Daniel Wichs
<html> <head> <title>Daniel Wichs</title> <SCRIPT> var dm=false; function changePhoto() { if(!dm) {"none";"block"; } else {"block";"none"; } dm = (!dm); } function reverse_lists() { var olists = document.getElementsByTagName('ol'); for (var i = 0; i < olists.length; i++) { if (!olists[i].className.match(/\breversed\b/)) continue; var offset = 0; // Check if list has non-1 starting value if (olists[i].hasAttribute('start')) { offset = parseInt(olists[i].getAttribute('start')) - 1; } var items = olists[i].getElementsByTagName('li'); for(var j = 0; j < items.length; j++) { items[j].setAttribute("value", offset + items.length - j); } } } function toggle(id) { if (document.getElementById(id).style.display == "none") { // show document.getElementById(id).style.display = "block"; } else { // hide document.getElementById(id).style.display = "none"; } } </SCRIPT> <meta name="google-site-verification" content="9cQF5qf8VgQ2-EppwuWRxu9RiSiJgCwgAkq7SlMRu1o" /> </head> <body onload="changePhoto()"> <a href="javascript:changePhoto()"> <img id="dancing_me" src="Wichs_Daniel_008.JPG" width="450" align=right style="display:none"> <img id="mountain_me" src="mountain_me.jpg" width="450" align=right> </a> <center> <h1> Daniel Wichs </h1> <b>Professor</b><br> <a href="">Khoury College of Computer Sciences.</a><br> <a href="">Northeastern University</a> <br> <i></i> <p> <b>Senior Scientist</b><br> <a href=""> NTT Research</a> </center> <hr> <!--H3>Contact: </H3>wichs [at] cs [dot] nyu [dot] edu<BR>650-799-0567<BR> <P>Office 408 <BR>Warren Weaver Hall <BR> 251 Mercer Street <BR> New York, NY 10012 <BR> <p--> <!--b> Check out the <a href = "">cryptography reading group</a> at NYU for interesting talks!</b--> <!--div style="color:#FF0000"> I am looking for bright and highly motivated PhD students to work with me on exciting new problems in cryptography.<br> Apply to the CS PhD program at Northeastern for Fall 2023. <a href="javascript:toggle('apply')">[more info]</a>.</div> <div class="box" id="apply" style="border-style:solid; border-width:1px; display: none; padding-left:4px; padding-right:4px; padding-top:1px; padding-bottom:1px; background-color:#FFFFE6 ; width:600;"> Find out more about my research by browsing this page. Find out more about the Ph.D. program at Northeastern <a href="">here</a> and apply <a href="">here</a>.<br><p> <b> Why Boston? </b> If you're interested in cryptography, the Boston area is <i>the place to be</i>. Between Northeastern, MIT, Harvard, BU, Brown, Microsoft Research, Lincoln Labs and others, we have the highest concentration of cryptographers in the world, which translates to lots of energy and activity: frequent talks, seminars, reading groups, advanced-topics courses, research visits etc. This rich environment makes it easy to get <i>exposed</i> to the research activity all around you and to get <i>exposure</i> for your own research. Boston is also a great city for culture, food, entertainment and other distractions. <br><p> <b> Why Northeastern? </b> The computer science department has grown considerably in the past few years and is <a href="">highly ranked</a> in research. It is an especially exciting place for both <a href="">theory</a> and <a href="">security</a> with some of the top faculty in these areas. We have excellent coverage of all aspects of cryptography as well as many related topics such as complexity theory, privacy-preserving data analysis, network security, and systems security. Explore mine and other faculty web-pages to find out more. Our PhD program is designed to get students engaged in research as soon as possible, already within the first year of PhD study. <br><p> <b> Why work with me? </b> I'm interested in a wide range of topics within cryptography. You should browse this page carefully and look over some of my papers to find out more about my research and whether it matches your interests. I publish <A href="">frequently</a> at the top conferences in the field such as CRYPTO, EUROCRYPT, TCC, STOC, FOCS. I enjoy working closely with students on exciting problems.<br><p> <b> Application Tips: </b> Your application will be read by the PhD committee and sent out to relevant faculty members in your area of interest. If you're interested in cryptography, make sure to clearly indicate this on your application, and to explicitly mention my name in your personal statement. You should also explain what your goal is in pursuing a PhD, why you are drawn to cryptography, and what kind of problems/topic you find interesting. </div--> <H2>About Me <a href="cv.pdf">[CV]</a></H2> <br> I am a professor at the <a href="">Khoury College of Computer Science</a> at <a href="">Northeastern University</a>. I am part of the <a href="">cryptography and privacy group</a>, which is part of <a href="">theory</a> and <a href="">security</a>. <br> My main research area is <b>cryptography</b>. Some of the topics I work on are: <UL> <LI> Computing on encrypted data and program obfuscation. <!--a href="javascript:toggle('outsource')"> [more info]</a>. <div class="box" id="outsource" style="border-style:solid; border-width:1px; display: none; padding-left:4px; padding-right:4px; padding-top:1px; padding-bottom:1px; background-color:#FFFFE6 ; width:800px; "> There are many scenarios where users want to store their data on a remote server ("in the cloud") to leverage its large storage and computational resources. For example, a hospital may want to use a cloud service to perform statistical analysis over the medical data of its patients so as to improve treatment. In such instances, the data is highly sensitive and the hospital cannot simply trust the cloud and upload the data in the clear. My research studies how to securely outsource data to the cloud in an encrypted and authenticated form which preserves its security, while still allowing the cloud to perform useful computations over this data. <UL> <LI> In [<a href="#pub32">32</a>,<a href="#pub35">35</a>] we show how to securely perform program executions over encrypted data without decrypting it. Prior techniques using "fully homomorphic encryption" needed to convert the program into a much less efficient circuit representation, whereas our results work directly on "random-access machine (RAM)" programs. <LI> In [<a href="#pub20">20</a>, <a href="#pub43>43</a>] we show how to perform computations over encrypted data of many different users without decrypting it. The users can later collaboratively decrypt only the output of the computation without learning anything else about each other's data. <LI> In [<a href="#pub28">28</a>,<a href="#pub36">36</a>] we show how to securely perform complex computations over authenticated data and cryptographically certify the output of the computation. Anybody can check the certificate and become convinced of the computation's output without having the underlying data. These homomorphic signatures/MACs are an analogue of homomorphic encryption for the setting of authentication. <LI> In [<a href="#pub4">4</a>,<a href="#pub23">23</a>] we propose efficient audit procedures that users can periodically run to verify that their remote data is maintained correctly on a remote server and has not been lost. If the server loses even a single bit of a huge database, it will be caught by the audit with overwhelming probability. <LI> In [<a href="#pub25">25</a>,<a href="#pub41">41</a>] we optimize "oblivious RAM" schemes that allow a user to privately access (read/write) to remotely stored data while hiding which location is being accessed from the server holding the data. </UL> See also: <a href="">NSF Grant</a>, <a href="">project webpage</a>, <a href="">news story</a>. </div--> <LI> Lattice-based cryptography <!--a href="javascript:toggle('leak')">[more info]</a>. <div class="box" id="leak" style="border-style:solid; border-width:1px; display: none; padding-left:4px; padding-right:4px; padding-top:1px; padding-bottom:1px; background-color:#FFFFE6 ; width:800px; "> Can we maintain the security of a cryptosystem even if some partial information about its secret key can leak to an attacker? This problem is motivated by various side-channel attacks where the physical realization of a cryptosystem has measurable physical properties (such as electromagnetic emissions, power consumption, timing, heat, acoustics etc.) that can leak some partial information about its internals. My research aims to build resilient cryptosystems that maintain their security despite such leakage. <UL> <LI> In [<a href="#pub6">6</a>,<a href="#pub9">9</a>,<a href="#pub10">10</a>,<a href="#pub12">12</a>,<a href="#pub14">14</a>,<a href="#pub24">24</a>] we build up the foundations of leakage-resilient cryptography, providing a wide variety of cryptographic schemes that remain resilient to large but bounded amounts of information leakage. <LI> In [<a href="#pub11">11</a>,<a href="#pub17">17</a>,<a href="#pub29">29</a>] we construct cryptosystems that are resilient to continuous information leakage, with no overall bound on the amount of leaked information, by continuously refreshing their internal secret key. The refresh rate only needs to exceed the leakage rate. <LI> In [<a href="#pub6">6</a>,<a href="#pub10">10</a>] we construct cryptosystems that can maintain security even if their secret key is stored on a compromised machine containing some malware that can leak large amounts of information to a remote attacker. The key is made intentionally huge (e.g., many gigabytes) so that it is difficult to leak it in full. For efficiency, the scheme can only read a small portion of the huge key in each operation. <LI> In [<a href="#pub8">8</a>,<a href="#pub31">31</a>,<a href="#pub37">37</a>] we study how to secure cryptosystems against tampering attacks, where the internal data of the scheme can be adversarially modified. This leads to an interesting new problem in coding-theory that we call "non-malleable codes", which has become a topic of intense study. </UL> </div--> <!--LI> Weak sources of randomness in cryptography <a href="javascript:toggle('weak')">[more]</a>. <div class="box" id="weak" style="border-style:solid; border-width:1px; display: none; padding-left:4px; padding-right:4px; padding-top:1px; padding-bottom:1px; background-color:#FFFFE6 ; width:800px; "> Do cryptographic schemes require "perfect" (uniform) randomness for their secret keys? Can we base cryptography on "imperfect" secrets such as passwords, biometrics, physical entropy sources, etc.? In [<a href="#pub11">11</a>,<a href="#pub17">17</a>,<a href="#pub29">29</a>] </div--> <LI> Information-theoretic cryptography <LI> Foundations of cryptography <!--a href="javascript:toggle('found')">[more info]</a>. <div class="box" id="found" style="border-style:solid; border-width:1px; display: none; padding-left:4px; padding-right:4px; padding-top:1px; padding-bottom:1px; background-color:#FFFFE6 ; width:800px; "> There are many fascinating problems dealing with the foundational aspects of cryptography. <UL> <LI> Do we need to have uniformly random secret keys for cryptography? Would unpredictable keys with enough entropy (e.g., passwords) suffice? In [<a href="#pub5">5</a>] we show that Alice and Bob can use any shared unpredictable key to establish a secure (private and authentic) channel between them. In [<a href="#pub30">30</a>] we show how to convert an unpredictable key into a cryptographic key that's "good enough" for many cryptographic applications with much better parameters than previously thought possible. <LI> Can we certify NP statements (e.g., a formula is satisfiable) with smaller communication-complexity then simply providing a "witness" (e.g., the satisfying assignment)? It is believed that such cryptographic certificates exist, but we do not have provably secure constructions. In [<a href="#pub15">15</a>] we explain why. <LI> Are many independent instances of a cryptosystem harder to break than just a single instance? Famous results on "hardness amplification" show that this is true up to some minimal level of hardness, but it wasn't clear how far this could be taken. In [<a href="#pub18">18</a>] we show that it unfortunately cannot extend beyond this minimal level. <LI> Are there simple ways to construct message-authentication codes (MACs) from "nice" assumptions like Diffie-Hellman (CDH, DDH) or Learning Parity with Noise (LPN)? In [<a href="#pub19">19</a>] we give new constructions that are simpler and more efficient than previous work. <LI> "Learning-with-Errors" (LWE) is a versatile and extremely useful cryptographic assumption. In some instances, we need a deterministic variant of this assumption where, instead of random errors, we use deterministic <u>r</u>ounding (LWR). Are LWE and LWR equally hard? In [<a href="#pub26">26</a>] we show a new and tighter connection between these two problems. </div--> </UL> See a <a href="">short video</a> on my work. <!--Aside form the above, I pursue research in all other aspects of cryptography, spanning the full spectrum from theory to practice.<br--> I am also broadly interested in computer security, algorithms, complexity theory, coding theory and information theory.<br> <p> Prior to joining Northeastern, I was a <a href=""> Josef Raviv Memorial Postdoctoral Fellow</a> at <a href="">IBM Research T.J. Watson</a> (2011-2013).<br> I got my PhD in Computer Science at <a href=""> New York University (NYU)</a> in 2011. I was very fortunate to have <a href="">Yevgeniy Dodis</a> as my advisor.<br> I got my Bachelor's degree in Mathematics and Master's degree in Computer Science at <A href="">Stanford University</A> in 2005. <p> <h4> Thanks: </h4> To <a href="">Quanta magazine</a> and <a href="">WIRED</a> for covering my group's work.<br> To the <a href="">STOC 2023 PC</a> for the <i>best <a href="">paper</a> award</i>.<br> To J.P. Morgan for the <a href="">2022 faculty research award.</a><br> To the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation for the <a href="">2018 Sloan Research Fellowship</a>. <br> To the NSF for the <a href="">2018 CAREER Award</a>. <p> <!--UL> <LI> <LI> NSF Career <a href="">Encrypted Computation</a>.> <LI> NSF Frontier <a href="">The Modular Approach to Cloud Security (MACS) </a> <LI> <a href=""> Josef Raviv Memorial Postdoctoral Fellowship</a>. </UL--> <hr> <H2> Research Group </H2> <p> <table valign=top> <tr><td> <H3> Current </H3></td><td><H3> Alumni </H3></td></tr> <tr><td valign="top" style="padding-right: 25px;"> <a href="">Manu Kondapaneni </a> (PhD student)<br> <a href=""> LaKyah Tyner </a> (PhD student, co-advised with abhi shelat) <br> <a href=""> Ethan Mook </a> (PhD student) <br> <p> <a href="">Cody Freitag</a> (Khoury Distinguished Postdoc)<br> <a href="">Jad Silbak</a> (Khoury Distinguished Postdoc)<br> </td> <!--td> <br> Shota Yamada (visiting 3/2020 - 4/2020)<br> <a href="">Saikrishna Badrinarayanan</a> (visiting: 6/2017 - 09/2017)<br> Willy Quach (visiting: 03/2017 - 09/2017) <br> <a href=""> Alain Passelegue </a> (visiting: 9/2015 - 01/2016)<br> <a href="">Ryo Nishimaki</a> (visiting: 10/2014 - 01/2016)<br> <a href="">Pratyay Mukherjee</a> (visiting: 06/2014 - 09/2015)<br> <a href="">Pavel Hubacek</a> (visiting 09/2013- 02/2014)<br> <a href="">Yevgeniy Dodis</a> (visiting 01/2013- 06/2013 and 06/2017 - current)<br> </td> </tr> <tr!--> <td> <a href=""> Wei-Kai Lin </a> (Postdoc → Professor at Univerdity of Virginia) <br> <a href=""> Chethan Kamath </a> (Postdoc → Postdoc at Tel Aviv → Professor at IIT Bombay) <br> <a href=""> Omer Paneth</a> (Postdoc → Professor at Tel Aviv University)<br> <a href=""> Siyao Guo </a> (Postdoc → Professor at NYU Shanghai)<br> <a href=""> Mor Weiss </a> (Postdoc → Postdoc at IDC Herzliya → Professor at Bar Ilan)<br> <a href=""> Ron Rothblum</a> (Postdoc → Professor at Technion)<br> <a href="">Alessandra Scafuro</a> (Postdoc → Professor at North Carolina State) <br><p> <a href=""> Willy Quach </a> (PhD student → Postdoc at Weizmann Institute) <br> <a href=""> Ariel Hamlin </a> (PhD student → Research Scientist and MIT Lincoln Labs →Teaching Professor at Northeastern) <br> <a href=""> Giorgos Zirdelis </a> (PhD student → Postdocs at U Maryland) <br> <a href="">Zahra Jafargholi</a> (PhD student → Postdoc at Aarhus University) <br> </td></tr></table> <p><br><hr> <H2> Teaching </H2> <p> Spring 2025 <a href="class/crypto25/index.html"> CS 7810: Foundations of Cryptography </a> <br> Fall 2024 CS3800 Theory of Computation <br> Spring 2024 <a href="class/specialcrypto24/index.html">CS 7870 Seminar in TCS: Computing on Encrypted Data</a><br> Fall 2023 CS3800 Theory of Computation <br> Spring 2022 CS 4805/7805 Computational Complextity <br> Fall 2021 <a href="class/crypto-fall21/index.html"> CS 7810: Foundations of Cryptography </a> <br> Spring 2021 <a href="">CS 4805/7805 - Advanced/Graduate Theory of Computation </a><br> Fall 2020 <a href="class/specialcrypto2020/index.html">CS 7880 Special Topics in Cryptography</a><br> Spring 2020 CS 4770/6750 Cryptgoraphy<br> Spring 2018 <a href=""> CS 7805 - PhD Theory of Computation </a> <br> Fall 2017 <a href="class/crypto-fall17/index.html"> CS 7810: Foundations of Cryptography </a> <br> Spring 2017 <a href=""> CS 7805 - PhD Theory of Computation </a> <br> Fall 2016 <a href=""> CS 3800 - Theory of Computation </a> <br> Fall 2015 <a href="class/crypto-fall15/index.html"> CS 7880: Graduate Cryptography (Topics in Theory) </a> <br> Spring 2015 <a href="">CS 3800 - Theory of Computation </a> <br> Fall 2014 <a href="">CS 3800 - Theory of Computation </a> <br> Spring 2014 <a href="class/crypto-spring14/index.html"> CS 6750 - Cryptography and Communications Security </a> <br> Fall 2013 <a href="class/toc-fall13/index.html">CS 3800 - Theory of Computation </a> <br> <p><hr> <!--H2> Crypto Day </H2> Come to the <a href="">Charles River Crypto Day</a>! A fun-filled day of cryptography talks held regularly in the Boston/Cambridge area. Co-organized with Ron Rothblum, Yael Tauman Kalai, and Vinod Vaikuntanathan.<br><p--> <hr> <p> <H2>Service</H2> Co-organizer of the <a href="">Charles River Crypto Day</a>.<br> Co-organizer of the <a href="">Simons Summer Program in Cryptography, 2025</a>.<br> Steering Committee of <a href="">ITC</a> <br> <p> <b> Area Chair: </b> <a href="">EUROCRYPT 2024</a><br> <b> Program Chair: </b> <a href="">ITC 2020</a><br> <b> General Chair: </b> <a href="">STOC 2016</a><br> <p> <b>Program Committees:</b> STOC 2025, TCC 2024, EUROCRYPT 2024, FOCS 2023, CRYPTO 2022, ITCS 2022, EUROCRYPT 2021, <br> TCC 2020, SCN 2020, FOCS 2019, CRYPTO 2018, TCC 2017, EUROCRYPT 2017, FOCS 2016, TCC 2015,<br> ASIACRYPT 2014, ITCS 2014, PKC 2014, CRYPTO 2013, ICITS 2012, TCC 2012, SCN 2012, ICITS 2011<br> <p><hr> <H2>Publications [<A href="">DBLP</A>], [<A href="">Scholar</A>], [<A href="">IACR</A>] </H2> <H4> Preprints </H4> <UL> <LI><b> Cryptographic Aspects of DNA Screening</b><br> <i> C. Baum, H. Cui, I. Damgaard, K. Esvelt, M. Gao, D. Gretton, O. Paneth, R. Rivest, V. Vaikuntanathan, D. Wichs, A. Yao, Y. Yu</i> [<a href="">pdf</a>] <br><p> </UL> <H4> Publications </H4> <OL class="reversed"> <H3> 2025 </H3> <LI> <b>Succinct Non-interactive Arguments of Proximity</b><br> <i>L. Chen, Z. Jin, D. Wichs</i><br> STOC 2025<p> <LI> <b>Unambiguous SNARGs for P from LWE with Applications to PPAD Hardness</b><br> <i>L. Chen, C. Freitag, Z. Jin, D. Wichs</i><br> STOC 2025<p> <LI> <b> Black Box Crypto is Useless for Doubly Efficient PIR</b><br> <i>W. Lin, E. Mook, D. Wichs</i><br> EUROCRYPT 2025<p> <LI> <b>Unique NIZKs and Steganography Detection</b><br> <i>W. Quach, L. Tyner, D. Wichs</i><br> EUROCRYPT 2025<p> <LI> <b>Binary Codes for Error Detection and Correction in a Computationally Bounded World</b><br> <i>J. Silbak, D. Wichs</i> [<a href="">pdf</a>]<br> EUROCRYPT 2025<p> <LI><b> Detecting and Correcting Computationally Bounded Errors: A Simple Construction Under Minimal Assumptions</b><br> <i>J. Silbak and D. Wichs</i> [<a href="">pdf</a>] <br> ITCS 2025<p> <H3> 2024 </H3> <LI><b> Adaptively Secure Attribute-Based Encryption from Witness Encryption</b><br> <i>B. Waters and D. Wichs</i> [<a href="">pdf</a>] <br> TCC 2024<p> <LI><b> Interval Key-Encapsulation Mechanism</b><br> <i>A. Bienstock, Y. Dodis, P. Paul R枚sler and D. Wichs</i> [<a href="">pdf</a>] <br> ASIACRYPT 2024<p> <LI><b> How to Simulate Random Oracles with Auxiliary Input</b><br> <i>Y. Dodis, A. Jain, R. Lin, J. Luo and D. Wichs</i> [<a href="">pdf</a>] <br> FOCS 2024<p> <LI><b> PIR with Client-Side Preprocessing: Information-Theoretic Constructions and Lower Bounds</b><br> <i>Y. Ihsai, E. Shi and D. Wichs</i> [<a href="">pdf</a>] <br> CRYPTO 2024<p> <LI><b> Doubly Efficient Cryptography: Commitments, Arguments and RAM MPC </b><br> <i>WK Lin, E. Mook and D. Wichs</i> [<a href="">pdf</a>] <br> CRYPTO 2024<p> <LI><b> Laconic Function Evaluation and ABE for RAMs from (Ring-)LWE</b><br> <i>F. Dong, Z. Hao, E. Mook, H. Wee, and D. Wichs</i> [<a href="">pdf</a>] <br> CRYPTO 2024<p> <LI><b>Laconic Function Evaluation, Functional Encryption and Obfuscation for RAMs with Sublinear Computation</b><br> <i>F. Dong, Z. Hao, E. Mook, and D. Wichs</i> [<a href="">pdf</a>] <br> EUROCRYPT 2024<p> <H3> 2023 </H3> <LI><b>Multi-Instance Randomness Extraction and Security against Bounded-Storage Mass Surveillance</b><br> <i>J. Guan, D. Wichs, and M. Zhandry</i> [<a href="">pdf</a>] <br> TCC 2023<p> <LI><b>Lower Bounds on Anonymous Whistleblowing</b><br> <i>L. Tyner, W. Quach, and D. Wichs</i> [<a href="">pdf</a>] <br> TCC 2023<p> <LI><b>Security with Functional Re-Encryption from CPA</b><br> <i>Y. Dodis and S. Halevi and D. Wichs</i> [<a href="">pdf</a>] <br> TCC 2023<p> <LI><b>Universal Amplification of KDM Security: From 1-Key Circular to Multi-Key KDM</b><br> <i>B. Waters and D. Wichs</i> [<a href="">pdf</a>] <br> CRYPTO 2023<p> <LI><b>The Pseudorandom Oracle Model and Ideal Obfuscation</b><br> <i>A. Jain, H. Lin, J. Luo, D. Wichs</i> [<a href="">pdf</a>] <br> CRYPTO 2023<p> <LI><b>Doubly Efficient Private Information Retrieval and Fully Homomorphic RAM Computation from Ring LWE</b><br> <i>WK Lin, E. Mook and D. Wichs</i> [<a href="">pdf</a>] <br>STOC 2023<br> <div style="color:#FF0000"> best paper award </div> <p> <LI><b>Boosting Batch Arguments and RAM Delegation</b><br> <i>Y. Tauman Kalai, A. Lombardi, V. Vaikuntanathan, D. Wichs</i> [<a href="">pdf</a>] <br>STOC 2023<p> <LI><b>Speak Much, Remember Little: Cryptography in the Bounded Storage Model, Revisited</b><br> <i>Y. Dodis, W. Quach and D. Wichs </i> [<a href="">pdf</a>] <br> EUROCRYPT 2023<p> <LI><b> A Map of Witness Maps: New Definitions and Connections</b><br> <i>S. Chakraborty, M. Prabhakaran, and D. Wichs </i> [<a href="">pdf</a>] <br> PKC 2023<p> <H3> 2022 </H3> <LI><b>Post-Quantum Insecurity from LWE</b><br> <i>A. Lombardi, E. Mook, W. Quach and D. Wichs </i> [<a href="">pdf</a>]<br> TCC 2022<p> <LI><b>Witness Encryption and Null-IO from Evasive LWE</b><br> <i>V. Vaikuntanathan, H. Wee and D. Wichs</i> [<a href="">pdf</a>]<br> ASIACRYPT 2022<p> <LI><b>Nearly Optimal Property Preserving Hashing</b><br> <i>J. Holmgren, M. Liu, L. Tyner and D. Wichs</i> [<a href="">pdf</a>]<br> CRYPTO 2022 <p> <LI><b>Refuting the Dream XOR Lemma via Ideal Obfuscation and Resettable MPC</b><br> <i>S. Badrinarayanan, Y. Ishai, D. Khurana, A. Sahai, and D. Wichs</i> [<a href="">pdf</a>]<br> ITC 2022 <p> <LI><b>Incompressible Cryptography</b><br> <i> J. Guan, D. Wichs and M. Zhandry</i> [<a href="">pdf</a>]<br> EUROCRYPT 2022 <p> <LI><b>Authentication in the Bounded Storage Model</b><br> <i> Y. Dodis, W. Quach and D. Wichs</i> [<a href="">pdf</a>]<br> EUROCRYPT 2022 <p> <LI><b> Small-Box Cryptography</b><br> <i> Y. Dodis, H. Karthikeyan, D. Wichs</i> [<a href="">pdf</a>]<br> ITCS 2022 <p> <H3> 2021 </H3> <LI><b>Updatable Public Key Encryption in the Standard Model</b><br> <i> Y. Dodis, H. Karthikeyan, D. Wichs</i> [<a href="">pdf</a>]<br> TCC 2021 <p> <LI><b>Succinct LWE Sampling, Random Polynomials, and Obfuscation</b><br> <i>L. Devadas, and W. Quach, V. Vaikuntanathan, H. Wee, and D. Wichs</i> [<a href="">pdf</a>]<br> TCC 2021 <p> <LI><b>Limits on the Adaptive Security of Yao's Garbling</b><br> <i>C. Kamath, K. Klein, K. Pietrzak and D. Wichs</i> [<a href="">pdf</a>]<br> CRYPTO 2021 <p> <LI><b> Targeted Lossy Functions and Applications</b><br> <i>W. Quach, B. Waters and D. Wichs</i> [<a href="">pdf</a>]<br> CRYPTO 2021 <p> <LI><b> Candidate Obfuscation via Oblivious LWE Sampling</b><br> <i>H. Wee and D. Wichs</i> [<a href="">pdf</a>]<br> EUROCRYPT 2021 <p> <H3> 2020 </H3> <LI> <b>Optimal Broadcast Encryption from LWE and Pairings in the Standard Model</b><br> <i>S. Agrawal, D. Wichs, and S. Yamada,</i> [<a href="">pdf</a>] <br> TCC 2020 <p> <LI> <b>Leakage-Resilient Key Exchange and Two-Seed Extractors</b><br> <i>X. Li, F. Ma, W. Quach, and D. Wichs</i> [<a href="">pdf</a>] <br> CRYPTO 2020 <p> <LI> <b>Incompressible Encodings </b><br> <i>T. Moran and D. Wichs</i> [<a href="">pdf</a>] <br> CRYPTO 2020 <p> <LI> <b>Extracting Randomness from Extractor-Dependent Sources </b><br> <i>Y. Dodis, V. Vaikuntanathan, and D. Wichs</i> [<a href="">pdf</a>] <br> EUROCRYPT 2020 <p> <LI> <b>Statistical ZAPR Arguments from Bilinear Maps </b><br> <i>A. Lombardi, V. Vaikuntanathan and D. Wichs</i> [<a href="">pdf</a>] <br> EUROCRYPT 2020 <p> <LI> <b>Two-Round Oblivious Transfer from CDH or LPN </b><br> <i>N. Döttling, S. Garg, M. Hajiabadi, D. Masny and D. Wichs</i> [<a href="">pdf</a>] <br> EUROCRYPT 2020 <p> <LI> <b>Witness Maps and Applications </b><br> <i>S. Chakraborty, M. Prabhakaran, and D. Wichs,</i> [<a href="">pdf</a>] <br> PKC 2020 <p> <H3> 2019 </H3> <LI> <b>Broadcast and Trace with N^epsilon Ciphertext Size from Standard Assumptions </b><br> <i>R. Goyal, W. Quach, B. Waters and D. Wichs</i> [<a href="">pdf</a>]<br> CRYPTO 2019 <p> <LI> <b>Non-Malleable Codes for Decision Trees</b><br> <i>M. Ball, S. Guo and D. Wichs</i> [<a href="">pdf</a>]<br> CRYPTO 2019 <p> <LI> <b> Fully Homomorphic Encryption for RAMs</b><br> <i>A. Hamlin, J. Holmgren, M. Weiss and D. Wichs</i> [<a href="">pdf</a>]<br> CRYPTO 2019 <p> <LI> <b> New Constructions of Reusable Designated-Verifier NIZKs</b><br> <i>A. Lombardi, W. Quach, R. Rothblum, D. Wichs and D. Wu</i> [<a href="">pdf</a>]<br> CRYPTO 2019 <p> <LI> <b> Adaptively Secure MPC with Sublinear Communication Complexity</b><br> <i>R. Cohen, a. shelat and D. Wichs</i> [<a href="">pdf</a>]<br> CRYPTO 2019 <p> <LI> <b> Fiat-Shamir: From Practice to Theory</b><br> <i>R. Canetti, Y. Chen, J. Holmgren, A. Lombardi, G. Rothblum, R. Rothblum, and D. Wichs </i><br> STOC 2019 (Merge of [<a href="">CCHLRR</a>] and [<a href="">CLW</a>]) <p> <LI> <b> Private Anonymous Data Access</b><br> <i>A. Hamlin, R. Ostrovsky, M. Weiss and D. Wichs </i> [<a href="">pdf</a>]<br> EUROCRYPT 2019 <p> <LI> <b> Worst-Case Hardness for LPN and Cryptographic Hashing via Code Smoothing</b><br> <i>Z. Brakerski, V. Lyubashevsky, V. Vaikuntanathan and D. Wichs</i> [<a href="">pdf</a>]<br> EUROCRYPT 2019 <p> <LI> <b> Reusable Designated-Verifier NIZKs for all NP from CDH</b><br> <i>W. Quach, R. Rothblum, and D. Wichs</i> [<a href="">pdf</a>] <br> EUROCRYPT 2019 <p> <H3> 2018 </H3> <LI> <b> Traitor-Tracing from LWE Made Simple and Attribute-Based</b><br> <i> Y.Chen, V. Vaikuntanathan, B. Waters, H. Wee, and D. Wichs, </i> [<a href="">pdf</a>]<br> TCC 2018 <p> <LI> <b> Watermarking PRFs under Standard Assumptions: Public Marking and Security with Extraction Queries </b><br> <i>W. Quach, D. Wichs and G. Zirdelis,</i> [<a href="">pdf</a>]<br> TCC 2018 <p> <LI> <b> Is there an Oblivious RAM Lower Bound for Online Reads? </b><br> <i>M. Weiss and D. Wichs </i> [<a href="">pdf</a>]<br> TCC 2018 <p> <LI> <b> Laconic Function Evaluation and Applications </b><br> <i>W. Quach, H. Wee, and D. Wichs </i> [<a href="">pdf</a>]<br> FOCS 2018 <p> <LI> <b> Non-Trivial Witness Encryption and Null-iO from Standard Assumptions</b><br> <i>Z. Brakerski, A. Jain, I. Komargodski, A. Passelegue and D. Wichs</i> [<a href="">pdf</a>]<br> SCN 2018 <p> <a name="pub60"> <LI> <b> Hardness of Non-Interactive Differential Privacy from One-Way Functions </b><br> <i> L. Kowalczyk, T. Malkin, J. Ullman and D. Wichs</i> [<a href="">pdf</a>] <br> CRYPTO 2018 <p> <a name="pub59"> <LI> <b> Non-Interactive Delegation for Low-Space Non-Deterministic Computation </b><br> <i> S. Badrinarayanan, Y. Tauman Kalai, D. Khurana, A. Sahai and D. Wichs</i> [<a href="">pdf</a>] <br> STOC 2018 <p> <a name="pub58"> <LI> <b> Multi-Key Searchable Encryption, Revisited</b><br> <i> A. Hamlin, a. shelat, M. Weiss and D. Wichs</i> [<a href="">pdf</a>] <br> PKC 2018 <p> <H3> 2017 </H3> <a name="pub57"> <LI> <b> Adaptively Indistinguishable Garbled Circuits</b><br> <i> Z. Jafargholi, A. Scafuro and D. Wichs</i> [<a href="">pdf</a>] <br> TCC 2017 <p> <a name="pub56"> <LI> <b> The Edited Truth</b><br> <i>S. Goldwasser, S. Klein and D. Wichs</i> [<a href="">pdf</a>] <br> TCC 2017 <p> <a name="pub55"> <LI> <b> Obfuscating Compute-and-Compare Programs under LWE </b><br> <i> D. Wichs and G. Zirdelis </i> [<a href="">pdf</a>] <br> FOCS 2017 <p> <a name="pub54"> <LI> <b> Be Adaptive, Avoid Overcommitting</b><br> <i> Z. Jafargholi, C. Kamath; K. Klein, I. Komargodski, K. Pietrzak, D. Wichs,</i> [<a href="">pdf</a>] <br> CRYPTO 2017 <p> <H3> 2016 </H3> <a name="pub53"> <LI> <b> Adaptive Security of Yao's Garbled Circuits</b><br> <i> Z. Jafargholi, D. Wichs</i> [<a href="">pdf</a>] <br> TCC 2016 <p> <a name="pub52"> <LI> <b> From Cryptomania to Obfustopia through Secret-Key Functional Encryption</b><br> <i> N. Bitansky, R. Nishimaki, A. Passelegue, D. Wichs</i> [<a href="">pdf</a>] <br> TCC 2016 <p> <a name="pub51"> <LI> <b> Standard Security Does Not Imply Indistinguishability Under Selective Opening</b><br> <i> D. Hofheinz, V. Rao and D. Wichs</i> [<a href="">pdf</a>] <br> TCC 2016 <p> <a name="pub50"> <LI> <b> Spooky Encryption and its Applications</b><br> <i> Y. Dodis, S. Halevi, R. Rothblum, D. Wichs</i> [<a href="">pdf</a>] <br> CRYPTO 2016 <p> <a name="pub49"> <LI> <b> Adaptively Secure Garbled Circuits from One-Way Functions </b><br> <i> B. Hemenway, Z. Jafargholi, R. Ostrovsky, A. Scafuro and D. Wichs</i> [<a href="">pdf</a>] <br> CRYPTO 2016 <p> <a name="pub48"> <LI> <b>A counterexample to the chain rule for conditional HILL entropy</b><br> <i>S. Krenn, K. Pietrzak, A. Wadia, D. Wichs </i> [<a href="">pdf</a>] <br> Computational Complexity Journal <p> <a name="pub47"> <LI> <b> Watermarking Cryptographic Programs Against Arbitrary Removal Strategies</b><br> <i> A. Cohen and J. Holmgren and R. Nishimaki, V. Vaikuntanathan and D. Wichs </i> [<a href="">pdf</a>] <br> STOC 2016 <p> <a name="pub46"> <LI> <b> Essentially Optimal Robust Secret Sharing with Maximal Corruptions </b><br> <i> A. Bishop, V. Pastro, R. Rajaraman and D. Wichs</i> [<a href="">pdf</a>] <br> EUROCRYPT 2016 <br> honorable mention for best paper award (one of top 3 papers) <p> <a name="pub45"> <LI> <b> Anonymous Traitor Tracing: How to Embed Arbitrary Information in a Key </b><br> <i> R. Nishimaki, D. Wichs, and M. Zhandry </i> [<a href="">pdf</a>] <br> EUROCRYPT 2016 <p> <a name="pub44"> <LI> <b> Two Round Mutliparty Computation via Multi-Key FHE</b><br> <i> P. Mukherjee and D. Wichs </i> [<a href="">pdf</a>] [<a href="2RoundMPC.pptx">slides</a>] [<a href="">video</a>]<br> EUROCRYPT 2016 <p> <a name="pub43"> <LI> <b> Obfuscating Conjunctions under Entropic Ring LWE </b><br> <i> Z. Brakerski, V. Vaikuntanathan, H. Wee and D. Wichs, </i> <br> ITCS 2016 <p> <a name="pub42"> <LI> <b> Onion ORAM: A Constant Bandwidth Blowup Oblivious RAM</b><br> <i> S. Devadas, M. van Dijk, C. Fletcher, L. Ren, E. Shi and D. Wichs </i> [<a href="">pdf</a>] [<a href="">video</a>] <br> TCC 2016 <p> <a name="pub41"> <LI> <b> Perfect Structure on the Edge of Chaos </b><br> <i> N. Bitansky, O. Paneth and D. Wichs </i> [<a href="">pdf</a>] <br> TCC 2016 <p> <H3> 2015 </H3> <a name="pub40"> <LI> <b> New Realizations of Somewhere Statistically Binding Hashing and Positional Accumulators </b><br> <i> T. Okamoto, K. Pietrzak, B. Waters and D. Wichs</i> [<a href="">pdf</a>] <br> ASIACRYPT 2015 <p> <a name="pub39"> <LI> <b> Leveled Fully Homomorphic Signatures from Standard Lattices</b><br> <i> S. Gorbunov, V. Vaikuntanathan and D. Wichs </i> [<a href="">pdf</a>] [<a href="HomSig[Simons15].pptx">slides</a>] [<a href="">video</a>] <br> STOC 2015 <p> <a name="pub38"> <LI> <b> Simple Lattice Trapdoor Sampling from a Broad Class of Distributions </b><br> <i> V. Lyubashevsky and D. Wichs </i> [<a href="">pdf</a>] <br> PKC 2015 <p> <a name="pub37"> <LI> <b> Tamper Detection and Continuous Non-Malleable Codes </b><br> <i> Z. Jafargholi and D. Wichs </i> [<a href="">pdf</a>] [<a href="TamperNMCodes.pptx">slides</a>] <br> TCC 2015 <p> <a name="pub36"> <LI><b> On the Communication Complexity of Secure Function Evaluation with Long Output </b><br> <i>P. Hubáček and D. Wichs</i> [<a href="">pdf</a>] [<a href="CC_SFE.pptx">slides</a>] <br> ITCS 2015 <br><p> <H3> 2014 </H3> <a name="pub35"> <LI> <b> Outsourcing Private RAM Computation</b><br> <i> C. Gentry, S. Halevi, M. Raykova and D. Wichs </i><br> FOCS 2014 [<a href="">pdf</a>] [<a href="OutsourcedRAM.pptx">slides</a>] [<a href="">video</a>] <br> <br><p> <a name="pub34"> <LI> <b> On the Implausibility of Differing-Inputs Obfuscation and Extractable Witness Encryption with Auxiliary Input</b><br> <i> S. Garg, C. Gentry, S. Halevi and D. Wichs </i><br> CRYPTO 2014 (invited to Algorithmica special issue) [<a href="">pdf</a>] [<a href="Implausibility.pptx">slides</a>] <br> <br><p> <a name="pub33"> <LI><b> How to Eat Your Entropy and Have it Too -- Optimal Recovery Strategies for Compromised RNGs</b><br> <i> Y. Dodis, A. Shamir, N. Stephens-Davidowitz and D. Wichs</i><br> CRYPTO 2014 (invited to Algorithmica special issue) [<a href="">pdf</a>] (see also <a href="">[Schneier]</a>)<br> <br><p> <a name="pub32"> <LI> <b> Garbled RAM, Revisited</b> <br> <i> C. Gentry, S. Halevi, S. Lu, R. Ostrovsky, M. Raykova and D. Wichs </i><br> EUROCRYPT 2014 (merge of <a href="">[GHRW14] </a> and <a href="">[LO14]</a>) [<a href="GarbledRAM.pptx">slides</a>] <br> <br><p> <a name="pub31"> <LI> <b> Efficient Non-Malleable Codes and Key-Derivation for Poly-Size Tampering Circuits </b><br> <i> S. Faust, P. Mukherjee, D. Venturi and D. Wichs </i><br> EUROCRYPT 2014 [<a href="">pdf</a>] <br> <br><p> <a name="pub30"> <LI><b> Key Derivation without Entropy Waste</b> <br> <i>Y. Dodis, K. Pietrzak and D. Wichs</i> <br> EUROCRYPT 2014 [<a href="">pdf</a>] <br> <br><p> <H3> 2013 </H3> <br> <LI><a name="pub29"> <b> On Continual Leakage of Discrete Log Representations</b> <br> <i>S. Agrawal, Y. Dodis, V. Vaikuntanathan and D. Wichs </i> <br> ASIACRYPT 2013 [<a href="">pdf</a>]<br> <br><p> <LI><a name="pub28"> <b>Fully Homomorphic Message Authenticators</b> <br> <i>R. Gennaro and D. Wichs</i> <br> ASIACRYPT 2013 [<a href="">pdf</a>]<br> <br><p> <LI><a name="pub27"> <b> Security Analysis of Pseudo-Random Number Generators with Input: <i>/dev/random</i> is not Robust </b> <br> <i>Y. Dodis, D. Pointcheval, S. Ruhault, D. Vergnaud and D. Wichs</i> <br> CCS 2013 [<a href="">pdf</a>] (see also <a href="">[Slashdot]</a> and <a href="">[Schneier]</a>)<br> <br><p> <LI><a name="pub26"> <b> Learning with Rounding, Revisited: New Reduction, Properties and Applications</b> <br> <i>J. Alwen, S. Krenn, K. Pietrzak and D. Wichs</i> <br> CRYPTO 2013 [<a href="">pdf</a>] <br> <br><p> <LI><a name="pub25"> <b> Optimizing ORAM and Using it Efficiently for Secure Computation </b> <br> <i> C. Gentry, K. Goldman, S. Halevi, C. Jutla, M. Raykova and D. Wichs </i> <br> PETS 2013 [<a href="">pdf</a>]<br> <br><P> <LI><a name="pub24"> <b> Leakage-Resilient Cryptography from Minimal Assumptions</b> <br> <i>C. Hazay, A. López-Alt, H. Wee and D. Wichs </i> <br> EUROCRYPT 2013 and Journal of Cryptology [<a href="">pdf</a>]<br> <br> <p> <LI><a name="pub23"> <b> Dynamic Proofs of Retrievability via Oblivious RAM</b> <br> <i>D. Cash, A. Küpçü and D. Wichs</i> <br> EUROCRYPT 2013 [<a href="">pdf</a>] [<a href="poramShort.pptx">slides</a>]<br><br> <p> <LI><a name="pub22"> <b> Why "Fiat-Shamir for Proofs" Lacks a Proof</b><br> <i>N. Bitansky, D. Dachman-Soled, S. Garg, A. Jain, Y. Tauman Kalai, A. Lopez-Alt and D. Wichs</i> <br> TCC 2013 (merge of <a href="">[BGW]</a> and <a href="">[DJKL]</a>)<br> <br><p> <LI><a name="pub21"> <b> Barriers in Cryptography with Weak, Correlated and Leaky Sources</b> <br> <i>D. Wichs </i> <br> ITCS 2013 [<a href="">pdf</a>], <a href="ReductionResilient.pptx">[slides]</a> <br> <br><p> <H3> 2012 </H3> <br> <LI><a name="pub20"> <b> Multiparty Computation with Low Communication, Computation and Interaction via Threshold FHE</b> <br> <i> G. Asharov, A. Jain, A. López-Alt, E. Tromer, V. Vaikuntanathan and D. Wichs </i> <br> EUROCRYPT 2012 (merge <a href="">[AJW] </a> , <a href="">[LTV]</a>) <br> <br><p> <LI><a name="pub19"> <b> Message Authentication, Revisited </b> <br> <i> Y. Dodis, K. Pietrzak, E. Kiltz and D. Wichs </i> <br> EUROCRYPT 2012 [<a href="">pdf</a>]<br> <br><p> <LI><a name="pub18"> <b> Counterexamples to Hardness Amplification Beyond Negligible</b> <br> <i> Y. Dodis, A. Jain, T. Moran and D. Wichs </i> <br> TCC 2012 [<a href="">pdf</a>] <a href="COUNTEREXAMPLES.pptx">[slides]</a> <br> <br><p> <H3> 2011 </H3> <br> <LI><a name="pub17"> <b> Storing Secrets on Continually Leaky Devices. </b> <br> <i> Y. Dodis, A. Lewko, B. Waters and D. Wichs </i> <br> FOCS 2011 [<a href="">pdf</a>] <a href="LeakyStore.ppsx">[slides]</a> <a href="">[video]</a> <br> <br><p> <LI><a name="pub16"> <b> Key-Evolution Schemes Resilient to Space-Bounded Leakage. </b> <br> <i> S. Dziembowski, T. Kazana and D. Wichs </i> <br> CRYPTO 2011 [<a href="">pdf</a>] <br> <br><p> <LI><a name="pub15"> <b> Separating Succinct Non-Interactive Arguments From All Falsifiable Assumptions.</b> <br> <i> C. Gentry and D. Wichs </i> <br> STOC 2011 [<a href="">pdf</a>] [<a href="BBSeperation.ppsx">slides</a>] [<a href="stoc_2B_2.mp4">video</a>]<br> <br><p> <LI><a name="pub14"> <b>Fully Leakage-Resilient Signatures.</b> <br> <i>E. Boyle, G. Segev and D. Wichs </i> <br> EUROCRYPT 2011 and Journal of Cryptology (invited paper). [<a href="">pdf</a>] <br> <br><p> <LI><a name="pub13"> <b>One-Time Computable Self-Erasing Functions.</b> <br> <i> S. Dziembowski, T. Kazana and D. Wichs </i> <br> TCC 2011 [<a href="">pdf</a>] <br> <br><p> <H3> 2010 </H3> <br> <LI><a name="pub12"> <b>Efficient Public-Key Cryptography in the Presence of Key Leakage.</b> <br> <i>Y. Dodis, K. Haralambiev, A. López-Alt and D. Wichs</i> <br> ASIACRYPT 2010 (invited to the <i>Journal of Cryptology</i>) [<a href="">pdf</a>]<br> <br><p> <LI><a name="pub11"> <b>Cryptography Against Continuous Memory Attacks.</b> <br> <i>Y. Dodis, K. Haralambiev, A. López-Alt and D. Wichs</i> <br> FOCS 2010 [<a href="">pdf</a>] [<a href="clr.ppsx">slides</a>] [<a href="">video</a>] <br> <br><p> <LI><a name="pub10"> <b>Public-Key Encryption in the Bounded-Retrieval Model.</b><br> <i>J. Alwen, Y. Dodis, M. Naor, G. Segev, S. Walfish and D. Wichs</i> <br> EUROCRYPT 2010 [<a href="">pdf</a>] [<a href="PKEBRM.ppsx">slides</a>]<br> <br><p> <LI><a name="pub9"> <b>On Symmetric Encryption and Point Obfuscation.</b> <br> <i> R. Canetti, Y. Tauman Kalai, M. Varia and D. Wichs</i> <br> TCC 2010 [<a href="">pdf</a>] [<a href="obf.ppsx">slides</a>] <br> <br><p> <LI><a name="pub8"> <b>Non-Malleable Codes.</b> <br> <i>S. Dziembowski, K. Pietrzak and D. Wichs</i> <br> ITCS 2010 [<a href="">pdf</a>] [<a href="NMC.ppsx">slides</a>]<br> <br><p> <H3> 2009 </H3> <br> <LI><a name="pub7"> <b>Somewhat Non-Committing Encryption and Efficient Adaptively Secure Oblivious Transfer.</b> <br> <i>J. Garay, D. Wichs and H.S. Zhou</i> <br> CRYPTO 2009 [<a href="">pdf</a>] <br> <br><p> <LI><a name="pub6"> <b>Leakage-Resilient Public-Key Cryptography in the Bounded-Retrieval Model.</b> <br> <i>J. Alwen, Y. Dodis and D. Wichs</i> <br> CRYPTO 2009 [<a href="">pdf</a>] [<a href="PKCBRM.ppsx">slides</a>] [<a href="">video</a>]<br> <br><p> <LI><a name="pub5"> <b>Non-Malleable Extractors and Symmetric Key Cryptography from Weak Secrets.</b> <br> <i>Y. Dodis and D. Wichs</i> <br> STOC 2009 [<a href="">pdf</a>] [<a href="NMExt.ppsx">slides</a>]<br> <br><p> <LI><a name="pub4"> <b>Proofs of Retrievability via Hardness Amplification.</b> <br> <i>Y. Dodis, S. Vadhan and D. Wichs</i> <br> TCC 2009 [<a href="">pdf</a>] [<a href="por.ppsx">slides</a>]<br> <br><p> <LI><a name="pub3"> <b> Universally Composable Multiparty Computation with Partially Isolated Parties.</b><br> <i>I. Damgård, J.B. Nielsen and D. Wichs</i> <br> TCC 2009 [<a href="">pdf</a>] [<a href="ucFromIsolation.ppsx">slides</a>]<br> <br><p> <H3> 2008 </H3> <br> <LI><a name="pub2"> <b>Isolated Proofs of Knowledge and Isolated Zero Knowledge.</b> <br> <i>I. Damgård, J.B. Nielsen and D. Wichs</i> <br> EUROCRYPT 2008 [<a href="">pdf</a>] [<a href="IPoK.ppsx">slides</a>]<br> <br><p> <LI><a name="pub1"> <b>Detection of Algebraic Manipulation with Applications to Robust Secret Sharing and Fuzzy Extractors.</b> <br> <i>R. Cramer, Y. Dodis, S. Fehr, C. Padro and D. Wichs</i> <br> EUROCRYPT 2008 [<a href="">pdf</a>] [<a href="AMD[EC].ppsx">slides</a>]<br> <br><p> </OL> <script type="text/javascript"> reverse_lists(); </script> <H4> Thesis, Surveys </H4> <OL> <LI> PhD Thesis: <b> Cryptographic Resilience to Continual Information Leakage </b> [<a href="thesis.pdf">pdf</a>]<br> <p> <LI> <b> Survey: Leakage Resilience and the Bounded Retrieval Model</b> <br> <i>Joel Alwen, Y. Dodis and D. Wichs</i><br> ICITS 2009 [<a href="BRMSurvey.pdf">pdf</a>] </OL> <p><br><p><hr> <H2>Honors and Awards</H2> <UL> <LI> Invited Speaker at <a href="">TCC 2019</a>. <LI> Alfred P. Sloan Foundation <a href="">2018 Sloan Research Fellowship</a>. <LI> NSF <a href="">2018 CAREER Award</a>. <LI> <a href="">IBM Josef Raviv Memorial Postdoctoral Fellowship</a> 2011 - 2013. <LI> <a href=""> IBM Ph.D. Fellowship</a> 2010 - 2011. <LI> NYU Janet Fabri Prize, for the most outstanding dissertations in Computer Science. 2012. <LI> NYU Department Nominee for ACM Dissertation Award 2011. <LI> Courant Institute Harold Grad Memorial Prize for outstanding performance and promise as a graduate student. 2010. <LI> McCracken Fellowship, New York University. 2006-2011. </LI> </UL> <p><br><p> <hr><p> <H2> Contact Info and Directions </H2> Office Address: Office #615 177 Huntington Ave (Christian Science Building) <a href="">[map]</a><br> Mailing Address: Northeastern University, 360 Huntington Av, #615-177, Boston, MA 02115 <br> E-mail: [last-name] <p> <!-- Google Analytics--> <script type="text/javascript"> var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? 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