Roth Laboratory - Publications
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href="#2020">2020</a> | <a href="#2016">2016</a> | <a href="#2012">2012</a> | <a href="#2008">2008</a> | <a href="#2004">2004</a> <br> <h4><a name="2023">2023</a></h4> <li> <font color=#FF0000>W van Loggerenberg*</font>, S Sowlati-Hashjin*, <font color=#FF0000>J Weile</font>, <font color=#FF0000>R Hamilton</font>, <font color=#FF0000>A Chawla</font>, <font color=#FF0000>D Sheykhkarimli</font>, <font color=#FF0000>M Gebbia</font>, <font color=#FF0000>N Kishore</font>, L Fresard, S Mustajoki, E Pischik, E Di Pierro, M Barbaro, Y Floderus, C Schmitt, L Gouya, A Colavin, R Nussbaum, ECH Friesema, R Kauppinen, J To-Figueras, AK Aarsand, RJ Desnick†, M Garton†, <font color=#FF0000>FP Roth</font>†. <u>Systematically testing human HMBS missense variants to reveal mechanism and pathogenic variation</u>. <b>American Journal of Human Genetics</b> 110(10):1769-1786 (2023). <a href="publications/vanLoggerenberg_AJHG_2023.html" target="_blank">Full Text</a> <p> <li> <font color=#FF0000>J Weile</font>, G Ferra, G Boyle, S Pendyala, C Amorosi, C-L Yeh, <font color=#FF0000>AG Cote</font>, <font color=#FF0000>N Kishore</font>, <font color=#FF0000>D Tabet</font>, <font color=#FF0000>W van Loggerenberg</font>, <font color=#FF0000>A Rayhan</font>, DM Fowler, MJ Dunham, <font color=#FF0000>FP Roth</font>†. <u>Pacybara: Accurate long-read sequencing for barcoded mutagenized allelic libraries</u>. <b>bioRxiv</b> (2023). <a href="publications/Weile_bioRxiv_2023.html" target="_blank">Full Text</a> <p> <li> J Lacoste, M Haghighi, S Haider, ZY Lin, D Segal, C Reno, WW Qian, X Xiong, H Shafqat-Abbasi, PV Ryder, R Senft, BA Cimini, <font color=#FF0000>FP Roth</font>, M Calderwood, D Hill, M Vidal, SS Yi, N Sahni, J Peng, AC Gingras, S Singh, AE Carpenter, M Taipale†. <u>Pervasive mislocalization of pathogenic coding variants underlying human disorders</u>. <b>bioRxiv</b> https://doi: 10.1101/2023.09.05.556368 (2023). <a href="publications/Lacoste_bioRxiv_2023.html" target="_blank">Full Text</a> <p> <li> DM Fowler†, DJ Adams, AL Gloyn, WC Hahn, DS Marks, LA Muffley, JT Neal, <font color=#FF0000>FP Roth</font>, AF Rubin, LM Starita, ME Hurles†. <u>An Atlas of Variant Effects to understand the genome at nucleotide resolution</u>. <b>Genome Biology</b> 24(1):147 (2023). <a href="publications/Fowler_GenomeBiology_2023.html" target="_blank">Full Text</a> <p> <li> Y Zhao, <font color=#FF0000>D Tabet</font>, D Rubio Contreras, L Lao, AN Kousholt, <font color=#FF0000>J Weile</font>, H Melo, L Hoeg, S Feng, <font color=#FF0000>AG Coté</font>, ZY Lin, D Setiaputra, J Jonkers, AC Gingras, F Gómez Herreros, <font color=#FF0000>FP Roth</font>, D Durocher†. <u>Genome-scale mapping of DNA damage suppressors through phenotypic CRISPR-Cas9 screens</u>. <b>Molecular Cell</b> 83(15):2792-2809.e9 (2023). <a href="publications/Zhao_MolCell_2023.html" target="_blank">Full Text</a> <p> <li> M Claussnitzer*, VN Parikh*, AH Wagner*, JA Arbesfeld, CJ Bult, HV Firth, LA Muffley, ANN Ba, K Riehle, <font color=#FF0000>FP Roth</font>, D Tabet, B Bolognesi†, AM Glazer†, AF Rubin†. <u>Minimum information and guidelines for reporting a multiplexed assay of variant effect</u>. <b>ArXiv</b> arXiv:2306.15113v1 (2023). <a href="publications/Claussnitzer_arXiv_2023.html" target="_blank">Full Text</a> <p> <li> S Gersing, TK Schulze, M Cagiada, A Stein, <font color=#FF0000>FP Roth</font>, K Lindorff-Larsen†, R Hartmann-Petersen†. <u>Characterizing glucokinase variant mechanisms using a multiplexed abundance assay</u>. <b>bioRxiv</b> (2023). <a href="publications/Gersing_bioRxiv_2023.html" target="_blank">Full Text</a> <p> <li> S Gersing, M Cagiada, <font color=#FF0000>M Gebbia</font>, AP Gjesing, <font color=#FF0000>AG Cote</font>, <font color=#FF0000>G Seesankar</font>, <font color=#FF0000>R Li</font>, <font color=#FF0000>D Tabet</font>, <font color=#FF0000>J Weile</font>, A Stein, AL Gloyn, T Hansen, <font color=#FF0000>FP Roth†</font>, K Lindorff-Larsen†, R Hartmann-Petersen†. <u>A comprehensive map of human glucokinase variant activity</u>. <b>Genome Biology</b> 24(1):97 (2023). <a href="publications/Gersing_GenomeBiology_2023.html" target="_blank">Full Text</a> <p> <li> H-W Tang*, K Spirohn*, Y Hu, T Hao, IA Kovács, Y Gao, R Binari, D Yang-Zhou, KH Wan, JS Bader, D Balcha, W Bian, BW Booth, <font color=#FF0000>AG Cote</font>, S de Rouck, A Desbuleux, KY Goh, <font color=#FF0000>D-K Kim</font>, <font color=#FF0000>JJ Knapp</font>, WX Lee, I Lemmens, C Li, M Li, <font color=#FF0000>R Li</font>, HJ Lim, Y Liu, K Luck, D Markey, C Pollis, S Rangarajan, J Rodiger, S Schlabach, Y Shen, <font color=#FF0000>D Sheykhkarimli</font>, B TeeKing, <font color=#FF0000>FP Roth</font>, J Tavernier, MA Calderwood, DE Hill, SE Celniker†, M Vidal†, N Perrimon†, SE Mohr†. <u>Next-generation large-scale binary protein interaction network for Drosophila melanogaster</u>. <b>Nature Communications</b> 14(1):2162 (2023). <a href="publications/Tang_NatureCommunications_2023.html" target="_blank">Full Text</a> <p> <li> B Weller†, CW Lin, <font color=#FF0000>Pogoutse O</font>, M Sauer, N Marin-de la Rosa, A Strobel, V Young, <font color=#FF0000>JJ Knapp</font>, <font color=#FF0000>A Rayhan</font>, Falter C, <font color=#FF0000>D-K Kim</font>, <font color=#FF0000>FP Roth</font>†, P Falter-Braun†. <u>A resource of human coronavirus protein-coding sequences in a flexible, multipurpose Gateway Entry clone collection</u>. <b>G3: Genes|Genomes|Genetics</b> Online ahead of print (2023). <a href="publications/Weller_G3_2023.html" target="_blank">Full Text</a> <p> <li> I Hoskins, <font color=#FF0000>S Sun</font>, <font color=#FF0000>A Cote</font>, <font color=#FF0000>FP Roth</font>, C Cenik†. <u>satmut_utils: a simulation and variant calling package for multiplexed assays of variant effect</u>. <b>Genome Biology</b> 24(1):82 (2023). <a href="publications/Hoskins_GenomeBiology_2023.html" target="_blank">Full Text</a> <p> <li> B Floyd*, <font color=#FF0000>J Weile*</font>, P Kannankeril, A Glazer, C Reuter, C MacRae, E Ashley, D Roden, <font color=#FF0000>FP Roth</font>, V Parikh†. <u>Proactive variant effect mapping aids diagnosis in pediatric cardiac arrest</u>. <b>Circulation:Genomic and Precision Medicine</b> 16(1):e003792 (2023). <a href="publications/Floyd_CircGenPrecMed_2023.html" target="_blank">Full Text</a> <p> <li> <font color=#FF0000>DK Kim*</font>, B Weller*, CW Lin*, <font color=#FF0000>D Sheykhkarimli*</font>, <font color=#FF0000>JJ Knapp*</font>, <font color=#FF0000>G Dugied</font>, A Zanzoni, C Pons, MJ Tofaute, SB Maseko, K Spirohn, F Laval, L Lambourne, <font color=#FF0000>N Kishore</font>, <font color=#FF0000>A Rayhan</font>, M Sauer, V Young, H Halder, N Marin-de la Rosa, <font color=#FF0000>O Pogoutse</font>, A Strobel, P Schwehn, <font color=#FF0000>R Li</font>, S Rothballer, M Altmann, P Cassonnet, G Dugied, <font color=#FF0000>AG Cote</font>, LE Vergara, <font color=#FF0000>I Hazelwood</font>, <font color=#FF0000>BB Liu</font>, <font color=#FF0000>M Nguyen</font>, R Pandiarajan, B Dohai, PAR Coloma, J Poirson, <font color=#FF0000>P Giuliana</font>, L Willems, M Taipale, Yves Jacob, Tong Hao, DE Hill, C Brun, JC Twizere, D Krapmann, M Heinig, C Falter, P Aloy, C Demeret†, M Vidal†, MA Calderwood†, <font color=#FF0000>FP Roth†</font>, P Falter-Braun†. <u>A proteome-scale map of the SARS-CoV-2—human contactome</u>. <b>Nature Biotechnology</b> 41(1):140-149 (2023). <a href="publications/Kim_NatBiotech_2023.html" target="_blank">Full Text</a> <p> <br> <h4><a name="2022">2022</a></h4> <li> Y Zhao, <font color=#FF0000>D Tabet</font>, DR Contreras, AN Kousholt, <font color=#FF0000>J Weile</font>, H Melo, L Hoeg, <font color=#FF0000>AG Cote</font>, ZY Lin, D Setiaputra, J Jonkers, AC Gingras, FG Herreros, <font color=#FF0000>FP Roth</font>, D Durocher†. <u>Genome-scale mapping of DNA damage suppressors identifies GNB1L as essential for ATM and ATR biogenesis</u>. <b> bioRxiv</b> (2022). <a href="publications/Zhao_bioRxiv_2022.html" target="_blank">Full Text</a> <p> <li> <font color=#FF0000>RA Silverstein</font>, <font color=#FF0000>S Sun</font>, <font color=#FF0000>M Verby</font>, <font color=#FF0000>J Weile</font>, <font color=#FF0000>Y Wu</font>, <font color=#FF0000>M Gebbia</font>, <font color=#FF0000>I Fotiadou</font>, <font color=#FF0000>J Kitaygorodsky</font>, <font color=#FF0000>FP Roth</font>†. <u>A systematic genotype-phenotype map for missense variants in the human intellectual disability-associated gene GDI1</u>. <b> bioRxiv</b> (2022). <a href="publications/Silverstein_bioRxiv_2022.html" target="_blank">Full Text</a> <p> <li> <font color=#FF0000>D Kuang</font>, <font color=#FF0000>R Li</font>, <font color=#FF0000>Y Wu</font>, <font color=#FF0000>J Weile</font>, RA Hegele, <font color=#FF0000>FP Roth</font>†. <u>Empowering rare variant burden-based gene-trait association studies via optimized computational predictor choice</u>. <b> bioRxiv</b> (2022). <a href="publications/Kuang_bioRxiv_2022.html" target="_blank">Full Text</a> <p> <li> <font color=#FF0000>D Tabet</font>, V Parikh, P Mali, <font color=#FF0000>FP Roth†</font>, M Claussnitzer†. <u>Scalable functional assays for the interpretation of human genetic variation</u>. <b>Annual Review of Genetics</b> (2022). <a href="publications/Tabet_ARGenetics_2022_preview.pdf" target="_blank">PDF</a> <p> <li> D Choi, N Khan, L Montermini, N Tawil, B Meehan, <font color=#FF0000>D-K Kim</font>, <font color=#FF0000>FP Roth</font>, M Divangahi, J Rak†. <u>Quantitative proteomics and biological activity of extracellular vesicles engineered to express SARS-CoV-2 spike protein</u>. <b> Journal of Extracelluar Biology</b> 2022;1:e58 (2022). <a href="publications/Choi_JExtracellularBio_2022.html" target="_blank">Full Text</a> <p> <li> L Lambourne, A Yadav, Y Wang, A Desbuleux, <font color=#FF0000>DK Kim</font>, T Cafarelli, C Pons, IA Kovács, N Jailkhani, S Schlabach, D De Ridder, K Luck, W Bian, Y Shen, Z Yang, M Mee, M Helmy, Y Jacob, I Lemmens, T Rolland, <font color=#FF0000>A Cote</font>, <font color=#FF0000>M Gebbia</font>, <font color=#FF0000>J Knapp</font>, <font color=#FF0000>J Mellor</font>, J Reimand, J Tavernier, ME Cusick, P Falter-Braun, K Spirohn, Q Zhong, P Aloy, T Hao, B Charloteaux, <font color=#FF0000>FP Roth</font>, DE Hill†, MA Calderwood†,JC Twizere†, M Vidal†. <u>Binary interactome models of inner- versus outer-complexome organization</u>. <b>bioRxiv</b> (doi:10.1101/2021.03.16.435663) (2022). <a href="publications/Lambourne_bioRxiv_2022.html" target="_blank">Full Text</a> <p> <br> <h4><a name="2021">2021</a></h4> <li> <font color=#FF0000>Y Wu</font>, <font color=#FF0000>R Li</font>, <font color=#FF0000>S Sun</font>, <font color=#FF0000>J Weile</font>, <font color=#FF0000>FP Roth</font>†. <u>Improved pathogenicity prediction for rare human missense variants</u>. <b>American Journal of Human Genetics</b> 108(10):1891-1906 (2021). <a href="publications/Wu_AJHG_2021.html" target="_blank">Full Text</a> <p> <li> <font color=#FF0000>J Weile</font>, <font color=#FF0000>N Kishore</font>, <font color=#FF0000>S Sun</font>, R Maaieh, <font color=#FF0000>M Verby</font>, <font color=#FF0000>R Li</font>, <font color=#FF0000>I Fotiadou</font>, <font color=#FF0000>J Kitaygorodsky</font>, <font color=#FF0000>Y Wu</font>, A Holenstein, C Bürer, L Blomgren, S Yang, R Nussbaum, R Rozen, D Watkins, <font color=#FF0000>M Gebbia</font>, V Kozich, M Garton, DS Froese, <font color=#FF0000>FP Roth</font>†. <u>Shifting landscapes of human MTHFR missense-variant effects</u>. <b>American Journal of Human Genetics</b> 108(7):1283-1300 (2021). <a href="publications/Weile_AJHG_2021.html" target="_blank">Full Text</a> <p> <li> A Savinov†, <font color=#FF0000>FP Roth</font>†. <u>Seeds of their own destruction: Dominant-negative peptide screening yields functional insight and therapeutic leads</u>. <b>Cell Systems</b> 12(7):691-693 (2021). <a href="publications/Savinov_CellSystems_2021.html" target="_blank">Full Text</a> <p> <li> <font color=#FF0000>D Kuang</font>, <font color=#FF0000>J Weile</font>, <font color=#FF0000>N Kishore</font>, AF Rubin, S Fields, DM Fowler, <font color=#FF0000>FP Roth</font>†. <u>MaveRegistry: a collaboration platform for multiplexed assays of variant effect</u>. <b>Bioinformatics</b> (2021). <a href="publications/Kuang_Bioinformatics_2021.html" target="_blank">Full Text</a> <p> <br> <h4><a name="2020">2020</a></h4> <li> <font color=#FF0000>D Kuang</font>, R Truty, <font color=#FF0000>J Weile</font>, B Johnson, K Nykamp, C Araya, RL Nussbaum, <font color=#FF0000>FP Roth</font>†. <u>Prioritizing genes for systematic variant effect mapping</u>. <b>Bioinformatics</b> 36(22-23):5448-5455 (2020). <a href="publications/Kuang_Bioinformatics_2020b.html" target="_blank">Full Text</a> <p> <li> J-H Kim, Y Seo, M Jo, H Jeon, Y-S Kim, E-J Kim, D Seo, W-H Lee, SR Kim, <font color=#FF0000>N Yachie</font>, Q Zhong, M Vidal, <font color=#FF0000>FP Roth</font>, K Suk†. <u>A genetic interaction screen in yeast identifies genes relevant to human PAK1 function in glioma</u>. <b>Journal of Biological Chemistry</b> 295(50):16906-16919 (2020). <a href="publications/Kim_JBiolChem_2020.html" target="_blank">Full Text</a> <p> <li> J van Leeuwen†, C Pons, G Tan, JZ Wang, J Hou, <font color=#FF0000>J Weile</font>, <font color=#FF0000>M Gebbia</font>, W Liang, E Shuteriqi, Z Li, M Lopes, M Ušaj, A Dos Santos Lopes, <font color=#FF0000>N van Lieshout</font>, CL Myers, <font color=#FF0000>FP Roth</font>, P Aloy, BJ Andrews† & C Boone†. <u>Systematic analysis of bypass suppression of essential genes</u>. <b>Molecular Systems Biology</b> 16(9):e9828 (2020). <a href="publications/vanLeeuwen_MolSysBio_2020.html" target="_blank">Full Text</a> <p> <li> P Samavarchi-Tehrani, H Abdouni, JDR Knight, A Astori, R Samson, Z-Y Lin, <font color=#FF0000>D-K Kim</font>, <font color=#FF0000>JJ Knapp</font>, J St-Germain, CD Go, B Larsen, CJ Wong, P Cassonnet, C Demeret, Y Jacob, <font color=#FF0000>FP Roth</font>, B Raught†, A-C Gingras†. <u>A SARS-CoV-2-host proximity interactome</u>. <b>bioRxiv</b> (2020). <a href="publications/SamavarchiTehrani_BioRxiv_2020_v1.html" target="_blank">Full Text</a> <p> <li> JR St-Germain, A Astori, P Samavarchi-Tehrani, H Abdouni, V Macwan, <font color=#FF0000>D-K Kim</font>, <font color=#FF0000>JJ Knapp</font>, <font color=#FF0000>FP Roth</font>, A-C Gingras†, B Raught†. <u>A SARS-CoV-2 BioID-based virus-host membrane protein interactome and virus peptide compendium: new proteomics resources for COVID-19 research</u>. <b>bioRxiv</b> (2020). <a href="publications/StGermain_BioRxiv_2020_v1.html" target="_blank">Full Text</a> <p> <li> EMN Laurent, Y Sofianatos, A Komarova, J-P Gimeno, P Samavarchi-Tehrani, <font color=#FF0000>D-K Kim</font>, H Abdouni, M Duhamel, P Cassonnet, <font color=#FF0000>JJ Knapp</font>, <font color=#FF0000>D Kuang</font>, <font color=#FF0000>A Chawla</font>, <font color=#FF0000>D Sheykhkarimli</font>, <font color=#FF0000>A Rayhan</font>, <font color=#FF0000>R Li</font>, <font color=#FF0000>O Pogoutse</font>, DE Hill, MA Calderwood, P Falter-Braun, P Aloy, U Stelzl, M Vidal, A-C Gingras, GA Pavlopoulos, S Van Der Werf, I Fournier, <font color=#FF0000>FP Roth</font>, M Salzet†, C Demeret†, Y Jacob†, E Coyaud†. <u>Global BioID-based SARS-CoV-2 proteins proximal interactome unveils novel ties between viral polypeptides and host factors involved in multiple COVID19-associated mechanisms</u>. <b>bioRxiv</b> (2020). <a href="publications/Laurent_BioRxiv_2020_v1.html" target="_blank">Full Text</a> <p> <li> <font color=#FF0000>D-K Kim</font>, <font color=#FF0000>JJ Knapp</font>, <font color=#FF0000>D Kuang</font>, P Cassonnet, P Samavarchi-Tehrani, H Abdouni, <font color=#FF0000>A Rayhan</font>, <font color=#FF0000>D Sheykhkarimli</font>, E Coyaud, S van der Werf, C Demeret, A-C Gingras, B Raught, Y Jacob†, <font color=#FF0000>FP Roth</font>†. <u>A flexible genome-scale resource of SARS-CoV-2 coding sequence clones</u>. <b>G3: Genes|Genomes|Genetics</b> 10(9):3399-3402 (2020). <a href="publications/Kim_G3_2020.html" target="_blank">Full Text</a> <p> <li> <font color=#FF0000>D Kuang</font>, <font color=#FF0000>J Weile</font>, <font color=#FF0000>R Li</font>, <font color=#FF0000>TW Ouellette</font>, <font color=#FF0000>JA Barber</font>, <font color=#FF0000>FP Roth</font>†. <u>MaveQuest: a web resource for planning experimental tests of human variant effects</u>. <b>Bioinformatics</b> 36(12):3938-3940 (2020). <a href="publications/Kuang_Bioinformatics_2020.html" target="_blank">Full Text</a> <p> <li> MA Chiasson, NJ Rollins, JJ Stephany, KA Sitko, KA Matreyek, <font color=#FF0000>M Verby</font>, <font color=#FF0000>S Sun</font>, <font color=#FF0000>FP Roth</font>, D DeSloover, D Marks, AE Rettie, DM Fowler† <u>Multiplexed measurement of variant abundance and activity reveals VKOR topology, active site and human variant impact</u>. <b>eLife</b> 2020;9:e58026 (2020). <a href="publications/Chiasson_eLife_2020.html" target="_blank">Full Text</a><br> <p> <li> K Luck*, <font color=#FF0000>D-K Kim</font>*, L Lambourne*, K Spirohn*, BE Begg, W Bian, R Brignall, T Cafarelli, FJ Campos-Laborie, B Charloteaux, D Choi, <font color=#FF0000>AG Cote</font>, M Daley, S Deimling, A Desbuleux, A Dricot, <font color=#FF0000>M Gebbia</font>, MF Hardy, <font color=#FF0000>N Kishore</font>, <font color=#FF0000>JJ Knapp</font>, IA Kovács, I Lemmens, MW Mee, <font color=#FF0000>JC Mellor</font>, C Pollis, C Pons, AD Richardson, S Schlabach, B Teeking, A Yadav, <font color=#FF0000>M Babor</font>, D Balcha, O Basha, S-F Chin, SG Choi, <font color=#FF0000>C Colabella</font>, G Coppin, C D'Amata, D De Ridder, S De Rouck, M Duran-Frigola, <font color=#FF0000>H Ennajdaoui</font>, F Goebels, <font color=#FF0000>A Gopal</font>, <font color=#FF0000>G Haddad</font>, M Helmy, Y Jacob, Y Kassa, <font color=#FF0000>R Li</font>, <font color=#FF0000>N van Lieshout</font>, A MacWilliams, D Markey, JN Paulson, S Rangarajan, J Rasla, <font color=#FF0000>A Rayhan</font>, T Rolland, A San Miguel, Y Shen, <font color=#FF0000>D Sheykhkarimli</font>, GM Sheynkman, E Simonovsky, <font color=#FF0000>M Tasan</font>, A Tejeda, J-C Twizere, Y Wang, R Weatheritt, <font color=#FF0000>J Weile</font>, Y Xia, X Yang, E Yeger-Lotem, Q Zhong, P Aloy, GD Bader, J De Las Rivas, S Gaudet, T Hao, J Rak, J Tavernier, V Tropepe, DE Hill†, M Vidal†, <font color=#FF0000>FP Roth</font>†, MA Calderwood†. <u>A reference map of the human protein interactome</u>. <b>Nature</b> 580(7803):402-408 (2020). <a href="publications/Luck_Nature_2020.html" target="_blank">Full Text</a> <p> <li> AO Helbig†, M Kofler, G Gish, K Lorenzen, M Tucholska, C Zhang, <font color=#FF0000>FP Roth</font>, T Pawson, K Colwill & <font color=#FF0000>E Petsalaki</font>†. <u>Decoding the functional Fes kinase signaling network topology in a lymphocyte model</u>. <b>bioRxiv</b> 125088 (2020). <a href="publications/Helbig_BioRxiv_2020_v3.html" target="_blank">Full Text</a><br> <p> <li> PM Muller*, J Rademacher*, RD Bagshaw*, C Wortmann, C Barth, J van Unen, KM Alp, G Giudice, RL Eccles, LE Heinrich, P Pascual-Vargas, M Sanchez-Castro, L Brandenburg, G Mbamalu, M Tucholska, L Spatt, MT Czajkowski, RW Welke, S Zhang, V Nguyen, T Rrustemi, P Trnka, K Freitag, B Larsen, O Popp, P Mertins, A-C Gingras, 121. PM Muller*, J Rademacher*, RD Bagshaw*, C Wortmann, C Barth, J van Unen, KM Alp, G Giudice, RL Eccles, LE Heinrich, P Pascual-Vargas, M Sanchez-Castro, L Brandenburg, G Mbamalu, M Tucholska, L Spatt, MT Czajkowski, RW Welke, S Zhang, V Nguyen, T Rrustemi, P Trnka, K Freitag, B Larsen, O Popp, P Mertins, A-C Gingras, <font color=#FF0000>FP Roth</font>, K Colwill, C Bakal, O Pertz, T Pawson, <font color=#FF0000>E Petsalaki</font>†, O Rocks†. <u> Systems-analysis of RhoGEF/RhoGAP regulatory proteins reveals spatially organized Rac1 signaling from integrin adhesions</u>. <b>Nature Cell Biology</b> 22(4):498-511 (2020). <a href="publications/Muller_NatureCellBio_2020.pdf" target="_blank">PDF</a> <p> <li> <font color=#FF0000>S Sun</font>†, <font color=#FF0000>J Weile</font>†, <font color=#FF0000>M Verby</font>, <font color=#FF0000>Y Wu</font>, Y Wang, <font color=#FF0000>AG Cote</font>, <font color=#FF0000>I Fotiadou</font>, <font color=#FF0000>J Kitaygorodsky</font>, M Vidal, J Rine, P Jesina, V Kozich†, <font color=#FF0000>FP Roth</font>†. <u>A proactive genotype-to-patient-phenotype map for cystathionine beta-synthase</u>. <b>Genome Medicine</b> 12(1):13 (2020). <a href="publications/Sun_GenomeMedicine_2020.html" target="_blank">Full Text</a> <p> <li><font color=#FF0000>A Celaj</font>, <font color=#FF0000>M Gebbia</font>, <font color=#FF0000>L Musa</font>, <font color=#FF0000>AG Cote</font>, J Snider, V Wong, M Ko, <font color=#FF0000>T Fong</font>, <font color=#FF0000>P Bansal</font>, <font color=#FF0000>JC Mellor</font>, <font color=#FF0000>G Seesankar</font>, <font color=#FF0000>M Nguyen</font>, <font color=#FF0000>S Zhou</font>, <font color=#FF0000>L Wang</font>, <font color=#FF0000>N Kishore</font>, I Stagljar, <font color=#FF0000>Y Suzuki</font>, <font color=#FF0000>N Yachie</font>† & <font color=#FF0000>FP Roth</font>†. <u>Highly combinatorial genetic interaction analysis reveals a multi-drug transporter influence network.</u>. <b>Cell Systems</b> 9: 1–14 (2020) <a href="publications/Celaj_CellSystems_2020.html" target="_blank">Full Text</a> <p> <br> <h4><a name="2019">2019</a></h4> <li> D Esposito*, <font color=#FF0000>J Weile*</font>, J Shendure, LM Starita, AT Papenfuss, <font color=#FF0000>FP Roth†</font>, DM Fowler† & AF Rubin†. <u>MaveDB: An open-source platform to distribute and interpret data from multiplexed assays of variant effect</u>. <b>Genome Biology</b> 20(1):223 (2019). <a href="publications/Esposito_GenomeBiology_2019.html" target="_blank">Full Text</a> <p> <li> <font color=#FF0000>F Yang</font>, <font color=#FF0000>D-K Kim</font>, H Nakagawa, S Hayashi, S Imoto, L Stein, <font color=#FF0000>FP Roth</font>†. <u> Quantifying immune-based counterselection of somatic mutations.</u>. <b>PLoS Genetics</b> 15(7): e1008227 (2019) <a href="publications/Yang_PLOSGenetics_2019.html" target="_blank">Full Text</a> <p> <li>J Zhang, LN Kinch, Q Cong, P Katsonis, O Lichtarge, C Savojardo, G Babbi, PL Martelli, E Capriotti, R Casadio, A Garg, D Pal, <font color=#FF0000>J Weile</font>, <font color=#FF0000>S Sun</font>, <font color=#FF0000>M Verby</font>, <font color=#FF0000>FP Roth</font> & NV Grishin†. <u>Assessing predictions on fitness effects of missense variants in calmodulin</u>. <b>Human Mutation</b> 40(9):1463-1473 (2019). <a href="publications/Zhang_HumanMutation_2019.pdf" target="_blank">PDF</a> <p> <li> <font color=#FF0000>Y Wu</font>, <font color=#FF0000>J Weile</font>, <font color=#FF0000>AG Cote</font>, <font color=#FF0000>S Sun</font>, <font color=#FF0000>J Knapp</font>, <font color=#FF0000>M Verby</font>, <font color=#FF0000>FP Roth</font>†. <u>A web application and service for imputing and visualizing missense variant effect maps</u>. <b>Bioinformatics</b> 35(17):3191-3193 (2019). <a href="publications/Wu_Bioinformatics_2019.html" target="_blank">Full Text</a> <p> <li> A Sokolov, S Ashenden, <font color=#FF0000>N Sahin</font>, R Lewis, N Erdem, E Ozaltan, A Bender, <font color=#FF0000>FP Roth</font>, M Cokol†. <u>Characterizing ABC-transporter substrate-likeness using a clean-slate genetic background</u>. <b>Frontiers in Pharmacology</b> 10:448 (2019). <a href="publications/Sokolov_FrontiersPharmacology_2019.pdf" target="_blank">PDF</a> <p> <li> E Deneault, M Faheem, SH White, DC Rodrigues, <font color=#FF0000>S Sun</font>, W Wei, A Piekna, T Thompson, JL Howe, L Chalil, V Kwan, S Walker, P Pasceri, <font color=#FF0000>FP Roth</font>, RKC Yuen, KK Singh, J Ellis†, SW Scherer†. <u>CNTN5</u><sup>-/+</sup><u> or EHMT2</u><sup>-/+</sup><u> human iPSC-derived neurons from individuals with autism develop hyperactive neuronal networks</u>. <b>eLife</b> 12(8):pii;e40092 (2019). <a href="publications/Deneault_eLife_2019.html" target="_blank">Full Text</a> <p> <br> <h4><a name="2018">2018</a></h4> <li> <font color=#FF0000>J Weile</font>† & <font color=#FF0000>FP Roth</font>†. <u>Multiplexed assays of variant effects contribute to a growing genotype-phenotype atlas</u>. <b>Human Genetics</b> 137(9):665–678 (2018). <a href="publications/Weile_HumanGenetics_2018.html" target="_blank">Full Text</a><br> <p> <li> <font color=#FF0000>ZB Weinstein</font>, N Kuru, S Kiriakov, AC Palmer, AS Khalil, PA Clemons, MH Zaman, <font color=#FF0000>FP Roth</font>, <font color=#FF0000>M Cokol</font>†. <u>Modeling the impact of drug interactions on therapeutic selectivity</u>. <b>Nature Communications</b> 9(1):3452 (2018). <a href="publications/Weinstein_NatureComm_2018.html" target="_blank">Full Text</a><br> <p> <li> D Choi, L Montermini, <font color=#FF0000>D-K Kim</font>, B Meehan, <font color=#FF0000>FP Roth</font>, J Rak†. <u> The impact of oncogenic EGFRvIII on the proteome of extracellular vesicles released from glioblastoma cells</u>. <b>Molecular and Cellular Proteomics</b>. 17(10):1948-1964 (2018). <a href="publications/Choi_MolCellProteomics_2018.html" target="_blank">Full Text</a><br> <p> <li> <font color=#FF0000>JJ Diaz-Mejia</font>, <font color=#FF0000>A Celaj</font>, <font color=#FF0000>JC Mellor</font>, <font color=#FF0000>A Cote</font>, A Balint, B Ho, <font color=#FF0000>P Bansal</font>, <font color=#FF0000>F Shaeri</font>, <font color=#FF0000>M Gebbia</font>, <font color=#FF0000>J Weile</font>, <font color=#FF0000>M Verby</font>, <font color=#FF0000>A Karkhanina</font>, <font color=#FF0000>Y Zhang</font>, <font color=#FF0000>C Wong</font>, <font color=#FF0000>J Rich</font>, <font color=#FF0000>D Prendergast</font>, <font color=#FF0000>G Gupta</font>, <font color=#FF0000>S Ozturk</font>, D Durocher, GW Brown, <font color=#FF0000>FP Roth</font>†. <u> Mapping DNA damage-dependent genetic interactions in yeast via party mating and barcode fusion genetics</u>. <b>Molecular Systems Biology</b> 14(5):e7985 (2018). <a href="publications/Diaz-Mejia_MolSysBiol_2018.html" target="_blank">Full Text</a> <p> <br> <h4><a name="2017">2017</a></h4> <li> <font color=#FF0000>J Weile</font>*, <font color=#FF0000>S Sun</font>*, <font color=#FF0000>AG Cote</font>, <font color=#FF0000>J Knapp</font>, <font color=#FF0000>M Verby</font>, <font color=#FF0000>JC Mellor</font>, <font color=#FF0000>Y Wu</font>, C Pons, <font color=#FF0000>C Wong</font>, <font color=#FF0000>N van Lieshout</font>, <font color=#FF0000>F Yang</font>, <font color=#FF0000>M Tasan</font>, G Tan, S Yang, DM Fowler, R Nussbaum, JD Bloom, M Vidal, DE Hill, P Aloy & <font color=#FF0000>FP Roth</font>†. <u>A framework for exhaustively mapping functional missense variants</u>. <b>Molecular Systems Biology</b> 13:157 (2017) <a href="publications/Weile_MolSysBiol_2017.html" target="_blank">Full Text</a> <p> <li> <font color=#FF0000>I Vigentini</font>†, <font color=#FF0000>M Gebbia</font>, A Belotti, R Foschino, <font color=#FF0000>FP Roth</font>. <u> CRISPR/Cas9 system as a valuable genome editing tool for wine yeasts with application to decrease urea production</u>. <b>Frontiers in Microbiology</b> 8:2194 (2017) <a href="publications/Vigentini_FoodMicrobio_2017.html" target="_blank">Full Text</a><br> <p> <li> LM Starita†, N Ahituv, MJ Dunham, JO Kitzman, <font color=#FF0000>FP Roth</font>, G Seelig, J Shendure, DM Fowler†. <u>Variant interpretation: functional assays to the rescue</u>. <b>American Journal of Human Genetics</b> 101(3):315-325 (2017). <a href="publications/Starita_AJHG_2017.html" target="_blank">Full Text</a><br> <p> <li> J Zhang, LN Kinch, Q Cong, <font color=#FF0000>J Weile</font>, <font color=#FF0000>S Sun</font>, <font color=#FF0000>AG Cote</font>, <font color=#FF0000>FP Roth</font>, NV Grishin†. <u>Assessing predictions of fitness effects of missense mutations in SUMO-conjugating enzyme UBE2I</u>. <b>Human Mutation</b> 38(9):1051-1063 (2017). <a href="publications/Zhang_HumanMutation_2017.pdf" target="_blank">PDF</a><br> <p> <li> M Jo, AY Chung, <font color=#FF0000>N Yachie</font>, M Seo, H Jeon, Y Nam, Y Seo, E Kim, Q Zhong, M Vidal, HC Park†, <font color=#FF0000>FP Roth†</font>, K Suk†. <u>Yeast genetic interaction screen of human genes associated with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: identification of MAP2K5 kinase as a potential drug target</u>. <b>Genome Research</b> 27(9):1487-1500 (2017). <a href="publications/Jo_GenomeResearch_2017.html" target="_blank">Full Text</a><br> <p> <li> <font color=#FF0000>A Celaj*</font>, U Schlecht*, JD Smith, W Xu, S Suresh, M Miranda, AM Aparicio, M Proctor, RW Davis, <font color=#FF0000>FP Roth†</font>, RP St Onge†. <u>Quantitative analysis of protein interaction network dynamics in yeast</u>. <b>Molecular Systems Biology</b> 13(7):934 (2017). <a href="publications/Celaj_MSB_2017.html" target="_blank">Full Text</a><br> <p> <li> <font color=#FF0000>F Yang</font>, <font color=#FF0000>S Sun</font>, G Tan, M Costanzo, DE Hill, M Vidal, BJ Andrews, C Boone, <font color=#FF0000>FP Roth†</font>. <u>Identifying pathogenicity of human variants via paralog-based yeast complementation</u>. <b>PLOS Genetics</b> 13(5):e1006779 (2017). <a href="publications/Yang_PLOSGenetics_2017.html" target="_blank">Full Text</a><br> <p> <li> MJ Betts, O Wichmann, M Utz, T Andre, <font color=#FF0000>E Petsalaki</font>, P Minguez, L Parca, <font color=#FF0000>FP Roth</font>, AC Gavin, P Bork, RB Russell†. <u>Systematic identification of phosphorylation-mediated protein interaction switches.</u> <b>PLoS Computational Biology</b> 13(3):e1005462 (2017). <a href="publications/Betts_PLOSCompBio_2017.html" target="_blank">Full Text</a><br> <p> <li> <font color=#FF0000>C Cenik</font>, <font color=#FF0000>HN Chua</font>, G Singh, A Akef, MP Snyder, AF Palazzo, MJ Moore† & <font color=#FF0000>FP Roth†</font>. <u>A common class of transcripts with 5'-intron depletion, distinct early coding sequence features, and N1-methyladenosine modification.</u> <b>RNA</b> 23(3):270-283 (2017). <a href="publications/Cenik_RNA_2017.html" target="_blank">Full Text</a><br> <p> <br> <h4><a name="2016">2016</a></h4> <p> <li> J van Leeuwen*, C Pons*, <font color=#FF0000>JC Mellor</font>, <font color=#FF0000>TN Yamaguchi</font>, H Friesen, J Koschwanez, MM Usaj, M Pechlaner, M Takar, M Usaj, B VanderSluis, Kerry Andrusiak, <font color=#FF0000>P Bansal</font>, A Baryshnikova, CE Boone, J Cao, <font color=#FF0000>A Cote</font>, <font color=#FF0000>M Gebbia</font>, G Horecka, I Horecka, E Kuzmin, N Legro, W Liang, <font color=#FF0000>N van Lieshout</font>, M McNee, B-J San Luis, <font color=#FF0000>F Shaeri</font>, E Shuteriqi, <font color=#FF0000>S Sun</font>, L Yang, J-Y Youn, M Yuen, M Costanzo, A-C Gingras, P Aloy, C Oostenbrink, A Murray, TR Graham, CL Myers†, BJ Andrews†, <font color=#FF0000>FP Roth†</font> & C Boone†. <u> Exploring genetic suppression interactions on a global scale</u>. <b> Science</b> 354(6312):599,aag0839-1-11 (2016). <a href="publications/vanLeeuwen_Science_2016.pdf" target="_blank">PDF</a><br> <p> <li> <font color=#FF0000>FP Roth†</font> & J Wakeley†. <u>Taking exception to human eugenics.</u> <b>Genetics</b> 206(2):821-823 (2016). <a href="publications/Roth_Wakeley_Genetics_2016.html" target="_blank">Full Text</a><br> <p> <li> T Shekhar-Guturja, GM Gunaherath, EM Wijeratne, JP Lambert, AF Averette, SC Lee, T Kim, YS Bahn, F Tripodi, R Ammar, K Dohl, K Niewola-Staszkowska, L Schmitt, RJ Loewith, <font color=#FF0000>FP Roth</font>, D Sanglard, D Andes, C Nislow, P Coccetti, AC Gingras, J Heitman, AA Gunatilaka & LE Cowen†. <u>Dual action antifungal small molecule modulates multidrug efflux and TOR signaling.</u> <b>Nature Chemical Biology</b> 12(10):867-875 (2016). <a href="publications/Shekhar-Guturja_NatureChemBiol_2016.html" target="_blank">Full Text</a><br> <p> <li> Q Zhong*†, SJ Pevzner*, T Hao, Y Wang, R Mosca, J Menche, M Taipale, <font color=#FF0000>M Tasan</font>, C Fan, X Yang, P Haley, RR Murray, F Mer, F Gebreab, S Tam, A MacWilliams, A Dricot, P Reichert, B Santhanam, L Ghamsari, MA Calderwood, T Rolland, B Charloteaux, S Lindquist, AL Barabási, DE Hill, P Aloy, ME Cusick, Y Xia, <font color=#FF0000>FP Roth†</font> & M Vidal†. <u> An inter-species protein-protein interaction network across vast evolutionary distance</u>. <b> Molecular Systems Biology</b> 12(4):865 (2016). <a href="publications/Zhong_MolSystBiol_2016.html" target="_blank">Full Text</a><br> <p> <li> <font color=#FF0000>N Yachie*†</font>, <font color=#FF0000>E Petsalaki*</font>, <font color=#FF0000>JC Mellor</font>, <font color=#FF0000>J Weile</font>, Y Jacob, <font color=#FF0000>M Verby</font>, <font color=#FF0000>SB Ozturk</font>, <font color=#FF0000>S Li</font>, <font color=#FF0000>AG Cote</font>, R Mosca, <font color=#FF0000>JJ Knapp</font>, <font color=#FF0000>M Ko</font>, <font color=#FF0000>A Yu</font>, <font color=#FF0000>M Gebbia</font>, N Sahni, S Yi, <font color=#FF0000>T Tyagi</font>, <font color=#FF0000>D Sheykhkarimli</font>, <font color=#FF0000>JF Roth</font>, <font color=#FF0000>C Wong</font>, <font color=#FF0000>L Musa</font>, J Snider, Y-C Liu, H Yu, P Braun, I Stagljar, T Hao, MA Calderwood, L Pelletier, P Aloy, DE Hill, M Vidal & <font color=#FF0000>FP Roth†</font>. <u>Pooled-matrix protein interaction screens using Barcode Fusion Genetics</u>. <b>Molecular Systems Biology</b> 12(4):863 (2016). <a href="publications/Yachie_Petsalaki_MolSystBiol_2016.html" target="_blank">Full Text</a><br> <p> <li> <font color=#FF0000>S Sun</font>, <font color=#FF0000>F Yang</font>, G Tan, M Costanzo, R Oughtred, J Hirschman, C Theesfeld, <font color=#FF0000>P Bansal</font>, N Sahni, S Yi, <font color=#FF0000>A Yu</font>, <font color=#FF0000>T Tyagi</font>, <font color=#FF0000>C Tie</font>, DE Hill, M Vidal, BJ Andrews, C Boone, K Dolinski & <font color=#FF0000>FP Roth†</font>. <u>An extended set of yeast-based functional assays accurately identifies human disease mutations</u>. <b>Genome Research</b> 26(5):670-80 (2016). <a href="publications/Sun_GenomeRes_2016.html" target="_blank">Full Text</a><br> <p> <li> X Yang, J Coulombe-Huntington, S Kang, GM Sheynkman, T Hao, A Richardson, <font color=#FF0000>S Sun</font>, <font color=#FF0000>F Yang</font>, YA Shen, RR Murray, K Spirohn, BE Begg, M Duran-Frigola, A MacWilliams, SJ Pevzner, Q Zhong, SA Trigg, S Tam, L Ghamsari, N Sahni, S Yi, MD Rodriguez, D Balcha, G Tan, M Costanzo, B Andrews, C Boone, XJ Zhou, K Salehi-Ashtiani, B Charloteaux, AA Chen, MA Calderwood, P Aloy, <font color=#FF0000>FP Roth</font>, DE Hill, LM Iakoucheva†, Y Xia† & M Vidal†. <u>Widespread expansion of protein interaction capabilities by alternative splicing</u>. <b>Cell</b> 164(4):805-817 (2016). <a href="publications/Yang_Cell_2016.pdf" target="_blank">PDF</a><br> <p> <li>TV Vo, J Das, MJ Meyer, NA Cordero, N Akturk, X Wei, BJ Fair, AG Degatano, R Fragoza, LG. Liu, A Matsuyama, M Trickey, S Horibata, A Grimson, H Yamano, M Yoshida, <font color=#FF0000>FP Roth</font>, JA Pleiss, Y Xia & H Yu†. <u>A proteome-wide fission yeast interactome reveals network evolution principles from yeasts to human</u>. <b>Cell</b> 164(1-2):310-323 (2016). <a href="publications/Vo_Cell_2016.pdf" target="_blank">PDF</a><br> <p> <br> <h4><a name="2015">2015</a></h4> <li>T Hart*, MC Chandrashekhar*, M Aregger*, Z Steinhart, KR Brown, G MacLeod, M Mis, M Zimmermann, A Fradet-Turcotte, <font color=#FF0000>S Sun</font>, P Mero, P Dirks, S Sidhu, <font color=#FF0000>FP Roth</font>, OS Rissland, D Durocher, S Angers & J Moffat† <u>High-resolution CRISPR screens reveal fitness genes and genotype-specific cancer liabilities</u>. <b>Cell</b> 163(6):1515-1526 (2015). <a href="publications/Hart_Cell_2015.pdf" target="_blank">PDF</a><br> <p> <li><font color=#FF0000>E Petsalaki†</font>, AO Helbig, <font color=#FF0000>A Gopal</font>, <font color=#FF0000>A Pasculescu</font>, <font color=#FF0000>FP Roth†</font> & T Pawson <u>Correlation-based identification of kinase-associated networks from global phospho-proteomics datasets</u>. <b>Nucleic Acids Research</b> 43(W1): W276-W282 (2015). <a href="publications/Petsalaki_NAR_2015.html" target="_blank">Full Text</a><br> <p> <li>N Sahni, S Yi, M Taipale, JI Fuxman Bass, J Coulombe-Huntington, <font color=#FF0000>F Yang</font>, J Peng, <font color=#FF0000>J Weile</font>, GI Karras, Y Wang, IA Kovacs, A Kamburov, I Krykbaeva, MH Lam, G Tucker, V Khurana, A Sharma, Y-Y Liu, <font color=#FF0000>N Yachie</font>, Q Zhong, Y Shen, A Palagi, A San-Miguel, C Fan, D Balcha, A Dricot, DM Jordan, JM Walsh, AA Shah, X Yang, A Stoyanova, A Leighton, MA Calderwood, Y Jacob, ME Cusick, K Salehi-Ashtiani, LJ Whitesell, S Sunyaev, B Berger, A-L Barabasi, B Charloteaux, DE Hill, T Hao, <font color=#FF0000>FP Roth</font>, Y Xia, AJM Walhout, S Lindquist† & M Vidal† <u>Widespread macromolecular interaction perturbations in human genetic disorders</u>. <b>Cell</b> 161(3):647-660 (2015). <a href="publications/Sahni_Cell_2015.pdf" target="_blank">PDF</a><br> <p> <li><font color=#FF0000>F Yang</font>, <font color=#FF0000>E Petsalaki E</font>, T Rolland, DE Hill, M Vidal & <font color=#FF0000>Roth FP†</font>. <u>Protein domain-level landscape of cancer-type-specific somatic mutations</u>. <b>PLoS Computational Biology</b> 11(3):e1004147 (2015). <a href="publications/Yang_PLoSCompBio_2015.html" target="_blank">Full Text</a><br> <p> <li> <font color=#FF0000>TR Pak</font>, <font color=#FF0000>M Rodriguez</font> & <font color=#FF0000>FP Roth†</font>. <u>Why clinical trials are terminated</u>. <b>bioRxiv</b> DOI 10.1101/021543 (2015). <a href="publications/Pak_bioRxiv_2015.html" target="_blank">Full Text</a><br> <p> <li><font color=#FF0000>M Tasan*</font>, <font color=#FF0000>G Musso*</font>, T Hao, M Vidal, CA MacRae & <font color=#FF0000>FP Roth†</font>. <u>Selecting causal genes from genome-wide association studies via functionally coherent subnetworks</u>. <b>Nature Methods</b> 12(2):154-159 (2015). <a href="publications/Tasan_NatureMethods_2015.pdf" target="_blank">PDF</a><br> <p> <br> <h4><a name="2014">2014</a></h4> <li><font color=#FF0000>RC Deo†</font>, <font color=#FF0000>G Musso</font>, <font color=#FF0000>M Tasan</font>, P Tang, A Poon, C Yuan, JF Felix, RS Vasan, R Beroukhim, T De Marco, P-Y Kwok, CA MacRae & <font color=#FF0000>FP Roth†</font>. <u>Prioritizing causal disease genes using unbiased genomic features</u>. <b>Genome Biology</b> 15:3274 (2014). <a href="publications/Deo_GenomeBiology_2014.pdf" target="_blank">PDF</a><br> <p> <li>M Irimia, RJ Weatheritt, JD Ellis, NN Parikshak, T Gonatopoulos-Pournatzis, <font color=#FF0000>M Babor</font>, M Quesnel-Vallieres, J Tapial, B Raj, D O'Hanlon, M Barrios-Rodiles, MJE Sternberg, SP Cordes, <font color=#FF0000>FP Roth</font>, JL Wrana, DH Geschwind & BJ Blencowe†. <u>A highly conserved program of neuronal microexons is misregulated in autistic brains</u>. <b>Cell</b> 159(7): 1511-1523 (2014). <a href="publications/Irimia_Cell_2014.pdf" target="_blank">PDF</a><br> <p> <li>T Rolland*, <font color=#FF0000>M Tasan*</font>, B Charloteaux*, SJ Pevzner*, Q Zhong*, N Sahni*, S Yi*, I Lemmens, C Fontanillo, R Mosca, A Kamburov, SD Ghiassian, X Yang, L Ghamsari, D Balcha, BE Begg, P Braun, M Brehme, MP Broly, A-R Carvunis, D Convery-Zupan, R Corominas, J Coulombe-Huntington, E Dann, M Dreze, A Dricot, C Fan, E Franzosa, F Gebreab, BJ Gutierrez, MF Hardy, M Jin, S Kang, R Kiros, GN Lin, K Luck, A MacWilliams, J Menche, RR Murray, A Palagi, MM Poulin, X Rambout, J Rasla, P Reichert, V Romero, E Ruyssinck, JM Sahalie, A Scholz, AA Shah, A Sharma, Y Shen, K Spirohn, S Tam, AO Tejeda, SA Trigg, J-C Twizere, K Vega, J Walsh, ME Cusick, Y Xia, A-L Barabasi, L Iakoucheva, P Aloy, J De Las Rivas, J Tavernier, MA Calderwood, DE Hill, T Hao, <font color=#FF0000>FP Roth†</font> & M Vidal†. <u>A proteome-scale map of the human interactome network</u>. <b>Cell</b> 159(5):1212-1226 (2014). <a href="publications/Rolland_Cell_2014.pdf" target="_blank">PDF</a><br> <p> <li> K Yilancioglu, ZB Weinstein, C Meydan, A Akhmetov, I Toprak, A Durmaz, I Iossifov, H Kazan, <font color=#FF0000>FP Roth</font> & <font color=#FF0000>M Cokol†</font> <u>Target-independent prediction of drug synergies using only drug lipophilicity</u>. <b>Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling</b> 54(8): 2286-2293 (2014). <a href="publications/Yilancioglu_JChemInfModel_2014.pdf" target="_blank">PDF</a><br> <p> <li> <font color=#FF0000>M Cokol†</font>, ZB Weinstein, K Yilancioglu, <font color=#FF0000>M Tasan</font>, A Doak, <font color=#FF0000>D Cansever</font>, <font color=#FF0000>B Mutlu</font>, <font color=#FF0000>S Li</font>, R Rodriguez-Esteban, M Akhmedov, A Guvenek, M Cokol, S Cetiner, G Giaever, I Iossifov, C Nislow, B Shoichet & <font color=#FF0000>FP Roth†</font>. <u>Large-scale identification and analysis of suppressive drug interactions</u>. <b>Chemistry & Biology</b> 21:541-551 (2014). <a href="publications/Cokol_Chem_and_Biol_2014.pdf" target="_blank">PDF</a><br> <p> <li> VM Labunskyy, <font color=#FF0000>Y Suzuki</font>, TJ Hanly, A Murao, <font color=#FF0000>FP Roth†</font> & VN Gladyshev†. <u>The Insertion Green Monster (iGM) method for expression of multiple exogenous genes in yeast</u>. <b>G3: Genes|Genomes|Genetics</b> 4(7):1183-1191 (2014). <a href="publications/Labunskyy_G3_2014.pdf" target="_blank">PDF</a><br> <p> <li> R Corominas, X Yang, GN Lin, S Kang, Y Shen, L Ghamsari, M Broly, M Rodriguez, S Tam, SA Trigg, C Fan, S Yi, <font color=#FF0000>M Tasan</font>, I Lemmens, X Kuang, N Zhao, D Malhotra, JJ Michaelson, V Vacic, MA Calderwood, <font color=#FF0000>FP Roth</font>, J Tavernier, S Horvath, K Salehi-Ashtiani, D Korkin, J Sebat, DE Hill, T Hao†, M Vidal†, LM Iakoucheva†. <u>Protein interaction network of alternatively spliced isoforms from brain links genetic risk factors for autism</u>. <b>Nature Communications</b> 5:3650 (2014). <a href="publications/Corominas_Nat_Commun_2014.pdf" target="_blank">PDF</a><br> <p> <li> <font color=#FF0000>G Musso</font>, <font color=#FF0000>M Tasan</font>, C Mosimann, <font color=#FF0000>JE Beaver</font>, E Plovie, LA Carr, <font color=#FF0000>HN Chua</font>, <font color=#FF0000>J Dunham</font>, K Zuberi, H Rodriguez, Q Morris, L Zon, <font color=#FF0000>FP Roth†</font>, and CA MacRae†. <u>Novel cardiovascular gene functions revealed via systematic phenotype prediction in zebrafish</u>. <b>Development</b> 141:224-235 (2014). <a href="publications/Musso_Development_2014.pdf" target="_blank">PDF</a><br> <p> <br> <h4><a name="2013">2013</a></h4> <li> SR Sunyaev† & <font color=#FF0000>Roth FP†</font>. <u>Systems biology and the analysis of genetic variation</u>. <b>Current Opinion in Genetics & Development </b> 23(6):599-601 (2013). <a href="publications/SunyaevRoth_COGEDE_2013.pdf" target="_blank">PDF</a><br> <p> <li> J Das, TV Vo, X Wei, <font color=#FF0000>JC Mellor</font>, V Tong, AG Degatano, X Wang, L Wang, NA Cordero, N Kruer-Zerhusen, A Matsuyama, JA Pleiss, SM Lipkin, M Yoshida, <font color=#FF0000>FP Roth</font> & H Yu†. <u>Cross-species protein interactome mapping reveals species-specific wiring of stress response pathways</u>. <b>Science Signaling</b> 6(276):ra38 (2013). <a href="publications/Das_ScienceSignaling_2013.pdf" target="_blank">PDF</a><br> <p> <li> <font color=#FF0000>TR Pak</font> & <font color=#FF0000>FP Roth†</font>. <u>ChromoZoom: a flexible, fluid, web-based genome browser</u>. <b> Bioinformatics </b> 29(3):384-6 (2013). <a href="publications/Pak_Bioinformatics_2013.html" target="_blank">Full Text</a><br> <p> <li> K Mahadevan, H Zhang, A Akef, XA Cui, S Gueroussov, <font color=#FF0000>C Cenik</font>, <font color=#FF0000>FP Roth</font> & AF Palazzo†. <u> RanBP2/Nup358 potentiates the translation of a subset of mRNAs encoding secretory proteins.</u> <b> PLOS Biology </b> 11(4):e1001545 (2013). <a href="publications/Mahadevan_PLOSBio_2013.html" target="_blank">Full Text</a><br> <p> <br> <h4><a name="2012">2012</a></h4> <li> <font color=#FF0000>Y Suzuki</font>, J Stam, M Novotny, <font color=#FF0000>N Yachie</font>, RS Lasken & <font color=#FF0000>FP Roth</font>. <u>The Green Monster process for the generation of yeast strains carrying multiple gene deletions</u>. <b> Journal of Visualized Experiments </b> 70, e4072 (2012). <a href="publications/Suzuki_JoVE_2012.html" target="_blank">Full Text</a><br> <p> <li> A Bicknell, <font color=#FF0000>C Cenik</font>, <font color=#FF0000>FP Roth</font> & M Moore†. <u> Introns in UTRs: Why we should stop ignoring them</u>. <b> BioEssays </b> 34(12):1025-1034 (2012). <a href="publications/Bicknell_BioEssays_2012.pdf" target="_blank">PDF</a> <p> <li> O Rozenblatt-Rosen*, <font color=#FF0000>RC Deo*</font>, M Padi*, G Adelmant*, MA Calderwood, T Rolland, M Grace, A Dricot, M Askenazi, M Tavares, SJ Pevzner, F Abderazzaq, D Byrdsong, AR Carvunis, AA Chen, J Cheng, M Correll, M Duarte, C Fan, MC Feltkamp, SB Ficarro, R Franchi, BK Garg, N Gulbahce, T Hao, AM Holthaus, R James, A Korkhin, L Litovchick, JC Mar, <font color=#FF0000>TR Pak</font>, S Rabello, R Rubio, Y Shen, S Singh, JM Spangle, <font color=#FF0000>M Tasan</font>, S Wanamaker, JT Webber, J Roecklein-Canfield, E Johannsen, AL Barabasi, R Beroukhim, E Kieff, ME Cusick, DE Hill†, K Munger†, JA Marto†, J Quackenbush†, <font color=#FF0000>FP Roth†</font>, JA DeCaprio† & M Vidal†. <u>Interpreting cancer genomes using systematic host network perturbations by tumour virus proteins</u>. <b>Nature </b> 487(7408):491-495 (2012). <a href="publications/CEGS_Nature_2012.pdf" target="_blank">PDF</a> <a href = "supplements/CEGS_Nature_2012/">Supplementary Materials</a><br> <p> <i>Related news: </i><br> <u>Research Watch: Tumor Virus-Induced Host Network Perturbations Identify Cancer Genes</u>. <b>Cancer Discovery</b> <a href = "publications/CancerDiscovery_2012_pub.html" target="_blank">Full Text</a><br> <p> <u>Research Highlights: Identifying driver mutations with the help of viruses</u>. <b>Nature Reviews Clinical Oncology</b> <a href = "publications/NatRevClinOncology_2012_pub.html" target="_blank">Full Text</a><br> <p> <li> N Gulbahce*, H Yan*, A Dricot, M Padi, D Byrdsong, R Franchi, DS Lee, O Rozenblatt-Rosen, JC Mar, MA Calderwood, A Baldwin, B Zhao, B Santhanam, P Braun, N Simonis, KW Huh, K Hellner, M Grace, A Chen, R Rubio, JA Marto, NA Christakis, E Kieff, <font color=#FF0000>FP Roth</font>, J Roecklein-Canfield, JA Decaprio, ME Cusick, J Quackenbush, DE Hill, K Munger, M Vidal† & AL Barabasi†. <u>Viral perturbations of host networks reflect disease etiology</u>. <b> PLoS Computational Biology </b> 8(6):e1002531 (2012). <a href="publications/Gulbahce_PLoSCompBio_2012.html" target="_blank">Full Text</a> <p> <li> E Cheng, JA Vaisica, J Ou, A Baryshnikova, <font color=#FF0000>Y Lu</font>, <font color=#FF0000>FP Roth</font>, GW Brown†. <u>Genome rearrangements caused by depletion of essential DNA replication proteins in <i>Saccharomyces cerevisiae</i></u>. <b> Genetics </b> 192(1):147-160 (2012). <a href="publications/Cheng_Genetics_2012.html" target="_blank">Full Text</a> <p> <li> <font color=#FF0000>M Tasan</font>, HJ Drabkin, <font color=#FF0000>JE Beaver</font>, <font color=#FF0000>HN Chua</font>, <font color=#FF0000>J Dunham</font>, <font color=#FF0000>W Tian</font>, JA Blake & <font color=#FF0000>FP Roth†</font>. <u> A resource of quantitative functional annotation for <i>Homo sapiens</i> genes</u>. <b> G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics </b> 2(2):223-233 (2012). <a href="publications/Tasan_G3_2012.html" target="_blank">Full Text</a> <p> <li> <font color=#FF0000>A Derti</font> & <font color=#FF0000>FP Roth†</font>. <u> Response to "MHC-dependent mate choice in humans: Why genomic patterns from the HapMap European American data set support the hypothesis" (DOI: 10.1002/bies.201100150): HapMap genotypes do not confidently support a role for the MHC locus in human mate selection.</u>. <b> BioEssays </b> 6(4):e1000925 (2012). <a href="publications/Derti_BioEssays_2012.pdf" target="_blank">PDF</a> <p> <li> O Stegle, <font color=#FF0000>FP Roth</font>, Q Morris, J Listgarten. <u> Personalized medicine: from genotypes and molecular phenotypes towards computed therapy</u>. <b> Proceedings of the Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing </b> 2012:323-326 (2012). <a href="publications/Stegle_PSB_2012.pdf" target="_blank">PDF</a> <p> <br> <h4><a name="2011">2011</a></h4> <li> <font color=#FF0000>M Cokol</font>, <font color=#FF0000>HN Chua</font>, <font color=#FF0000>M Tasan</font>, <font color=#FF0000>B Mutlu</font>, ZB Weinstein, <font color=#FF0000>Y Suzuki</font>, ME Nergiz, M Costanzo, A Baryshnikova, G Giaever, C Nislow, CL Myers, BJ Andrews, C Boone & <font color=#FF0000>FP Roth†</font>. <u> Systematic exploration of synergistic drug pairs</u>. <b> Molecular Systems Biology </b> 7(544):1-9 (2011). <a href="publications/Cokol_MSB_2011.pdf" target="_blank">PDF</a> <p> <li> Arabidopsis Interactome Mapping Consortium [ M Dreze, A-R Carvunis, B Charloteaux, M Galli, SJ Pevzner & <font color=#FF0000>M Tasan</font> contributed equally to this work and should be considered 'co-first' authors]. <u> Evidence for network evolution in an Arabidopsis interactome map</u>. <b> Science </b> 333(6042):601-7 (2011). <a href="publications/ArabIntxnMapCnsrtm_Science_2011.pdf" target="_blank">PDF</a> <p> <li> MS Mukhtar, A-R Carvunis, M Dreze, P Epple, J Steinbrenner, J Moore, <font color=#FF0000>M Tasan</font>, M Galli, T Hao, MT Nishimura, SJ Pevzner, SE Donovan, L Ghamsari, B Santhanam, V Romero, MM Poulin, F Gebreab, BJ Gutierrez, S Tam, D Monachello, M Boxem, CJ Harbort, N McDonald, L Gai, H Chen, Y He, EU Effectoromics Consortium, J Vandenhaute, <font color=#FF0000>FP Roth</font>, DE Hill, JR Ecker, M Vidal†, J Beynon†, P Braun†, JL Dangl†. <u> Independently evolved virulence effectors converge onto cellular hubs in a plant immune system network</u>. <b> Science </b> 333(6042):596-601 (2011). <a href="publications/Mukhtar_Science_2011.pdf" target="_blank">PDF</a> <p> <li> <font color=#FF0000>HN Chua</font> & <font color=#FF0000>FP Roth†</font>. <u> Discovering the targets of drugs via computational systems biology</u>. <b> Journal of Biological Chemistry </b> 286(27):23653-23658 (2011). <a href="publications/Chua_JBC_2011.html" target="_blank">Full Text</a> <p> <li> H Yu, L Tardivo, S Tam, E Weiner, F Gebreab, C Fan, N Svrzikapa, T Hirozane-Kishikawa, E Rietman, X Yang, J Sahalie, K Salehi-Ashtiani, T Hao, ME Cusick, DE Hill, <font color=#FF0000>FP Roth</font>, P Braun & M Vidal†. <u> Next-generation sequencing to generate interactome datasets</u>. <b> Nature Methods</b> 8(6):478-80 (2011). <a href="publications/Yu_NatMethods_2011.pdf" target="_blank">PDF</a> <p> <li> <font color=#FF0000>C Cenik</font>, <font color=#FF0000>HN Chua</font>, H Zhang, S Tarnawsky, A Akef, <font color=#FF0000>A Derti</font>, <font color=#FF0000>M Tasan</font>, MJ Moore, AF Palazzo† & <font color=#FF0000>FP Roth†</font> <u> Genome analysis reveals interplay between 5'UTR introns and nuclear mRNA export for secretory and mitochondrial genes</u>. <b> PLoS Genetics</b> 7(4):e1001366 (2011). <a href="publications/Cenik_PLoSGenetics_2011.html" target="_blank">Full Text</a> <p> <li> <font color=#FF0000>K Suk</font>, J Choi, <font color=#FF0000>Y Suzuki</font>, <font color=#FF0000>SB Ozturk</font>, <font color=#FF0000>JC Mellor</font>, KH Wong, <font color=#FF0000>JL MacKay</font>, RI Gregory & <font color=#FF0000>FP Roth†</font> <u> Reconstitution of human RNA interference in budding yeast</u>. <b> Nucleic Acids Research</b> 39(7):e43 (2011). <a href="publications/Suk_NAR_2011.html" target="_blank">Full Text</a> <p><i>Research Highlight</i>: <b>Lab Times</b> 4:46 (2011). <a href="publications/Zahringer_LabTimes_2011.pdf" target="_blank">PDF</a> <p> <li> <font color=#FF0000>Y Suzuki</font>, RP St Onge, <font color=#FF0000>R Mani</font>, <font color=#FF0000>OD King</font>, A Heilbut, VM Labunskyy, W Chen, <font color=#FF0000>L Pham</font>, <font color=#FF0000>LV Zhang</font>, AH Tong, C Nislow, G Giaever, VN Gladyshev, M Vidal, P Schow, J Lehar & <font color=#FF0000>FP Roth†</font>. <u> Knocking out multigene redundancies via cycles of sexual assortment and fluorescence selection</u>. <b> Nature Methods</b> 8(2):159-64 (2011). <a href="publications/Suzuki_NatMethods_2011.pdf" target="_blank">PDF</a> <p> <li> CF Sephton, <font color=#FF0000>C Cenik</font>, A Kucukural, EB Dammer, B Cenik, Y Han, CM Dewey, <font color=#FF0000>FP Roth</font>, J Herz, J Peng, MJ Moore & Yu G† <u> Identification of neuronal RNA targets of TDP-43-containing ribonucleoprotein complexes</u>. <b> Journal of Biological Chemistry </b> 286(2):1204-15. (2011) <a href="publications/Sephton_JBiolChem_2011.html" target="_blank">Full Text</a> <p> <br> <h4><a name="2010">2010</a></h4> <li> GD Lewis, L Farrell, MJ Wood, M Martinovic, Z Arany, GC Rowe, A Souza, S Cheng, EL McCabe, E Yang, X Shi, <font color=#FF0000>R Deo</font>, <font color=#FF0000>FP Roth</font>, A Asnani, EP Rhee, DM Systrom, MJ Semigran, RS Vasan, SA Carr, TJ Wang, MS Sabatine, CB Clish & RE Gerszten†. <u> Metabolic signatures of exercise in human plasma</u>. <b> Science Translational Medicine </b> 2(33):33ra37 (2010). <a href="publications/Lewis_ScienceTransMed_2010.pdf" target="_blank">PDF</a> <p> <li> <font color=#FF0000>JE Beaver</font>, <font color=#FF0000>M Tasan</font>, <font color=#FF0000>F Gibbons</font>, <font color=#FF0000>W Tian</font>, TR Hughes & <font color=#FF0000>FP Roth†</font>. <u> FuncBase: A resource for quantitative gene function annotation</u>. <b> Bioinformatics </b> 26(14):1806-7 (2010). <a href="publications/Beaver_Bioinformatics_2010.html" target="_blank">Full Text</a> <a href = "software.html" target="_blank">Software</a> <p> <li> <font color=#FF0000>A Derti</font>, <font color=#FF0000>C Cenik</font>, P Kraft & <font color=#FF0000>FP Roth†</font> <u> Absence of evidence for MHC-dependent mate selection within HapMap populations</u>. <b> PLoS Genetics </b> 6(4):e1000925 (2010). <a href="publications/Derti_PLoSGenetics_2010.html" target="_blank">Full Text</a> <p> <li> <font color=#FF0000>C Cenik</font>, <font color=#FF0000>A Derti</font>, <font color=#FF0000>JC Mellor</font>, <font color=#FF0000>GF Berriz</font> & <font color=#FF0000>FP Roth†</font>. <u> Genome-wide functional analysis of human 5' untranslated region introns</u>. <b> Genome Biology </b> 11(3):R29 (2010). <a href="publications/Cenik_GenomeBiology_2010.pdf" target="_blank">PDF</a> <p> <li> E Kugelberg†, E Kofoid, DI Andersson, <font color=#FF0000>Y Lu</font>, <font color=#FF0000>J Mellor</font>, <font color=#FF0000>FP Roth</font> & JR Roth <u> The tandem inversion duplication in Salmonella enterica: selection drives unstable precursors to final mutation types.</u>. <b> Genetics </b> 185(1):65-80. (2010). <a href="publications/Kugelberg_Genetics_2010.html" target="_blank">Full Text</a> <p> <li> H Yan, K Venkatesan, <font color=#FF0000>JE Beaver</font>, N Klitgord, MA Yildirim, T Hao, DE Hill, ME Cusick, N Perrimon, <font color=#FF0000>FP Roth†</font> & M Vidal† <u> A genome-wide gene function prediction resource for Drosophila melanogaster</u>. <b> PLoS One </b> 5(8):e12139 (2010). <a href="publications/Yan_PLoSONE_2010.html" target="_blank">Full Text</a> <p> <li> <font color=#FF0000>RC Deo</font>, <font color=#FF0000>L Hunter</font>, GD Lewis, G Pare, RS Vasan, D Chasman, TJ Wang, RE Gerszten & <font color=#FF0000>FP Roth†</font>. <u> Interpreting metabolomic profiles using unbiased pathway models</u>. <b> PLoS Computational Biology </b> 6(2):e1000692 (2010). <a href="publications/Deo_PLoSCompBio_2010.html" target="_blank">Full Text</a> <p> <li> I Jurak, MF Kramer, <font color=#FF0000>JC Mellor</font>, AL van Lint, <font color=#FF0000>FP Roth</font>, DM Knipe & DM Coen†. <u> Numerous conserved and divergent microRNAs expressed by Herpes Simplex Viruses 1 and 2</u>. <b> Journal of Virology </b> 84(9):4659-72 (2010). <a href="publications/Jurak_JVirol_2010.pdf" target="_blank">PDF</a> <p> <li> M Costanzo, A Baryshnikova, J Bellay, Y Kim, ED Spear, CS Sevier, H Ding, JLY Koh, K Toufighi, S Mostafavi, J Prinz, RP St. Onge, B VanderSluis, T Makhnevych, FJ Vizeacoumar, S Alizadeh, S Bahr, RL Brost, Y Chen, <font color=#FF0000>M Cokol</font>, R Deshpande, Z Li, Z-Y Lin, W Liang, M Marback, J Paw, B-J San Luis, E Shuteriqi, AHY Tong, N van Dyk, IM Wallace, JA Whitney, MT Weirauch, G Zhong, H Zhu, WA Houry, M Brudno, S Ragibizadeh, B Papp, C Pal, <font color=#FF0000>FP Roth</font>, G Giaever, C Nislow, OG Troyanskaya, H Bussey, GD Bader, A-C Gingras, QD Morris, PM Kim, CA Kaiser, CL Myers†, BJ Andrews† & C Boone†. <u> The genetic landscape of a cell</u>. <b> Science </b> 327:425-431 (2010). <a href="publications/Costanzo_Science_2010.pdf" target="_blank">PDF</a> <p> <br> <h4><a name="2009">2009</a></h4> <li> <font color=#FF0000>GF Berriz</font>, <font color=#FF0000>JE Beaver</font>, <font color=#FF0000>C Cenik</font>, <font color=#FF0000>M Tasan</font> & <font color=#FF0000>FP Roth†</font>. <u> Next generation software for functional trend analysis</u>. <b> Bioinformatics </b> 25(22):3043-3044 (2009). <a href="publications/Berriz_Bioinformatics_2009.html" target="_blank">Full Text</a> <a href = "software.html" target="_blank">Software</a> <p> <li> K Salehi-Ashtiani, C Lin, T Hao, Y Shen, D Szeto, X Yang, L Ghamsari, H Lee, C Fan, RR Murray, S Milstein, N Svrzikapa, ME Cusick, <font color=#FF0000>FP Roth</font>, DE Hill & Marc Vidal†. <u> Large-scale RACE approach for proactive experimental definition of C. elegans ORFeome</u>. <b> Genome Research</b> 19(12):2334-42 (2009). <a href="publications/Salehi_GenResearch_2009.pdf" target="_blank">PDF</a> <p> <li> <font color=#FF0000>RC Deo†</font> & <font color=#FF0000>FP Roth</font>. <u> Pathways of the heart</u>. <b> Circulation: Cardiovascular Genetics</b> 2(4):303-305 (2009). <a href="publications/Deo_Circulation_Cardio_Genetics_2009.pdf" target="_blank">PDF</a> <p> <li> AM Smith, LE Heisler, <font color=#FF0000>J Mellor</font>, F Kaper, MJ Thompson, M Chee, <font color=#FF0000>FP Roth</font>, G Giaever† & C Nislow†. <u> Quantitative phenotyping via deep barcode sequencing</u>. <b> Genome Research </b> 19(10):1836-42 (2009) <a href="publications/Smith_GenRes_2009.pdf" target="_blank">PDF</a> <p> </li> <li> <font color=#FF0000>FP Roth</font>, HD Lipshitz & BJ Andrews. <u> Q&A: Epistasis</u>. <b> Journal of Biology </b> 8:35 (2009). <a href="publications/Roth_JBiol_2009.pdf" target="_blank">PDF</a> , <a href="" target="_blank">Full Text</a> <p> </li> <li> P Braun, <font color=#FF0000>M Tasan</font>, M Dreze, M Barrios-Rodiles, I Lemmens, H Yu, JM Sahalie, RR Murray, L Roncari, AS de Smet, K Venkatesan, JF Rual, J Vandenhaute, ME Cusick, T Pawson, DE Hill, J Tavernier†, JL Wrana†, <font color=#FF0000>FP Roth†</font> & M Vidal†. <u> An experimentally derived confidence score for binary protein-protein interactions</u>. <b> Nature Methods </b> 6(1):91-97 (2009). <a href="publications/Braun_NatMethods_2009.pdf" target="_blank">PDF</a> <p><i>News article</i>: K. Cottingham. <u>Confidence score for interactions: Researchers report a new way to determine whether a binary PPI is a true positive</u>. <b>Journal of Proteome Research</b> Feb 17 (2009). <a href="" target="_blank">Full text</a> <br> <p> </li> <li> K Venkatesan, JF Rual, A Vazquez, U Stelzl, I Lemmens, T Hirozane-Kishikawa, T Hao, M Zenkner, X Xin, KI Goh, MA Yildirim, N Simonis, K Heinzmann, F Gebreab, JM Sahalie, S Cevik, C Simon, AS de Smet, E Dann, A Smolyar, A Vinayagam, H Yu, D Szeto, H Borick, A Dricot, N Klitgord, RR Murray, C Lin, M Lalowski, J Timm, K Rau, C Boone, P Braun, ME Cusick, <font color=#FF0000>FP Roth</font>, DE Hill, J Tavernier†, EE Wanker†, AL Barabasi† & M Vidal†. <u> An empirical framework for binary interactome mapping</u>. <b> Nature Methods </b> 6(1):83-90 (2009). <a href="publications/Venkatesan_NatMethods_2009.pdf" target="_blank">PDF</a> <p> </li> <li> N Simonis, J-F Rual, A-R Carvunis, <font color=#FF0000>M Tasan</font>, I Lemmens, T Hirozane-Kishikawa, T Hao, JM Sahalie, K Venkatesan, F Gebreab, S Cevik, N Klitgord, C Fan, P Braun, N Li, N Ayivi-Guedehoussou, E Dann, N Bertin, D Szeto, A Dricot, M Yildirim, C Lin, A-S de Smet, H-L Kao, C Simon, A Smolyar, J S Ahn, M Tewari, M Boxem, S Milstein, H Yu, M Dreze, J Vandenhaute, KC Gunsalus, ME Cusick, DE Hill†, J Tavernier†, <font color=#FF0000>FP Roth†</font> & M Vidal†. <u> Empirically controlled mapping of the Caenorhabditis elegans protein-protein interactome network</u>. <b> Nature Methods </b> 6(1):47-54 (2009). <a href="publications/Simonis_NatMethods_2009.pdf" target="_blank">PDF</a> <p> </li> <li> ME Cusick, H Yu, A Smolyar, K Venkatesan, A-R Carvunis, N Simonis, J-F Rual, H Borick, P Braun, M Dreze, J Vandenhaute, M Galli, J Yazaki, DE Hill, JR Ecker, <font color=#FF0000>FP Roth</font> & Marc Vidal†. <u> Literature-curated protein interaction datasets</u>. <b> Nature Methods </b> (Perspective) 6(1):39-46 (2009). <a href="publications/Cusick_NatMethods_2009.pdf" target="_blank">PDF</a> <p> </li> <br> <h4><a name="2008">2008</a></h4> <li> NJ Martinez, MC Ow, MI Barrasa, M Hammell, R Sequerra, L Doucette-Stamm, <font color=#FF0000>FP Roth</font>, VR Ambros & AJ Walhout†. <u> A <i>C. elegans</i> genome-scale microRNA network contains composite feedback motifs with high flux capacity</u>. <b> Genes & Development </b> 22(18):2535-2549 (2008). <a href="publications/Martinez_GeneDev_2008.pdf" target="_blank">PDF</a> <p><i>Research Highlight</i>: <b>Nature Reviews Genetics</b> 9:813 (2008). <a href="" target="_blank">Full Text</a> <p> </li> <li> <font color=#FF0000>J Klekota</font> & <font color=#FF0000>FP Roth†</font>. <u> Chemical substructures that enrich for biological activity</u>. <b> Bioinformatics </b> 24(21):2518-2525 (2008). <a href="publications/Klekota_Bioinformatics_2008.html" target="_blank">Full Text</a> <p> </li> <li> GD Lewis, R Wei, E Liu, E Yang, X Shi, M Martinovic, L Farrell, A Asnani, M Cyrille, A Ramanathan, O Shaham, <font color=#FF0000>GF Berriz</font>, PA Lowry, IF Palacios, <font color=#FF0000>M Tasan</font>, <font color=#FF0000>FP Roth</font>, J Min, C Baumgartner, H Keshishian, T Addona, VK Mootha, A Rosenzweig, SA Carr, MA Fifer, MS Sabatine & RE Gerszten†. <u> Metabolite profiling of blood from individuals undergoing planned myocardial infarction reveals early markers of myocardial injury</u>. <b> J Clin Invest</b> 118(10):3503-3512 (2008). <a href="publications/Lewis_JClinInvest_2008.html" target="_blank">Full Text</a> <p> <p><i>News article</i>: <u>How to spot a heart attack soon after it occurs</u>. <b>ScienceDaily</b> Sep 5 (2008). <a href="" target="_blank">Full text</a> <br> <p><i>News article</i>: S Stiles. <u>Groundwork laid for assays that point to MI within minutes of infarct onset</u>. <b>theHeart.Org</b> Sep 19 (2008). <a href="" target="_blank">Full text</a> <br> </li> <li> H Yu*, P Braun*, MA Yildirim*, I Lemmens, K Venkatesan, J Sahalie, T Hirozane-Kishikawa, F Gebreab, N Li, N Simonis, T Hao, JF Rual, A Dricot, A Vazquez, RR Murray, C Simon, L Tardivo, S Tam, N Svrzikapa, C Fan, AS de Smet, A Motyl, ME Hudson, J Park, X Xin, ME Cusick, T Moore, C Boone, M Snyder, <font color=#FF0000>FP Roth</font>, AL Barabasi, J Tavernier, DE Hill & M Vidal†. <u> High-quality binary protein interaction map of the yeast interactome network</u>. <b> Science</b> 322(5898):104-10 (2008). <a href="publications/Yu_Science_2008.pdf" target="_blank">PDF</a> <p> </li> <li> <font color=#FF0000>GF Berriz</font> & <font color=#FF0000>FP Roth†</font>. <u> The Synergizer service for translating gene, protein, and other biological identifiers</u>. <b> Bioinformatics </b> 24(19):2272-3 (2008). <a href="publications/Berriz_Bioinformatics_2008.html" target="_blank">Full Text</a> <p> </li> <li> M Boxem, Z Maliga, N Klitgord, N Li, I Lemmens, M Mana, L de Lichtervelde, J Mul, D van de Peut, M Devos, N Simonis, MA Yildirim, <font color=#FF0000>M Cokol</font>, H-L Kao, H Wang, A-S de Smet, A-L Schlaitz, T Hao, S Milstein, C Fan, M Tipsword, K Drew, M Galli, K Rhrissorrakrai, D Drechsel, D Koller, <font color=#FF0000>FP Roth</font>, LM Iakoucheva, K Dunker, R Bonneau, KC Gunsalus, DE Hill, F Piano, J Tavernier, S van den Heuvel, AA Hyman & M Vidal†. <u> A protein domain-based interactome network for <i>C. elegans</i> early embryogenesis</u>. <b> Cell </b> 134(3):534-545 (2008). <a href="publications/Boxem_Cell_2008.pdf" target="_blank">PDF</a> <p> </li> <li> TR Hughes & <font color=#FF0000>FP Roth</font>. <u> A race through the maze of genomic evidence</u>. <b> Genome Biology </b> 9 Suppl 1:S1 (2008). <a href="publications/Hughes_GenomeBiology_2008.pdf" target="_blank">PDF</a> <p> </li> <li> L Pena-Castillo, <font color=#FF0000>M Tasan</font>, CL Myers, H Lee, T Joshi, C Zhang, Y Guan, M Leone, A Pagnani, WK Kim, C Krumpelman, <font color=#FF0000>W Tian</font>, G Obozinski, Y Qi, S Mostafavi, GN Lin, <font color=#FF0000>GF Berriz</font>, <font color=#FF0000>FD Gibbons</font>, G Lanckriet, J Qiu, C Grant, Z Barutcuoglu, DP Hill, D Warde-Farley, C Grouios, D Ray, JA Blake, M Deng, M Jordan, WS Noble, Q Morris, J Klein-Seetharaman, Z Bar-Joseph, T Chen, F Sun, OG Troyanskaya, EM Marcotte, D Xu, TR Hughes† & <font color=#FF0000>FP Roth†</font>. <u> A critical assessment of <i>Mus musculus</i> gene function prediction using integrated genomic evidence</u>. <b> Genome Biology </b> 9 Suppl 1:S2 (2008). <a href="publications/PenaCastillo_GenomeBiology_2008.pdf" target="_blank">PDF</a> <p> </li> <li> <font color=#FF0000>W Tian</font>, <font color=#FF0000>LV Zhang</font>, <font color=#FF0000>M Tasan</font>, <font color=#FF0000>FD Gibbons</font>, <font color=#FF0000>OD King</font>, J Park, <font color=#FF0000>Z Wunderlich</font>, JM Cherry & <font color=#FF0000>FP Roth†</font>. <u> Combining guilt-by-association and guilt-by-profiling to predict <i>Saccharomyces cerevisiae</i> gene function</u>. <b> Genome Biology </b> 9 Suppl 1:S7 (2008). <a href="publications/Tian_GenomeBiology_2008.pdf" target="_blank">PDF</a> <p> </li> <li> <font color=#FF0000>M Tasan</font>, <font color=#FF0000>W Tian</font>, DP Hill, <font color=#FF0000>FD Gibbons</font>, JA Blake & <font color=#FF0000>FP Roth†</font>. <u> An <i>en masse</i> phenotype and function prediction system for <i>M. musculus</i></u>. <b> Genome Biology </b> 9 Suppl 1:S8 (2008). <a href="publications/Tasan_GenomeBiology_2008.pdf" target="_blank">PDF</a> <p> </li> <li> K Salehi-Ashtiani, X Yang, <font color=#FF0000>A Derti</font>, <font color=#FF0000>W Tian</font>, T Hao, C Lin, K Makowski, L Shen, RR Murray, D Szeto, N Tusneem, DR Smith, ME Cusick, DE Hill, <font color=#FF0000>FP Roth†</font> & M Vidal†. <u>Isoform discovery by targeted cloning, 'deep-well' pooling and parallel sequencing</u>. <b> Nature Methods </b> 5(7):597-600 (2008). <a href="publications/Salehi_NatMethods_2008.pdf" target="_blank">PDF</a> <a href = "supplements/Salehi_NatMethods_2008/Salehi_NatMethods_2008_Suppl.pdf">Supplement</a><br> <p> </li> <li> <font color=#FF0000>R Mani</font>, RP St.Onge., JL Hartman IV, G Giaever & <font color=#FF0000>FP Roth†</font>. <u> Defining genetic interaction</u>. <b> Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences </b> 105(9):3461-3466 (2008). <a href="publications/Mani_PNAS_2008.pdf" target="_blank">PDF</a> <a href = "" target="_top">Supplement</a><br> <p><i>Research Highlight</i>: <b>Nature Reviews Genetics</b> 9:253 (2008). <a href="" target="_blank">PDF</a> <p> </li> <br> <h4><a name="2007">2007</a></h4> <li> <font color=#FF0000>S Komili</font>, NG Farny, <font color=#FF0000>FP Roth†</font> & PA Silver†. <u> Functional specificity among ribosomal proteins regulates gene expression</u>. <b> Cell </b> 131:557-571 (2007). <a href="publications/Komili_Cell_2007.pdf" target="_blank">PDF</a> <a href = "supplements/Komili_Cell_2007/" target="_top">Supplement</a> <br> <p><i>Preview article</i>: K McIntosh & J Warner. <u>Yeast Ribosomes: Variety Is the Spice of Life</u> <b>Cell</b> 131(3):450-451 (2007). <a href="publications/McIntosh_Warner_Cell_2007.html" target="_blank">Full text</a> <br> <p><i>News article</i>: M Leslie. <u>Unique tasks for ribosomal paralogues</u>. <b>Journal of Cell Biology</b> 179(5):808 (2007). <a href="publications/Leslie_JCB_2007.html" target="_blank">Full text</a> <br> <p><i>News article</i>: C Humphries. <u>Ribosomes: More Special than You Think</u>. <b>Focus</b> Nov 9 (2007). <a href="publications/Humphries_Focus_2007.html" target="_blank">Full text</a> <br> <p><i>Research Highlight</i>: <b>Nature Reviews Genetics</b> 8:909 (2007). <a href="" target="_blank">PDF</a> </li> <p> <li> <font color=#FF0000>FP Roth</font> & B Andrews. <u> Systems biology: A shared goal with diverse views</u>. <b> ASBMB Today </b> September (2007). <a href="publications/RothAndrews_ASBMBToday_2007.pdf" target="_blank">PDF</a> </li> <p> <li> N Bertin, N Simonis, D Dupuy, ME Cusick, J-DJ Han, HB Fraser†, <font color=#FF0000>FP Roth†</font> & M Vidal†. <u> Confirmation of organized modularity in the yeast interactome</u>. <b> PLoS Biology </b> 5(6) e153 (2007). <a href="publications/Bertin_PLoS_Biology_2007.html" target="_blank">Full text</a> </li> <p> <li> D Dupuy, N Bertin, CA Hidalgo R, K Venkatesan, D Tu, D Lee, J Rosenberg, N Svrzikapa, A Blanc, A Carnec, A-R Carvunis, R Pulak, J Shingles, J Reece-Hoyes, R Hunt-Newbury, R Viveiros, WA Mohler, <font color=#FF0000>M Tasan</font>, <font color=#FF0000>FP Roth</font>, C Le Peuch, IA Hope, R Johnsen, DG Moerman, A-L Barabasi†, D Baillie† & M Vidal†. <u> Genome-scale analysis of in vivo spatiotemporal promoter activity in <i>C. elegans</i></u>. <b> Nature Biotechnology </b> 25(6):663-668 (2007). <a href="publications/Dupuy_NatBiotech_2007.pdf" target="_blank">PDF</a> <a href = "supplements/Dupuy_NatBiotech_2007/" target="_top">Supplement</a> </li> <p> <li> <font color=#FF0000>S Komili</font> & <font color=#FF0000>FP Roth†</font>. <u> Genetic interaction screens advance in reverse</u>. <b> Genes & Development </b> (Perspective) 21(2):137-42 (2007). <a href="publications/Komili_GenesDev_2007.pdf" target="_blank">PDF</a> </li> <p> <li> RP St Onge, <font color=#FF0000>R Mani</font>, J Oh, M Proctor, E Fung, RW Davis, C Nislow, <font color=#FF0000>FP Roth†</font> & G Giaever†. <u> Systematic pathway analysis using high-resolution fitness profiling of combinatorial gene deletions</u>. <b> Nature Genetics </b> 39(2):199-206 (2007). <a href="publications/StOnge_NatGenetics_2007.pdf" target="_blank">PDF</a> <a href = "supplements/StOnge_NatGenetics_2007/" target="_top">Supplement</a> </li> <p> <li>H Huang, <font color=#FF0000>LV Zhang</font>, <font color=#FF0000>FP Roth</font> & JS Bader†. <u> Probabilistic paths in protein interaction networks</u>. <b> Proceedings of the RECOMB Conferences on Systems Biology and Computational Proteomics </b> (2007). <a href="publications/Huang_RECOMB_2007.pdf" target="_blank">PDF</a> </li> <p> <br> <h4><a name="2006">2006</a></h4> <li><font color=#FF0000>A Derti</font>, <font color=#FF0000>FP Roth</font>, GM Church & C-T Wu†. <u> Mammalian ultraconserved elements are strongly depleted among segmental duplications and copy number variants</u>. </u> <b> Nature Genetics </b> 38(10):1216-1220 (2006). <a href="publications/Derti_NatGenetics_2006.pdf" target="_blank">PDF</a> <a href = "supplements/Derti_NatGenetics_2006/" target="_top">Supplement</a> </li> <p> <li><font color=#FF0000>Y Suzuki</font> & <font color=#FF0000>FP Roth†</font>. <u> Systematic genetics swims forward elegantly</u>. </u> <b> Molecular Systems Biology </b> (News and Views) 2:48 (2006). <a href="publications/Suzuki_MSB_2006_pub.html" target="_blank">Full Text</a> </li> <p> <li><font color=#FF0000>J Klekota†</font>, E Brauner, <font color=#FF0000>FP Roth†</font> & SL Schreiber. <u> Using high-throughput screening data to discriminate compounds with single-target effects from those with side effects</u>. </u> <b> J. Chem. Inf. Model. </b> 46: 1549-1562 (2006). <a href = "publications/Klekota_JChemInfModel_2006.pdf" target="_blank">PDF</a> <p> <li><font color=#FF0000>J Klekota†</font>, <font color=#FF0000>FP Roth</font> & SL Schreiber. <u> Query Chem: a Google-powered web search combining text and chemical structures</u>. <b>Bioinformatics</b> 22(13):1670-1673 (2006). <a href="publications/Klekota_Bioinformatics_2006A.html" target="_blank">Full Text</a> <a href = "software.html" target="_blank">Software</a> </li> <p> <br> <h4><a name="2005">2005</a></h4> <li> MS Sabatine, E Liu, DA Morrow, E Heller, M Askenazi, R McCarroll, R Weigand, <font color=#FF0000>GF Berriz</font>, <font color=#FF0000>FP Roth</font> & RE Gerszten†. <u> Metabolomic identification of novel biomarkers of myocardial ischemia</u>. <b> Circulation </b> 112(25):3868-3875 (2005). <a href = "publications/Sabatine_Circulation_2005.pdf" target="_blank">PDF</a> <p> <li> <font color=#FF0000>FD Gibbons</font>, M Proft, K Struhl & <font color=#FF0000>FP Roth†</font>. <u> Chipper: discovering transcription-factor targets from chromatin immunoprecipitation microarrays using variance stabilization</u>. <b> Genome Biology </b> 6(11):R96 (2005). <a href = "publications/Gibbons_GenomeBiology_2005.pdf" target="_blank">PDF</a> <a href = "software.html" target="_blank">Software</a> <p> <li> <font color=#FF0000>SL Wong</font> & <font color=#FF0000>FP Roth†</font>. <u> Transcriptional compensation for gene loss plays a minor role in maintaining genetic robustness in <i>Saccharomyces cerevisiae</i></u>. <b> Genetics </b> 171(2):829-833 (2005). <a href = "publications/Wong_Genetics_2005.pdf" target="_blank">PDF</a> <a href = "supplements/Wong_Genetics_2005/" target="_blank">Supplement</a> <p> <li> J-F Rual, K Venkatesan, T Hao, T Hirozane-Kishikawa, A Dricot, N Li, <font color=#FF0000>GF Berriz</font>, <font color=#FF0000>FD Gibbons</font>, M Dreze, N Ayivi-Guedehoussou, N Klitgord, C Simon, M Boxem, S Milstein, J Rosenberg, <font color=#FF0000>DS Goldberg</font>, <font color=#FF0000>LV Zhang</font>, <font color=#FF0000>SL Wong</font>, <font color=#FF0000>G Franklin</font>, S Li, JS Albala, J Lim, C Fraughton, E Llamosas, S Cevik, C Bex, P Lamesch, RS Sikorski, J Vandenhaute, HY Zoghbi, A Smolyar, S Bosak, R Sequerra, L Doucette-Stamm, ME Cusick, DE Hill†, <font color=#FF0000>FP Roth†</font> & M Vidal†. <u> Towards a proteome-scale map of the human protein-protein interaction network</u>. <b> Nature </b> 437:1173-1178 (2005). <a href = "publications/Rual_Nature_2005.pdf" target="_blank">PDF</a> <a href = "supplements/Rual_Nature_2005/" target="_blank">Supplement</a> <p> <li> KC Gunsalus*, H Ge*, AJ Schetter*, <font color=#FF0000>DS Goldberg*</font>, J-DJ Han, T Hao, N Bertin, N Li, J Huang, L-S Chuang, <font color=#FF0000>R Mani</font>, <font color=#FF0000>GF Berriz</font>, AA Hyman, B Sonnichsen, CJ Echeverri, <font color=#FF0000>FP Roth†</font>, M Vidal† & F Piano†. <u> Predictive models of molecular machines involved in <u>C. elegans</u> early embryogenesis</u>. <b> Nature </b> 436(7052):861-865 (2005). <a href = "publications/Gunsalus_Nature_2005.pdf" target="_blank">PDF</a> <a href = "supplements/Gunsalus_Nature_2005/" target="_top">Supplement</a> <br> <p><i>Related news piece: </i> E Kritikou<u> Molecular networks - The power of prediction</u>. <b> Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology </b> 6(10):752-753 (2005). <a href = "publications/Kritikou_NatRevMCB_2005_pub.html" target="_blank">Full Text</a><br> <p> <li> M Proft, <font color=#FF0000>FD Gibbons</font>, Copeland M, <font color=#FF0000>Roth FP</font> & K Struhl†. <u> Genome-wide identification of Sko1 target promoters reveals a regulatory network operated upon osmotic stress in <i>Saccharomyces cerevisiae</i></u>. <b> Eukaryotic Cell </b> 4(8):1343-1352 (2005). <a href = "publications/Proft_EukCell_2005.pdf" target="_blank">PDF</a> <p> <li> <font color=#FF0000>SL Wong</font>, <font color=#FF0000>LV Zhang</font>, & <font color=#FF0000>FP Roth†</font>. <u> Discovering functional relationships: biochemistry versus genetics</u>. <b> Trends in Genetics </b> 21(8): 424-427 (2005). <a href = "publications/Wong_TIG_2005.pdf" target="_blank">PDF</a> <a href = "supplements/Wong_TIG_2005/" target="_blank">Supplement</a> <p> <li> <font color=#FF0000>LV Zhang</font>, <font color=#FF0000>OD King</font>, <font color=#FF0000>SL Wong</font>, <font color=#FF0000>DS Goldberg</font>, AHY Tong, G Lesage, B Andrews, H Bussey, C Boone & <font color=#FF0000>FP Roth†</font>. <u>Motifs, themes and thematic maps of an integrated <i>S. cerevisiae</i> interaction network</u>. <b> Journal of Biology </b> 4:6 (2005). <a href = "publications/Zhang_JBiol_2005_pub.html" target="_blank">Full Text</a> <br> <p><i>Related news piece: </i> JB Weitzman. <u> A road map of yeast interactions</u>. <b>Journal of Biology</b> 4:4 (2005). <a href = "publications/Weitzman_JBiol_2005_pub.html" target="_blank">Full Text</a><br> <p><i>Related news piece: </i> <u>Research highlights</u>. <b>Nature</b> 435:717 (2005). <a href = "publications/Nature_highlights_2005.pdf" target="_blank">PDF</a><br> <p><i>Related minireview: </i> MJ Herrgard & BO Palsson. <u> Untangling the web of functional and physical interactions in yeast</u>. <b>Journal of Biology</b> 4:5 (2005). <a href = "publications/Herrgard_JBiol_2005_pub.html" target="_blank">PDF</a></li> <p> <br> <h4><a name="2004">2004</a></h4> <li> <font color=#FF0000>SL Wong</font>, <font color=#FF0000>LV Zhang</font>, AHY Tong, Z Li, <font color=#FF0000>DS Goldberg</font>, <font color=#FF0000>OD King</font>, G Lesage, M Vidal, B Andrews, H Bussey, C Boone & <font color=#FF0000>FP Roth†</font>. <u> Combining biological networks to predict genetic interactions</u>. <b> Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences </b> 101(44): 15682-15687 (2004). <a href = "publications/Wong_PNAS_2004.pdf" target="_blank">PDF</a> <a href = "supplements/Wong_PNAS_2004/" target="_blank">Supplement</a> <p> <li> <font color=#FF0000>S Asthana</font>,<font color=#FF0000>OD King</font>,<font color=#FF0000>FD Gibbons</font> & <font color=#FF0000>FP Roth†</font>. <u> Predicting protein complex membership using probabilistic network reliability</u>. <b> Genome Research </b> 14(6):1170-1175 (2004). <a href = "publications/Asthana_GenomeRes_2004.pdf" target="_blank">PDF</a> <a href = "software.html" target="_blank">Software</a> <p> <li> J-DJ Han, N Bertin, T Hao, <font color=#FF0000>DS Goldberg</font>, <font color=#FF0000>GF Berriz</font>, <font color=#FF0000>LV Zhang</font>, D Dupuy, AJM Walhout, ME Cusick, <font color=#FF0000>FP Roth</font> & M Vidal†. <u> Evidence for dynamically organized modularity in the yeast protein-protein interaction network</u>. <b>Nature</b> 430(6995):88-93 (2004). <a href = "publications/Han_Nature_2004.pdf" target="_blank">PDF</a> <p> <li> YH Grad, <font color=#FF0000>FP Roth</font>, MS Halfon & GM Church†. <u> Prediction of similarly-acting cis-regulatory modules by subsequence profiling and comparative genomics in <i>D. melanogaster</i> and <i>D. pseudoobscura</i></u>. <b>Bioinformatics</b> 20(16):2738-2750 (2004). <a href = "publications/Grad_Bioinformatics_2004.pdf" target="_blank">PDF</a> <p> <li><font color=#FF0000>FD Gibbons</font>, JE Elias, SP Gygi & <font color=#FF0000>FP Roth†</font>. <u> SILVER helps assign peptides to tandem mass spectra using intensity-based scoring</u>. <b>Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry</b> 15(6):910-912 (2004). <a href ="publications/Gibbons_JASMS_2004.pdf" target="_blank">PDF</a> <a href = "software.html" target="_blank">Software</a> <p> <li> <font color=#FF0000>LV Zhang</font>, <font color=#FF0000>SL Wong</font>, <font color=#FF0000>OD King</font> & <font color=#FF0000>FP Roth†</font>. <u>Predicting co-complexed protein pairs using genomic and proteomic data integration</u>. <b>BMC Bioinformatics</b> 5:38 (2004). <a href = "publications/Zhang_BMCBioinformatics_2004.pdf" target="_blank">PDF</a> <p> <li>AHY Tong, G Lesage, GD Bader, H Ding, H Xu, X Xin, J Young, <font color=#FF0000>GF Berriz</font>, RL Brost, M Chang, Y Chen, X Cheng, G Chua, H Friesen, <font color=#FF0000>DS Goldberg</font>, J Haynes, C Humphries, G He, S Hussein, L Ke, N Krogan, Z Li, JN Levinson, H Lu, P Menard, C Munyana, AB Parsons, O Ryan, R Tonikian, T Roberts, A-M Sdicu, J Shapiro, B Sheikh, B Suter, <font color=#FF0000>SL Wong</font>, <font color=#FF0000>LV Zhang</font>, H Zhu, CG Burd, S Munro, C Sander, J Rine, J Greenblatt, M Peter, A Bretscher, G Bell, <font color=#FF0000>FP Roth</font>, GW Brown, B Andrews†, H Bussey† & C Boone†. <u> Global mapping of the yeast genetic interaction network</u>. <b>Science</b> 303: 808-813 (2004). <a href ="publications/Tong_Science_2004.pdf" target="_blank">PDF</a> <a href = "supplements/Tong_Science_2004/Tong_Science_2004_supplement.pdf" target="_blank">Supplement</a> </li> <p> <li>JE Elias, <font color=#FF0000>FD Gibbons</font>, <font color=#FF0000>OD King</font>, <font color=#FF0000>FP Roth*†</font> & SP Gygi*. <u> Intensity-based protein identification by machine learning from a library of tandem mass spectra</u>. <b> Nature Biotechnology</b>, 22(2):214-9 (2004). <a href ="publications/Elias_NatBiotech_2004.pdf" target="_blank">PDF</a></li> <p> <li>S Li, CM Armstrong, N Bertin, H Ge, S Milstein, M Boxem, P-O Vidalain, J-DJ Han, A Chesneau, T Hao, <font color=#FF0000>DS Goldberg</font>, N Li, M Martinez, J-F Rual, P Lamesch, L Xu, M Tewari, <font color=#FF0000>SL Wong</font>, <font color=#FF0000>LV Zhang</font>, <font color=#FF0000>GF Berriz</font>, L Jacotot, P Vaglio, J Reboul, T Hirozane-Kishikawa, Q Li, HW Gabel, A Elewa, B Baumgartner, DJ Rose, H Yu, S Bosak, R Sequerra, A Fraser, SE Mango, WM Saxton, S Strome, S van den Heuvel, F Piano, J Vandenhaute, C Sardet, M Gerstein, L Doucette-Stamm, KC Gunsalus, JW Harper, ME Cusick, <font color=#FF0000>FP Roth</font>, DE Hill & M Vidal†. <u>A map of the interactome network of the metazoan <i>C. elegans</i></u>. <b>Science</b>, 303: 540-543 (2004). <a href ="publications/Li_Science_2004.pdf" target="_blank">PDF</a> </li> <p> <br> <h4><a name="2003">2003</a></h4> <li><font color=#FF0000>GF Berriz, OD King</font>, B Bryant, C Sander & <font color=#FF0000>FP Roth†</font>. <u>Characterizing gene sets with FuncAssociate</u>. <b>Bioinformatics</b> 19(18):2502-2504 (2003). <a href="publications/Berriz_Bioinformatics_2003B.html" target="_blank">Full Text</a> <a href = "software.html" target="_blank">Software</a> <p> <li>JR Roth†, E Kofoid, <font color=#FF0000>FP Roth</font>, OG Berg, J Seger & DI Andersson. <u>Adaptive mutation requires no mutagenesis—only growth under selection: a response</u>. <b>Genetics</b> 165(4): 2319-2321 (2003). <a href ="publications/Roth_Genetics_2003b.pdf" target="_blank">PDF</a></li> <p> <li><font color=#FF0000>OD King†</font> & <font color=#FF0000>FP Roth</font>. <u>A non-parametric model for transcription factor binding sites</u>. <b>Nucleic Acids Research</b> 31(19):e116 (2003). <a href="publications/King_NucleicAcidsResearch_2003.html" target="_blank">Full Text</a></li> <p> <li><font color=#FF0000>OD King†</font>. <u>Bounds for DNA codes with constant GC-content</u>. <b>Electronic Journal of Combinatorics</b> 10(1):R33 (2003). <a href="publications/King_EJCombinatorics_2003.pdf" target="_blank">PDF</a></li> <p> <li>MF Kramer, WJ Cook, <font color=#FF0000>FP Roth</font>, J Zhu, H Holman, DM Knipe & DM Coen†. <u>Latent Herpes Simplex Virus infection of sensory neurons alters neuronal gene expression</u>. <b>Journal of Virology</b> 77(17):9533-9541 (2003).</li> <a href="publications/Kramer_JVirology_2003.pdf" target="_blank">PDF</a></li> <p> <li><font color=#FF0000>OD King, JC Lee</font>, AM Dudley, DM Janse, GM Church & <font color=#FF0000>FP Roth†</font>. <u>Predicting phenotype from patterns of annotation.</u> <b>Bioinformatics (ISMB Proceedings Issue)</b> 19 Suppl 1:I183-I189 (2003). <a href ="publications/King_Bioinformatics_2003.pdf" target="_blank">PDF</a></li> <p> <li>JR Roth†, E Kofoid, <font color=#FF0000>FP Roth</font>, OG Berg, J Seger & DI Andersson. <u>Regulating general mutation rates: Examination of the Hypermutable State Model for Cairnsian adaptive mutation</u>. <b>Genetics</b> 163(4):1483-1496 (2003). <a href ="publications/Roth_Genetics_2003a.pdf" target="_blank">PDF</a></li> <p> <li><font color=#FF0000>GF Berriz</font>, JV White, <font color=#FF0000>OD King</font> & <font color=#FF0000>FP Roth†</font>. <u>GoFish finds genes with combinations of Gene Ontology attributes</u>, <b>Bioinformatics</b> 19(6):788-789 (2003). <a href="publications/Berriz_Bioinformatics_2003A.html" target="_blank">Full Text</a> <a href = "software.html" target="_blank">Software</a> <p> <li><font color=#FF0000>OD King</font>, RE Foulger, SS Dwight, JV White & <font color=#FF0000>FP Roth</font>. <u>Predicting gene function from patterns of annotation.</u> <b>Genome Research</b> 13(5):896-904 (2003). <a href ="publications/King_GenRes_2003.pdf" target="_blank">PDF</a> </li> <p> <li><font color=#FF0000>DS Goldberg</font> & <font color=#FF0000>FP Roth†</font>. <u>Assessing experimentally derived interactions in a small world.</u> <b>Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences</b> 100(8): 4372-4376 (2003). <a href ="publications/Goldberg_PNAS_2003.pdf" target="_blank">PDF</a></li> <p> <br> <h4><a name="2002">2002</a></h4> <li><font color=#FF0000>FD Gibbons</font> & <font color=#FF0000>FP Roth</font>. <u>Judging the quality of gene expression-based clustering methods using gene annotation.</u> <b>Genome Research</b> 12(10): 1574-1581 (2002). <a href="publications/Gibbons_GenomeRes_2002.pdf" target="_blank">PDF</a> <a href = "software.html" target="_blank">Software</a> <p> <li>M Damelin, I Simon, TI Moy, B Wilson, <font color=#FF0000>S Komili </font>, P Tempst, <font color=#FF0000>FP Roth</font>, RA Young, BR Cairns & PA Silver†. <u>The genome-wide localization of Rsc9, a component of the RSC chromatin-remodeling complex, changes in response to stress.</u> <b>Molecular Cell</b> 9: 563-573 (2002). <a href="publications/Damelin_MolCell_2002.pdf" target="_blank">PDF</a></li> <p> <br> <h4><a name="pre-2002">pre-2002</a></h4> <li><font color=#FF0000>FP Roth</font>, <u>Bringing out the best features of expression data</u>. <b>Genome Research</b>(Insight/Outlook). 11(11):1801-1802 (2001). <a href="publications/Roth_GenomeRes_2001.pdf" target="_blank">PDF</a></li> <p> <li><font color=#FF0000>FP Roth</font>, JD Hughes, PW Estep & GM Church†. <u>Finding DNA regulatory motifs within unaligned noncoding sequences clustered by whole-genome mRNA quantitation.</u> <b>Nature Biotechnology</b>, 16: 939-945 (1998). <a href="publications/Roth_NatBiotech_1998.pdf" target="_blank">PDF</a></li> <a href = "" target="_blank">Software</a> <p> <li><font color=#FF0000>FP Roth</font>. <u>Regulons revealed with gene expression data and studies on DNA sequencing via ion conductance</u>. <b>Doctoral Thesis Presented to the Harvard University Committee on Higher Degrees in Biophysics</b> (1998). <a href="publications/Roth_HarvardPhDThesis_1998.pdf" target="_blank">PDF</a></li> </ul> <!--EDITABLE CONTENT ABOVE--> <br><br> </td> </tr></table> <center> <a href="index.html">home</a> | <a href="research.html">research</a> | <a href="people.html">people</a> | <a href="resources.html">resources</a> | <a href="publications.html">publications</a> | <a href="software.html">software</a> | <a href="directions.html">directions</a> | <a href="contact.html">contact</a><br> <br> </center></TD> </TR><tr><td> <img src="images/homefooter.gif" width="760" height="81" border="0" usemap="#Map2"></td> </tr></table></center> <map name="Map2"> <area shape="rect" coords="199,7,617,22" href="" alt="Donnelly Centre for Cellular & Biomolecular Research, University of Toronto"> <area shape="rect" coords="200,23,512,37" href="" alt="Samuel Lunenfeld Research Institute, Mt. 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