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Corporation and developed by Mozilla, in partnership with a global community of volunteers and partners. Mozilla’s MDN team leads the platform’s development, content strategy, and overall direction, while <a href="/en-US/community">the community</a> actively contributes to content creation, translations, and browser compatibility improvements, ensuring MDN remains a vital and evolving resource for all.</p></div><div class="tabs"><div class="tablist-wrapper"><div class="tablist" role="tablist"><a id="what_we_offer-tab" href="#what_we_offer" class="active" role="tab" aria-selected="true" aria-controls="what_we_offer-panel">What we offer</a><a id="our_journey-tab" href="#our_journey" class="" role="tab" aria-selected="false" aria-controls="our_journey-panel">Our journey</a><a id="our_core_values-tab" href="#our_core_values" class="" role="tab" aria-selected="false" aria-controls="our_core_values-panel">Our core values</a><a id="our_team-tab" href="#our_team" class="" role="tab" aria-selected="false" aria-controls="our_team-panel">Our team</a><a id="our_partners-tab" href="#our_partners" class="" role="tab" aria-selected="false" aria-controls="our_partners-panel">Our partners</a></div></div><div id="what_we_offer-panel" class="tabpanel active" role="tabpanel"><ul> <li> <h4 id="mdn_web_docs">MDN Web Docs</h4> <p>Your comprehensive resource for web development documentation, covering everything from <a href="/en-US/docs/Web/CSS">CSS</a>, <a href="/en-US/docs/Web/HTML">HTML</a>, <a href="/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript">JavaScript</a>, <a href="/en-US/docs/Web/API">Web APIs</a>, and other web technologies.</p> </li> <li> <h4 id="mdn_learn">MDN Learn</h4> <p>Ideal for beginners, MDN Learn offers <a href="/en-US/docs/Learn_web_development">guides</a> and a structured <a href="/en-US/curriculum/">curriculum</a> to kickstart your web development journey. Enhance your learning with interactive courses from our partner, <a href="" class="external" target="_blank">Scrimba</a>.</p> </li> <li> <h4 id="mdn_blog">MDN Blog</h4> <p>Stay updated with the latest in web development. <a href="/en-US/blog/">Our blog</a> features updates, tips, tutorials from web experts, MDN announcements, and curated sponsored content.</p> </li> <li> <h4 id="mdn_plus">MDN Plus</h4> <p>Experience a personalized MDN with our premium subscription service. Enjoy features like <a href="/en-US/plus/ai-help">AI-powered assistance</a> and <a href="/en-US/plus/collections">Collections</a> to streamline your workflow.</p> </li> <li> <h4 id="mdn_tools">MDN Tools</h4> <p>Experiment and learn with tools like <a href="/en-US/play">Playground</a> for live coding and <a href="/en-US/observatory">HTTP Observatory</a> for analyzing website security, designed to enhance your development experience.</p> </li> </ul></div><div id="our_journey-panel" class="tabpanel " role="tabpanel"><p>From our beginnings to becoming the go-to resource for web developers worldwide, here's how we've evolved:</p> <ul> <li> <h4 id="2005">2005</h4> <p>Launched as <a href="" class="external" target="_blank">DevMo by Mozilla</a>, a community-driven wiki dedicated to documenting open web standards.</p> <p><img src="" alt="Screenshot of MDN homepage from January 2005" loading="lazy"></p> </li> <li> <h4 id="2010">2010</h4> <p>Rebranded as <a href="" class="external" target="_blank">Mozilla Developer Network (MDN)</a>, reinforcing our commitment to the developer community.</p> <p><img src="" alt="Screenshot of MDN homepage from September 2010" loading="lazy"></p> </li> <li> <h4 id="2017">2017</h4> <p>Achieved a milestone when major tech companies began contributing and supporting web documentation on our platform, solidifying MDN as the central hub for web development knowledge.</p> </li> <li> <h4 id="2020">2020</h4> <p>Transitioned from its wiki-based origins to a modern, <a href="" class="external" target="_blank">GitHub-hosted project</a> with the launch of Yari, modernizing our infrastructure and workflows.</p> <p><img src="" alt="Screenshot of MDN homepage from October 2020" loading="lazy"></p> </li> <li> <h4 id="2022">2022</h4> <p>Unveiled a <a href="" class="external" target="_blank">major redesign</a> and introduced <a href="" class="external" target="_blank">MDN Plus</a>, offering personalized features for an enhanced user experience.</p> <p><img src="" alt="Screenshot of MDN homepage from April 2022" loading="lazy"></p> </li> <li> <h4 id="20232024">2023/2024</h4> <p>Launched new tools, including Playground for coding experiments, AI Help for easier content discovery, and HTTP Observatory for website security scans. We also introduced a Blog to cover interesting topics beyond MDN’s core focus, and a Curriculum to provide a structured approach to learning web development.</p> </li> </ul> <h4 id="discover_more">Discover more</h4> <p>We had fun exploring the <a href="*/" class="external" target="_blank">internet archives</a> and putting together a fast-forward trip through our transformation!</p> <mdn-image-history> <ul> <li><img src="" alt="Screenshot of MDN homepage from August 2004" loading="lazy"></li> <li><img src="" alt="Screenshot of MDN homepage from September 2004" loading="lazy"></li> <li><img src="" alt="Screenshot of MDN homepage from January 2005" loading="lazy"></li> <li><img src="" alt="Screenshot of MDN homepage from October 2005" loading="lazy"></li> <li><img src="" alt="Screenshot of MDN homepage from September 2008" loading="lazy"></li> <li><img src="" alt="Screenshot of MDN homepage from May 2010" loading="lazy"></li> <li><img src="" alt="Screenshot of MDN homepage from September 2010" loading="lazy"></li> <li><img src="" alt="Screenshot of MDN homepage from June 2011" loading="lazy"></li> <li><img src="" alt="Screenshot of MDN homepage from May 2013" loading="lazy"></li> <li><img src="" alt="Screenshot of MDN homepage from January 2014" loading="lazy"></li> <li><img src="" alt="Screenshot of MDN homepage from April 2015" loading="lazy"></li> <li><img src="" alt="Screenshot of MDN homepage from September 2017" loading="lazy"></li> <li><img src="" alt="Screenshot of MDN homepage from January 2020" loading="lazy"></li> <li><img src="" alt="Screenshot of MDN homepage from March 2021" loading="lazy"></li> <li><img src="" alt="Screenshot of MDN homepage from August 2021" loading="lazy"></li> <li><img src="" alt="Screenshot of MDN homepage from March 2022" loading="lazy"></li> <li><img src="" alt="Screenshot of MDN homepage from April 2022" loading="lazy"></li> <li><img src="" alt="Screenshot of MDN homepage from May 2022" loading="lazy"></li> </ul> </mdn-image-history></div><div id="our_core_values-panel" class="tabpanel " role="tabpanel"><ul> <li> <h4 id="accurate_and_reliable">Accurate and reliable</h4> <p>MDN is built on the fundamental principle of accuracy, which has established it as the trusted source of web documentation globally. We are committed to providing expertly curated and rigorously reviewed content to maintain the highest standards of quality and accuracy. Our dedication is backed by the best developer community in the world—a passionate group of contributors who help us enhance and refine our documentation. We welcome the knowledge and experience of our diverse developer community to ensure that millions of users can rely on MDN daily for up-to-date and accurate information.</p> </li> <li> <h4 id="collaborative_and_community-driven">Collaborative and community-driven</h4> <p>MDN is a Mozilla project that is powered by its global community. We are a diverse group of developers, writers, and technologists working together to build resources for a better web. Our open-source approach welcomes contributions from anyone. Each of the individuals who have contributed over the past decades has strengthened MDN. Through our GitHub repository, contributors can make changes and get their work reviewed and integrated into MDN’s content.</p> </li> <li> <h4 id="inclusive_and_dynamic">Inclusive and dynamic</h4> <p>MDN is committed to providing documentation for a wide range of web technologies while continuously adapting to the changing landscape of web development. We strive to create content that’s relevant and valuable to developers working across different browsers and platforms. We are dedicated to regularly updating our resources to reflect the latest standards and best practices, helping developers stay current in a rapidly changing field.</p> </li> <li> <h4 id="our_mission">Our mission</h4> <p>At MDN, our mission is to provide developers with the resources they need to create innovative and accessible web experiences. We offer a free, high-quality, and comprehensive platform that includes documentation on essential web technologies like <a href="/en-US/docs/Web/CSS">CSS</a>, <a href="/en-US/docs/Web/HTML">HTML</a>, <a href="/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript">JavaScript</a>, and <a href="/en-US/docs/Web/API">Web APIs</a>. Our <a href="/en-US/docs/Learn_web_development">learning materials</a> are tailored for a diverse audience—from beginners and students to professors teaching web development.</p> </li> </ul></div><div id="our_team-panel" class="tabpanel " role="tabpanel"><p>From technical writers and engineers to product and community managers, we are a diverse group dedicated to driving MDN’s mission, growth, and success. Get to know the people behind MDN and discover what motivates us to keep you at the forefront of web development!</p> <team-member> <h4 id="hermina_condei">Hermina Condei</h4> <ul> <li>Senior Director</li> <li><img src="" alt="Profile picture of Hermina" loading="lazy"></li> <li><a href="" class="external" target="_blank">@HerminaC</a></li> <li>Hermina lives in Paris. She joined Mozilla in 2013 and has been leading the MDN team since 2022. She manages the product, engineering, and technical writers groups, while also presiding over the <a href="#pab">Product Advisory Board</a> for MDN. With a background in product management, Hermina is responsible for setting the strategic direction of the website and enjoys getting involved in day-to-day operations whenever she can. Hermina loves spending time with her family and reading.</li> </ul> </team-member> <team-member> <h4 id="ruth_john">Ruth John</h4> <ul> <li>Senior Manager</li> <li><img src="" alt="Profile picture of Ruth" loading="lazy"></li> <li><a href="" class="external" target="_blank">@Rumyra</a></li> <li>Based in the UK, Ruth has been working on MDN since 2017. Starting out as a contracting technical writer documenting fun Web APIs, she joined the team full-time in 2021 and now heads up the content and community teams. She has always been a big supporter of the web platform due to her long experience as a front-end developer and cares deeply about the accuracy and usefulness of MDN for its developer audience. In her spare time, you can find her walking her dog Yoshi or in her studio, where she enjoys sewing, sculpting, painting, and anything else that takes her away from a screen.</li> </ul> </team-member> <team-member> <h4 id="florian_dieminger">Florian Dieminger</h4> <ul> <li>Senior Engineering Manager</li> <li><img src="" alt="Profile picture of Florian" loading="lazy"></li> <li><a href="" class="external" target="_blank">@fiji-flo</a></li> <li>A Berlin resident and a long-time Mozilian, Florian was an active community member before he joined the Mozilla staff in 2018. His passion for the web spans across front-end, back-end, browser-engine and anything in-between. He is a nerd outside of work too and is rediscovering online gaming. He loves spending time with his family.</li> </ul> </team-member> <team-member> <h4 id="dipika_bhattacharya">Dipika Bhattacharya</h4> <ul> <li>Staff Technical Writer</li> <li><img src="" alt="Profile picture of Dipika" loading="lazy"></li> <li><a href="" class="external" target="_blank">@dipikabh</a></li> <li>Dipika works out of Toronto. She joined the MDN team in 2022, bringing her background in instructional design to the role. She is passionate about delivering clear and concise documentation to make complex concepts easy to understand, paying special attention to how information is organized and presented. She cares about improving the clarity, usability, and discoverability of MDN’s documentation. Outside of work, she loves exploring the city, discovering unique coffee shops, and trying different cuisines.</li> </ul> </team-member> <team-member> <h4 id="vadim_makeev">Vadim Makeev</h4> <ul> <li>Staff Technical Writer</li> <li><img src="" alt="Profile picture of Vadim" loading="lazy"></li> <li><a href="" class="external" target="_blank">@pepelsbey</a></li> <li>Based in Berlin, Vadim has been working on MDN since 2023. He combines his previous experience as a front-end developer with a deep passion for browsers and the web platform. Before joining Mozilla, he worked as a DevRel for the Opera browser, authored front-end courses, and was also involved in organizing conferences and meetups. In his spare time, he goes on bikepacking trips, hangs out on punk gigs, and records podcasts and videos in his home studio.</li> </ul> </team-member> <team-member> <h4 id="brian_smith">Brian Smith</h4> <ul> <li>Staff Technical Writer</li> <li><img src="" alt="Profile picture of Brian" loading="lazy"></li> <li><a href="" class="external" target="_blank">@bsmth</a></li> <li>Brian has been with MDN since 2022. He lives in Berlin. With around 20 years of experience hacking on web technologies and working full-time as a technical writer since 2016, Brian is passionate about open-source software and writing docs that make complex concepts fun and easy to grasp for people of all levels. Before joining Mozilla, Brian worked on a TypeScript-like language specification, a time series database, and REST API documentation for cloud services. Outside of work, he enjoys exploring new European destinations with family, discovering local coffee shops, and using music gear as long as it doesn't have a screen.</li> </ul> </team-member> <team-member> <h4 id="dave_letorey">Dave Letorey</h4> <ul> <li> <p>Technical Writer</p> </li> <li> <p><img src="" alt="Profile picture of Dave" loading="lazy"></p> </li> <li> <p><a href="" class="external" target="_blank">@dletorey</a></p> </li> <li> <p>Based in London, UK, Dave has been with MDN since 2022 where he's been focused on Firefox release documentation, particularly HTML, CSS and SVG updates. He's passionate about web standards, accessibility, performance and digital inclusion. He is constantly learning about new web technologies and standards.</p> <p>Outside of work he loves live music and tries to attend as many gigs and music festivals as he can. He particularly loves post-punk, indie, house and techno. He also attends many conferences and meetups and is an organizer of <a href="" class="external" target="_blank">London Web Standards</a> &amp; <a href="" class="external" target="_blank">State of the Browser</a>. He also has a large collection of red hats, so is easy to spot in the wild. He is never happier than when in a field with his friends.</p> </li> </ul> </team-member> <team-member> <h4 id="chris_mills">Chris Mills</h4> <ul> <li>Technical Writer and Product Strategist</li> <li><img src="" alt="Profile picture of Chris" loading="lazy"></li> <li><a href="" class="external" target="_blank">@chrisdavidmills</a></li> <li>Based in Greenfield, UK, Chris has been part of MDN since 2013, initially as a technical writer and then as the writers' team lead until 2021. He came back on board as a contractor in 2022 to document new technologies and contribute to various MDN products and initiatives. Chris loves tinkering with CSS and JavaScript and is passionate about accessibility and semantics. Outside work, he is obsessed with loud, heavy music, and plays drums and guitar. He enjoys cycling, country walks, and spending time with his wife and three awesome kids.</li> </ul> </team-member> <team-member> <h4 id="hamish_willee">Hamish Willee</h4> <ul> <li>Technical Writer</li> <li><img src="" alt="Profile picture of Hamish" loading="lazy"></li> <li><a href="" class="external" target="_blank">@hamishwillee</a></li> <li>Based in Melbourne, Australia, Hamish has been with MDN since 2014, initially on short-term contracts for various projects. From 2020, he’s been focused on Firefox release documentation, particularly Web API and HTTP updates, while also contributing to other aspects of the open-source project. He’s passionate about efficient processes that maximize time for creating clear, concise, and maintainable documentation. Hamish values that his writing reaches thousands of developers and enjoys working with the diverse community to make expert knowledge accessible to everyone in a clear format. Outside work, he brews beer, reads science fiction and fantasy, enjoys running, and likes drones.</li> </ul> </team-member> <team-member> <h4 id="andi_pieper">Andi Pieper</h4> <ul> <li>Staff Software Engineer</li> <li><img src="" alt="Profile picture of Andi" loading="lazy"></li> <li><a href="" class="external" target="_blank">@argl</a></li> <li>Andi lives in Berlin. He joined the MDN team in 2023. He is focused on keeping up the high quality of MDN and ensuring that it remains an accessible, competent, and friendly help for anyone concerned with the web, regardless of their level of expertise. Growing up with the internet of the 90s, Andi has worked on a multitude of projects on the web over the years, occasionally veering off into desktop and mobile development. Apart from his daytime obligations, he enjoys creating organized noise.</li> </ul> </team-member> <team-member> <h4 id="claas_augner">Claas Augner</h4> <ul> <li>Senior Software Engineer</li> <li><img src="" alt="Profile picture of Class" loading="lazy"></li> <li><a href="" class="external" target="_blank">@caugner</a></li> <li>Based in Paris, Claas has been working as a Software Engineer in the MDN team since 2022. He is passionate about clean code and continuous improvement. He enjoys entertaining (the team), and maintaining (the platform). Outside of work, he loves baking rye sourdough breads and playing cooperative board games.</li> </ul> </team-member> <team-member> <h4 id="leo_mcardle">Leo McArdle</h4> <ul> <li>Senior Software Engineer</li> <li><img src="" alt="Profile picture of Leo" loading="lazy"></li> <li><a href="" class="external" target="_blank">@LeoMcA</a></li> <li>A London-based long-term Mozilla contributor, Leo has been working on MDN since 2022 and volunteering for Mozilla since around 2008. As a self-taught developer, largely through MDN, he cares about making the website discoverable and functional for everyone. In his free time, he can be found cycling around the city, photographing panoramas, or watching almost every sport imaginable, from cricket to karting.</li> </ul> </team-member> <team-member> <h4 id="pranshu_khanna">Pranshu Khanna</h4> <ul> <li>Staff Community Manager</li> <li><img src="" alt="Profile picture of Pranshu" loading="lazy"></li> <li><a href="" class="external" target="_blank">@pransh15</a></li> <li>Pranshu has been a long-term contributor to Mozilla as a Rep. Based in Berlin, he joined the MDN team in 2024. He works on moderating, growing and managing MDN’s awesome community. Pranshu is passionate about building a healthy and inclusive community for developers and helping them build better. Before working at Mozilla, Pranshu gained extensive experience in growing developer communities for startups, organizing conferences like GraphQL Conf. 2021 &amp; 2022, and running global programs for devs and students around AI, Web, and DevOps. In his free time, he likes to play football in any form - physical, digital, and fantasy.</li> </ul> </team-member> <team-member> <h4 id="anuja_rajput">Anuja Rajput</h4> <ul> <li>Senior User Experience Designer</li> <li><img src="" alt="Profile picture of Anuja" loading="lazy"></li> <li><a href="" class="external" target="_blank">@AnujaRajput727</a></li> <li>Located in London, Anuja has been a part of the MDN team since 2023. With over 8 years of experience, she has passionately contributed to various phases of product development, including design, business analysis, and testing. She is empathetic and deeply cares about understanding users' perspectives and pain points. She combines her work experience with her creative skills to enhance her UX designs. In her free time, she enjoys painting, sketching, and travel sketching.</li> </ul> </team-member> <team-member> <h4 id="sonal_sood">Sonal Sood</h4> <ul> <li>Senior Product Manager</li> <li><img src="" alt="Profile picture of Sonal" loading="lazy"></li> <li><a href="" class="external" target="_blank">@s-sood</a></li> <li>Sonal lives in Berlin. She has been with MDN since 2022. As a product manager, she is adept at identifying and prioritizing features that truly meet users' needs. With a strong background in data analysis and product management, she is always focused on delivering valuable and impactful products that make a difference. In her free time, Sonal enjoys cycling, running, and practicing yoga.</li> </ul> </team-member> <team-member> <h4 id="miruna_curtean">Miruna Curtean</h4> <ul> <li>Quality Assurance</li> <li><img src="" alt="Profile picture of Miruna" loading="lazy"></li> <li><a href="" class="external" target="_blank">@mirunacurtean</a></li> <li>Miruna calls Cluj-Napoca, Romania home. Contracting with Mozilla since 2019, she worked on Firefox Add-ons and Mozilla Support before switching to MDN in 2022. She focuses on analyzing requirements and community issues, building comprehensive test bases, and ensuring delivered features meet requirements. Before Mozilla, she worked in game development and e-commerce but found greater joy in website development, particularly inspired by its community aspect. Outside of work, Miruna enjoys story-based entertainment including books, movies, shows, anime, and podcasts.</li> </ul> </team-member></div><div id="our_partners-panel" class="tabpanel " role="tabpanel"><div> <h4 id="pab">PAB</h4> <team-member> <h5 id="rachel_andrew">Rachel Andrew</h5> <ul> <li>Content Lead at Google</li> <li><img src="" alt="Profile picture of Rachel" loading="lazy"></li> <li>Rachel has been working on the web as a developer since 1996 and writing about web development for almost as long. She now works for Google as Content Lead for Chrome Developer Relations, owning the content strategy of <a href="" class="external" target="_blank"></a> and <a href="" class="external" target="_blank"></a>, and is also a lead on the Baseline project. Rachel is a CSS Working Group member and specification editor, and in the past has been a contributor to MDN as a contractor for Mozilla and for Google. Photo © Drew McLellan.</li> </ul> </team-member> <team-member> <h5 id="robert_nyman">Robert Nyman</h5> <ul> <li>Web Developer Relations at Google</li> <li><img src="" alt="Profile picture of Robert" loading="lazy"></li> <li>Robert wants to make the web the best platform for developers and has always been heavily invested in the community and helping developers succeed. Prior to Google, Robert was a technical evangelist at Mozilla, focused on the Open Web and the company's various products and initiatives. He's a co-founder of Open Web Docs, lives in Stockholm, has a passion for traveling and meeting people, and has given presentations in 42 countries.</li> </ul> </team-member> <team-member> <h5 id="kyle_pflug">Kyle Pflug</h5> <ul> <li>Group Product Manager, Microsoft Edge</li> <li><img src="" alt="Profile picture of Kyle" loading="lazy"></li> <li>Kyle Pflug is a Group Product Manager in the Edge Web Platform team at Microsoft, where he leads developer advocacy and evangelism for all of Edge, as well as product management for the HTML, CSS, Composition, and Input areas in Microsoft Edge. Previously, Kyle has worked on the Edge platform for a decade, focused on advancing the web app platform, developer tools, and developer ecosystem engagements. He has worked to champion web developer and partner needs within Microsoft and across the industry. In addition to supporting the MDN Product Advisory Board, Kyle is a co-founder and Governing Committee member at Open Web Docs.</li> </ul> </team-member> <team-member> <h5 id="dominique_hazael-massieux">Dominique Hazael-Massieux</h5> <ul> <li>Web Technology Expert including Web, W3C</li> <li><img src="" alt="Profile picture of Dominique" loading="lazy"></li> <li>Dominique Hazael-Massieux is part of the W3C staff, leading W3C efforts in developer relations. Dom has been working for W3C since 2000, and in addition to dev rel, is currently involved in the standardization of WebRTC, WebNN and looking over the systemic impact of AI on the Web. Dom also sits on the W3C Board of Directors and on the Open Web Docs Governing Committee.</li> </ul> </team-member> <team-member> <h5 id="boaz_sender">Boaz Sender</h5> <ul> <li>Founding Principal, Bocoup</li> <li><img src="" alt="Profile picture of Boaz" loading="lazy"></li> <li>Boaz works on web platform strategy and product development at Bocoup with a specific focus on accessibility and privacy. He supports Bocoup’s work in web developer tools, standards, testing, and coalition building for the web platform, and builds web applications for Bocoup’s <a href="" class="external" target="_blank">Free Prototype Program</a>. Along with day-to-day work at Bocoup, Boaz is a member of the Web Platform Tests Interop Program, and serves on the <a href="" class="external" target="_blank">Design Justice Network</a> Steering Committee, and <a href="" class="external" target="_blank">Processing Foundation</a> Board of Advisors.</li> </ul> </team-member> <team-member> <h5 id="laura_morinigo">Laura Morinigo</h5> <ul> <li>Web Developer Advocate</li> <li><img src="" alt="Profile picture of Laura" loading="lazy"></li> <li>Laura is a software developer, advocate, and mentor, passionate about sharing her knowledge and connecting with tech communities worldwide. She has been recognized as a Google Developer Expert and a Woman Techmakers Ambassador for her contributions. As a mentor, she has supported startups in accelerator programs like Google Launchpad and the United Nations’ World Food Programme. Currently, Laura contributes to web standards and advocates for advanced web features, helping developers build more inclusive and impactful web applications.</li> </ul> </team-member> </div> <div> <h4 id="owd">OWD</h4> <p><a href="" class="external" target="_blank">Open Web Docs (OWD)</a>, an independent open source organization, is one of the most productive contributors to MDN Web Docs. OWD contributes as part of <a href="" class="external" target="_blank">their mission</a> to support “web platform documentation for the benefit of web developers &amp; designers worldwide.” The team at OWD has led or contributed to many projects to improve documentation on MDN. They're an invaluable partner in the day-to-day work of making MDN. Read more about OWD’s activities in their <a href="" class="external" target="_blank">2024 Impact and Transparency Report</a> and get continuous updates on their <a href="" class="external" target="_blank">Mastodon</a> account.</p> <team-member> <h5 id="florian_scholz">Florian Scholz</h5> <ul> <li>Director</li> <li><img src="" alt="Profile picture of Florian" loading="lazy"></li> <li><a href="" class="external" target="_blank">@Elchi3</a></li> <li>Florian Scholz is the Director of Open Web Docs. He began volunteer editing MDN as a teen in 2009 and previously worked at Mozilla as MDN's Lead Content Strategist, Technical Writer &amp; Documentation Engineer from 2013 until 2020. He's one of the creators of the browser compatibility data (BCD) project and it makes him happy <a href="" class="external" target="_blank">when open source projects collaborate</a>. He lives in Bremen, Germany; not Berlin. Other than submitting and reviewing PRs on GitHub, he enjoys listening to wave and post-punk music.</li> </ul> </team-member> <team-member> <h5 id="will_bamberg">Will Bamberg</h5> <ul> <li>Sr. Technical Writer and Documentation Engineer</li> <li><img src="" alt="Profile picture of Will" loading="lazy"></li> <li><a href="" class="external" target="_blank">@wbamberg</a></li> <li>Will Bamberg is a perfectionist and professional pedant who has been writing about the web for a long time, mostly on MDN. He enjoys learning about new aspects of the web platform and then turning that knowledge into accessible documentation. He believes that writing good documentation depends on understanding what it's like for someone who is learning something new or looking for the answer to their question.</li> </ul> </team-member> <team-member> <h5 id="estelle_weyl">Estelle Weyl</h5> <ul> <li>Sr. Technical Writer and Developer Advocate</li> <li><img src="" alt="Profile picture of Estelle" loading="lazy"></li> <li><a href="" class="external" target="_blank">@estelle</a></li> <li>Estelle Weyl is a Sr. Technical Writer and Developer Advocate on the Open Web Docs team. She is a frontend engineer , writing CSS, JS and HTML since 1999. Estelle has always been a web standardista, advocating for a free, accessible, and performant web. Estelle has been documenting and teaching web standards since 2007, writing numerous books, blogs, and tutorials. She’s typing with her cat (who thinks he's a dog) and dog (who thinks she's a cat) in San Francisco.</li> </ul> </team-member> <team-member> <h5 id="queen_vinyl_da.igyu-kazotetsu">Queen Vinyl Da.i'gyu-Kazotetsu</h5> <ul> <li>Compat Data Engineer</li> <li><img src="" alt="Profile picture of Vinyl" loading="lazy"></li> <li><a href="" class="external" target="_blank">@queengooborg</a></li> <li>Vinyl works for Open Web Docs leading the browser compatibility data (BCD) project that millions of developers around the world rely on. Previously a contractor at Google and Mozilla and a long-time BCD community member, Vinyl has a lot of experience with compatibility on the open web. She was already the number #1 contributor to the BCD repository before officially joining our team! When she's not submitting pull requests to BCD, she's usually slicing blocks to the music in Beat Saber or staffing at various conventions across the globe.</li> </ul> </team-member> </div></div></div></section><section aria-labelledby="global_impact"><h2 id="global_impact"><a href="#global_impact">Global impact</a></h2><div class="section-content"><p>Serving over 15 million users monthly from around the globe, MDN connects developers with the tools and information they need to easily build projects on the open web.</p> <ul> <li> <p><strong>Educational influence:</strong> Our resources are integral to many coding bootcamps and university courses worldwide.</p> </li> <li> <p><strong>Trusted reference:</strong> Platforms like freeCodeCamp and Codecademy frequently link to MDN articles as authoritative references.</p> </li> <li> <p><strong>Industry standard:</strong> Tools like caniuse leverage <a href="" class="external" target="_blank">MDN’s browser compatibility data</a> for up-to-date information on web feature support across browsers.</p> </li> <li> <p><strong>Collaborative partnerships:</strong> We work closely with partners such as <a href="" class="external" target="_blank">Open Web Docs</a>, <a href="" class="external" target="_blank">Microsoft</a>, <a href="" class="external" target="_blank">Google</a>, <a href="" class="external" target="_blank">Igalia</a>, <a href="" class="external" target="_blank">W3C</a>, and others to drive web innovation and serve the common good.</p> </li> </ul></div></section><section aria-labelledby="join_us_in_building_a_better_web"><h2 id="join_us_in_building_a_better_web"><a href="#join_us_in_building_a_better_web">Join us in building a better web</a></h2><div class="section-content"><p>Be a part of our mission to foster innovation and inclusivity on the web. <a href="/en-US/docs/MDN/Community/Getting_started">Start contributing today</a> and make a lasting impact on the global developer community.</p></div></section></main></div><footer id="nav-footer" class="page-footer"><div class="page-footer-grid"><div class="page-footer-logo-col"><a href="/" class="mdn-footer-logo" aria-label="MDN homepage"><svg width="48" height="17" viewBox="0 0 48 17" fill="none" xmlns=""><title id="mdn-footer-logo-svg">MDN logo</title><path d="M20.04 16.512H15.504V10.416C15.504 9.488 15.344 8.824 15.024 8.424C14.72 8.024 14.264 7.824 13.656 7.824C12.92 7.824 12.384 8.064 12.048 8.544C11.728 9.024 11.568 9.64 11.568 10.392V14.184H13.008V16.512H8.472V10.416C8.472 9.488 8.312 8.824 7.992 8.424C7.688 8.024 7.232 7.824 6.624 7.824C5.872 7.824 5.336 8.064 5.016 8.544C4.696 9.024 4.536 9.64 4.536 10.392V14.184H6.6V16.512H0V14.184H1.44V8.04H0.024V5.688H4.536V7.32C5.224 6.088 6.32 5.472 7.824 5.472C8.608 5.472 9.328 5.664 9.984 6.048C10.64 6.432 11.096 7.016 11.352 7.8C11.992 6.248 13.168 5.472 14.88 5.472C15.856 5.472 16.72 5.776 17.472 6.384C18.224 6.992 18.6 7.936 18.6 9.216V14.184H20.04V16.512Z" 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Content available under<!-- --> <a href="/en-US/docs/MDN/Writing_guidelines/Attrib_copyright_license">a Creative Commons license</a>.</p></div></div></footer></div><script type="application/json" id="hydration">{"url":"/en-US/about","hyData":{"sections":[{"type":"prose","value":{"id":null,"title":null,"isH3":false,"content":"<h1 id=\"about_mdn\">About MDN</h1>\n<p>Empowering developers worldwide to build a better, open web</p>\n<ul>\n<li><strong>45K</strong> Pages of content</li>\n<li><strong>7</strong> Languages</li>\n<li><strong>46M</strong> Monthly pageviews</li>\n</ul>"}},{"type":"prose","value":{"id":"who_we_are","title":"Who we are","isH3":false,"content":"<p>MDN is an open-source, collaborative project owned by Mozilla Corporation and\ndeveloped by Mozilla, in partnership with a global community of volunteers and\npartners. Mozilla’s MDN team leads the platform’s development, content strategy,\nand overall direction, while <a href=\"/en-US/community\">the community</a> actively\ncontributes to content creation, translations, and browser compatibility\nimprovements, ensuring MDN remains a vital and evolving resource for all.</p>"}},{"type":"prose","value":{"id":"what_we_offer","title":"What we offer","isH3":true,"content":"<ul>\n<li>\n<h4 id=\"mdn_web_docs\">MDN Web Docs</h4>\n<p>Your comprehensive resource for web development documentation, covering\neverything from <a href=\"/en-US/docs/Web/CSS\">CSS</a>, <a href=\"/en-US/docs/Web/HTML\">HTML</a>,\n<a href=\"/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript\">JavaScript</a>, <a href=\"/en-US/docs/Web/API\">Web APIs</a>, and\nother web technologies.</p>\n</li>\n<li>\n<h4 id=\"mdn_learn\">MDN Learn</h4>\n<p>Ideal for beginners, MDN Learn offers <a href=\"/en-US/docs/Learn_web_development\">guides</a> and a\nstructured <a href=\"/en-US/curriculum/\">curriculum</a> to kickstart your web development\njourney. Enhance your learning with interactive courses from our partner,\n<a href=\"\" class=\"external\" target=\"_blank\">Scrimba</a>.</p>\n</li>\n<li>\n<h4 id=\"mdn_blog\">MDN Blog</h4>\n<p>Stay updated with the latest in web development. <a href=\"/en-US/blog/\">Our blog</a>\nfeatures updates, tips, tutorials from web experts, MDN announcements, and\ncurated sponsored content.</p>\n</li>\n<li>\n<h4 id=\"mdn_plus\">MDN Plus</h4>\n<p>Experience a personalized MDN with our premium subscription service. Enjoy\nfeatures like <a href=\"/en-US/plus/ai-help\">AI-powered assistance</a> and\n<a href=\"/en-US/plus/collections\">Collections</a> to streamline your workflow.</p>\n</li>\n<li>\n<h4 id=\"mdn_tools\">MDN Tools</h4>\n<p>Experiment and learn with tools like <a href=\"/en-US/play\">Playground</a> for live coding\nand <a href=\"/en-US/observatory\">HTTP Observatory</a> for analyzing website security,\ndesigned to enhance your development experience.</p>\n</li>\n</ul>"}},{"type":"prose","value":{"id":"our_journey","title":"Our journey","isH3":true,"content":"<p>From our beginnings to becoming the go-to resource for web developers worldwide,\nhere's how we've evolved:</p>\n<ul>\n<li>\n<h4 id=\"2005\">2005</h4>\n<p>Launched as\n<a href=\"\" class=\"external\" target=\"_blank\">DevMo by Mozilla</a>,\na community-driven wiki dedicated to documenting open web standards.</p>\n<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"Screenshot of MDN homepage from January 2005\" loading=\"lazy\"></p>\n</li>\n<li>\n<h4 id=\"2010\">2010</h4>\n<p>Rebranded as\n<a href=\"\" class=\"external\" target=\"_blank\">Mozilla Developer Network (MDN)</a>,\nreinforcing our commitment to the developer community.</p>\n<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"Screenshot of MDN homepage from September 2010\" loading=\"lazy\"></p>\n</li>\n<li>\n<h4 id=\"2017\">2017</h4>\n<p>Achieved a milestone when major tech companies began contributing and\nsupporting web documentation on our platform, solidifying MDN as the central\nhub for web development knowledge.</p>\n</li>\n<li>\n<h4 id=\"2020\">2020</h4>\n<p>Transitioned from its wiki-based origins to a modern,\n<a href=\"\" class=\"external\" target=\"_blank\">GitHub-hosted project</a> with the launch of Yari,\nmodernizing our infrastructure and workflows.</p>\n<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"Screenshot of MDN homepage from October 2020\" loading=\"lazy\"></p>\n</li>\n<li>\n<h4 id=\"2022\">2022</h4>\n<p>Unveiled a\n<a href=\"\" class=\"external\" target=\"_blank\">major redesign</a> and\nintroduced\n<a href=\"\" class=\"external\" target=\"_blank\">MDN Plus</a>,\noffering personalized features for an enhanced user experience.</p>\n<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"Screenshot of MDN homepage from April 2022\" loading=\"lazy\"></p>\n</li>\n<li>\n<h4 id=\"20232024\">2023/2024</h4>\n<p>Launched new tools, including Playground for coding experiments, AI Help for\neasier content discovery, and HTTP Observatory for website security scans. We\nalso introduced a Blog to cover interesting topics beyond MDN’s core focus,\nand a Curriculum to provide a structured approach to learning web development.</p>\n</li>\n</ul>\n<h4 id=\"discover_more\">Discover more</h4>\n<p>We had fun exploring the\n<a href=\"*/\" class=\"external\" target=\"_blank\">internet archives</a>\nand putting together a fast-forward trip through our transformation!</p>\n<mdn-image-history>\n<ul>\n<li><img src=\"\" alt=\"Screenshot of MDN homepage from August 2004\" loading=\"lazy\"></li>\n<li><img src=\"\" alt=\"Screenshot of MDN homepage from September 2004\" loading=\"lazy\"></li>\n<li><img src=\"\" alt=\"Screenshot of MDN homepage from January 2005\" loading=\"lazy\"></li>\n<li><img src=\"\" alt=\"Screenshot of MDN homepage from October 2005\" loading=\"lazy\"></li>\n<li><img src=\"\" alt=\"Screenshot of MDN homepage from September 2008\" loading=\"lazy\"></li>\n<li><img src=\"\" alt=\"Screenshot of MDN homepage from May 2010\" loading=\"lazy\"></li>\n<li><img src=\"\" alt=\"Screenshot of MDN homepage from September 2010\" loading=\"lazy\"></li>\n<li><img src=\"\" alt=\"Screenshot of MDN homepage from June 2011\" loading=\"lazy\"></li>\n<li><img src=\"\" alt=\"Screenshot of MDN homepage from May 2013\" loading=\"lazy\"></li>\n<li><img src=\"\" alt=\"Screenshot of MDN homepage from January 2014\" loading=\"lazy\"></li>\n<li><img src=\"\" alt=\"Screenshot of MDN homepage from April 2015\" loading=\"lazy\"></li>\n<li><img src=\"\" alt=\"Screenshot of MDN homepage from September 2017\" loading=\"lazy\"></li>\n<li><img src=\"\" alt=\"Screenshot of MDN homepage from January 2020\" loading=\"lazy\"></li>\n<li><img src=\"\" alt=\"Screenshot of MDN homepage from March 2021\" loading=\"lazy\"></li>\n<li><img src=\"\" alt=\"Screenshot of MDN homepage from August 2021\" loading=\"lazy\"></li>\n<li><img src=\"\" alt=\"Screenshot of MDN homepage from March 2022\" loading=\"lazy\"></li>\n<li><img src=\"\" alt=\"Screenshot of MDN homepage from April 2022\" loading=\"lazy\"></li>\n<li><img src=\"\" alt=\"Screenshot of MDN homepage from May 2022\" loading=\"lazy\"></li>\n</ul>\n</mdn-image-history>"}},{"type":"prose","value":{"id":"our_core_values","title":"Our core values","isH3":true,"content":"<ul>\n<li>\n<h4 id=\"accurate_and_reliable\">Accurate and reliable</h4>\n<p>MDN is built on the fundamental principle of accuracy, which has established\nit as the trusted source of web documentation globally. We are committed to\nproviding expertly curated and rigorously reviewed content to maintain the\nhighest standards of quality and accuracy. Our dedication is backed by the\nbest developer community in the world—a passionate group of contributors who\nhelp us enhance and refine our documentation. We welcome the knowledge and\nexperience of our diverse developer community to ensure that millions of users\ncan rely on MDN daily for up-to-date and accurate information.</p>\n</li>\n<li>\n<h4 id=\"collaborative_and_community-driven\">Collaborative and community-driven</h4>\n<p>MDN is a Mozilla project that is powered by its global community. We are a\ndiverse group of developers, writers, and technologists working together to\nbuild resources for a better web. Our open-source approach welcomes\ncontributions from anyone. Each of the individuals who have\ncontributed over the past decades has strengthened MDN. Through our GitHub\nrepository, contributors can make changes and get their work reviewed and\nintegrated into MDN’s content.</p>\n</li>\n<li>\n<h4 id=\"inclusive_and_dynamic\">Inclusive and dynamic</h4>\n<p>MDN is committed to providing documentation for a wide range of web\ntechnologies while continuously adapting to the changing landscape of web\ndevelopment. We strive to create content that’s relevant and valuable to\ndevelopers working across different browsers and platforms. We are dedicated\nto regularly updating our resources to reflect the latest standards and best\npractices, helping developers stay current in a rapidly changing field.</p>\n</li>\n<li>\n<h4 id=\"our_mission\">Our mission</h4>\n<p>At MDN, our mission is to provide developers with the resources they need to\ncreate innovative and accessible web experiences. We offer a free,\nhigh-quality, and comprehensive platform that includes documentation on\nessential web technologies like <a href=\"/en-US/docs/Web/CSS\">CSS</a>,\n<a href=\"/en-US/docs/Web/HTML\">HTML</a>, <a href=\"/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript\">JavaScript</a>, and\n<a href=\"/en-US/docs/Web/API\">Web APIs</a>. Our <a href=\"/en-US/docs/Learn_web_development\">learning materials</a>\nare tailored for a diverse audience—from beginners and students to professors\nteaching web development.</p>\n</li>\n</ul>"}},{"type":"prose","value":{"id":"our_team","title":"Our team","isH3":true,"content":"<p>From technical writers and engineers to product and community managers, we are a\ndiverse group dedicated to driving MDN’s mission, growth, and success. Get to\nknow the people behind MDN and discover what motivates us to keep you at the\nforefront of web development!</p>\n<team-member>\n<h4 id=\"hermina_condei\">Hermina Condei</h4>\n<ul>\n<li>Senior Director</li>\n<li><img src=\"\" alt=\"Profile picture of Hermina\" loading=\"lazy\"></li>\n<li><a href=\"\" class=\"external\" target=\"_blank\">@HerminaC</a></li>\n<li>Hermina lives in Paris. She joined Mozilla in 2013 and has been leading the\nMDN team since 2022. She manages the product, engineering, and technical\nwriters groups, while also presiding over the <a href=\"#pab\">Product Advisory Board</a> for\nMDN. With a background in product management, Hermina is responsible for\nsetting the strategic direction of the website and enjoys getting involved in\nday-to-day operations whenever she can. Hermina loves spending time with her\nfamily and reading.</li>\n</ul>\n</team-member>\n<team-member>\n<h4 id=\"ruth_john\">Ruth John</h4>\n<ul>\n<li>Senior Manager</li>\n<li><img src=\"\" alt=\"Profile picture of Ruth\" loading=\"lazy\"></li>\n<li><a href=\"\" class=\"external\" target=\"_blank\">@Rumyra</a></li>\n<li>Based in the UK, Ruth has been working on MDN since 2017. Starting out as a\ncontracting technical writer documenting fun Web APIs, she joined the team\nfull-time in 2021 and now heads up the content and community teams. She has\nalways been a big supporter of the web platform due to her long experience as\na front-end developer and cares deeply about the accuracy and usefulness of\nMDN for its developer audience. In her spare time, you can find her walking\nher dog Yoshi or in her studio, where she enjoys sewing, sculpting, painting,\nand anything else that takes her away from a screen.</li>\n</ul>\n</team-member>\n<team-member>\n<h4 id=\"florian_dieminger\">Florian Dieminger</h4>\n<ul>\n<li>Senior Engineering Manager</li>\n<li><img src=\"\" alt=\"Profile picture of Florian\" loading=\"lazy\"></li>\n<li><a href=\"\" class=\"external\" target=\"_blank\">@fiji-flo</a></li>\n<li>A Berlin resident and a long-time Mozilian, Florian was an active community\nmember before he joined the Mozilla staff in 2018. His passion for the web\nspans across front-end, back-end, browser-engine and anything in-between. He\nis a nerd outside of work too and is rediscovering online gaming. He loves\nspending time with his family.</li>\n</ul>\n</team-member>\n<team-member>\n<h4 id=\"dipika_bhattacharya\">Dipika Bhattacharya</h4>\n<ul>\n<li>Staff Technical Writer</li>\n<li><img src=\"\" alt=\"Profile picture of Dipika\" loading=\"lazy\"></li>\n<li><a href=\"\" class=\"external\" target=\"_blank\">@dipikabh</a></li>\n<li>Dipika works out of Toronto. She joined the MDN team in 2022, bringing her\nbackground in instructional design to the role. She is passionate about\ndelivering clear and concise documentation to make complex concepts easy to\nunderstand, paying special attention to how information is organized and\npresented. She cares about improving the clarity, usability, and\ndiscoverability of MDN’s documentation. Outside of work, she loves exploring\nthe city, discovering unique coffee shops, and trying different cuisines.</li>\n</ul>\n</team-member>\n<team-member>\n<h4 id=\"vadim_makeev\">Vadim Makeev</h4>\n<ul>\n<li>Staff Technical Writer</li>\n<li><img src=\"\" alt=\"Profile picture of Vadim\" loading=\"lazy\"></li>\n<li><a href=\"\" class=\"external\" target=\"_blank\">@pepelsbey</a></li>\n<li>Based in Berlin, Vadim has been working on MDN since 2023. He combines his\nprevious experience as a front-end developer with a deep passion for browsers\nand the web platform. Before joining Mozilla, he worked as a DevRel for the\nOpera browser, authored front-end courses, and was also involved in organizing\nconferences and meetups. In his spare time, he goes on bikepacking trips,\nhangs out on punk gigs, and records podcasts and videos in his home studio.</li>\n</ul>\n</team-member>\n<team-member>\n<h4 id=\"brian_smith\">Brian Smith</h4>\n<ul>\n<li>Staff Technical Writer</li>\n<li><img src=\"\" alt=\"Profile picture of Brian\" loading=\"lazy\"></li>\n<li><a href=\"\" class=\"external\" target=\"_blank\">@bsmth</a></li>\n<li>Brian has been with MDN since 2022. He lives in Berlin. With around 20 years\nof experience hacking on web technologies and working full-time as a technical\nwriter since 2016, Brian is passionate about open-source software and writing\ndocs that make complex concepts fun and easy to grasp for people of all\nlevels. Before joining Mozilla, Brian worked on a TypeScript-like language\nspecification, a time series database, and REST API documentation for cloud\nservices. Outside of work, he enjoys exploring new European destinations with\nfamily, discovering local coffee shops, and using music gear as long as it\ndoesn't have a screen.</li>\n</ul>\n</team-member>\n<team-member>\n<h4 id=\"dave_letorey\">Dave Letorey</h4>\n<ul>\n<li>\n<p>Technical Writer</p>\n</li>\n<li>\n<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"Profile picture of Dave\" loading=\"lazy\"></p>\n</li>\n<li>\n<p><a href=\"\" class=\"external\" target=\"_blank\">@dletorey</a></p>\n</li>\n<li>\n<p>Based in London, UK, Dave has been with MDN since 2022 where he's been focused\non Firefox release documentation, particularly HTML, CSS and SVG updates. He's\npassionate about web standards, accessibility, performance and digital\ninclusion. He is constantly learning about new web technologies and standards.</p>\n<p>Outside of work he loves live music and tries to attend as many gigs and music\nfestivals as he can. He particularly loves post-punk, indie, house and techno.\nHe also attends many conferences and meetups and is an organizer of\n<a href=\"\" class=\"external\" target=\"_blank\">London Web Standards</a> &amp;\n<a href=\"\" class=\"external\" target=\"_blank\">State of the Browser</a>. He also has a large\ncollection of red hats, so is easy to spot in the wild. He is never happier\nthan when in a field with his friends.</p>\n</li>\n</ul>\n</team-member>\n<team-member>\n<h4 id=\"chris_mills\">Chris Mills</h4>\n<ul>\n<li>Technical Writer and Product Strategist</li>\n<li><img src=\"\" alt=\"Profile picture of Chris\" loading=\"lazy\"></li>\n<li><a href=\"\" class=\"external\" target=\"_blank\">@chrisdavidmills</a></li>\n<li>Based in Greenfield, UK, Chris has been part of MDN since 2013, initially as a\ntechnical writer and then as the writers' team lead until 2021. He came back\non board as a contractor in 2022 to document new technologies and contribute\nto various MDN products and initiatives. Chris loves tinkering with CSS and\nJavaScript and is passionate about accessibility and semantics. Outside work,\nhe is obsessed with loud, heavy music, and plays drums and guitar. He enjoys\ncycling, country walks, and spending time with his wife and three awesome\nkids.</li>\n</ul>\n</team-member>\n<team-member>\n<h4 id=\"hamish_willee\">Hamish Willee</h4>\n<ul>\n<li>Technical Writer</li>\n<li><img src=\"\" alt=\"Profile picture of Hamish\" loading=\"lazy\"></li>\n<li><a href=\"\" class=\"external\" target=\"_blank\">@hamishwillee</a></li>\n<li>Based in Melbourne, Australia, Hamish has been with MDN since 2014, initially\non short-term contracts for various projects. From 2020, he’s been focused on\nFirefox release documentation, particularly Web API and HTTP updates, while\nalso contributing to other aspects of the open-source project. He’s passionate\nabout efficient processes that maximize time for creating clear, concise, and\nmaintainable documentation. Hamish values that his writing reaches thousands\nof developers and enjoys working with the diverse community to make expert\nknowledge accessible to everyone in a clear format. Outside work, he brews\nbeer, reads science fiction and fantasy, enjoys running, and likes drones.</li>\n</ul>\n</team-member>\n<team-member>\n<h4 id=\"andi_pieper\">Andi Pieper</h4>\n<ul>\n<li>Staff Software Engineer</li>\n<li><img src=\"\" alt=\"Profile picture of Andi\" loading=\"lazy\"></li>\n<li><a href=\"\" class=\"external\" target=\"_blank\">@argl</a></li>\n<li>Andi lives in Berlin. He joined the MDN team in 2023. He is focused on keeping\nup the high quality of MDN and ensuring that it remains an accessible,\ncompetent, and friendly help for anyone concerned with the web, regardless of\ntheir level of expertise. Growing up with the internet of the 90s, Andi has\nworked on a multitude of projects on the web over the years, occasionally\nveering off into desktop and mobile development. Apart from his daytime\nobligations, he enjoys creating organized noise.</li>\n</ul>\n</team-member>\n<team-member>\n<h4 id=\"claas_augner\">Claas Augner</h4>\n<ul>\n<li>Senior Software Engineer</li>\n<li><img src=\"\" alt=\"Profile picture of Class\" loading=\"lazy\"></li>\n<li><a href=\"\" class=\"external\" target=\"_blank\">@caugner</a></li>\n<li>Based in Paris, Claas has been working as a Software Engineer in the MDN team\nsince 2022. He is passionate about clean code and continuous improvement. He\nenjoys entertaining (the team), and maintaining (the platform). Outside of\nwork, he loves baking rye sourdough breads and playing cooperative board\ngames.</li>\n</ul>\n</team-member>\n<team-member>\n<h4 id=\"leo_mcardle\">Leo McArdle</h4>\n<ul>\n<li>Senior Software Engineer</li>\n<li><img src=\"\" alt=\"Profile picture of Leo\" loading=\"lazy\"></li>\n<li><a href=\"\" class=\"external\" target=\"_blank\">@LeoMcA</a></li>\n<li>A London-based long-term Mozilla contributor, Leo has been working on MDN\nsince 2022 and volunteering for Mozilla since around 2008. As a self-taught\ndeveloper, largely through MDN, he cares about making the website discoverable\nand functional for everyone. In his free time, he can be found cycling around\nthe city, photographing panoramas, or watching almost every sport imaginable,\nfrom cricket to karting.</li>\n</ul>\n</team-member>\n<team-member>\n<h4 id=\"pranshu_khanna\">Pranshu Khanna</h4>\n<ul>\n<li>Staff Community Manager</li>\n<li><img src=\"\" alt=\"Profile picture of Pranshu\" loading=\"lazy\"></li>\n<li><a href=\"\" class=\"external\" target=\"_blank\">@pransh15</a></li>\n<li>Pranshu has been a long-term contributor to Mozilla as a Rep. Based in Berlin,\nhe joined the MDN team in 2024. He works on moderating, growing and managing\nMDN’s awesome community. Pranshu is passionate about building a healthy and\ninclusive community for developers and helping them build better. Before\nworking at Mozilla, Pranshu gained extensive experience in growing developer\ncommunities for startups, organizing conferences like GraphQL Conf. 2021 &amp;\n2022, and running global programs for devs and students around AI, Web, and\nDevOps. In his free time, he likes to play football in any form - physical,\ndigital, and fantasy.</li>\n</ul>\n</team-member>\n<team-member>\n<h4 id=\"anuja_rajput\">Anuja Rajput</h4>\n<ul>\n<li>Senior User Experience Designer</li>\n<li><img src=\"\" alt=\"Profile picture of Anuja\" loading=\"lazy\"></li>\n<li><a href=\"\" class=\"external\" target=\"_blank\">@AnujaRajput727</a></li>\n<li>Located in London, Anuja has been a part of the MDN team since 2023. With over\n8 years of experience, she has passionately contributed to various phases of\nproduct development, including design, business analysis, and testing. She is\nempathetic and deeply cares about understanding users' perspectives and pain\npoints. She combines her work experience with her creative skills to enhance\nher UX designs. In her free time, she enjoys painting, sketching, and travel\nsketching.</li>\n</ul>\n</team-member>\n<team-member>\n<h4 id=\"sonal_sood\">Sonal Sood</h4>\n<ul>\n<li>Senior Product Manager</li>\n<li><img src=\"\" alt=\"Profile picture of Sonal\" loading=\"lazy\"></li>\n<li><a href=\"\" class=\"external\" target=\"_blank\">@s-sood</a></li>\n<li>Sonal lives in Berlin. She has been with MDN since 2022. As a product manager,\nshe is adept at identifying and prioritizing features that truly meet users'\nneeds. With a strong background in data analysis and product management, she\nis always focused on delivering valuable and impactful products that make a\ndifference. In her free time, Sonal enjoys cycling, running, and practicing\nyoga.</li>\n</ul>\n</team-member>\n<team-member>\n<h4 id=\"miruna_curtean\">Miruna Curtean</h4>\n<ul>\n<li>Quality Assurance</li>\n<li><img src=\"\" alt=\"Profile picture of Miruna\" loading=\"lazy\"></li>\n<li><a href=\"\" class=\"external\" target=\"_blank\">@mirunacurtean</a></li>\n<li>Miruna calls Cluj-Napoca, Romania home. Contracting with Mozilla since 2019,\nshe worked on Firefox Add-ons and Mozilla Support before switching to MDN\nin 2022. She focuses on analyzing requirements and community issues, building\ncomprehensive test bases, and ensuring delivered features meet requirements.\nBefore Mozilla, she worked in game development and e-commerce but found\ngreater joy in website development, particularly inspired by its community\naspect. Outside of work, Miruna enjoys story-based entertainment including\nbooks, movies, shows, anime, and podcasts.</li>\n</ul>\n</team-member>"}},{"type":"prose","value":{"id":"our_partners","title":"Our partners","isH3":true,"content":"<div>\n<h4 id=\"pab\">PAB</h4>\n<team-member>\n<h5 id=\"rachel_andrew\">Rachel Andrew</h5>\n<ul>\n<li>Content Lead at Google</li>\n<li><img src=\"\" alt=\"Profile picture of Rachel\" loading=\"lazy\"></li>\n<li>Rachel has been working on the web as a developer since 1996 and writing about web development for almost as long. She now works for Google as Content Lead for Chrome Developer Relations, owning the content strategy of <a href=\"\" class=\"external\" target=\"_blank\"></a> and <a href=\"\" class=\"external\" target=\"_blank\"></a>, and is also a lead on the Baseline project. Rachel is a CSS Working Group member and specification editor, and in the past has been a contributor to MDN as a contractor for Mozilla and for Google.\nPhoto © Drew McLellan.</li>\n</ul>\n</team-member>\n<team-member>\n<h5 id=\"robert_nyman\">Robert Nyman</h5>\n<ul>\n<li>Web Developer Relations at Google</li>\n<li><img src=\"\" alt=\"Profile picture of Robert\" loading=\"lazy\"></li>\n<li>Robert wants to make the web the best platform for developers and has always been heavily invested in the community and helping developers succeed. Prior to Google, Robert was a technical evangelist at Mozilla, focused on the Open Web and the company's various products and initiatives. He's a co-founder of Open Web Docs, lives in Stockholm, has a passion for traveling and meeting people, and has given presentations in 42 countries.</li>\n</ul>\n</team-member>\n<team-member>\n<h5 id=\"kyle_pflug\">Kyle Pflug</h5>\n<ul>\n<li>Group Product Manager, Microsoft Edge</li>\n<li><img src=\"\" alt=\"Profile picture of Kyle\" loading=\"lazy\"></li>\n<li>Kyle Pflug is a Group Product Manager in the Edge Web Platform team at Microsoft, where he leads developer advocacy and evangelism for all of Edge, as well as product management for the HTML, CSS, Composition, and Input areas in Microsoft Edge. Previously, Kyle has worked on the Edge platform for a decade, focused on advancing the web app platform, developer tools, and developer ecosystem engagements. He has worked to champion web developer and partner needs within Microsoft and across the industry. In addition to supporting the MDN Product Advisory Board, Kyle is a co-founder and Governing Committee member at Open Web Docs.</li>\n</ul>\n</team-member>\n<team-member>\n<h5 id=\"dominique_hazael-massieux\">Dominique Hazael-Massieux</h5>\n<ul>\n<li>Web Technology Expert including Web, W3C</li>\n<li><img src=\"\" alt=\"Profile picture of Dominique\" loading=\"lazy\"></li>\n<li>Dominique Hazael-Massieux is part of the W3C staff, leading W3C\nefforts in developer relations. Dom has been working for W3C since 2000,\nand in addition to dev rel, is currently involved in the standardization\nof WebRTC, WebNN and looking over the systemic impact of AI on the Web.\nDom also sits on the W3C Board of Directors and on the Open Web Docs\nGoverning Committee.</li>\n</ul>\n</team-member>\n<team-member>\n<h5 id=\"boaz_sender\">Boaz Sender</h5>\n<ul>\n<li>Founding Principal, Bocoup</li>\n<li><img src=\"\" alt=\"Profile picture of Boaz\" loading=\"lazy\"></li>\n<li>Boaz works on web platform strategy and product development at Bocoup with a specific focus on accessibility and privacy. He supports Bocoup’s work in web developer tools, standards, testing, and coalition building for the web platform, and builds web applications for Bocoup’s <a href=\"\" class=\"external\" target=\"_blank\">Free Prototype Program</a>. Along with day-to-day work at Bocoup, Boaz is a member of the Web Platform Tests Interop Program, and serves on the <a href=\"\" class=\"external\" target=\"_blank\">Design Justice Network</a> Steering Committee, and <a href=\"\" class=\"external\" target=\"_blank\">Processing Foundation</a> Board of Advisors.</li>\n</ul>\n</team-member>\n<team-member>\n<h5 id=\"laura_morinigo\">Laura Morinigo</h5>\n<ul>\n<li>Web Developer Advocate</li>\n<li><img src=\"\" alt=\"Profile picture of Laura\" loading=\"lazy\"></li>\n<li>Laura is a software developer, advocate, and mentor, passionate about sharing her knowledge and connecting with tech communities worldwide. She has been recognized as a Google Developer Expert and a Woman Techmakers Ambassador for her contributions. As a mentor, she has supported startups in accelerator programs like Google Launchpad and the United Nations’ World Food Programme. Currently, Laura contributes to web standards and advocates for advanced web features, helping developers build more inclusive and impactful web applications.</li>\n</ul>\n</team-member>\n</div>\n<div>\n<h4 id=\"owd\">OWD</h4>\n<p><a href=\"\" class=\"external\" target=\"_blank\">Open Web Docs (OWD)</a>, an independent open source organization, is one of the most productive contributors to MDN Web Docs. OWD contributes as part of <a href=\"\" class=\"external\" target=\"_blank\">their mission</a> to support “web platform documentation for the benefit of web developers &amp; designers worldwide.” The team at OWD has led or contributed to many projects to improve documentation on MDN. They're an invaluable partner in the day-to-day work of making MDN. Read more about OWD’s activities in their <a href=\"\" class=\"external\" target=\"_blank\">2024 Impact and Transparency Report</a> and get continuous updates on their <a href=\"\" class=\"external\" target=\"_blank\">Mastodon</a> account.</p>\n<team-member>\n<h5 id=\"florian_scholz\">Florian Scholz</h5>\n<ul>\n<li>Director</li>\n<li><img src=\"\" alt=\"Profile picture of Florian\" loading=\"lazy\"></li>\n<li><a href=\"\" class=\"external\" target=\"_blank\">@Elchi3</a></li>\n<li>Florian Scholz is the Director of Open Web Docs. He began volunteer editing MDN as a teen in 2009 and previously worked at Mozilla as MDN's Lead Content Strategist, Technical Writer &amp; Documentation Engineer from 2013 until 2020. He's one of the creators of the browser compatibility data (BCD) project and it makes him happy <a href=\"\" class=\"external\" target=\"_blank\">when open source projects collaborate</a>. He lives in Bremen, Germany; not Berlin. Other than submitting and reviewing PRs on GitHub, he enjoys listening to wave and post-punk music.</li>\n</ul>\n</team-member>\n<team-member>\n<h5 id=\"will_bamberg\">Will Bamberg</h5>\n<ul>\n<li>Sr. Technical Writer and Documentation Engineer</li>\n<li><img src=\"\" alt=\"Profile picture of Will\" loading=\"lazy\"></li>\n<li><a href=\"\" class=\"external\" target=\"_blank\">@wbamberg</a></li>\n<li>Will Bamberg is a perfectionist and professional pedant who has been writing about the web for a long time, mostly on MDN. He enjoys learning about new aspects of the web platform and then turning that knowledge into accessible documentation. He believes that writing good documentation depends on understanding what it's like for someone who is learning something new or looking for the answer to their question.</li>\n</ul>\n</team-member>\n<team-member>\n<h5 id=\"estelle_weyl\">Estelle Weyl</h5>\n<ul>\n<li>Sr. Technical Writer and Developer Advocate</li>\n<li><img src=\"\" alt=\"Profile picture of Estelle\" loading=\"lazy\"></li>\n<li><a href=\"\" class=\"external\" target=\"_blank\">@estelle</a></li>\n<li>Estelle Weyl is a Sr. Technical Writer and Developer Advocate on the Open Web Docs team. She is a frontend engineer , writing CSS, JS and HTML since 1999. Estelle has always been a web standardista, advocating for a free, accessible, and performant web. Estelle has been documenting and teaching web standards since 2007, writing numerous books, blogs, and tutorials. She’s typing with her cat (who thinks he's a dog) and dog (who thinks she's a cat) in San Francisco.</li>\n</ul>\n</team-member>\n<team-member>\n<h5 id=\"queen_vinyl_da.igyu-kazotetsu\">Queen Vinyl Da.i'gyu-Kazotetsu</h5>\n<ul>\n<li>Compat Data Engineer</li>\n<li><img src=\"\" alt=\"Profile picture of Vinyl\" loading=\"lazy\"></li>\n<li><a href=\"\" class=\"external\" target=\"_blank\">@queengooborg</a></li>\n<li>Vinyl works for Open Web Docs leading the browser compatibility data (BCD) project that millions of developers around the world rely on. Previously a contractor at Google and Mozilla and a long-time BCD community member, Vinyl has a lot of experience with compatibility on the open web. She was already the number #1 contributor to the BCD repository before officially joining our team! When she's not submitting pull requests to BCD, she's usually slicing blocks to the music in Beat Saber or staffing at various conventions across the globe.</li>\n</ul>\n</team-member>\n</div>"}},{"type":"prose","value":{"id":"global_impact","title":"Global impact","isH3":false,"content":"<p>Serving over 15 million users monthly from around the globe, MDN connects\ndevelopers with the tools and information they need to easily build projects on\nthe open web.</p>\n<ul>\n<li>\n<p><strong>Educational influence:</strong> Our resources are integral to many coding bootcamps and\nuniversity courses worldwide.</p>\n</li>\n<li>\n<p><strong>Trusted reference:</strong> Platforms like freeCodeCamp and Codecademy frequently link\nto MDN articles as authoritative references.</p>\n</li>\n<li>\n<p><strong>Industry standard:</strong> Tools like caniuse leverage\n<a href=\"\" class=\"external\" target=\"_blank\">MDN’s browser compatibility data</a>\nfor up-to-date information on web feature support across browsers.</p>\n</li>\n<li>\n<p><strong>Collaborative partnerships:</strong> We work closely with partners such as\n<a href=\"\" class=\"external\" target=\"_blank\">Open Web Docs</a>,\n<a href=\"\" class=\"external\" target=\"_blank\">Microsoft</a>,\n<a href=\"\" class=\"external\" target=\"_blank\">Google</a>, <a href=\"\" class=\"external\" target=\"_blank\">Igalia</a>,\n<a href=\"\" class=\"external\" target=\"_blank\">W3C</a>, and others to drive web innovation and serve the\ncommon good.</p>\n</li>\n</ul>"}},{"type":"prose","value":{"id":"join_us_in_building_a_better_web","title":"Join us in building a better web","isH3":false,"content":"<p>Be a part of our mission to foster innovation and inclusivity on the web.\n<a href=\"/en-US/docs/MDN/Community/Getting_started\">Start contributing today</a> and make a lasting impact\non the global developer community.</p>"}}],"title":"About MDN","toc":[{"text":"Who we are","id":"who_we_are"},{"text":"Global impact","id":"global_impact"},{"text":"Join us in building a better web","id":"join_us_in_building_a_better_web"}]}}</script></body></html>

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