</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">Gallup: People less optimistic about cliff deal</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">People are growing pessimistic that the White House and congressional leaders can reach an agreement on avoiding the fiscal cliff, a new Gallup poll said Wednesday. <span>| 12/26/12 09:48:08 By - David Lightman</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">Here are some routes to avoid looming &#x2018;fiscal cliff&#x2019;</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">When President Barack Obama and Congress return to Washington later this week, the countdown to the fiscal cliff will be measured in days _ yet no one really knows how, when or even whether an agreement might reached. <span>| 12/24/12 15:54:01 By - By David Lightman</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">Obama nominates Sen. John Kerry as secretary of state</a></h3> <p class="story_summary"> President Barack Obama on Friday nominated Sen. John Kerry for secretary of state in his second term, calling the Vietnam veteran and onetime presidential contender the &#x201C;perfect choice to guide American diplomacy.&#x201D; <span>| 12/21/12 18:31:01 By - </span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">NRA calls for Congress to require armed guards in every school</a></h3> <p class="story_summary"> The nation&#x2019;s largest gun lobby, which has stayed mostly quiet since the shootings that killed 26 people at a Connecticut elementary school a week ago, called Friday for Congress to require armed security guards in every school, saying that doing so could prevent acts of mass violence from happening again. <span>| 12/21/12 18:01:06 By - By Erika Bolstad</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">Kerry&#x2019;s rise from son of a diplomat to secretary of state</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">With Friday&#x2019;s announcement by President Barack Obama that he had nominated Sen. John Kerry to become the next secretary of state, the Massachusetts Democrat would go from a diplomat&#x2019;s son to the nation&#x2019;s top diplomat &#x2013; overcoming a few setbacks along the way. <span>| 12/21/12 17:18:36 By - By William Douglas and David Lightman</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">Judge tosses suit that tried to rid Senate of filibuster</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">A long-shot lawsuit challenging the Senate filibuster rules, in part over a contentious immigration issue, was tossed out Friday by a federal judge. <span>| 12/21/12 17:03:58 By - By Michael Doyle</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">With GOP divided on tax vote, Boehner pulls &#x2018;Plan B&#x2019; off House floor</a></h3> <p class="story_summary"> House Speaker John Boehner&#x2019;s carefully planned effort to paint Republicans as unified behind a tax and spending plan was in turmoil Thursday night, as he was unable to find enough votes from his own members to pass a tax increase on the wealthy. <span>| 12/20/12 20:27:40 By - By David Lightman</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">Tice family pleads for help in return of journalist missing in Syria</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">The parents of missing American journalist Austin Tice made a heart-wrenching appeal for his safe return Thursday in an open letter addressed to his captors in Syria. <span>| 12/20/12 18:54:34 By - By Lindsay Wise</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">Mayan exhibit celebrates changing calendar and royal jade</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">If you&#x92;ve outlived the apocalypse and still are interested in Mayan culture, drop in on a new exhibit about the Mayans in Washington. <span>| 12/20/12 17:03:03 By - By Tish Wells</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">Supreme Court rulings limit options of gun-control task force</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">The Obama administration&#x2019;s high-level gun-control task force, established Wednesday, will be navigating tricky legal terrain reshaped by Supreme Court conservatives. <span>| 12/19/12 17:04:01 By - By Michael Doyle</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">With state budgets in red, push for online sales tax gains steam</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">At The Regulator Bookshop in Durham, N.C., co-owner Tom Campbell says he is losing business as customers come in to photograph his books or jot down notes, conducting their research before they buy the books online to avoid a sales tax. <span>| 12/19/12 15:20:28 By - By Rob Hotakainen</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">Religious challenge to health care law can continue</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">North Carolina&#x2019;s Belmont Abbey College can keep on challenging the Obama administration&#x2019;s signature health care law under an appellate court ruling that leaves the challenge on hold. <span>| 12/19/12 14:55:44 By - By Michael Doyle</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="">VP Biden to head post-Newtown shooting review of U.S. policy</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">A day after the administration said he "actively supports" some gun control measures, President Obama today will announce his administration's first coordinated steps to respond to the elementary school shooting in Newtown. <span>| 12/19/12 08:11:05 By - Lesley Clark</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">New details could undermine witness in Chandra Levy case</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">Newly obtained information potentially undermines a prosecution witness used to convict an illegal Salvadoran immigrant of killing former intern Chandra Levy, an unusual court hearing revealed Tuesday. <span>| 12/18/12 17:45:44 By - By Michael Doyle</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">Obama, Speaker John Boehner edge toward deal on federal budget</a></h3> <p class="story_summary"> President Barack Obama and House Speaker John Boehner inched closer to a solution to avert a looming fiscal crisis Tuesday with a deal that would fail to meet one of the president&#x2019;s top campaign pledges of raising taxes on the wealthiest 2 percent of Americans. <span>| 12/18/12 17:41:45 By - By David Lightman and Anita Kumar</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">Obama offers new fiscal cliff proposal; deal may be nearer</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">President Barack Obama and House Speaker John Boehner moved closer to a deal on tax increases and spending cuts late Monday, though some details remain to meet an end-of-the-year deadline. <span>| 12/17/12 21:58:26 By - By Anita Kumar</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">In aftermath of Newtown massacre, what will Congress do about guns?</a></h3> <p class="story_summary"> The horrific Connecticut shootings are likely to change the tone of Congress&#x2019; debate over gun control and other efforts to curb violence. <span>| 12/17/12 17:59:31 By - By David Lightman and William Douglas</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">New USDA rule would speed poultry-processing lines, worrying inspectors</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">The U.S. Department of Agriculture is poised to finalize major changes to the poultry slaughter-inspection process that critics warn could threaten food safety and harm workers. <span>| 12/17/12 17:55:38 By - By Lindsay Wise</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">New poultry rule could harm workers, advocates say</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">Workplace safety experts say a U.S. Department of Agriculture proposal to increase line speeds at poultry plants could endanger the low-wage workers who are tasked with sorting and trimming inedible carcasses, a job that used to belong to federal inspectors. <span>| 12/17/12 17:54:58 By - By Lindsay Wise</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">Bin Laden film leak was referred to Justice; leaker top Obama official</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">Pentagon investigators concluded that a senior Defense Department official who&#x92;s been mentioned as a possible candidate to be the next CIA director leaked restricted information to the makers of an acclaimed film about the hunt for Osama bin Laden, and referred the case to the Justice Department, according to knowledgeable U.S. officials. <span>| 12/17/12 17:21:46 By - By Marisa Taylor and Jonathan S. Landay McClatchy Newspapers</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">Fiscal cliff&#x2019;s impact in Kentucky uncertain but worrisome</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">Two weeks before the federal government is forced to make cuts that could impact classrooms, extension programs and staff, Kentucky State University&#x2019;s Teferi Tsegaye notes that all he knows for sure about the so-called &#x201C;fiscal cliff&#x201D; is that his agricultural school is among those being shoved over. <span>| 12/17/12 15:33:53 By - By Matthew Schofield</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">Court to decide whether religious challenge to health care law may proceed</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">Federal judges on Friday seriously entertained ways to revive a religious liberty lawsuit that North Carolina&#x2019;s Belmont Abbey College filed against the Obama administration&#x2019;s signature health care law. <span>| 12/14/12 16:54:40 By - By Michael Doyle</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">Fiscal cliff threatens money for Penn State, rest of state</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">Ross Hardison occasionally peers over the fiscal cliff and doesn&#x2019;t like what he sees. <span>| 12/14/12 13:11:14 By - By William Douglas</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">Obama dares Congress to fight over Rice, then drops it</a></h3> <p class="story_summary"> A month ago, a freshly re-elected President Barack Obama was defiant as he dared Congress to battle him over his apparent choice of close friend Susan Rice to be the next secretary of state. <span>| 12/13/12 20:02:18 By - By David Lightman and Lesley Clark</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">Rice drops bid to be nominated for secretary of state</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">United Nations Ambassador Susan Rice took herself out of the running Thursday to be the next secretary of state, bowing to a torrent of criticism by Republicans on Capitol Hill over remarks she made after a deadly attack on U.S. diplomatic facilities in Benghazi, Libya. <span>| 12/13/12 20:13:28 By - By Anita Kumar and William Douglas</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">This &#x2018;seven years&#x2019; war&#x2019; is a battle over Pentagon secrecy and torture information</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">Penn State University faculty member Jonathan H. Marks wants interrogation documents that the Pentagon insists on locking up. <span>| 12/13/12 14:59:59 By - By Michael Doyle</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">There are 150 million reasons it&#x2019;s so hard to cut federal spending</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">There&#x2019;s solid support for raising taxes on the wealthy to avoid the &#x201C;fiscal cliff,&#x201D; but tax increases alone won&#x2019;t solve the problem. Cutting spending is extremely difficult, however. Look in the mirror for the key to the problem: An ever-increasing number of Americans get a piece of federal spending. <span>| 12/13/12 15:05:47 By - By Lesley Clark</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">Immigration activists launch effort on legislation</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">Promising a massive pro-immigration effort unlike any ever seen, a coalition of national Latino civil rights and labor organizations unveiled a national campaign Wednesday to push President Barack Obama and Congress to pass immigration legislation next year. <span>| 12/12/12 17:42:36 By - By Franco Ordonez</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">Is Senate filibuster rule to blame for immigration impasse?</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">Solving one of the nation&#x92;s most hotly debated issues &#x96; comprehensive immigration legislation &#x96; may hinge on a little-understood procedural rule that&#x92;s played an increasingly crucial role in Congress. <span>| 12/12/12 16:23:29 By - By Franco Ordonez</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">Religious colleges challenge health care law&#x2019;s contraception rule</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">North Carolina&#x2019;s Belmont Abbey College is trying to resurrect a religious school charge against the Obama administration&#x2019;s signature health care law. <span>| 12/11/12 17:08:44 By - By Michael Doyle</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">Poll: Voters want soft fiscal cliff landing, but offer no net</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">Americans clearly want Washington to solve its looming budget crisis, and they clearly reject almost every option to do that, according to a new McClatchy-Marist Poll. <span>| 12/10/12 16:58:37 By - By Steven Thomma</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">Kansas readies for impact of fiscal cliff</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">If the mixture of spending cuts and tax increases known as the fiscal cliff kicks in just after New Year&#x92;s Day, Kansas doctors would scramble to replace lost income, researchers would worry about dwindling grants and residents statewide would see more taxes drained from their paychecks. <span>| 12/07/12 15:26:14 By - By Chris Adams</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">South Florida pols sticking to party lines on fiscal cliff</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">Don&#x92;t expect South Florida&#x92;s congressional delegation to stray too far from party lines when it comes to dancing on the edge of the fiscal cliff, the end-of-the-year spending cuts and tax increases set to take effect if Congress and the president don&#x92;t address them. <span>| 12/07/12 14:53:44 By - By Erika Bolstad</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">Fiscal cliff cuts would impact Georgia health, education and defense industry</a></h3> <p class="story_summary"> If Congress can&#x2019;t strike a deal to avoid going over the &#x201C;fiscal cliff,&#x201D; nursing home operator Debbie Meade of Warner Robins, Ga., will have to trim staff next year because of a projected $50,000 cut in Medicare payments. <span>| 12/07/12 18:14:11 By - By Tony Pugh</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">DeMint resignation removes a conservative hero, political thorn from Senate</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">Sen. Jim DeMint of South Carolina, who in just a few years became a hero to conservative activists nationwide for his vehement anti-government voice and willingness to confront even fellow Republicans, surprised colleagues Thursday by saying he will resign the Senate to run an influential inside-the-Beltway think tank. <span>| 12/06/12 19:16:25 By - By James Rosen</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">In his new perch, DeMint could help lead GOP&#x92;s &#x91;intellectual debate&#x92;</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">The Heritage Foundation sits like a watchtower on Capitol Hill, a large building just steps from the U.S. Capitol on the northeast side of Massachusetts Avenue, where analysts work to shape conservative thought and influence legislation. <span>| 12/06/12 18:48:03 By - By Maria Recio</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">After election setbacks, diehards battle pragmatists for control of GOP</a></h3> <p class="story_summary"> Republicans are in turmoil, split between diehard conservatives and pragmatists in a battle for the soul and control of a party reeling from unexpected election setbacks last month. <span>| 12/06/12 17:53:35 By - By David Lightman</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">Deep defense cuts loom as fiscal cliff inches closer</a></h3> <p class="story_summary"> Pentagon spokesman George Little recently talked about what the U.S. military accomplished during Hurricane Sandy: installed hundreds of generators, removed millions of gallons of water and tons of debris, and ferried millions of meals and gallons of fuel to affected areas. <span>| 12/06/12 16:44:07 By - By Matthew Schofield</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">Senate gives final OK to Russian trade deal; Obama says he&#x2019;ll sign it</a></h3> <p class="story_summary"> Ending nearly 40 years of trade restrictions with Russia, the Senate voted Thursday to approve a bill that will allow U.S. companies to expand business ties with the world&#x2019;s ninth-largest economy and its 140 million consumers. <span>| 12/06/12 15:01:24 By - By Rob Hotakainen</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">Obama promises more help, but Indian tribal leaders say they&#x92;ll wait and see</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">Barack Obama has done something that none of the previous 43 U.S. presidents ever did: He met with tribal leaders every single year of his term. <span>| 12/05/12 18:49:02 By - By Rob Hotakainen</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">Olive oil wars &#x2013; U.S. makers seek &#x2018;level playing field&#x2019;</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">California olive oil producer Pat Ricchiuti feels the squeeze of foreign competition. So do his counterparts in Texas, Georgia and a handful of other states. <span>| 12/05/12 18:17:01 By - By Michael Doyle</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">Susan Rice &#x2013; no stranger to confrontation</a></h3> <p class="story_summary"> As a hard-driving star point guard on her high school basketball team, United Nations Ambassador Susan Rice wasn&#x2019;t afraid to use sharp elbows to reach her goal. It&#x2019;s a style that&#x2019;s carried from the court through a meteoric career as a U.S. diplomat, and one that&#x2019;s earned her as many detractors as supporters along the way. <span>| 12/05/12 16:57:14 By - By William Douglas</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">Budget crisis scenarios: No deal, big deal, slow deal, rich deal</a></h3> <p class="story_summary"> Trying to predict the outcome of the &#x201C;fiscal cliff&#x201D; negotiations is like trying to predict the final standings for your favorite teams when the season&#x2019;s only half over. <span>| 12/04/12 17:27:36 By - By David Lightman and Lesley Clark</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">No rush yet on inaugural tickets and hotel rooms</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">Plans for President Barack Obama&#x92;s second inauguration in January are in full swing. A reviewing stand is under construction in front of the White House, congressional offices are taking ticket requests and planners are mapping out parade logistics and street closures. <span>| 12/04/12 06:20:19 By - Aimee Chen and Will Mendelson</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">Big business vs. small at edge of fiscal cliff</a></h3> <p class="story_summary"> Democrats and Republicans aren&#x2019;t the only ones divided over how to fix the nation&#x2019;s fiscal problems. Big business and small business have very different views on whether changes to personal income taxes or corporate taxes should be part of the fix. <span>| 12/03/12 16:56:26 By - By Kevin G. Hall</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">No gilding potential loss to Golden State if budget impasse continues</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">Rudy Ortiz fears falling off the fiscal cliff. The University of California at Merced scientist depends, like many of his colleagues, on federal grants from agencies like the National Institutes of Health. Now, he is nervously watching as automatic federal budget cuts scheduled to take effect Jan. 1 draw closer. <span>| 12/03/12 16:39:59 By - By Michael Doyle</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">GOP fiscal-cliff counter: Cut tax rates, limit deductions to increase revenue</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">A Republican proposal Monday to shave $2.2 trillion off projected budget deficits sets up a fiscal-cliff showdown with the White House because the plan includes reductions in the very tax rates that Democrats seek to raise. <span>| 12/03/12 19:30:24 By - By David Lightman and Kevin G. Hall</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">State's Hillary Clinton celebrates marriage of art and diplomacy</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">Fifty years after the Kennedy administration started a small-scale effort to place American art in embassies overseas, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on Friday celebrated the now wide-ranging effort to foster cultural diplomacy by awarding the department&#x92;s first Medal of Arts to five artists. <span>| 11/30/12 18:31:01 By - By Maria Recio</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">White House proposes $600 billion in unidentified tax hikes, $50 billion in new stimulus spending</a></h3> <p class="story_summary"> The Obama administration Thursday offered to get the nation off the fiscal cliff with a package that includes $1.6 trillion in tax increases over 10 years, more controversial spending to stimulate the economy and a permanent solution to the fights over raising the nation&#x2019;s debt ceiling. <span>| 11/29/12 19:24:08 By - By David Lightman, Anita Kumar and Kevin G. Hall</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">Obama makes public pitch for fiscal cliff deal, leaves details to aides</a></h3> <p class="story_summary"> Fresh off his re-election victory, President Barack Obama has started campaigning again, this time to sell the nation on his solution to avert a series of spending cuts and tax increases that could throw the economy back into a recession <span>| 11/29/12 17:38:41 By - By Anita Kumar</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">Ponzi artist investigated ex-State Dept. official, records show</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">In 2006, Allen Stanford had yet to be identified as the mastermind of one of the largest and longest-running Ponzi schemes in U.S. history, but he faced mounting pressure. <span>| 11/29/12 17:14:17 By - By Murray Waas</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">Fiscal cliff crisis: Made in the GOP</a></h3> <p class="story_summary"> Both major political parties may have their fingerprints on long-simmering problems in the federal budget, but just one created the current crisis known as the fiscal cliff. <span>| 11/29/12 16:44:55 By - By David Lightman</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">Despite promises to improve, delays on veterans&#x92; claims skyrocket</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">The time needed to process veterans&#x92; disability claims shot up by nearly 40 percent last year despite years of effort by federal officials to streamline and shorten the process, records show. <span>| 11/29/12 16:23:41 By - By Chris Adams</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">Sen. DeMint leaves door open to White House bid</a></h3> <p class="story_summary"> Sen. Jim DeMint on Wednesday backed away from his previous ironclad insistence that he had no interest in running for president and was focused only on helping to elect conservatives to the U.S. Senate. <span>| 11/28/12 19:03:11 By - By James Rosen</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">S.C. Gov. Nikki Haley takes blame for state&#x2019;s data breach</a></h3> <p class="story_summary"> South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley on Wednesday for the first time accepted personal blame for a massive cyber-attack that stole the Social Security and bank account numbers of millions of South Carolinians, saying she should have done more to ensure the data&#x2019;s security. <span>| 11/28/12 18:53:15 By - By James Rosen McClatchy Newspapers</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">As trade rulings against U.S. mount, backlash builds against WTO</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">Increasingly, Congress is playing second fiddle to the World Trade Organization, and it&#x92;s become a source of irritation on Capitol Hill. Many WTO opponents say the massive world-trading body has assumed far too much power. <span>| 11/28/12 15:56:15 By - By Rob Hotakainen</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">U.S. to consider whether to add African lions to endangered species list</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service announced this week that it will consider adding African lions to the endangered species list, a move that organizations seeking the listing say would help reverse the decline of the species. <span>| 11/27/12 19:20:06 By - By Erika Bolstad</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">National Endowment for the Arts awards local grants</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">The National Endowment for the Arts on Tuesday announced more than $23 million in 832 grants to arts organizations and individuals for a wide variety of cultural activities, from $40,000 to support artists&#x2019; residences in Charlotte, N.C., to $45,000 for a three-day dance festival in Chavak, Alaska, population 938. <span>| 11/27/12 18:11:22 By - By Maria Recio</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">In suicide epidemic, military wrestles with prosecuting troops who attempt it</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">Marine Corps Pvt. Lazzaric T. Caldwell slit his wrists and spurred a legal debate that&#x2019;s consuming the Pentagon, as well as the nation&#x2019;s top military appeals court. <span>| 11/27/12 17:45:54 By - By Michael Doyle</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">Women in military seek battle in court over right to fight</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">Taliban fighters didn&#x2019;t discriminate when they wounded then-Capt. Mary Jennings of the California Air National Guard. She was the enemy, so they shot at her as well as the men flying beside her. <span>| 11/27/12 17:14:48 By - By Michael Doyle</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">Here we go again: Government weeks away from hitting debt ceiling</a></h3> <p class="story_summary"> While official Washington is focused on potential tax hikes and automatic spending cuts, another fiscal crisis looms on the horizon. A report released Tuesday warned that the federal government is likely to hit a ceiling on issuing new debt come late December and could begin defaulting on obligations by mid-February. <span>| 11/27/12 16:52:41 By - By Kevin G. Hall</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">Holiday sales show promise, hurdles for retailers</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">Retailers, economists and industry analysts all expect holiday sales this year to surpass 2011 totals, meaning the sluggish economy won&#x92;t be playing the role of Grinch. Deeper in the expected sales numbers, however, are trends that highlight an uneven recovery and turmoil in the retail sector. <span>| 11/27/12 15:22:19 By - By Kevin G. Hall</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">New cry from some Obama foes: It&#x2019;s time to secede</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">In the three weeks since President Barack Obama&#x2019;s re-election victory, his most ardent foes &#x2013; nearly 1 million people from all 50 states &#x2013; have signed online petitions to take their opposition to the extreme: seceding from the United States. <span>| 11/27/12 14:59:18 By - By James Rosen</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">Grape growers can sue USDA as Supreme Court stays out of the fight</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">The Supreme Court on Monday provided legal juice for growers who want to sue the U.S. Agriculture Department and the California Table Grape Commission over grapevine patents. <span>| 11/26/12 17:03:31 By - By Michael Doyle</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">At edge of fiscal cliff, everyone fights to protect his bit of budget</a></h3> <p class="story_summary"> As Washington debates how to trim runaway federal budget deficits without going over a &#x201C;fiscal cliff&#x201D; of immediate tax increases and automatic spending cuts, special interest groups are mounting aggressive campaigns to make sure that they&#x2019;re not the ones who have to pay the price. <span>| 11/26/12 00:00:00 By - By Maria Recio and David Lightman</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">Court to hear mental competency of accused Atwater inmate</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">The mental competency of an inmate who&#x2019;s accused of killing a federal prison guard at U.S. Penitentiary Atwater in California now can be tested, under a finalized appellate-court decision that moves the long-delayed death penalty case a little closer to resolution. <span>| 11/23/12 15:23:00 By - By Michael Doyle</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">Alaska Rep. Don Young has hefty purse for 2014 race</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">A Louisiana family with interest in offshore Arctic drilling and Lower 48 tribes that run casinos all gave heavily to Alaska Rep. Don Young in the 2012 election cycle and have helped position him to scare off future rivals. <span>| 11/21/12 16:01:14 By - By Sean Cockerham</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">Behind the scenes, some budget cuts may not be that hard</a></h3> <p class="story_summary"> Saving billions of dollars in anticipated federal spending, at least for awhile, may not be that difficult. <span>| 11/21/12 13:51:40 By - By David Lightman</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">Military appeals court to decide: Was Marine&#x2019;s suicide attempt a crime?</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">Marine Corps Pvt. Lazzaric T. Caldwell committed a crime when he tried to kill himself. <span>| 11/21/12 13:26:53 By - By Michael Doyle</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">The biggest challenge to immigration bill may be guest workers</a></h3> <p class="story_summary"> As immigration talks resume, the public debate has once again zeroed in on the merits of granting some type of so-called amnesty to 11 million illegal immigrants. But another, more complicated dispute &#x2013; where the sides are equally entrenched &#x2013; is brewing behind the scenes between organized labor and business interests. <span>| 11/20/12 18:41:39 By - By Franco Ordonez</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">Insurers&#x2019; duties under health care law taking shape</a></h3> <p class="story_summary"> The nation&#x2019;s health care overhaul took another step forward Tuesday when the Obama administration proposed new rules that clarify insurers&#x2019; duties and legal responsibilities under key provisions of the Affordable Care Act. <span>| 11/20/12 18:34:24 By - By Tony Pugh</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">Sister of Petraeus-drama player Jill Kelley steps into public</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">Natalie Khawam emerged tentatively from the shadows Tuesday to put a human face on her role as one of the side characters in the drama that cost former CIA Director David Petraeus his job. <span>| 11/20/12 18:15:22 By - By Michael Doyle</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">Obama returns from Asia, his &#x2018;pivot&#x2019; clouded by Middle East</a></h3> <p class="story_summary"> Welcomed by U.S. friend Thailand and greeted with rock star status during a historic visit to Myanmar, President Barack Obama felt the love on much of his three-nation tour of Southeast Asia. The tour was overshadowed, though, by violence in the Middle East, and the verdict is still out on whether he achieved tangible results in a region that&#x2019;s often felt neglected by Washington. <span>| 11/20/12 18:01:58 By - By Anita Kumar and William Douglas</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">Many younger vets among the ranks of uninsured</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">More than quarter of all veterans who served in Iraq and Afghanistan don&#x2019;t have health insurance and aren&#x2019;t part of the Department of Veterans Affairs health system, according to an analysis of VA data. <span>| 11/19/12 15:24:50 By - By Chris Adams</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">Carbon tax: The idea no leader proposes but that won&#x2019;t die</a></h3> <p class="story_summary"> The president downplays it. Insiders insist it doesn&#x2019;t stand a chance. Yet as negotiations between the Obama administration and Congress take form over a deal on taxes and budgets, the idea of a carbon tax is discussed with greater frequency. <span>| 11/19/12 15:15:40 By - By Kevin G. Hall</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">Many younger vets among the ranks of uninsured</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">More than quarter of all veterans who served in Iraq and Afghanistan don&#x2019;t have health insurance and aren&#x2019;t part of the Department of Veterans Affairs health system, according to an analysis of VA data. <span>| 11/19/12 15:13:39 By - By Chris Adams</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">With Capitol statue of Frederick Douglass, D.C. gets some respect</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">The statue of abolitionist Frederick Douglass that&#x2019;s standing in the atrium of a Washington government office building has been a symbol-in-waiting &#x2013; until now. The Civil War-era icon&#x2019;s image is about to move to the Capitol&#x2019;s Emancipation Hall, where it will be one of only three statues of African-Americans in the complex. <span>| 11/19/12 00:00:00 By - By Maria Recio</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">Obama says he's 'fully supportive' of Israel</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">President Barack Obama Sunday strongly backed Israel&#x92;s right to defend itself against attacks by the Hamas, but said everyone should want a decrease in the violence that has erupted in the region for days. <span>| 11/18/12 10:54:28 By - By Anita Kumar</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">In Petraeus&#x92; fall, a familiar tale of power and its dangerous allure</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">Paula Broadwell and twin sisters Natalie Khawam and Jill Kelley had four-star connections and, seemingly, stars in their eyes. <span>| 11/16/12 19:23:11 By - By Michael Doyle, Frances Robles and Greg Gordon</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">With election over, will Obama OK Keystone pipeline?</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">President Barack Obama&#x92;s decision on whether to approve the controversial Keystone XL pipeline looms huge now that the election is over, and it could define Obama on energy and climate change. <span>| 11/16/12 16:31:47 By - By Sean Cockerham</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">CIA investigates Petraeus; Pentagon wants to improve ethics</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">The CIA said Thursday that it had opened an &#x201C;exploratory&#x201D; investigation into the conduct of former director David Petraeus, who resigned after admitting to adultery, on the same day that Defense Secretary Leon Panetta ordered the military services to review ways to strengthen ethics standards &#x201C;that keep the military well led and well disciplined.&#x201D; <span>| 11/15/12 19:01:56 By - By Jonathan S. Landay</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">Sen. Graham &#x2018;sick&#x2019; over friend Petraeus&#x2019; affair and downfall</a></h3> <p class="story_summary"> No member of Congress knows disgraced former CIA chief David Petraeus better or has worked more closely with him than Sen. Lindsey Graham. <span>| 11/15/12 17:43:49 By - By James Rosen</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">Congress may be ready to negotiate on taxes, spending</a></h3> <p class="story_summary"> Congress&#x2019; rank and file &#x2013; which will decide whether the nation avoids plummeting off a fiscal cliff in less than seven weeks &#x2013; is showing a new willingness to negotiate and compromise, a message their leaders will carry Friday to President Barack Obama. <span>| 11/15/12 17:06:11 By - By David Lightman and Maria Recio</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">Emails between Gen. Allen and Jill Kelley raise more questions</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">The emails between Marine Gen. John Allen, the top American military leader in Afghanistan, and a Florida socialite contain comments that &#x93;go beyond flirtatious, and can probably be described safely as suggestive,&#x94; a Defense Department official said Wednesday. <span>| 11/15/12 06:32:49 By - By Matthew Schofield</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">Shifting focus to Asia, Obama to visit Thailand, Myanmar, Cambodia</a></h3> <p class="story_summary"> Two weeks after winning re-election to a second term, President Barack Obama will embark on a four-day, three-nation trip to Southeast Asia as he continues to try to leave his imprint on a region increasingly influenced by China. <span>| 11/15/12 14:37:25 By - By Anita Kumar</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">Did Navy secretary overstep his role in military murder case?</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">A California-based Marine convicted of wartime murder and a former Mississippi governor who&#x2019;s now atop the U.S. Navy indirectly dueled Tuesday before the nation&#x2019;s highest military appeals court in an important clash over when superiors bend military justice. <span>| 11/15/12 12:51:06 By - By Michael Doyle</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">FBI won&#x92;t provide regulation that Obama says kept him in dark on Petraeus probe</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">President Barack Obama said Wednesday that FBI rules kept him in the dark about a sex scandal investigation until after his re-election, but his administration refused to release those rules, and a Bush-era policy on investigations included a large loophole that might have allowed notification of the White House in such a high-profile case. <span>| 11/14/12 18:37:53 By - By Steven Thomma and Jonathan S. Landay</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">States face Friday deadline on health insurance exchanges</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">With the prospect of outright repeal all but gone, the nation&#x92;s health care overhaul is proceeding, and states that once resisted the politically divisive law now must decide how to implement its most innovative aspect: the online health-insurance shopping malls known as exchanges. <span>| 11/14/12 18:46:59 By - By Tony Pugh</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">3 Republicans demand special Libya probe; Democrats, Boehner say they have it covered</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">Three Republican senators on Wednesday demanded the creation of a special panel to investigate the September attacks on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya, that killed U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans. <span>| 11/14/12 18:18:09 By - By James Rosen</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">Honeymoon over &#x96; partisan warfare erupts over Susan Rice as possible secretary of state</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">A visibly annoyed President Barack Obama and tough-talking Senate Republicans clashed sharply Wednesday over Susan Rice&#x92;s qualifications to become secretary of state, a strong reminder that all the post-election talk about bipartisanship has its limits. <span>| 11/14/12 19:10:55 By - By David Lightman</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">Women worry Petraeus scandal will hurt their role as advisers to military leaders</a></h3> <p class="story_summary"> The burgeoning sex scandal that has swept up retired Army Gen. David Petraeus, his biographer, Paula Broadwell, and now Petraeus&#x2019; successor as the U.S. commander in Afghanistan, Marine Gen. John Allen, is alarming the small cadre of women advisers who enjoy extraordinary access to top generals based on their expertise and scholarship. <span>| 11/13/12 20:27:33 By - By Hannah Allam</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">Senate readies bill allowing hunters to import stored polar bear pelts</a></h3> <p class="story_summary"> Legislation poised to pass the Senate would allow a small group of hunters who&#x2019;ve been storing polar bear pelts in Canada to import them to the United States. <span>| 11/13/12 19:10:04 By - By Erika Bolstad</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">Answering your questions on the Petraeus scandal</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">A guide to the growing scandal involving former CIA Director David Petraeus. Who's involved, how did they meet, when did the FBI get involved? <span>| 11/13/12 19:00:21 By - By Franco Ordonez</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">Obama assures liberals he'll raise taxes on wealthy</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">President Barack Obama assured labor unions and liberal organizations Tuesday that he&#x92;s firmly committed to letting tax cuts for higher incomes expire as scheduled at the end of the year, even as congressional Republicans accused him of refusing to propose a specific plan to settle a looming budget crisis. <span>| 11/13/12 18:03:55 By - By Lesley Clark and David Lightman</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">Top general swept up in Petraeus scandal; another investigation underway</a></h3> <p class="story_summary"> Congress returned from its election break Tuesday to grapple with the shocking resignation of former CIA Director David Petraeus in a sex scandal that widened to possibly taint the Marine general who commands U.S.-led forces in Afghanistan. <span>| 11/13/12 20:08:01 By - By Matthew Schofield, James Rosen and Jonathan S. Landay</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">When top Justice officials learned of Petraeus affair remains unclear</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">FBI Director Robert Mueller&#x92;s top aide was told former CIA chief David Petraeus was having an extramarital affair that might have compromised national security a week before the Nov. 6 elections, a congressional official said Monday. <span>| 11/12/12 19:37:13 By - By Jonathan S. Landay, Franco Ordonez and Hannah Allam</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">Petraeus admits affair, quits as CIA director</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">&#x93;After being married for over 37 years, I showed extremely poor judgment by engaging in an extramarital affair,&#x94; Petraeus said in a statement sent to the CIA workforce. &#x93;Such behavior is unacceptable, both as a husband and as the leader of an organization such as ours. This afternoon, the president graciously accepted my resignation.&#x94; <span>| 11/09/12 22:06:21 By - By Jonathan S. Landay and Hannah Allam</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">Wanted: Treasury secretary with clout and luster</a></h3> <p class="story_summary"> Selecting a new treasury secretary is tough in normal times, and these are anything but. <span>| 11/09/12 17:02:14 By - By Kevin G. Hall</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">Put up or shut up time for Congress, Obama on fiscal cliff</a></h3> <p class="story_summary"> Congress returns to the nation&#x2019;s capital next week with hopes of a big deal but strong odds favoring another piecemeal approach to avoid the so-called fiscal cliff, in a race against the clock to address tax and budget issues while keeping the U.S. economy from tumbling back into recession. <span>| 11/08/12 17:05:46 By - By Kevin G. Hall and David Lightman</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">Latinos make final push to get voters to polls</a></h3> <p class="story_summary"> As the presidential candidates make their final sprint, Latinos also are zeroing in on a crucial election day that could define their political might for years to come. <span>| 11/05/12 14:18:28 By - By Franco Ordonez</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">Iraq War veteran challenges military on injury benefits</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">Tanya L. Towne was wearing her full &#x201C;battle rattle&#x201D; when she got injured preparing for war. Now the Pentagon must explain why that should be treated differently from a combat-related injury. <span>| 11/01/12 17:37:08 By - By Michael Doyle</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">In Congress, Democrat Kissell is stuck in the middle</a></h3> <p class="story_summary"> The Republicans have worked hard to paint Democratic Rep. Larry Kissell as an incompetent congressman who is best friends with a left-wing president and responsible for lost jobs in his rural North Carolina district. <span>| 11/01/12 16:35:19 By - By Franco Ordonez</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">California Dems seek probe of GOP House candidate Maldonado</a></h3> <p class="story_summary"> The California Democratic Party called Wednesday for a state investigation into whether the Republican former lieutenant governor, enmeshed in a tight race for the U.S. House of Representatives, failed to disclose two 2007 state campaign fund-raising events to regulators in violation of campaign financing law. <span>| 10/31/12 20:21:59 By - By Jonathan S. Landay</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">Supreme Court hears cases on drug-sniffing dogs</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">Supreme Court justices seemed ready Wednesday to adjust the legal leash on drug-sniffing dogs, in two high-profile cases arising out of Florida. <span>| 10/31/12 16:46:09 By - By Michael Doyle</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">Sandy wreaks havoc throughout Northeast U.S.</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">Sandy, the massive, multi-state storm that flooded tunnels in New York City, brought snow to the mountains of West Virginia, snarled early voting for the upcoming election and caused more than 8 million power outages, moved into Pennsylvania and western New York on Tuesday and put the entire Northeast on heightened flooding alert. <span>| 10/30/12 19:25:29 By - By Erika Bolstad and Chris Adams</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">Northeast airports, transit systems slowly start moving again after Hurricane Sandy</a></h3> <p class="story_summary"> Hurricane Sandy brought every mode of transportation to a halt in the most populous region of the country this week, and getting people and goods moving normally again could take days, if not weeks, and add to costs that already are in the tens of billions of dollars. <span>| 10/30/12 19:24:51 By - By Curtis Tate and Maria Recio</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">Sandy&#x92;s damage worse than Irene, far from Katrina</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">Residents along most of the East Coast on Tuesday began cleaning up the wreckage left behind by Hurricane Sandy, and it was immediately clear that all Americans will get slapped with the astronomical bill for the late-season storm. <span>| 10/30/12 16:36:14 By - Kevin G. Hall</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">Privacy vs. public safety at issue in ex-cop&#x2019;s suit against Navy</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">Former Charleston, S.C., police Officer Timothy M. Reed mobilized for war, more than once. Then the Navy shared some sensitive information and he was out of a job. <span>| 10/29/12 14:01:44 By - By Michael Doyle</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">Drug-sniffing cases send Supreme Court to the dogs</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">Franky found drugs in Florida. He&#x2019;s a dog, so he left the constitutional questions to others. <span>| 10/25/12 17:06:42 By - By Michael Doyle</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">Georgia aims to cash in on Russian trade</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">Few states are as eager to increase trade with Russia as Georgia, the home of corporate giants Coca-Cola Co. and Delta Air Lines and more than 3,600 international facilities from 60 countries. <span>| 10/25/12 17:15:03 By - By Rob Hotakainen</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">U.S. doubled international air travel in 20 years, but aid favors smaller airports</a></h3> <p class="story_summary"> International air travel to and from the United States has more than doubled in the past 20 years in spite of 9/11, a deep recession and industry consolidation, according to a report released Thursday. <span>| 10/25/12 00:00:00 By - By Curtis Tate</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">In a blur of facts, VP debate strained the truth</a></h3> <p class="story_summary"> In their first and only debate, Vice President Joe Biden and Republican Rep. Paul Ryan verbally wrestled over Medicare, Social Security and abortion. But sometimes it was the truth that got tackled. <span>| 10/24/12 18:47:06 By - By William Douglas and Anita Kumar</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">U.S. Rep. Lois Capps faces new questions over House financial reports</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">California Rep. Lois Capps&#x92; tight re-election bid took another hit Thursday as her opponent accused her of having waited years earlier in her career to report more than a half-million dollars in income on required House of Representatives financial-disclosure forms. <span>| 10/18/12 18:20:50 By - By James Rosen</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">USDA sets aside $29 million for indoor plumbing in Alaskan villages</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">A federal agency this week announced nearly $29 million will be spent to plan, build and upgrade water and sewer systems in 16 Alaska villages over the next several years. <span>| 10/18/12 11:54:24 By - Kyle Hopkins</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">Big U.S. poultry processor hit with fines over youth labor</a></h3> <p class="story_summary"> One of the nation&#x2019;s largest poultry producers has been caught again illegally putting minors to work using grueling, hazardous equipment. <span>| 10/16/12 20:28:31 By - By Franco Ordonez and Ames Alexander</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">As rail lines come to life, towns and trains collide</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">Changes in global trade and the economy mean more freight trains are moving through America&#x92;s neighborhoods and communities, but not everyone hears romance when a locomotive whistles in the night. <span>| 10/16/12 14:56:25 By - By Curtis Tate</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">Conviction of Osama bin Laden&#x2019;s driver tossed out, raising questions about other cases</a></h3> <p class="story_summary"> A federal appeals court&#x2019;s decision to toss the conviction of Osama bin Laden&#x2019;s former driver could have implications for future prosecutions of terrorism suspects. <span>| 10/16/12 18:29:59 By - By Lindsay Wise and Carol Rosenberg</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">Student loan borrowers complain that private lenders offer little help</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">College students who took out private student loans before the recession hit are telling the government they&#x92;re getting a runaround from lenders as they struggle to pay them back. <span>| 10/16/12 00:00:00 By - By Renee Schoof</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">As food recalls mount, White House still lingering over new safety rules</a></h3> <p class="story_summary"> Families who&#x2019;ve lost loved ones to food-borne illnesses have watched with alarm in recent months as producers have recalled mangoes, cantaloupe, ricotta cheese, dog food and peanut butter after people were sickened by the tainted goods. <span>| 10/16/12 16:27:48 By - By Erika Bolstad</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">Half a century ago, world perched on brink of nuclear war</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">Fifty years ago this month, the United States and the Soviet Union faced off over a threatening hot spot in the Cold War. On Oct. 16, which would become Day One of the Cuban Missile Crisis, intelligence officials showed Kennedy aerial photographs of Soviet medium-range ballistic missiles in Cuba, just 90 miles off the Florida coast. <span>| 10/15/12 19:02:14 By - By Michael Bohn</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">Civil rights groups won&#x2019;t appeal S.C. voter ID decision</a></h3> <p class="story_summary"> Prominent civil and voting rights groups have decided not to appeal to the Supreme Court a federal ruling upholding South Carolina&#x2019;s voter ID law, saying such a challenge is unnecessary because the decision this week neuters the original law and cements new voter protections. <span>| 10/12/12 18:19:49 By - By James Rosen</span></p> </div> <div class="result"> <h3><a href="/web/20130309170409/">Appeals court to consider DEA classification of marijuana</a></h3> <p class="story_summary">Medical marijuana users will get a long-awaited day in the nation&#x2019;s second-highest federal court next week, when California-based activists argue for looser regulations. <span>| 10/12/12 16:03:23 By - By Michael Doyle</span></p> </div> <div class="spill_nav"> <a href="/web/20130309170409/">Previous</a> | <a href="/web/20130309170409/">Next</a></div> </div> <div id="col_2"> <!-- Jim does not want headlines on every spill page. 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