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A canon of St-Die in Lorraine (1475-1522)<br> <a href="../cathen/15532a.htm">Wales</a> - Located in the western portion of Great Britain<br> <a href="../cathen/15538a.htm">Walla-Walla Indians</a> - A Shahaptian tribe dwelling on the Walla-Walla River and the Columbia in Washington and Oregon, from Snake River to the Umatilla<br> <a href="../cathen/15545a.htm">Waltham Abbey</a> - Formerly located near London<br> <a href="../cathen/15546c.htm">War</a> - In its juridical sense, a contention carried on by force of arms between sovereign states, or communities having in this regard the right of states<br> <a href="../cathen/15551b.htm">Ward, Margaret, Saint</a> - English martyr, died at Tyburn in 1588<br> <a href="../cathen/15551c.htm">Ward, Mary</a> - Founded the Institute of the Blessed Virgin Mary<br> <a href="../cathen/15552c.htm">Ward, William George</a> - English writer and convert (1812-1882)<br> <a href="../cathen/15557b.htm">Washing of Feet and Hands</a> - Owing to the general use of sandals in Eastern countries the washing of the feet was almost everywhere recognized from the earliest times as a duty of courtesy to be shown to guests<br> <a href="../cathen/07432a.htm">Water, Holy</a> - In the earliest Christian times, water was used for expiatory and purificatory purposes, to a way analogous to its employment under the Jewish Law<br> <a href="../cathen/07433a.htm">Water, Holy, Fonts</a> - Vessels intended for the use of holy water<br> <a href="../cathen/15564a.htm">Water, Liturgical Use of</a> - Besides the holy water which is used in rites of blessing, and the water employed in the washing of feet and hands, and in the baptismal font, water has its recognized place in the ritual of every Mass<br> <a href="../cathen/15568a.htm">Watteau, Jean Antoine</a> - Artist's biography with bibliography<br> <a href="../cathen/15569a.htm"><strong>Way of the Cross</strong></a> - Historical background on this devotion<br> <a href="../cathen/14254a.htm">Way or State</a> - Stages in the spiritual life<br> <a href="../cathen/15571a.htm">Wealth, Use of</a> - The term 'wealth' is not used here in the technical sense in which it occurs in treatises on economic subjects<br> <a href="../cathen/15574b.htm">Weber, Karl Maria Friedrich Ernst von</a> - Composer (1786-1826)<br> <a href="../cathen/15575b.htm">Week, Liturgical</a> - The week was regarded as a sacred institution among the Jews owing to the law of the Sabbath rest and its association with the first chapter of Genesis<br> <a href="../cathen/15577d.htm">Weissenau, Monastery of</a> - Suppressed Premonstratensian house in Wuertemberg<br> <a href="../cathen/15578c.htm">Weld</a> - Name of a prominent English Catholic family<br> <a href="../cathen/15581a.htm">Wells in Scripture</a> - It is difficult to realize the importance which a country like Palestine attaches to any source of fresh water<br> <a href="../cathen/15582b.htm">Welsh Church</a> - The term Welsh Church covers 'the British Church during the Roman period', 'the British Church during the period of Saxon Conquest', and 'the Church of Wales'<br> <a href="../cathen/15585a.htm">Welsh Monastic Foundations</a> - The British church was driven into Wales in the fifth century<br> <a href="../cathen/15587b.htm">Wenceslaus, Saint</a> - The patron saint of Bohemia, murdered by his brother c. 929<br> <a href="../cathen/15588b.htm">Werburgh, Saint</a> - Benedictine abbess, died 699 or 700. Biographical article<br> <a href="../cathen/15591a.htm">Wessobrunn</a> - Suppressed Benedictine abbey in Bavaria<br> <a href="../cathen/14417a.htm">West Syrian Rite</a> - The rite used by the Jacobite sect in Syria and by the Catholic Syrians is in its origin simply the old rite of Antioch in the Syriac language<br> <a href="../cathen/13539a.htm">Western Schism</a> - Only a temporary misunderstanding, even though it compelled the Church for forty years to seek its true head; it was fed by politics and passions, and was terminated by the assembling of the councils of Pisa and Constance<br> <a href="../cathen/15598a.htm">Westminster Abbey</a> - This most famous of all English abbeys is situated within the precincts of the Royal Palace of Westminster<br> <a href="../cathen/15601b.htm">Westphalia</a> - Province of Prussia<br> <a href="../cathen/15609a.htm">Whitaker, Venerable Thomas</a> - Brief biography of this Lancashire priest, martyred in 1646<br> <a href="../cathen/15610a.htm">Whitby, Synod of</a> - A conference at the monastery of St. Hilda at Whitby or Streanoeshalch. King Oswy with Bishops Colman and Chad represented the Celtic tradition; Alchfrid, son of Oswy, and Bishops Wilfrid and Agilbert that of Rome<br> <a href="../cathen/15612a.htm">White, Richard, Venerable</a> - Real name, Richard Gwyn. Welsh schoolmaster, husband and father, had a reputation as a scholar, poet, martyred in 1584<br> <a href="../cathen/15612b.htm">White, Robert</a> - English composer (1530-1574)<br> <a href="../cathen/15613d.htm">White Fathers</a> - Missionaries of Our Lady of Africa of Algeria<br> <a href="../cathen/15614b.htm"><strong>Whitsunday</strong></a> - A feast which commemorates the Descent of the Holy Ghost upon the Apostles, fifty days after the Resurrection of Christ<br> <a href="../cathen/15616b.htm">Wichita Indians</a> - A confederacy of Caddoan stock, formerly dwelling between the Arkansas River, Kansas, and the Brazos River, Texas<br> <a href="../cathen/15617c.htm">Widow</a> - Canonical prescriptions concerning widows in the Old Testament refer mainly to the question of remarriage<br> <a href="../cathen/15618a.htm">Widukind</a> - Saxon leader, and one of the heads of the Westphalian nobility<br> <a href="../cathen/15619b.htm">Wigbert, Saint</a> - English-born companion of St. Boniface. Wigbert was abbot of Hersfeld and, for a time, of Ohrdruf. He died in about 746<br> <a href="../cathen/15621c.htm">Wilfrid, Saint</a> - Biographical article on this abbot and bishop, who died in 709<br> <a href="../cathen/15623b.htm">Wilhelm of Herle</a> - Painter, born at Herle in Dutch Limburg at an unknown date in the fourteenth century<br> <a href="../cathen/15624a.htm">Will</a> - This article discusses will in its psychological aspect<br> <a href="../cathen/15626b.htm">Will and Testament of Clerics</a> - Roman law allowed clerics to dispose of their property by will or otherwise<br> <a href="../cathen/06259a.htm"><strong>Will, Free</strong></a> - The question of free will, moral liberty, or the liberum arbitrium of the Schoolmen, ranks amongst the three or four most important philosophical problems of all time<br> <a href="../cathen/15626a.htm">Willaert, Adrian</a> - Biography of the composer (1480-1562)<br> <a href="../cathen/15628c.htm">William, Saint</a> - Biographical article on William Fitzherbert, also called William of Thwayt. Twelfth-century Archbishop of York<br> <a href="../cathen/15630b.htm">William Carter, Venerable</a> - English printer, martyred in 1584<br> <a href="../cathen/15630d.htm">William Filby, Blessed</a> - English priest, martyred in 1582. Article also has details on Bl. Laurence Richardson and St. Luke Kirby, his companions in martyrdom<br> <a href="../cathen/15631b.htm">William Lacy, Blessed</a> - English widower, became a priest. He was martyred at York in 1582<br> <a href="../cathen/15633a.htm">William of Gellone, Saint</a> - Late eighth century. The second count of Toulouse, founded a Benedictine monastery, then became a monk himself<br> <a href="../cathen/15635a.htm">William of Norwich, Saint</a> - William's corpse was found showing signs of a violent death. He is the earliest example of a medieval blood libel saint, having died in 1144. His biographer relied on hearsay, and was 'a man of unlimited credulity.'<br> <a href="../cathen/15636a.htm">William of Ockham</a> - Biographical article on the fourteenth-century Franciscan philosopher<br> <a href="../cathen/15637a.htm">William of Perth, Saint</a> - Honored as a martyr because he was on pilgrimage to Jerusalem when murdered by his adopted son<br> <a href="../cathen/15638a.htm">William of St-Thierry</a> - Theologian and mystic (1085-1148)<br> <a href="../cathen/15642c.htm">William the Conqueror</a> - King of England and Duke of Normandy<br> <a href="../cathen/15644b.htm">Williamites</a> - Name of two minor religious orders<br> <a href="../cathen/15645a.htm">Willibrord, Saint</a> - Article on the Benedictine missionary and bishop, who died in 739<br> <a href="../cathen/15648a.htm">Wimborne Minster</a> - Monastery in Dorsetshire, England<br> <a href="../cathen/15650a.htm">Winckelmann, Johann Joachim</a> - Archaeologist and historian of ancient art (1717-1768)<br> <a href="../cathen/15652a.htm">Winding Sheet of Christ, Feast of the Holy</a> - In 1206 one of the (supposed) Winding Sheets used at the burial of Christ was brought to Besancon by Otto de La Roche, and the feast of its arrival (Susceptio) was ordered to be kept on 11 July<br> <a href="../cathen/15653a.htm">Window, Rose</a> - A circular window, with mullions and traceries generally radiating from the centre, and filled with stained glasses<br> <a href="../cathen/15653b.htm">Windows in Church Architecture</a> - A history of the use and form of windows in Christian houses of worship<br> <a href="../cathen/01358a.htm">Wine, Altar</a> - Wine is one of the two elements absolutely necessary for the sacrifice of the Eucharist. For valid and licit consecration vinum de vite, i.e. the pure juice of the grape naturally and properly fermented, is to be used<br> <a href="../cathen/15657b.htm">Winnebago Indians</a> - A Siouan tribe closely related in speech to the Iowa, Missouri, and Oto, and more remotely to the Dakota and Ponca<br> <a href="../cathen/15658a.htm">Winnoc, Saint</a> - Early eighth-century Benedictine prior<br> <a href="../cathen/15666a.htm"><strong>Wisdom, Book of</strong></a> - One of the deutero-canonical writings of the Old Testament, placed in the Vulgate between the Canticle of Canticles and Ecclesiasticus<br> <a href="../cathen/15668a.htm">Wisdom, Daughters of</a> - Founded at Poitiers by Louis-Marie Grignion de Montfort in 1703<br> <a href="../cathen/09527a.htm">Wise Men (Magi)</a> - The 'wise men from the East' who came to adore Jesus in Bethlehem (Matthew 2)<br> <a href="../cathen/15674a.htm"><strong>Witchcraft</strong></a> - As commonly understood, involves the idea of a diabolical pact or at least an appeal to the intervention of the spirits of evil<br> <a href="../cathen/15677a.htm">Witness</a> - One who is present, bears testimony, furnishes evidence or proof<br> <a href="../cathen/15678a.htm">Witt, Francis Xavier</a> - Composer and reformer of church music (1834-1888)<br> <a href="../cathen/15678b.htm">Wittenberg</a> - City and University<br> <a href="../cathen/15682b.htm">Wolfgang, Saint</a> - Tenth-century Benedictine bishop of Ratisbon (Regensburg)<br> <a href="../cathen/15684a.htm">Wolgemut, Michael</a> - Painter and engraver (1434-1519)<br> <a href="../cathen/15685a.htm">Wolsey, Thomas</a> - Cardinal Archbishop of York (1471-1530)<br> <a href="../cathen/15687b.htm"><strong>Woman</strong></a> - The position of woman in society has given rise to a discussion which, is known under the name of the 'woman question'<br> <a href="../cathen/15698b.htm">Wood-Carving</a> - Discusses the branch of wood-carving dealing with artistic objects, belonging either to plastic (as statues, crucifixes, and similar carvings), or to industrial art (as arabesques and rosettes), and which serve mainly for the ornamentation of cabinet work<br> <a href="../cathen/15702c.htm">Woods, Julian Edmund Tenison</a> - Priest and scientist (1832-1889)<br> <a href="../cathen/15704a.htm">Words (in Canon Law)</a> - Canonists give many rules for the exact acceptation of words, in order that decrees may be correctly understood and the extent of their obligation determined<br> <a href="../cathen/15704b.htm">World, Antiquity of the</a> - Various attempts have been made to establish the age of the world<br> <a href="../cathen/01060b.htm">Wormwood</a> - Wormwood, known for its repulsive bitterness<br> <a href="../cathen/15709a.htm">W&ouml;rndle, Von, Family</a> - Philip, Edmund, and August<br> <a href="../cathen/15710a.htm">Worship, Christian</a> - In its most general sense, homage paid to a person or a thing<br> <a href="../cathen/15714a.htm">Wounds, The Five Sacred</a> - The revival of religious life and the zealous activity of St. Bernard and St. Francis in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, together with the enthusiasm of the Crusaders returning from the Holy Land, increased devotion to the Passion of Jesus Christ and particularly to practices in honour of the Wounds in His Sacred Hands, Feet, and Side<br> <a href="../cathen/13043b.htm">Wyche, Saint Richard de</a> - The devoted companion of St. Edmund Rich, was bishop of Chichester. Richard died in 1253, and was canonized less than 10 years later<br> <a href="../cathen/15722a.htm">Wyclif, John</a> - Lengthy biographical article. Includes bibliography<br> <div class='catholicadnet-728x90' id='cathen-728x90-bottom' style='text-align: center; width: 100%; '></div> </div> <div id="ogdenville"><table summary="Bottom bar" width="100%" cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><tr><td class="bar_white_on_color"><center><strong>Copyright &#169; 2023 by <a href="../utility/contactus.htm">New Advent LLC</a>. Dedicated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.</strong></center></td></tr></table><p align="center"><a href="../utility/contactus.htm">CONTACT US</a> | <a href="">ADVERTISE WITH NEW ADVENT</a></p></div><!-- Sticky Footer --> <ins class="CANBMDDisplayAD" data-bmd-ad-unit="30849120210203T1734389107AB67D35C03D4A318731A4F337F60B3E" style="display:block"></ins> <script src=""></script> <!-- /Sticky Footer --> </body> </html>

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