The Roadmap of the Construction Industry to Be Shaped at the 47th Yapı – Turkeybuild Istanbul!_Global Fastener Platform

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge,chrome=1"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1"> <title>The Roadmap of the Construction Industry to Be Shaped at the 47th Yapı – Turkeybuild Istanbul!_Global Fastener Platform</title> <meta name="keywords" content="The Roadmap of the Construction Industry to Be Shaped at the 47th Yapı – Turkeybuild Istanbul!" /> <meta name="description" content="The latest construction technologies and building products will be exhibited and industry trends discussed at the 47th Yapı – Turkeybuild Istanbul, set to take place at the Tüyap Fair Convention and Congress Center from April 16 to 19, 2025. Yapı – Turkeybuild Istanbul, the largest construction exhibition in the region encompassing the Balkans, Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), the Middle East and North Africa, and one of the five largest construction exhibitions in the world, will highlight the latest developments shaping the construction sector. This prestigious event, held at the Tüyap Fair Convention and Congress Center, will be organized in collaboration with key institutions and organizations in the industry.Yapı - Turkeybuild Istanbul is not only the most effective business platform in the region, but also the longest-running exhibition in the Turkish construction industry. The exhibition serves as the main platform for both domestic and foreign exhibitors to reach a wide audience, consisting of buyers, decision-makers and opinion leaders. The 47th Yapı - Turkeybuild Istanbul will host hundreds of local and foreign exhibitors showcasing building, construction materials and technologies.Attracting industry professionals from the Middle East, Central Asia, North Africa and Türkiye, the exhibition serves as a key platform for fostering new collaborations. This year, foreign exhibitors from countries such as Austria, Bulgaria, Italy, South Korea, Portugal, Russia and Thailand will participate. Over 250 companies have already secured their spots for the exhibition, which will take place from April 16–19, 2025.  Collaboration Partnership with BAU 2025Yapı - Turkeybuild Istanbul has entered into a significant partnership agreement with BAU 2025, one of the world’s leading exhibition in architecture, construction materials and technologies, held biennially. This collaboration aims to enhance its global influence. As part of the agreement, Yapı – Turkeybuild Istanbul will participate in the BAU Exhibition, which will be held in Munich from January 13-17, 2025 with its own booth. This will provide an opportunity to connect with both existing and potential business partners.BAU 2025, a leading trade exhibition that brings together architects, planners, investors and industry professionals from around the world, will offer exhibitors with the opportunity to explore the latest techniques, materials and technologies shaping the future of the construction industry. Thanks to this exhibition, visitors will have the unique opportunity to experience the future of construction firsthand.46th Yapı - Turkeybuild Istanbul Welcomed a Record Number of Visitors  In 2024, the 46th Yapı - Turkeybuild Istanbul was held in Istanbul over four days, hosting 547 exhibitors and 857 brands from 13 countries. The event attracted a total of 46,938 visitors from 125 countries, including 6,116 international attendees. The 46th The exhibition also hosted 401 international hosted buyers from 64 countries.The exhibition hosted exhibitors from Italy, Germany, Russia, Lithuania, Slovenia, the United Arab Emirates, South Korea, Poland, Austria and China with pavilions representing the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, Russia and Poland. Thanks to Yapı – Turkeybuild Istanbul, the most influential business platform in the region, international hosted buyers and exhibitors came together to forge new partnerships.Highlighting the growth of Türkiye’s construction sector, Banu Keskin, the Director of Yapı - Turkeybuild Istanbul, stated: “The construction sector grew by 7.8 percent in 2023, marking its first annual growth since 2017. Activities in earthquake zones and urban transformation projects, particularly the demolition and reconstruction of single buildings, played a key role in this significant growth. In 2024, the construction sector managed to achieve 5-6 percent growth despite the tightening economic policies. Ahead of the local elections, all municipalities prioritized urban transformation initiatives, including retrofitting and disaster preparedness efforts. Moreover, the government has begun implementing new programs to accelerate urban transformation. In this context, accelerated urban transformation activities contributed 1.5-2 percentage points to the growth of the construction sector in 2024. Despite the limited growth in public investments, public construction projects, including ongoing works and priority initiatives, added 1.0 percentage point to the sector’s growth that year. In the 2025 budget, 584 billion Turkish Liras have been allocated for the redevelopment of earthquake-affected areas and enhancing resilience against future disasters. In this context, the resources allocated for the Disaster Resilient Cities Project stand out, totaling 120 billion liras. Considering the potential impact of the economic policies in place and the 2025 budget, the construction sector is projected to grow by 4-5 percent in 2025. Additionally, with the annual increase in construction costs expected to drop to 25 percent, new construction projects are likely to gain momentum.”Visit for further information on Yapı - Turkeybuild Istanbul.  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This prestigious event, held at the Tüyap Fair Convention and Congress Center, will be organized in collaboration with key institutions and organizations in the industry.</p><p><br /></p><p>Yapı - Turkeybuild Istanbul is not only the most effective business platform in the region, but also the longest-running exhibition in the Turkish construction industry. The exhibition serves as the main platform for both domestic and foreign exhibitors to reach a wide audience, consisting of buyers, decision-makers and opinion leaders. The 47th Yapı - Turkeybuild Istanbul will host hundreds of local and foreign exhibitors showcasing building, construction materials and technologies.</p><p><br /></p><p>Attracting industry professionals from the Middle East, Central Asia, North Africa and Türkiye, the exhibition serves as a key platform for fostering new collaborations. This year, foreign exhibitors from countries such as Austria, Bulgaria, Italy, South Korea, Portugal, Russia and Thailand will participate. Over 250 companies have already secured their spots for the exhibition, which will take place from April 16–19, 2025.</p><p><br /></p><p style="text-align: center;"><img src="" alt="" /><br /></p><p>  </p><p><strong>Collaboration Partnership with BAU 2025</strong></p><p><br /></p><p>Yapı - Turkeybuild Istanbul has entered into a significant partnership agreement with BAU 2025, one of the world’s leading exhibition in architecture, construction materials and technologies, held biennially. This collaboration aims to enhance its global influence. As part of the agreement, Yapı – Turkeybuild Istanbul will participate in the BAU Exhibition, which will be held in Munich from January 13-17, 2025 with its own booth. This will provide an opportunity to connect with both existing and potential business partners.</p><p><br /></p><p>BAU 2025, a leading trade exhibition that brings together architects, planners, investors and industry professionals from around the world, will offer exhibitors with the opportunity to explore the latest techniques, materials and technologies shaping the future of the construction industry. Thanks to this exhibition, visitors will have the unique opportunity to experience the future of construction firsthand.</p><p><strong><br /></strong></p><p><strong>46th Yapı - Turkeybuild Istanbul Welcomed a Record Number of Visitors</strong></p><p>  </p><p>In 2024, the 46th Yapı - Turkeybuild Istanbul was held in Istanbul over four days, hosting 547 exhibitors and 857 brands from 13 countries. The event attracted a total of 46,938 visitors from 125 countries, including 6,116 international attendees. The 46th The exhibition also hosted 401 international hosted buyers from 64 countries.</p><p><br /></p><p>The exhibition hosted exhibitors from Italy, Germany, Russia, Lithuania, Slovenia, the United Arab Emirates, South Korea, Poland, Austria and China with pavilions representing the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, Russia and Poland. Thanks to Yapı – Turkeybuild Istanbul, the most influential business platform in the region, international hosted buyers and exhibitors came together to forge new partnerships.</p><p><br /></p><p>Highlighting the growth of Türkiye’s construction sector,<strong> Banu Keskin, the Director of Yapı - Turkeybuild Istanbul</strong>, stated: “The construction sector grew by 7.8 percent in 2023, marking its first annual growth since 2017. Activities in earthquake zones and urban transformation projects, particularly the demolition and reconstruction of single buildings, played a key role in this significant growth. In 2024, the construction sector managed to achieve 5-6 percent growth despite the tightening economic policies. Ahead of the local elections, all municipalities prioritized urban transformation initiatives, including retrofitting and disaster preparedness efforts. Moreover, the government has begun implementing new programs to accelerate urban transformation. In this context, accelerated urban transformation activities contributed 1.5-2 percentage points to the growth of the construction sector in 2024. Despite the limited growth in public investments, public construction projects, including ongoing works and priority initiatives, added 1.0 percentage point to the sector’s growth that year. In the 2025 budget, 584 billion Turkish Liras have been allocated for the redevelopment of earthquake-affected areas and enhancing resilience against future disasters. In this context, the resources allocated for the Disaster Resilient Cities Project stand out, totaling 120 billion liras. Considering the potential impact of the economic policies in place and the 2025 budget, the construction sector is projected to grow by 4-5 percent in 2025. Additionally, with the annual increase in construction costs expected to drop to 25 percent, new construction projects are likely to gain momentum.”</p><p><br /></p><p>Visit<a href="" target="_blank"></a> for further information on Yapı - Turkeybuild Istanbul.</p><p>  </p><p><strong>For detailed information: </strong></p><p><strong><br /></strong></p><p><strong>Bersay Communications Consultancy</strong></p><p><br /></p><p>Ayben Cumalı, +90 554 84468 05,</p> <div class="attachment pb-3 text-center"> <div class="layui-row" style="height:50px;"> <center>Click to learn more <a href="" target="_blank"></a></center> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </main> <footer class="py-4 bg-footer"> <div class="container-fluid"> <div class="d-flex flex-wrap align-items-center justify-content-between"> <div class="copyright d-flex flex-wrap"> <p class="pr-2">© Copyright 2009-2024 GlobalFastener Inc</p> </div> <div class="footer-state"> <a href="/about/" title="Customer Service">About Us</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="/about/pricing.php">Pricing</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="/about/term.php">Terms of Use</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="/about/faq.php" title="Customer Service">FAQ</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="/about/contact.php">Contact Us</a> </div> </div> </div> </footer> <script src="/js/jquery-3.6.0.min.js"></script> <script src="/system/bootstrap/js/bootstrap.bundle.min.js"></script> <script src="/system/layui/layui.js?v=2.9.18"></script> <script src="/js/swiper.min.js"></script> <script src="/js/trans.js"></script> <script> const $dropdown = $(".dropdown"); const $dropdownToggle = $(".dropdown-toggle"); const $dropdownMenu = $(".dropdown-menu"); const showClass = "show"; $(window).on("load resize", function() { if (this.matchMedia("(min-width: 768px)").matches) { $dropdown.hover( function() { const $this = $(this); $this.addClass(showClass); $this.find($dropdownToggle).attr("aria-expanded", "true"); $this.find($dropdownMenu).addClass(showClass); }, function() { const $this = $(this); $this.removeClass(showClass); $this.find($dropdownToggle).attr("aria-expanded", "false"); $this.find($dropdownMenu).removeClass(showClass); } ); ${ if(!$(this).hasClass("prevent")){$(this).attr('href'),$(this).attr('target')); } }); } else { $"mouseenter mouseleave"); } }); translate["\u0073\u0065\u0074\u0055\u0073\u0065\u0056\u0065\u0072\u0073\u0069\u006f\u006e\u0032"]();translate["\u006c\u0069\u0073\u0074\u0065\u006e\u0065\u0072"]["\u0073\u0074\u0061\u0072\u0074"]();translate["\u006c\u0061\u006e\u0067\u0075\u0061\u0067\u0065"]["\u0073\u0065\u0074\u004c\u006f\u0063\u0061\u006c"]("\u0065\u006e\u0067\u006c\u0069\u0073\u0068");translate["\u0069\u0067\u006e\u006f\u0072\u0065"]["\u0063\u006c\u0061\u0073\u0073"]["\u0070\u0075\u0073\u0068"]("sloot-pot".split("").reverse().join(""));translate['selectLanguageTag']["\u0073\u0068\u006f\u0077"]=![];translate["\u0065\u0078\u0065\u0063\u0075\u0074\u0065"]();var curlang=translate["\u006c\u0061\u006e\u0067\u0075\u0061\u0067\u0065"]["\u0067\u0065\u0074\u0043\u0075\u0072\u0072\u0065\u006e\u0074"]();$("meti-nwodpord. sloot-pot.".split("").reverse().join(""))["\u0063\u006c\u0069\u0063\u006b"](function(){$(this)["\u0073\u0069\u0062\u006c\u0069\u006e\u0067\u0073"]()["\u0072\u0065\u006d\u006f\u0076\u0065\u0043\u006c\u0061\u0073\u0073"]('active');$(this)["\u0061\u0064\u0064\u0043\u006c\u0061\u0073\u0073"]("\u0061\u0063\u0074\u0069\u0076\u0065");$(this)['closest']("\u002e\u0064\u0072\u006f\u0070\u0064\u006f\u0077\u006e")["\u0066\u0069\u006e\u0064"]("eltit-nwodpord.".split("").reverse().join(""))['html']($(this)["\u0074\u0065\u0078\u0074"]());lang=$(this)["\u0064\u0061\u0074\u0061"]('lang');translate["\u0063\u0068\u0061\u006e\u0067\u0065\u004c\u0061\u006e\u0067\u0075\u0061\u0067\u0065"](lang);})['each'](function(){lang=$(this)["\u0064\u0061\u0074\u0061"]('lang');ptitle=$(this)['closest']("nwodpord.".split("").reverse().join(""))['find']('.dropdown-title');if(lang==curlang){$(this)["\u0061\u0064\u0064\u0043\u006c\u0061\u0073\u0073"]('active')["\u0073\u0069\u0062\u006c\u0069\u006e\u0067\u0073"]()["\u0072\u0065\u006d\u006f\u0076\u0065\u0043\u006c\u0061\u0073\u0073"]("evitca".split("").reverse().join(""));if(curlang!="hsilgne".split("").reverse().join("")){ptitle['html']($(this)["\u0074\u0065\u0078\u0074"]())['addClass']("tnecca-knil".split("").reverse().join(""))["\u0073\u0069\u0062\u006c\u0069\u006e\u0067\u0073"]("ib.".split("").reverse().join(""))["\u0061\u0064\u0064\u0043\u006c\u0061\u0073\u0073"]("tnecca-knil".split("").reverse().join(""));}}}); </script> <script> var _hmt = _hmt || []; (function() { var hm = document.createElement("script"); hm.src = "//"; var s = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(hm, s); })(); </script><!--foot--> </body> </html>

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