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be directly related to that core theme of developing a romantic relationship, although the novel can also contain subplots that do not specifically relate to the main characters&apos; romantic love. Other definitions of a romance novel may be broader, including other plots and endings or more than two people, or narrower, restricting the types of romances or conflicts.</span> <span id="freeText14667152026263880499" style="display:none">According to the Romance Writers of America, "Two basic elements comprise every romance novel: a central love story and an emotionally-satisfying and optimistic ending." Both the conflict and the climax of the novel should be directly related to that core theme of developing a romantic relationship, although the novel can also contain subplots that do not specifically relate to the main characters' romantic love. Other definitions of a romance novel may be broader, including other plots and endings or more than two people, or narrower, restricting the types of romances or conflicts.</span> <a data-text-id="14667152026263880499" href="#" onclick="swapContent($(this));; return false;">...more</a> </div> <br/> <div class="coverBigBox clearFloats bigBox" show_header="true"><div class="h2Container gradientHeaderContainer"><h2 class="brownBackground"><a href="/genres/new_releases/romance">New Releases Tagged &quot;Romance&quot;</a></h2></div><div class="bigBoxBody"><div class="bigBoxContent containerWithHeaderContent"> <div class="coverRow "> <div class="leftAlignedImage bookBox"> <div class="coverWrapper" id="bookCover240238_211479192"> <a href="/book/show/211479192-water-moon"><img alt="Water Moon" title="" width="115" class="bookImage" src="" /></a> </div> <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"> //<![CDATA[ function submitShelfLink(unique_id, book_id, shelf_id, shelf_name, submit_form, exclusive) { var checkbox_id = 'shelf_name_' + unique_id + '_' + shelf_id; var element = document.getElementById(checkbox_id) var checked = element.checked if (checked && exclusive) { // can't uncheck a radio by clicking it! return } if(document.getElementById("savingMessage")){'savingMessage') } var element_id = 'shelfInDropdownName_' + unique_id + '_' + shelf_id; Element.update(element_id, "saving..."); if (submit_form) { Element.hide('shelfDropdown_' + unique_id) var form = document.getElementById('addBookForm' + book_id) if (form) { form.shelf.value = shelf_name form.onsubmit() } } else { var action = checked ? 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Most will see a cozy rame<\/span>\n <span id=\"freeText8208952970655144972\" style=\"display:none\">A woman inherits a pawnshop where you can sell your regrets, and then embarks on a magical journey when a charming young physicist wanders into the shop, in this dreamlike and enchanting fantasy novel.\n\nOn a backstreet in Tokyo lies a pawnshop, but not everyone can find it. Most will see a cozy ramen restaurant. And only the chosen ones—those who are lost—will find a place to pawn their life choices and deepest regrets.\n\nHana Ishikawa wakes on her first morning as the pawnshop’s new owner to find it ransacked, the shop’s most precious acquisition stolen, and her father missing. And then into the shop stumbles a charming stranger, quite unlike its other customers, for he offers help instead of seeking it.\n\nTogether, they must journey through a mystical world to find Hana’s father and the stolen choice—by way of rain puddles, rides on paper cranes, the bridge between midnight and morning, and a night market in the clouds.\n\nBut as they get closer to the truth, Hana must reveal a secret of her own—and risk making a choice that she will never be able to take back.<\/span>\n <a data-text-id=\"8208952970655144972\" href=\"#\" onclick=\"swapContent(\$(this));; return false;\">...more<\/a>\n\n <\/div>\n\n\n", { style: 'addbook', stem: 'leftMiddle', hook: { tip: 'leftMiddle', target: 'rightMiddle' }, hideOn: false, width: 400, hideAfter: 0.05, delay: 0.35 }); $('bookCover240238_211479192').observe('prototip:shown', function() { if (this.up('#box')) { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: $('box').getStyle('z-index')})}); } else { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: 6000})}); } }); newTip['wrapper'].addClassName('prototipAllowOverflow'); $('bookCover240238_211479192').observe('prototip:shown', function () { $$('div.prototip').each(function (e) { if ($('bookCover240238_211479192').hasClassName('ignored')) { e.setStyle({'display': 'none'}); return; } e.setStyle({'overflow': 'visible'}); }); }); $('bookCover240238_211479192').observe('prototip:hidden', function () { $$('span.elementTwo').each(function (e) { if (e.getStyle('display') !== 'none') { var lessLink =; swapContent(lessLink); } }); }); //]]> </script> </div> <div class="leftAlignedImage bookBox"> <div class="coverWrapper" id="bookCover240238_209220944"> <a href="/book/show/209220944-out-of-the-woods"><img alt="Out of the Woods" title="" width="115" class="bookImage" src="" /></a> </div> <script> //<![CDATA[ var newTip = new Tip($('bookCover240238_209220944'), "\n\n <h2><a class=\"readable bookTitle\" href=\";from_home_module=false\">Out of the Woods<\/a><\/h2>\n\n <div>\n by <a class=\"authorName\" href=\"/author/show/22325481.Hannah_Bonam_Young\">Hannah Bonam-Young<\/a><span title=\"Goodreads Author!\">*<\/span>\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"smallText uitext darkGreyText\">\n <span class=\"minirating\"><span class=\"stars staticStars notranslate\"><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p3\"><\/span><\/span> 4.19 avg rating &mdash; 8,347 ratings<\/span> &mdash; published 2025\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"addBookTipDescription\">\n \n<span id=\"freeTextContainer1889852229264714828\">High school sweethearts Sarah and Caleb Linwood have always been a sure thing. For the past seventeen years, they have had each other’s backs through all of life’s ups and downs, achievements, losses, stages, and phases.\n\nBut Sarah has begun to wonder... Who is she without her other half?\n\nWhen she <\/span>\n <span id=\"freeText1889852229264714828\" style=\"display:none\">High school sweethearts Sarah and Caleb Linwood have always been a sure thing. For the past seventeen years, they have had each other’s backs through all of life’s ups and downs, achievements, losses, stages, and phases.\n\nBut Sarah has begun to wonder... Who is she without her other half?\n\nWhen she decides to take on a project of her own, a fundraising gala in memoriam of her late mother, Sarah wants nothing more than to prove to herself—and to everyone else—that she doesn’t need Caleb’s help to succeed. She’s still her mother’s daughter, after all. Independent and capable.\n\nThat is until the event fails and Caleb uninvitedly steps in to save the day.\n\nThe rift that follows unearths a decade of grievances between them and doubts begin to grow. Are they truly the same people they were when they got married at nineteen? Are they supposed to be?\n\nIn a desperate attempt to fix what they fear is near breaking, Sarah and Caleb make the spontaneous decision to join a grueling hiking trip intended to guide couples through rough patches.\n\nWhat follows is a life-affirming comedy of errors as two nature-averse people fight their way out of the woods in order to find their way back to their roots.<\/span>\n <a data-text-id=\"1889852229264714828\" href=\"#\" onclick=\"swapContent(\$(this));; return false;\">...more<\/a>\n\n <\/div>\n\n\n", { style: 'addbook', stem: 'leftMiddle', hook: { tip: 'leftMiddle', target: 'rightMiddle' }, hideOn: false, width: 400, hideAfter: 0.05, delay: 0.35 }); $('bookCover240238_209220944').observe('prototip:shown', function() { if (this.up('#box')) { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: $('box').getStyle('z-index')})}); } else { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: 6000})}); } }); newTip['wrapper'].addClassName('prototipAllowOverflow'); $('bookCover240238_209220944').observe('prototip:shown', function () { $$('div.prototip').each(function (e) { if ($('bookCover240238_209220944').hasClassName('ignored')) { e.setStyle({'display': 'none'}); return; } e.setStyle({'overflow': 'visible'}); }); }); $('bookCover240238_209220944').observe('prototip:hidden', function () { $$('span.elementTwo').each(function (e) { if (e.getStyle('display') !== 'none') { var lessLink =; swapContent(lessLink); } }); }); //]]> </script> </div> <div class="leftAlignedImage bookBox"> <div class="coverWrapper" id="bookCover240238_211642122"> <a href="/book/show/211642122-immortal"><img alt="Immortal" title="" width="115" class="bookImage" src="" /></a> </div> <script> //<![CDATA[ var newTip = new Tip($('bookCover240238_211642122'), "\n\n <h2><a class=\"readable bookTitle\" href=\";from_home_module=false\">Immortal<\/a><\/h2>\n\n <div>\n by <a class=\"authorName\" href=\"/author/show/20121107.Sue_Lynn_Tan\">Sue Lynn Tan<\/a><span title=\"Goodreads Author!\">*<\/span>\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"smallText uitext darkGreyText\">\n <span class=\"minirating\"><span class=\"stars staticStars notranslate\"><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p6\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p0\"><\/span><\/span> 3.98 avg rating &mdash; 3,850 ratings<\/span> &mdash; published 2025\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"addBookTipDescription\">\n \n<span id=\"freeTextContainer2766677372183220505\">A stunning, standalone romantic fantasy filled with dangerous secrets, forbidden magic, and passion, of a young ruler who fights to protect her kingdom, from bestselling author Sue Lynn Tan and set in the breathtaking world of Daughter of the Moon Goddess.\n\n“What the gods did not give us, I would ta<\/span>\n <span id=\"freeText2766677372183220505\" style=\"display:none\">A stunning, standalone romantic fantasy filled with dangerous secrets, forbidden magic, and passion, of a young ruler who fights to protect her kingdom, from bestselling author Sue Lynn Tan and set in the breathtaking world of Daughter of the Moon Goddess.\n\n“What the gods did not give us, I would take.”\n\nAs the heir to Tianxia, Liyen knows she must ascend the throne and renew her kingdom’s pledge to serve the immortals who once protected them from a vicious enemy. But when she is poisoned, Liyen’s grandfather steals an enchanted lotus to save her life. Enraged at his betrayal, the immortal queen commands the powerful God of War to attack Tianxia. \n\nUpon her grandfather’s death, Liyen ascends a precarious throne, vowing to end her kingdom’s obligation to the immortals. When she is summoned to the Immortal Realm, she seizes the opportunity to learn their secrets and to form a tenuous alliance to safeguard her people, all with the one she should fear and mistrust the most: the ruthless God of War. As they are drawn together, a treacherous attraction ignites between them—one she has to resist, to not endanger all she is fighting for.\n\nBut with darker forces closing in around them, and her kingdom plunged into peril, Liyen must risk everything to save her people from an unspeakable fate, even if it means forging a dangerous bond with the immortal… even if it means losing her heart.<\/span>\n <a data-text-id=\"2766677372183220505\" href=\"#\" onclick=\"swapContent(\$(this));; return false;\">...more<\/a>\n\n <\/div>\n\n\n", { style: 'addbook', stem: 'leftMiddle', hook: { tip: 'leftMiddle', target: 'rightMiddle' }, hideOn: false, width: 400, hideAfter: 0.05, delay: 0.35 }); $('bookCover240238_211642122').observe('prototip:shown', function() { if (this.up('#box')) { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: $('box').getStyle('z-index')})}); } else { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: 6000})}); } }); newTip['wrapper'].addClassName('prototipAllowOverflow'); $('bookCover240238_211642122').observe('prototip:shown', function () { $$('div.prototip').each(function (e) { if ($('bookCover240238_211642122').hasClassName('ignored')) { e.setStyle({'display': 'none'}); return; } e.setStyle({'overflow': 'visible'}); }); }); $('bookCover240238_211642122').observe('prototip:hidden', function () { $$('span.elementTwo').each(function (e) { if (e.getStyle('display') !== 'none') { var lessLink =; swapContent(lessLink); } }); }); //]]> </script> </div> <div class="leftAlignedImage bookBox"> <div class="coverWrapper" id="bookCover240238_212364043"> <a href="/book/show/212364043-the-starlight-heir"><img alt="The Starlight Heir" title="" width="115" class="bookImage" src="" /></a> </div> <script> //<![CDATA[ var newTip = new Tip($('bookCover240238_212364043'), "\n\n <h2><a class=\"readable bookTitle\" href=\";from_home_module=false\">The Starlight Heir<\/a><\/h2>\n\n <div>\n by <a class=\"authorName\" href=\"/author/show/4693312.Amalie_Howard\">Amalie Howard<\/a><span title=\"Goodreads Author!\">*<\/span>\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"smallText uitext darkGreyText\">\n <span class=\"minirating\"><span class=\"stars staticStars notranslate\"><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p3\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p0\"><\/span><\/span> 3.43 avg rating &mdash; 2,285 ratings<\/span> &mdash; published 2025\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"addBookTipDescription\">\n \n<span id=\"freeTextContainer10236134254289107344\">“My newest obsession! A breathtaking, sexy romantasy full of twists and adventure.” –REBECCA YARROS, #1 New York Times bestselling author of Fourth Wing\n\n“Be ready for a deadly contest for a bride, mistaken identities, hidden magic, and secrets that will keep you guessing until the end.” –NISHA J. T<\/span>\n <span id=\"freeText10236134254289107344\" style=\"display:none\">“My newest obsession! A breathtaking, sexy romantasy full of twists and adventure.” –REBECCA YARROS, #1 New York Times bestselling author of Fourth Wing\n\n“Be ready for a deadly contest for a bride, mistaken identities, hidden magic, and secrets that will keep you guessing until the end.” –NISHA J. TULI, internationally bestselling author of Trial of the Sun Queen\n\nA bladesmith blessed by the stars. A prince with a dangerous secret. A god bound in shadows. From USA Today bestselling author Amalie Howard comes a scorching new romantasy that will leave you spellbound.\n\n“His Imperial Majesty King Zarek requests your presence as his esteemed guest.”\n\nWhen the gold-dusted court invitation arrives at Suraya Saab’s forge, she believes it’s a joke. Nobles might seek her skills as a bladesmith—one of few who can imbue her work with precious jadu, the last source of magic in the realm—but she has no qualifications as a potential bride for the crown prince. Still, the invitation is the chance at adventure, and the means to finally visit the capital city her late mother loved.\n\nBut what awaits her in Kaldari is nothing she could have imagined—and fraught with danger. It’s not the crown prince, but his impossibly handsome, illegitimate half-brother, Roshan, who captures her interest…and her ire. The invitation isn’t a quest to find a suitable bride, but a veiled hunt for the Starkeeper—a girl rumored to hold the magic of the stars in her blood. And across the city, unrest is brewing between the noble houses and the rebel militia.\n\nWhen the rebels attack, Suraya and Roshan find themselves on the run, trying to deny their simmering attraction and the knowledge that Suraya herself might be the Starkeeper. But Roshan is guarding secrets of his own. And with no control over the power stirring within her, Suraya has drawn the attention of a dark god, an immortal whose interest might be the biggest threat of all.\n\n“Consumes all your attention and leaves you longing for more!” —Jennifer L. Armentrout, #1 New York Times bestselling author\n\n“Stunning .” —Brigid Kemmerer, New York Times bestselling author\n\n“Pure addictive delight.&quot; —Thea Guanzon, New York Times bestselling author\n\n“Amalie Howard at her finest!” —Danielle L. Jensen, New York Times bestselling author<\/span>\n <a data-text-id=\"10236134254289107344\" href=\"#\" onclick=\"swapContent(\$(this));; return false;\">...more<\/a>\n\n <\/div>\n\n\n", { style: 'addbook', stem: 'leftMiddle', hook: { tip: 'leftMiddle', target: 'rightMiddle' }, hideOn: false, width: 400, hideAfter: 0.05, delay: 0.35 }); $('bookCover240238_212364043').observe('prototip:shown', function() { if (this.up('#box')) { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: $('box').getStyle('z-index')})}); } else { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: 6000})}); } }); newTip['wrapper'].addClassName('prototipAllowOverflow'); $('bookCover240238_212364043').observe('prototip:shown', function () { $$('div.prototip').each(function (e) { if ($('bookCover240238_212364043').hasClassName('ignored')) { e.setStyle({'display': 'none'}); return; } e.setStyle({'overflow': 'visible'}); }); }); $('bookCover240238_212364043').observe('prototip:hidden', function () { $$('span.elementTwo').each(function (e) { if (e.getStyle('display') !== 'none') { var lessLink =; swapContent(lessLink); } }); }); //]]> </script> </div> <div class="leftAlignedImage bookBox"> <div class="coverWrapper" id="bookCover240238_211003731"> <a href="/book/show/211003731-she-doesn-t-have-a-clue"><img alt="She Doesn&#39;t Have a Clue" title="" width="115" class="bookImage" src="" /></a> </div> <script> //<![CDATA[ var newTip = new Tip($('bookCover240238_211003731'), "\n\n <h2><a class=\"readable bookTitle\" href=\";from_home_module=false\">She Doesn&#39;t Have a Clue<\/a><\/h2>\n\n <div>\n by <a class=\"authorName\" href=\"/author/show/18069688.Jenny_Elder_Moke\">Jenny Elder Moke<\/a><span title=\"Goodreads Author!\">*<\/span>\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"smallText uitext darkGreyText\">\n <span class=\"minirating\"><span class=\"stars staticStars notranslate\"><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p6\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p0\"><\/span><\/span> 3.54 avg rating &mdash; 1,235 ratings<\/span> &mdash; published 2025\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"addBookTipDescription\">\n \n<span id=\"freeTextContainer14432260466510197146\">With a colorful cast of characters and a cellar full of wine, anything can happen―from murder to a second chance at love―in Jenny Elder Moke&apos;s half mystery, half romance adult debut set at a lavish destination wedding.\n\nA high-end wedding on a private island off the coast of Seattle sounds like some<\/span>\n <span id=\"freeText14432260466510197146\" style=\"display:none\">With a colorful cast of characters and a cellar full of wine, anything can happen―from murder to a second chance at love―in Jenny Elder Moke\'s half mystery, half romance adult debut set at a lavish destination wedding.\n\nA high-end wedding on a private island off the coast of Seattle sounds like something out of a magazine. But for bestselling mystery author Kate Valentine, it’s more like a nightmare.\n\nWhy Kate agreed to attend her ex-fiancé’s wedding is its own enigma, but she’ll plaster on a fake smile for two nights, with the aid of free champagne, naturally. And because the groom happens to be her editor, she’ll try to finish a draft of her latest Loretta Starling mystery as a wedding gift. But when the bride is poisoned and Kate stumbles across a dead body, she finds herself in a real-life mystery that eerily echoes the plot of her latest novel. And the only person who seems willing to help Kate catch the killer is Jake Hawkins, aka: the Hostralian; aka: Kate’s biggest romantic regret.\n\nAs the wine flows and the weather threatens to hold every guest hostage, bitter resentments and long-held grudges surface amongst the colorful crowd. Anyone could be capable of murder, it seems. What would Loretta do? Unfortunately, Kate doesn’t have a clue.<\/span>\n <a data-text-id=\"14432260466510197146\" href=\"#\" onclick=\"swapContent(\$(this));; return false;\">...more<\/a>\n\n <\/div>\n\n\n", { style: 'addbook', stem: 'rightMiddle', hook: { tip: 'rightMiddle', target: 'leftMiddle' }, hideOn: false, width: 400, hideAfter: 0.05, delay: 0.35 }); $('bookCover240238_211003731').observe('prototip:shown', function() { if (this.up('#box')) { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: $('box').getStyle('z-index')})}); } else { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: 6000})}); } }); newTip['wrapper'].addClassName('prototipAllowOverflow'); $('bookCover240238_211003731').observe('prototip:shown', function () { $$('div.prototip').each(function (e) { if ($('bookCover240238_211003731').hasClassName('ignored')) { e.setStyle({'display': 'none'}); return; } e.setStyle({'overflow': 'visible'}); }); }); $('bookCover240238_211003731').observe('prototip:hidden', function () { $$('span.elementTwo').each(function (e) { if (e.getStyle('display') !== 'none') { var lessLink =; swapContent(lessLink); } }); }); //]]> </script> </div> <div class="clear"></div> </div> <div class="coverRow "> <div class="leftAlignedImage bookBox"> <div class="coverWrapper" id="bookCover240238_61374793"> <a href="/book/show/61374793-i-am-not-jessica-chen"><img alt="I Am Not Jessica Chen" title="" width="115" class="bookImage" src="" /></a> </div> <script> //<![CDATA[ var newTip = new Tip($('bookCover240238_61374793'), "\n\n <h2><a class=\"readable bookTitle\" href=\";from_home_module=false\">I Am Not Jessica Chen<\/a><\/h2>\n\n <div>\n by <a class=\"authorName\" href=\"/author/show/16624571.Ann_Liang\">Ann Liang<\/a><span title=\"Goodreads Author!\">*<\/span>\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"smallText uitext darkGreyText\">\n <span class=\"minirating\"><span class=\"stars staticStars notranslate\"><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p3\"><\/span><\/span> 4.15 avg rating &mdash; 3,441 ratings<\/span> &mdash; published 2025\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"addBookTipDescription\">\n \n<span id=\"freeTextContainer7987348118248059872\">After getting rejected by every single Ivy League she applied to and falling short of all her Asian immigrant parents’ expectations, seventeen-year-old Jenna Chen makes a wish to become her smarter, infinitely more successful Harvard-bound cousin, Jessica Chen—only for her wish to come true. Literal<\/span>\n <span id=\"freeText7987348118248059872\" style=\"display:none\">After getting rejected by every single Ivy League she applied to and falling short of all her Asian immigrant parents’ expectations, seventeen-year-old Jenna Chen makes a wish to become her smarter, infinitely more successful Harvard-bound cousin, Jessica Chen—only for her wish to come true. Literally.\n\nNow trapped inside Jessica’s body, with access to Jessica’s most private journals and secrets, Jenna soon discovers that being the top student at the elite, highly competitive Havenwood Private Academy isn’t quite what she imagined. Worse, as everyone—including her own parents—start having trouble remembering who Jenna Chen is, or if she ever even existed, Jenna must decide if playing the role of the perfect daughter and student is worth losing her true self forever.<\/span>\n <a data-text-id=\"7987348118248059872\" href=\"#\" onclick=\"swapContent(\$(this));; return false;\">...more<\/a>\n\n <\/div>\n\n\n", { style: 'addbook', stem: 'leftMiddle', hook: { tip: 'leftMiddle', target: 'rightMiddle' }, hideOn: false, width: 400, hideAfter: 0.05, delay: 0.35 }); $('bookCover240238_61374793').observe('prototip:shown', function() { if (this.up('#box')) { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: $('box').getStyle('z-index')})}); } else { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: 6000})}); } }); newTip['wrapper'].addClassName('prototipAllowOverflow'); $('bookCover240238_61374793').observe('prototip:shown', function () { $$('div.prototip').each(function (e) { if ($('bookCover240238_61374793').hasClassName('ignored')) { e.setStyle({'display': 'none'}); return; } e.setStyle({'overflow': 'visible'}); }); }); $('bookCover240238_61374793').observe('prototip:hidden', function () { $$('span.elementTwo').each(function (e) { if (e.getStyle('display') !== 'none') { var lessLink =; swapContent(lessLink); } }); }); //]]> </script> </div> <div class="leftAlignedImage bookBox"> <div class="coverWrapper" id="bookCover240238_211004830"> <a href="/book/show/211004830-let-s-call-a-truce"><img alt="Let&#39;s Call a Truce" title="" width="115" class="bookImage" src="" /></a> </div> <script> //<![CDATA[ var newTip = new Tip($('bookCover240238_211004830'), "\n\n <h2><a class=\"readable bookTitle\" href=\";from_home_module=false\">Let&#39;s Call a Truce<\/a><\/h2>\n\n <div>\n by <a class=\"authorName\" href=\"/author/show/49300522.Amy_Buchanan\">Amy Buchanan<\/a><span title=\"Goodreads Author!\">*<\/span>\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"smallText uitext darkGreyText\">\n <span class=\"minirating\"><span class=\"stars staticStars notranslate\"><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p6\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p0\"><\/span><\/span> 3.85 avg rating &mdash; 1,427 ratings<\/span> &mdash; published 2025\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"addBookTipDescription\">\n \n<span id=\"freeTextContainer16563665435262314467\">LET’S CALL A TRUCE is a sexy contemporary romance about second chances at life and love, bursting with humor and a touch of angst from debut author, Amy Buchanan.\n\nAfter Juliana Ryan&apos;s husband dies unexpectedly, leaving her with two grieving kids and a stunted career from years as a stay-at-home mom<\/span>\n <span id=\"freeText16563665435262314467\" style=\"display:none\">LET’S CALL A TRUCE is a sexy contemporary romance about second chances at life and love, bursting with humor and a touch of angst from debut author, Amy Buchanan.\n\nAfter Juliana Ryan\'s husband dies unexpectedly, leaving her with two grieving kids and a stunted career from years as a stay-at-home mom, she has no choice but to make it work all on her own. But her confidence crashes around her when she overhears her condescending but infuriatingly attractive new colleague, Ben Thomas, talking about how her kids and inexperience are a liability the company can’t afford. This sets off a feud between the two, as Juliana vows to prove him wrong.\n\nTwo years later, their feud rages on, but it may be charged with something they aren\'t willing to admit. When they are forced onto a career-making project together, Juliana has no choice but to call a truce. As their lives become more intertwined in and out of the office, Juliana finds it hard to ignore Ben’s perpetual smile and charming determination. What started as a truce grows into more, as boardroom-clearing arguments turn to desk-clearing kisses. Could the man she deemed her nemesis understand her life–her stress and responsibilities–better than anyone?\n\nBut just when Juliana decides to open her heart again, Ben’s past threatens their newfound bliss, and she has to figure out whether this second chance at love is worth it after all.<\/span>\n <a data-text-id=\"16563665435262314467\" href=\"#\" onclick=\"swapContent(\$(this));; return false;\">...more<\/a>\n\n <\/div>\n\n\n", { style: 'addbook', stem: 'leftMiddle', hook: { tip: 'leftMiddle', target: 'rightMiddle' }, hideOn: false, width: 400, hideAfter: 0.05, delay: 0.35 }); $('bookCover240238_211004830').observe('prototip:shown', function() { if (this.up('#box')) { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: $('box').getStyle('z-index')})}); } else { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: 6000})}); } }); newTip['wrapper'].addClassName('prototipAllowOverflow'); $('bookCover240238_211004830').observe('prototip:shown', function () { $$('div.prototip').each(function (e) { if ($('bookCover240238_211004830').hasClassName('ignored')) { e.setStyle({'display': 'none'}); return; } e.setStyle({'overflow': 'visible'}); }); }); $('bookCover240238_211004830').observe('prototip:hidden', function () { $$('span.elementTwo').each(function (e) { if (e.getStyle('display') !== 'none') { var lessLink =; swapContent(lessLink); } }); }); //]]> </script> </div> <div class="leftAlignedImage bookBox"> <div class="coverWrapper" id="bookCover240238_211003860"> <a href="/book/show/211003860-the-rival"><img alt="The Rival" title="" width="115" class="bookImage" src="" /></a> </div> <script> //<![CDATA[ var newTip = new Tip($('bookCover240238_211003860'), "\n\n <h2><a class=\"readable bookTitle\" href=\";from_home_module=false\">The Rival<\/a><\/h2>\n\n <div>\n by <a class=\"authorName\" href=\"/author/show/18673646.Emma_Lord\">Emma Lord<\/a><span title=\"Goodreads Author!\">*<\/span>\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"smallText uitext darkGreyText\">\n <span class=\"minirating\"><span class=\"stars staticStars notranslate\"><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p6\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p0\"><\/span><\/span> 3.67 avg rating &mdash; 1,100 ratings<\/span> &mdash; published 2025\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"addBookTipDescription\">\n \n<span id=\"freeTextContainer1639661618205864512\">Rivals-to-lovers gets an academic send-up in this charming and irresistible romantic comedy from Emma Lord, New York Times bestselling author of Tweet Cute and Begin Again!\n\nAt long last, Sadie has vanquished her lifelong academic rival — her irritatingly charming, whip smart next door neighbor, Seb<\/span>\n <span id=\"freeText1639661618205864512\" style=\"display:none\">Rivals-to-lovers gets an academic send-up in this charming and irresistible romantic comedy from Emma Lord, New York Times bestselling author of Tweet Cute and Begin Again!\n\nAt long last, Sadie has vanquished her lifelong academic rival — her irritatingly charming, whip smart next door neighbor, Seb — by getting the coveted, only spot to her dream college. Or at least, so she thinks. When Seb is unexpectedly pulled off the waitlist and admitted, Sadie has to compete with him all over again, this time to get a spot on the school’s famous zine. Now not only is she dealing with the mayhem of the lovable, chaotic family she hid her writing talents from, as well as her own self doubt, but she has to come to terms with some less-than-resentful feelings for Seb that are popping up along the way.\n\nBut the longer they compete, the more Sadie and Seb notice flaws in the school’s system that are much bigger than any competition between them. Somehow the two of them have to band together even as they’re trying to crush each other, only to discover they may have met their match in more ways than one.<\/span>\n <a data-text-id=\"1639661618205864512\" href=\"#\" onclick=\"swapContent(\$(this));; return false;\">...more<\/a>\n\n <\/div>\n\n\n", { style: 'addbook', stem: 'leftMiddle', hook: { tip: 'leftMiddle', target: 'rightMiddle' }, hideOn: false, width: 400, hideAfter: 0.05, delay: 0.35 }); $('bookCover240238_211003860').observe('prototip:shown', function() { if (this.up('#box')) { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: $('box').getStyle('z-index')})}); } else { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: 6000})}); } }); newTip['wrapper'].addClassName('prototipAllowOverflow'); $('bookCover240238_211003860').observe('prototip:shown', function () { $$('div.prototip').each(function (e) { if ($('bookCover240238_211003860').hasClassName('ignored')) { e.setStyle({'display': 'none'}); return; } e.setStyle({'overflow': 'visible'}); }); }); $('bookCover240238_211003860').observe('prototip:hidden', function () { $$('span.elementTwo').each(function (e) { if (e.getStyle('display') !== 'none') { var lessLink =; swapContent(lessLink); } }); }); //]]> </script> </div> <div class="leftAlignedImage bookBox"> <div class="coverWrapper" id="bookCover240238_204987729"> <a href="/book/show/204987729-the-forever-rule"><img alt="The Forever Rule (The Cage Family #1)" title="" width="115" class="bookImage" src="" /></a> </div> <script> //<![CDATA[ var newTip = new Tip($('bookCover240238_204987729'), "\n\n <h2><a class=\"readable bookTitle\" href=\";from_home_module=false\">The Forever Rule (The Cage Family #1)<\/a><\/h2>\n\n <div>\n by <a class=\"authorName\" href=\"/author/show/5360266.Carrie_Ann_Ryan\">Carrie Ann Ryan<\/a><span title=\"Goodreads Author!\">*<\/span>\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"smallText uitext darkGreyText\">\n <span class=\"minirating\"><span class=\"stars staticStars notranslate\"><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p3\"><\/span><\/span> 4.43 avg rating &mdash; 452 ratings<\/span> &mdash; published 2025\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"addBookTipDescription\">\n \n<span id=\"freeTextContainer875288830010957394\">What happens when the man you’d thought could be the one turns out to be your new boss?\n\nBlakely\nThe moment I met Aston Cage, I knew my life had changed. A single dance later, we’re both all in. Until he ghosted me.\nThen my boss fires me for dancing with the enemy.\nThree months later, working for th<\/span>\n <span id=\"freeText875288830010957394\" style=\"display:none\">What happens when the man you’d thought could be the one turns out to be your new boss?\n\nBlakely\nThe moment I met Aston Cage, I knew my life had changed. A single dance later, we’re both all in. Until he ghosted me.\nThen my boss fires me for dancing with the enemy.\nThree months later, working for the Cages is my last resort. Now I’ll work beside him day by day, trying not to let my feelings take control. It’s heaven and hell. Except I’m starting to think there’s a part of this story I’m missing…\n\nAston\nI made myself walk away from Blakely after my family’s dirty laundry hit the news. My father’s secret family complicates everything. In order to keep our inheritance intact, we’re forced to do monthly dinners with both sides of the family—the brothers I grew up with and the new set of siblings we never knew about.\nAn additional obstacle: Blakely is my new sister’s best friend.\nMeaning the moment I give into temptation, I not only risk the woman I’m falling for, but the family legacy just starting to reveal itself. \nBut Blakley is worth it. I just have to prove I am as well.<\/span>\n <a data-text-id=\"875288830010957394\" href=\"#\" onclick=\"swapContent(\$(this));; return false;\">...more<\/a>\n\n <\/div>\n\n\n", { style: 'addbook', stem: 'leftMiddle', hook: { tip: 'leftMiddle', target: 'rightMiddle' }, hideOn: false, width: 400, hideAfter: 0.05, delay: 0.35 }); $('bookCover240238_204987729').observe('prototip:shown', function() { if (this.up('#box')) { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: $('box').getStyle('z-index')})}); } else { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: 6000})}); } }); newTip['wrapper'].addClassName('prototipAllowOverflow'); $('bookCover240238_204987729').observe('prototip:shown', function () { $$('div.prototip').each(function (e) { if ($('bookCover240238_204987729').hasClassName('ignored')) { e.setStyle({'display': 'none'}); return; } e.setStyle({'overflow': 'visible'}); }); }); $('bookCover240238_204987729').observe('prototip:hidden', function () { $$('span.elementTwo').each(function (e) { if (e.getStyle('display') !== 'none') { var lessLink =; swapContent(lessLink); } }); }); //]]> </script> </div> <div class="leftAlignedImage bookBox"> <div class="coverWrapper" id="bookCover240238_211003729"> <a href="/book/show/211003729-earl-crush"><img alt="Earl Crush" title="" width="115" class="bookImage" src="" /></a> </div> <script> //<![CDATA[ var newTip = new Tip($('bookCover240238_211003729'), "\n\n <h2><a class=\"readable bookTitle\" href=\";from_home_module=false\">Earl Crush<\/a><\/h2>\n\n <div>\n by <a class=\"authorName\" href=\"/author/show/22842172.Alexandra_Vasti\">Alexandra Vasti<\/a><span title=\"Goodreads Author!\">*<\/span>\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"smallText uitext darkGreyText\">\n <span class=\"minirating\"><span class=\"stars staticStars notranslate\"><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p3\"><\/span><\/span> 4.23 avg rating &mdash; 1,874 ratings<\/span> &mdash; published 2025\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"addBookTipDescription\">\n \n<span id=\"freeTextContainer15857625305988887261\">In Alexandra Vasti’s newest Regency rom-com, a reclusive earl’s life is turned upside down when a stranger shows up on his doorstep with an astonishing proposal—and an inconvenient connection to espionage.\n\nFor three years, wallflower heiress Lydia Hope-Wallace has anonymously penned seditious pamph<\/span>\n <span id=\"freeText15857625305988887261\" style=\"display:none\">In Alexandra Vasti’s newest Regency rom-com, a reclusive earl’s life is turned upside down when a stranger shows up on his doorstep with an astonishing proposal—and an inconvenient connection to espionage.\n\nFor three years, wallflower heiress Lydia Hope-Wallace has anonymously penned seditious pamphlets. And for almost as long, she’s corresponded with the Earl of Strathrannoch, whose political ambition is matched only by his charm. When Arthur’s latest letter reveals his dire financial straits, Lydia sets out for Scotland to offer him the only salvation she can think of—a marriage of convenience. To, um, herself.\n\nUnfortunately, the Earl of Strathrannoch has no idea who she is.\n\nWhen a bewitching redheaded stranger offers him her hand in marriage, Arthur Baird is stunned—but when he learns that his traitorous brother has been writing to her under Arthur’s name, he’s bloody furious. He’s content to live alone in his moldering castle, and he has no desire for a provocative, radical wife. (Or at least, he shouldn’t.)\n\nBut Arthur is desperate to track down his brother, who’s become dangerously entangled in British espionage, and he needs Lydia’s help. What he doesn’t need? The attraction that burns hotter each moment they spend together. As Lydia slips past his defenses and his brother’s mysterious past becomes a very present threat, Arthur will have to risk everything to keep her safe—even his heart.<\/span>\n <a data-text-id=\"15857625305988887261\" href=\"#\" onclick=\"swapContent(\$(this));; return false;\">...more<\/a>\n\n <\/div>\n\n\n", { style: 'addbook', stem: 'rightMiddle', hook: { tip: 'rightMiddle', target: 'leftMiddle' }, hideOn: false, width: 400, hideAfter: 0.05, delay: 0.35 }); $('bookCover240238_211003729').observe('prototip:shown', function() { if (this.up('#box')) { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: $('box').getStyle('z-index')})}); } else { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: 6000})}); } }); newTip['wrapper'].addClassName('prototipAllowOverflow'); $('bookCover240238_211003729').observe('prototip:shown', function () { $$('div.prototip').each(function (e) { if ($('bookCover240238_211003729').hasClassName('ignored')) { e.setStyle({'display': 'none'}); return; } e.setStyle({'overflow': 'visible'}); }); }); $('bookCover240238_211003729').observe('prototip:hidden', function () { $$('span.elementTwo').each(function (e) { if (e.getStyle('display') !== 'none') { var lessLink =; swapContent(lessLink); } }); }); //]]> </script> </div> <div class="clear"></div> </div> <div class="coverRow "> <div class="leftAlignedImage bookBox"> <div class="coverWrapper" id="bookCover240238_212294418"> <a href="/book/show/212294418-once-smitten-twice-shy"><img alt="Once Smitten, Twice Shy (The Wilmot Sisters, #3)" title="" width="115" class="bookImage" src="" /></a> </div> <script> //<![CDATA[ var newTip = new Tip($('bookCover240238_212294418'), "\n\n <h2><a class=\"readable bookTitle\" href=\";from_home_module=false\">Once Smitten, Twice Shy (The Wilmot Sisters, #3)<\/a><\/h2>\n\n <div>\n by <a class=\"authorName\" href=\"/author/show/18859163.Chloe_Liese\">Chloe Liese<\/a><span title=\"Goodreads Author!\">*<\/span>\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"smallText uitext darkGreyText\">\n <span class=\"minirating\"><span class=\"stars staticStars notranslate\"><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p6\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p0\"><\/span><\/span> 3.89 avg rating &mdash; 2,952 ratings<\/span> &mdash; published 2025\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"addBookTipDescription\">\n \n<span id=\"freeTextContainer14580305010437187764\">Star-crossed lovers learn that practicing romance leads to the perfect happy ending in this steamy reimagining of Shakespeare&apos;s Twelfth Night.\n\nSince heartbreak entered the scene, Juliet Wilmot, once a hopeless romantic, has sworn off love. But when she&apos;s presented with the chance to revisit romance<\/span>\n <span id=\"freeText14580305010437187764\" style=\"display:none\">Star-crossed lovers learn that practicing romance leads to the perfect happy ending in this steamy reimagining of Shakespeare\'s Twelfth Night.\n\nSince heartbreak entered the scene, Juliet Wilmot, once a hopeless romantic, has sworn off love. But when she\'s presented with the chance to revisit romance-purely for practice-with the gorgeous, off-limits guy she keeps serendipitously running into, it feels like a sign from the universe.\n\nQuiet, shy Will Orsino knows happily-ever-after isn\'t on his horizon. Problem is, for the sake of the family business, marriage is. Resigned to the inevitable, but with no confidence he can woo a wife, he can hardly say no when fate hands him the alluring, unattainable woman he keeps crossing paths with, offering to help him learn the ropes of romance.\n\nNeither of them looking for love, Jules and Will agree they\'re the perfect pair to practice romance. Except that practicing to perfection leads to an irresistible attraction. Their once smitten hearts, though still twice shy, might have happily-ever-after written in the stars for them, after all.<\/span>\n <a data-text-id=\"14580305010437187764\" href=\"#\" onclick=\"swapContent(\$(this));; return false;\">...more<\/a>\n\n <\/div>\n\n\n", { style: 'addbook', stem: 'leftMiddle', hook: { tip: 'leftMiddle', target: 'rightMiddle' }, hideOn: false, width: 400, hideAfter: 0.05, delay: 0.35 }); $('bookCover240238_212294418').observe('prototip:shown', function() { if (this.up('#box')) { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: $('box').getStyle('z-index')})}); } else { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: 6000})}); } }); newTip['wrapper'].addClassName('prototipAllowOverflow'); $('bookCover240238_212294418').observe('prototip:shown', function () { $$('div.prototip').each(function (e) { if ($('bookCover240238_212294418').hasClassName('ignored')) { e.setStyle({'display': 'none'}); return; } e.setStyle({'overflow': 'visible'}); }); }); $('bookCover240238_212294418').observe('prototip:hidden', function () { $$('span.elementTwo').each(function (e) { if (e.getStyle('display') !== 'none') { var lessLink =; swapContent(lessLink); } }); }); //]]> </script> </div> <div class="leftAlignedImage bookBox"> <div class="coverWrapper" id="bookCover240238_214152208"> <a href="/book/show/214152208-the-lodge"><img alt="The Lodge" title="" width="115" class="bookImage" src="" /></a> </div> <script> //<![CDATA[ var newTip = new Tip($('bookCover240238_214152208'), "\n\n <h2><a class=\"readable bookTitle\" href=\";from_home_module=false\">The Lodge<\/a><\/h2>\n\n <div>\n by <a class=\"authorName\" href=\"/author/show/14943530.Kayla_Olson\">Kayla Olson<\/a><span title=\"Goodreads Author!\">*<\/span>\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"smallText uitext darkGreyText\">\n <span class=\"minirating\"><span class=\"stars staticStars notranslate\"><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p6\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p0\"><\/span><\/span> 3.79 avg rating &mdash; 2,151 ratings<\/span> &mdash; published 2025\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"addBookTipDescription\">\n \n<span id=\"freeTextContainer16167086792888576536\">From the author of The Reunion, a cozy rom-com about a writer who decamps to a Vermont lodge for work but finds herself distracted by the charming ski instructor next door.Alix Morgan just got her big break as the ghostwriter of a memoir by Sebastian Green, a former member of the boy band True North<\/span>\n <span id=\"freeText16167086792888576536\" style=\"display:none\">From the author of The Reunion, a cozy rom-com about a writer who decamps to a Vermont lodge for work but finds herself distracted by the charming ski instructor next door.Alix Morgan just got her big break as the ghostwriter of a memoir by Sebastian Green, a former member of the boy band True North. And when he offers her a penthouse at a luxurious resort in Vermont, she jumps at the chance to work far away from her noisy, cramped apartment. Her career as an entertainment journalist has been building toward this dream job—after all, she used to cover True North and was one of the last people to interview former front man Jett Beckett before he disappeared. As she combs through her client’s voice memos, the specter of the missing lead singer remains, and fans are desperate to know the full story. But Alix also has time for some fun at this glamorous resort, where she begins ski lessons with a handsome instructor named Tyler. As Alix and Tyler fall in love on the slopes, Alix’s work takes a complicated turn—and the mystery of True North’s downfall may be hers to solve.<\/span>\n <a data-text-id=\"16167086792888576536\" href=\"#\" onclick=\"swapContent(\$(this));; return false;\">...more<\/a>\n\n <\/div>\n\n\n", { style: 'addbook', stem: 'leftMiddle', hook: { tip: 'leftMiddle', target: 'rightMiddle' }, hideOn: false, width: 400, hideAfter: 0.05, delay: 0.35 }); $('bookCover240238_214152208').observe('prototip:shown', function() { if (this.up('#box')) { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: $('box').getStyle('z-index')})}); } else { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: 6000})}); } }); newTip['wrapper'].addClassName('prototipAllowOverflow'); $('bookCover240238_214152208').observe('prototip:shown', function () { $$('div.prototip').each(function (e) { if ($('bookCover240238_214152208').hasClassName('ignored')) { e.setStyle({'display': 'none'}); return; } e.setStyle({'overflow': 'visible'}); }); }); $('bookCover240238_214152208').observe('prototip:hidden', function () { $$('span.elementTwo').each(function (e) { if (e.getStyle('display') !== 'none') { var lessLink =; swapContent(lessLink); } }); }); //]]> </script> </div> <div class="leftAlignedImage bookBox"> <div class="coverWrapper" id="bookCover240238_211025449"> <a href="/book/show/211025449-the-heart-of-winter"><img alt="The Heart of Winter" title="" width="115" class="bookImage" src="" /></a> </div> <script> //<![CDATA[ var newTip = new Tip($('bookCover240238_211025449'), "\n\n <h2><a class=\"readable bookTitle\" href=\";from_home_module=false\">The Heart of Winter<\/a><\/h2>\n\n <div>\n by <a class=\"authorName\" href=\"/author/show/1083757.Jonathan_Evison\">Jonathan Evison<\/a><span title=\"Goodreads Author!\">*<\/span>\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"smallText uitext darkGreyText\">\n <span class=\"minirating\"><span class=\"stars staticStars notranslate\"><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p3\"><\/span><\/span> 4.22 avg rating &mdash; 1,412 ratings<\/span> &mdash; published 2025\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"addBookTipDescription\">\n \n<span id=\"freeTextContainer17656396542292018349\">The extraordinary new novel by Jonathan Evison, about a married couple in their golden years, from when they met across big ups, deep downs, and survive-it-all, opposites-attract love\n\nAbe Winter and Ruth Warneke were never meant to be together—at least if you ask Ruth. Yet their catastrophic blind <\/span>\n <span id=\"freeText17656396542292018349\" style=\"display:none\">The extraordinary new novel by Jonathan Evison, about a married couple in their golden years, from when they met across big ups, deep downs, and survive-it-all, opposites-attract love\n\nAbe Winter and Ruth Warneke were never meant to be together—at least if you ask Ruth. Yet their catastrophic blind date in college evolved into a seventy-year marriage and a life on a farm on Bainbridge Island with their hens and beloved Labrador, Megs. Through the years, the Winters have fallen in and out of lockstep, and from their haunting losses and guarded secrets, a dependable partnership has been forged.\n \nBut when Ruth’s loose tooth turns out to be something much more malicious, the beautiful, reliable life they’ve created together comes to a crisis. As Ruth struggles with her crumbling independence, Abe must learn how to take care of her while their three living children question his ability to look after his wife. And once again, the couple has to reconfigure how to be there for each other.\n \nIn this bighearted and profound portrait of a marriage, Jonathan Evison explores seventy years of big moments in subtle ways, elegantly braiding the Winters’ turbulent history with their present-day battles, showing us how the oddly paired college kids became parents, fell apart and back together, andgrew into the Abe and Ruth of today. Endlessly heartwarming and moving, The Heart of Winter is a reminder that true love lives in small, everyday moments.<\/span>\n <a data-text-id=\"17656396542292018349\" href=\"#\" onclick=\"swapContent(\$(this));; return false;\">...more<\/a>\n\n <\/div>\n\n\n", { style: 'addbook', stem: 'leftMiddle', hook: { tip: 'leftMiddle', target: 'rightMiddle' }, hideOn: false, width: 400, hideAfter: 0.05, delay: 0.35 }); $('bookCover240238_211025449').observe('prototip:shown', function() { if (this.up('#box')) { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: $('box').getStyle('z-index')})}); } else { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: 6000})}); } }); newTip['wrapper'].addClassName('prototipAllowOverflow'); $('bookCover240238_211025449').observe('prototip:shown', function () { $$('div.prototip').each(function (e) { if ($('bookCover240238_211025449').hasClassName('ignored')) { e.setStyle({'display': 'none'}); return; } e.setStyle({'overflow': 'visible'}); }); }); $('bookCover240238_211025449').observe('prototip:hidden', function () { $$('span.elementTwo').each(function (e) { if (e.getStyle('display') !== 'none') { var lessLink =; swapContent(lessLink); } }); }); //]]> </script> </div> <div class="leftAlignedImage bookBox"> <div class="coverWrapper" id="bookCover240238_211004910"> <a href="/book/show/211004910-the-night-is-defying"><img alt="The Night Is Defying (Nytefall, #2)" title="" width="115" class="bookImage" src="" /></a> </div> <script> //<![CDATA[ var newTip = new Tip($('bookCover240238_211004910'), "\n\n <h2><a class=\"readable bookTitle\" href=\";from_home_module=false\">The Night Is Defying (Nytefall, #2)<\/a><\/h2>\n\n <div>\n by <a class=\"authorName\" href=\"/author/show/25161545.Chloe_C_Pe_aranda\">Chloe C. Peñaranda<\/a>\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"smallText uitext darkGreyText\">\n <span class=\"minirating\"><span class=\"stars staticStars notranslate\"><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p3\"><\/span><\/span> 4.13 avg rating &mdash; 812 ratings<\/span> &mdash; published 2025\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"addBookTipDescription\">\n \n<span id=\"freeTextContainer18445728135283689861\">The exciting second volume in USA Today bestselling author Chloe C Peñaranda&apos;s Nytefall series, where history is doomed to repeat, and star-crossed lovers must face a choice between their hearts or the world...\n Vicious Nightmares Need Peaceful Dreams.\nShaken from the aftermath of the Libertatem, t<\/span>\n <span id=\"freeText18445728135283689861\" style=\"display:none\">The exciting second volume in USA Today bestselling author Chloe C Peñaranda\'s Nytefall series, where history is doomed to repeat, and star-crossed lovers must face a choice between their hearts or the world...\n Vicious Nightmares Need Peaceful Dreams.\nShaken from the aftermath of the Libertatem, the newly found star-maiden Astraea is determined to keep her freedom, even at the cost of betraying her heart. But time is running out to recover her memories with the hole it will unveil her killer.Embarking on a journey to discover her past, Astraea’s awakening power spins the hourglass on a history threatening to repeat itself. While Nyte tries to regain control of the vampires hungry for bloodshed, a sinister plan by his brother to overthrow him sparks a dangerous feud. But are they willing to wear the blood of their kin to see it through?For nothing in the past ever stays buried. Friends have turned into foes, brothers have turned into enemies, and what was written in the stars long ago ignites again in two hearts that were never meant to be. Letting Astraea go would save the world from darkness, but Nyte is no hero. It seems no monster is heartless, and no angel is without sin.At the Publisher\'s request, this title is being sold without Digital Rights Management Software (DRM) applied.<\/span>\n <a data-text-id=\"18445728135283689861\" href=\"#\" onclick=\"swapContent(\$(this));; return false;\">...more<\/a>\n\n <\/div>\n\n\n", { style: 'addbook', stem: 'leftMiddle', hook: { tip: 'leftMiddle', target: 'rightMiddle' }, hideOn: false, width: 400, hideAfter: 0.05, delay: 0.35 }); $('bookCover240238_211004910').observe('prototip:shown', function() { if (this.up('#box')) { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: $('box').getStyle('z-index')})}); } else { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: 6000})}); } }); newTip['wrapper'].addClassName('prototipAllowOverflow'); $('bookCover240238_211004910').observe('prototip:shown', function () { $$('div.prototip').each(function (e) { if ($('bookCover240238_211004910').hasClassName('ignored')) { e.setStyle({'display': 'none'}); return; } e.setStyle({'overflow': 'visible'}); }); }); $('bookCover240238_211004910').observe('prototip:hidden', function () { $$('span.elementTwo').each(function (e) { if (e.getStyle('display') !== 'none') { var lessLink =; swapContent(lessLink); } }); }); //]]> </script> </div> <div class="leftAlignedImage bookBox"> <div class="coverWrapper" id="bookCover240238_211025397"> <a href="/book/show/211025397-temple-of-swoon"><img alt="Temple of Swoon" title="" width="115" class="bookImage" src="" /></a> </div> <script> //<![CDATA[ var newTip = new Tip($('bookCover240238_211025397'), "\n\n <h2><a class=\"readable bookTitle\" href=\";from_home_module=false\">Temple of Swoon<\/a><\/h2>\n\n <div>\n by <a class=\"authorName\" href=\"/author/show/29748691.Jo_Segura\">Jo Segura<\/a><span title=\"Goodreads Author!\">*<\/span>\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"smallText uitext darkGreyText\">\n <span class=\"minirating\"><span class=\"stars staticStars notranslate\"><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p6\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p0\"><\/span><\/span> 3.54 avg rating &mdash; 1,450 ratings<\/span> &mdash; published 2025\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"addBookTipDescription\">\n \n<span id=\"freeTextContainer9501152688883449197\">Her mission: find the Lost City of the Moon in the Amazon rainforest.\nHis mission: protect the holy temple . . . and his heart.\n\nWhile her mentor may be the world’s most badass archaeologist, the only thing bad about Dr. Miriam Jacobs are her corny jokes. But when Miri is charged with leading an unm<\/span>\n <span id=\"freeText9501152688883449197\" style=\"display:none\">Her mission: find the Lost City of the Moon in the Amazon rainforest.\nHis mission: protect the holy temple . . . and his heart.\n\nWhile her mentor may be the world’s most badass archaeologist, the only thing bad about Dr. Miriam Jacobs are her corny jokes. But when Miri is charged with leading an unmapped expedition through the Amazon for the fabled Lost City of the Moon, she finally has her chance to prove to her colleagues that she’s capable—and hopefully prove it to herself, too.\n\nJournalist Rafael Monfils has joined the archaeological team to chronicle their search for the lost city. Or at least, that’s what they think he’s doing. Rafa’s real goal? Make sure the team does not reach the Cidade da Lua, stopping the desecration of the holy city and protecting his mother’s legacy. All he needs to do is keep them on the wrong path.\n\nIf only the endearingly quirky Dr. Jacobs wasn’t so damn tenacious—each of Rafa’s tricks and purposeful wrong turns only seem to fuel her determination. Even worse, he’s charmed by her goofy attempts to channel Lara Croft as they traverse the dangerous Brazilian rainforest. But they’re not the only crew hunting for the lost city, and soon the untamed jungle—and their untamed hearts—might be the least of their worries...<\/span>\n <a data-text-id=\"9501152688883449197\" href=\"#\" onclick=\"swapContent(\$(this));; return false;\">...more<\/a>\n\n <\/div>\n\n\n", { style: 'addbook', stem: 'rightMiddle', hook: { tip: 'rightMiddle', target: 'leftMiddle' }, hideOn: false, width: 400, hideAfter: 0.05, delay: 0.35 }); $('bookCover240238_211025397').observe('prototip:shown', function() { if (this.up('#box')) { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: $('box').getStyle('z-index')})}); } else { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: 6000})}); } }); newTip['wrapper'].addClassName('prototipAllowOverflow'); $('bookCover240238_211025397').observe('prototip:shown', function () { $$('div.prototip').each(function (e) { if ($('bookCover240238_211025397').hasClassName('ignored')) { e.setStyle({'display': 'none'}); return; } e.setStyle({'overflow': 'visible'}); 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return false;">...more</a> <br /> <a class="actionLink detailsLink" style="float: right" href="/giveaway/show/404404-considering-us">View Details »</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class=" actions giveawayPreviewDetailsContainer"> <div class="mediumTextBottomPadded"> <a class="gr-button" rel="nofollow" href="/giveaway/enter_choose_address/404404-considering-us">Enter Giveaway</a> </div> <div class="sansSerif"> <p class="giveawayDetailItem"> <b class="giveawayDetailItemTitle">Format:</b> Print book </p> <p class="giveawayDetailItem"> <b class="giveawayDetailItemTitle">Giveaway ends in:</b> <strong id="timer_404404" class="countdownText">a</strong> <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"> //<![CDATA[ var timer_404404_end_at = 72287 + new Date().getTime()/1000; function timer_404404_updateTimer() { var time_left = ""; var secs_left = timer_404404_end_at - new Date().getTime()/1000; if(secs_left <= 0) { document.getElementById("timer_404404").innerHTML = "closed"; clearInterval(timer_404404_updater); 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38,597 ratings<\/span> &mdash; published 2025\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"addBookTipDescription\">\n \n<span id=\"freeTextContainer2605250256168550447\">Two good neighbors make the best of a bad Valentine’s Day in a funny and improbably romantic short story by the #1 New York Times bestselling author of Just for the Summer.\n\nIt’s Valentine’s Day weekend, and Charlotte and Seth are not looking for romance. Armed with emotional-support bear spray, Cha<\/span>\n <span id=\"freeText2605250256168550447\" style=\"display:none\">Two good neighbors make the best of a bad Valentine’s Day in a funny and improbably romantic short story by the #1 New York Times bestselling author of Just for the Summer.\n\nIt’s Valentine’s Day weekend, and Charlotte and Seth are not looking for romance. Armed with emotional-support bear spray, Charlotte is in self-imposed isolation and on guard from men. Having a stalker can do that to a person’s nerves. Just across the hall and giving off woodsy vibes is Seth, a recently divorced arborist. As in today recently. Heights, he’s fine with. Trust? Not so much. But when disaster traps them one flight up and no way down, an outrageously precarious predicament forces a tree-loving guy and a rattled girl next door to embrace their captivity. Soon their defenses are breaking away. Considering how close they both are to the edge, Charlotte and Seth could be in danger of falling—in love.<\/span>\n <a data-text-id=\"2605250256168550447\" href=\"#\" onclick=\"swapContent(\$(this));; return false;\">...more<\/a>\n\n <\/div>\n\n\n", { style: 'addbook', stem: 'leftMiddle', hook: { tip: 'leftMiddle', target: 'rightMiddle' }, hideOn: false, width: 400, hideAfter: 0.05, delay: 0.35 }); $('bookCover840131_223199392').observe('prototip:shown', function() { if (this.up('#box')) { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: $('box').getStyle('z-index')})}); } else { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: 6000})}); } }); newTip['wrapper'].addClassName('prototipAllowOverflow'); $('bookCover840131_223199392').observe('prototip:shown', function () { $$('div.prototip').each(function (e) { if ($('bookCover840131_223199392').hasClassName('ignored')) { e.setStyle({'display': 'none'}); return; } e.setStyle({'overflow': 'visible'}); }); }); $('bookCover840131_223199392').observe('prototip:hidden', function () { $$('span.elementTwo').each(function (e) { if (e.getStyle('display') !== 'none') { var lessLink =; swapContent(lessLink); } }); }); //]]> </script> </div> <div class="leftAlignedImage bookBox"> <div class="coverWrapper" id="bookCover840131_194802722"> <a href="/book/show/194802722-funny-story"><img alt="Funny Story" title="" width="115" class="bookImage" src="" /></a> </div> <script> //<![CDATA[ var newTip = new Tip($('bookCover840131_194802722'), "\n\n <h2><a class=\"readable bookTitle\" href=\";from_home_module=false\">Funny Story<\/a><\/h2>\n\n <div>\n by <a class=\"authorName\" href=\"/author/show/13905555.Emily_Henry\">Emily Henry<\/a><span title=\"Goodreads Author!\">*<\/span>\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"smallText uitext darkGreyText\">\n <span class=\"minirating\"><span class=\"stars staticStars notranslate\"><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p3\"><\/span><\/span> 4.22 avg rating &mdash; 874,818 ratings<\/span> &mdash; published 2024\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"addBookTipDescription\">\n \n<span id=\"freeTextContainer9128584640122979018\">A shimmering, joyful new novel about a pair of opposites with the wrong thing in common, from #1 New York Times bestselling author Emily Henry.\n\nDaphne always loved the way her fiancé, Peter, told their story. How they met (on a blustery day), fell in love (over an errant hat), and moved back to his<\/span>\n <span id=\"freeText9128584640122979018\" style=\"display:none\">A shimmering, joyful new novel about a pair of opposites with the wrong thing in common, from #1 New York Times bestselling author Emily Henry.\n\nDaphne always loved the way her fiancé, Peter, told their story. How they met (on a blustery day), fell in love (over an errant hat), and moved back to his lakeside hometown to begin their life together. He really was good at telling it... right up until the moment he realized he was actually in love with his childhood best friend Petra.\n\nWhich is how Daphne begins her new story: stranded in beautiful Waning Bay, Michigan, without friends or family but with a dream job as a children’s librarian (that barely pays the bills), and proposing to be roommates with the only person who could possibly understand her predicament: Petra’s ex, Miles Nowak.\n\nScruffy and chaotic—with a penchant for taking solace in the sounds of heart break love ballads—Miles is exactly the opposite of practical, buttoned-up Daphne, whose coworkers know so little about her they have a running bet that she’s either FBI or in witness protection. The roommates mainly avoid one another, until one day, while drowning their sorrows, they form a tenuous friendship and a plan. If said plan also involves posting deliberately misleading photos of their summer adventures together, well, who could blame them?\n\nBut it’s all just for show, of course, because there’s no way Daphne would actually start her new chapter by falling in love with her ex-fiancé’s new fiancée’s ex... right?<\/span>\n <a data-text-id=\"9128584640122979018\" href=\"#\" onclick=\"swapContent(\$(this));; return false;\">...more<\/a>\n\n <\/div>\n\n\n", { style: 'addbook', stem: 'leftMiddle', hook: { tip: 'leftMiddle', target: 'rightMiddle' }, hideOn: false, width: 400, hideAfter: 0.05, delay: 0.35 }); $('bookCover840131_194802722').observe('prototip:shown', function() { if (this.up('#box')) { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: $('box').getStyle('z-index')})}); } else { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: 6000})}); } }); newTip['wrapper'].addClassName('prototipAllowOverflow'); $('bookCover840131_194802722').observe('prototip:shown', function () { $$('div.prototip').each(function (e) { if ($('bookCover840131_194802722').hasClassName('ignored')) { e.setStyle({'display': 'none'}); return; } e.setStyle({'overflow': 'visible'}); }); }); $('bookCover840131_194802722').observe('prototip:hidden', function () { $$('span.elementTwo').each(function (e) { if (e.getStyle('display') !== 'none') { var lessLink =; swapContent(lessLink); } }); }); //]]> </script> </div> <div class="leftAlignedImage bookBox"> <div class="coverWrapper" id="bookCover840131_198902277"> <a href="/book/show/198902277-the-wedding-people"><img alt="The Wedding People" title="" width="115" class="bookImage" src="" /></a> </div> <script> //<![CDATA[ var newTip = new Tip($('bookCover840131_198902277'), "\n\n <h2><a class=\"readable bookTitle\" href=\";from_home_module=false\">The Wedding People<\/a><\/h2>\n\n <div>\n by <a class=\"authorName\" href=\"/author/show/4269913.Alison_Espach\">Alison Espach<\/a>\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"smallText uitext darkGreyText\">\n <span class=\"minirating\"><span class=\"stars staticStars notranslate\"><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p3\"><\/span><\/span> 4.16 avg rating &mdash; 305,204 ratings<\/span> &mdash; published 2024\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"addBookTipDescription\">\n \n<span id=\"freeTextContainer7088003340247990930\">Alternate cover edition of ISBN 9781250899576.\n\nA propulsive and uncommonly wise novel about one unexpected wedding guest and the surprising people who help her start anew.\n\nIt’s a beautiful day in Newport, Rhode Island, when Phoebe Stone arrives at the grand Cornwall Inn wearing a green dress and g<\/span>\n <span id=\"freeText7088003340247990930\" style=\"display:none\">Alternate cover edition of ISBN 9781250899576.\n\nA propulsive and uncommonly wise novel about one unexpected wedding guest and the surprising people who help her start anew.\n\nIt’s a beautiful day in Newport, Rhode Island, when Phoebe Stone arrives at the grand Cornwall Inn wearing a green dress and gold heels, not a bag in sight, alone. She\'s immediately mistaken by everyone in the lobby for one of the wedding people, but she’s actually the only guest at the Cornwall who isn’t here for the big event. Phoebe is here because she’s dreamed of coming for years—she hoped to shuck oysters and take sunset sails with her husband, only now she’s here without him, at rock bottom, and determined to have one last decadent splurge on herself. Meanwhile, the bride has accounted for every detail and every possible disaster the weekend might yield except for, well, Phoebe and Phoebe\'s plan—which makes it that much more surprising when the two women can’t stop confiding in each other.\n \nIn turns absurdly funny and devastatingly tender, Alison Espach’s The Wedding People is ultimately an incredibly nuanced and resonant look at the winding paths we can take to places we never imagined—and the chance encounters it sometimes takes to reroute us.<\/span>\n <a data-text-id=\"7088003340247990930\" href=\"#\" onclick=\"swapContent(\$(this));; return false;\">...more<\/a>\n\n <\/div>\n\n\n", { style: 'addbook', stem: 'leftMiddle', hook: { tip: 'leftMiddle', target: 'rightMiddle' }, hideOn: false, width: 400, hideAfter: 0.05, delay: 0.35 }); $('bookCover840131_198902277').observe('prototip:shown', function() { if (this.up('#box')) { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: $('box').getStyle('z-index')})}); } else { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: 6000})}); } }); newTip['wrapper'].addClassName('prototipAllowOverflow'); $('bookCover840131_198902277').observe('prototip:shown', function () { $$('div.prototip').each(function (e) { if ($('bookCover840131_198902277').hasClassName('ignored')) { e.setStyle({'display': 'none'}); return; } e.setStyle({'overflow': 'visible'}); }); }); $('bookCover840131_198902277').observe('prototip:hidden', function () { $$('span.elementTwo').each(function (e) { if (e.getStyle('display') !== 'none') { var lessLink =; swapContent(lessLink); } }); }); //]]> </script> </div> <div class="leftAlignedImage bookBox"> <div class="coverWrapper" id="bookCover840131_62056013"> <a href="/book/show/62056013-twisted-games"><img alt="Twisted Games (Twisted, #2)" title="" width="115" class="bookImage" src="" /></a> </div> <script> //<![CDATA[ var newTip = new Tip($('bookCover840131_62056013'), "\n\n <h2><a class=\"readable bookTitle\" href=\";from_home_module=false\">Twisted Games (Twisted, #2)<\/a><\/h2>\n\n <div>\n by <a class=\"authorName\" href=\"/author/show/5758632.Ana_Huang\">Ana Huang<\/a><span title=\"Goodreads Author!\">*<\/span>\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"smallText uitext darkGreyText\">\n <span class=\"minirating\"><span class=\"stars staticStars notranslate\"><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p3\"><\/span><\/span> 4.09 avg rating &mdash; 865,599 ratings<\/span> &mdash; published 2021\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"addBookTipDescription\">\n \n<span id=\"freeTextContainer17662417411590032765\">From New York Times bestselling author and BookTok sensation Ana Huang comes a contemporary royal romance!\n\nStoic, broody, and arrogant, elite bodyguard Rhys Larsen has two rules: 1) Protect his clients at all costs 2) Do not become emotionally involved. Ever.\n\nHe has never once been tempted to brea<\/span>\n <span id=\"freeText17662417411590032765\" style=\"display:none\">From New York Times bestselling author and BookTok sensation Ana Huang comes a contemporary royal romance!\n\nStoic, broody, and arrogant, elite bodyguard Rhys Larsen has two rules: 1) Protect his clients at all costs 2) Do not become emotionally involved. Ever.\n\nHe has never once been tempted to break those rules...until her.\n\nBridget von Ascheberg. A princess with a stubborn streak that matches his own and a hidden fire that reduces his rules to ash. She\'s nothing he expected and everything he never knew he needed.\n\nDay by day, inch by inch, she breaks down his defenses until he\'s faced with a truth he can no longer deny: he swore an oath to protect her, but all he wants is to ruin her. Take her.\n\nBecause she\'s his.\n\nHis princess.\n\nHis forbidden fruit.\n\nHis every depraved fantasy.\n\n***\n\nRegal, strong-willed, and bound by the chains of duty, Princess Bridget dreams of the freedom to live and love as she chooses.\n\nBut when her brother abdicates, she\'s suddenly faced with the prospect of a loveless, politically expedient marriage and a throne she never wanted.\n\nAnd as she navigates the intricacies-and treacheries-of her new role, she must also hide her desire for a man she can\'t have.\n\nHer bodyguard.\n\nHer protector.\n\nHer ultimate ruin.\n\nUnexpected and forbidden, theirs is a love that could destroy a kingdom...and doom them both.\n\nDo not become emotionally involved. Ever.<\/span>\n <a data-text-id=\"17662417411590032765\" href=\"#\" onclick=\"swapContent(\$(this));; return false;\">...more<\/a>\n\n <\/div>\n\n\n", { style: 'addbook', stem: 'leftMiddle', hook: { tip: 'leftMiddle', target: 'rightMiddle' }, hideOn: false, width: 400, hideAfter: 0.05, delay: 0.35 }); $('bookCover840131_62056013').observe('prototip:shown', function() { if (this.up('#box')) { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: $('box').getStyle('z-index')})}); } else { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: 6000})}); } }); newTip['wrapper'].addClassName('prototipAllowOverflow'); $('bookCover840131_62056013').observe('prototip:shown', function () { $$('div.prototip').each(function (e) { if ($('bookCover840131_62056013').hasClassName('ignored')) { e.setStyle({'display': 'none'}); return; } e.setStyle({'overflow': 'visible'}); }); }); $('bookCover840131_62056013').observe('prototip:hidden', function () { $$('span.elementTwo').each(function (e) { if (e.getStyle('display') !== 'none') { var lessLink =; swapContent(lessLink); } }); }); //]]> </script> </div> <div class="leftAlignedImage bookBox"> <div class="coverWrapper" id="bookCover840131_75513900"> <a href="/book/show/75513900-powerless"><img alt="Powerless (The Powerless Trilogy, #1)" title="" width="115" class="bookImage" src="" /></a> </div> <script> //<![CDATA[ var newTip = new Tip($('bookCover840131_75513900'), "\n\n <h2><a class=\"readable bookTitle\" href=\";from_home_module=false\">Powerless (The Powerless Trilogy, #1)<\/a><\/h2>\n\n <div>\n by <a class=\"authorName\" href=\"/author/show/21728475.Lauren_Roberts\">Lauren Roberts<\/a><span title=\"Goodreads Author!\">*<\/span>\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"smallText uitext darkGreyText\">\n <span class=\"minirating\"><span class=\"stars staticStars notranslate\"><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p3\"><\/span><\/span> 4.18 avg rating &mdash; 583,013 ratings<\/span> &mdash; published 2023\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"addBookTipDescription\">\n \n<span id=\"freeTextContainer3991261205828541401\">She is the very thing he’s spent his whole life hunting.\nHe is the very thing she’s spent her whole life pretending to be.\n\nOnly the extraordinary belong in the kingdom of Ilya—the exceptional, the empowered, the Elites.\n\nThe powers these Elites have possessed for decades were graciously gifted to t<\/span>\n <span id=\"freeText3991261205828541401\" style=\"display:none\">She is the very thing he’s spent his whole life hunting.\nHe is the very thing she’s spent her whole life pretending to be.\n\nOnly the extraordinary belong in the kingdom of Ilya—the exceptional, the empowered, the Elites.\n\nThe powers these Elites have possessed for decades were graciously gifted to them by the Plague, though not all were fortunate enough to both survive the sickness and reap the reward. Those born Ordinary are just that—ordinary. And when the king decreed that all Ordinaries be banished in order to preserve his Elite society, lacking an ability suddenly became a crime—making Paedyn Gray a felon by fate and a thief by necessity.\n\nSurviving in the slums as an Ordinary is no simple task, and Paedyn knows this better than most. Having been trained by her father to be overly observant since she was a child, Paedyn poses as a Psychic in the crowded city, blending in with the Elites as best she can in order to stay alive and out of trouble. Easier said than done.\n\nWhen Paeydn unsuspectingly saves one of Ilyas princes, she finds herself thrown into the Purging Trials. The brutal competition exists to showcase the Elites’ powers—the very thing Paedyn lacks. If the Trials and the opponents within them don’t kill her, the prince she’s fighting feelings for certainly will if he discovers what she is—completely Ordinary.<\/span>\n <a data-text-id=\"3991261205828541401\" href=\"#\" onclick=\"swapContent(\$(this));; return false;\">...more<\/a>\n\n <\/div>\n\n\n", { style: 'addbook', stem: 'rightMiddle', hook: { tip: 'rightMiddle', target: 'leftMiddle' }, hideOn: false, width: 400, hideAfter: 0.05, delay: 0.35 }); $('bookCover840131_75513900').observe('prototip:shown', function() { if (this.up('#box')) { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: $('box').getStyle('z-index')})}); } else { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: 6000})}); } }); newTip['wrapper'].addClassName('prototipAllowOverflow'); $('bookCover840131_75513900').observe('prototip:shown', function () { $$('div.prototip').each(function (e) { if ($('bookCover840131_75513900').hasClassName('ignored')) { e.setStyle({'display': 'none'}); return; } e.setStyle({'overflow': 'visible'}); }); }); $('bookCover840131_75513900').observe('prototip:hidden', function () { $$('span.elementTwo').each(function (e) { if (e.getStyle('display') !== 'none') { var lessLink =; swapContent(lessLink); } }); }); //]]> </script> </div> <div class="clear"></div> </div> <div class="coverRow "> <div class="leftAlignedImage bookBox"> <div class="coverWrapper" id="bookCover840131_183086339"> <a href="/book/show/183086339-reckless"><img alt="Reckless (The Powerless Trilogy, #2)" title="" width="115" class="bookImage" src="" /></a> </div> <script> //<![CDATA[ var newTip = new Tip($('bookCover840131_183086339'), "\n\n <h2><a class=\"readable bookTitle\" href=\";from_home_module=false\">Reckless (The Powerless Trilogy, #2)<\/a><\/h2>\n\n <div>\n by <a class=\"authorName\" href=\"/author/show/21728475.Lauren_Roberts\">Lauren Roberts<\/a><span title=\"Goodreads Author!\">*<\/span>\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"smallText uitext darkGreyText\">\n <span class=\"minirating\"><span class=\"stars staticStars notranslate\"><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p3\"><\/span><\/span> 4.07 avg rating &mdash; 329,560 ratings<\/span> &mdash; published 2024\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"addBookTipDescription\">\n \n<span id=\"freeTextContainer2825145259842703371\">The kingdom of Ilya is in turmoil… \n\nAfter surviving the Purging Trials, Ordinary-born Paedyn Gray has killed the King, and kickstarted a Resistance throughout the land. Now she’s running from the one person she had wanted to run to. \n\nKai Azer is now Ilya’s Enforcer, loyal to his brother Kitt, the <\/span>\n <span id=\"freeText2825145259842703371\" style=\"display:none\">The kingdom of Ilya is in turmoil… \n\nAfter surviving the Purging Trials, Ordinary-born Paedyn Gray has killed the King, and kickstarted a Resistance throughout the land. Now she’s running from the one person she had wanted to run to. \n\nKai Azer is now Ilya’s Enforcer, loyal to his brother Kitt, the new King. He has vowed to find Paedyn and bring her to justice. \n\nAcross the deadly Scorches, and deep into the hostile city of Dor, Kai pursues the one person he wishes he didn’t have to. But in a city without Elites, the balance between the hunter and hunted shifts – and the battle between duty and desire is deadly. \n\nBe swept away by this kiss-or-kill romantasy trilogy taking the world by storm.<\/span>\n <a data-text-id=\"2825145259842703371\" href=\"#\" onclick=\"swapContent(\$(this));; return false;\">...more<\/a>\n\n <\/div>\n\n\n", { style: 'addbook', stem: 'leftMiddle', hook: { tip: 'leftMiddle', target: 'rightMiddle' }, hideOn: false, width: 400, hideAfter: 0.05, delay: 0.35 }); $('bookCover840131_183086339').observe('prototip:shown', function() { if (this.up('#box')) { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: $('box').getStyle('z-index')})}); } else { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: 6000})}); } }); newTip['wrapper'].addClassName('prototipAllowOverflow'); $('bookCover840131_183086339').observe('prototip:shown', function () { $$('div.prototip').each(function (e) { if ($('bookCover840131_183086339').hasClassName('ignored')) { e.setStyle({'display': 'none'}); return; } e.setStyle({'overflow': 'visible'}); }); }); $('bookCover840131_183086339').observe('prototip:hidden', function () { $$('span.elementTwo').each(function (e) { if (e.getStyle('display') !== 'none') { var lessLink =; swapContent(lessLink); } }); }); //]]> </script> </div> <div class="leftAlignedImage bookBox"> <div class="coverWrapper" id="bookCover840131_61718053"> <a href="/book/show/61718053-happy-place"><img alt="Happy Place" title="" width="115" class="bookImage" src="" /></a> </div> <script> //<![CDATA[ var newTip = new Tip($('bookCover840131_61718053'), "\n\n <h2><a class=\"readable bookTitle\" href=\";from_home_module=false\">Happy Place<\/a><\/h2>\n\n <div>\n by <a class=\"authorName\" href=\"/author/show/13905555.Emily_Henry\">Emily Henry<\/a><span title=\"Goodreads Author!\">*<\/span>\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"smallText uitext darkGreyText\">\n <span class=\"minirating\"><span class=\"stars staticStars notranslate\"><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p6\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p0\"><\/span><\/span> 3.97 avg rating &mdash; 1,187,738 ratings<\/span> &mdash; published 2023\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"addBookTipDescription\">\n \n<span id=\"freeTextContainer5580723387788422934\">Harriet and Wyn have been the perfect couple since they met in college—they go together like salt and pepper, honey and tea, lobster and rolls. Except, now—for reasons they’re still not discussing—they don’t.\n\nThey broke up six months ago. And still haven’t told their best friends.\n\nWhich is how the<\/span>\n <span id=\"freeText5580723387788422934\" style=\"display:none\">Harriet and Wyn have been the perfect couple since they met in college—they go together like salt and pepper, honey and tea, lobster and rolls. Except, now—for reasons they’re still not discussing—they don’t.\n\nThey broke up six months ago. And still haven’t told their best friends.\n\nWhich is how they find themselves sharing the largest bedroom at the Maine cottage that has been their friend group’s yearly getaway for the last decade. Their annual respite from the world, where for one vibrant, blue week they leave behind their daily lives; have copious amounts of cheese, wine, and seafood; and soak up the salty coastal air with the people who understand them most.\n\nOnly this year, Harriet and Wyn are lying through their teeth while trying not to notice how desperately they still want each other. Because the cottage is for sale and this is the last week they’ll all have together in this place. They can’t stand to break their friends’ hearts, and so they’ll play their parts. Harriet will be the driven surgical resident who never starts a fight, and Wyn will be the laid-back charmer who never lets the cracks show. It’s a flawless plan (if you look at it from a great distance and through a pair of sunscreen-smeared sunglasses). After years of being in love, how hard can it be to fake it for one week… in front of those who know you best?\n\nA couple who broke up months ago make a pact to pretend to still be together for their annual weeklong vacation with their best friends in this glittering and wise new novel from #1 New York Times bestselling author Emily Henry.<\/span>\n <a data-text-id=\"5580723387788422934\" href=\"#\" onclick=\"swapContent(\$(this));; return false;\">...more<\/a>\n\n <\/div>\n\n\n", { style: 'addbook', stem: 'leftMiddle', hook: { tip: 'leftMiddle', target: 'rightMiddle' }, hideOn: false, width: 400, hideAfter: 0.05, delay: 0.35 }); $('bookCover840131_61718053').observe('prototip:shown', function() { if (this.up('#box')) { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: $('box').getStyle('z-index')})}); } else { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: 6000})}); } }); newTip['wrapper'].addClassName('prototipAllowOverflow'); $('bookCover840131_61718053').observe('prototip:shown', function () { $$('div.prototip').each(function (e) { if ($('bookCover840131_61718053').hasClassName('ignored')) { e.setStyle({'display': 'none'}); return; } e.setStyle({'overflow': 'visible'}); }); }); $('bookCover840131_61718053').observe('prototip:hidden', function () { $$('span.elementTwo').each(function (e) { if (e.getStyle('display') !== 'none') { var lessLink =; swapContent(lessLink); } }); }); //]]> </script> </div> <div class="leftAlignedImage bookBox"> <div class="coverWrapper" id="bookCover840131_61918816"> <a href="/book/show/61918816-yours-truly"><img alt="Yours Truly (Part of Your World, #2)" title="" width="115" class="bookImage" src="" /></a> </div> <script> //<![CDATA[ var newTip = new Tip($('bookCover840131_61918816'), "\n\n <h2><a class=\"readable bookTitle\" href=\";from_home_module=false\">Yours Truly (Part of Your World, #2)<\/a><\/h2>\n\n <div>\n by <a class=\"authorName\" href=\"/author/show/18446724.Abby_Jimenez\">Abby Jimenez<\/a><span title=\"Goodreads Author!\">*<\/span>\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"smallText uitext darkGreyText\">\n <span class=\"minirating\"><span class=\"stars staticStars notranslate\"><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p3\"><\/span><\/span> 4.31 avg rating &mdash; 598,942 ratings<\/span> &mdash; published 2023\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"addBookTipDescription\">\n \n<span id=\"freeTextContainer5531608392740614932\">A novel of terrible first impressions, hilarious second chances, and the joy in finding your perfect match.\n\nDr. Briana Ortiz’s life is seriously flatlining. Her divorce is just about finalized, her brother’s running out of time to find a kidney donor, and that promotion she wants? Oh, that’s probab<\/span>\n <span id=\"freeText5531608392740614932\" style=\"display:none\">A novel of terrible first impressions, hilarious second chances, and the joy in finding your perfect match.\n\nDr. Briana Ortiz’s life is seriously flatlining. Her divorce is just about finalized, her brother’s running out of time to find a kidney donor, and that promotion she wants? Oh, that’s probably going to the new man-doctor who’s already registering eighty-friggin’-seven on Briana’s “pain in my ass” scale. But just when all systems are set to hate, Dr. Jacob Maddox completely flips the game . . . by sending Briana a letter.\n\nAnd it’s a really good letter. Like the kind that proves that Jacob isn’t actually Satan. Worse, he might be this fantastically funny and subversively likeable guy who’s terrible at first impressions. Because suddenly he and Bri are exchanging letters, sharing lunch dates in her “sob closet,” and discussing the merits of freakishly tiny horses. But when Jacob decides to give Briana the best gift imaginable—a kidney for her brother—she wonders just how she can resist this quietly sexy new doctor . . . especially when he calls in a favor she can’t refuse.<\/span>\n <a data-text-id=\"5531608392740614932\" href=\"#\" onclick=\"swapContent(\$(this));; return false;\">...more<\/a>\n\n <\/div>\n\n\n", { style: 'addbook', stem: 'leftMiddle', hook: { tip: 'leftMiddle', target: 'rightMiddle' }, hideOn: false, width: 400, hideAfter: 0.05, delay: 0.35 }); $('bookCover840131_61918816').observe('prototip:shown', function() { if (this.up('#box')) { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: $('box').getStyle('z-index')})}); } else { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: 6000})}); } }); newTip['wrapper'].addClassName('prototipAllowOverflow'); $('bookCover840131_61918816').observe('prototip:shown', function () { $$('div.prototip').each(function (e) { if ($('bookCover840131_61918816').hasClassName('ignored')) { e.setStyle({'display': 'none'}); return; } e.setStyle({'overflow': 'visible'}); }); }); $('bookCover840131_61918816').observe('prototip:hidden', function () { $$('span.elementTwo').each(function (e) { if (e.getStyle('display') !== 'none') { var lessLink =; swapContent(lessLink); } }); }); //]]> </script> </div> <div class="leftAlignedImage bookBox"> <div class="coverWrapper" id="bookCover840131_55710822"> <a href="/book/show/55710822-better-than-the-movies"><img alt="Better Than the Movies (Better than the Movies, #1)" title="" width="115" class="bookImage" src="" /></a> </div> <script> //<![CDATA[ var newTip = new Tip($('bookCover840131_55710822'), "\n\n <h2><a class=\"readable bookTitle\" href=\";from_home_module=false\">Better Than the Movies (Better than the Movies, #1)<\/a><\/h2>\n\n <div>\n by <a class=\"authorName\" href=\"/author/show/19322026.Lynn_Painter\">Lynn Painter<\/a><span title=\"Goodreads Author!\">*<\/span>\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"smallText uitext darkGreyText\">\n <span class=\"minirating\"><span class=\"stars staticStars notranslate\"><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p3\"><\/span><\/span> 4.28 avg rating &mdash; 563,042 ratings<\/span> &mdash; published 2021\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"addBookTipDescription\">\n \n<span id=\"freeTextContainer17637567213847646915\">In this rom-com about rom-coms, in the spirit of Kasie West and Jenn Bennett, a hopeless romantic teen attempts to secure a happily-ever-after moment with her forever crush, but finds herself reluctantly drawn to the boy next door.\n\nPerpetual daydreamer Liz Buxbaum gave her heart to Michael a long t<\/span>\n <span id=\"freeText17637567213847646915\" style=\"display:none\">In this rom-com about rom-coms, in the spirit of Kasie West and Jenn Bennett, a hopeless romantic teen attempts to secure a happily-ever-after moment with her forever crush, but finds herself reluctantly drawn to the boy next door.\n\nPerpetual daydreamer Liz Buxbaum gave her heart to Michael a long time ago. But her cool, aloof forever crush never really saw her before he moved away. Now that he’s back in town, Liz will do whatever it takes to get on his radar - and maybe snag him as a prom date - even befriend Wes Bennet.\n\nThe annoyingly attractive next-door neighbor might seem like a prime candidate for romantic-comedy fantasies, but Wes has only been a pain in Liz’s butt since they were kids. Pranks involving frogs and decapitated lawn gnomes do not a potential boyfriend make. Yet, somehow, Wes and Michael are hitting it off, which means Wes is Liz’s in.\n\nBut as Liz and Wes scheme to get Liz noticed by Michael so she can have her magical prom moment, she’s shocked to discover that she likes being around Wes. And as they continue to grow closer, she must reexamine everything she thought she knew about love - and rethink her own ideas of what happily ever after should look like.<\/span>\n <a data-text-id=\"17637567213847646915\" href=\"#\" onclick=\"swapContent(\$(this));; return false;\">...more<\/a>\n\n <\/div>\n\n\n", { style: 'addbook', stem: 'leftMiddle', hook: { tip: 'leftMiddle', target: 'rightMiddle' }, hideOn: false, width: 400, hideAfter: 0.05, delay: 0.35 }); $('bookCover840131_55710822').observe('prototip:shown', function() { if (this.up('#box')) { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: $('box').getStyle('z-index')})}); } else { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: 6000})}); } }); newTip['wrapper'].addClassName('prototipAllowOverflow'); $('bookCover840131_55710822').observe('prototip:shown', function () { $$('div.prototip').each(function (e) { if ($('bookCover840131_55710822').hasClassName('ignored')) { e.setStyle({'display': 'none'}); return; } e.setStyle({'overflow': 'visible'}); }); }); $('bookCover840131_55710822').observe('prototip:hidden', function () { $$('span.elementTwo').each(function (e) { if (e.getStyle('display') !== 'none') { var lessLink =; swapContent(lessLink); } }); }); //]]> </script> </div> <div class="leftAlignedImage bookBox"> <div class="coverWrapper" id="bookCover840131_44778083"> <a href="/book/show/44778083-house-of-earth-and-blood"><img alt="House of Earth and Blood (Crescent City, #1)" title="" width="115" class="bookImage" src="" /></a> </div> <script> //<![CDATA[ var newTip = new Tip($('bookCover840131_44778083'), "\n\n <h2><a class=\"readable bookTitle\" href=\";from_home_module=false\">House of Earth and Blood (Crescent City, #1)<\/a><\/h2>\n\n <div>\n by <a class=\"authorName\" href=\"/author/show/3433047.Sarah_J_Maas\">Sarah J. Maas<\/a><span title=\"Goodreads Author!\">*<\/span>\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"smallText uitext darkGreyText\">\n <span class=\"minirating\"><span class=\"stars staticStars notranslate\"><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p3\"><\/span><\/span> 4.46 avg rating &mdash; 918,049 ratings<\/span> &mdash; published 2020\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"addBookTipDescription\">\n \n<span id=\"freeTextContainer16829162421859892506\">Bryce Quinlan had the perfect life-working hard all day and partying all night-until a demon murdered her closest friends, leaving her bereft, wounded, and alone. When the accused is behind bars but the crimes start up again, Bryce finds herself at the heart of the investigation. She&apos;ll do whatever <\/span>\n <span id=\"freeText16829162421859892506\" style=\"display:none\">Bryce Quinlan had the perfect life-working hard all day and partying all night-until a demon murdered her closest friends, leaving her bereft, wounded, and alone. When the accused is behind bars but the crimes start up again, Bryce finds herself at the heart of the investigation. She\'ll do whatever it takes to avenge their deaths.\n\nHunt Athalar is a notorious Fallen angel, now enslaved to the Archangels he once attempted to overthrow. His brutal skills and incredible strength have been set to one purpose-to assassinate his boss\'s enemies, no questions asked. But with a demon wreaking havoc in the city, he\'s offered an irresistible deal: help Bryce find the murderer, and his freedom will be within reach.\n\nAs Bryce and Hunt dig deep into Crescent City\'s underbelly, they discover a dark power that threatens everything and everyone they hold dear, and they find, in each other, a blazing passion-one that could set them both free, if they\'d only let it.\n\nWith unforgettable characters, sizzling romance, and page-turning suspense, this richly inventive new fantasy series by #1 New York Times bestselling author Sarah J. Maas delves into the heartache of loss, the price of freedom-and the power of love.<\/span>\n <a data-text-id=\"16829162421859892506\" href=\"#\" onclick=\"swapContent(\$(this));; return false;\">...more<\/a>\n\n <\/div>\n\n\n", { style: 'addbook', stem: 'rightMiddle', hook: { tip: 'rightMiddle', target: 'leftMiddle' }, hideOn: false, width: 400, hideAfter: 0.05, delay: 0.35 }); $('bookCover840131_44778083').observe('prototip:shown', function() { if (this.up('#box')) { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: $('box').getStyle('z-index')})}); } else { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: 6000})}); } }); newTip['wrapper'].addClassName('prototipAllowOverflow'); $('bookCover840131_44778083').observe('prototip:shown', function () { $$('div.prototip').each(function (e) { if ($('bookCover840131_44778083').hasClassName('ignored')) { e.setStyle({'display': 'none'}); return; } e.setStyle({'overflow': 'visible'}); }); }); $('bookCover840131_44778083').observe('prototip:hidden', function () { $$('span.elementTwo').each(function (e) { if (e.getStyle('display') !== 'none') { var lessLink =; swapContent(lessLink); } }); }); //]]> </script> </div> <div class="clear"></div> </div> <div class="coverRow "> <div class="leftAlignedImage bookBox"> <div class="coverWrapper" id="bookCover840131_54985743"> <a href="/book/show/54985743-people-we-meet-on-vacation"><img alt="People We Meet on Vacation" title="" width="115" class="bookImage" src="" /></a> </div> <script> //<![CDATA[ var newTip = new Tip($('bookCover840131_54985743'), "\n\n <h2><a class=\"readable bookTitle\" href=\";from_home_module=false\">People We Meet on Vacation<\/a><\/h2>\n\n <div>\n by <a class=\"authorName\" href=\"/author/show/13905555.Emily_Henry\">Emily Henry<\/a><span title=\"Goodreads Author!\">*<\/span>\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"smallText uitext darkGreyText\">\n <span class=\"minirating\"><span class=\"stars staticStars notranslate\"><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p6\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p0\"><\/span><\/span> 3.86 avg rating &mdash; 1,376,941 ratings<\/span> &mdash; published 2021\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"addBookTipDescription\">\n \n<span id=\"freeTextContainer4106817712080080030\">Two best friends. Ten summer trips. One last chance to fall in love.\n\nPoppy and Alex. Alex and Poppy. They have nothing in common. She’s a wild child; he wears khakis. She has insatiable wanderlust; he prefers to stay home with a book. And somehow, ever since a fateful car share home from college ma<\/span>\n <span id=\"freeText4106817712080080030\" style=\"display:none\">Two best friends. Ten summer trips. One last chance to fall in love.\n\nPoppy and Alex. Alex and Poppy. They have nothing in common. She’s a wild child; he wears khakis. She has insatiable wanderlust; he prefers to stay home with a book. And somehow, ever since a fateful car share home from college many years ago, they are the very best of friends. For most of the year they live far apart—she’s in New York City, and he’s in their small hometown—but every summer, for a decade, they have taken one glorious week of vacation together.\n \nUntil two years ago, when they ruined everything. They haven’t spoken since.\n \nPoppy has everything she should want, but she’s stuck in a rut. When someone asks when she was last truly happy, she knows, without a doubt, it was on that ill-fated, final trip with Alex. And so, she decides to convince her best friend to take one more vacation together—lay everything on the table, make it all right. Miraculously, he agrees.\n \nNow she has a week to fix everything. If only she can get around the one big truth that has always stood quietly in the middle of their seemingly perfect relationship. What could possibly go wrong?<\/span>\n <a data-text-id=\"4106817712080080030\" href=\"#\" onclick=\"swapContent(\$(this));; return false;\">...more<\/a>\n\n <\/div>\n\n\n", { style: 'addbook', stem: 'leftMiddle', hook: { tip: 'leftMiddle', target: 'rightMiddle' }, hideOn: false, width: 400, hideAfter: 0.05, delay: 0.35 }); $('bookCover840131_54985743').observe('prototip:shown', function() { if (this.up('#box')) { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: $('box').getStyle('z-index')})}); } else { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: 6000})}); } }); newTip['wrapper'].addClassName('prototipAllowOverflow'); $('bookCover840131_54985743').observe('prototip:shown', function () { $$('div.prototip').each(function (e) { if ($('bookCover840131_54985743').hasClassName('ignored')) { e.setStyle({'display': 'none'}); return; } e.setStyle({'overflow': 'visible'}); }); }); $('bookCover840131_54985743').observe('prototip:hidden', function () { $$('span.elementTwo').each(function (e) { if (e.getStyle('display') !== 'none') { var lessLink =; swapContent(lessLink); } }); }); //]]> </script> </div> <div class="leftAlignedImage bookBox"> <div class="coverWrapper" id="bookCover840131_63910262"> <a href="/book/show/63910262-two-twisted-crowns"><img alt="Two Twisted Crowns (The Shepherd King, #2)" title="" width="115" class="bookImage" src="" /></a> </div> <script> //<![CDATA[ var newTip = new Tip($('bookCover840131_63910262'), "\n\n <h2><a class=\"readable bookTitle\" href=\";from_home_module=false\">Two Twisted Crowns (The Shepherd King, #2)<\/a><\/h2>\n\n <div>\n by <a class=\"authorName\" href=\"/author/show/21163293.Rachel_Gillig\">Rachel Gillig<\/a><span title=\"Goodreads Author!\">*<\/span>\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"smallText uitext darkGreyText\">\n <span class=\"minirating\"><span class=\"stars staticStars notranslate\"><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p3\"><\/span><\/span> 4.42 avg rating &mdash; 301,610 ratings<\/span> &mdash; published 2023\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"addBookTipDescription\">\n \n<span id=\"freeTextContainer4319107484137655011\">In the luscious, dark sequel to One Dark Window, Elspeth must face the consequences of what she&apos;s wrought - perfect for readers of Hannah Whitten&apos;s For the Wolf and Alexis Henderson&apos;s The Year of the Witching.\n\nElspeth and Ravyn have gathered most of the twelve Providence Cards, but the last, and mo<\/span>\n <span id=\"freeText4319107484137655011\" style=\"display:none\">In the luscious, dark sequel to One Dark Window, Elspeth must face the consequences of what she\'s wrought - perfect for readers of Hannah Whitten\'s For the Wolf and Alexis Henderson\'s The Year of the Witching.\n\nElspeth and Ravyn have gathered most of the twelve Providence Cards, but the last, and most important one remains to be found: The Twin Alders.\n\nIf they are going to find it before the Solstice and cure the kingdom of the dark magic infecting it, they will need to journey beyond the dangerous mist-cloaked forest that surrounds their kingdom.\n\nAnd the only one who can lead them there is the monster that shares Elspeth\'s head. The Nightmare. And he\'s not eager to share any longer.<\/span>\n <a data-text-id=\"4319107484137655011\" href=\"#\" onclick=\"swapContent(\$(this));; return false;\">...more<\/a>\n\n <\/div>\n\n\n", { style: 'addbook', stem: 'leftMiddle', hook: { tip: 'leftMiddle', target: 'rightMiddle' }, hideOn: false, width: 400, hideAfter: 0.05, delay: 0.35 }); $('bookCover840131_63910262').observe('prototip:shown', function() { if (this.up('#box')) { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: $('box').getStyle('z-index')})}); } else { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: 6000})}); } }); newTip['wrapper'].addClassName('prototipAllowOverflow'); $('bookCover840131_63910262').observe('prototip:shown', function () { $$('div.prototip').each(function (e) { if ($('bookCover840131_63910262').hasClassName('ignored')) { e.setStyle({'display': 'none'}); return; } e.setStyle({'overflow': 'visible'}); }); }); $('bookCover840131_63910262').observe('prototip:hidden', function () { $$('span.elementTwo').each(function (e) { if (e.getStyle('display') !== 'none') { var lessLink =; swapContent(lessLink); } }); }); //]]> </script> </div> <div class="leftAlignedImage bookBox"> <div class="coverWrapper" id="bookCover840131_210482187"> <a href="/book/show/210482187-variation"><img alt="Variation" title="" width="115" class="bookImage" src="" /></a> </div> <script> //<![CDATA[ var newTip = new Tip($('bookCover840131_210482187'), "\n\n <h2><a class=\"readable bookTitle\" href=\";from_home_module=false\">Variation<\/a><\/h2>\n\n <div>\n by <a class=\"authorName\" href=\"/author/show/7539785.Rebecca_Yarros\">Rebecca Yarros<\/a><span title=\"Goodreads Author!\">*<\/span>\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"smallText uitext darkGreyText\">\n <span class=\"minirating\"><span class=\"stars staticStars notranslate\"><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p3\"><\/span><\/span> 4.22 avg rating &mdash; 86,410 ratings<\/span> &mdash; published 2024\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"addBookTipDescription\">\n \n<span id=\"freeTextContainer4863487834140539009\">From the #1 New York Times bestselling author of Fourth Wing comes a new contemporary romance about the summer a celebrated dancer returns home and unearths years of family secrets with the Coast Guard rescue swimmer she never forgot.\n\nElite ballerina Allie Rousseau is no stranger to pressure. With <\/span>\n <span id=\"freeText4863487834140539009\" style=\"display:none\">From the #1 New York Times bestselling author of Fourth Wing comes a new contemporary romance about the summer a celebrated dancer returns home and unearths years of family secrets with the Coast Guard rescue swimmer she never forgot.\n\nElite ballerina Allie Rousseau is no stranger to pressure. With her mother’s eyes always watching, perfection was expected, no matter the cost. But when an injury jeopardizes all she’s sacrificed for, Allie returns to her summer home to heal and recover. But the memories she’s tried to forget rush in and threaten to take her under.\n\nAs a Coast Guard rescue swimmer, Hudson Ellis knows that hesitation can mean the difference between life and death. He’s always prided himself on being in the right place at the right time, especially when it came to Allie Rousseau…until the night he left for basic. After the biggest regret of his life, the secrets he keeps mean he can never be with the one woman he wants more than his next breath.\n\nWhen Hudson’s niece shows up on Allie’s doorstep, desperate to find her birth mother, Allie finds herself in an unimaginable position. Allie and Hudson’s past and present might be endlessly complicated. The thread that tied them to each other all those years ago may have unraveled, but the truth could pull them back together, or drive them apart forever.<\/span>\n <a data-text-id=\"4863487834140539009\" href=\"#\" onclick=\"swapContent(\$(this));; return false;\">...more<\/a>\n\n <\/div>\n\n\n", { style: 'addbook', stem: 'leftMiddle', hook: { tip: 'leftMiddle', target: 'rightMiddle' }, hideOn: false, width: 400, hideAfter: 0.05, delay: 0.35 }); $('bookCover840131_210482187').observe('prototip:shown', function() { if (this.up('#box')) { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: $('box').getStyle('z-index')})}); } else { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: 6000})}); } }); newTip['wrapper'].addClassName('prototipAllowOverflow'); $('bookCover840131_210482187').observe('prototip:shown', function () { $$('div.prototip').each(function (e) { if ($('bookCover840131_210482187').hasClassName('ignored')) { e.setStyle({'display': 'none'}); return; } e.setStyle({'overflow': 'visible'}); }); }); $('bookCover840131_210482187').observe('prototip:hidden', function () { $$('span.elementTwo').each(function (e) { if (e.getStyle('display') !== 'none') { var lessLink =; swapContent(lessLink); } }); }); //]]> </script> </div> <div class="leftAlignedImage bookBox"> <div class="coverWrapper" id="bookCover840131_220487284"> <a href="/book/show/220487284-a-twist-of-luck"><img alt="A Twist of Luck (Shifter City Fated Mates, #2)" title="" width="115" class="bookImage" src="" /></a> </div> <script> //<![CDATA[ var newTip = new Tip($('bookCover840131_220487284'), "\n\n <h2><a class=\"readable bookTitle\" href=\";from_home_module=false\">A Twist of Luck (Shifter City Fated Mates, #2)<\/a><\/h2>\n\n <div>\n by <a class=\"authorName\" href=\"/author/show/7184104.Jaymin_Eve\">Jaymin Eve<\/a><span title=\"Goodreads Author!\">*<\/span>\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"smallText uitext darkGreyText\">\n <span class=\"minirating\"><span class=\"stars staticStars notranslate\"><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p3\"><\/span><\/span> 4.16 avg rating &mdash; 3,453 ratings<\/span> &mdash; published 2025\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"addBookTipDescription\">\n \n<span id=\"freeTextContainer11885028695486934182\">Coming soon!* This is book 2 in a why choose romance with very dominant and possessive male main characters. The female main character will not choose between the love interests.<\/span>\n\n <\/div>\n\n\n", { style: 'addbook', stem: 'leftMiddle', hook: { tip: 'leftMiddle', target: 'rightMiddle' }, hideOn: false, width: 400, hideAfter: 0.05, delay: 0.35 }); $('bookCover840131_220487284').observe('prototip:shown', function() { if (this.up('#box')) { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: $('box').getStyle('z-index')})}); } else { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: 6000})}); } }); newTip['wrapper'].addClassName('prototipAllowOverflow'); $('bookCover840131_220487284').observe('prototip:shown', function () { $$('div.prototip').each(function (e) { if ($('bookCover840131_220487284').hasClassName('ignored')) { e.setStyle({'display': 'none'}); return; } e.setStyle({'overflow': 'visible'}); }); }); $('bookCover840131_220487284').observe('prototip:hidden', function () { $$('span.elementTwo').each(function (e) { if (e.getStyle('display') !== 'none') { var lessLink =; swapContent(lessLink); } }); }); //]]> </script> </div> <div class="leftAlignedImage bookBox"> <div class="coverWrapper" id="bookCover840131_50623864"> <a href="/book/show/50623864-the-invisible-life-of-addie-larue"><img alt="The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue" title="" width="115" class="bookImage" src="" /></a> </div> <script> //<![CDATA[ var newTip = new Tip($('bookCover840131_50623864'), "\n\n <h2><a class=\"readable bookTitle\" href=\";from_home_module=false\">The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue<\/a><\/h2>\n\n <div>\n by <a class=\"authorName\" href=\"/author/show/3099544.Victoria_E_Schwab\">Victoria E. Schwab<\/a><span title=\"Goodreads Author!\">*<\/span>\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"smallText uitext darkGreyText\">\n <span class=\"minirating\"><span class=\"stars staticStars notranslate\"><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p3\"><\/span><\/span> 4.18 avg rating &mdash; 1,287,986 ratings<\/span> &mdash; published 2020\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"addBookTipDescription\">\n \n<span id=\"freeTextContainer15935528046255916450\">France, 1714: in a moment of desperation, a young woman makes a Faustian bargain to live forever and is cursed to be forgotten by everyone she meets.\n\nThus begins the extraordinary life of Addie LaRue, and a dazzling adventure that will play out across centuries and continents, across history and ar<\/span>\n <span id=\"freeText15935528046255916450\" style=\"display:none\">France, 1714: in a moment of desperation, a young woman makes a Faustian bargain to live forever and is cursed to be forgotten by everyone she meets.\n\nThus begins the extraordinary life of Addie LaRue, and a dazzling adventure that will play out across centuries and continents, across history and art, as a young woman learns how far she will go to leave her mark on the world.\n\nBut everything changes when, after nearly 300 years, Addie stumbles across a young man in a hidden bookstore and he remembers her name.<\/span>\n <a data-text-id=\"15935528046255916450\" href=\"#\" onclick=\"swapContent(\$(this));; return false;\">...more<\/a>\n\n <\/div>\n\n\n", { style: 'addbook', stem: 'rightMiddle', hook: { tip: 'rightMiddle', target: 'leftMiddle' }, hideOn: false, width: 400, hideAfter: 0.05, delay: 0.35 }); $('bookCover840131_50623864').observe('prototip:shown', function() { if (this.up('#box')) { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: $('box').getStyle('z-index')})}); } else { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: 6000})}); } }); newTip['wrapper'].addClassName('prototipAllowOverflow'); $('bookCover840131_50623864').observe('prototip:shown', function () { $$('div.prototip').each(function (e) { if ($('bookCover840131_50623864').hasClassName('ignored')) { e.setStyle({'display': 'none'}); return; } e.setStyle({'overflow': 'visible'}); }); }); $('bookCover840131_50623864').observe('prototip:hidden', function () { $$('span.elementTwo').each(function (e) { if (e.getStyle('display') !== 'none') { var lessLink =; swapContent(lessLink); } }); }); //]]> </script> </div> <div class="clear"></div> </div> <div class="clear"></div> <div class="moreLink"> <a class="actionLink" href="/genres/most_read/romance">More most read this week...</a> </div> <div class="clear"></div></div></div><div class="bigBoxBottom"></div></div> <div class=" clearFloats bigBox"><div class="h2Container gradientHeaderContainer"><h2 class="brownBackground"><a href="/list/show_tag/romance">Lists</a></h2></div><div class="bigBoxBody"><div class="bigBoxContent containerWithHeaderContent"> <div class="listRowsFull"> <div class="row" id="topRow"> <div class="cell"> <div class="listImgs"> <a href="/list/show/12066.College_Romance"><img alt="Beautiful Disaster by Jamie McGuire" title="Beautiful Disaster by Jamie McGuire" src="" /></a><a href="/list/show/12066.College_Romance"><img alt="Easy by Tammara Webber" title="Easy by Tammara Webber" src="" /></a><a href="/list/show/12066.College_Romance"><img alt="Fifty Shades of Grey by E.L. 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With his intrepid sister and the Veep’s genius granddaughter, they’re the White House Trio, a beautiful millennial marketing strategy for his mother, President Ellen Claremont. International socialite duties do<\/span>\n <span id=\"freeText3752479073894943512\" style=\"display:none\">First Son Alex Claremont-Diaz is the closest thing to a prince this side of the Atlantic. With his intrepid sister and the Veep’s genius granddaughter, they’re the White House Trio, a beautiful millennial marketing strategy for his mother, President Ellen Claremont. International socialite duties do have downsides—namely, when photos of a confrontation with his longtime nemesis Prince Henry at a royal wedding leak to the tabloids and threaten American/British relations. The plan for damage control: staging a fake friendship between the First Son and the Prince. \n\nAs President Claremont kicks off her reelection bid, Alex finds himself hurtling into a secret relationship with Henry that could derail the campaign and upend two nations. What is worth the sacrifice? How do you do all the good you can do? And, most importantly, how will history remember you?<\/span>\n <a data-text-id=\"3752479073894943512\" href=\"#\" onclick=\"swapContent(\$(this));; return false;\">...more<\/a>\n\n <\/div>\n\n\n", { style: 'addbook', stem: 'leftMiddle', hook: { tip: 'leftMiddle', target: 'rightMiddle' }, hideOn: false, width: 400, hideAfter: 0.05, delay: 0.35 }); $('bookCover591218_41150487').observe('prototip:shown', function() { if (this.up('#box')) { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: $('box').getStyle('z-index')})}); } else { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: 6000})}); } }); newTip['wrapper'].addClassName('prototipAllowOverflow'); $('bookCover591218_41150487').observe('prototip:shown', function () { $$('div.prototip').each(function (e) { if ($('bookCover591218_41150487').hasClassName('ignored')) { e.setStyle({'display': 'none'}); return; } e.setStyle({'overflow': 'visible'}); }); }); $('bookCover591218_41150487').observe('prototip:hidden', function () { $$('span.elementTwo').each(function (e) { if (e.getStyle('display') !== 'none') { var lessLink =; swapContent(lessLink); } }); }); //]]> </script> </div> <div class="leftAlignedImage bookBox"> <div class="coverWrapper" id="bookCover591218_58690308"> <a href="/book/show/58690308-book-lovers"><img alt="Book Lovers" title="" width="115" class="bookImage" src="" /></a> </div> <script> //<![CDATA[ var newTip = new Tip($('bookCover591218_58690308'), "\n\n <h2><a class=\"readable bookTitle\" href=\";from_home_module=false\">Book Lovers<\/a><\/h2>\n\n <div>\n by <a class=\"authorName\" href=\"/author/show/13905555.Emily_Henry\">Emily Henry<\/a><span title=\"Goodreads Author!\">*<\/span>\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"smallText uitext darkGreyText\">\n <span class=\"minirating\"><span class=\"stars staticStars notranslate\"><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p3\"><\/span><\/span> 4.12 avg rating &mdash; 1,328,193 ratings<\/span> &mdash; published 2022\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"addBookTipDescription\">\n \n<span id=\"freeTextContainer14796550256525809777\">One summer. Two rivals. A plot twist they didn&apos;t see coming....\n\nNora Stephens’ life is books—she’s read them all—and she is not that type of heroine. Not the plucky one, not the laidback dream girl, and especially not the sweetheart. In fact, the only people Nora is a heroine for are her clients, f<\/span>\n <span id=\"freeText14796550256525809777\" style=\"display:none\">One summer. Two rivals. A plot twist they didn\'t see coming....\n\nNora Stephens’ life is books—she’s read them all—and she is not that type of heroine. Not the plucky one, not the laidback dream girl, and especially not the sweetheart. In fact, the only people Nora is a heroine for are her clients, for whom she lands enormous deals as a cutthroat literary agent, and her beloved little sister Libby.\n\nWhich is why she agrees to go to Sunshine Falls, North Carolina for the month of August when Libby begs her for a sisters’ trip away—with visions of a small-town transformation for Nora, who she’s convinced needs to become the heroine in her own story. But instead of picnics in meadows, or run-ins with a handsome country doctor or bulging-forearmed bartender, Nora keeps bumping into Charlie Lastra, a bookish brooding editor from back in the city. It would be a meet-cute if not for the fact that they’ve met many times and it’s never been cute.\n\nIf Nora knows she’s not an ideal heroine, Charlie knows he’s nobody’s hero, but as they are thrown together again and again—in a series of coincidences no editor worth their salt would allow—what they discover might just unravel the carefully crafted stories they’ve written about themselves.<\/span>\n <a data-text-id=\"14796550256525809777\" href=\"#\" onclick=\"swapContent(\$(this));; return false;\">...more<\/a>\n\n <\/div>\n\n\n", { style: 'addbook', stem: 'leftMiddle', hook: { tip: 'leftMiddle', target: 'rightMiddle' }, hideOn: false, width: 400, hideAfter: 0.05, delay: 0.35 }); $('bookCover591218_58690308').observe('prototip:shown', function() { if (this.up('#box')) { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: $('box').getStyle('z-index')})}); } else { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: 6000})}); } }); newTip['wrapper'].addClassName('prototipAllowOverflow'); $('bookCover591218_58690308').observe('prototip:shown', function () { $$('div.prototip').each(function (e) { if ($('bookCover591218_58690308').hasClassName('ignored')) { e.setStyle({'display': 'none'}); return; } e.setStyle({'overflow': 'visible'}); }); }); $('bookCover591218_58690308').observe('prototip:hidden', function () { $$('span.elementTwo').each(function (e) { if (e.getStyle('display') !== 'none') { var lessLink =; swapContent(lessLink); } }); }); //]]> </script> </div> <div class="leftAlignedImage bookBox"> <div class="coverWrapper" id="bookCover591218_27213238"> <a href="/book/show/27213238-the-hating-game"><img alt="The Hating Game" title="" width="115" class="bookImage" src="" /></a> </div> <script> //<![CDATA[ var newTip = new Tip($('bookCover591218_27213238'), "\n\n <h2><a class=\"readable bookTitle\" href=\";from_home_module=false\">The Hating Game<\/a><\/h2>\n\n <div>\n by <a class=\"authorName\" href=\"/author/show/18002228.Sally_Thorne\">Sally Thorne<\/a><span title=\"Goodreads Author!\">*<\/span>\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"smallText uitext darkGreyText\">\n <span class=\"minirating\"><span class=\"stars staticStars notranslate\"><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p6\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p0\"><\/span><\/span> 3.87 avg rating &mdash; 777,397 ratings<\/span> &mdash; published 2016\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"addBookTipDescription\">\n \n<span id=\"freeTextContainer8402288620677652620\">Nemesis (n.) 1) An opponent or rival whom a person cannot best or overcome;\n2) A person’s undoing;\n3) Joshua Templeman.Lucy Hutton and Joshua Templeman hate each other. Not dislike. Not begrudgingly tolerate. Hate. And they have no problem displaying their feelings through a series of ritualistic pa<\/span>\n <span id=\"freeText8402288620677652620\" style=\"display:none\">Nemesis (n.) 1) An opponent or rival whom a person cannot best or overcome;\n2) A person’s undoing;\n3) Joshua Templeman.Lucy Hutton and Joshua Templeman hate each other. Not dislike. Not begrudgingly tolerate. Hate. And they have no problem displaying their feelings through a series of ritualistic passive aggressive maneuvers as they sit across from each other, executive assistants to co-CEOs of a publishing company. Lucy can’t understand Joshua’s joyless, uptight, meticulous approach to his job. Joshua is clearly baffled by Lucy’s overly bright clothes, quirkiness, and Pollyanna attitude.\n\nNow up for the same promotion, their battle of wills has come to a head and Lucy refuses to back down when their latest game could cost her her dream job…But the tension between Lucy and Joshua has also reached its boiling point, and Lucy is discovering that maybe she doesn’t hate Joshua. And maybe, he doesn’t hate her either. Or maybe this is just another game.<\/span>\n <a data-text-id=\"8402288620677652620\" href=\"#\" onclick=\"swapContent(\$(this));; return false;\">...more<\/a>\n\n <\/div>\n\n\n", { style: 'addbook', stem: 'leftMiddle', hook: { tip: 'leftMiddle', target: 'rightMiddle' }, hideOn: false, width: 400, hideAfter: 0.05, delay: 0.35 }); $('bookCover591218_27213238').observe('prototip:shown', function() { if (this.up('#box')) { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: $('box').getStyle('z-index')})}); } else { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: 6000})}); } }); newTip['wrapper'].addClassName('prototipAllowOverflow'); $('bookCover591218_27213238').observe('prototip:shown', function () { $$('div.prototip').each(function (e) { if ($('bookCover591218_27213238').hasClassName('ignored')) { e.setStyle({'display': 'none'}); return; } e.setStyle({'overflow': 'visible'}); }); }); $('bookCover591218_27213238').observe('prototip:hidden', function () { $$('span.elementTwo').each(function (e) { if (e.getStyle('display') !== 'none') { var lessLink =; swapContent(lessLink); } }); }); //]]> </script> </div> <div class="leftAlignedImage bookBox"> <div class="coverWrapper" id="bookCover591218_41865"> <a href="/book/show/41865.Twilight"><img alt="Twilight (The Twilight Saga, #1)" title="" width="115" class="bookImage" src="" /></a> </div> <script> //<![CDATA[ var newTip = new Tip($('bookCover591218_41865'), "\n\n <h2><a class=\"readable bookTitle\" href=\";from_home_module=false\">Twilight (The Twilight Saga, #1)<\/a><\/h2>\n\n <div>\n by <a class=\"authorName\" href=\"/author/show/941441.Stephenie_Meyer\">Stephenie Meyer<\/a>\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"smallText uitext darkGreyText\">\n <span class=\"minirating\"><span class=\"stars staticStars notranslate\"><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p6\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p0\"><\/span><\/span> 3.66 avg rating &mdash; 6,970,378 ratings<\/span> &mdash; published 2005\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"addBookTipDescription\">\n \n<span id=\"freeTextContainer8616480937173651831\">About three things I was absolutely positive.\n\nFirst, Edward was a vampire.\n\nSecond, there was a part of him - and I didn&apos;t know how dominant that part might be - that thirsted for my blood.\n\nAnd third, I was unconditionally and irrevocably in love with him.\n\nDeeply seductive and extraordinarily sus<\/span>\n <span id=\"freeText8616480937173651831\" style=\"display:none\">About three things I was absolutely positive.\n\nFirst, Edward was a vampire.\n\nSecond, there was a part of him - and I didn\'t know how dominant that part might be - that thirsted for my blood.\n\nAnd third, I was unconditionally and irrevocably in love with him.\n\nDeeply seductive and extraordinarily suspenseful, Twilight is a love story with bite.<\/span>\n <a data-text-id=\"8616480937173651831\" href=\"#\" onclick=\"swapContent(\$(this));; return false;\">...more<\/a>\n\n <\/div>\n\n\n", { style: 'addbook', stem: 'leftMiddle', hook: { tip: 'leftMiddle', target: 'rightMiddle' }, hideOn: false, width: 400, hideAfter: 0.05, delay: 0.35 }); $('bookCover591218_41865').observe('prototip:shown', function() { if (this.up('#box')) { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: $('box').getStyle('z-index')})}); } else { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: 6000})}); } }); newTip['wrapper'].addClassName('prototipAllowOverflow'); $('bookCover591218_41865').observe('prototip:shown', function () { $$('div.prototip').each(function (e) { if ($('bookCover591218_41865').hasClassName('ignored')) { e.setStyle({'display': 'none'}); return; } e.setStyle({'overflow': 'visible'}); }); }); $('bookCover591218_41865').observe('prototip:hidden', function () { $$('span.elementTwo').each(function (e) { if (e.getStyle('display') !== 'none') { var lessLink =; swapContent(lessLink); } }); }); //]]> </script> </div> <div class="leftAlignedImage bookBox"> <div class="coverWrapper" id="bookCover591218_61718053"> <a href="/book/show/61718053-happy-place"><img alt="Happy Place" title="" width="115" class="bookImage" src="" /></a> </div> <script> //<![CDATA[ var newTip = new Tip($('bookCover591218_61718053'), "\n\n <h2><a class=\"readable bookTitle\" href=\";from_home_module=false\">Happy Place<\/a><\/h2>\n\n <div>\n by <a class=\"authorName\" href=\"/author/show/13905555.Emily_Henry\">Emily Henry<\/a><span title=\"Goodreads Author!\">*<\/span>\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"smallText uitext darkGreyText\">\n <span class=\"minirating\"><span class=\"stars staticStars notranslate\"><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p6\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p0\"><\/span><\/span> 3.97 avg rating &mdash; 1,187,738 ratings<\/span> &mdash; published 2023\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"addBookTipDescription\">\n \n<span id=\"freeTextContainer1581470883240367877\">Harriet and Wyn have been the perfect couple since they met in college—they go together like salt and pepper, honey and tea, lobster and rolls. Except, now—for reasons they’re still not discussing—they don’t.\n\nThey broke up six months ago. And still haven’t told their best friends.\n\nWhich is how the<\/span>\n <span id=\"freeText1581470883240367877\" style=\"display:none\">Harriet and Wyn have been the perfect couple since they met in college—they go together like salt and pepper, honey and tea, lobster and rolls. Except, now—for reasons they’re still not discussing—they don’t.\n\nThey broke up six months ago. And still haven’t told their best friends.\n\nWhich is how they find themselves sharing the largest bedroom at the Maine cottage that has been their friend group’s yearly getaway for the last decade. Their annual respite from the world, where for one vibrant, blue week they leave behind their daily lives; have copious amounts of cheese, wine, and seafood; and soak up the salty coastal air with the people who understand them most.\n\nOnly this year, Harriet and Wyn are lying through their teeth while trying not to notice how desperately they still want each other. Because the cottage is for sale and this is the last week they’ll all have together in this place. They can’t stand to break their friends’ hearts, and so they’ll play their parts. Harriet will be the driven surgical resident who never starts a fight, and Wyn will be the laid-back charmer who never lets the cracks show. It’s a flawless plan (if you look at it from a great distance and through a pair of sunscreen-smeared sunglasses). After years of being in love, how hard can it be to fake it for one week… in front of those who know you best?\n\nA couple who broke up months ago make a pact to pretend to still be together for their annual weeklong vacation with their best friends in this glittering and wise new novel from #1 New York Times bestselling author Emily Henry.<\/span>\n <a data-text-id=\"1581470883240367877\" href=\"#\" onclick=\"swapContent(\$(this));; return false;\">...more<\/a>\n\n <\/div>\n\n\n", { style: 'addbook', stem: 'rightMiddle', hook: { tip: 'rightMiddle', target: 'leftMiddle' }, hideOn: false, width: 400, hideAfter: 0.05, delay: 0.35 }); $('bookCover591218_61718053').observe('prototip:shown', function() { if (this.up('#box')) { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: $('box').getStyle('z-index')})}); } else { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: 6000})}); } }); newTip['wrapper'].addClassName('prototipAllowOverflow'); $('bookCover591218_61718053').observe('prototip:shown', function () { $$('div.prototip').each(function (e) { if ($('bookCover591218_61718053').hasClassName('ignored')) { e.setStyle({'display': 'none'}); return; } e.setStyle({'overflow': 'visible'}); }); }); $('bookCover591218_61718053').observe('prototip:hidden', function () { $$('span.elementTwo').each(function (e) { if (e.getStyle('display') !== 'none') { var lessLink =; swapContent(lessLink); } }); }); //]]> </script> </div> <div class="clear"></div> </div> <div class="coverRow "> <div class="leftAlignedImage bookBox"> <div class="coverWrapper" id="bookCover591218_62057697"> <a href="/book/show/62057697-twisted-love"><img alt="Twisted Love (Twisted, #1)" title="" width="115" class="bookImage" src="" /></a> </div> <script> //<![CDATA[ var newTip = new Tip($('bookCover591218_62057697'), "\n\n <h2><a class=\"readable bookTitle\" href=\";from_home_module=false\">Twisted Love (Twisted, #1)<\/a><\/h2>\n\n <div>\n by <a class=\"authorName\" href=\"/author/show/5758632.Ana_Huang\">Ana Huang<\/a><span title=\"Goodreads Author!\">*<\/span>\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"smallText uitext darkGreyText\">\n <span class=\"minirating\"><span class=\"stars staticStars notranslate\"><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p6\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p0\"><\/span><\/span> 3.72 avg rating &mdash; 1,303,310 ratings<\/span> &mdash; published 2021\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"addBookTipDescription\">\n \n<span id=\"freeTextContainer16772194232230300061\">From New York Times bestselling author and BookTok sensation Ana Huang comes a billionaire brother&apos;s best friend romance!\n\nHe has a heart of ice…but for her, he&apos;d burn the world\n\nA diverse new adult steamy romance from Tiktok sensation and USA Today bestselling author Ana Huang.\n\nAlex Volkov is a de<\/span>\n <span id=\"freeText16772194232230300061\" style=\"display:none\">From New York Times bestselling author and BookTok sensation Ana Huang comes a billionaire brother\'s best friend romance!\n\nHe has a heart of ice…but for her, he\'d burn the world\n\nA diverse new adult steamy romance from Tiktok sensation and USA Today bestselling author Ana Huang.\n\nAlex Volkov is a devil blessed with the face of an angel and cursed with a past he can\'t escape.\n\nDriven by a tragedy that has haunted him for most of his life, his ruthless pursuits for success and vengeance leave little room for matters of the heart.\n\nBut when he\'s forced to look after his best friend\'s sister, he starts to feel something in his chest:\n\nA crack.\n\nA melt.\n\nA fire that could end his world as he knew it.\n\n***\n\nAva Chen is a free spirit trapped by nightmares of a childhood she can\'t remember.\n\nBut despite her broken past, she\'s never stopped seeing the beauty in the world...including the heart beneath the icy exterior of a man she shouldn\'t want.\n\nHer brother\'s best friend.\n\nHer neighbor.\n\nHer savior and her downfall.\n\nTheirs is a love that was never supposed to happen-but when it does, it unleashes secrets that could destroy them both...and everything they hold dear.\n\nTwisted Love is a contemporary brother\'s best friend/grumpy sunshine romance. It\'s book one in the Twisted series but can be read as a standalone.<\/span>\n <a data-text-id=\"16772194232230300061\" href=\"#\" onclick=\"swapContent(\$(this));; return false;\">...more<\/a>\n\n <\/div>\n\n\n", { style: 'addbook', stem: 'leftMiddle', hook: { tip: 'leftMiddle', target: 'rightMiddle' }, hideOn: false, width: 400, hideAfter: 0.05, delay: 0.35 }); $('bookCover591218_62057697').observe('prototip:shown', function() { if (this.up('#box')) { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: $('box').getStyle('z-index')})}); } else { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: 6000})}); } }); newTip['wrapper'].addClassName('prototipAllowOverflow'); $('bookCover591218_62057697').observe('prototip:shown', function () { $$('div.prototip').each(function (e) { if ($('bookCover591218_62057697').hasClassName('ignored')) { e.setStyle({'display': 'none'}); return; } e.setStyle({'overflow': 'visible'}); }); }); $('bookCover591218_62057697').observe('prototip:hidden', function () { $$('span.elementTwo').each(function (e) { if (e.getStyle('display') !== 'none') { var lessLink =; swapContent(lessLink); } }); }); //]]> </script> </div> <div class="leftAlignedImage bookBox"> <div class="coverWrapper" id="bookCover591218_45484397"> <a href="/book/show/45484397-the-deal"><img alt="The Deal (Off-Campus, #1)" title="" width="115" class="bookImage" src="" /></a> </div> <script> //<![CDATA[ var newTip = new Tip($('bookCover591218_45484397'), "\n\n <h2><a class=\"readable bookTitle\" href=\";from_home_module=false\">The Deal (Off-Campus, #1)<\/a><\/h2>\n\n <div>\n by <a class=\"authorName\" href=\"/author/show/1935000.Elle_Kennedy\">Elle Kennedy<\/a><span title=\"Goodreads Author!\">*<\/span>\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"smallText uitext darkGreyText\">\n <span class=\"minirating\"><span class=\"stars staticStars notranslate\"><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p3\"><\/span><\/span> 4.22 avg rating &mdash; 882,048 ratings<\/span> &mdash; published 2015\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"addBookTipDescription\">\n \n<span id=\"freeTextContainer2218172323925031335\">She&apos;s about to make a deal with the college bad boy... Hannah Wells has finally found someone who turns her on. But while she might be confident in every other area of her life, she&apos;s carting around a full set of baggage when it comes to sex and seduction. If she wants to get her crush&apos;s attention, <\/span>\n <span id=\"freeText2218172323925031335\" style=\"display:none\">She\'s about to make a deal with the college bad boy... Hannah Wells has finally found someone who turns her on. But while she might be confident in every other area of her life, she\'s carting around a full set of baggage when it comes to sex and seduction. If she wants to get her crush\'s attention, she\'ll have to step out of her comfort zone and make him take notice...even if it means tutoring the annoying, childish, cocky captain of the hockey team in exchange for a pretend date. ...and it\'s going to be oh so good All Garrett Graham has ever wanted is to play professional hockey after graduation, but his plummeting GPA is threatening everything he\'s worked so hard for. If helping a sarcastic brunette make another guy jealous will help him secure his position on the team, he\'s all for it. But when one unexpected kiss leads to the wildest sex of both their lives, it doesn\'t take long for Garrett to realize that pretend isn\'t going to cut it. Now he just has to convince Hannah that the man she wants looks a lot like him.<\/span>\n <a data-text-id=\"2218172323925031335\" href=\"#\" onclick=\"swapContent(\$(this));; return false;\">...more<\/a>\n\n <\/div>\n\n\n", { style: 'addbook', stem: 'leftMiddle', hook: { tip: 'leftMiddle', target: 'rightMiddle' }, hideOn: false, width: 400, hideAfter: 0.05, delay: 0.35 }); $('bookCover591218_45484397').observe('prototip:shown', function() { if (this.up('#box')) { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: $('box').getStyle('z-index')})}); } else { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: 6000})}); } }); newTip['wrapper'].addClassName('prototipAllowOverflow'); $('bookCover591218_45484397').observe('prototip:shown', function () { $$('div.prototip').each(function (e) { if ($('bookCover591218_45484397').hasClassName('ignored')) { e.setStyle({'display': 'none'}); return; } e.setStyle({'overflow': 'visible'}); }); }); $('bookCover591218_45484397').observe('prototip:hidden', function () { $$('span.elementTwo').each(function (e) { if (e.getStyle('display') !== 'none') { var lessLink =; swapContent(lessLink); } }); }); //]]> </script> </div> <div class="leftAlignedImage bookBox"> <div class="coverWrapper" id="bookCover591218_17347634"> <a href="/book/show/17347634-me-before-you"><img alt="Me Before You (Me Before You, #1)" title="" width="115" class="bookImage" src="" /></a> </div> <script> //<![CDATA[ var newTip = new Tip($('bookCover591218_17347634'), "\n\n <h2><a class=\"readable bookTitle\" href=\";from_home_module=false\">Me Before You (Me Before You, #1)<\/a><\/h2>\n\n <div>\n by <a class=\"authorName\" href=\"/author/show/281810.Jojo_Moyes\">Jojo Moyes<\/a><span title=\"Goodreads Author!\">*<\/span>\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"smallText uitext darkGreyText\">\n <span class=\"minirating\"><span class=\"stars staticStars notranslate\"><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p3\"><\/span><\/span> 4.26 avg rating &mdash; 1,728,192 ratings<\/span> &mdash; published 2012\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"addBookTipDescription\">\n \n<span id=\"freeTextContainer16646311511198193317\">A newer edition of ISBN 978-0143124542 can be found here.\n\nFrom the #1 New York Times bestselling author of The Giver of Stars, discover the love story that captured over 20 million hearts in Me Before You, After You, and Still Me.\n\nThey had nothing in common until love gave them everything to lose <\/span>\n <span id=\"freeText16646311511198193317\" style=\"display:none\">A newer edition of ISBN 978-0143124542 can be found here.\n\nFrom the #1 New York Times bestselling author of The Giver of Stars, discover the love story that captured over 20 million hearts in Me Before You, After You, and Still Me.\n\nThey had nothing in common until love gave them everything to lose . . .\n\nLouisa Clark is an ordinary girl living an exceedingly ordinary life—steady boyfriend, close family—who has barely been farther afield than their tiny village. She takes a badly needed job working for ex–Master of the Universe Will Traynor, who is wheelchair bound after an accident. Will has always lived a huge life—big deals, extreme sports, worldwide travel—and now he’s pretty sure he cannot live the way he is.\n\nWill is acerbic, moody, bossy—but Lou refuses to treat him with kid gloves, and soon his happiness means more to her than she expected. When she learns that Will has shocking plans of his own, she sets out to show him that life is still worth living.\n\nA Love Story for this generation and perfect for fans of John Green’s The Fault in Our Stars, Me Before You brings to life two people who couldn’t have less in common—a heartbreakingly romantic novel that asks, What do you do when making the person you love happy also means breaking your own heart?<\/span>\n <a data-text-id=\"16646311511198193317\" href=\"#\" onclick=\"swapContent(\$(this));; return false;\">...more<\/a>\n\n <\/div>\n\n\n", { style: 'addbook', stem: 'leftMiddle', hook: { tip: 'leftMiddle', target: 'rightMiddle' }, hideOn: false, width: 400, hideAfter: 0.05, delay: 0.35 }); $('bookCover591218_17347634').observe('prototip:shown', function() { if (this.up('#box')) { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: $('box').getStyle('z-index')})}); } else { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: 6000})}); } }); newTip['wrapper'].addClassName('prototipAllowOverflow'); $('bookCover591218_17347634').observe('prototip:shown', function () { $$('div.prototip').each(function (e) { if ($('bookCover591218_17347634').hasClassName('ignored')) { e.setStyle({'display': 'none'}); return; } e.setStyle({'overflow': 'visible'}); }); }); $('bookCover591218_17347634').observe('prototip:hidden', function () { $$('span.elementTwo').each(function (e) { if (e.getStyle('display') !== 'none') { var lessLink =; swapContent(lessLink); } }); }); //]]> </script> </div> <div class="leftAlignedImage bookBox"> <div class="coverWrapper" id="bookCover591218_50659468"> <a href="/book/show/50659468-a-court-of-mist-and-fury"><img alt="A Court of Mist and Fury (A Court of Thorns and Roses, #2)" title="" width="115" class="bookImage" src="" /></a> </div> <script> //<![CDATA[ var newTip = new Tip($('bookCover591218_50659468'), "\n\n <h2><a class=\"readable bookTitle\" href=\";from_home_module=false\">A Court of Mist and Fury (A Court of Thorns and Roses, #2)<\/a><\/h2>\n\n <div>\n by <a class=\"authorName\" href=\"/author/show/3433047.Sarah_J_Maas\">Sarah J. Maas<\/a><span title=\"Goodreads Author!\">*<\/span>\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"smallText uitext darkGreyText\">\n <span class=\"minirating\"><span class=\"stars staticStars notranslate\"><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p6\"><\/span><\/span> 4.65 avg rating &mdash; 2,677,571 ratings<\/span> &mdash; published 2016\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"addBookTipDescription\">\n \n<span id=\"freeTextContainer7405557925501271671\">The seductive and stunning #1 New York Times bestselling sequel to Sarah J. Maas&apos;s spellbinding A Court of Thorns and Roses .\n\nFeyre has undergone more trials than one human woman can carry in her heart. Though she&apos;s now been granted the powers and lifespan of the High Fae, she is haunted by her tim<\/span>\n <span id=\"freeText7405557925501271671\" style=\"display:none\">The seductive and stunning #1 New York Times bestselling sequel to Sarah J. Maas\'s spellbinding A Court of Thorns and Roses .\n\nFeyre has undergone more trials than one human woman can carry in her heart. Though she\'s now been granted the powers and lifespan of the High Fae, she is haunted by her time Under the Mountain and the terrible deeds she performed to save the lives of Tamlin and his people.\n\nAs her marriage to Tamlin approaches, Feyre\'s hollowness and nightmares consume her. She finds herself split into two different one who upholds her bargain with Rhysand, High Lord of the feared Night Court, and one who lives out her life in the Spring Court with Tamlin. While Feyre navigates a dark web of politics, passion, and dazzling power, a greater evil looms. She might just be the key to stopping it, but only if she can harness her harrowing gifts, heal her fractured soul, and decide how she wishes to shape her future-and the future of a world in turmoil.\n\nBestselling author Sarah J. Maas\'s masterful storytelling brings this second book in her dazzling, sexy, action-packed series to new heights.<\/span>\n <a data-text-id=\"7405557925501271671\" href=\"#\" onclick=\"swapContent(\$(this));; return false;\">...more<\/a>\n\n <\/div>\n\n\n", { style: 'addbook', stem: 'leftMiddle', hook: { tip: 'leftMiddle', target: 'rightMiddle' }, hideOn: false, width: 400, hideAfter: 0.05, delay: 0.35 }); $('bookCover591218_50659468').observe('prototip:shown', function() { if (this.up('#box')) { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: $('box').getStyle('z-index')})}); } else { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: 6000})}); } }); newTip['wrapper'].addClassName('prototipAllowOverflow'); $('bookCover591218_50659468').observe('prototip:shown', function () { $$('div.prototip').each(function (e) { if ($('bookCover591218_50659468').hasClassName('ignored')) { e.setStyle({'display': 'none'}); return; } e.setStyle({'overflow': 'visible'}); }); }); $('bookCover591218_50659468').observe('prototip:hidden', function () { $$('span.elementTwo').each(function (e) { if (e.getStyle('display') !== 'none') { var lessLink =; swapContent(lessLink); } }); }); //]]> </script> </div> <div class="leftAlignedImage bookBox"> <div class="coverWrapper" id="bookCover591218_194802722"> <a href="/book/show/194802722-funny-story"><img alt="Funny Story" title="" width="115" class="bookImage" src="" /></a> </div> <script> //<![CDATA[ var newTip = new Tip($('bookCover591218_194802722'), "\n\n <h2><a class=\"readable bookTitle\" href=\";from_home_module=false\">Funny Story<\/a><\/h2>\n\n <div>\n by <a class=\"authorName\" href=\"/author/show/13905555.Emily_Henry\">Emily Henry<\/a><span title=\"Goodreads Author!\">*<\/span>\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"smallText uitext darkGreyText\">\n <span class=\"minirating\"><span class=\"stars staticStars notranslate\"><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p3\"><\/span><\/span> 4.22 avg rating &mdash; 874,818 ratings<\/span> &mdash; published 2024\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"addBookTipDescription\">\n \n<span id=\"freeTextContainer11510636746974270549\">A shimmering, joyful new novel about a pair of opposites with the wrong thing in common, from #1 New York Times bestselling author Emily Henry.\n\nDaphne always loved the way her fiancé, Peter, told their story. How they met (on a blustery day), fell in love (over an errant hat), and moved back to his<\/span>\n <span id=\"freeText11510636746974270549\" style=\"display:none\">A shimmering, joyful new novel about a pair of opposites with the wrong thing in common, from #1 New York Times bestselling author Emily Henry.\n\nDaphne always loved the way her fiancé, Peter, told their story. How they met (on a blustery day), fell in love (over an errant hat), and moved back to his lakeside hometown to begin their life together. He really was good at telling it... right up until the moment he realized he was actually in love with his childhood best friend Petra.\n\nWhich is how Daphne begins her new story: stranded in beautiful Waning Bay, Michigan, without friends or family but with a dream job as a children’s librarian (that barely pays the bills), and proposing to be roommates with the only person who could possibly understand her predicament: Petra’s ex, Miles Nowak.\n\nScruffy and chaotic—with a penchant for taking solace in the sounds of heart break love ballads—Miles is exactly the opposite of practical, buttoned-up Daphne, whose coworkers know so little about her they have a running bet that she’s either FBI or in witness protection. The roommates mainly avoid one another, until one day, while drowning their sorrows, they form a tenuous friendship and a plan. If said plan also involves posting deliberately misleading photos of their summer adventures together, well, who could blame them?\n\nBut it’s all just for show, of course, because there’s no way Daphne would actually start her new chapter by falling in love with her ex-fiancé’s new fiancée’s ex... right?<\/span>\n <a data-text-id=\"11510636746974270549\" href=\"#\" onclick=\"swapContent(\$(this));; return false;\">...more<\/a>\n\n <\/div>\n\n\n", { style: 'addbook', stem: 'rightMiddle', hook: { tip: 'rightMiddle', target: 'leftMiddle' }, hideOn: false, width: 400, hideAfter: 0.05, delay: 0.35 }); $('bookCover591218_194802722').observe('prototip:shown', function() { if (this.up('#box')) { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: $('box').getStyle('z-index')})}); } else { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: 6000})}); } }); newTip['wrapper'].addClassName('prototipAllowOverflow'); $('bookCover591218_194802722').observe('prototip:shown', function () { $$('div.prototip').each(function (e) { if ($('bookCover591218_194802722').hasClassName('ignored')) { e.setStyle({'display': 'none'}); return; } e.setStyle({'overflow': 'visible'}); }); }); $('bookCover591218_194802722').observe('prototip:hidden', function () { $$('span.elementTwo').each(function (e) { if (e.getStyle('display') !== 'none') { var lessLink =; swapContent(lessLink); } }); }); //]]> </script> </div> <div class="clear"></div> </div> <div class="coverRow "> <div class="leftAlignedImage bookBox"> <div class="coverWrapper" id="bookCover591218_10507293"> <a href="/book/show/10507293-the-selection"><img alt="The Selection (The Selection, #1)" title="" width="115" class="bookImage" src="" /></a> </div> <script> //<![CDATA[ var newTip = new Tip($('bookCover591218_10507293'), "\n\n <h2><a class=\"readable bookTitle\" href=\";from_home_module=false\">The Selection (The Selection, #1)<\/a><\/h2>\n\n <div>\n by <a class=\"authorName\" href=\"/author/show/2987125.Kiera_Cass\">Kiera Cass<\/a><span title=\"Goodreads Author!\">*<\/span>\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"smallText uitext darkGreyText\">\n <span class=\"minirating\"><span class=\"stars staticStars notranslate\"><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p3\"><\/span><\/span> 4.08 avg rating &mdash; 1,668,915 ratings<\/span> &mdash; published 2012\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"addBookTipDescription\">\n \n<span id=\"freeTextContainer15828811443773221975\">For thirty-five girls, the Selection is the chance of a lifetime. The opportunity to escape the life laid out for them since birth. To be swept up in a world of glittering gowns and priceless jewels. To live in a palace and compete for the heart of gorgeous Prince Maxon.\n\nBut for America Singer, bei<\/span>\n <span id=\"freeText15828811443773221975\" style=\"display:none\">For thirty-five girls, the Selection is the chance of a lifetime. The opportunity to escape the life laid out for them since birth. To be swept up in a world of glittering gowns and priceless jewels. To live in a palace and compete for the heart of gorgeous Prince Maxon.\n\nBut for America Singer, being Selected is a nightmare. It means turning her back on her secret love with Aspen, who is a caste below her. Leaving her home to enter a fierce competition for a crown she doesn\'t want. Living in a palace that is constantly threatened by violent rebel attacks.\n\nThen America meets Prince Maxon. Gradually, she starts to question all the plans she\'s made for herself—and realizes that the life she\'s always dreamed of may not compare to a future she never imagined.<\/span>\n <a data-text-id=\"15828811443773221975\" href=\"#\" onclick=\"swapContent(\$(this));; return false;\">...more<\/a>\n\n <\/div>\n\n\n", { style: 'addbook', stem: 'leftMiddle', hook: { tip: 'leftMiddle', target: 'rightMiddle' }, hideOn: false, width: 400, hideAfter: 0.05, delay: 0.35 }); $('bookCover591218_10507293').observe('prototip:shown', function() { if (this.up('#box')) { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: $('box').getStyle('z-index')})}); } else { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: 6000})}); } }); newTip['wrapper'].addClassName('prototipAllowOverflow'); $('bookCover591218_10507293').observe('prototip:shown', function () { $$('div.prototip').each(function (e) { if ($('bookCover591218_10507293').hasClassName('ignored')) { e.setStyle({'display': 'none'}); return; } e.setStyle({'overflow': 'visible'}); }); }); $('bookCover591218_10507293').observe('prototip:hidden', function () { $$('span.elementTwo').each(function (e) { if (e.getStyle('display') !== 'none') { var lessLink =; swapContent(lessLink); } }); }); //]]> </script> </div> <div class="leftAlignedImage bookBox"> <div class="coverWrapper" id="bookCover591218_49041"> <a href="/book/show/49041.New_Moon"><img alt="New Moon (The Twilight Saga, #2)" title="" width="115" class="bookImage" src="" /></a> </div> <script> //<![CDATA[ var newTip = new Tip($('bookCover591218_49041'), "\n\n <h2><a class=\"readable bookTitle\" href=\";from_home_module=false\">New Moon (The Twilight Saga, #2)<\/a><\/h2>\n\n <div>\n by <a class=\"authorName\" href=\"/author/show/941441.Stephenie_Meyer\">Stephenie Meyer<\/a>\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"smallText uitext darkGreyText\">\n <span class=\"minirating\"><span class=\"stars staticStars notranslate\"><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p6\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p0\"><\/span><\/span> 3.61 avg rating &mdash; 2,033,060 ratings<\/span> &mdash; published 2006\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"addBookTipDescription\">\n \n<span id=\"freeTextContainer6768774497941053568\">There is an alternate cover edition for ISBN13 9780316160193 here. \n\nI knew we were both in mortal danger. Still, in that instant, I felt well. Whole. I could feel my heart racing in my chest, the blood pulsing hot and fast through my veins again. My lungs filled deep with the sweet scent that came <\/span>\n <span id=\"freeText6768774497941053568\" style=\"display:none\">There is an alternate cover edition for ISBN13 9780316160193 here. \n\nI knew we were both in mortal danger. Still, in that instant, I felt well. Whole. I could feel my heart racing in my chest, the blood pulsing hot and fast through my veins again. My lungs filled deep with the sweet scent that came off his skin. It was like there had never been any hole in my chest. I was perfect - not healed, but as if there had never been a wound in the first place. \n\nI FELT LIKE I WAS TRAPPED IN ONE OF THOSE TERRIFYING NIGHTMARES, the one where you have to run, run till your lungs burst, but you can\'t make your body move fast enough.... But this was no dream, and, unlike the nightmare, I wasn\'t running for my life; I was racing to save something infinitely more precious. My own life meant little to me today. \n\nFOR BELLA SWAN THERE IS ONE THING more important than life itself: Edward Cullen. But being in love with a vampire is even more dangerous than Bella could ever have imagined. Edward has already rescued Bella from the clutches of one evil vampire, but now, as their daring relationship threatens all that is near and dear to them, they realize their troubles may be just beginning....\n\nLEGIONS OF READERS ENTRANCED BY THE New York Times bestseller Twilight are hungry for the continuing story of star-crossed lovers Bell and Edward. In New Moon, Stephanie Meyer delivers another irresistible combination of romance and suspense with a supernatural spin. passionate, riveting, and full of surprising twists and turns, this vampire love saga is well on its way to literary immortality.<\/span>\n <a data-text-id=\"6768774497941053568\" href=\"#\" onclick=\"swapContent(\$(this));; return false;\">...more<\/a>\n\n <\/div>\n\n\n", { style: 'addbook', stem: 'leftMiddle', hook: { tip: 'leftMiddle', target: 'rightMiddle' }, hideOn: false, width: 400, hideAfter: 0.05, delay: 0.35 }); $('bookCover591218_49041').observe('prototip:shown', function() { if (this.up('#box')) { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: $('box').getStyle('z-index')})}); } else { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: 6000})}); } }); newTip['wrapper'].addClassName('prototipAllowOverflow'); $('bookCover591218_49041').observe('prototip:shown', function () { $$('div.prototip').each(function (e) { if ($('bookCover591218_49041').hasClassName('ignored')) { e.setStyle({'display': 'none'}); return; } e.setStyle({'overflow': 'visible'}); }); }); $('bookCover591218_49041').observe('prototip:hidden', function () { $$('span.elementTwo').each(function (e) { if (e.getStyle('display') !== 'none') { var lessLink =; swapContent(lessLink); } }); }); //]]> </script> </div> <div class="leftAlignedImage bookBox"> <div class="coverWrapper" id="bookCover591218_61326735"> <a href="/book/show/61326735-love-theoretically"><img alt="Love, Theoretically" title="" width="115" class="bookImage" src="" /></a> </div> <script> //<![CDATA[ var newTip = new Tip($('bookCover591218_61326735'), "\n\n <h2><a class=\"readable bookTitle\" href=\";from_home_module=false\">Love, Theoretically<\/a><\/h2>\n\n <div>\n by <a class=\"authorName\" href=\"/author/show/21098177.Ali_Hazelwood\">Ali Hazelwood<\/a><span title=\"Goodreads Author!\">*<\/span>\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"smallText uitext darkGreyText\">\n <span class=\"minirating\"><span class=\"stars staticStars notranslate\"><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p3\"><\/span><\/span> 4.09 avg rating &mdash; 528,920 ratings<\/span> &mdash; published 2023\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"addBookTipDescription\">\n \n<span id=\"freeTextContainer973806514354953700\">The many lives of theoretical physicist Elsie Hannaway have finally caught up with her. By day, she’s an adjunct professor, toiling away at grading labs and teaching thermodynamics in the hopes of landing tenure. By other day, Elsie makes up for her non-existent paycheck by offering her services as <\/span>\n <span id=\"freeText973806514354953700\" style=\"display:none\">The many lives of theoretical physicist Elsie Hannaway have finally caught up with her. By day, she’s an adjunct professor, toiling away at grading labs and teaching thermodynamics in the hopes of landing tenure. By other day, Elsie makes up for her non-existent paycheck by offering her services as a fake girlfriend, tapping into her expertly honed people pleasing skills to embody whichever version of herself the client needs.\n\nHonestly, it’s a pretty sweet gig—until her carefully constructed Elsie-verse comes crashing down. Because Jack Smith, the annoyingly attractive and broody older brother of her favorite client, turns out to be the cold-hearted experimental physicist who ruined her mentor’s career and undermined the reputation of theorists everywhere. And that same Jack who now sits on the hiring committee at MIT, right between Elsie and her dream job.\n\nElsie is prepared for an all-out war of scholarly sabotage but…those long, penetrating looks? Not having to be anything other than her true self when she’s with him? Will falling into an experimentalist’s orbit finally tempt her to put her most guarded theories on love into practice?<\/span>\n <a data-text-id=\"973806514354953700\" href=\"#\" onclick=\"swapContent(\$(this));; return false;\">...more<\/a>\n\n <\/div>\n\n\n", { style: 'addbook', stem: 'leftMiddle', hook: { tip: 'leftMiddle', target: 'rightMiddle' }, hideOn: false, width: 400, hideAfter: 0.05, delay: 0.35 }); $('bookCover591218_61326735').observe('prototip:shown', function() { if (this.up('#box')) { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: $('box').getStyle('z-index')})}); } else { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: 6000})}); } }); newTip['wrapper'].addClassName('prototipAllowOverflow'); $('bookCover591218_61326735').observe('prototip:shown', function () { $$('div.prototip').each(function (e) { if ($('bookCover591218_61326735').hasClassName('ignored')) { e.setStyle({'display': 'none'}); return; } e.setStyle({'overflow': 'visible'}); }); }); $('bookCover591218_61326735').observe('prototip:hidden', function () { $$('span.elementTwo').each(function (e) { if (e.getStyle('display') !== 'none') { var lessLink =; swapContent(lessLink); } }); }); //]]> </script> </div> <div class="leftAlignedImage bookBox"> <div class="coverWrapper" id="bookCover591218_36206591"> <a href="/book/show/36206591-love-and-other-words"><img alt="Love and Other Words" title="" width="115" class="bookImage" src="" /></a> </div> <script> //<![CDATA[ var newTip = new Tip($('bookCover591218_36206591'), "\n\n <h2><a class=\"readable bookTitle\" href=\";from_home_module=false\">Love and Other Words<\/a><\/h2>\n\n <div>\n by <a class=\"authorName\" href=\"/author/show/6556689.Christina_Lauren\">Christina Lauren<\/a><span title=\"Goodreads Author!\">*<\/span>\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"smallText uitext darkGreyText\">\n <span class=\"minirating\"><span class=\"stars staticStars notranslate\"><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p3\"><\/span><\/span> 4.24 avg rating &mdash; 706,844 ratings<\/span> &mdash; published 2018\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"addBookTipDescription\">\n \n<span id=\"freeTextContainer17487570005039440993\">\n The story of the heart can never be unwritten.\nMacy Sorensen is settling into an ambitious if emotionally tepid routine: work hard as a new pediatrics resident, plan her wedding to an older, financially secure man, keep her head down and heart tucked away.But when she runs into Elliot Petropoulos<\/span>\n <span id=\"freeText17487570005039440993\" style=\"display:none\">\n The story of the heart can never be unwritten.\nMacy Sorensen is settling into an ambitious if emotionally tepid routine: work hard as a new pediatrics resident, plan her wedding to an older, financially secure man, keep her head down and heart tucked away.But when she runs into Elliot Petropoulos—the first and only love of her life—the careful bubble she’s constructed begins to dissolve. Once upon a time, Elliot was Macy’s entire world—growing from her gangly bookish friend into the man who coaxed her heart open again after the loss of her mother...only to break it on the very night he declared his love for her.Told in alternating timelines between Then and Now, teenage Elliot and Macy grow from friends to much more—spending weekends and lazy summers together in a house outside of San Francisco devouring books, sharing favorite words, and talking through their growing pains and triumphs. As adults, they have become strangers to one another until their chance reunion. Although their memories are obscured by the agony of what happened that night so many years ago, Elliot will come to understand the truth behind Macy’s decade-long silence, and will have to overcome the past and himself to revive her faith in the possibility of an all-consuming love.\n\nLove, loss, friendship, and the betrayals of the past all collide in this first fiction novel from New York Times and #1 international bestselling author Christina Lauren (Autoboyography, Dating You / Hating You).<\/span>\n <a data-text-id=\"17487570005039440993\" href=\"#\" onclick=\"swapContent(\$(this));; return false;\">...more<\/a>\n\n <\/div>\n\n\n", { style: 'addbook', stem: 'leftMiddle', hook: { tip: 'leftMiddle', target: 'rightMiddle' }, hideOn: false, width: 400, hideAfter: 0.05, delay: 0.35 }); $('bookCover591218_36206591').observe('prototip:shown', function() { if (this.up('#box')) { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: $('box').getStyle('z-index')})}); } else { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: 6000})}); } }); newTip['wrapper'].addClassName('prototipAllowOverflow'); $('bookCover591218_36206591').observe('prototip:shown', function () { $$('div.prototip').each(function (e) { if ($('bookCover591218_36206591').hasClassName('ignored')) { e.setStyle({'display': 'none'}); return; } e.setStyle({'overflow': 'visible'}); }); }); $('bookCover591218_36206591').observe('prototip:hidden', function () { $$('span.elementTwo').each(function (e) { if (e.getStyle('display') !== 'none') { var lessLink =; swapContent(lessLink); } }); }); //]]> </script> </div> <div class="leftAlignedImage bookBox"> <div class="coverWrapper" id="bookCover591218_13623848"> <a href="/book/show/13623848-the-song-of-achilles"><img alt="The Song of Achilles" title="" width="115" class="bookImage" src="" /></a> </div> <script> //<![CDATA[ var newTip = new Tip($('bookCover591218_13623848'), "\n\n <h2><a class=\"readable bookTitle\" href=\";from_home_module=false\">The Song of Achilles<\/a><\/h2>\n\n <div>\n by <a class=\"authorName\" href=\"/author/show/176372.Madeline_Miller\">Madeline Miller<\/a><span title=\"Goodreads Author!\">*<\/span>\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"smallText uitext darkGreyText\">\n <span class=\"minirating\"><span class=\"stars staticStars notranslate\"><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p10\"><\/span><span size=\"12x12\" class=\"staticStar p3\"><\/span><\/span> 4.31 avg rating &mdash; 1,743,121 ratings<\/span> &mdash; published 2011\n <\/div>\n\n <div class=\"addBookTipDescription\">\n \n<span id=\"freeTextContainer18424140432168689791\">Alternate cover edition of ISBN 9780062060624.\n\nAchilles, &quot;the best of all the Greeks,&quot; son of the cruel sea goddess Thetis and the legendary king Peleus, is strong, swift, and beautiful, irresistible to all who meet him. Patroclus is an awkward young prince, exiled from his homeland after an act of<\/span>\n <span id=\"freeText18424140432168689791\" style=\"display:none\">Alternate cover edition of ISBN 9780062060624.\n\nAchilles, &quot;the best of all the Greeks,&quot; son of the cruel sea goddess Thetis and the legendary king Peleus, is strong, swift, and beautiful, irresistible to all who meet him. Patroclus is an awkward young prince, exiled from his homeland after an act of shocking violence. Brought together by chance, they forge an inseparable bond, despite risking the gods\' wrath.\n\nThey are trained by the centaur Chiron in the arts of war and medicine, but when word comes that Helen of Sparta has been kidnapped, all the heroes of Greece are called upon to lay siege to Troy in her name. Seduced by the promise of a glorious destiny, Achilles joins their cause, and torn between love and fear for his friend, Patroclus follows. Little do they know that the cruel Fates will test them both as never before and demand a terrible sacrifice.<\/span>\n <a data-text-id=\"18424140432168689791\" href=\"#\" onclick=\"swapContent(\$(this));; return false;\">...more<\/a>\n\n <\/div>\n\n\n", { style: 'addbook', stem: 'rightMiddle', hook: { tip: 'rightMiddle', target: 'leftMiddle' }, hideOn: false, width: 400, hideAfter: 0.05, delay: 0.35 }); $('bookCover591218_13623848').observe('prototip:shown', function() { if (this.up('#box')) { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: $('box').getStyle('z-index')})}); } else { $$('div.prototip').each(function(i){i.setStyle({zIndex: 6000})}); } }); newTip['wrapper'].addClassName('prototipAllowOverflow'); $('bookCover591218_13623848').observe('prototip:shown', function () { $$('div.prototip').each(function (e) { if ($('bookCover591218_13623848').hasClassName('ignored')) { e.setStyle({'display': 'none'}); return; } e.setStyle({'overflow': 'visible'}); }); }); $('bookCover591218_13623848').observe('prototip:hidden', function () { $$('span.elementTwo').each(function (e) { if (e.getStyle('display') !== 'none') { var lessLink =; swapContent(lessLink); } }); }); //]]> </script> </div> <div class="clear"></div> </div> <div class="clear"></div> <div class="moreLink"> <a class="actionLink" href="/shelf/show/romance">More romance books...</a> </div> <div class="clear"></div></div></div><div class="bigBoxBottom"></div></div> </div> <div class="rightContainer"> <div data-react-class="ReactComponents.GoogleBannerAd" data-react-props="{&quot;adId&quot;:&quot;&quot;,&quot;className&quot;:&quot;googleBannerAd--mediumRectangle&quot;}"></div> <div data-react-class="ReactComponents.GoogleFeaturedContentModule" data-react-props="{&quot;adId&quot;:&quot;&quot;,&quot;trackingOptions&quot;:{&quot;enableTracking&quot;:true,&quot;adId&quot;:&quot;&quot;},&quot;isMobile&quot;:false,&quot;isInline&quot;:false,&quot;hasBottomBorder&quot;:false}"></div> <br> <div class=" clearFloats bigBox"><div class="h2Container gradientHeaderContainer"><h2 class="brownBackground">Related Genres</h2></div><div class="bigBoxBody"><div class="bigBoxContent containerWithHeaderContent"> <div class="left" style="width: 50%"> <a class="gr-hyperlink" href="/genres/fiction">Fiction</a><br> <a class="gr-hyperlink" href="/genres/contemporary-romance">Contemporary Romance</a><br> <a class="gr-hyperlink" href="/genres/historical-romance">Historical Romance</a><br> <a class="gr-hyperlink" href="/genres/paranormal-romance">Paranormal Romance</a><br> <a class="gr-hyperlink" href="/genres/romantic-suspense">Romantic Suspense</a><br> <a class="gr-hyperlink" href="/genres/fantasy-romance">Fantasy Romance</a><br> <a class="gr-hyperlink" href="/genres/m-m-romance">M M Romance</a><br> <a class="gr-hyperlink" href="/genres/erotic-romance">Erotic Romance</a><br> <a class="gr-hyperlink" href="/genres/clean-romance">Clean Romance</a><br> </div> <div class="left" style="width: 50%"> <a class="gr-hyperlink" href="/genres/christian-romance">Christian Romance</a><br> <a class="gr-hyperlink" href="/genres/category-romance">Category Romance</a><br> <a class="gr-hyperlink" href="/genres/interracial-romance">Interracial Romance</a><br> <a class="gr-hyperlink" href="/genres/western-romance">Western Romance</a><br> <a class="gr-hyperlink" href="/genres/science-fiction-romance">Science Fiction Romance</a><br> <a class="gr-hyperlink" href="/genres/lesbian-romance">Lesbian Romance</a><br> <a class="gr-hyperlink" href="/genres/time-travel-romance">Time Travel Romance</a><br> <a class="gr-hyperlink" href="/genres/african-american-romance">African American Romance</a><br> </div> <div class="clear"></div></div></div><div class="bigBoxBottom"></div></div> <div data-react-class="ReactComponents.GoogleBannerAd" data-react-props="{&quot;adId&quot;:&quot;&quot;,&quot;className&quot;:&quot;googleBannerAd--mediumRectangle&quot;}"></div> <div data-react-class="ReactComponents.NewsPreview" data-react-props="{&quot;sectionHeader&quot;:&quot;Related News&quot;,&quot;isMobile&quot;:false,&quot;isBookPage&quot;:false,&quot;imageOnLeft&quot;:true,&quot;showLikesComments&quot;:false,&quot;newsItems&quot;:[{&quot;newsUrl&quot;:&quot;;,&quot;excerpt&quot;:&quot;\nNeed another excuse to treat yourself to a new book this week? 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He was staring at me, and I could see the corners of his eyes crinkling. &quot;I&apos;m in love with you, and I&apos;m not in the business of denying myself the simple pleasure of saying true things. I&apos;m in love with you, and I know that love is just a shout into the void, and that oblivion is inevitable, and that we&apos;re all doomed and that there will come a day when all our labor has been returned to dust, and I know the sun will sw</span> <span id="freeText16874399859198787934" style="display:none">I'm in love with you," he said quietly. "Augustus," I said. "I am," he said. He was staring at me, and I could see the corners of his eyes crinkling. "I'm in love with you, and I'm not in the business of denying myself the simple pleasure of saying true things. I'm in love with you, and I know that love is just a shout into the void, and that oblivion is inevitable, and that we're all doomed and that there will come a day when all our labor has been returned to dust, and I know the sun will swallow the only earth we'll ever have, and I am in love with you.</span> <a data-text-id="16874399859198787934" href="#" onclick="swapContent($(this));; return false;">...more</a> &rdquo; <br /> &#8213; <span class="authorOrTitle"> John Green, </span> <span id=quote_book_link_11870085> <a class="authorOrTitle" href="/work/quotes/16827462">The Fault in Our Stars</a> </span> </div> <div class="quoteFooter"> <div class="right"> <a class="smallText" title="View this quote" href="/quotes/480596-i-m-in-love-with-you-he-said-quietly-augustus-i">24782 likes</a> </div> </div> </div> <br class="clear"/> </div> <div class="quote mediumText last"> <div class="quoteDetails fullLine"> <a class="leftAlignedImage quoteAvatar " href="/author/show/7617.Andr_Gide"> <img alt="André Gide" src=",29,200,200_.jpg" /> </a> <div class="quoteText"> &ldquo; <span id="freeTextContainer9419871731130246837">It is better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for what you are not.</span> &rdquo; <br /> &#8213; <span class="authorOrTitle"> Andre Gide, </span> <span id=quote_book_link_6616590> <a class="authorOrTitle" href="/work/quotes/6810684">Autumn Leaves</a> </span> </div> <div class="quoteFooter"> <div class="right"> <a class="smallText" title="View this quote" href="/quotes/14304-it-is-better-to-be-hated-for-what-you-are">61526 likes</a> </div> </div> </div> <br class="clear"/> </div> <a class="actionLink" style="float: right" href="/quotes/show_tag?name=love">More love quotes...</a> <div class="clear"></div></div></div><div class="bigBoxBottom"></div></div> <div class=" clearFloats bigBox"><div class="h2Container gradientHeaderContainer"><h2 class="brownBackground"><a href="/videos/show_tag?name=romance">Videos Tagged “Romance”</a></h2></div><div class="bigBoxBody"><div class="bigBoxContent containerWithHeaderContent"> <div class="elementList" style="width: 100%"> <div style="float: left; padding-right: 10px"> <div class="videoThumbnail" data-source="youtube" data-source-id="Xto9cIb0dL4" data-goodreads-id="1096"><a href="/videos/1096-hard-to-handle-book-trailer"><img alt="Hard to Handle Book Trailer" src="" /></a><a class="playIcon" href="/videos/1096-hard-to-handle-book-trailer"></a></div> </div> <a class="videoTitle" href="/videos/1096-hard-to-handle-book-trailer">Hard to Handle Book Trailer</a> <br class="clear" /> </div> <div class="elementList" style="width: 100%"> <div style="float: left; padding-right: 10px"> <div class="videoThumbnail" data-source="youtube" data-source-id="YRdq6kJYKUw" data-goodreads-id="1854"><a href="/videos/1854-black-planet"><img alt="Black Planet" src="" /></a><a class="playIcon" href="/videos/1854-black-planet"></a></div> </div> <a class="videoTitle" href="/videos/1854-black-planet">Black Planet</a> <br class="clear" /> </div> <a class="actionLink" style="float: right" href="/videos/show_tag?name=romance">More videos...</a> <div class="clear"></div></div></div><div class="bigBoxBottom"></div></div> <div data-react-class="ReactComponents.GoogleBannerAd" data-react-props="{&quot;adId&quot;:&quot;&quot;,&quot;className&quot;:&quot;googleBannerAd--mediumRectangle&quot;}"></div> <div class=" clearFloats bigBox"><div class="h2Container gradientHeaderContainer"><h2 class="brownBackground"><a href="/group/show_tag/romance?name=romance">Groups Tagged &quot;Romance&quot;</a></h2></div><div class="bigBoxBody"><div class="bigBoxContent containerWithHeaderContent" id="&lt;ahref=&quot;/group/show_tag/romance?name=romance&quot;&gt;GroupsTagged&amp;quot;Romance&amp;quot;&lt;/a&gt;"> <div class="smallListEntry"> <div> <a class="groupName header14 serif" href="/group/show/64233-addicted-to-ya">Addicted to YA</a> </div> <a title="Addicted to YA" class="leftAlignedImage smallListImage" href="/group/show/64233-addicted-to-ya"><img width="30" alt="Addicted to YA" src="" /></a> “Sometimes, you read a book and it fills you with this weird evangelical zeal, and you become co<a id="freeTextLinkgroup__64233" href="#" onclick="$j(&#39;#freeTextgroup__64233&#39;).toggle(); return false;">&hellip;more</a> <div class="floatingBox" id="freeTextgroup__64233" style="display: none; width: 450px; padding: 20px 40px 20px 40px"> <a class=" closeLink" href="#" onclick="$j(&#39;#freeTextgroup__64233&#39;).toggle(); return false;">[close]</a> “Sometimes, you read a book and it fills you with this weird evangelical zeal, and you become convinced that the shattered world will never be put back together unless and until all living humans read the book.” ― John Green, The Fault in Our Stars Welcome to Addicted to YA If you're addicted to Young Adult books, then this is the place for you! 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