TM People: Ref 368282

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font-size: 1.2em; padding-right: 5px" aria-hidden="true"></i> <span class="semibold">Stable URI (with TM Ref ID):</span> <span id="uri" style="padding-left: 24px"></span> <img id="copy_button" src="../img/clippy.png" onclick="copy2clipboard()" title="Copy URI to clipboard"> <span id="copy_text"></span> <script> function copy2clipboard() { let textarea = document.createElement('textarea') = 't' = 0 document.body.appendChild(textarea) textarea.value = document.getElementById("uri").innerText let selector = document.querySelector('#t') document.execCommand('copy') document.body.removeChild(textarea) document.getElementById("copy_text").innerText = "Copied!" setTimeout(function() { document.getElementById("copy_text").innerText = "" }, 1000); } </script> </div> <!-- End .infobox-URI--> <div id="ref-info-general" class="flex-items"> <p class="division"><span class="semibold">Cluster role:</span> person<i class="fa fa-info-circle info-tooltip" style="color: #3e780e; padding-left: 3px; font-size: 0.9em;" aria-hidden="true"><span class="tooltiptext">The cluster role indicates whether this attestation refers to an actual subject in the text, or to a genealogical identifier added to a person’s identification. E.g. person = subject; father = patronymic; mother = metronymic; grandfather = paternal papponymic; mgrandfather = maternal papponymic, etc.</span></i></p><p class="division"><span class="semibold">Act:</span> person<i class="fa fa-info-circle info-tooltip" style="color: #3e780e; padding-left: 3px; font-size: 0.9em;" aria-hidden="true"><span class="tooltiptext">A description of the role of this person in the text concerning this particular attestation. A person can, for example, appear as an addressee in one text, and a witness in another. If no particular act is described, this field contains the attestation’s 'cluster position' (see above) by default.</span></i></p> </div> <!-- End #ref-info-general--> </div> <!-- End #ref-URI --> </div> <!-- End .row .first-container --> <div id="ref-extra-info" class="row flex-row flex-space-between"> <div id="ref-georef" class="flex-items"> <p id="ref-origo" class="semibold">Designation(s) of origin <i class="fa fa-info-circle info-tooltip" style="color: #3e780e; padding-left: 3px; font-size: 0.9em;" aria-hidden="true"><span class="tooltiptext">Any description of a person's ethnicity, origin, residence or other geographical designations that are explicitly added to this particular attestation in the text.</span></i></p> <p class="italic">[No designations of origin recorded in TM Ref]</p> </div> <!-- End #ref-info-general--> <div id="fu-ref" class="flex-items"> <p id="function" class="semibold">Function(s) <i class="fa fa-info-circle info-tooltip" style="color: #3e780e; padding-left: 3px; font-size: 0.9em;" aria-hidden="true"><span class="tooltiptext">Functions can include titles, occupations and status markers that are explicitly added to this particular attestation in the text, but older entries (mainly from the <span class="italic">Prosopographia Ptolemaica</span>) also record more abstract information. E.g. when a person can be linked to royal land, without explicitly being called a royal farmer, he is assigned to 'royal land (general)'. </span></i></p> <p class="italic">[No functions recorded in TM Ref]</p> </div> <!-- End #fu-ref --> </div> <!-- End #ref-info --> <div id="ref-onomastic-info" class="row"> <h3>Name(s)</h3> <div class="flex-column"><div class="less-padding flex-items flex-row"><div class="flex-items semibold ref-decl">Ἀπολλώνιος</div><div class="flex-items padding-left">= <a href="/nam/detail_namvar.php?namvar_id=581">TM NamVar 581 Ἀπολλώνιος</a>, Greek variant of <a href="/nam/detail.php?nam_id=1">TM Nam 1 Apollonios</a></div></div><div class="break-after flex-items flex-row"><div class="flex-items ref-decl"></div><div class="flex-items p-small padding-left"><span class="semibold">Linguistic origin(s) of the name:</span> Greek</div></div><div class="break-after flex-items flex-row"><div class="flex-items ref-decl"></div><div class="flex-items p-small padding-left"><span class="semibold">Refers to: </span> the god Apollon</div></div></div> </div> <!-- End #ref-onomastic-info --> <div id="ref-prosopographic-info" class="row"> <h3>Person details</h3><p class="less-padding"><a href="/per/detail.php?pnr=296338">TM Per 296338</a> <span class="padding-left"><i class="fa fa-mars" aria-hidden="true"></i><span class="padding-left"> Apollonios</span></p><p class="less-padding">Attested: BC 399 - 1</p></div> <!-- End #ref-prosopographic-info --><div id="ref-family-info" class="row"><h3>Relations</h3><p class="less-padding"><span class="semibold">Father:</span> <a href="/per/detail.php?pnr=330574">...</a></p></div> </div> <!-- End .container .first-container --> <div class="goto-top"><img src="../img/arrowtop.png" /><a href="#top">Back to top</a></div> </div> <!-- End #top --> <!-- Footer --> <!-- Footer --> <footer> <div class="wrapper"> <div class="flex"> <section class="footer-col"> <a href="../about">About Trismegistos</a> </section> <section class="footer-col"> <!--<a href="../guide.php">First time guide</a> & --><a href="../about_how_to_cite.php">How to cite</a><br> </section> <section class="footer-col"> <a href="../terms-of-use.html">Terms & conditions</a> </section> <section class="footer-col"> Contact: <script language="JavaScript"> var username = "mark.depauw"; var hostname = ""; var linktext = "<i class='fa fa-envelope' aria-hidden='true'></i>"; document.write("<a class='social' href='" + "mail" + "to:" + username + "@" + hostname + "'>" + linktext + "</a>"); </script> <a class="social" href="" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-facebook-square fa-lg aria-hidden="true""></i></a> <a class="social" href="" target="_blank"><img id="bluesky-logo" src="/img/bluesky.png"/></a> </section> <section class="footer-col"> Last update: <div id='updateplaceholder'></div> </section> <script> var xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", '/lastupdate.txt', false); xmlhttp.send(); if (xmlhttp.status==200) { result = xmlhttp.responseText; document.getElementById('updateplaceholder').innerHTML = result; } </script> <section class="footer-col"> <img id="kul-logo" src="/img/KUL_logo.png"/> </section> <section id="cc-license" class="footer-col"> <a rel="license" target="blank" href=""><img alt="Creative Commons License" style="border-width:0" src="" /></a> </section> </div> </div> <!-- End footer.wrapper--> </footer> <!-- Cookie warning --> <div id='cookie_warning_box'> <p class="cookie-text">This site uses cookies to provide you with the best user experience. 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