{"title":"A Fast Adaptive Content-based Retrieval System of Satellite Images Database using Relevance Feedback","authors":"Hanan Mahmoud Ezzat Mahmoud, Alaa Abd El Fatah Hefnawy","volume":19,"journal":"International Journal of Computer and Information Engineering","pagesStart":2419,"pagesEnd":2424,"ISSN":"1307-6892","URL":"https:\/\/\/pdf\/3357","abstract":"In this paper, we present a system for content-based\nretrieval of large database of classified satellite images, based on\nuser's relevance feedback (RF).Through our proposed system, we\ndivide each satellite image scene into small subimages, which stored\nin the database. The modified radial basis functions neural network\nhas important role in clustering the subimages of database according\nto the Euclidean distance between the query feature vector and the\nother subimages feature vectors. The advantage of using RF\ntechnique in such queries is demonstrated by analyzing the database\nretrieval results.","references":"[1] John A. Richards and Xiuping Jia, \"Remote Sensing Digital Image\nAnalysis: an introduction\" third edition pp 1-73 2000.\n[2] Milan Sonka, Vaclav Hlavac, Roger Boyle \"Image Processing Analysis\nand Machine Vision\" second edition pp 290-361, 1999.\n[3] Floyd F. Sabins, \"Remote Sensing, principles and interpretation: land\nuse and land cover\" third edition pp387-416, 1999.\n[4] Adeli,H., and Hung, S., John Wily, \"Machine Learning- Neural\nNetworks, Genetic Algorithms, and Fuzzy Systems\" 1995.\n[5] Bose, N.K., and Liang, P.,\"Neural Networks Fundamentals with Graphs,\nAlgorithms, and Application\", Mc-GrawHill,NY.1996.\n[6] Lipmann,R.P.\"An introduction to computing with Neural Networks\"\nIEEE ASSP Magazine.1991.\n[7] Benediktsson,J.A., Swain, P.H., and Erosy, O. \"Neural\nnetrorkApproaches versus Statistical methods in classification of\nMultisource Remote sensing Data\", IEEE Trans. Geoscience and\nRemote sensing,vol. 28,no.4,pp540-552.\n[8] Paul L. Rosin and Freddy Fierens.\"Improving Neural Network\nGrnralization\" In Proceedings of IGARSS'95, 1995.\n[9] Krishna Mohan Buddhiraju \"Contextual Refinement of neural network\nclassification using Relaxation Labelling Algorithms\"22nd Asian\nConference on Remote sensing.November 2001.\n[10] Chen, D.,D. Stow, and P Gong, \"Examining the effect of spatial\nresolution on classification accuracy : an urban environmental case \"\nInternational Journal of Remote Sensing 25(00):1-16, 2004.\n[11] Chen, D.,D. Stow, and P Gong, \"Strategies for integrating information\nfrom multiple spatial resolutions into land use\/land cover classification\nroutines\" Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing\n,69(11):1279-1287,2003.\n[12] Chen, D.,D. Stow, and P Gong, \"the effect of training strategies on\nsupervised classification at different spatial resolutions Photogrammetric\nEngineering & Remote Sensing ,68(11):1155-1162.\n[13] Foody, G.M.,\"Status of land cover classification accuracy assessment\"\nRemote Sensing of Environmental 80 pp.185-201.\n[14] Mc Cullac and Pits \"Artificial Neural Networks :An Introduction -\nRadial Basis Function Neural Network\" Chapter7, pp 236-284,1995.\n[15] T.Bretschneider,O.Kao, \"A Retrieval System For Remotely sensed\nImagery\" NASA EPSCoR, 2000.\n[16] Koki Iwao, Taizo Yamamoto,Ryosuke, Shiro Ochi, and Mitsuharu\nTokunaga \"Automatic Database Development Methods for a very large\nnumber of satellite images \" spatial information science, Tokyo\nUniversity, 2001.\n[17] Y. Rui, T.S.Huang, \"A novel relevance feedback technique in image\nretrieval\" in Proceedings ACM Multimedia'99 (Part2), Orlando, FL,\nUSA, pp.67-70, 1999.\n[18] Z. Jin, I. King, X.Q. Li, \" Content-Based image retrieval by relevance\nfeedback\" in Proceedings of the fouth international Conference on visual\ninformation systems, Lecture notes in computer science, Vol.1929,\nLyon, France, November 2-4 Springer, Berlin, 2000.","publisher":"World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology","index":"Open Science Index 19, 2008"}