L盲nder in Africa | National Football Teams

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"\/de\/country\/63\/Ethiopia.html" } } , { "title": "Senegal", "id": "SN", "color": associationColors["CAF"], "customData": { 'joinedFifa' : 1964, 'countryId' : 163, 'continentId' : 2, 'route' : "\/de\/country\/163\/Senegal.html" } } , { "title": "Egypt", "id": "EG", "color": associationColors["CAF"], "customData": { 'joinedFifa' : 1923, 'countryId' : 57, 'continentId' : 2, 'route' : "\/de\/country\/57\/Egypt.html" } } , { "title": "South Sudan", "id": "SS", "color": associationColors["CAF"], "customData": { 'joinedFifa' : 2012, 'countryId' : 283, 'continentId' : 2, 'route' : "\/de\/country\/283\/South_Sudan.html" } } , { "title": "Chad", "id": "TD", "color": associationColors["CAF"], "customData": { 'joinedFifa' : 1964, 'countryId' : 40, 'continentId' : 2, 'route' : "\/de\/country\/40\/Chad.html" } } , { "title": "Namibia", "id": "NA", "color": associationColors["CAF"], "customData": { 'joinedFifa' : 1992, 'countryId' : 127, 'continentId' : 2, 'route' : "\/de\/country\/127\/Namibia.html" } } , { "title": "Cameroon", "id": "CM", "color": associationColors["CAF"], "customData": { 'joinedFifa' : 1964, 'countryId' : 35, 'continentId' : 2, 'route' : "\/de\/country\/35\/Cameroon.html" } } , { "title": "Comoros", "id": "KM", "color": associationColors["CAF"], "customData": { 'joinedFifa' : 2005, 'countryId' : 222, 'continentId' : 2, 'route' : "\/de\/country\/222\/Comoros.html" } } , { "title": "Mauritius", "id": "MU", "color": associationColors["CAF"], "customData": { 'joinedFifa' : 1964, 'countryId' : 120, 'continentId' : 2, 'route' : "\/de\/country\/120\/Mauritius.html" } } , { "title": "Ivory Coast", "id": "CI", "color": associationColors["CAF"], "customData": { 'joinedFifa' : 1964, 'countryId' : 209, 'continentId' : 2, 'route' : "\/de\/country\/209\/Ivory_Coast.html" } } , { "title": "Malawi", "id": "MW", "color": associationColors["CAF"], "customData": { 'joinedFifa' : 1968, 'countryId' : 113, 'continentId' : 2, 'route' : "\/de\/country\/113\/Malawi.html" } } , { "title": "Tunisia", "id": "TN", "color": associationColors["CAF"], "customData": { 'joinedFifa' : 1960, 'countryId' : 190, 'continentId' : 2, 'route' : "\/de\/country\/190\/Tunisia.html" } } , { "title": "Libya", "id": "LY", "color": associationColors["CAF"], "customData": { 'joinedFifa' : 1964, 'countryId' : 106, 'continentId' : 2, 'route' : "\/de\/country\/106\/Libya.html" } } , { "title": "Kenya", "id": "KE", "color": associationColors["CAF"], "customData": { 'joinedFifa' : 1960, 'countryId' : 97, 'continentId' : 2, 'route' : "\/de\/country\/97\/Kenya.html" } } , { "title": "Sudan", "id": "SD", "color": associationColors["CAF"], "customData": { 'joinedFifa' : 1948, 'countryId' : 176, 'continentId' : 2, 'route' : "\/de\/country\/176\/Sudan.html" } } , { "title": "Guinea", "id": "GN", "color": associationColors["CAF"], "customData": { 'joinedFifa' : 1962, 'countryId' : 78, 'continentId' : 2, 'route' : "\/de\/country\/78\/Guinea.html" } } , { "title": "Sierra Leone", "id": "SL", "color": associationColors["CAF"], "customData": { 'joinedFifa' : 1967, 'countryId' : 166, 'continentId' : 2, 'route' : "\/de\/country\/166\/Sierra_Leone.html" } } , { "title": "Gambia", "id": "GM", "color": associationColors["CAF"], "customData": { 'joinedFifa' : 1968, 'countryId' : 69, 'continentId' : 2, 'route' : "\/de\/country\/69\/Gambia.html" } } , { "title": "Eritrea", "id": "ER", "color": associationColors["CAF"], "customData": { 'joinedFifa' : 1998, 'countryId' : 61, 'continentId' : 2, 'route' : "\/de\/country\/61\/Eritrea.html" } } , { "title": "Sao Tome and Principe", "id": "ST", "color": associationColors["CAF"], "customData": { 'joinedFifa' : 1986, 'countryId' : 160, 'continentId' : 2, 'route' : "\/de\/country\/160\/Sao_Tome_And_Principe.html" } } , { "title": "DR Congo", "id": "CD", "color": associationColors["CAF"], "customData": { 'joinedFifa' : 1964, 'countryId' : 55, 'continentId' : 2, 'route' : "\/de\/country\/55\/Dr_Congo.html" } 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"\/de\/country\/126\/Mozambique.html" } } , { "title": "Burundi", "id": "BI", "color": associationColors["CAF"], "customData": { 'joinedFifa' : 1972, 'countryId' : 33, 'continentId' : 2, 'route' : "\/de\/country\/33\/Burundi.html" } } , { "title": "Zanzibar", "id": "UNKOWN", "color": associationColors["Non-FIFA"], "customData": { 'joinedFifa' : 0, 'countryId' : 211, 'continentId' : 2, 'route' : "\/de\/country\/211\/Zanzibar.html" } } , { "title": "Botswana", "id": "BW", "color": associationColors["CAF"], "customData": { 'joinedFifa' : 1978, 'countryId' : 27, 'continentId' : 2, 'route' : "\/de\/country\/27\/Botswana.html" } } , { "title": "Zimbabwe", "id": "ZW", "color": associationColors["CAF"], "customData": { 'joinedFifa' : 1965, 'countryId' : 208, 'continentId' : 2, 'route' : "\/de\/country\/208\/Zimbabwe.html" } } , { "title": "Angola", "id": "AO", "color": associationColors["CAF"], "customData": { 'joinedFifa' : 1980, 'countryId' : 6, 'continentId' : 2, 'route' : "\/de\/country\/6\/Angola.html" } } , { "title": "Zambia", "id": "ZM", "color": associationColors["CAF"], "customData": { 'joinedFifa' : 1964, 'countryId' : 207, 'continentId' : 2, 'route' : "\/de\/country\/207\/Zambia.html" } } , { "title": "Togo", "id": "TG", "color": associationColors["CAF"], "customData": { 'joinedFifa' : 1964, 'countryId' : 187, 'continentId' : 2, 'route' : "\/de\/country\/187\/Togo.html" } } , { "title": "Liberia", "id": "LR", "color": associationColors["CAF"], "customData": { 'joinedFifa' : 1964, 'countryId' : 105, 'continentId' : 2, 'route' : "\/de\/country\/105\/Liberia.html" } } , { "title": "South Africa", "id": "ZA", "color": associationColors["CAF"], "customData": { 'joinedFifa' : 1992, 'countryId' : 172, 'continentId' : 2, 'route' : "\/de\/country\/172\/South_Africa.html" } } , { "title": "Ghana", "id": "GH", "color": associationColors["CAF"], "customData": { 'joinedFifa' : 1958, 'countryId' : 72, 'continentId' : 2, 'route' : 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