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This Privacy Policy informs you of our policies regarding the collection, use and disclosure of personal data Users of the Web site and/or Services. We can ensure that your personal data and crawled data are collected, used, processed and erased in accordance with the current applicable regulations as stipulated by local, state, national, federal, and other data protection legislation. The information will be solely used to verify registration and notify regarding similar events held by Scisynopsis in the future.</p> </p> </div> <h5 class="fnt-bold text-pink">Collection of Information</h5> <div class="inner-content"> <p><p>We collect information of speakers, listeners, students&rsquo;, companies who subscribe to us and who register for the conferences.</p> </p> </div> <h5 class="fnt-bold text-pink">Modifications and Changes to the Privacy Policies</h5> <div class="inner-content"> <p><p style="text-align:justify">We may modify, add to, suspend, or delete the Privacy Policy, in whole or in part, at our sole discretion at any time. 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If you would like to stop receiving marketing or promotional communications via email from Scisynopsis conferences, you may opt out of such communications by replying to our email with UNSUBSCRIBE/REMOVE.</p> </p> </div> <h5 class="fnt-bold text-pink">Payment and Billing Information</h5> <div class="inner-content"> <p><p style="text-align:justify">While registration online it is required to submit your address, billing information, credit/debit card details, PayPal email ID, we ensure that the information provided is secure with us will not shared with anyone or anywhere else.</p> </p> </div> <h5 class="fnt-bold text-pink">Contact Information:</h5> <div class="inner-content"> <p><p>Scisynopsis welcomes your questions or comments regarding this Statement of Privacy. If you believe that Scisynopsis has not adhered to this Statement, please contact at:</p><p><strong>Scisynopsis Meetings LLC</strong><br>Atlanta, GA 30326<br>USA<br>Ph. 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