Jetson Nano 2GB Dev Kit got bricked after `sudo apt upgrade`(Serial Log Included) - Jetson Nano - NVIDIA Developer Forums

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I issued sudo apt update and sudo apt upgrade. After restart, the system does not boot at all. It is stuck at Nividia Logo. I connected serial usb and here is what I get on serial. It’s complaining about ERROR: reserving fdt memory region failed (addr=0 size=0): Here is the full log: boot_log.txt (17.7 KB) Here is what I tried with no success: I re-downloaded and re-installed Jetson O..." /> <meta name="twitter:description" content="I got the Jetson Nano 2GB, Installed Jetson OS successfully using Etcher and booted fine for the first time. I issued sudo apt update and sudo apt upgrade. After restart, the system does not boot at all. It is stuck at Nividia Logo. I connected serial usb and here is what I get on serial. It’s complaining about ERROR: reserving fdt memory region failed (addr=0 size=0): Here is the full log: boot_log.txt (17.7 KB) Here is what I tried with no success: I re-downloaded and re-installed Jetson O..." /> <meta property="og:article:section" content="Autonomous Machines" /> <meta property="og:article:section:color" content="76B900" /> <meta property="og:article:section" content="Jetson &amp; Embedded Systems" /> <meta property="og:article:section:color" content="76B900" /> <meta property="og:article:section" content="Jetson Nano" /> <meta property="og:article:section:color" content="76B900" /> <meta property="og:article:tag" content="nano2gb" /> <meta property="og:article:tag" content="boot" /> <meta property="article:published_time" content="2021-08-04T12:00:08+00:00" /> <meta property="og:ignore_canonical" content="true" /> <script type="application/ld+json">{"@context":"","@type":"QAPage","name":"Jetson Nano 2GB Dev Kit got bricked after `sudo apt upgrade`(Serial Log Included)","mainEntity":{"@type":"Question","name":"Jetson Nano 2GB Dev Kit got bricked after `sudo apt upgrade`(Serial Log Included)","text":"I got the Jetson Nano 2GB, Installed Jetson OS successfully using Etcher and booted fine for the first time. I issued sudo apt update and sudo apt upgrade. After restart, the system does not boot at all. It is stuck at Nividia Logo. I connected serial usb and here is what I get on serial. It’s compl&hellip;","upvoteCount":0,"answerCount":1,"datePublished":"2021-08-04T12:00:08.524Z","author":{"@type":"Person","name":"jemzipx","url":""},"acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Ok, then please RMA this module.","upvoteCount":0,"datePublished":"2021-08-06T02:20:42.357Z","url":"","author":{"@type":"Person","name":"WayneWWW","url":""}}}}</script> </head> <body class="crawler browser-update"> <header> <a href="/"> NVIDIA Developer Forums </a> </header> <div id="main-outlet" class="wrap" role="main"> <div id="topic-title"> <h1> <a href="/t/jetson-nano-2gb-dev-kit-got-bricked-after-sudo-apt-upgrade-serial-log-included/185631">Jetson Nano 2GB Dev Kit got bricked after `sudo apt upgrade`(Serial Log Included)</a> </h1> <div class="topic-category" itemscope itemtype=""> <span itemprop="itemListElement" itemscope itemtype=""> <a href="/c/agx-autonomous-machines/jetson-embedded-systems/jetson-nano/76" class="badge-wrapper bullet" itemprop="item"> <span class='badge-category-bg' style='background-color: #76B900'></span> <span class='badge-category clear-badge'> <span class='category-name' itemprop='name'>Autonomous Machines</span> </span> </a> <meta itemprop="position" content="1" /> </span> <span itemprop="itemListElement" itemscope itemtype=""> <a href="/c/agx-autonomous-machines/jetson-embedded-systems/jetson-nano/76" class="badge-wrapper bullet" itemprop="item"> <span class='badge-category-bg' style='background-color: #76B900'></span> <span class='badge-category clear-badge'> <span class='category-name' itemprop='name'>Jetson &amp; Embedded Systems</span> </span> </a> <meta itemprop="position" content="2" /> </span> <span itemprop="itemListElement" itemscope itemtype=""> <a href="/c/agx-autonomous-machines/jetson-embedded-systems/jetson-nano/76" class="badge-wrapper bullet" itemprop="item"> <span class='badge-category-bg' style='background-color: #76B900'></span> <span class='badge-category clear-badge'> <span class='category-name' itemprop='name'>Jetson Nano</span> </span> </a> <meta itemprop="position" content="3" /> </span> </div> <div class="topic-category"> <div class='discourse-tags list-tags'> <a href='' class='discourse-tag' rel="tag">nano2gb</a>, <a href='' class='discourse-tag' rel="tag">boot</a> </div> </div> </div> <div itemscope itemtype=''> <meta itemprop='headline' content='Jetson Nano 2GB Dev Kit got bricked after `sudo apt upgrade`(Serial Log Included)'> <link itemprop='url' href=''> <meta itemprop='datePublished' content='2021-08-04T12:00:08Z'> <meta itemprop='articleSection' content='Jetson Nano'> <meta itemprop='keywords' content='nano2gb, boot'> <div itemprop='publisher' itemscope itemtype=""> <meta itemprop='name' content='NVIDIA'> <div itemprop='logo' itemscope itemtype=""> <meta itemprop='url' content=''> </div> </div> <div id='post_1' class='topic-body crawler-post'> <div class='crawler-post-meta'> <span class="creator" itemprop="author" itemscope itemtype=""> <a itemprop="url" href=''><span itemprop='name'>jemzipx</span></a> </span> <link itemprop="mainEntityOfPage" href=""> <span class="crawler-post-infos"> <time datetime='2021-08-04T12:00:08Z' class='post-time'> August 4, 2021, 12:00pm </time> <meta itemprop='dateModified' content='2021-08-04T23:59:27Z'> <span itemprop='position'>1</span> </span> </div> <div class='post' itemprop='text'> <p>I got the Jetson Nano 2GB, Installed Jetson OS successfully using Etcher and booted fine for the first time. I issued <code>sudo apt update</code> and <code>sudo apt upgrade</code>. After restart, the system does not boot at all. It is stuck at Nividia Logo. I connected serial usb and here is what I get on serial. It’s complaining about <code>ERROR: reserving fdt memory region failed (addr=0 size=0)</code>: Here is the full log:</p> <p><a class="attachment" href="/uploads/short-url/9mcn8OKZUq5wcoXg8uCMHazTwXb.txt">boot_log.txt</a> (17.7 KB)</p> <p>Here is what I tried with no success:</p> <ol> <li>I re-downloaded and re-installed Jetson OS on different Micro SD cards</li> <li>I used SDKManager to flash directly but for some reason jetson os flashing gets stuck at 99.80%.</li> <li>I tried to compile u-boot and used <code>sudo ./ -k LNX jetson-nano-2gb-devkit internal</code> but for some reason it is not successful and gets stuch at 'boot rom communication` message.</li> </ol> <p>Is this unit bricked? should I RMA it?</p> <p>`</p> </div> <div itemprop="interactionStatistic" itemscope itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="interactionType" content=""/> <meta itemprop="userInteractionCount" content="0" /> <span class='post-likes'></span> </div> </div> <div id='post_3' itemprop='comment' itemscope itemtype='' class='topic-body crawler-post'> <div class='crawler-post-meta'> <span class="creator" itemprop="author" itemscope itemtype=""> <a itemprop="url" href=''><span itemprop='name'>WayneWWW</span></a> </span> <span class="crawler-post-infos"> <time itemprop='datePublished' datetime='2021-08-05T02:49:06Z' class='post-time'> August 5, 2021, 2:49am </time> <meta itemprop='dateModified' content='2021-08-05T02:49:06Z'> <span itemprop='position'>3</span> </span> </div> <div class='post' itemprop='text'> <p>Can you directly use below setup and command to share log?</p> <p>Setup:</p> <ol> <li> <p>Monitoring the serial console log on your host.</p> </li> <li> <p>Run commands: sudo ./ jetson-nano-2gb-devkit mmcblk0p1</p> </li> <li> <p>You shall see returns one log, we call it host log. And you shall see the serial console print another log, we call it device log.</p> </li> <li> <p>Please copy both logs and attach them as text file here. We need the full log. So please do not just give my a one line log.</p> </li> </ol> </div> <div itemprop="interactionStatistic" itemscope itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="interactionType" content=""/> <meta itemprop="userInteractionCount" content="0" /> <span class='post-likes'></span> </div> </div> <div id='post_4' itemprop='comment' itemscope itemtype='' class='topic-body crawler-post'> <div class='crawler-post-meta'> <span class="creator" itemprop="author" itemscope itemtype=""> <a itemprop="url" href=''><span itemprop='name'>jemzipx</span></a> </span> <span class="crawler-post-infos"> <time itemprop='datePublished' datetime='2021-08-05T10:35:15Z' class='post-time'> August 5, 2021, 10:35am </time> <meta itemprop='dateModified' content='2021-08-05T10:35:15Z'> <span itemprop='position'>4</span> </span> </div> <div class='post' itemprop='text'> <p>I apologize for the incomplete logs. Here are the full ones:<br> Host Log after issuing sudo ./ jetson-nano-2gb-devkit mmcblk0p1:</p> <pre><code class="lang-auto">############################################################################### # L4T BSP Information: # R32 , REVISION: 5.2 ############################################################################### # Target Board Information: # Name: jetson-nano-2gb-devkit, Board Family: t210ref, SoC: Tegra 210, # OpMode: production, Boot Authentication: , # Disk encryption: disabled , ############################################################################### ./ --chip 0x21 --applet "/home/myuser/src/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/nvtboot_recovery.bin" --skipuid --cmd "dump eeprom boardinfo cvm.bin" Welcome to Tegra Flash version 1.0.0 Type ? or help for help and q or quit to exit Use ! to execute system commands [ 0.0012 ] Generating RCM messages [ 0.0023 ] tegrarcm --listrcm rcm_list.xml --chip 0x21 0 --download rcm /home/myuser/src/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/nvtboot_recovery.bin 0 0 [ 0.0032 ] RCM 0 is saved as rcm_0.rcm [ 0.0039 ] RCM 1 is saved as rcm_1.rcm [ 0.0039 ] List of rcm files are saved in rcm_list.xml [ 0.0039 ] [ 0.0039 ] Signing RCM messages [ 0.0048 ] tegrasign --key None --list rcm_list.xml --pubkeyhash pub_key.key [ 0.0057 ] Assuming zero filled SBK key [ 0.0141 ] [ 0.0141 ] Copying signature to RCM mesages [ 0.0155 ] tegrarcm --chip 0x21 0 --updatesig rcm_list_signed.xml [ 0.0173 ] [ 0.0174 ] Boot Rom communication [ 0.0185 ] tegrarcm --chip 0x21 0 --rcm rcm_list_signed.xml --skipuid </code></pre> <p>Device Log:</p> <pre><code class="lang-auto">[0000.125] [L4T TegraBoot] (version 00.00.2018.01-l4t-dd84d362) [0000.130] Processing in cold boot mode Bootloader 2 [0000.135] A02 Bootrom Patch rev = 1023 [0000.138] Power-up reason: pmc por [0000.141] No Battery Present [0000.144] pmic max77620 reset reason [0000.147] pmic max77620 NVERC : 0x46 [0000.151] RamCode = 1 [0000.153] Platform has DDR4 type RAM [0000.156] max77620 disabling SD1 Remote Sense [0000.161] Setting DDR voltage to 1125mv [0000.165] Serial Number of Pmic Max77663: 0x228d3 [0000.172] Entering ramdump check [0000.175] Get RamDumpCarveOut = 0x0 [0000.178] RamDumpCarveOut=0x0, RamDumperFlag=0xe59ff3f8 [0000.184] Last reboot was clean, booting normally! [0000.188] Sdram initialization is successful [0000.192] SecureOs Carveout Base=0x00000000ff800000 Size=0x00800000 [0000.198] Lp0 Carveout Base=0x00000000ff800000 Size=0x00000000 [0000.204] BpmpFw Carveout Base=0x00000000ff800000 Size=0x00000000 [0000.210] GSC1 Carveout Base=0x00000000ff800000 Size=0x00000000 [0000.216] Resize the SecureOs Carveout to 0x00100000 [0000.221] GSC2 Carveout Base=0x00000000ff900000 Size=0x00100000 [0000.226] GSC4 Carveout Base=0x00000000ff800000 Size=0x00000000 [0000.232] GSC5 Carveout Base=0x00000000ff800000 Size=0x00000000 [0000.238] GSC3 Carveout Base=0x00000000bf800000 Size=0x00200000 [0000.244] RamDump Carveout Base=0x0000000000000000 Size=0x00000000 [0000.250] Platform-DebugCarveout: 0 [0000.253] Nck Carveout Base=0x00000000ff800000 Size=0x00000000 [0000.259] Non secure mode, and RB not enabled. [0000.263] BoardID = 3448, SKU = 0x3 [0000.266] QSPI-ONLY: SkipQspiOnlyFlag = 0 [0000.270] Nano-SD: checking PT table on QSPI ... [0000.274] Read PT from (2:0) [0000.290] Using BFS PT to query partitions [0000.295] Loading Tboot-CPU binary [0000.324] Verifying TBC in OdmNonSecureSBK mode [0000.334] Bootloader load address is 0xa0000000, entry address is 0xa0000258 [0000.341] Bootloader downloaded successfully. [0000.345] Downloaded Tboot-CPU binary to 0xa0000258 [0000.350] MAX77620_GPIO5 configured [0000.353] CPU power rail is up [0000.356] CPU clock enabled [0000.360] Performing RAM repair [0000.363] Updating A64 Warmreset Address to 0xa00002e9 [0000.368] BoardID = 3448, SKU = 0x3 [0000.371] QSPI-ONLY: SkipQspiOnlyFlag = 0 [0000.375] Nano-SD: checking PT table on QSPI ... [0000.379] Loading NvTbootBootloaderDTB [0000.446] Verifying NvTbootBootloaderDTB in OdmNonSecureSBK mode [0000.519] Bootloader DTB Load Address: 0x83000000 [0000.523] BoardID = 3448, SKU = 0x3 [0000.527] QSPI-ONLY: SkipQspiOnlyFlag = 0 [0000.530] Nano-SD: checking PT table on QSPI ... [0000.535] Loading NvTbootKernelDTB [0000.601] Verifying NvTbootKernelDTB in OdmNonSecureSBK mode [0000.674] Kernel DTB Load Address: 0x83100000 [0000.678] BoardID = 3448, SKU = 0x3 [0000.681] QSPI-ONLY: SkipQspiOnlyFlag = 0 [0000.685] Nano-SD: checking PT table on QSPI ... [0000.691] Loading cboot binary [0000.807] Verifying EBT in OdmNonSecureSBK mode [0000.849] Bootloader load address is 0x92c00000, entry address is 0x92c00258 [0000.856] Bootloader downloaded successfully. [0000.860] BoardID = 3448, SKU = 0x3 [0000.863] QSPI-ONLY: SkipQspiOnlyFlag = 0 [0000.867] Nano-SD: checking PT table on QSPI ... [0000.872] PT: Partition NCT NOT found ! [0000.875] Warning: Find Partition via PT Failed [0000.880] Next binary entry address: 0x92c00258 [0000.884] BoardId: 3448 [0000.889] Overriding pmu board id with proc board id [0000.894] Display board id is not available [0000.898] No Bpmp FW loaded [0000.900] Not loading WB0 as no bpmp/sc7entry fw [0000.905] Set NvDecSticky Bits [0000.908] GSC2 address ff93fffc value c0edbbcc [0000.915] GSC MC Settings done [0000.917] BoardID = 3448, SKU = 0x3 [0000.921] QSPI-ONLY: SkipQspiOnlyFlag = 0 [0000.925] Nano-SD: checking PT table on QSPI ... [0000.930] TOS Image length 53680 [0000.933] Monitor size 53680 [0000.936] OS size 0 [0000.951] Secure Os AES-CMAC Verification Success! [0000.956] TOS image cipher info: plaintext [0000.959] Loading and Validation of Secure OS Successful [0000.975] NvTbootPackSdramParams: start. [0000.980] NvTbootPackSdramParams: done. [0000.984] Tegraboot started after 51830 us [0000.988] Basic modules init took 909012 us [0000.992] Sec Bootdevice Read Time = 12 ms, Read Size = 61 KB [0000.998] Sec Bootdevice Write Time = 0 ms, Write Size = 0 KB [0001.003] Next stage binary read took 11286 us [0001.007] Carveout took -63810 us [0001.011] CPU initialization took 99962 us [0001.014] Total time taken by TegraBoot 956450 us [0001.019] Starting CPU &amp; Halting co-processor 64NOTICE: BL31: v1.3(release):5b49e7f80 NOTICE: BL31: Built : 11:29:29, Jun 14 2021 ERROR: Error initializing runtime service trusty_fast [0001.141] RamCode = 1 [0001.143] get_emc_table_offset: Can't find emc-table node [0001.148] LPDDR4 Training: Can't find emc-table node [0001.184] [0001.185] Debug Init done [0001.187] Marked DTB cacheable [0001.190] Bootloader DTB loaded at 0x83000000 [0001.195] Marked DTB cacheable [0001.198] Kernel DTB loaded at 0x83100000 [0001.202] DeviceTree Init done [0001.215] Pinmux applied successfully [0001.219] gicd_base: 0x50041000 [0001.223] gicc_base: 0x50042000 [0001.226] Interrupts Init done [0001.230] Using base:0x60005090 &amp; irq:208 for tick-timer [0001.235] Using base:0x60005098 for delay-timer [0001.240] platform_init_timer: DONE [0001.243] Timer(tick) Init done [0001.247] osc freq = 38400 khz [0001.251] [0001.252] Welcome to L4T Cboot [0001.255] [0001.256] Cboot Version: 00.00.2018.01-t210-39562017 [0001.261] calling constructors [0001.264] initializing heap [0001.266] initializing threads [0001.269] initializing timers [0001.272] creating bootstrap completion thread [0001.277] top of bootstrap2() [0001.280] CPU: ARM Cortex A57 [0001.282] CPU: MIDR: 0x411FD071, MPIDR: 0x80000000 [0001.287] initializing platform [0001.295] Manufacturer: MF = 0xc2, ID MSB = 0x25 [0001.299] ID LSB = 0x36, ID-CFI len = 194 bytes [0001.304] Macronix QSPI chip present [0001.307] SPI device register [0001.310] init boot device [0001.313] allocating memory for boot device(SPI) [0001.317] registering boot device [0001.326] QSPI bdev is already initialized [0001.330] Enable APE clock [0001.332] Un-powergate APE partition [0001.336] of_register: registering tegra_udc to of_hal [0001.341] of_register: registering inv20628-driver to of_hal [0001.346] of_register: registering ads1015-driver to of_hal [0001.352] of_register: registering lp8557-bl-driver to of_hal [0001.358] of_register: registering bq2419x_charger to of_hal [0001.363] of_register: registering bq27441_fuel_gauge to of_hal [0001.375] gpio framework initialized [0001.378] of_register: registering tca9539_gpio to of_hal [0001.384] of_register: registering tca9539_gpio to of_hal [0001.389] of_register: registering i2c_bus_driver to of_hal [0001.395] of_register: registering i2c_bus_driver to of_hal [0001.400] of_register: registering i2c_bus_driver to of_hal [0001.406] pmic framework initialized [0001.409] of_register: registering max77620_pmic to of_hal [0001.415] regulator framework initialized [0001.419] of_register: registering tps65132_bl_driver to of_hal [0001.425] initializing target [0001.430] gpio_driver_register: register 'tegra_gpio_driver' driver [0001.438] board ID = D78, board SKU = 3 [0001.442] Skipping Z3! [0001.447] fixed regulator driver initialized [0001.465] initializing OF layer [0001.468] NCK carveout not present [0001.471] Skipping dts_overrides [0001.475] of_children_init: Ops found for compatible string nvidia,tegra210-i2c [0001.492] I2C Bus Init done [0001.495] of_children_init: Ops found for compatible string nvidia,tegra210-i2c [0001.505] I2C Bus Init done [0001.508] of_children_init: Ops found for compatible string nvidia,tegra210-i2c [0001.518] I2C Bus Init done [0001.521] of_children_init: Ops found for compatible string nvidia,tegra210-i2c [0001.531] I2C Bus Init done [0001.534] of_children_init: Ops found for compatible string nvidia,tegra210-i2c [0001.544] I2C Bus Init done [0001.547] of_children_init: Ops found for compatible string maxim,max77620 [0001.557] max77620_init using irq 118 [0001.562] register 'maxim,max77620' pmic [0001.567] gpio_driver_register: register 'max77620-gpio' driver [0001.573] of_children_init: Ops found for compatible string nvidia,tegra210-i2c [0001.583] I2C Bus Init done [0001.587] NCK carveout not present [0001.597] Find /i2c@7000c000's alias i2c0 [0001.601] get eeprom at 1-a0, size 256, type 0 [0001.610] Find /i2c@7000c500's alias i2c2 [0001.613] get eeprom at 3-a0, size 256, type 0 [0001.618] get eeprom at 3-ae, size 256, type 0 [0001.622] pm_ids_update: Updating 1,a0, size 256, type 0 [0001.627] I2C slave not started [0001.630] I2C write failed [0001.633] Writing offset failed [0001.636] eeprom_init: EEPROM read failed [0001.640] pm_ids_update: eeprom init failed [0001.644] pm_ids_update: Updating 3,a0, size 256, type 0 [0001.674] pm_ids_update: The pm board id is 3448-0003-400 [0001.681] Adding plugin-manager/ids/3448-0003-400=/i2c@7000c500:module@0x50 [0001.690] pm_ids_update: pm id update successful [0001.694] pm_ids_update: Updating 3,ae, size 256, type 0 [0001.724] pm_ids_update: The pm board id is 3542-0000-200 [0001.730] Adding plugin-manager/ids/3542-0000-200=/i2c@7000c500:module@0x57 [0001.738] pm_ids_update: pm id update successful [0001.769] eeprom_get_mac: EEPROM invalid MAC address (all 0xff) [0001.774] shim_eeprom_update_mac:267: Failed to update 0 MAC address in DTB [0001.782] eeprom_get_mac: EEPROM invalid MAC address (all 0xff) [0001.788] shim_eeprom_update_mac:267: Failed to update 1 MAC address in DTB [0001.797] updating /chosen/nvidia,ethernet-mac node 48:b0:2d:2d:fd:ef [0001.803] Plugin Manager: Parse ODM data 0x000a4000 [0001.815] shim_cmdline_install: /chosen/bootargs: earlycon=uart8250,mmio32,0x70006000 [0001.830] Find /i2c@7000c000's alias i2c0 [0001.834] get eeprom at 1-a0, size 256, type 0 [0001.843] Find /i2c@7000c500's alias i2c2 [0001.847] get eeprom at 3-a0, size 256, type 0 [0001.851] get eeprom at 3-ae, size 256, type 0 [0001.856] pm_ids_update: Updating 1,a0, size 256, type 0 [0001.861] I2C slave not started [0001.864] I2C write failed [0001.867] Writing offset failed [0001.870] eeprom_init: EEPROM read failed [0001.873] pm_ids_update: eeprom init failed [0001.878] pm_ids_update: Updating 3,a0, size 256, type 0 [0001.908] pm_ids_update: The pm board id is 3448-0003-400 [0001.914] Adding plugin-manager/ids/3448-0003-400=/i2c@7000c500:module@0x50 [0001.921] pm_ids_update: pm id update successful [0001.925] pm_ids_update: Updating 3,ae, size 256, type 0 [0001.956] pm_ids_update: The pm board id is 3542-0000-200 [0001.962] Adding plugin-manager/ids/3542-0000-200=/i2c@7000c500:module@0x57 [0001.969] pm_ids_update: pm id update successful [0001.999] Add serial number:1423820002778 as DT property [0002.007] Applying platform configs [0002.014] platform-init is not present. Skipping [0002.018] calling apps_init() [0002.024] Couldn't find GPT header [0002.028] Proceeding to Cold Boot [0002.032] starting app android_boot_app [0002.035] Device state: unlocked [0002.039] display console init [0002.047] could not find regulator [0002.050] hdmi cable connected [0002.066] edid read success [0002.081] edid rDT entry for leds-pwm not found e[0002.089] ad success [0002.091] width = 640, height = 480, frequency = 25174825 [0002.096] width = 640, height = 480, frequency = 25174825 [0002.101] width = 640, height = 480, frequency = 25174825 [0002.107] width = 640, height = 480, frequency = 25174825 [0002.112] width = 2560, height = 1440, frequency = 241500000 [0002.118] width = 1920, height = 1080, frequency = 148351648 [0002.123] width = 1280, height = 720, frequency = 74175824 [0002.129] width = 720, height = 480, frequency = 26973026 [0002.134] width = 720, height = 480, frequency = 26973026 [0002.140] width = 1920, height = 1080, frequency = 148351648 [0002.145] width = 1280, height = 720, frequency = 74175824 [0002.151] width = 720, height = 576, frequency = 26973026 [0002.156] width = 720, height = 576, frequency = 26973026 [0002.162] width = 640, height = 480, frequency = 25174825 [0002.167] Best mode Width = 1920, Height = 1080, freq = 148351648 [0002.175] tmds-config node not found [0002.179] pmc_set_io_pad_voltage: Error -2 retrieving platform-io-pad-voltagepropsetting 'avdd-io-hdmi-dp' regulator to 1050000 micro volts [0002.194] setting 'vdd-1v8' regulator to 1800000 micro volts [0002.201] could not find regulator [0002.204] could not find regulator [0002.208] could not find regulator [0002.236] using default cmu settings [0002.240] dc_hdmi_enable, starting HDMI initialisation [0002.246] dc_hdmi_enable, HDMI initialisation complete [0002.251] list and configure display window [0002.260] display console init completed [0002.271] subnode volume_up is not found ! [0002.275] subnode back is not found ! [0002.278] subnode volume_down is not found ! [0002.283] subnode menu is not found ! [0002.286] Gpio keyboard init success [0002.367] found decompressor handler: lz4-legacy [0002.381] decompressing blob (type 1)... [0002.450] load_bmp_blob: panelresolution=1080 type=3 [0002.525] decompressor handler not found [0002.529] load_firmware_blob: Firmware blob loaded, entries=2 [0002.535] XUSB blob version 0 size 124416 @ 0x934ae28c [0002.541] -------&gt; se_aes_verify_sbk_clear: 747 [0002.545] se_aes_verify_sbk_clear: Error [0002.549] SE operation failed [0002.552] bl_battery_charging: connected to external power supply [0002.564] device_query_partition_size: failed to open partition spiflash0:MSC ! [0002.571] MSC Partition not found [0002.578] device_query_partition_size: failed to open partition spiflash0:USP ! [0002.585] USP partition read failed! [0002.588] blob_init: blob-partition USP header read failed [0002.594] android_boot Unable to update recovery partition [0002.599] kfs_getpartname: name = LNX [0002.603] Loading kernel from LNX [0002.612] Found 19 BFS partitions in "spiflash0" [0002.935] load kernel from storage [0002.940] decompressor handler not found [0003.208] Successfully loaded kernel and ramdisk images [0003.213] board ID = D78, board SKU = 3 [0003.218] sdmmc node status = okay [0003.221] sdcard instance = 0 [0003.224] sdcard gpio handle 0x5b [0003.227] sdcard gpio pin 0xc9 [0003.230] sdcard gpio flags 0x0 [0003.233] vmmc-supply 0x9e [0003.236] cd_gpio_pin = 201 [0003.238] pin_state = 0 [0003.241] Found sdcard [0003.243] SD-card IS present ... [0003.246] load_and_boot_kernel: SD card detected OK [0003.252] load_bmp_blob: panelresolution=1080 type=3 [0003.736] display bmp image done [0003.739] NCK carveout not present [0003.742] Skipping dts_overrides [0003.746] NCK carveout not present [0003.755] Find /i2c@7000c000's alias i2c0 [0003.759] get eeprom at 1-a0, size 256, type 0 [0003.768] Find /i2c@7000c500's alias i2c2 [0003.772] get eeprom at 3-a0, size 256, type 0 [0003.777] get eeprom at 3-ae, size 256, type 0 [0003.781] pm_ids_update: Updating 1,a0, size 256, type 0 [0003.786] I2C slave not started [0003.789] I2C write failed [0003.792] Writing offset failed [0003.795] eeprom_init: EEPROM read failed [0003.799] pm_ids_update: eeprom init failed [0003.803] pm_ids_update: Updating 3,a0, size 256, type 0 [0003.833] pm_ids_update: The pm board id is 3448-0003-400 [0003.840] Adding plugin-manager/ids/3448-0003-400=/i2c@7000c500:module@0x50 [0003.848] pm_ids_update: pm id update successful [0003.853] pm_ids_update: Updating 3,ae, size 256, type 0 [0003.883] pm_ids_update: The pm board id is 3542-0000-200 [0003.889] Adding plugin-manager/ids/3542-0000-200=/i2c@7000c500:module@0x57 [0003.897] pm_ids_update: pm id update successful [0003.927] eeprom_get_mac: EEPROM invalid MAC address (all 0xff) [0003.933] shim_eeprom_update_mac:267: Failed to update 0 MAC address in DTB [0003.941] eeprom_get_mac: EEPROM invalid MAC address (all 0xff) [0003.947] shim_eeprom_update_mac:267: Failed to update 1 MAC address in DTB [0003.955] updating /chosen/nvidia,ethernet-mac node 48:b0:2d:2d:fd:ef [0003.962] Plugin Manager: Parse ODM data 0x000a4000 [0003.974] shim_cmdline_install: /chosen/bootargs: earlycon=uart8250,mmio32,0x70006000 [0003.982] Add serial number:1423820002778 as DT property [0003.990] Updated bpmp info to DTB [0003.995] Updated initrd info to DTB [0003.999] "proc-board" doesn't exist, creating [0004.005] Updated board info to DTB [0004.008] "pmu-board" doesn't exist, creating [0004.014] Updated board info to DTB [0004.017] "display-board" doesn't exist, creating [0004.023] Updated board info to DTB [0004.027] "reset" doesn't exist, creating [0004.031] Updated reset info to DTB [0004.035] Cmdline: tegraid= ddr_die=2048M@2048M section=256M memtype=0 vpr_resize usb_port_owner_info=0 lane_owner_info=0 emc_max_dvfs=0 touch_id=0@63 video=te [0004.072] DTB cmdline: earlycon=uart8250,mmio32,0x70006000 [0004.077] boot image cmdline: root=/dev/mmcblk0p1 rw rootwait rootfstype=ext4 console=ttyS0,115200n8 console=tty0 fbcon=map:0 net.ifnames=0 [0004.090] Updated bootarg info to DTB [0004.094] Adding uuid 000000016450888208000000180604c0 to DT [0004.100] Adding eks info 0 to DT [0004.105] WARNING: Failed to pass NS DRAM ranges to TOS, err: -7 [0004.111] Updated memory info to DTB [0004.119] set vdd_core voltage to 1125 mv [0004.123] setting 'vdd-core' regulator to 1125000 micro volts [0004.129] Found secure-pmc; disable BPMP U-Boot 2020.04-g6b630d64fd (Jun 14 2021 - 11:29:26 -0700) SoC: tegra210 Model: NVIDIA Jetson Nano Developer Kit Board: NVIDIA P3450-0000 DRAM: 2 GiB MMC: sdhci@700b0000: 1, sdhci@700b0600: 0 Loading Environment from SPI Flash... SF: Detected mx25u3235f with page size 256 Bytes, erase size 4 KiB, total 4 MiB *** Warning - bad CRC, using default environment In: serial Out: serial Err: serial Net: No ethernet found. Hit any key to stop autoboot: 0 switch to partitions #0, OK mmc1 is current device Scanning mmc 1:1... Found /boot/extlinux/extlinux.conf Retrieving file: /boot/extlinux/extlinux.conf 845 bytes read in 25 ms (32.2 KiB/s) 1: primary kernel Retrieving file: /boot/initrd 7159841 bytes read in 328 ms (20.8 MiB/s) Retrieving file: /boot/Image 34338824 bytes read in 1501 ms (21.8 MiB/s) append: tegraid= ddr_die=2048M@2048M section=256M memtype=0 vpr_resize usb_port_owner_info=0 lane_owner_info=0 emc_max_dvfs=0 touch_id=0@63 video=tegrafb no_con ## Flattened Device Tree blob at 83100000 Booting using the fdt blob at 0x83100000 ERROR: reserving fdt memory region failed (addr=0 size=0) ERROR: reserving fdt memory region failed (addr=0 size=0) Using Device Tree in place at 0000000083100000, end 000000008317e68d copying carveout for /host1x@50000000/dc@54200000... copying carveout for /host1x@50000000/dc@54240000... Starting kernel ... [ 0.000000] Booting Linux on physical CPU 0x0 [ 0.000000] Linux version 4.9.201-tegra (buildbrain@mobile-u64-5294-d8000) (gcc version 7.3.1 20180425 [linaro-7.3-2018.05 revision d29120a424ecfbc167ef90065c0eeb7f9191 [ 0.000000] Boot CPU: AArch64 Processor [411fd071] [ 0.000000] OF: fdt:memory scan node memory@80000000, reg size 48, [ 0.000000] OF: fdt: - 80000000 , 3f800000 [ 0.000000] OF: fdt: - bfa00000 , 3fe00000 [ 0.000000] OF: fdt: - ffa00000 , 600000 [ 0.000000] Found tegra_fbmem: 00800000@92ca9000 [ 0.000000] earlycon: uart8250 at MMIO32 0x0000000070006000 (options '') [ 0.000000] bootconsole [uart8250] enabled </code></pre> </div> <div itemprop="interactionStatistic" itemscope itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="interactionType" content=""/> <meta itemprop="userInteractionCount" content="0" /> <span class='post-likes'></span> </div> </div> <div id='post_5' itemprop='comment' itemscope itemtype='' class='topic-body crawler-post'> <div class='crawler-post-meta'> <span class="creator" itemprop="author" itemscope itemtype=""> <a itemprop="url" href=''><span itemprop='name'>WayneWWW</span></a> </span> <span class="crawler-post-infos"> <time itemprop='datePublished' datetime='2021-08-05T10:48:14Z' class='post-time'> August 5, 2021, 10:48am </time> <meta itemprop='dateModified' content='2021-08-05T10:48:14Z'> <span itemprop='position'>5</span> </span> </div> <div class='post' itemprop='text'> <p>Hello,</p> <p>The device log is not “during the flash”. It is already boot into kernel.</p> <p>What I need is checking if the uart log printed anything when “doing flash”.</p> </div> <div itemprop="interactionStatistic" itemscope itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="interactionType" content=""/> <meta itemprop="userInteractionCount" content="0" /> <span class='post-likes'></span> </div> </div> <div id='post_6' itemprop='comment' itemscope itemtype='' class='topic-body crawler-post'> <div class='crawler-post-meta'> <span class="creator" itemprop="author" itemscope itemtype=""> <a itemprop="url" href=''><span itemprop='name'>jemzipx</span></a> </span> <span class="crawler-post-infos"> <time itemprop='datePublished' datetime='2021-08-05T10:53:35Z' class='post-time'> August 5, 2021, 10:53am </time> <meta itemprop='dateModified' content='2021-08-05T10:53:35Z'> <span itemprop='position'>6</span> </span> </div> <div class='post' itemprop='text'> <p>It does not output anything doing the flash. Both minicom and screen’s outputs are empty.</p> </div> <div itemprop="interactionStatistic" itemscope itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="interactionType" content=""/> <meta itemprop="userInteractionCount" content="0" /> <span class='post-likes'></span> </div> </div> <div id='post_7' itemprop='comment' itemscope itemtype='' class='topic-body crawler-post'> <div class='crawler-post-meta'> <span class="creator" itemprop="author" itemscope itemtype=""> <a itemprop="url" href=''><span itemprop='name'>WayneWWW</span></a> </span> <span class="crawler-post-infos"> <time itemprop='datePublished' datetime='2021-08-06T02:20:42Z' class='post-time'> August 6, 2021, 2:20am </time> <meta itemprop='dateModified' content='2021-08-06T02:20:42Z'> <span itemprop='position'>7</span> </span> </div> <div class='post' itemprop='text'> <p>Ok, then please RMA this module.</p> </div> <div itemprop="interactionStatistic" itemscope itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="interactionType" content=""/> <meta itemprop="userInteractionCount" content="0" /> <span class='post-likes'></span> </div> </div> <div id='post_9' itemprop='comment' itemscope itemtype='' class='topic-body crawler-post'> <div class='crawler-post-meta'> <span class="creator" itemprop="author" itemscope itemtype=""> <a itemprop="url" href=''><span itemprop='name'>system</span></a> Closed </span> <span class="crawler-post-infos"> <time itemprop='datePublished' datetime='2021-10-10T06:52:30Z' class='post-time'> October 10, 2021, 6:52am </time> <meta itemprop='dateModified' content='2021-10-10T06:52:30Z'> <span itemprop='position'>9</span> </span> </div> <div class='post' itemprop='text'> <p>This topic was automatically closed 60 days after the last reply. New replies are no longer allowed.</p> </div> <div itemprop="interactionStatistic" itemscope itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="interactionType" content=""/> <meta itemprop="userInteractionCount" content="0" /> <span class='post-likes'></span> </div> </div> </div> <div id="related-topics" class="more-topics__list " role="complementary" aria-labelledby="related-topics-title"> <h3 id="related-topics-title" class="more-topics__list-title"> Related topics </h3> <div class="topic-list-container" itemscope itemtype=''> <meta itemprop='itemListOrder' content=''> <table class='topic-list'> <thead> <tr> <th>Topic</th> <th></th> <th class="replies">Replies</th> <th class="views">Views</th> <th>Activity</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class="topic-list-item" id="topic-list-item-262182"> <td class="main-link" itemprop='itemListElement' itemscope itemtype=''> <meta itemprop='position' content='1'> <span class="link-top-line"> <a itemprop='url' href='' class='title raw-link raw-topic-link'>Jetson Nano 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</span> <div class="link-bottom-line"> <a href='/c/agx-autonomous-machines/jetson-embedded-systems/jetson-nano/76' class='badge-wrapper bullet'> <span class='badge-category-bg' style='background-color: #76B900'></span> <span class='badge-category clear-badge'> <span class='category-name'>Jetson Nano</span> </span> </a> <div class="discourse-tags"> <a href='' class='discourse-tag'>boot</a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="replies"> <span class='posts' title='posts'>5</span> </td> <td class="views"> <span class='views' title='views'>901</span> </td> <td> October 15, 2021 </td> </tr> <tr class="topic-list-item" id="topic-list-item-184821"> <td class="main-link" itemprop='itemListElement' itemscope itemtype=''> <meta itemprop='position' content='3'> <span class="link-top-line"> <a itemprop='url' href='' class='title raw-link raw-topic-link'>Jetson Nano Developer Kit (4gb) doesn&#39;t boot after System Update (only shows Nvidia Logo)</a> </span> <div class="link-bottom-line"> <a 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bullet'> <span class='badge-category-bg' style='background-color: #76B900'></span> <span class='badge-category clear-badge'> <span class='category-name'>Jetson Nano</span> </span> </a> <div class="discourse-tags"> <a href='' class='discourse-tag'>boot</a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="replies"> <span class='posts' title='posts'>18</span> </td> <td class="views"> <span class='views' title='views'>1098</span> </td> <td> July 15, 2022 </td> </tr> <tr class="topic-list-item" id="topic-list-item-161185"> <td class="main-link" itemprop='itemListElement' itemscope itemtype=''> <meta itemprop='position' content='5'> <span class="link-top-line"> <a itemprop='url' href='' class='title raw-link raw-topic-link'>Nano boot hang again</a> </span> <div class="link-bottom-line"> <a href='/c/agx-autonomous-machines/jetson-embedded-systems/jetson-nano/76' class='badge-wrapper bullet'> <span class='badge-category-bg' style='background-color: #76B900'></span> <span class='badge-category clear-badge'> <span class='category-name'>Jetson Nano</span> </span> </a> <div class="discourse-tags"> <a href='' class='discourse-tag'>boot</a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="replies"> <span class='posts' title='posts'>14</span> </td> <td class="views"> <span class='views' title='views'>858</span> </td> <td> October 15, 2021 </td> </tr> <tr class="topic-list-item" id="topic-list-item-264538"> <td class="main-link" itemprop='itemListElement' itemscope itemtype=''> <meta itemprop='position' content='6'> <span class="link-top-line"> <a itemprop='url' href='' class='title raw-link raw-topic-link'>Bricked Jetson Nano bootloader/qspi, boot loop, unable to flash</a> </span> <div class="link-bottom-line"> <a href='/c/agx-autonomous-machines/jetson-embedded-systems/jetson-nano/76' class='badge-wrapper bullet'> <span class='badge-category-bg' style='background-color: #76B900'></span> <span class='badge-category clear-badge'> <span class='category-name'>Jetson Nano</span> </span> </a> <div 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class="discourse-tags"> <a href='' class='discourse-tag'>boot</a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="replies"> <span class='posts' title='posts'>11</span> </td> <td class="views"> <span class='views' title='views'>1472</span> </td> <td> October 15, 2021 </td> </tr> <tr class="topic-list-item" id="topic-list-item-81114"> <td class="main-link" itemprop='itemListElement' itemscope itemtype=''> <meta itemprop='position' content='8'> <span class="link-top-line"> <a itemprop='url' href='' class='title raw-link raw-topic-link'>Jetson nano cannot startup </a> </span> <div class="link-bottom-line"> <a href='/c/agx-autonomous-machines/jetson-embedded-systems/jetson-nano/76' class='badge-wrapper bullet'> <span class='badge-category-bg' style='background-color: #76B900'></span> <span class='badge-category clear-badge'> <span class='category-name'>Jetson Nano</span> </span> </a> <div class="discourse-tags"> </div> </div> </td> <td class="replies"> <span class='posts' title='posts'>18</span> </td> <td 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