Sociolinguistic Survey of the Chin Speech Varieties Spoken along the Dalet Stream, Ann Township, Rakhine State, Myanmar | Asia Social Issues

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en-US" xml:lang="en-US"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <title> Sociolinguistic Survey of the Chin Speech Varieties Spoken along the Dalet Stream, Ann Township, Rakhine State, Myanmar | Asia Social Issues </title> <link rel="icon" href=""> <meta name="generator" content="Open Journal Systems"> <link rel="schema.DC" href="" /> <meta name="DC.Creator.PersonalName" content="Carey Statezni"/> <meta name="DC.Creator.PersonalName" content="Nathan Statezni"/> <meta name="DC.Creator.PersonalName" content="Paing Nan"/> <meta name="DC.Creator.PersonalName" content="Abraham"/> <meta name="DC.Creator.PersonalName" content="Mang Tial Khun"/> <meta name="DC.Date.created" scheme="ISO8601" content="2023-12-07"/> <meta name="DC.Date.dateSubmitted" scheme="ISO8601" content="2023-05-24"/> <meta name="DC.Date.issued" scheme="ISO8601" content="2023-11-07"/> <meta name="DC.Date.modified" scheme="ISO8601" content="2023-12-07"/> <meta name="DC.Description" xml:lang="en" content="This report presents the results of a sociolinguistic survey fieldwork trip to the language groups along the Dalet Stream in Ann Township, Rakhine State, Myanmar. The primary purpose of this survey was to determine the need for additional language development among these speakers. A secondary purpose was to investigate how ready these groups are for language development and how unified they are. The third purpose was to determine how many and which varieties might best be selected for additional literature development among these groups. The survey team investigated these questions through wordlists, questionnaires, participatory tools, and recorded text testing (RTT). The team learned that the Dalet Stream people are not adequately served by Burmese literature. There is a need and desire for additional vernacular language development. The Dalet Stream people are interested in literature development; however, promotion is needed. Language vitality is robust among most speech varieties, and there is a sizable population of speakers. Some educated people are interested in helping develop literature to maintain their people group’s culture and language. However, interest in language development and literacy must still be built in the broader community."/> <meta name="DC.Format" scheme="IMT" content="application/pdf"/> <meta name="DC.Identifier" content="264779"/> <meta name="DC.Identifier.pageNumber" content="e264779"/> <meta name="DC.Identifier.DOI" content="10.48048/asi.2024.264779"/> <meta name="DC.Identifier.URI" content=""/> <meta name="DC.Language" scheme="ISO639-1" content="en"/> <meta name="DC.Rights" content="Copyright (c) 2023 Asia Social Issues"/> <meta name="DC.Rights" content=""/> <meta name="DC.Source" content="Asia Social Issues"/> <meta name="DC.Source.ISSN" content="2774-0315"/> <meta name="DC.Source.Issue" content="4"/> <meta name="DC.Source.Volume" content="17"/> <meta name="DC.Source.URI" content=""/> <meta name="DC.Subject" xml:lang="en" content="Literacy"/> <meta name="DC.Title" content="Sociolinguistic Survey of the Chin Speech Varieties Spoken along the Dalet Stream, Ann Township, Rakhine State, Myanmar"/> <meta name="DC.Type" content="Text.Serial.Journal"/> <meta name="DC.Type.articleType" content="Research Article"/> <meta name="gs_meta_revision" content="1.1"/> <meta name="citation_journal_title" content="Asia Social Issues"/> <meta name="citation_journal_abbrev" content="Asia Social Issues"/> <meta name="citation_issn" content="2774-0315"/> <meta name="citation_author" content="Carey Statezni"/> <meta name="citation_author_institution" content="Payap University Linguistics Department &amp; Linguistics Institute, Mae Khao campus, Chiang Mai 50000, Thailand"/> <meta name="citation_author" content="Nathan Statezni"/> <meta name="citation_author_institution" content="Payap University Linguistics Department &amp; Linguistics Institute, Mae Khao campus, Chiang Mai 50000, Thailand"/> <meta name="citation_author" content="Paing Nan"/> <meta name="citation_author_institution" content="Payap University Linguistics Department &amp; Linguistics Institute, Mae Khao campus, Chiang Mai 50000, Thailand"/> <meta name="citation_author" content="Abraham"/> <meta name="citation_author_institution" content="Payap University Linguistics Department &amp; Linguistics Institute, Mae Khao campus, Chiang Mai 50000, Thailand"/> <meta name="citation_author" content="Mang Tial Khun"/> <meta name="citation_author_institution" content="Payap University Linguistics Department &amp; Linguistics Institute, Mae Khao campus, Chiang Mai 50000, Thailand"/> <meta name="citation_title" content="Sociolinguistic Survey of the Chin Speech Varieties Spoken along the Dalet Stream, Ann Township, Rakhine State, Myanmar"/> <meta name="citation_language" content="en"/> <meta name="citation_date" content="2024"/> <meta name="citation_volume" content="17"/> <meta name="citation_issue" content="4"/> <meta name="citation_firstpage" content="e264779"/> <meta name="citation_lastpage" content="e264779"/> <meta name="citation_doi" content="10.48048/asi.2024.264779"/> <meta name="citation_abstract_html_url" content=""/> <meta name="citation_keywords" xml:lang="en" content="Language"/> <meta name="citation_keywords" xml:lang="en" content="Sociolinguistics"/> <meta name="citation_keywords" xml:lang="en" content="Survey"/> <meta name="citation_keywords" xml:lang="en" content="Vitality"/> <meta name="citation_keywords" xml:lang="en" content="Literature Development"/> <meta name="citation_keywords" xml:lang="en" content="Literacy"/> <meta name="citation_pdf_url" content=""/> <meta name="citation_reference" content="Bergman, T. G. (2017). Sampling. In SIL International Language Assessment (Ed.), Principles of Language Survey course. Dallas: SIL International."/> <meta name="citation_reference" content="Bergman, T. G. (2017). To test comprehension of vernacular literature by those of a different speech. Dallas: SIL International."/> <meta name="citation_reference" content="Bickford, J. A. (2016). The ethics of language identification and ISO 639. Listening – Journal of Communication Ethics, Religion, and Culture, 51(1), 15."/> <meta name="citation_reference" content="Blair, F. (1990). Survey on a shoestring: a manual for small-scale language surveys. Dallas: Summer Institute of Linguistics and The University of Texas at Arlington."/> <meta name="citation_reference" content="Bouwer, L. &amp; Bergman, T. G. (2017). Methods and tools used in language surveys. In SIL International Language Assessment (Ed.), Principles of Language Survey course. Dallas: SIL International."/> <meta name="citation_reference" content="Bradley, D. (1997). Tibeto-Burman languages and classification (pp.1-72). In Bradley, D. (Ed.). Papers in Southeast Asian Linguistics No. 14: Tibeto-Burman Languages of the Himalayas. Pacific Linguistics A-86."/> <meta name="citation_reference" content="Brown, R. (1998). On criteria for identifying language groups and language clusters. Notes on Sociolinguistics 3(1), 3-42."/> <meta name="citation_reference" content="Brye, E. (2012). Applying language survey methods from assessment to assignments. Dallas: SIL International."/> <meta name="citation_reference" content="Casad, E. H. (1974). Dialect intelligibility testing. Norman, Oklahoma: Summer Institute of Linguistics."/> <meta name="citation_reference" content="Casad, E. H. (1992). Windows on bilingualism. Dallas: Summer Institute of Linguistics, University of Texas at Arlington."/> <meta name="citation_reference" content="Crystal, D. (2008). A dictionary of linguistics and phonetics (6th eds.). Blackwell Publishing. Retrieved from"/> <meta name="citation_reference" content="Daspit, D. (2015). Cog Software: PC. Retrieved from"/> <meta name="citation_reference" content="Decker, K., &amp; Grummitt, J. (2012). Understanding language choices: A guide to sociolinguistic assessment. Dallas: SIL International."/> <meta name="citation_reference" content="Downey, M. P. (1986). Survey methodologies and their insights into the acceptability of literature among related varieties. (Master’s thesis). Texas: University of Texas-Arlington."/> <meta name="citation_reference" content="Eberhard, D. M., Simons, G. F., &amp; Fennig, C. D. (2023). Ethnologue: Languages of the world (25th eds.). Dallas, Texas: SIL International."/> <meta name="citation_reference" content="Feng, Z., &amp; Areerungruang, S. (2023). Research on the design method of dialect in Chongqing city culture brand. 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Dallas: SIL International."/> <link rel="stylesheet" href="$$$call$$$/page/page/css?name=bootstrap" type="text/css" /><link rel="stylesheet" href="" type="text/css" /> <!-- Global site tag (gtag.js) - Google Analytics --> <!-- script async src=''></script --> <script async src=''></script> <script> window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);} gtag('js', new Date()); gtag('set', {cookie_flags: 'samesite=none;secure'}); gtag('config', 'G-PDDBSXG8KH'); </script> <link rel='stylesheet' href='' integrity='sha512-LQ97camar/lOliT/MqjcQs5kWgy6Qz/cCRzzRzUCfv0fotsCTC9ZHXaPQmJV8Xu/PVALfJZ7BDezl5lW3/qBxg==' crossorigin='anonymous' referrerpolicy='no-referrer' /> <!-- Cloudflare Web Analytics --><script defer src='' data-cf-beacon='{"token": "d8edfaf714fc437da80c9aa6fbf29b0c"}'></script><!-- End Cloudflare Web Analytics --> <style> /* body { padding-top: 18px; } .pkp_navigation_user_wrapper { top: 18px; } */ body { padding-bottom: 10em; } .thaijobanner { width: 360px; 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Linguistics Institute, Mae Khao campus, Chiang Mai 50000, Thailand </div> </div> <div class="author"> <strong>Nathan Statezni</strong> <div class="article-author-affilitation"> Payap University Linguistics Department &amp; Linguistics Institute, Mae Khao campus, Chiang Mai 50000, Thailand </div> </div> <div class="author"> <strong>Paing Nan</strong> <div class="article-author-affilitation"> Payap University Linguistics Department &amp; Linguistics Institute, Mae Khao campus, Chiang Mai 50000, Thailand </div> </div> <div class="author"> <strong>Abraham</strong> <div class="article-author-affilitation"> Payap University Linguistics Department &amp; Linguistics Institute, Mae Khao campus, Chiang Mai 50000, Thailand </div> </div> <div class="author"> <strong>Mang Tial Khun</strong> <div class="article-author-affilitation"> Payap University Linguistics Department &amp; Linguistics Institute, Mae Khao campus, Chiang Mai 50000, Thailand </div> </div> </div> <div class="article-summary" id="summary"> <h2>Abstract</h2> <div class="article-abstract" style="text-align: justify;"> <p>This report presents the results of a sociolinguistic survey fieldwork trip to the language groups along the Dalet Stream in Ann Township, Rakhine State, Myanmar. The primary purpose of this survey was to determine the need for additional language development among these speakers. A secondary purpose was to investigate how ready these groups are for language development and how unified they are. The third purpose was to determine how many and which varieties might best be selected for additional literature development among these groups. The survey team investigated these questions through wordlists, questionnaires, participatory tools, and recorded text testing (RTT). The team learned that the Dalet Stream people are not adequately served by Burmese literature. There is a need and desire for additional vernacular language development. The Dalet Stream people are interested in literature development; however, promotion is needed. Language vitality is robust among most speech varieties, and there is a sizable population of speakers. Some educated people are interested in helping develop literature to maintain their people group’s culture and language. However, interest in language development and literacy must still be built in the broader community.</p> </div> </div> </section><!-- .article-main --> <section class="article-more-details"> <h2 class="sr-only">Article Details</h2> <div class="panel panel-default how-to-cite"> <div class="panel-heading"> How to Cite </div> <div class="panel-body"> <div id="citationOutput" role="region" aria-live="polite"> <div class="csl-bib-body"> <div class="csl-entry">Statezni, C., Statezni, N., Paing Nan, Abraham, &#38; Mang Tial Khun. (2023). Sociolinguistic Survey of the Chin Speech Varieties Spoken along the Dalet Stream, Ann Township, Rakhine State, Myanmar. <i>Asia Social Issues</i>, <i>17</i>(4), e264779.</div> </div> </div> <div class="btn-group"> <button type="button" class="btn btn-default dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown" aria-controls="cslCitationFormats"> More Citation Formats <span class="caret"></span> </button> <ul class="dropdown-menu" role="menu"> <li> <a aria-controls="citationOutput" href=";publicationId=31991" data-load-citation rel="nofollow" data-json-href=";publicationId=31991&amp;return=json" > ACM </a> </li> <li> <a aria-controls="citationOutput" href=";publicationId=31991" data-load-citation rel="nofollow" data-json-href=";publicationId=31991&amp;return=json" > ACS </a> </li> <li> <a aria-controls="citationOutput" href=";publicationId=31991" data-load-citation rel="nofollow" data-json-href=";publicationId=31991&amp;return=json" > APA </a> </li> <li> <a aria-controls="citationOutput" href=";publicationId=31991" data-load-citation rel="nofollow" data-json-href=";publicationId=31991&amp;return=json" > ABNT </a> </li> <li> <a aria-controls="citationOutput" href=";publicationId=31991" data-load-citation rel="nofollow" data-json-href=";publicationId=31991&amp;return=json" > Chicago </a> </li> <li> <a aria-controls="citationOutput" href=";publicationId=31991" data-load-citation rel="nofollow" data-json-href=";publicationId=31991&amp;return=json" > Harvard </a> </li> <li> <a aria-controls="citationOutput" href=";publicationId=31991" data-load-citation rel="nofollow" data-json-href=";publicationId=31991&amp;return=json" > IEEE </a> </li> <li> <a aria-controls="citationOutput" href=";publicationId=31991" data-load-citation rel="nofollow" data-json-href=";publicationId=31991&amp;return=json" > MLA </a> </li> <li> <a aria-controls="citationOutput" href=";publicationId=31991" data-load-citation rel="nofollow" data-json-href=";publicationId=31991&amp;return=json" > Turabian </a> </li> <li> <a aria-controls="citationOutput" href=";publicationId=31991" data-load-citation rel="nofollow" data-json-href=";publicationId=31991&amp;return=json" > Vancouver </a> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="btn-group"> <button type="button" class="btn btn-default dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown" aria-controls="cslCitationFormats"> Download Citation <span class="caret"></span> </button> <ul class="dropdown-menu" role="menu"> <li> <a rel="nofollow" href=";publicationId=31991"> <span class="fa fa-download"></span> Endnote/Zotero/Mendeley (RIS) </a> <li> <a rel="nofollow" href=";publicationId=31991"> <span class="fa fa-download"></span> BibTeX </a> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <div class="panel panel-default issue"> <div class="panel-heading"> Issue </div> <div class="panel-body"> <a class="title" href=""> Vol. 17 No. 4 (2024): Asia Social Issues: July - August </a> </div> </div> <div class="panel panel-default section"> <div class="panel-heading"> Section </div> <div class="panel-body"> Research Article </div> </div> <div class="panel panel-default copyright"> <div class="panel-body"> <a rel="license" href=""><img alt="Creative Commons License" src="//" /></a><p>This work is licensed under a <a rel="license" href="">Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License</a>.</p> <p>Copyright: CC BY-NC-ND 4.0</p> </div> </div> <div class="article-references"> <h2>References</h2> <div class="article-references-content"> <p>Bergman, T. G. (2017). Sampling. In SIL International Language Assessment (Ed.), Principles of Language Survey course. Dallas: SIL International. </p> <p>Bergman, T. G. (2017). To test comprehension of vernacular literature by those of a different speech. Dallas: SIL International. </p> <p>Bickford, J. A. (2016). The ethics of language identification and ISO 639. Listening – Journal of Communication Ethics, Religion, and Culture, 51(1), 15. </p> <p>Blair, F. (1990). Survey on a shoestring: a manual for small-scale language surveys. Dallas: Summer Institute of Linguistics and The University of Texas at Arlington. </p> <p>Bouwer, L. &amp; Bergman, T. G. (2017). Methods and tools used in language surveys. In SIL International Language Assessment (Ed.), Principles of Language Survey course. Dallas: SIL International. </p> <p>Bradley, D. (1997). Tibeto-Burman languages and classification (pp.1-72). In Bradley, D. (Ed.). Papers in Southeast Asian Linguistics No. 14: Tibeto-Burman Languages of the Himalayas. Pacific Linguistics A-86. </p> <p>Brown, R. (1998). On criteria for identifying language groups and language clusters. Notes on Sociolinguistics 3(1), 3-42. </p> <p>Brye, E. (2012). Applying language survey methods from assessment to assignments. Dallas: SIL International. </p> <p>Casad, E. H. (1974). Dialect intelligibility testing. Norman, Oklahoma: Summer Institute of Linguistics. </p> <p>Casad, E. H. (1992). Windows on bilingualism. Dallas: Summer Institute of Linguistics, University of Texas at Arlington. </p> <p>Crystal, D. (2008). A dictionary of linguistics and phonetics (6th eds.). Blackwell Publishing. Retrieved from <a href=""></a> </p> <p>Daspit, D. (2015). Cog Software: PC. Retrieved from <a href=""></a> </p> <p>Decker, K., &amp; Grummitt, J. (2012). Understanding language choices: A guide to sociolinguistic assessment. Dallas: SIL International. </p> <p>Downey, M. P. (1986). 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