Twilio Status
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product_string + "."; } return message_body; } $(window).on("load", function () { if ("MSIE")) { $("body").addClass("ie"); } $.getJSON(BASE_URL + "/summary.json" + URL_SUFFIX, function (summaryData) { var incidentHtml; var incidentUpdate; var componentHtml; var down_internal = 0; var down_external = 0; var down_servies = 0; var total_incidents = 0; var scheduled_count = 0; var componentUl; var i_components_bg_class; var e_components_bg_class; var dot_class; var incident_header_bg_class; var make_hollow_green_sms = false; var make_hollow_green_mms = false; var make_hollow_green_voice = false; var reporting_text; var external_services_group1 = "CARRIER NETWORK"; var external_services_group2 = "CHANNELS"; var zipwhip_group1 = "ZIPWHIP MESSAGING"; var zipwhip_group2 = "ZIPWHIP TOOLS"; var asset_url = ""; var external_services = [ "SMS Long Code, North America", "MMS Long Code, North America", "SMS Short Code, North America", "MMS Short Code, North America", "SMS Toll-Free, North America", "SMS, Latin America", "SMS, APAC", "SMS, Europe", "SMS, Middle East & Africa", "SMS Delivery Notifications & Status Callbacks", "Voice, North America", "Voice, Latin America", "Voice, APAC", "Voice, Europe", "Voice, Middle East & Africa", "Alexa", "Google Assistant", "Line", "Messenger", "WhatsApp", ]; var e_services_with_group1a = [ "CARRIER NETWORK - SMS Long Code, North America", "CARRIER NETWORK - SMS Short Code, North America", "CARRIER NETWORK - SMS Toll-Free, North America", "CARRIER NETWORK - SMS, Latin America", "CARRIER NETWORK - SMS, APAC", "CARRIER NETWORK - SMS, Europe", "CARRIER NETWORK - SMS, Middle East & Africa", "CARRIER NETWORK - SMS Delivery Notifications & Status Callbacks", ]; var e_services_with_group1b = [ "CARRIER NETWORK - MMS Long Code, North America", "CARRIER NETWORK - MMS Short Code, North America", ]; var e_services_with_group1c = [ "CARRIER NETWORK - Voice, North America", "CARRIER NETWORK - Voice, Latin America", "CARRIER NETWORK - Voice, APAC", "CARRIER NETWORK - Voice, Europe", "CARRIER NETWORK - Voice, Middle East & Africa", ]; var e_services_sms = [ "SMS Short Code, North America", "SMS Long Code, North America", "SMS Toll-Free, North America", "SMS, Latin America", "SMS, APAC", "SMS, Europe", "SMS, Middle East & Africa", "SMS Delivery Notifications & Status Callbacks", ]; var e_services_mms = [ "MMS Long Code, North America", "MMS Short Code, North America", ]; var e_services_voice = [ , "Voice, North America", "Voice, Latin America", "Voice, APAC", "Voice, Europe", "Voice, Middle East & Africa", ]; var Months = [ "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec", ]; //for page status if (summaryData.status.indicator == "critical") { dot_class = "red-dot"; } else if ( summaryData.status.indicator == "major" || summaryData.status.indicator == "minor" ) { dot_class = "orange-dot"; } else { dot_class = "green-dot"; } total_incidents = summaryData.incidents.length; // Current maintenance are those with status in_progress total_maintenance_alerts = $.grep( summaryData.scheduled_maintenances, function (sm_value, sm_index) { return (sm_value.status == "in_progress"); } ); // Only show banner if there are any incidents or in progress maintenance if (total_incidents === 0 && total_maintenance_alerts === 0) { $("#hud-alerts").remove(); } $.each(summaryData.incidents, function (incident_index, incident_value) { if ( incident_value.impact == "none" && incident_value.status == "investigating" ) { total_incidents = total_incidents - 1; return true; } var i_count = 0; var e_count = 0; $.each(incident_value.components, function (ic_index, ic_value) { var foundIndex = external_services.indexOf(; if (foundIndex == -1) { i_components_bg_class = get_component_header_class( ic_value.status, i_components_bg_class ); if (i_count == 0) { down_internal++; i_count++; } } else { e_components_bg_class = get_component_header_class( ic_value.status, e_components_bg_class ); if (e_count == 0) { down_external++; e_count++; } var foundIndex_sms = e_services_sms.indexOf(; var foundIndex_mms = e_services_mms.indexOf(; var foundIndex_voice = e_services_voice.indexOf(; if (foundIndex_sms != -1 && !make_hollow_green_sms) { make_hollow_green_sms = true; down_servies++; } if (foundIndex_mms != -1 && !make_hollow_green_mms) { make_hollow_green_mms = true; down_servies++; } if (foundIndex_voice != -1 && !make_hollow_green_voice) { make_hollow_green_voice = true; down_servies++; } } }); }); if (down_internal == 0 && down_servies == 0) { i_components_bg_class = "green"; $("#i_component_status_bar").html("All Systems Operational"); } else if (down_internal == 0 && down_servies > 0) { i_components_bg_class = "green"; if (down_servies == 1) { reporting_text = down_servies + " SERVICE"; } else { reporting_text = down_servies + " SERVICES"; } $("#i_component_status_bar").html(reporting_text + " MAY BE IMPACTED"); } else if (down_internal > 0 && down_servies > 0) { if (down_internal == 1 && down_servies == 1) { reporting_text = down_internal + " INCIDENT, " + down_servies + " SERVICE"; } else if (down_internal == 1 && down_servies > 1) { reporting_text = down_internal + " INCIDENT, " + down_servies + " SERVICES"; } else if (down_internal > 1 && down_servies == 1) { reporting_text = down_internal + " INCIDENTS, " + down_servies + " SERVICE"; } else { reporting_text = down_internal + " INCIDENTS, " + down_servies + " SERVICES"; } $("#i_component_status_bar").html(reporting_text + " MAY BE IMPACTED"); } else { if (down_internal == 1) { reporting_text = down_internal + " INCIDENT"; } else { reporting_text = down_internal + " INCIDENTS"; } $("#i_component_status_bar").html(reporting_text + " REPORTED"); } if (down_external == 0) { e_components_bg_class = "green"; $("#e_component_status_bar").html("All Systems Operational"); } else { if (down_external == 1) { reporting_text = down_external + " INCIDENT"; $("#e_component_status_bar").html(reporting_text + " REPORTED"); } else { reporting_text = down_external + " INCIDENTS"; $("#e_component_status_bar").html(reporting_text + " REPORTED"); } } $("#i_component_status_bar").addClass("bg-" + i_components_bg_class); $("#e_component_status_bar").addClass("bg-" + e_components_bg_class); if (total_incidents == 0) { $("#page_status_bar").html( '<span class="' + dot_class + '"></span>All Systems Operational' ); } else if (total_incidents == 1) { $("#page_status_bar").html( '<span class="' + dot_class + '"></span>' + total_incidents + " INCIDENT REPORTED</a>" ); } else { $("#page_status_bar").html( '<span class="' + dot_class + '"></span>' + total_incidents + " - INCIDENTS REPORTED</a>" ); } if (window.location.pathname != "/") { url_path = window.location.pathname; if (url_path.substring(1, 10) == "incidents") { incident_id = url_path.substring(11, url_path.length); $.getJSON( BASE_URL + "/incidents.json" + URL_SUFFIX, function (allIncidents) { $.each(allIncidents.incidents, function (i_index, i_value) { var componentsArray = []; var affected_component; var foundIndex_sms; var foundIndex_mms; var foundIndex_voice; var affected_class; if ( == incident_id) { $(".components-affected").html( '<div class="components-affected-wrapper"><span \ class="color-light-grey font-14">This incident affected: </span></div>' ); if ( i_value.impact === "none" && i_value.status === "investigating" ) { i_value.components.forEach((component, index) => { $(".components-affected-wrapper").append( "<span>" + + "</span>" ); }); } $.each( i_value.incident_updates, function (iu_index, iu_value) { if (iu_value.affected_components !== null) { $.each( iu_value.affected_components, function (ac_index, ac_value) { if ( ac_value.new_status != "operational" && !componentsArray.includes( ) { if (ac_value.new_status == "major_outage") { affected_class = "red-dot-own"; } else if ( ac_value.new_status == "partial_outage" || ac_value.new_status == "degraded_performance" ) { affected_class = "orange-dot-own"; } else if ( ac_value.new_status == "under_maintenance" ) { affected_class = "yellow-dot-own"; } else { affected_class = "green-dot-own"; } comp_name ="-") + 1 ); $(".components-affected-wrapper").append( '<span class="' + affected_class + ' dot-before font-15 color-blue">' + comp_name + "</span>" ); componentsArray.push(; affected_component =; foundIndex_sms = e_services_with_group1a.indexOf( affected_component ); foundIndex_mms = e_services_with_group1b.indexOf( affected_component ); foundIndex_voice = e_services_with_group1c.indexOf( affected_component ); if ( foundIndex_sms != -1 && !componentsArray.includes("SMS") ) { $(".components-affected-wrapper").append( '<span class="dot-before green-outline-dot-own font-15 color-blue">SMS</span>' ); componentsArray.push("SMS"); } else if ( foundIndex_mms != -1 && !componentsArray.includes("MMS") ) { $(".components-affected-wrapper").append( '<span class="dot-before green-outline-dot-own font-15 color-blue">MMS</span>' ); componentsArray.push("MMS"); } else if ( foundIndex_voice != -1 && !componentsArray.includes("PSTN") ) { $(".components-affected-wrapper").append( '<span class="dot-before green-outline-dot-own font-15 color-blue">PSTN</span>' ); componentsArray.push("PSTN"); } } } ); } } ); } }); } ); } setTimeout(function () { $(".loader-wrapper").fadeOut(); }, 500); $(".main-page").hide(); $("#above_footer").hide(); } else { summaryData.scheduled_maintenances = $.grep( summaryData.scheduled_maintenances, function (sm_value, sm_index) { if (sm_value.status == "in_progress") { summaryData.incidents.push(sm_value); return false; } return true; } ); // for incidents $.each(summaryData.incidents, function (index, value) { if (value.impact == "critical") { incident_header_bg_class = "bg-red"; } else if (value.impact == "major" || value.impact == "minor") { incident_header_bg_class = "bg-orange"; } else if (value.impact == "maintenance") { incident_header_bg_class = "bg-blue"; } else { incident_header_bg_class = "bg-green"; } incidentHtml = '<div class="col-md-12 mb-5"> \ <div class="box-wrapper"> \ <div class="box-heading ' + incident_header_bg_class + ' color-white-own py-3 px-4"> \ <div class="d-flex flex-wrap align-items-center"> \ <div class="flex-one"><a class="color-white-own" href="/incidents/' + + '">' + + '</a></div> \ <div class="small-btn-wrapper" id="services_' + + '"> \ </div> \ </div> \ </div> \ <ul class="list-unstyled status-list p-4" id="' + + '"></ul> \ </div> \ </div>'; if (value.impact == "none" && value.status == "investigating") { var message_body = get_incident_message( value, value.incident_updates[0].body ); incidentHtml = '<div class="alert-box col-md-12">' + '<div class="info-icon"><svg width="16px" height="16px" viewBox="0 0 16 16" <g id="Final" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><g id="final" transform="translate(-216.000000, -363.000000)" fill="#282A2B"><g id="Interface-/-WarningIcon" transform="translate(224.000000, 371.000000) scale(-1, 1) 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$("#maintenance_incident").append(incidentHtml); } else { $("#orange_incident_container").append(incidentHtml); } $.each(value.incident_updates, function (iu_index, iu_value) { var iu_status = iu_value.status.replace(/_/g, " "); incidentUpdate = '<li> \ <div class="status-details"> \ <b>' + iu_status + "</b> \ <span> - " + iu_value.body + '</span> \ </div> \ <div class="status-upload-date text-uppercase"> \ Posted: ' + get_time_tz(iu_value.display_at, "PST") + " PST \ </div> \ </li>"; $("#" + iu_value.incident_id).append(incidentUpdate); }); if ( value.incident_updates[0] && value.incident_updates[0].affected_components ) { $.each( value.incident_updates[0].affected_components, function (iuac_index, iuac_value) { var affected_service ="-") + 1 ); incidentUpdate_ac = '<div class="btn btn-transparent text-uppercase">' + affected_service + "</div>"; $("#services_" +; } ); } }); var containers = [ "#major_incident_container", "#red_incident_container", "#orange_incident_container", 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dot-before outer-box-heading text-uppercase">' + + "</div></li>"; $("#external_components").append(componentHtml); if (componentsValue.components) { componentUl = '<ul class="list-unstyled pl-4 inner-box-dot-wrapper pb-2 pt-3" id="' + + '"></ul>'; $("#external_components li:last-child").append(componentUl); } } else if( == zipwhip_group1 || == zipwhip_group2) { componentHtml = '<li class=""><div class="green-dot-own ' + dot_class + ' dot-before outer-box-heading text-uppercase">' + + "</div></li>"; $("#zipwhip_components").append(componentHtml); if (componentsValue.components) { componentUl = '<ul class="list-unstyled pl-4 inner-box-dot-wrapper pb-2 pt-3" id="' + + '"></ul>'; $("#zipwhip_components li:last-child").append(componentUl); } } else { componentHtml = '<li class=""><div class="green-dot-own ' + dot_class + ' dot-before outer-box-heading text-uppercase"> ' + + "</div></li>"; $("#twilio_components").append(componentHtml); if (componentsValue.components) { componentUl = '<ul class="list-unstyled pl-4 inner-box-dot-wrapper pb-2 pt-3" id="' + + '"></ul>'; $("#twilio_components li:last-child").append(componentUl); } } } } ); $.each( summaryData.components, function (componentsIndex, componentsValue) { if ( == false) { if (componentsValue.status == "operational") { if (make_hollow_green_sms && == "SMS") { dot_class = "green-outline-dot-own"; } else if ( make_hollow_green_mms && == "MMS" ) { dot_class = "green-outline-dot-own"; } else if ( make_hollow_green_voice && == "PSTN" ) { dot_class = "green-outline-dot-own"; } else { dot_class = "green-dot-own"; } } else if ( componentsValue.status == "partial_outage" || componentsValue.status == "degraded_performance" ) { dot_class = "orange-dot-own"; } else if (componentsValue.status == "under_maintenance") { dot_class = "blue-dot-own"; } else { dot_class = "red-dot-own"; } componentHtml = '<li class="dot-before ' + dot_class + '"> ' + + ' <span class="color-yellow" id="' + + '"> </span></li>'; $("#" + componentsValue.group_id).append(componentHtml); if (dot_class == "green-outline-dot-own") { $("#" + ' <img src="' + asset_url + '/lightning.png" width="15"> May be impacted by a connectivity issue' ); } } } ); $("ul.status-list").each(function () { $(this).children("li:not(:first-child)").hide("slow"); if ($(this).children().length > 1) { $(this).append( '<span class="show-more twilio-link ml-auto cursor">Show more</span>' ); } }); $(".show-more").on("click", function () { if ($(this).text() == "Show more") { $(this).parent().children().show("slow"); } else { $(this).parent().children("li:not(:first-child)").hide("slow"); } $(this).text() === "Show more" ? $(this).text("Show less") : $(this).text("Show more"); }); if (summaryData.scheduled_maintenances.length == 0) { $("#scheduled_maintenances_div").append( "<p>No scheduled maintenance at this time.</p>" ); } // for scheduled maintenances $.each( summaryData.scheduled_maintenances, function (sm_index, sm_value) { scheduled_count++; var maintenance_start = get_time_tz(sm_value.scheduled_for, "PST"); var maintenance_end = get_time_tz(sm_value.scheduled_until, "PST"); incidentHtml = '<div class="box-wrapper mb-5"> \ <div class="round-small-heading bg-blue color-white-own py-3 px-4"> \ <div class="heading-second pb-2"> ' + + '</div> \ <div class="heading-date">' + maintenance_start + " - " + maintenance_end + ' </div> \ </div> \ <div class="inc-box-wrapper"> \ <div class="inc-txt"> ' + sm_value.incident_updates[0].body + '</div> \ <div class="border-own my-4"></div> \ <div class="inc-list-heading pb-3"> MAINTENANCE PERIOD</div> \ <div class="row"> \ <div class="col-sm-7 col-12"> \ <ul class="list-unstyled inc-list-wrapper pl-4"> \ <li>US Pacific: ' + get_time_tz(sm_value.scheduled_for, "PST") + " - " + get_time_tz(sm_value.scheduled_until, "PST") + "</li> \ <li>US Central: " + get_time_tz(sm_value.scheduled_for, "CST") + " - " + get_time_tz(sm_value.scheduled_until, "CST") + "</li> \ <li>US Eastern: " + get_time_tz(sm_value.scheduled_for, "ET") + " - " + get_time_tz(sm_value.scheduled_until, "ET") + "</li> \ <li>UTC: " + get_time_tz(sm_value.scheduled_for, "UTC") + " - " + get_time_tz(sm_value.scheduled_until, "UTC") + ' </li> \ </ul> \ </div> \ <div class="col-12 col-md-5 text-right d-flex align-items-end"> \ <div class="inc-list-time w-100">' + get_time_tz(sm_value.incident_updates[0].display_at, "PST") + " PST</div> \ </div> \ </div> \ </div> \ </div>"; $("#scheduled_maintenances_div").append(incidentHtml); } ); setTimeout(function () { $(".loader-wrapper").fadeOut(); $("[data-js-hook=show-updates-dropdown]").addClass("btn btn-blue"); }, 500); $(".page-footer").hide(); } }); }); </script> <div class="loader-wrapper"> <div class="loader"></div> </div> <header class="own-custom-header"> <div class="container-fluid"> <div class="row justify-content-md-between px-3 align-items-center py-4 justify-content-center" > <div class="header-logo"> <a href="/"> <img src="" /> </a> </div> <ul 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data-otp-enabled="false" >French Guiana (+594)</option> <option value="pf" data-otp-enabled="false" >French Polynesia (+689)</option> <option value="ga" data-otp-enabled="false" >Gabon (+241)</option> <option value="gm" data-otp-enabled="false" >Gambia (+220)</option> <option value="ge" data-otp-enabled="false" >Georgia (+995)</option> <option value="de" data-otp-enabled="false" >Germany (+49)</option> <option value="gh" data-otp-enabled="false" >Ghana (+233)</option> <option value="gi" data-otp-enabled="false" >Gibraltar (+350)</option> <option value="gr" data-otp-enabled="false" >Greece (+30)</option> <option value="gl" data-otp-enabled="false" >Greenland (+299)</option> <option value="gd" data-otp-enabled="false" >Grenada (+1)</option> <option value="gp" data-otp-enabled="false" >Guadeloupe (+590)</option> <option value="gu" data-otp-enabled="false" >Guam (+1)</option> <option value="gt" data-otp-enabled="false" >Guatemala (+502)</option> <option value="gn" data-otp-enabled="false" >Guinea (+224)</option> <option value="gy" data-otp-enabled="false" >Guyana (+592)</option> <option value="ht" data-otp-enabled="false" >Haiti (+509)</option> <option value="hn" data-otp-enabled="false" >Honduras (+504)</option> <option value="hk" data-otp-enabled="false" >Hong Kong (+852)</option> <option value="hu" data-otp-enabled="false" >Hungary (+36)</option> <option value="is" data-otp-enabled="false" >Iceland (+354)</option> <option value="in" data-otp-enabled="false" >India (+91)</option> <option value="id" data-otp-enabled="false" >Indonesia (+62)</option> <option value="iq" data-otp-enabled="false" >Iraq (+964)</option> <option value="ie" data-otp-enabled="false" >Ireland (+353)</option> <option value="il" data-otp-enabled="false" >Israel (+972)</option> <option value="it" data-otp-enabled="false" >Italy (+39)</option> <option value="jm" data-otp-enabled="false" >Jamaica (+1)</option> <option value="jp" data-otp-enabled="false" >Japan (+81)</option> <option value="jo" data-otp-enabled="false" >Jordan (+962)</option> <option value="ke" data-otp-enabled="false" >Kenya (+254)</option> <option value="kr" data-otp-enabled="false" >Korea, Republic of (+82)</option> <option value="xk" data-otp-enabled="false" >Kosovo (+383)</option> <option value="kw" data-otp-enabled="false" >Kuwait (+965)</option> <option value="kg" data-otp-enabled="false" >Kyrgyzstan (+996)</option> <option value="la" data-otp-enabled="false" >Laos (+856)</option> <option value="lv" data-otp-enabled="false" >Latvia (+371)</option> <option value="lb" data-otp-enabled="false" >Lebanon (+961)</option> <option value="ls" data-otp-enabled="false" >Lesotho (+266)</option> <option value="lr" data-otp-enabled="false" >Liberia (+231)</option> <option value="ly" data-otp-enabled="false" >Libya (+218)</option> <option value="li" data-otp-enabled="false" >Liechtenstein (+423)</option> <option value="lt" data-otp-enabled="false" >Lithuania (+370)</option> <option value="lu" data-otp-enabled="false" >Luxembourg (+352)</option> <option value="mo" data-otp-enabled="false" >Macao (+853)</option> <option value="mk" data-otp-enabled="false" >Macedonia (+389)</option> <option value="mg" data-otp-enabled="false" >Madagascar (+261)</option> <option value="mw" data-otp-enabled="false" >Malawi (+265)</option> <option value="my" data-otp-enabled="false" >Malaysia (+60)</option> <option value="mv" data-otp-enabled="false" >Maldives (+960)</option> <option value="ml" data-otp-enabled="false" >Mali (+223)</option> <option value="mt" data-otp-enabled="false" >Malta (+356)</option> <option value="mq" data-otp-enabled="false" >Martinique (+596)</option> <option value="mr" data-otp-enabled="false" >Mauritania (+222)</option> <option value="mu" data-otp-enabled="false" >Mauritius (+230)</option> <option value="mx" data-otp-enabled="false" >Mexico (+52)</option> <option value="mc" data-otp-enabled="false" >Monaco (+377)</option> <option value="mn" data-otp-enabled="false" >Mongolia (+976)</option> <option value="me" data-otp-enabled="false" >Montenegro (+382)</option> <option value="ms" data-otp-enabled="false" >Montserrat (+1)</option> <option value="ma" data-otp-enabled="false" >Morocco/Western Sahara (+212)</option> <option value="mz" data-otp-enabled="false" >Mozambique (+258)</option> <option value="na" data-otp-enabled="false" >Namibia (+264)</option> <option value="np" data-otp-enabled="false" >Nepal (+977)</option> <option value="nl" data-otp-enabled="false" >Netherlands (+31)</option> <option value="nz" data-otp-enabled="false" >New Zealand (+64)</option> <option value="ni" data-otp-enabled="false" >Nicaragua (+505)</option> <option value="ne" data-otp-enabled="false" >Niger (+227)</option> <option value="ng" data-otp-enabled="false" >Nigeria (+234)</option> <option value="no" data-otp-enabled="false" >Norway (+47)</option> <option value="om" data-otp-enabled="false" >Oman (+968)</option> <option value="pk" data-otp-enabled="false" >Pakistan (+92)</option> <option value="ps" data-otp-enabled="false" >Palestinian Territory (+970)</option> <option value="pa" data-otp-enabled="false" >Panama (+507)</option> <option value="py" data-otp-enabled="false" >Paraguay (+595)</option> <option value="pe" data-otp-enabled="false" >Peru (+51)</option> <option value="ph" data-otp-enabled="false" >Philippines (+63)</option> <option value="pl" data-otp-enabled="false" >Poland (+48)</option> <option value="pt" data-otp-enabled="false" >Portugal (+351)</option> <option value="pr" data-otp-enabled="false" >Puerto Rico (+1)</option> <option value="qa" data-otp-enabled="false" >Qatar (+974)</option> <option value="re" data-otp-enabled="false" >Reunion/Mayotte (+262)</option> <option value="ro" data-otp-enabled="false" >Romania (+40)</option> <option value="ru" data-otp-enabled="false" >Russia/Kazakhstan (+7)</option> <option value="rw" data-otp-enabled="false" >Rwanda (+250)</option> <option value="ws" data-otp-enabled="false" >Samoa (+685)</option> <option value="sm" data-otp-enabled="false" >San Marino (+378)</option> <option value="sa" data-otp-enabled="false" >Saudi Arabia (+966)</option> <option value="sn" data-otp-enabled="false" >Senegal (+221)</option> <option value="rs" data-otp-enabled="false" >Serbia (+381)</option> <option value="sc" data-otp-enabled="false" >Seychelles (+248)</option> <option value="sl" data-otp-enabled="false" >Sierra Leone (+232)</option> <option value="sg" data-otp-enabled="false" >Singapore (+65)</option> <option value="sk" data-otp-enabled="false" >Slovakia (+421)</option> <option value="si" data-otp-enabled="false" >Slovenia (+386)</option> <option value="za" data-otp-enabled="false" >South Africa (+27)</option> <option value="es" data-otp-enabled="false" >Spain (+34)</option> <option value="lk" data-otp-enabled="false" >Sri Lanka (+94)</option> <option value="kn" data-otp-enabled="false" >St Kitts and Nevis (+1)</option> <option value="lc" data-otp-enabled="false" >St Lucia (+1)</option> <option value="vc" data-otp-enabled="false" >St Vincent Grenadines (+1)</option> <option value="sd" data-otp-enabled="false" >Sudan (+249)</option> <option value="sr" data-otp-enabled="false" >Suriname (+597)</option> <option value="sz" data-otp-enabled="false" >Swaziland (+268)</option> <option value="se" data-otp-enabled="false" >Sweden (+46)</option> <option value="ch" data-otp-enabled="false" >Switzerland (+41)</option> <option value="tw" data-otp-enabled="false" >Taiwan (+886)</option> <option value="tj" data-otp-enabled="false" >Tajikistan (+992)</option> <option value="tz" data-otp-enabled="false" >Tanzania (+255)</option> <option value="th" data-otp-enabled="false" >Thailand (+66)</option> <option value="tg" data-otp-enabled="false" >Togo (+228)</option> <option value="to" data-otp-enabled="false" >Tonga (+676)</option> <option value="tt" data-otp-enabled="false" >Trinidad and Tobago (+1)</option> <option value="tn" data-otp-enabled="false" >Tunisia (+216)</option> <option value="tr" data-otp-enabled="false" >Turkey (+90)</option> <option value="tc" data-otp-enabled="false" >Turks and Caicos Islands (+1)</option> <option value="ug" data-otp-enabled="false" >Uganda (+256)</option> <option value="ua" data-otp-enabled="false" >Ukraine (+380)</option> <option value="ae" data-otp-enabled="false" >United Arab Emirates (+971)</option> <option value="gb" data-otp-enabled="false" >United Kingdom (+44)</option> <option value="us" data-otp-enabled="false" selected>United States (+1)</option> <option value="uy" data-otp-enabled="false" >Uruguay (+598)</option> <option value="uz" data-otp-enabled="false" >Uzbekistan (+998)</option> <option value="ve" data-otp-enabled="false" >Venezuela (+58)</option> <option value="vn" data-otp-enabled="false" >Vietnam (+84)</option> <option value="vg" data-otp-enabled="false" >Virgin Islands, British (+1)</option> <option value="vi" data-otp-enabled="false" >Virgin Islands, U.S. (+1)</option> <option value="ye" data-otp-enabled="false" >Yemen 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We will provide updates as necessary.</span> <br> <small><span class="ago" data-datetime-unix="1739833221000"></span>Feb <var data-var='date'>17</var>, <var data-var='year'>2025</var> - <var data-var='time'>15:00</var> PST</small> </div> <div class="update"> <strong>Scheduled</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">Our carrier partner Vodafone United Kingdom is conducting a planned maintenance from 17 February 2025 at 15:00 PST until 17 February 2025 at 21:05 PST. During the maintenance window, there could be intermittent API request failures for Vodafone United Kingdom customers.<br><br /><br><br />Impacted Products: Lookup Identity Match, Legacy Identity MatchAndAttributes<br><br /><br><br />We are aware of the short notice and are working with our Carrier Partners to provide earlier notification where possible.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>17</var>, <var data-var='year'>2025</var> <var data-var='time'>15:00</var>-<var data-var='time'>21:05</var> PST</small> </div> </div> </div> <div class="modal hide fade modal-open-incident-subscribe" id="subscribe-modal-y6h01r1779kj" style="display: none" data-js-hook="incident-subscription-modal" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="incident-subscription-dialog-header" aria-describedby="incident-subscription-dialog-description" aria-modal="true"> <form class="modal-content" id="subscribe-form-y6h01r1779kj" action="/subscriptions/incident.json" accept-charset="UTF-8" data-remote="true" method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="incident_code" id="incident_code" value="y6h01r1779kj" autocomplete="off" /> <div class="modal-header"> <a href="#" data-dismiss="modal" class="close" data-js-hook="incident-modal-close" aria-label="close" role="button">×</a> <h4 id="incident-subscription-dialog-header"> Subscribe to Incident </h4> </div> <div class="modal-body"> <p style="margin-bottom:25px" id="incident-subscription-dialog-description"> Subscribe to updates for <strong>United Kingdom Account Security Carrier Partner Maintenance - Vodafone</strong> via email and/or text message. You'll receive email notifications when incidents are updated, and text message notifications whenever Twilio <strong>creates</strong> or <strong>resolves</strong> an incident. </p> <div class="control-group"> <label for="email-y6h01r1779kj">VIA EMAIL:</label> <div class="controls"> <input type="text" name="email" id="email-y6h01r1779kj" data-js-hook="email" class="full-width" /> </div> </div> <div class="control-group"> <label class="phone-country-code" for=phone-country-y6h01r1779kj>VIA SMS:</label> <div class="controls phone-number"> <div class="row"> <div id='phone-number-code-y6h01r1779kj' class="phone-country-wrapper"> <select name="phone_country" id="phone-country-y6h01r1779kj" data-js-hook="phone-country" class="span6 phone-country-dropdown"><option value="af" data-otp-enabled="false" >Afghanistan (+93)</option> <option value="al" data-otp-enabled="false" >Albania (+355)</option> <option value="dz" data-otp-enabled="false" >Algeria (+213)</option> <option value="as" data-otp-enabled="false" >American Samoa (+1)</option> <option value="ad" data-otp-enabled="false" >Andorra (+376)</option> <option value="ao" data-otp-enabled="false" >Angola (+244)</option> <option value="ai" data-otp-enabled="false" >Anguilla (+1)</option> <option value="ag" data-otp-enabled="false" >Antigua and Barbuda (+1)</option> <option value="ar" data-otp-enabled="false" >Argentina (+54)</option> <option value="am" data-otp-enabled="false" >Armenia (+374)</option> <option value="aw" data-otp-enabled="false" >Aruba (+297)</option> <option value="au" data-otp-enabled="false" >Australia/Cocos/Christmas Island (+61)</option> <option value="at" data-otp-enabled="false" >Austria (+43)</option> <option value="az" data-otp-enabled="false" >Azerbaijan (+994)</option> <option value="bs" data-otp-enabled="false" >Bahamas (+1)</option> <option value="bh" data-otp-enabled="false" >Bahrain (+973)</option> <option value="bd" data-otp-enabled="false" >Bangladesh (+880)</option> <option value="bb" data-otp-enabled="false" >Barbados (+1)</option> <option value="by" data-otp-enabled="false" >Belarus (+375)</option> <option value="be" data-otp-enabled="false" >Belgium (+32)</option> <option value="bz" data-otp-enabled="false" >Belize (+501)</option> <option value="bj" data-otp-enabled="false" >Benin (+229)</option> <option value="bm" data-otp-enabled="false" >Bermuda (+1)</option> <option value="bo" data-otp-enabled="false" >Bolivia (+591)</option> <option value="ba" data-otp-enabled="false" >Bosnia and Herzegovina (+387)</option> <option value="bw" data-otp-enabled="false" >Botswana (+267)</option> <option value="br" data-otp-enabled="false" >Brazil (+55)</option> <option value="bn" data-otp-enabled="false" >Brunei (+673)</option> <option value="bg" data-otp-enabled="false" >Bulgaria (+359)</option> <option value="bf" data-otp-enabled="false" >Burkina Faso (+226)</option> <option value="bi" data-otp-enabled="false" >Burundi (+257)</option> <option value="kh" data-otp-enabled="false" >Cambodia (+855)</option> <option value="cm" data-otp-enabled="false" >Cameroon (+237)</option> <option value="ca" data-otp-enabled="false" >Canada (+1)</option> <option value="cv" data-otp-enabled="false" >Cape Verde (+238)</option> <option value="ky" data-otp-enabled="false" >Cayman Islands (+1)</option> <option value="cf" data-otp-enabled="false" >Central Africa (+236)</option> <option value="td" data-otp-enabled="false" >Chad (+235)</option> <option value="cl" data-otp-enabled="false" >Chile (+56)</option> <option value="cn" data-otp-enabled="false" >China (+86)</option> <option value="co" data-otp-enabled="false" >Colombia (+57)</option> <option value="km" data-otp-enabled="false" >Comoros (+269)</option> <option value="cg" data-otp-enabled="false" >Congo (+242)</option> <option value="cd" data-otp-enabled="false" >Congo, Dem Rep (+243)</option> <option value="cr" data-otp-enabled="false" >Costa Rica (+506)</option> <option value="hr" data-otp-enabled="false" >Croatia (+385)</option> <option value="cy" data-otp-enabled="false" >Cyprus (+357)</option> <option value="cz" data-otp-enabled="false" >Czech Republic (+420)</option> <option value="dk" data-otp-enabled="false" >Denmark (+45)</option> <option value="dj" data-otp-enabled="false" >Djibouti (+253)</option> <option value="dm" data-otp-enabled="false" >Dominica (+1)</option> <option value="do" data-otp-enabled="false" >Dominican Republic (+1)</option> <option value="eg" data-otp-enabled="false" >Egypt (+20)</option> <option value="sv" data-otp-enabled="false" >El Salvador (+503)</option> <option value="gq" data-otp-enabled="false" >Equatorial Guinea (+240)</option> <option value="ee" data-otp-enabled="false" >Estonia (+372)</option> <option value="et" data-otp-enabled="false" >Ethiopia (+251)</option> <option value="fo" data-otp-enabled="false" >Faroe Islands (+298)</option> <option value="fj" data-otp-enabled="false" >Fiji (+679)</option> <option value="fi" data-otp-enabled="false" >Finland/Aland Islands (+358)</option> <option value="fr" data-otp-enabled="false" >France (+33)</option> <option value="gf" data-otp-enabled="false" >French Guiana (+594)</option> <option value="pf" data-otp-enabled="false" >French Polynesia (+689)</option> <option value="ga" data-otp-enabled="false" >Gabon (+241)</option> <option value="gm" data-otp-enabled="false" >Gambia (+220)</option> <option value="ge" data-otp-enabled="false" >Georgia (+995)</option> <option value="de" data-otp-enabled="false" >Germany (+49)</option> <option value="gh" data-otp-enabled="false" >Ghana (+233)</option> <option value="gi" data-otp-enabled="false" >Gibraltar (+350)</option> <option value="gr" data-otp-enabled="false" >Greece (+30)</option> <option value="gl" data-otp-enabled="false" >Greenland (+299)</option> <option value="gd" data-otp-enabled="false" >Grenada (+1)</option> <option value="gp" data-otp-enabled="false" >Guadeloupe (+590)</option> <option value="gu" data-otp-enabled="false" >Guam (+1)</option> <option value="gt" data-otp-enabled="false" >Guatemala (+502)</option> <option value="gn" data-otp-enabled="false" >Guinea (+224)</option> <option value="gy" data-otp-enabled="false" >Guyana (+592)</option> <option value="ht" data-otp-enabled="false" >Haiti (+509)</option> <option value="hn" data-otp-enabled="false" >Honduras (+504)</option> <option value="hk" data-otp-enabled="false" >Hong Kong (+852)</option> <option value="hu" data-otp-enabled="false" >Hungary (+36)</option> <option value="is" data-otp-enabled="false" >Iceland (+354)</option> <option value="in" data-otp-enabled="false" >India (+91)</option> <option value="id" data-otp-enabled="false" >Indonesia (+62)</option> <option value="iq" data-otp-enabled="false" >Iraq (+964)</option> <option value="ie" data-otp-enabled="false" >Ireland (+353)</option> <option value="il" data-otp-enabled="false" >Israel (+972)</option> <option value="it" data-otp-enabled="false" >Italy (+39)</option> <option value="jm" data-otp-enabled="false" >Jamaica (+1)</option> <option value="jp" data-otp-enabled="false" >Japan (+81)</option> <option value="jo" data-otp-enabled="false" >Jordan (+962)</option> <option value="ke" data-otp-enabled="false" >Kenya (+254)</option> <option value="kr" data-otp-enabled="false" >Korea, Republic of (+82)</option> <option value="xk" data-otp-enabled="false" >Kosovo (+383)</option> <option value="kw" data-otp-enabled="false" >Kuwait (+965)</option> <option value="kg" data-otp-enabled="false" >Kyrgyzstan (+996)</option> <option value="la" data-otp-enabled="false" >Laos (+856)</option> <option value="lv" data-otp-enabled="false" >Latvia (+371)</option> <option value="lb" data-otp-enabled="false" >Lebanon (+961)</option> <option value="ls" data-otp-enabled="false" >Lesotho (+266)</option> <option value="lr" data-otp-enabled="false" >Liberia (+231)</option> <option value="ly" data-otp-enabled="false" >Libya (+218)</option> <option value="li" data-otp-enabled="false" >Liechtenstein (+423)</option> <option value="lt" data-otp-enabled="false" >Lithuania (+370)</option> <option value="lu" data-otp-enabled="false" >Luxembourg (+352)</option> <option value="mo" data-otp-enabled="false" >Macao (+853)</option> <option value="mk" data-otp-enabled="false" >Macedonia (+389)</option> <option value="mg" data-otp-enabled="false" >Madagascar (+261)</option> <option value="mw" data-otp-enabled="false" >Malawi (+265)</option> <option value="my" data-otp-enabled="false" >Malaysia (+60)</option> <option value="mv" data-otp-enabled="false" >Maldives (+960)</option> <option value="ml" data-otp-enabled="false" >Mali (+223)</option> <option value="mt" data-otp-enabled="false" >Malta (+356)</option> <option value="mq" data-otp-enabled="false" >Martinique (+596)</option> <option value="mr" data-otp-enabled="false" >Mauritania (+222)</option> <option value="mu" data-otp-enabled="false" >Mauritius (+230)</option> <option value="mx" data-otp-enabled="false" >Mexico (+52)</option> <option value="mc" data-otp-enabled="false" >Monaco (+377)</option> <option value="mn" data-otp-enabled="false" >Mongolia (+976)</option> <option value="me" data-otp-enabled="false" >Montenegro (+382)</option> <option value="ms" data-otp-enabled="false" >Montserrat (+1)</option> <option value="ma" data-otp-enabled="false" >Morocco/Western Sahara (+212)</option> <option value="mz" data-otp-enabled="false" >Mozambique (+258)</option> <option value="na" data-otp-enabled="false" >Namibia (+264)</option> <option value="np" data-otp-enabled="false" >Nepal (+977)</option> <option value="nl" data-otp-enabled="false" >Netherlands (+31)</option> <option value="nz" data-otp-enabled="false" >New Zealand (+64)</option> <option value="ni" data-otp-enabled="false" >Nicaragua (+505)</option> <option value="ne" data-otp-enabled="false" >Niger (+227)</option> <option value="ng" data-otp-enabled="false" >Nigeria (+234)</option> <option value="no" data-otp-enabled="false" >Norway (+47)</option> <option value="om" data-otp-enabled="false" >Oman (+968)</option> <option value="pk" data-otp-enabled="false" >Pakistan (+92)</option> <option value="ps" data-otp-enabled="false" >Palestinian Territory (+970)</option> <option value="pa" data-otp-enabled="false" >Panama (+507)</option> <option value="py" data-otp-enabled="false" >Paraguay (+595)</option> <option value="pe" data-otp-enabled="false" >Peru (+51)</option> <option value="ph" data-otp-enabled="false" >Philippines (+63)</option> <option value="pl" data-otp-enabled="false" >Poland (+48)</option> <option value="pt" data-otp-enabled="false" >Portugal (+351)</option> <option value="pr" data-otp-enabled="false" >Puerto Rico (+1)</option> <option value="qa" data-otp-enabled="false" >Qatar (+974)</option> <option value="re" data-otp-enabled="false" >Reunion/Mayotte (+262)</option> <option value="ro" data-otp-enabled="false" >Romania (+40)</option> <option value="ru" data-otp-enabled="false" >Russia/Kazakhstan (+7)</option> <option value="rw" data-otp-enabled="false" >Rwanda (+250)</option> <option value="ws" data-otp-enabled="false" >Samoa (+685)</option> <option value="sm" data-otp-enabled="false" >San Marino (+378)</option> <option value="sa" data-otp-enabled="false" >Saudi Arabia (+966)</option> <option value="sn" data-otp-enabled="false" >Senegal (+221)</option> <option value="rs" data-otp-enabled="false" >Serbia (+381)</option> <option value="sc" data-otp-enabled="false" >Seychelles (+248)</option> <option value="sl" data-otp-enabled="false" >Sierra Leone (+232)</option> <option value="sg" data-otp-enabled="false" >Singapore (+65)</option> <option value="sk" data-otp-enabled="false" >Slovakia (+421)</option> <option value="si" data-otp-enabled="false" >Slovenia (+386)</option> <option value="za" data-otp-enabled="false" >South Africa (+27)</option> <option value="es" data-otp-enabled="false" >Spain (+34)</option> <option value="lk" data-otp-enabled="false" >Sri Lanka (+94)</option> <option value="kn" data-otp-enabled="false" >St Kitts and Nevis (+1)</option> <option value="lc" data-otp-enabled="false" >St Lucia (+1)</option> <option value="vc" data-otp-enabled="false" >St Vincent Grenadines (+1)</option> <option value="sd" data-otp-enabled="false" >Sudan (+249)</option> <option value="sr" data-otp-enabled="false" >Suriname (+597)</option> <option value="sz" data-otp-enabled="false" >Swaziland (+268)</option> <option value="se" data-otp-enabled="false" >Sweden (+46)</option> <option value="ch" data-otp-enabled="false" >Switzerland (+41)</option> <option value="tw" data-otp-enabled="false" >Taiwan (+886)</option> <option value="tj" data-otp-enabled="false" >Tajikistan (+992)</option> <option value="tz" data-otp-enabled="false" >Tanzania (+255)</option> <option value="th" data-otp-enabled="false" >Thailand (+66)</option> <option value="tg" data-otp-enabled="false" >Togo (+228)</option> <option value="to" data-otp-enabled="false" >Tonga (+676)</option> <option value="tt" data-otp-enabled="false" >Trinidad and Tobago (+1)</option> <option value="tn" data-otp-enabled="false" >Tunisia (+216)</option> <option value="tr" data-otp-enabled="false" >Turkey (+90)</option> <option value="tc" data-otp-enabled="false" >Turks and Caicos Islands (+1)</option> <option value="ug" data-otp-enabled="false" >Uganda (+256)</option> <option value="ua" data-otp-enabled="false" >Ukraine (+380)</option> <option value="ae" data-otp-enabled="false" >United Arab Emirates (+971)</option> <option value="gb" data-otp-enabled="false" >United Kingdom (+44)</option> <option value="us" data-otp-enabled="false" selected>United States (+1)</option> <option value="uy" data-otp-enabled="false" >Uruguay (+598)</option> <option value="uz" data-otp-enabled="false" >Uzbekistan (+998)</option> <option value="ve" data-otp-enabled="false" >Venezuela (+58)</option> <option value="vn" data-otp-enabled="false" >Vietnam (+84)</option> <option value="vg" data-otp-enabled="false" >Virgin Islands, British (+1)</option> <option value="vi" data-otp-enabled="false" >Virgin Islands, U.S. (+1)</option> <option value="ye" data-otp-enabled="false" >Yemen (+967)</option> <option value="zm" data-otp-enabled="false" >Zambia (+260)</option> <option value="zw" data-otp-enabled="false" >Zimbabwe (+263)</option></select> </div> </div> </div> <label class="sub-label" for="phone-number-y6h01r1779kj">Enter mobile number</label> <div class="controls phone-number" data-js-hook="modal-open-incident-subscribe-phone-number"> <div class="flex-container"> <input type="text" name="phone_number" id="phone-number-y6h01r1779kj" data-js-hook="phone-number" /> <input type="hidden" name="incident-code-y6h01r1779kj" id="incident-code-y6h01r1779kj" value="y6h01r1779kj" autocomplete="off" /> <a class="btn-change-number-incident" id="btn-change-number-incident-y6h01r1779kj" style="display: none;" data-incident-code="y6h01r1779kj" href="#"> Edit number 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Our engineers are still working with our carrier partner to resolve the issue. We will provide another update in 4 hours or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small><span class="ago" data-datetime-unix="1739831141000"></span>Feb <var data-var='date'>17</var>, <var data-var='year'>2025</var> - <var data-var='time'>14:25</var> PST</small> </div> <div class="update"> <strong>Update</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are continuing to experience SMS delivery delays when sending messages to 9Mobile Network in Nigeria. Our engineers are still working with our carrier partner to resolve the issue. We will provide another update in 2 hours or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small><span class="ago" data-datetime-unix="1739823765000"></span>Feb <var data-var='date'>17</var>, <var data-var='year'>2025</var> - <var data-var='time'>12:22</var> PST</small> </div> <div class="update"> <strong>Investigating</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are experiencing SMS delivery delays when sending messages to 9Mobile Network in Nigeria. Our engineers are working with our carrier partner to resolve the issue. We will provide another update in 1 hour or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small><span class="ago" data-datetime-unix="1739820466000"></span>Feb <var data-var='date'>17</var>, <var data-var='year'>2025</var> - <var data-var='time'>11:27</var> PST</small> </div> </div> </div> <div class="modal hide fade modal-open-incident-subscribe" id="subscribe-modal-vkdn96l9prqr" style="display: none" data-js-hook="incident-subscription-modal" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="incident-subscription-dialog-header" aria-describedby="incident-subscription-dialog-description" aria-modal="true"> <form class="modal-content" id="subscribe-form-vkdn96l9prqr" action="/subscriptions/incident.json" accept-charset="UTF-8" data-remote="true" method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="incident_code" id="incident_code" value="vkdn96l9prqr" autocomplete="off" /> <div class="modal-header"> <a href="#" data-dismiss="modal" class="close" data-js-hook="incident-modal-close" aria-label="close" role="button">×</a> <h4 id="incident-subscription-dialog-header"> Subscribe to Incident </h4> </div> <div class="modal-body"> <p style="margin-bottom:25px" id="incident-subscription-dialog-description"> Subscribe to updates for <strong>SMS Delivery Delays To 9Mobile Network in Nigeria</strong> via email and/or text message. You'll receive email notifications when incidents are updated, and text message notifications whenever Twilio <strong>creates</strong> or <strong>resolves</strong> an incident. </p> <div class="control-group"> <label for="email-vkdn96l9prqr">VIA EMAIL:</label> <div class="controls"> <input type="text" name="email" id="email-vkdn96l9prqr" data-js-hook="email" class="full-width" /> </div> </div> <div class="control-group"> <label class="phone-country-code" for=phone-country-vkdn96l9prqr>VIA SMS:</label> <div class="controls phone-number"> <div class="row"> <div id='phone-number-code-vkdn96l9prqr' class="phone-country-wrapper"> <select name="phone_country" id="phone-country-vkdn96l9prqr" data-js-hook="phone-country" class="span6 phone-country-dropdown"><option value="af" data-otp-enabled="false" >Afghanistan (+93)</option> <option value="al" data-otp-enabled="false" >Albania (+355)</option> <option value="dz" data-otp-enabled="false" >Algeria (+213)</option> <option value="as" data-otp-enabled="false" >American Samoa (+1)</option> <option value="ad" data-otp-enabled="false" >Andorra (+376)</option> <option value="ao" data-otp-enabled="false" >Angola (+244)</option> <option value="ai" data-otp-enabled="false" >Anguilla (+1)</option> <option value="ag" data-otp-enabled="false" >Antigua and Barbuda (+1)</option> <option value="ar" data-otp-enabled="false" >Argentina (+54)</option> <option value="am" data-otp-enabled="false" >Armenia (+374)</option> <option value="aw" data-otp-enabled="false" >Aruba (+297)</option> <option value="au" data-otp-enabled="false" >Australia/Cocos/Christmas Island (+61)</option> <option value="at" data-otp-enabled="false" >Austria (+43)</option> <option value="az" data-otp-enabled="false" >Azerbaijan (+994)</option> <option value="bs" data-otp-enabled="false" >Bahamas (+1)</option> <option value="bh" data-otp-enabled="false" >Bahrain (+973)</option> <option value="bd" data-otp-enabled="false" >Bangladesh (+880)</option> <option value="bb" data-otp-enabled="false" >Barbados (+1)</option> <option value="by" data-otp-enabled="false" >Belarus (+375)</option> <option value="be" data-otp-enabled="false" >Belgium (+32)</option> <option value="bz" data-otp-enabled="false" >Belize (+501)</option> <option value="bj" data-otp-enabled="false" >Benin (+229)</option> <option value="bm" data-otp-enabled="false" >Bermuda (+1)</option> <option value="bo" data-otp-enabled="false" >Bolivia (+591)</option> <option value="ba" data-otp-enabled="false" >Bosnia and Herzegovina (+387)</option> <option value="bw" data-otp-enabled="false" >Botswana (+267)</option> <option value="br" data-otp-enabled="false" >Brazil (+55)</option> <option value="bn" data-otp-enabled="false" >Brunei (+673)</option> <option value="bg" data-otp-enabled="false" >Bulgaria (+359)</option> <option value="bf" data-otp-enabled="false" >Burkina Faso (+226)</option> <option value="bi" data-otp-enabled="false" >Burundi (+257)</option> <option value="kh" data-otp-enabled="false" >Cambodia (+855)</option> <option value="cm" data-otp-enabled="false" >Cameroon (+237)</option> <option value="ca" data-otp-enabled="false" >Canada (+1)</option> <option value="cv" data-otp-enabled="false" >Cape Verde (+238)</option> <option value="ky" data-otp-enabled="false" >Cayman Islands (+1)</option> <option value="cf" data-otp-enabled="false" >Central Africa (+236)</option> <option value="td" data-otp-enabled="false" >Chad (+235)</option> <option value="cl" data-otp-enabled="false" >Chile (+56)</option> <option value="cn" data-otp-enabled="false" >China (+86)</option> <option value="co" data-otp-enabled="false" >Colombia (+57)</option> <option value="km" data-otp-enabled="false" >Comoros (+269)</option> <option value="cg" data-otp-enabled="false" >Congo (+242)</option> <option value="cd" data-otp-enabled="false" >Congo, Dem Rep (+243)</option> <option value="cr" data-otp-enabled="false" >Costa Rica (+506)</option> <option value="hr" data-otp-enabled="false" >Croatia (+385)</option> <option value="cy" data-otp-enabled="false" >Cyprus (+357)</option> <option value="cz" data-otp-enabled="false" >Czech Republic (+420)</option> <option value="dk" data-otp-enabled="false" >Denmark (+45)</option> <option value="dj" data-otp-enabled="false" >Djibouti (+253)</option> <option value="dm" data-otp-enabled="false" >Dominica (+1)</option> <option value="do" data-otp-enabled="false" >Dominican Republic (+1)</option> <option value="eg" data-otp-enabled="false" >Egypt (+20)</option> <option value="sv" data-otp-enabled="false" >El Salvador (+503)</option> <option value="gq" data-otp-enabled="false" >Equatorial Guinea (+240)</option> <option value="ee" data-otp-enabled="false" >Estonia (+372)</option> <option value="et" data-otp-enabled="false" >Ethiopia (+251)</option> <option value="fo" data-otp-enabled="false" >Faroe Islands (+298)</option> <option value="fj" data-otp-enabled="false" >Fiji (+679)</option> <option value="fi" data-otp-enabled="false" >Finland/Aland Islands (+358)</option> <option value="fr" data-otp-enabled="false" >France (+33)</option> <option value="gf" data-otp-enabled="false" >French Guiana (+594)</option> <option value="pf" data-otp-enabled="false" >French Polynesia (+689)</option> <option value="ga" data-otp-enabled="false" >Gabon (+241)</option> <option value="gm" data-otp-enabled="false" >Gambia (+220)</option> <option value="ge" data-otp-enabled="false" >Georgia (+995)</option> <option value="de" data-otp-enabled="false" >Germany (+49)</option> <option value="gh" data-otp-enabled="false" >Ghana (+233)</option> <option value="gi" data-otp-enabled="false" >Gibraltar (+350)</option> <option value="gr" data-otp-enabled="false" >Greece (+30)</option> <option value="gl" data-otp-enabled="false" >Greenland (+299)</option> <option value="gd" data-otp-enabled="false" >Grenada (+1)</option> <option value="gp" data-otp-enabled="false" >Guadeloupe (+590)</option> <option value="gu" data-otp-enabled="false" >Guam (+1)</option> <option value="gt" data-otp-enabled="false" >Guatemala (+502)</option> <option value="gn" data-otp-enabled="false" >Guinea (+224)</option> <option value="gy" data-otp-enabled="false" >Guyana (+592)</option> <option value="ht" data-otp-enabled="false" >Haiti (+509)</option> <option value="hn" data-otp-enabled="false" >Honduras (+504)</option> <option value="hk" data-otp-enabled="false" >Hong Kong (+852)</option> <option value="hu" data-otp-enabled="false" >Hungary (+36)</option> <option value="is" data-otp-enabled="false" >Iceland (+354)</option> <option value="in" data-otp-enabled="false" >India (+91)</option> <option value="id" data-otp-enabled="false" >Indonesia (+62)</option> <option value="iq" data-otp-enabled="false" >Iraq (+964)</option> <option value="ie" data-otp-enabled="false" >Ireland (+353)</option> <option value="il" data-otp-enabled="false" >Israel (+972)</option> <option value="it" data-otp-enabled="false" >Italy (+39)</option> <option value="jm" data-otp-enabled="false" >Jamaica (+1)</option> <option value="jp" data-otp-enabled="false" >Japan (+81)</option> <option value="jo" data-otp-enabled="false" >Jordan (+962)</option> <option value="ke" data-otp-enabled="false" >Kenya (+254)</option> <option value="kr" data-otp-enabled="false" >Korea, Republic of (+82)</option> <option value="xk" data-otp-enabled="false" >Kosovo (+383)</option> <option value="kw" data-otp-enabled="false" >Kuwait (+965)</option> <option value="kg" data-otp-enabled="false" >Kyrgyzstan (+996)</option> <option value="la" data-otp-enabled="false" >Laos (+856)</option> <option value="lv" data-otp-enabled="false" >Latvia (+371)</option> <option value="lb" data-otp-enabled="false" >Lebanon (+961)</option> <option value="ls" data-otp-enabled="false" >Lesotho (+266)</option> <option value="lr" data-otp-enabled="false" >Liberia (+231)</option> <option value="ly" data-otp-enabled="false" >Libya (+218)</option> <option value="li" data-otp-enabled="false" >Liechtenstein (+423)</option> <option value="lt" data-otp-enabled="false" >Lithuania (+370)</option> <option value="lu" data-otp-enabled="false" >Luxembourg (+352)</option> <option value="mo" data-otp-enabled="false" >Macao (+853)</option> <option value="mk" data-otp-enabled="false" >Macedonia (+389)</option> <option value="mg" data-otp-enabled="false" >Madagascar (+261)</option> <option value="mw" data-otp-enabled="false" >Malawi (+265)</option> <option value="my" data-otp-enabled="false" >Malaysia (+60)</option> <option value="mv" data-otp-enabled="false" >Maldives (+960)</option> <option value="ml" data-otp-enabled="false" >Mali (+223)</option> <option value="mt" data-otp-enabled="false" >Malta (+356)</option> <option value="mq" data-otp-enabled="false" >Martinique (+596)</option> <option value="mr" data-otp-enabled="false" >Mauritania (+222)</option> <option value="mu" data-otp-enabled="false" >Mauritius (+230)</option> <option value="mx" data-otp-enabled="false" >Mexico (+52)</option> <option value="mc" data-otp-enabled="false" >Monaco (+377)</option> <option value="mn" data-otp-enabled="false" >Mongolia (+976)</option> <option value="me" data-otp-enabled="false" >Montenegro (+382)</option> <option value="ms" data-otp-enabled="false" >Montserrat (+1)</option> <option value="ma" data-otp-enabled="false" >Morocco/Western Sahara (+212)</option> <option value="mz" data-otp-enabled="false" >Mozambique (+258)</option> <option value="na" data-otp-enabled="false" >Namibia (+264)</option> <option value="np" data-otp-enabled="false" >Nepal (+977)</option> <option value="nl" data-otp-enabled="false" >Netherlands (+31)</option> <option value="nz" data-otp-enabled="false" >New Zealand (+64)</option> <option value="ni" data-otp-enabled="false" >Nicaragua (+505)</option> <option value="ne" data-otp-enabled="false" >Niger (+227)</option> <option value="ng" data-otp-enabled="false" >Nigeria (+234)</option> <option value="no" data-otp-enabled="false" >Norway (+47)</option> <option value="om" data-otp-enabled="false" >Oman (+968)</option> <option value="pk" data-otp-enabled="false" >Pakistan (+92)</option> <option value="ps" data-otp-enabled="false" >Palestinian Territory (+970)</option> <option value="pa" data-otp-enabled="false" >Panama (+507)</option> <option value="py" data-otp-enabled="false" >Paraguay (+595)</option> <option value="pe" data-otp-enabled="false" >Peru (+51)</option> <option value="ph" data-otp-enabled="false" >Philippines (+63)</option> <option value="pl" data-otp-enabled="false" >Poland (+48)</option> <option value="pt" data-otp-enabled="false" >Portugal (+351)</option> <option value="pr" data-otp-enabled="false" >Puerto Rico (+1)</option> <option value="qa" data-otp-enabled="false" >Qatar (+974)</option> <option value="re" data-otp-enabled="false" >Reunion/Mayotte (+262)</option> <option value="ro" data-otp-enabled="false" >Romania (+40)</option> <option value="ru" data-otp-enabled="false" >Russia/Kazakhstan (+7)</option> <option value="rw" data-otp-enabled="false" >Rwanda (+250)</option> <option value="ws" data-otp-enabled="false" >Samoa (+685)</option> <option value="sm" data-otp-enabled="false" >San Marino (+378)</option> <option value="sa" data-otp-enabled="false" >Saudi Arabia (+966)</option> <option value="sn" data-otp-enabled="false" >Senegal (+221)</option> <option value="rs" data-otp-enabled="false" >Serbia (+381)</option> <option value="sc" data-otp-enabled="false" >Seychelles (+248)</option> <option value="sl" data-otp-enabled="false" >Sierra Leone (+232)</option> <option value="sg" data-otp-enabled="false" >Singapore (+65)</option> <option value="sk" data-otp-enabled="false" >Slovakia (+421)</option> <option value="si" data-otp-enabled="false" >Slovenia (+386)</option> <option value="za" data-otp-enabled="false" >South Africa (+27)</option> <option value="es" data-otp-enabled="false" >Spain (+34)</option> <option value="lk" data-otp-enabled="false" >Sri Lanka (+94)</option> <option value="kn" data-otp-enabled="false" >St Kitts and Nevis (+1)</option> <option value="lc" data-otp-enabled="false" >St Lucia (+1)</option> <option value="vc" data-otp-enabled="false" >St Vincent Grenadines (+1)</option> <option value="sd" data-otp-enabled="false" >Sudan (+249)</option> <option value="sr" data-otp-enabled="false" >Suriname (+597)</option> <option value="sz" data-otp-enabled="false" >Swaziland (+268)</option> <option value="se" data-otp-enabled="false" >Sweden (+46)</option> <option value="ch" data-otp-enabled="false" >Switzerland (+41)</option> <option value="tw" data-otp-enabled="false" >Taiwan (+886)</option> <option value="tj" data-otp-enabled="false" >Tajikistan (+992)</option> <option value="tz" data-otp-enabled="false" >Tanzania (+255)</option> <option value="th" data-otp-enabled="false" >Thailand (+66)</option> <option value="tg" data-otp-enabled="false" >Togo (+228)</option> <option value="to" data-otp-enabled="false" >Tonga (+676)</option> <option value="tt" data-otp-enabled="false" >Trinidad and Tobago (+1)</option> <option value="tn" data-otp-enabled="false" >Tunisia (+216)</option> <option value="tr" data-otp-enabled="false" >Turkey (+90)</option> <option value="tc" data-otp-enabled="false" >Turks and Caicos Islands (+1)</option> <option value="ug" data-otp-enabled="false" >Uganda (+256)</option> <option value="ua" data-otp-enabled="false" >Ukraine (+380)</option> <option value="ae" data-otp-enabled="false" >United Arab Emirates (+971)</option> <option value="gb" data-otp-enabled="false" >United Kingdom (+44)</option> <option value="us" data-otp-enabled="false" selected>United States (+1)</option> <option value="uy" data-otp-enabled="false" >Uruguay (+598)</option> <option value="uz" data-otp-enabled="false" >Uzbekistan (+998)</option> <option value="ve" data-otp-enabled="false" >Venezuela (+58)</option> <option value="vn" data-otp-enabled="false" >Vietnam (+84)</option> <option value="vg" data-otp-enabled="false" >Virgin Islands, British (+1)</option> <option value="vi" data-otp-enabled="false" >Virgin Islands, U.S. (+1)</option> <option value="ye" data-otp-enabled="false" >Yemen (+967)</option> <option value="zm" data-otp-enabled="false" >Zambia (+260)</option> <option value="zw" data-otp-enabled="false" >Zimbabwe (+263)</option></select> </div> </div> </div> <label class="sub-label" for="phone-number-vkdn96l9prqr">Enter mobile number</label> <div class="controls phone-number" data-js-hook="modal-open-incident-subscribe-phone-number"> <div class="flex-container"> <input type="text" name="phone_number" id="phone-number-vkdn96l9prqr" data-js-hook="phone-number" /> <input type="hidden" name="incident-code-vkdn96l9prqr" id="incident-code-vkdn96l9prqr" value="vkdn96l9prqr" autocomplete="off" /> <a class="btn-change-number-incident" id="btn-change-number-incident-vkdn96l9prqr" style="display: none;" data-incident-code="vkdn96l9prqr" href="#"> Edit number 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We will provide updates as necessary.</span> <br> <small><span class="ago" data-datetime-unix="1739829621000"></span>Feb <var data-var='date'>17</var>, <var data-var='year'>2025</var> - <var data-var='time'>14:00</var> PST</small> </div> <div class="update"> <strong>Scheduled</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">Our carrier partner Three United Kingdom is conducting a planned maintenance from 17 February 2025 at 14:00 PST until 17 February 2025 at 22:00 PST. During the maintenance window, there could be intermittent API request failures for Three United Kingdom customers.<br><br /><br><br />Impacted Products: Lookup Identity Match, Legacy Identity MatchAndAttributes, Lookup SIM Swap</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>17</var>, <var data-var='year'>2025</var> <var data-var='time'>14:00</var>-<var data-var='time'>22:00</var> PST</small> </div> </div> </div> <div class="modal hide fade modal-open-incident-subscribe" id="subscribe-modal-1bfpfcdcq2k2" style="display: none" data-js-hook="incident-subscription-modal" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="incident-subscription-dialog-header" aria-describedby="incident-subscription-dialog-description" aria-modal="true"> <form class="modal-content" id="subscribe-form-1bfpfcdcq2k2" action="/subscriptions/incident.json" accept-charset="UTF-8" data-remote="true" method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="incident_code" id="incident_code" value="1bfpfcdcq2k2" autocomplete="off" /> <div class="modal-header"> <a href="#" data-dismiss="modal" class="close" data-js-hook="incident-modal-close" aria-label="close" role="button">×</a> <h4 id="incident-subscription-dialog-header"> Subscribe to Incident </h4> </div> <div class="modal-body"> <p style="margin-bottom:25px" id="incident-subscription-dialog-description"> Subscribe to updates for <strong>United Kingdom Account Security Carrier Partner Maintenance - Three</strong> via email and/or text message. You'll receive email notifications when incidents are updated, and text message notifications whenever Twilio <strong>creates</strong> or <strong>resolves</strong> an incident. </p> <div class="control-group"> <label for="email-1bfpfcdcq2k2">VIA EMAIL:</label> <div class="controls"> <input type="text" name="email" id="email-1bfpfcdcq2k2" data-js-hook="email" class="full-width" /> </div> </div> <div class="control-group"> <label class="phone-country-code" for=phone-country-1bfpfcdcq2k2>VIA SMS:</label> <div class="controls phone-number"> <div class="row"> <div id='phone-number-code-1bfpfcdcq2k2' class="phone-country-wrapper"> <select name="phone_country" id="phone-country-1bfpfcdcq2k2" data-js-hook="phone-country" class="span6 phone-country-dropdown"><option value="af" data-otp-enabled="false" >Afghanistan (+93)</option> <option value="al" data-otp-enabled="false" >Albania (+355)</option> <option value="dz" data-otp-enabled="false" >Algeria (+213)</option> <option value="as" data-otp-enabled="false" >American Samoa (+1)</option> <option value="ad" data-otp-enabled="false" >Andorra (+376)</option> <option value="ao" data-otp-enabled="false" >Angola (+244)</option> <option value="ai" data-otp-enabled="false" >Anguilla (+1)</option> <option value="ag" data-otp-enabled="false" >Antigua and Barbuda (+1)</option> <option value="ar" data-otp-enabled="false" >Argentina (+54)</option> <option value="am" data-otp-enabled="false" >Armenia (+374)</option> <option value="aw" data-otp-enabled="false" >Aruba (+297)</option> <option value="au" data-otp-enabled="false" >Australia/Cocos/Christmas Island (+61)</option> <option value="at" data-otp-enabled="false" >Austria (+43)</option> <option value="az" data-otp-enabled="false" >Azerbaijan (+994)</option> <option value="bs" data-otp-enabled="false" >Bahamas (+1)</option> <option value="bh" data-otp-enabled="false" >Bahrain (+973)</option> <option value="bd" data-otp-enabled="false" >Bangladesh (+880)</option> <option value="bb" data-otp-enabled="false" >Barbados (+1)</option> <option value="by" data-otp-enabled="false" >Belarus (+375)</option> <option value="be" data-otp-enabled="false" >Belgium (+32)</option> <option value="bz" data-otp-enabled="false" >Belize (+501)</option> <option value="bj" data-otp-enabled="false" >Benin (+229)</option> <option value="bm" data-otp-enabled="false" >Bermuda (+1)</option> <option value="bo" data-otp-enabled="false" >Bolivia (+591)</option> <option value="ba" data-otp-enabled="false" >Bosnia and Herzegovina (+387)</option> <option value="bw" data-otp-enabled="false" >Botswana (+267)</option> <option value="br" data-otp-enabled="false" >Brazil (+55)</option> <option value="bn" data-otp-enabled="false" >Brunei (+673)</option> <option value="bg" data-otp-enabled="false" >Bulgaria (+359)</option> <option value="bf" data-otp-enabled="false" >Burkina Faso (+226)</option> <option value="bi" data-otp-enabled="false" >Burundi (+257)</option> <option value="kh" data-otp-enabled="false" >Cambodia (+855)</option> <option value="cm" data-otp-enabled="false" >Cameroon (+237)</option> <option value="ca" data-otp-enabled="false" >Canada (+1)</option> <option value="cv" data-otp-enabled="false" >Cape Verde (+238)</option> <option value="ky" data-otp-enabled="false" >Cayman Islands (+1)</option> <option value="cf" data-otp-enabled="false" >Central Africa (+236)</option> <option value="td" data-otp-enabled="false" >Chad (+235)</option> <option value="cl" data-otp-enabled="false" >Chile (+56)</option> <option value="cn" data-otp-enabled="false" >China (+86)</option> <option value="co" data-otp-enabled="false" >Colombia (+57)</option> <option value="km" data-otp-enabled="false" >Comoros (+269)</option> <option value="cg" data-otp-enabled="false" >Congo (+242)</option> <option value="cd" data-otp-enabled="false" >Congo, Dem Rep (+243)</option> <option value="cr" data-otp-enabled="false" >Costa Rica (+506)</option> <option value="hr" data-otp-enabled="false" >Croatia (+385)</option> <option value="cy" data-otp-enabled="false" >Cyprus (+357)</option> <option value="cz" data-otp-enabled="false" >Czech Republic (+420)</option> <option value="dk" data-otp-enabled="false" >Denmark (+45)</option> <option value="dj" data-otp-enabled="false" >Djibouti (+253)</option> <option value="dm" data-otp-enabled="false" >Dominica (+1)</option> <option value="do" data-otp-enabled="false" >Dominican Republic (+1)</option> <option value="eg" data-otp-enabled="false" >Egypt (+20)</option> <option value="sv" data-otp-enabled="false" >El Salvador (+503)</option> <option value="gq" data-otp-enabled="false" >Equatorial Guinea (+240)</option> <option value="ee" data-otp-enabled="false" >Estonia (+372)</option> <option value="et" data-otp-enabled="false" >Ethiopia (+251)</option> <option value="fo" data-otp-enabled="false" >Faroe Islands (+298)</option> <option value="fj" data-otp-enabled="false" >Fiji (+679)</option> <option value="fi" data-otp-enabled="false" >Finland/Aland Islands (+358)</option> <option value="fr" data-otp-enabled="false" >France (+33)</option> <option value="gf" data-otp-enabled="false" >French Guiana (+594)</option> <option value="pf" data-otp-enabled="false" >French Polynesia (+689)</option> <option value="ga" data-otp-enabled="false" >Gabon (+241)</option> <option value="gm" data-otp-enabled="false" >Gambia (+220)</option> <option value="ge" data-otp-enabled="false" >Georgia (+995)</option> <option value="de" data-otp-enabled="false" >Germany (+49)</option> <option value="gh" data-otp-enabled="false" >Ghana (+233)</option> <option value="gi" data-otp-enabled="false" >Gibraltar (+350)</option> <option value="gr" data-otp-enabled="false" >Greece (+30)</option> <option value="gl" data-otp-enabled="false" >Greenland (+299)</option> <option value="gd" data-otp-enabled="false" >Grenada (+1)</option> <option value="gp" data-otp-enabled="false" >Guadeloupe (+590)</option> <option value="gu" data-otp-enabled="false" >Guam (+1)</option> <option value="gt" data-otp-enabled="false" >Guatemala (+502)</option> <option value="gn" data-otp-enabled="false" >Guinea (+224)</option> <option value="gy" data-otp-enabled="false" >Guyana (+592)</option> <option value="ht" data-otp-enabled="false" >Haiti (+509)</option> <option value="hn" data-otp-enabled="false" >Honduras (+504)</option> <option value="hk" data-otp-enabled="false" >Hong Kong (+852)</option> <option value="hu" data-otp-enabled="false" >Hungary (+36)</option> <option value="is" data-otp-enabled="false" >Iceland (+354)</option> <option value="in" data-otp-enabled="false" >India (+91)</option> <option value="id" data-otp-enabled="false" >Indonesia (+62)</option> <option value="iq" data-otp-enabled="false" >Iraq (+964)</option> <option value="ie" data-otp-enabled="false" >Ireland (+353)</option> <option value="il" data-otp-enabled="false" >Israel (+972)</option> <option value="it" data-otp-enabled="false" >Italy (+39)</option> <option value="jm" data-otp-enabled="false" >Jamaica (+1)</option> <option value="jp" data-otp-enabled="false" >Japan (+81)</option> <option value="jo" data-otp-enabled="false" >Jordan (+962)</option> <option value="ke" data-otp-enabled="false" >Kenya (+254)</option> <option value="kr" data-otp-enabled="false" >Korea, Republic of (+82)</option> <option value="xk" data-otp-enabled="false" >Kosovo (+383)</option> <option value="kw" data-otp-enabled="false" >Kuwait (+965)</option> <option value="kg" data-otp-enabled="false" >Kyrgyzstan (+996)</option> <option value="la" data-otp-enabled="false" >Laos (+856)</option> <option value="lv" data-otp-enabled="false" >Latvia (+371)</option> <option value="lb" data-otp-enabled="false" >Lebanon (+961)</option> <option value="ls" data-otp-enabled="false" >Lesotho (+266)</option> <option value="lr" data-otp-enabled="false" >Liberia (+231)</option> <option value="ly" data-otp-enabled="false" >Libya (+218)</option> <option value="li" data-otp-enabled="false" >Liechtenstein (+423)</option> <option value="lt" data-otp-enabled="false" >Lithuania (+370)</option> <option value="lu" data-otp-enabled="false" >Luxembourg (+352)</option> <option value="mo" data-otp-enabled="false" >Macao (+853)</option> <option value="mk" data-otp-enabled="false" >Macedonia (+389)</option> <option value="mg" data-otp-enabled="false" >Madagascar (+261)</option> <option value="mw" data-otp-enabled="false" >Malawi (+265)</option> <option value="my" data-otp-enabled="false" >Malaysia (+60)</option> <option value="mv" data-otp-enabled="false" >Maldives (+960)</option> <option value="ml" data-otp-enabled="false" >Mali (+223)</option> <option value="mt" data-otp-enabled="false" >Malta (+356)</option> <option value="mq" data-otp-enabled="false" >Martinique (+596)</option> <option value="mr" data-otp-enabled="false" >Mauritania (+222)</option> <option value="mu" data-otp-enabled="false" >Mauritius (+230)</option> <option value="mx" data-otp-enabled="false" >Mexico (+52)</option> <option value="mc" data-otp-enabled="false" >Monaco (+377)</option> <option value="mn" data-otp-enabled="false" >Mongolia (+976)</option> <option value="me" data-otp-enabled="false" >Montenegro (+382)</option> <option value="ms" data-otp-enabled="false" >Montserrat (+1)</option> <option value="ma" data-otp-enabled="false" >Morocco/Western Sahara (+212)</option> <option value="mz" data-otp-enabled="false" >Mozambique (+258)</option> <option value="na" data-otp-enabled="false" >Namibia (+264)</option> <option value="np" data-otp-enabled="false" >Nepal (+977)</option> <option value="nl" data-otp-enabled="false" >Netherlands (+31)</option> <option value="nz" data-otp-enabled="false" >New Zealand (+64)</option> <option value="ni" data-otp-enabled="false" >Nicaragua (+505)</option> <option value="ne" data-otp-enabled="false" >Niger (+227)</option> <option value="ng" data-otp-enabled="false" >Nigeria (+234)</option> <option value="no" data-otp-enabled="false" >Norway (+47)</option> <option value="om" data-otp-enabled="false" >Oman (+968)</option> <option value="pk" data-otp-enabled="false" >Pakistan (+92)</option> <option value="ps" data-otp-enabled="false" >Palestinian Territory (+970)</option> <option value="pa" data-otp-enabled="false" >Panama (+507)</option> <option value="py" data-otp-enabled="false" >Paraguay (+595)</option> <option value="pe" data-otp-enabled="false" >Peru (+51)</option> <option value="ph" data-otp-enabled="false" >Philippines (+63)</option> <option value="pl" data-otp-enabled="false" >Poland (+48)</option> <option value="pt" data-otp-enabled="false" >Portugal (+351)</option> <option value="pr" data-otp-enabled="false" >Puerto Rico (+1)</option> <option value="qa" data-otp-enabled="false" >Qatar (+974)</option> <option value="re" data-otp-enabled="false" >Reunion/Mayotte (+262)</option> <option value="ro" data-otp-enabled="false" >Romania (+40)</option> <option value="ru" data-otp-enabled="false" >Russia/Kazakhstan (+7)</option> <option value="rw" data-otp-enabled="false" >Rwanda (+250)</option> <option value="ws" data-otp-enabled="false" >Samoa (+685)</option> <option value="sm" data-otp-enabled="false" >San Marino (+378)</option> <option value="sa" data-otp-enabled="false" >Saudi Arabia (+966)</option> <option value="sn" data-otp-enabled="false" >Senegal (+221)</option> <option value="rs" data-otp-enabled="false" >Serbia (+381)</option> <option value="sc" data-otp-enabled="false" >Seychelles (+248)</option> <option value="sl" data-otp-enabled="false" >Sierra Leone (+232)</option> <option value="sg" data-otp-enabled="false" >Singapore (+65)</option> <option value="sk" data-otp-enabled="false" >Slovakia (+421)</option> <option value="si" data-otp-enabled="false" >Slovenia (+386)</option> <option value="za" data-otp-enabled="false" >South Africa (+27)</option> <option value="es" data-otp-enabled="false" >Spain (+34)</option> <option value="lk" data-otp-enabled="false" >Sri Lanka (+94)</option> <option value="kn" data-otp-enabled="false" >St Kitts and Nevis (+1)</option> <option value="lc" data-otp-enabled="false" >St Lucia (+1)</option> <option value="vc" data-otp-enabled="false" >St Vincent Grenadines (+1)</option> <option value="sd" data-otp-enabled="false" >Sudan (+249)</option> <option value="sr" data-otp-enabled="false" >Suriname (+597)</option> <option value="sz" data-otp-enabled="false" >Swaziland (+268)</option> <option value="se" data-otp-enabled="false" >Sweden (+46)</option> <option value="ch" data-otp-enabled="false" >Switzerland (+41)</option> <option value="tw" data-otp-enabled="false" >Taiwan (+886)</option> <option value="tj" data-otp-enabled="false" >Tajikistan (+992)</option> <option value="tz" data-otp-enabled="false" >Tanzania (+255)</option> <option value="th" data-otp-enabled="false" >Thailand (+66)</option> <option value="tg" data-otp-enabled="false" >Togo (+228)</option> <option value="to" data-otp-enabled="false" >Tonga (+676)</option> <option value="tt" data-otp-enabled="false" >Trinidad and Tobago (+1)</option> <option value="tn" data-otp-enabled="false" >Tunisia (+216)</option> <option value="tr" data-otp-enabled="false" >Turkey (+90)</option> <option value="tc" data-otp-enabled="false" >Turks and Caicos Islands (+1)</option> <option value="ug" data-otp-enabled="false" >Uganda (+256)</option> <option value="ua" data-otp-enabled="false" >Ukraine (+380)</option> <option value="ae" data-otp-enabled="false" >United Arab Emirates (+971)</option> <option value="gb" data-otp-enabled="false" >United Kingdom (+44)</option> <option value="us" data-otp-enabled="false" selected>United States (+1)</option> <option value="uy" data-otp-enabled="false" >Uruguay (+598)</option> <option value="uz" data-otp-enabled="false" >Uzbekistan (+998)</option> <option value="ve" data-otp-enabled="false" >Venezuela (+58)</option> <option value="vn" data-otp-enabled="false" >Vietnam (+84)</option> <option value="vg" data-otp-enabled="false" >Virgin Islands, British (+1)</option> <option value="vi" data-otp-enabled="false" >Virgin Islands, U.S. (+1)</option> <option value="ye" data-otp-enabled="false" >Yemen (+967)</option> <option value="zm" data-otp-enabled="false" >Zambia (+260)</option> <option value="zw" data-otp-enabled="false" >Zimbabwe (+263)</option></select> </div> </div> </div> <label class="sub-label" for="phone-number-1bfpfcdcq2k2">Enter mobile number</label> <div class="controls phone-number" data-js-hook="modal-open-incident-subscribe-phone-number"> <div class="flex-container"> <input type="text" name="phone_number" id="phone-number-1bfpfcdcq2k2" data-js-hook="phone-number" /> <input type="hidden" name="incident-code-1bfpfcdcq2k2" id="incident-code-1bfpfcdcq2k2" value="1bfpfcdcq2k2" autocomplete="off" /> <a class="btn-change-number-incident" id="btn-change-number-incident-1bfpfcdcq2k2" style="display: none;" data-incident-code="1bfpfcdcq2k2" href="#"> Edit number 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Our engineers are working with our carrier partner to resolve the issue. We will provide another update in 24 hours or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small><span class="ago" data-datetime-unix="1739776817000"></span>Feb <var data-var='date'>16</var>, <var data-var='year'>2025</var> - <var data-var='time'>23:20</var> PST</small> </div> <div class="update"> <strong>Update</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are still experiencing SMS delivery report delays when sending messages to Onvoy Spectrum Mobile United States of America. Our engineers are working with our carrier partner to resolve the issue. We will provide another update in 24 hours or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small><span class="ago" data-datetime-unix="1739690420000"></span>Feb <var data-var='date'>15</var>, <var data-var='year'>2025</var> - <var data-var='time'>23:20</var> PST</small> </div> <div class="update"> <strong>Update</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are still experiencing SMS delivery report delays when sending messages to Onvoy Spectrum Mobile United States of America. Our engineers are working with our carrier partner to resolve the issue. We will provide another update in 24 hours or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small><span class="ago" data-datetime-unix="1739604490000"></span>Feb <var data-var='date'>14</var>, <var data-var='year'>2025</var> - <var data-var='time'>23:28</var> PST</small> </div> <div class="update"> <strong>Update</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are still experiencing SMS delivery report delays when sending messages to Onvoy Spectrum Mobile United States of America. Our engineers are working with our carrier partner to resolve the issue. We will provide another update in 24 hours or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small><span class="ago" data-datetime-unix="1739518478000"></span>Feb <var data-var='date'>13</var>, <var data-var='year'>2025</var> - <var data-var='time'>23:34</var> PST</small> </div> <div class="update"> <strong>Update</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are continuing to investigate this issue.</span> <br> <small><span class="ago" data-datetime-unix="1739455802000"></span>Feb <var data-var='date'>13</var>, <var data-var='year'>2025</var> - <var data-var='time'>06:10</var> PST</small> </div> <div class="update"> <strong>Update</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are still experiencing SMS delivery report delays when sending messages to Onvoy Spectrum Mobile United States of America. Our engineers are working with our carrier partner to resolve the issue. We will provide another update in 24 hours or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small><span class="ago" data-datetime-unix="1739432044000"></span>Feb <var data-var='date'>12</var>, <var data-var='year'>2025</var> - <var data-var='time'>23:34</var> PST</small> </div> <div class="update"> <strong>Update</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are still experiencing SMS delivery report delays when sending messages to Onvoy Spectrum Mobile United States of America. Our engineers are working with our carrier partner to resolve the issue. We will provide another update in 24 hours or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small><span class="ago" data-datetime-unix="1739345640000"></span>Feb <var data-var='date'>11</var>, <var data-var='year'>2025</var> - <var data-var='time'>23:34</var> PST</small> </div> <div class="update"> <strong>Update</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are still experiencing SMS delivery report delays when sending messages to Onvoy Spectrum Mobile United States of America. Our engineers are working with our carrier partner to resolve the issue. We will provide another update in 24 hours or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small><span class="ago" data-datetime-unix="1739259994000"></span>Feb <var data-var='date'>10</var>, <var data-var='year'>2025</var> - <var data-var='time'>23:46</var> PST</small> </div> <div class="update"> <strong>Update</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are still experiencing SMS delivery report delays when sending messages to Onvoy Spectrum Mobile United States of America. Our engineers are working with our carrier partner to resolve the issue. We will provide another update in 16 hours or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small><span class="ago" data-datetime-unix="1739198819000"></span>Feb <var data-var='date'>10</var>, <var data-var='year'>2025</var> - <var data-var='time'>06:46</var> PST</small> </div> <div class="update"> <strong>Investigating</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are still experiencing SMS delivery report delays when sending messages to Onvoy Spectrum Mobile United States of America. Our engineers are working with our carrier partner to resolve the issue. We will provide another update in 16 hours or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small><span class="ago" data-datetime-unix="1739198806000"></span>Feb <var data-var='date'>10</var>, <var data-var='year'>2025</var> - <var data-var='time'>06:46</var> PST</small> </div> <div class="update"> <strong>Monitoring</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are still experiencing SMS delivery report delays when sending messages to Onvoy Spectrum Mobile United States of America. Our engineers are working with our carrier partner to resolve the issue. We will provide another update in 16 hours or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small><span class="ago" data-datetime-unix="1739198686000"></span>Feb <var data-var='date'>10</var>, <var data-var='year'>2025</var> - <var data-var='time'>06:44</var> PST</small> </div> <div class="update"> <strong>Update</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are still experiencing SMS delivery report delays when sending messages to Onvoy Spectrum Mobile United States of America. Our engineers are working with our carrier partner to resolve the issue. We will provide another update in 8 hours or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small><span class="ago" data-datetime-unix="1739169981000"></span>Feb <var data-var='date'>09</var>, <var data-var='year'>2025</var> - <var data-var='time'>22:46</var> PST</small> </div> <div class="update"> <strong>Update</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are still experiencing SMS delivery report delays when sending messages to Onvoy Spectrum Mobile United States of America. Our engineers are working with our carrier partner to resolve the issue. We will provide another update in 4 hours or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small><span class="ago" data-datetime-unix="1739155653000"></span>Feb <var data-var='date'>09</var>, <var data-var='year'>2025</var> - <var data-var='time'>18:47</var> PST</small> </div> <div class="update"> <strong>Update</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are still experiencing SMS delivery report delays when sending messages to Onvoy Spectrum Mobile United States of America. Our engineers are working with our carrier partner to resolve the issue. We will provide another update in 2 hours or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small><span class="ago" data-datetime-unix="1739148010000"></span>Feb <var data-var='date'>09</var>, <var data-var='year'>2025</var> - <var data-var='time'>16:40</var> PST</small> </div> <div class="update"> <strong>Investigating</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are experiencing SMS delivery report delays when sending messages to Onvoy Spectrum Mobile United States of America. Our engineers are working with our carrier partner to resolve the issue. We will provide another update in 1 hours or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small><span class="ago" data-datetime-unix="1739144955000"></span>Feb <var data-var='date'>09</var>, <var data-var='year'>2025</var> - <var data-var='time'>15:49</var> PST</small> </div> </div> </div> <div class="modal hide fade modal-open-incident-subscribe" id="subscribe-modal-hh2g35rpnrgl" style="display: none" data-js-hook="incident-subscription-modal" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="incident-subscription-dialog-header" aria-describedby="incident-subscription-dialog-description" aria-modal="true"> <form class="modal-content" id="subscribe-form-hh2g35rpnrgl" action="/subscriptions/incident.json" accept-charset="UTF-8" data-remote="true" method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="incident_code" id="incident_code" value="hh2g35rpnrgl" autocomplete="off" /> <div class="modal-header"> <a href="#" data-dismiss="modal" class="close" data-js-hook="incident-modal-close" aria-label="close" role="button">×</a> <h4 id="incident-subscription-dialog-header"> Subscribe to Incident </h4> </div> <div class="modal-body"> <p style="margin-bottom:25px" id="incident-subscription-dialog-description"> Subscribe to updates for <strong>SMS Delivery Report Delays to Onvoy Spectrum Mobile in USA via Subset of Short Codes</strong> via email and/or text message. 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data-otp-enabled="false" >Croatia (+385)</option> <option value="cy" data-otp-enabled="false" >Cyprus (+357)</option> <option value="cz" data-otp-enabled="false" >Czech Republic (+420)</option> <option value="dk" data-otp-enabled="false" >Denmark (+45)</option> <option value="dj" data-otp-enabled="false" >Djibouti (+253)</option> <option value="dm" data-otp-enabled="false" >Dominica (+1)</option> <option value="do" data-otp-enabled="false" >Dominican Republic (+1)</option> <option value="eg" data-otp-enabled="false" >Egypt (+20)</option> <option value="sv" data-otp-enabled="false" >El Salvador (+503)</option> <option value="gq" data-otp-enabled="false" >Equatorial Guinea (+240)</option> <option value="ee" data-otp-enabled="false" >Estonia (+372)</option> <option value="et" data-otp-enabled="false" >Ethiopia (+251)</option> <option value="fo" data-otp-enabled="false" >Faroe Islands (+298)</option> <option value="fj" data-otp-enabled="false" >Fiji (+679)</option> <option value="fi" data-otp-enabled="false" >Finland/Aland Islands (+358)</option> <option value="fr" data-otp-enabled="false" >France (+33)</option> <option value="gf" data-otp-enabled="false" >French Guiana (+594)</option> <option value="pf" data-otp-enabled="false" >French Polynesia (+689)</option> <option value="ga" data-otp-enabled="false" >Gabon (+241)</option> <option value="gm" data-otp-enabled="false" >Gambia (+220)</option> <option value="ge" data-otp-enabled="false" >Georgia (+995)</option> <option value="de" data-otp-enabled="false" >Germany (+49)</option> <option value="gh" data-otp-enabled="false" >Ghana (+233)</option> <option value="gi" data-otp-enabled="false" >Gibraltar (+350)</option> <option value="gr" data-otp-enabled="false" >Greece (+30)</option> <option value="gl" data-otp-enabled="false" >Greenland (+299)</option> <option value="gd" data-otp-enabled="false" >Grenada (+1)</option> <option value="gp" data-otp-enabled="false" >Guadeloupe (+590)</option> <option value="gu" data-otp-enabled="false" >Guam (+1)</option> <option value="gt" data-otp-enabled="false" >Guatemala (+502)</option> <option value="gn" data-otp-enabled="false" >Guinea (+224)</option> <option value="gy" data-otp-enabled="false" >Guyana (+592)</option> <option value="ht" data-otp-enabled="false" >Haiti (+509)</option> <option value="hn" data-otp-enabled="false" >Honduras (+504)</option> <option value="hk" data-otp-enabled="false" >Hong Kong (+852)</option> <option value="hu" data-otp-enabled="false" >Hungary (+36)</option> <option value="is" data-otp-enabled="false" >Iceland (+354)</option> <option value="in" data-otp-enabled="false" >India (+91)</option> <option value="id" data-otp-enabled="false" >Indonesia (+62)</option> <option value="iq" data-otp-enabled="false" >Iraq (+964)</option> <option value="ie" data-otp-enabled="false" >Ireland (+353)</option> <option value="il" data-otp-enabled="false" >Israel (+972)</option> <option value="it" data-otp-enabled="false" >Italy 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data-otp-enabled="false" >Liechtenstein (+423)</option> <option value="lt" data-otp-enabled="false" >Lithuania (+370)</option> <option value="lu" data-otp-enabled="false" >Luxembourg (+352)</option> <option value="mo" data-otp-enabled="false" >Macao (+853)</option> <option value="mk" data-otp-enabled="false" >Macedonia (+389)</option> <option value="mg" data-otp-enabled="false" >Madagascar (+261)</option> <option value="mw" data-otp-enabled="false" >Malawi (+265)</option> <option value="my" data-otp-enabled="false" >Malaysia (+60)</option> <option value="mv" data-otp-enabled="false" >Maldives (+960)</option> <option value="ml" data-otp-enabled="false" >Mali (+223)</option> <option value="mt" data-otp-enabled="false" >Malta (+356)</option> <option value="mq" data-otp-enabled="false" >Martinique (+596)</option> <option value="mr" data-otp-enabled="false" >Mauritania (+222)</option> <option value="mu" data-otp-enabled="false" >Mauritius (+230)</option> <option value="mx" data-otp-enabled="false" >Mexico (+52)</option> <option value="mc" data-otp-enabled="false" >Monaco (+377)</option> <option value="mn" data-otp-enabled="false" >Mongolia (+976)</option> <option value="me" data-otp-enabled="false" >Montenegro (+382)</option> <option value="ms" data-otp-enabled="false" >Montserrat (+1)</option> <option value="ma" data-otp-enabled="false" >Morocco/Western Sahara (+212)</option> <option value="mz" data-otp-enabled="false" >Mozambique (+258)</option> <option value="na" data-otp-enabled="false" >Namibia (+264)</option> <option value="np" data-otp-enabled="false" >Nepal (+977)</option> <option value="nl" data-otp-enabled="false" >Netherlands (+31)</option> <option value="nz" data-otp-enabled="false" >New Zealand (+64)</option> <option value="ni" data-otp-enabled="false" >Nicaragua (+505)</option> <option value="ne" data-otp-enabled="false" >Niger (+227)</option> <option value="ng" data-otp-enabled="false" >Nigeria (+234)</option> <option value="no" data-otp-enabled="false" >Norway (+47)</option> <option value="om" data-otp-enabled="false" >Oman (+968)</option> <option value="pk" data-otp-enabled="false" >Pakistan (+92)</option> <option value="ps" data-otp-enabled="false" >Palestinian Territory (+970)</option> <option value="pa" data-otp-enabled="false" >Panama (+507)</option> <option value="py" data-otp-enabled="false" >Paraguay (+595)</option> <option value="pe" data-otp-enabled="false" >Peru (+51)</option> <option value="ph" data-otp-enabled="false" >Philippines (+63)</option> <option value="pl" data-otp-enabled="false" >Poland (+48)</option> <option value="pt" data-otp-enabled="false" >Portugal (+351)</option> <option value="pr" data-otp-enabled="false" >Puerto Rico (+1)</option> <option value="qa" data-otp-enabled="false" >Qatar (+974)</option> <option value="re" data-otp-enabled="false" >Reunion/Mayotte (+262)</option> <option value="ro" data-otp-enabled="false" >Romania (+40)</option> <option value="ru" data-otp-enabled="false" >Russia/Kazakhstan (+7)</option> <option value="rw" data-otp-enabled="false" >Rwanda (+250)</option> <option value="ws" data-otp-enabled="false" >Samoa (+685)</option> <option value="sm" data-otp-enabled="false" >San Marino (+378)</option> <option value="sa" data-otp-enabled="false" >Saudi Arabia (+966)</option> <option value="sn" data-otp-enabled="false" >Senegal (+221)</option> <option value="rs" data-otp-enabled="false" >Serbia (+381)</option> <option value="sc" data-otp-enabled="false" >Seychelles (+248)</option> <option value="sl" data-otp-enabled="false" >Sierra Leone (+232)</option> <option value="sg" data-otp-enabled="false" >Singapore (+65)</option> <option value="sk" data-otp-enabled="false" >Slovakia (+421)</option> <option value="si" data-otp-enabled="false" >Slovenia (+386)</option> <option value="za" data-otp-enabled="false" >South Africa (+27)</option> <option value="es" data-otp-enabled="false" >Spain (+34)</option> <option value="lk" data-otp-enabled="false" >Sri Lanka (+94)</option> <option value="kn" data-otp-enabled="false" >St Kitts and Nevis (+1)</option> <option value="lc" data-otp-enabled="false" >St Lucia (+1)</option> <option value="vc" data-otp-enabled="false" >St Vincent Grenadines (+1)</option> <option value="sd" data-otp-enabled="false" >Sudan (+249)</option> <option value="sr" data-otp-enabled="false" >Suriname (+597)</option> <option value="sz" data-otp-enabled="false" >Swaziland (+268)</option> <option value="se" data-otp-enabled="false" >Sweden (+46)</option> <option value="ch" data-otp-enabled="false" >Switzerland (+41)</option> <option value="tw" data-otp-enabled="false" >Taiwan (+886)</option> <option value="tj" data-otp-enabled="false" >Tajikistan (+992)</option> <option value="tz" data-otp-enabled="false" >Tanzania (+255)</option> <option value="th" data-otp-enabled="false" >Thailand (+66)</option> <option value="tg" data-otp-enabled="false" >Togo (+228)</option> <option value="to" data-otp-enabled="false" >Tonga (+676)</option> <option value="tt" data-otp-enabled="false" >Trinidad and Tobago (+1)</option> <option value="tn" data-otp-enabled="false" >Tunisia (+216)</option> <option value="tr" data-otp-enabled="false" >Turkey (+90)</option> <option value="tc" data-otp-enabled="false" >Turks and Caicos Islands (+1)</option> <option value="ug" data-otp-enabled="false" >Uganda (+256)</option> <option value="ua" data-otp-enabled="false" >Ukraine (+380)</option> <option value="ae" data-otp-enabled="false" >United Arab Emirates (+971)</option> <option value="gb" data-otp-enabled="false" >United Kingdom (+44)</option> <option value="us" data-otp-enabled="false" selected>United States (+1)</option> <option value="uy" data-otp-enabled="false" >Uruguay (+598)</option> <option value="uz" data-otp-enabled="false" >Uzbekistan (+998)</option> <option value="ve" data-otp-enabled="false" >Venezuela (+58)</option> <option value="vn" data-otp-enabled="false" >Vietnam (+84)</option> 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We will provide updates as necessary.</span> <br> <small><span class="ago" data-datetime-unix="1738612821000"></span>Feb <var data-var='date'>03</var>, <var data-var='year'>2025</var> - <var data-var='time'>12:00</var> PST</small> </div> <div class="update"> <strong>Scheduled</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">The Tele2 network in Russia is conducting a series of planned maintenances from 03 February 2025 at 12:00 PST until 26 February 2025 at 16:00 PST. During the maintenance window, there could be intermittent delays delivering SMS to Tele2 Russia handsets.<br><br /><br><br />Note, the maintenance will be carried out on each of the following dates and times:<br><br /><br><br />03 February 2025 at 12:00 PST until 03 February 2025 at 16:00 PST<br><br />05 February 2025 at 12:00 PST until 05 February 2025 at 16:00 PST<br><br />10 February 2025 at 12:00 PST until 10 February 2025 at 16:00 PST<br><br />12 February 2025 at 12:00 PST until 12 February 2025 at 16:00 PST<br><br />17 February 2025 at 12:00 PST until 17 February 2025 at 16:00 PST<br><br />19 February 2025 at 12:00 PST until 19 February 2025 at 16:00 PST<br><br />24 February 2025 at 12:00 PST until 24 February 2025 at 16:00 PST<br><br />26 February 2025 at 12:00 PST until 26 February 2025 at 16:00 PST</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'> 3</var>, <var data-var='year'>2025</var> <var data-var='time'>12:00</var> - Feb <var data-var='date'>26</var>, <var data-var='year'>2025</var> <var data-var='time'>16:00</var> PST</small> </div> </div> </div> <div class="modal hide fade modal-open-incident-subscribe" id="subscribe-modal-379zb0l7fdm2" style="display: none" data-js-hook="incident-subscription-modal" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="incident-subscription-dialog-header" aria-describedby="incident-subscription-dialog-description" aria-modal="true"> <form class="modal-content" id="subscribe-form-379zb0l7fdm2" action="/subscriptions/incident.json" accept-charset="UTF-8" data-remote="true" method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="incident_code" id="incident_code" value="379zb0l7fdm2" autocomplete="off" /> <div class="modal-header"> <a href="#" data-dismiss="modal" class="close" data-js-hook="incident-modal-close" aria-label="close" role="button">×</a> <h4 id="incident-subscription-dialog-header"> Subscribe to Incident </h4> </div> <div class="modal-body"> <p style="margin-bottom:25px" id="incident-subscription-dialog-description"> Subscribe to updates for <strong>Russia SMS Carrier Maintenance - Tele2</strong> via email and/or text message. You'll receive email notifications when incidents are updated, and text message notifications whenever Twilio <strong>creates</strong> or <strong>resolves</strong> an incident. </p> <div class="control-group"> <label for="email-379zb0l7fdm2">VIA EMAIL:</label> <div class="controls"> <input type="text" name="email" id="email-379zb0l7fdm2" data-js-hook="email" class="full-width" /> </div> </div> <div class="control-group"> <label class="phone-country-code" for=phone-country-379zb0l7fdm2>VIA SMS:</label> <div class="controls phone-number"> <div class="row"> <div id='phone-number-code-379zb0l7fdm2' class="phone-country-wrapper"> <select name="phone_country" id="phone-country-379zb0l7fdm2" data-js-hook="phone-country" class="span6 phone-country-dropdown"><option value="af" data-otp-enabled="false" >Afghanistan (+93)</option> <option value="al" data-otp-enabled="false" >Albania (+355)</option> <option value="dz" data-otp-enabled="false" >Algeria (+213)</option> <option value="as" data-otp-enabled="false" >American Samoa (+1)</option> <option value="ad" data-otp-enabled="false" >Andorra (+376)</option> <option value="ao" data-otp-enabled="false" >Angola (+244)</option> <option value="ai" data-otp-enabled="false" >Anguilla (+1)</option> <option value="ag" data-otp-enabled="false" >Antigua and Barbuda (+1)</option> <option value="ar" data-otp-enabled="false" >Argentina (+54)</option> <option value="am" data-otp-enabled="false" >Armenia (+374)</option> <option value="aw" data-otp-enabled="false" >Aruba (+297)</option> <option value="au" data-otp-enabled="false" >Australia/Cocos/Christmas Island (+61)</option> <option value="at" data-otp-enabled="false" >Austria (+43)</option> <option value="az" data-otp-enabled="false" >Azerbaijan (+994)</option> <option value="bs" data-otp-enabled="false" >Bahamas (+1)</option> <option value="bh" data-otp-enabled="false" >Bahrain (+973)</option> <option value="bd" data-otp-enabled="false" >Bangladesh (+880)</option> <option value="bb" data-otp-enabled="false" >Barbados (+1)</option> <option value="by" data-otp-enabled="false" >Belarus (+375)</option> <option value="be" data-otp-enabled="false" >Belgium (+32)</option> <option value="bz" data-otp-enabled="false" >Belize (+501)</option> <option value="bj" data-otp-enabled="false" >Benin (+229)</option> <option value="bm" data-otp-enabled="false" >Bermuda (+1)</option> <option value="bo" data-otp-enabled="false" >Bolivia (+591)</option> <option value="ba" data-otp-enabled="false" >Bosnia and Herzegovina (+387)</option> <option value="bw" data-otp-enabled="false" >Botswana (+267)</option> <option value="br" data-otp-enabled="false" >Brazil (+55)</option> <option value="bn" data-otp-enabled="false" >Brunei (+673)</option> <option value="bg" data-otp-enabled="false" >Bulgaria (+359)</option> <option value="bf" data-otp-enabled="false" >Burkina Faso (+226)</option> <option value="bi" data-otp-enabled="false" >Burundi (+257)</option> <option value="kh" data-otp-enabled="false" >Cambodia (+855)</option> <option value="cm" data-otp-enabled="false" >Cameroon (+237)</option> <option value="ca" data-otp-enabled="false" >Canada (+1)</option> <option value="cv" data-otp-enabled="false" >Cape Verde (+238)</option> <option value="ky" data-otp-enabled="false" >Cayman Islands (+1)</option> <option value="cf" data-otp-enabled="false" >Central Africa (+236)</option> <option value="td" data-otp-enabled="false" >Chad (+235)</option> <option value="cl" data-otp-enabled="false" >Chile (+56)</option> <option value="cn" data-otp-enabled="false" >China (+86)</option> <option value="co" data-otp-enabled="false" >Colombia (+57)</option> <option value="km" data-otp-enabled="false" >Comoros (+269)</option> <option value="cg" data-otp-enabled="false" >Congo (+242)</option> <option value="cd" data-otp-enabled="false" >Congo, Dem Rep (+243)</option> <option value="cr" data-otp-enabled="false" >Costa Rica (+506)</option> <option value="hr" data-otp-enabled="false" >Croatia (+385)</option> <option value="cy" data-otp-enabled="false" >Cyprus (+357)</option> <option value="cz" data-otp-enabled="false" >Czech Republic (+420)</option> <option value="dk" data-otp-enabled="false" >Denmark (+45)</option> <option value="dj" data-otp-enabled="false" >Djibouti (+253)</option> <option value="dm" data-otp-enabled="false" >Dominica (+1)</option> <option value="do" data-otp-enabled="false" >Dominican Republic (+1)</option> <option value="eg" data-otp-enabled="false" >Egypt (+20)</option> <option value="sv" data-otp-enabled="false" >El Salvador (+503)</option> <option value="gq" data-otp-enabled="false" >Equatorial Guinea (+240)</option> <option value="ee" data-otp-enabled="false" >Estonia (+372)</option> <option value="et" data-otp-enabled="false" >Ethiopia (+251)</option> <option value="fo" data-otp-enabled="false" >Faroe Islands (+298)</option> <option value="fj" data-otp-enabled="false" >Fiji (+679)</option> <option value="fi" data-otp-enabled="false" >Finland/Aland Islands (+358)</option> <option value="fr" data-otp-enabled="false" >France (+33)</option> <option value="gf" data-otp-enabled="false" >French Guiana (+594)</option> <option value="pf" data-otp-enabled="false" >French Polynesia (+689)</option> <option value="ga" data-otp-enabled="false" >Gabon (+241)</option> <option value="gm" data-otp-enabled="false" >Gambia (+220)</option> <option value="ge" data-otp-enabled="false" >Georgia (+995)</option> <option value="de" data-otp-enabled="false" >Germany (+49)</option> <option value="gh" data-otp-enabled="false" >Ghana (+233)</option> <option value="gi" data-otp-enabled="false" >Gibraltar (+350)</option> <option value="gr" data-otp-enabled="false" >Greece (+30)</option> <option value="gl" data-otp-enabled="false" >Greenland (+299)</option> <option value="gd" data-otp-enabled="false" >Grenada (+1)</option> <option value="gp" data-otp-enabled="false" >Guadeloupe (+590)</option> <option value="gu" data-otp-enabled="false" >Guam (+1)</option> <option value="gt" data-otp-enabled="false" >Guatemala (+502)</option> <option value="gn" data-otp-enabled="false" >Guinea (+224)</option> <option value="gy" data-otp-enabled="false" >Guyana (+592)</option> <option value="ht" data-otp-enabled="false" >Haiti (+509)</option> <option value="hn" data-otp-enabled="false" >Honduras (+504)</option> <option value="hk" data-otp-enabled="false" >Hong Kong (+852)</option> <option value="hu" data-otp-enabled="false" >Hungary (+36)</option> <option value="is" data-otp-enabled="false" >Iceland (+354)</option> <option value="in" data-otp-enabled="false" >India (+91)</option> <option value="id" data-otp-enabled="false" >Indonesia (+62)</option> <option value="iq" data-otp-enabled="false" >Iraq (+964)</option> <option value="ie" data-otp-enabled="false" >Ireland (+353)</option> <option value="il" data-otp-enabled="false" >Israel (+972)</option> <option value="it" data-otp-enabled="false" >Italy (+39)</option> <option value="jm" data-otp-enabled="false" >Jamaica (+1)</option> <option value="jp" data-otp-enabled="false" >Japan (+81)</option> <option value="jo" data-otp-enabled="false" >Jordan (+962)</option> <option value="ke" data-otp-enabled="false" >Kenya (+254)</option> <option value="kr" data-otp-enabled="false" >Korea, Republic of (+82)</option> <option value="xk" data-otp-enabled="false" >Kosovo (+383)</option> <option value="kw" data-otp-enabled="false" >Kuwait (+965)</option> <option value="kg" data-otp-enabled="false" >Kyrgyzstan (+996)</option> <option value="la" data-otp-enabled="false" >Laos (+856)</option> <option value="lv" data-otp-enabled="false" >Latvia (+371)</option> <option value="lb" data-otp-enabled="false" >Lebanon (+961)</option> <option value="ls" data-otp-enabled="false" >Lesotho (+266)</option> <option value="lr" data-otp-enabled="false" >Liberia (+231)</option> <option value="ly" data-otp-enabled="false" >Libya (+218)</option> <option value="li" data-otp-enabled="false" >Liechtenstein (+423)</option> <option value="lt" data-otp-enabled="false" >Lithuania (+370)</option> <option value="lu" data-otp-enabled="false" >Luxembourg (+352)</option> <option value="mo" data-otp-enabled="false" >Macao (+853)</option> <option value="mk" data-otp-enabled="false" >Macedonia (+389)</option> <option value="mg" data-otp-enabled="false" >Madagascar (+261)</option> <option value="mw" data-otp-enabled="false" >Malawi (+265)</option> <option value="my" data-otp-enabled="false" >Malaysia (+60)</option> <option value="mv" data-otp-enabled="false" >Maldives (+960)</option> <option value="ml" data-otp-enabled="false" >Mali (+223)</option> <option value="mt" data-otp-enabled="false" >Malta (+356)</option> <option value="mq" data-otp-enabled="false" >Martinique (+596)</option> <option value="mr" data-otp-enabled="false" >Mauritania (+222)</option> <option value="mu" data-otp-enabled="false" >Mauritius (+230)</option> <option value="mx" data-otp-enabled="false" >Mexico (+52)</option> <option value="mc" data-otp-enabled="false" >Monaco (+377)</option> <option value="mn" data-otp-enabled="false" >Mongolia (+976)</option> <option value="me" data-otp-enabled="false" >Montenegro (+382)</option> <option value="ms" data-otp-enabled="false" >Montserrat (+1)</option> <option value="ma" data-otp-enabled="false" >Morocco/Western Sahara (+212)</option> <option value="mz" data-otp-enabled="false" >Mozambique (+258)</option> <option value="na" data-otp-enabled="false" >Namibia (+264)</option> <option value="np" data-otp-enabled="false" >Nepal (+977)</option> <option value="nl" data-otp-enabled="false" >Netherlands (+31)</option> <option value="nz" data-otp-enabled="false" >New Zealand (+64)</option> <option value="ni" data-otp-enabled="false" >Nicaragua (+505)</option> <option value="ne" data-otp-enabled="false" >Niger (+227)</option> <option value="ng" data-otp-enabled="false" >Nigeria (+234)</option> <option value="no" data-otp-enabled="false" >Norway (+47)</option> <option value="om" data-otp-enabled="false" >Oman (+968)</option> <option value="pk" data-otp-enabled="false" >Pakistan (+92)</option> <option value="ps" data-otp-enabled="false" >Palestinian Territory (+970)</option> <option value="pa" data-otp-enabled="false" >Panama (+507)</option> <option value="py" data-otp-enabled="false" >Paraguay (+595)</option> <option value="pe" data-otp-enabled="false" >Peru (+51)</option> <option value="ph" data-otp-enabled="false" >Philippines (+63)</option> <option value="pl" data-otp-enabled="false" >Poland (+48)</option> <option value="pt" data-otp-enabled="false" >Portugal (+351)</option> <option value="pr" data-otp-enabled="false" >Puerto Rico (+1)</option> <option value="qa" data-otp-enabled="false" >Qatar (+974)</option> <option value="re" data-otp-enabled="false" >Reunion/Mayotte (+262)</option> <option value="ro" data-otp-enabled="false" >Romania (+40)</option> <option value="ru" data-otp-enabled="false" >Russia/Kazakhstan (+7)</option> <option value="rw" data-otp-enabled="false" >Rwanda (+250)</option> <option value="ws" data-otp-enabled="false" >Samoa (+685)</option> <option value="sm" data-otp-enabled="false" >San Marino (+378)</option> <option value="sa" data-otp-enabled="false" >Saudi Arabia (+966)</option> <option value="sn" data-otp-enabled="false" >Senegal (+221)</option> <option value="rs" data-otp-enabled="false" >Serbia (+381)</option> <option value="sc" data-otp-enabled="false" >Seychelles (+248)</option> <option value="sl" data-otp-enabled="false" >Sierra Leone (+232)</option> <option value="sg" data-otp-enabled="false" >Singapore (+65)</option> <option value="sk" data-otp-enabled="false" >Slovakia (+421)</option> <option value="si" data-otp-enabled="false" >Slovenia (+386)</option> <option value="za" data-otp-enabled="false" >South Africa (+27)</option> <option value="es" data-otp-enabled="false" >Spain (+34)</option> <option value="lk" data-otp-enabled="false" >Sri Lanka (+94)</option> <option value="kn" data-otp-enabled="false" >St Kitts and Nevis (+1)</option> <option value="lc" data-otp-enabled="false" >St Lucia (+1)</option> <option value="vc" data-otp-enabled="false" >St Vincent Grenadines (+1)</option> <option value="sd" data-otp-enabled="false" >Sudan (+249)</option> <option value="sr" data-otp-enabled="false" >Suriname (+597)</option> <option value="sz" data-otp-enabled="false" >Swaziland (+268)</option> <option value="se" data-otp-enabled="false" >Sweden (+46)</option> <option value="ch" data-otp-enabled="false" >Switzerland (+41)</option> <option value="tw" data-otp-enabled="false" >Taiwan (+886)</option> <option value="tj" data-otp-enabled="false" >Tajikistan (+992)</option> <option value="tz" data-otp-enabled="false" >Tanzania (+255)</option> <option value="th" data-otp-enabled="false" >Thailand (+66)</option> <option value="tg" data-otp-enabled="false" >Togo (+228)</option> <option value="to" data-otp-enabled="false" >Tonga (+676)</option> <option value="tt" data-otp-enabled="false" >Trinidad and Tobago (+1)</option> <option value="tn" data-otp-enabled="false" >Tunisia (+216)</option> <option value="tr" data-otp-enabled="false" >Turkey (+90)</option> <option value="tc" data-otp-enabled="false" >Turks and Caicos Islands (+1)</option> <option value="ug" data-otp-enabled="false" >Uganda (+256)</option> <option value="ua" data-otp-enabled="false" >Ukraine (+380)</option> <option value="ae" data-otp-enabled="false" >United Arab Emirates (+971)</option> <option value="gb" data-otp-enabled="false" >United Kingdom (+44)</option> <option value="us" data-otp-enabled="false" selected>United States (+1)</option> <option value="uy" data-otp-enabled="false" >Uruguay (+598)</option> <option value="uz" data-otp-enabled="false" >Uzbekistan (+998)</option> <option value="ve" data-otp-enabled="false" >Venezuela (+58)</option> <option value="vn" data-otp-enabled="false" >Vietnam (+84)</option> 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width="3" x="425" y="0" fill="#2fcc66" role="tab" class="uptime-day component-brty2vw4qv6v day-85" data-html="true" tabindex="-1" aria-describedby="uptime-tooltip" /> <rect height="34" width="3" x="430" y="0" fill="#2fcc66" role="tab" class="uptime-day component-brty2vw4qv6v day-86" data-html="true" tabindex="-1" aria-describedby="uptime-tooltip" /> <rect height="34" width="3" x="435" y="0" fill="#2fcc66" role="tab" class="uptime-day component-brty2vw4qv6v day-87" data-html="true" tabindex="-1" aria-describedby="uptime-tooltip" /> <rect height="34" width="3" x="440" y="0" fill="#2fcc66" role="tab" class="uptime-day component-brty2vw4qv6v day-88" data-html="true" tabindex="-1" aria-describedby="uptime-tooltip" /> <rect height="34" width="3" x="445" y="0" fill="#2fcc66" role="tab" class="uptime-day component-brty2vw4qv6v day-89" data-html="true" tabindex="-1" aria-describedby="uptime-tooltip" /> </svg> <div class="legend "> <div class="legend-item light legend-item-date-range"> <span class="availability-time-line-legend-day-count">90</span> days ago </div> <div class="spacer"></div> <div class="legend-item legend-item-uptime-value legend-item-brty2vw4qv6v"> <span id="uptime-percent-brty2vw4qv6v"> <var data-var="uptime-percent">100.0</var> </span> % uptime </div> <div class="spacer"></div> <div class="legend-item light legend-item-date-range">Today</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="component-container border-color is-group "> <div data-component-id="j3s4w3gnsj08" class="component-inner-container status-green " data-component-status="operational" data-js-hook="component-group-opener"> <span class="name"> <span class="fa group-parent-indicator color-secondary font-small fa-plus-square-o" role="button" aria-expanded="false" aria-label="Toggle PROGRAMMABLE VOICE" tabindex="0"></span> <span> PROGRAMMABLE VOICE </span> </span> <span class="component-status tool" title="Groups take on the status of their most degraded child component or service. Click to see the status of the individual children." > Operational </span> <span class="tool icon-indicator fa fa-check" title="Operational"></span> </div> <!-- children components --> <div class="child-components-container "> <div data-component-id="g2dt752kwqs0" class="component-inner-container status-green " data-component-status="operational" data-js-hook=""> <span class="name"> PSTN </span> <span class="component-status " title="" > Operational </span> <span class="tool icon-indicator fa fa-check" title="Operational"></span> </div> <div data-component-id="w7nxj548smhd" class="component-inner-container status-green " data-component-status="operational" data-js-hook=""> <span class="name"> SIP Interface </span> <span class="component-status " title="" > Operational </span> <span class="tool icon-indicator fa fa-check" title="Operational"></span> </div> <div data-component-id="x6drb5vw27bs" class="component-inner-container status-green " data-component-status="operational" data-js-hook=""> <span class="name"> Client Web </span> <span class="component-status " title="" > Operational </span> <span class="tool icon-indicator fa fa-check" title="Operational"></span> </div> <div data-component-id="6f5zbh4rqx3m" class="component-inner-container status-green " data-component-status="operational" data-js-hook=""> <span class="name"> Client Mobile </span> <span class="tooltip-base tool" title="Twilio Client Mobile SDK">?</span> <span class="component-status " title="" > Operational </span> <span class="tool icon-indicator fa fa-check" title="Operational"></span> </div> <div data-component-id="l2p2s96tdsf4" class="component-inner-container status-green " data-component-status="operational" data-js-hook=""> <span class="name"> Conference </span> <span class="tooltip-base tool" title="Conference calls">?</span> <span class="component-status " title="" > Operational </span> <span class="tool icon-indicator fa fa-check" title="Operational"></span> </div> <div data-component-id="frxynt0ffp5w" class="component-inner-container status-green " data-component-status="operational" data-js-hook=""> <span class="name"> Recording </span> <span class="tooltip-base tool" title="Recording">?</span> <span class="component-status " title="" > Operational </span> <span class="tool icon-indicator fa fa-check" title="Operational"></span> </div> <div data-component-id="tfdww2zxylgd" class="component-inner-container status-green " data-component-status="operational" data-js-hook=""> <span class="name"> Queue </span> <span class="tooltip-base tool" title="Queue">?</span> <span class="component-status " title="" > Operational </span> <span class="tool icon-indicator fa fa-check" title="Operational"></span> </div> <div data-component-id="dv0j99s68yxn" class="component-inner-container status-green " data-component-status="operational" data-js-hook=""> <span class="name"> Text-to-Speech </span> <span class="tooltip-base tool" title="Text-to-Speech">?</span> <span class="component-status " title="" > Operational </span> <span class="tool icon-indicator fa fa-check" title="Operational"></span> </div> <div data-component-id="86c0cvzk43pv" class="component-inner-container status-green " data-component-status="operational" data-js-hook=""> <span class="name"> Recording Transcriptions </span> <span class="component-status " title="" > Operational </span> <span class="tool icon-indicator fa fa-check" title="Operational"></span> </div> <div data-component-id="xnzrm2zg4qbv" class="component-inner-container status-green " data-component-status="operational" data-js-hook=""> <span class="name"> TwiML </span> <span class="component-status " title="" > Operational </span> <span class="tool icon-indicator fa fa-check" title="Operational"></span> </div> <div data-component-id="yf5px6tdl6yt" class="component-inner-container status-green " data-component-status="operational" data-js-hook=""> <span class="name"> Voice Insights </span> <span class="component-status " title="" > Operational </span> <span class="tool icon-indicator fa fa-check" title="Operational"></span> </div> <div data-component-id="361mb56zmf8z" class="component-inner-container status-green " data-component-status="operational" data-js-hook=""> <span class="name"> Speech Recognition </span> <span class="component-status " title="" > Operational </span> <span class="tool icon-indicator fa fa-check" title="Operational"></span> </div> <div data-component-id="qphgn531prd5" class="component-inner-container status-green " data-component-status="operational" data-js-hook=""> <span class="name"> Intelligence </span> <span class="component-status " title="" > Operational </span> <span class="tool icon-indicator fa fa-check" title="Operational"></span> </div> <div data-component-id="622gcfj89fsh" class="component-inner-container status-green " data-component-status="operational" data-js-hook=""> <span class="name"> Pay </span> <span class="component-status " title="" > Operational </span> <span class="tool icon-indicator fa fa-check" title="Operational"></span> </div> <div data-component-id="sxwbmz83d77t" class="component-inner-container status-green " data-component-status="operational" data-js-hook=""> <span class="name"> Media Streams </span> <span class="component-status " title="" > Operational </span> <span class="tool icon-indicator fa fa-check" title="Operational"></span> </div> <div data-component-id="s91kksd3hqjp" class="component-inner-container status-green " data-component-status="operational" data-js-hook=""> <span class="name"> Dialogflow </span> <span class="component-status " title="" > Operational </span> <span class="tool icon-indicator fa fa-check" title="Operational"></span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="component-container border-color is-group "> <div data-component-id="vz5v126ykmgd" class="component-inner-container status-green " data-component-status="operational" data-js-hook="component-group-opener"> <span class="name"> <span class="fa group-parent-indicator color-secondary font-small fa-plus-square-o" role="button" aria-expanded="false" aria-label="Toggle ACCOUNT SECURITY" tabindex="0"></span> <span> ACCOUNT SECURITY </span> </span> <span class="component-status tool" title="Groups take on the status of their most degraded child component or service. Click to see the status of the individual children." > Operational </span> <span class="tool icon-indicator fa fa-check" title="Operational"></span> </div> <!-- children components --> <div class="child-components-container "> <div data-component-id="mq9q3ytpkyfz" class="component-inner-container status-green " data-component-status="operational" data-js-hook=""> <span class="name"> Authy 2FA </span> <span class="component-status " title="" > Operational </span> <span class="tool icon-indicator fa fa-check" title="Operational"></span> </div> <div data-component-id="whldrk77jnm4" class="component-inner-container status-green " data-component-status="operational" data-js-hook=""> <span class="name"> Verify </span> <span class="component-status " title="" > Operational </span> <span class="tool icon-indicator fa fa-check" title="Operational"></span> </div> <div data-component-id="txt6v4g6pv74" class="component-inner-container status-green " data-component-status="operational" data-js-hook=""> <span class="name"> Authy App </span> <span class="component-status " title="" > Operational </span> <span class="tool icon-indicator fa fa-check" title="Operational"></span> </div> <div data-component-id="xk8z50jy8hcs" class="component-inner-container status-green " data-component-status="operational" data-js-hook=""> <span class="name"> Lookup </span> <span class="tooltip-base tool" title="Twilio&apos;s phone number lookup service">?</span> <span class="component-status " title="" > Operational </span> <span class="tool icon-indicator fa fa-check" title="Operational"></span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="component-container border-color is-group "> <div data-component-id="845g2nnr0ls9" class="component-inner-container status-green " data-component-status="operational" data-js-hook="component-group-opener"> <span class="name"> <span class="fa group-parent-indicator color-secondary font-small fa-plus-square-o" role="button" aria-expanded="false" aria-label="Toggle ELASTIC SIP TRUNKING" tabindex="0"></span> <span> ELASTIC SIP TRUNKING </span> </span> <span class="component-status tool" title="Groups take on the status of their most degraded child component or service. Click to see the status of the individual children." > Operational </span> <span class="tool icon-indicator fa fa-check" title="Operational"></span> </div> <!-- children components --> <div class="child-components-container "> <div data-component-id="f7f727f39kx3" class="component-inner-container status-green " data-component-status="operational" data-js-hook=""> <span class="name"> Origination </span> <span class="tooltip-base tool" title="Elastic SIP Trunking">?</span> <span class="component-status " title="" > Operational </span> <span class="tool icon-indicator fa fa-check" title="Operational"></span> </div> <div data-component-id="mn1wpm35k4s4" class="component-inner-container status-green " data-component-status="operational" data-js-hook=""> <span class="name"> Termination </span> <span class="component-status " title="" > Operational </span> <span class="tool icon-indicator fa fa-check" title="Operational"></span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="component-container border-color is-group "> <div data-component-id="p750yl3t5mwk" class="component-inner-container status-green " data-component-status="operational" data-js-hook="component-group-opener"> <span class="name"> <span class="fa group-parent-indicator color-secondary font-small fa-plus-square-o" role="button" aria-expanded="false" aria-label="Toggle FLEX" tabindex="0"></span> <span> FLEX </span> </span> <span class="component-status tool" title="Groups take on the status of their most degraded child component or service. Click to see the status of the individual children." > Operational </span> <span class="tool icon-indicator fa fa-check" title="Operational"></span> </div> <!-- children components --> <div class="child-components-container "> <div data-component-id="q4d7rj555ljl" class="component-inner-container status-green " data-component-status="operational" data-js-hook=""> <span class="name"> Flex Application Platform </span> <span class="component-status " title="" > Operational </span> <span class="tool icon-indicator fa fa-check" title="Operational"></span> </div> <div data-component-id="b9z92qjr2p04" class="component-inner-container status-green " data-component-status="operational" data-js-hook=""> <span class="name"> TaskRouter </span> <span class="tooltip-base tool" title="Twilio TaskRouter service">?</span> <span class="component-status " title="" > Operational </span> <span class="tool icon-indicator fa fa-check" title="Operational"></span> </div> <div data-component-id="lv1md8v28lhr" class="component-inner-container status-green " data-component-status="operational" data-js-hook=""> <span class="name"> Flex Insights </span> <span class="component-status " title="" > Operational </span> <span class="tool icon-indicator fa fa-check" title="Operational"></span> </div> <div data-component-id="vw9w2zyv9nk5" class="component-inner-container status-green " data-component-status="operational" data-js-hook=""> <span class="name"> Flex Agent Desktop </span> <span class="component-status " title="" > Operational </span> <span class="tool icon-indicator fa fa-check" title="Operational"></span> </div> <div data-component-id="fhrcxjv8wcjs" class="component-inner-container status-green " data-component-status="operational" data-js-hook=""> <span class="name"> Flex Queue Stats </span> <span class="component-status " title="" > Operational </span> <span class="tool icon-indicator fa fa-check" title="Operational"></span> </div> <div data-component-id="yk293200bcps" class="component-inner-container status-green " data-component-status="operational" data-js-hook=""> <span class="name"> Flex Teams View </span> <span class="component-status " title="" > Operational </span> <span class="tool icon-indicator fa fa-check" title="Operational"></span> </div> <div data-component-id="mw3ktpy92305" class="component-inner-container status-green " data-component-status="operational" data-js-hook=""> <span class="name"> Flex Admin Console </span> <span class="component-status " title="" > Operational </span> <span class="tool icon-indicator fa fa-check" title="Operational"></span> </div> <div data-component-id="vxjqr22fbl36" class="component-inner-container status-green " data-component-status="operational" data-js-hook=""> <span class="name"> Flex Routing </span> <span class="component-status " title="" > Operational </span> <span class="tool icon-indicator fa fa-check" title="Operational"></span> </div> <div data-component-id="7ypw8tsmyr78" class="component-inner-container status-green " data-component-status="operational" data-js-hook=""> <span class="name"> Flex Conversations </span> <span class="component-status " title="" > Operational </span> <span class="tool icon-indicator fa fa-check" title="Operational"></span> </div> <div data-component-id="lzm53c2kjxkh" class="component-inner-container status-green " data-component-status="operational" data-js-hook=""> <span class="name"> Flex Programmable Chat </span> <span class="component-status " title="" > Operational </span> <span class="tool icon-indicator fa fa-check" title="Operational"></span> </div> <div data-component-id="h056tfqk3q97" class="component-inner-container status-green " data-component-status="operational" data-js-hook=""> <span class="name"> Flex Programmable Voice </span> <span class="component-status " title="" > Operational </span> <span class="tool icon-indicator fa fa-check" title="Operational"></span> </div> <div data-component-id="b1n7jklp0rv4" class="component-inner-container status-green " data-component-status="operational" data-js-hook=""> <span class="name"> Proxy </span> <span class="component-status " title="" > Operational </span> <span class="tool icon-indicator fa fa-check" title="Operational"></span> </div> <div data-component-id="z6wf7g459vzh" class="component-inner-container status-green " data-component-status="operational" data-js-hook=""> <span class="name"> Flex Plugins </span> <span class="component-status " title="" > Operational </span> <span class="tool icon-indicator fa fa-check" title="Operational"></span> </div> <div data-component-id="v95b6qqhp58v" class="component-inner-container status-green " data-component-status="operational" data-js-hook=""> <span class="name"> Flex Billing </span> <span class="component-status " title="" > Operational </span> <span class="tool icon-indicator fa fa-check" title="Operational"></span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="component-container border-color"> <div data-component-id="hjfntfyhnn4l" class="component-inner-container status-green " data-component-status="operational" data-js-hook=""> <span class="name"> INTERCONNECT </span> <span class="component-status " title="" > Operational </span> <span class="tool icon-indicator fa fa-check" title="Operational"></span> </div> </div> <div class="component-container border-color"> <div data-component-id="pv5w18vrltfl" class="component-inner-container status-green " data-component-status="operational" data-js-hook=""> <span class="name"> PHONE NUMBERS </span> <span class="tooltip-base tool" title="Buying and searching">?</span> <span class="component-status " title="" > Operational </span> <span class="tool icon-indicator fa fa-check" title="Operational"></span> </div> </div> <div class="component-container border-color"> <div data-component-id="rk4qzxxbwj7t" class="component-inner-container status-green " data-component-status="operational" data-js-hook=""> <span class="name"> PROGRAMMABLE CHAT </span> <span class="component-status " title="" > Operational </span> <span class="tool icon-indicator fa fa-check" title="Operational"></span> </div> </div> <div class="component-container border-color is-group "> <div data-component-id="31pkbykrvbwr" class="component-inner-container status-green " data-component-status="operational" data-js-hook="component-group-opener"> <span class="name"> <span class="fa group-parent-indicator color-secondary font-small fa-plus-square-o" role="button" aria-expanded="false" aria-label="Toggle PROGRAMMABLE VIDEO" tabindex="0"></span> <span> PROGRAMMABLE VIDEO </span> </span> <span class="component-status tool" title="Groups take on the status of their most degraded child component or service. Click to see the status of the individual children." > Operational </span> <span class="tool icon-indicator fa fa-check" title="Operational"></span> </div> <!-- children components --> <div class="child-components-container "> <div data-component-id="ys1jhy2ys04z" class="component-inner-container status-green " data-component-status="operational" data-js-hook=""> <span class="name"> Group Rooms </span> <span class="component-status " title="" > Operational </span> <span class="tool icon-indicator fa fa-check" title="Operational"></span> </div> <div data-component-id="q015c7mrst1s" class="component-inner-container status-green " data-component-status="operational" data-js-hook=""> <span class="name"> Peer-to-Peer Rooms </span> <span class="component-status " title="" > Operational </span> <span class="tool icon-indicator fa fa-check" title="Operational"></span> </div> <div data-component-id="vd76z27sk12v" class="component-inner-container status-green " data-component-status="operational" data-js-hook=""> <span class="name"> Recordings </span> <span class="component-status " title="" > Operational </span> <span class="tool icon-indicator fa fa-check" title="Operational"></span> </div> <div data-component-id="0xfc03jgk5g4" class="component-inner-container status-green " data-component-status="operational" data-js-hook=""> <span class="name"> Compositions </span> <span class="component-status " title="" > Operational </span> <span class="tool icon-indicator fa fa-check" title="Operational"></span> </div> <div data-component-id="jncbcddlmbhn" class="component-inner-container status-green " data-component-status="operational" data-js-hook=""> <span class="name"> Network Traversal Service </span> <span class="tooltip-base tool" title="Network Traversal Service">?</span> <span class="component-status " title="" > Operational </span> <span class="tool icon-indicator fa fa-check" title="Operational"></span> </div> <div data-component-id="by1b8ylwwgs6" class="component-inner-container status-green " data-component-status="operational" data-js-hook=""> <span class="name"> Go Rooms </span> <span class="component-status " title="" > Operational </span> <span class="tool icon-indicator fa fa-check" title="Operational"></span> </div> <div data-component-id="45nc391hhv9v" class="component-inner-container status-green " data-component-status="operational" data-js-hook=""> <span class="name"> Video Insights </span> <span class="component-status " title="" > Operational </span> <span class="tool icon-indicator fa fa-check" title="Operational"></span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="component-container border-color"> <div data-component-id="54ft7xt1tqmm" class="component-inner-container status-green " data-component-status="operational" data-js-hook=""> <span class="name"> PROXY </span> <span class="component-status " title="" > Operational </span> <span class="tool icon-indicator fa fa-check" title="Operational"></span> </div> </div> <div class="component-container border-color is-group "> <div data-component-id="m8p285mfbblr" class="component-inner-container status-green " data-component-status="operational" data-js-hook="component-group-opener"> <span class="name"> <span class="fa group-parent-indicator color-secondary font-small fa-plus-square-o" role="button" aria-expanded="false" aria-label="Toggle SERVERLESS" tabindex="0"></span> <span> SERVERLESS </span> </span> <span class="component-status tool" title="Groups take on the status of their most degraded child component or service. Click to see the status of the individual children." > Operational </span> <span class="tool icon-indicator fa fa-check" title="Operational"></span> </div> <!-- children components --> <div class="child-components-container "> <div data-component-id="7c6yv3vctfqv" class="component-inner-container status-green " data-component-status="operational" data-js-hook=""> <span class="name"> Studio </span> <span class="component-status " title="" > Operational </span> <span class="tool icon-indicator fa fa-check" title="Operational"></span> </div> <div data-component-id="b3tl520cz8tc" class="component-inner-container status-green " data-component-status="operational" data-js-hook=""> <span class="name"> Functions </span> <span class="component-status " title="" > Operational </span> <span class="tool icon-indicator fa fa-check" title="Operational"></span> </div> <div data-component-id="ld8ss4pqqskp" class="component-inner-container status-green " data-component-status="operational" data-js-hook=""> <span class="name"> Assets </span> <span class="component-status " title="" > Operational </span> <span class="tool icon-indicator fa fa-check" title="Operational"></span> </div> <div data-component-id="vyjjd8kdb7vq" class="component-inner-container status-green " data-component-status="operational" data-js-hook=""> <span class="name"> TwiML Bins </span> <span class="component-status " title="" > Operational </span> <span class="tool icon-indicator fa fa-check" title="Operational"></span> </div> <div data-component-id="qf1ppcsw1jvh" class="component-inner-container status-green " data-component-status="operational" data-js-hook=""> <span class="name"> Sync </span> <span class="component-status " title="" > Operational </span> <span class="tool icon-indicator fa fa-check" title="Operational"></span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="component-container border-color is-group "> <div data-component-id="5myw7f7x6ylm" class="component-inner-container status-green " data-component-status="operational" data-js-hook="component-group-opener"> <span class="name"> <span class="fa group-parent-indicator color-secondary font-small fa-plus-square-o" role="button" aria-expanded="false" aria-label="Toggle DEVELOPER TOOLS" tabindex="0"></span> <span> DEVELOPER TOOLS </span> </span> <span class="component-status tool" title="Groups take on the status of their most degraded child component or service. Click to see the status of the individual children." > Operational </span> <span class="tool icon-indicator fa fa-check" title="Operational"></span> </div> <!-- children components --> <div class="child-components-container "> <div data-component-id="g4hs7h64k9fv" class="component-inner-container status-green " data-component-status="operational" data-js-hook=""> <span class="name"> Console </span> <span class="component-status " title="" > Operational </span> <span class="tool icon-indicator fa fa-check" title="Operational"></span> </div> <div data-component-id="zxhmy448yyn3" class="component-inner-container status-green " data-component-status="operational" data-js-hook=""> <span class="name"> Event Streams </span> <span class="component-status " title="" > Operational </span> <span class="tool icon-indicator fa fa-check" title="Operational"></span> </div> <div data-component-id="6ltxq62mkxd0" class="component-inner-container status-green " data-component-status="operational" data-js-hook=""> <span class="name"> Debugger & Alarms </span> <span class="component-status " title="" > Operational </span> <span class="tool icon-indicator fa fa-check" title="Operational"></span> </div> <div data-component-id="b81y83zrvglj" class="component-inner-container status-green " data-component-status="operational" data-js-hook=""> <span class="name"> Documentation </span> <span class="component-status " title="" > Operational </span> <span class="tool icon-indicator fa fa-check" title="Operational"></span> </div> <div data-component-id="4rv9xfxmdjg9" class="component-inner-container status-green " data-component-status="operational" data-js-hook=""> <span class="name"> REST API </span> <span class="component-status " title="" > Operational </span> <span class="tool icon-indicator fa fa-check" title="Operational"></span> </div> <div data-component-id="y0thq9hlt5m8" class="component-inner-container status-green " data-component-status="operational" data-js-hook=""> <span class="name"> Bulk Export </span> <span class="component-status " title="" > Operational </span> <span class="tool icon-indicator fa fa-check" title="Operational"></span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="component-container border-color is-group "> <div data-component-id="t26k1dqws96h" class="component-inner-container status-green " data-component-status="operational" data-js-hook="component-group-opener"> <span class="name"> <span class="fa group-parent-indicator color-secondary font-small fa-plus-square-o" role="button" aria-expanded="false" aria-label="Toggle TWILIO PLATFORM" tabindex="0"></span> <span> TWILIO PLATFORM </span> </span> <span class="component-status tool" title="Groups take on the status of their most degraded child component or service. Click to see the status of the individual children." > Operational </span> <span class="tool icon-indicator fa fa-check" title="Operational"></span> </div> <!-- children components --> <div class="child-components-container "> <div data-component-id="jw9dh2mf4392" class="component-inner-container status-green " data-component-status="operational" data-js-hook=""> <span class="name"> Billing </span> <span class="component-status " title="" > Operational </span> <span class="tool icon-indicator fa fa-check" title="Operational"></span> </div> <div data-component-id="xv01vfp8wvs4" class="component-inner-container status-green " data-component-status="operational" data-js-hook=""> <span class="name"> Customer Support Center </span> <span class="tooltip-base tool" title="This includes services related to reaching support via phone, email, and chat.">?</span> <span class="component-status " title="" > Operational </span> <span class="tool icon-indicator fa fa-check" title="Operational"></span> </div> <div data-component-id="m5b6twz4h52d" class="component-inner-container status-green " data-component-status="operational" data-js-hook=""> <span class="name"> Other </span> <span class="component-status " title="" > Operational </span> <span class="tool icon-indicator fa fa-check" title="Operational"></span> </div> <div data-component-id="kvyjw7lg97l1" class="component-inner-container status-green " data-component-status="operational" data-js-hook=""> <span class="name"> Account Insights </span> <span class="component-status " title="" > Operational </span> <span class="tool icon-indicator fa fa-check" title="Operational"></span> </div> <div data-component-id="gk7b1lwzf93x" class="component-inner-container status-green " data-component-status="operational" data-js-hook=""> <span class="name"> Trust Hub </span> <span class="component-status " title="" > Operational </span> <span class="tool icon-indicator fa fa-check" title="Operational"></span> </div> <div data-component-id="3mryzdr7rssr" class="component-inner-container status-green " data-component-status="operational" data-js-hook=""> <span class="name"> Organization </span> <span class="component-status " title="" > Operational </span> <span class="tool icon-indicator fa fa-check" title="Operational"></span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="component-container border-color is-group open"> <div data-component-id="j8hlnyphbbs0" class="component-inner-container status-yellow " data-component-status="degraded_performance" data-js-hook="component-group-opener"> <span class="name"> <span class="fa group-parent-indicator color-secondary font-small fa-minus-square-o" role="button" aria-expanded="true" aria-label="Toggle CARRIER NETWORK" tabindex="0"></span> <span> CARRIER NETWORK </span> </span> <span class="component-status tool" title="Groups take on the status of their most degraded child component or service. Click to see the status of the individual children." > Degraded Performance </span> <span class="tool icon-indicator fa fa-minus-square" title="Degraded Performance"></span> </div> <!-- children components --> <div class="child-components-container "> <div data-component-id="7d8w22hqrh6s" class="component-inner-container status-green " data-component-status="operational" data-js-hook=""> <span class="name"> SMS Long Code, North America </span> <span class="component-status " title="" > Operational </span> <span class="tool icon-indicator fa fa-check" title="Operational"></span> </div> <div data-component-id="8vdlvw3dsq8h" class="component-inner-container status-green " data-component-status="operational" data-js-hook=""> <span class="name"> MMS Long Code, North America </span> <span class="component-status " title="" > Operational </span> <span class="tool icon-indicator fa fa-check" title="Operational"></span> </div> <div data-component-id="39mb8cmw8y2v" class="component-inner-container status-yellow " data-component-status="degraded_performance" data-js-hook=""> <span class="name"> SMS Short Code, North America </span> <span class="component-status " title="" > Degraded Performance </span> <span class="tool icon-indicator fa fa-minus-square" title="Degraded Performance"></span> </div> <div data-component-id="h0fl7prwfhvm" class="component-inner-container status-green " data-component-status="operational" data-js-hook=""> <span class="name"> MMS Short Code, North America </span> <span class="component-status " title="" > Operational </span> <span class="tool icon-indicator fa fa-check" title="Operational"></span> </div> <div data-component-id="32f2bm54nkvv" class="component-inner-container status-green " data-component-status="operational" data-js-hook=""> <span class="name"> SMS Toll-Free, North America </span> <span class="component-status " title="" > Operational </span> <span class="tool icon-indicator fa fa-check" title="Operational"></span> </div> <div data-component-id="tvjwfvczkf46" class="component-inner-container status-green " data-component-status="operational" data-js-hook=""> <span class="name"> MMS Toll-Free, North America </span> <span class="component-status " title="" > Operational </span> <span class="tool icon-indicator fa fa-check" title="Operational"></span> </div> <div data-component-id="2v3v92mz2m4h" class="component-inner-container status-green " data-component-status="operational" data-js-hook=""> <span class="name"> Voice, North America </span> <span class="component-status " title="" > Operational </span> <span class="tool icon-indicator fa fa-check" title="Operational"></span> </div> <div data-component-id="fbtv2g9t3z25" class="component-inner-container status-green " data-component-status="operational" data-js-hook=""> <span class="name"> Voice, Latin America </span> <span class="component-status " title="" > Operational </span> <span class="tool icon-indicator fa fa-check" title="Operational"></span> </div> <div data-component-id="42zx9w2kmtvf" class="component-inner-container status-green " data-component-status="operational" data-js-hook=""> <span class="name"> SMS, Latin America </span> <span class="component-status " title="" > Operational </span> <span class="tool icon-indicator fa fa-check" title="Operational"></span> </div> <div data-component-id="50pr269zqrwj" class="component-inner-container status-green " data-component-status="operational" data-js-hook=""> <span class="name"> Voice, APAC </span> <span class="component-status " title="" > Operational </span> <span class="tool icon-indicator fa fa-check" title="Operational"></span> </div> <div data-component-id="8qjql0kqnd33" class="component-inner-container status-green " data-component-status="operational" data-js-hook=""> <span class="name"> SMS, APAC </span> <span class="component-status " title="" > Operational </span> <span class="tool icon-indicator fa fa-check" title="Operational"></span> </div> <div data-component-id="2nd0jdj36wpq" class="component-inner-container status-green " data-component-status="operational" data-js-hook=""> <span class="name"> MMS, APAC </span> <span class="component-status " title="" > Operational </span> <span class="tool icon-indicator fa fa-check" title="Operational"></span> </div> <div data-component-id="bnzggd37p61w" class="component-inner-container status-green " data-component-status="operational" data-js-hook=""> <span class="name"> Voice, Europe </span> <span class="component-status " title="" > Operational </span> <span class="tool icon-indicator fa fa-check" title="Operational"></span> </div> <div data-component-id="llgdln3dcs6p" class="component-inner-container status-green " data-component-status="operational" data-js-hook=""> <span class="name"> SMS, Europe </span> <span class="component-status " title="" > Operational </span> <span class="tool icon-indicator fa fa-check" title="Operational"></span> </div> <div data-component-id="6ns22g89f6g9" class="component-inner-container status-green " data-component-status="operational" data-js-hook=""> <span class="name"> Voice, Middle East & Africa </span> <span class="component-status " title="" > Operational </span> <span class="tool icon-indicator fa fa-check" title="Operational"></span> </div> <div data-component-id="9z5gsqyjs4rl" class="component-inner-container status-green " data-component-status="operational" data-js-hook=""> <span class="name"> SMS, Middle East & Africa </span> <span class="component-status " title="" > Operational </span> <span class="tool icon-indicator fa fa-check" title="Operational"></span> </div> <div data-component-id="trrz5ztt7pl8" class="component-inner-container status-green " data-component-status="operational" data-js-hook=""> <span class="name"> Verify Silent Network Auth </span> <span class="component-status " title="" > Operational </span> <span class="tool icon-indicator fa fa-check" 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Click to see the status of the individual children." > Operational </span> <span class="tool icon-indicator fa fa-check" title="Operational"></span> </div> <!-- children components --> <div class="child-components-container "> <div data-component-id="lfqp74267l0t" class="component-inner-container status-green " data-component-status="operational" data-js-hook=""> <span class="name"> Programmable Wireless </span> <span class="component-status " title="" > Operational </span> <span class="tool icon-indicator fa fa-check" title="Operational"></span> </div> <div data-component-id="919qx43ks4dx" class="component-inner-container status-green " data-component-status="operational" data-js-hook=""> <span class="name"> Super SIM </span> <span class="component-status " title="" > Operational </span> <span class="tool icon-indicator fa fa-check" title="Operational"></span> </div> <div data-component-id="2cmnnkzsplk8" class="component-inner-container status-green " 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width="3" x="435" y="0" fill="#2fcc66" role="tab" class="uptime-day component-kj97j77088bh day-87" data-html="true" tabindex="-1" aria-describedby="uptime-tooltip" /> <rect height="34" width="3" x="440" y="0" fill="#2fcc66" role="tab" class="uptime-day component-kj97j77088bh day-88" data-html="true" tabindex="-1" aria-describedby="uptime-tooltip" /> <rect height="34" width="3" x="445" y="0" fill="#2fcc66" role="tab" class="uptime-day component-kj97j77088bh day-89" data-html="true" tabindex="-1" aria-describedby="uptime-tooltip" /> </svg> <div class="legend "> <div class="legend-item light legend-item-date-range"> <span class="availability-time-line-legend-day-count">90</span> days ago </div> <div class="spacer"></div> <div class="legend-item legend-item-uptime-value legend-item-kj97j77088bh"> <span id="uptime-percent-kj97j77088bh"> <var data-var="uptime-percent">100.0</var> </span> % uptime </div> <div class="spacer"></div> <div class="legend-item light legend-item-date-range">Today</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="component-container border-color is-group "> <div data-component-id="9qlxz48fv41r" class="component-inner-container status-green " data-component-status="operational" data-js-hook="component-group-opener"> <span class="name"> <span class="fa group-parent-indicator color-secondary font-small fa-plus-square-o" role="button" aria-expanded="false" aria-label="Toggle ZIPWHIP MESSAGING" tabindex="0"></span> <span> ZIPWHIP MESSAGING </span> </span> <span class="component-status tool" title="Groups take on the status of their most degraded child component or service. Click to see the status of the individual children." > Operational </span> <span class="tool icon-indicator fa fa-check" title="Operational"></span> </div> <!-- children components --> <div class="child-components-container "> <div data-component-id="qj606bzkg4s8" class="component-inner-container status-green " data-component-status="operational" data-js-hook=""> <span class="name"> SMS Long Code, North America </span> <span class="component-status " title="" > Operational </span> <span class="tool icon-indicator fa fa-check" title="Operational"></span> </div> <div data-component-id="llqd4rmn8k8y" class="component-inner-container status-green " data-component-status="operational" data-js-hook=""> <span class="name"> MMS Long Code, North America </span> <span class="component-status " title="" > Operational </span> <span class="tool icon-indicator fa fa-check" title="Operational"></span> </div> <div data-component-id="k7rg1rqk2nwk" class="component-inner-container status-green " data-component-status="operational" data-js-hook=""> <span class="name"> SMS Toll-Free, North America </span> <span class="component-status " title="" > Operational </span> <span class="tool icon-indicator fa fa-check" title="Operational"></span> </div> <div data-component-id="5cv0b6y86d2f" class="component-inner-container status-green " data-component-status="operational" data-js-hook=""> <span class="name"> MMS Toll-Free, North America </span> <span class="component-status " title="" > Operational </span> <span class="tool icon-indicator fa fa-check" title="Operational"></span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="component-container border-color is-group "> <div data-component-id="jfsfh3vy777l" class="component-inner-container status-green " data-component-status="operational" data-js-hook="component-group-opener"> <span class="name"> <span class="fa group-parent-indicator color-secondary font-small fa-plus-square-o" role="button" aria-expanded="false" aria-label="Toggle ZIPWHIP TOOLS" tabindex="0"></span> <span> ZIPWHIP TOOLS </span> </span> <span class="component-status tool" title="Groups take on the status of their most degraded child component or service. Click to see the status of the individual children." > Operational </span> <span class="tool icon-indicator fa fa-check" title="Operational"></span> </div> <!-- children components --> <div class="child-components-container "> <div data-component-id="2n998q57dwnf" class="component-inner-container status-green " data-component-status="operational" data-js-hook=""> <span class="name"> Zipwhip Provisioner Dashboard and API </span> <span class="component-status " title="" > Operational </span> <span class="tool icon-indicator fa fa-check" title="Operational"></span> </div> <div data-component-id="fq1snk8q5ybp" class="component-inner-container status-green " data-component-status="operational" data-js-hook=""> <span class="name"> Zipwhip Support Ticketing </span> <span class="component-status " title="" > Operational </span> <span class="tool icon-indicator fa fa-check" title="Operational"></span> </div> <div data-component-id="wsqmv0q6zrz5" class="component-inner-container status-green " data-component-status="operational" data-js-hook=""> <span class="name"> Toll-Free Verification Portal </span> <span class="component-status " title="" > Operational </span> <span class="tool icon-indicator fa fa-check" title="Operational"></span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="component-statuses-legend font-small"> <div class="legend-item status-green"> <span class="icon-indicator fa fa-check"></span> Operational </div> <div class="legend-item status-yellow"> <span class="icon-indicator fa fa-minus-square"></span> Degraded Performance </div> <div class="legend-item status-orange"> <span class="icon-indicator fa fa-exclamation-triangle"></span> Partial Outage </div> <div class="breaker"></div> <div class="legend-item status-red"> <span class="icon-indicator fa fa-times"></span> Major Outage </div> <div class="legend-item status-blue"> <span class="icon-indicator fa fa-wrench"></span> Maintenance </div> </div> </div> <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"> function calculateViewbox (dayCount, rectWidth, rectPadding) { var viewBox = []; if (dayCount === 90) { viewBox.push(0); } else { var offset = 90 - dayCount; viewBox.push((offset * rectWidth) + (rectPadding * (offset))); // x origin } viewBox.push(0); // y origin viewBox.push((rectWidth * dayCount) + (rectPadding * (dayCount - 1))); // svg width viewBox.push(34); // svg height return viewBox.join(' '); } document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () { var MAX_WIDTH_30_DAYS = 600, MAX_WIDTH_60_DAYS = 1024, svgs = document.getElementsByClassName('availability-time-line-graphic'), rects = svgs[0].getElementsByTagName('rect'), rectWidth = parseInt(rects[0].getAttribute('width')), rectPadding = parseInt(rects[1].getAttribute('x')) - parseInt(rects[0].getAttribute('x')) - rectWidth, throttled = false, delay = 150, timeoutId; function getKeyAndCount(width) { if (width <= MAX_WIDTH_30_DAYS) { return { dayCount: 30, uptimeKey: 'thirty'} } else if (width <= MAX_WIDTH_60_DAYS) { return { dayCount: 60, uptimeKey: 'sixty'} } else { return { dayCount: 90, uptimeKey: 'ninety'} } } function setUptimeValue(values, uptimeKey) { var queryID = '.legend-item-' + values.component; var currentUptime = document.querySelector(queryID); if (currentUptime) { // Faster than setting innerHTML to "" then adding nodes var clone = currentUptime.cloneNode(false); var uptimeSpan = document.createElement('span'); = 'uptime-percent-' + values.component uptimeSpan.innerText = values[uptimeKey] clone.appendChild(uptimeSpan); var appendText = document.createTextNode(' % uptime'); clone.appendChild(appendText); currentUptime.parentNode.replaceChild(clone, currentUptime); } } function setDayCount(el, dayCount) { // Faster than setting innerHTML to "" then adding nodes var clone = el.cloneNode(false); var dateSpan = document.createElement('span') dateSpan.className = "availability-time-line-legend-day-count" dateSpan.innerText= dayCount; clone.appendChild(dateSpan); var appendText = document.createTextNode(' days ago'); clone.appendChild(appendText); el.parentNode.replaceChild(clone, el); } function resizeSvgViewBoxes () { var width = window.innerWidth; var columnInfo = getKeyAndCount(width); var dayCount = columnInfo.dayCount, uptimeKey = columnInfo.uptimeKey; var newViewboxValue = calculateViewbox(dayCount, rectWidth, rectPadding); // If a user quickly resizes from < 450 to > 900 without stopping, // it will retain the same 30 day info as it wont have changed, but this only // impacts 30 day display as it is the only one with shortened text if (newViewboxValue !== svgs[0].getAttribute('viewBox')) { for (var i = 0; i < svgs.length; i++) { var el = svgs[i]; if (el.getAttribute('viewBox') !== newViewboxValue) { el.setAttribute('viewBox', newViewboxValue); } } var dayCountElements = document.querySelectorAll('.legend-item-date-range:first-of-type'); for (var i = 0; i < dayCountElements.length; i++) { setDayCount(dayCountElements[i], dayCount); } uptimeValues = [{"component":"s2k3h0mkqnth","ninety":100.0,"sixty":100.0,"thirty":100.0},{"component":"brty2vw4qv6v","ninety":100.0,"sixty":100.0,"thirty":100.0},{"component":"kj97j77088bh","ninety":100.0,"sixty":100.0,"thirty":100.0}]; for (var i = 0; i < uptimeValues.length; i++) { setUptimeValue(uptimeValues[i], uptimeKey) } const uptimeLinkVar = document.querySelector('.components-uptime-link > var') if (uptimeLinkVar) { uptimeLinkVar.innerHTML = dayCount; } } } window.addEventListener('resize', function () { clearTimeout(timeoutId); timeoutId = setTimeout(function () { resizeSvgViewBoxes(); }, delay); }); resizeSvgViewBoxes(); }); </script> <div id="uptime-tooltip"> <div class="pointer-container"> <div class="pointer-larger"></div> <div class="pointer-smaller"></div> </div> <div class="tooltip-box"> <div class="tooltip-content"> <div class="tooltip-close"> <i class="fa fa-times"></i> </div> <div class="date"></div> <div class="outages"> <div class="outage-field major"> <span class="label"> <i class="component-status page-colors text-color major_outage"></i> Major outage </span> <span class="value-hrs"></span> <span class="value-mins"></span> </div> <div class="outage-field partial"> <span class="label"> <i class="component-status page-colors text-color partial_outage"></i> Partial outage </span> <span class="value-hrs"></span> <span class="value-mins"></span> </div> <div class="no-outages-msg"> No downtime recorded on this day. </div> <div class="no-data-msg"> No data exists for this day. </div> <div id="major-outage-group-count" class="outage-count"> <i class="component-status page-colors text-color major_outage"></i> <span class="count"></span> had a major outage. </div> <div id="partial-outage-group-count" class="outage-count"> <i class="component-status page-colors text-color partial_outage"></i> <span class="count"></span> had a partial outage. </div> </div> <div class="related-events"> <h3 id="related-event-header">Related</h3> <ul id="related-events-list"></ul> </div> <div class="no-related-msg"> <p>No incidents or maintenance related to this downtime.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <script src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript"> /** This file contains the code needed to handle display of the uptime tooltips on status. Note: because it's in ERB, only ES5 syntax is allowed. */ var uptimeData = {"brty2vw4qv6v":{"component":{"code":"brty2vw4qv6v","name":"Toll-free 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Delivery Failures to Multiple Countries via Longcodes \u0026 Pre-Registered Sender ID","code":"7f2fzyk1j0bl"},{"name":"SMS Delivery Delays to Multiple Network In China Over Pre Registered Sender ID","code":"q98v1g4c6myb"}]},{"date":"2024-12-17","outages":{},"related_events":[{"name":"SMS Delivery Delays to Multiple Network In China Over Pre Registered Sender ID","code":"q98v1g4c6myb"}]},{"date":"2024-12-18","outages":{},"related_events":[]},{"date":"2024-12-19","outages":{},"related_events":[]},{"date":"2024-12-20","outages":{},"related_events":[]},{"date":"2024-12-21","outages":{},"related_events":[]},{"date":"2024-12-22","outages":{},"related_events":[]},{"date":"2024-12-23","outages":{},"related_events":[]},{"date":"2024-12-24","outages":{},"related_events":[]},{"date":"2024-12-25","outages":{},"related_events":[]},{"date":"2024-12-26","outages":{},"related_events":[]},{"date":"2024-12-27","outages":{},"related_events":[]},{"date":"2024-12-28","outages":{},"related_events":[]},{"date":"2024-12-29","outages":{},"related_events":[]},{"date":"2024-12-30","outages":{},"related_events":[]},{"date":"2024-12-31","outages":{},"related_events":[]},{"date":"2025-01-01","outages":{},"related_events":[]},{"date":"2025-01-02","outages":{},"related_events":[]},{"date":"2025-01-03","outages":{},"related_events":[]},{"date":"2025-01-04","outages":{},"related_events":[]},{"date":"2025-01-05","outages":{},"related_events":[]},{"date":"2025-01-06","outages":{},"related_events":[]},{"date":"2025-01-07","outages":{},"related_events":[]},{"date":"2025-01-08","outages":{},"related_events":[]},{"date":"2025-01-09","outages":{},"related_events":[]},{"date":"2025-01-10","outages":{},"related_events":[]},{"date":"2025-01-11","outages":{},"related_events":[]},{"date":"2025-01-12","outages":{},"related_events":[]},{"date":"2025-01-13","outages":{},"related_events":[]},{"date":"2025-01-14","outages":{},"related_events":[]},{"date":"2025-01-15","outages":{},"related_events":[]},{"date":"2025-01-16","outages":{},"related_events":[]},{"date":"2025-01-17","outages":{},"related_events":[]},{"date":"2025-01-18","outages":{},"related_events":[]},{"date":"2025-01-19","outages":{},"related_events":[]},{"date":"2025-01-20","outages":{},"related_events":[]},{"date":"2025-01-21","outages":{},"related_events":[]},{"date":"2025-01-22","outages":{},"related_events":[]},{"date":"2025-01-23","outages":{},"related_events":[]},{"date":"2025-01-24","outages":{},"related_events":[]},{"date":"2025-01-25","outages":{},"related_events":[]},{"date":"2025-01-26","outages":{},"related_events":[]},{"date":"2025-01-27","outages":{},"related_events":[]},{"date":"2025-01-28","outages":{},"related_events":[]},{"date":"2025-01-29","outages":{},"related_events":[]},{"date":"2025-01-30","outages":{},"related_events":[]},{"date":"2025-01-31","outages":{},"related_events":[]},{"date":"2025-02-01","outages":{},"related_events":[]},{"date":"2025-02-02","outages":{},"related_events":[]},{"date":"2025-02-03","outages":{},"related_events":[]},{"date":"2025-02-04","outages":{},"related_events":[]},{"date":"2025-02-05","outages":{},"related_events":[]},{"date":"2025-02-06","outages":{},"related_events":[]},{"date":"2025-02-07","outages":{},"related_events":[]},{"date":"2025-02-08","outages":{},"related_events":[]},{"date":"2025-02-09","outages":{},"related_events":[]},{"date":"2025-02-10","outages":{},"related_events":[]},{"date":"2025-02-11","outages":{},"related_events":[]},{"date":"2025-02-12","outages":{},"related_events":[]},{"date":"2025-02-13","outages":{},"related_events":[]},{"date":"2025-02-14","outages":{},"related_events":[]},{"date":"2025-02-15","outages":{},"related_events":[]},{"date":"2025-02-16","outages":{},"related_events":[]},{"date":"2025-02-17","outages":{},"related_events":[]}]}} var timeoutId; var monthStrings = [ 'Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec' ]; var EVENT_MAX_LENGTH = 90; // Detect device (desktop vs. touch device) function touchDevice() { var browser = bowser.getParser(window.navigator.userAgent); // if type is either mobile or tablet, return true return browser.parse().parsedResult.platform.type !== 'desktop'; } // Class is in format day-<number>. Convert to just number function dayNumberFromClass(className) { return parseInt(className.split('-')[1]); } // Class is in format component-<code>. Convert to just code function componentCodeFromClass(className) { return className.split('-')[1]; } // Convert number to string pixel measurement function intToPixels(number) { return number.toString() + 'px'; } function truncate(str) { return str.substring(0, EVENT_MAX_LENGTH) + (str.length > EVENT_MAX_LENGTH ? '...' : ''); } // Tooltip Handling class constructor function UptimeTooltipHandler(frameWidth) { this.visible = false; this.activeDay = { hovered: false }; this.tooltip = document.getElementById('uptime-tooltip'); this.frameWidth = frameWidth === undefined ? window.innerWidth : frameWidth; this.scrolling = false; window.addEventListener('mousemove', this.tooltipListener.bind(this)); window.addEventListener('orientationchange', this.orientationListener.bind(this)); // on tooltip creation, determine whether to display touch-specific controls var tooltipCloseButton = document.querySelector('.tooltip-close'); if (touchDevice()) { var componentsContainer = document.querySelector('.components-container'); componentsContainer.addEventListener('touchstart', this.handleTouch.bind(this)); tooltipCloseButton.addEventListener('touchstart', this.unhoverTooltip.bind(this)); } else { window.addEventListener('resize', this.resizeListener.bind(this)); // classList not supported by IE < 9 tooltipCloseButton.className += ' hidden'; } // Handle toggle of group elements var groupComponents = document.querySelectorAll('[data-js-hook=component-group-opener]'); for (var i = 0; i < groupComponents.length; i++) { groupComponents[i].addEventListener('click', this.hideTooltip.bind(this)); } var tooltipBox = document.querySelector('#uptime-tooltip .tooltip-box'); tooltipBox.addEventListener('mouseenter', this.mouseEnteredTooltip.bind(this)); tooltipBox.addEventListener('mouseleave', this.unhoverTooltip.bind(this)); } document.querySelectorAll('.uptime-day').forEach(function (rect) { rect.addEventListener('focus', function (event) { var tooltipHandler = new UptimeTooltipHandler(); tooltipHandler.updateHoveredDay(event); tooltipHandler.updateTooltip(event); }); rect.addEventListener('blur', function () { var tooltipHandler = new UptimeTooltipHandler(); tooltipHandler.unhoverTooltip(); }); rect.addEventListener('keydown', function (event) { if (event.key === 'Escape' || event.keyCode === 27) { var tooltipHandler = new UptimeTooltipHandler(); tooltipHandler.unhoverTooltip(); } }); }); UptimeTooltipHandler.prototype.tooltipListener = function(event) { if (!this.tooltipHovered) { this.updateHoveredDay(event); this.updateTooltip(event); } } // this handler will accommodate for mobile orientation change UptimeTooltipHandler.prototype.orientationListener = function(event) { // just close the tooltip this.unhoverTooltip(); } UptimeTooltipHandler.prototype.resizeListener = function(event) { this.frameWidth = window.innerWidth; } UptimeTooltipHandler.prototype.handleTouch = function (event) { if ('uptime-day')) { event.stopPropagation(); this.bladeTouched(event); } } UptimeTooltipHandler.prototype.mouseEnteredTooltip = function() { // Necessary to clear the timeout set for closing the tooltip when the mouse // moves off the blade or timeline, so the tooltip isnt closed on hover clearTimeout(timeoutId); // Sets it to null so the timeout can be set later, as clearTimeout only // cancels the timer, and we need to allow it to be reset in the mouse // move handler below timeoutId = null; this.tooltipHovered = true; } UptimeTooltipHandler.prototype.unhoverTooltip = function() { this.tooltipHovered = false; this.activeDay.hovered = false; this.hideTooltip(); } UptimeTooltipHandler.prototype.bladeTouched = function (event) { event.preventDefault(); var classes ='class').split(' '); var componentCode = componentCodeFromClass(classes[1]) var index = dayNumberFromClass(classes[2]); // If open and tapped on same component and day, close tooltip if (this.visible && this.activeDay.component === componentCode && this.activeDay.index === index) { this.hideTooltip(); } else { this.updateHoveredDay(event); this.updateTooltip(event); } } UptimeTooltipHandler.prototype.updateHoveredDay = function(event) { var classes ='class'); // classList doesn't work in IE var onDay = classes != null && classes.split(' ').indexOf('uptime-day') !== -1; if (onDay) { classes = classes.split(' '); var componentCode = componentCodeFromClass(classes[1]); this.activeDay = { index: dayNumberFromClass(classes[2]), component: componentCode, bounds:, isGroup: uptimeData[componentCode].component.isGroup, hovered: true } } else { this.activeDay.hovered = false; } } UptimeTooltipHandler.prototype.updateTooltip = function(event) { var classes ='class'); // classList doesn't work in IE var hoveredOnGraphic = classes != null && classes.split(' ').indexOf('availability-time-line-graphic') !== -1; if (this.activeDay.hovered) { this.updateTooltipData(); this.positionTooltip(); } else if (this.visible && !this.activeDay.hovered && !hoveredOnGraphic) { // Important: since this is on mouse move it will be called multiple times // which will clear timeoutId and reset it to the new value, meaning // it is a race condition to cancel it if (!timeoutId) { var _this = this; timeoutId = setTimeout(function() { _this.hideTooltip(); timeoutId = null; }, 250); } } } UptimeTooltipHandler.prototype.updateTooltipData = function() { // Get the data for the day we're hovered on var day = uptimeData[this.activeDay.component].days[this.activeDay.index]; // Update the date for the tooltip var date = new Date(; // Get the component's start date. Note that it will be undefined here unless it is populated in our database var startDay = uptimeData[this.activeDay.component].component.startDate; var startDate = startDay ? new Date(startDay) : null; // Determine whether current date falls before component's start date. var beforeStartDate = startDate ? date.getTime() < startDate.getTime() : false; // UTC necessary since days are passed yyyy-mm-dd, and new Date uses midnight UTC, so local times // are presented as the day before var dateString = date.getUTCDate() + " " + monthStrings[date.getUTCMonth()] + " " + date.getUTCFullYear(); document.querySelector('#uptime-tooltip .date').innerHTML = dateString; // Update the outage fields if (this.activeDay.isGroup) { this.updateGroupOutageFields() } else { this.updateOutageFields(day.outages.p, day.outages.m, day.related_events, beforeStartDate); } } UptimeTooltipHandler.prototype.hoursFromSeconds = function(s) { return Math.floor(s / 3600); } UptimeTooltipHandler.prototype.minutesFromSeconds = function(s) { // If less than a minute, round up to 1 minute to show that some outage existed if (s > 0 && s < 60) { return 1; } // Otherwise use floor return Math.floor((s % 3600) / 60); } UptimeTooltipHandler.prototype.updateGroupOutageFields = function() { // Hide time info document.querySelector('#uptime-tooltip .outage-field.major').style.display = 'none'; document.querySelector('#uptime-tooltip .outage-field.partial').style.display = 'none'; document.querySelector(".related-events h3").style.display = 'none'; document.querySelector('.no-related-msg').style.display = 'none'; var eventList = document.getElementById("related-events-list") var cloneList = eventList.cloneNode(false); eventList.parentNode.replaceChild(cloneList, eventList); var partialCount = 0; var majorCount = 0; /** We were originally using the operationalCount as part of the no outage copy for group components, but ultimately decided not to use it. I opted to leave the variable in place in case we ever decide to use it in the future. */ var operationalCount = 0; var noDataCount = 0; var showcasedComponentsCount = 0; var components = uptimeData[this.activeDay.component] for (var i = 0; i < components.length; i++) { if (!uptimeData[components[i]]) continue; showcasedComponentsCount++; var outages = uptimeData[components[i]].days[this.activeDay.index].outages; var currentDay = uptimeData[components[i]].days[this.activeDay.index]; var currentDate = new Date(; // Get the component's start date. Note that it will be undefined here unless it is populated in our database var startDay = uptimeData[components[i]].component.startDate; var startDate = startDay ? new Date(startDay) : null; if (outages.p) { partialCount += 1; } if (outages.m) { majorCount += 1; } // Only increase operational count if component has data for this day if (!outages.p && !outages.m) { if (startDate && currentDate.getTime() < startDate.getTime()) { noDataCount +=1; } else { operationalCount +=1; } } } document.querySelector('#major-outage-group-count').style.display = majorCount ? 'block' : 'none'; document.querySelector('#partial-outage-group-count').style.display = partialCount ? 'block' : 'none'; document.querySelector('#major-outage-group-count .count').innerText = majorCount + (majorCount === 1 ? " component" : " components"); document.querySelector('#partial-outage-group-count .count').innerText = partialCount + (partialCount === 1 ? " component" : " components "); // Show no data message only if we do not have data for any showcased components in the group var showNoDataMessage = noDataCount === showcasedComponentsCount; // Show no outages message if we have data for the components and no outages in that data document.querySelector('#uptime-tooltip .no-outages-msg').style.display = (majorCount || partialCount || showNoDataMessage) ? 'none' : 'block'; document.querySelector('#uptime-tooltip .no-data-msg').style.display = showNoDataMessage ? 'block' : 'none'; } UptimeTooltipHandler.prototype.updateOutageFields = function(partial, major, relatedEvents, beforeStartDate) { // Hide group info document.querySelector('#major-outage-group-count').style.display = 'none'; document.querySelector('#partial-outage-group-count').style.display = 'none'; // Show the message that no outage present, if none is present if (partial || major || beforeStartDate) { document.querySelector('#uptime-tooltip .no-outages-msg').style.display = 'none'; } else { document.querySelector('#uptime-tooltip .no-outages-msg').style.display = 'block'; } if (beforeStartDate) { document.querySelector('#uptime-tooltip .no-data-msg').style.display = 'block'; } else { document.querySelector('#uptime-tooltip .no-data-msg').style.display = 'none'; } // Update partial outage field if an outage exists, otherwise hide it if (partial) { var hrs = this.hoursFromSeconds(partial); var mins = this.minutesFromSeconds(partial); document.querySelector('#uptime-tooltip .outage-field.partial .value-hrs').innerHTML = hrs.toString() + ' hrs'; document.querySelector('#uptime-tooltip .outage-field.partial .value-mins').innerHTML = mins.toString() + ' mins'; document.querySelector('#uptime-tooltip .outage-field.partial').style.display = 'flex'; } else { document.querySelector('#uptime-tooltip .outage-field.partial').style.display = 'none'; } // Update major outage field if an outage exists, otherwise hide it if (major) { var hrs = this.hoursFromSeconds(major); var mins = this.minutesFromSeconds(major); document.querySelector('#uptime-tooltip .outage-field.major .value-hrs').innerHTML = hrs.toString() + ' hrs'; document.querySelector('#uptime-tooltip .outage-field.major .value-mins').innerHTML = mins.toString() + ' mins'; document.querySelector('#uptime-tooltip .outage-field.major').style.display = 'flex'; } else { document.querySelector('#uptime-tooltip .outage-field.major').style.display = 'none'; } var eventList = document.getElementById("related-events-list") var cloneList = eventList.cloneNode(false); document.querySelector(".related-events h3").style.display = (relatedEvents.length ? 'block' : 'none'); for (var i = 0; i < relatedEvents.length; i++) { var listItem = document.createElement("li"); listItem.className = "related-event"; var anchor = document.createElement("a"); anchor.className = "related-event-link"; = "_blank"; anchor.href = window.Routes.incident_path(relatedEvents[i].code); var text = document.createTextNode(truncate(relatedEvents[i].name)); anchor.appendChild(text); listItem.appendChild(anchor); cloneList.appendChild(listItem); } const displayNoRelatedMsg = ((major || partial) && !relatedEvents.length); document.querySelector('.no-related-msg').style.display = (displayNoRelatedMsg ? 'block' : 'none'); eventList.parentNode.replaceChild(cloneList, eventList); } UptimeTooltipHandler.prototype.positionTooltip = function() { this.calculatePointerCenter(); this.calculateBoxPosition(); // show tooltip = 'block'; // position pointer var pointer = this.tooltip.getElementsByClassName('pointer-container')[0]; = intToPixels(this.pointerCenter.x - 8); = intToPixels(this.pointerCenter.y - 5); // position display box var box = this.tooltip.getElementsByClassName('tooltip-box')[0]; = intToPixels(this.boxLeft); = intToPixels(this.pointerCenter.y + 5); this.visible = true; } UptimeTooltipHandler.prototype.calculatePointerCenter = function() { var bounds = this.activeDay.bounds; var rectLeft = bounds.left + window.pageXOffset; var rectBottom = bounds.bottom + window.pageYOffset; var rectWidth = bounds.right - bounds.left; this.pointerCenter = { x: rectLeft + Math.floor(rectWidth / 2), y: rectBottom + 5 } } UptimeTooltipHandler.prototype.calculateBoxPosition = function() { var sideWidth = 162.5; if (this.pointerCenter.x - sideWidth < 0) { this.boxLeft = 0; } else if (this.pointerCenter.x + sideWidth > this.frameWidth) { this.boxLeft = this.frameWidth - sideWidth * 2; } else { this.boxLeft = this.pointerCenter.x - sideWidth; } } UptimeTooltipHandler.prototype.hideTooltip = function() { = 'none'; this.visible = false; } new UptimeTooltipHandler(); </script> <div class="scheduled-maintenances-container"> <div class="font-largest">Scheduled Maintenance</div> <div class="scheduled-maintenance"> <div class="incident-title font-large border-color"> <a href="" class="color-primary" title="United States SMS and MMS Carrier Maintenance - T-Mobile"> <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">United States SMS and MMS Carrier Maintenance - T-Mobile</span> </a> <small class="pull-right" data-unix-time="1739858400"> Feb <var data-var='date'>17</var>, <var data-var='year'>2025</var> <var data-var='time'>22:00</var> - Feb <var data-var='date'>18</var>, <var data-var='year'>2025</var> <var data-var='time'>01:00</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="updates-container font-regular"> <div class="update"> <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">The T-Mobile network in the United States is conducting a planned maintenance from 17 February 2025 at 22:00 PST until 18 February 2025 at 01:00 PST. During the maintenance window, there could be intermittent delays delivering SMS and MMS to and from T-Mobile United States handsets.</span> <br> <small> <var data-var="posted-on">Posted on</var> <span class="ago" data-datetime-unix="1739599212000"></span>Feb <var data-var='date'>14</var>, <var data-var='year'>2025</var> - <var data-var='time'>22:00</var> PST </small> </div> </div> </div> <div class="scheduled-maintenance"> <div class="incident-title font-large border-color"> <a href="" class="color-primary" title="Mexico SMS Carrier Maintenance - AT&amp;T"> <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">Mexico SMS Carrier Maintenance - AT&T</span> </a> <small class="pull-right" data-unix-time="1739858400"> Feb <var data-var='date'>17</var>, <var data-var='year'>2025</var> <var data-var='time'>22:00</var> - Feb <var data-var='date'>18</var>, <var data-var='year'>2025</var> <var data-var='time'>01:00</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="updates-container font-regular"> <div class="update"> <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">The AT&T network in Mexico is conducting a planned maintenance from 17 February 2025 at 22:00 PST until 18 February 2025 at 01:00 PST. During the maintenance window, there could be intermittent delays delivering SMS to and from AT&T Mexico handsets.<br><br /><br><br />We are aware of the short notice and are working with our Carrier Partners to provide earlier notification where possible.</span> <br> <small> <var data-var="posted-on">Posted on</var> <span class="ago" data-datetime-unix="1739778262000"></span>Feb <var data-var='date'>16</var>, <var data-var='year'>2025</var> - <var data-var='time'>23:44</var> PST </small> </div> </div> </div> <div class="scheduled-maintenance"> <div class="incident-title font-large border-color"> <a href="" class="color-primary" title="United States MMS Carrier Partner Maintenance"> <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">United States MMS Carrier Partner Maintenance</span> </a> <small class="pull-right" data-unix-time="1739862000"> Feb <var data-var='date'>17</var>, <var data-var='year'>2025</var> <var data-var='time'>23:00</var> - Feb <var data-var='date'>18</var>, <var data-var='year'>2025</var> <var data-var='time'>03:00</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="updates-container font-regular"> <div class="update"> <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">Our MMS carrier partner in the United States is conducting a planned maintenance from 17 February 2025 at 23:00 PST until 18 February 2025 at 03:00 PST. During the maintenance window, there could be intermittent delays delivering MMS to and from United States handsets.</span> <br> <small> <var data-var="posted-on">Posted on</var> <span class="ago" data-datetime-unix="1739410898000"></span>Feb <var data-var='date'>12</var>, <var data-var='year'>2025</var> - <var data-var='time'>17:41</var> PST </small> </div> </div> </div> <div class="scheduled-maintenance"> <div class="incident-title font-large border-color"> <a href="" class="color-primary" title="US SMS Carrier Maintenance - Small US Carriers"> <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">US SMS Carrier Maintenance - Small US Carriers</span> </a> <small class="pull-right" data-unix-time="1739869200"> Feb <var data-var='date'>18</var>, <var data-var='year'>2025</var> <var data-var='time'>01:00</var>-<var data-var='time'>04:00</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="updates-container font-regular"> <div class="update"> <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">A subset of small networks in the US are conducting a planned maintenance from 18 February 2025 at 01:00 PST until 18 February 2025 at 04:00 PST. During the maintenance window, there could be intermittent delays delivering SMS to small US carriers handsets.</span> <br> <small> <var data-var="posted-on">Posted on</var> <span class="ago" data-datetime-unix="1738881786000"></span>Feb <var data-var='date'>06</var>, <var data-var='year'>2025</var> - <var data-var='time'>14:43</var> PST </small> </div> </div> </div> <div class="scheduled-maintenance"> <div class="incident-title font-large border-color"> <a href="" class="color-primary" title="Australia SMS Carrier Partner Maintenance"> <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">Australia SMS Carrier Partner Maintenance</span> </a> <small class="pull-right" data-unix-time="1739883540"> Feb <var data-var='date'>18</var>, <var data-var='year'>2025</var> <var data-var='time'>04:59</var>-<var data-var='time'>07:00</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="updates-container font-regular"> <div class="update"> <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">Our SMS carrier partner in Australia is conducting an emergency maintenance from 18 February 2025 at 04:59 PST until 18 February 2025 at 07:00 PST. During the maintenance window, there could be intermittent delays delivering SMS to and from Australia handsets via subset of Australia long codes.<br><br /><br><br />We are aware of the short notice and are working with our Carrier Partners to provide earlier notification where possible.</span> <br> <small> <var data-var="posted-on">Posted on</var> <span class="ago" data-datetime-unix="1739841773000"></span>Feb <var data-var='date'>17</var>, <var data-var='year'>2025</var> - <var data-var='time'>17:22</var> PST </small> </div> </div> </div> <div class="scheduled-maintenance"> <div class="incident-title font-large border-color"> <a href="" class="color-primary" title="Australia Voice Carrier Partner Maintenance"> <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">Australia Voice Carrier Partner Maintenance</span> </a> <small class="pull-right" data-unix-time="1739883540"> Feb <var data-var='date'>18</var>, <var data-var='year'>2025</var> <var data-var='time'>04:59</var>-<var data-var='time'>07:00</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="updates-container font-regular"> <div class="update"> <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">Our Voice carrier partner in Australia is conducting a planned maintenance from 18 February 2025 at 04:59 PST until 18 February 2025 at 07:00 PST. During the maintenance window, there could be intermittent call disconnects or call failures to Twilio Australia phone numbers.<br><br /><br><br />We are aware of the short notice and are working with our Carrier Partners to provide earlier notification where possible.</span> <br> <small> <var data-var="posted-on">Posted on</var> <span class="ago" data-datetime-unix="1739808591000"></span>Feb <var data-var='date'>17</var>, <var data-var='year'>2025</var> - <var data-var='time'>08:09</var> PST </small> </div> </div> </div> <div class="scheduled-maintenance"> <div class="incident-title font-large border-color"> <a href="" class="color-primary" title="Belarus SMS Carrier Maintenance - life:)"> <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">Belarus SMS Carrier Maintenance - life:)</span> </a> <small class="pull-right" data-unix-time="1739908800"> Feb <var data-var='date'>18</var>, <var data-var='year'>2025</var> <var data-var='time'>12:00</var>-<var data-var='time'>19:00</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="updates-container font-regular"> <div class="update"> <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">The life:) network in Belarus is conducting a planned maintenance from 18 February 2025 at 12:00 PST until 18 February 2025 at 19:00 PST. During the maintenance window, there could be intermittent delays delivering SMS to life:) Belarus handsets.</span> <br> <small> <var data-var="posted-on">Posted on</var> <span class="ago" data-datetime-unix="1739793897000"></span>Feb <var data-var='date'>17</var>, <var data-var='year'>2025</var> - <var data-var='time'>04:04</var> PST </small> </div> </div> </div> <div class="scheduled-maintenance"> <div class="incident-title font-large border-color"> <a href="" class="color-primary" title="Italy SMS Carrier Partner Maintenance"> <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">Italy SMS Carrier Partner Maintenance</span> </a> <small class="pull-right" data-unix-time="1739934000"> Feb <var data-var='date'>18</var>, <var data-var='year'>2025</var> <var data-var='time'>19:00</var>-<var data-var='time'>20:00</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="updates-container font-regular"> <div class="update"> <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">Our SMS carrier partner in Italy is conducting a planned maintenance from 18 February 2025 at 19:00 PST until 18 February 2025 at 20:00 PST. During the maintenance window, there could be intermittent delays delivering SMS to and from Italy handsets.</span> <br> <small> <var data-var="posted-on">Posted on</var> <span class="ago" data-datetime-unix="1739841789000"></span>Feb <var data-var='date'>17</var>, <var data-var='year'>2025</var> - <var data-var='time'>17:23</var> PST </small> </div> </div> </div> <div class="scheduled-maintenance"> <div class="incident-title font-large border-color"> <a href="" class="color-primary" title="United States SMS and MMS Carrier Maintenance - T-Mobile"> <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">United States SMS and MMS Carrier Maintenance - T-Mobile</span> </a> <small class="pull-right" data-unix-time="1739934000"> Feb <var data-var='date'>18</var>, <var data-var='year'>2025</var> <var data-var='time'>19:00</var> - Feb <var data-var='date'>19</var>, <var data-var='year'>2025</var> <var data-var='time'>05:00</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="updates-container font-regular"> <div class="update"> <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">The T-Mobile network in the United States is conducting a planned maintenance from 18 February 2025 at 19:00 PST until 19 February 2025 at 05:00 PST. During the maintenance window, there could be intermittent delays delivering SMS and MMS to and from T-Mobile United States handsets when sending via subset of long codes and short codes.</span> <br> <small> <var data-var="posted-on">Posted on</var> <span class="ago" data-datetime-unix="1739833416000"></span>Feb <var data-var='date'>17</var>, <var data-var='year'>2025</var> - <var data-var='time'>15:03</var> PST </small> </div> </div> </div> <div class="scheduled-maintenance"> <div class="incident-title font-large border-color"> <a href="" class="color-primary" title="US SMS Carrier Maintenance - Small US Carriers"> <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">US SMS Carrier Maintenance - Small US Carriers</span> </a> <small class="pull-right" data-unix-time="1739941200"> Feb <var data-var='date'>18</var>, <var data-var='year'>2025</var> <var data-var='time'>21:00</var> - Feb <var data-var='date'>19</var>, <var data-var='year'>2025</var> <var data-var='time'>01:30</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="updates-container font-regular"> <div class="update"> <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">A subset of small networks in the US are conducting an emergency maintenance from 18 February 2025 at 21:00 PST until 19 February 2025 at 01:30 PST. During the maintenance window, there could be intermittent delays delivering SMS to and from small US carriers handsets.</span> <br> <small> <var data-var="posted-on">Posted on</var> <span class="ago" data-datetime-unix="1739821053000"></span>Feb <var data-var='date'>17</var>, <var data-var='year'>2025</var> - <var data-var='time'>11:37</var> PST </small> </div> </div> </div> <div class="scheduled-maintenance"> <div class="incident-title font-large border-color"> <a href="" class="color-primary" title="United Kingdom Account Security Carrier Partner Maintenance - Three"> <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">United Kingdom Account Security Carrier Partner Maintenance - Three</span> </a> <small class="pull-right" data-unix-time="1739997000"> Feb <var data-var='date'>19</var>, <var data-var='year'>2025</var> <var data-var='time'>12:30</var>-<var data-var='time'>22:15</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="updates-container font-regular"> <div class="update"> <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">Our carrier partner Three United Kingdom is conducting a planned maintenance from 19 February 2025 at 12:30 PST until 19 February 2025 at 22:15 PST. During the maintenance window, there could be intermittent API request failures for Three United Kingdom customers.<br><br /><br><br />Impacted Products: Lookup SIM Swap, Lookup Identity Match, Legacy Identity MatchAndAttributes</span> <br> <small> <var data-var="posted-on">Posted on</var> <span class="ago" data-datetime-unix="1739787505000"></span>Feb <var data-var='date'>17</var>, <var data-var='year'>2025</var> - <var data-var='time'>02:18</var> PST </small> </div> </div> </div> <div class="scheduled-maintenance"> <div class="incident-title font-large border-color"> <a href="" class="color-primary" title="Qatar SMS Carrier Maintenance - Vodafone"> <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">Qatar SMS Carrier Maintenance - Vodafone</span> </a> <small class="pull-right" data-unix-time="1740002400"> Feb <var data-var='date'>19</var>, <var data-var='year'>2025</var> <var data-var='time'>14:00</var>-<var data-var='time'>19:00</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="updates-container font-regular"> <div class="update"> <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">The Vodafone network in Qatar is conducting a planned maintenance from 19 February 2025 at 14:00 PST until 19 February 2025 at 19:00 PST. During the maintenance window, there could be intermittent delays delivering SMS to Vodafone Qatar handsets.</span> <br> <small> <var data-var="posted-on">Posted on</var> <span class="ago" data-datetime-unix="1738247255000"></span>Jan <var data-var='date'>30</var>, <var data-var='year'>2025</var> - <var data-var='time'>06:27</var> PST </small> </div> </div> </div> <div class="scheduled-maintenance"> <div class="incident-title font-large border-color"> <a href="" class="color-primary" title="United States SMS and MMS Carrier Maintenance - T-Mobile"> <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">United States SMS and MMS Carrier Maintenance - T-Mobile</span> </a> <small class="pull-right" data-unix-time="1740020400"> Feb <var data-var='date'>19</var>, <var data-var='year'>2025</var> <var data-var='time'>19:00</var> - Feb <var data-var='date'>20</var>, <var data-var='year'>2025</var> <var data-var='time'>05:00</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="updates-container font-regular"> <div class="update"> <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">The T-Mobile network in the United States is conducting a planned maintenance from 19 February 2025 at 19:00 PST until 20 February 2025 at 05:00 PST. During the maintenance window, there could be intermittent delays delivering SMS and MMS to and from T-Mobile United States handsets when sending via subset of long codes and short codes.</span> <br> <small> <var data-var="posted-on">Posted on</var> <span class="ago" data-datetime-unix="1739833683000"></span>Feb <var data-var='date'>17</var>, <var data-var='year'>2025</var> - <var data-var='time'>15:08</var> PST </small> </div> </div> </div> <div class="scheduled-maintenance"> <div class="incident-title font-large border-color"> <a href="" class="color-primary" title="US SMS Carrier Maintenance - Small US Carriers"> <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">US SMS Carrier Maintenance - Small US Carriers</span> </a> <small class="pull-right" data-unix-time="1740029400"> Feb <var data-var='date'>19</var>, <var data-var='year'>2025</var> <var data-var='time'>21:30</var> - Feb <var data-var='date'>20</var>, <var data-var='year'>2025</var> <var data-var='time'>02:00</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="updates-container font-regular"> <div class="update"> <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">A subset of small networks in the US are conducting an emergency maintenance from 19 February 2025 at 21:30 PST until 20 February 2025 at 02:00 PST. During the maintenance window, there could be intermittent delays delivering SMS to small US carriers handsets when sending via long codes and short codes.</span> <br> <small> <var data-var="posted-on">Posted on</var> <span class="ago" data-datetime-unix="1739829112000"></span>Feb <var data-var='date'>17</var>, <var data-var='year'>2025</var> - <var data-var='time'>13:51</var> PST </small> </div> </div> </div> <div class="scheduled-maintenance"> <div class="incident-title font-large border-color"> <a href="" class="color-primary" title="United States MMS Carrier Partner Maintenance"> <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">United States MMS Carrier Partner Maintenance</span> </a> <small class="pull-right" data-unix-time="1740034800"> Feb <var data-var='date'>19</var>, <var data-var='year'>2025</var> <var data-var='time'>23:00</var> - Feb <var data-var='date'>20</var>, <var data-var='year'>2025</var> <var data-var='time'>03:00</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="updates-container font-regular"> <div class="update"> <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">Our MMS carrier partner in the United States is conducting a planned maintenance from 19 February 2025 at 23:00 PST until 20 February 2025 at 03:00 PST. During the maintenance window, there could be intermittent delays delivering MMS to and from United States handsets.</span> <br> <small> <var data-var="posted-on">Posted on</var> <span class="ago" data-datetime-unix="1739413031000"></span>Feb <var data-var='date'>12</var>, <var data-var='year'>2025</var> - <var data-var='time'>18:17</var> PST </small> </div> </div> </div> <div class="scheduled-maintenance"> <div class="incident-title font-large border-color"> <a href="" class="color-primary" title="Swaziland SMS Carrier Maintenance - MTN"> <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">Swaziland SMS Carrier Maintenance - MTN</span> </a> <small class="pull-right" data-unix-time="1740096000"> Feb <var data-var='date'>20</var>, <var data-var='year'>2025</var> <var data-var='time'>16:00</var>-<var data-var='time'>21:00</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="updates-container font-regular"> <div class="update"> <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">The MTN network in Swaziland is conducting a planned maintenance from 20 February 2025 at 16:00 PST until 20 February 2025 at 21:00 PST. During the maintenance window, there could be intermittent delays delivering SMS to MTN Swaziland handsets.</span> <br> <small> <var data-var="posted-on">Posted on</var> <span class="ago" data-datetime-unix="1739488186000"></span>Feb <var data-var='date'>13</var>, <var data-var='year'>2025</var> - <var data-var='time'>15:09</var> PST </small> </div> </div> </div> <div class="scheduled-maintenance"> <div class="incident-title font-large border-color"> <a href="" class="color-primary" title="Philippines SMS Carrier Maintenance - Globe Telecom"> <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">Philippines SMS Carrier Maintenance - Globe Telecom</span> </a> <small class="pull-right" data-unix-time="1740240000"> Feb <var data-var='date'>22</var>, <var data-var='year'>2025</var> <var data-var='time'>08:00</var>-<var data-var='time'>11:00</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="updates-container font-regular"> <div class="update"> <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">The Globe Telecom network in the Philippines is conducting a planned maintenance from 22 February 2025 at 08:00 PST until 22 February 2025 at 11:00 PST. During the maintenance window, there could be intermittent delays delivering SMS to Globe Telecom Philippines handsets.</span> <br> <small> <var data-var="posted-on">Posted on</var> <span class="ago" data-datetime-unix="1739805391000"></span>Feb <var data-var='date'>17</var>, <var data-var='year'>2025</var> - <var data-var='time'>07:16</var> PST </small> </div> </div> </div> <div class="scheduled-maintenance"> <div class="incident-title font-large border-color"> <a href="" class="color-primary" title="Hong Kong SMS Carrier Partner Maintenance"> <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">Hong Kong SMS Carrier Partner Maintenance</span> </a> <small class="pull-right" data-unix-time="1740247200"> Feb <var data-var='date'>22</var>, <var data-var='year'>2025</var> <var data-var='time'>10:00</var>-<var data-var='time'>12:00</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="updates-container font-regular"> <div class="update"> <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">Our SMS carrier partner in Hong Kong is conducting a planned maintenance from 22 February 2025 at 10:00 PST until 22 February 2025 at 12:00 PST. During the maintenance window, there could be intermittent delays delivering SMS to and from Hong Kong handsets.</span> <br> <small> <var data-var="posted-on">Posted on</var> <span class="ago" data-datetime-unix="1738947825000"></span>Feb <var data-var='date'>07</var>, <var data-var='year'>2025</var> - <var data-var='time'>09:03</var> PST </small> </div> </div> </div> <div class="scheduled-maintenance"> <div class="incident-title font-large border-color"> <a href="" class="color-primary" title="Malaysia SMS Carrier Partner Maintenance"> <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">Malaysia SMS Carrier Partner Maintenance</span> </a> <small class="pull-right" data-unix-time="1740326400"> Feb <var data-var='date'>23</var>, <var data-var='year'>2025</var> <var data-var='time'>08:00</var>-<var data-var='time'>14:00</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="updates-container font-regular"> <div class="update"> <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">Our SMS carrier partner in Malaysia is conducting a planned maintenance from 23 February 2025 at 08:00 PST until 23 February 2025 at 14:00 PST. During the maintenance window, there could be intermittent delays delivering SMS to and from Malaysia handsets.</span> <br> <small> <var data-var="posted-on">Posted on</var> <span class="ago" data-datetime-unix="1739841735000"></span>Feb <var data-var='date'>17</var>, <var data-var='year'>2025</var> - <var data-var='time'>17:22</var> PST </small> </div> </div> </div> <div class="scheduled-maintenance"> <div class="incident-title font-large border-color"> <a href="" class="color-primary" title="Malaysia SMS Carrier Maintenance - Maxis"> <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">Malaysia SMS Carrier Maintenance - Maxis</span> </a> <small class="pull-right" data-unix-time="1740326400"> Feb <var data-var='date'>23</var>, <var data-var='year'>2025</var> <var data-var='time'>08:00</var>-<var data-var='time'>14:00</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="updates-container font-regular"> <div class="update"> <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">The Maxis network in Malaysia is conducting a planned maintenance from 23 February 2025 at 08:00 PST until 23 February 2025 at 14:00 PST. During the maintenance window, there could be intermittent delays delivering SMS to and from Maxis Malaysia handsets.</span> <br> <small> <var data-var="posted-on">Posted on</var> <span class="ago" data-datetime-unix="1739451368000"></span>Feb <var data-var='date'>13</var>, <var data-var='year'>2025</var> - <var data-var='time'>04:56</var> PST </small> </div> </div> </div> <div class="scheduled-maintenance"> <div class="incident-title font-large border-color"> <a href="" class="color-primary" title="United States MMS Carrier Partner Maintenance"> <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">United States MMS Carrier Partner Maintenance</span> </a> <small class="pull-right" data-unix-time="1740373200"> Feb <var data-var='date'>23</var>, <var data-var='year'>2025</var> <var data-var='time'>21:00</var> - Feb <var data-var='date'>24</var>, <var data-var='year'>2025</var> <var data-var='time'>03:00</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="updates-container font-regular"> <div class="update"> <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">Our MMS carrier partner in the United States is conducting a planned maintenance from 23 February 2025 at 21:00 PST until 24 February 2025 at 03:00 PST. During the maintenance window, there could be intermittent delays delivering MMS to and from United States handsets via United States long codes.</span> <br> <small> <var data-var="posted-on">Posted on</var> <span class="ago" data-datetime-unix="1739533180000"></span>Feb <var data-var='date'>14</var>, <var data-var='year'>2025</var> - <var data-var='time'>03:39</var> PST </small> </div> </div> </div> <div class="scheduled-maintenance"> <div class="incident-title font-large border-color"> <a href="" class="color-primary" title="United States MMS Carrier Partner Maintenance"> <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">United States MMS Carrier Partner Maintenance</span> </a> <small class="pull-right" data-unix-time="1740427200"> Feb <var data-var='date'>24</var>, <var data-var='year'>2025</var> <var data-var='time'>12:00</var>-<var data-var='time'>15:00</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="updates-container font-regular"> <div class="update"> <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">Our MMS carrier partner in the United States is conducting a planned maintenance from 24 February 2025 at 12:00 PST until 24 February 2025 at 15:00 PST. During the maintenance window, there could be intermittent delays delivering MMS to and from United States handsets.</span> <br> <small> <var data-var="posted-on">Posted on</var> <span class="ago" data-datetime-unix="1739411018000"></span>Feb <var data-var='date'>12</var>, <var data-var='year'>2025</var> - <var data-var='time'>17:43</var> PST </small> </div> </div> </div> <div class="scheduled-maintenance"> <div class="incident-title font-large border-color"> <a href="" class="color-primary" title="United States SMS Carrier Partner Maintenance"> <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">United States SMS Carrier Partner Maintenance</span> </a> <small class="pull-right" data-unix-time="1740463200"> Feb <var data-var='date'>24</var>, <var data-var='year'>2025</var> <var data-var='time'>22:00</var> - Feb <var data-var='date'>25</var>, <var data-var='year'>2025</var> <var data-var='time'>02:00</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="updates-container font-regular"> <div class="update"> <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">Our SMS carrier partner in the United States is conducting a planned maintenance from 24 February 2025 at 22:00 PST until 25 February 2025 at 02:00 PST. During the maintenance window, there could be intermittent delays delivering SMS to and from United States handsets.</span> <br> <small> <var data-var="posted-on">Posted on</var> <span class="ago" data-datetime-unix="1739490902000"></span>Feb <var data-var='date'>13</var>, <var data-var='year'>2025</var> - <var data-var='time'>15:55</var> PST </small> </div> </div> </div> <div class="scheduled-maintenance"> <div class="incident-title font-large border-color"> <a href="" class="color-primary" title="Hong Kong SMS Carrier Partner Maintenance"> <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">Hong Kong SMS Carrier Partner Maintenance</span> </a> <small class="pull-right" data-unix-time="1740852000"> Mar <var data-var='date'> 1</var>, <var data-var='year'>2025</var> <var data-var='time'>10:00</var>-<var data-var='time'>12:00</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="updates-container font-regular"> <div class="update"> <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">Our SMS carrier partner in Hong Kong is conducting a planned maintenance from 01 March 2025 at 10:00 PST until 01 March 2025 at 12:00 PST. During the maintenance window, there could be intermittent delays delivering SMS to and from Hong Kong handsets.</span> <br> <small> <var data-var="posted-on">Posted on</var> <span class="ago" data-datetime-unix="1738947861000"></span>Feb <var data-var='date'>07</var>, <var data-var='year'>2025</var> - <var data-var='time'>09:04</var> PST </small> </div> </div> </div> <div class="scheduled-maintenance"> <div class="incident-title font-large border-color"> <a href="" class="color-primary" title="Japan SMS Carrier Maintenance - NTT docomo"> <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">Japan SMS Carrier Maintenance - NTT docomo</span> </a> <small class="pull-right" data-unix-time="1741276800"> Mar <var data-var='date'> 6</var>, <var data-var='year'>2025</var> <var data-var='time'>08:00</var>-<var data-var='time'>13:00</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="updates-container font-regular"> <div class="update"> <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">The NTT docomo network in Japan is conducting a planned maintenance from 06 March 2025 at 08:00 PST until 06 March 2025 at 13:00 PST. During the maintenance window, there could be intermittent delays delivering SMS to and from NTT docomo Japan handsets.</span> <br> <small> <var data-var="posted-on">Posted on</var> <span class="ago" data-datetime-unix="1738922447000"></span>Feb <var data-var='date'>07</var>, <var data-var='year'>2025</var> - <var data-var='time'>02:00</var> PST </small> </div> </div> </div> <div class="scheduled-maintenance"> <div class="incident-title font-large border-color"> <a href="" class="color-primary" title="Canada Account Security Service Partner Maintenance"> <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">Canada Account Security Service Partner Maintenance</span> </a> <small class="pull-right" data-unix-time="1741330800"> Mar <var data-var='date'> 6</var>, <var data-var='year'>2025</var> <var data-var='time'>23:00</var> - Mar <var data-var='date'> 7</var>, <var data-var='year'>2025</var> <var data-var='time'>01:00</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="updates-container font-regular"> <div class="update"> <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">Our service partner is conducting a planned maintenance from 06 March 2025 at 23:00 PST until 07 March 2025 at 01:00 PST. During the maintenance window, there could be intermittent API request failures for the following carriers and country: Rogers Canada, Telus Canada, Bell Canada.<br><br /><br><br />Impacted Products: Lookup Identity Match, Legacy Identity MatchAndAttributes</span> <br> <small> <var data-var="posted-on">Posted on</var> <span class="ago" data-datetime-unix="1739547400000"></span>Feb <var data-var='date'>14</var>, <var data-var='year'>2025</var> - <var data-var='time'>07:36</var> PST </small> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="custom-metrics-container" id="custom-metrics-container"> <div class="timeframes-container"> <a class="font-largest no-link" id="system-metrics" href="#system-metrics">System Metrics</a> <a href="#" class="timeframe color-secondary font-regular border-color" data-js-hook="data-time-period-toggle" data-time-period="month">Month</a> <a href="#" class="timeframe color-secondary font-regular border-color" data-js-hook="data-time-period-toggle" data-time-period="week"><span class="translation_missing" title="translation missing: en.week">Week</span></a> <a href="#" class="timeframe active color-secondary font-regular border-color" data-js-hook="data-time-period-toggle" data-time-period="day">Day</a> </div> <div class="metrics-container"> <div class="metric border-color"> <div class="metric-meta font-large"> <div class="metric-name color-primary"> API Response Time - North America </div> <div data-js-hook="metrics-display-current-ws42h84wbpmt" class="metric-average color-secondary"><span class="translation_missing" title="translation missing: en.fetching">Fetching</span></div> </div> <div class="metrics-display-graph"> <div class="graph-container" id="metrics-display-graph-container-ws42h84wbpmt" data-js-hook= "metrics-display-graph-container-ws42h84wbpmt"></div> </div> </div> <div class="metric border-color"> <div class="metric-meta font-large"> <div class="metric-name color-primary"> API Response Time - Europe </div> <div data-js-hook="metrics-display-current-h9dscy1rnf7g" class="metric-average color-secondary"><span class="translation_missing" title="translation missing: en.fetching">Fetching</span></div> </div> <div class="metrics-display-graph"> <div class="graph-container" id="metrics-display-graph-container-h9dscy1rnf7g" data-js-hook= "metrics-display-graph-container-h9dscy1rnf7g"></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="incidents-list format-expanded"> <a class="font-largest no-link" id="past-incidents" href="#past-incidents">Past Incidents</a> <div class="status-day font-regular "> <div class="date border-color font-large">Feb <var data-var="date">17</var>, <var data-var="year">2025</var></div> <div class="incident-container"> <div class="incident-title impact-maintenance font-large"> <a class="whitespace-pre-wrap" href="/incidents/x76xrnqp0734">Russia SMS Carrier Maintenance - Beeline</a> </div> <div class="updates-container"> <!-- postmortem --> <!-- incident updates --> <div class="update font-regular completed"> <strong>Completed</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">The scheduled maintenance has been completed.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>17</var>, <var data-var='time'>16:00</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular in progress"> <strong>In progress</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>17</var>, <var data-var='time'>13:00</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular scheduled"> <strong>Scheduled</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">The Beeline network in Russia is conducting a planned maintenance from 17 February 2025 at 13:00 PST until 17 February 2025 at 16:00 PST. During the maintenance window, there could be intermittent delays delivering SMS to Beeline Russia handsets.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>14</var>, <var data-var='time'>01:13</var> PST </small> </div> </div> </div> <div class="incident-container"> <div class="incident-title impact-minor font-large"> <a class="whitespace-pre-wrap" href="/incidents/4r2mnsv7cp2k">SMS Delivery Delays to Multiple Network in United Arab Emirates</a> </div> <div class="updates-container"> <!-- postmortem --> <!-- incident updates --> <div class="update font-regular resolved"> <strong>Resolved</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are no longer experiencing SMS delivery delays when sending messages to Multiple Network in United Arab Emirates. This incident has been resolved.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>17</var>, <var data-var='time'>14:56</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular update"> <strong>Update</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are experiencing SMS delivery delays when sending messages to Multiple Network in United Arab Emirates. Our engineers are working with our carrier partner to resolve the issue. We will provide another update in 1 Hour or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>17</var>, <var data-var='time'>14:16</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular investigating"> <strong>Investigating</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">Our monitoring systems have detected a potential issue with SMS Delivery Delays to Multiple Network in United Arab Emirates. Our engineering team has been alerted and is actively investigating. We will update as soon as we have more information.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>17</var>, <var data-var='time'>14:13</var> PST </small> </div> </div> </div> <div class="incident-container"> <div class="incident-title impact-minor font-large"> <a class="whitespace-pre-wrap" href="/incidents/3hs5kvkmt6sm">SMS Delivery Failures to Ethio Telecom In Ethiopia</a> </div> <div class="updates-container"> <!-- postmortem --> <!-- incident updates --> <div class="update font-regular resolved"> <strong>Resolved</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are no longer experiencing SMS delivery failures to Telecom In Ethiopia. This incident has been resolved.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>17</var>, <var data-var='time'>13:42</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular update"> <strong>Update</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are continuing to experience SMS delivery failures to Ethio Telecom In Ethiopia. Our engineers are working with our carrier partner to resolve the issue. We expect to provide another update in 4 hours or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>17</var>, <var data-var='time'>11:35</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular update"> <strong>Update</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are continuing to experience SMS delivery failures to Ethio Telecom In Ethiopia. Our engineers are working with our carrier partner to resolve the issue. We expect to provide another update in 2 hours or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>17</var>, <var data-var='time'>09:35</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular investigating"> <strong>Investigating</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are experiencing SMS delivery failures to Ethio Telecom In Ethiopia. Our engineers are working with our carrier partner to resolve the issue. We expect to provide another update in 1 hour or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>17</var>, <var data-var='time'>08:35</var> PST </small> </div> </div> </div> <div class="incident-container"> <div class="incident-title impact-minor font-large"> <a class="whitespace-pre-wrap" href="/incidents/x84cwf2qmn87">SMS Delivery Delays to Tigo in United Republic of Tanzania</a> </div> <div class="updates-container"> <!-- postmortem --> <!-- incident updates --> <div class="update font-regular resolved"> <strong>Resolved</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are no longer experiencing SMS Delivery Delays when sending messages to Tigo in Tanzania. This incident has been resolved.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>17</var>, <var data-var='time'>13:22</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular monitoring"> <strong>Monitoring</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are observing recovery in SMS delivery delays when sending messages to Tigo in Tanzania. We will continue monitoring the service to ensure a full recovery. We will provide another update in 2 hours or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>17</var>, <var data-var='time'>11:25</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular update"> <strong>Update</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are continuing to experience SMS delivery delays when sending messages to Tigo in Tanzania. Our engineers are working with our carrier partner to resolve the issue. We will provide another update in 4 hours or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>17</var>, <var data-var='time'>07:32</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular update"> <strong>Update</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are continuing to experience SMS delivery delays when sending messages to Tigo in Tanzania. Our engineers are working with our carrier partner to resolve the issue. We will provide another update in 2 hours or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>17</var>, <var data-var='time'>05:32</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular investigating"> <strong>Investigating</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are experiencing SMS delivery delays when sending messages to Tigo in Tanzania. Our engineers are working with our carrier partner to resolve the issue. We will provide another update in 1 hour or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>17</var>, <var data-var='time'>04:30</var> PST </small> </div> </div> </div> <div class="incident-container"> <div class="incident-title impact-minor font-large"> <a class="whitespace-pre-wrap" href="/incidents/kgklg3rx84wf">SMS Delivery Delays to MTN in Ghana</a> </div> <div class="updates-container"> <!-- postmortem --> <!-- incident updates --> <div class="update font-regular resolved"> <strong>Resolved</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are no longer experiencing SMS delivery delays when sending messages to MTN in Ghana. This incident has been resolved.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>17</var>, <var data-var='time'>11:39</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular monitoring"> <strong>Monitoring</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are observing recovery in SMS delivery delays when sending messages to MTN in Ghana. We will continue monitoring the service to ensure a full recovery. We will provide another update in 2 hours or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>17</var>, <var data-var='time'>09:47</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular update"> <strong>Update</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are continuing to experience SMS delivery delays when sending messages to MTN in Ghana. Our engineers are working with our carrier partner to resolve the issue. We will provide another update in 4 hours or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>17</var>, <var data-var='time'>05:47</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular update"> <strong>Update</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are continuing to experience SMS delivery delays when sending messages to MTN in Ghana. Our engineers are working with our carrier partner to resolve the issue. We will provide another update in 2 hours or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>17</var>, <var data-var='time'>03:56</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular investigating"> <strong>Investigating</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are experiencing SMS delivery delays when sending messages to MTN in Ghana. Our engineers are working with our carrier partner to resolve the issue. We will provide another update in 1 hour or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>17</var>, <var data-var='time'>02:59</var> PST </small> </div> </div> </div> <div class="incident-container"> <div class="incident-title impact-minor font-large"> <a class="whitespace-pre-wrap" href="/incidents/54pyr3nc6rjx">SMS Delivery Delays To Personal Network in Paraguay</a> </div> <div class="updates-container"> <!-- postmortem --> <!-- incident updates --> <div class="update font-regular resolved"> <strong>Resolved</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are no longer experiencing SMS delivery delays when sending messages to Personal Network in Paraguay. This incident has been resolved.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>17</var>, <var data-var='time'>11:36</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular monitoring"> <strong>Monitoring</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are observing recovery in SMS delivery delays when sending messages to Personal Network in Paraguay. We will continue monitoring the service to ensure a full recovery. We will provide another update in 2 hours or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>17</var>, <var data-var='time'>09:43</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular update"> <strong>Update</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are continuing to experience SMS delivery delays when sending messages to Personal Network in Paraguay. Our engineers are working with our carrier partner to resolve the issue. We will provide another update in 2 hours or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>17</var>, <var data-var='time'>08:14</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular investigating"> <strong>Investigating</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are experiencing SMS delivery delays when sending messages to Personal Network in Paraguay. Our engineers are working with our carrier partner to resolve the issue. We will provide another update in 1 hour or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>17</var>, <var data-var='time'>07:14</var> PST </small> </div> </div> </div> <div class="incident-container"> <div class="incident-title impact-minor font-large"> <a class="whitespace-pre-wrap" href="/incidents/w7l0x0tsdh23">SMS Delivery Delays to MTN in Nigeria</a> </div> <div class="updates-container"> <!-- postmortem --> <!-- incident updates --> <div class="update font-regular resolved"> <strong>Resolved</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are no longer experiencing SMS delivery delays when sending messages to MTN in Nigeria. This incident has been resolved.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>17</var>, <var data-var='time'>11:01</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular monitoring"> <strong>Monitoring</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are observing recovery in SMS delivery delays when sending messages to MTN in Nigeria. We will continue monitoring the service to ensure a full recovery. We will provide another update in 2 hours or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>17</var>, <var data-var='time'>09:01</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular update"> <strong>Update</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are continuing to experience SMS delivery delays when sending messages to MTN in Nigeria. Our engineers are working with our carrier partner to resolve the issue. We will provide another update in 8 hours or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>17</var>, <var data-var='time'>08:41</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular update"> <strong>Update</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are continuing to experience SMS delivery delays when sending messages to MTN in Nigeria. Our engineers are working with our carrier partner to resolve the issue. We will provide another update in 4 hours or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>17</var>, <var data-var='time'>04:41</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular update"> <strong>Update</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are continuing to experience SMS delivery delays when sending messages to MTN in Nigeria. Our engineers are working with our carrier partner to resolve the issue. We will provide another update in 2 hours or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>17</var>, <var data-var='time'>02:38</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular investigating"> <strong>Investigating</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are experiencing SMS delivery delays when sending messages to MTN in Nigeria. Our engineers are working with our carrier partner to resolve the issue. We will provide another update in 1 hour or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>17</var>, <var data-var='time'>01:41</var> PST </small> </div> </div> </div> <div class="incident-container"> <div class="incident-title impact-minor font-large"> <a class="whitespace-pre-wrap" href="/incidents/d7tv3m0g1p1y">SMS Delivery Delays and Failures to Multiple Networks in Turkey Over a Subset of Pre Registered Sender IDs</a> </div> <div class="updates-container"> <!-- postmortem --> <!-- incident updates --> <div class="update font-regular resolved"> <strong>Resolved</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are no longer experiencing SMS delivery delays when sending messages to Multiple Networks in Turkey Over a Subset of Pre Registered Sender IDs. This incident has been resolved.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>17</var>, <var data-var='time'>10:18</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular update"> <strong>Update</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are observing recovery in SMS delivery delays and Failures when sending messages to Multiple Networks in Turkey Over a Subset of Pre Registered Sender IDs. We will continue monitoring the service to ensure a full recovery. We will provide another update in 2 hours or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>17</var>, <var data-var='time'>08:18</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular monitoring"> <strong>Monitoring</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are observing recovery in SMS delivery delays and Failures when sending messages to Multiple Networks in Turkey Over a Subset of Pre Registered Sender IDs. We will continue monitoring the service to ensure a full recovery. We will provide another update in 2 hours or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>17</var>, <var data-var='time'>06:18</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular investigating"> <strong>Investigating</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are experiencing SMS delivery delays and Failures when sending messages to to Multiple Networks in Turkey Over a Subset of Pre Registered Sender IDs. Our engineers are working with our carrier partner to resolve the issue. We will provide another update in 1 hour or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>17</var>, <var data-var='time'>05:18</var> PST </small> </div> </div> </div> <div class="incident-container"> <div class="incident-title impact-minor font-large"> <a class="whitespace-pre-wrap" href="/incidents/q31hq3365wn5">SMS Delivery Delays to Vodafone in Egypt</a> </div> <div class="updates-container"> <!-- postmortem --> <!-- incident updates --> <div class="update font-regular resolved"> <strong>Resolved</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">This incident has been resolved. We are no longer observing SMS delivery delays when sending messages to Vodafone in Egypt.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>17</var>, <var data-var='time'>05:21</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular monitoring"> <strong>Monitoring</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are observing recovery in SMS delivery delays when sending messages to Vodafone in Egypt. Our engineers are working with our carrier partner to resolve the issue. We will provide another update in 2 hours or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>17</var>, <var data-var='time'>03:21</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular investigating"> <strong>Investigating</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are experiencing SMS delivery delays when sending messages to Vodafone in Egypt. Our engineers are working with our carrier partner to resolve the issue. We will provide another update in 1 hour or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>17</var>, <var data-var='time'>02:26</var> PST </small> </div> </div> </div> <div class="incident-container"> <div class="incident-title impact-maintenance font-large"> <a class="whitespace-pre-wrap" href="/incidents/3c0md8741q6c">United States Account Security Carrier Partner Maintenance - AT&T</a> </div> <div class="updates-container"> <!-- postmortem --> <!-- incident updates --> <div class="update font-regular completed"> <strong>Completed</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">The scheduled maintenance has been completed.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>17</var>, <var data-var='time'>05:00</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular in progress"> <strong>In progress</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>14</var>, <var data-var='time'>21:01</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular scheduled"> <strong>Scheduled</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">Our carrier partner AT&T United States is conducting emergency maintenance from 14 February 2025 at 21:00 PST until 17 February 2025 at 05:00 PST. During the maintenance window, there could be intermittent API request failures for AT&T United States customers.<br><br /><br><br />Impacted Product: Verify Silent Network Auth<br><br /><br><br />Note, the maintenance will be carried out on each of the following dates and times:<br><br /><br><br />14 February 2025 at 21:00 PST until 15 February 2025 at 10:00 PST<br><br />16 February 2025 at 00:00 PST until 16 February 2025 at 07:00 PST<br><br />16 February 2025 at 21:00 PST until 17 February 2025 at 05:00 PST<br><br /><br><br />We are aware of the short notice and are working with our Carrier Partners to provide earlier notification where possible.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>14</var>, <var data-var='time'>13:18</var> PST </small> </div> </div> </div> <div class="incident-container"> <div class="incident-title impact-minor font-large"> <a class="whitespace-pre-wrap" href="/incidents/mzdqnkq6xs1t">SMS Delivery Delays to Tigo in Honduras</a> </div> <div class="updates-container"> <!-- postmortem --> <!-- incident updates --> <div class="update font-regular resolved"> <strong>Resolved</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We have observed complete recovery for the incident SMS delivery delays when sending messages to Tigo in Honduras. It is now resolved.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>17</var>, <var data-var='time'>04:35</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular update"> <strong>Update</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are continuing to observe recovery in SMS delivery delays when sending messages to Tigo in Honduras. We will continue monitoring the service to ensure a full recovery. We will provide another update in 2 hours or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>17</var>, <var data-var='time'>02:42</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular update"> <strong>Update</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are continuing to observe recovery in SMS delivery delays when sending messages to Tigo in Honduras. We will continue monitoring the service to ensure a full recovery. We will provide another update in 2 hours or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>17</var>, <var data-var='time'>00:48</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular monitoring"> <strong>Monitoring</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are observing recovery in SMS delivery delays when sending messages to Tigo in Honduras. We will continue monitoring the service to ensure a full recovery. We will provide another update in 2 hours or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>16</var>, <var data-var='time'>22:55</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular update"> <strong>Update</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are experiencing SMS delivery delays when sending messages to Tigo in Honduras. Our engineers are working with our carrier partner to resolve the issue. We will provide another update in 2 hours or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>16</var>, <var data-var='time'>21:13</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular investigating"> <strong>Investigating</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are experiencing SMS delivery delays when sending messages to Tigo in Honduras. Our engineers are working with our carrier partner to resolve the issue. We will provide another update in 1 hour or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>16</var>, <var data-var='time'>20:13</var> PST </small> </div> </div> </div> <div class="incident-container"> <div class="incident-title impact-none font-large"> <a class="whitespace-pre-wrap" href="/incidents/9cl525w30554">On Call Engineers are Investigating an issue with Sirt Nessus Scanner</a> </div> <div class="updates-container"> <!-- postmortem --> <!-- incident updates --> <div class="update font-regular resolved"> <strong>Resolved</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We have fully investigated the issue with Sirt Nessus Scanner triggered by our automated alert, and it was determined that there is no noticeable customer impact. All systems are operational.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>17</var>, <var data-var='time'>03:15</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular investigating"> <strong>Investigating</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">Our monitoring systems have detected a potential issue with Sirt nessus scanner. Our engineering team has been alerted and is actively investigating. We will update as soon as we have more information.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>17</var>, <var data-var='time'>02:07</var> PST </small> </div> </div> </div> <div class="incident-container"> <div class="incident-title impact-maintenance font-large"> <a class="whitespace-pre-wrap" href="/incidents/cpz5q5bsm3vd">United States MMS Carrier Partner Maintenance</a> </div> <div class="updates-container"> <!-- postmortem --> <!-- incident updates --> <div class="update font-regular completed"> <strong>Completed</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">The scheduled maintenance has been completed.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>17</var>, <var data-var='time'>03:00</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular in progress"> <strong>In progress</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>16</var>, <var data-var='time'>23:00</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular scheduled"> <strong>Scheduled</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">Our MMS carrier partner in the United States is conducting a planned maintenance from 16 February 2025 at 23:00 PST until 17 February 2025 at 03:00 PST. During the maintenance window, there could be intermittent delays delivering MMS to and from United States handsets.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>12</var>, <var data-var='time'>17:42</var> PST </small> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="status-day font-regular "> <div class="date border-color font-large">Feb <var data-var="date">16</var>, <var data-var="year">2025</var></div> <div class="incident-container"> <div class="incident-title impact-maintenance font-large"> <a class="whitespace-pre-wrap" href="/incidents/dg7w4gn7v3cm">United Arab Emirates SMS Carrier Partner Maintenance</a> </div> <div class="updates-container"> <!-- postmortem --> <!-- incident updates --> <div class="update font-regular completed"> <strong>Completed</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">The scheduled maintenance has been completed.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>16</var>, <var data-var='time'>19:20</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular in progress"> <strong>In progress</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>16</var>, <var data-var='time'>18:00</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular scheduled"> <strong>Scheduled</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">Our SMS carrier partner in the United Arab Emirates is conducting a planned maintenance from 16 February 2025 at 18:00 PST until 16 February 2025 at 19:20 PST. During the maintenance window, there could be intermittent delays delivering SMS to and from United Arab Emirates handsets.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>10</var>, <var data-var='time'>22:36</var> PST </small> </div> </div> </div> <div class="incident-container"> <div class="incident-title impact-minor font-large"> <a class="whitespace-pre-wrap" href="/incidents/s1rcx68k2shs">SMS Delivery Delays to Singtel Network in Singapore</a> </div> <div class="updates-container"> <!-- postmortem --> <!-- incident updates --> <div class="update font-regular resolved"> <strong>Resolved</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are no longer experiencing SMS delivery delays when sending messages to Singtel Network in Singapore. This incident has been resolved.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>16</var>, <var data-var='time'>11:29</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular monitoring"> <strong>Monitoring</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are observing recovery in SMS delivery delays when sending messages to Singtel Network in Singapore. We will continue monitoring the service to ensure a full recovery. We will provide another update in 2 hours or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>16</var>, <var data-var='time'>11:23</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular investigating"> <strong>Investigating</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are experiencing SMS delivery delays when sending messages to Singtel Network in Singapore. Our engineers are working with our carrier partner to resolve the issue. We will provide another update in 1 hour or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>16</var>, <var data-var='time'>10:20</var> PST </small> </div> </div> </div> <div class="incident-container"> <div class="incident-title impact-minor font-large"> <a class="whitespace-pre-wrap" href="/incidents/0vd6jsn0kfnm">SMS Delivery Report Delays to Airtel-Vodafone in Jersey</a> </div> <div class="updates-container"> <!-- postmortem --> <!-- incident updates --> <div class="update font-regular resolved"> <strong>Resolved</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are no longer experiencing SMS delivery delays when sending messages to Airtel-Vodafone in Jersey. This incident has been resolved.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>16</var>, <var data-var='time'>10:25</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular monitoring"> <strong>Monitoring</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are observing recovery in SMS delivery delays when sending messages to Airtel-Vodafone in Jersey. We will continue monitoring the service to ensure a full recovery. We will provide another update in 2 hours or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>16</var>, <var data-var='time'>08:25</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular update"> <strong>Update</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are continuing to experience SMS delivery delays when sending messages to Airtel-Vodafone in Jersey. Our engineers are working with our carrier partner to resolve the issue. We expect to provide another update in 2 hours or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>16</var>, <var data-var='time'>06:22</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular investigating"> <strong>Investigating</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are experiencing SMS delivery delays when sending messages to Airtel-Vodafone in Jersey. Our engineers are working with our carrier partner to resolve the issue. We expect to provide another update in 1 hour or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>16</var>, <var data-var='time'>05:21</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular update"> <strong>Update</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are observing recovery in SMS delivery delays when sending messages to Airtel-Vodafone in Jersey. We will continue monitoring the service to ensure a full recovery. We will provide another update in 2 hours or as soon as more information becomes available</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>16</var>, <var data-var='time'>03:54</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular monitoring"> <strong>Monitoring</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are observing recovery in SMS delivery delays when sending messages to Airtel-Vodafone in Jersey. We will continue monitoring the service to ensure a full recovery. We will provide another update in 2 hours or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>16</var>, <var data-var='time'>02:12</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular update"> <strong>Update</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are continuing to experience SMS delivery delays when sending messages to Airtel-Vodafone in Jersey. Our engineers are working with our carrier partner to resolve the issue. We will provide another update in 2 hours or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>16</var>, <var data-var='time'>00:21</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular investigating"> <strong>Investigating</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are experiencing SMS delivery delays when sending messages to Airtel-Vodafone in Jersey. Our engineers are working with our carrier partner to resolve the issue. We will provide another update in 1 hour or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>15</var>, <var data-var='time'>23:32</var> PST </small> </div> </div> </div> <div class="incident-container"> <div class="incident-title impact-maintenance font-large"> <a class="whitespace-pre-wrap" href="/incidents/mzkwy9hh19f4">United States SMS Carrier Maintenance - US Cellular Corp.</a> </div> <div class="updates-container"> <!-- postmortem --> <!-- incident updates --> <div class="update font-regular completed"> <strong>Completed</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">The scheduled maintenance has been completed.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>16</var>, <var data-var='time'>06:30</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular in progress"> <strong>In progress</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>15</var>, <var data-var='time'>20:30</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular scheduled"> <strong>Scheduled</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">The US Cellular Corp. network in the United States is conducting an emergency maintenance from 15 February 2025 at 20:30 PST until 16 February 2025 at 06:30 PST. During the maintenance window, there could be intermittent delays delivering SMS to and from US Cellular Corp. United States handsets.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>11</var>, <var data-var='time'>15:54</var> PST </small> </div> </div> </div> <div class="incident-container"> <div class="incident-title impact-maintenance font-large"> <a class="whitespace-pre-wrap" href="/incidents/8183pm49tkr9">United States Account Security Carrier Partner Maintenance - T-Mobile US</a> </div> <div class="updates-container"> <!-- postmortem --> <!-- incident updates --> <div class="update font-regular completed"> <strong>Completed</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">The scheduled maintenance has been completed.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>16</var>, <var data-var='time'>05:00</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular in progress"> <strong>In progress</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>16</var>, <var data-var='time'>01:00</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular scheduled"> <strong>Scheduled</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">Our carrier partner T-Mobile US United States is conducting a planned maintenance from 16 February 2025 at 01:00 PST until 16 February 2025 at 05:00 PST. During the maintenance window, there could be intermittent API request failures for T-Mobile US United States customers.<br><br /><br><br />Impacted Products: Verify Silent Network Auth, Lookup SIM Swap</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>11</var>, <var data-var='time'>06:49</var> PST </small> </div> </div> </div> <div class="incident-container"> <div class="incident-title impact-minor font-large"> <a class="whitespace-pre-wrap" href="/incidents/mp2hwcfnh0nx">SMS Delivery Report Delays Towards Multiple Networks in Taiwan</a> </div> <div class="updates-container"> <!-- postmortem --> <!-- incident updates --> <div class="update font-regular resolved"> <strong>Resolved</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are no longer experiencing SMS delivery report delays when sending messages to multiple networks in Taiwan. This incident has been resolved.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>16</var>, <var data-var='time'>04:52</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular monitoring"> <strong>Monitoring</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are observing recovery in SMS delivery report delays when sending messages to multiple networks in Taiwan. We will continue monitoring the service to ensure a full recovery. We will provide another update in 2 hours or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>16</var>, <var data-var='time'>03:10</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular update"> <strong>Update</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are experiencing SMS delivery report delays when sending messages to multiple networks in Taiwan. Our engineers are working with our carrier partner to resolve the issue. We will provide another update in 8 hours or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>15</var>, <var data-var='time'>19:21</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular update"> <strong>Update</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are experiencing SMS delivery reports delays when sending messages to multiple networks in Taiwan. Our engineers are working with our carrier partner to resolve the issue. We will provide another update in 4 hours or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>15</var>, <var data-var='time'>15:27</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular update"> <strong>Update</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are experiencing SMS delivery reports delays when sending messages to multiple networks in Taiwan. Our engineers are working with our carrier partner to resolve the issue. We will provide another update in 2 hours or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>15</var>, <var data-var='time'>13:24</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular update"> <strong>Update</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are experiencing SMS delivery reports delays when sending messages to multiple networks in Taiwan. Our engineers are working with our carrier partner to resolve the issue. We will provide another update in 1 hour or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>15</var>, <var data-var='time'>12:25</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular investigating"> <strong>Investigating</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">Our monitoring systems have detected a potential issue with SMS Delivery. Our engineering team has been alerted and is actively investigating. We will update as soon as we have more information.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>15</var>, <var data-var='time'>12:20</var> PST </small> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="status-day font-regular "> <div class="date border-color font-large">Feb <var data-var="date">15</var>, <var data-var="year">2025</var></div> <div class="incident-container"> <div class="incident-title impact-maintenance font-large"> <a class="whitespace-pre-wrap" href="/incidents/znygc47yj3f5">Multiple Destination Voice Carrier Partner Maintenance</a> </div> <div class="updates-container"> <!-- postmortem --> <!-- incident updates --> <div class="update font-regular completed"> <strong>Completed</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">The scheduled maintenance has been completed.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>15</var>, <var data-var='time'>18:00</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular in progress"> <strong>In progress</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>15</var>, <var data-var='time'>14:00</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular scheduled"> <strong>Scheduled</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">Our Voice carrier partner in Norway, France, Croatia, Italy, the Netherlands, Estonia, Hungary, Bulgaria, Denmark, Indonesia, the United Kingdom, the Czech Republic, Mexico, Ukraine, Austria, Costa Rica, Brazil, Finland, Ireland, Peru and Sweden is conducting an emergency maintenance from 15 February 2025 at 14:00 PST until 15 February 2025 at 18:00 PST. During the maintenance window, there could be intermittent call disconnects or call failures from and to Twilio Norway, France, Croatia, Italy, Netherlands, Estonia, Hungary, Bulgaria, Denmark, Indonesia, United Kingdom, Czech Republic, Mexico, Ukraine, Austria, Costa Rica, Brazil, Finland, Ireland, Peru and Sweden phone numbers.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'> 6</var>, <var data-var='time'>22:55</var> PST </small> </div> </div> </div> <div class="incident-container"> <div class="incident-title impact-minor font-large"> <a class="whitespace-pre-wrap" href="/incidents/j14d114z6cw9">SMS Delivery Delays to Beeline Network In Russia</a> </div> <div class="updates-container"> <!-- postmortem --> <!-- incident updates --> <div class="update font-regular resolved"> <strong>Resolved</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are no longer experiencing SMS delivery delays when sending messages to Beeline network In Russia. This incident has been resolved.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>15</var>, <var data-var='time'>08:34</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular monitoring"> <strong>Monitoring</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are observing recovery in SMS delivery delays when sending messages to Beeline network In Russia. We will continue monitoring the service to ensure a full recovery. We will provide another update in 2 hours or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>15</var>, <var data-var='time'>08:06</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular update"> <strong>Update</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are still experiencing SMS delivery delays when sending messages to Beeline network In Russia. Our engineers are working with our carrier partner to resolve the issue. We will provide another update in 2 hours or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>15</var>, <var data-var='time'>06:32</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular investigating"> <strong>Investigating</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are experiencing SMS delivery delays when sending messages to Beeline network In Russia. Our engineers are working with our carrier partner to resolve the issue. We will provide another update in 1 hour or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>15</var>, <var data-var='time'>05:38</var> PST </small> </div> </div> </div> <div class="incident-container"> <div class="incident-title impact-minor font-large"> <a class="whitespace-pre-wrap" href="/incidents/plmr29nzwmcl">SMS Delivery Receipts Delays To KyivStar and Lifecell in Ukraine</a> </div> <div class="updates-container"> <!-- postmortem --> <!-- incident updates --> <div class="update font-regular resolved"> <strong>Resolved</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are no longer experiencing delivery report delays when sending to KyivStar and Lifecell in Ukraine. This incident has been resolved.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>15</var>, <var data-var='time'>04:50</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular monitoring"> <strong>Monitoring</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are observing recovery in delivery receipt delays when sending to KyivStar and Lifecell network in Ukraine. We will continue monitoring the service to ensure a full recovery. We will provide another update in 2 hours or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>15</var>, <var data-var='time'>02:46</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular update"> <strong>Update</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are continuing to experience SMS delivery receipt delays to KyivStar and Lifecell in Ukraine. Our engineers are working with our carrier partner to resolve the issue. We will provide another update in 4 hours or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>14</var>, <var data-var='time'>22:57</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular update"> <strong>Update</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are continuing to experience SMS delivery receipt delays to KyivStar and Lifecell in Ukraine. Our engineers are working with our carrier partner to resolve the issue. We will provide another update in 2 hours or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>14</var>, <var data-var='time'>20:50</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular investigating"> <strong>Investigating</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are continuing to experience SMS delivery receipt delays to KyivStar and Lifecell in Ukraine. Our engineers are working with our carrier partner to resolve the issue. We will provide another update in 1 hour or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>14</var>, <var data-var='time'>19:55</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular monitoring"> <strong>Monitoring</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are observing a recovery in SMS delivery receipt delays to KyivStar and Lifecell in Ukraine. We will continue monitoring the service to ensure a full recovery. We will provide another update in 2 hours or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>14</var>, <var data-var='time'>18:15</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular investigating"> <strong>Investigating</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are continuing to experience SMS delivery receipt delays to KyivStar and Lifecell in Ukraine. Our engineers are working with our carrier partner to resolve the issue. We will provide another update in 4 hours or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>14</var>, <var data-var='time'>14:16</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular monitoring"> <strong>Monitoring</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are observing a recovery in SMS delivery receipt delays to KyivStar and Lifecell in Ukraine. We will continue monitoring the service to ensure a full recovery. We will provide another update in 1 hour or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>14</var>, <var data-var='time'>11:58</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular investigating"> <strong>Investigating</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are experiencing SMS delivery receipt delays to KyivStar and Lifecell in Ukraine. Our engineers are working with our carrier partner to resolve the issue. We will provide another update in 1 hour or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>14</var>, <var data-var='time'>11:02</var> PST </small> </div> </div> </div> <div class="incident-container"> <div class="incident-title impact-minor font-large"> <a class="whitespace-pre-wrap" href="/incidents/5q5y619f0xqd">SMS Delivery Delays to Smart Network in Philippines</a> </div> <div class="updates-container"> <!-- postmortem --> <!-- incident updates --> <div class="update font-regular resolved"> <strong>Resolved</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are no longer experiencing delivery report delays when sending messages to Smart network in Philippines. This incident has been resolved.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>15</var>, <var data-var='time'>03:24</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular monitoring"> <strong>Monitoring</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are observing recovery in SMS delivery delays when sending messages to Smart network in Philippines. We will continue monitoring the service to ensure a full recovery. We will provide another update in 2 hours or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>15</var>, <var data-var='time'>01:27</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular investigating"> <strong>Investigating</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are experiencing SMS delivery delays when sending messages to Smart network in Philippines. Our engineers are working with our carrier partner to resolve the issue. We will provide another update in 1 hour or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>15</var>, <var data-var='time'>00:32</var> PST </small> </div> </div> </div> <div class="incident-container"> <div class="incident-title impact-minor font-large"> <a class="whitespace-pre-wrap" href="/incidents/shblg7106c2j">SMS Delivery Report Delays To Airtel-Vodafone in Jersey</a> </div> <div class="updates-container"> <!-- postmortem --> <!-- incident updates --> <div class="update font-regular resolved"> <strong>Resolved</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are no longer experiencing SMS delivery delays when sending messages to Airtel-Vodafone in Jersey. This incident has been resolved.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>15</var>, <var data-var='time'>01:39</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular update"> <strong>Update</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are observing recovery in SMS delivery report delays when sending to Airtel-Vodafone in Jersey. We will continue monitoring the service to ensure a full recovery. We will provide another update in 1 hour or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>15</var>, <var data-var='time'>00:52</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular monitoring"> <strong>Monitoring</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are observing recovery in SMS delivery report delays when sending to Airtel-Vodafone in Jersey. We will continue monitoring the service to ensure a full recovery. We will provide another update in 2 hours or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>14</var>, <var data-var='time'>23:01</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular update"> <strong>Update</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We continue to experience SMS delivery report delays to Airtel-Vodafone in Jersey. Our engineers are working with our carrier partner to resolve the issue. We will provide another update in 8 hours or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>14</var>, <var data-var='time'>18:54</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular update"> <strong>Update</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We continue to experience SMS delivery report delays to Airtel-Vodafone in Jersey. Our engineers are working with our carrier partner to resolve the issue. We will provide another update in 4 hour or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>14</var>, <var data-var='time'>15:03</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular update"> <strong>Update</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We continue to experience SMS delivery report delays to Airtel-Vodafone in Jersey. Our engineers are working with our carrier partner to resolve the issue. We will provide another update in 2 hour or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>14</var>, <var data-var='time'>12:49</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular investigating"> <strong>Investigating</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are experiencing SMS delivery report delays to Airtel-Vodafone in Jersey. Our engineers are working with our carrier partner to resolve the issue. We will provide another update in 1 hour or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>14</var>, <var data-var='time'>11:36</var> PST </small> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="status-day font-regular "> <div class="date border-color font-large">Feb <var data-var="date">14</var>, <var data-var="year">2025</var></div> <div class="incident-container"> <div class="incident-title impact-maintenance font-large"> <a class="whitespace-pre-wrap" href="/incidents/l89f4f1xvjw8">Multiple Destination SMS Carrier Partner Maintenance</a> </div> <div class="updates-container"> <!-- postmortem --> <!-- incident updates --> <div class="update font-regular completed"> <strong>Completed</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">The scheduled maintenance has been completed.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>14</var>, <var data-var='time'>21:00</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular in progress"> <strong>In progress</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>14</var>, <var data-var='time'>20:00</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular scheduled"> <strong>Scheduled</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">Our SMS carrier partner in Hungary, Slovakia, Albania, Lebanon, Burundi, the United Kingdom, Spain, Myanmar, Algeria and France is conducting a planned maintenance from 14 February 2025 at 20:00 PST until 14 February 2025 at 21:00 PST. During the maintenance window, there could be intermittent delays delivering SMS to Hungary, Slovakia, Albania, Lebanon, Burundi, United Kingdom, Spain, Myanmar, Algeria and France handsets.<br><br /><br><br />We are aware of the short notice and are working with our Carrier Partners to provide earlier notification where possible.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>14</var>, <var data-var='time'>07:44</var> PST </small> </div> </div> </div> <div class="incident-container"> <div class="incident-title impact-minor font-large"> <a class="whitespace-pre-wrap" href="/incidents/1stmzh10sr3f">Voice Call Failures to a Subset Twilio Canadian Phone Numbers</a> </div> <div class="updates-container"> <!-- postmortem --> <!-- incident updates --> <div class="update font-regular resolved"> <strong>Resolved</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">The issue with voice call failures to a subset Twilio Canadian phone numbers has been resolved, and the service is functioning normally at this time.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>14</var>, <var data-var='time'>19:30</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular monitoring"> <strong>Monitoring</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We have started seeing recovery for to a subset Twilio Canadian phone numbers. We will continue to monitor to ensure a full recovery. We expect to provide another update in 2 hours or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>14</var>, <var data-var='time'>17:31</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular update"> <strong>Update</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are observing voice call failures to a subset Twilio Canadian phone numbers. We are currently working with our carrier partner to resolve the issue. We expect to provide another update in 1 hour or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>14</var>, <var data-var='time'>16:30</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular investigating"> <strong>Investigating</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">Our monitoring systems have detected a potential issue with inbound voice calls to multiple Twilio Canadian numbers are not reaching Twilio. Our engineering team has been alerted and is actively investigating. We will update as soon as we have more information.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>14</var>, <var data-var='time'>16:20</var> PST </small> </div> </div> </div> <div class="incident-container"> <div class="incident-title impact-maintenance font-large"> <a class="whitespace-pre-wrap" href="/incidents/7l37xv9v8c7q">Malaysia SMS Carrier Maintenance - Celcom and DiGi</a> </div> <div class="updates-container"> <!-- postmortem --> <!-- incident updates --> <div class="update font-regular completed"> <strong>Completed</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">The scheduled maintenance has been completed.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>14</var>, <var data-var='time'>11:00</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular in progress"> <strong>In progress</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>14</var>, <var data-var='time'>08:00</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular scheduled"> <strong>Scheduled</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">The Celcom and DiGi networks in Malaysia are conducting a planned maintenance from 14 February 2025 at 08:00 PST until 14 February 2025 at 11:00 PST. During the maintenance window, there could be intermittent delays delivering SMS to and from Celcom and DiGi Malaysia handsets.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'> 7</var>, <var data-var='time'>01:57</var> PST </small> </div> </div> </div> <div class="incident-container"> <div class="incident-title impact-minor font-large"> <a class="whitespace-pre-wrap" href="/incidents/2rz2f1bd3478">SMS Delivery Delays to ETL in Lao People's Democratic Republic</a> </div> <div class="updates-container"> <!-- postmortem --> <!-- incident updates --> <div class="update font-regular resolved"> <strong>Resolved</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are no longer experiencing SMS delivery when sending messages to ETL in Lao People's Democratic Republic. This incident has been resolved.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>14</var>, <var data-var='time'>10:52</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular update"> <strong>Update</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are observing a recovery in SMS delivery delays when sending messages to ETL in Lao People's Democratic Republic. We will continue monitoring the service to ensure a full recovery. We will provide another update in 2 hours or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>14</var>, <var data-var='time'>07:34</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular monitoring"> <strong>Monitoring</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are observing a recovery in SMS delivery delays when sending messages to ETL in Lao People's Democratic Republic. We will continue monitoring the service to ensure a full recovery. We will provide another update in 1 hour or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>14</var>, <var data-var='time'>06:28</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular update"> <strong>Update</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are experiencing SMS delivery delays when sending messages to ETL in Lao People's Democratic Republic. Our engineers are working with our carrier partner to resolve the issue. We will provide another update in 4 hours or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>14</var>, <var data-var='time'>04:58</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular update"> <strong>Update</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are experiencing SMS delivery delays when sending messages to ETL in Lao People's Democratic Republic. Our engineers are working with our carrier partner to resolve the issue. We will provide another update in 2 hours or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>14</var>, <var data-var='time'>03:07</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular investigating"> <strong>Investigating</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are experiencing SMS delivery delays when sending messages to ETL in Lao People's Democratic Republic. Our engineers are working with our carrier partner to resolve the issue. We will provide another update in 1 hour or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>14</var>, <var data-var='time'>02:13</var> PST </small> </div> </div> </div> <div class="incident-container"> <div class="incident-title impact-maintenance font-large"> <a class="whitespace-pre-wrap" href="/incidents/5b5mj027lg9m">United Kingdom SMS Carrier Maintenance - O2</a> </div> <div class="updates-container"> <!-- postmortem --> <!-- incident updates --> <div class="update font-regular completed"> <strong>Completed</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">The scheduled maintenance has been completed.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>14</var>, <var data-var='time'>10:01</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular in progress"> <strong>In progress</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>12</var>, <var data-var='time'>01:00</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular scheduled"> <strong>Scheduled</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">The O2 network in the United Kingdom is conducting an emergency maintenance from 12 February 2025 at 01:00 PST until 14 February 2025 at 10:00 PST. During the maintenance window, there could be intermittent delays delivering SMS to and from O2 United Kingdom handsets.<br><br /><br><br />We are aware of the short notice and are working with our Carrier Partners to provide earlier notification where possible.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>11</var>, <var data-var='time'>07:04</var> PST </small> </div> </div> </div> <div class="incident-container"> <div class="incident-title impact-maintenance font-large"> <a class="whitespace-pre-wrap" href="/incidents/vb3frr5jrn1f">United Kingdom SMS Carrier Maintenance - O2 and Virgin</a> </div> <div class="updates-container"> <!-- postmortem --> <!-- incident updates --> <div class="update font-regular completed"> <strong>Completed</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">The scheduled maintenance has been completed.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>14</var>, <var data-var='time'>10:00</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular in progress"> <strong>In progress</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>12</var>, <var data-var='time'>01:01</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular scheduled"> <strong>Scheduled</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">The O2 and Virgin networks in the United Kingdom are conducting a planned maintenance from 12 February 2025 at 01:00 PST until 14 February 2025 at 10:00 PST. During the maintenance window, there could be intermittent delays delivering SMS to O2 and Virgin United Kingdom handsets.<br><br /><br><br />We are aware of the short notice and are working with our Carrier Partners to provide earlier notification where possible.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>11</var>, <var data-var='time'>15:52</var> PST </small> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="status-day font-regular "> <div class="date border-color font-large">Feb <var data-var="date">13</var>, <var data-var="year">2025</var></div> <div class="incident-container"> <div class="incident-title impact-maintenance font-large"> <a class="whitespace-pre-wrap" href="/incidents/65vfx1zw3bm6">United Kingdom Account Security Carrier Partner Maintenance - EE</a> </div> <div class="updates-container"> <!-- postmortem --> <!-- incident updates --> <div class="update font-regular completed"> <strong>Completed</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">The scheduled maintenance has been completed.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>13</var>, <var data-var='time'>20:00</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular in progress"> <strong>In progress</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>13</var>, <var data-var='time'>14:00</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular scheduled"> <strong>Scheduled</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">Our carrier partner EE United Kingdom is conducting a planned maintenance from 13 February 2025 at 14:00 PST until 13 February 2025 at 20:00 PST. During the maintenance window, there could be intermittent API request failures for EE United Kingdom customers.<br><br /><br><br />Impacted Products: Lookup Identity Match, Verify Silent Network Auth, Lookup SIM Swap, Legacy Identity MatchAndAttributes</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'> 7</var>, <var data-var='time'>07:35</var> PST </small> </div> </div> </div> <div class="incident-container"> <div class="incident-title impact-minor font-large"> <a class="whitespace-pre-wrap" href="/incidents/pgpnnrk9q1t2">Email Notifications Not Being Sent When a Phone Number was Ported Away From Twilio</a> </div> <div class="updates-container"> <!-- postmortem --> <!-- incident updates --> <div class="update font-regular resolved"> <strong>Resolved</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">The issue has been resolved and <br /><br />Email notifications not being sent when a phone number has been ported away from Twilio has been resolved and Email notifications is operating normally at this time.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>13</var>, <var data-var='time'>19:50</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular monitoring"> <strong>Monitoring</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">Email notifications are now being sent when a phone number has been ported away from Twilio, operating normally. We will continue to monitor for system stability. We'll provide another update in 2 hours or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>13</var>, <var data-var='time'>17:50</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular update"> <strong>Update</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We continue to experience an issue with email notifications not being sent when a phone number has been ported away from Twilio. Our engineering team has been alerted and is actively investigating. We expect to provide another update in 2 hour or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>13</var>, <var data-var='time'>15:11</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular update"> <strong>Update</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are investigating a service interruption with email notifications not being sent when a phone number has been ported away from Twilio. Our engineering team has been alerted and is actively investigating. We expect to provide another update in 1 hour or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>13</var>, <var data-var='time'>14:04</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular investigating"> <strong>Investigating</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">Our monitoring systems have detected a potential issue with email notifications not being sent when a phone number has been ported away. Our engineering team has been alerted and is actively investigating. We will update as soon as we have more information.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>13</var>, <var data-var='time'>13:19</var> PST </small> </div> </div> </div> <div class="incident-container"> <div class="incident-title impact-minor font-large"> <a class="whitespace-pre-wrap" href="/incidents/txsyzzzbthq3">Issue Retrieving Call Details From Twilio Console Insights Voice Call Option</a> </div> <div class="updates-container"> <!-- postmortem --> <!-- incident updates --> <div class="update font-regular resolved"> <strong>Resolved</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">The issue has been resolved and retrieving call details from the Twilio Console Insights Voice Call option is operating normally at this time.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>13</var>, <var data-var='time'>19:47</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular monitoring"> <strong>Monitoring</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">Retrieving call details from the Twilio Console Insights Voice Call option is now operating normally. We will continue to monitor for system stability. We'll provide another update in 2 hours or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>13</var>, <var data-var='time'>17:46</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular update"> <strong>Update</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are investigating an issue of retrieving call details from the Twilio Console Insights Voice Call option. Our engineering team has been alerted and is actively investigating. We expect to provide another update in 1 hour or as soon as more information becomes available</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>13</var>, <var data-var='time'>17:19</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular investigating"> <strong>Investigating</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We've become aware of a potential issue retrieving call details from Twilio Console Insights Voice Call option. Our engineering team has been alerted and is actively investigating. We will update as soon as we have more information.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>13</var>, <var data-var='time'>17:04</var> PST </small> </div> </div> </div> <div class="incident-container"> <div class="incident-title impact-minor font-large"> <a class="whitespace-pre-wrap" href="/incidents/2t0km2scg9rc">SMS and MMS Delivery Delays to AT&T Network in United States for a Subset of Short Codes and Toll Free Numbers</a> </div> <div class="updates-container"> <!-- postmortem --> <!-- incident updates --> <div class="update font-regular resolved"> <strong>Resolved</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are no longer experiencing MMS/SMS delivery delays when sending messages to AT&T network in United State. This incident has been resolved.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>13</var>, <var data-var='time'>19:33</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular monitoring"> <strong>Monitoring</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are observing recovery in MMS/SMS delivery delays when sending messages to AT&T network in United State. We will continue monitoring the service to ensure a full recovery. We will provide another update in 2 hour or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>13</var>, <var data-var='time'>17:33</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular update"> <strong>Update</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We continue to experience MMS delivery delays when sending messages to AT&T Network in United States for a subset of short codes and toll-free phone numbers. We have experienced recovery for SMS Delivery Delays to AT&T Network in United States for a subset of Short code and Toll Free Numbers. Our engineers are working with our carrier partner to resolve the issue. We will provide another update in 4 hours or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>13</var>, <var data-var='time'>16:42</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular update"> <strong>Update</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are experiencing recovery for SMS Delivery Delays to AT&T Network in United States for a subset of Short code and Toll Free Numbers. We continue to experience MMS delivery delays when sending messages to AT&T Network in United States for a subset of short codes and toll-free phone numbers. Our engineers are working with our carrier partner to resolve the issue. We will provide another update in 2 hours or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>13</var>, <var data-var='time'>14:22</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular update"> <strong>Update</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We continue to experience MMS/SMS delivery delays when sending messages to AT&T Network in United States for a subset of short codes and toll-free phone numbers. Our engineers are working with our carrier partner to resolve the issue. We will provide another update in 2 hours or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>13</var>, <var data-var='time'>13:29</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular update"> <strong>Update</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are continuing to investigate this issue.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>13</var>, <var data-var='time'>12:25</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular update"> <strong>Update</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are experiencing MMS/SMS delivery delays when sending messages to AT&T Network in United States for a subset of short codes and toll-free phone numbers. Our engineers are working with our carrier partner to resolve the issue. We will provide another update in 1 hour or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>13</var>, <var data-var='time'>12:16</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular investigating"> <strong>Investigating</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">Our monitoring systems have detected a potential issue of SMS and MMS Delivery Delays To AT&T Network in United States. Our engineering team has been alerted and is actively investigating. We will update as soon as we have more information.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>13</var>, <var data-var='time'>12:09</var> PST </small> </div> </div> </div> <div class="incident-container"> <div class="incident-title impact-maintenance font-large"> <a class="whitespace-pre-wrap" href="/incidents/xqfh4wbbb7g0">Russia SMS Carrier Maintenance - Yota and MegaFon</a> </div> <div class="updates-container"> <!-- postmortem --> <!-- incident updates --> <div class="update font-regular completed"> <strong>Completed</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">The scheduled maintenance has been completed.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>13</var>, <var data-var='time'>16:00</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular in progress"> <strong>In progress</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>12</var>, <var data-var='time'>12:00</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular scheduled"> <strong>Scheduled</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">The Yota and MegaFon networks in Russia are conducting a series of emergency maintenances from 12 February 2025 at 12:00 PST until 13 February 2025 at 16:00 PST. During the maintenance window, there could be intermittent delays delivering SMS to Yota and MegaFon Russia handsets.<br><br /><br><br />Note, the maintenance will be carried out on each of the following dates and times:<br><br /><br><br />12 February 2025 at 12:00 PST until 12 February 2025 at 16:00 PST<br><br />13 February 2025 at 12:00 PST until 13 February 2025 at 16:00 PST</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>11</var>, <var data-var='time'>01:59</var> PST </small> </div> </div> </div> <div class="incident-container"> <div class="incident-title impact-minor font-large"> <a class="whitespace-pre-wrap" href="/incidents/s6kgb5xmm9xg">Issue Invoking and Building with Twilio Functions and Assets</a> </div> <div class="updates-container"> <!-- postmortem --> <!-- incident updates --> <div class="update font-regular resolved"> <strong>Resolved</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">The issue with invoking and building with Twilio Functions and Assets has been resolved is operating normally at this time.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>13</var>, <var data-var='time'>15:25</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular monitoring"> <strong>Monitoring</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">Invoking and building with Twilio Functions and Assets are now operating normally. We will continue to monitor for system stability. We'll provide another update in 30 minutes or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>13</var>, <var data-var='time'>14:50</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular update"> <strong>Update</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We continue to experience the service issue when invoking and building with Twilio Functions and Assets. Our engineering team has been alerted and is actively investigating. We expect to provide another update in 2 hour or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>13</var>, <var data-var='time'>14:10</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular update"> <strong>Update</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are investigating a service issue when invoking and building with Twilio Functions and Assets. Our engineering team has been alerted and is actively investigating. We expect to provide another update in 1 hour or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>13</var>, <var data-var='time'>13:10</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular investigating"> <strong>Investigating</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">Our monitoring systems have detected a potential issue when building with Twilio Functions and Assets. Our engineering team has been alerted and is actively investigating. We will update as soon as we have more information.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>13</var>, <var data-var='time'>12:45</var> PST </small> </div> </div> </div> <div class="incident-container"> <div class="incident-title impact-minor font-large"> <a class="whitespace-pre-wrap" href="/incidents/qywsr9vnnhs0">Issue Retrieving Video Recordings and Compositions</a> </div> <div class="updates-container"> <!-- postmortem --> <!-- incident updates --> <div class="update font-regular resolved"> <strong>Resolved</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">The issue with retrieving Twilio Programmable Video video recordings and compositions has been resolved is operating normally at this time.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>13</var>, <var data-var='time'>15:23</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular monitoring"> <strong>Monitoring</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">Retrieving Twilio Programmable Video video recordings and compositions are now operating normally. We will continue to monitor for system stability. We'll provide another update in 30 minutes or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>13</var>, <var data-var='time'>14:49</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular update"> <strong>Update</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We continue to experience a service issue with Twilio Programmable Video when retrieving video recordings and compositions. Our engineering team has been alerted and is actively investigating. We expect to provide another update in 1 hour or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>13</var>, <var data-var='time'>14:13</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular update"> <strong>Update</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are investigating a service issue with Twilio Programmable Video when retrieving video recordings and compositions. Our engineering team has been alerted and is actively investigating. We expect to provide another update in 1 hour or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>13</var>, <var data-var='time'>12:42</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular investigating"> <strong>Investigating</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">Our monitoring systems have detected a potential issue with receiving a 5xx response when retrieving video recordings and compositions. Our engineering team has been alerted and is actively investigating. We will update as soon as we have more information.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>13</var>, <var data-var='time'>12:31</var> PST </small> </div> </div> </div> <div class="incident-container"> <div class="incident-title impact-maintenance font-large"> <a class="whitespace-pre-wrap" href="/incidents/cxky86kk9jrs">Malaysia SMS Carrier Partner Maintenance</a> </div> <div class="updates-container"> <!-- postmortem --> <!-- incident updates --> <div class="update font-regular completed"> <strong>Completed</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">The scheduled maintenance has been completed.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>13</var>, <var data-var='time'>13:00</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular in progress"> <strong>In progress</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>13</var>, <var data-var='time'>08:01</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular scheduled"> <strong>Scheduled</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">Our SMS carrier partner in Malaysia is conducting a planned maintenance from 13 February 2025 at 08:00 PST until 13 February 2025 at 13:00 PST. During the maintenance window, there could be intermittent delays delivering SMS to and from DiGi Malaysia handsets.<br><br /><br><br />We are aware of the short notice and are working with our Carrier Partners to provide earlier notification where possible.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>12</var>, <var data-var='time'>16:20</var> PST </small> </div> </div> </div> <div class="incident-container"> <div class="incident-title impact-minor font-large"> <a class="whitespace-pre-wrap" href="/incidents/z53bqvdsbl9d">SMS Delivery Delays and Failures to Oman Mobile in Oman</a> </div> <div class="updates-container"> <!-- postmortem --> <!-- incident updates --> <div class="update font-regular resolved"> <strong>Resolved</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are no longer experiencing SMS delivery delays and failures when sending messages to Oman Mobile in Oman. This incident has been resolved.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>13</var>, <var data-var='time'>11:19</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular monitoring"> <strong>Monitoring</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are observing recovery in SMS delivery delays and failures when sending messages to Oman Mobile in Oman. We will continue monitoring the service to ensure a full recovery. We will provide another update in [X hours] or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>13</var>, <var data-var='time'>09:28</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular update"> <strong>Update</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We continue experiencing SMS delivery delays and failures when sending messages to Oman Mobile in Oman. Our engineers are working with our carrier partner to resolve the issue. We will provide another update in 2 hours or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>13</var>, <var data-var='time'>07:32</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular investigating"> <strong>Investigating</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are experiencing SMS delivery delays and failures when sending messages to Oman Mobile in Oman. Our engineers are working with our carrier partner to resolve the issue. We will provide another update in 1 hour or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>13</var>, <var data-var='time'>06:32</var> PST </small> </div> </div> </div> <div class="incident-container"> <div class="incident-title impact-maintenance font-large"> <a class="whitespace-pre-wrap" href="/incidents/p5xcr7jdj9sv">Malaysia SMS Carrier Maintenance - Celcom and DiGi</a> </div> <div class="updates-container"> <!-- postmortem --> <!-- incident updates --> <div class="update font-regular completed"> <strong>Completed</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">The scheduled maintenance has been completed.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>13</var>, <var data-var='time'>11:00</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular in progress"> <strong>In progress</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>13</var>, <var data-var='time'>08:00</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular scheduled"> <strong>Scheduled</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">The Celcom and DiGi networks in Malaysia are conducting a planned maintenance from 13 February 2025 at 08:00 PST until 13 February 2025 at 11:00 PST. During the maintenance window, there could be intermittent delays delivering SMS to and from Celcom and DiGi Malaysia handsets.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'> 7</var>, <var data-var='time'>01:57</var> PST </small> </div> </div> </div> <div class="incident-container"> <div class="incident-title impact-minor font-large"> <a class="whitespace-pre-wrap" href="/incidents/xx70y1t8w8qd">MMS Delivery Delays to a Subset of Twilio US Shortcodes</a> </div> <div class="updates-container"> <!-- postmortem --> <!-- incident updates --> <div class="update font-regular resolved"> <strong>Resolved</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are no longer experiencing MMS delivery delays when sending messages to a subset of Twilio US Shortcodes. This incident has been resolved.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>13</var>, <var data-var='time'>10:02</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular monitoring"> <strong>Monitoring</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are observing recovery in MMS delivery delays when sending messages to a subset of Twilio US Shortcodes. We will continue monitoring the service to ensure a full recovery. We will provide another update in 2 hours or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>13</var>, <var data-var='time'>08:05</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular investigating"> <strong>Investigating</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are experiencing MMS delivery delays when sending messages to a subset of Twilio US Shortcodes. Our engineers are working with our carrier partner to resolve the issue. We will provide another update in 1 hour or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>13</var>, <var data-var='time'>07:30</var> PST </small> </div> </div> </div> <div class="incident-container"> <div class="incident-title impact-maintenance font-large"> <a class="whitespace-pre-wrap" href="/incidents/9v7kw7q8xrx1">United States Account Security Carrier Partner Maintenance - AT&T</a> </div> <div class="updates-container"> <!-- postmortem --> <!-- incident updates --> <div class="update font-regular completed"> <strong>Completed</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">The scheduled maintenance has been completed.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>13</var>, <var data-var='time'>10:00</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular in progress"> <strong>In progress</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>12</var>, <var data-var='time'>21:00</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular update"> <strong>Update</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">Our carrier partner AT&T United States is conducting a planned maintenance from 12 February 2025 at 21:00 PST until 13 February 2025 at 10:00 PST. During the maintenance window, there could be intermittent API request failures for AT&T United States customers.<br><br /><br><br />Impacted Product: Verify Silent Network Auth<br><br /><br><br />We are aware of the short notice and are working with our Carrier Partners to provide earlier notification where possible.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>12</var>, <var data-var='time'>14:16</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular scheduled"> <strong>Scheduled</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">Our carrier partner AT&T United States is conducting a planned maintenance from 12 February 2025 at 21:00 PST until 13 February 2025 at 10:00 PST. During the maintenance window, there could be intermittent API request failures for AT&T United States customers.<br><br /><br><br />Impacted Product: Verify Silent Network Auth<br><br /><br><br />We are aware of the short notice and are working with our Carrier Partners to provide earlier notification where possible.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>12</var>, <var data-var='time'>13:24</var> PST </small> </div> </div> </div> <div class="incident-container"> <div class="incident-title impact-minor font-large"> <a class="whitespace-pre-wrap" href="/incidents/b3tpjblzhbgf">SMS Delivery Delays and Failures to MTN Networks in Sudan</a> </div> <div class="updates-container"> <!-- postmortem --> <!-- incident updates --> <div class="update font-regular resolved"> <strong>Resolved</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are no longer experiencing SMS delivery delays and failures when sending messages to MTN Networks in Sudan. This incident has been resolved.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>13</var>, <var data-var='time'>09:46</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular update"> <strong>Update</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are observing recovery in SMS delivery delays and failures when sending messages to MTN Networks in Sudan. We will continue monitoring the service to ensure a full recovery. We will provide another update in 2 hours or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>13</var>, <var data-var='time'>09:31</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular monitoring"> <strong>Monitoring</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are observing recovery in SMS delivery delays and failures when sending messages to MTN Networks in Sudan. We will continue monitoring the service to ensure a full recovery. We will provide another update in 2 hours or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>13</var>, <var data-var='time'>07:31</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular update"> <strong>Update</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are continuing to investigate the SMS delivery delays when sending messages to MTN Networks in Sudan. Our engineers are working with our carrier partner to resolve the issue. We will provide another update in 8 hours or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>12</var>, <var data-var='time'>23:31</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular update"> <strong>Update</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are continuing to investigate the SMS delivery delays when sending messages to MTN Networks in Sudan. Our engineers are working with our carrier partner to resolve the issue. We will provide another update in 4 hours or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>12</var>, <var data-var='time'>19:31</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular update"> <strong>Update</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We continue experiencing SMS delivery delays when sending messages to MTN Networks in Sudan. Our engineers are working with our carrier partner to resolve the issue. We will provide another update in 2 hours or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>12</var>, <var data-var='time'>17:31</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular investigating"> <strong>Investigating</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are experiencing SMS delivery delays when sending messages to MTN Networks in Sudan. Our engineers are working with our carrier partner to resolve the issue. We will provide another update in 1 hour or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>12</var>, <var data-var='time'>16:31</var> PST </small> </div> </div> </div> <div class="incident-container"> <div class="incident-title impact-minor font-large"> <a class="whitespace-pre-wrap" href="/incidents/5sq6gyxfpz9y">SMS Delivery Delays to CTBC Celular SA (CTBC) Network in Brazil</a> </div> <div class="updates-container"> <!-- postmortem --> <!-- incident updates --> <div class="update font-regular resolved"> <strong>Resolved</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are no longer experiencing SMS delivery delays when sending messages to CTBC Celular SA (CTBC) Network in Brazil. This incident has been resolved.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>13</var>, <var data-var='time'>09:26</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular update"> <strong>Update</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are observing recovery in SMS delivery delays when sending messages to CTBC Celular SA (CTBC) Network in Brazil. We will continue monitoring the service to ensure a full recovery. We will provide another update in 2 hours or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>13</var>, <var data-var='time'>07:41</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular monitoring"> <strong>Monitoring</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are observing recovery in SMS delivery delays when sending messages to CTBC Celular SA (CTBC) Network in Brazil. We will continue monitoring the service to ensure a full recovery. We will provide another update in 2 hours or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>13</var>, <var data-var='time'>05:50</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular investigating"> <strong>Investigating</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are experiencing SMS delivery delays when sending messages to CTBC Celular SA (CTBC) Network in Brazil. Our engineers are working with our carrier partner to resolve the issue. We will provide another update in 1 hour or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>13</var>, <var data-var='time'>04:56</var> PST </small> </div> </div> </div> <div class="incident-container"> <div class="incident-title impact-minor font-large"> <a class="whitespace-pre-wrap" href="/incidents/29dtxyccf0y9">SMS Delivery Delays and Failures to Zong Network in Pakistan</a> </div> <div class="updates-container"> <!-- postmortem --> <!-- incident updates --> <div class="update font-regular resolved"> <strong>Resolved</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are no longer experiencing SMS delivery delays and failures when sending messages to Zong Network in Pakistan. This incident has been resolved.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>13</var>, <var data-var='time'>08:00</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular monitoring"> <strong>Monitoring</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are observing recovery in SMS delivery delays and failures when sending messages to Zong Network in Pakistan. We will continue monitoring the service to ensure a full recovery. We will provide another update in 2 hours or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>13</var>, <var data-var='time'>06:06</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular investigating"> <strong>Investigating</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are experiencing SMS delivery delays and failures when sending messages to Zong Network in Pakistan. Our engineers are working with our carrier partner to resolve the issue. We will provide another update in 1 hour or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>13</var>, <var data-var='time'>05:10</var> PST </small> </div> </div> </div> <div class="incident-container"> <div class="incident-title impact-minor font-large"> <a class="whitespace-pre-wrap" href="/incidents/7qw8yt63w330">SMS Delivery Delays to IPKO Network in Kosovo</a> </div> <div class="updates-container"> <!-- postmortem --> <!-- incident updates --> <div class="update font-regular resolved"> <strong>Resolved</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are no longer experiencing SMS delivery delays when sending messages to IPKO Network in Kosovo. This incident has been resolved.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>13</var>, <var data-var='time'>04:19</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular monitoring"> <strong>Monitoring</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are observing recovery in SMS delivery delays when sending messages to IPKO Network in Kosovo. We will continue monitoring the service to ensure a full recovery. We will provide another update in 2 hours or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>13</var>, <var data-var='time'>02:22</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular update"> <strong>Update</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are continuing to investigate the SMS Delivery Delays to IPKO Network in Kosovo. Our engineers are working with our carrier partner to resolve the issue. We will provide another update in 4 hours or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>12</var>, <var data-var='time'>23:22</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular update"> <strong>Update</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are continuing to investigate the SMS Delivery Delays to IPKO Network in Kosovo. Our engineers are working with our carrier partner to resolve the issue. We will provide another update in 2 hours or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>12</var>, <var data-var='time'>21:22</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular investigating"> <strong>Investigating</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are experiencing SMS Delivery Delays to IPKO Network in Kosovo. Our engineers are working with our carrier partner to resolve the issue. We will provide another update in 1 hour or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>12</var>, <var data-var='time'>20:22</var> PST </small> </div> </div> </div> <div class="incident-container"> <div class="incident-title impact-maintenance font-large"> <a class="whitespace-pre-wrap" href="/incidents/bq8988tkkrx6">United States SMS Carrier Partner Maintenance</a> </div> <div class="updates-container"> <!-- postmortem --> <!-- incident updates --> <div class="update font-regular completed"> <strong>Completed</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">The scheduled maintenance has been completed.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>13</var>, <var data-var='time'>03:00</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular in progress"> <strong>In progress</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>12</var>, <var data-var='time'>22:00</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular scheduled"> <strong>Scheduled</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">Our SMS carrier partner in the United States is conducting a planned maintenance from 12 February 2025 at 22:00 PST until 13 February 2025 at 03:00 PST. During the maintenance window, there could be intermittent delays delivering SMS to and from United States handsets.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'> 5</var>, <var data-var='time'>08:00</var> PST </small> </div> </div> </div> <div class="incident-container"> <div class="incident-title impact-maintenance font-large"> <a class="whitespace-pre-wrap" href="/incidents/lfj8ljy72727">United States MMS Carrier Partner Maintenance</a> </div> <div class="updates-container"> <!-- postmortem --> <!-- incident updates --> <div class="update font-regular completed"> <strong>Completed</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">The scheduled maintenance has been completed.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>13</var>, <var data-var='time'>02:00</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular in progress"> <strong>In progress</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>13</var>, <var data-var='time'>00:30</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular scheduled"> <strong>Scheduled</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">Our MMS carrier partner in the United States is conducting a planned maintenance from 13 February 2025 at 00:30 PST until 13 February 2025 at 02:00 PST. During the maintenance window, there could be intermittent delays delivering MMS to and from United States handsets.</span> <br> <small> Jan <var data-var='date'>30</var>, <var data-var='time'>13:05</var> PST </small> </div> </div> </div> <div class="incident-container"> <div class="incident-title impact-maintenance font-large"> <a class="whitespace-pre-wrap" href="/incidents/hstpqkb8dh7p">United States and Canada Twilio SMS/MMS Maintenance Activity</a> </div> <div class="updates-container"> <!-- postmortem --> <!-- incident updates --> <div class="update font-regular completed"> <strong>Completed</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">The scheduled maintenance has been completed.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>13</var>, <var data-var='time'>00:00</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular in progress"> <strong>In progress</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>12</var>, <var data-var='time'>20:00</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular scheduled"> <strong>Scheduled</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">Twilio is conducting a planned maintenance from 12 February, 2025 at 20:00 PST until 13 February, 2025 at 00:00 PST. During the maintenance window, there could be intermittent message delivery delays or failures for SMS and MMS to and from United States and Canada handsets via subset of Toll-Free, Long Code and Short Code Numbers.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>11</var>, <var data-var='time'>16:26</var> PST </small> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="status-day font-regular "> <div class="date border-color font-large">Feb <var data-var="date">12</var>, <var data-var="year">2025</var></div> <div class="incident-container"> <div class="incident-title impact-minor font-large"> <a class="whitespace-pre-wrap" href="/incidents/ljhkmm96s23t">SMS Delivery Delays to Telekom Romania in Romania</a> </div> <div class="updates-container"> <!-- postmortem --> <!-- incident updates --> <div class="update font-regular resolved"> <strong>Resolved</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are no longer experiencing SMS delivery delays when sending messages to Telekom Romania in Romania.. This incident has been resolved.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>12</var>, <var data-var='time'>23:24</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular monitoring"> <strong>Monitoring</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are observing recovery in SMS delivery delays when sending messages to Telekom Romania in Romania. We will continue monitoring the service to ensure a full recovery. We will provide another update in 2 hours or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>12</var>, <var data-var='time'>21:24</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular update"> <strong>Update</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are continuing to investigate the SMS delivery delays when sending messages to Telekom Romania in Romania. Our engineers are working with our carrier partner to resolve the issue. We will provide another update in 4 hours or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>12</var>, <var data-var='time'>20:19</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular update"> <strong>Update</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are continuing to investigate the SMS delivery delays when sending messages to Telekom Romania in Romania. Our engineers are working with our carrier partner to resolve the issue. We will provide another update in 2 hours or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>12</var>, <var data-var='time'>18:19</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular investigating"> <strong>Investigating</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are experiencing SMS delivery delays when sending messages to Telekom Romania in Romania. Our engineers are working with our carrier partner to resolve the issue. We will provide another update in 1 hour or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>12</var>, <var data-var='time'>17:19</var> PST </small> </div> </div> </div> <div class="incident-container"> <div class="incident-title impact-maintenance font-large"> <a class="whitespace-pre-wrap" href="/incidents/wpjldlyk5gwy">Multiple Destination SMS Carrier Partner Maintenance</a> </div> <div class="updates-container"> <!-- postmortem --> <!-- incident updates --> <div class="update font-regular completed"> <strong>Completed</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">The scheduled maintenance has been completed.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>12</var>, <var data-var='time'>22:30</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular in progress"> <strong>In progress</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>12</var>, <var data-var='time'>22:01</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular scheduled"> <strong>Scheduled</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">Our SMS carrier partner in Mexico, the Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, Honduras, Panama and Costa Rica is conducting an emergency maintenance from 12 February 2025 at 22:00 PST until 12 February 2025 at 22:30 PST. During the maintenance window, there could be intermittent delays delivering SMS to Mexico, Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, Honduras, Panama and Costa Rica handsets.<br><br /><br><br />We are aware of the short notice and are working with our Carrier Partners to provide earlier notification where possible.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>12</var>, <var data-var='time'>16:22</var> PST </small> </div> </div> </div> <div class="incident-container"> <div class="incident-title impact-minor font-large"> <a class="whitespace-pre-wrap" href="/incidents/bwgmcfxqlfkb">SMS/MMS Delivery Report Delays to the Verizon Wireless Network in the United States for a Subset of Toll-Free Numbers and Short Codes</a> </div> <div class="updates-container"> <!-- postmortem --> <!-- incident updates --> <div class="update font-regular resolved"> <strong>Resolved</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are no longer experiencing MMS/SMS delivery report delays when sending messages to Verizon Wireless in US for a Subset of Toll Free Numbers. This incident has been resolved.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>12</var>, <var data-var='time'>20:32</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular monitoring"> <strong>Monitoring</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are observing recovery in MMS/SMS delivery report delays when sending messages to Verizon Wireless in US for a Subset of Toll Free Numbers. We will continue monitoring the service to ensure a full recovery. We will provide another update in 2 hours or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>12</var>, <var data-var='time'>18:25</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular update"> <strong>Update</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We continue experiencing MMS/SMS delivery report delays when sending messages to Verizon Wireless in US for a Subset of Toll Free Numbers. Our engineers are working with our carrier partner to resolve the issue. We will provide another update in 16 hours or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>12</var>, <var data-var='time'>13:34</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular update"> <strong>Update</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are experiencing MMS/SMS delivery delays when sending messages to Verizon Wireless in US for a Subset of Toll Free Numbers. Our engineers are working with our carrier partner to resolve the issue. We will provide another update in 8 hours or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>12</var>, <var data-var='time'>05:34</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular update"> <strong>Update</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are experiencing MMS/SMS delivery delays when sending messages to Verizon Wireless in US for a Subset of Toll Free Numbers. Our engineers are working with our carrier partner to resolve the issue. We will provide another update in 4 hours or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>12</var>, <var data-var='time'>01:44</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular update"> <strong>Update</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are experiencing MMS/SMS delivery delays when sending messages to Verizon Wireless in US for a Subset of Toll Free Numbers. Our engineers are working with our carrier partner to resolve the issue. We will provide another update in 2 hours or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>11</var>, <var data-var='time'>23:59</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular investigating"> <strong>Investigating</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">After monitoring for some time, we are still experiencing SMS/MMS delivery reports delays when sending messages to Verizon Wireless in US for a Subset of Toll Free Numbers. Our engineers continue working with our carrier partner to resolve the issue. We will provide another update in 1 hour or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>11</var>, <var data-var='time'>23:00</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular monitoring"> <strong>Monitoring</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are observing recovery in SMS delivery delays when sending messages to Verizon Wireless network in the United States for a subset of Toll-Free Numbers and Short Codes. We will continue monitoring the service to ensure a full recovery. We will provide another update in 2 hours or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>11</var>, <var data-var='time'>22:28</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular update"> <strong>Update</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We have identified that a subset of Short Codes is also impacted by this incident. The issue currently affects SMS/MMS delivery report delays to the Verizon Wireless network in the United States for a subset of Toll-Free Numbers and Short Codes. Our engineers are working with our carrier partner to resolve the issue. We will provide another update in 8 hours or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>11</var>, <var data-var='time'>15:26</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular update"> <strong>Update</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are still experiencing SMS/MMS delivery reports delays when sending messages to Verizon Wireless in US for a Subset of Toll Free Numbers. Our engineers continue working with our carrier partner to resolve the issue. We will provide another update in 4 hours or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>11</var>, <var data-var='time'>13:05</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular update"> <strong>Update</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are continuing to investigate this issue.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>11</var>, <var data-var='time'>11:53</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular update"> <strong>Update</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are experiencing SMS/MMS delivery reports delays when sending messages to Verizon Wireless in USA for a Subset of Toll Free Numbers. Our engineers are working with our carrier partner to resolve the issue. We will provide another update in 2 hours or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>11</var>, <var data-var='time'>11:06</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular update"> <strong>Update</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are experiencing MMS delivery delays when sending messages to Verizon Wireless in USA. Our engineers are working with our carrier partner to resolve the issue. We will provide another update in 1 hour or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>11</var>, <var data-var='time'>10:40</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular update"> <strong>Update</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are continuing to investigate this issue.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>11</var>, <var data-var='time'>10:39</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular investigating"> <strong>Investigating</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are experiencing MMS delivery delays when sending messages to Verizon Wireless in USA. Our engineers are working with our carrier partner to resolve the issue. We will provide another update in 1 hour or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>11</var>, <var data-var='time'>10:26</var> PST </small> </div> </div> </div> <div class="incident-container"> <div class="incident-title impact-maintenance font-large"> <a class="whitespace-pre-wrap" href="/incidents/nr8xzvz1hp8f">Romania SMS Carrier Maintenance - Telekom</a> </div> <div class="updates-container"> <!-- postmortem --> <!-- incident updates --> <div class="update font-regular completed"> <strong>Completed</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">The scheduled maintenance has been completed.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>12</var>, <var data-var='time'>17:00</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular in progress"> <strong>In progress</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>12</var>, <var data-var='time'>14:00</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular scheduled"> <strong>Scheduled</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">The Telekom network in Romania is conducting a planned maintenance from 12 February 2025 at 14:00 PST until 12 February 2025 at 17:00 PST. During the maintenance window, there could be intermittent delays delivering SMS to and from Telekom Romania handsets.<br><br /><br><br />We are aware of the short notice and are working with our Carrier Partners to provide earlier notification where possible.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>12</var>, <var data-var='time'>02:03</var> PST </small> </div> </div> </div> <div class="incident-container"> <div class="incident-title impact-maintenance font-large"> <a class="whitespace-pre-wrap" href="/incidents/g7j6zkrkbq4q">Russia SMS Carrier Maintenance - Beeline</a> </div> <div class="updates-container"> <!-- postmortem --> <!-- incident updates --> <div class="update font-regular completed"> <strong>Completed</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">The scheduled maintenance has been completed.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>12</var>, <var data-var='time'>16:00</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular in progress"> <strong>In progress</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>12</var>, <var data-var='time'>13:00</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular scheduled"> <strong>Scheduled</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">The Beeline network in Russia is conducting an emergency maintenance from 12 February 2025 at 13:00 PST until 12 February 2025 at 16:00 PST. During the maintenance window, there could be intermittent delays delivering SMS to Beeline Russia handsets.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>11</var>, <var data-var='time'>04:46</var> PST </small> </div> </div> </div> <div class="incident-container"> <div class="incident-title impact-none font-large"> <a class="whitespace-pre-wrap" href="/incidents/l8vj0q0sc39g">On Call Engineers are Investigating an issue with Trust Hub URL's Redirecting to A2P Overview in Twilio Console</a> </div> <div class="updates-container"> <!-- postmortem --> <!-- incident updates --> <div class="update font-regular resolved"> <strong>Resolved</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We have fully investigated the issue affecting the links for the Trust Hub in the Twilio Console, triggered by our automated alert, and it was determined that there is no noticeable customer impact. All systems are operational.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>12</var>, <var data-var='time'>15:56</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular investigating"> <strong>Investigating</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">Our monitoring systems have detected a potential issue with Trust Hub URL's Redirecting to A2P Overview in Twilio Console. Our engineering team has been alerted and is actively investigating. We will update as soon as we have more information.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>12</var>, <var data-var='time'>15:39</var> PST </small> </div> </div> </div> <div class="incident-container"> <div class="incident-title impact-maintenance font-large"> <a class="whitespace-pre-wrap" href="/incidents/ljzq01279xyc">Russia SMS Carrier Maintenance - Sotovaja Svjaz MOTIV</a> </div> <div class="updates-container"> <!-- postmortem --> <!-- incident updates --> <div class="update font-regular completed"> <strong>Completed</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">The scheduled maintenance has been completed.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>12</var>, <var data-var='time'>15:00</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular in progress"> <strong>In progress</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>12</var>, <var data-var='time'>12:20</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular scheduled"> <strong>Scheduled</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">The Sotovaja Svjaz MOTIV network in Russia is conducting a planned maintenance from 12 February 2025 at 12:20 PST until 12 February 2025 at 15:00 PST. During the maintenance window, there could be intermittent delays delivering SMS to Sotovaja Svjaz MOTIV Russia handsets.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>11</var>, <var data-var='time'>02:06</var> PST </small> </div> </div> </div> <div class="incident-container"> <div class="incident-title impact-minor font-large"> <a class="whitespace-pre-wrap" href="/incidents/8bhklbh66qy4">A2P 10DLC Line Provisioning is Degraded</a> </div> <div class="updates-container"> <!-- postmortem --> <!-- incident updates --> <div class="update font-regular resolved"> <strong>Resolved</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">The issue has been resolved and A2P 10DLC line provisioning is operating normally at this time.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>12</var>, <var data-var='time'>14:57</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular monitoring"> <strong>Monitoring</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">A2P 10DLC line provisioning is now operating normally. We will continue to monitor for system stability. We'll provide another update in 2 hours or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>12</var>, <var data-var='time'>13:07</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular update"> <strong>Update</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are investigating an issue affecting A2P 10DLC line provisioning. We expect to provide another update in 1 hour or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>12</var>, <var data-var='time'>12:29</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular investigating"> <strong>Investigating</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">Our monitoring systems have detected a potential issue with A2P and line provisioning. Our engineering team has been alerted and is actively investigating. We will update as soon as we have more information.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>12</var>, <var data-var='time'>12:12</var> PST </small> </div> </div> </div> <div class="incident-container"> <div class="incident-title impact-maintenance font-large"> <a class="whitespace-pre-wrap" href="/incidents/s0fywhxm6gd4">Russia SMS Carrier Maintenance - Sotovaja Svjaz MOTIV</a> </div> <div class="updates-container"> <!-- postmortem --> <!-- incident updates --> <div class="update font-regular completed"> <strong>Completed</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">The scheduled maintenance has been completed.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>12</var>, <var data-var='time'>12:59</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular in progress"> <strong>In progress</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>12</var>, <var data-var='time'>10:20</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular scheduled"> <strong>Scheduled</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">The Sotovaja Svjaz MOTIV network in Russia is conducting a planned maintenance from 12 February 2025 at 10:20 PST until 12 February 2025 at 12:59 PST. During the maintenance window, there could be intermittent delays delivering SMS to Sotovaja Svjaz MOTIV Russia handsets.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>10</var>, <var data-var='time'>23:12</var> PST </small> </div> </div> </div> <div class="incident-container"> <div class="incident-title impact-minor font-large"> <a class="whitespace-pre-wrap" href="/incidents/151h9jc2780d">SMS Delivery Report Delays When Sending to Multiple Destinations</a> </div> <div class="updates-container"> <!-- postmortem --> <!-- incident updates --> <div class="update font-regular resolved"> <strong>Resolved</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are no longer experiencing delivery report delays sending to SMS to multiple destinations. This incident has been resolved.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>12</var>, <var data-var='time'>12:08</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular monitoring"> <strong>Monitoring</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are observing recovery in delivery report delays when sending to SMS to multiple destinations. We will continue monitoring the service to ensure a full recovery. We will provide another update in 2 hours or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>12</var>, <var data-var='time'>11:00</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular update"> <strong>Update</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are continuing to investigate this issue.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>12</var>, <var data-var='time'>10:16</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular investigating"> <strong>Investigating</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are experiencing delays in receiving message delivery reports when sending SMS to multiple destinations. Our engineers are working with our carrier partner to resolve the issue. We expect to provide another update in 1 hour or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>12</var>, <var data-var='time'>10:12</var> PST </small> </div> </div> </div> <div class="incident-container"> <div class="incident-title impact-minor font-large"> <a class="whitespace-pre-wrap" href="/incidents/cnmzxptysccc">SMS Delivery Delay and Failures to ENTEL PCS Network in Bolivia</a> </div> <div class="updates-container"> <!-- postmortem --> <!-- incident updates --> <div class="update font-regular resolved"> <strong>Resolved</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are no longer experiencing SMS delivery delays and failures when sending messages to ENTEL PCS Network in Bolivia. This incident has been resolved.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>12</var>, <var data-var='time'>09:22</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular monitoring"> <strong>Monitoring</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are observing recovery in SMS delivery delays and failures when sending messages to ENTEL PCS Network in Bolivia. We will continue monitoring the service to ensure a full recovery. We will provide another update in 2 hours or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>12</var>, <var data-var='time'>07:18</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular update"> <strong>Update</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are experiencing SMS delivery delays and failures when sending messages to ENTEL PCS Network in Bolivia. Our engineers are working with our carrier partner to resolve the issue. We will provide another update in 2 hours or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>12</var>, <var data-var='time'>05:45</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular investigating"> <strong>Investigating</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are experiencing SMS delivery delays and failures when sending messages to ENTEL PCS Network in Bolivia. Our engineers are working with our carrier partner to resolve the issue. We will provide another update in 1 hour or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>12</var>, <var data-var='time'>05:04</var> PST </small> </div> </div> </div> <div class="incident-container"> <div class="incident-title impact-maintenance font-large"> <a class="whitespace-pre-wrap" href="/incidents/bxm05mdptk5q">United States Account Security Carrier Partner Maintenance - AT&T</a> </div> <div class="updates-container"> <!-- postmortem --> <!-- incident updates --> <div class="update font-regular completed"> <strong>Completed</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">The scheduled maintenance has been completed.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>12</var>, <var data-var='time'>05:00</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular in progress"> <strong>In progress</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>11</var>, <var data-var='time'>21:02</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular scheduled"> <strong>Scheduled</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">Our carrier partner AT&T United States is conducting a planned maintenance from 11 February 2025 at 21:00 PST until 12 February 2025 at 05:00 PST. During the maintenance window, there could be intermittent API request failures for AT&T United States customers.<br><br /><br><br />Impacted Product: Verify Silent Network Auth<br><br /><br><br />We are aware of the short notice and are working with our Carrier Partners to provide earlier notification where possible.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>11</var>, <var data-var='time'>11:02</var> PST </small> </div> </div> </div> <div class="incident-container"> <div class="incident-title impact-maintenance font-large"> <a class="whitespace-pre-wrap" href="/incidents/dwcpmsbf17mg">US SMS Carrier Maintenance - Small US Carriers</a> </div> <div class="updates-container"> <!-- postmortem --> <!-- incident updates --> <div class="update font-regular completed"> <strong>Completed</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">The scheduled maintenance has been completed.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>12</var>, <var data-var='time'>02:01</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular in progress"> <strong>In progress</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>11</var>, <var data-var='time'>21:00</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular scheduled"> <strong>Scheduled</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">A subset of small networks in the US are conducting an emergency maintenance from 11 February 2025 at 21:00 PST until 12 February 2025 at 02:00 PST. During the maintenance window, there could be intermittent delays delivering SMS to small US carriers handsets.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'> 6</var>, <var data-var='time'>14:39</var> PST </small> </div> </div> </div> <div class="incident-container"> <div class="incident-title impact-maintenance font-large"> <a class="whitespace-pre-wrap" href="/incidents/1jhk8wlp642w">United States MMS Carrier Partner Maintenance</a> </div> <div class="updates-container"> <!-- postmortem --> <!-- incident updates --> <div class="update font-regular completed"> <strong>Completed</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">The scheduled maintenance has been completed.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>12</var>, <var data-var='time'>02:00</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular in progress"> <strong>In progress</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>12</var>, <var data-var='time'>00:30</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular scheduled"> <strong>Scheduled</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">Our MMS carrier partner in the United States is conducting a planned maintenance from 12 February 2025 at 00:30 PST until 12 February 2025 at 02:00 PST. During the maintenance window, there could be intermittent delays delivering MMS to and from United States handsets via subset of United States short codes.</span> <br> <small> Jan <var data-var='date'>30</var>, <var data-var='time'>11:28</var> PST </small> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="status-day font-regular "> <div class="date border-color font-large">Feb <var data-var="date">11</var>, <var data-var="year">2025</var></div> <div class="incident-container"> <div class="incident-title impact-maintenance font-large"> <a class="whitespace-pre-wrap" href="/incidents/csdzgbsfqvd9">United Kingdom Account Security Carrier Partner Maintenance - Three</a> </div> <div class="updates-container"> <!-- postmortem --> <!-- incident updates --> <div class="update font-regular completed"> <strong>Completed</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">The scheduled maintenance has been completed.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>11</var>, <var data-var='time'>22:00</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular in progress"> <strong>In progress</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>11</var>, <var data-var='time'>14:00</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular scheduled"> <strong>Scheduled</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">Our carrier partner Three United Kingdom is conducting a planned maintenance from 11 February 2025 at 14:00 PST until 11 February 2025 at 22:00 PST. During the maintenance window, there could be intermittent API request failures for Three United Kingdom customers.<br><br /><br><br />Impacted Products: Verify Silent Network Auth, Lookup SIM Swap, Lookup Identity Match, Legacy Identity MatchAndAttributes</span> <br> <small> Jan <var data-var='date'>27</var>, <var data-var='time'>05:37</var> PST </small> </div> </div> </div> <div class="incident-container"> <div class="incident-title impact-minor font-large"> <a class="whitespace-pre-wrap" href="/incidents/bvw872y5s5rm">SMS Delivery Delays to Etisalat/TeleCel/Moov in Niger</a> </div> <div class="updates-container"> <!-- postmortem --> <!-- incident updates --> <div class="update font-regular resolved"> <strong>Resolved</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are no longer experiencing delivery report delays to Etisalat/TeleCel/Moov in Niger. This incident has been resolved.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>11</var>, <var data-var='time'>21:13</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular monitoring"> <strong>Monitoring</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are observing recovery in SMS delivery delays when sending messages to Etisalat/TeleCel/Moov in Niger. We will continue monitoring the service to ensure a full recovery. We will provide another update in 2 hours or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>11</var>, <var data-var='time'>18:56</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular update"> <strong>Update</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We continue to experience SMS delivery delays when sending messages to Etisalat/TeleCel/Moov in Niger. Our engineers continue working with our carrier partner to resolve the issue. We will provide another update in 2 hours or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>11</var>, <var data-var='time'>17:31</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular investigating"> <strong>Investigating</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We continue to experience SMS delivery delays when sending messages to Etisalat/TeleCel/Moov in Niger. Our engineers continue working with our carrier partner to resolve the issue. We will provide another update in 1 hour or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>11</var>, <var data-var='time'>16:30</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular monitoring"> <strong>Monitoring</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are observing recovery in SMS delivery delays when sending messages to Etisalat/TeleCel/Moov in Niger. We will continue monitoring the service to ensure a full recovery. We will provide another update in 2 hours or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>11</var>, <var data-var='time'>14:37</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular update"> <strong>Update</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We continue to experience SMS delivery delays when sending messages to Etisalat/TeleCel/Moov in Niger. Our engineers continue working with our carrier partner to resolve the issue. We will provide another update in 4 hours or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>11</var>, <var data-var='time'>12:49</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular update"> <strong>Update</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are experiencing SMS delivery delays when sending messages to Etisalat/TeleCel/Moov in Niger. Our engineers are working with our carrier partner to resolve the issue. We will provide another update in 2 hour or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>11</var>, <var data-var='time'>10:51</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular investigating"> <strong>Investigating</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are experiencing SMS delivery delays when sending messages to Etisalat/TeleCel/Moov in Niger. Our engineers are working with our carrier partner to resolve the issue. We will provide another update in 1 hour or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>11</var>, <var data-var='time'>09:54</var> PST </small> </div> </div> </div> <div class="incident-container"> <div class="incident-title impact-maintenance font-large"> <a class="whitespace-pre-wrap" href="/incidents/q2m5vx7vckv6">Multiple Destination SMS Carrier Partner Maintenance</a> </div> <div class="updates-container"> <!-- postmortem --> <!-- incident updates --> <div class="update font-regular completed"> <strong>Completed</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">The scheduled maintenance has been completed.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>11</var>, <var data-var='time'>21:01</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular in progress"> <strong>In progress</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>11</var>, <var data-var='time'>14:01</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular scheduled"> <strong>Scheduled</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">Our SMS carrier partner in the Caribbean, Latam, European, and African countries is conducting a planned maintenance from 11 February 2025 at 14:00 PST until 11 February 2025 at 21:00 PST. During the maintenance window, there could be intermittent delays delivering SMS to and from Caribbean, Latam, European, and African countries handsets.</span> <br> <small> Jan <var data-var='date'>30</var>, <var data-var='time'>16:12</var> PST </small> </div> </div> </div> <div class="incident-container"> <div class="incident-title impact-maintenance font-large"> <a class="whitespace-pre-wrap" href="/incidents/gj377zx2n31z">United Kingdom Account Security Carrier Partner Maintenance - Vodafone</a> </div> <div class="updates-container"> <!-- postmortem --> <!-- incident updates --> <div class="update font-regular completed"> <strong>Completed</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">The scheduled maintenance has been completed.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>11</var>, <var data-var='time'>19:45</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular in progress"> <strong>In progress</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>11</var>, <var data-var='time'>15:00</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular scheduled"> <strong>Scheduled</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">Our carrier partner Vodafone United Kingdom is conducting an emergency maintenance from 11 February 2025 at 15:00 PST until 11 February 2025 at 19:45 PST. During the maintenance window, there could be intermittent API request failures for Vodafone United Kingdom customers.<br><br /><br><br />Impacted Products: Lookup Identity Match, Legacy Identity MatchAndAttributes<br><br /><br><br />We are aware of the short notice and are working with our Carrier Partners to provide earlier notification where possible.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>11</var>, <var data-var='time'>04:14</var> PST </small> </div> </div> </div> <div class="incident-container"> <div class="incident-title impact-minor font-large"> <a class="whitespace-pre-wrap" href="/incidents/hy1r3vcl5njd">SMS Delivery Delays to Small Carriers in the US</a> </div> <div class="updates-container"> <!-- postmortem --> <!-- incident updates --> <div class="update font-regular resolved"> <strong>Resolved</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are no longer experiencing SMS delivery delays when sending messages to Small Carriers in the US via a subset of short codes. This incident has been resolved.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>11</var>, <var data-var='time'>16:44</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular monitoring"> <strong>Monitoring</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are observing recovery in SMS delivery delays when sending messages to Small Carriers in the US via a subset of short codes. We will continue monitoring the service to ensure a full recovery. We will provide another update in 2 hours or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>11</var>, <var data-var='time'>15:00</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular update"> <strong>Update</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are still experiencing SMS delivery delays when sending messages to Small Carriers in the US via a subset of short codes. Our engineers have been working with our carrier partner to resolve the issue. We will provide another update in 4 hours or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>11</var>, <var data-var='time'>13:19</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular update"> <strong>Update</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are experiencing SMS delivery delays when sending messages to Small Carriers in the US via a subset of shortcodes. Our engineers are working with our carrier partner to resolve the issue. We will provide another update in 2 hours or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>11</var>, <var data-var='time'>11:12</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular investigating"> <strong>Investigating</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are experiencing SMS delivery delays when sending messages to Small Carriers in the US via a subset of shortcodes. Our engineers are working with our carrier partner to resolve the issue. We will provide another update in 1 hour or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>11</var>, <var data-var='time'>10:13</var> PST </small> </div> </div> </div> <div class="incident-container"> <div class="incident-title impact-minor font-large"> <a class="whitespace-pre-wrap" href="/incidents/3skhhm3snhls">Intermittent 500 Errors with A2P 10DLC in UsAppToPersonUsecase Resource</a> </div> <div class="updates-container"> <!-- postmortem --> <!-- incident updates --> <div class="update font-regular resolved"> <strong>Resolved</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are no longer experiencing issues with the A2P 10DLC - UsAppToPersonUsecase Resource. This incident has been resolved.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>11</var>, <var data-var='time'>15:05</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular monitoring"> <strong>Monitoring</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are observing recovery with the A2P 10DLC - UsAppToPersonUsecase Resource. We will continue monitoring the service to ensure a full recovery. We will provide another update in 2 hours or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>11</var>, <var data-var='time'>12:40</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular update"> <strong>Update</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are having problems with the A2P 10DLC - UsAppToPersonUsecase Resource, which prevents retrieving the list of A2P 10DLC Use Cases. Customers registering for A2P 10DLC with this endpoint will experience failures. We’re actively working on a fix<br />We expect to provide another update in 1 hour or as soon as more information becomes available</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>11</var>, <var data-var='time'>11:48</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular investigating"> <strong>Investigating</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are having problems with the A2P 10DLC - UsAppToPersonUsecase Resource, which prevents retrieving the list of A2P 10DLC Use Cases. Customers registering for A2P 10DLC will encounter errors with this endpoint. We’re actively working on a fix<br />We expect to provide another update in 1 hour or as soon as more information becomes available</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>11</var>, <var data-var='time'>11:43</var> PST </small> </div> </div> </div> <div class="incident-container"> <div class="incident-title impact-none font-large"> <a class="whitespace-pre-wrap" href="/incidents/hpzhtdyd0yld">On Call Engineers are Investigating an issue affecting user and chat services in one of our support centers</a> </div> <div class="updates-container"> <!-- postmortem --> <!-- incident updates --> <div class="update font-regular resolved"> <strong>Resolved</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We have fully investigated an issue affecting user and chat services in one of our support centers, and it was determined that there is no noticeable customer impact. All systems are operational.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>11</var>, <var data-var='time'>14:19</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular investigating"> <strong>Investigating</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">Our monitoring systems have detected an issue affecting user and chat services in one of our support centers, resulting in elevated 5xx errors. Our engineering team has been alerted and is actively investigating. We will provide updates as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>11</var>, <var data-var='time'>13:53</var> PST </small> </div> </div> </div> <div class="incident-container"> <div class="incident-title impact-minor font-large"> <a class="whitespace-pre-wrap" href="/incidents/v3g3072mc70n">Invoice Bulk Download Failure in Twilio Console</a> </div> <div class="updates-container"> <!-- postmortem --> <!-- incident updates --> <div class="update font-regular resolved"> <strong>Resolved</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are no longer experiencing issues with Bulk Downloader from the Twilio Console. This incident has been resolved.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>11</var>, <var data-var='time'>13:15</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular update"> <strong>Update</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We continue observing signs of recovery in Bulk Downloader from the Twilio Console after actions being taken by our engineering team. We will continue monitoring the service to ensure a full recovery. We will provide another update in 2 hours or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>11</var>, <var data-var='time'>13:00</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular monitoring"> <strong>Monitoring</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are observing signs of recovery in Bulk Downloader from the Twilio Console after actions being taken by our engineering team. We will continue monitoring the service to ensure a full recovery. We will provide another update in 2 hours or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>11</var>, <var data-var='time'>11:01</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular update"> <strong>Update</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">Our engineers have identified the issue causing Invoices created before 2023-08 to not be downloaded using bulk downloader feature from the console and will provide the fix on February 11. We will provide an update on February 11 at 10 am Pacific time.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>10</var>, <var data-var='time'>09:45</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular update"> <strong>Update</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">Our engineers have identified the issue causing Invoices created before 2023-08 to not be downloaded using bulk downloader feature from the console and will provide the fix on February 10. We will provide an update on February 10 at 9 am Pacific time.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'> 6</var>, <var data-var='time'>13:14</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular update"> <strong>Update</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">Our engineers have identified the issue causing Invoices created before 2023-08 to not be downloaded using bulk downloader feature from console and are working to deploy a fix. We expect to provide another update in 16 hours or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'> 6</var>, <var data-var='time'>01:09</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular update"> <strong>Update</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">Our engineers have identified the issue causing Invoices created before 2023-08 to not be downloaded using bulk downloader feature from console and are working to deploy a fix. We expect to provide another update in 8 hours or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'> 5</var>, <var data-var='time'>17:09</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular update"> <strong>Update</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">Our engineers have identified the issue causing Invoices created before 2023-08 to not be downloaded using bulk downloader feature from console and are working to deploy a fix. We expect to provide another update in 4 hours or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'> 5</var>, <var data-var='time'>13:13</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular update"> <strong>Update</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">Our engineers have identified the issue causing Invoices created before 2023-08 to not be downloaded using bulk downloader feature from console and are working to deploy a fix. We expect to provide another update in 2 hours or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'> 5</var>, <var data-var='time'>11:16</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular identified"> <strong>Identified</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">Our engineers have identified the issue causing Invoices created before 2023-08 to not be downloaded using bulk downloader feature from console and are working to deploy a fix. We expect to provide another update in 1 hour or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'> 5</var>, <var data-var='time'>10:16</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular update"> <strong>Update</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">Our monitoring systems have detected a potential issue in Twilio Console. Invoices created before 2023-08 are not being downloaded using bulk downloader feature from console. Our engineers are working to resolve the issue. We will provide another update in 4 hours or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'> 5</var>, <var data-var='time'>07:32</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular update"> <strong>Update</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">Our monitoring systems have detected a potential issue in Twilio Console. Invoices created before 2023-08 are not being downloaded using bulk downloader feature from console. Our engineers are working to resolve the issue. We will provide another update in 2 hours or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'> 5</var>, <var data-var='time'>05:32</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular investigating"> <strong>Investigating</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">Our monitoring systems have detected a potential issue in Twilio Console. Invoices created before 2023-08 are not being downloaded using bulk downloader feature from console. Our engineers are working to resolve the issue. We will provide another update in 1 hour or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'> 5</var>, <var data-var='time'>04:32</var> PST </small> </div> </div> </div> <div class="incident-container"> <div class="incident-title impact-minor font-large"> <a class="whitespace-pre-wrap" href="/incidents/7l96vffmft0w">SMS Delivery Delays to Appalachian Wireless in United States of America</a> </div> <div class="updates-container"> <!-- postmortem --> <!-- incident updates --> <div class="update font-regular resolved"> <strong>Resolved</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are no longer experiencing SMS delivery delays when sending messages to Appalachian Wireless in United States of America. This incident has been resolved.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>11</var>, <var data-var='time'>06:38</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular monitoring"> <strong>Monitoring</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are observing recovery in SMS delivery delays when sending messages to Appalachian Wireless in United States of America. We will continue monitoring the service to ensure a full recovery. We will provide another update in 2 hours or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>11</var>, <var data-var='time'>04:46</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular update"> <strong>Update</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are continuing to investigate this issue.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>11</var>, <var data-var='time'>04:02</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular investigating"> <strong>Investigating</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are experiencing SMS delivery delays when sending messages to Appalachian Wireless in United States of America. Our engineers are working with our carrier partner to resolve the issue. We will provide another update in 1 hour or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>11</var>, <var data-var='time'>03:56</var> PST </small> </div> </div> </div> <div class="incident-container"> <div class="incident-title impact-maintenance font-large"> <a class="whitespace-pre-wrap" href="/incidents/dllwgs1g0wk1">United States SMS and MMS Carrier Maintenance - T-Mobile</a> </div> <div class="updates-container"> <!-- postmortem --> <!-- incident updates --> <div class="update font-regular completed"> <strong>Completed</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">The scheduled maintenance has been completed.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>11</var>, <var data-var='time'>04:00</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular in progress"> <strong>In progress</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>10</var>, <var data-var='time'>22:00</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular scheduled"> <strong>Scheduled</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">The T-Mobile network in the United States is conducting a planned maintenance from 10 February 2025 at 22:00 PST until 11 February 2025 at 04:00 PST. During the maintenance window, there could be intermittent delays delivering SMS and MMS to and from T-Mobile United States handsets.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'> 6</var>, <var data-var='time'>14:45</var> PST </small> </div> </div> </div> <div class="incident-container"> <div class="incident-title impact-maintenance font-large"> <a class="whitespace-pre-wrap" href="/incidents/qklh833n19r3">United States SMS Carrier Partner Maintenance</a> </div> <div class="updates-container"> <!-- postmortem --> <!-- incident updates --> <div class="update font-regular completed"> <strong>Completed</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">The scheduled maintenance has been completed.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>11</var>, <var data-var='time'>03:00</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular in progress"> <strong>In progress</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>10</var>, <var data-var='time'>22:00</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular scheduled"> <strong>Scheduled</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">Our SMS carrier partner in the United States is conducting a planned maintenance from 10 February 2025 at 22:00 PST until 11 February 2025 at 03:00 PST. During the maintenance window, there could be intermittent delays delivering SMS to and from United States handsets.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'> 4</var>, <var data-var='time'>16:55</var> PST </small> </div> </div> </div> <div class="incident-container"> <div class="incident-title impact-minor font-large"> <a class="whitespace-pre-wrap" href="/incidents/q9ffwj5043xd">Voice Insights Call Summaries Missing Branded Calling Related Fields</a> </div> <div class="updates-container"> <!-- postmortem --> <!-- incident updates --> <div class="update font-regular resolved"> <strong>Resolved</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">Voice Insights call summaries for Branded Calling calls are no longer missing the Branded Calling-related fields. The incident is now resolved.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>11</var>, <var data-var='time'>02:30</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular monitoring"> <strong>Monitoring</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">Voice Insights call summaries for Branded Calling calls that ended after 10:39pm PST are missing Branded Calling-related fields. Our engineers are investigating the issue. We expect to provide another update in 30 minutes or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>11</var>, <var data-var='time'>02:04</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular update"> <strong>Update</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">Voice Insights call summaries for Branded Calling calls that ended after 10:39pm PST are missing Branded Calling-related fields. Our engineers are investigating the issue. We expect to provide another update in 2 hours or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>11</var>, <var data-var='time'>01:37</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular update"> <strong>Update</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">Voice Insights call summaries for Branded Calling calls that ended after 10:39pm PST are missing Branded Calling-related fields. Our engineers are investigating the issue. We will provide you with an update in the next 1 hour or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>11</var>, <var data-var='time'>00:41</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular investigating"> <strong>Investigating</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We've become aware of a potential issue with Voice Insights. Our engineering team has been alerted and is actively investigating. We will update as soon as we have more information.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>10</var>, <var data-var='time'>23:59</var> PST </small> </div> </div> </div> <div class="incident-container"> <div class="incident-title impact-maintenance font-large"> <a class="whitespace-pre-wrap" href="/incidents/8ywjbjzxf300">US SMS Carrier Maintenance - Small US Carriers</a> </div> <div class="updates-container"> <!-- postmortem --> <!-- incident updates --> <div class="update font-regular completed"> <strong>Completed</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">The scheduled maintenance has been completed.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>11</var>, <var data-var='time'>02:00</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular in progress"> <strong>In progress</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>10</var>, <var data-var='time'>21:01</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular scheduled"> <strong>Scheduled</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">A subset of small networks in the US are conducting a planned maintenance from 10 February 2025 at 21:00 PST until 11 February 2025 at 02:00 PST. During the maintenance window, there could be intermittent delays delivering SMS to and from small US carriers handsets.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'> 6</var>, <var data-var='time'>13:49</var> PST </small> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="status-day font-regular "> <div class="date border-color font-large">Feb <var data-var="date">10</var>, <var data-var="year">2025</var></div> <div class="incident-container"> <div class="incident-title impact-minor font-large"> <a class="whitespace-pre-wrap" href="/incidents/twjc9lxc3rs5">SMS Delivery Delays to Brisanet Network in Brazil</a> </div> <div class="updates-container"> <!-- postmortem --> <!-- incident updates --> <div class="update font-regular resolved"> <strong>Resolved</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are no longer experiencing SMS delivery delays when sending messages to Brisanet Network in Brazil. This incident has been resolved.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>10</var>, <var data-var='time'>23:43</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular monitoring"> <strong>Monitoring</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are observing recovery in SMS delivery delays when sending messages to Brisanet Network in Brazil. We will continue monitoring the service to ensure a full recovery. We will provide another update in 2 hours or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>10</var>, <var data-var='time'>21:31</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular update"> <strong>Update</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We continue to experience SMS delivery delays when sending messages to Brisanet Network in Brazil. Our engineers are working with our carrier partner to resolve the issue. We will provide another update in 4 hours or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>10</var>, <var data-var='time'>17:53</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular update"> <strong>Update</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We continue to experience SMS delivery delays when sending messages to Brisanet Network in Brazil. Our engineers are working with our carrier partner to resolve the issue. We will provide another update in 2 hours or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>10</var>, <var data-var='time'>15:49</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular update"> <strong>Update</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are experiencing SMS delivery delays when sending messages to Brisanet Network in Brazil. Our engineers are working with our carrier partner to resolve the issue. We will provide another update in1 hour or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>10</var>, <var data-var='time'>14:46</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular investigating"> <strong>Investigating</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">Our monitoring systems have detected a potential issue of SMS Delivery Delays to Brisanet Network in Brazil. Our engineering team has been alerted and is actively investigating. We will update as soon as we have more information.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>10</var>, <var data-var='time'>14:41</var> PST </small> </div> </div> </div> <div class="incident-container"> <div class="incident-title impact-maintenance font-large"> <a class="whitespace-pre-wrap" href="/incidents/5wgtxmgx0qq5">Multiple Destination SMS Carrier Maintenance - Claro</a> </div> <div class="updates-container"> <!-- postmortem --> <!-- incident updates --> <div class="update font-regular completed"> <strong>Completed</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">The scheduled maintenance has been completed.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>10</var>, <var data-var='time'>21:01</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular in progress"> <strong>In progress</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>10</var>, <var data-var='time'>20:00</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular scheduled"> <strong>Scheduled</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">The Claro network in El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Honduras is conducting a planned maintenance from 10 February 2025 at 20:00 PST until 10 February 2025 at 21:00 PST. During the maintenance window, there could be intermittent delays delivering SMS to Claro El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Honduras handsets.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'> 5</var>, <var data-var='time'>20:53</var> PST </small> </div> </div> </div> <div class="incident-container"> <div class="incident-title impact-maintenance font-large"> <a class="whitespace-pre-wrap" href="/incidents/v00k5bx8ywv7">United States SMS and MMS Carrier Partner Maintenance</a> </div> <div class="updates-container"> <!-- postmortem --> <!-- incident updates --> <div class="update font-regular completed"> <strong>Completed</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">The scheduled maintenance has been completed.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>10</var>, <var data-var='time'>21:00</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular in progress"> <strong>In progress</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>10</var>, <var data-var='time'>14:00</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular scheduled"> <strong>Scheduled</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">Our SMS and MMS carrier partner in the United States is conducting a planned maintenance from 10 February 2025 at 14:00 PST until 10 February 2025 at 21:00 PST. During the maintenance window, there could be intermittent delays delivering SMS and MMS to and from United States handsets via subset of United States long codes and short codes.</span> <br> <small> Jan <var data-var='date'>31</var>, <var data-var='time'>15:00</var> PST </small> </div> </div> </div> <div class="incident-container"> <div class="incident-title impact-minor font-large"> <a class="whitespace-pre-wrap" href="/incidents/49q21s1qw20m">SMS Delivery Delays Reports to Multiple Networks in United States for a Subset of Short Codes</a> </div> <div class="updates-container"> <!-- postmortem --> <!-- incident updates --> <div class="update font-regular resolved"> <strong>Resolved</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are no longer experiencing SMS delivery delays when sending messages to Multiple Networks in United States for a subset of short codes. This incident has been resolved.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>10</var>, <var data-var='time'>19:36</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular monitoring"> <strong>Monitoring</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are observing recovery in SMS delivery delays when sending messages to Multiple Networks in United States for a subset of short codes. We will continue monitoring the service to ensure a full recovery. We will provide another update in 2 hours or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>10</var>, <var data-var='time'>17:13</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular identified"> <strong>Identified</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We have identified the issue is delays in receiving message delivery reports when sending to Multiple Networks in United States for a subset of short codes. Message delivers are not impacted. Our engineers are working with our carrier partner to resolve the issue. We expect to provide another update in 2 hours or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>10</var>, <var data-var='time'>14:56</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular update"> <strong>Update</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are experiencing SMS delivery delays when sending messages to Multiple Networks in United States for a subset of short codes. Our engineers are working with our carrier partner to resolve the issue. We will provide another update in 1 hour or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>10</var>, <var data-var='time'>13:53</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular investigating"> <strong>Investigating</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">Our monitoring systems have detected a potential issue of SMS Delivery Delays to Multiple Networks in United States for a Subset of Short codes. Our engineering team has been alerted and is actively investigating. We will update as soon as we have more information.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>10</var>, <var data-var='time'>13:47</var> PST </small> </div> </div> </div> <div class="incident-container"> <div class="incident-title impact-maintenance font-large"> <a class="whitespace-pre-wrap" href="/incidents/7c81g5yw62hx">Kazakhstan SMS Carrier Maintenance - Tele2</a> </div> <div class="updates-container"> <!-- postmortem --> <!-- incident updates --> <div class="update font-regular completed"> <strong>Completed</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">The scheduled maintenance has been completed.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>10</var>, <var data-var='time'>19:00</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular in progress"> <strong>In progress</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>10</var>, <var data-var='time'>13:00</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular scheduled"> <strong>Scheduled</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">The Tele2 network in Kazakhstan is conducting a planned maintenance from 10 February 2025 at 13:00 PST until 10 February 2025 at 19:00 PST. During the maintenance window, there could be intermittent delays delivering SMS to Tele2 Kazakhstan handsets.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'> 5</var>, <var data-var='time'>22:03</var> PST </small> </div> </div> </div> <div class="incident-container"> <div class="incident-title impact-maintenance font-large"> <a class="whitespace-pre-wrap" href="/incidents/y1qnjg75pf9d">Russia SMS Carrier Maintenance - MegaFon</a> </div> <div class="updates-container"> <!-- postmortem --> <!-- incident updates --> <div class="update font-regular completed"> <strong>Completed</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">The scheduled maintenance has been completed.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>10</var>, <var data-var='time'>16:00</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular in progress"> <strong>In progress</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>10</var>, <var data-var='time'>12:00</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular scheduled"> <strong>Scheduled</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">The MegaFon network in Russia is conducting a planned maintenance from 10 February 2025 at 12:00 PST until 10 February 2025 at 16:00 PST. During the maintenance window, there could be intermittent delays delivering SMS to MegaFon Russia handsets.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'> 7</var>, <var data-var='time'>15:19</var> PST </small> </div> </div> </div> <div class="incident-container"> <div class="incident-title impact-minor font-large"> <a class="whitespace-pre-wrap" href="/incidents/kgpq6bss6x92">SMS Delivery Delays to Multiple Network in Colombia via Subset of Longcodes</a> </div> <div class="updates-container"> <!-- postmortem --> <!-- incident updates --> <div class="update font-regular resolved"> <strong>Resolved</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are not broadly experiencing SMS delivery delays when sending messages to multiple networks in Colombia via a subset of long code phone numbers. Customers directly effected are being contacted directly. This incident has been resolved.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>10</var>, <var data-var='time'>15:36</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular update"> <strong>Update</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are experiencing SMS delivery delays when sending messages to multiple networks in Colombia via a subset of long code phone numbers. Our engineers are working with our carrier partner to resolve the issue. We will provide another update in 1 hours or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>10</var>, <var data-var='time'>13:50</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular investigating"> <strong>Investigating</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">Our monitoring systems have detected a potential issue of SMS delivery delays to multiple networks in Colombia via a subset of long code phone numbers. Our engineering team has been alerted and is actively investigating. We will update as soon as we have more information.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>10</var>, <var data-var='time'>13:41</var> PST </small> </div> </div> </div> <div class="incident-container"> <div class="incident-title impact-minor font-large"> <a class="whitespace-pre-wrap" href="/incidents/65s4vt1xrw92">Unable to Log in to Twilio Console</a> </div> <div class="updates-container"> <!-- postmortem --> <!-- incident updates --> <div class="update font-regular resolved"> <strong>Resolved</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">Performance in Twilio Console login has been resolved is operating normally at this time.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>10</var>, <var data-var='time'>13:22</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular monitoring"> <strong>Monitoring</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">Twilio Console performance issues are mitigated. We will continue to monitor for system stability. We'll provide another update in 2 hours or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>10</var>, <var data-var='time'>10:41</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular update"> <strong>Update</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are still experiencing degraded performance in Twilio Console. If you are experiencing the issue with login, as a work around please go to <a target="_blank" href=""></a>. Our engineers continue to investigate the issue for an improved fix. We will provide another update in 4 hours or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>10</var>, <var data-var='time'>07:57</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular update"> <strong>Update</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are still experiencing degraded performance in Twilio Console. If you are experiencing the issue with login, as a work around please go to <a target="_blank" href=""></a>. Our engineers continue to investigate the issue for an improved fix. We will provide another update in 2 hours or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>10</var>, <var data-var='time'>05:57</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular investigating"> <strong>Investigating</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are still experiencing degraded performance in Twilio Console. If you are experiencing the issue with login, as a work around please go to <a target="_blank" href=""></a>. Our engineers continue to investigate the issue for an improved fix. We will provide another update in 60 minutes or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>10</var>, <var data-var='time'>05:03</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular monitoring"> <strong>Monitoring</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are seeing recovery in Log in issues to Twilio Console. We will continue to monitor for system stability and will provide another update in 30 minutes or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>10</var>, <var data-var='time'>04:29</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular update"> <strong>Update</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are seeing recovery in Log in issues to Twilio Console. We will continue to monitor for system stability and will provide another update in 30 minutes or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>10</var>, <var data-var='time'>03:55</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular update"> <strong>Update</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are currently seeing degraded performance in Twilio Console. Our customers may experience login issues. Our engineering team is looking into the issue. We expect to provide another update in 30 minutes or as soon as more information becomes available.<br />For users who log in to Flex from Console, please use and go to the SSO login flow.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>10</var>, <var data-var='time'>03:25</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular update"> <strong>Update</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are currently seeing degraded performance in Twilio Console. Our customers may experience login issues. Our engineering team is looking into the issue. We expect to provide another update in 30 minutes or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>10</var>, <var data-var='time'>03:12</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular investigating"> <strong>Investigating</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">Our monitoring systems have detected a potential issue with Twilio Login Page. Our engineering team has been alerted and is actively investigating. We will update as soon as we have more information.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>10</var>, <var data-var='time'>02:59</var> PST </small> </div> </div> </div> <div class="incident-container"> <div class="incident-title impact-minor font-large"> <a class="whitespace-pre-wrap" href="/incidents/l3cl0gjdlljy">SMS Delivery Delays to Bouygues Telecom in France via Subset of Longcodes</a> </div> <div class="updates-container"> <!-- postmortem --> <!-- incident updates --> <div class="update font-regular resolved"> <strong>Resolved</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We have fully investigated the SMS delivery delays when sending messages to Bouygues Telecom in France via Subset of Longcodes issue, and it was determined that the impact was limited to a small set of customers, who have been contacted individually to address any concerns. All systems are operational.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>10</var>, <var data-var='time'>11:25</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular update"> <strong>Update</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We continue experiencing SMS delivery delays when sending messages to Bouygues Telecom in France via Subset of Longcodes. Our engineers are working with our carrier partner to resolve the issue. We will provide another update in 24 hours or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'> 9</var>, <var data-var='time'>18:45</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular update"> <strong>Update</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We continue experiencing SMS delivery delays when sending messages to Bouygues Telecom in France via Subset of Longcodes. Our engineers are working with our carrier partner to resolve the issue. We will provide another update in 16 hours or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'> 9</var>, <var data-var='time'>02:27</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular update"> <strong>Update</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We continue experiencing SMS delivery delays when sending messages to Bouygues Telecom in France via Subset of Longcodes. Our engineers are working with our carrier partner to resolve the issue. We will provide another update in 8 hours or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'> 8</var>, <var data-var='time'>18:28</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular update"> <strong>Update</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We continue experiencing SMS delivery delays when sending messages to Bouygues Telecom in France via Subset of Longcodes. Our engineers are working with our carrier partner to resolve the issue. We will provide another update in 4 hours or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'> 8</var>, <var data-var='time'>14:34</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular update"> <strong>Update</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We continue experiencing SMS delivery delays when sending messages to Bouygues Telecom in France via Subset of Longcodes. Our engineers are working with our carrier partner to resolve the issue. We will provide another update in 2 hours or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'> 8</var>, <var data-var='time'>12:34</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular investigating"> <strong>Investigating</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are experiencing SMS delivery delays when sending messages to Bouygues Telecom in France via Subset of Longcodes. Our engineers are working with our carrier partner to resolve the issue. We will provide another update in 1 hour or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'> 8</var>, <var data-var='time'>11:34</var> PST </small> </div> </div> </div> <div class="incident-container"> <div class="incident-title impact-maintenance font-large"> <a class="whitespace-pre-wrap" href="/incidents/s7s85vbyrt6j">United States Account Security Carrier Partner Maintenance - AT&T</a> </div> <div class="updates-container"> <!-- postmortem --> <!-- incident updates --> <div class="update font-regular completed"> <strong>Completed</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">The scheduled maintenance has been completed.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>10</var>, <var data-var='time'>10:00</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular in progress"> <strong>In progress</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'> 8</var>, <var data-var='time'>08:00</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular scheduled"> <strong>Scheduled</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">Our carrier partner AT&T United States is conducting planned maintenance from 08 February 2025 at 08:00 PST until 10 February 2025 at 10:00 PST. During the maintenance window, there could be intermittent API request failures for AT&T United States customers.<br><br /><br><br />Impacted Product: Verify Silent Network Auth<br><br /><br><br />Note, the maintenance will be carried out on each of the following dates and times:<br><br /><br><br />08 February 2025 at 08:00 PST until 09 February 2025 at 10:00 PST<br><br />09 February 2025 at 08:00 PST until 10 February 2025 at 10:00 PST<br><br /><br><br />We are aware of the short notice and are working with our Carrier Partners to provide earlier notification where possible.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'> 7</var>, <var data-var='time'>12:03</var> PST </small> </div> </div> </div> <div class="incident-container"> <div class="incident-title impact-minor font-large"> <a class="whitespace-pre-wrap" href="/incidents/73wmcfqn5q5y">SMS Delivery Delays to Etisalat/TeleCel/Moov in Niger</a> </div> <div class="updates-container"> <!-- postmortem --> <!-- incident updates --> <div class="update font-regular resolved"> <strong>Resolved</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are no longer experiencing SMS delivery delays when sending messages to Etisalat/TeleCel/Moov in Niger. This incident has been resolved.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>10</var>, <var data-var='time'>09:26</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular update"> <strong>Update</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are observing recovery in SMS delivery delays when sending messages to Etisalat/TeleCel/Moov in Niger. We will continue monitoring the service to ensure a full recovery. We will provide another update in 2 hours or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>10</var>, <var data-var='time'>07:27</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular monitoring"> <strong>Monitoring</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are observing recovery in MMS/SMS delivery delays when sending messages to Etisalat/TeleCel/Moov in Niger. We will continue monitoring the service to ensure a full recovery. We will provide another update in 30 mins or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>10</var>, <var data-var='time'>06:58</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular update"> <strong>Update</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are still experiencing SMS delivery delays when sending messages to Etisalat/TeleCel/Moov in Niger. Our engineers are working with our carrier partner to resolve the issue. We will provide another update in 8 hours or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>10</var>, <var data-var='time'>03:17</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular update"> <strong>Update</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are still experiencing SMS delivery delays when sending messages to Etisalat/TeleCel/Moov in Niger. Our engineers are working with our carrier partner to resolve the issue. We will provide another update in 4 hours or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'> 9</var>, <var data-var='time'>23:12</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular update"> <strong>Update</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are still experiencing SMS delivery delays when sending messages to Etisalat/TeleCel/Moov in Niger. Our engineers are working with our carrier partner to resolve the issue. We will provide another update in 2 hours or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'> 9</var>, <var data-var='time'>21:02</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular investigating"> <strong>Investigating</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are still experiencing SMS delivery delays when sending messages to Etisalat/TeleCel/Moov in Niger. Our engineers are working with our carrier partner to resolve the issue. We will provide another update in 1 hour or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'> 9</var>, <var data-var='time'>20:15</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular update"> <strong>Update</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are still experiencing SMS delivery delays when sending messages to Etisalat/TeleCel/Moov in Niger. Our engineers are working with our carrier partner to resolve the issue. We will provide another update in 1 hour or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'> 9</var>, <var data-var='time'>20:13</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular update"> <strong>Update</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are observing recovery in SMS delivery delays when sending messages to Etisalat/TeleCel/Moov in Niger. We will continue monitoring the service to ensure a full recovery. We will provide another update in 2 hours or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'> 9</var>, <var data-var='time'>16:14</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular monitoring"> <strong>Monitoring</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are observing recovery in SMS delivery delays when sending messages to Etisalat/TeleCel/Moov in Niger. We will continue monitoring the service to ensure a full recovery. We will provide another update in 2 hours or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'> 9</var>, <var data-var='time'>14:14</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular update"> <strong>Update</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are still experiencing SMS delivery delays when sending messages to Etisalat/TeleCel/Moov in Niger. Our engineers are working with our carrier partner to resolve the issue. We will provide another update in 4 hours or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'> 9</var>, <var data-var='time'>10:29</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular update"> <strong>Update</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are still experiencing SMS delivery delays when sending messages to Etisalat/TeleCel/Moov in Niger. Our engineers are working with our carrier partner to resolve the issue. We will provide another update in 2 hours or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'> 9</var>, <var data-var='time'>08:34</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular investigating"> <strong>Investigating</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are experiencing SMS delivery delays when sending messages to Etisalat/TeleCel/Moov in Niger. Our engineers are working with our carrier partner to resolve the issue. We will provide another update in 1 hour or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'> 9</var>, <var data-var='time'>07:31</var> PST </small> </div> </div> </div> <div class="incident-container"> <div class="incident-title impact-minor font-large"> <a class="whitespace-pre-wrap" href="/incidents/rxwgd07429gg">Inbound Message Delivery Failures to Twilio Numbers in France</a> </div> <div class="updates-container"> <!-- postmortem --> <!-- incident updates --> <div class="update font-regular resolved"> <strong>Resolved</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are no longer experiencing SMS delivery failures to Twilio Numbers in France. This incident has been resolved.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>10</var>, <var data-var='time'>08:12</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular update"> <strong>Update</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are observing successful SMS delivery to Twilio Numbers in France. We will continue to monitor to ensure full service recovery. We expect to provide another update in 2 hours or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>10</var>, <var data-var='time'>06:55</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular monitoring"> <strong>Monitoring</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are observing successful SMS delivery to Twilio Numbers in France. We will continue to monitor to ensure full service recovery. We expect to provide another update in 30 mins or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>10</var>, <var data-var='time'>06:25</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular investigating"> <strong>Investigating</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are experiencing message delivery failures to Twilio Numbers in France. Our engineers are working with our carrier partner to resolve the issue. We will provide another update in 1 hour or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>10</var>, <var data-var='time'>05:25</var> PST </small> </div> </div> </div> <div class="incident-container"> <div class="incident-title impact-maintenance font-large"> <a class="whitespace-pre-wrap" href="/incidents/k2dl8tkx7s0x">United States SMS and MMS Carrier Maintenance - T-Mobile</a> </div> <div class="updates-container"> <!-- postmortem --> <!-- incident updates --> <div class="update font-regular completed"> <strong>Completed</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">The scheduled maintenance has been completed.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>10</var>, <var data-var='time'>04:00</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular in progress"> <strong>In progress</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'> 9</var>, <var data-var='time'>22:00</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular scheduled"> <strong>Scheduled</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">The T-Mobile network in the United States is conducting a planned maintenance from 09 February 2025 at 22:00 PST until 10 February 2025 at 04:00 PST. During the maintenance window, there could be intermittent delays delivering SMS and MMS to and from T-Mobile United States handsets.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'> 6</var>, <var data-var='time'>14:43</var> PST </small> </div> </div> </div> <div class="incident-container"> <div class="incident-title impact-none font-large"> <a class="whitespace-pre-wrap" href="/incidents/rjrb1qk9v57x">Twilio Event Streams Affected</a> </div> <div class="updates-container"> <!-- postmortem --> <!-- incident updates --> <div class="update font-regular resolved"> <strong>Resolved</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">Twilio Event Streams was degraded for 2 hours and 15 minutes between 06:15 and 08:30 Pacific Time on 02/10/2025 . During this period of time customers may have experienced fluctuating delays when receiving events. The issue has now been resolved.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>10</var>, <var data-var='time'>03:00</var> PST </small> </div> </div> </div> <div class="incident-container"> <div class="incident-title impact-none font-large"> <a class="whitespace-pre-wrap" href="/incidents/6b5l9bkjpk3p">Twilio Programmable Messaging and Verify API Affected</a> </div> <div class="updates-container"> <!-- postmortem --> <!-- incident updates --> <div class="update font-regular resolved"> <strong>Resolved</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">Twilio Programmable Messaging API and Verify were degraded for 1 minute between 06:03 and 06:04 Pacific Time on 10/02/2025. During this period of time, customers sending messages may have received 5xx's in API responses. The issue has now been resolved.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>10</var>, <var data-var='time'>03:00</var> PST </small> </div> </div> </div> <div class="incident-container"> <div class="incident-title impact-maintenance font-large"> <a class="whitespace-pre-wrap" href="/incidents/q8hsf386zxw5">United Kingdom Account Security Carrier Partner Maintenance - EE</a> </div> <div class="updates-container"> <!-- postmortem --> <!-- incident updates --> <div class="update font-regular completed"> <strong>Completed</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">The scheduled maintenance has been completed.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'>10</var>, <var data-var='time'>00:55</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular in progress"> <strong>In progress</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'> 9</var>, <var data-var='time'>06:00</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular scheduled"> <strong>Scheduled</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">Our carrier partner EE United Kingdom is conducting a planned maintenance from 09 February 2025 at 06:00 PST until 10 February 2025 at 00:55 PST. During the maintenance window, there could be intermittent API request failures for EE United Kingdom customers.<br><br /><br><br />Impacted Products: Verify Silent Network Auth, Lookup Identity Match, Lookup SIM Swap, Legacy Identity MatchAndAttributes</span> <br> <small> Jan <var data-var='date'>31</var>, <var data-var='time'>13:20</var> PST </small> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="status-day font-regular "> <div class="date border-color font-large">Feb <var data-var="date"> 9</var>, <var data-var="year">2025</var></div> <div class="incident-container"> <div class="incident-title impact-minor font-large"> <a class="whitespace-pre-wrap" href="/incidents/s16twpr2zz5w">SMS Delivery Delays To Multiple Network In Dominican_Republic</a> </div> <div class="updates-container"> <!-- postmortem --> <!-- incident updates --> <div class="update font-regular resolved"> <strong>Resolved</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are no longer experiencing SMS delivery delays when sending messages to Claro Network In Dominican Republic. This incident has been resolved.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'> 9</var>, <var data-var='time'>14:40</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular update"> <strong>Update</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are continuing to monitor for any further issues.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'> 9</var>, <var data-var='time'>14:35</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular monitoring"> <strong>Monitoring</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are observing recovery in SMS delivery delays when sending messages to Claro Network in Dominican Republic. We will continue monitoring the service to ensure a full recovery. We will provide another update in 2 hours or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'> 9</var>, <var data-var='time'>12:51</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular update"> <strong>Update</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are still experiencing SMS delivery delays when sending messages to Claro Network in Dominican Republic. Our engineers are working with our carrier partner to resolve the issue. We will provide another update in 8 hours or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'> 9</var>, <var data-var='time'>10:31</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular update"> <strong>Update</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are still experiencing SMS delivery delays when sending messages to Claro Network in Dominican Republic. Our engineers are working with our carrier partner to resolve the issue. We will provide another update in 4 hours or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'> 9</var>, <var data-var='time'>06:43</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular update"> <strong>Update</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are still experiencing SMS delivery delays when sending messages to Claro Network in Dominican Republic. Our engineers are working with our carrier partner to resolve the issue. We will provide another update in 2 hours or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'> 9</var>, <var data-var='time'>04:40</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular investigating"> <strong>Investigating</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are experiencing SMS delivery delays when sending messages to Claro Network In Dominican Republic. Our engineers are working with our carrier partner to resolve the issue. We will provide another update in 1 hour or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'> 9</var>, <var data-var='time'>03:51</var> PST </small> </div> </div> </div> <div class="incident-container"> <div class="incident-title impact-minor font-large"> <a class="whitespace-pre-wrap" href="/incidents/zg9fwch5nw0j">Inbound SMS Delivery Delays to the Subset of Twilio Phone Numbers and Outbound SMS Delivery Delays and Failures Over Domestic Long Codes in Philippines</a> </div> <div class="updates-container"> <!-- postmortem --> <!-- incident updates --> <div class="update font-regular resolved"> <strong>Resolved</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are no longer experiencing inbound SMS delivery delays to the subset of Twilio phone numbers and outbound SMS delivery delays and failures over domestic Long Codes in Philippines. This incident has been resolved.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'> 9</var>, <var data-var='time'>10:57</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular monitoring"> <strong>Monitoring</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are observing recovery in a subset of Twilio phone numbers and outbound SMS delivery delays and failures over domestic Long Codes in Philippines. We will continue monitoring the service to ensure a full recovery, another update will be provided in 2 hours or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'> 9</var>, <var data-var='time'>08:52</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular update"> <strong>Update</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We continue to experience inbound SMS delivery delays to the subset of Twilio phone numbers and outbound SMS delivery delays and failures over domestic Long Codes in Philippines. Our engineers are working with our carrier partner to resolve the issue. We will provide another update in 8 hours or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'> 9</var>, <var data-var='time'>00:35</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular update"> <strong>Update</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We continue to experience inbound SMS delivery delays to the subset of Twilio phone numbers and outbound SMS delivery delays and failures over domestic Long Codes in Philippines. Our engineers are working with our carrier partner to resolve the issue. We will provide another update in 4 hours or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'> 8</var>, <var data-var='time'>20:51</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular update"> <strong>Update</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We continue to experience inbound SMS delivery delays to the subset of Twilio phone numbers and outbound SMS delivery delays and failures over domestic Long Codes in Philippines. Our engineers are working with our carrier partner to resolve the issue. We will provide another update in 2 hours or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'> 8</var>, <var data-var='time'>18:59</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular investigating"> <strong>Investigating</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are experiencing inbound SMS delivery delays to the subset of Twilio phone numbers and outbound SMS delivery delays and failures over domestic Long Codes in Philippines. Our engineers are working with our carrier partner to resolve the issue. We will provide another update in 1 hour or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'> 8</var>, <var data-var='time'>18:01</var> PST </small> </div> </div> </div> <div class="incident-container"> <div class="incident-title impact-maintenance font-large"> <a class="whitespace-pre-wrap" href="/incidents/bvw4kk7btnyn">United States Account Security Carrier Partner Maintenance - T-Mobile US</a> </div> <div class="updates-container"> <!-- postmortem --> <!-- incident updates --> <div class="update font-regular completed"> <strong>Completed</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">The scheduled maintenance has been completed.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'> 9</var>, <var data-var='time'>04:00</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular in progress"> <strong>In progress</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'> 9</var>, <var data-var='time'>01:00</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular scheduled"> <strong>Scheduled</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">Our carrier partner T-Mobile US United States is conducting a planned maintenance from 09 February 2025 at 01:00 PST until 09 February 2025 at 04:00 PST. During the maintenance window, there could be intermittent API request failures for T-Mobile US United States customers.<br><br /><br><br />Impacted Products: Verify Silent Network Auth, Lookup SIM Swap</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'> 5</var>, <var data-var='time'>14:41</var> PST </small> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="status-day font-regular "> <div class="date border-color font-large">Feb <var data-var="date"> 8</var>, <var data-var="year">2025</var></div> <div class="incident-container"> <div class="incident-title impact-minor font-large"> <a class="whitespace-pre-wrap" href="/incidents/gccmbrvnk8xx">SMS Delivery Delays to Movicel Network in Angola</a> </div> <div class="updates-container"> <!-- postmortem --> <!-- incident updates --> <div class="update font-regular resolved"> <strong>Resolved</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are no longer experiencing SMS delivery delays when sending messages to Movicel network in Angola. This incident has been resolved.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'> 8</var>, <var data-var='time'>21:22</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular monitoring"> <strong>Monitoring</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are observing recovery in SMS delivery when sending messages to the Movicel network in Angola. We will continue monitoring the service to ensure a full recovery. We will provide another update in 2 hours or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'> 8</var>, <var data-var='time'>19:29</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular update"> <strong>Update</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We continue experiencing SMS delivery delays when sending messages to Movicel network in Angola. Our engineers are working with our carrier partner to resolve the issue. We will provide another update in 4 hours or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'> 8</var>, <var data-var='time'>16:20</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular update"> <strong>Update</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We continue experiencing SMS delivery delays when sending messages to Movicel network in Angola. Our engineers are working with our carrier partner to resolve the issue. We will provide another update in 2 hours or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'> 8</var>, <var data-var='time'>14:20</var> PST </small> </div> <div class="update font-regular investigating"> <strong>Investigating</strong> - <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">We are experiencing SMS delivery delays when sending messages to Movicel network in Angola. Our engineers are working with our carrier partner to resolve the issue. We will provide another update in 1 hour or as soon as more information becomes available.</span> <br> <small> Feb <var data-var='date'> 8</var>, <var data-var='time'>13:20</var> PST </small> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="status-day font-regular no-incidents"> <div class="date border-color font-large">Feb <var data-var="date"> 7</var>, <var data-var="year">2025</var></div> <p class="color-secondary">No incidents reported.</p> </div> <div class="status-day font-regular"> <div class="date border-color font-large">Feb <var data-var="date"> 6</var>, <var data-var="year">2025</var></div> </div> <div class="status-day font-regular"> <div class="date border-color font-large">Feb <var data-var="date"> 5</var>, <var data-var="year">2025</var></div> </div> <div class="status-day font-regular no-incidents"> <div class="date border-color font-large">Feb <var data-var="date"> 4</var>, <var data-var="year">2025</var></div> <p class="color-secondary">No incidents reported.</p> </div> <div class="status-day font-regular no-incidents"> <div class="date border-color font-large">Feb <var data-var="date"> 3</var>, <var data-var="year">2025</var></div> <p class="color-secondary">No incidents reported.</p> </div> </div> <div class="page-footer border-color font-small"> <a href="/history" class="history-footer-link"><span style="font-family:arial">←</span> Incident History</a> <span class="color-secondary powered-by"><a class="color-secondary" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer nofollow" href="">Powered by Atlassian Statuspage</a></span> </div> </div> <div class="custom-footer-container"> <!-- <div class="components-affected-wrapper"> <span class="color-light-grey font-14">This incident affected: </span> <span class="yellow-dot-own dot-before font-15 color-blue">SMS Toll Free, North America</span> <span class="yellow-dot-own dot-before font-15 color-blue">SMS Toll Free, North America</span> <span class="dot-before green-outline-dot-own font-15 color-blue">SMS Toll Free, North America</span> <span class="color-yellow font-13"> <img src="" width="20"> May be impacted by a connectivity issue</span> </div> --> <div style="height:50px"></div> <footer class="footer-blue"> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-12 text-center pb-4 mb-2"> <a target="_blank" href=""> <svg xmlns="" height="80" width="80" viewBox="0 0 60 60"><defs><style>.cls-1{fill:#fff;}</style></defs><title>twilio-logomark-whiteArtboard 1</title><path class="cls-1" d="M30,15A15,15,0,1,0,45,30,15,15,0,0,0,30,15Zm0,26A11,11,0,1,1,41,30,11,11,0,0,1,30,41Zm6.8-14.7a3.1,3.1,0,1,1-3.1-3.1A3.12,3.12,0,0,1,36.8,26.3Zm0,7.4a3.1,3.1,0,1,1-3.1-3.1A3.12,3.12,0,0,1,36.8,33.7Zm-7.4,0a3.1,3.1,0,1,1-3.1-3.1A3.12,3.12,0,0,1,29.4,33.7Zm0-7.4a3.1,3.1,0,1,1-3.1-3.1A3.12,3.12,0,0,1,29.4,26.3Z"/></svg> </a> </div> <div class="col-12"> <ul class="list-unstyled text-center footer-menu-list mb-3"> <li><a target="_blank" href="">About</a></li> <li><a target="_blank" href="">Legal</a></li> <li><a target="_blank" href="">Privacy</a></li> <li><a target="_blank" href=""></a></li> <li><a target="_blank" href="">Press & Media</a></li> <li><a target="_blank" href="">Signal</a></li> <li><a target="_blank" href="">Investors</a></li> <li><a target="_blank" href="">Jobs</a></li> <li><a target="_blank" href="">Powered by Statuspage</a></li> </ul> </div> <div class="col-12 copyright-text"> <span>Copyright © 2023 Twilio Inc., All Rights Reserved.</span> </div> </div> </div> </footer> </div> </div> <!-- custom metrics stuff --> <script src=""></script> <div id="cpt-notification-container"></div> <!-- all of the content_for stuff --> <script src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript"> $(function() { SP.currentPage.registerSubscriptionForm('email'); 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var errorMsg = null; if(summary === "unavailable") { errorMsg = 'We\'re having issues retrieving data for <strong>API Response Time - North America</strong>.</div>'; } else if(summary) { // we need to do a basic check to make sure we have any data at all var hasDataRollupsAvailable = false; for(var h = 0; h < metricsDisplay.metrics.length; h++) { if(metricsDisplay.metrics[h].data.length > 0) { hasDataRollupsAvailable = true; break; } } if(!hasDataRollupsAvailable) { errorMsg = "Oops! No data has been indexed for <strong>API Response Time - North America</strong> for this time period yet."; } } else { errorMsg = "Failed to load. <strong>API Response Time - North America</strong>"; } if(errorMsg !== null) { $metricSummaryLabel.text("--"); // display -- instead of number $graphContainer.html('<div class="small" style="text-align:center;">' + errorMsg + '</div>'); // removed .parent().find('.metric-meta').remove() so name still shows $graphContainer.removeAttr("style"); return; } $; $graphContainer.attr("style", "height: 120px"); // set style after error message removed it // proceed since we have data $metricSummaryLabel.text(SP.currentPage.numberToDecimalPlaces(summary['mean'], 0 ) + ' ms'); var metricDataPoints = {} , intervalMsec = metricsDisplay.period.interval * 1000; var startingBucketMsec = parseInt((new Date()).getTime() / intervalMsec) * intervalMsec; for(var h = 0; h < metricsDisplay.metrics.length; h++) { metricDataPoints[metricsDisplay.metrics[h]] = [] var data = metricsDisplay.metrics[h].data , currentBucketMsec = startingBucketMsec; for(var i = metricsDisplay.period.count; i > 0; i--) { // loop over the data and pull out the data point with the following characteristics // -> closest to currentBucketMsec // -> without being greater than currentMsecBucket // -> without being more than 1 intervalMsec bucket away var valueToUse = null; for(var j = data.length - 1; j >= 0; j--) { var currentTimestampMsec = data[j].timestamp * 1000; if(currentTimestampMsec <= currentBucketMsec && currentTimestampMsec > (currentBucketMsec - intervalMsec)) { valueToUse = data[j].value; // console.log("Using ts:" + currentTimestampMsec + " with value:" + valueToUse + " for bucket:" + currentBucketMsec); break; } } // local time var offset = -1 * (new Date()).getTimezoneOffset() * 60 * 1000; metricDataPoints[metricsDisplay.metrics[h]].push([currentBucketMsec + offset, valueToUse]) currentBucketMsec -= intervalMsec; } metricDataPoints[metricsDisplay.metrics[h]].reverse(); } // set Global options Highcharts.setOptions({ lang: { thousandsSep: ',' } }); $('#metrics-display-graph-container-ws42h84wbpmt').highcharts('StockChart', { plotOptions : { series : { animation : false, color : '#3498DB', connectNulls: false }, }, chart : { backgroundColor: '#FFFFFF' }, title : { text: '', style: { display: 'none', } }, credits : { enabled : false }, exporting : { enabled : false }, rangeSelector : { enabled : false }, scrollbar : { enabled : false }, navigator : { enabled : false }, xAxis: { gridLineColor : 'rgba(224,224,224,.8)', labels: { style : { color: '#AAAAAA' } }, lineColor: '#E0E0E0', }, yAxis: { gridLineColor : 'rgba(224,224,224,.5)', labels: { align: 'left', x: 5, y: 3, style : { color: '#AAAAAA' }, enabled : true }, showLastLabel: true, min: 0.0, startOnTick: false, tickPixelInterval: 40, }, series : [ { name : 'API Response Time - North America', data : metricDataPoints['8qrfzff6q453'], tooltip: { valueSuffix: ' ms' }, enableMouseTracking : ($(window).outerWidth() > 480) && true } ], tooltip: { borderWidth: 0, enabled: ($(window).outerWidth() > 480) && true, headerFormat: "<span style='font-size: 10px'>{point.key} </span>", hideDelay: 300, pointFormat: "<span style='color:{point.color}'>●</span> <b>{point.y}</b><br/>", positioner: function() { return {x: 0, y: 0 }; }, shadow: false, shape: "square", split: false } }); }); $.ajax({ type: "GET", // this line must be end up with "//status.*" type of URLs (no protocol, just leading slashes). customers use SSL through us or by offloading with // cloudflare or something like it and the request.protocol the server sees is different than what the browser sees url: "//".replace('_', period) }).done(function(metricsDisplay, textStatus, xhr) { var summary = metricsDisplay.summary , $metricSummaryLabel = HRB.utils.djshook('metrics-display-current-h9dscy1rnf7g') , $graphContainer = HRB.utils.djshook('metrics-display-graph-container-h9dscy1rnf7g'); var errorMsg = null; if(summary === "unavailable") { errorMsg = 'We\'re having issues retrieving data for <strong>API Response Time - Europe</strong>.</div>'; } else if(summary) { // we need to do a basic check to make sure we have any data at all var hasDataRollupsAvailable = false; for(var h = 0; h < metricsDisplay.metrics.length; h++) { if(metricsDisplay.metrics[h].data.length > 0) { hasDataRollupsAvailable = true; break; } } if(!hasDataRollupsAvailable) { errorMsg = "Oops! No data has been indexed for <strong>API Response Time - Europe</strong> for this time period yet."; } } else { errorMsg = "Failed to load. <strong>API Response Time - Europe</strong>"; } if(errorMsg !== null) { $metricSummaryLabel.text("--"); // display -- instead of number $graphContainer.html('<div class="small" style="text-align:center;">' + errorMsg + '</div>'); // removed .parent().find('.metric-meta').remove() so name still shows $graphContainer.removeAttr("style"); return; } $; $graphContainer.attr("style", "height: 120px"); // set style after error message removed it // proceed since we have data $metricSummaryLabel.text(SP.currentPage.numberToDecimalPlaces(summary['mean'], 0 ) + ' ms'); var metricDataPoints = {} , intervalMsec = metricsDisplay.period.interval * 1000; var startingBucketMsec = parseInt((new Date()).getTime() / intervalMsec) * intervalMsec; for(var h = 0; h < metricsDisplay.metrics.length; h++) { metricDataPoints[metricsDisplay.metrics[h]] = [] var data = metricsDisplay.metrics[h].data , currentBucketMsec = startingBucketMsec; for(var i = metricsDisplay.period.count; i > 0; i--) { // loop over the data and pull out the data point with the following characteristics // -> closest to currentBucketMsec // -> without being greater than currentMsecBucket // -> without being more than 1 intervalMsec bucket away var valueToUse = null; for(var j = data.length - 1; j >= 0; j--) { var currentTimestampMsec = data[j].timestamp * 1000; if(currentTimestampMsec <= currentBucketMsec && currentTimestampMsec > (currentBucketMsec - intervalMsec)) { valueToUse = data[j].value; // console.log("Using ts:" + currentTimestampMsec + " with value:" + valueToUse + " for bucket:" + currentBucketMsec); break; } } // local time var offset = -1 * (new Date()).getTimezoneOffset() * 60 * 1000; metricDataPoints[metricsDisplay.metrics[h]].push([currentBucketMsec + offset, valueToUse]) currentBucketMsec -= intervalMsec; } metricDataPoints[metricsDisplay.metrics[h]].reverse(); } // set Global options Highcharts.setOptions({ lang: { thousandsSep: ',' } }); $('#metrics-display-graph-container-h9dscy1rnf7g').highcharts('StockChart', { plotOptions : { series : { animation : false, color : '#3498DB', connectNulls: false }, }, chart : { backgroundColor: '#FFFFFF' }, title : { text: '', style: { display: 'none', } }, credits : { enabled : false }, exporting : { enabled : false }, rangeSelector : { enabled : false }, scrollbar : { enabled : false }, navigator : { enabled : false }, xAxis: { gridLineColor : 'rgba(224,224,224,.8)', labels: { style : { color: '#AAAAAA' } }, lineColor: '#E0E0E0', }, yAxis: { gridLineColor : 'rgba(224,224,224,.5)', labels: { align: 'left', x: 5, y: 3, style : { color: '#AAAAAA' }, enabled : true }, showLastLabel: true, min: 0.0, startOnTick: false, tickPixelInterval: 40, }, series : [ { name : 'API Response Time - Europe', data : metricDataPoints['wr1fwtlx2mhk'], tooltip: { valueSuffix: ' ms' }, enableMouseTracking : ($(window).outerWidth() > 480) && true } ], tooltip: { borderWidth: 0, enabled: ($(window).outerWidth() > 480) && true, headerFormat: "<span style='font-size: 10px'>{point.key} </span>", hideDelay: 300, pointFormat: "<span style='color:{point.color}'>●</span> <b>{point.y}</b><br/>", positioner: function() { return {x: 0, y: 0 }; }, shadow: false, shape: "square", split: false } }); }); } var $timePeriodToggles = HRB.utils.djshook('data-time-period-toggle'); SP.currentPage.activeTimePeriodToggle = function(period) { $timePeriodToggles.removeClass('active'); $timePeriodToggles.filter('[data-time-period="' + period + '"]').addClass('active'); } SP.currentPage.getAndDisplayInitialChartData = function() { if (window.location.hash == '#week') { SP.currentPage.getDataForTimePeriod('week'); SP.currentPage.activeTimePeriodToggle('week'); } else if (window.location.hash == '#month') { SP.currentPage.getDataForTimePeriod('month'); SP.currentPage.activeTimePeriodToggle('month'); } else { SP.currentPage.getDataForTimePeriod('day'); SP.currentPage.activeTimePeriodToggle('day'); } } $timePeriodToggles.on('click', function() { var newPeriod = $(this).attr('data-time-period'); SP.currentPage.activeTimePeriodToggle(newPeriod); SP.currentPage.getDataForTimePeriod(newPeriod); window.location.hash = newPeriod; return false; }); SP.currentPage.getAndDisplayInitialChartData(); }) //]]> </script> <script> /** INITIALIZATION **/ var recaptchaIds = {} // Unfortunately there's no unique selectors on the parent divs that recaptcha adds. 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