WWWJDIC: Word Search

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font-family: Helvetica, sans-serif; color: #FFFFFF">Jim Breen's </span><br> <b><span style="font-size: 14pt; font-family: Helvetica, sans-serif; color: #FFFFFF">WWWJDIC</span></b></td> <td class="hdr"><a href="">Word Search/Home</a> </td><td class="hdr"><a href="">Text Glossing</a> </td><td class="hdr"><a href="">Kanji Lookup</a> </td><td class="hdr"><a href="">Multi-Radical Kanji</a> </td><td class="hdr"><a href="">User Guide</a> </td><td class="hdr"><a href="">Dictionaries</a> </td> </tr><tr> <td class="hdr"><a href="">Example Search</a> </td><td class="hdr"><a href="">Enter New Entry</a> </td><td class="hdr"><a href="">Advanced Search</a> </td><td class="hdr"><a href="">Customize</a> </td><td class="hdr"><a href="">Dictionary Codes</a> </td><td class="hdr"><a href="">Donations</a> </td></table> <FORM NAME="inp" ID="inp" ACTION="" METHOD="POST" > <font size="-3">&nbsp;</font><br> <b>Keyword:</b> <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="dsrchkey" SIZE=30 VALUE="">&nbsp;&nbsp Dictionary: <SELECT NAME="dicsel"><OPTION SELECTED VALUE="1" > Jpn-Eng General (EDICT)</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="2" > Japanese Names (ENAMDICT)</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="3" > Computing/Telecomms</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="4" > Life Sciences/Bio-Med</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="5" > Legal Terms</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="6" > Finance/Marketing</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="7" > Buddhism</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="8" > Miscellaneous</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="9" > Special Text-glossing</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="A" > Engineering/Science</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="B" > Linguistics</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="C" > River & Water Systems</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="D" > Automobile Industry</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="E" > Japanese Wordnet</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="F" > Work-in-progress File</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="G" > Japanese-German (WaDoku)</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="H" > Japanese-French</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="I" > Japanese-Russian</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="J" > Japanese-Swedish</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="K" > Japanese-Hungarian</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="L" > Japanese-Spanish</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="M" > Japanese-Dutch</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="N" > Japanese-Slovenian</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="O" > Japanese-Italian</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="P" > Untranslated</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="Q" > Combined Jpn-Eng </OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="R" > Expanded Text-glossing</OPTION> </SELECT>&nbsp;&nbsp&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Search"> &nbsp; <INPUT TYPE="reset" VALUE="Reset"> <br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="dsrchtype" VALUE="J" ID="cform1"><label for="cform1">&nbsp;<font size="-1">Search using romanized Japanese</font></label> &nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1"><b>Hint:</b> a second word (case sensitive) after the keyword will limit the search to entries containing the second word.</font> <br><font size="-3">&nbsp;</font><br> <font size="-1"><b>Options:</b> <INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="engpri" VALUE="X" ID="cform2"><label for="cform2"> Restrict to common words [EDICT only]</label> <INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="exactm" VALUE="X"ID="cform3"><label for="cform3"> Require exact word-match (English keys)</label> &nbsp; <INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="firstkanj" VALUE="X" ID="cform4"><label for="cform4">Limit matching to the start of words (kanji keys only)</label> </font></form> <hr> <center><font size="+1"><b>WWWJDIC: Online Japanese Dictionary Service</b></font></center> <table align="center" cellpadding="3" width="90%"> <tr><td> <a href="">Recent Developments:</a> <font color="red"> Search-only Terms </font> </td></tr> <tr><td> <a href="">鏃ユ湰瑾炪伄銈ゃ兂銈裤兗銉曘偋銉笺偣</a> </td></tr> <tr><td> Mirror Sites: &nbsp; <A HREF="">Australia (Monash)</a>&nbsp; <A HREF="">Australia (Melb. Uni.)</a>&nbsp; <!-- <a href="">Canada</a> &nbsp; --> <a href="">Germany</a> &nbsp; <!-- <a href="">Japan</a> &nbsp; --> <a href="">Sweden</a> &nbsp; <a href="">USA</a> <a href="">Full List</a> </td></tr> <tr><td> The <a href="">WWWJDIC for Android</a> app by Nikolay Elenkov, which enables most of the functions to be used from a smartphone. </td></tr> <tr><td> Special Keitai (Japanese cell-phone/mobile phone) interface: &nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="">Jpn-Eng</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="">Eng-Jpn</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="">Text Translation</a> <br><font size="-1">Works for the NTT DoCoMo, Vodafone JPhone, AU, Willcom and SoftBank phones.</font> </td></tr> <!-- <tr><td> <A HREF="">WWWJDIC buttons</a> for your browser's toolbar or taskbar. </td></tr> --> <tr><td> Silas Brown's <A HREF="">Access Server</a> for users without Japanese fonts. </td></tr> <tr><td> <a href="">WWWJDIC plugin</a> for Firefox's search function. (<a href="">alternative plugins</a>) </td></tr> <tr><td> WWWJDIC banner images: &nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="">large</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="">small</a> </td></tr> <tr><td> Simple URLs: <a href=""></a> &nbsp;&nbsp; <a href=""></a> &nbsp;&nbsp; <a href=""></a> </td></tr> <tr><td> Ben Bullock's kanji lookup interfaces: &nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="">hand-written kanji</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="">multi-radical</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="">four-corner</a> <br>(<A HREF="">Former hand-written interface</a>) </td></tr> </table> <hr> <center><font size="-1"> WWWJDIC site: Monash University &nbsp; &nbsp; &#169; Copyright 2024, <a href="">Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group</a>. (<a href="">Details</a>) (<a href="">Disclaimer</a>) (Version: Aug 31 2024) </font></center> </BODY> </HTML>

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