WebOPAC Local書誌詳細
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form_el.fct_cls.value = ""; form_el.fct_sh.value = ""; form_el.fct_lang.value = ""; // 自動絞込み機能が有効の場合、初回検索フラグを設定 form_el.fct_holar.value = ""; form_el.fct_campus.value = ""; form_el.fct_tag.value = ""; form_el.fct_range_year.value = ""; form_el.fct_stamp.value = ""; form_el.fct_holstat.value = ""; form_el.fct_target_name.value = ""; } function opacSrdReset(form_el,dsp_name){ // 「全て」フラグ var allflg = false; // キャンパスフラグ var camflg = false; // 所蔵館フラグ var holflg = false; // ファセットフラグ var facetflg = false; // holar_flag情報を取得 var chkHolflg = document.getElementsByName("holar_flag"); // チェックが付与されているかチェック // holar_flag情報をループしてチェック for(var i = 0; i < chkHolflg.length; i++){ if(chkHolflg[i].checked == false){ allflg = false; }else{ // 1つでもチェックがあるとその時点でブレイク allflg = true; break; } } // ファセットの「全て」にチェックが入っていない場合 // holar, campus情報をチェックする if(!allflg){ // キャンパス利用していない場合 // キャンパス利用している場合 var chkcam = document.getElementsByName("campus"); var chkHol = document.getElementsByName("holar"); for(var i = 0; i < chkcam.length; 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var revdbl_url = "" + url; location.href = revdbl_url; } // レビュー詳細画面表示(書誌詳細画面のレビュー一覧[Ajax]経由) function opacRevdbl3(id,stposCmt,stposRev,sortkey,listcnt,form_id){ var add_url = ""; var form_el = document.getElementById(form_id); add_url += jQuery(form_el).serialize(); var url = "&"+add_url+"&stposCmt="+encodeURIComponent(stposCmt)+"&stposRev="+encodeURIComponent(stposRev)+"&sortkeyRev="+encodeURIComponent(sortkey)+"&listcntRev="+encodeURIComponent(listcnt); var revdbl_url = "" + url; location.href = revdbl_url; } // 新着一覧画面表示 function newlst_sendOpacSearch(id, form_name){ var form = document.getElementById(form_name); form.action = ""; form.method = "POST"; form.submit(); } // 新着一覧の資料種別チェック 全て function newlst_opacCheckAll(form_id, name){ var form = document.getElementById(form_id); form["gcattp_flag"].checked = true; if(form[name].length){ for(var i = 0; i < form[name].length; i++){ form[name][i].checked = false; } }else{ form[name].checked = false; } } // 新着一覧の資料種別チェック 各個 function newlst_opacCheckEach(form_id, name){ var form = document.getElementById(form_id); 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form.stpos.value = stpos; reflst_sendOpacSearch(id,form_name); } function opacAppendHiddenElement(form_el,name,value){ if(form_el != null && name != null && value != null){ var lElement = document.createElement('input'); lElement.type = "hidden"; = name; lElement.value = value; form_el.appendChild(lElement); } } function opacGmdSmdCreate(form_el){ if(form_el["gcattp_flag"] != null && form_el["gcattp"] != null && form_el["gmdsmd"] != null){ if(!form_el["gcattp_flag"].checked){ var gcattp = form_el["gcattp"]; var target_gcattp = new Array(); if(gcattp.length){ for(var i = 0; i < gcattp.length; i++){ if(gcattp[i].checked){ target_gcattp.push(gcattp[i].value); } } } var gmdsmd = form_el["gmdsmd"]; var options = gmdsmd.getElementsByTagName('option'); if(gmdsmd.length){ for(var i = gmdsmd.length - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i--){ if(gmdsmd[i]){ if(gmdsmd[i].id){ var hiddenFlg = true; var gmdsmd_codes = gmdsmd[i].id.split(","); for(var j = 0; j < gmdsmd_codes.length; j++){ if(target_gcattp.indexOf(gmdsmd_codes[j]) != -1){ hiddenFlg = false; 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sessionStorage.setItem("old_search_form",params); sessionStorage.setItem("old_search_form_id",; sessionStorage.setItem("search_mode",this.search_mode); sessionStorage.setItem("old_opac_form_id",this.disp_num); } if(this.search_lock == true){ alert("処理の実行中です。そのままお待ちください。"); return false; } var search_page = document.getElementById('search_page'+this.disp_num); if(search_page == null){ return false; } search_page.innerHTML = ''; var opt_page = document.getElementById('opt_page'+this.disp_num); if(opt_page == null){ return false; } opt_page.innerHTML = ''; if(svcaction != null && svcaction != ""){ var svcEnc = encodeURIComponent(svcaction); //param += encodeURIComponent("&svcaction="+svcEnc); } form_el.tab_num.value = this.disp_num; //二度押し防止:ロック this.search_lock = true; form_el.action = ""; form_el.method = "POST"; form_el.submit(); } function sendOpacReSearch(reSrchCondFormkeyno, backCattab){ let act; if (backCattab === "true") { act = ""; } else { act = ""; } $('<form/>',{action:act, method:"post"}) .append("<input type='hidden' name='reSrchCondFormkeyno' value='" + encodeURIComponent(reSrchCondFormkeyno) + "'>") .appendTo($('body')) .submit(); } function sendSummonSearch(form_el,id,svcaction,sFlg){ this.old_search_form = form_el.cloneNode(true); formConvert(form_el,this.old_search_form); this.search_mode = this.disp_search_mode; if (sFlg != "true") { var params = jQuery(form_el).serialize(); sessionStorage.setItem("old_search_form",params); sessionStorage.setItem("old_search_form_id",; sessionStorage.setItem("search_mode",this.search_mode); } else { sessionStorage.removeItem("old_search_form"); sessionStorage.removeItem("old_search_form_id"); sessionStorage.removeItem("search_mode"); var params = jQuery(form_el).serialize(); sessionStorage.setItem("old_search_form",params); sessionStorage.setItem("old_search_form_id",; sessionStorage.setItem("search_mode",this.search_mode); } if(this.search_lock == true){ alert("処理の実行中です。そのままお待ちください。"); return false; } var search_page = document.getElementById('search_page'+this.disp_num); if(search_page == null){ return false; } search_page.innerHTML = ''; var opt_page = document.getElementById('opt_page'+this.disp_num); 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bibid = sendMailBibid(id,target,ajaxflg,bibid); var url = ""; var tab_num = this.disp_num; var formkeyno = this.formList[tab_num]; if(formkey != null){ formkeyno = formkey; } if(formkeyno != null){ url = "formkeyno="+encodeURIComponent(formkeyno); } if(loginFlg == "true"){ var params = new Object(); params["bibid"] = bibid; params["ajaxflg"] = ajaxflg; params["type"] = type; params["dispflg"] = target; params["url"] = url; var popupParams = new Object(); var top_el = $(id); popupParams['top_el'] = top_el; popupParams['target_el'] = top_el; popupParams['modal_flag'] = true; popupParams['request_url'] = ""+url+(!ajaxflg?"&":"")+bibid; if(document.createEvent){ var event = document.createEvent("MouseEvent"); }else{ var event = document.createEventObject(); } sendPopupView(event, params, popupParams, false); }else if(loginFlg == "always"){ var url = ""+url+"&bibid="+bibid+"&type="+type+"&dispflg="+target; opacUseFunctionPopupAlways(form_el, url); } }else{ if(target == "localbiblst"){ var reparam = bibid.replace(/sortkey.*?listcnt.*?&/,"&"); 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} }); } function dspclvBytogid(form_id, action, bibid, togid, stposTog,chkhol){ var w; document.getElementById(form_id).action=action; document.getElementById(form_id).target='Dspclv'; document.getElementById(form_id).pkey.value=bibid; document.getElementById(form_id).pkeyTog.value=togid; document.getElementById(form_id).stposTog.value=stposTog; document.getElementById(form_id).chkhol.value=chkhol; w ="", document.getElementById(form_id).target, "location=yes, toolbar=no, directories=no, menubar=no, status=no, resizable=yes, scrollbars=yes, width=225,height=520"); document.getElementById(form_id).hitcntTog.value='1000000'; document.getElementById(form_id).initFlg.value=''; document.getElementById(form_id).submit(); document.getElementById(form_id).target=''; w.focus(); } function opacClnBlockPlus(value_cln,delimiter,callno_cnt,clnlabel_pri,event){ //請求記号1 var cln1 = ""; //請求記号2 var cln2 = ""; //請求記号3 var cln3 = ""; //請求記号4 var cln4 = ""; //請求記号5 var cln5 = ""; //delimiterで請求記号値を分ける var clnArray = value_cln.split(delimiter); 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content += "</table></span>"; //最後の行ではない場合に、表示クラスを指定して、下線を表示する }else{ content += "<tr><td class=\"td_cln\" nowrap>" + clnArray_new[i] + "</td></tr>"; } } var cln_popup = document.getElementById("cln_popup"); if(cln_popup == null){ cln_popup = document.createElement('div'); = "cln_popup"; = "absolute"; document.body.appendChild(cln_popup); } cln_popup.innerHTML = content; var cx = event.clientX + (document.body.scrollLeft || document.documentElement.scrollLeft); var cy = event.clientY + (document.body.scrollTop || document.documentElement.scrollTop); = (cx + 6) + 'px'; = (cy + 6) + 'px'; = 'block'; } } function opacNoteBlock(id,event,note){ var note_popup = document.getElementById("_note_popup"+id); if(note_popup != null){ PopUpClose(); } PopUpOpenAjax(note,true); } function opacFtfsrhAjax(bibid,stposVol,id,ajax_area){ url = ""; url += "bibid="+encodeURIComponent(bibid); url += "&stposVol="+encodeURIComponent(stposVol); var div = ajaxLoading(ajax_area); jQuery.ajax({ url: url, dataType: "html", method:"post", cache: false, success: function(data, textStatus){ $("#"+ajax_area).html(data); 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document.getElementById(form_id).hitcntHol.value=''; document.getElementById(form_id).initFlg.value=''; document.getElementById(form_id).submit(); document.getElementById(form_id).target=''; w.focus(); } function getQueryValue(queryName) { var query = decodeURI(; var vars = query.split("&"); for (var i = 0; i < vars.length; i++) { var pair = vars[i].split("="); if (pair[0] == queryName) { return pair[1]; } } return null; } function backtoCatdbl(pkey,old_formkeyno){ var catdal_url = "" + pkey + "&old_formkeyno=" + old_formkeyno; location.href = catdal_url; } function sendScTabSearch(form_el,id,sc_num,mode){ this.old_search_form = form_el.cloneNode(true); formConvert(form_el,this.old_search_form); this.search_mode = mode; var params = jQuery(form_el).serialize(); sessionStorage.setItem("old_search_form",params); sessionStorage.setItem("old_search_form_id",; sessionStorage.setItem("search_mode",this.search_mode); sessionStorage.setItem("old_sc_form_id",sc_num); if(this.search_lock == true){ alert("処理の実行中です。そのままお待ちください。"); 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metrisch übertragen und mit kritischen und historischen Erläuterungen versehen von Philalethes </td> </tr> <tr> <th valign="top" nowrap="true"> 版事項 </th> <td style="padding:3px 0px 3px 0px;"> Unveränderter Abdruck der berichtigten Ausg. von 1865-66 </td> </tr> <tr> <th valign="top" nowrap="true"> 出版・頒布事項 </th> <td style="padding:3px 0px 3px 0px;"> Leipzig : B.G. Teubner , 1868 </td> </tr> <tr> <th valign="top" nowrap="true"> 形態事項 </th> <td style="padding:3px 0px 3px 0px;"> viii, 301 p., [3] folded leaves of plates : ill., map, port. ; 20 cm </td> </tr> <tr> <th valign="top" nowrap="true"> 書誌構造リンク </th> <td style="padding:3px 0px 3px 0px;"> <a href="#catdbl-BB00027956" onclick="opacCatdbl('','BB00027956','-1','1',null,null,null,null,'true');"> Dante Alighieri's Göttliche Comödie / metrisch übertragen und mit kritischen und historischen Erläuterungen versehen von Philalethes <BB00027956> T. 1//b </a> </td> </tr> <tr> <th valign="top" nowrap="true"> その他の標題 </th> <td style="padding:3px 0px 3px 0px;"> 異なりアクセスタイトル:Divina commedia. Inferno </td> </tr> <tr> <th valign="top" nowrap="true"> 学情ID </th> <td style="padding:3px 0px 3px 0px;"> BA0150121X </td> </tr> <tr> <th valign="top" nowrap="true"> 本文言語コード </th> <td style="padding:3px 0px 3px 0px;"> ドイツ語 </td> </tr> <tr> <th valign="top" nowrap="true"> 著者標目リンク </th> <td style="padding:3px 0px 3px 0px;"> <a href="#catdal-AU00018449" onclick="opacCatdal('','AU00018449','atyFormcatdbl','','490654125MmML3uK59');"> *Dante Alighieri, 1265-1321 <AU00018449> </a> </td> </tr> <tr> <th valign="top" nowrap="true"> 著者標目リンク </th> <td style="padding:3px 0px 3px 0px;"> <a href="#catdal-AU00030550" onclick="opacCatdal('','AU00030550','atyFormcatdbl','','490654125MmML3uK59');"> Johann, king of Saxony, 1801-1873 <AU00030550> </a> </td> </tr> <tr> <th valign="top" nowrap="true"> 分類標目 </th> <td style="padding:3px 0px 3px 0px;"> <a href="JavaScript:sendOpacSearch_Field(document.opac_field_form,'');" onclick="document.opac_field_form.cls.value='LCC:PQ4315'; 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