Debian -- Packages
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This assures free use and redistribution of the packages and their complete source code. The official Debian distribution is what is contained in the <em>main</em> section of the Debian archive. </p> <p> As a service to our users, we also provide packages in separate sections that cannot be included in the <em>main</em> distribution due to either a restrictive license or legal issues. They include: </p> <div class="centerblock"> <dl> <dt><em>Contrib</em></dt> <dd> Packages in this area are freely licensed by the copyright holder but depend on other software that is not free. </dd> <dt><em>Non-Free</em></dt> <dd> Packages in this area have some onerous license condition restricting use or redistribution of the software. </dd> <dt><em>Non-Free-Firmware</em></dt> <dd> This section is restricted to device firmware. While packages in this area basically have the same underlying license restrictions as those in non-free, a special exception has been made for them: even if not being DFSG-free, packages from non-free-firmware are allowed to be included in the official installation images. </dd> </dl> </div> <p> Note that same packages might appear in several distributions, but with different version numbers. </p> <hr> <h2><a name="view" id="view">View package lists</a></h2> <dl> <dt><a href="//">View the packages in the <strong>stable</strong> distribution</a></dt> <dd> <p> This is the latest official release of the Debian distribution. This is stable and well tested software, which changes only if major security or usability fixes are incorporated. </p> <p> See the <a href="../releases/stable/">stable release pages</a> for more information. </p> </dd> <dt><a href="//">View the packages in the <strong>testing</strong> distribution</a></dt> <dd> <p> This area contains packages that are intended to become part of the next stable distribution. There are strict criteria a package in unstable (see below) must obey before it can be added to testing. Note that <q>testing</q> does not get the timely security updates <a href="../security/faq#testing">from the security team</a>. </p> <p> See the <a href="../releases/testing/">testing distribution pages</a> for more information. </p> </dd> <dt><a href="//">View the packages in the <strong>unstable</strong> distribution</a></dt> <dd> <p> This area contains the most recent packages in Debian. Once a package has met our criterion for stability and quality of packaging, it will be included in testing. <q>unstable</q> is also not supported <a href="../security/faq#unstable">by the security team</a>. </p> <p> Packages in unstable are the least tested and may contain problems severe enough to affect the stability of your system. Only experienced users should consider using this distribution. </p> <p> See the <a href="../releases/unstable/">unstable distribution pages</a> for more information. </p> </dd> </dl> <hr> <h2><a name="search_packages" id="search_packages">Search package directories</a></h2> <form method="GET" action="//"> <div> <label for="kw">Keyword:</label> <input type="text" size="30" name="keywords" id="kw"> </div> <div> Search on: <input type="radio" name="searchon" value="names" id="onlynames" checked="checked"> <label for="onlynames">Package names only</label> <input type="radio" name="searchon" value="all" id="descs"> <label for="descs">Descriptions</label> <input type="radio" name="searchon" value="sourcenames" id="src"> <label for="src">Source package names</label> </div> <div> <label for="searchexact">Only show exact matches:</label> <input type="checkbox" name="exact" value="1" id="searchexact"> </div> <div> <label for="distribversion">Distribution:</label> <select name="suite" id="distribversion"> <option value="experimental">experimental</option> <option value="unstable">unstable</option> <option value="testing">testing</option> <option value="stable" selected="selected">stable</option> <option value="oldstable">oldstable</option> <option value="all">any</option> </select> <label for="releasesection">Section:</label> <select name="section" id="releasesection"> <option value="main">main</option> <option value="contrib">contrib</option> <option value="non-free">non-free</option> <option value="non-free-firmware">non-free-firmware</option> <option value="all" selected="selected">any</option> </select> </div> <div class="action-block-form"> <input type="submit" value="Search"> <input type="reset" value="Reset"> </div> </form> <p>There are shortcuts for some searches available:</p> <ul> <li><code><var>name</var></code> for the search on package names.</li> <li><code><var>name</var></code> for the search on source package names.</li> </ul> <hr> <h2><a name="search_contents" id="search_contents">Search the contents of packages</a></h2> <p> This search engine allows you to search the contents of Debian distributions for any files (or just parts of file names) that are part of packages. You can also get a full list of files in a given package. </p> <form method="GET" action="//"> <div> <input type="hidden" name="searchon" value="contents"> <label for="keyword">Keyword:</label> <input type="text" size="30" name="keywords" id="keyword"> </div> <div> Display: <br> <input type="radio" name="mode" value="path" id="searchpath" checked="checked"> <label for="searchpath">paths ending with the keyword</label> <br> <input type="radio" name="mode" value="exactfilename" id="searchfiles"> <label for="searchfiles">packages that contain files named like this</label> <br> <input type="radio" name="mode" value="filename" id="searchword"> <label for="searchword">packages that contain files whose names contain the keyword</label> </div> <div> <label for="distro">Distribution:</label> <select name="suite" id="distro"> <option value="experimental">experimental</option> <option value="unstable">unstable</option> <option value="testing">testing</option> <option value="stable" selected="selected">stable</option> <option value="oldstable">oldstable</option> </select> <label for="architecture">Architecture:</label> <select name="arch" id="architecture"> <option value="any" selected="selected">any</option> <option value="amd64">64-bit PC (amd64)</option> <option value="arm64">64-bit ARM (AArch64)</option> <option value="armel">EABI ARM (armel)</option> <option value="armhf">Hard Float ABI ARM (armhf)</option> <option value="hurd-i386">Hurd 32-bit PC (i386)</option> <option value="hurd-amd64">Hurd 64-bit PC (amd64)</option> <option value="i386">32-bit PC (i386)</option> <option value="mips">MIPS (big endian)</option> <option value="mips64el">64-bit MIPS (little endian)</option> <option value="mipsel">MIPS (little endian)</option> <option value="powerpc">PowerPC</option> <option value="ppc64el">POWER Processors</option> <option value="riscv64">RISC-V 64-bit little endian (riscv64)</option> <option value="s390x">IBM System z</option> </select> </div> <div class="action-block-form"> <input type="submit" value="Search"> <input type="reset" value="Reset"> </div> </form> <p> There is also a shortcut available: </p> <ul> <li><code><var>path</var></code> for the search for paths ending in the keyword.</li> </ul> <div class="clr"></div> </div> <!-- end content --> <div id="footer"> <hr class="hidecss"> <p>Back to the <a href="../">Debian Project homepage</a>.</p> <hr> <!--UdmComment--> <div id="pageLang"> <div id="langSelector"> This page is also available in the following languages: <div id="langContainer"> <select onchange="location = this.value;"> <option value="" disabled selected>Select your language</option> <option value="packages.da.html" title="Danish" lang="da">dansk</option> <option value="" title="German" lang="de">Deutsch</option> <option value="" title="Spanish" lang="es">español</option> <option value="" title="French" lang="fr">français</option> <option value="" title="Galician" lang="gl">Galego</option> <option value="" 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