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Data</a>, <a href="">analytic data platforms</a>, <a href="">Augmented Analytics</a>, <a href="">Collaborative Analytics</a>, <a href="">Mobile Analytics</a> <hr> </div> <div class="blog-index__post-content" style="margin-bottom: 80px"> <div class="post-meta"> <h2 style="font-size: 1.875rem;"><a href="">Infor is Vendor of Merit in Analytics and Data Buyers Guide</a></h2> <div class="author-meta"> Posted by <a href=""> ISG Software Research </a> on <span class="post-date">16 November 2023 </span> </div> <hr> <!--<hr>--> </div> <div class="list-card-p"><div class="wrapingimage"> <img src=";name=MP_Infor_is_Vendor_of_Merit_in_Analytics_and_Data_Buyers_Guide.png" width="200" !important: srcset=";name=MP_Infor_is_Vendor_of_Merit_in_Analytics_and_Data_Buyers_Guide.png 100w,;name=MP_Infor_is_Vendor_of_Merit_in_Analytics_and_Data_Buyers_Guide.png 200w,;name=MP_Infor_is_Vendor_of_Merit_in_Analytics_and_Data_Buyers_Guide.png 300w,;name=MP_Infor_is_Vendor_of_Merit_in_Analytics_and_Data_Buyers_Guide.png 400w,;name=MP_Infor_is_Vendor_of_Merit_in_Analytics_and_Data_Buyers_Guide.png 500w,;name=MP_Infor_is_Vendor_of_Merit_in_Analytics_and_Data_Buyers_Guide.png 600w" sizes="(max-width: 200px) 100vw, 200px"> </div> <p>We are happy to share some insights <span style="color: black;">about </span><span><a href="">Infor</a></span><span style="color: black;">drawn </span>from our latest market research, Ventana Research Buyers Guide: <span style="color: black;">Analytics and Data, which assesses how well vendors’ offerings meet buyers’ requirements. </span></p> </div> <a href=""><span class="readmore"> Read More </span></a><br><br> Topics: <a href="">embedded analytics</a>, <a href="">Analytics</a>, <a href="">Analytics &amp; Data</a>, <a href="">analytic data platforms</a>, <a href="">Augmented Analytics</a>, <a href="">Collaborative Analytics</a>, <a href="">Mobile Analytics</a> <hr> </div> <div class="blog-index__post-content" style="margin-bottom: 80px"> <div class="post-meta"> <h2 style="font-size: 1.875rem;"><a href="">GoodData is Vendor of Assurance in Analytics and Data Buyers Guide</a></h2> <div class="author-meta"> Posted by <a href=""> ISG Software Research </a> on <span class="post-date">15 November 2023 </span> </div> <hr> <!--<hr>--> </div> <div class="list-card-p"><div class="wrapingimage"> <img src=";name=MP_GoodData_is_Vendor_of_Assurance_in_Analytics_and_Data_Buyers_Guide.png" width="200" !important: srcset=";name=MP_GoodData_is_Vendor_of_Assurance_in_Analytics_and_Data_Buyers_Guide.png 100w,;name=MP_GoodData_is_Vendor_of_Assurance_in_Analytics_and_Data_Buyers_Guide.png 200w,;name=MP_GoodData_is_Vendor_of_Assurance_in_Analytics_and_Data_Buyers_Guide.png 300w,;name=MP_GoodData_is_Vendor_of_Assurance_in_Analytics_and_Data_Buyers_Guide.png 400w,;name=MP_GoodData_is_Vendor_of_Assurance_in_Analytics_and_Data_Buyers_Guide.png 500w,;name=MP_GoodData_is_Vendor_of_Assurance_in_Analytics_and_Data_Buyers_Guide.png 600w" sizes="(max-width: 200px) 100vw, 200px"> </div> <p>We are happy to share some insights <span style="color: black;">about </span><span><a href="">GoodData</a></span><span style="color: black;"> drawn </span>from our latest market research, Ventana Research Buyers Guide: <span style="color: black;">Analytics and Data, which assesses how well vendors’ offerings meet buyers’ requirements. </span></p> </div> <a href=""><span class="readmore"> Read More </span></a><br><br> Topics: <a href="">embedded analytics</a>, <a href="">Analytics</a>, <a href="">Analytics &amp; Data</a>, <a href="">analytic data platforms</a>, <a href="">Augmented Analytics</a>, <a href="">Collaborative Analytics</a>, <a href="">Mobile Analytics</a> <hr> </div> <div class="blog-index__post-content" style="margin-bottom: 80px"> <div class="post-meta"> <h2 style="font-size: 1.875rem;"><a href="">ThoughtSpot is Vendor of Merit in Analytics and Data Buyers Guide</a></h2> <div class="author-meta"> Posted by <a href=""> ISG Software Research </a> on <span class="post-date">14 November 2023 </span> </div> <hr> <!--<hr>--> </div> <div class="list-card-p"><div class="wrapingimage"> <img src=";name=MP_ThoughtSpot_is_Vendor_of_Merit_in_Analytics_and_Data_Buyers_Guide.png" width="200" !important: srcset=";name=MP_ThoughtSpot_is_Vendor_of_Merit_in_Analytics_and_Data_Buyers_Guide.png 100w,;name=MP_ThoughtSpot_is_Vendor_of_Merit_in_Analytics_and_Data_Buyers_Guide.png 200w,;name=MP_ThoughtSpot_is_Vendor_of_Merit_in_Analytics_and_Data_Buyers_Guide.png 300w,;name=MP_ThoughtSpot_is_Vendor_of_Merit_in_Analytics_and_Data_Buyers_Guide.png 400w,;name=MP_ThoughtSpot_is_Vendor_of_Merit_in_Analytics_and_Data_Buyers_Guide.png 500w,;name=MP_ThoughtSpot_is_Vendor_of_Merit_in_Analytics_and_Data_Buyers_Guide.png 600w" sizes="(max-width: 200px) 100vw, 200px"> </div> <p>We are happy to share some insights <span style="color: black;">about </span><span><a href="">ThoughtSpot</a></span><span style="color: black;"> drawn </span>from our latest market research, Ventana Research Buyers Guide: <span style="color: black;">Analytics and Data, which assesses how well vendors’ offerings meet buyers’ requirements. </span></p> </div> <a href=""><span class="readmore"> Read More </span></a><br><br> Topics: <a href="">embedded analytics</a>, <a href="">Analytics</a>, <a href="">Analytics &amp; Data</a>, <a href="">analytic data platforms</a>, <a href="">Augmented Analytics</a>, <a href="">Collaborative Analytics</a>, <a href="">Mobile Analytics</a> <hr> </div> <div class="blog-index__post-content" style="margin-bottom: 80px"> <div class="post-meta"> <h2 style="font-size: 1.875rem;"><a href="">Incorta is Vendor of Assurance in Analytics and Data Buyers Guide</a></h2> <div class="author-meta"> Posted by <a href=""> ISG Software Research </a> on <span class="post-date">13 November 2023 </span> </div> <hr> <!--<hr>--> </div> <div class="list-card-p"><div class="wrapingimage"> <img src=";name=MP_Incorta_is_Vendor_of_Assurance_in_Analytics_and_Data_Buyers_Guide.png" width="200" !important: srcset=";name=MP_Incorta_is_Vendor_of_Assurance_in_Analytics_and_Data_Buyers_Guide.png 100w,;name=MP_Incorta_is_Vendor_of_Assurance_in_Analytics_and_Data_Buyers_Guide.png 200w,;name=MP_Incorta_is_Vendor_of_Assurance_in_Analytics_and_Data_Buyers_Guide.png 300w,;name=MP_Incorta_is_Vendor_of_Assurance_in_Analytics_and_Data_Buyers_Guide.png 400w,;name=MP_Incorta_is_Vendor_of_Assurance_in_Analytics_and_Data_Buyers_Guide.png 500w,;name=MP_Incorta_is_Vendor_of_Assurance_in_Analytics_and_Data_Buyers_Guide.png 600w" sizes="(max-width: 200px) 100vw, 200px"> </div> <p>We are happy to share some insights <span style="color: black;">about </span><span><a href="">Incorta</a> </span><span style="color: black;">drawn </span>from our latest market research, Ventana Research Buyers Guide: <span style="color: black;">Analytics and Data, which assesses how well vendors’ offerings meet buyers’ requirements. </span></p> </div> <a href=""><span class="readmore"> Read More </span></a><br><br> Topics: <a href="">embedded analytics</a>, <a href="">Analytics</a>, <a href="">Analytics &amp; Data</a>, <a href="">analytic data platforms</a>, <a href="">Augmented Analytics</a>, <a href="">Collaborative Analytics</a>, <a href="">Mobile Analytics</a> <hr> </div> <div class="blog-index__post-content" style="margin-bottom: 80px"> <div class="post-meta"> <h2 style="font-size: 1.875rem;"><a href="">Google is Vendor of Merit in Analytics and Data Buyers Guide</a></h2> <div class="author-meta"> Posted by <a href=""> ISG Software Research </a> on <span class="post-date">09 November 2023 </span> </div> <hr> <!--<hr>--> </div> <div class="list-card-p"><div class="wrapingimage"> <img src=";name=MP_Google_is_Vendor_of_Merit_in_Analytics_and_Data_Buyers_Guide.png" width="200" !important: srcset=";name=MP_Google_is_Vendor_of_Merit_in_Analytics_and_Data_Buyers_Guide.png 100w,;name=MP_Google_is_Vendor_of_Merit_in_Analytics_and_Data_Buyers_Guide.png 200w,;name=MP_Google_is_Vendor_of_Merit_in_Analytics_and_Data_Buyers_Guide.png 300w,;name=MP_Google_is_Vendor_of_Merit_in_Analytics_and_Data_Buyers_Guide.png 400w,;name=MP_Google_is_Vendor_of_Merit_in_Analytics_and_Data_Buyers_Guide.png 500w,;name=MP_Google_is_Vendor_of_Merit_in_Analytics_and_Data_Buyers_Guide.png 600w" sizes="(max-width: 200px) 100vw, 200px"> </div> <p>We are happy to share some insights <span style="color: black;">about </span><a href="" style="text-decoration: none;">Google</a><span style="color: black;">drawn </span>from our latest market research, Ventana Research Buyers Guide: <span style="color: black;">Analytics and Data, which assesses how well vendors’ offerings meet buyers’ requirements. </span></p> </div> <a href=""><span class="readmore"> Read More </span></a><br><br> Topics: <a href="">embedded analytics</a>, <a href="">Analytics</a>, <a href="">Analytics &amp; Data</a>, <a href="">analytic data platforms</a>, <a href="">Augmented Analytics</a>, <a href="">Collaborative Analytics</a>, <a href="">Mobile Analytics</a> <hr> </div> <div class="blog-index__post-content" style="margin-bottom: 80px"> <div class="post-meta"> <h2 style="font-size: 1.875rem;"><a href="">AWS is Vendor of Merit in Analytics and Data Buyers Guide</a></h2> <div class="author-meta"> Posted by <a href=""> ISG Software Research </a> on <span class="post-date">08 November 2023 </span> </div> <hr> <!--<hr>--> </div> <div class="list-card-p"><div class="wrapingimage"> <img src=";name=MP_AWS_is_Vendor_of_Merit_in_Analytics_and_Data_Buyers_Guide.png" width="200" !important: srcset=";name=MP_AWS_is_Vendor_of_Merit_in_Analytics_and_Data_Buyers_Guide.png 100w,;name=MP_AWS_is_Vendor_of_Merit_in_Analytics_and_Data_Buyers_Guide.png 200w,;name=MP_AWS_is_Vendor_of_Merit_in_Analytics_and_Data_Buyers_Guide.png 300w,;name=MP_AWS_is_Vendor_of_Merit_in_Analytics_and_Data_Buyers_Guide.png 400w,;name=MP_AWS_is_Vendor_of_Merit_in_Analytics_and_Data_Buyers_Guide.png 500w,;name=MP_AWS_is_Vendor_of_Merit_in_Analytics_and_Data_Buyers_Guide.png 600w" sizes="(max-width: 200px) 100vw, 200px"> </div> <p>We are happy to share some insights about <span><a href="">AWS</a></span> drawn from our latest market research, Ventana Research Buyers Guide: Analytics and Data, which assesses how well vendors’ offerings meet buyers’ requirements.</p> </div> <a href=""><span class="readmore"> Read More </span></a><br><br> Topics: <a href="">embedded analytics</a>, <a href="">Analytics</a>, <a href="">Analytics &amp; Data</a>, <a href="">analytic data platforms</a>, <a href="">Augmented Analytics</a>, <a href="">Collaborative Analytics</a>, <a href="">Mobile Analytics</a> <hr> </div> <div class="blog-index__post-content" style="margin-bottom: 80px"> <div class="post-meta"> <h2 style="font-size: 1.875rem;"><a href="">Cloud Software Group is Vendor of Merit in Analytics and Data Buyers Guide</a></h2> <div class="author-meta"> Posted by <a href=""> ISG Software Research </a> on <span class="post-date">07 November 2023 </span> </div> <hr> <!--<hr>--> </div> <div class="list-card-p"><div class="wrapingimage"> <img src=";name=MP_Cloud_Software_Group_is_Vendor_of_Merit_in_Analytics_and_Data_Buyers_Guide.png" width="200" !important: srcset=";name=MP_Cloud_Software_Group_is_Vendor_of_Merit_in_Analytics_and_Data_Buyers_Guide.png 100w,;name=MP_Cloud_Software_Group_is_Vendor_of_Merit_in_Analytics_and_Data_Buyers_Guide.png 200w,;name=MP_Cloud_Software_Group_is_Vendor_of_Merit_in_Analytics_and_Data_Buyers_Guide.png 300w,;name=MP_Cloud_Software_Group_is_Vendor_of_Merit_in_Analytics_and_Data_Buyers_Guide.png 400w,;name=MP_Cloud_Software_Group_is_Vendor_of_Merit_in_Analytics_and_Data_Buyers_Guide.png 500w,;name=MP_Cloud_Software_Group_is_Vendor_of_Merit_in_Analytics_and_Data_Buyers_Guide.png 600w" sizes="(max-width: 200px) 100vw, 200px"> </div> <p>We are happy to share some insights <span style="color: black;">about </span><span><a href="">Cloud Software Group</a></span><span style="color: black;"> drawn </span>from our latest market research, Ventana Research Buyers Guide: <span style="color: black;">Analytics and Data, which assesses how well vendors’ offerings meet buyers’ requirements. </span></p> </div> <a href=""><span class="readmore"> Read More </span></a><br><br> Topics: <a href="">embedded analytics</a>, <a href="">Analytics</a>, <a href="">Analytics &amp; Data</a>, <a href="">analytic data platforms</a>, <a href="">Augmented Analytics</a>, <a href="">Collaborative Analytics</a>, <a href="">Mobile Analytics</a> <hr> </div> <div class="blog-index__post-content" style="margin-bottom: 80px"> <div class="post-meta"> <h2 style="font-size: 1.875rem;"><a href="">Pyramid Analytics is Vendor of Assurance in Analytics and Data Buyers Guide</a></h2> <div class="author-meta"> Posted by <a href=""> ISG Software Research </a> on <span class="post-date">06 November 2023 </span> </div> <hr> <!--<hr>--> </div> <div class="list-card-p"><div class="wrapingimage"> <img src=";name=MP_Pyramid_Analytics_is_Vendor_of_Assurance_in_Analytics_and_Data_Buyers_Guide.png" width="200" !important: srcset=";name=MP_Pyramid_Analytics_is_Vendor_of_Assurance_in_Analytics_and_Data_Buyers_Guide.png 100w,;name=MP_Pyramid_Analytics_is_Vendor_of_Assurance_in_Analytics_and_Data_Buyers_Guide.png 200w,;name=MP_Pyramid_Analytics_is_Vendor_of_Assurance_in_Analytics_and_Data_Buyers_Guide.png 300w,;name=MP_Pyramid_Analytics_is_Vendor_of_Assurance_in_Analytics_and_Data_Buyers_Guide.png 400w,;name=MP_Pyramid_Analytics_is_Vendor_of_Assurance_in_Analytics_and_Data_Buyers_Guide.png 500w,;name=MP_Pyramid_Analytics_is_Vendor_of_Assurance_in_Analytics_and_Data_Buyers_Guide.png 600w" sizes="(max-width: 200px) 100vw, 200px"> </div> <p>We are happy to share some insights <span style="color: black;">about </span><span><a href="">Pyramid Analytics</a> </span><span style="color: black;">drawn </span>from our latest market research, Ventana Research Buyers Guide: <span style="color: black;">Analytics and Data, which assesses how well vendors’ offerings meet buyers’ requirements. </span></p> </div> <a href=""><span class="readmore"> Read More </span></a><br><br> Topics: <a href="">embedded analytics</a>, <a href="">Analytics</a>, <a href="">Analytics &amp; Data</a>, <a href="">analytic data platforms</a>, <a href="">Augmented Analytics</a>, <a href="">Collaborative Analytics</a>, <a href="">Mobile Analytics</a> <hr> </div> <div class="blog-index__post-content" style="margin-bottom: 80px"> <div class="post-meta"> <h2 style="font-size: 1.875rem;"><a href="">insightsoftware is Vendor of Assurance in Analytics and Data Buyers Guide</a></h2> <div class="author-meta"> Posted by <a href=""> ISG Software Research </a> on <span class="post-date">03 November 2023 </span> </div> <hr> <!--<hr>--> </div> <div class="list-card-p"><div class="wrapingimage"> <img src=";name=MP_insightsoftware_is_Vendor_of_Assurance_in_Analytics_and_Data_Buyers_Guide.png" width="200" !important: srcset=";name=MP_insightsoftware_is_Vendor_of_Assurance_in_Analytics_and_Data_Buyers_Guide.png 100w,;name=MP_insightsoftware_is_Vendor_of_Assurance_in_Analytics_and_Data_Buyers_Guide.png 200w,;name=MP_insightsoftware_is_Vendor_of_Assurance_in_Analytics_and_Data_Buyers_Guide.png 300w,;name=MP_insightsoftware_is_Vendor_of_Assurance_in_Analytics_and_Data_Buyers_Guide.png 400w,;name=MP_insightsoftware_is_Vendor_of_Assurance_in_Analytics_and_Data_Buyers_Guide.png 500w,;name=MP_insightsoftware_is_Vendor_of_Assurance_in_Analytics_and_Data_Buyers_Guide.png 600w" sizes="(max-width: 200px) 100vw, 200px"> </div> <p>We are happy to share some insights <span style="color: black;">about </span><span><a href="">insightsoftware</a></span><span style="color: black;">drawn </span>from our latest market research, Ventana Research Buyers Guide: <span style="color: black;">Analytics and Data, which assesses how well vendors’ offerings meet buyers’ requirements. </span></p> </div> <a href=""><span class="readmore"> Read More </span></a><br><br> Topics: <a href="">embedded analytics</a>, <a href="">Analytics</a>, <a href="">Analytics &amp; Data</a>, <a href="">analytic data platforms</a>, <a href="">Augmented Analytics</a>, <a href="">Collaborative Analytics</a>, <a href="">Mobile Analytics</a> <hr> </div> <div class="blog-index__post-content" style="margin-bottom: 80px"> <div class="post-meta"> <h2 style="font-size: 1.875rem;"><a href="">Idera is Innovative in Analytics and Data Buyers Guide</a></h2> <div class="author-meta"> Posted by <a href=""> ISG Software Research </a> on <span class="post-date">02 November 2023 </span> </div> <hr> <!--<hr>--> </div> <div class="list-card-p"><div class="wrapingimage"> <img src=";name=MP_Idera_is_Innovative_in_Analytics_and_Data_Buyers_Guide.png" width="200" !important: srcset=";name=MP_Idera_is_Innovative_in_Analytics_and_Data_Buyers_Guide.png 100w,;name=MP_Idera_is_Innovative_in_Analytics_and_Data_Buyers_Guide.png 200w,;name=MP_Idera_is_Innovative_in_Analytics_and_Data_Buyers_Guide.png 300w,;name=MP_Idera_is_Innovative_in_Analytics_and_Data_Buyers_Guide.png 400w,;name=MP_Idera_is_Innovative_in_Analytics_and_Data_Buyers_Guide.png 500w,;name=MP_Idera_is_Innovative_in_Analytics_and_Data_Buyers_Guide.png 600w" sizes="(max-width: 200px) 100vw, 200px"> </div> <p>We are happy to share some insights <span style="color: black;">about </span><span><a href="">Idera</a> </span><span style="color: black;">drawn </span>from our latest market research, Ventana Research Buyers Guide: <span style="color: black;">Analytics and Data, which assesses how well vendors’ offerings meet buyers’ requirements. </span></p> </div> <a href=""><span class="readmore"> Read More </span></a><br><br> Topics: <a href="">embedded analytics</a>, <a href="">Analytics</a>, <a href="">Analytics &amp; Data</a>, <a href="">analytic data platforms</a>, <a href="">Augmented Analytics</a>, <a href="">Collaborative Analytics</a>, <a href="">Mobile Analytics</a> <hr> </div> <div class="blog-index__post-content" style="margin-bottom: 80px"> <div class="post-meta"> <h2 style="font-size: 1.875rem;"><a href="">Sisense is Vendor of Assurance in Analytics and Data Buyers Guide</a></h2> <div class="author-meta"> Posted by <a href=""> ISG Software Research </a> on <span class="post-date">01 November 2023 </span> </div> <hr> <!--<hr>--> </div> <div class="list-card-p"><div class="wrapingimage"> <img src=";name=MP_Sisense_is_Vendor_of_Assurance_in_Analytics_and_Data_Buyers_Guide.png" width="200" !important: srcset=";name=MP_Sisense_is_Vendor_of_Assurance_in_Analytics_and_Data_Buyers_Guide.png 100w,;name=MP_Sisense_is_Vendor_of_Assurance_in_Analytics_and_Data_Buyers_Guide.png 200w,;name=MP_Sisense_is_Vendor_of_Assurance_in_Analytics_and_Data_Buyers_Guide.png 300w,;name=MP_Sisense_is_Vendor_of_Assurance_in_Analytics_and_Data_Buyers_Guide.png 400w,;name=MP_Sisense_is_Vendor_of_Assurance_in_Analytics_and_Data_Buyers_Guide.png 500w,;name=MP_Sisense_is_Vendor_of_Assurance_in_Analytics_and_Data_Buyers_Guide.png 600w" sizes="(max-width: 200px) 100vw, 200px"> </div> <p>We are happy to share some insights <span style="color: black;">about </span><span><a href="">Sisense</a></span><span style="color: black;"> drawn </span>from our latest market research, Ventana Research Buyers Guide: <span style="color: black;">Analytics and Data, which assesses how well vendors’ offerings meet buyers’ requirements. </span></p> </div> <a href=""><span class="readmore"> Read More </span></a><br><br> Topics: <a href="">embedded analytics</a>, <a href="">Analytics</a>, <a href="">Analytics &amp; Data</a>, <a href="">analytic data platforms</a>, <a href="">Augmented Analytics</a>, <a href="">Collaborative Analytics</a>, <a href="">Mobile Analytics</a> <hr> </div> <div class="blog-index__post-content" style="margin-bottom: 80px"> <div class="post-meta"> <h2 style="font-size: 1.875rem;"><a href="">SAS is Innovative in Analytics and Data Buyers Guide</a></h2> <div class="author-meta"> Posted by <a href=""> ISG Software Research </a> on <span class="post-date">31 October 2023 </span> </div> <hr> <!--<hr>--> </div> <div class="list-card-p"><div class="wrapingimage"> <img src=";name=MP_SAS_is_Innovative_in_Analytics_and_Data_Buyers_Guide.png" width="200" !important: srcset=";name=MP_SAS_is_Innovative_in_Analytics_and_Data_Buyers_Guide.png 100w,;name=MP_SAS_is_Innovative_in_Analytics_and_Data_Buyers_Guide.png 200w,;name=MP_SAS_is_Innovative_in_Analytics_and_Data_Buyers_Guide.png 300w,;name=MP_SAS_is_Innovative_in_Analytics_and_Data_Buyers_Guide.png 400w,;name=MP_SAS_is_Innovative_in_Analytics_and_Data_Buyers_Guide.png 500w,;name=MP_SAS_is_Innovative_in_Analytics_and_Data_Buyers_Guide.png 600w" sizes="(max-width: 200px) 100vw, 200px"> </div> <p>We are happy to share some insights <span style="color: black;">about </span><span><a href="">SAS</a> </span><span style="color: black;">drawn </span>from our latest market research, Ventana Research Buyers Guide: <span style="color: black;">Analytics and Data, which assesses how well vendors’ offerings meet buyers’ requirements. </span></p> </div> <a href=""><span class="readmore"> Read More </span></a><br><br> Topics: <a href="">embedded analytics</a>, <a href="">Analytics</a>, <a href="">Analytics &amp; Data</a>, <a href="">analytic data platforms</a>, <a href="">Augmented Analytics</a>, <a href="">Collaborative Analytics</a>, <a href="">Mobile Analytics</a> <hr> </div> <div class="blog-index__post-content" style="margin-bottom: 80px"> <div class="post-meta"> <h2 style="font-size: 1.875rem;"><a href="">MicroStrategy is Innovative in Analytics and Data Buyers Guide</a></h2> <div class="author-meta"> Posted by <a href=""> ISG Software Research </a> on <span class="post-date">30 October 2023 </span> </div> <hr> <!--<hr>--> </div> <div class="list-card-p"><div class="wrapingimage"> <img src=";name=MP_MicroStrategy_is_Innovative_in_Analytics_and_Data_Buyers_Guide.png" width="200" !important: srcset=";name=MP_MicroStrategy_is_Innovative_in_Analytics_and_Data_Buyers_Guide.png 100w,;name=MP_MicroStrategy_is_Innovative_in_Analytics_and_Data_Buyers_Guide.png 200w,;name=MP_MicroStrategy_is_Innovative_in_Analytics_and_Data_Buyers_Guide.png 300w,;name=MP_MicroStrategy_is_Innovative_in_Analytics_and_Data_Buyers_Guide.png 400w,;name=MP_MicroStrategy_is_Innovative_in_Analytics_and_Data_Buyers_Guide.png 500w,;name=MP_MicroStrategy_is_Innovative_in_Analytics_and_Data_Buyers_Guide.png 600w" sizes="(max-width: 200px) 100vw, 200px"> </div> <p>We are happy to share some insights <span style="color: black;">about </span><span><a href="">MicroStrategy</a> </span><span style="color: black;">drawn </span>from our latest market research, Ventana Research Buyers Guide: <span style="color: black;">Analytics and Data, which assesses how well vendors’ offerings meet buyers’ requirements. </span></p> </div> <a href=""><span class="readmore"> Read More </span></a><br><br> Topics: <a href="">embedded analytics</a>, <a href="">Analytics</a>, <a href="">Analytics &amp; Data</a>, <a href="">analytic data platforms</a>, <a href="">Augmented Analytics</a>, <a href="">Collaborative Analytics</a>, <a href="">Mobile Analytics</a> <hr> </div> <div class="blog-index__post-content" style="margin-bottom: 80px"> <div class="post-meta"> <h2 style="font-size: 1.875rem;"><a href="">Zoho is Vendor of Assurance in Analytics and Data Buyers Guide</a></h2> <div class="author-meta"> Posted by <a href=""> ISG Software Research </a> on <span class="post-date">27 October 2023 </span> </div> <hr> <!--<hr>--> </div> <div class="list-card-p"><div class="wrapingimage"> <img src=";name=MP_Zoho_is_Vendor_of_Assurance_in_Analytics_and_Data_Buyers_Guide.png" width="200" !important: srcset=";name=MP_Zoho_is_Vendor_of_Assurance_in_Analytics_and_Data_Buyers_Guide.png 100w,;name=MP_Zoho_is_Vendor_of_Assurance_in_Analytics_and_Data_Buyers_Guide.png 200w,;name=MP_Zoho_is_Vendor_of_Assurance_in_Analytics_and_Data_Buyers_Guide.png 300w,;name=MP_Zoho_is_Vendor_of_Assurance_in_Analytics_and_Data_Buyers_Guide.png 400w,;name=MP_Zoho_is_Vendor_of_Assurance_in_Analytics_and_Data_Buyers_Guide.png 500w,;name=MP_Zoho_is_Vendor_of_Assurance_in_Analytics_and_Data_Buyers_Guide.png 600w" sizes="(max-width: 200px) 100vw, 200px"> </div> <p>We are happy to share some insights <span style="color: black;">about </span><span><a href="">Zoho</a> </span><span style="color: black;">drawn </span>from our latest market research, Ventana Research Buyers Guide: <span style="color: black;">Analytics and Data, which assesses how well vendors’ offerings meet buyers’ requirements. </span></p> </div> <a href=""><span class="readmore"> Read More </span></a><br><br> Topics: <a href="">embedded analytics</a>, <a href="">Analytics</a>, <a href="">Analytics &amp; Data</a>, <a href="">analytic data platforms</a>, <a href="">Augmented Analytics</a>, <a href="">Collaborative Analytics</a>, <a href="">Mobile Analytics</a> <hr> </div> <div class="blog-index__post-content" style="margin-bottom: 80px"> <div class="post-meta"> <h2 style="font-size: 1.875rem;"><a href="">Microsoft is Innovative in Analytics and Data Buyers Guide</a></h2> <div class="author-meta"> Posted by <a href=""> ISG Software Research </a> on <span class="post-date">26 October 2023 </span> </div> <hr> <!--<hr>--> </div> <div class="list-card-p"><div class="wrapingimage"> <img src=";name=MP_Microsoft_is_Innovative_in_Analytics_and_Data_Buyers_Guide.png" width="200" !important: srcset=";name=MP_Microsoft_is_Innovative_in_Analytics_and_Data_Buyers_Guide.png 100w,;name=MP_Microsoft_is_Innovative_in_Analytics_and_Data_Buyers_Guide.png 200w,;name=MP_Microsoft_is_Innovative_in_Analytics_and_Data_Buyers_Guide.png 300w,;name=MP_Microsoft_is_Innovative_in_Analytics_and_Data_Buyers_Guide.png 400w,;name=MP_Microsoft_is_Innovative_in_Analytics_and_Data_Buyers_Guide.png 500w,;name=MP_Microsoft_is_Innovative_in_Analytics_and_Data_Buyers_Guide.png 600w" sizes="(max-width: 200px) 100vw, 200px"> </div> <p>We are happy to share some insights about <a href="">Microsoft</a> drawn from our latest market research, Ventana Research Buyers Guide: Analytics and Data, which assesses how well vendors’ offerings meet buyers’ requirements.</p> </div> <a href=""><span class="readmore"> Read More </span></a><br><br> Topics: <a href="">embedded analytics</a>, <a href="">Analytics</a>, <a href="">Analytics &amp; Data</a>, <a href="">analytic data platforms</a>, <a href="">Augmented Analytics</a>, <a href="">Collaborative Analytics</a>, <a href="">Mobile Analytics</a> <hr> </div> <div class="blog-index__post-content" style="margin-bottom: 80px"> <div class="post-meta"> <h2 style="font-size: 1.875rem;"><a href="">Salesforce Tableau is Exemplary in Analytics and Data Buyers Guide</a></h2> <div class="author-meta"> Posted by <a href=""> ISG Software Research </a> on <span class="post-date">25 October 2023 </span> </div> <hr> <!--<hr>--> </div> <div class="list-card-p"><div class="wrapingimage"> <img src=";name=MP_Salesforce_Tableau_is_Exemplary_in_Analytics_and_Data_Buyers_Guide.png" width="200" !important: srcset=";name=MP_Salesforce_Tableau_is_Exemplary_in_Analytics_and_Data_Buyers_Guide.png 100w,;name=MP_Salesforce_Tableau_is_Exemplary_in_Analytics_and_Data_Buyers_Guide.png 200w,;name=MP_Salesforce_Tableau_is_Exemplary_in_Analytics_and_Data_Buyers_Guide.png 300w,;name=MP_Salesforce_Tableau_is_Exemplary_in_Analytics_and_Data_Buyers_Guide.png 400w,;name=MP_Salesforce_Tableau_is_Exemplary_in_Analytics_and_Data_Buyers_Guide.png 500w,;name=MP_Salesforce_Tableau_is_Exemplary_in_Analytics_and_Data_Buyers_Guide.png 600w" sizes="(max-width: 200px) 100vw, 200px"> </div> <p>We are happy to share some insights about <a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank">Tableau (Salesforce)</a> drawn from our latest market research, Ventana Research Buyers Guide: Analytics and Data, which assesses how well vendors’ offerings meet buyers’ requirements.</p> </div> <a href=""><span class="readmore"> Read More </span></a><br><br> Topics: <a href="">embedded analytics</a>, <a href="">Analytics</a>, <a href="">Analytics &amp; Data</a>, <a href="">analytic data platforms</a>, <a href="">Augmented Analytics</a>, <a href="">Collaborative Analytics</a>, <a href="">Mobile Analytics</a> <hr> </div> <div class="blog-index__post-content" style="margin-bottom: 80px"> <div class="post-meta"> <h2 style="font-size: 1.875rem;"><a href="">Domo is Exemplary in Analytics and Data Buyers Guide</a></h2> <div class="author-meta"> Posted by <a href=""> ISG Software Research </a> on <span class="post-date">24 October 2023 </span> </div> <hr> <!--<hr>--> </div> <div class="list-card-p"><div class="wrapingimage"> <img src=";name=MP_Domo_is_Exemplary_in_Analytics_and_Data_Buyers_Guide.png" width="200" !important: srcset=";name=MP_Domo_is_Exemplary_in_Analytics_and_Data_Buyers_Guide.png 100w,;name=MP_Domo_is_Exemplary_in_Analytics_and_Data_Buyers_Guide.png 200w,;name=MP_Domo_is_Exemplary_in_Analytics_and_Data_Buyers_Guide.png 300w,;name=MP_Domo_is_Exemplary_in_Analytics_and_Data_Buyers_Guide.png 400w,;name=MP_Domo_is_Exemplary_in_Analytics_and_Data_Buyers_Guide.png 500w,;name=MP_Domo_is_Exemplary_in_Analytics_and_Data_Buyers_Guide.png 600w" sizes="(max-width: 200px) 100vw, 200px"> </div> <p>We are happy to share some insights about <a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank">Domo</a> drawn from our latest market research, Ventana Research Buyers Guide: Analytics and Data, which assesses how well vendors’ offerings meet buyers’ requirements.</p> </div> <a href=""><span class="readmore"> Read More </span></a><br><br> Topics: <a href="">embedded analytics</a>, <a href="">Analytics</a>, <a href="">Analytics &amp; Data</a>, <a href="">analytic data platforms</a>, <a href="">Augmented Analytics</a>, <a href="">Collaborative Analytics</a>, <a href="">Mobile Analytics</a> <hr> </div> <div class="blog-index__post-content" style="margin-bottom: 80px"> <div class="post-meta"> <h2 style="font-size: 1.875rem;"><a href="">Qlik is Exemplary in Analytics and Data Buyers Guide</a></h2> <div class="author-meta"> Posted by <a href=""> ISG Software Research </a> on <span class="post-date">23 October 2023 </span> </div> <hr> <!--<hr>--> </div> <div class="list-card-p"><div class="wrapingimage"> <img src=";name=MP_Qlik_is_Exemplary_in_Analytics_and_Data_Buyers_Guide.png" width="200" !important: srcset=";name=MP_Qlik_is_Exemplary_in_Analytics_and_Data_Buyers_Guide.png 100w,;name=MP_Qlik_is_Exemplary_in_Analytics_and_Data_Buyers_Guide.png 200w,;name=MP_Qlik_is_Exemplary_in_Analytics_and_Data_Buyers_Guide.png 300w,;name=MP_Qlik_is_Exemplary_in_Analytics_and_Data_Buyers_Guide.png 400w,;name=MP_Qlik_is_Exemplary_in_Analytics_and_Data_Buyers_Guide.png 500w,;name=MP_Qlik_is_Exemplary_in_Analytics_and_Data_Buyers_Guide.png 600w" sizes="(max-width: 200px) 100vw, 200px"> </div> <p>We are happy to share some insights about <a href=",to%20fully%20customize%20analytics%20solutions." rel="noopener" target="_blank">Qlik</a> drawn from our latest market research, Ventana Research Buyers Guide: Analytics and Data, which assesses how well vendors’ offerings meet buyers’ requirements.</p> </div> <a href=""><span class="readmore"> Read More </span></a><br><br> Topics: <a href="">embedded analytics</a>, <a href="">Analytics</a>, <a href="">Analytics &amp; Data</a>, <a href="">analytic data platforms</a>, <a href="">Augmented Analytics</a>, <a href="">Collaborative Analytics</a>, <a href="">Mobile Analytics</a> <hr> </div> <div class="blog-index__post-content" style="margin-bottom: 80px"> <div class="post-meta"> <h2 style="font-size: 1.875rem;"><a href="">Oracle is Exemplary in Analytics and Data Buyers Guide</a></h2> <div class="author-meta"> Posted by <a href=""> ISG Software Research </a> on <span class="post-date">20 October 2023 </span> </div> <hr> <!--<hr>--> </div> <div class="list-card-p"><div class="wrapingimage"> <img src=";name=MP_Oracle_is_Exemplary_in_Analytics_and_Data_Buyers_Guide.png" width="200" !important: srcset=";name=MP_Oracle_is_Exemplary_in_Analytics_and_Data_Buyers_Guide.png 100w,;name=MP_Oracle_is_Exemplary_in_Analytics_and_Data_Buyers_Guide.png 200w,;name=MP_Oracle_is_Exemplary_in_Analytics_and_Data_Buyers_Guide.png 300w,;name=MP_Oracle_is_Exemplary_in_Analytics_and_Data_Buyers_Guide.png 400w,;name=MP_Oracle_is_Exemplary_in_Analytics_and_Data_Buyers_Guide.png 500w,;name=MP_Oracle_is_Exemplary_in_Analytics_and_Data_Buyers_Guide.png 600w" sizes="(max-width: 200px) 100vw, 200px"> </div> <p>We are happy to share some insights about <a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank">Oracle</a> drawn from our latest market research, Ventana Research Buyers Guide: Analytics and Data, which assesses how well vendors’ offerings meet buyers’ requirements.</p> </div> <a href=""><span class="readmore"> Read More </span></a><br><br> Topics: <a href="">embedded analytics</a>, <a href="">Analytics</a>, <a href="">Analytics &amp; Data</a>, <a href="">analytic data platforms</a>, <a href="">Augmented Analytics</a>, <a href="">Collaborative Analytics</a>, <a href="">Mobile Analytics</a> <hr> </div> <script> // Check active classes var checkClass = function() { if ( $('.fil_item').hasClass('hide') ) { $('.fil_item').removeClass('hide'); } }; // Category filters $('.all').click( function() { checkClass(); }); // Active tag $('.bttn').click(function(){ $('.bttn').removeClass('active'); $(this).addClass('active'); }) </script> </div> <div class="blog-numeric-pagination span12 "> <!-- sets variable for total pages --> <!-- sets variable for how many more pages are past the current pages --> <ul class="numeric-pagination"> <li class="disabled"><a href=""><svg xmlns="" viewbox="0 0 492 492" width="20px" height="20px"> <path d="M198.608,246.104L382.664,62.04c5.068-5.056,7.856-11.816,7.856-19.024c0-7.212-2.788-13.968-7.856-19.032l-16.128-16.12 C361.476,2.792,354.712,0,347.504,0s-13.964,2.792-19.028,7.864L109.328,227.008c-5.084,5.08-7.868,11.868-7.848,19.084 c-0.02,7.248,2.76,14.028,7.848,19.112l218.944,218.932c5.064,5.072,11.82,7.864,19.032,7.864c7.208,0,13.964-2.792,19.032-7.864 l16.124-16.12c10.492-10.492,10.492-27.572,0-38.06L198.608,246.104z" /> </svg></a></li> <li class="active"><a href="">1</a></li> <li><a href="" rel="next">2</a></li> <li class=""><a href="" rel="next"><svg xmlns="" width="20px" height="20px" viewbox="0 0 451.846 451.847"> <path d="M345.441,248.292L151.154,442.573c-12.359,12.365-32.397,12.365-44.75,0c-12.354-12.354-12.354-32.391,0-44.744 L278.318,225.92L106.409,54.017c-12.354-12.359-12.354-32.394,0-44.748c12.354-12.359,32.391-12.359,44.75,0l194.287,194.284 c6.177,6.18,9.262,14.271,9.262,22.366C354.708,234.018,351.617,242.115,345.441,248.292z" fill="" /> </svg></a></li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="blog-sidebar"> <!-- <div class="blog-post__image_v2 " style="background:url("></div> <br> --> <!-- Begin partial --> <style> .blog-sidebar h3 { font-size: 18px; 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src="/hs/hsstatic/cos-i18n/static-1.53/bundles/project.js"></script> <script src=""></script> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Sigma Computing is Vendor of Merit in Analytics and Data Buyers Guide", "mainEntityOfPage": "", "datePublished": "17/11/2023", "dateModified": "17/11/2023", "articleBody": "We are happy to share some insights about Sigma Computing drawn from our latest market research, Ventana Research Buyers Guide: Analytics and Data, which assesses how well vendors’ offerings meet buyers’ requirements. We recently published five Ventana Research 2023 Analytics and Data Buyers Guides, an assessment of technology vendors and products that provide individual and combined analytics and data, augmented analytics, collaborative analytics, embedded analytics and mobile analytics and platform support. At Ventana Research, we continue to believe that, for most use-cases, there is a clear choice for analytics and data platforms for any use in your organization. We developed five technology assessments and buyers guides to focus on overall analytics and data requirements as well as specific augmented analytics, collaborative analytics, mobile analytics and embedded analytics use-cases. In all of our Buyers Guides, we utilize a structured research methodology called the Value Index that includes evaluation categories designed to reflect real-world criteria incorporated in a request for proposal (RFP) and vendor selection process for analytics and data. We evaluated Sigma Computing and 21 other vendors in seven categories, five relevant to the product (adaptability, capability, manageability, reliability and usability) and two related to the vendor (TCO/ROI and vendor validation). To arrive at the Value Index rating for a given vendor, we weighted each category to reflect its relative importance in an RFP process, with the weightings based on our experience and on data derived from our benchmark research on analytics and data. In the overall Analytics and Data Buyers Guide, our analysis classified Sigma Computing as a vendor of Merit, ranking 22nd in the overall research at 43.6%. Sigma Computing’s best performance came in Customer Experience at 32.7%, ranking 20th, due in part to its 20th-place ranking in Validation. In Product Experience, Sigma Computing placed 22nd at 45.6% due to low performance in Reliability, Adaptability and Capability. Sigma Computing did not participate in the RFI process. Sigma Computing’s Product Experience was impacted by its 43.3% performance in Capability, where it could provide more predictive and notification functionality. Customer Experience was impacted by its 32.2% performance in TCO/ROI, where it could provide more information the help an organization quantify costs and benefits. Sigma Computing performed best in Product Experience, notably in Usability, where its 50.2% performance was due to its support for data entry, which few vendors offer, and rapid training based on its spreadsheet-style interface. In addition, Sigma Computing’s collaborative functionality, both within the product and in third-party products, boosted its performance in Capability. In the Augmented Analytics Buyers Guide, our analysis classified Sigma Computing as a vendor of Merit, ranking 22nd in the overall research at 43.6%. Sigma Computing’s best performance came in Customer Experience at 32.7%, ranking 20th, due in part to its 20th-place ranking in Validation. In Product Experience, Sigma Computing placed 22nd at 39.9% due to low performance in Reliability, Adaptability and Capability. Sigma Computing did not participate in the RFI process. Sigma Computing’s Product Experience was impacted by its 32.9% performance in Capability, where it lacks NLP and predictive modeling functionality. It also lacks automated agents and alerting. Customer Experience was impacted by its 32.2% performance in TCO/ROI, where it could provide more information the help an organization quantify costs and benefits. Sigma Computing performed best in Product Experience, notably in Usability, where its 50.2% performance was due to its support for data entry, which few vendors offer, and rapid training based on its spreadsheet-style interface. In addition, Sigma Computing provides built-in forecasting functionality based in part on its data entry capabilities. In the Collaborative Analytics Buyers Guide, our analysis classified Sigma Computing as a vendor of Merit, ranking 22nd in the overall research at 42.5%. Sigma Computing’s best performance came in Customer Experience at 32.7%, ranking 20th, due in part to its 20th-place ranking in Validation. In Product Experience, Sigma Computing placed 21st at 45.2% due to low performance in Reliability and Adaptability. Sigma Computing did not participate in the RFI process. Sigma Computing’s Product Experience was impacted by its 48.3% performance in Reliability, where it lacks NLP functionality. Customer Experience was impacted by its 32.2% performance in TCO/ROI, where it could provide more information the help an organization quantify costs and benefits. Sigma Computing performed best in Product Experience, notably in Capability, where its 14th-place ranking was due to its support for sharing analyses individually, via subscriptions or in discussion groups including via external collaboration tools. It provides version control of shared analyses via tagging. In addition, Sigma Computing’s provides a unique capability for simultaneous live editing of analyses. In the Embedded Analytics Buyers Guide, our analysis classified Sigma Computing as a vendor of Merit, ranking 22nd in the overall research at 44.6%. Sigma Computing’s best performance came in Customer Experience at 32.7%, ranking 20th, due in part to its 20th-place ranking in Validation. In Product Experience, Sigma Computing placed 22nd at 47.0% due to low performance in Reliability, Adaptability and Capability. Sigma Computing did not participate in the RFI process. Sigma Computing’s Product Experience was impacted by its 45.2% performance in Capability, where it lacks some of the data access functionality of other products. Customer Experience was impacted by its 32.2% performance in TCO/ROI, where it could provide more information the help an organization quantify costs and benefits. Sigma Computing performed best in Product Experience, notably in Usability, where it 50.2% performance was due to its unique support for spreadsheet-style data entry, which few vendors offer, and rapid training based on its spreadsheet-style interface. In addition, Sigma Computing provides built in forecasting functionality based in part on its data entry capabilities. In the Mobile Analytics Buyers Guide, our analysis classified Sigma Computing as a vendor of Merit, ranking 22nd in the overall research at 46.7%. Sigma Computing’s best performance came in Customer Experience at 32.7%, ranking 20th, due in part to its 20th-place ranking in Validation. In Product Experience, Sigma Computing placed 22nd at 49.4% due to low performance in Reliability and Adaptability. Sigma Computing did not participate in the RFI process. Sigma Computing’s Product Experience was impacted by its 48.3% performance in Reliability, where it could provide more support for performance optimization and business continuity. Customer Experience was impacted by its 32.2% performance in TCO/ROI, where it could provide more information the help an organization quantify costs and benefits. Sigma Computing performed best in Product Experience, notably in Usability, where its 50.2% performance was due to its support for data entry, which few vendors offer, and rapid training based on its spreadsheet-style interface. In Capability, Sigma Computing offers two design modes: synchronized mobile layout and customized mobile layout, enabling highly customized mobile designs or design once, deploy anywhere functionality. This assessment was based on Sigma, Version July 2023, and was available in July of 2023. This research-based index is the most comprehensive assessment of the value of analytics and data software in the industry. Technology buyers can learn more about how to use our Buyers Guide by clicking here and included vendors that wish to learn more can click here. Click below to read the individual reports: Analytics and Data Buyers Guide Augmented Analytics Buyers Guide Collaborative Analytics Buyers Guide Embedded Analytics Buyers Guide Mobile Analytics Buyers Guide", "image": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": "", "height": 400, "width": 750 }, "author": { "@type": "Person", "name": "ISG Software Research", "url": "", "sameAs": "" }, "publisher": { "@type": "Organization", "name": "ISG", "url": "", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": "" } } }</script> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Infor is Vendor of Merit in Analytics and Data Buyers Guide", "mainEntityOfPage": "", "datePublished": "16/11/2023", "dateModified": "16/11/2023", "articleBody": "We are happy to share some insights about Infor drawn from our latest market research, Ventana Research Buyers Guide: Analytics and Data, which assesses how well vendors’ offerings meet buyers’ requirements. We recently published five Ventana Research 2023 Analytics and Data Buyers Guides, an assessment of technology vendors and products that provide individual and combined analytics and data, augmented analytics, collaborative analytics, embedded analytics and mobile analytics and platform support. At Ventana Research, we continue to believe that, for most use-cases, there is a clear choice for analytics and data platforms for any use in your organization. We developed five technology assessments and buyers guides to focus on overall analytics and data requirements as well as specific augmented analytics, collaborative analytics, mobile analytics and embedded analytics use-cases. In all of our Buyers Guides, we utilize a structured research methodology called the Value Index that includes evaluation categories designed to reflect real-world criteria incorporated in a request for proposal (RFP) and vendor selection process for analytics and data. We evaluated Infor and 21 other vendors in seven categories, five relevant to the product (adaptability, capability, manageability, reliability and usability) and two related to the vendor (TCO/ROI and vendor validation). To arrive at the Value Index rating for a given vendor, we weighted each category to reflect its relative importance in an RFP process, with the weightings based on our experience and on data derived from our benchmark research on analytics and data. In the overall Analytics and Data Buyers Guide, our analysis classified Infor as a vendor of Merit, ranking 21st in the overall research at 52.5%. Infor achieved the same rank in Product Experience and Customer Experience, ranking 19th in each, at 55.4% and 36.7%, respectively. Its best performance came in Capability, ranking 13th, and was ranked 19th in both Validation and TCO/ROI. Infor partially participated in the RFI process. Infor’s Product Experience was impacted by its 45.0% performance in Manageability, where it could incorporate better notification capabilities. Customer Experience was impacted by its 38.2% and 35.1% performances in TCO/ROI and Validation, respectively, where it could provide more information and tools for developing a business case. Infor performed best in Product Experience, notably in Capability, where its 57.5% performance was due to its presentation and mobile functionality. In addition, Infor’s configuration and customization capabilities led to its 59.8% performance in Adaptability. In Capability, it performed well in data modeling and supports a wide variety of data sources. Infor also provides strong interactive visualization and discovery functionality. In the Augmented Analytics Buyers Guide, our analysis classified Infor as a vendor of Merit, ranking 21st in the overall research at 47.4%. Infor achieved the same rank in Product Experience and Customer Experience, ranking 19th in each at 49.7% and 36.7%, respectively. Its best performance came in Capability, ranking 16th, and was ranked 19th in both Validation and TCO/ROI. Infor partially participated in the RFI process. Infor’s Product Experience was impacted by its 45.0% performance in Manageability, where it could incorporate better notification capabilities. In capability, it lacks both natural language query and natural language generation functionality. Customer Experience was impacted by its 38.2% and 35.1% performances in TCO/ROI and Validation, respectively, where it could provide more information and tools for developing a business case. Infor performed best in Product Experience, notably in Capability, where its 16th place ranking was due in part to guided analytics functionality and personalization. Infor also provides automated agents and alerting. In addition, Infor’s configuration and customization capabilities led to its 59.8% performance in Adaptability. In the Collaborative Analytics Buyers Guide, our analysis classified Infor as a vendor of Merit, ranking 21st in the overall research at 44.9%. Infor’s best performance came in Product Experience at 47.1%, ranking 17th, due to its 13th-place ranking in Capability. In Customer Experience, Incorta placed 19th, due in part to low performance in TCO/ROI and Validation. Infor partially participated in the RFI process. Infor’s Product Experience was impacted by its 45.0% performance in Manageability, where it could incorporate better notification capabilities. Customer Experience was impacted by its 38.2% and 35.1% performances in TCO/ROI and Validation, respectively, where it could provide more information and tools for developing a business case. In Capability, it lacks assigning and tracking tasks. Infor performed best in Product Experience, notably in Capability, where its 13th-place ranking was due to in part to its functionality for sharing analyses, including annotations in analyses, monitoring and alerting. Infor also provides discussion group capabilities. In addition, Infor’s configuration and customization capabilities led to its 59.3% performance in Adaptability. In the Embedded Analytics Buyers Guide, our analysis classified Infor as a vendor of Merit, ranking 21st in the overall research at 54.0%. Infor achieved the same rank in Product Experience and Customer Experience, ranking 19th in each, at 57.4% and 36.7%, respectively. Its best performance came in Capability, ranking 17th, and was ranked 19th in both Validation and TCO/ROI. Infor partially participated in the RFI process. Infor’s Product Experience was impacted by its 45.0% performance in Manageability, where it could incorporate better notification capabilities. Customer Experience was impacted by its 38.2% and 35.1% performances in TCO/ROI and Validation, respectively, where it could provide more information and tools for developing a business case and better visibility into the investment strategy of the analytics product division. Infor performed best in Product Experience, notably in Capability, where its 61.1% performance was due in part to robust API and integration functionality. In addition, Infor’s flexible configuration and broad customization capabilities led to its 59.3% performance in Adaptability. In the Mobile Analytics Buyers Guide, our analysis classified Infor as a vendor of Merit, ranking 16th in the overall research at 56.4%. Infor’s best performance came in Product Experience at 60.1%, ranking 15th, due in part to its 10th-place ranking in Capability. In Customer Experience, Infor placed at 19th at 36.7% due to its low performance in Validation and TCO/ROI. Infor partially participated in the RFI process. Infor’s Product Experience was impacted by its 45.0% performance in Manageability, where it could incorporate better notification capabilities. Customer Experience was impacted by its 38.2% and 35.1% performances in TCO/ROI and Validation, respectively, where it could provide more information and tools for developing a business case. Infor performed best in Product Experience, notably in Capability, where its 65.3% performance was due in part to good interactivity on mobile devices, a wide variety of visualizations and support for its augmented analytics and collaboration functionality. Infor is one of very few vendors to offer capabilities to work with analyses offline. In addition, Infor’s configuration and customization capabilities led to its 59.3% performance in Adaptability. This assessment was based on Infor Birst, Version 2023.04, and was available in April of 2023. This research-based index is the most comprehensive assessment of the value of analytics and data software in the industry. Technology buyers can learn more about how to use our Buyers Guide by clicking here and included vendors that wish to learn more can click here. Click below to read the individual reports: Analytics and Data Buyers Guide Augmented Analytics Buyers Guide Collaborative Analytics Buyers Guide Embedded Analytics Buyers Guide Mobile Analytics Buyers Guide", "image": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": "", "height": 400, "width": 750 }, "author": { "@type": "Person", "name": "ISG Software Research", "url": "", "sameAs": "" }, "publisher": { "@type": "Organization", "name": "ISG", "url": "", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": "" } } }</script> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "GoodData is Vendor of Assurance in Analytics and Data Buyers Guide", "mainEntityOfPage": "", "datePublished": "15/11/2023", "dateModified": "15/11/2023", "articleBody": "We are happy to share some insights about GoodData drawn from our latest market research, Ventana Research Buyers Guide: Analytics and Data, which assesses how well vendors’ offerings meet buyers’ requirements. We recently published five Ventana Research 2023 Analytics and Data Buyers Guides, an assessment of technology vendors and products that provide individual and combined analytics and data, augmented analytics, collaborative analytics, embedded analytics and mobile analytics and platform support. At Ventana Research, we continue to believe that, for most use-cases, there is a clear choice for analytics and data platforms for any use in your organization. We developed five technology assessments and buyers guides to focus on overall analytics and data requirements as well as specific augmented analytics, collaborative analytics, mobile analytics and embedded analytics use-cases. In all of our Buyers Guides, we utilize a structured research methodology called the Value Index that includes evaluation categories designed to reflect real-world criteria incorporated in a request for proposal (RFP) and vendor selection process for analytics and data. We evaluated GoodData and 21 other vendors in seven categories, five relevant to the product (adaptability, capability, manageability, reliability and usability) and two related to the vendor (TCO/ROI and vendor validation). To arrive at the Value Index rating for a given vendor, we weighted each category to reflect its relative importance in an RFP process, with the weightings based on our experience and on data derived from our benchmark research on analytics and data. In the overall Analytics and Data Buyers Guide, our analysis classified GoodData as a vendor of Assurance, ranking 20th in the overall research at 52.9%. GoodData’s best performance came in Customer Experience at 66.8%, ranking ninth, due in part to its eighth-place ranking in Validation. In Product Experience, GoodData placed 21st at 50.4% due to low performance in Usability and Capability. GoodData fully participated in the RFI process. GoodData’s Product Experience was impacted by its 46.3% performance in Usability, where it could provide more collaboration and accessibility functionality. Customer Experience was impacted by its 64.3% performance in TCO/ROI, where it could provide more information about the costs and benefits of using its products. GoodData performed best in Customer Experience, notably in Validation, where its 69.2% performance was due to its references and case studies. In addition, GoodData’s scalability and business continuity support led to its 61.3% performance in Reliability. In Capability, GoodData performed well in data access, provides an excellent metric editor and was among the best performers in its time series analysis capabilities. It also provides strong customization capabilities. In the Augmented Analytics Buyers Guide, our analysis classified GoodData as a vendor of Assurance, ranking 18th in the overall research at 50.7%. GoodData’s best performance came in Customer Experience at 66.8%, ranking ninth, due in part to its eighth-place ranking in Validation. In Product Experience, GoodData placed 21st at 47.4% due to low performance in Usability and Capability. GoodData fully participated in the RFI process. GoodData’s Product Experience was impacted by its 46.3% performance in Usability, where it could provide more collaboration and accessibility functionality. Customer Experience was impacted by its 64.3% performance in TCO/ROI, where it could provide more information about the costs and benefits of using its products. GoodData performed best in Customer Experience, notably in Validation, where its 69.2% performance was due to its references and case studies. In addition, GoodData’s scalability and business continuity support led to its 61.3% performance in Reliability. GoodData provides strong customization capabilities, as well as automation and personalization functionality. The product also provides suggestions for visualizations based on common usage patterns. In the Collaborative Analytics Buyers Guide, our analysis classified GoodData as a Vendor of Assurance, ranking 17th in the overall research at 48.9%. GoodData’s best performance came in Customer Experience at 66.8%, ranking ninth, due in part to its eighth-place ranking in Validation. In Product Experience, GoodData placed 22nd at 44.1% due to low performance in Usability and Capability. GoodData fully participated in the RFI process. GoodData’s Product Experience was impacted by its 29.9% performance in Capability, where it lacks functionality discussion groups and commenting on analyses. Customer Experience was impacted by its 64.3% performance in TCO/ROI, where it could provide more information about the costs and benefits of using its products. GoodData performed best in Customer Experience, notably in Validation, where its 69.2% performance was due to the availability of references and case studies. In addition, GoodData’s scalability and business continuity support led to its 61.3% performance in Reliability. In Capability, GoodData provides good functionality for sharing analyses including the ability to monitor metrics. In the Embedded Analytics Buyers Guide, our analysis classified GoodData as a vendor of Assurance, ranking 18th in the overall research at 58.2%. GoodData’s best performance came in Customer Experience at 66.8%, ranking ninth, due in part to its eighth-place ranking in Validation. In Product Experience, GoodData placed 21st at 56.5% due to low performance in Usability. GoodData fully participated in the RFI process. GoodData’s Product Experience was impacted by its 46.3% performance in Usability, where it could provide more collaboration and accessibility functionality. Customer Experience was impacted by its 64.3% performance in TCO/ROI, where it could provide more information about the costs and benefits of using its products. GoodData performed best in Customer Experience, notably in Validation, where its 69.2% performance was due to its references and case studies. In Capability, GoodData performed well in data access and provides strong customization capabilities. Additionally, GoodData’s scalability and business continuity support led to its 61.3% performance in Reliability. In the Mobile Analytics Buyers Guide, our analysis classified GoodData as a vendor of Assurance, ranking 21st in the overall research at 52.3%. GoodData’s best performance came in Customer Experience at 66.8%, ranking ninth, due in part to its eighth-place ranking in Validation. In Product Experience, GoodData placed 21st at 49.6% due to low performance in Usability and Capability. GoodData fully participated in the RFI process. GoodData’s Product Experience was impacted by its 46.3% performance in Usability, where it could provide more collaboration and accessibility functionality. Customer Experience was impacted by its 64.3% performance in TCO/ROI, where it could provide more information about the costs and benefits of using its products. GoodData performed best in Customer Experience, notably in Validation, where its 69.2% performance was due to its references and case studies. In addition, GoodData’s scalability and business continuity support led to its 61.3% performance in Reliability. GoodData relies on responsive displays which means that all interactive capabilities are available on mobile devices, and these elements can be embedded in other mobile applications. This assessment was based on GoodData Cloud, GoodData Cloud Native, Version 2.4 (Cloud Native), and was available in July of 2023. This research-based index is the most comprehensive assessment of the value of analytics and data software in the industry. Technology buyers can learn more about how to use our Buyers Guide by clicking here and included vendors that wish to learn more can click here. Click below to read the individual reports: Analytics and Data Buyers Guide Augmented Analytics Buyers Guide Collaborative Analytics Buyers Guide Embedded Analytics Buyers Guide Mobile Analytics Buyers Guide", "image": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": "", "height": 400, "width": 750 }, "author": { "@type": "Person", "name": "ISG Software Research", "url": "", "sameAs": "" }, "publisher": { "@type": "Organization", "name": "ISG", "url": "", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": "" } } }</script> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "ThoughtSpot is Vendor of Merit in Analytics and Data Buyers Guide", "mainEntityOfPage": "", "datePublished": "14/11/2023", "dateModified": "14/11/2023", "articleBody": "We are happy to share some insights about ThoughtSpot drawn from our latest market research, Ventana Research Buyers Guide: Analytics and Data, which assesses how well vendors’ offerings meet buyers’ requirements. We recently published five Ventana Research 2023 Analytics and Data Buyers Guides, an assessment of technology vendors and products that provide individual and combined analytics and data, augmented analytics, collaborative analytics, embedded analytics and mobile analytics and platform support. At Ventana Research, we continue to believe that, for most use-cases, there is a clear choice for analytics and data platforms for any use in your organization. We developed five technology assessments and buyers guides to focus on overall analytics and data requirements as well as specific augmented analytics, collaborative analytics, mobile analytics and embedded analytics use-cases. In all of our Buyers Guides, we utilize a structured research methodology called the Value Index that includes evaluation categories designed to reflect real-world criteria incorporated in a request for proposal (RFP) and vendor selection process for analytics and data. We evaluated ThoughtSpot and 21 other vendors in seven categories, five relevant to the product (adaptability, capability, manageability, reliability and usability) and two related to the vendor (TCO/ROI and vendor validation). To arrive at the Value Index rating for a given vendor, we weighted each category to reflect its relative importance in an RFP process, with the weightings based on our experience and on data derived from our benchmark research on analytics and data. In the overall Analytics and Data Buyers Guide, our analysis classified ThoughtSpot as a vendor of Merit, ranking 19th in the overall research at 54.0%. ThoughtSpot’s best performance came in Customer Experience at 44.3%, ranking 14th, due in part to its 14th-place ranking in Validation. In Product Experience, ThoughtSpot placed 17th at 55.8% due to low performance in Capability. ThoughtSpot did not participate in the RFI process. ThoughtSpot’s Product Experience was impacted by its 50.3% performance in Capability, where it could provide better support for collaboration. Customer Experience was impacted by its 43.8% performance in TCO/ROI, where it could provide more information and tools for quantifying benefits and costs. ThoughtSpot performed best in Product Experience, notably in Usability, where its 69.0% performance was due to its adaptation to different users and competence levels. In addition, ThoughtSpot’s configuration and customization capabilities led to its 68.9% performance in Adaptability. In Capability, it performed well in search and collaborative sharing of objects in third-party products. In the Augmented Analytics Buyers Guide, our analysis classified ThoughtSpot as a vendor of Merit, ranking 17th in the overall research at 51.8%. ThoughtSpot ranked higher in Customer Experience at 14th with 44.3% performance , due in part to its 14th-place ranking in Validation. In Product Experience, ThoughtSpot placed 17th at 53.4% due to low performance in Capability. ThoughtSpot did not participate in the RFI process. ThoughtSpot’s Product Experience was impacted by its 44.9% performance in Capability, where it could provide more assistance for data access and preparation. Customer Experience was impacted by its 43.8% performance in TCO/ROI, where it could provide more information and tools for quantifying benefits and costs. ThoughtSpot performed best in Product Experience, notably in Usability, where its 69.0% performance was due to its adaptation to different users and competence levels. In Capability, it performed well in search with its NLP, which it helped to pioneer, and SpotIQ, which provides automated anomaly detection and change analysis. Additionally, ThoughtSpot’s configuration and customization capabilities led to its 68.9% performance in Adaptability. In the Collaborative Analytics Buyers Guide, our analysis classified ThoughtSpot as a vendor of Merit, ranking 16th in the overall research at 49.4%. ThoughtSpot’s best performance came in Customer Experience at 44.3%, ranking 14th, due in part to its 14th-place ranking in Validation. In Product Experience, ThoughtSpot placed 16th at 50.8% due to low performance in Capability. ThoughtSpot did not participate in the RFI process. ThoughtSpot’s Product Experience was impacted by its 33.2% performance in Capability, where it could provide functionality to assign and track tasks as well as better annotation capabilities. Customer Experience was impacted by its 43.8% performance in TCO/ROI, where it could provide more information and tools for quantifying benefits and costs. ThoughtSpot performed best in Product Experience, notably in Usability, where its 69.0% performance was due to its adaptation to different users and competence levels. In Capability, it performed well in sharing analyses as well as alerting and monitoring. In addition, ThoughtSpot’s broad configuration and customization capabilities led to its 68.9% performance in Adaptability. In the Embedded Analytics Buyers Guide, our analysis classified ThoughtSpot as a vendor of Merit, ranking 19th in the overall research at 56.7%. ThoughtSpot’s best performance came in Customer Experience at 44.3%, ranking 14th, due in part to its 14th-place ranking in Validation. In Product Experience, ThoughtSpot placed 18th at 59.2% due to low performance in Capability. ThoughtSpot did not participate in the RFI process. ThoughtSpot’s Product Experience was impacted by its 55.1% performance in Capability, where it could provide more data integration functionality. Customer Experience was impacted by its 43.8% performance in TCO/ROI, where it could provide more information and tools for quantifying benefits and costs. ThoughtSpot performed best in Product Experience, notably in Usability, where its 69.0% performance was due to its adaptation to different users and competence levels. In addition, ThoughtSpot’s flexible configuration and customization capabilities contributed to its 68.9% performance in Adaptability. In Capability, it performed well in customization and API functionality. In the Mobile Analytics Buyers Guide, our analysis classified ThoughtSpot as a vendor of Merit, ranking 15th in the overall research at 57.4%. ThoughtSpot’s best performance came in Customer Experience at 44.3%, ranking 14th, due in part to its 14th-place ranking in Validation. In Product Experience, ThoughtSpot placed 16th at 59.9% due to low performance in Capability. ThoughtSpot did not participate in the RFI process. ThoughtSpot’s Product Experience was impacted by its 56.6% performance in Capability, where it could provide better support for annotations and notifications. Customer Experience was impacted by its 43.8% performance in TCO/ROI, where it could provide more information and tools for quantifying benefits and costs. ThoughtSpot performed best in Product Experience, notably in Usability, where its 69.0% performance was due to its adaptation to different users and competence levels. In Capability, it performed well in search, interactivity and offline functionality. In addition, ThoughtSpot’s configuration and customization capabilities led to its 68.9% performance in Adaptability. This assessment was based on ThoughtSpot Analytics, Version 9.4.0, and was available in July of 2023. This research-based index is the most comprehensive assessment of the value of analytics and data software in the industry. Technology buyers can learn more about how to use our Buyers Guide by clicking here and included vendors that wish to learn more can click here. Click below to read the individual reports: Analytics and Data Buyers Guide Augmented Analytics Buyers Guide Collaborative Analytics Buyers Guide Embedded Analytics Buyers Guide Mobile Analytics Buyers Guide", "image": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": "", "height": 400, "width": 750 }, "author": { "@type": "Person", "name": "ISG Software Research", "url": "", "sameAs": "" }, "publisher": { "@type": "Organization", "name": "ISG", "url": "", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": "" } } }</script> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Incorta is Vendor of Assurance in Analytics and Data Buyers Guide", "mainEntityOfPage": "", "datePublished": "13/11/2023", "dateModified": "13/11/2023", "articleBody": "We are happy to share some insights about Incorta drawn from our latest market research, Ventana Research Buyers Guide: Analytics and Data, which assesses how well vendors’ offerings meet buyers’ requirements. We recently published five Ventana Research 2023 Analytics and Data Buyers Guides, an assessment of technology vendors and products that provide individual and combined analytics and data, augmented analytics, collaborative analytics, embedded analytics and mobile analytics and platform support. At Ventana Research, we continue to believe that, for most use-cases, there is a clear choice for analytics and data platforms for any use in your organization. We developed five technology assessments and buyers guides to focus on overall analytics and data requirements as well as specific augmented analytics, collaborative analytics, mobile analytics and embedded analytics use-cases. In all of our Buyers Guides, we utilize a structured research methodology called the Value Index that includes evaluation categories designed to reflect real-world criteria incorporated in a request for proposal (RFP) and vendor selection process for analytics and data. We evaluated Incorta and 21 other vendors in seven categories, five relevant to the product (adaptability, capability, manageability, reliability and usability) and two related to the vendor (TCO/ROI and vendor validation). To arrive at the Value Index rating for a given vendor, we weighted each category to reflect its relative importance in an RFP process, with the weightings based on our experience and on data derived from our benchmark research on analytics and data. In the overall Analytics and Data Buyers Guide, our analysis classified Incorta as a vendor of Assurance, ranking 18th in the overall research at 54.5%. Incorta’s best performance came in Customer Experience at 55.2%, ranking 11th, due in part to its 11th-place ranking in TCO/ROI. In Product Experience, Incorta placed 20th at 54.3% due to low performance in Usability. Incorta partially participated in the RFI process. Incorta’s Product Experience was impacted by its 42.7% performance in Usability, where it could provide more accessibility features. Customer Experience was impacted by its 47.6% performance in Validation, where it could provide more visibility into the company’s performance. Incorta performed best in Customer Experience, notably in TCO/ROI, where its 62.8% performance was due to its information and tools to quantify benefits and costs. In addition, Incorta’s architecture and deployment options led to its 67.0% performance in Reliability. In Capability, Incorta performed well in interactive visualization and discovery and was one of a few vendors with strong forecasting functionality. In the Augmented Analytics Buyers Guide, our analysis classified Incorta as a vendor of Assurance, ranking 20th in the overall research at 49.4%. Incorta’s best performance came in Customer Experience at 55.2%, ranking 11th, due in part to its 11th-place ranking in TCO/ROI. In Product Experience, Incorta placed 20th due in part to low performance in Usability. Incorta partially participated in the RFI process. Incorta’s Product Experience was impacted by its 42.7% performance in Usability, where it could provide more accessibility features. Customer Experience was impacted by its 47.6% performance in Validation, where it could provide more visibility into the company’s performance. Incorta performed best in Customer Experience, notably in TCO/ROI, where its 62.8% performance was due to the information and tools made available to quantify benefits and costs. In Capability, Incorta provides some data modeling assistance and a variety of forecasting capabilities. Additionally, Incorta’s architecture and deployment options led to its 67.0% performance in Reliability. In the Collaborative Analytics Buyers Guide, our analysis classified Incorta as a vendor of Assurance, ranking 18th in the overall research at 47.5%. Incorta’s best performance came in Customer Experience at 55.2%, ranking 11th, due in part to its 11th-place ranking in TCO/ROI. In Product Experience, Incorta placed 20th, due in part to low performance in Usability. Incorta partially participated in the RFI process. Incorta’s Product Experience was impacted by its 30.1% performance in Capability, where it could provide more annotation functionality, support for discussion groups and coordinating tasks. Customer Experience was impacted by its 47.6% performance in Validation, where it could provide more visibility into the company’s performance. Incorta performed best in Customer Experience, notably in TCO/ROI, where its 62.8% performance was due to its information and tools to quantify benefits and costs. In addition, Incorta’s architecture and deployment options led to its 67.0% performance in Reliability. In Capability, Incorta enables users to share analyses including alerting and monitoring functionality. In the Embedded Analytics Buyers Guide, our analysis classified Incorta as a vendor of Assurance, ranking 20th in the overall research at 56.5%. Incorta’s best performance came in Customer Experience at 55.2%, ranking 11th, due in part to its 11th-place ranking in TCO/ROI. In Product Experience, Incorta placed 20th at 56.7% due to low performance in Usability. Incorta partially participated in the RFI process. Incorta’s Product Experience was impacted by its 42.7% performance in Usability, where it could provide more accessibility features. Customer Experience was impacted by its 47.6% performance in Validation, where it could provide more visibility into the company’s performance. Incorta performed best in Customer Experience, notably in TCO/ROI, where its 62.8% performance was due to the depth of information and tools to quantify benefits and costs. In Capability, Incorta provides APIs and customization functionality. Additionally, Incorta’s architecture and deployment options led to its 67.0% performance in Reliability. In the Mobile Analytics Buyers Guide, our analysis classified Incorta as a vendor of Assurance, ranking 17th in the overall research at 56.0%. Incorta’s best performance came in Customer Experience at 55.2%, ranking 11th, due in part to its 11th-place ranking in TCO/ROI. In Product Experience, Incorta placed 19th at 56.1% due to low performance in Usability. Incorta partially participated in the RFI process. Incorta’s Product Experience was impacted by its 42.7% performance in Usability, where it could provide more accessibility features. Customer Experience was impacted by its 47.6% performance in Validation, where it could provide more visibility into the company’s performance. Incorta performed best in Customer Experience, notably in TCO/ROI, where its 62.8% performance was due to its information and tools to quantify benefits and costs. In Capability, Incorta offers good interaction and visualization in its application for iOS devices and has an application in preview for Android devices. In addition, Incorta’s architecture and deployment options led to its 67.0% performance in Reliability. This assessment was based on Incorta Open Data Delivery Platform, Incorta Cloud, Version 6.0 (on-premises); 2023.7.0 (cloud), and was available in July of 2023. This research-based index is the most comprehensive assessment of the value of analytics and data software in the industry. Technology buyers can learn more about how to use our Buyers Guide by clicking here and included vendors that wish to learn more can click here. Click below to read the individual reports: Analytics and Data Buyers Guide Augmented Analytics Buyers Guide Collaborative Analytics Buyers Guide Embedded Analytics Buyers Guide Mobile Analytics Buyers Guide", "image": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": "", "height": 400, "width": 750 }, "author": { "@type": "Person", "name": "ISG Software Research", "url": "", "sameAs": "" }, "publisher": { "@type": "Organization", "name": "ISG", "url": "", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": "" } } }</script> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Google is Vendor of Merit in Analytics and Data Buyers Guide", "mainEntityOfPage": "", "datePublished": "09/11/2023", "dateModified": "09/11/2023", "articleBody": "We are happy to share some insights about Google drawn from our latest market research, Ventana Research Buyers Guide: Analytics and Data, which assesses how well vendors’ offerings meet buyers’ requirements. We recently published five Ventana Research 2023 Analytics and Data Buyers Guides, an assessment of technology vendors and products that provide individual and combined analytics and data, augmented analytics, collaborative analytics, embedded analytics and mobile analytics and platform support. At Ventana Research, we continue to believe that, for most use-cases, there is a clear choice for analytics and data platforms for any use in your organization. We developed five technology assessments and buyers guides to focus on overall analytics and data requirements as well as specific augmented analytics, collaborative analytics, mobile analytics and embedded analytics use-cases. In all of our Buyers Guides, we utilize a structured research methodology called the Value Index that includes evaluation categories designed to reflect real-world criteria incorporated in a request for proposal (RFP) and vendor selection process for analytics and data. We evaluated Google and 21 other vendors in seven categories, five relevant to the product (adaptability, capability, manageability, reliability and usability) and two related to the vendor (TCO/ROI and vendor validation). To arrive at the Value Index rating for a given vendor, we weighted each category to reflect its relative importance in an RFP process, with the weightings based on our experience and on data derived from our benchmark research on analytics and data. In the overall Analytics and Data Buyers Guide, our analysis classified Google as a vendor of Merit, ranking 17th in the overall research at 54.7%. Google’s best performance came in Customer Experience at 48.7%, ranking 12th, due in part to its 12th-place ranking in Validation. In Product Experience, Google placed 18th at 55.7% due to low performance in Usability and Adaptability. Google did not participate in the RFI process. Google’s Product Experience was impacted by its 55.3% performance in Adaptability, where it could provide better integration with business processes and activities. Customer Experience was impacted by its 46.9% performance in TCO/ROI, where it could provide more information to help organizations make a business case for its products. Google performed best in Customer Experience, notably in Validation, where its 50.6% performance was due to its case study material. In addition, Google’s data modeling and data model management, including error checking, contributed to its 56.1% performance in Capability. It also provides strong interactive visualization and good customization capabilities. In Reliability, Google was rated highly for its technology architecture and operations. In the Augmented Analytics Buyers Guide, our analysis classified Google as a vendor of Merit, ranking 19th in the overall research at 49.6%. Google’s best performance came in Customer Experience at 48.7%, ranking 12th, due in part to its 12th-place ranking in Validation. In Product Experience, Google placed 18th at 49.8% due to low performance in Usability and Adaptability. Google did not participate in the RFI process. Google’s Product Experience was impacted by its 55.3% performance in Adaptability, where it could provide better integration with business processes and activities. Customer Experience was impacted by its 46.9% performance in TCO/ROI, where it could provide more information to help organizations make a business case for its products. Google performed best in Customer Experience, notably in Validation, where its 50.6% performance was due to its case study material. In Reliability, Google was rated highly for its technology architecture and operations. Google’s assistance with data access and preparation were among its best augmented analytics capabilities. In addition, Google provides good forecasting based on a variety of methods. The product also includes automated agents and alerting. In the Collaborative Analytics Buyers Guide, our analysis classified Google as a vendor of Merit, ranking 20th in the overall research at 47.3%. Google’s best performance came in Customer Experience at 48.7%, ranking 12th, due in part to its 12th-place ranking in Validation. In Product Experience, Google placed 19th at 46.9% due to low performance in Adaptability. Google did not participate in the RFI process. Google’s Product Experience was impacted by its 36.8% performance in Capability, where it lacks functionality for assigning and tracking tasks. Customer Experience was impacted by its 46.9% performance in TCO/ROI, where it could provide more information to help organizations make a business case for its products. Google performed best in Customer Experience, notably in Validation, where its 50.6% performance was due to the availability of its case study material. In Capability, Google provides good functionality for sharing analyses, making notations and integration with external collaboration tools. Its notification capabilities help bring individuals into the collaborative process. In Reliability, Google was rated highly for its technology architecture and operations. In the Embedded Analytics Buyers Guide, our analysis classified Google as a vendor of Merit, ranking 16th in the overall research at 58.7%. Google’s best performance came in Customer Experience at 48.7%, ranking 12th, due in part to its 12th-place ranking in Validation. In Product Experience, Google placed 16th at 60.7% due to low performance in Usability. Google did not participate in the RFI process. Google’s Product Experience was impacted by its 55.3% performance in Adaptability, where it could provide better integration with business processes and activities. Customer Experience was impacted by its 46.9% performance in TCO/ROI, where it could provide more information to help organizations make a business case for its products. Google performed best in Customer Experience, notably in Validation, where its 50.6% performance was due to its case study material. In Reliability, Google was rated highly for its technology architecture and operations. Additionally, Google’s performed well in white labeling and API functionality. In the Mobile Analytics Buyers Guide, our analysis classified Google as a vendor of Merit, ranking 19th in the overall research at 55.3%. Google’s best performance came in Customer Experience at 48.7%, ranking 12th, due in part to its 12th-place ranking in Validation. In Product Experience, Google placed 18th at 56.5% due to low performance in Adaptability. Google did not participate in the RFI process. Google’s Product Experience was impacted by its 55.3% performance in Adaptability, where it could provide better integration with business processes and activities. Customer Experience was impacted by its 46.9% performance in TCO/ROI, where it could provide more information to help organizations make a business case for its products. Google performed best in Customer Experience, notably in Validation, where its 50.6% performance was due to its case study material. In addition, Google’s Looker Mobile provides good interactivity and a variety of visualization options with native applications for iOS and Android. These factors contributed to its 57.3% performance in Capability. In Reliability, Google was rated highly for its technology architecture and operations. This assessment was based on Looker, Version 23.12, and was available in July of 2023. This research-based index is the most comprehensive assessment of the value of analytics and data software in the industry. Technology buyers can learn more about how to use our Buyers Guide by clicking here and included vendors that wish to learn more can click here. Click below to read the individual reports: Analytics and Data Buyers Guide Augmented Analytics Buyers Guide Collaborative Analytics Buyers Guide Embedded Analytics Buyers Guide Mobile Analytics Buyers Guide", "image": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": "", "height": 400, "width": 750 }, "author": { "@type": "Person", "name": "ISG Software Research", "url": "", "sameAs": "" }, "publisher": { "@type": "Organization", "name": "ISG", "url": "", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": "" } } }</script> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "AWS is Vendor of Merit in Analytics and Data Buyers Guide", "mainEntityOfPage": "", "datePublished": "08/11/2023", "dateModified": "08/11/2023", "articleBody": "We are happy to share some insights about AWS drawn from our latest market research, Ventana Research Buyers Guide: Analytics and Data, which assesses how well vendors’ offerings meet buyers’ requirements. We recently published five Ventana Research 2023 Analytics and Data Buyers Guides, an assessment of technology vendors and products that provide individual and combined analytics and data, augmented analytics, collaborative analytics, embedded analytics and mobile analytics and platform support. At Ventana Research, we continue to believe that, for most use-cases, there is a clear choice for analytics and data platforms for any use in your organization. We developed five technology assessments and buyers guides to focus on overall analytics and data requirements as well as specific augmented analytics, collaborative analytics, mobile analytics and embedded analytics use-cases. In all of our Buyers Guides, we utilize a structured research methodology called the Value Index that includes evaluation categories designed to reflect real-world criteria incorporated in a request for proposal (RFP) and vendor selection process for analytics and data. We evaluated AWS and 21 other vendors in seven categories, five relevant to the product (adaptability, capability, manageability, reliability and usability) and two related to the vendor (TCO/ROI and vendor validation). To arrive at the Value Index rating for a given vendor, we weighted each category to reflect its relative importance in an RFP process, with the weightings based on our experience and on data derived from our benchmark research on analytics and data. In the overall Analytics and Data Buyers Guide, our analysis classified AWS as a vendor of Merit, placing 16th overall at 55.1%. AWS’s best performance came in Customer Experience at 48.5%, ranking 13th, due in part to its 11th-place ranking in Validation. In Product Experience, AWS placed 16th at 56.3% due to low performance in Reliability. AWS did not participate in the RFI process. AWS’s Product Experience was impacted by its 56.3% performance in Reliability and its 58.4% performance in Adaptability, where it could provide more performance metrics and notifications to customers as well as better integration with other business processes. Customer Experience was impacted by its 46.0% performance in TCO/ROI, where it could provide more documentation and tools to support TCO/ROI analyses. AWS performed best in Customer Experience, notably in Validation, where its 51.0% performance was due to its material documenting customer benefits. In addition, AWS’s use of NLP and rapid training led to its 61.1% performance in Usability. In Capability, AWS provides access to most of the data sources we evaluate and was among the best in automating some of the data modeling. AWS also supports the majority of the visualizations we evaluate. In the Augmented Analytics Buyers Guide, our analysis classified AWS as a vendor of Merit, placing 15th overall at 53.6%. AWS’s best performance came in Customer Experience at 48.5%, ranking 13th, due in part to its 11th-place ranking in Validation. In Product Experience, AWS placed 15th at 54.6% due to low performance in Reliability. AWS did not participate in the RFI process. AWS’s Product Experience was impacted by its 52.0% performance in Capability, where it could provide more voice capabilities in the use of its product. Customer Experience was impacted by its 46.0% performance in TCO/ROI, where it could provide more documentation and tools to support TCO/ROI analyses. AWS performed best in Product Experience, notably in Usability, where its 61.1% performance was due in part to its AWS’s rapid training and use of NLP with multilingual capabilities. In Capability, AWS provides assistance with several data-related tasks and also does a good job with personalization to individual users. The product also provides suggestions for visualizations based on the data Additionally, AWS’s application configuration and customization capabilities led to its 58.4% performance in Adaptability. In the Collaborative Analytics Buyers Guide, our analysis classified AWS as a vendor of Merit, placing 19th overall at 47.4%. AWS’s best performance came in Customer Experience at 48.5%, ranking 13th, due in part to its 11th-place ranking in Validation. In Product Experience, AWS placed 18th at 47.1% due to low performance in Reliability. AWS did not participate in the RFI process. AWS’s Product Experience was impacted by its 33.5% performance in Capability, where it lacks functionality to comment on analyses or track tasks associated with analytics processes. Customer Experience was impacted by its 46.0% performance in TCO/ROI, where it could provide more documentation and tools to support TCO/ROI analyses. AWS performed best in Product Experience, notably in Usability, where its 61.1% performance was due in part to its AWS’s use of NLP and rapid training. In addition, AWS’s application configuration and customization capabilities led to its 58.4% performance in Adaptability. In Capability, users can easily share analyses including monitoring, alerts and subscriptions. In Validation, AWS provides good breadth and depth in its case studies. In the Embedded Analytics Buyers Guide, our analysis classified AWS as a vendor of Merit, placing 17th overall at 58.2%. AWS’s best performance came in Customer Experience at 48.5%, ranking 13th, due in part to its 11th-place ranking in Validation. In Product Experience, AWS placed 17th at 60.1% due to low performance in Reliability. AWS did not participate in the RFI process. AWS’s Product Experience was impacted by its 56.3% performance in Reliability and its 58.4% performance in Adaptability, where it could provide more performance metrics and notifications to customers and better integration with other business processes. Customer Experience was impacted by its 46.0% performance in TCO/ROI, where it could provide more documentation and tools to support TCO/ROI analyses. AWS performed best in Customer Experience, notably in Validation, where its 51.0% performance was due to the amount and quality of material documenting customer benefits. In Capability, AWS performed well in customization and integration. Additionally, AWS’s use of NLP and rapid training led to its 61.1% performance in Usability. In the Mobile Analytics Buyers Guide, our analysis classified AWS as a vendor of Merit, placing 18th overall at 55.7%. AWS’s best performance came in Customer Experience at 48.5%, ranking 13th, due in part to its 11th-place ranking in Validation. In Product Experience, AWS placed 17th at 57.1% due to low performance in Reliability. AWS did not participate in the RFI process. AWS’s Product Experience was impacted by its 56.3% performance in Reliability and its 58.4% performance in Adaptability, where it could provide more performance metrics and notifications to customers as well as better integration with other business processes. Customer Experience was impacted by its 46.0% performance in TCO/ROI, where it could provide more documentation and tools to support TCO/ROI analyses. AWS performed best in Customer Experience, notably in Validation, where its 51.0% performance was due to its material documenting customer benefits. In addition, AWS’s use of NLP and rapid training led to its 61.1% performance in Usability. In Capability, AWS provides good interactivity and supports a wide variety of visualizations in its mobile application. It also can deliver notifications to mobile devices. This assessment was based on Amazon QuickSight, Version July 2023, and was available in July of 2023. This research-based index is the most comprehensive assessment of the value of analytics and data software in the industry. Technology buyers can learn more about how to use our Buyers Guide by clicking here and included vendors that wish to learn more can click here. Click below to read the individual reports: Analytics and Data Buyers Guide Augmented Analytics Buyers Guide Collaborative Analytics Buyers Guide Embedded Analytics Buyers Guide Mobile Analytics Buyers Guide", "image": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": "", "height": 400, "width": 750 }, "author": { "@type": "Person", "name": "ISG Software Research", "url": "", "sameAs": "" }, "publisher": { "@type": "Organization", "name": "ISG", "url": "", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": "" } } }</script> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Cloud Software Group is Vendor of Merit in Analytics and Data Buyers Guide", "mainEntityOfPage": "", "datePublished": "07/11/2023", "dateModified": "07/11/2023", "articleBody": "We are happy to share some insights about Cloud Software Group drawn from our latest market research, Ventana Research Buyers Guide: Analytics and Data, which assesses how well vendors’ offerings meet buyers’ requirements. We recently published five Ventana Research 2023 Analytics and Data Buyers Guides, an assessment of technology vendors and products that provide individual and combined analytics and data, augmented analytics, collaborative analytics, embedded analytics and mobile analytics and platform support. At Ventana Research, we continue to believe that, for most use-cases, there is a clear choice for analytics and data platforms for any use in your organization. We developed five technology assessments and buyers guides to focus on overall analytics and data requirements as well as specific augmented analytics, collaborative analytics, mobile analytics and embedded analytics use-cases. In all of our Buyers Guides, we utilize a structured research methodology called the Value Index that includes evaluation categories designed to reflect real-world criteria incorporated in a request for proposal (RFP) and vendor selection process for analytics and data. We evaluated Cloud Software Group and 21 other vendors in seven categories, five relevant to the product (adaptability, capability, manageability, reliability and usability) and two related to the vendor (TCO/ROI and vendor validation). To arrive at the Value Index rating for a given vendor, we weighted each category to reflect its relative importance in an RFP process, with the weightings based on our experience and on data derived from our benchmark research on analytics and data. In the overall Analytics and Data Buyers Guide, our analysis classified Cloud Software Group as a vendor of Merit, ranking 15th in the overall research at 57.4%. Cloud Software Group’s best performance came in Product Experience at 59.8%, ranking 13th, due in part to its sixth-place ranking in Reliability. In Customer Experience, Cloud Software Group placed 15th at 43.9% due to low performance in Validation. Cloud Software Group did not participate in the RFI process. Cloud Software Group’s Product Experience was impacted by its 56.2% performance in Manageability, where it could provide better support for non-IT administrators. Customer Experience was impacted by its 40.7% performance in Validation, where it could provide better information about customer references and material about its customer experiences. Cloud Software Group performed best in Product Experience, notably in Reliability, where its 74.2% performance was due to its ability to manage and optimize performance including batch and streaming. In addition, Cloud Software Group’s strong presentation functionality led to its 58.9% performance in Capability. In the Augmented Analytics Buyers Guide, our analysis classified Cloud Software Group as a vendor of Merit, ranking 16th in the overall research at 52.4%. Cloud Software Group’s best performance came in Product Experience at 54.2%, ranking 16th, due in part to its sixth-place ranking in Reliability. In Customer Experience, Cloud Software Group placed 15th at 43.9% with a 40.7% performance in Validation. Cloud Software Group did not participate in the RFI process. Cloud Software Group’s Product Experience was impacted by its 49.1% performance in Capability, where it could provide more NLP functionality. Customer Experience was impacted by its 40.7% performance in Validation, where it could improve availability of information about customer references and material about its customer experiences. Cloud Software Group performed best in Product Experience, notably in Reliability, where its 74.2% performance was due to its ability to manage and optimize performance, including batch and streaming. In addition, Cloud Software Group’s customization and configuration functionality contributed to its 61.2% performance in Adaptability. In the Collaborative Analytics Buyers Guide, our analysis classified Cloud Software Group as a Vendor of Merit, ranking 14th in the overall research at 51.4%. Cloud Software Group’s best performance came in Product Experience at 53.6%, ranking 13th, due in part to its sixth-place ranking in Reliability. In Customer Experience, Cloud Software Group placed 15th at 43.9% due to low performance in Validation. Cloud Software Group did not participate in the RFI process. Cloud Software Group’s Product Experience was impacted by its 44.0% performance in Capability, where it could provide more functionality for assigning and tracking tasks. Customer Experience was impacted by its 40.7% performance in Validation, where it could provide better information about customer references and material about its customer experiences. Cloud Software Group performed best in Product Experience, notably in Reliability, where its 74.2% performance was due to its ability to effectively manage and optimize performance including batch and streaming. In addition, Cloud Software Group’s broad customization and configuration functionality contributed to its 61.2% performance in Adaptability. In the Embedded Analytics Buyers Guide, our analysis classified Cloud Software Group as a vendor of Merit, ranking 14th in the overall research at 60.2%. Cloud Software Group’s best performance came in Product Experience at 63.5%, ranking 14th, due in part to its sixth-place ranking in Reliability. In Customer Experience, Cloud Software Group placed 15th at 43.9% due to low performance in Validation. Cloud Software Group did not participate in the RFI process. Cloud Software Group’s Customer Experience was impacted by its 40.7% performance in Validation, where it could provide better information about customer references and material about its customer experiences. Product Experience was impacted by its 19th place ranking in Manageability, where it could offer more support for non-IT administrators. Cloud Software Group performed best in Product Experience, notably in Reliability, where its 74.2% performance was due to its ability to manage and optimize performance, including batch and streaming. In addition, Cloud Software Group’s robust customization and API functionality contributed to its 64.9% performance in Capability. In the Mobile Analytics Buyers Guide, our analysis classified Cloud Software Group as a vendor of Merit, ranking 13th in the overall research at 58.4%. Cloud Software Group’s best performance came in Product Experience at 61.2%, ranking 14th, due in part to its sixth-place ranking in Reliability. In Customer Experience, Cloud Software Group placed 15th at 43.9% due to low performance in Validation. Cloud Software Group did not participate in the RFI process. Cloud Software Group’s Product Experience was impacted by its 56.2% performance in Manageability, where it could provide better support for non-IT administrators. Customer Experience was impacted by its 40.7% performance in Validation, where it could provide better information about customer references and material about its customer experiences. Cloud Software Group performed best in Product Experience, notably in Reliability, where its 74.2% performance was due to its ability to manage and optimize performance including batch and streaming. In addition, Cloud Software Group’s strong presentation functionality and support for collaboration on mobile devices contributed to its 61.1% performance in Capability. This assessment was based on Spotfire, Version 12.5, and was available in June of 2023. This research-based index is the most comprehensive assessment of the value of analytics and data software in the industry. Technology buyers can learn more about how to use our Buyers Guide by clicking here and included vendors that wish to learn more can click here. Click below to read the individual reports: Analytics and Data Buyers Guide Augmented Analytics Buyers Guide Collaborative Analytics Buyers Guide Embedded Analytics Buyers Guide Mobile Analytics Buyers Guide", "image": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": "", "height": 400, "width": 750 }, "author": { "@type": "Person", "name": "ISG Software Research", "url": "", "sameAs": "" }, "publisher": { "@type": "Organization", "name": "ISG", "url": "", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": "" } } }</script> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Pyramid Analytics is Vendor of Assurance in Analytics and Data Buyers Guide", "mainEntityOfPage": "", "datePublished": "06/11/2023", "dateModified": "06/11/2023", "articleBody": "We are happy to share some insights about Pyramid Analytics drawn from our latest market research, Ventana Research Buyers Guide: Analytics and Data, which assesses how well vendors’ offerings meet buyers’ requirements. We recently published five Ventana Research 2023 Analytics and Data Buyers Guides, an assessment of technology vendors and products that provide individual and combined analytics and data, augmented analytics, collaborative analytics, embedded analytics and mobile analytics and platform support. At Ventana Research, we continue to believe that, for most use-cases, there is a clear choice for analytics and data platforms for any use in your organization. We developed five technology assessments and buyers guides to focus on overall analytics and data requirements as well as specific augmented analytics, collaborative analytics, mobile analytics and embedded analytics use-cases. In all of our Buyers Guides, we utilize a structured research methodology called the Value Index that includes evaluation categories designed to reflect real-world criteria incorporated in a request for proposal (RFP) and vendor selection process for analytics and data. We evaluated Pyramid Analytics and 21 other vendors in seven categories, five relevant to the product (adaptability, capability, manageability, reliability and usability) and two related to the vendor (TCO/ROI and vendor validation). To arrive at the Value Index rating for a given vendor, we weighted each category to reflect its relative importance in an RFP process, with the weightings based on our experience and on data derived from our benchmark research on analytics and data. In the overall Analytics and Data Buyers Guide, our analysis classified Pyramid Analytics as an Innovative vendor, ranking 14th in the overall research at 57.9%. Pyramid Analytics’s best performance came in Product Experience at 63.3%, ranking 11th, due in part to its seventh-place ranking in Usability. In Customer Experience, Pyramid Analytics placed 22nd at 28.40% due to low performance in TCO/ROI and Validation. Pyramid Analytics fully participated in the RFI process. Pyramid Analytics’s Product Experience was impacted by its 60.0% performance in Adaptability, where it could provide more configuration and customization capabilities. Customer Experience was impacted by its 28.0% performance in Validation, where it could provide more information about its customer experience and its product roadmap. In TCO/ROI, it could provide more tools to help prospects calculate TCO. Pyramid Analytics performed best in Product Experience, notably in Usability, where its 72.7% performance was due to its support for a variety of personas and collaboration. In addition, Pyramid Analytics’s mobile functionality led to its 61.7% performance in Capability. It also performed well in collaborative analytics and decision-making support. In the Augmented Analytics Buyers Guide, our analysis classified Pyramid Analytics as an Innovative vendor, ranking 13th in the overall research at 55.3%. Pyramid Analytics’s best performance came in Product Experience at 60.9%, ranking ninth, due in part to its seventh-place ranking in Usability. In Customer Experience, Pyramid Analytics placed 22nd at 28.40% due to low performance in TCO/ROI and Validation. Pyramid Analytics fully participated in the RFI process. Pyramid Analytics Product Experience was impacted by its 60.0% performance in Adaptability, where it could provide more configuration and customization capabilities. Customer Experience was impacted by its 28.0% performance in Validation, where it could provide more information about its customer experience and its product roadmap. In TCO/ROI it could provide more tools to help prospects calculate TCO. Pyramid Analytics performed best in Product Experience, notably in Usability, where its 72.7% performance was due to its support for a variety of personas and collaboration. In addition, Pyramid Analytics’s natural language query, AutoML and guided analytics led to its 57.1% performance in Capability. In the Collaborative Analytics Buyers Guide, our analysis classified Pyramid Analytics as an Innovative vendor, ranking 11th in the overall research at 54.8%. Pyramid Analytics’s best performance came in Product Experience at 62.1%, ranking ninth, due in part to its sixth-place ranking in Capability. In Customer Experience, Pyramid Analytics placed 22nd at 28.40% due to low performance in TCO/ROI and Validation. Pyramid Analytics fully participated in the RFI process. Pyramid Analytics Customer Experience was impacted by its 28.0% performance in Validation, where it could provide more information about its customer experience and its product roadmap. In TCO/ROI, it could provide more tools to help prospects calculate TCO. Product Experience was impacted by its 60.0% performance in Adaptability, where it could provide more configuration and customization capabilities. Pyramid Analytics performed best in Product Experience, notably in Usability, where its 72.7% performance was due to its support for a variety of personas and collaboration. In addition, Pyramid Analytics’s annotating and sharing analyses as well as posting them to discussion groups contributed to their sixth-place ranking in Capability. In the Embedded Analytics Buyers Guide, our analysis classified Pyramid Analytics as a vendor of Merit, ranking 15th in the overall research at 58.9%. Pyramid Analytics’ best performance came in Product Experience at 64.9%, ranking 12th, due in part to its seventh-place ranking in Usability. In Customer Experience, Pyramid Analytics placed 22nd at 28.40% due to low performance in TCO/ROI and Validation. Pyramid Analytics fully participated in the RFI process. Pyramid Analytics Product Experience was impacted by its 60.0% performance in Adaptability, where it could provide more configuration and customization capabilities. Customer Experience was impacted by its 28.0% performance in Validation, where it could provide more information about its customer experience and its product roadmap. In TCO/ROI, it could provide more tools to help prospects calculate TCO. Pyramid Analytics performed best in Product Experience, notably in Usability, where its 72.7% performance was due to its support for a variety of personas and collaboration. In addition, Pyramid Analytics’ flexible administration and configuration functionality contributed to its 65.6% performance in Manageability. In the Mobile Analytics Buyers Guide, our analysis classified Pyramid Analytics as a vendor of Merit, ranking 14th in the overall research at 57.9%. Pyramid Analytics’s best performance came in Product Experience at 63.5%, ranking 13th, due in part to its seventh-place ranking in Usability. In Customer Experience, Pyramid Analytics placed 22nd at 28.40% due to low performance in TCO/ROI and Validation. Pyramid Analytics fully participated in the RFI process. Pyramid Analytics’s Product Experience was impacted by its 60.0% performance in Adaptability, where it could provide more configuration and customization capabilities. Customer Experience was impacted by its 28.0% performance in Validation, where it could provide more information about its customer experience and its product roadmap. In TCO/ROI, it could provide more tools to help prospects calculate TCO. Pyramid Analytics performed best in Product Experience, notably in Usability, where its 72.7% performance was due to its support for a variety of personas and collaboration. In Capability, Pyramid Analytics’s 61.8% performance was due in part to good interactivity, a variety of visualizations and mobile support for collaborative and augmented analytics. This assessment was based on Pyramid Decision Intelligence Platform, Version 2023, and was available in June of 2023. This research-based index is the most comprehensive assessment of the value of analytics and data software in the industry. Technology buyers can learn more about how to use our Buyers Guide by clicking here and included vendors that wish to learn more can click here. Click below to read the individual reports: Analytics and Data Buyers Guide Augmented Analytics Buyers Guide Collaborative Analytics Buyers Guide Embedded Analytics Buyers Guide Mobile Analytics Buyers Guide", "image": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": "", "height": 400, "width": 750 }, "author": { "@type": "Person", "name": "ISG Software Research", "url": "", "sameAs": "" }, "publisher": { "@type": "Organization", "name": "ISG", "url": "", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": "" } } }</script> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "insightsoftware is Vendor of Assurance in Analytics and Data Buyers Guide", "mainEntityOfPage": "", "datePublished": "03/11/2023", "dateModified": "03/11/2023", "articleBody": "We are happy to share some insights about insightsoftware drawn from our latest market research, Ventana Research Buyers Guide: Analytics and Data, which assesses how well vendors’ offerings meet buyers’ requirements. We recently published five Ventana Research 2023 Analytics and Data Buyers Guides, an assessment of technology vendors and products that provide individual and combined analytics and data, augmented analytics, collaborative analytics, embedded analytics and mobile analytics and platform support. At Ventana Research, we continue to believe that, for most use-cases, there is a clear choice for analytics and data platforms for any use in your organization. We developed five technology assessments and buyers guides to focus on overall analytics and data requirements as well as specific augmented analytics, collaborative analytics, mobile analytics and embedded analytics use-cases. In all of our Buyers Guides, we utilize a structured research methodology called the Value Index that includes evaluation categories designed to reflect real-world criteria incorporated in a request for proposal (RFP) and vendor selection process for analytics and data. We evaluated insightsoftware and 21 other vendors in seven categories, five relevant to the product (adaptability, capability, manageability, reliability and usability) and two related to the vendor (TCO/ROI and vendor validation). To arrive at the Value Index rating for a given vendor, we weighted each category to reflect its relative importance in an RFP process, with the weightings based on our experience and on data derived from our benchmark research on analytics and data. In the overall Analytics and Data Buyers Guide, our analysis classified insightsoftware as a vendor of Assurance, ranking 13th in the overall research at 59.0%. insightsoftware’s best performance came in Customer Experience at 63.5%, ranking 10th, due in part to its ninth-place ranking in TCO/ROI. In Product Experience, insightsoftware placed 15th at 58.1% due to low performance in Reliability. insightsoftware fully participated in the RFI process. insightsoftware’s Product Experience was impacted by its 60.2% performance in Reliability, where it could consolidate its components more. Customer Experience was impacted by its 59.8% performance in Validation, where it could improve visibility into business unit operations. insightsoftware performed best in Customer Experience, notably in TCO/ROI, where its 67.1% performance was due to its support and tools for making a business case. In addition, insightsoftware’s customization and API functionality led to its 71.6% performance in Adaptability. In Capability, it performed well in interactive visualization and discovery with some of the best-built gauges and charts. In the Augmented Analytics Buyers Guide, our analysis classified insightsoftware as a vendor of Assurance, ranking 11th in the overall research at 57.7%. insightsoftware’s best performance came in Customer Experience at 63.5%, ranking 10th, due in part to its ninth-place ranking in TCO/ROI. In Product Experience, insightsoftware placed 14th at 56.5% due in part to its 71.6% performance in Reliability. insightsoftware fully participated in the RFI process. insightsoftware’s Product Experience was impacted by its 60.2% performance in Reliability, where it could consolidate its components more. Customer Experience was impacted by its 59.8% performance in Validation, where it could improve visibility into business unit operations. insightsoftware performed best in Customer Experience, notably in TCO/ROI, where its 67.1% performance was due to its support and tools for making a business case. In Capability, insightsoftware provides good natural language query capabilities. Additionally, insightsoftware’s customization and API functionality led to its 71.6% performance in Adaptability. In the Collaborative Analytics Buyers Guide, our analysis classified insightsoftware as a vendor of Assurance, ranking 12th in the overall research at 54.7%. insightsoftware’s best performance came in Customer Experience at 63.5%, ranking 10th, due in part to its ninth- place ranking in TCO/ROI. In Product Experience, insightsoftware placed 15th at 52.2%, due in part to its performance in Reliability. insightsoftware fully participated in the RFI process. insightsoftware’s Product Experience was impacted by its 39.7% performance in Capability, where it lacks tasks tracking and coordination. Customer Experience was impacted by its 59.8% performance in Validation, where it could improve visibility into business unit operations. insightsoftware performed best in Customer Experience, notably in TCO/ROI, where its 67.1% performance was due to its support and tools for making a business case. In addition, insightsoftware’s customization and API functionality led to its 71.6% performance in Adaptability. In Capability, insightsoftware supports sharing analyses including annotations. It also provides monitoring, alerting and subscription functionality. In the Embedded Analytics Buyers Guide, our analysis classified insightsoftware as Exemplary, ranking ninth in the overall research at 65.0%. insightsoftware’s best performance came in Customer Experience at 63.5%, ranking 10th, due in part to its ninth-place ranking in TCO/ROI. In Product Experience, insightsoftware placed 11th at 65.3% due to low performance in Usability. insightsoftware fully participated in the RFI process. insightsoftware’s Product Experience was impacted by its 60.2% performance in Reliability, where it could further consolidate its components. Customer Experience was impacted by its 59.8% performance in Validation, where it could improve visibility into business unit operations. insightsoftware performed best in Customer Experience, notably in TCO/ROI, where its 67.1% performance was due to its well-developed support and tools for making a business case. In Capability, insightsoftware was among the best with its scripting and custom controls. Additionally, insightsoftware’s broad customization and API functionality led to its 71.6% performance in Adaptability. In the Mobile Analytics Buyers Guide, our analysis classified insightsoftware as a vendor of Assurance, ranking 20th in the overall research at 53.6%. insightsoftware’s best performance came in Customer Experience at 63.5%, ranking 10th, due in part to its ninth-place ranking in TCO/ROI. In Product Experience, insightsoftware placed 20th at 51.7% due to low performance in Capability. insightsoftware fully participated in the RFI process. insightsoftware’s Product Experience was impacted by its 60.2% performance in Reliability, where it could consolidate its components more. Customer Experience was impacted by its 59.8% performance in Validation, where it could improve visibility into business unit operations. insightsoftware performed best in Customer Experience, notably in TCO/ROI, where its 67.1% performance was due to its support and tools for making a business case. In Capability, it relies on HTML5 and responsive design to bring all its functionality to mobile devices. In addition, insightsoftware’s customization and API functionality led to its 71.6% performance in Adaptability. This assessment was based on Logi Symphony, Version 23.2, and was available in June of 2023. This research-based index is the most comprehensive assessment of the value of analytics and data software in the industry. Technology buyers can learn more about how to use our Buyers Guide by clicking here and included vendors that wish to learn more can click here. Click below to read the individual reports: Analytics and Data Buyers Guide Augmented Analytics Buyers Guide Collaborative Analytics Buyers Guide Embedded Analytics Buyers Guide Mobile Analytics Buyers Guide", "image": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": "", "height": 400, "width": 750 }, "author": { "@type": "Person", "name": "ISG Software Research", "url": "", "sameAs": "" }, "publisher": { "@type": "Organization", "name": "ISG", "url": "", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": "" } } }</script> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Idera is Innovative in Analytics and Data Buyers Guide", "mainEntityOfPage": "", "datePublished": "02/11/2023", "dateModified": "02/11/2023", "articleBody": "We are happy to share some insights about Idera drawn from our latest market research, Ventana Research Buyers Guide: Analytics and Data, which assesses how well vendors’ offerings meet buyers’ requirements. We recently published five Ventana Research 2023 Analytics and Data Buyers Guides, an assessment of technology vendors and products that provide individual and combined analytics and data, augmented analytics, collaborative analytics, embedded analytics and mobile analytics and platform support. At Ventana Research, we continue to believe that, for most use-cases, there is a clear choice for analytics and data platforms for any use in your organization. We developed five technology assessments and buyers guides to focus on overall analytics and data requirements as well as specific augmented analytics, collaborative analytics, mobile analytics and embedded analytics use-cases. In all of our Buyers Guides, we utilize a structured research methodology called the Value Index that includes evaluation categories designed to reflect real-world criteria incorporated in a request for proposal (RFP) and vendor selection process for analytics and data. We evaluated Idera and 21 other vendors in seven categories, five relevant to the product (adaptability, capability, manageability, reliability and usability) and two related to the vendor (TCO/ROI and vendor validation). To arrive at the Value Index rating for a given vendor, we weighted each category to reflect its relative importance in an RFP process, with the weightings based on our experience and on data derived from our benchmark research on analytics and data. In the overall Analytics and Data Buyers Guide, our analysis classified Idera as an Innovative vendor, ranking 12th in the overall research at 59.4%. Idera’s best performance came in Product Experience at 64.3%, ranking ninth, due in part to its ninth-place ranking in Usability and Capability. In Customer Experience, Idera placed 21st at 32.0% due to low performance in Validation. Idera did not participate in the RFI process. Idera’s Product Experience was impacted by its 60.3% performance in Reliability, where it could provide more information about performance, scalability and continuity. Customer Experience was impacted by its 31.7% performance in Validation, where it could provide more information about its customer experience. Idera performed best in Product Experience, notably in Usability, where its 71.7% performance was due to its support for a variety of personas and its accessibility features. In addition, Idera’s presentation and mobile functionality led to its 63.4% performance in Capability. It also performed well in data modeling, data access, interactive visualization and of collaboration. In the Augmented Analytics Buyers Guide, our analysis classified Idera as a vendor of Merit, ranking 14th in the overall research at 54.9%. Idera’s best performance came in Product Experience at 59.6%, ranking 12th, due in part to its ninth-place ranking in Usability and Capability. In Customer Experience, Idera placed 21st at 32.0% due to low performance in Validation. Idera did not participate in the RFI process. Idera’s Product Experience was impacted by its 60.3% performance in Reliability, where it could provide more information about performance, scalability and continuity. Customer Experience was impacted by its 31.7% performance in Validation, where it could provide more information about its customer experience. Idera performed best in Product Experience, notably in Usability, where its 71.7% performance was due to its support for a variety of personas and its accessibility features. In addition, Idera’s NLP and guided analytics contributed to its ninth-place ranking in Capability. In the Collaborative Analytics Buyers Guide, our analysis classified Idera as an Innovative vendor, ranking 10th in the overall research at 56.5%. Idera’s best performance came in Product Experience at 63.2%, ranking eighth, due in part to its fifth-place ranking in Capability. In Customer Experience, Idera placed 21st at 32.0% due to low performance in Validation. Idera did not participate in the RFI process. Idera’s Customer Experience was impacted by its 31.7% performance in Validation, where it could provide more information about its customer experience. Product Experience was impacted by its 60.3% performance in Reliability, where it could provide more information about performance, scalability and continuity. Idera performed best in Product Experience, notably in Capability where its fifth-place ranking was due in part to its discussion groups, sharing analyses with annotations and its functionality for assigning and tracking tasks associated with analytics processes. In Usability, its 71.7% performance was due to its support for a variety of personas and its accessibility features. In the Embedded Analytics Buyers Guide, our analysis classified Idera as an Innovative vendor, ranking 12th in the overall research at 61.2%. Idera’s best performance came in Product Experience at 66.9%, ranking ninth, due in part to its ninth-place ranking in Usability and eighth in Capability. In Customer Experience, Idera placed 21st at 32.0% due to low performance in Validation. Idera did not participate in the RFI process. Idera’s Product Experience was impacted by its 60.3% performance in Reliability, where it could provide more information about performance, scalability and continuity. Customer Experience was impacted by its 31.7% performance in Validation, where it could provide more information about its customer experience. Idera performed best in Product Experience, notably in Usability, where its 71.7% performance was due to its support for a variety of personas and its accessibility features. In addition, Idera performed well in integration, customization and white labeling in Capability contributing to an eighth-place ranking. In the Mobile Analytics Buyers Guide, our analysis classified Idera as an Innovative vendor, ranking 12th in the overall research at 61.4%. Idera’s best performance came in Product Experience at 67.0%, ranking ninth, due in part to its seventh-place ranking in Capability. In Customer Experience, Idera placed 21st at 32.0% due to low performance in Validation. Idera did not participate in the RFI process. Idera’s Product Experience was impacted by its 60.3% performance in Reliability, where it could provide more information about performance, scalability and continuity. Customer Experience was impacted by its 31.7% performance in Validation, where it could provide more information about its customer experience. Idera performed best in Product Experience, notably in Capability, due to good interactivity and a wide variety of presentation options. It supports annotations, alerts and notifications on mobile devices. And, it brings its augmented analytics and collaboration capabilities to mobile devices. In Usability, its 71.7% performance was due in part to its support for a variety of personas and its accessibility features. This assessment was based on Yellowfin, Version 9.9.0, and was available in July of 2023. This research-based index is the most comprehensive assessment of the value of analytics and data software in the industry. Technology buyers can learn more about how to use our Buyers Guide by clicking here and included vendors that wish to learn more can click here. Click below to read the individual reports: Analytics and Data Buyers Guide Augmented Analytics Buyers Guide Collaborative Analytics Buyers Guide Embedded Analytics Buyers Guide Mobile Analytics Buyers Guide", "image": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": "", "height": 400, "width": 750 }, "author": { "@type": "Person", "name": "ISG Software Research", "url": "", "sameAs": "" }, "publisher": { "@type": "Organization", "name": "ISG", "url": "", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": "" } } }</script> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Sisense is Vendor of Assurance in Analytics and Data Buyers Guide", "mainEntityOfPage": "", "datePublished": "01/11/2023", "dateModified": "01/11/2023", "articleBody": "We are happy to share some insights about Sisense drawn from our latest market research, Ventana Research Buyers Guide: Analytics and Data, which assesses how well vendors’ offerings meet buyers’ requirements. We recently published five Ventana Research 2023 Analytics and Data Buyers Guides, an assessment of technology vendors and products that provide individual and combined analytics and data, augmented analytics, collaborative analytics, embedded analytics and mobile analytics and platform support. At Ventana Research, we continue to believe that, for most use-cases, there is a clear choice for analytics and data platforms for any use in your organization. We developed five technology assessments and buyers guides to focus on overall analytics and data requirements as well as specific augmented analytics, collaborative analytics, mobile analytics and embedded analytics use-cases. In all of our Buyers Guides, we utilize a structured research methodology called the Value Index that includes evaluation categories designed to reflect real-world criteria incorporated in a request for proposal (RFP) and vendor selection process for analytics and data. We evaluated Sisense and 21 other vendors in seven categories, five relevant to the product (adaptability, capability, manageability, reliability and usability) and two related to the vendor (TCO/ROI and vendor validation). To arrive at the Value Index rating for a given vendor, we weighted each category to reflect its relative importance in an RFP process, with the weightings based on our experience and on data derived from our benchmark research on analytics and data. In the overall Analytics and Data Buyers Guide, our analysis classified Sisense as a vendor of Assurance, ranking 11th in the overall research at 60.4%. Sisense’s best performance came in Customer Experience at 67.2%, ranking eighth, due in part to its eighth-place ranking in TCO/ROI. In Product Experience, Sisense placed 14th with a 79.4% performance in Reliability where it was designated a Leader. Sisense fully participated in the RFI process. Sisense’s Product Experience was impacted by its 52.5% performance in Capability, where it could provide more support for collaboration. Customer Experience was impacted by its 65.1% performance in Validation, where it could provide more material about the customer experience. Sisense performed best in Product Experience, notably in Reliability, where its 79.4% performance was due in part to its architecture and deployment options. In addition, Sisense’s administration capabilities for both IT and non-IT personnel led to its 74.7% performance in Manageability. Its configuration, customization and API capabilities contributed to its strong performance in Adaptability. In Capability, it performed well in interactive visualization and discovery. In the Augmented Analytics Buyers Guide, our analysis classified Sisense as a vendor of Assurance, ranking ninth in the overall research at 59.1%. Sisense’s best performance came in Customer Experience at 67.2%, ranking eighth, due in part to its eighth-place ranking in TCO/ROI. In Product Experience, Sisense placed 13th with a 79.4% performance in Reliability where it was designated a Leader. Sisense fully participated in the RFI process. Sisense’s Product Experience was impacted by its 47.9% performance in Capability, where it could provide more assistance in the data access and preparation process. Customer Experience was impacted by its 65.1% performance in Validation, where it could provide more material about the customer experience. Sisense performed best in Product Experience, notably in Reliability, where its 79.4% performance was due in part to its architecture and deployment options. In addition, Sisense’s administration capabilities for both IT and non-IT personnel led to its 74.7% performance in Manageability. Sisense’s configuration, customization and API capabilities contributed to its strong performance in Adaptability, and in Capability, it provides NLP and AutoML. In the Collaborative Analytics Buyers Guide, our analysis classified Sisense as a vendor of Assurance, ranking ninth in the overall research at 58.6%. Sisense’s best performance came in Customer Experience at 67.2%, ranking eighth, due in part to its eighth-place ranking in TCO/ROI. In Product Experience, Sisense is placed 12th at 56.2% due to its low performance in Capability. It was designated a Leader in Reliability. Sisense fully participated in the RFI process. Sisense’s Product Experience was impacted by its 38.4% performance in Capability, where it could provide functionality to assign and track tasks as well as better annotation capabilities. Customer Experience was impacted by its 65.1% performance in Validation, where it could provide more material about the customer experience. Sisense performed best in Product Experience, notably in Reliability, where its 79.4% performance was due in part to its architecture and deployment options. In addition, Sisense’s administration capabilities for both IT and non-IT personnel led to its 74.7% performance in Manageability. In Capability, it provides good support for sharing analyses into external collaboration tools. Its configuration, customization and API capabilities contributed to its strong performance in Adaptability. In Capability, it provides NLP and automated machine learning (AutoML). In the Embedded Analytics Buyers Guide, our analysis classified Sisense as a vendor of Assurance, ranking 11th in the overall research at 63.6%. Sisense’s best performance came in Customer Experience at 67.2%, ranking eighth, due in part to its eighth-place ranking in TCO/ROI. In Product Experience, Sisense placed 15th with a 62.9% performance. In Reliability, it was designated a Leader. Sisense fully participated in the RFI process. Sisense’s Product Experience was impacted by its 57.6% performance in Capability, where it could provide more data access functionality. Customer Experience was impacted by its 65.1% performance in Validation, where it could provide more material about the customer experience. Sisense performed best in Product Experience, notably in Reliability, where its 79.4% performance was due in part to its architecture and deployment options. In addition, Sisense’s administration capabilities for both IT and non-IT personnel led to its 74.7% performance in Manageability. Its configuration, customization and API capabilities contributed to its strong performance in Adaptability. In the Mobile Analytics Buyers Guide, our analysis classified Sisense as a vendor of Assurance, ranking 10th in the overall research at 64.6%. Sisense’s best performance came in Customer Experience at 67.2%, ranking eighth, due in part to its eighth-place ranking in TCO/ROI. In Product Experience, Sisense placed 12th due in part to a 79.4% performance in Reliability, where it was designated a Leader. Sisense fully participated in the RFI process. Sisense’s Product Experience was impacted by its 59.9% performance in Capability, where it could provide more support for collaboration. Customer Experience was impacted by its 65.1% performance in Validation, where it could provide more material about the customer experience. Sisense performed best in Product Experience, notably in Reliability, where its 79.4% performance was due in part to its architecture and deployment options. In Capability, it performed well in interactive visualization and is one of a few vendors to offer write-back functionality from mobile devices. In addition, Sisense’s administration capabilities for both IT and non-IT personnel led to its 74.7% performance in Manageability. Its configuration, customization and API capabilities contributed to its strong performance in Adaptability. This assessment was based on Sisense Fusion, Version 2023.7, and was available in July of 2023. This research-based index is the most comprehensive assessment of the value of analytics and data software in the industry. Technology buyers can learn more about how to use our Buyers Guide by clicking here and included vendors that wish to learn more can click here. Click below to read the individual reports: Analytics and Data Buyers Guide Augmented Analytics Buyers Guide Collaborative Analytics Buyers Guide Embedded Analytics Buyers Guide Mobile Analytics Buyers Guide", "image": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": "", "height": 400, "width": 750 }, "author": { "@type": "Person", "name": "ISG Software Research", "url": "", "sameAs": "" }, "publisher": { "@type": "Organization", "name": "ISG", "url": "", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": "" } } }</script> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "SAS is Innovative in Analytics and Data Buyers Guide", "mainEntityOfPage": "", "datePublished": "31/10/2023", "dateModified": "31/10/2023", "articleBody": "We are happy to share some insights about SAS drawn from our latest market research, Ventana Research Buyers Guide: Analytics and Data, which assesses how well vendors’ offerings meet buyers’ requirements. We recently published five Ventana Research 2023 Analytics and Data Buyers Guides, an assessment of technology vendors and products that provide individual and combined analytics and data, augmented analytics, collaborative analytics, embedded analytics and mobile analytics and platform support. At Ventana Research, we continue to believe that, for most use-cases, there is a clear choice for analytics and data platforms for any use in your organization. We developed five technology assessments and buyers guides to focus on overall analytics and data requirements as well as specific augmented analytics, collaborative analytics, mobile analytics and embedded analytics use-cases. In all of our Buyers Guides, we utilize a structured research methodology called the Value Index that includes evaluation categories designed to reflect real-world criteria incorporated in a request for proposal (RFP) and vendor selection process for analytics and data. We evaluated SAS and 21 other vendors in seven categories, five relevant to the product (adaptability, capability, manageability, reliability and usability) and two related to the vendor (TCO/ROI and vendor validation). To arrive at the Value Index rating for a given vendor, we weighted each category to reflect its relative importance in an RFP process, with the weightings based on our experience and on data derived from our benchmark research on analytics and data. In the overall Analytics and Data Buyers Guide, our analysis classified SAS as an Innovative vendor, ranking 10th in the overall research at 60.9%. SAS’s best performance came in Product Experience at 64.3%, ranking 10th, due in part to its eighth-place ranking in Capability. In Customer Experience, SAS placed 17th at 42.3% due to low performance in Validation. SAS did not participate in the RFI process. SAS’s Product Experience was impacted by its 58.8% performance in Usability, where it could provide better collaboration capabilities. Customer Experience was impacted by its 40.5% performance in TCO/ROI, where it could provide better support to help customers calculate costs, benefits and TCO to build a business case. SAS performed best in Product Experience, notably in Capability, where its 64.8% performance was due to its broad set of predictive analytics functionality. It also performed well in interactive visualization and discovery, and customization. In addition, SAS’s performance, scalability and administrative functionality led to its 70.1% performance in Reliability. In the Augmented Analytics Buyers Guide, our analysis classified SAS as an Innovative vendor, ranking 10th in the overall research at 59.0%. SAS’s best performance came in Product Experience at 62.5%, ranking eighth, due in part to its fifth-place ranking in Capability. In Customer Experience, SAS placed 17th at 42.3% due to low performance in Validation. SAS did not participate in the RFI process. SAS’s Product Experience was impacted by its 58.8% performance in Usability, where it could provide better collaboration capabilities. Customer Experience was impacted by its 40.5% performance in TCO/ROI, where it could provide better support to help customers calculate costs, benefits and TCO to build a business case. SAS performed best in Product Experience, notably in Capability, where its 61.8% performance and fifth-place ranking was due to its broad set of predictive analytics functionality. It also provides AutoML and NLP and is one of the few vendors with multilingual capabilities. In addition, SAS’s performance, scalability and administrative functionality led to its 70.1% performance in Reliability. In the Collaborative Analytics Buyers Guide, our analysis classified SAS as a vendor of Merit, ranking 15th in the overall research at 50.3%. SAS’s best performance came in Product Experience at 52.5%, ranking 14th, due in part to its ninth-place ranking in Reliability. In Customer Experience, SAS placed 17th at 42.3% due to low performance in Validation. SAS did not participate in the RFI process. SAS’s Product Experience was impacted by its 39.3% performance in Capability, where it could provide better support for discussion groups and task management capabilities. Customer Experience was impacted by its 40.5% performance in TCO/ROI, where it could provide better support to help customers calculate costs, benefits and TCO to build a business case. SAS performed best in Product Experience, notably in Reliability, due to its performance, scalability and administrative functionality. In Capability, SAS supports annotating and sharing analyses, including via subscriptions, and can deliver objects in a variety of formats, including spreadsheets and presentations. It also provides functionality for monitoring, alerting and notifications when data has changed. In the Embedded Analytics Buyers Guide, our analysis classified SAS as a vendor of Merit, ranking 13th in the overall research at 61.0%. SAS’s best performance came in Product Experience at 64.7%, ranking 13th, due in part to its ninth-place ranking in Reliability. In Customer Experience, SAS placed 17th at 42.3% due to low performance in TCO/ROI. SAS did not participate in the RFI process. SAS’s Product Experience was impacted by its 58.8% performance in Usability, where it could provide better collaboration capabilities. Customer Experience was impacted by its 40.5% performance in TCO/ROI, where it could provide better support to help customers calculate costs, benefits and TCO to build a business case. SAS performed best in Product Experience, notably in Reliability, where its 70.1% performance was due to its strong performance, scalability and administrative functionality. In Capability, SAS provides a broad set of analytics functionality as well as extensive customization and integration capabilities contributing to its 65.5% performance. It also provides robust integration with Microsoft 365 for embedding analyses in Microsoft Excel, PowerPoint and Word. In the Mobile Analytics Buyers Guide, our analysis classified SAS as an Innovative vendor, ranking 11th in the overall research at 61.7%. SAS’s best performance came in Product Experience at 65.4%, ranking 11th, due in part to its ninth-place ranking in Capability and Reliability. In Customer Experience, SAS placed 17th at 42.3% due to low performance in TCO/ROI. SAS did not participate in the RFI process. SAS’s Product Experience was impacted by its 58.8% performance in Usability, where it could provide better collaboration capabilities. Customer Experience was impacted by its 40.5% performance in TCO/ROI, where it could provide better support to help customers calculate costs, benefits and TCO to build a business case. SAS performed best in Product Experience, notably in Capability, where its 66.6% performance was due in part to its native applications for iOS, Android and Windows devices that have good interactivity and a wide variety of visualizations. It is one of a few vendors with offline analysis functionality and it brings its augmented analytics capabilities to mobile devices. In addition, SAS’s performance, scalability and administrative functionality led to its 70.1% performance in Reliability. This assessment was based on SAS Viya, Version 2023.07, and was available in July of 2023. This research-based index is the most comprehensive assessment of the value of analytics and data software in the industry. Technology buyers can learn more about how to use our Buyers Guide by clicking here and included vendors that wish to learn more can click here. Click below to read the individual reports: Analytics and Data Buyers Guide Augmented Analytics Buyers Guide Collaborative Analytics Buyers Guide Embedded Analytics Buyers Guide Mobile Analytics Buyers Guide", "image": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": "", "height": 400, "width": 750 }, "author": { "@type": "Person", "name": "ISG Software Research", "url": "", "sameAs": "" }, "publisher": { "@type": "Organization", "name": "ISG", "url": "", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": "" } } }</script> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "MicroStrategy is Innovative in Analytics and Data Buyers Guide", "mainEntityOfPage": "", "datePublished": "30/10/2023", "dateModified": "30/10/2023", "articleBody": "We are happy to share some insights about MicroStrategy drawn from our latest market research, Ventana Research Buyers Guide: Analytics and Data, which assesses how well vendors’ offerings meet buyers’ requirements. We recently published five Ventana Research 2023 Analytics and Data Buyers Guides, an assessment of technology vendors and products that provide individual and combined analytics and data, augmented analytics, collaborative analytics, embedded analytics and mobile analytics and platform support. At Ventana Research, we continue to believe that, for most use-cases, there is a clear choice for analytics and data platforms for any use in your organization. We developed five technology assessments and buyers guides to focus on overall analytics and data requirements as well as specific augmented analytics, collaborative analytics, mobile analytics and embedded analytics use-cases. In all of our Buyers Guides, we utilize a structured research methodology called the Value Index that includes evaluation categories designed to reflect real-world criteria incorporated in a request for proposal (RFP) and vendor selection process for analytics and data. We evaluated MicroStrategy and 21 other vendors in seven categories, five relevant to the product (adaptability, capability, manageability, reliability and usability) and two related to the vendor (TCO/ROI and vendor validation). To arrive at the Value Index rating for a given vendor, we weighted each category to reflect its relative importance in an RFP process, with the weightings based on our experience and on data derived from our benchmark research on analytics and data. In the overall Analytics and Data Buyers Guide, our analysis classified MicroStrategy as an Innovative vendor, ranking ninth in the overall research at 61.9%. MicroStrategy’s best performance came in Product Experience at 65.6%, ranking eighth, due in part to its seventh-place ranking in Capability. In Customer Experience, MicroStrategy placed 18th at 41.40% due to low performance in TCO/ROI. MicroStrategy partially participated in the RFI process. MicroStrategy’s Product Experience was impacted by its 63.4% performance in Manageability, where it could provide better support for non-IT administrators. Customer Experience was impacted by its 40.9% performance in TCO/ROI, where it could provide more information and better tools to make a business case. MicroStrategy performed best in Product Experience, notably in Capability, where its 64.9% performance was due in part to its presentation and mobile functionality. It also performed well in data access, data modeling and interactive visualization and discovery. In addition, MicroStrategy’s performance optimization and configuration led to its 69.2% performance in Reliability. In the Augmented Analytics Buyers Guide, our analysis classified MicroStrategy as an Innovative vendor, ranking twelfth in the overall research at 56.6%. MicroStrategy’s best performance came in Product Experience at 59.7%, ranking eleventh, due in part to its tenth-place ranking in Reliability. In Customer Experience, MicroStrategy placed 18th at 41.40% due to low performance in TCO/ROI. MicroStrategy partially participated in the RFI process. MicroStrategy’s Product Experience was impacted by its 63.4% performance in Manageability, where it could provide better support for non-IT administrators. Customer Experience was impacted by its 40.9% performance in TCO/ROI, where it could provide more information and better tools to make a business case. MicroStrategy performed best in Product Experience, notably in Reliability, where its 69.2% performance was due in part to its performance optimization and configuration functionality. In Capability, it is one of the few vendors with location awareness. It also provides natural language query and AutoML including its Insights capability to spot outliers and trends automatically. In the Collaborative Analytics Buyers Guide, our analysis classified MicroStrategy as an Innovative vendor, ranking 13th in the overall research at 54.3%. MicroStrategy’s best performance came in Product Experience at 57.9%, ranking eleventh, due in part to its 10th-place ranking in Capability and Reliability. In Customer Experience, MicroStrategy placed 18th at 41.40% due to low performance in TCO/ROI. MicroStrategy partially participated in the RFI process. MicroStrategy’s Product Experience was impacted by its 63.4% performance in Manageability, where it could provide better support for non-IT administrators. Customer Experience was impacted by its 40.9% performance in TCO/ROI, where it could provide more information and better tools to make a business case. MicroStrategy performed best in Product Experience, notably in Reliability, where its 69.2% performance and 10th-place ranking was due in part to its performance optimization and configuration functionality. In Capability, the ability to make notations, comment, share analyses individually or in discussion groups led to its 10th-place ranking. MicroStrategy also provides monitoring, alerting and notification functionality. In the Embedded Analytics Buyers Guide, our analysis classified MicroStrategy as an Innovative vendor, ranking 10th in the overall research at 64.8%. MicroStrategy’s best performance came in Product Experience at 69.4%, ranking eighth, due in part to its fifth-place ranking in Capability. In Customer Experience, MicroStrategy placed 18th at 41.40% due to low performance in TCO/ROI and Validation. MicroStrategy partially participated in the RFI process. MicroStrategy’s Product Experience was impacted by its 63.4% performance in Manageability, where it could provide better support for non-IT administrators. Customer Experience was impacted by its 40.9% performance in TCO/ROI, where it could provide more information and better tools to make a business case. MicroStrategy performed best in Product Experience, notably in Reliability, where its 69.2% performance was due in part to its strong performance, optimization and configuration functionality. In Capability, it performed well in customization, integration and white labeling. In addition, its HyperIntelligence product provides a unique way to embed analytics in other business applications and processes. In the Mobile Analytics Buyers Guide, our analysis classified MicroStrategy as an Innovative vendor, ranking ninth in the overall research at 66.4%. MicroStrategy’s best performance came in Product Experience at 71.1%, ranking fourth, due in part to its first-place ranking in Capability. In Customer Experience, MicroStrategy placed 18th at 41.4% due to low performance in TCO/ROI. MicroStrategy partially participated in the RFI process. MicroStrategy’s Product Experience was impacted by its 63.4% performance in Manageability, where it could provide better support for non-IT administrators. Customer Experience was impacted by its 40.9% performance in TCO/ROI, where it could provide more information and better tools to make a business case. MicroStrategy performed best in Product Experience, notably in Capability. Its 73.7% performance and first-place ranking were due in part to its mobile-specific functionality where it is one of a few vendors to support camera integration, location awareness, offline analysis and wearables. It also brings its full range of interactions and visualizations to mobile devices. In addition, MicroStrategy’s performance optimization and configuration led to its 69.2% performance in Reliability. This assessment was based on MicroStrategy ONE, Version 11.3.10, and was available in June of 2023. This research-based index is the most comprehensive assessment of the value of analytics and data software in the industry. Technology buyers can learn more about how to use our Buyers Guide by clicking here and included vendors that wish to learn more can click here. Click below to read the individual reports: Analytics and Data Buyers Guide Augmented Analytics Buyers Guide Collaborative Analytics Buyers Guide Embedded Analytics Buyers Guide Mobile Analytics Buyers Guide", "image": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": "", "height": 400, "width": 750 }, "author": { "@type": "Person", "name": "ISG Software Research", "url": "", "sameAs": "" }, "publisher": { "@type": "Organization", "name": "ISG", "url": "", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": "" } } }</script> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Zoho is Vendor of Assurance in Analytics and Data Buyers Guide", "mainEntityOfPage": "", "datePublished": "27/10/2023", "dateModified": "27/10/2023", "articleBody": "We are happy to share some insights about Zoho drawn from our latest market research, Ventana Research Buyers Guide: Analytics and Data, which assesses how well vendors’ offerings meet buyers’ requirements. We recently published five Ventana Research 2023 Analytics and Data Buyers Guides, an assessment of technology vendors and products that provide individual and combined analytics and data, augmented analytics, collaborative analytics, embedded analytics and mobile analytics and platform support. At Ventana Research, we continue to believe that, for most use-cases, there is a clear choice for analytics and data platforms for any use in your organization. We developed five technology assessments and buyers guides to focus on overall analytics and data requirements as well as specific augmented analytics, collaborative analytics, mobile analytics and embedded analytics use-cases. In all of our Buyers Guides, we utilize a structured research methodology called the Value Index that includes evaluation categories designed to reflect real-world criteria incorporated in a request for proposal (RFP) and vendor selection process for analytics and data. We evaluated Zoho and 21 other vendors in seven categories, five relevant to the product (adaptability, capability, manageability, reliability and usability) and two related to the vendor (TCO/ROI and vendor validation). To arrive at the Value Index rating for a given vendor, we weighted each category to reflect its relative importance in an RFP process, with the weightings based on our experience and on data derived from our benchmark research on analytics and data. In the overall Analytics and Data Buyers Guide, our analysis classified Zoho as a vendor of Assurance, ranking eighth in the overall research at 63.7%. Zoho’s best performance came in Customer Experience at 74.0%, ranking seventh, due in part to its fourth-place ranking in Validation. In Product Experience, Zoho placed 12th with a 61.9% due to its performance in Capability and Usability. Zoho fully participated in the RFI process. Zoho’s Product Experience was impacted by its 55.9% performance in Capability, where it could provide more presentation, collaboration and predictive capabilities. Customer Experience was impacted by its 71.9% performance in TCO/ROI, where it could provide more materials on its website regarding the customer experience. Zoho performed best in Customer Experience, notably in Validation, where its 76.1% performance was due to its references and case studies. In addition, Zoho’s architecture and deployment options led to its 75.3% performance in Reliability. In Capability, it performed well in dashboarding, mobile and collaborative analytics, and support for updating databases and transactional applications. In the Augmented Analytics Buyers Guide, our analysis classified Zoho as Exemplary, ranking seventh in the overall research at 62.8%. Zoho’s best performance came in Customer Experience at 74.0%, ranking seventh, due in part to its fourth-place ranking in Validation. In Product Experience, Zoho placed 10th with a 60.5% due to its performance in Reliability and Usability. Zoho fully participated in the RFI process. Zoho’s Product Experience was impacted by its 52.2% performance in Capability, where it could provide more assistance for data access and preparation. Customer Experience was impacted by its 71.9% performance in TCO/ROI, where it could provide more materials on its website regarding the customer experience. Zoho performed best in Customer Experience, notably in Validation, where its 76.1% performance was due to its references and case studies. In addition, Zoho’s architecture and deployment options led to its 75.3% performance in Reliability. In Capability, it performed well in NLP and AutoML with its Zoho Intelligent Assistant (Zia) tools Ask Zia and Zia Insights, which provide NLP and automated analyses, respectively. Zoho also provides automated agents and alerting functionality. In the Collaborative Analytics Buyers Guide, our analysis classified Zoho as Exemplary, ranking seventh in the overall research at 63.1%. Zoho’s best performance came in Customer Experience at 74.0%, ranking seventh, due in part to its fourth-place ranking in Validation. In Product Experience, Zoho placed 10th with a 60.1% due to its performance in Capability. Zoho fully participated in the RFI process. Zoho’s Product Experience was impacted by its 45.5% performance in Capability, where it could provide functionality to assign and track tasks related to analytics. Customer Experience was impacted by its 71.9% performance in TCO/ROI, where it could provide more materials on its website regarding the customer experience. Zoho performed best in Customer Experience, notably in Validation, where its 76.1% performance was due to its references and case studies. In Capability, it performed well in annotating and sharing analyses including threaded discussions. It also provides monitoring and alerting and subscriptions. In addition, Zoho’s architecture and deployment options led to its 75.3% performance in Reliability. In the Embedded Analytics Buyers Guide, our analysis classified Zoho as Exemplary, ranking seventh in the overall research at 67.3%. Zoho’s best performance came in Customer Experience at 74.0%, ranking seventh, due in part to its fourth-place ranking in Validation. In Product Experience, Zoho placed 10th with a 66.0% due to its lower performance in Capability. Zoho fully participated in the RFI process. Zoho’s Product Experience was impacted by its 62.0% performance in Capability, where it could provide more assistance for data access and modeling. Customer Experience was impacted by its 71.9% performance in TCO/ROI, where it could provide more materials on its website regarding the customer experience. Zoho performed best in Customer Experience, notably in Validation, where its 76.1% performance was due to its strong references and case studies. In addition, Zoho’s architecture and deployment options led to its 75.3% performance in Reliability. In Capability, it performed well in integration and customization including its APIs. In the Mobile Analytics Buyers Guide, our analysis classified Zoho as a vendor of Assurance, ranking seventh in the overall research at 67.6%. Zoho’s best performance came in Customer Experience at 74.0%, ranking seventh, due in part to its fourth-place ranking in Validation. In Product Experience, Zoho placed 10th with a 66.3% due to its performance in Capability and Usability. Zoho fully participated in the RFI process. Zoho’s Product Experience was impacted by its 62.8% performance in Capability, where it could support additional types of visualizations. Customer Experience was impacted by its 71.9% performance in TCO/ROI, where it could provide more materials on its website regarding the customer experience. Zoho performed best in Customer Experience, notably in Validation, where its 76.1% performance was due to its references and case studies. In Capability, it provides good interactivity, annotations and brings its Zia augmented analytics and conversational analytics functionality to mobile devices. In addition, Zoho’s architecture and deployment options led to its 75.3% performance in Reliability. This assessment was based on Zoho Analytics, 5.0 (Build Number 5260), and was available in July of 2023. This research-based index is the most comprehensive assessment of the value of analytics and data software in the industry. Technology buyers can learn more about how to use our Buyers Guide by clicking here and included vendors that wish to learn more can click here. Click below to read the individual reports: Analytics and Data Buyers Guide Augmented Analytics Buyers Guide Collaborative Analytics Buyers Guide Embedded Analytics Buyers Guide Mobile Analytics Buyers Guide", "image": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": "", "height": 400, "width": 750 }, "author": { "@type": "Person", "name": "ISG Software Research", "url": "", "sameAs": "" }, "publisher": { "@type": "Organization", "name": "ISG", "url": "", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": "" } } }</script> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Microsoft is Innovative in Analytics and Data Buyers Guide", "mainEntityOfPage": "", "datePublished": "26/10/2023", "dateModified": "26/10/2023", "articleBody": "We are happy to share some insights about Microsoft drawn from our latest market research, Ventana Research Buyers Guide: Analytics and Data, which assesses how well vendors’ offerings meet buyers’ requirements. We recently published five Ventana Research 2023 Analytics and Data Buyers Guides, an assessment of technology vendors and products that provide individual and combined analytics and data, augmented analytics, collaborative analytics, embedded analytics and mobile analytics and platform support. At Ventana Research, we continue to believe that, for most use-cases, there is a clear choice for analytics and data platforms for any use in your organization. We developed five technology assessments and buyers guides to focus on overall analytics and data requirements as well as specific augmented analytics, collaborative analytics, mobile analytics and embedded analytics use-cases. In all of our Buyers Guides, we utilize a structured research methodology called the Value Index that includes evaluation categories designed to reflect real-world criteria incorporated in a request for proposal (RFP) and vendor selection process for analytics and data. We evaluated Microsoft and 21 other vendors in seven categories, five relevant to the product (adaptability, capability, manageability, reliability and usability) and two related to the vendor (TCO/ROI and vendor validation). To arrive at the Value Index rating for a given vendor, we weighted each category to reflect its relative importance in an RFP process, with the weightings based on our experience and on data derived from our benchmark research on analytics and data. In the overall Analytics and Data Buyers Guide, our analysis classified Microsoft as an Innovative vendor, ranking seventh in the overall research at 64.9%. Microsoft’s best performance came in Product Experience at 69.0%, ranking fourth, due in part to its fifth-place ranking in Capability. In Customer Experience, Microsoft placed 16th at 42.4% due to low performance in Validation. Microsoft did not participate in the RFI process. Microsoft’s Product Experience was impacted by its 70.2% performance in Adaptability, where it could provide more integration with business processes and activities. Customer Experience was impacted by its 41.6% performance in Validation, where it could provide more information about its customer experience. Microsoft performed best in Product Experience, notably in Capability, where its 67.2% performance was due to its presentation, mobile functionality, data modeling and data access. In addition, Microsoft’s ability to support a variety of personas including tailoring notifications to individuals led to its 73.9% performance in Usability. In Manageability, it performed well in security and privacy. In the Augmented Analytics Buyers Guide, our analysis classified Microsoft as an Innovative vendor, ranking eighth in the overall research at 61.7%. Microsoft’s best performance came in Product Experience at 65.7%, ranking fifth, due in part to its sixth-place ranking in Capability and Manageability. In Customer Experience, Microsoft placed 16th at 42.4% due to low performance in Validation. Microsoft did not participate in the RFI process. Microsoft’s Product Experience was impacted by its 70.2% performance in Adaptability, where it could provide more integration with business processes and activities. Customer Experience was impacted by its 41.6% performance in Validation, where it could provide more information about its customer experience. Microsoft performed best in Product Experience, notably in Manageability, where its 72.7% performance was due in part to its strong security and privacy features. In Capability, its sixth-place ranking was due to its natural language query and AutoML. Additionally, Microsoft’s ability to support a variety of personas including tailoring notifications to individuals led to its 73.9% performance in Usability. In the Collaborative Analytics Buyers Guide, our analysis classified Microsoft as an Innovative vendor, ranking eighth in the overall research at 62.3%. Microsoft’s best performance came in Product Experience at 67.8%, ranking fourth, due in part to its fourth-place ranking in Capability. In Customer Experience, Microsoft placed 16th at 42.4% due to low performance in Validation. Microsoft did not participate in the RFI process. Microsoft’s Product Experience was nominally impacted by its 70.2% performance in Adaptability, where it could provide more integration with business processes and activities. Customer Experience was impacted by its 41.6% performance in Validation, where it could provide more information about its customer experience. Microsoft performed best in Product Experience, notably in Capability, where its fourth-place ranking was due in part to its functionality to annotate and share analyses directly with individuals, as well as collaborating around analytics processes using external tools. Microsoft also provides alerting, monitoring and subscription capabilities. In addition, Microsoft’s ability to support a variety of personas including tailoring notifications to individuals led to its 73.9% performance in Usability. In the Embedded Analytics Buyers Guide, our analysis classified Microsoft as an Innovative vendor, ranking eighth in the overall research at 65.4%. Microsoft’s best performance came in Product Experience at 69.9%, ranking seventh, due in part to its sixth-place ranking in both Usability and Manageability. In Customer Experience, Microsoft placed 16th at 42.4% due to low performance in Validation. Microsoft did not participate in the RFI process. Microsoft’s Product Experience was impacted by its 70.2% performance in Adaptability, where it could provide more integration with business processes and activities. Customer Experience was impacted by its 41.6% performance in Validation, where it could provide more information about its customer experience. Microsoft performed best in Product Experience, notably in Manageability, where its 72.7% performance was due, in part, to security and privacy. In Capability, where its seventh-place ranking was due in part to its flexible application customization and white labeling functionality. In addition, Microsoft’s ability to support a variety of personas, including tailoring notifications to individuals, led to its 73.9% performance in Usability. In the Mobile Analytics Buyers Guide, our analysis classified Microsoft as an Innovative vendor, ranking eighth in the overall research at 66.5%. Microsoft’s best performance came in Product Experience at 71.1%, ranking sixth, due in part to its third-place ranking in Capability. In Customer Experience, Microsoft placed 16th at 42.4% due to low performance in Validation. Microsoft did not participate in the RFI process. Microsoft’s Product Experience was impacted by its 70.2% performance in Adaptability, where it could provide more integration with business processes and activities. Customer Experience was impacted by its 41.6% performance in Validation, where it could provide more information about its customer experience. Microsoft performed best in Product Experience, notably in Capability, it was designated a leader where its 70.5% performance and third-place ranking was due in part to good interactivity, a wide variety visualizations, annotations, alerts and notifications. It is also one of a few vendors to support wearable devices. In addition, Microsoft’s ability to support a variety of personas including tailoring notifications to individuals led to its 73.9% performance in Usability. In Manageability, it performed well in security and privacy. This assessment was based on Power BI, Version 2.119.323.0, and was available in July of 2023. This research-based index is the most comprehensive assessment of the value of analytics and data software in the industry. Technology buyers can learn more about how to use our Buyers Guide by clicking here and included vendors that wish to learn more can click here. Click below to read the individual reports: Analytics and Data Buyers Guide Augmented Analytics Buyers Guide Collaborative Analytics Buyers Guide Embedded Analytics Buyers Guide Mobile Analytics Buyers Guide", "image": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": "", "height": 400, "width": 750 }, "author": { "@type": "Person", "name": "ISG Software Research", "url": "", "sameAs": "" }, "publisher": { "@type": "Organization", "name": "ISG", "url": "", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": "" } } }</script> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Salesforce Tableau is Exemplary in Analytics and Data Buyers Guide", "mainEntityOfPage": "", "datePublished": "25/10/2023", "dateModified": "25/10/2023", "articleBody": "We are happy to share some insights about Tableau (Salesforce) drawn from our latest market research, Ventana Research Buyers Guide: Analytics and Data, which assesses how well vendors’ offerings meet buyers’ requirements. We recently published five Ventana Research 2023 Analytics and Data Buyers Guides, an assessment of technology vendors and products that provide individual and combined analytics and data, augmented analytics, collaborative analytics, embedded analytics and mobile analytics and platform support. At Ventana Research, we continue to believe that, for most use-cases, there is a clear choice for analytics and data platforms for any use in your organization. We developed five technology assessments and buyers guides to focus on overall analytics and data requirements as well as specific augmented analytics, collaborative analytics, mobile analytics and embedded analytics use-cases. In all of our Buyers Guides, we utilize a structured research methodology called the Value Index that includes evaluation categories designed to reflect real-world criteria incorporated in a request for proposal (RFP) and vendor selection process for analytics and data. We evaluated Tableau and 21 other vendors in seven categories, five relevant to the product (adaptability, capability, manageability, reliability and usability) and two related to the vendor (TCO/ROI and vendor validation). To arrive at the Value Index rating for a given vendor, we weighted each category to reflect its relative importance in an RFP process, with the weightings based on our experience and on data derived from our benchmark research on analytics and data. In the overall Analytics and Data Buyers Guide, our analysis classified Tableau as Exemplary, ranking sixth in the overall research at 67.8%. Tableau’s best performance came in Customer Experience at 77.5%, ranking fourth, due in part to its fourth-place ranking in TCO/ROI. In Product Experience, Tableau placed seventh with a 75.8% performance in Usability. Tableau was designated a Leader in Manageability. Tableau fully participated in the RFI process. Tableau’s Product Experience was impacted by its 60.4% performance in Capability, where it could incorporate more advanced analytics functionality. Customer Experience was impacted by its 73.5% performance in Validation, where it could provide more information about how its investments support the vendor validation process. Tableau performed best in Product Experience, notably in Manageability, where it ranked first at 79.1% due to its strong performance in administration, configuration, security and privacy. In addition, Tableau’s ability to support and adapt to a variety of users and competence levels led to its 75.8% performance in Usability. In Capability, it performed well in data modeling, interactive visualization and discovery, and collaborative analytics. In the Augmented Analytics Buyers Guide, our analysis classified Tableau as Exemplary, ranking sixth in the overall research at 65.9%. Tableau’s best performance came in Customer Experience at 77.5%, ranking fourth, due in part to its fourth-place ranking in TCO/ROI. In Product Experience, Tableau placed seventh at 63.5%. Tableau was designated a Leader in Manageability. Tableau fully participated in the RFI process. Tableau’s Product Experience was impacted by its 54.7% performance in Capability, where it could incorporate more predictive analytics functionality. Customer Experience was impacted by its 73.5% performance in Validation, where it could provide more information about how its investments support the vendor validation process. Tableau performed best in Product Experience, notably in Manageability, where it ranked first at 79.1% due to its strong performance in administration, configuration, security and privacy. In Capability, it provides NLP and guided analytics including its Data Guide and Explain Data functionality. In addition, Tableau’s ability to support and adapt to a variety of users and competence levels led to its 75.8% performance in Usability. In the Collaborative Analytics Buyers Guide, our analysis classified Tableau as Exemplary, ranking fifth in the overall research at 67.6%. Tableau’s best performance came in Customer Experience at 77.5%, ranking fourth, due in part to its fourth-place ranking in TCO/ROI. In Product Experience, Tableau placed sixth at 64.9% due to its performance in Capability. Tableau was designated a Leader in Manageability. Tableau fully participated in the RFI process. Tableau’s Product Experience was impacted by its 51.7% performance in Capability, where it could incorporate better notification functionality. Customer Experience was impacted by its 73.5% performance in Validation, where it could provide more information about how its investments support the vendor validation process. Tableau performed best in Product Experience, notably in Manageability, where it ranked first at 79.1% due to its strong performance in administration, configuration, security and privacy. In Capability, it enables annotating and sharing analyses individually or in external collaboration tools. It also provides alerting and monitoring of metrics. In addition, Tableau’s ability to support and adapt to a variety of users and competence levels led to its 75.8% performance in Usability. In Capability, it provides NLP and guided analytics. In the Embedded Analytics Buyers Guide, our analysis classified Tableau as Exemplary, ranking sixth in the overall research at 71.2%. Tableau’s best performance came in Customer Experience at 77.5%, ranking fourth, due in part to its fourth-place ranking in TCO/ROI. In Product Experience, Tableau placed sixth with 70.0% due to its low performance in Capability. Tableau was designated a Leader in Manageability. Tableau fully participated in the RFI process. Tableau’s Product Experience was impacted by its 66.2% performance in Capability, where it could continue to enhance its data integration functionality. Customer Experience was impacted by its 73.5% performance in Validation, where it could provide more information about how its investments support the vendor validation process. Tableau performed best in Product Experience, notably in Manageability, where it ranked first at 79.1% due to its strong performance in administration, configuration, security and privacy. In addition, Tableau’s ability to support and adapt to a variety of users and competence levels led to its 75.8% performance in Usability. In Capability, it performed well in analytics customization and integration. In the Mobile Analytics Buyers Guide, our analysis classified Tableau as Exemplary, ranking sixth in the overall research at 69.5%. Tableau’s best performance came in Customer Experience at 77.5%, ranking fourth, due in part to its fourth-place ranking in TCO/ROI. In Product Experience, Tableau placed eighth with 68.0% due to its performance in Capability. Tableau was designated a Leader in Manageability. Tableau fully participated in the RFI process. Tableau’s Product Experience was impacted by its 63.3% performance in Capability, where several types of visualizations are dependent on third-party extensions. Customer Experience was impacted by its 73.5% performance in Validation, where it could provide more information about how its investments support the vendor validation process. Tableau performed best in Product Experience, notably in Manageability, where it ranked first at 79.1% due to its strong performance in administration, configuration, security and privacy. In Capability, it provides good interactivity, and it supports alerts, annotations and augmented analytics on mobile devices. In addition, Tableau’s ability to support and adapt to a variety of users and competence levels led to its 75.8% performance in Usability. This assessment was based on Tableau, Version 2023.2, and was available in June of 2023. This research-based index is the most comprehensive assessment of the value of analytics and data software in the industry. Technology buyers can learn more about how to use our Buyers Guide by clicking here and included vendors that wish to learn more can click here. Click below to read the individual reports: Analytics and Data Buyers Guide Augmented Analytics Buyers Guide Collaborative Analytics Buyers Guide Embedded Analytics Buyers Guide Mobile Analytics Buyers Guide", "image": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": "", "height": 400, "width": 750 }, "author": { "@type": "Person", "name": "ISG Software Research", "url": "", "sameAs": "" }, "publisher": { "@type": "Organization", "name": "ISG", "url": "", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": "" } } }</script> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Domo is Exemplary in Analytics and Data Buyers Guide", "mainEntityOfPage": "", "datePublished": "24/10/2023", "dateModified": "24/10/2023", "articleBody": "We are happy to share some insights about Domo drawn from our latest market research, Ventana Research Buyers Guide: Analytics and Data, which assesses how well vendors’ offerings meet buyers’ requirements. We recently published five Ventana Research 2023 Analytics and Data Buyers Guides, an assessment of technology vendors and products that provide individual and combined analytics and data, augmented analytics, collaborative analytics, embedded analytics and mobile analytics and platform support. At Ventana Research, we continue to believe that, for most use-cases, there is a clear choice for analytics and data platforms for any use in your organization. We developed five technology assessments and buyers guides to focus on overall analytics and data requirements as well as specific augmented analytics, collaborative analytics, mobile analytics and embedded analytics use-cases. In all of our Buyers Guides, we utilize a structured research methodology called the Value Index that includes evaluation categories designed to reflect real-world criteria incorporated in a request for proposal (RFP) and vendor selection process for analytics and data. We evaluated Domo and 21 other vendors in seven categories, five relevant to the product (adaptability, capability, manageability, reliability and usability) and two related to the vendor (TCO/ROI and vendor validation). To arrive at the Value Index rating for a given vendor, we weighted each category to reflect its relative importance in an RFP process, with the weightings based on our experience and on data derived from our benchmark research on analytics and data. In the overall Analytics and Data Buyers Guide, our analysis classified Domo as Exemplary, ranking fifth in the overall research at 69.7%. Domo’s best performance came in Customer Experience at 76.7%, ranking fifth, due in part to its third-place ranking in Validation. In Product Experience, Domo placed sixth at 68.4% due in part to its second-place ranking Adaptability. Domo was designated a Leader in Adaptability and Validation. Domo fully participated in the RFI process. Domo’s Product Experience was impacted by its 58.6% performance in Reliability, where it could provide more information about performance and continuity. Customer Experience was impacted by its 76.9% performance in TCO/ROI, where it could provide more information about its strategic value and better tools to make a business case. Domo performed best in Customer Experience, notably in Validation, where its 76.6% performance was due to its references and customer commitment. In addition, Domo’s data model management, data access and two-way integration capabilities led to its 68.1% performance in Capability. Domo is also among the best performers with respect to collaboration and task management. The Domo mobile application capabilities performed will in our evaluation as did its augmented analytics capabilities. In the Augmented Analytics Buyers Guide, our analysis classified Domo as Exemplary, ranking fifth in the overall research at 67.4%. Domo’s best performance came in Product Experience at 65.4%, ranking sixth, due in part to its second-place ranking in Adaptability. In Customer Experience, Domo placed fifth with a 76.6% performance in Validation. Domo was designated a Leader in Adaptability and Validation. Domo fully participated in the RFI process. Domo’s Product Experience was impacted by its 58.6% performance in Reliability, where it could provide more information about performance and continuity. Customer Experience was impacted by its 76.9% performance in TCO/ROI, where it could provide more information about its strategic value and better tools to make a business case. Domo performed best in Customer Experience, notably in Validation, where its 76.6% performance was due to its references and customer commitment. In addition, Domo’s AutoML functionality and its assistance with data access and preparation led to its fourth-place ranking in Capability. In Adaptability, Domo is one of the few vendors with activity and task support including assigning tasks to individuals and tracking tasks to completion. In the Collaborative Analytics Buyers Guide, our analysis classified Domo as Exemplary, ranking third in the overall research at 70.2%. Domo’s best performance came in Product Experience at 68.5%, ranking third, due in part to its second-place ranking in Adaptability. In Customer Experience, Domo placed fifth with a 76.7% performance due to its third-place rank in Validation. Domo was designated a Leader in Adaptability, Capability and Validation. Domo fully participated in the RFI process. Domo’s Product Experience was nominally impacted by its 58.6% performance in Reliability, where it could provide more information about performance and continuity. Customer Experience was impacted by its 76.9% performance in TCO/ROI, where it could provide more information about its strategic value and better tools to make a business case. Domo performed best in Product Experience, notably in Capability, where its second-place ranking was due in part to its support for discussion groups, notations in objects and the ability to assign and track tasks associated with analytics. Domo has strong mobile capabilities including notifications that bring individuals into the collaborative process. In addition, its strong process integration contributed to its 77.0% performance in Adaptability. In the Embedded Analytics Buyers Guide, our analysis classified Domo as Exemplary, ranking fifth in the overall research at 72.4%. Domo achieved the same rank in Customer Experience and Product Experience, ranking fifth with 71.5% and 76.7%, respectively. Domo performed best in Adaptability and Validation, where it was designated a Leader. Domo fully participated in the RFI process. Domo’s Product Experience was impacted by its 58.6% performance in Reliability, where it could provide more information about performance and continuity. Customer Experience was impacted by its 76.9% performance in TCO/ROI, where it could provide more information about its strategic value and better tools to make a business case. Domo performed best in Customer Experience, notably in Validation, where its 76.6% performance was due to its references and customer commitment. In addition, Domo’s write-back connectors and customization contributed to its 73.1% performance and fourth-place ranking in Capability. In the Mobile Analytics Buyers Guide, our analysis classified Domo as Exemplary, ranking fifth in the overall research at 69.6%. Domo’s best performance came in Customer Experience at 76.7%, ranking fifth, due in part to its third-place ranking in Validation. In Product Experience, Domo placed seventh at 68.3% due in part to its second-place ranking Adaptability. Domo was designated a Leader in Adaptability and Validation. Domo fully participated in the RFI process. Domo’s Product Experience was impacted by its 58.6% performance in Reliability, where it could provide more information about performance and continuity. Customer Experience was impacted by its 76.9% performance in TCO/ROI, where it could provide more information about its strategic value and better tools to make a business case. Domo performed best in Customer Experience, notably in Validation, where its 76.6% performance was due to its references and customer commitment. Domo’s collaboration functionality on mobile devices was among the best we evaluated and was supported by good interactivity including annotations and a variety of presentation options which contributed to its 67.8% performance in Capability. This assessment was based on Domo, Version August 2023, and was available in August of 2023. This research-based index is the most comprehensive assessment of the value of analytics and data software in the industry. Technology buyers can learn more about how to use our Buyers Guide by clicking here and included vendors that wish to learn more can click here. Click below to read the individual reports: Analytics and Data Buyers Guide Augmented Analytics Buyers Guide Collaborative Analytics Buyers Guide Embedded Analytics Buyers Guide Mobile Analytics Buyers Guide", "image": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": "", "height": 400, "width": 750 }, "author": { "@type": "Person", "name": "ISG Software Research", "url": "", "sameAs": "" }, "publisher": { "@type": "Organization", "name": "ISG", "url": "", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": "" } } }</script> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Qlik is Exemplary in Analytics and Data Buyers Guide", "mainEntityOfPage": "", "datePublished": "23/10/2023", "dateModified": "23/10/2023", "articleBody": "We are happy to share some insights about Qlik drawn from our latest market research, Ventana Research Buyers Guide: Analytics and Data, which assesses how well vendors’ offerings meet buyers’ requirements. We recently published five Ventana Research 2023 Analytics and Data Buyers Guides, an assessment of technology vendors and products that provide individual and combined analytics and data, augmented analytics, collaborative analytics, embedded analytics and mobile analytics and platform support. At Ventana Research, we continue to believe that, for most use-cases, there is a clear choice for analytics and data platforms for any use in your organization. We developed five technology assessments and buyers guides to focus on overall analytics and data requirements as well as specific augmented analytics, collaborative analytics, mobile analytics and embedded analytics use-cases. In all of our Buyers Guides, we utilize a structured research methodology called the Value Index that includes evaluation categories designed to reflect real-world criteria incorporated in a request for proposal (RFP) and vendor selection process for analytics and data. We evaluated Qlik and 21 other vendors in seven categories, five relevant to the product (adaptability, capability, manageability, reliability and usability) and two related to the vendor (TCO/ROI and vendor validation). To arrive at the Value Index rating for a given vendor, we weighted each category to reflect its relative importance in an RFP process, with the weightings based on our experience and on data derived from our benchmark research on analytics and data. In the overall Analytics and Data Buyers Guide, our analysis classified Qlik as Exemplary, ranking fourth in the overall research at 70.6%. Qlik’s best performance came in Customer Experience at 80.6%, ranking third, due in part to its first-place ranking in TCO/ROI. In Product Experience, Qlik placed fifth at 68.8% due to its performance in Reliability. Qlik was designated a Leader in Customer Experience, Adaptability and TCO/ROI. Qlik fully participated in the RFI process. Qlik’s Product Experience was impacted by its 67.5% performance in Reliability, where it could provide more information about continuity. Customer Experience was nominally impacted by its 74.5% performance in Validation, where it could provide more metrics and material about its customer experience. Qlik performed best in Customer Experience, notably in TCO/ROI, where its 86.7% performance was due to its support for developing a business case. In addition, Qlik’s configuration and customization capabilities led to its 77.6% performance in Adaptability. In Capability, Qlik performed well in data access, dashboarding and mobile functionality. It also has strong interactive visualization functionality. In the Augmented Analytics Buyers Guide, our analysis classified Qlik as Exemplary, ranking fourth in the overall research at 68.8%. Qlik’s best performance came in Customer Experience at 80.6%, ranking third, due in part to its first-place ranking in TCO/ROI. In Product Experience, Qlik placed fourth at 66.4% due to its performance in Adaptability. Qlik was designated a Leader in Customer Experience, Adaptability and TCO/ROI. Qlik fully participated in the RFI process. Qlik’s Product Experience was impacted by its 67.5% performance in Reliability, where it could provide more information about continuity. Customer Experience was nominally impacted by its 74.5% performance in Validation, where it could provide more metrics and material about its customer experience. Qlik performed best in Customer Experience, notably in TCO/ROI, where its 86.7% performance was due to its strong support for developing a business case. In Capability, Qlik performed well in NLP as one of the few vendors with multilingual capabilities. Additionally, Qlik’s configuration and customization capabilities led to its 77.6% performance in Adaptability. In the Collaborative Analytics Buyers Guide, our analysis classified Qlik as Exemplary, ranking sixth in the overall research at 67.4%. Qlik’s best performance came in Customer Experience at 80.6%, ranking third, due in part to its first-place ranking in TCO/ROI. In Product Experience, Qlik placed seventh at 63.8% due to its performance in Reliability. Qlik was designated a Leader in Customer Experience, Adaptability and TCO/ROI. Qlik fully participated in the RFI process. Qlik’s Product Experience was impacted by its 67.5% performance in Reliability, where it could provide more information about continuity. Customer Experience was nominally impacted by its 74.5% performance in Validation, where it could provide more metrics and material about its customer experience. Qlik performed best in Customer Experience, notably in TCO/ROI, where its 86.7% performance was due to its support for developing a business case. In addition, Qlik’s configuration and customization capabilities led to its 77.6% performance in Adaptability. In Capability, Qlik performed well in sharing and annotating analyses, including messaging others within the system. It also supports sharing objects into discussion groups, including support for external collaboration tools. In the Embedded Analytics Buyers Guide, our analysis classified Qlik as Exemplary, ranking third in the overall research at 74.8%. Qlik achieved the same rank in Product Experience and Customer Experience, ranking third in each. Its best performance came Adaptability, Manageability and Capability. In TCO/ROI, it ranked first. Qlik was designated an Overall Leader and a Leader in Capability, Adaptability and TCO/ROI. Qlik fully participated in the RFI process. Qlik’s Product Experience was nominally impacted by its 67.5% performance in Reliability, where it could provide more information about continuity. Customer Experience was nominally impacted by its 74.5% performance in Validation, where it could provide more metrics and material about its customer experience. Qlik performed best in Customer Experience, notably in TCO/ROI, where its 86.7% performance was due to its support for developing a business case. In Capability, Qlik was ranked third due to its broad customization functionality and integration with operational systems. Additionally, Qlik’s flexible configuration and customization capabilities led to its 77.6% performance in Adaptability. In the Mobile Analytics Buyers Guide, our analysis classified Qlik as Exemplary, ranking third in the overall research at 72.6%. Qlik’s best performance came in Customer Experience at 80.6%, ranking third, due in part to its first-place ranking in TCO/ROI. In Product Experience, Qlik placed fifth at 71.1% due to its performance in Reliability. Qlik was designated an Overall Leader and a Leader in Customer Experience, Adaptability and TCO/ROI. Qlik fully participated in the RFI process. Qlik’s Product Experience was impacted by its 67.5% performance in Reliability, where it could provide more information about continuity. Customer Experience was nominally impacted by its 74.5% performance in Validation, where it could provide more metrics and material about its customer experience. Qlik performed best in Customer Experience, notably in TCO/ROI, where its 86.7% performance was due to its support for developing a business case. In Capability, Qlik is one of a few vendors with offline analytics. It also has strong interactive visualization functionality, annotations and alerts, and supports its collaborative and augmented analytics on mobile devices. In addition, Qlik’s configuration and customization capabilities led to its 77.6% performance in Adaptability. This assessment was based on QlikSense, Version May/July 2023, and was available in July of 2023. This research-based index is the most comprehensive assessment of the value of analytics and data software in the industry. Technology buyers can learn more about how to use our Buyers Guide by clicking here and included vendors that wish to learn more can click here. Click below to read the individual reports: Analytics and Data Buyers Guide Augmented Analytics Buyers Guide Collaborative Analytics Buyers Guide Embedded Analytics Buyers Guide Mobile Analytics Buyers Guide", "image": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": "", "height": 400, "width": 750 }, "author": { "@type": "Person", "name": "ISG Software Research", "url": "", "sameAs": "" }, "publisher": { "@type": "Organization", "name": "ISG", "url": "", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": "" } } }</script> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "BlogPosting", "headline": "Oracle is Exemplary in Analytics and Data Buyers Guide", "mainEntityOfPage": "", "datePublished": "20/10/2023", "dateModified": "20/10/2023", "articleBody": "We are happy to share some insights about Oracle drawn from our latest market research, Ventana Research Buyers Guide: Analytics and Data, which assesses how well vendors’ offerings meet buyers’ requirements. We recently published five Ventana Research 2023 Analytics and Data Buyers Guides, an assessment of technology vendors and products that provide individual and combined analytics and data, augmented analytics, collaborative analytics, embedded analytics and mobile analytics and platform support. At Ventana Research, we continue to believe that, for most use-cases, there is a clear choice for analytics and data platforms for any use in your organization. We developed five technology assessments and buyers guides to focus on overall analytics and data requirements as well as specific augmented analytics, collaborative analytics, mobile analytics and embedded analytics use-cases. In all of our Buyers Guides, we utilize a structured research methodology called the Value Index that includes evaluation categories designed to reflect real-world criteria incorporated in a request for proposal (RFP) and vendor selection process for analytics and data. We evaluated Oracle and 21 other vendors in seven categories, five relevant to the product (adaptability, capability, manageability, reliability and usability) and two related to the vendor (TCO/ROI and vendor validation). To arrive at the Value Index rating for a given vendor, we weighted each category to reflect its relative importance in an RFP process, with the weightings based on our experience and on data derived from our benchmark research on analytics and data. In the overall Analytics and Data Buyers Guide, our analysis classified Oracle as Exemplary, ranking third in the overall research at 73.4%. Oracle’s best performance came in Customer Experience at 84.4%, ranking first, due in part to its first-place ranking in Validation. In Product Experience, Oracle placed third at 71.4% due to its performance in Reliability. Oracle was designated an Overall Leader and a Leader in Customer Experience, Product Experience, Usability, Reliability, Adaptability, TCO/ROI, Capability and Validation. Oracle fully participated in the RFI process. Oracle’s Product Experience was nominally impacted by its 71.1% performance in Manageability, where it could provide more support for non-IT administrators. Customer Experience was nominally impacted by its 84.1% performance in TCO/ROI, where it could provide improvements to the information needed to make a business case. Oracle performed best in Customer Experience, notably in Validation, where its 84.6% performance was due to the amount of available information about customer experience and case studies. In addition, Oracle’s performance and scalability led to its 79.7% performance in Reliability. In Capability, Oracle performed well in mobile and NLP. In the Augmented Analytics Buyers Guide, our analysis classified Oracle as Exemplary, ranking first in the overall research at 75.2%. Oracle performed well in both Customer Experience at 84.4%, and Product Experience at 73.3%, ranking first in each. Supporting these rankings were its first-place rankings in Validation and Capability. Oracle was designated an Overall Leader and a Leader in Customer Experience, Product Experience, Usability, Reliability, Adaptability, TCO/ROI, Capability and Validation. Oracle fully participated in the RFI process. Oracle’s Product Experience was nominally impacted by its 71.1% performance in Manageability, where it could provide more support for non-IT administrators. Customer Experience was nominally impacted by its 84.1% performance in TCO/ROI, where it could improve the available information needed to make a business case. Oracle performed best in Customer Experience, notably in Validation, where its 84.6% performance was due to the amount of information about customer experience and case studies available. In Capability, Oracle performed well in NLP as one of the few vendors with both voice and multilingual functionality. Additionally, Oracle’s performance and scalability led to its 79.7% performance in Reliability. In the Collaborative Analytics Buyers Guide, our analysis classified Oracle as Exemplary, ranking 4th in the overall research at 69.2%. Oracle performed well in Customer Experience at 84.4%, ranking first, due in part to its first-place ranking in Validation. In Product Experience, Oracle placed fifth at 65.0%. Oracle was designated a Leader in Customer Experience, Adaptability, Reliability, Usability, TCO/ROI and Validation. Oracle fully participated in the RFI process. Oracle’s Product Experience was nominally impacted by its 52.0% performance in Capability, where it could provide more support assigning and tracking tasks. Customer Experience was nominally impacted by its 84.1% performance in TCO/ROI, where it could provide improvements to the information needed to make a business case. Oracle performed best in Customer Experience, notably in Validation, where its 84.6% performance was due to the amount of information about customer experience and case studies available. In addition, Oracle’s performance and scalability led to its 79.7% performance in Reliability. In Capability, Oracle performed well annotating and sharing analyses as well as posting them to discussion groups using Oracle and other technologies.   In the Embedded Analytics Buyers Guide, our analysis classified Oracle as Exemplary, ranking fourth in the overall research at 74.6%. Oracle’s best performance came in Customer Experience at 84.4%, ranking first, due in part to its first-place ranking in Validation. In Product Experience, Oracle placed fourth at 72.7% due to its performance in Manageability. Oracle was designated a Leader in Customer Experience, Usability, Reliability, Adaptability, TCO/ROI and Validation. Oracle fully participated in the RFI process. Oracle’s Product Experience was nominally impacted by its 71.1% performance in Manageability, where it could provide more support for non-IT administrators. Customer Experience was nominally impacted by its 84.1% performance in TCO/ROI, where it could provide improvements to the information needed to make a business case. Oracle performed best in Customer Experience, notably in Validation, where its 84.6% performance was due to the amount of information available about customer experience and case studies. In Adaptability, Oracle was a leader with strong configuration, customization and API functionality. Additionally, Oracle’s performance and scalability led to its 79.7% performance in Reliability. In the Mobile Analytics Buyers Guide, our analysis classified Oracle as Exemplary, ranking first in the overall research at 75.3%. Oracle also ranked first in both Product Experience and Customer Experience with 73.6% and 84.4%, respectively. Oracle was designated an Overall Leader and a Leader in Customer Experience, Product Experience, Usability, Reliability, Adaptability, TCO/ROI, Capability and Validation. Oracle fully participated in the RFI process. Oracle’s Product Experience was nominally impacted by its 71.1% performance in Manageability, where it could provide more support for non-IT administrators. Customer Experience was nominally impacted by its 84.1% performance in TCO/ROI, where it could provide improvements to the information needed to make a business case. Oracle performed best in Customer Experience, notably in Validation, where it ranked first due to the amount of available information about customer experience and case studies. In Capability, Oracle ranked second due in part to its rich, multilingual conversational analytics. It also brings its augmented and collaborative analytics to mobile devices. In addition, Oracle’s performance and scalability led to its 79.7% in Reliability. This assessment was based on Oracle Analytics Cloud, Version July 2023 Update (Cloud); 2023 (Server), and was available in March/July of 2023. This research-based index is the most comprehensive assessment of the value of analytics and data software in the industry. Technology buyers can learn more about how to use our Buyers Guide by clicking here and included vendors that wish to learn more can click here. Click below to read the individual reports: Analytics and Data Buyers Guide Augmented Analytics Buyers Guide Collaborative Analytics Buyers Guide Embedded Analytics Buyers Guide Mobile Analytics Buyers Guide", "image": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": "", "height": 400, "width": 750 }, "author": { "@type": "Person", "name": "ISG Software Research", "url": "", "sameAs": "" }, "publisher": { "@type": "Organization", "name": "ISG", "url": "", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": "" } } }</script> <!--[if lte IE 8]> <script charset="utf-8" src=""></script> <![endif]--> <script data-hs-allowed="true" src="/_hcms/forms/v2.js"></script> <script data-hs-allowed="true"> var options = { portalId: '2035844', formId: '96719f58-cea5-48fa-b9a8-a3ba3c019ab2', formInstanceId: '7440', pageId: '56030595758', region: 'na1', inlineMessage: "Thanks for subscribing!", rawInlineMessage: "Thanks for subscribing!", hsFormKey: "daadfc7672048786293dbe53796bbfa2", css: '', target: '#hs_form_target_module_1552944263900179', contentType: "listing-page", formsBaseUrl: '/_hcms/forms/', formData: { cssClass: 'hs-form stacked hs-custom-form' } }; 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