NSW Health Careers - Jobs
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class="search_input_icn loc_icn entypo jSearchInputIcn"></span> <div id="loc_placeholder" tabindex="0" class="jLocPlaceholder">Location Search</div> <select id="location_facet" name="location_facet" data-dropdowntype="Locations Selector" class="search_input font_bold multiselect jLocInput" data-placeholder="Location Search" multiple> <option value="1047" >Adamstown, Adamstown Campus | Hunter</option><option value="1331" >Adelong, Adelong Community Health | Riverina</option><option value="1161" >Albury, Albury Family and Community Services (Florin House) | Murray</option><option value="725" >Albury, Breast Screen Albury | Murray</option><option value="1216" >Albury, District Office (Albury) | Murray</option><option value="735" >Aldavilla, Aldavilla Justice Health | Mid North Coast</option><option value="1194" >Armidale, Armidale Community Health Service | New England / North West</option><option value="243" >Armidale, Armidale Hospital | New England / North West</option><option value="116" >Armidale, New England / North West</option><option value="1425" >Auburn, Auburn Community Health Centre | Western Sydney</option><option value="43" >Auburn, Auburn District Hospital | Western Sydney</option><option value="1486" >Auburn, STARTTS Auburn | Western Sydney</option><option value="924" >Ballina, Ballina Community Health | Far North Coast</option><option value="250" >Ballina, Ballina District Hospital | Far North Coast</option><option value="1456" >Ballina, Northern NSW LHD District Office Ballina | Far North Coast</option><option value="304" >Balmain, Balmain Hospital | Sydney</option><option value="850" >Balranald, Balranald Multi-Purpose Service | Murray</option><option value="1594" >Bankstown, Banks House - Acute Adult Mental Health Unit | Western Sydney</option><option value="1082" >Bankstown, Bankstown Community Health Centre | Western Sydney</option><option value="349" >Bankstown, Bankstown Hospital | Western Sydney</option><option value="964" >Bankstown, Newborn & Paediatric Emergency Transport Service, Bankstown | Western Sydney</option><option value="1034" >Barham, Barham Health Service | Murray</option><option value="332" >Barham, Barham-Koondrook Soldiers Memorial Hospital | Murray</option><option value="244" >Batemans Bay, Batemans Bay Hospital | South Coast</option><option value="397" >Bathurst, Bathurst Health Service | Central West</option><option value="525" >Bathurst, Bathurst Health Services | Central West</option><option value="1107" >Bathurst, Bathurst Justice Health | Central West</option><option value="1108" >Bega, Bega Valley Community Health Service at SE Regional Hospital | South Coast</option><option value="1050" >Bega, Mental Health Drug & Alcohol Services Bega | South Coast</option><option value="140" >Bega, South East Regional Hospital | South Coast</option><option value="353" >Bellingen, Bellingen River District Hospital | Mid North Coast</option><option value="305" >Belmont, Belmont Hospital | Hunter</option><option value="1505" >Belmore, Tresillian Canterbury | Sydney</option><option value="314" >Berry, David Berry Hospital | Illawarra</option><option value="1426" >Blacktown, Blacktown - Community Health Centre | Western Sydney</option><option value="168" >Blacktown, Blacktown Hospital | Western Sydney</option><option value="459" >Blayney, Blayney Multi Purpose Service | Central West</option><option value="1159" >Bombala, Bombala Multi-Purpose Service | South Coast</option><option value="259" >Bonalbo, Bonalbo Hospital | Far North Coast</option><option value="467" >Boorowa, Boorowa Health Service | Southern Highlands</option><option value="408" >Bourke, Bourke Multi Purpose Service | Orana</option><option value="178" >Bowral, Bowral Hospital | Southern Highlands</option><option value="1122" >Braidwood, Braidwood Multi-Purpose Service | South Coast</option><option value="393" >Brewarrina, Brewarrina Multi Purpose Service | Orana</option><option value="913" >Broken Hill, Broken Hill Child and Family Health Centre | Far West</option><option value="1131" >Broken Hill, Broken Hill Health Service | Far West</option><option value="1305" >Broken Hill, Broken Hill Hospital | Far West</option><option value="1454" >Brookvale, Brookvale Community Health Centre | Sydney</option><option value="456" >Brookvale, Brookvale Headspace | Sydney</option><option value="213" >Bulli, Bulli Hospital | Illawarra</option><option value="257" >Camden, Camden Hospital | Western Sydney</option><option value="1397" >Campbelltown, Bolger Street, Campbelltown | Western Sydney</option><option value="76" >Campbelltown, Campbelltown Hospital | Western Sydney</option><option value="693" >Campbelltown, Campbelltown Mental Health | Western Sydney</option><option value="646" >Campbelltown, Macarthur Mental Health Centre | Western Sydney</option><option value="1399" >Campbelltown, Traxside Youth Health Centre | Western Sydney</option><option value="315" >Camperdown, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital | Sydney</option><option value="1335" >Camperdown, SLHD District Wide Services | Sydney</option><option value="1444" >Campsie, Canterbury Community Health | Sydney</option><option value="313" >Campsie, Canterbury Hospital | Sydney</option><option value="440" >Canowindra, Canowindra Health Service | Central West</option><option value="337" >Cardiff, Newcastle Linen Service | Hunter</option><option value="1446" >Caringbah, Caringbah Community Health Centre | Sydney</option><option value="1101" >Caringbah, Sutherland Hospital | Sydney</option><option value="1638" >Caringbah, Sutherland Mental Health Service | Sydney</option><option value="852" >Carramar, Fairfield Community Health Centre | Western Sydney</option><option value="574" >Carramar, STARTTS Carramar | Western Sydney</option><option value="980" >Casino, Casino Community Health | Far North Coast</option><option value="334" >Casino, Casino District Memorial Hospital | Far North Coast</option><option value="1433" >Castle Hill, The Hills Community Health Centre | Western Sydney</option><option value="16" >Central Coast</option><option value="5" >Central West</option><option value="963" >Cessnock, Cessnock Community Health Services | Hunter</option><option value="251" >Cessnock, Cessnock District Hospital | Hunter</option><option value="853" >Cessnock, Cessnock Justice Health | Hunter</option><option value="986" >Charlestown, NSW Ambulance Northern Control Centre | Hunter</option><option value="172" >Charlestown, Sky Central Charlestown | Hunter</option><option value="82" >Chatswood, Zenith Centre | Sydney</option><option value="1340" >Chipping Norton, Liverpool Brain Injury Unit | Western Sydney</option><option value="445" >Cobar, Cobar Health Service | Orana</option><option value="40" >Coffs Harbour, Coffs Harbour Base Hospital | Mid North Coast</option><option value="1650" >Coffs Harbour, Coffs Harbour Gordon St Corporate Office | Mid North Coast</option><option value="1067" >Coffs Harbour, Coffs Harbour Health Campus | Mid North Coast</option><option value="297" >Coledale, Coledale District Hospital | Illawarra</option><option value="1290" >Concord, Concord Centre for Mental Health | Sydney</option><option value="182" >Concord, Concord Hospital | Sydney</option><option value="835" >Concord, Concord Repatriation General Hospital | Sydney</option><option value="396" >Condobolin, Condobolin District Hospital | Central West</option><option value="1144" >Coniston, Specialist Mental Health Services for Older Person, Coniston | Illawarra</option><option value="427" >Coolah, Coolah Multi Purpose Service | Orana</option><option value="56" >Cooma, Cooma District Hospital | South Coast</option><option value="428" >Coonabarabran, Coonabarabran Health Service | Orana</option><option value="437" >Coonamble, Coonamble Health Service | Orana</option><option value="644" >Cootamundra, Cootamundra Health One | Riverina</option><option value="479" >Cootamundra, Cootamundra Health Service | Riverina</option><option value="147" >Cootamundra, The Cootamundra Hospital | Riverina</option><option value="1179" >Coraki, Far North Coast</option><option value="433" >Cowra, Central West</option><option value="398" >Cowra, Cowra Health Service | Central West</option><option value="1042" >Croydon, Croydon Health Centre | Sydney</option><option value="1703" >Cudgen, Tweed Valley Hospital | Far North Coast</option><option value="1480" >Darlinghurst, St Vincent's Hospital Sydney | Sydney</option><option value="51" >Delegate, Delegate Multi Purpose Service | South Coast</option><option value="1339" >Deniliquin, Deniliquin Community Mental Health Service | Murray</option><option value="729" >Deniliquin, Deniliquin Health Service | Murray</option><option value="351" >Denman, Denman Multi Purpose Service | Hunter</option><option value="1436" >Doonside, Doonside Community Health Centre | Western Sydney</option><option value="1332" >Dorrigo, Dorrigo Health Campus | Mid North Coast</option><option value="370" >Dubbo, District Office, Dubbo | Orana</option><option value="252" >Dubbo, Dubbo Health Service | Orana</option><option value="817" >Dubbo, NSW Ambulance Western Control Centre | Orana</option><option value="424" >Dunedoo, Dunedoo Health Service | Orana</option><option value="824" >East Maitland, East Maitland Community Health Service | Hunter</option><option value="139" >Eastwood, Ryde Hospital | Sydney</option><option value="1020" >Erina, Erina Community Health Centre | Central Coast</option><option value="425" >Eugowra, Eugowra Memorial Multi Purpose Health Service | Central West</option><option value="1151" >Eveleigh, Sydney Ambulance Centre | Sydney</option><option value="169" >Ewingsdale, Byron Central Hospital | Far North Coast</option><option value="837" >Fairfield East, Aimee's Place, Community Aged Care | Western Sydney</option><option value="1490" >Fairfield, STARTTS Fairfield | Western Sydney</option><option value="15" >Far West</option><option value="1165" >Finley, Finley Health Service | Murray</option><option value="371" >Forbes, Forbes Health Service | Central West</option><option value="1134" >Forster, Forster Community Health Service | Mid North Coast</option><option value="436" >Gilgandra, Gilgandra Multi Purpose Service | Orana</option><option value="1127" >Gladesville, Gladesville Hospital Buildings | Sydney</option><option value="210" >Gladesville, Gladesville Hospital | Sydney</option><option value="1306" >Glen Innes, Glen Innes Community Health Service | New England / North West</option><option value="262" >Glen Innes, Glen Innes District Hospital | New England / North West</option><option value="606" >Glen Innes, Glen Innes Justice Health | New England / North West</option><option value="734" >Goonellabah, Goonellabah Dental Health | Far North Coast</option><option value="52" >Goonellabah, Lismore Linen Service | Far North Coast</option><option value="1130" >Gosford, Gosford - Holden Street | Central Coast</option><option value="1256" >Gosford, Gosford Gateway Centre | Central Coast</option><option value="211" >Gosford, Gosford Hospital | Central Coast</option><option value="1379" >Goulburn, Ambulance Southern Sector | Southern Highlands</option><option value="96" >Goulburn, Goulburn Base Hospital | Southern Highlands</option><option value="1341" >Goulburn, Mental Health Drug & Alcohol Services Goulburn | Southern Highlands</option><option value="790" >Goulburn, Mental Health Inpatient Services at Goulburn | Southern Highlands</option><option value="1318" >Goulburn, Public Health Goulburn | Southern Highlands</option><option value="1334" >Grafton, Clarence Community & Allied Health | Far North Coast</option><option value="57" >Grafton, Grafton Base Hospital | Far North Coast</option><option value="820" >Grafton, Grafton Community Health | Far North Coast</option><option value="1407" >Grafton, Grafton Sexual Health Service | Far North Coast</option><option value="395" >Greenwich, Greenwich Hospital | Sydney</option><option value="399" >Grenfell, Grenfell Multi Purpose Service | Central West</option><option value="46" >Griffith, Griffith Base Hospital | Riverina</option><option value="1208" >Griffith, Griffith Community Health | Riverina</option><option value="836" >Griffith, Griffith Community Mental Health | Riverina</option><option value="381" >Gulargambone, Gulargambone Multi Purpose Service | Orana</option><option value="457" >Gulgong, Gulgong Primary Care Centre | Central West</option><option value="183" >Gundagai, Gundagai District Hospital | Riverina</option><option value="944" >Gundagai, Gundagai Multi Purpose Service | Riverina</option><option value="308" >Gunnedah, Gunnedah District Hospital | New England / North West</option><option value="217" >Hamlyn Terrace, Wyong Hospital | Central Coast</option><option value="465" >Harden, Murrumburrah Harden Health Service | Riverina</option><option value="594" >Hay, Hay Health Service | Riverina</option><option value="630" >Haymarket, HPCA Office | Sydney</option><option value="634" >Henty, Henty Multi Purpose Service | Riverina</option><option value="1347" >Hillston, Hillston Multi Purpose Service | Riverina</option><option value="137" >Hornsby, Hornsby Ku-ring-gai Hospital | Sydney</option><option value="541" >Hoxton Park, Hoxton Park Community Health Centre | Western Sydney</option><option value="18" >Hunter</option><option value="17" >Illawarra</option><option value="1210" >Ingleburn, Ingleburn Community Health Centre | Western Sydney</option><option value="522" >Inverell, Inverell Community Health Service | New England / North West</option><option value="341" >Inverell, Inverell District Hospital | New England / North West</option><option value="179" >Jerilderie, Jerilderie District Hospital | Murray</option><option value="1004" >Jerilderie, Jerilderie Multi Purpose Service | Murray</option><option value="621" >JHAC Malabar, JHAC Malabar Justice Health | Sydney</option><option value="146" >Junee, Junee District Hospital | Riverina</option><option value="1710" >Junee, Junee Justice Health | Riverina</option><option value="187" >Katoomba, Blue Mountains Hospital | Western Sydney</option><option value="1304" >Katoomba, Katoomba Community Health Centre | Western Sydney</option><option value="216" >Kempsey, Kempsey District Hospital | Mid North Coast</option><option value="298" >Killarney Vale, Long Jetty Health Care Facility | Central Coast</option><option value="261" >Kingswood, Nepean Hospital | Western Sydney</option><option value="1626" >Kogarah, SESLHD Mental Health Service | Sydney</option><option value="186" >Kogarah, St George Hospital | Sydney</option><option value="1628" >Kogarah, St George Mental Health Service | Sydney</option><option value="214" >Kurri Kurri, Kurri Kurri Hospital | Hunter</option><option value="339" >Kyogle, Kyogle Memorial Hospital | Far North Coast</option><option value="938" >Lake Cargelligo, Lake Cargelligo Multi Purpose Service | Central West</option><option value="167" >Lavington, Albury Prosthetics & Orthotics Service | Murray</option><option value="555" >Lawson, Lawson Community Health Centre | Western Sydney</option><option value="668" >LBCC Malabar, LBCC Malabar Justice Health | Sydney</option><option value="558" >LBH Malabar, LBH Malabar Justice Health | Sydney</option><option value="59" >Leeton, Leeton District Hospital | Riverina</option><option value="1121" >Leeton, Leeton Health Service | Riverina</option><option value="439" >Lightning Ridge, Lightning Ridge Multi Purpose Service | Orana</option><option value="1264" >Lismore, BreastScreen NSW North Coast | Far North Coast</option><option value="148" >Lismore, Far North Coast</option><option value="340" >Lismore, Lismore Base Hospital | Far North Coast</option><option value="686" >Lismore, Lismore Community Health | Far North Coast</option><option value="979" >Lismore, Lismore Drug & Alcohol | Far North Coast</option><option value="1138" >Lismore, Lismore Mental Health Services | Far North Coast</option><option value="1709" >Lismore, Lismore Sexual Health Clinic | Far North Coast</option><option value="635" >Lithgow, Lithgow Community Health Centre | Central West</option><option value="254" >Lithgow, Lithgow Hospital | Central West</option><option value="633" >Liverpool, Health Services Building Liverpool | Western Sydney</option><option value="766" >Liverpool, Liverpool Drug Health Services | Western Sydney</option><option value="645" >Liverpool, Liverpool Hospital Mental Health Service | Western Sydney</option><option value="126" >Liverpool, Liverpool Hospital | Western Sydney</option><option value="1459" >Liverpool, Liverpool Sexual Health Service | Western Sydney</option><option value="1624" >Liverpool, New Street Services Liverpool | Western Sydney</option><option value="460" >Location Negotiable</option><option value="1028" >Lockhart, Lockhart Multi Purpose Service | Riverina</option><option value="122" >Macksville, Macksville District Hospital | Mid North Coast</option><option value="248" >Maclean, Maclean District Hospital | Far North Coast</option><option value="1211" >Malabar, Malabar Justice Health | Sydney</option><option value="768" >Manilla, Manilla Multi Purpose Service | New England / North West</option><option value="347" >Manly, Manly Hospital | Sydney</option><option value="1170" >Manly, Sydney Children's Hospitals Network (Bear Cottage) | Sydney</option><option value="1443" >Merrylands, Merrylands Community Health Centre | Western Sydney</option><option value="1100" >Metford, The Maitland Hospital | Hunter</option><option value="2" >Mid North Coast</option><option value="177" >Milton, Milton Ulladulla Hospital | South Coast</option><option value="310" >Mona Vale, Mona Vale Hospital | Sydney</option><option value="1342" >Moree, Moree Community Health Service | New England / North West</option><option value="55" >Moree, Moree District Hospital | New England / North West</option><option value="501" >Moree, Moree Justice Health | New England / North West</option><option value="1297" >Moruya, Eurobodalla Community Health Service at Moruya | South Coast</option><option value="258" >Moruya, Moruya Hospital | South Coast</option><option value="1435" >Mount Druitt, Mount Druitt Community Health Centre | Western Sydney</option><option value="242" >Mount Druitt, Mount Druitt Hospital | Western Sydney</option><option value="1085" >Mudgee, Mudgee District Hospital | Central West</option><option value="447" >Mudgee, Mudgee Health Service | Central West</option><option value="79" >Murwillumbah, Murwillumbah District Hospital | Far North Coast</option><option value="952" >Muswellbrook, Muswellbrook Community Health Service | Hunter</option><option value="134" >Muswellbrook, Muswellbrook Hospital | Hunter</option><option value="855" >Muswellbrook, Muswellbrook Justice Health | Hunter</option><option value="1024" >Narellan, Narellan Community Health Centre | Western Sydney</option><option value="618" >Narrabri, Narrabri Community Health Service | New England / North West</option><option value="301" >Narrabri, Narrabri District Hospital | New England / North West</option><option value="303" >Narrandera, Narrandera District Hospital | Riverina</option><option value="405" >Narromine, Narromine Health Service | Central West</option><option value="1174" >Nelson Bay, Tomaree Community Hospital Nelson Bay | Hunter</option><option value="3" >New England / North West</option><option value="638" >New Lambton Heights, John Hunter Children's Hospital | Hunter</option><option value="130" >New Lambton, John Hunter Hospital | Hunter</option><option value="610" >Newcastle, Corporate Office, Newcastle | Hunter</option><option value="138" >Newcastle, James Fletcher Hospital | Hunter</option><option value="1141" >Newcastle, Newcastle Community Health Service | Hunter</option><option value="78" >Nimbin, Nimbin Multi Purpose Centre | Far North Coast</option><option value="1296" >North Gosford, Citigate Centre | Central Coast</option><option value="307" >North Parramatta, Cumberland Hospital | Western Sydney</option><option value="309" >North Parramatta, Parramatta Linen Service | Western Sydney</option><option value="181" >North Ryde, Macquarie Hospital | Sydney</option><option value="573" >Nowra, Nowra Child and Family Health Service | Illawarra</option><option value="1289" >Nowra, Nowra Drug & Alcohol | Illawarra</option><option value="1251" >Nowra, Nowra Youth Mental Health | Illawarra</option><option value="685" >Nowra, Shoalhaven Cancer Care Centre | Illawarra</option><option value="88" >Nowra, Shoalhaven District Memorial Hospital | Illawarra</option><option value="441" >Nyngan, Nyngan Multi Purpose Service | Orana</option><option value="419" >Orange, Bloomfield Hospital | Central West</option><option value="1545" >Orange, Orange Health Campus | Central West</option><option value="343" >Orange, Orange Health Service | Central West</option><option value="344" >Orange, Orange Service Centre | Central West</option><option value="83" >Pambula, Pambula Hospital | South Coast</option><option value="423" >Parkes, Parkes Health Service | Central West</option><option value="747" >Parklea, Parklea Justice Health | Western Sydney</option><option value="1562" >Parramatta, Western Sydney Local Health District | Western Sydney</option><option value="566" >Penrith, Lemongrove Campus | Western Sydney</option><option value="1672" >Penrith, Mental Health Centre Penrith | Western Sydney</option><option value="885" >Penrith, Penrith Community Health Centre | Western Sydney</option><option value="1043" >Penrith, Station St Office | Western Sydney</option><option value="690" >Point Clare, Point Clare Ambulance Station | Central Coast</option><option value="85" >Port Kembla, Port Kembla Hospital | Illawarra</option><option value="215" >Port Macquarie, Port Macquarie Base Hospital | Mid North Coast</option><option value="814" >Port Macquarie, Port Macquarie Community Health | Mid North Coast</option><option value="255" >Portland, Portland Tabulam Health Centre | Western Sydney</option><option value="1487" >Prairiewood, Braeside Hospital | Western Sydney</option><option value="192" >Prairiewood, Fairfield Hospital | Western Sydney</option><option value="787" >Queanbeyan, Killard Drug and Alcohol Centre, Queanbeyan | South Coast</option><option value="940" >Queanbeyan, Mental Health Drug & Alcohol Services Queanbeyan | South Coast</option><option value="1190" >Queanbeyan, Queanbeyan Community Health Centre | South Coast</option><option value="218" >Queanbeyan, Queanbeyan District Hospital | South Coast</option><option value="710" >Quirindi, Quirindi Community Health Service | New England / North West</option><option value="312" >Quirindi, Quirindi Community Hospital | New England / North West</option><option value="1639" >Randwick, Eastern Suburbs Mental Health Service | Sydney</option><option value="97" >Randwick, Prince of Wales Hospital | Sydney</option><option value="346" >Randwick, Royal Hospital for Women | Sydney</option><option value="180" >Randwick, Sydney Children's Hospital Randwick | Sydney</option><option value="524" >Rosemeadow, Rosemeadow Community Health Centre | Western Sydney</option><option value="901" >Scone, Scott Memorial Hospital Scone | Hunter</option><option value="39" >Shellharbour, Shellharbour Hospital | Illawarra</option><option value="927" >Silverwater, Silverwater Justice Health | Western Sydney</option><option value="336" >Singleton, Singleton District Hospital | Hunter</option><option value="1546" >Somersby, Patient Transport Service Central Coast | Central Coast</option><option value="9" >South Coast</option><option value="513" >South Nowra, South Nowra Justice Health | South Coast</option><option value="1701" >South Windsor, John Morony Justice Health | Western Sydney</option><option value="1244" >South Windsor, South Windsor Justice Health | Western Sydney</option><option value="357" >Springwood, Springwood Hospital | Western Sydney</option><option value="407" >St Leonards, ACI Head Office | Sydney</option><option value="876" >St Leonards, Cancer Institute NSW | Sydney</option><option value="422" >St Leonards, CEC Head Office | Sydney</option><option value="1563" >St Leonards, Health Education Training Institute (HETI) Head Office | Sydney</option><option value="1632" >St Leonards, HealthShare NSW | Sydney</option><option value="1539" >St Leonards, Ministry of Health St Leonards | Sydney</option><option value="1558" >St Leonards, NSW Health Campus | Sydney</option><option value="352" >St Leonards, Royal North Shore Hospital | Sydney</option><option value="1394" >Statewide</option><option value="1258" >Surry Hills, Langton Centre | Sydney</option><option value="793" >Surry Hills, Sydney Dental Hospital | Sydney</option><option value="700" >Surry Hills, The Albion Centre | Sydney</option><option value="12" >Sydney</option><option value="1640" >Sydney Olympic Park, Homebush State Operations Centre | Western Sydney</option><option value="987" >Sydney Olympic Park, NSW Ambulance State Headquarters | Western Sydney</option><option value="1167" >Sydney Olympic Park, Sydney Olympic Park Justice Health | Western Sydney</option><option value="1673" >Sydney, ONE YORK | Sydney</option><option value="1254" >Sydney, Sydney Hospital and Sydney Eye Hospital | Sydney</option><option value="1263" >Tahmoor, Wollondilly Community Health Centre | Western Sydney</option><option value="191" >Tamworth, Patient Transport Service New England | New England / North West</option><option value="691" >Tamworth, Tamworth Community Health Service | New England / North West</option><option value="189" >Tamworth, Tamworth Hospital | New England / North West</option><option value="863" >Tamworth, Tamworth Justice Health | New England / North West</option><option value="256" >Taree, Manning Hospital | Mid North Coast</option><option value="624" >Taree, Taree Community Health Service | Mid North Coast</option><option value="1146" >Temora, Temora Health Service | Riverina</option><option value="438" >Temora, Temora Hospital | Riverina</option><option value="1262" >Tenterfield, Tenterfield Community Health Service | New England / North West</option><option value="144" >Tenterfield, Tenterfield District Hospital | New England / North West</option><option value="394" >Tottenham, Tottenham Multi Purpose Service | Central West</option><option value="373" >Trangie, Trangie Multi Purpose Service | Orana</option><option value="435" >Trundle, Trundle Multi Purpose Service | Central West</option><option value="1712" >Tuggerah, Tuggerah Mental Health Services | Central Coast</option><option value="383" >Tullamore, Tullamore Multi Purpose Service | Central West</option><option value="1102" >Tumbarumba, Tumbarumba Justice Health | Riverina</option><option value="90" >Tumut, Tumut District Hospital | Riverina</option><option value="593" >Tumut, Tumut Health Service | Riverina</option><option value="289" >Tweed Heads, Far North Coast</option><option value="1283" >Tweed Heads, Tweed Community & Allied Health | Far North Coast</option><option value="604" >Tweed Heads, Tweed Mental Health Services | Far North Coast</option><option value="292" >Urbenville, Urbenville Rural Hospital | Far North Coast</option><option value="561" >Wagga Wagga, District Office (Wagga) | Riverina</option><option value="263" >Wagga Wagga, Wagga Wagga Base Hospital | Riverina</option><option value="1213" >Wagga Wagga, Wagga Wagga Community Health Centre (Lewis House) | Riverina</option><option value="1228" >Wagga Wagga, Wagga Wagga Community Mental Health | Riverina</option><option value="41" >Wagga Wagga, Wagga Wagga Linen Service | Riverina</option><option value="1255" >Wagga Wagga, Wagga Wagga Yathong Lodge | Riverina</option><option value="1497" >Wahroonga, Neringah Hospital | Sydney</option><option value="384" >Walgett, Walgett Health Service | Orana</option><option value="664" >Wallsend, Wallsend Aged Care Facility | Hunter</option><option value="832" >Wallsend, Wallsend Campus | Hunter</option><option value="1584" >Waratah, Calvary Mater Newcastle | Hunter</option><option value="715" >Waratah, Mater Mental Health Centre Waratah | Hunter</option><option value="176" >Warialda, Warialda Multi Purpose Service | New England / North West</option><option value="487" >Warilla, Warilla Community Health Centre | Illawarra</option><option value="1116" >Warrawong, Ambulatory & Primary Health Care Office | Illawarra</option><option value="736" >Warrawong, District Executive Office, Warrawong | Illawarra</option><option value="426" >Warren, Warren Multi Purpose Service | Orana</option><option value="827" >Warwick Farm, Liverpool Hospital, Eastern Campus | Western Sydney</option><option value="1029" >Warwick Farm, SWSLHD District Wide Service | Western Sydney</option><option value="1098" >Waterfall, Garrawarra Centre | Sydney</option><option value="125" >Wauchope, Wauchope District Memorial Hosptial | Mid North Coast</option><option value="1153" >Waverley, War Memorial Hospital | Sydney</option><option value="131" >Wee Waa, Wee Waa Community Hospital | New England / North West</option><option value="444" >Wellington, Wellington Health Service | Orana</option><option value="1300" >Wellington, Wellington Justice Health | Orana</option><option value="902" >Wentworth, Wentworth District Hospital | Murray</option><option value="908" >West Wyalong, West Wyalong Health Service | Riverina</option><option value="13" >Western Sydney</option><option value="133" >Westmead, The Childrens Hospital at Westmead | Western Sydney</option><option value="185" >Westmead, Westmead Hospital | Western Sydney</option><option value="665" >White Cliffs, White Cliffs Community Health Centre | Far West</option><option value="1156" >Windsor, Hawkesbury District Hospital | Western Sydney</option><option value="962" >Wollongong, Bungora (Opioid Treatment Program) | Illawarra</option><option value="542" >Wollongong, Illawarra Cancer Care Centre (ICCC) | Illawarra</option><option value="753" >Wollongong, Illawarra Community Mental Health Service | Illawarra</option><option value="614" >Wollongong, Illawarra Drug & Alcohol Service (iDAS) | Illawarra</option><option value="1498" >Wollongong, STARTTS Wollongong | Illawarra</option><option value="903" >Wollongong, Wollongong Community Health Centre | Illawarra</option><option value="81" >Wollongong, Wollongong Hospital | Illawarra</option><option value="1524" >Wollstonecraft, Tresillian Wollstonecraft | Sydney</option><option value="247" >Woy Woy, Woy Woy Hospital | Central Coast</option><option value="526" >Yamba, Yamba Community Health | Far North Coast</option><option value="170" >Yass, Yass District Hospital | Southern Highlands</option><option value="1595" >Young, Mercy Care Centre Young | Riverina</option><option value="135" >Young, Young District Hospital | Riverina</option><option value="786" >Young, Young Health Service | Riverina</option> </select> </div> </form> <div class="search_btn_hldr"> <button class="search_btn" id="jSearchSubmit"> <span class="btn_icon entypo">🔍</span><span class="btn_text">Search All Jobs</span> </button> </div> </div> <!-- search_positioner --> <div class="search_border jSearchBorder"></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="block module bid-286236" data-name="portal_promo" data-id="286236"> <input type="hidden" class="jUserRefreshBlock" /> </div> <div class="block generic bid-286239" data-name="custom" data-id="286239"> <div class="jBlock block_content full-width"><div class="jMsgContentEditable" id="mce_15"><p><span class="TextRun BCX8 SCXP89710741"><span class="NormalTextRun BCX8 SCXP89710741">With your skills and experience, you can </span></span><span class="TextRun BCX8 SCXP89710741"><span class="NormalTextRun BCX8 SCXP89710741">contribute to the 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