Requirements and Procedure for ISSN Registration | National Diet Library
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Please contact the <a href="#contact">Japanese National Centre for ISSN</a> for details.</li> <li>Databases which satisfy the following three conditions: <ol class="nomargin"> <li>currently published on a continuous basis</li> <li>indicate the frequency</li> <li>indicate the latest date of updating </li> </ol> </li> </ul> <div class="highlight"> <h4 class="Nomargin">Please note that:</h4> <p class="mt20">-The <a href="/en/data/issn/about_issn.html#keytitle">ISSN and the key-title</a> of a publication correspond to each other. In principle, the ISSN of a publication must be changed when the key-title of the publication is modified significantly.</p> <p class="mb_none">-The same publications in different media (for example, a printed journal and an online journal) must be assigned with different ISSN.</p> </div> </div> <p class="pageTop"><a href="#layout">To the head of this page</a></p> <h2 id="procedures">ISSN Registration Procedures</h2> <h3>Diagram of registration procedures</h3> <div class="dataSet"> <p>ISSN are assinged only at the request of an applicant.</p> <p><img src="/en/data/issn/images/ISSN_procedures.png" alt="Firstly, an applicant applies to the Japanese National Centre for ISSN for an ISSN to be assigned to a publication. Secondly, as provisional registration, the Centre sends the applicant an advance notice to inform them of the assigned ISSN. Thirdly, in the case of online journals, applicants display the ISSN on the web site and notify the Centre of publication. In the case of other media formats, they display the ISSN on the publications and send them to the Centre as legal deposit. Fourthly, after the creation of the bibliographic data, the Centre will carry out formal registration and send a formal notice of the ISSN." class="mb10 tb2_w100p" /></p> <p>The Japanese National Centre for ISSN considers only the publisher or an agent of the publisher who has participated in the editing, production, and printing or otherwise contributed to the creation of a publication as qualified applicants.</p> <p>When applying for an ISSN for an existing publication that has not yet been submitted to the NDL under the Legal Deposit system, the applicant is required to send all existing past issues with the application or separately.</p> </div> <h3>ISSN Application Form</h3> <div class="dataSet"> <p>After reading the description "<a href="#outline">Outline of the Requirements for ISSN Application</a>", fill in the ISSN application form (web) to apply for an ISSN if your publication is appropriate for an ISSN:</p> <ul class="arrowList"> <li><a href="">ISSN Application Form (web)</a></li> </ul> <div class="highlight mb20"> <h4 class="Nomargin">Attention regarding system maintenance</h4> <p class="mt20 mb_none">Application forms or surveys on the websites of the National Diet Library and International Library of the Children's Literature might be temporarily unavailable due to system maintenance. System maintenance notices are available on the <a href="/en/news/maintenance.html">"Service Stoppage" page</a>.</p> </div> <p>You can also send us the ISSN application form by e-mail, by fax or by postal mail:</p> <ul class="arrowList"> <li class="mb5"><a href="/en/data/issn/sinseisyo (E).rtf">ISSN Application Form (RTF: 165KB)</a></li> <li class="mb5"><a href="/en/data/issn/sinseisyo (E).pdf">ISSN Application Form (PDF: 151KB)</a></li> <li><a href="/en/data/issn/yoryorei (E).pdf">Instructions (PDF: 114KB)</a></li> </ul> <div class="highlight mb20"> <h4 class="Nomargin">Protection of Personal Information</h4> <ul class="nomargin mt20"> <li>Personal information you input or fill in will be used exclusively for the purpose of managing this request and other related issues. Please note that, at the request of the <a href="/en/data/issn/about_issn.html#network_0">ISSN International Centre</a>, information and documents regarding the application and other related correspondence might be submitted to the ISSN International Centre and <a href="" target="_blank">ISO (International Organization for Standardization) (opens in another window)</a> .</li> <li class="mb_none">For information on NDL policies regarding the protection of personal information, please refer to the <a href="/en/privacy/index.html">Protection of Personal Information</a> page.</li> </ul> </div> <p>In general, the applicants are informed of the ISSN by advance notice within about one week of receiving the application. In the case of publications already published but not yet possessed by the NDL, please send us the past issues as far back as possible for legal deposit. ISSN will be announced within about one week of receiving both the application and the past issues.</p> <p>In Japan, ISSN are assigned and maintained free of charge.</p> <p>The NDL welcomes inquiries on application and any other matters about ISSN.</p> </div> <p class="pageTop"><a href="#layout">To the head of this page</a></p> <h2 id="displaying">Displaying an ISSN</h2> <div class="dataSet"> <p>The assigned ISSN should be displayed on the serial or other continuing resource.</p> <p>For printed publications, packaged electronic publications, microfilm, or other physical media, please display the ISSN on the publication and send it to us as legal deposit.</p> <p>For online journals, please display the ISSN on the web site and notify us of publication.</p> </div> <h3>Display of ISSN</h3> <div class="dataSet"> <p>An ISSN consists of two groups of four digits separated by a hyphen and is preceded by the prefix ISSN in upper case separated by a space, as shown in the following example.</p> <p>Example: ISSN 0914-6601</p> <p>For serials and other continuing resources in more than one media that have separate ISSN for each media, the individual ISSN may be displayed together. Each ISSN must be displayed with qualifying information, as shown in the following example.</p> <p>Example:<br /> ISSN 1234-5678 (Print)</p> <p>ISSN 1234-5555 (Online)</p> </div> <h3>Position of display</h3> <div class="dataSet"> <p>For print publications, the ISSN should be displayed in the top right-hand corner of the front cover. If this is difficult due to design considerations or for other reasons, the ISSN may be printed in another prominent position on the front cover, the back cover, the title page, or the colophon.</p> <p>Example:<br /> <img src="/jp/data/issn/images/print.jpg" alt="Figures to show the examples of display of ISSN. In the case of print publications, in principle, at the top right-hand corner of the front cover." class="tb1_w100p sFrame2" /></p> <p>For CD-ROMs, DVD-ROMs, and other packaged electronic publications, the ISSN should be displayed on the disc label, the disc case, the title screen, or other prominent position.</p> <p>Example:<br /> <img src="/jp/data/issn/images/packaged.jpg" alt="Figures to show the examples of display of ISSN. In the case of CD-ROMs, DVD-ROMs, and other packaged electronic publications, the ISSN should be displayed on the disc label, the disc case, the title screen, or other prominent position." class="w80p tb1_w100p sFrame2" /></p> <p>For online journals, the ISSN should be displayed with its corresponding title on the journal's top page or on a page containing a list of published issues.</p> <p>Example:<br /> <img src="/jp/data/issn/images/online.png" alt="Figures to show the examples of display of ISSN. In the case of online journals, the ISSN should be displayed with its corresponding title on the journal's top page or on a page containing a list of published issues." class="tb1_w100p sFrame2" /></p> </div> <p class="pageTop"><a href="#layout">To the head of this page</a></p> <h2><a href="/en/help/issn.html">Frequently Asked Questions</a></h2> <p class="pageTop"><a href="#layout">To the head of this page</a></p> <h2 id="contact">Contact Us</h2> <div class="dataSet"> <p>Japanese National Centre for ISSN<br /> Serials and Non-book Materials Division, Acquisitions and Bibliography<br /> Department, National Diet Library<br /> Fax: +81-3-3581-1330<br /> E-mail: issnjpn<img src="/default/images/mailaddress_ndl.gif" alt="at n d l dot g o dot j p" class="mailaddress_ndl" width="87" height="18" /></p> </div> <p class="pageTop"><a href="#layout">To the head of this page</a></p> </div><!-- main --> </div><!-- main --> <!-- sub navigation --> <div id="sub_navi_wrap" class="sub_navi_wrap"> <dl> <dt class="head"><a href="/en/data/index.html"><span>Making and Providing Bibliographic Data</span></a></dt> <dd id="sub_navi_button" class="sub_navi_button pc-none"> <a href="#" class="close"><span>Close the menu</span></a> <a href="#" class="open"><span>Open the menu</span></a> </dd> </dl> <ul id="sub_navi" class="sub_navi"><li><a href="/en/data/news.html"><span>News</span></a> </li><li><a href="/en/data/basic_policy.html"><span>Basic Policy on Bibliographic Data and Bibliographic Control</span></a> </li><li class="nolink"><span>Cataloging Tools and Resources</span><ul class="child"><li><a href="/en/data/applied_rules.html"><span>List of Applied Rules</span></a></li><li><a href="/en/data/ncr_regulations.html"><span>Operational Regulations for Nippon Cataloging Rules</span></a></li><li><a href="/en/data/accesspoint.html"><span>Access Points</span></a></li><li><a href="/en/data/classification_subject.html"><span>Classification, Subject Headings and Genre/Form Terms</span></a></li><li><a href="/en/data/rules_characters.html"><span>Applied Rules for Characters and "Yomi"</span></a></li><li><a href="/en/data/rules_others.html"><span>Other Applied Rules</span></a></li><li><a href="/en/data/jm.html"><span>JAPAN/MARC Manual and Format</span></a></li></ul> </li><li><a href="/en/data/sakuin/sakuin_select.html"><span>The Japanese Periodicals Index</span></a> </li><li><a href="/en/data/data_service.html"><span>How to Get Bibliographic Data</span></a><ul class="child"><li><a href="/en/data/data_service/jnb/index.html"><span>The Japanese National Bibliography (JNB)</span></a></li><li><a href="/en/data/data_service/authorities.html"><span>How to Get Authority Data</span></a></li></ul> </li><li class="on"><a href="/en/data/issn/index.html"><span>Japanese National Centre for ISSN</span></a><ul class="child"><li><a href="/en/data/issn/about_issn.html"><span>Overview of International Standard Serial Number (ISSN)</span></a></li><li class="here"><a href="/en/data/issn/registration.html"><span>Requirements and Procedure for ISSN Registration</span></a></li><li><a href="/en/data/issn/bibdata.html"><span>ISSN and Bibliographic Data</span></a></li></ul> </li></ul><!-- sub_navi --> </div><!-- sub_navi_wrap --> <!-- //sub navigation --> </div><!-- content --> <!-- // footer --> <div id="footer" class="footer clearAfter"> <div id="go_top"><a href="#header" class="hover">Up page</a></div> <!-- // hidden --> <span class="hidden">From here to footer menu</span> <!-- hidden // --> <div id="footer_in1" class="footer_in footer_in1 sp-none"> </div><!-- .footer_in1 end --> <div class="footer_in footer_in2"> <div id="footernavi2"> <ul> <li><a href="/en/sitepolicy/index.html">Site Policy</a></li> <li><a href="/en/privacypolicy/index.html">Privacy Policy</a></li> <li><a href="/en/accessibility/index.html">Web Accessibility</a></li> <li><a href="/en/access/index.html">Access</a></li> <li><a href="/form/en/service/contact/index.html">Contact Us</a></li> </ul> </div> </div><!-- .footer_in2 end --> <div class="footer_in footer_in3"> <div class="copyright" xml:lang="en" lang="en">Copyright © 2012- National Diet Library. 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