The Doobie Brothers To Make Grand Ole Opry Debut Saturday, February 26 -

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With countless hits and over 40 million records sold, the band has had a strong connection with country music throughout the years with such songs as &ldquo;Black Water&rdquo; and &ldquo;Long Train Running.&rdquo;&nbsp; Their newest album, <i>World Gone Crazy</i>,<i> </i>continues the country connection with a guest performance from Willie Nelson on &ldquo;I Know We Won.&rdquo;&nbsp; The title track goes to country radio as a single this week.</p> <p>In celebration of the debut, fans can visit now through Thurs., Feb. 24 to enter to win the opportunity to meet the Doobie Brothers backstage at the Opry on the night of the group&rsquo;s, debut.&nbsp; Other performers scheduled for the same weekend include Opry members Vince Gill, Alison Krauss, and Montgomery Gentry as well as Dan Tyminski, Gretchen Wilson, The Oak Ridge Boys, and many others.&nbsp; Among those coming in March to the Opry stage are The Band Perry, Blake Shelton, and Carrie Underwood. The Grand Ole Opry<sub>&reg;</sub> is presented by Humana<sub>&reg;</sub>.&nbsp; To plan an Opry visit, call (800) SEE-OPRY or visit</p> <p><strong>Visit our <a href="">This Week page to purchase tickets to Tuesday's show</a>, and visit our <a href="">Calendar of Shows</a> to see our upcoming schedule.</strong></p> </div><!-- #main-content --> </div><!-- #main-content-wrap --> <div id="sidebar"> </div><!-- #sidebar --> </div><!-- #content-wrap --> <noindex> <!-- Start: Footer --> <div id="footer"> <div id="search-bar"> <form action="" method="get" id="search"> <fieldset> <legend>Search</legend> <label for="search-field"><strong>Search</strong></label> <input type="text" name="q" id="search-field"> <span class="form-btn red-btn"><input type="submit" value="Search" id="btn-search" name="btn-search"></span> </fieldset> </form> <p id="opry-update"><strong>Stay up-to-date by signing up for the Opry Update.</strong></p> <p id="btn-sign-up"><a class="btn red-btn" href="/web/20111013235517/"><span>Sign Up</span></a></p> </div><!-- #search-bar --> <div id="information"> <div id="contact" class="column first"> <h4>Contact Information</h4> <p> <strong>Grand Ole Opry</strong><br> 2804 Opryland Drive<br> Nashville, TN 37214<br> <strong>Phone:</strong> 615-871-OPRY<br> <a href="/web/20111013235517/">Contact the Opry</a> &#187; </p> </div><!-- #contact --> <div id="links" class="column"> <h4>Additional Links</h4> <ul> <li><a href="/web/20111013235517/">Venue Rentals</a> &#187;</li> <li><a href="/web/20111013235517/">Press Room</a> &#187;</li> <li><a href="/web/20111013235517/">Groups</a> &#187;</li> <li><a href="/web/20111013235517/">Opry Trust Fund</a> &#187;</li> <li><a href="/web/20111013235517/">Photo Archives</a> &#187;</li> </ul> </div><!-- #links --> <div id="connect" class="column"> <h4>Connect with the Opry</h4> <ul> <li id="social-link-facebook"><a href="" target="_blank">Facebook</a></li> <li id="social-link-twitter"><a href="" target="_blank">Twitter</a></li> <li id="social-link-youtube"><a href="" target="_blank">YouTube</a></li> <li id="social-link-myspace"><a href="" target="_blank">Myspace</a></li> <li id="social-link-RSS"><a href="" target="_blank">RSS Feed</a></li> <li id="social-link-mobile"><a href="" target="_blank">Opry Mobile App</a></li> </ul> </div><!-- #connect --> <!--div id="my-opry" class="column last"> <h4>It&#8217;s Your Opry!</h4> <span id="logo-my-opry"><a href="" target="_blank"></a></span> <p>Share and create all things Opry!</p> </div--><!-- #my-opry --> </div><!-- #information --> <div id="copyright"> <p>&#169; 2011 <a href="">Grand Ole Opry</a>&#174; &#8226; A <a href="" target="_blank">Gaylord Entertainment</a>&#174; Company</p> <ul> <li><a href="" target="_blank">Job Opportunities</a></li> <li><a href="/web/20111013235517/">Terms of Use</a></li> <li><a href="/web/20111013235517/">Privacy Statement</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="">RSS</a></li> </ul> </div><!-- #copright --> </div><!-- #footer --> <!-- End: Footer --> </div><!-- #wrap --> </noindex> <!-- SiteCatalyst code version: H.15.1. 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