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href="/de/english/experience/dining/first-class/" style="display:none">First Class dining</a><a href="/de/english/experience/dining/business-class/" style="display:none">Business Class dining</a><a href="/de/english/experience/dining/premium-economy/" style="display:none">Premium Economy dining</a><a href="/de/english/experience/dining/economy-class/" style="display:none">Economy Class dining</a><a href="/de/english/experience/drinks/" style="display:none">Drinks</a><a href="/de/english/experience/our-fleet/boeing-777/" style="display:none">Boeing 777</a><a href="/de/english/experience/our-fleet/a380/" style="display:none">Emirates A380</a><a href="/de/english/experience/our-fleet/a350/" style="display:none">Emirates A350</a><a href="/de/english/experience/our-fleet/emirates-executive/" style="display:none">Emirates Executive</a><a href="/de/english/experience/seating-charts/" style="display:none">Seating charts</a><a href="/de/english/experience/chauffeur-drive/" 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style="display:none">marhaba lounge</a><a href="/de/english/experience/shop-emirates/duty-free/" style="display:none">Emirates duty free collection</a><a href="/de/english/experience/shop-emirates/official-store/" style="display:none">Emirates Official Store</a><a href="/de/english/family/planning-your-family-trip/unaccompanied-minors/" style="display:none">Unaccompanied minors</a><a href="/de/english/before-you-fly/health/before-you-leave/" style="display:none">Pregnancy</a><a href="/de/english/before-you-fly/baggage/unusual-baggage-and-special-allowances/" style="display:none">Baggage allowances</a><a href="/de/english/help/faq-topics/special-assistance-and-requests/faq/what-are-the-ticketing-rules-for-child-and-infant-passengers-on-emirates/" style="display:none">Child and infant fare rules</a><a href="/de/english/help/faq-topics/special-assistance-and-requests/faq/are-there-special-services-if-i-m-travelling-with-young-children-or-infants/" style="display:none">Car seats and 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class="leadership-persona" data-ga-title="flights-to-dubai"><div class="leadership-persona__main-container"><div><div class="read-more__wrapper" style="max-height:200px"><div class="leadership-persona__text-block" tabindex="-1"><div class="text-section leadership-persona__text-section"><header class=""><h2 class="text-title text-title--large-alt reset-h"><span>Flights to Dubai</span></h2></header><span class="text-section__separator text-section__separator--large-alt"></span><div class="text-section__paragraph"><div class="text-section__dotdotdot"><div class="text-section__text text-section__text--latest"><p>Try and get a seat by the window for your flights to Dubai – as the plane descends, you'll want to see the sheer scale of its dramatic sprawl along the coastline, which is just as impressive as its skyline. In little more than 40 years, this city has transformed itself from a tiny settlement to a glittering metropolis and world-class destination.</p><p>While Dubai's startling feats of engineering such as the Burj Khalifa, the Palm islands, Burj Al Arab and The Dubai Mall are jewels in its crown, the city’s multi-faceted appeal extends to more than just its architecture. Some people are attracted to the buzz of the place – the frenetic pace and energy of a global business city and tourism hub. However, you might prefer the tranquillity of its desert retreats, golf courses, calm seas and beaches.</p><p>Beyond clusters of gleaming five-star hotels, with their luxury suites and infinity pools, there's a historic side to the city too. Visit Al Fahidi Historical District (formerly known as Bastakiya) to see traditional Arabic architecture, then tour the Heritage and Diving Villages of Shindagha.</p><p>Visiting Dubai is largely about consumption and one of the most popular activities here is shopping. As well as record-breaking malls packed with designer names, there are traditional souks and vibrant markets. And while Michelin-starred celebrity chefs have embraced Dubai’s high-end culinary credentials, there are still scores of independent restaurants with authentic flavours to explore.</p><p>It all adds up to a city of contrasts, and there's nowhere better to witness Dubai's diversity than the Dubai Creek. Here, traditional abras cross the waters, and dhows unload their cargo beneath shimmering skyscrapers.</p><p>The latter will have air-conditioned shopping streets, a theme park and a healthcare district. It almost sounds too good to be true, but given Dubai's already incredible rise, you wouldn't want to bet against it.</p></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div><div id="161469" data-organism="g-o-c-042-featured-fares-cards"><div class="e-container e-container--separator"></div></div><div id="161468" data-organism="d-e-c-009-destinations-trip-inspiration"></div><div id="161472" data-organism="d-e-c-008-trip-widgets"><div class="e-container e-container--separator"><div class="trip-widgets__header-wrapper"><h2 class="trip-widgets__widget-heading">Plan your trip</h2></div><div class="trip-widgets"><div class="tabs"><div class=""><ul class="trip-widgets__tabs-wrapper tabs__list" role="tablist"><li role="presentation" class="trip-widgets__item trip-widgets__item--three-items tabs__active-tab"><button data-auto="trip-widgets" aria-controls="tabList__462__0" tabindex="0" role="tab" aria-selected="true" class="trip-widgets__item-tab 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When you see our Best Price Guarantee symbol, that means you’ll get the best fare for your flights.</p><p>Our destination guides offer expert tips on what to do and the best places to visit, as well as recommendations for the best hotels, activities and eateries in town.</p><p>Book your flights from {{originShortName}} to {{destinationShortName}} today and look forward to gourmet dining, award-winning inflight entertainment and exceptional service with us – no matter which cabin class you’re travelling in.</p><p>We look forward to welcoming you on board.</p>","Destination/emirates-flights-from-origin-to-destination-heading__text":"Emirates flights from {{originShortName}} to {{destinationShortName}}","Destination/emirates-flights-from-origin-heading__text":"Emirates flights from {{originShortName}}","Destination/Route-Map/destinations-count__text":"{{count}} destinations","Destination/Trip-Widget/book-tour-title__text":"Tours and activities","Destination/Trip-Widget/book-hotel-title__text":"Book a hotel","Destination/Trip-Widget/rent-car-title__text":"Car rental","Destination/premium-economy-from-price__text":"{cabin} from {price}","Destination/cabinclass-from-price__text":"{cabin} Class from {price}","Destination/trip-inspiration-stay__text":"Places to stay in {{destination}}","Destination/trip-inspiration-eat__text":"Where to eat in {{destination}}","Destination/trip-inspiration-do__text":"What to do in {{destination}}","Destination/trip-inspiration-title__text":"TRIP INSPIRATION","Destination/flights-to-region-page-cards-heading__text":"Countries and territories","Destination/flights-to-country-page-cards-heading__text":"Our destinations in {countryShortName}","Destination/fly-from-origin-to-destinations__text":"Fly from {{originShortName}} to {{count}} destinations","Destination/origin-to-destination__text":"{{originShortName}} to {{destinationShortName}}","Destination/popular-od-title-country__text":"Most popular destinations from {origin}","Destination/popular-od-title-city__text":"Most popular destinations from {origin} ({code})","Destination/see-all-routes__text":"See all routes","Destination/popular-od-title-route__text":"Most popular routes to {origin} ({code})","Destination/popular-od-sub-title__text":"Get inspired and plan and book your next flight or holiday.","Destination/popular-od-description__text":"Fly Emirates to {origin} ({code}) and beyond. 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Discover exciting destinations across Africa, the Americas, Asia, Europe, the Middle East and the Pacific.","Destination/emirates-destinations__text":"Emirates destinations","Destination/other-airports-in-city__text":"Other airports in {{city}}","Destination/our-destinations-in-country__text":"Our destinations in {{country}}","Destination/Explore/city__text":"City","Destination/Explore/country__text":"Country","Destination/Explore/destination-inspiration__text":"Destination inspiration","Destination/Explore/destination-search-heading__text":"Explore all destinations","Destination/Explore/region__text":"Region","Destination/Explore/search-by-location__text":"Search by location","Destination/Holiday-Inspiration/holiday-inspiration-heading__text":"Choose a holiday inspiration","Destination/flights-from-cities__text":"Flights from cities","Destination/where-does-emirates-fly-to__text":"Where does Emirates fly to?","Destination/where-does-emirates-fly-from__text":"Where does Emirates fly 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It's available","BookManage/search-flight/booking-redirection-global__text":"Global","BookManage/search-flight/booking-redirection__text":"Attention: You will be taken to the {{country}} site to make this booking.","BookManage/search-flight/calendar-days-short__text":"Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat","BookManage/search-flight/calendar-days__text":"Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday","BookManage/search-flight/calendar-departing-header__text":"Please choose your departure date","BookManage/search-flight/calendar-departing-only-header__text":"What date is your flight leaving?","BookManage/search-flight/calendar-departing-only__text":"Departing","BookManage/search-flight/calendar-departing__text":"Departing","BookManage/search-flight/calendar-double__text":"true","BookManage/search-flight/calendar-first-day__text":"1","BookManage/search-flight/calendar-focus__text":"Use the page up key to select the next month and the page down key to select the previous month. Use arrow keys to select the dates.","BookManage/search-flight/calendar-months-short__text":"Jan,Feb,Mar,Apr,May,Jun,Jul,Aug,Sep,Oct,Nov,Dec","BookManage/search-flight/calendar-months__text":"January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December","BookManage/search-flight/calendar-returning-header__text":"When would you like to return?","BookManage/search-flight/calendar-returning__text":"Returning","BookManage/search-flight/class-all-classes__text":"All Classes","BookManage/search-flight/class-business-max__text":"9","BookManage/search-flight/class-business__text":"Business Class","BookManage/search-flight/class-default__text":"Economy","BookManage/search-flight/class-economy__max":"9","BookManage/search-flight/class-economy__text":"Economy Class","BookManage/search-flight/class-first-max__text":"9","BookManage/search-flight/class-first__text":"First Class","BookManage/search-flight/classic-rewards__text":"Classic rewards","BookManage/search-flight/contextual-help-ofw__text":"<p>You can book up to nine passengers per booking, including adults, children and infants.</p><p>Each adult & OFW passenger can bring one infant.</p><p>All OFWs must submit the required documents to avail the tax exemption.</p><p>Children travelling alone, or in a different cabin class to their parents, are considered Unaccompanied Minors and pay the full adult fare. Please <a href=\"/de/english/help/\" data-id=\"pagebody_link\" data-link=\"Get in touch with us\">get in touch with us</a> to book this service.</p>","BookManage/search-flight/contextual-help-teenager-ofw__text":"<p>You can book up to nine passengers per booking, including adults, Overseas Filippino Workers (OFW), teenagers, children and infants.</p><p>Each adult & OFW passenger can bring one infant.</p><p>All OFWs must submit the required documents to avail the tax exemption.</p><p>Children travelling alone, or in a different cabin class to their parents, are considered Unaccompanied Minors and pay the full adult fare. Please <a href=\"/de/english/help/\" data-id=\"pagebody_link\" data-link=\"Get in touch with us\">get in touch with us</a> to book this service.</p>","BookManage/search-flight/contextual-help-teenager__text":"<p>You can book up to nine passengers per booking, including adults, teenagers, children and infants.</p><p>Each adult passenger can bring one infant.</p><p>Children travelling alone, or in a different cabin class to their parents, are considered Unaccompanied Minors and pay the full adult fare. Please <a href=\"/de/english/help/\" data-id=\"pagebody_link\" data-link=\"Get in touch with us\">get in touch with us</a> to book this service.</p>","BookManage/search-flight/contextual-help__text":"<p>You can book up to nine passengers per booking, including adults, children and infants.</p><p>Each adult passenger can bring one infant.</p><p>Children travelling alone, or in a different cabin class to their parents, are considered Unaccompanied Minors and pay the full adult fare. Please get in touch with us to book this service.</p>","BookManage/search-flight/continue__text":"Continue","BookManage/search-flight/departure-error__text":"Please choose a departure date","BookManage/search-flight/destination-error__text":"Please choose a destination","BookManage/search-flight/flexible-dates__text":"(+/- 3 days)","BookManage/search-flight/form-endpoint__url":{"schema":"Link-Modern-IBE","url":"/booking/search-results/?pageurl=/IBE&pub=/de/english&j=f§ion=IBE"},"BookManage/search-flight/log-in__text":"Log in to book Classic Rewards","BookManage/search-flight/max-future-departure__text":"360","BookManage/search-flight/max-future-return__text":"360","BookManage/search-flight/next-month__text":"Next month","BookManage/search-flight/one-way-trip__text":"One way","BookManage/search-flight/only-departing__text":"false","BookManage/search-flight/operated-by-emirates__text":"Operated by Emirates","BookManage/search-flight/operated-by-non-ek__text":"Operated by Non Ek","BookManage/search-flight/origin-error__text":"Please choose an origin","BookManage/search-flight/passenger-OFW-detail_text":"Overseas Filipino Workers","BookManage/search-flight/passenger-OFW-display-reverse_text":"false","BookManage/search-flight/passenger-OFW-plural_text":"OFWs","BookManage/search-flight/passenger-OFW_text":"OFW","BookManage/search-flight/passenger-adult-alt-detail__text":"Ages 16+","BookManage/search-flight/passenger-adult-detail__text":"Ages 12+","BookManage/search-flight/passenger-adult-display-reverse__text":"false","BookManage/search-flight/passenger-adult-id__text":"adult","BookManage/search-flight/passenger-adult-plural__text":"Adults","BookManage/search-flight/passenger-adult__text":"Adult","BookManage/search-flight/passenger-adult_max__text":"9","BookManage/search-flight/passenger-children-detail__text":"Ages 2-11","BookManage/search-flight/passenger-children-display-reverse__text":"false","BookManage/search-flight/passenger-children-id__text":"children","BookManage/search-flight/passenger-children-plural__text":"Children","BookManage/search-flight/passenger-children__text":"Child","BookManage/search-flight/passenger-confirm__text":"Confirm Passengers","BookManage/search-flight/passenger-error__text":"You can book max {{num}} seat in {{type}}","BookManage/search-flight/passenger-general-error__text":"You can book for max {{num}} {{type}}","BookManage/search-flight/passenger-increment-decrease-accessibility__text":"Decrease number of {{titleSingular}} passengers","BookManage/search-flight/passenger-increment-increase-accessibility__text":"Increase number of {{titleSingular}} passengers","BookManage/search-flight/passenger-increment-selected-accessibility__text":"You have selected","BookManage/search-flight/passenger-infant-detail__text":"Ages under 2, on lap","BookManage/search-flight/passenger-infant-display-reverse__text":"false","BookManage/search-flight/passenger-infant-id__text":"lap_infant","BookManage/search-flight/passenger-infant-plural__text":"Infants","BookManage/search-flight/passenger-infant__text":"Infant","BookManage/search-flight/passenger-teenager-detail__text":"Ages 12-15","BookManage/search-flight/passenger-teenager-display-reverse__text":"false","BookManage/search-flight/passenger-teenager-id__text":"teenagers","BookManage/search-flight/passenger-teenager-plural__text":"Teenagers","BookManage/search-flight/passenger-teenager__text":"Teenager","BookManage/search-flight/passengers-info-accessibility__text":"This section is to increase and decrease all passenger categories. Use only tab key to navigate between increase and decrease buttons of each passenger type. Use buttons by pressing Enter key. Please note: You can book a maximum of nine passengers per booking.","BookManage/search-flight/passengers-info-icon__text":"Passenger's Information","BookManage/search-flight/passengers-info-left__text":"Please note:","BookManage/search-flight/passengers-info-right__text":"You can book for a maximum of nine passengers.","BookManage/search-flight/placeholder-class__text":"Class","BookManage/search-flight/placeholder-destinations-placeholder__text":"Arrival airport","BookManage/search-flight/placeholder-origin-placeholder__text":"Departure airport","BookManage/search-flight/placeholder-passengers-plural__text":"Passengers","BookManage/search-flight/placeholder-passengers-singular__text":"Passenger","BookManage/search-flight/placeholder-passengers__text":"Passengers","BookManage/search-flight/previous-month__text":"Previous month","BookManage/search-flight/product-showcase-business-a380-b777-heading__text":"Experience Business Class on Emirates","BookManage/search-flight/product-showcase-business-a380-b777-sub-heading__text":"Here are some of the experiences you can look forward to","BookManage/search-flight/product-showcase-business-a380-heading__text":"Experience Business Class on the Emirates A380","BookManage/search-flight/product-showcase-business-a380-sub-heading__text":"Here are some of the experiences you can look forward to","BookManage/search-flight/product-showcase-business-b777-heading__text":"Experience Business Class on the Boeing 777","BookManage/search-flight/product-showcase-business-b777-sub-heading__text":"Here are some of the experiences you can look forward to","BookManage/search-flight/product-showcase-business-heading__text":"The Emirates Business Class Experience","BookManage/search-flight/product-showcase-business-sub-heading__text":"Here are some of the experiences you can look forward to","BookManage/search-flight/product-showcase-economy-a380-b777-heading__text":"Experience Economy Class on Emirates","BookManage/search-flight/product-showcase-economy-a380-b777-sub-heading__text":"Here are some of the experiences you can look forward to","BookManage/search-flight/product-showcase-economy-a380-heading__text":"Experience Economy Class on the Emirates A380","BookManage/search-flight/product-showcase-economy-a380-sub-heading__text":"Here‘s what you can look forward to on your flight","BookManage/search-flight/product-showcase-economy-b777-heading__text":"Experience Economy Class on the Boeing 777","BookManage/search-flight/product-showcase-economy-b777-sub-heading__text":"Here are some of the experiences you can look forward to","BookManage/search-flight/product-showcase-economy-heading__text":"The Emirates Economy Experience","BookManage/search-flight/product-showcase-economy-sub-heading__text":"Here are some of the experiences you can look forward to","BookManage/search-flight/product-showcase-first-a380-b777-heading__text":"Experience First Class on Emirates","BookManage/search-flight/product-showcase-first-a380-b777-sub-heading__text":"Here are some of the experiences you can look forward to","BookManage/search-flight/product-showcase-first-a380-heading__text":"Experience First Class on the Emirates A380","BookManage/search-flight/product-showcase-first-a380-sub-heading__text":"Here are some of the experiences you can look forward to","BookManage/search-flight/product-showcase-first-b777-heading__text":"Experience First Class on the Boeing 777","BookManage/search-flight/product-showcase-first-b777-sub-heading__text":"Here are some of the experiences you can look forward to","BookManage/search-flight/product-showcase-first-heading__text":"The Emirates First Class Experience","BookManage/search-flight/product-showcase-first-sub-heading__text":"Here are some of the experiences you can look forward to","BookManage/search-flight/return-error__text":"Please choose a return date","BookManage/search-flight/rewards-error__text":"Classic rewards is not applicable for this origin","BookManage/search-flight/search-flight__passenger-OFW-detail__text":"Overseas Filipino Workers","BookManage/search-flight/search-flight__passenger-OFW-display-reverse__text":"false","BookManage/search-flight/search-flight__passenger-OFW__text":"OFW","BookManage/search-flight/search-no-results-found__text":"No results found","BookManage/search-flight/search-result__text":"result found","BookManage/search-flight/search-results__text":"results found","BookManage/search-flight/search__text":"Search flights","BookManage/search-flight/search__url":{"schema":"Link-Modern-IBE","url":"/booking/search-results/?pageurl=/IBE&pub=/de/english&j=f§ion=IBE"},"BookManage/search-flight/show-flexible__text":"true","BookManage/search-flight/show-one-way__text":"true","BookManage/search-flight/start-date-offset__text":"-1","BookManage/search-flight/widget-heading__text":"Search flights","BookManage/search-flight/log-in-short__text":"Log in to Emirates Skywards","BookManage/search-flight/advanced-search-short__text":"Advanced search and Classic Rewards","BookManage/search-flight/flexible-date-mobile__text":"My dates are flexible (+/- 1 day)","BookManage/search-flight/placeholder-passengers-two__text":"Passengers","BookManage/search-flight/passenger-adult-two__text":"Adults","BookManage/search-flight/passenger-children-two__text":"Children","BookManage/search-flight/passenger-teenager-two__text":"Teenagers","BookManage/search-flight/passenger-OFW-two__text":"OFWs","BookManage/search-flight/passenger-infant-two__text":"Infants","BookManage/search-flight/passenger-OFW__text":"OFW","BookManage/search-flight/passenger-OFW-plural__text":"OFWs","BookManage/search-flight/simple-search__text":"Advanced search","BookManage/search-flight/simple-search-short__text":"Advanced search","BookManage/search-flight/add-another-flight__text":"Add a flight","BookManage/search-flight/cabin-class-button-not-available__text":"button unavailable","BookManage/search-flight/cabin-class-description__text":"Choose to fly {{classes}}","BookManage/search-flight/cabin-class-button-announcment__text":"{{flightRoute}}, Move to {{classValue}}","BookManage/search-flight/cabin-class-info-accessibility__text":"This section allows you to select different cabin classes. Tab keys allow to navigate through each cabin class type. Use arrows by pressing enter key.","BookManage/search-flight/cabin-class__text":"Cabin Classes","BookManage/search-flight/cabin-classes-different__text":"Different classes","BookManage/search-flight/cabin-class-value-selected__text":"{{value}} selected","BookManage/search-flight/calendar-inline-error__text":"Please enter dates in a sequential manner","BookManage/search-flight/class-business-pre-annoucement__text":"Maximum 7 passengers are selectable for Business class","BookManage/search-flight/class-economy-max__text":"9","BookManage/search-flight/class-economy-pre-annoucement__text":"Maximum 9 passengers are selectable for Economy class","BookManage/search-flight/close-tooltip__text":"Close Tooltip","BookManage/search-flight/common-error-message__text":"Please complete all of the fields before continuing to search flights","BookManage/search-flight/confirm-selection__text":"Confirm selection","BookManage/search-flight/common-error__text":"Please complete all of the fields before continuing to search flights.","BookManage/search-flight/end-day-label__text":"When would you like to return?","BookManage/search-flight/flight__text":"Flight","BookManage/search-flight/isMultiCity__text":"true","BookManage/search-flight/header__Search_flights":"Search flights","BookManage/search-flight/keyboard-shortcut__text":"Use the page up key to select the next month and the page down key to select the previous month. Use arrow keys to select the dates. After selecting the dates, use tab key to select one way and flexible dates options","BookManage/search-flight/local-origin-booking-notification__text":"Using flight search lets you book flights departing only from local airports in the country website you are on. Please use other country websites if you wish to book other routes.","BookManage/search-flight/location__return-to__text":"Return to","BookManage/search-flight/multiple-error-heading__text":"Errors","BookManage/search-flight/max-flight__text":"10","BookManage/search-flight/mobile-cta-title__text":"Search flights","BookManage/search-flight/not-found-description__text":"Please check you have entered the airport correctly.","BookManage/search-flight/next-flight__text":"NEXT FLIGHT","BookManage/search-flight/not-found__text":"No results found","BookManage/search-flight/passenger-OFW-detail__text":"Overseas Filipino Workers","BookManage/search-flight/passenger-cabin-mismatch-form-error__text":"Please change Passengers count or Cabin Class for maximum passenger limit","BookManage/search-flight/passenger-descrease-announcement__text":"Decrease number of {{type}} passengers. {{additionalDescription}}","BookManage/search-flight/passenger-general-error-rich__text":"<p>You can book for max <strong>{{num}} {{type}}</strong></p>","BookManage/search-flight/passenger-increase-announcement__text":"Increase number of {{type}} passengers. {{additionalDescription}}.","BookManage/search-flight/passenger-selected-announcement__text":"You have selected {{count}} {{type}}","BookManage/search-flight/passengers-info-right-economy-class__text":"You can book a maximum of 9 passengers per booking.","BookManage/search-flight/passengers-info-right-business-class__text":"You can book a maximum of 7 passengers per booking.","BookManage/search-flight/passengers-info-right-first-class__text":"You can book a maximum of 4 passengers per booking.","BookManage/search-flight/placeholder-origin-optional__text":"Departure airport (Optional)","BookManage/search-flight/placeholder-destinations-optional__text":"Arrival airport (Optional)","BookManage/search-flight/remove-flight-title__text":"Remove flight","BookManage/search-flight/remove-additional-flight-link__announcement__text":"Remove additional flight, {{index}} visited link","BookManage/search-flight/remove-flight__text":"Remove flight","BookManage/search-flight/removed-additional-flight__announcement__text":"Removed {{index}} additional flight","BookManage/search-flight/server-error-header__text":"Server Error","BookManage/search-flight/server-error__text":"We are currently facing problems with our servers. Our engineers are working on it. Please try later.","BookManage/search-flight/up-to__text":"up to {{flight}}","BookManage/search-flight/start-day-label__text":"Please choose your departure date","BookManage/search-flight/skywards-miles-expiry__text":"(you have {0} Skywards Miles)","BookManage/search-flight/rich-text-classic-rewards__text":"Book a Classic Rewards flight","BookManage/search-flight/class-premium-economy__text":"Premium Economy","BookManage/search-flight/class-premium-economy-pre-announcement__text":"You can choose up to 9 passengers for Premium Economy","BookManage/search-flight/passengers-info-right-premium-economy-class__text":"You can add up to 9 passengers per booking","BookManage/search-flight/class-economy-premium-economy__text":"Economy Class / Premium Economy","BookManage/search-flight/search-flight__text":"Search for flights","BookManage/search-flight/outbound__text":"Departing","BookManage/search-flight/inbound__text":"Returning","BookManage/search-flight/trip-duration__text":"Trip duration","BookManage/search-flight/trip-duration-days__text":"days","BookManage/search-flight/returning-same-day__text":"Returning same day","BookManage/search-flight/trip-duration-day__text":"day","BookManage/search-flight/invalid-cugo-member-profile__text":"The promotional code entered is not valid for the Skywards member profile.","BookManage/search-flight/same-origin-destination-error__text":"Sector {{index}}: Departure and arrival airports must be different","BookManage/search-flight/app-login-header__text":"Emirates Skywards login","BookManage/search-flight/error-app-header__text":"Error","BookManage/search-flight/cugo-prevalidation-error__text":"Sorry we're unable to apply your promotional code at the moment. Please try again later.","BookManage/search-flight/multicity-same-day__text":"Traveling same day","BookManage/search-flight/passenger-ofw__text":"OFW","BookManage/search-flight/passenger-ofw-two__text":"OFW","BookManage/search-flight/passenger-ofw-plural__text":"OFW","BookManage/search-flight/passenger-ofw-detail__text":"Overseas Filipino Workers","BookManage/search-flight/technical-error__url":{"schema":"Link","url":""},"BookManage/search-flight/technical-error__text":"Sorry, we were unable to process your request due to a technical error. Please try again or <a href=\"/de/english/help/offices/\" title=\"Local Emirates offices\" target=\"_self\" data-id=\"pagebody_link\" data-link=\"Local Emirates offices - body link\">get in touch with us<span class=\"hidden-control\">(the link opens in a new window)</span></a> for help.","BookManage/search-flight/cugo-list-error__text":"Sorry, the number of passengers selected exceeds the amount permitted for this offer.","BookManage/search-flight/promo-code-additional-field-unique-id-placeholder__text":"Unique ID","BookManage/search-flight/promo-code-additional-field-domain-placeholder__text":"Email address","BookManage/search-flight/promo-code-additional-field-email-placeholder__text":"Email address","BookManage/search-flight/return-flight__text":"Return","BookManage/search-flight/promo-code-additional-field-password-placeholder__text":"Password","BookManage/search-flight/skysurfer-account__text":"Account","BookManage/search-flight/promo-code-login-message__text":"This code is only available for Emirates Skywards members. Please sign up or log in now to take advantage of this offer.","BookManage/search-flight/promo-code-additional-field-domain-error__text":"Invalid email address","BookManage/search-flight/travel-dates__text":"Travel dates","BookManage/search-flight/update-search__text":"Update search","BookManage/search-flight/promo-code-additional-field-perishable-placeholder__text":"Secondary code","BookManage/search-flight/same-search-error__text":"You've made no changes to your original search","BookManage/search-flight/promo-code-login-btn__text":"Sign up or log in","BookManage/search-flight/ticket-counter-error__text":"Sorry, this offer is sold out","BookManage/search-flight/promo-code-applied-expanded__text":"applied","BookManage/search-flight/same-city-error__text":"The requested departure and destination cities are in the same country. Please enter cities in different countries.","BookManage/search-flight/promo-code-additional-field-email-error__text":"Invalid email address","BookManage/search-flight/remove__text":"Remove","BookManage/search-flight/promo-code-additional-field-unique-id-error__text":"Invalid Unique ID","BookManage/search-flight/promo-code-not-valid__text":"Invalid promotional code","BookManage/search-flight/promo-code-applied__text":"{promoCode} promotional code applied","BookManage/search-flight/skysurfer-details__text":"Your Emirates Skywards account is linked to Skysurfers. To use Miles from a different account, please select an account below.","BookManage/search-flight/promo-code__text":"Promotional code","BookManage/search-flight/promo-code-additional-field-password-error__text":"Invalid password","BookManage/search-flight/search-location__text":"Recent searches","BookManage/search-flight/promo-code-additional-field-perishable-error__text":"Invalid secondary code","BookManage/search-flight/terms-conditions__text":"Terms and conditions","BookManage/search-flight/use-promo-code__text":"Use promotional code","BookManage/search-flight/select-class__text":"Select class","BookManage/search-flight/promo-code-remove__text":"Remove","BookManage/search-flight/passengersSingularText__text":"Passenger","BookManage/search-flight/new-search__text":"Search flights","BookManage/search-flight/one-way-flight__text":"One way","BookManage/search-flight/multicity-destination-date-error__text":"Sector {{index}} Please choose your onward flight. Please make sure each departure date is after the previous flight in your booking.","BookManage/search-flight/no-pax-selected__text":"Please select at least one adult","BookManage/search-flight/more-information__text":"More information","BookManage/search-flight/passenger-decrease-announcement__text":"Decrease number of {{type}} passengers. {{additionalDescription}}","BookManage/search-flight/multi-city-flight__text":"Multi-city","BookManage/search-flight/other-airline__text":"Partner","BookManage/search-flight/invalid-offer__text":"Your promotional code has been removed","BookManage/search-flight/classic-airline__text":"Emirates","BookManage/search-flight/invalid-child-cugo__text":"The code you entered can't be used for bookings with children or infants.","BookManage/search-flight/invalid-adult-cugo__text":"The code you entered doesn't allow the number of passengers selected.","BookManage/search-flight/confirm__text":"Confirm","BookManage/search-flight/invalid-pax-count__text":"You can book a maximum of nine passengers online","BookManage/search-flight/current-location__text":"Current location","BookManage/search-flight/is-logged-in-error__text":"The code you've entered requires you to sign up or log in as an Emirates Skywards member.","BookManage/search-flight/invalid-child__text":"Please select as many adults as children","BookManage/search-flight/invalid-infant__text":"Please select as many adults as infants","BookManage/search-flight/add-additional-passengers__text":"Add additional passengers","BookManage/search-flight/arrival-error__text":"Please choose an arrival date","BookManage/search-flight/additional-passengers__text":"Additional passengers","BookManage/search-flight/flexible-dates-title__text":"My dates are flexible","BookManage/search-flight/generic-error__text":"Please fill all mandatory fields","BookManage/search-flight/all-locations__text":"All locations","BookManage/search-flight/airline__text":"Airline","BookManage/search-flight/Accessibility/dropdown-collapsed-aa-annoucement__text":"Collapsed","BookManage/search-flight/Accessibility/dropdown-expanded-aa-annoucement__text":"Expanded","BookManage/search-flight/promo-code-login__text":"The promotional code entered is only valid for Skywards members. Please login to take advantage of this offer.","BookManage/search-flight/redemption-infant-error__text":"You can only spend your Miles on Economy Class tickets for infant passengers","BookManage/search-flight/utilized-cugo-error__text":"The unique code entered has already been used. Please enter a new code.","BookManage/search-flight/error-message__text":"Error","BookManage/search-flight/br-family-pax-technical-error__text":"Sorry, we were unable to retrieve the passenger list. Please try refreshing the page and if the problem persists contact us.","BookManage/search-flight/default-cugo-banner__image":{"url":"","contentHash":"EBN5ECMUIC4uY-_rzh1Tvg"},"BookManage/search-flight/default-cugo-banner-mobile__image":{"url":"","contentHash":"ik8QNztSj-IhFQYQYrcCDA"},"BookManage/search-flight/login-technical-error__text":"Sorry, we were unable to log you in. Please try again.","BookManage/search-flight/class-in-business__text":"in Business Class ","BookManage/search-flight/class-in-economy__text":"in Economy Class / Premium Economy","BookManage/search-flight/class-in-first__text":"in First Class","BookManage/search-flight/classic-rewards-prefix__text":"Book a Classic Rewards flight","BookManage/search-flight/join-now-pop-up-description__text":"Earn miles to enjoy rewards flights, upgrades and exclusive members-only offers.","BookManage/search-flight/join-now-pop-up-title__text":"Join Emirates Skywards","BookManage/search-flight/join-now__text":"Join now to earn and spend Skywards Miles","BookManage/search-flight/login-pop-up-title__text":"Login Emirates Skywards","BookManage/search-flight/passengers-info-note__text":"Please note: You can book for a maximum of nine passengers.","BookManage/search-flight/passengersPluralText__text":"Passengers","BookManage/search-flight/placeholder-passengers-and-cabin__text":"Passengers and cabin class","BookManage/search-flight/class-first-pre-annoucement__text":"Maximum 4 passengers are selectable for First class","BookManage/search-flight/new-form-endpoint__url":{"schema":"Link-Modern-IBE","url":"/booking/search-results/?pageurl=/IBE&pub=/de/english&j=f§ion=IBE"},"BookManage/search-holiday/add-return__text":"Add Return","BookManage/search-holiday/add-room__text":"Add another room","BookManage/search-holiday/alt-CTA-title__text":"Search flight and holidays","BookManage/search-holiday/alt-Tab-title__text":"Holidays","BookManage/search-holiday/calendar-departing-header__text":"Please select a check-in date","BookManage/search-holiday/calendar-departing__text":"Check-in","BookManage/search-holiday/calendar-focus__text":"Use the page up key to select the next month and the page down key to select the previous month. Use arrow keys to select the dates. After selecting the dates, use tab key to select one way and flexible dates options.","BookManage/search-holiday/calendar-returning-header__text":"Please select a check-out date","BookManage/search-holiday/calendar-returning__text":"Check-out","BookManage/search-holiday/children-age-error__text":"Please select a child age for each child in your party","BookManage/search-holiday/children-age-info__text":"Age of children at time of check-in","BookManage/search-holiday/contextual-help__text":"<p>You can book up to eight rooms per booking, including adults and children. Each room must have at least one adult.</p>","BookManage/search-holiday/continue__text":"Continue","BookManage/search-holiday/departure-error__text":"Please select a check-in date","BookManage/search-holiday/destination-error__text":"Please choose a destination","BookManage/search-holiday/error-same-date__text":"Your check-out date should not be same as check-in","BookManage/search-holiday/form-endpoint-non-us__url":{"schema":"Link","title":"Emirates Holiday results","url":"{{locale}}/holidays/search?utm_term=holidays-search-widget"},"BookManage/search-holiday/form-endpoint-us__url":{"schema":"Link","title":"Emirates Holiday results","url":""},"BookManage/search-holiday/non-local-airport-notification__text":"‘Flight + hotel’ searches will take you to the Emirates Holidays website which only features flights departing from local airports for the country website you are on. Please use the ‘Flight’ tab if you wish to book other routes. You can add hotels separately after you complete your booking.","BookManage/search-holiday/origin-error__text":"Please choose an origin","BookManage/search-holiday/passenger-adult-detail__text":"Ages 18+","BookManage/search-holiday/passenger-adult-plural__text":"Adults","BookManage/search-holiday/passenger-adult-singular__text":"Adult","BookManage/search-holiday/passenger-child-plural__text":"Children","BookManage/search-holiday/passenger-child-singular__text":"Child","BookManage/search-holiday/passenger-children-detail__text":"Ages 0-17","BookManage/search-holiday/person-plural__text":"people","BookManage/search-holiday/person-singular__text":"person","BookManage/search-holiday/placeholder-class__text":"Class","BookManage/search-holiday/placeholder-destination-placeholder__text":"Going to","BookManage/search-holiday/placeholder-origin-placeholder__text":"Leaving 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hotel","BookManage/search-holiday/toggle-label-flight__text":"Flight","BookManage/search-holiday/toggle-label-holiday__text":"Flight + hotel","BookManage/search-holiday/widget-heading__text":"Search flights and hotel","BookManage/search-holiday/passenger-infant__text":"Infants","modal/close__text":"Close","modal/close_modal_window__text":"Back","BookManage/location/all-locations__text":"All locations","BookManage/location/current-location__text":"Current location","BookManage/location/search-item-divider__text":"to","BookManage/location/search-location__text":"Recent Searches","BookManage/location/start-typing-header__text":"Start typing...","BookManage/location/start-typing-paragraph__text":"Please enter a destination or hotel name","BookManage/location/suggested-location__text":"Suggested","BookManage/location/no-results-header__text":"No results found","BookManage/location/return-to__text":"Return to","BookManage/location/no-results-paragraph__text":"Please recheck the airport or city you've entered, or select one from the list","BookManage/Featured-Fares/announcement-destinations-from__text":"View featured destinations from","BookManage/Featured-Fares/best-price__image":{"altText":"Best price DE","url":"","contentHash":"AQk1gLoYOc1XwwY0lO0PdA"},"BookManage/Featured-Fares/best-price__url":{"schema":"Link-Existing","url":"/de/english/book/about-booking-online/emirates-best-price-guarantee/"},"BookManage/Featured-Fares/destinations-from__text":"Featured destinations from {{title}}","BookManage/Featured-Fares/explore-destinations__text":"Explore more destinations","BookManage/Featured-Fares/featured-destinations__text":"Discover for yourself","BookManage/Featured-Fares/from-callout-price__text":"from {{callOutPrice}}","BookManage/Featured-Fares/from-partner__text":"Partially operated by {{partner}}","BookManage/Featured-Fares/from-price__text":"from {{price}}","BookManage/Featured-Fares/more-destinations__text":"More 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Do you want to search for flights to {destinationAirportName} ({destinationAirportCode})?</p>","BookManage/Featured-Fares/error-description__text":"<p><strong>Sorry, we don’t have any featured fares at the moment.</strong></p><p>You can create a new search for all flights, check again another time or explore our special offers.</p>","BookManage/Featured-Fares/origin-error-description__text":"<p><strong>Sorry, we don’t have any featured fares at the moment from {originAirportName} ({originAirportCode}).</strong></p><p>You can create a new search for all flights, check again another time or explore our special offers.</p>","BookManage/Featured-Fares/min-price__text":"minimum price","BookManage/Featured-Fares/price__text":"Price range","BookManage/Featured-Fares/featured-fares__text":"Featured fares","BookManage/Featured-Fares/max-price__text":"maximum price","BookManage/Featured-Fares/filter-flights__text":"Filter flights","BookManage/Featured-Fares/no-result-found__text":"No results found","BookManage/Featured-Fares/region__text":"Regions","BookManage/Featured-Fares/amount__text":"Amount","BookManage/Featured-Fares/all-locations__text":"All locations","BookManage/Featured-Fares/arrival-airport__text":"Arrival airport","BookManage/Featured-Fares/cabin-class__text":"Cabin class","BookManage/Featured-Fares/clear-filters__text":"Clear filters","BookManage/Featured-Fares/current-location__text":"Current Location","BookManage/Featured-Fares/country-item__text":"Country","BookManage/Featured-Fares/current-locations__text":"Current location","BookManage/Featured-Fares/expiry-hours__text":"Fare expires in {expiryInHours} hour(s) {expiryInMins} minute(s)","BookManage/Featured-Fares/expiry-day__text":"Fare expires in {expiryInHours} hours","BookManage/Featured-Fares/expiry__text":"Fare expires in {expiryInDays} days","BookManage/Featured-Fares/explore-destinations__url":{"schema":"Link-Existing","url":"/de/english/destinations/"},"BookManage/Featured-Fares/fare-conditions-modal-subtitle__text":"FEATURED FARES","BookManage/Featured-Fares/fare-conditions__text":"Fare conditions","BookManage/Featured-Fares/fare-conditions-modal-title__text":"Fare conditions","BookManage/Featured-Fares/featured-fare-top-picks-subtitle__text":"*Fares are inclusive of tax and surcharges, and subject to availability.","BookManage/Featured-Fares/featured-fare-book-cta__link":{"schema":"Link-IBE","title":"Book this deal","url":"/sessionhandler.aspx?pageurl=/IBE.aspx&pub=/de/english&j=f§ion=IBE"},"BookManage/Featured-Fares/featured-fare-top-picks-title-with-arrival__text":"Our top picks from {originAirportName} ({originAirportCode}) to {destinationAirportName} ({destinationAirportCode})","BookManage/Featured-Fares/featured-fare-top-picks-title__text":"Our top picks from {originAirportName} ({originAirportCode})","BookManage/Featured-Fares/featured-fares-from-to__text":"Featured fares from {originAirportName} ({originAirportCode}) to {destinationAirportName} ({destinationAirportCode})","BookManage/Featured-Fares/featured-fares-from__text":"Featured fares from {originAirportName} ({originAirportCode})","BookManage/Featured-Fares/featured-fares-results-count__text":"Showing {currentCount} out of {totalCount} result(s)","BookManage/Featured-Fares/featured-fares-search-count__text":"Showing {count} result(s)","BookManage/Featured-Fares/filter-search__text":"Filter search","BookManage/Featured-Fares/filter-your-results__text":"Filter your results","BookManage/Featured-Fares/flight-type__text":"Flight type","BookManage/Featured-Fares/interest__text":"Interests","BookManage/Featured-Fares/from__text":"From {{currencyCode}} {{price}}","BookManage/Featured-Fares/no-filtered-destination-found__text":"No results found","BookManage/Featured-Fares/no-result-found__image":{"url":"","contentHash":"VUzRvmYdhV5mBcqUYqfCgA"},"BookManage/Featured-Fares/one-way__text":"One way","BookManage/Featured-Fares/origin-airport-required-validation__text":"This is mandatory field. Please check and try again.","BookManage/Featured-Fares/operated-by__text":"Partially operated by","BookManage/Featured-Fares/price-from__text":"Price range between","BookManage/Featured-Fares/price-to__text":"and","BookManage/Featured-Fares/region-item__text":"Region","BookManage/Featured-Fares/return__text":"Return","BookManage/Featured-Fares/search-destination__text":"Search for your destination","BookManage/Featured-Fares/search-flights-link__text":"Search flights","BookManage/Featured-Fares/search-for-flights__text":"Search for flights","BookManage/Featured-Fares/search__text":"Search","BookManage/Featured-Fares/select-destination__text":"Select your Destination","BookManage/Featured-Fares/trip-title__text":"{{ticketType}} trip","BookManage/Featured-Fares/travel-between__text":"For travel between {{travelFrom}} - {{travelUntil}}","BookManage/Featured-Fares/view-routemap__url":{"schema":"Link","url":"/de/english/destinations/route-map/"},"BookManage/Featured-Fares/partner-airline__text":"Partially operated by {{airline}}","BookManage/Featured-Fares/month-of-travel__text":"Month of travel","BookManage/Featured-Fares/filter-close-popup-accessibility__text":"Closes the popup and returns to main page with filtered results","BookManage/Featured-Fares/filter-btn-disable-accessibility__text":"Filter results button unavailable","BookManage/Featured-Fares/featured-fare-special-offers-header__text":"You may also want to check out","BookManage/Featured-Fares/featured-fare-more-offers-cta__text":"See more offers","BookManage/Featured-Fares/recent-searches__text":"Recent searches","BookManage/Featured-Fares/Accessibility/result-found__text":"result found","BookManage/Featured-Fares/Accessibility/results-found__text":"results found","BookManage/Featured-Fares/Accessibility/see-more-fares-desc-accessibility__text":"See more fares redirects to Featured fares","BookManage/Rent-Car/Widget/Date-Picker/available-end-day__text":"Choose {{date}} as your returning date. 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After selecting the dates, use tab key to select one way and flexible dates options.","BookManage/Rent-Car/Widget/Date-Picker/calendar-months__text":"January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November , December","BookManage/Rent-Car/Widget/Date-Picker/calendar-returning-header__text":"When would you like to drop your car off?","BookManage/Rent-Car/Widget/Date-Picker/dropdown-dropoff-time_text":"Drop off time","BookManage/Rent-Car/Widget/Date-Picker/dropdown-pickup-time_text":"Pick up time","BookManage/Rent-Car/Widget/Date-Picker/icon-name__text":"icon-car-hire","BookManage/Rent-Car/Widget/Date-Picker/next-month__text":"Next Month","BookManage/Rent-Car/Widget/Date-Picker/placeholder-dropoff-date_text":"Drop off date","BookManage/Rent-Car/Widget/Date-Picker/placeholder-dropoff-time_text":"Time","BookManage/Rent-Car/Widget/Date-Picker/placeholder-pickup-date_text":"Pick up date","BookManage/Rent-Car/Widget/Date-Picker/placeholder-pickup-time_text":"Time","BookManage/Rent-Car/Widget/Date-Picker/previous-month__text":"Previous Month","BookManage/Rent-Car/Widget/airport-locations_text":"Airport locations","BookManage/Rent-Car/Widget/check-rates-cta__text":"Check rates","BookManage/Rent-Car/Widget/check-rates-cta__url":{"schema":"Link","url":""},"BookManage/Rent-Car/Widget/city-locations_text":"City locations","BookManage/Rent-Car/Widget/log-in__text":"Log in to earn miles on your trips","BookManage/Rent-Car/Widget/log-in__url":{"schema":"Link-Account","title":"View Skywards","url":"/transfer.aspx?pageurl=/account/de/english/manage-account/login/login.aspx§ion=MYA&th=3673c453fd3d1304e9d300172d9ab0824cf16b3d"},"BookManage/Rent-Car/Widget/loggedin-destinations_text":"Upcoming Destinations","BookManage/Rent-Car/Widget/loggedin-pickup-date_text":"Arriving","BookManage/Rent-Car/Widget/loggedin-pickup-time_text":"Arrival time","BookManage/Rent-Car/Widget/loggedin-rent-a-car-title_text":"Rent a car","BookManage/Rent-Car/Widget/minimum-age_text":"The minimum age for a driver is 21. Please check the terms and conditions of your car hire for extra charges for drivers under the age of 30","BookManage/Rent-Car/Widget/missing-dropoff-date-error_text":"Please choose drop off date","BookManage/Rent-Car/Widget/missing-dropoff-location-error_text":"Please choose a drop off location","BookManage/Rent-Car/Widget/missing-pickup-date-error_text":"Please choose pick up date","BookManage/Rent-Car/Widget/missing-pickup-location-error_text":"Please choose a pick up location","BookManage/Rent-Car/Widget/no-results-location__text":"No Results found","BookManage/Rent-Car/Widget/no-results-recheck-location__text":"Please recheck your destination","BookManage/Rent-Car/Widget/no-upcoming-flights_text":"You have no upcoming destinations.","BookManage/Rent-Car/Widget/partner-logo-title_text":"You'll find great rates for over 30,000 locations in more than 145 countries and can compare hire cars from over 1,200 international suppliers.","BookManage/Rent-Car/Widget/partner-logo_image":{"url":"","contentHash":"pWTd-wlkoI4A45esV9dIaA"},"BookManage/Rent-Car/Widget/placeholder-dropoff_text":"Drop off","BookManage/Rent-Car/Widget/placeholder-pickup_text":"Pick up","BookManage/Rent-Car/Widget/rent-car-pretitle_text":"Transportation","BookManage/Rent-Car/Widget/rent-car-title__text":"Rent a car","BookManage/Rent-Car/Widget/rent-car-title_text":"Rent a car","BookManage/Rent-Car/Widget/same-location-dropoff_text":"Same location as pick up","BookManage/Rent-Car/Widget/same-location-pickup_text":"Same location as drop off","BookManage/Rent-Car/Widget/same-location_text":"Same location","BookManage/Rent-Car/Widget/service-down-body_text":"We are currently facing problems with our services. Our engineers are working on it. Please try later.","BookManage/Rent-Car/Widget/service-down-title_text":"Service is down","BookManage/Rent-Car/Widget/top-error-title_text":"Errors","BookManage/Rent-Car/Widget/view-all-flights__text":"View all ({allFlightsCount}) flights","BookManage/Rent-Car/Widget/other-locations_text":"Other locations","BookManage/Rent-Car/Widget/partner-logo-text_text":"Start your booking on to earn Skywards Miles through our partner CarTrawler who we’ve teamed up with to compare over 1,700 international suppliers and provide great rates for over 50,000 locations in more than 145 countries. ","BookManage/Rent-Car/Widget/car-icon__text":"icon-car-hire","BookManage/Rent-Car/Widget/rent-car-desktop-subtitle__text":"Complete your travel plans by booking your car rental with CarTrawler.","BookManage/Rent-Car/Widget/rent-car-mobile-subtitle__text":"Complete your travel plans by booking your car rental with CarTrawler.","BookManage/Rent-Car/Widget/rent-car-mobile-title__text":"Rent a car","BookManage/Rent-Car/Widget/rent-car-desktop-title__text":"Rent a car","BookManage/Book-tour/Widget/Date-Picker/available-end-day__text":"Choose {{date}} as your returning date. It's available","BookManage/Book-tour/Widget/Date-Picker/available-start-day__text":"Choose {{date}} as your departing date. It's available","BookManage/Book-tour/Widget/Date-Picker/calendar-departing-header__text":"When would you like to arrive?","BookManage/Book-tour/Widget/Date-Picker/calendar-focus__text":"Use the page up key to select the next month and the page down key to select the previous month. Use arrow keys to select the dates. After selecting the dates, use tab key to select one way and flexible dates options.","BookManage/Book-tour/Widget/Date-Picker/calendar-returning-header__text":"When would you like to depart?","BookManage/Book-tour/Widget/Date-Picker/next-month__text":"Next Month","BookManage/Book-tour/Widget/Date-Picker/previous-month__text":"Previous Month","BookManage/Book-tour/Widget/book-tour-title_text":"Tours and activities","BookManage/Book-tour/Widget/bookatour-mobile-icon":"icon-water-sports","BookManage/Book-tour/Widget/find-tours-cta__text":"Find activities","BookManage/Book-tour/Widget/find-tours-cta__url":{"schema":"Link","url":""},"BookManage/Book-tour/Widget/invalid-destination-error__text":"Invalid destination","BookManage/Book-tour/Widget/log-in__text":"Log in to earn miles on your trips","BookManage/Book-tour/Widget/log-in__url":{"schema":"Link-Account","title":"View Skywards","url":"/transfer.aspx?pageurl=/account/de/english/manage-account/login/login.aspx§ion=MYA&th=3673c453fd3d1304e9d300172d9ab0824cf16b3d"},"BookManage/Book-tour/Widget/loggedin-arriving_text":"Arriving","BookManage/Book-tour/Widget/loggedin-book-tour-title_text":"Book your tour & activities","BookManage/Book-tour/Widget/loggedin-departing_text":"Departing","BookManage/Book-tour/Widget/loggedin-destinations_text":"Upcoming Destinations","BookManage/Book-tour/Widget/missing-dates-error__text":"Please choose arriving and departing dates","BookManage/Book-tour/Widget/missing-destination-error__text":"Please choose a destination","BookManage/Book-tour/Widget/no-results-location__text":"No Results found","BookManage/Book-tour/Widget/no-results-recheck-location__text":"Please recheck your destination","BookManage/Book-tour/Widget/outage__text":"We are currently facing problems with our servers. Our engineers are working on it. Please try later","BookManage/Book-tour/Widget/partner-logo-text_text":"Discover thousands of unique and unmissable things to do around the world with GetYourGuide. Seamlessly book your tickets online, skip the queues and experience personalised tours by vetted locals. We’ve made planning your trip easy, so you can spend more time exploring your destination.","BookManage/Book-tour/Widget/partner-logo_image":{"altText":"Get your guide logo","url":"","contentHash":"WAlmxr9mYbhfZMq61FEzTw"},"BookManage/Book-tour/Widget/placeholder-arriving-placeholder_text":"Arriving","BookManage/Book-tour/Widget/view-all-flights__text":"View all ({allFlightsCount}) flights","BookManage/Book-tour/Widget/top-error-title_text":"Errors","BookManage/Book-tour/Widget/server-error-title__text":"Server error","BookManage/Book-tour/Widget/placeholder-destination-placeholder_text":"Destination","BookManage/Book-tour/Widget/placeholder-departing-placeholder_text":"Departing","BookManage/Book-tour/Widget/server-error-text__text":"We are currently facing problems with our servers. Our engineers are working on it. Please try later. 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Windows store","Common/ios-smart-banner/appstore-title_text":"Emirates App","Common/outage/flights_outage_text":"Sorry, we can't find the details for this flight right now. Please try again later.","Common/outage/ice_outage_text":"Sorry, we can't find the details for this flight right now. Please try again later.","Common/outage/lounges_outage_text":"Sorry, we can't find the details for this flight right now. Please try again later.","Common/outage/upcoming_flights_outage_text":"Sorry, we can't find the details for this flight right now. Please try again later.","Common/outage/wines_outage_text":"Sorry, we can't find the details for this flight right now. Please try again later.","Common/outage/womf_outage_text":"Sorry, we can't find the details for this flight right now. Please try again later.","Common/Skywards-Plus/skywards-plus__text":"Skywards+","Common/load-more__text":"Load more","Common/show-more__text":"Show more","Common/Account/miles-outage__text":"Miles balance information unavailable at this time","Common/Accessibility/click-here-for-more-info__text":"Please click here for more information.","Common/Dubai-Experience/Payment/Terms-And-Conditions/hotels-title__text":"Hotels","Common/Dubai-Experience/Payment/Terms-And-Conditions/transfer-title__text":"Transfer","Common/Dubai-Experience/Payment/Terms-And-Conditions/activities-title__text":"Activities","Common/operational-update-alerts/show-more__text":"Show more","Common/operational-update-alerts/message__url":{"schema":"Link-Existing","url":"/de/english/help/travel-updates"},"Common/operational-update-alerts/show-less__text":"Show less","Common/operational-update-alerts/label__text":"Important:","Common/operational-update-alerts/dismiss__text":"Close","Common/hide__text":"Hide","Common/Date/month__text":"Month","Common/SEO/emirates-logo__url":{"schema":"Link","title":"Emirates Logo","url":""},"Common/Skywards-Plus/skywards-details-page-link":{"schema":"Link-Existing","title":"Skywards+","url":"/de/english/skywards/skywards-plus/details","target":"_self"},"Common/last-updated-timestamp__text":"Last updated: {timestamp} (GMT +4)","Common/Accessibility/and__text":"and","Common/Accessibility/results-found__text":"{numberOfResults} results found","Common/Accessibility/result-found__text":"1 result found","Common/Skywards-Plus/skywards-plus-subscription__url":{"schema":"Link-Existing","title":"Skywards+","url":"/de/english/skywards/skywards-plus/subscription","target":"_self"},"Common/show-less__text":"Show less","Common/Date/hour__text":"Hour","Common/Date/minute__text":"minute","Common/Date/hours__text":"Hours","Common/Date/minutes__text":"minutes","Common/Session-timeout/timeout-re-authenticate__text":"Reauthenticate","Common/Date/day__text":"Day","Common/Date/year__text":"Year","Common/Skywards-Plus/subscribe-to-skywards-plus__text":"Subscribe to Skywards+","Common/Session-timeout/timeout-re-authenticate-cta-message__text":"Please click Reauthenticate to log in again ","Common/Accessibility/close-dialog__text":"close dialog","Common/Accessibility/not-selected__text":"not selected","Common/Origin-Destination/Flights/tooltip-origin-destination-cabin-class__text":"{origin} to {destination} - {segmentCabinClass} Class","Common/Origin-Destination/Flights/class-fare-label__text":"Class / Fare:","Common/Session-timeout/timeout-re-authenticate-cta-message2__text":"Please click on Reauthenticate to log in again","Common/Session-timeout/timeout-expired-message__text":"Your session has expired","Common/CAB/Layout/cab-background__image":{"url":"","contentHash":"6tr4fmCV4QwJB2w-1CF1cA"},"Common/CAB/Error/title__text":"We're sorry","Common/CAB/Error/sub-title__text":"Unfortunately we could not complete your request","Common/CAB/Error/page-title__text":"Manage your booking","Common/CAB/Error/page-title-mbl__text":"Change your booking","Common/CAB/Error/Session/header__text":"Sorry your session has expired","Common/CAB/Error/Session/message-hdr__text":"Please start again","Common/CAB/Error/Session/message-bdy__text":"Return to Manage a Booking and choose 'Change dates & times'. ","Common/CAB/Error/Technical/header__text":"Oops, something went wrong","Common/CAB/Error/Technical/message-hdr__text":"Technical error","Common/CAB/Error/Technical/message-bdy__text":"There has been an error in submitting your request at this time. Please try again or call the contact centre.","Common/CAB/Go-Back/button__text":"Return to Manage a Booking","Common/Flight-Card-Details/upgrade-class-brand__text":"Upgrade to {class} {brand}","Common/Flight-Card-Details/select-upgrade__text":"Select to upgrade","Common/Flight-Card-Details/destination-image-url__text":"{destination}/{size}.jpg","Common/Flight-Card-Details/upgrade-not-available__text":"Upgrade not available","Common/Origin-Destination/journey-total-duration__text":"{hours} hrs {minutes} mins","Common/Origin-Destination/multiple-connections-link__text":"connections","Common/Origin-Destination/header__text":"{origin} to {destination}","Common/Origin-Destination/multiple-stops-link__text":"stops","Common/Origin-Destination/non-stop-link__text":"Non-stop","Common/Origin-Destination/single-connection-only-link__text":"connection","Common/Flight-Modal/connection-flight-info__text":"Passengers on connecting flights will need to change aircraft.","Common/Flight-Modal/connection-layover-details__text":"Duration {hours} {minutes}","Common/Flight-Modal/connection-airport-details__text":"Connection in {origin}","Common/Flight-Modal/aircraft-type__text":"Aircraft type","Common/Flight-Modal/total-duration__text":"Total duration: {hours} {minutes}","Common/Flight-Modal/flight-number__text":"Flight number","Common/Flight-Modal/flight-ond-from-to__text":"From <strong>{originAirportName} ({originAirportCode})</strong> to <strong>{destinationAirportName} ({destinationAirportCode})</strong>","Common/Flight-Modal/operated-by-carrier__text":"Operated by {carrier}","Common/Flight-Modal/title__text":"Flight details","Common/Origin-Destination/Flights/mixed-class-fare-brand-value__text":"Mixed class - {fareBrand}","Common/Origin-Destination/Flights/mixed-class-value__text":"Mixed class","Common/Origin-Destination/Flights/class-label-desktop__text":"Class","Common/Origin-Destination/Flights/class-label__text":"Class:","Common/Origin-Destination/Flights/class-value__text":"{cabinClass}","Common/Origin-Destination/Flights/fare-label__text":"Fare","Common/Stops-Info/stop-detail-arrival__text":"Arrival","Common/Stops-Info/stop-detail-departure__text":"Departure","Common/Stops-Info/stop-detail-duration__text":"Duration","Common/Stops-Info/stop-detail-stop__text":"Stop","Common/Pax-Count-Labels/num-adult__text":"{num} adult","Common/Flight-Card-Details/business-special-info__text":"The Business Class Special fare does not include complimentary Chauffeur-drive or Lounge access.","Common/Origin-Destination/single-stop-only-link__text":"stop","Common/Origin-Destination/Flights/class-fare-brand-value__text":"{cabinClass} {fareBrand}","Common/Pax-Count-Labels/num-child__text":"{num} child","Common/Pax-Count-Labels/num-adults__text":"{num} adults","Common/Pax-Count-Labels/num-children__text":"{num} children","Common/CAB/Error/cab-urp-title__text":"Technical error","Common/CAB/Error/cab-urp-message__text":"Sorry, we have a technical problem at the moment. Please try again later.","Common/StepByStepGuide/next__text":"Next","Common/StepByStepGuide/previous__text":"Previous","Common/StepByStepGuide/start-over__text":"Restart","Common/Flight-Modal/nonaircraft-type__text":"Type","Common/Flight-Modal/equipment-number__text":"Number","Common/Origin-Destination/bus-icon__image":{"url":"","contentHash":"tXBeueyMcCitzfJFk2nJYw"},"Common/Origin-Destination/train-icon__image":{"url":"","contentHash":"1lkVwcdUh5f__e6AsE4FAw"},"Common/Cabin-Class-Full-Description/business-class__text":"Business Class","Common/Cabin-Class-Full-Description/premium-economy__text":"Premium Economy","Common/Cabin-Class-Full-Description/first-class__text":"First Class","Common/Cabin-Class-Full-Description/economy-class__text":"Economy Class","Common/Session-timeout/timeout-cancel-cta-title__text":"Cancel","Common/CAB/Error/search-results-message-bdy__text":"This itinerary cannot be changed online. Please call the contact centre.","Common/Origin-Destination/flight-icon__image":{"url":"/media/flight%402x-166-100297.png","contentHash":"Eka4lpltEQAFm16fX6nnfw"},"Common/CAB/Go-Back/return-to-my-trips__text":"Return to My Trips","Common/CAB/Error/Session/message-bdy-hybrid__text":"Return to My Trips and choose 'Change dates & times'.","Common/Pax-Count-Labels/num-infants__text":"{num} infants","Common/Pax-Count-Labels/num-infant__text":"{num} infant","Common/Pax-Count-Labels/num-ofw__text":"{num} Overseas Filipino Worker","Common/Pax-Count-Labels/num-ofws__text":"{num} Overseas Filipino Workers","Common/Pax-Count-Labels/num-teenagers__text":"{num} teenagers","Common/Pax-Count-Labels/num-passenger__text":"{num} passenger","Common/Pax-Count-Labels/num-passengers__text":"{num} passengers","Common/Pax-Count-Labels/num-teenager__text":"{num} teenager","Common/Flight-Modal/ghost-tailfin__image":{"url":"/media/ghost_tailfin-166-100298.svg","contentHash":"k5b1Ki6BZk1MtPzL25COSg"},"Common/Dropdown/search-location__text":"Search location","Common/CAB/Error/Session/CABCU/message-bdy-hybrid__text":"Return to My Trips and choose 'Upgrade flights with Cash'","Common/CAB/Error/Session/CABCU/message-bdy__text":"Return to Manage a Booking and choose 'Upgrade with Cash'.","Common/Accessibility/show-more-announcement__text":"Selecting this will bring the focus back to section heading","Common/Origin-Destination/minutes__text":"mins","Common/Origin-Destination/minute__text":"min","Common/Origin-Destination/hour__text":"hr","Common/Origin-Destination/hours__text":"hrs","Common/Origin-Destination/journey-total__text":"{hours} {minutes}","Common/Hajj-Umrah/umrah-flt__text":"Only Saudi nationals and G20 attendees are permitted to travel.","Common/Hajj-Umrah/non-umrah-flt__text":"This flight is only for non-Umrah passengers and will arrive and depart at the North Terminal.","Common/Hajj-Umrah/haj-flt-extra__text":"Important: Non GCC passengers are not permitted to travel on this flight for Hajj.","Common/Hajj-Umrah/haj-flt__text":"Important: The flight is only for Hajj pilgrims. GCC nationals -except Saudi nationals- are permitted to travel. Arrival and departure in Jeddah will be from the Hajj terminal.","Common/Account/family-head__text":"{name} - Family Head","Common/Account/business-rewards-member__text":"{name} - Business Rewards Member","Common/Account/points__text":"Points","Common/Account/business-rewards-admin__text":"{name} - Business Rewards Administration","Common/CAB/Navigation/Footer/gdpr-privacy-policy__url":{"schema":"Link-Existing","title":"privacy policy","url":"/de/english/sitetools/privacy_policy.aspx "},"Common/Hajj-Umrah/hajj-umrah-logo__image":{"url":"/media/hajj-umrah-logo-166-72928.png","contentHash":"Y0eSQ7iF6w-A55LfIOBHyA"},"Common/Hajj-Umrah/restriction-message__text":": Hajj/Umrah restrictions apply","Common/CAB/Calendar/onward-date__text":"Onward Date","Common/CAB/Calendar/header-label__text":"Choose your {start} to {end} departure date","Common/CAB/Calendar/inbound-date__text":"Inbound Date","Common/CAB/Business-Rewards-Toggle/button-off__text":"OFF","Common/CAB/Business-Rewards-Toggle/button-on__text":"ON","Common/CAB/Business-Rewards-Toggle/content__text":"Would you like to use Business Rewards points?","Common/CAB/Business-Rewards-Toggle/title__text":"Business Rewards Points","Common/CAB/Error/multiple-tab-open-error-message__text":"Multiple browser tabs and windows are not supported by this website. Please close this tab and continue using the most recent tab.","Common/Accessibility/close__text":"close","Common/Accessibility/sub-heading__text":"Sub heading","Common/Accessibility/available__text":"available","Common/Accessibility/not-available__text":"not available","Common/CAB/Account/customer-name-pattern__text":"{{title}} {{firstName}} {{middleName}} {{lastName}}","Common/CAB/Go-Back/back-to-dex-button__text":"Return to Dubai Experience","Common/Account/my-account__text":"My Account","Common/back-to-top__text":"Back to top","Common/Error/server-error__text":"Server error","Common/Error/server-error-description__text":"Sorry, we're having technical issues at this time. Please try again later or contact us for further assistance.","Common/Flight-Card-Details/upgrade-not-combinable__text":"Not combinable","Common/Flight-Card-Details/upgrade-not-available-br-dept-time-rest__text":"Saver tickets can only be upgraded once check-in is open for your flight","Common/Error/refresh-page__text":"Refresh page","Common/Flight-Card-Details/br-insufficient-points__text":"Insufficient points","Common/Dubai-Experience/Payment/Terms-And-Conditions/dubai-experience":"Dubai Experience","Common/currency-amount-new-format__text":"{currencyCode} <span class=\"amount\">{cultureFormattedCurrencyValue}</span>","Common/Flight-Card/non-stop__text":"Non-stop","Common/Flight-Card/stop__text":"{stops} stop","Common/Flight-Card/operated-by__text":"is operated by {carrier}","Common/Origin-Destination/journey-total-duration-hr-min__text":"{hours} hr {minutes} min","Common/Origin-Destination/journey-total-duration-hr-mins__text":"{hours} hr {minutes} mins","Common/Origin-Destination/journey-total-duration-hrs-min__text":"{hours} hrs {minutes} min","Common/Origin-Destination/journey-total-duration-hrs-mins__text":"{hours} hrs {minutes} mins","Common/Flight-Card/haj-restrictions-apply__text":"restrictions apply","Common/Flight-Card/HAJ__text":"Hajj/Umrah","Common/Flight-Card/mixed-cabin__text":"Mixed Class","Common/Flight-Card/stops-connection__text":"{stops} stops, {connections} connection","Common/Flight-Card/stop-connections__text":"{stops} stop, {connections} connections","Common/Flight-Card/stops-connections__text":"{stops} stops, {connections} connections","Common/Flight-Card/stop-connection__text":"{stops} stop, {connections} connection","Common/Flight-Card/connections__text":"{connections} connections","Common/Flight-Card/stops__text":"{stops} stops","Common/Flight-Card/connection__text":"{connections} connection","Common/Flight-Card/cabin-partially-available__text":"Partially available","Common/Flight-Card/connection-airport__text":"Connection in {destinationAirportName} ({destinationAirportCode})","Common/Flight-Card/OTH__text":"Other information","Common/Flight-Card/GOV__text":"Government restriction","Common/Flight-Card/connects-in-dubai__text":"Connects in Dubai","Common/Flight-Card/class-fare-type__text":"Class / Fare type","Common/Flight-Card/cabin-not-offered__text":"Not offered","Common/Flight-Card/cabin-sold-out__text":"Sold out","Common/Flight-Card/mixed-cabin-show-details__text":"Show details","Common/Flight-Card/mixed-cabin-description__text":"{cabinClass} is not available for all of your flights.","Common/Flight-Card/partially-available-cabin__text":"{cabinClass} is partially available for this journey","Common/Flight-Card/different-cabins-seating__text":"You will be seated in different cabin classes during your trip","Common/Flight-Card/origin-to-destination-code__text":"{origin} to {destination}","Common/Flight-Card/Modal/connection-duration__text":"Duration {duration}","Common/Flight-Card/Modal/connection-info__text":"Passengers change aircraft when connecting.","Common/Flight-Card/Modal/header__text":"Flight details","Common/Flight-Card/Modal/aircraft-type__text":"Aircraft type","Common/Flight-Card/Modal/other-segment-type__text":"Type","Common/Flight-Card/Modal/flight-number__text":"Flight number","Common/Flight-Card/Modal/ond-from-to__text":"From {originAirportName} ({originAirportCode}) to {destinationAirportName} ({destinationAirportCode})","Common/Flight-Card/Modal/connection-airport__text":"Connection in {destinationAirportName} ({destinationAirportCode})","Common/Flight-Card/Modal/mixed-cabin-generic__text":"You will be seated in different cabin classes during your trip","Common/Flight-Card/Modal/stop-details-duration__text":"Duration","Common/Flight-Card/Modal/stop-details-departure__text":"Departure","Common/Flight-Card/Modal/stop-details-stops__text":"Stops","Common/Flight-Card/Modal/total-duration__text":"Total duration","Common/Flight-Card/Modal/stop-details-arrival__text":"Arrival","Common/Flight-Card/Modal/operated-by__text":"Operated by {carrier}","Common/Flight-Card/no-change__text":"Unchanged","Common/show__text":"Show","Common/Filter-Sort/sort-by__text":"Sort by","Common/Filter-Sort/sort__text":"Sort","Common/ond__text":"{originAirportName} to {destinationAirportName}","Common/Cabin-Brands/flex-plus__text":"Flex Plus","Common/Cabin-Brands/flex__text":"Flex","Common/Cabin-Brands/saver__text":"Saver","Common/Cabin-Brands/special__text":"Special","Common/Dropdown/add__text":"Add","Common/Accessibility/pause__text":"pause","Common/Accessibility/play__text":"play","Common/Origin-Destination/flight-card-header__text":"{originAirportName} ({originAirportCode}) to {destinationAirportName} ({destinationAirportCode})","Common/Flight-Card/first__text":"First","Common/Flight-Card/economy__text":"Economy","Common/Flight-Card/business__text":"Business","Common/Flight-Card/number__text":"Number","Common/Flight-Card/premium-economy__text":"Premium Economy","Common/Flight-Card/flight-details-link__text":"All flight details","Common/Flight-Card/stop-details__text":"Stop in {stationName} for {duration}","Common/Flight-Card/train__text":"Train","Common/Flight-Card/cabin-class__text":"{cabinClass} Class","Common/Flight-Card/bus__text":"Bus","Common/Flight-Card/view-detailed-fare-condictions__text":"View detailed fare conditions","Common/Trip-Summary/breakdown-modal-currency__text":"All prices shown below are in {currency}.","Common/Trip-Summary/checked-baggage__text":"Checked baggage:","Common/Trip-Summary/fare_break_down_description__text":"Fare","Common/Trip-Summary/change-fee__text":"Change fee:","Common/Trip-Summary/carrier-imposed-charges__text":"Carrier-imposed charges","Common/Trip-Summary/fare-breakdown__text":"Fare breakdown","Common/Trip-Summary/fuel-surcharge__text":"Fuel surcharge","Common/Trip-Summary/passenger-summary-ofws__text":"Overseas Filipino Workers ","Common/Trip-Summary/fare_break_down_label__text":"Fare details","Common/Trip-Summary/number-of-pax__text":"Number of passengers","Common/Trip-Summary/passenger-summary-adults__text":"Adults","Common/Trip-Summary/passenger-summary-teenagers__text":"Teenagers","Common/Trip-Summary/flight-details-link__text":"All flight details","Common/Trip-Summary/grand-total__text":"Grand total","Common/Trip-Summary/tax-break-down-description__text":"Tax/fee/surcharge description","Common/Trip-Summary/passenger-summary-infants__text":"Infants","Common/Trip-Summary/refund-fee__text":"Refund fee:","Common/Trip-Summary/passenger-summary-children__text":"Children","Common/Trip-Summary/tax-grand-total__text":"Total","Common/Trip-Summary/tax-break-down-label__text":"Tax/fee/surcharge code","Common/Trip-Summary/total-for-all-pax__text":"Total for all {paxType} passengers","Common/Trip-Summary/tax-breakdown__text":"Tax Breakdown","Common/Trip-Summary/taxes-and-fees__text":"Taxes and fees","Common/Trip-Summary/total-per-pax__text":"Total per passenger","Common/Flight-Card/Modal/bus__text":"Bus","Common/Flight-Card/Modal/number__text":"Number","Common/Flight-Card/Modal/train__text":"Train","Common/Accessibility/change-search-redirect__text":"Change search button redirects to flight status search page","Common/Accessibility/opens-preview-modal-pdf__text":"'Download flight certificate' opens a preview in a modal and provides a PDF download option within the preview modal.","Common/Flight-Card/connection-duration__text":"Duration {hours}h {minutes}m","Common/Accessibility/a11y-apply-promo-code__text":"Apply this code","Common/Accessibility/a11y-promo-code-validated__text":"Your code is valid","Common/Accessibility/a11y-validating-promo-code__text":"Validating promotional code","Common/Accessibility/a11y-promo-code-not-valid__text":"Your code is not valid","Common/Accessibility/dropdown__collapsed__AA__annoucement__text":"Collapsed","Common/Accessibility/cabin-status-announce__text":"{cabin} {status}.","Common/Accessibility/dropdown__expanded__AA__annoucement__text":"Expanded","Common/Accessibility/ond-aria-label__text":"{originAirportName} ({originAirportCode}) to {destinationAirportName} ({destinationAirportCode})","Common/Accessibility/fare-rules-terms-and-conditions__text":"Fare rules & Terms and conditions","Common/Accessibility/selected-sort-is__text":"Sort {appliedSort} filter Selected","Common/Accessibility/return-to-review-dialog__text":"Return to Review will close the dialog","Common/Accessibility/miles-breakdown-loading__text":"Loading Miles breakdown","Common/Accessibility/a11y-search-page-link__text":"Navigate to Search page","Common/Accessibility/flight-results-loading__text":"flight results are loading","Common/Accessibility/change-search-aria-label__text":"Change search opens a modal","Common/Accessibility/cabin-price-announce__text":"{cabin} from {lowestPrice}.","Common/Accessibility/icon__text":"Icon","Common/Accessibility/sort-options-popup-closed__text":"sort options popup closed","Common/Accessibility/cabin-lowest-price-announce__text":"{cabin} from {lowestPrice}, lowest price.","Common/Accessibility/skyward-miles-details-caption__text":"Skyward Miles details","Common/Accessibility/currency-list-loading__text":"Currency results are loading","Common/Accessibility/available-cabin-announce__text":"Available classes","Common/Accessibility/flight-fare-conditions-loading__text":"Flight fare conditions are loading","Common/Accessibility/sort-options-popup-opened__text":"Sort options popup opened","Common/Flight-Card/Modal/on-time-performance__url":{"schema":"Link","title":"On time performance","url":"/de/english/information/on-time-performance/","target":"_blank"},"Common/Flight-Card/Modal/on-time-performance__text":"On time performance","Common/Flight-Card/Modal/upgrade-available__text":"Upgrade available","Common/Flight-Card/Modal/connection-airport-code__text":"Connection in {destinationAirportCode}","Common/Flight-Card/Modal/ond__text":"{originAirportName} to {destinationAirportName}","Common/Flight-Card/Modal/ond-from-to-with-code__text":"From {originAirportCode} to {destinationAirportCode}","Common/Flight-Card/Modal/to__text":"{originAirportName} to {destinationAirportName}","Common/Trip-Summary/passenger__text":"Passenger","Common/Trip-Summary/passenger-with-count__text":"1 passenger","Common/Trip-Summary/baggage-summary-title__text":"Additional baggage","Common/Trip-Summary/embargo__text":"Embargo","Common/Trip-Summary/hide-summary__text":"Hide summary","Common/Trip-Summary/flight__text":"Flight","Common/Trip-Summary/passenger-summary-child__text":"Child","Common/Trip-Summary/baggage-allowance-per-passenger-type__text":"Baggage allowance per passenger type","Common/Trip-Summary/passenger-summary-ofw__text":"Overseas Filipino Worker","Common/Trip-Summary/carryon-baggage-allowance__text":"Carry-on baggage allowance","Common/Trip-Summary/inclusive-fuel-surcharge__text":"Inclusive of airfare, taxes, fees and fuel surcharge","Common/Trip-Summary/passenger-type__text":"Passenger type","Common/Trip-Summary/passengers__text":"{numberOfPassengers} passengers","Common/Trip-Summary/charges-may-apply__text":"Charges may apply for any baggage exceeding the allowance above. Online discounts for additional baggage allowances may be available in Manage your Booking. Any additional charges can also be paid at the airport.","Common/Trip-Summary/header-summary__text":"For {{passengerCount}} {{passengersText}} - {inclusionText}","Common/Trip-Summary/flights-header__text":"Flights","Common/Trip-Summary/itinerary__text":"Itinerary","Common/Trip-Summary/passenger-summary-teenager__text":"Teenager","Common/Trip-Summary/inclusive-non-fuel-surcharge__text":"Inclusive of airfare, taxes, fees","Common/Trip-Summary/approx-currency__text":"(approx. {approxPrice})","Common/Trip-Summary/carryon-baggage-allowance-description__text":"Carry-on baggage rules differ for each operating carrier. Carry-on baggage allowances will change for each flight, depending on the operating carrier. A detailed breakdown of your carry-on baggage allowance for each flight is shown in the table below.","Common/Trip-Summary/baggage-allowance__text":"Baggage allowance","Common/Trip-Summary/fare-break-down-label__text":"Fare details","Common/Trip-Summary/inclusive__text":"Inclusive of airfare, taxes, fees and carrier imposed charges","Common/Trip-Summary/oneway__text":"One way","Common/Trip-Summary/change-search__text":"Change search","Common/Trip-Summary/bag__text":"Bag {ordinal}","Common/Trip-Summary/checked-baggage-allowance__text":"Checked baggage allowance","Common/Trip-Summary/header-summary-passengers__text":"For {passengerCount} passengers - {inclusionText}","Common/Trip-Summary/passenger-summary-adult__text":"Adult","Common/Trip-Summary/passenger-summary-infant__text":"Infant","Common/Trip-Summary/baggage-allowance-summary__text":"Baggage allowance summary","Common/Trip-Summary/carrier__text":"Carrier","Common/Trip-Summary/embargo-description__text":"Embargo: A carrier-imposed embargo applies to a flight within your itinerary. To view details of this embargo, please click on the link below.","Common/Trip-Summary/header-summary-passenger__text":"For 1 passenger - {inclusionText}","Common/Trip-Summary/inclusive-with-tax__text":"Inclusive of airfare, taxes, fees and charges","Common/Trip-Summary/fare-break-down-description__text":"Fare","Common/Trip-Summary/seat-char-extra-legroom__text":"Extra Legroom","Common/Trip-Summary/passengers-with-count__text":"{numberOfPassengers} passengers","Common/Trip-Summary/total-for-all-adults__text":"Total for all adults","Common/Trip-Summary/read-the-full-applicable-baggage-rules__text":"Read the full applicable baggage rules","Common/Trip-Summary/return__text":"Return","Common/Trip-Summary/seat-char-twin__text":"Twin","Common/Trip-Summary/selection-summary__text":"You will see the summary of your selections here","Common/Trip-Summary/travel-insurance__text":"Travel Insurance","Common/Trip-Summary/total-to-be-paid__text":"Total to be paid","Common/Trip-Summary/seat-char-upperdeck-twin__text":"Twin","Common/Trip-Summary/seat-char-regular-bulkhead__text":"Bulkhead","Common/Trip-Summary/seat-summary-title__text":"Seat selections","Common/Trip-Summary/total-for-all-children__text":"Total for all children","Common/Trip-Summary/total__text":"Cost","Common/Trip-Summary/seat-char-bassinet__text":"Bassinet","Common/Trip-Summary/ti-header__text":"Travel Insurance","Common/Trip-Summary/total-for-all-ofw__text":"Total for all Overseas Filipino Workers","Common/Trip-Summary/total-for-all-infants__text":"Total for all infants","Common/Trip-Summary/total-for-all-teenagers__text":"Total for all teenagers","Common/Trip-Summary/seat-char-preferred__text":"Preferred","Common/Trip-Summary/view-summary__text":"View summary","Common/Trip-Summary/ti-bc__text":"Business Cover","Common/Trip-Summary/select-your-flight__text":"Start selecting your flights now.","Common/Trip-Summary/seat-char-premium-twin__text":"Premium Twin","Common/Trip-Summary/ti-bs__text":"Standard Travel Insurance","Common/Trip-Summary/seat-char-preferred-upperdeck__text":"Preferred","Common/Trip-Summary/seat-char-regular__text":"Regular","Common/Trip-Summary/ti-ac__text":"Air Space Closure Cover","Common/Trip-Summary/ti-taxes-fees__text":"Taxes and Fees","Common/Trip-Summary/special-information__text":"Special information","Common/Trip-Summary/terms-and-conditions__text":"Terms and conditions","Common/Trip-Summary/seat-char-premium__text":"Premium","Common/Trip-Summary/ti-title__text":"AIG Insurance","Common/Trip-Summary/ti-wc__text":"Wedding Cover","Common/Trip-Summary/your-trip-summary__text":"Your trip summary","Common/Trip-Summary/trip-summary__text":"Your trip summary","Common/Trip-Summary/baggage-allowance__url":{"schema":"Link","title":"Read the full applicable baggage rules","url":"/de/english/before-you-fly/baggage/","target":"_blank"},"Common/Trip-Summary/miles-breakdown__text":"Miles breakdown","Common/Trip-Summary/inclusive-with-tax-and-fee__text":"Inclusive of airfare, taxes and fees","Common/Trip-Summary/aig-logo__image":{"url":"","contentHash":"Z3mMs7Cy9YB1oIVUrOB_YA"},"Common/Account/please-wait__text":"Please wait","Common/Accessibility/select-to-get-more-information__text":"Select for more information on baggage allowance.","Common/Advanced-Passenger-Info/Passport-Information-Section/undisclosed-gender-warning__text":"Your information, including your gender, must match your passport details. Passengers with an undisclosed gender and/or neither ‘M’ (male) or ‘F’ (female) indicated on their passport must go to the airport to complete their check-in process and be issued their boarding pass, and may be refused transit or entry in certain destinations (including Dubai) by the local immigration authorities. This is outside of Emirates’ control and we will have no liability to you for their decision. You must check the relevant entry requirements for any country you are visiting, even as a transit passenger.","Common/OCI-MYB/Passenger/on-standby__text":"On standby","Common/OCI-MYB/Passenger/adult__text":"Adult","Common/OCI-MYB/Passenger/infant-brackets__text":"(Infant)","Common/OCI-MYB/Baggage/first-cabin-dimension__text":"Two pieces of carry-on baggage permitted: one briefcase plus either one handbag or one garment bag. The briefcase may not exceed 45 x 35 x 20cm (18 x 14 x 8 inches); the handbag may not exceed 55 x 38 x 22cm (22 x 15 x 8 inches); the garment bag can be no more than 20cm (8 inches) thick when folded. The weight of each piece must not exceed 7kg (15lb). The total combined weight of both pieces may not be more than 14kg (30lb).","Common/OCI-MYB/Baggage/economy-cabin-dimension__text":"One piece of carry-on baggage is permitted with maximum dimensions: 55 x 38 x 22cm (22 x 15 x 8 inches) and maximum weight: 7kg (15lb).\n<br />\nNote: If you’re boarding in India, your carry-on baggage may not exceed 115cm or 45.3 inches (length + width + height). If your itinerary originates from Brazil, you’re allowed a carry-on weighing 10kg (22lb).","Common/OCI-MYB/Baggage/business-cabin-dimension__text":"Two pieces of carry-on baggage permitted: one briefcase plus either one handbag or one garment bag. The briefcase may not exceed 45 x 35 x 20cm (18 x 14 x 8 inches); the handbag may not exceed 55 x 38 x 22cm (22 x 15 x 8 inches); the garment bag can be no more than 20cm (8 inches) thick when folded. The weight of each piece must not exceed 7kg (15lb). The total combined weight of both pieces may not be more than 14kg (30lb).","Common/OCI-MYB/Baggage/included-fare__text":"Included in fare: {unitValue}","Common/OCI-MYB/Baggage/infant-cabin-dimension__text":"Infants in all cabin classes are permitted one carry-on bag for inflight food and disposable items (weight not to exceed 5kg (11lb) and maximum dimensions: 55 x 38 x 22cm (22 x 15 x 8 inches).","Common/OCI-MYB/Baggage/premium-economy-cabin-dimension__text":"One piece of carry-on baggage is permitted with maximum dimensions: 55 x 38 x 22cm (22 x 15 x 8 inches) and maximum weight: 10kg (22lb). Note: If you're boarding in India, your carry-on baggage may not exceed 115cm or 45.3 inches (length + width + height).","Common/OCI-MYB/important-information-title__text":"Important information","Common/OCI-MYB/Review-Seats/title__text":"Review seats","Common/Flight-Card/flights-checkin-title__text":"Flights open for check-in","Common/Advanced-Passenger-Info/Passport-Information-Section/preferred__text":"Preferred","Common/Advanced-Passenger-Info/Passport-Information-Section/passport-details-confirm__text":"Confirm","Common/Advanced-Passenger-Info/Passport-Information-Section/passport-details-cancel__text":"Cancel","Common/Advanced-Passenger-Info/Passport-Information-Section/passport-details__text":"Passport details","Common/Advanced-Passenger-Info/Passport-Information-Section/passport-details-title__text":"There are already 2 passports saved in your Emirates Skywards account. Please select one of the passports you would like to use.","Common/Advanced-Passenger-Info/Passport-Information-Section/passport-list-link__text":"View list of passports from my Skywards account","Common/Advanced-Passenger-Info/Passport-Information-Section/Validation-Message/dob-pax-unmatched-validation-error__text":"The date of birth entered for this passenger does not match their age indicated during the flight booking. If the date of birth entered here is incorrect, please correct it. Otherwise, you will need to contact us.","Common/Advanced-Passenger-Info/Passport-Information-Section/Validation-Message/dob-future-validation-error__text":"Date is in the future. Please check and try again.","Common/miles-new-format__text":"<span class=\"miles\">{milesValue}</span> Miles","Common/step-title__text":"Make a booking","Common/mixed__text":"Mixed Cabins","Common/from__text":"From","Common/dynamic_date__text":"Last updated: {0} (GMT +4)","Common/date-range__text":"till","Common/apply__text":"Apply","Common/warning__text":"Important","Common/fare-comparision-ond__text":"{originAirportName} ({originAirportCode}) to {destinationAirportName} ({destinationAirportCode})","Common/Accessibility/multicity__text":"Multi-city","Common/Accessibility/a11y-search-result-page-link__text":"Navigate to search results page","Common/Accessibility/search-flights-aria-label__text":"Search flights redirects to the search page","Common/Accessibility/logout-in-progress__text":"Logging-out","Common/Flight-Card/mixed-fare__text":"Mixed fare-type","Common/Flight-Card/all-classes__text":"All classes","Common/Flight-Card/cabin-class-not-available__text":"Not available","Common/Flight-Card/cabin-class-available__text":"Available","Common/Flight-Card/select-cabin-class__text":"Select class","Common/Flight-Card/offers__text":"{offerCount} offers","Common/Flight-Card/cabin-from__text":"{cabinClass}","Common/Flight-Card/offer__text":"{offerCount} offer","Common/Flight-Card/from-currency-price__text":"from {currencyAndPrice}","Common/Flight-Card/lowest-price__text":"Lowest price","Common/Flight-Card/StopOver/class-not-available__text":"Class not available","Common/Flight-Card/StopOver/extra-charges__text":"Additional charge","Common/Flight-Card/StopOver/important__text":"Important","Common/Flight-Card/StopOver/no-extra-charges__text":"No additional charges","Common/Flight-Card/StopOver/seat-left__text":"{seatsAvailable} seat left","Common/Flight-Card/StopOver/seats-left__text":"{seatsAvailable} seats left","Common/Flight-Card/StopOver/selected__text":"Selected","Common/Flight-Card/StopOver/select__text":"Select","Common/Flight-Card/Offers/cash-plus-miles-benefit__text":"You are eligible to use Cash+Miles on the payment page, allowing you to save {amount} per {miles} Miles.","Common/Flight-Card/Offers/cash-plus-miles-brand__text":"Get more for your Miles. For every {miles} Skywards Miles you will get {amount} off the base fare of your flight. My family and Skysurfers accounts are currently not eligible for this offer.","Common/Flight-Card/Offers/cash-plus-miles-cabin__text":"Choose to pay with Cash+Miles on the payment page and save up to {amount} per {miles} Miles.","Common/Flight-Card/Offers/cash-plus-miles-heading__text":"Cash+Miles offer","Common/Flight-Card/Offers/cash-plus-miles-promotion__text":"You are now eligible to avail your Cash+Miles offer on the payment page, allowing you to save {amount} per {miles} Miles you redeem.","Common/Flight-Card/Offers/miles-upgrade-cabin-promotion__text":"A Miles upgrade from {fromClass} to {toClass} is currently available at a reduced rate. Availability is not guaranteed and fare rules apply.","Common/Flight-Card/Offers/miles-upgrade-heading__text":"Miles upgrade","Common/Flight-Card/Offers/miles-upgrade-cabin__text":"Miles upgrade from {fromClass} to {toClass} for this flight is currently available. Availability is not guaranteed and fare rules apply.","Common/Flight-Card/Offers/miles-upgrade-label__text":"Miles upgrade available","Common/Flight-Card/Offers/miles-upgrade-multiple-cabin-promotion__text":"Miles upgrade from {fromClass} to {toClassOne} and {fromClass} to {toClassTwo} for this flight is currently available at a reduced rate. Availability is not guaranteed and fare rules apply.","Common/Flight-Card/Offers/miles-upgrade-multiple-cabin__text":"Miles upgrade from {fromClass} to {toClassOne} and {fromClass} to {toClassTwo} for this flight is currently available. Availability is not guaranteed and fare rules apply.","Common/Flight-Card/Offers/miles-upgrade-promotion-heading__text":"Skywards Miles upgrade offer","Common/Flight-Card/Offers/miles-upgrade-promotion__text":"You are eligible for a Miles upgrade at a reduced rate on this flight.","Common/Flight-Card/Offers/promocode-applied-ga-only__text":"Discounted offer","Common/Flight-Card/Offers/promocode-applied__text":"Discounted offer","Common/Flight-Card/Offers/skywards-miles-promotion__text":"You can earn additional Skywards Miles by selecting this flight.","Common/Flight-Card/Offers/skywards-miles-promotion-heading__text":"Earn bonus Skywards Miles","Common/Flight-Card/Offers/tier-miles-promotion-heading__text":"Earn more Tier Miles","Common/Flight-Card/Offers/tier-miles-promotion__text":"You can earn additional Skywards Tier Miles by selecting this flight.","Common/Flight-Fare-Conditions/fare-conditions-disclaimer__text":"If the outbound and inbound refund or change fees are different amounts and you wish to refund or change your trip, the higher fee will apply. When a combination of fares is used with different validity periods , the lowest validity will apply for your entire trip.\n<br /><br />\nThe amounts quoted for change fees or refunds are per person. <strong>Change fees will be charged in addition to any applicable fare difference.</strong>","Common/Flight-Fare-Conditions/error-title__text":"Something went wrong","Common/Flight-Fare-Conditions/flight-fare-conditions-failure__text":"Sorry, we were unable to retrieve the fare conditions.","Common/Flight-Fare-Conditions/fare-conditions-details__text":"Fare conditions details","Common/Flight-Fare-Conditions/inbound__text":"Inbound","Common/Flight-Fare-Conditions/maximum-stay__text":"Maximum stay:","Common/Flight-Fare-Conditions/info-not-available__text":"Info not available","Common/Flight-Fare-Conditions/minimum-stay__text":"Minimum stay:","Common/Flight-Fare-Conditions/outbound__text":"Outbound","Common/Flight-Fare-Conditions/see-fare-conditions-details__text":"See fare conditions details","Common/Flight-Fare-Conditions/reimburse-conditions__url":{"schema":"Link","title":"View the conditions of reimbursement if a ticket is fully unutilised","target":"_blank"},"Common/Flight-Fare-Conditions/stop-overs__text":"Stopovers:","Common/important-information/important-information-header__text":"Important information","Common/important-information/read-more__text":"Read more","Common/important-information/read-less__text":"Read less","Common/Lowest-Fare/cabin-class__text":"{cabinClass} Class","Common/Lowest-Fare/inclusive-with-tax__text":"Inclusive of airfare, taxes, fees and charges","Common/Lowest-Fare/inclusive-fuel-surcharge__text":"Inclusive of airfare, taxes, fees and fuel surcharge","Common/Lowest-Fare/inclusive__text":"Inclusive of airfare, taxes, fees and carrier imposed charges","Common/Lowest-Fare/inclusive-non-fuel-surcharge__text":"Inclusive of airfare, taxes, fees","Common/Lowest-Fare/miles__text":"Miles","Common/Lowest-Fare/select-your-flight__text":"Select your flight","Common/Lowest-Fare/lowest-price__text":"{journeyCabinClass}, {journeyType} for {numberOfPassengers} {paxText}","Common/Lowest-Fare/select-your-flights__text":"Select your flights","Common/Lowest-Fare/points__text":"Points","Common/Miles-Breakdown/bonus-miles-description__text":"{firstName} {lastName} {description} ({origin} to {destination})","Common/Miles-Breakdown/miles-details-heading__text":"Miles details","Common/Miles-Breakdown/miles-breakdown-failure__text":"Sorry, we were unable to retrieve the Miles summary.","Common/Miles-Breakdown/miles-details__text":"Miles details","Common/Miles-Breakdown/miles-you-earn__text":"Miles you will earn:","Common/Miles-Breakdown/origin-to-destination__text":"{originAirportName} to {destinationAirportName}","Common/Miles-Breakdown/not-applicable__text":"Not applicable","Common/Miles-Breakdown/skyward-miles-details-caption__text":"Skyward Miles details","Common/Miles-Breakdown/skywards-miles-value__text":"{{Miles}} Skywards Miles","Common/Miles-Breakdown/skywards-miles__text":"Skywards Miles","Common/Miles-Breakdown/tier-miles-value__text":"{{Miles}} Tier Miles","Common/Miles-Breakdown/total-miles-earned-description__text":"For Cash+Miles bookings, the Skywards Miles and Tier Miles earned will be proportional to the base fare paid in cash. For My Family members, the number of Skywards Miles credited to the My Family account and any individual accounts will depend on the Miles contribution of each account. Any applicable promotional bonus Miles will be credited to your account after you travel.","Common/Miles-Breakdown/tier-miles__text":"Tier Miles","Common/Miles-Breakdown/total-miles-earned__text":"Total miles earned","Common/Miles-Breakdown/total-miles-per-skywards-member__text":"Total Miles per Emirates Skywards member","Common/Miles-Breakdown/total-miles-person__text":"Total Miles for {firstName} {lastName}","Common/Miles-Breakdown/unable-to-fetch-miles-data__text":"Sorry, we were unable to retrieve Miles information for this passenger.","Common/Miles-Breakdown/view-miles-breakdown__text":"View breakdown","Common/Pos-Messages/pos-change-message-global__text":"You have now been directed to the {posCountry} website to finalize this booking. Your booking will be subject to the terms and conditions of the {posCountry} website, including those relating to consumer protections. Please note that your booking will be charged in {posCurrencyName} ({posCurrencyCode})","Common/Pos-Messages/pos-change-information-title__text":"You have been taken to our {posCountry} site","Common/Pos-Messages/pos-change-message__text":"As you selected a departure airport outside of {siteCountry}, you have been directed to the {posCountry} website to finalise this booking. Your booking will be subject to the terms and conditions of the {posCountry} website, including those relating to consumer protections, which may differ from those of our {siteCountry} website. Please note that your booking will be charged in {posCurrencyName} ({posCurrencyCode})","Common/Session-Expiry/session-expiry-description__text":"<p>Your session will expire in <span>{secondsLeft} seconds.</span> </p><p>Please click on Continue to stay on your current page or start a new search.</p>","Common/Session-Expiry/session-expiry-continue-button__text":"Continue","Common/Session-Expiry/session-expiry-start-new-session-button__text":"Start a new search","Common/Session-Expiry/session-expiry-title__text":"Session time out","Common/Skyward-Plus-Banner/skyward-plus-benefits__text":"As a Skywards+ subscriber you can enjoy a range of benefits based on your package type.","Common/Skyward-Plus-Banner/skyward-plus-benefits-note__text":"Note that these rates apply only if your subscription is still active at the time of upgrading or on the date of travel.","Common/Skyward-Plus-Banner/info-not-available__text":"Info not available","Common/Skyward-Plus-Banner/skyward-plus-subscriber-benefits__text":"As a Skywards+ subscriber, you can enjoy these benefits on every booking:","Common/Skyward-Plus-Banner/view-benefits__text":"View benefits","Common/Skyward-Plus-Banner/view-benefits_as_skyward-plus-subscriber__text":"ดูสิทธิประโยชน์ในฐานะสมาชิก Skywards+","Common/Skyward-Plus-Banner/skyward-plus__text":"Skywards+ Benefits","Common/StopOver/extra-charges__text":"Additional charge","Common/StopOver/class-not-available__text":"Class not available","Common/StopOver/important__text":"Important","Common/StopOver/no-extra-charges__text":"No additional charges","Common/Tier-Details/blue__text":"Blue","Common/Tier-Details/io__text":"IO","Common/Tier-Details/gold__text":"Gold","Common/Tier-Details/logged-in-info-skywards-miles__text":"Skywards Miles","Common/Tier-Details/platinum__text":"Platinum","Common/Tier-Details/silver__text":"Silver","Common/Tier-Details/skywards__text":"Blue","Common/Tier-Details/tier-coin-blue-member__image":{"url":"","contentHash":"5xdR3D7ZQ5Uvr-9XWALiIA"},"Common/Tier-Details/tier-coin-gold-member__image":{"url":"","contentHash":"-xJUKYzbPIToeVvh3AruBQ"},"Common/Tier-Details/tier-coin-io-member__image":{"url":"","contentHash":"lre_IJ1pc3Q6pE16SxDs-A"},"Common/Tier-Details/tier-coin-platinum-member__image":{"url":"","contentHash":"THxRgoqnJMwe3FmD3Y-V5Q"},"Common/Tier-Details/tier-coin-silver-member__image":{"url":"","contentHash":"imLeGwDMg4k6KZlkNzEURQ"},"Common/Tier-Details/tier-name-blue-member__text":"Blue Member","Common/Tier-Details/tier-coin-skywards-member__image":{"url":"","contentHash":"5xdR3D7ZQ5Uvr-9XWALiIA"},"Common/Tier-Details/tier-name-gold-member__text":"Gold Member","Common/Tier-Details/tier-name-platinum-member__text":"Platinum Member","Common/Tier-Details/tier-name-silver-member__text":"Silver Member","Common/Tier-Details/tier-name-invitation-only-member__text":"IO Member","Common/Tier-Details/tier-name-skywards-member__text":"Blue Member","Common/Account/tier-member__text":"{tier} member","Common/Account/login-profile-retrieval-error__text":"Sorry, there was a technical issue when retrieving your membership details. Please try again.","Common/Account/account-banner-widget-br-classic-rewards-desc__title":"You can’t create a My Family booking when booking business travel","Common/Account/miles-expire-text":"Miles expire on","Common/Account/miles-expire__text":"{{expiringMiles}} Miles will expire on","Common/Account/business-rewards__text":"Business Rewards","Common/Account/login-profile-retrieval-info__text":"Sorry, there was a problem loading your account information. You can still continue with your booking and we will try again when you move to the next page.","Common/Account/skywards__text":"Skywards","Common/Account/business-rewards-travel__text":"Business Rewards","Common/Account/banner-io-member__text":" | IO","Common/Account/change-account-business-rewards-member__text":": Business Rewards Member","Common/Account/banner-skywards-miles__text":"Skywards Miles","Common/Account/change-account-family-head__text":": Family Head","Common/Account/banner-blue-member__text":" | Blue","Common/Account/br-classic-rewards__text":"Book a Dynamic Rewards flight","Common/Account/change-account__text":"Change account","Common/Account/sr-classic-rewards__text":"Classic Rewards","Common/Account/banner-family-member__text":" | Family Member","Common/Account/banner-business-rewards-member__text":" | Business Rewards Member","Common/Account/banner-platinum-member__text":" | Platinum","Common/Account/banner-gold-member__text":" | Gold","Common/Account/skywards-rewards-travel__text":"Skywards Rewards","Common/Account/family-rewards-travel__text":"My Family","Common/Account/banner-family-head__text":" | Family Head","Common/Account/banner-business-rewards-admin__text":" | Business Rewards Administrator","Common/Account/change-account-business-rewards-admin__text":": Business Rewards Admin","Common/Account/business-rewards-text":"Business Rewards","Common/Account/banner-silver-member__text":" | Silver","Common/ActionMessage/info-messages-title__text":"Important information","Common/ActionMessage/info_messages_title":"Information","Common/ActionMessage/Accessibility/close_warning_message_block__text":"close the warning message block","Common/ActionMessage/Accessibility/close_base_message_block__text":"close the message block","Common/ActionMessage/FYI/generic-information-message__text":"Important information","Common/Cabin-Brands/insufficient-miles__text":"Insufficient Miles","Common/Change-Search-Modal/sub-title-inline__text":"Continue with one of your recent searches","Common/Change-Search-Modal/apply__text":"Continue","Common/Change-Search-Modal/change-search-title__text":"Change search","Common/Change-Search-Modal/sub-title__text":"Change your search","Common/Change-Search-Modal/title__text":"Search flights","Common/Currency-Converter/all-currency__text":"All currencies","Common/Currency-Converter/currency-converter__text":"Currency converter","Common/Currency-Converter/back__text":"Back","Common/Currency-Converter/change-currency__text":"You are viewing prices in {pricedCurrency}. If you would like to view prices in a different currency, you can select it below.","Common/Currency-Converter/popular-currency__text":"Popular currencies","Common/Currency-Converter/no-results-found__text":"No results found","Common/Currency-Converter/select-currency__text":"Select currency","Common/Currency-Converter/suggested-currency__text":"Recommended currencies","Common/Dubai-Connect-Modal/dubai-connect-eligibility-link__text":"You are eligible for Dubai Connect","Common/Dubai-Connect-Modal/dubai-connect__text":"Dubai Connect","Common/Dubai-Connect-Modal/dubai-connect-description__text":"Your connection in Dubai between {origin} and {destination} qualifies for Dubai Connect.\n<br /><br />\nThe Dubai Connect complimentary service is a special courtesy to our passengers whose journey requires a long stopover in Dubai.\n<br /><br />\nEmirates will provide accommodation, ground transportation, visa* and a meal at no extra cost. After booking your flight, you can request your Dubai Connect rooms on the confirmation page or anytime via Manage a booking. Dubai Connect must be requested at least 48 hours before your flight departs and is subject to availability.\n<br /><br />\n*Certain nationalities do not require a visa to enter the United Arab Emirates. For those nationalities that require a visa on arrival, Emirates will be able to pre-arrange this service for you. After you book your Dubai Connect service, we'll give you instructions on how to provide a copy of your passport and a passport-sized photograph, which will enable us to apply for your visa to be ready on arrival.\n<br /><br />\nYou must be successful in obtaining entry into the United Arab Emirates to be eligible for Dubai Connect. Issuance of visas is purely at the discretion of the United Arab Emirates immigration authorities and Emirates takes no responsibility should your visa application be rejected.","Common/Fare-Rules/fare-rules-disclaimer__text":"If the outbound and inbound refund or change fees are different amounts and you wish to refund or change your trip, the higher fee will apply. When a combination of fares is used with different validity periods , the lowest validity will apply for your entire trip.\n<br /><br />\nThe amounts quoted for change fees or refunds are per person. <strong>Change fees will be charged in addition to any applicable fare difference.</strong>","Common/Fare-Rules/fare-type-comparision__text":"Fare type comparison","Common/Fare-Rules/outbound__text":"Outbound","Common/Fare-Rules/inbound__text":"Inbound","Common/Fare-Rules/reimburse-conditions__url":{"schema":"Link","title":"View the conditions of reimbursement if a ticket is fully unutilised","target":"_blank"},"Common/Trip-Summary/multicity__text":"Multi-city","Common/Trip-Summary/origin-to-destination__text":"{originAirportName} to {destinationAirportName}","Common/Uplift/banner-from__text":"From","Common/Uplift/banner-mobile__text":"Pay monthly.","Common/Uplift/banner-per-month__text":"per month","Common/Uplift/banner-or-total-cost__text":"Or pay in full now:","Common/Uplift/banner-subtext__text":"Spread the cost of your trip over several payments.","Common/Uplift/uplift-apps-faq-title__text":"Frequently Asked Questions","Common/Uplift/uplift-card-icon__image":{"url":"","contentHash":"_X8X6Jr9azFzR0av58Kcuw"},"Common/Uplift/buy-now-pay-later__text":"Buy Now. Pay Later.","Common/Uplift/uplift-calendar-icon__image":{"url":"","contentHash":"9-HFovjSilpzrc696SGUzQ"},"Common/Uplift/uplift-cart-icon__image":{"url":"","contentHash":"5t8k_ashvsEF0rxnxtM9Gg"},"Common/Uplift/uplift-chevron-down__image":{"url":"","contentHash":"ZthK9F1Bh4sDn2aD9C8Dkg"},"Common/Uplift/uplift-faqs-aria-description__text":"FAQ Frequently asked question about Uplift","Common/Uplift/uplift-globe-icon__image":{"altText":"Globe icon","url":"/media/globe-166-731551.svg","contentHash":"RRBLQcBYU_q7CgK_9WRq8Q"},"Common/Uplift/uplift-from-price-template__text":"From {cash} per month","Common/Uplift/uplift-logo__image":{"url":"","contentHash":"2vjwbDmdYFIZGZUzLAvCqg"},"Common/Uplift/uplift-mobile-price-template__text":"Pay monthly from {cash} per month","Common/Uplift/uplift-modal-apps-title__text":"Installment Options","Common/Uplift/uplift-modal-aria-description__text":"Amount pay monthly opens a dialog","Common/Uplift/uplift-modal-aria-close__text":"close","Common/Uplift/uplift-smile-icon__image":{"url":"","contentHash":"KxyUFl96HM3N8C4XxOw1jg"},"Common/Uplift/uplift-price-template__text":"{cash} per month","Common/Uplift/uplift-total-price-template__text":"Or total cost {cash}","Common/Advanced-Passenger-Info/Passport-Information-Section/Validation-Message/PR-US/address-line-two-invalid__text":"Address must be at least 3 characters, Latin or numerical only.","Common/Advanced-Passenger-Info/Passport-Information-Section/Validation-Message/PR-US/city-town-invalid__text":"City must be at least 2 letters, Latin characters only.","Common/Advanced-Passenger-Info/Passport-Information-Section/Validation-Message/PR-US/address-while-in-us-error__text":"Address in the US is required.","Common/Advanced-Passenger-Info/Passport-Information-Section/Validation-Message/PR-US/address-while-in-us-invalid__text":"Address must be at least 3 characters, Latin or numerical only.","Common/Advanced-Passenger-Info/Passport-Information-Section/Validation-Message/PR-US/city-town-required__text":"City in the US is required.","Common/Advanced-Passenger-Info/Passport-Information-Section/Validation-Message/PR-US/country-region-of-residence-error__text":"Country of residence is required.","Common/Advanced-Passenger-Info/Passport-Information-Section/Validation-Message/PR-US/permanent-residence-number__text":"Permanent residence number must be between 4 and 15 characters.","Common/Advanced-Passenger-Info/Passport-Information-Section/Validation-Message/PR-US/known-traveller-number-invalid__text":"Known traveller number must be between 3 and 25 characters.","Common/Advanced-Passenger-Info/Passport-Information-Section/Validation-Message/PR-US/permanent-residence-number-invalid__text":"Permanent residence number must be between 4 and 15 characters.","Common/Advanced-Passenger-Info/Passport-Information-Section/Validation-Message/PR-US/redress-number-invalid-error__text":"Redress number must be between 4 and 15 alphanumeric or fully numeric characters.","Common/Advanced-Passenger-Info/Passport-Information-Section/Validation-Message/PR-US/redress-number-invalid__text":"Redress number must be between 4 and 15 characters.","Common/Advanced-Passenger-Info/Passport-Information-Section/Validation-Message/PR-US/resident-selection-required__text":"Please advise if you're a permanent resident of the United States (USA)","Common/Advanced-Passenger-Info/Passport-Information-Section/Validation-Message/PR-US/state-required__text":"State in the US is required.","Common/Advanced-Passenger-Info/Passport-Information-Section/Validation-Message/PR-US/zip-code-invalid__text":"Post/ZIP code must be at least 2 characters, Latin or numerical only.","Common/Advanced-Passenger-Info/Passport-Information-Section/Validation-Message/PR-US/zip-code-required__text":"Post/ZIP code in the US is required.","Common/Uplift/uplift-modal-logo__image":{"url":"","contentHash":"W5vNTMDxde-cADa5fbl3gw"},"Common/Flight-Card/Modal/helicopter-info__text":"Passengers need to board a helicopter for this connection.","Common/Flight-Card/Modal/train-info__text":"Passengers need to board a train for this connection.","Common/Flight-Card/Modal/bus-info__text":"Passengers need to board a bus for this connection.","Common/Advanced-Passenger-Info/Passport-Information-Section/one-passport-list-text__text":"You have 1 passport saved in your Emirates Skywards profile. Please confirm if this is the passport you would like to use.","Common/Advanced-Passenger-Info/Passport-Information-Section/passport-list-warning-message__text":"If you select another passport, we won't be able to access the previous passport you added in your booking.","Common/Advanced-Passenger-Info/Passport-Information-Section/update-passport-from-profile__text":"Use passport from my Skywards profile","Common/Advanced-Passenger-Info/Passport-Information-Section/only-nationality__text":"Nationality","Common/Advanced-Passenger-Info/Passport-Information-Section/add-passport-to-profile__text":"Add a new passport","Common/OCI-MYB/Validation-Message/pnr-required__text":"Booking reference is required.","Common/OCI-MYB/Validation-Message/last-name-error__text":"Please enter your last name as per your ticket.","Common/OCI-MYB/Validation-Message/invalid-pnr-error__text":"Please enter the six character alphanumeric code on your ticket.","Common/OCI-MYB/Validation-Message/last-name-required__text":"Last name is required.","Common/OCI-MYB/Validation-Message/invalid-last-name-pnr__text":"Please enter your last name and booking reference as per your ticket.","Common/Accessibility/change-seat-pax-name-aria-label__text":"Change seat for passenger: {name} (opens a dialog)","Common/Trip-Summary/tax-breakdown-error__text":"Sorry, we are unable to display the tax breakdown due to a technical error.","Common/Advanced-Passenger-Info/DE-Travel-Details-Section/radio-button-no__text":"No","Common/Advanced-Passenger-Info/DE-Travel-Details-Section/radio-button-yes__text":"Yes","Common/Advanced-Passenger-Info/Passport-Information-Section/Validation-Message/PR-CA/canadian-traveler-number-error__text":"Please use Latin characters only.","Common/Advanced-Passenger-Info/Passport-Information-Section/Validation-Message/PR-CA/permanent-residence-number-error__text":"Permanent residence number must be between 4 and 15 characters.","Common/Advanced-Passenger-Info/Passport-Information-Section/Validation-Message/PR-DE/visa-number-invalid__text":"Please use Latin characters only.","Common/Advanced-Passenger-Info/Passport-Information-Section/Validation-Message/PR-DE/permanent-residence-number-invalid__text":"Please use Latin characters only.","Common/Advanced-Passenger-Info/Passport-Information-Section/Validation-Message/PR-US/permanent-residence-error__text":"Please use Latin characters only.","Common/Advanced-Passenger-Info/Passport-Information-Section/Validation-Message/PR-US/known-traveller-number-invalid-error__text":"Please use Latin characters only.","Common/Origin-Destination/ond__text":"{originAirportName} to {destinationAirportName}","Common/Advanced-Passenger-Info/api-error-title__text":"Error:","Common/Advanced-Passenger-Info/acknowledgement__text":"I acknowledge that this information is correct and I will not be able to change it once I select to continue. ","Common/Advanced-Passenger-Info/acknowledgement-error__text":"Please acknowledge that you have entered the correct information before proceeding.","Common/Advanced-Passenger-Info/back-button-cta-aria-label__text":"Go back to Check-in agreements","Common/Advanced-Passenger-Info/confirm-btn-disabled__text":"Continue","Common/Advanced-Passenger-Info/complete-info__text":"Complete","Common/Advanced-Passenger-Info/confirm-btn-enabled__text":"Continue","Common/Advanced-Passenger-Info/contact-details-subtitle__text":"Provide your contact details so we can update you on any delays or cancellations to your flight.","Common/Advanced-Passenger-Info/contact-details-title__text":"Contact details","Common/Advanced-Passenger-Info/continue-button-cta-aria-label__text":"Continue to Review seats","Common/Advanced-Passenger-Info/emergency-contact-title__text":"Emergency contact","Common/Advanced-Passenger-Info/emergency-contact-subtitle__text":"We will contact this person only in the event of an emergency. It can’t be a traveller in the booking.","Common/Advanced-Passenger-Info/header__text":"Complete advance passenger information (API)","Common/Advanced-Passenger-Info/incorrect-info-msg__text":"Please check the information you entered and try again.","Common/Advanced-Passenger-Info/incomplete-info__text":"Incomplete","Common/Advanced-Passenger-Info/information-complete-info__text":"Information complete","Common/Advanced-Passenger-Info/not-found-country-description__text":"We couldn't find the country/territory you provided. Check and try again, or select a country from the dropdown.","Common/Advanced-Passenger-Info/missing-info__text":"Missing information","Common/Advanced-Passenger-Info/not-found-location__text":"Location not found","Common/Advanced-Passenger-Info/optional-info__text":"Optional","Common/Advanced-Passenger-Info/passport-info-non-editable-subtitle__text":"You can only edit your submitted details at the check-in counter at the airport.","Common/Advanced-Passenger-Info/passport-information-subtitle__text":"The information you enter must exactly match your passport.","Common/Advanced-Passenger-Info/skip-and-continue__text":"Skip & Continue","Common/Advanced-Passenger-Info/passport-information-title__text":"Passport information","Common/Advanced-Passenger-Info/unsaved-section-error__text":"Please select to \"Save & Continue\" before you proceed.","Common/Advanced-Passenger-Info/travel-details-title__text":"Additional information ","Common/Advanced-Passenger-Info/unskiped-section-error__text":"Please select to \"Skip & Continue\" before you proceed.","Common/Advanced-Passenger-Info/CA-Travel-Details-Section/canadian-traveler-number__text":"Canadian traveler number (optional)","Common/Advanced-Passenger-Info/CA-Travel-Details-Section/permanent-residence-number__text":"Permanent residence number","Common/Advanced-Passenger-Info/CA-Travel-Details-Section/country-of-issuance__text":"Country of issuance","Common/Advanced-Passenger-Info/CA-Travel-Details-Section/radio-button-no__text":"No","Common/Advanced-Passenger-Info/CA-Travel-Details-Section/permenant-resident-question__text":"Are you a permanent resident of US or Canada?","Common/Advanced-Passenger-Info/CA-Travel-Details-Section/radio-button-yes__text":"Yes","Common/Advanced-Passenger-Info/Contact-Detail-Section/contact-details-cta__text":"Save & Continue","Common/Advanced-Passenger-Info/Contact-Detail-Section/contact-details-save__text":"Save & Continue","Common/Advanced-Passenger-Info/Contact-Detail-Section/country-code-mandatory-field__text":"Country code","Common/Advanced-Passenger-Info/Contact-Detail-Section/country-code-optional-field__text":"Country code (optional)","Common/Advanced-Passenger-Info/Contact-Detail-Section/email-mandatory-field__text":"Email address","Common/Advanced-Passenger-Info/Contact-Detail-Section/mobile-number-mandatory-field__text":"Mobile number","Common/Advanced-Passenger-Info/Contact-Detail-Section/mobile-number-optional-field__text":"Mobile number (optional)","Common/Advanced-Passenger-Info/Contact-Detail-Section/unskiped-section-error__text":"Please select to \"Skip & Continue\" before you proceed.","Common/Advanced-Passenger-Info/Contact-Detail-Section/unsaved-section-error__text":"Please select to \"Save & Continue\" before you proceed.","Common/Advanced-Passenger-Info/Contact-Detail-Section/Validation-Message/email-validation__text":"Please enter a valid email address, e.g.","Common/Advanced-Passenger-Info/DE-Travel-Details-Section/de-permanent-resident-title__text":"Are you a permanent resident of Germany?","Common/Advanced-Passenger-Info/DE-Travel-Details-Section/de-permanent-residence-number__text":"Permanent residence number","Common/Advanced-Passenger-Info/DE-Travel-Details-Section/de-schengen-visa-country__text":"Schengen visa issuing country","Common/Advanced-Passenger-Info/DE-Travel-Details-Section/de-visa-number-field__text":"Visa number","Common/Advanced-Passenger-Info/Emergency-Contact-Section/apply-all-passenger-check__text":"Apply this to all passengers","Common/Advanced-Passenger-Info/Emergency-Contact-Section/country-code-field__text":"Country code","Common/Advanced-Passenger-Info/Emergency-Contact-Section/emergency-contact-cta__text":"Save & Continue","Common/Advanced-Passenger-Info/Emergency-Contact-Section/emergency-contact-save__text":"Save & Continue","Common/Advanced-Passenger-Info/Emergency-Contact-Section/first-name__text":"First name","Common/Advanced-Passenger-Info/Emergency-Contact-Section/friend-relationship__text":"Friend","Common/Advanced-Passenger-Info/Emergency-Contact-Section/last-name__text":"Last name","Common/Advanced-Passenger-Info/Emergency-Contact-Section/relationship-field__text":"Relationship","Common/Advanced-Passenger-Info/Emergency-Contact-Section/provide-emergency-infocheck__text":"I prefer not to provide this information","Common/Advanced-Passenger-Info/Emergency-Contact-Section/relative-relationship__text":"Relative","Common/Advanced-Passenger-Info/Emergency-Contact-Section/telephone-number-field__text":"Mobile number","Common/Advanced-Passenger-Info/Passport-Information-Section/date-of-birth__text":"Date of birth","Common/Advanced-Passenger-Info/Passport-Information-Section/expiry-date__text":"Passport expiry date","Common/Advanced-Passenger-Info/Passport-Information-Section/gender-female__text":"Female","Common/Advanced-Passenger-Info/Passport-Information-Section/gender-male__text":"Male","Common/Advanced-Passenger-Info/Passport-Information-Section/gender-undisclosed__text":"Undisclosed","Common/Advanced-Passenger-Info/Passport-Information-Section/nationality__text":"Nationality (Country)","Common/Advanced-Passenger-Info/Passport-Information-Section/gender__text":"Gender","Common/Advanced-Passenger-Info/Passport-Information-Section/passport-info-cta__text":"Save & Continue","Common/Advanced-Passenger-Info/Passport-Information-Section/passport-info-save__text":"Save & Continue","Common/Advanced-Passenger-Info/Passport-Information-Section/passport-six-month__text":"Your passport will expire within the next 6 months. Please check the entry requirements of your destination country before you travel.","Common/Advanced-Passenger-Info/Passport-Information-Section/passport-number__text":"Passport number","Common/Advanced-Passenger-Info/Passport-Information-Section/update-profile-passport__text":"Update my Emirates Skywards profile with the new passport details","Common/Advanced-Passenger-Info/Passport-Information-Section/Validation-Message/dob-require-message__text":"Date of birth is required.","Common/Advanced-Passenger-Info/Passport-Information-Section/Validation-Message/dob-validation-error__text":"Please check the date of birth for this passenger (DD/MM/YYYY).","Common/Advanced-Passenger-Info/Passport-Information-Section/Validation-Message/gender-required-message__text":"Gender is required.","Common/Advanced-Passenger-Info/Passport-Information-Section/Validation-Message/max-passport-expiry-date__text":"Please check the passport expiry date.","Common/Advanced-Passenger-Info/Passport-Information-Section/Validation-Message/nationality-require-message__text":"Nationality is required.","Common/Advanced-Passenger-Info/Passport-Information-Section/Validation-Message/passport-expiry-date-min-date__text":"Past date is not allowed.","Common/Advanced-Passenger-Info/Passport-Information-Section/Validation-Message/passport-expiry-date-invalid__text":"Please check the passport expiry date (DD/MM/YYYY).","Common/Advanced-Passenger-Info/Passport-Information-Section/Validation-Message/passport-expiry-date-required__text":"Passport expiry date is required.","Common/Advanced-Passenger-Info/Passport-Information-Section/Validation-Message/passport-number-invalid__text":"Please enter a valid passport number.","Common/Advanced-Passenger-Info/Passport-Information-Section/Validation-Message/same-passport-number-error-message__text":"You entered the same passport number twice - please check and try again.","Common/Advanced-Passenger-Info/Passport-Information-Section/Validation-Message/passport-number-required__text":"Passport number is required.","Common/Advanced-Passenger-Info/Passport-Information-Section/Validation-Message/PR-CA/canadian-traveler-number-invalid__text":"Canadian traveller number must be between 4 and 15 characters.","Common/Advanced-Passenger-Info/Passport-Information-Section/Validation-Message/PR-CA/country-of-issuance-required__text":"PRC country of issuance is required.","Common/Advanced-Passenger-Info/Passport-Information-Section/Validation-Message/PR-CA/permanent-residence-number-invalid__text":"Permanent residence number must be between 4 and 15 characters.","Common/Advanced-Passenger-Info/Passport-Information-Section/Validation-Message/PR-CA/resident-selection-required__text":"Please advise if you're a permanent resident of Canada/United States (USA).","Common/Advanced-Passenger-Info/Passport-Information-Section/Validation-Message/PR-CA/permanent-residence-number-required__text":"Permanent residence number is required.","Common/Advanced-Passenger-Info/Passport-Information-Section/Validation-Message/PR-DE/permanent-residence-number-error__text":"Permanent residence number must be between 4 and 15 characters.","Common/Advanced-Passenger-Info/Passport-Information-Section/Validation-Message/PR-DE/permanent-residence-number-required__text":"Permanent residence number is required.","Common/Advanced-Passenger-Info/Passport-Information-Section/Validation-Message/PR-DE/schenghen-visa-required__text":"Schengen visa is required.","Common/Advanced-Passenger-Info/Passport-Information-Section/Validation-Message/PR-DE/resident-selection-required__text":"Please advise if you're a permanent resident of Germany.","Common/Advanced-Passenger-Info/Passport-Information-Section/Validation-Message/PR-DE/visa-number-error__text":"Visa number must be between 4 and 20 characters.","Common/Advanced-Passenger-Info/Passport-Information-Section/Validation-Message/PR-DE/visa-number-required__text":"Visa number is required.","Common/Advanced-Passenger-Info/Passport-Information-Section/Validation-Message/PR-US/permanent-resident-number-required__text":"Permanent residence number is required.","Common/Advanced-Passenger-Info/US-Travel-Details-Section/address-in-us__text":"Address while in the US","Common/Advanced-Passenger-Info/US-Travel-Details-Section/address-line-info__text":"Address line 3 (optional)","Common/Advanced-Passenger-Info/US-Travel-Details-Section/address-line__text":"Address line 2 (optional)","Common/Advanced-Passenger-Info/US-Travel-Details-Section/ktn-info__text":"Known traveller number is an optional number that identifies passengers as trusted travellers and allows them to skip certain security checks.","Common/Advanced-Passenger-Info/US-Travel-Details-Section/city-town-info__text":"City / Town","Common/Advanced-Passenger-Info/US-Travel-Details-Section/ktn-title__text":"What’s my known traveller number?","Common/Advanced-Passenger-Info/US-Travel-Details-Section/permanent-resident-number__text":"Permanent residence number","Common/Advanced-Passenger-Info/US-Travel-Details-Section/permenant-resident-question__text":"Are you a permanent resident of the US?","Common/Advanced-Passenger-Info/US-Travel-Details-Section/radio-button-no__text":"No","Common/Advanced-Passenger-Info/US-Travel-Details-Section/radio-button-yes__text":"Yes","Common/Advanced-Passenger-Info/US-Travel-Details-Section/redress-number-title__text":"What’s my redress number?","Common/Advanced-Passenger-Info/US-Travel-Details-Section/redress-number-info__text":"Redress number is the record identifier provided by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) for travellers who have been repeatedly identified for additional screening and who want to file an inquiry to have erroneous information corrected in DHS systems. For more information or to apply for a redress number, visit the DHS website: The redress number is an optional field and is not relevant for most travellers.","Common/Advanced-Passenger-Info/US-Travel-Details-Section/travel-number__text":"Known traveller number (optional)","Common/Advanced-Passenger-Info/US-Travel-Details-Section/region-of-residence__text":"Country of residence","Common/Advanced-Passenger-Info/US-Travel-Details-Section/redress-number__text":"Redress number (optional)","Common/Advanced-Passenger-Info/US-Travel-Details-Section/zip-code-number__text":"Post/ZIP code","Common/Advanced-Passenger-Info/US-Travel-Details-Section/us-state-info__text":"State","Common/Advanced-Passenger-Info/Contact-Detail-Section/email-optional-field__text":"Email address (optional)","Common/Advanced-Passenger-Info/not-found-relation__text":"Relationship not found","Common/Advanced-Passenger-Info/not-found-relation-description__text":"We couldn't find the relationship you provided. Check and try again, or select a relationship from the dropdown.","Common/Advanced-Passenger-Info/not-found-gender-description__text":"We couldn't find the gender you provided. Check and try again, or select a gender from the dropdown.","Common/Advanced-Passenger-Info/not-found-gender__text":"Gender not found","Common/Advanced-Passenger-Info/Passport-Information-Section/passport-number-with-content__text":"Passport number: {passportNumber}","Common/Advanced-Passenger-Info/Passport-Information-Section/nationality-with-content__text":"Nationality: {nationality}","Common/Advanced-Passenger-Info/Passport-Information-Section/passport-expiry-date-with-content__text":"Passport expiry date: {expiryDate}","Common/Trip-Summary/ti-incl-vat__text":"(Incl. VAT)","Common/Trip-Summary/ti-incl-tax__text":"(Incl. Tax)","Common/Uplift/uplift-price-or-from__text":"or from","Common/partially-operating__text":"Partially operating","Common/Accessibility/active-left-navigation-focus__text":"Clicking this link will direct the focus back to active left navigation","Common/Accessibility/active-office-location-details-focus__text":"Clicking this link will direct the focus to selected office location details","Common/Accessibility/background-image__text":"Graphic","Common/Accessibility/button__text":"button","Common/Accessibility/opens-apple-maps-in-new-tab__text":"Clicking this link will open Apple Maps for office details in a new tab","Common/Accessibility/opens-google-maps-in-new-tab__text":"Clicking this link will open Google Maps for office details in a new tab","Common/Accessibility/opens-google-maps-static-in-new-tab__text":"Clicking this image will open Google Maps for office details","Common/Accessibility/opens-in-a-popup__text":"Opens in a modal","Common/Accessibility/opens-in-external-call-app__text":"Telephone number opens with external call applications","Common/Accessibility/open__pdf__text":"Open PDF file ","Common/Account/logged-in-br-title__text":"Welcome to Business Rewards","Common/Account/find-out-more__text":"Find out more","Common/Account/under-review__text":"Your account is under review. 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Please try again later or contact us for further assistance.","Common/Advanced-Passenger-Info/Emergency-Contact-Section/Validation-Message/country-code-require-message__text":"Country code is required.","Common/Advanced-Passenger-Info/Emergency-Contact-Section/Validation-Message/first-last-name-combined-length__text":"The first name and last name of your emergency contact can be maximum 20 characters long.","Common/Advanced-Passenger-Info/Emergency-Contact-Section/Validation-Message/first-name-invalid__text":"First name must be at least two letters, English characters only.","Common/Advanced-Passenger-Info/Emergency-Contact-Section/Validation-Message/firstname-require-message__text":"First name is required.","Common/Advanced-Passenger-Info/Emergency-Contact-Section/Validation-Message/last-name-invalid__text":"Last name must be at least two letters, English characters only.","Common/Advanced-Passenger-Info/Emergency-Contact-Section/Validation-Message/lastname-require-message__text":"Last name is required.","Common/Advanced-Passenger-Info/Emergency-Contact-Section/Validation-Message/phone-number-require-message__text":"Mobile number is required.","Common/Advanced-Passenger-Info/Emergency-Contact-Section/Validation-Message/relationship-require-message__text":"Relationship with your emergency contact is required.","Common/Advanced-Passenger-Info/Emergency-Contact-Section/Validation-Message/phone-number-invalid__text":"Mobile number must be between 5 and 15 digits.","Navigation/Footer/Social/facebook-icon":{"altText":"facebook","contentHash":"3qx9kod","url":"/media/facebook-166-22386.svg"},"Navigation/Footer/Social/facebook__text":"Facebook","Navigation/Footer/Social/facebook__url":{"schema":"Link","title":"Facebook","url":""},"Navigation/Footer/Social/googleplus-icon":{"altText":"googleplus","contentHash":"zwzmhyb","url":"/media/googleplus-166-22406.svg"},"Navigation/Footer/Social/googleplus__text":"Google Plus","Navigation/Footer/Social/googleplus__url":{"schema":"Link","title":"Google Plus","url":""},"Navigation/Footer/Social/heading__text":"Connect with us","Navigation/Footer/Social/instagram-icon":{"altText":"instagram","contentHash":"ajysa1b","url":"/media/instagram-166-22393.svg"},"Navigation/Footer/Social/instagram__text":"Instagram","Navigation/Footer/Social/instagram__url":{"schema":"Link","title":"Instagram","url":""},"Navigation/Footer/Social/linkedin-icon":{"altText":"linkedin","contentHash":"c45ie4","url":"/media/linkedin-166-22400.svg"},"Navigation/Footer/Social/linkedin__text":"LinkedIn","Navigation/Footer/Social/linkedin__url":{"schema":"Link","title":"Linkedin","url":""},"Navigation/Footer/Social/twitter-icon":{"altText":"twitter","contentHash":"ihozdkn","url":"/media/twitter-166-22398.svg"},"Navigation/Footer/Social/twitter__text":"Twitter","Navigation/Footer/Social/twitter__url":{"schema":"Link","title":"Twitter","url":""},"Navigation/Footer/Social/weibo-icon":{"altText":"youtube","contentHash":"76nqbdb","url":"/media/weibo-166-30541.svg"},"Navigation/Footer/Social/youtube-icon":{"altText":"youtube","contentHash":"8kcdd4d","url":"/media/youtube-166-22391.svg"},"Navigation/Footer/Social/youtube__text":"YouTube","Navigation/Footer/Social/youtube__url":{"schema":"Link","title":"YouTube","url":""},"Navigation/Footer/breadcrumb__text":"Emirates","Navigation/Footer/copyright__text":"© 2025 The Emirates Group. 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In little more than 40 years, this city has transformed itself from a tiny settlement to a glittering metropolis and world-class destination.</p><p>While Dubai's startling feats of engineering such as the Burj Khalifa, the Palm islands, Burj Al Arab and The Dubai Mall are jewels in its crown, the city’s multi-faceted appeal extends to more than just its architecture. Some people are attracted to the buzz of the place – the frenetic pace and energy of a global business city and tourism hub. However, you might prefer the tranquillity of its desert retreats, golf courses, calm seas and beaches.</p><p>Beyond clusters of gleaming five-star hotels, with their luxury suites and infinity pools, there's a historic side to the city too. Visit Al Fahidi Historical District (formerly known as Bastakiya) to see traditional Arabic architecture, then tour the Heritage and Diving Villages of Shindagha.</p><p>Visiting Dubai is largely about consumption and one of the most popular activities here is shopping. As well as record-breaking malls packed with designer names, there are traditional souks and vibrant markets. And while Michelin-starred celebrity chefs have embraced Dubai’s high-end culinary credentials, there are still scores of independent restaurants with authentic flavours to explore.</p><p>It all adds up to a city of contrasts, and there's nowhere better to witness Dubai's diversity than the Dubai Creek. Here, traditional abras cross the waters, and dhows unload their cargo beneath shimmering skyscrapers.</p><p>The latter will have air-conditioned shopping streets, a theme park and a healthcare district. It almost sounds too good to be true, but given Dubai's already incredible rise, you wouldn't want to bet against it.</p>","countryCode":"AE","country":"United Arab Emirates","city":"Dubai","cityCode":"","stationCode":"DXB","pageURI":"/destinations/flights-to-dubai","seoPageURL":"","lookupDetails":[]},"flatDestinationLookup":{"destinations[0].title":"Flights to the Middle East","destinations[0].shortName":"The Middle East","destinations[0].longName":"The Middle East","destinations[0].code":"MIEA","destinations[0].isoCode":"ME","destinations[0].destinationType":"regions","destinations[0].countries[0].title":"Flights to United Arab Emirates","destinations[0].countries[0].shortName":"United Arab Emirates","destinations[0].countries[0].longName":"United Arab Emirates","destinations[0].countries[0].code":"AE","destinations[0].countries[0].isoCode":"AE","destinations[0].countries[0].destinationType":"countries","destinations[0].countries[0].contentDescription":"<p>The federation of seven emirates was established in 1971 and holds massive oil and natural gas reserves, and the leadership spent much of the revenue from these ventures on improving infrastructure and offerings for visitors. As a result, the United Arab Emirates is one of the easiest and most pleasant places to travel around and there are flights to UAE from all over the world.</p><p>The climate of the UAE is hot and dry, and the national language is Arabic, although many people speak English or other languages. The population is a mix of Emirati citizens and expats from all over the world. As a result, the Emirates – especially Dubai and Abu Dhabi – have a diverse array of influences, with Arabian culture ever-present but strongly affected by other parts of the globe.</p><p>Visiting the UAE is easy. Some visitors will require visas, although most coming from Gulf States do not. The list of the best hotels is long and impressive, on par with any country in the world. In Dubai alone, options include five-star gems like Atlantis The Palm, Burj Al Arab (sometimes referred to as the only seven-star hotel in the world), Marine Beach Resort & Spa, and many, many others. Every major international chain has a presence as well.</p><p>The attractions don't disappoint, either. The Burj Khalifa, the world's tallest building, is impossible to miss and even more impressive up close. Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque, Al-Bidyah Mosque, the Sharjah Arts Museum, and the Sharjah Museum of Islamic Civilisation are must-visits too, while travellers with a bit more time should take a day trip to the Hajar Mountains or Jebel Hafeet.</p><p>When it comes to restaurants, you'll be seriously spoilt for choice. Try Reflets par Pierre Gagnaire or Pierchic or for more traditional dishes try Al Harees or Al Machboos.</p>","destinations[0].countries[0].cities[0].title":"Flights to Dubai (DXB)","destinations[0].countries[0].cities[0].shortName":"Dubai","destinations[0].countries[0].cities[0].longName":"Dubai","destinations[0].countries[0].cities[0].code":"AE-DXB","destinations[0].countries[0].cities[0].isoCode":"DXB","destinations[0].countries[0].cities[0].destinationType":"cities","destinations[0].countries[0].cities[0].countryCode":"AE","destinations[0].countries[0].cities[0].contentDescription":"<p>Try and get a seat by the window for your flights to Dubai – as the plane descends, you'll want to see the sheer scale of its dramatic sprawl along the coastline, which is just as impressive as its skyline. In little more than 40 years, this city has transformed itself from a tiny settlement to a glittering metropolis and world-class destination.</p><p>While Dubai's startling feats of engineering such as the Burj Khalifa, the Palm islands, Burj Al Arab and The Dubai Mall are jewels in its crown, the city’s multi-faceted appeal extends to more than just its architecture. Some people are attracted to the buzz of the place – the frenetic pace and energy of a global business city and tourism hub. However, you might prefer the tranquillity of its desert retreats, golf courses, calm seas and beaches.</p><p>Beyond clusters of gleaming five-star hotels, with their luxury suites and infinity pools, there's a historic side to the city too. Visit Al Fahidi Historical District (formerly known as Bastakiya) to see traditional Arabic architecture, then tour the Heritage and Diving Villages of Shindagha.</p><p>Visiting Dubai is largely about consumption and one of the most popular activities here is shopping. As well as record-breaking malls packed with designer names, there are traditional souks and vibrant markets. And while Michelin-starred celebrity chefs have embraced Dubai’s high-end culinary credentials, there are still scores of independent restaurants with authentic flavours to explore.</p><p>It all adds up to a city of contrasts, and there's nowhere better to witness Dubai's diversity than the Dubai Creek. Here, traditional abras cross the waters, and dhows unload their cargo beneath shimmering skyscrapers.</p><p>The latter will have air-conditioned shopping streets, a theme park and a healthcare district. It almost sounds too good to be true, but given Dubai's already incredible rise, you wouldn't want to bet against it.</p>","destinations[0].countries[0].cities[0].stationCode":"DXB","destinations[0].pageURL":"/destinations/flights-to-cities","pageURL":"/destinations/flights-to-cities"},"coreQuery":{}}},"sessionStore":{},"chatData":{},"publishedCountries":{},"geoip":{},"urlmapping":{"baseUrl":""},"myTrips":{},"publication":{"pCityCode":"DUS","code":"DE","pTimezone":"Europe/Berlin","languages":[{"country":"de","contentKey":"en","code":"en-DE","javaLocale":"en_DE","language":"english","cultureKey":"en-gb","regionTitle":"Europe","languageTitle":"English","countryTitle":"Germany","enableLiveChat":"","primaryLanguageSite":"/global/english","href":"/de/english","isMobile":true,"region":"EU","key":"eol/de","order":1},{"country":"de","contentKey":"de","code":"de-DE","javaLocale":"de_DE","language":"german","cultureKey":"de-de","regionTitle":"Europa","languageTitle":"Deutsch","countryTitle":"Deutschland","local":true,"enableLiveChat":"","primaryLanguageSite":"/de/german","href":"/de/german","isMobile":true,"region":"EU","key":"eol/de","order":2}],"a3Code":"DEU","pAirportCode":"DUS","key":"/eol/de"},"title":"Flights to cities","shouldAuthenticate":false,"requestBody":{},"breadcrumbs":[{"url":"/de/english/"},{"url":"/de/english/destinations/","title":"Where we fly","analytics":"Where we fly"}],"isWebView":false,"portal":"emirates","webChat":{},"gaBaseOverrides":{},"head":{"links":[],"scripts":[{"src":"","defer":true,"crossOrigin":"anonymous"}]},"location":{"pathname":"/","search":""},"ESI":{"baseUrl":"/de/english/component-api","isESIEnabled":false},"api":{"destinationsReverseOD":{"fetching":false,"data":{"germany":[{"station":"Düsseldorf","stationType":"AIRPORT","stationCode":"DUS","city":"Düsseldorf","cityCode":"DUS","country":"Germany","countryCode":"DE","region":"Europe","destinationCityUrl":"flights-to-dubai","url":"flights-from-dusseldorf-to-dubai","countryURL":"flights-from-germany-to-dubai","regionURL":"flights-from-europe-to-dubai","toAirportCode":"DXB"},{"station":"Frankfurt","stationType":"AIRPORT","stationCode":"FRA","city":"Frankfurt","cityCode":"FRA","country":"Germany","countryCode":"DE","region":"Europe","destinationCityUrl":"flights-to-dubai","url":"flights-from-frankfurt-to-dubai","countryURL":"flights-from-germany-to-dubai","regionURL":"flights-from-europe-to-dubai","toAirportCode":"DXB"},{"station":"Hamburg","stationType":"AIRPORT","stationCode":"HAM","city":"Hamburg","cityCode":"HAM","country":"Germany","countryCode":"DE","region":"Europe","destinationCityUrl":"flights-to-dubai","url":"flights-from-hamburg-to-dubai","countryURL":"flights-from-germany-to-dubai","regionURL":"flights-from-europe-to-dubai","toAirportCode":"DXB"},{"station":"Munich","stationType":"AIRPORT","stationCode":"MUC","city":"Munich","cityCode":"MUC","country":"Germany","countryCode":"DE","region":"Europe","destinationCityUrl":"flights-to-dubai","url":"flights-from-munich-to-dubai","countryURL":"flights-from-germany-to-dubai","regionURL":"flights-from-europe-to-dubai","toAirportCode":"DXB"}]}},"destinationsLookup":{"fetching":false,"data":{"destinations":[{"preTitle":"Where we fly","title":"Flights to Africa","summary":"Emirates flights to Africa connect you to the entire continent, from historical Cairo in Egypt to South Africa's Cape Town.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Africa","seoDescription":"Plan and book flights to Africa with Emirates. Disscover the entire continent from historical Cairo to South Africa's Cape Town. Fly Better with Emirates."},"url":"flights-to-africa","shortName":"Africa","longName":"Africa","code":"AFRI","isoCode":"AF","destinationType":"regions","parentType":"","lastPublishedDate":"2023-02-28T11:09:01Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","countries":[{"preTitle":"Flights to Africa","title":"Flights to Algeria","summary":"Flights to Algeria mark the start of an adventure. Be first to experience stunning beaches, vast landscapes and a warm welcome.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Algeria","seoDescription":"Book flights to Algeria today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-algeria","shortName":"Algeria","longName":"Algeria","code":"DZ","isoCode":"DZ","destinationType":"countries","parentType":"AFRI","regionCode":"AFRI","lastPublishedDate":"2023-02-23T16:02:50Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"Flights to Algeria mark the start of an adventure. Be first to experience stunning beaches, vast landscapes and a warm welcome.","contentDescription":"<p>If you’re looking for a spectacular travel destination that’s barely been touched by tourism, consider flights to Algeria. Part Africa and part Europe, its vastness (it’s the second largest country in Africa) means that even at its most compelling sights, there aren't many crowds. Whether you’re exploring Roman ruins, shopping the souk in Algiers, or eyeing the incredible landscapes of the Sahara, you’ll find few other tourists – and plenty of curious, friendly and welcoming Algerians.</p><p>Algiers, the capital, is packed with Ottoman palaces and ancient minarets, modernist buildings and shaded cafes. It’s a place where you can spend a few days wandering through the medina and drinking coffee, or feasting on grilled lamb followed by a stroll along the seafront. Its whitewashed colonial buildings are stunning, its wide boulevards date back to the French occupation, and its flower-filled streets lead down to the bright blue Bay of Algiers.</p><p>If you’re the kind of person who spreads their towel as far from all the other beachgoers as possible, then Algeria’s beaches are for you. Deserted, gorgeous and immense, these are the beaches people dream about when they’re working at the office. Be sure to take plenty of photos.</p><p>Outside Algiers, mountains, deserts and coasts are all waiting to be explored. The Sahara alone is a reason to visit Algeria, with its enormous sand dunes, canyons and stone forests, and its remarkable collection of prehistoric cave art. Many travel companies run tours that can last a week or more.</p><p>Check out Timgad, a Unesco World Heritage Site, which was buried under a metre of sand for hundreds of years. The sand helped preserve a Roman military colony, a grid of streets populated with a triumphal arch, a theatre, baths, a library and more. It’s not hard to imagine the streets thronging with Roman soldiers, although today the site feels completely isolated and almost ghostly.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Algeria","cities":[{"preTitle":"Algeria","title":"Flights to Algiers (ALG)","summary":"Algiers – or Al Jazair as its residents call it – is a city of fascinating contrasts, mixing the traditional with the modern.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Algiers (ALG)","seoDescription":"Book flights to Algiers today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-algiers","shortName":"Algiers","longName":"Algiers","code":"DZ-ALG","isoCode":"ALG","destinationType":"cities","parentType":"DZ_Algiers","areaCode":"DZ_Algiers","countryCode":"DZ","regionCode":"AFRI","lastPublishedDate":"2023-02-23T13:04:27Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"Algiers – or Al Jazair as its residents call it – is a city of fascinating contrasts, mixing the traditional with the modern.","contentDescription":"<p>Located on the Mediterranean Sea, Algeria’s capital is called Alger la Blanche (Algiers the White) in French, because of the white colour of its buildings. Seemingly frozen in time, the majority of high-rises and villas exhibit French-influenced, richly textured architecture that’s fascinating for any traveller who books flights to Algiers.</p><p>Whether it’s trawling through the ancient ruins of Casbah (now a Unesco World Heritage Site) or venturing outside of the downtown area into the more contemporary neighbourhoods, there’s something for everyone in this stunning city.</p><p>As the largest country in Africa – though vast parts of it are covered by the Sahara Desert and two national parks in the south – Algeria has many neighbours. Its big cities are influenced by those nearby, including Morocco, Tunisia, Libya, Niger, Mali and Mauritania.</p><p>The people of Algiers are warm, friendly and enjoy their free time. In the evening, many residents can be seen out and about, socialising at a seafront cafe or dining in one of the many restaurants. Arabic is the official language, but French is widely spoken. This influences the city’s nightlife scene, with restaurants and cafes focusing heavily on French, Middle Eastern and North African food and drink.</p><p>Whether it’s stopping over for a weekend or spending the week there, it’s well worth crossing Algiers off your travel bucket list.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Algiers","stationCode":"ALG"}]},{"preTitle":"Flights to Africa","title":"Flights to Angola","summary":"Savvy travellers who choose flights to Angola can see one of the world’s most intriguing travel destinations begin to thrive.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Angola","seoDescription":"Book flights to Angola today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-angola","shortName":"Angola","longName":"Angola","code":"AO","isoCode":"AO","destinationType":"countries","parentType":"AFRI","regionCode":"AFRI","lastPublishedDate":"2023-02-23T16:02:51Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"Savvy travellers who choose flights to Angola can see one of the world’s most intriguing travel destinations begin to thrive.","contentDescription":"<p>Travellers who like to stray off the beaten path are booking flights to Angola to discover one of the most interesting emerging travel destinations. Fully recovered after the civil war ended in 2002, now oil revenue and wealth from other natural resources have helped create a strong infrastructure.</p><p>Now’s the time to visit, before the tourist crowds discover this beautiful South African country, replete with stunning beaches, a vibrant local culture, and a fun-loving party scene in the capital city Luanda. The country's motto, Virtus Unita Fortior, means ‘virtue is stronger when united' in Latin, a phrase that its citizens take to heart.</p><p>Getting to Angola is easy. Catch one of three flights a week from Dubai to the capital where Quatro de Fevereiro International Airport sits just 2km south of the city centre.</p><p>The Portuguese were the first Europeans to settle in the country, and some of their influence remains in the language and the culture. But tribes like the Ovimbundu, Ambundu, Bakongo, Chokwe, and Mbunda add their own distinct flavour to the spirited city. There's no better place to experience it all than at the National Festival of Angolan Culture, a country-wide celebration between late August and mid-September which highlights the varied aspects of Angolan culture.</p><p>Luanda offers plenty of places to stay with top destinations including Hotel Tropico and Epic Sana. From there, you can easily access attractions like the former Portuguese fortress of Sao Miguel, which dates to the 16th century, the island of Mussulo and the Church of Sagrada Familia. And make sure to spend some time in one of the city's many nightlife venues where the party and the beats go on all night. You might even see Leila Lopes, Miss Angola 2011, who won that year's Miss Universe pageant.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Angola","cities":[{"preTitle":"Flights to Angola","title":"Flights to Luanda (LAD)","summary":"Visit Luanda to experience regeneration at its best – where the exotic has twinned with the beautiful to stunning effect.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Luanda (LAD)","seoDescription":"Book flights to Luanda today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-luanda","shortName":"Luanda","longName":"Luanda","code":"AO-LAD","isoCode":"LAD","destinationType":"cities","parentType":"AO-LUA","areaCode":"AO-LUA","countryCode":"AO","regionCode":"AFRI","lastPublishedDate":"2023-02-23T13:30:26Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"Visit Luanda to experience regeneration at its best – where the exotic has twinned with the beautiful to stunning effect.","contentDescription":"<p>Although witness to civil unrest, in recent years Luanda has basked in the glory of foreign investment and has benefitted from the country’s natural resources – namely, its oil reserves and mineral wealth. And the increase in the number of flights to Luanda is testament to that fact.</p><p>In fact, today Luanda is largely unrecognisable from the city it once was. It’s had a complete facelift, and the result is something both beautiful and exotic. It’s created a palpable sense of excitement in the city.</p><p>Most visitors will agree that Luanda’s best days are still to come, with much-needed funds going into construction and building restoration projects. Yet for all that, the history of Luanda is what gives it its character today. It’s almost 500 years since the city was first populated by the Portuguese, and apart from a brief era of Dutch rule, they ran the city until 1975.</p><p>Known back then as São Paulo da Assunção de Loanda, these influences are still visible today in the city’s foods, forts, museums and culture.</p><p>Luanda boasts beautiful natural beaches. And now a growing marina and even a beach club scene – Tamariz Beach Club is one of the most popular – have made this a popular spot for sun-seekers from beyond the borders.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Luanda","stationCode":"LAD"}]},{"preTitle":"Flights to Africa","title":"Flights to Côte d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast)","summary":"Flights to Côte d'Ivoire will satiate your craving for adventure – whether you go for vibrant nightlife, stunning nature or both.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Côte d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast)","seoDescription":"Book flights to Côte d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast) today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-cote-divoire","shortName":"Côte d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast)","longName":"Côte d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast)","code":"CI","isoCode":"CI","destinationType":"countries","parentType":"AFRI","regionCode":"AFRI","lastPublishedDate":"2024-09-06T08:48:34Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"Flights to Côte d'Ivoire will satiate your craving for adventure – whether you go for vibrant nightlife, stunning nature or both.","contentDescription":"<p>Côte d’Ivoire is a nature-lover’s heaven. While the political situation can make planning your travels quite time consuming, the rewards that flights to Côte d’Ivoire bring far outweigh the investment. Abidjan, the commercial centre, is a high-energy city whose citizens love to party. The more rural parts of the country are nothing less than stunning, with lush national parks, idyllic beaches, and verdant rainforests.</p><p>The best place to begin your travels is Abidjan. One of West Africa’s most westernised and modern cities, Abidjan is a metropolis of skyscrapers, with districts divided into business and nightlife areas. While this is a great place to go out – the nightlife here is booming and there’s plenty going on at all hours – many travellers will move on after a day or so, ready to explore the country’s natural beauty. Yamoussoukro, the country’s capital, is often skipped altogether; although the city’s quiet streets have their own unique, otherworldly appeal.</p><p>Outside Abidjan is where Côte d’Ivoire comes into its own. The beaches at Assinie and Grand Bassam are gorgeous and welcoming, with Grand Bassam also boasting a host of colonial buildings in various states of repair, and plenty of locals who will take you out in canoes to see mangrove forests and exotic birds.</p><p>Hikers flock to Man, where the cool air whistles around peaks and valleys of hills that rival Ireland’s in terms of sheer greenness. Climbers can trek up Dent de Man or Mount Tonkoui, both of which offer beautiful panoramic views of the lush countryside.</p><p>Côte d’Ivoire also boasts some wonderful national parks, home to rainforests and an incredible array of flora and fauna. Taï National Park has several endangered species, including leopards and the adorable pygmy hippopotamus, while Comoé National Park shelters all three species of African crocodile.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Côte d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast)","cities":[{"preTitle":"Flights to Côte d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast)","title":"Flights to Abidjan (ABJ)","summary":"Abidjan has all the hallmarks of a winning destination – abundant cultural offerings, a vibrant music scene and a dynamic gourmet offering.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Abidjan (ABJ)","seoDescription":"Book flights to Abidjan today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-abidjan","shortName":"Abidjan","longName":"Abidjan","code":"CI-ABJ","isoCode":"ABJ","destinationType":"cities","parentType":"CI-01","areaCode":"CI-01","countryCode":"CI","regionCode":"AFRI","lastPublishedDate":"2024-08-12T11:25:02Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"Abidjan has all the hallmarks of a winning destination – abundant cultural offerings, a vibrant music scene and a dynamic gourmet offering.","contentDescription":"<p>Abidjan is a city of contrasts and contradictions, a city with a complicated past and an optimistic future – a city that is truly fascinating when experienced first-hand. The streets resonate with the shouts of merchants hawking their wares and the unmistakeable beat of Coupé-Décalé (a popular percussive Ivorian dance music).</p><p>In the fashionable districts of Cocody and Deux Plateaux you’ll find travellers who have taken flights to Abidjan for business mingling with well-heeled local ladies wearing pagnes (brightly coloured dresses) in the high-end boutiques.</p><p>There’s a healthy choice of things to do in Abidjan. You can get back to nature and visit one of its many protected national parks, like Forêt du Banco in the north, and meet the colourful creatures who live there. Or even grab your surfboard and catch some waves beyond the many inlets that divide the city.</p><p>When the sun sets, Abidjan comes to life, with locals dancing to a jazz soundtrack at numerous venues in the centre.</p><p>To keep your energy level up, street vendors serve steaming portions of local favourite fufu (cassava or yams pounded into a dough and served with meat and a vegetable sauce called kedjenou). Innovative restaurateurs also deliver imaginative culinary combinations in a new wave of gourmet restaurants, many of which, like the rest of the city, are heavily influenced by the French.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Abidjan","stationCode":"ABJ"}]},{"preTitle":"Flights to Africa","title":"Flights to Egypt","summary":"Flights to Egypt let you walk the banks of the Nile and behold the pyramids – one of mankind’s greatest achievements.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Egypt","seoDescription":"Book flights to Egypt today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-egypt","shortName":"Egypt","longName":"Egypt","code":"EG","isoCode":"EG","destinationType":"countries","parentType":"AFRI","regionCode":"AFRI","lastPublishedDate":"2023-02-23T16:11:01Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"Flights to Egypt let you walk the banks of the Nile and behold the pyramids – one of mankind’s greatest achievements.","contentDescription":"<p>Egypt hasn’t had it easy in recent years, but it’s still one of the finest destinations in the world. Cairo’s hot, electric appeal is undimmed and the country’s beach resorts are as alluring as ever – and much less crowded than they used to be. When you book flights to Egypt, plan to combine a few days in the cities with forays into the desert, and a bit of time being pampered on the beach to finish.</p><p>Cairo is a fascinating city, with old mosques and modern malls, crowded streets bursting with fantastic food, and so many historical sites that it could take weeks to see them all. Add to this smoky cafes where men sit with their nargilehs (pipes), pastry shops offering treats dripping with honey, the call to prayer echoing from the many minarets, and even the lively traffic, and you have a potent mix that will prove both energising and addictive.</p><p>Everyone who goes to Egypt must see the pyramids, and they’re conveniently close to Cairo. The Sphinx seems smaller in real life than it does in pictures, but it’s still majestic, and the pyramids themselves are mesmerising. Luxor, too, is unmissable: these jaw-dropping temples and tombs on the banks of the Nile are one of mankind’s greatest achievements.</p><p>Still, you may want to counteract all that history with a good dose of sun, sea and sand. The Red Sea is Egypt’s playground, and the resorts and hotels that run down the coast range across all budget levels. Scuba diving and snorkelling are particular draws, and cheaper here than in many other countries, but no less spectacular.</p><p>If you have time, try and make it to Alexandria – this seaside city has laid-back charm to spare, a slew of excellent seafood restaurants, and a fabulous, beautifully designed new library that pays homage to its ancient predecessor.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Egypt","cities":[{"preTitle":"Flights to Egypt","title":"Flights to Cairo (CAI)","summary":"Flights to Cairo exhibit an elegant fusion of old and new: historical landmarks and modern architecture.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Cairo (CAI)","seoDescription":"Book flights to Cairo today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-cairo","shortName":"Cairo","longName":"Cairo","code":"EG-CAI","isoCode":"CAI","destinationType":"cities","parentType":"EG_Cairo Governorate","areaCode":"EG_Cairo Governorate","countryCode":"EG","regionCode":"AFRI","lastPublishedDate":"2024-08-13T09:24:46Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"Flights to Cairo exhibit an elegant fusion of old and new: historical landmarks and modern architecture.","contentDescription":"<p>Egypt’s capital is home to more than 17 million people, making it the largest city in Africa and the Middle East.</p><p>The hustle and bustle contributes to the city’s charm though – Cairo is meant to be seen, heard and felt. The key is to gradually wade into this magnetic metropolis – perhaps take a tour of the main sites the day after your flight to Cairo lands, before making your way to the quieter, lesser-known landmarks the next. Once you’ve got your head around the city, you’re ready to venture through Cairo’s busy crowds and narrow streets.</p><p>Cairo and its neighbouring district of Giza are home to some of the world’s biggest treasures, most notably the Great Pyramids and the Sphinx. The three iconic pyramids of Khufu, Khafre and Menkaure, as well as the monument that’s believed to represent the Pharaoh King Khafre’s face (the Sphinx), are a testament to ancient planning and engineering. It is also here that you’ll find the River Nile, which seems to bring together all of its other landmarks, such as the Cairo Tower, the great Mosque of Muhammad Ali, and the renowned Cairo Opera House. Beyond the city’s fascinating history, Cairo has plenty of entertainment on offer.</p><p>The locals love nothing more than a bit of al fresco dining. Young groups of friends can be spotted hanging out at the newest cafe or restaurant, while older generations opt for the more traditional coffee shops, where you can enjoy a refreshing espresso alongside some shisha.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Cairo","stationCode":"CAI"}]},{"preTitle":"Flights to Africa","title":"Flights to Ethiopia","summary":"Book flights to Ethiopia and prepare to immerse yourself in a country like no other. Ethiopia’s dramatic landscapes are mesmerising.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Ethiopia","seoDescription":"Book flights to Ethiopia today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-ethiopia","shortName":"Ethiopia","longName":"Ethiopia","code":"ET","isoCode":"ET","destinationType":"countries","parentType":"AFRI","regionCode":"AFRI","lastPublishedDate":"2023-02-23T16:11:05Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"Book flights to Ethiopia and prepare to immerse yourself in a country like no other. Ethiopia’s dramatic landscapes are mesmerising.","contentDescription":"<p>Ethiopia is magic, pure and simple – it’s unlike any other country in Africa or, indeed, the world.</p><p>When you board a flight to Ethiopia, you can expect a memorable adventure. Addis Ababa is a wonderful mix of old and new, local and foreign. Here you can explore the jam-packed Merkato, a bustling mass of streets and stalls selling coffee, jewellery, produce and pretty much anything else you could want. At the city’s Ethnological Museum, the exhibits detailing Ethiopia’s history are compelling and informative, and you can even check out the bathroom that once belonged to Emperor Haile Selassie.</p><p>Getting out of Addis and into Ethiopia’s smaller cities is essential. Bahir Dar, on the shores of pelican-covered Lake Tana, is a laid-back town that boasts centuries-old monasteries decorated in exquisite, colourful detail. The tiny alleyways of Harar, a Unesco World Heritage Site, are home to crumbling ancient buildings with painted doorways that are very photogenic.</p><p>Gondar, the Camelot of Africa, is simply mind-blowing, with its array of stunning castles that look like something straight out of a Disney movie. And Lalibela, home to some of the world’s most fascinating Christian festivals, has its own magnificent churches that have been hewn right out of the rock; these are regularly visited by devotees wearing white robes and carrying brightly coloured umbrellas.</p><p>Take time while in Ethiopia to sample the country’s incredible food. Most meals are served on injera, a type of sour, fluffy bread that soaks up the juices of the flavourful meat and vegetable stews ladled on top. The coffee, too, is some of the best in the world, and you can get a top quality macchiato, made in espresso machines that have been around since the Italian occupation in the mid-20th century, in every small cafe in the country.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Ethiopia","cities":[{"preTitle":"Flights to Ethiopia","title":"Flights to Addis Ababa (ADD)","summary":"From the moment your flight to Addis Ababa arrives, the city delivers in every sense.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Addis Ababa (ADD)","seoDescription":"Book flights to Addis Ababa today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-addis-ababa","shortName":"Addis Ababa","longName":"Addis Ababa","code":"ET-ADD","isoCode":"ADD","destinationType":"cities","parentType":"ET-AA","areaCode":"ET-AA","countryCode":"ET","regionCode":"AFRI","lastPublishedDate":"2024-08-13T03:34:48Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"From the moment your flight to Addis Ababa arrives, the city delivers in every sense.","contentDescription":"<p>The Ethiopian capital is frenetic, sprawling and alluring all at once. It’s a city with a unique identity and a different look and feel to other Sub-Saharan capitals. This may have something to do with the fact that Ethiopia, unlike many other African countries, has never been colonised.</p><p>Aside from the occasional Art Deco building – remnants of Italy’s five-year occupation during the Second World War – there’s none of the colonial architecture that can be found in other cities such as Pretoria, Livingstone or Nairobi.</p><p>Instead, Addis is a collage of tin shacks and shiny glass tower blocks – the latter symbolising Ethiopia’s impressive economic growth.</p><p>As well as being an important African business hub with international business people filling flights to Addis Ababa, the city is brimming with cultural and educational institutions. It boasts the well-respected Addis Ababa University, the renowned National Museum and Ethnographic Museum, and countless cafes and jazz clubs. It is also a city of considerable political significance, home to both the UN Economic Commission for Africa and the headquarters of the African Union.</p><p>Addis residents take great pride in their city – and, indeed, their distinct national heritage. This pride is tangible at street level, where coffeehouses serving authentic Ethiopian coffee are ubiquitous, and the national dish injera (sourdough flatbread) is served along with cooked meats and vegetables in every other restaurant.</p><p>What’s more, Addis has a friendly reputation and is considered a safe city. Visitors are actively encouraged to explore by foot and experience its lively energy first-hand.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Addis Ababa","stationCode":"ADD"}]},{"preTitle":"Flights to Africa","title":"Flights to Ghana","summary":"Book flights to Ghana to experience a diverse travel destination with grand history, beauty and an abundance of wildlife.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Ghana","seoDescription":"Book flights to Ghana today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-ghana","shortName":"Ghana","longName":"Ghana","code":"GH","isoCode":"GH","destinationType":"countries","parentType":"AFRI","regionCode":"AFRI","lastPublishedDate":"2023-02-23T16:11:11Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"Book flights to Ghana to experience a diverse travel destination with grand history, beauty and an abundance of wildlife.","contentDescription":"<p>Flights to Ghana uncover an eclectic mix of old and new. Today’s Ghana is a true testament to the effort put into building a democracy that has brought unrivalled development and an energy that is a joy to witness. While the coastal forts provide moments of reflection on the country’s troubled past, it’s the future that is firmly in the sights of Ghanaians as they enthusiastically go about their business.</p><p>Cape Coast Castle is one of the best examples of the country’s colonial history. Built in the 17th century by the Dutch, the British eventually took over and used it as their headquarters until a move to Accra. The castle now serves as a museum.</p><p>The capital Accra still retains remnants of its time serving as the capital of the British Gold Coast, indeed English is the official language of Ghana. But modernisation has brought five-star hotels, museums and nightlife venues, making it the tourist hub of the region. Football is the most popular of sports in the city; during your stay, try and get tickets to cheer on Accra Hearts of Oak at the Accra Sports Stadium. For shopping, head for the lively market in Kumasi, where all manner of goods can be purchased from the never-ending market stalls.</p><p>Ghana is an amazing destination for nature lovers too. The largely untouched east of the country is resplendent with lush farmland and beautiful mountains, while the county’s best beach is in Akwidaa with its flawless white sands and vibrant blue waters. Mole National Park is the place to go for one the cheapest safari experience in the whole of Africa. And while exploring the north of Ghana, the town of Tamale is intriguing with its mosques, unique cuisine and passion for cultural performances.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Ghana","cities":[{"preTitle":"Flights to Ghana","title":"Flights to Accra (ACC)","summary":"Wandering around Accra’s exotic out-and-about spots is a sure-fire way to ignite your wanderlust.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Accra (ACC)","seoDescription":"Book flights to Accra today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-accra","shortName":"Accra","longName":"Accra","code":"GH-ACC","isoCode":"ACC","destinationType":"cities","parentType":"GH-AA","areaCode":"GH-AA","countryCode":"GH","regionCode":"AFRI","lastPublishedDate":"2024-08-13T03:56:07Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"Wandering around Accra’s exotic out-and-about spots is a sure-fire way to ignite your wanderlust.","contentDescription":"<p>Ghana’s coastal capital conjures up a colonial past and an exciting future for any visitor. It’s an essential starting-off point for anyone who wants to explore the country, with flights to Accra arriving into Kotoka International Airport. From there, it’s all vibrant streets, colourful houses and a diverse population.</p><p>While Accra was a small coastal town for many years, it wasn’t until the British made it the capital of their Gold Coast in the 19th century that it became an international hub.</p><p>Having previously been Danish and Dutch, Accra’s full colonial past can be explored at the old forts: British Fort James, Danish Osu Castle and the Dutch Ussher Fort. For a more rounded view of the country’s history head to the National Museum of Ghana on Barnes Road, or enjoy a unique view of Ghana’s capital from the top of the red and white striped Jamestown lighthouse.</p><p>You can take in a slice of Ghana’s beach life at Labadi Beach, situated just east of the capital. It’s where the city’s residents come together at the weekend for parties and food.</p><p>For the best street food in town brave the busy Makola Market, where the whole world, it seems, goes to shop. For a more stylish approach to local dishes such as fufu (mashed cassava) try Buka Restaurant in Osu, a hip open-air restaurant. The area is full of nightlife venues and even the odd roof terrace or two if you keep your eyes open. For Ghanaian handicrafts, the Centre for National Culture is a rabbit warren of stalls selling handmade arts and crafts from all over the country.</p><p>After all that you’ll need a rest. From modern skyscrapers, colonial suites and international brands to rustic beachside huts, you’ll be spoilt for choice in Accra when it comes to where to lay your head.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Accra","stationCode":"ACC"}]},{"preTitle":"Flights to Africa","title":"Flights to Guinea","summary":"Flights to Guinea introduce you to dramatic shorelines with tranquil vistas.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Guinea","seoDescription":"Book flights to Guinea today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-guinea","shortName":"Guinea","longName":"Guinea","code":"GN","isoCode":"GN","destinationType":"countries","parentType":"AFRI","regionCode":"AFRI","lastPublishedDate":"2023-02-23T16:11:15Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"Flights to Guinea introduce you to dramatic shorelines with tranquil vistas.","contentDescription":"<p>Going to Guinea is an unforgettable experience. Forests, waterfalls, elephants, beaches and mountains beckon the adventurous traveller, to say nothing of the pulsing warmth of its capital. When your flight to Guinea touches down in Conakry, the mild bedlam of noise and crowds is invigorating and even a bit addictive.</p><p>Conakry is a place where strangers talk to each other, where music is always playing, where people are living life to the fullest. Come here to party on the beach, to get clothes tailor-made at one of the many shops, to chat with the locals over a bowl of fufu or a cold Guiluxe. Conakry is warm, welcoming, energetic and heaps of fun.</p><p>A short boat ride from Conakry are the Îles de Los, a group of islands with forests and good beaches that make for a relaxing getaway. Popular with expats, these islands are easy to visit – just ask around and you’ll have a host of people clamouring to take you on their boats.</p><p>The beauty of Guinea once you venture outside Conakry is simply astonishing. If you can, take a sturdy vehicle and hit the road, stopping in small villages for meals, pausing to see groups of elephants walk by, and taking in the extraordinary scenery – Fouta Djallon, with its verdant valleys and lush forests, is particularly beautiful.</p><p>A Francophone country, Guinea isn’t the easiest place to travel, but the friendliness of the people makes up for any delays – as does the ineffable beauty of the country. Any effort you make will be more than worth it.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Guinea","cities":[{"preTitle":"Flights to Guinea","title":"Flights to Conakry (CKY)","summary":"Flights to Conakry introduce you to a fascinating blend of spontaneous moments and enduring charm. The pulsing warmth felt throughout the city is addictive and invigorating – the result of friendly banter, lively music and the locals’ rich appetite for life.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Conakry (CKY)","seoDescription":"Book flights to Conakry today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-conakry","shortName":"Conakry","longName":"Conakry","code":"GN-CKY","isoCode":"CKY","destinationType":"cities","parentType":"GN-C","areaCode":"GN-C","countryCode":"GN","regionCode":"AFRI","lastPublishedDate":"2024-08-19T05:58:13Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"Flights to Conakry introduce you to a fascinating blend of spontaneous moments and enduring charm. The pulsing warmth felt throughout the city is addictive and invigorating – the result of friendly banter, lively music and the locals’ rich appetite for life.","contentDescription":"<p>Guinea’s capital is the lively centre of the country, where you’ll hear music everywhere and find streets full of people having a good time. Conakry can feel a little like the wild west – somewhat chaotic and with plenty of dust – and so few tourists take flights to Conakry that it feels almost off the map. When you venture here, even if you stay for just a couple of days, the friendliness of the people and the energy of the city mean you’re guaranteed to collect stories you’ll be telling years from now.</p><p>The city centre isn’t brimming with tourist sights – you can probably see everything of importance in a single day, and then spend the rest of your time socialising with the locals and going to the beach. Start at the National Museum, which is home to a collection of native musical instruments, art and masks. Then stop by the Grande Mosque, an impressively large and beautiful building that opened in 1984. The grave of Sekou Touré, the first president of Guinea, is in the grounds.</p><p>The most fun shopping in Conakry is to be had at the open-air markets – be sure to leave enough time to wander through the sprawling Marché Madina, which is one of the largest in all West Africa and sells everything from household goods to leather rugs to jewellery.</p><p>In the evenings, head outdoors. Music lovers will revel in the sounds of Conakry: nightlife here happens in the streets, rather than in venues, and playing instruments, singing and dancing are all standard evening activities. The Kindia people are famous for their songs – it’s worth asking around to find out where to hear them.</p><p>There are also several day trips from Conakry that are well worth doing. Head to the Îles de Los, islands just off the coast, for excellent beaches and good swimming (you can access them easily from the city by boat). The town of Kindia is known for beautiful fabrics, often dyed with indigo – the cloth market in the town centre is a brilliant place to stock up. Closer to home, in the Conakry suburb of Ratoma, the Kakimbon Caves can be toured with a guide, who can explain the important religious significance of the caves and the fascinating legends associated with them.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Conakry","stationCode":"CKY"}]},{"preTitle":"Flights to Africa","title":"Flights to Kenya","summary":"Flights to Kenya, one of Africa's most popular destinations, won't disappoint. Kenya’s great outdoors and pulsating nightlife are intoxicating.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Kenya","seoDescription":"Book flights to Kenya today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-kenya","shortName":"Kenya","longName":"Kenya","code":"KE","isoCode":"KE","destinationType":"countries","parentType":"AFRI","regionCode":"AFRI","lastPublishedDate":"2025-01-03T04:48:28Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"Flights to Kenya, one of Africa's most popular destinations, won't disappoint. Kenya’s great outdoors and pulsating nightlife are intoxicating.","contentDescription":"<p>Home to iconic wildlife and stunning natural landscapes, Kenya is one of the world’s most sought-after destinations.</p><p>The capital <a href=\"/english/destinations/flights-to-nairobi.aspx\" title=\"Flights to Nairobi\" data-id=\"pagebody_link\" data-link=\"Flights to Nairobi - link\">Nairobi</a> offers its own charm, with lush green spaces intertwining with skyscrapers to create a dazzling skyline. Explore this energetic, cosmopolitan city and discover Kenya’s rich history at the Nairobi National Museum, where extraordinary exhibits range from early human fossils to intricate ecological displays. A trip to the city’s Massai markets can offer further insight into Kenyan life – wander market stalls propped up among the trees and brimming with traditional beaded jewellery and artwork.</p><p>Nairobi also serves as a key jumping-off point for safaris across Kenya. The nation has a seemingly endless selection of astonishing national parks and wildlife, beginning with the Nairobi National Park, just a 30-minute drive from the capital. Here you’ll see an abundance of wildlife roam, including the endangered black rhino, as the cityscape punctuates the horizon and creates a captivating juxtaposition of natural and urban environments.</p><p>The Masai Mara National Reserve is an equally famous and spellbinding wildlife hotspot. Here you can see lions, cheetahs, elephants, zebras and hippos rove on vast open plains, and see the ethereal Great Migration, when over one million wildebeest and other herbivores embark on an epic journey.</p><p>Aside from its diverse wildlife, Kenya also boasts incredible natural landscapes. Hire a bike and cycle through the stunning Hell's Gate National Park, a deep valley characterised by sheer cliffs and a distinctive 25m volcanic column. Mount Kenya is another striking geological structure and Africa’s second-highest peak. Take a hike up this extinct volcano, which rises over 5,000m into the sky, to discover its glacier-clad summits and jagged rock formations.</p><p>Kenya is endowed with glorious palm-lined beaches too. Snorkel in the dazzling blue lagoon off the vibrant Diani Beach, or surf from the tranquil escape that is Galu Beach. Alternatively, glide across the water in a traditional dhow sailing boat, which launch from the shores of Mombasa and the historical island of Lamu.</p><p>A nation famed for its culinary delights, Kenya’s national dish nyama choma is an explosion of flavour. Enjoy roasted meat, such as goat, beef or lamb, slowly barbequed in a tantalising marinade of garlic, ginger, lemon and paprika. For vegetable lovers, sukuma wiki is a delightful dish comprised of collard greens, onions, tomatoes and an array of spices.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Kenya","cities":[{"preTitle":"Flights to Kenya","title":"Flights to Nairobi (NBO)","summary":"There’s never a dull moment in Nairobi – a wild city in every sense.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Nairobi (NBO)","seoDescription":"Book flights to Nairobi today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-nairobi","shortName":"Nairobi","longName":"Nairobi","code":"KE-NBO","isoCode":"NBO","destinationType":"cities","parentType":"KE_Nairobi","areaCode":"KE_Nairobi","countryCode":"KE","regionCode":"AFRI","lastPublishedDate":"2025-01-06T08:45:00Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"There’s never a dull moment in Nairobi – a wild city in every sense.","contentDescription":"<p>Nairobi is Kenya’s booming capital and while it’s a popular starting point for breathtaking safaris across the country, the city itself is bursting with life.</p><p>Glorious national parks spill into the urban landscape, where there’s a fantastic blend of modern and traditional cultures and a thronging nightlife. Begin your Nairobi adventure with a trip to the Nairobi National Museum, where you’ll learn about Kenya’s rich history and see a fascinating selection of early human fossils. The Karen Blixen Museum also offers a captivating snapshot of Nairobi’s history. Here you’ll tour the famous author’s former house, a majestic colonial building with expansive gardens.</p><p>For a charming experience of modern-day Nairobi, visit the City Market, where locals boisterously sell an array of intricate crafts, from beadwork and jewellery to life-sized wooden animal carvings. After, take a break from the marketplace hubbub in Uhuru Park, a popular retreat where the concrete jungle subsides to an airy, open space with lush greenery.</p><p>Spectacular natural beauty awaits just minutes from Nairobi, including the Ngong Hills on the edge of the famous Rift Valley. Explore a network of hiking paths to find a host of panoramic views across the valley and Nairobi. To the north of the city – yet still within its limits – the waterfalls, trees and trails of Karura Forest Reserve offer a remarkable sanctuary for urban wildlife.</p><p>Even if you plan to embark on safaris deeper into Kenya, Nairobi has an unmissable first stop on any itinerary. Nairobi National Park is just half an hour from the city centre and yet you’ll see rhinos, lions, giraffes and more incredible animals roaming across open plains – earning Nairobi a reputation as the world’s only wildlife capital. Soak in the wonderfully unique sight of wild animals thriving as the cityscape dominates the horizon.</p><p>Close to the national park, the Bomas of Kenya is an enthralling display of traditional villages belonging to Kenyan tribes. You’ll be treated to lively traditional dance performances and see how the architectural styles of Kenya's major ethnic groups were formed.</p><p>Fuel up for exploring Nairobi with a hearty Kenyan breakfast. Uji, a thin, sweet porridge made with dried maize, is a filling choice, while mandazi, a spiced, deep-fried doughnut-like snack is a more tantalising treat. For an evening meal, irio is a staple side dish made from mashed potato and peas, often served alongside the mouth-watering grilled meat Kenya is famous for.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Nairobi","stationCode":"NBO"}]},{"preTitle":"Flights to Africa","title":"Flights to Republic of Madagascar","summary":"Look forward to an adventurer’s dream on the island of Madagascar, with mountains, rainforests, diverse wildlife and a beautiful Indian Ocean coastline. ","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Republic of Madagascar","seoDescription":"Look forward to an adventurer’s dream on the island of Madagascar, with mountains, rainforests, diverse wildlife and a beautiful Indian Ocean coastline. "},"url":"flights-to-republic-of-madagascar","shortName":"Madagascar","longName":"Madagascar","code":"MG","isoCode":"MG","destinationType":"countries","parentType":"AFRI","regionCode":"AFRI","lastPublishedDate":"2024-09-09T10:34:17Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"Look forward to an adventurer’s dream on the island of Madagascar, with mountains, rainforests, diverse wildlife and a beautiful Indian Ocean coastline.","contentDescription":"<p>Your Emirates flight lands in Antananarivo, a central point to explore in every direction. Madagascar sits 400 kilometres (250 miles) off the southeast coast of mainland Africa surrounded by the sparkling Indian Ocean and Mozambique Channel. </p><p>Madagascar is famed for its biodiversity, and there’s a growing investment in the ecotourism sector in a focused effort to protect it all. The islands also has three Unesco World Heritage sites with breathtaking scenery to explore: the Andrefana Dry Forests across four national parks, with its staggering biodiversity and towering limestone pinnacles; the culturally and spiritually significant Royal Hill of Ambohimanga; and to the east, the six national parks of the Rainforests of the Atsinanana. </p><p>With 2,000 km² of coral reefs along 1,400 km of coastline and 250 islands, there’s so much for adventurers to explore on land and sea in Madagascar. Enjoy hikes in the mountains, paragliding, quad biking through rainforests, and incredibly diverse wildlife. One of Madagascar’s most famous residents is the lemur, and one of the best places to find them in the wild is on a trek through national parks like Andasibe‑Mantadia, Ranomafana, Masoala, and also in Berenty Reserve. </p><p>One of Madagascar’s most famous flora are the baobab trees, with their distinct fat trunks. Of the 8 baobab species known worldwide, 6 are endemic to Madagascar. They play an important role in the ecosystem, and a popular place to see these giants is the Avenue of the Baobabs near the west coast. As well as providing shelter, the tree is used for its nutrient‑rich fruit, for making materials from the bark and for medicinal purposes. </p><p>Madagascar may be packed with adventure, but there’s also a chance to rejuvenate on the island’s stunning beaches. A popular spot is the island of Nosy Be off the west coast, which offers incredible diving and snorkelling and the chance to island hop. </p><p>From August to November, Nosy Be is also one of the best places to go whale watching in Madagascar. Or if you’re visiting from June to September, this is the time when humpback whales migrate, and Île Sainte‑Marie off the north‑west coast is the best place to catch a sighting of this natural wonder. Just one of the many natural wonders that make Madagascar such a unique and unforgettable place.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Republic of Madagascar","cities":[{"preTitle":"Flights to Republic of Madagascar","title":"Flights to Madagascar","summary":"Start your adventure on the island of Madagascar in the capital city known as Tana, and discover royal palaces, eclectic dining options and panoramic hillside views.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Madagascar","seoDescription":"Start your adventure on the island of Madagascar in the capital city known as Tana, and discover royal palaces, eclectic dining options and panoramic hillside views."},"url":"flights-to-madagascar","shortName":"Antananarivo","longName":"Antananarivo","code":"MG-TNR","isoCode":"TNR","destinationType":"cities","parentType":"MG-T","areaCode":"MG-T","countryCode":"MG","regionCode":"AFRI","lastPublishedDate":"2024-09-09T11:32:42Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"Start your adventure on the island of Madagascar in the capital city known as Tana, and discover royal palaces, eclectic dining options and panoramic hillside views.","contentDescription":"<p>Emirates flights land in Antananarivo, the capital city and political centre of the island of Madagascar. More commonly known as Tana, this hilly city was established in the 1600s and is the home of royal palaces, great dining options, markets and French colonial architecture. Before you head out into the more wild side of Madagascar, spend some time getting to know the island’s people and history. </p><p>Explore the old Rova of Antananarivo, now a stone shell of the old palace perched at the highest point in the city. You’ll also find the Andafiavaratra Palace close by, which was the old residence of the prime minister in the 19th century and is now a museum where you can discover over 1,400 artefacts. </p><p>Head just outside Antananarivo to the north to visit the Royal Hill of Ambohimanga, one of the three UNESCO World Heritage sites in Madagascar. This ancient burial ground and royal city is a significant cultural and spiritual site and a place of pilgrimage. </p><p>When you’ve finished exploring the local souvenirs, crafts and trinkets at Analakely Market enjoy filling up on a choice of cuisines. Antananarivo has a wide variety of options for foodies, with French and other European influences as well Asian and African. You’ll want to try some traditional Malagasy cuisine, including the national dish, romazava served with rice, or the popular ravitoto. Its ingredients include crushed cassava leaves with zebu or pork. </p><p>From Antananarivo, you’ll be relatively central to head out on adventures in every corner of Madagascar. Discover incredible wildlife and landscapes, mountains and rainforests, and stunning beaches on the edges of the island.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Madagascar","stationCode":"TNR"}]},{"preTitle":"Flights to Africa","title":"Flights to Mauritius","summary":"Some of the best beach holidays in the world start with flights to Mauritius, where time stops still.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Mauritius","seoDescription":"Book flights to Mauritius today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-republic-of-mauritius","shortName":"Mauritius","longName":"Mauritius","code":"MU","isoCode":"MU","destinationType":"countries","parentType":"AFRI","regionCode":"AFRI","lastPublishedDate":"2023-02-23T16:29:14Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"Some of the best beach holidays in the world start with flights to Mauritius, where time stops still.","contentDescription":"<p>Mark Twain certainly had it right more than a century ago when he suggested: “You gather the idea that Mauritius was made first and then heaven was copied after.” Book flights to Mauritius to find out why.</p><p>From the buzzing Grand Baie in the north – a haven for water sports fans and adrenaline junkies in search of the local skydiving landing spot – to the relaxing tree-lined strip at St Félix in the south, it’s one of the best beach holidays in the world.</p><p>But what else? For starters, you should explore. The coastal road that runs from Tamarin to Souillac offers a snapshot of the whole island – coral reefs, lagoons, viewpoints and nature reserves line the route. As do affordable hotels and restaurants that allow you to take the journey at a pace that you desire. Away from the coastline, what parts of the inland that aren’t already national parks, lakes or vast expanses of nature, are in fact little pockets of culture. The shopping towns of Curepipe (big indoor city shops) and Quatre Bornes (hectic market stalls) are excellent for day trips.</p><p>Near the capital city of Port Louis, one of the most popular things to do is visit the near-300-year-old Pamplemousses Botanical Garden (or Sir Seewoosagur Ramgoolam Botanical Garden); a sprawling hive of exotic flora. To really get back to nature, though, head for Black River Gorges, home to Alexandra Falls and exotic animals, but bring a sturdy pair of walking boots because this park is enormous.</p><p>For some manmade wonder, you’ll find churches, mosques and other religious iconography scattered throughout. Then again, you could just relax on some of the planet’s most beautiful beaches.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Mauritius","cities":[{"preTitle":"Flights to Mauritius","title":"Flights to Mauritius (MRU)","summary":"Is there paradise on Earth? When you land in Mauritius, you’ll realise you might have found it.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Mauritius (MRU)","seoDescription":"Book flights to Mauritius today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-mauritius","shortName":"Mauritius","longName":"Mauritius","code":"MU-MRU","isoCode":"MRU","destinationType":"cities","parentType":"MU","countryCode":"MU","regionCode":"AFRI","lastPublishedDate":"2024-08-19T06:27:23Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"Is there paradise on Earth? When you land in Mauritius, you’ll realise you might have found it.","contentDescription":"<p>It’s worth catching a flight to Mauritius for the luxury hotel resorts alone. With plenty of leisure and activities on site – from swimming pools to spas, gyms and dive centres – the temptation would be to stay within the four walls. However, to do so would be to miss out on all the fun Mauritius has to offer, from a day at the Champ de Mars racecourse, to hanging out with the locals and relaxing on the beach.</p><p>Port Louis is the bustling centre of shopping and dining, where a lot of hidden gems lie waiting to be discovered. When it comes to food, the island boasts an incredible mix of Indian, Chinese, French and African influences. Add in the fertile soil of the islands and you have an abundance of fresh produce, not to mention the sublime seafood. From fine silver-service dining to a low-key shack serving cheap but delicious street food, each meal is an adventure. Don't forget to try the local dishes too, such as the famous Mauritian delicacy dholl puri, a warm, flat bread with a savoury filling.</p><p>And when you've had your fill, there is Sega dancing to experience – a traditional dance that’s usually performed for tourists. This is where you might find some of the original instruments such as the ravane, a wooden hoop covered with a strip of stretched goatskin.</p><p>Ultimately, though, the call of the beach in Mauritius will be too hard to resist. Your choices are plentiful and the white sands and blue sea will leave you in no doubt that there's such a thing as paradise on Earth.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Mauritius","stationCode":"MRU"}]},{"preTitle":"Flights to Africa","title":"Flights to Morocco","summary":"Flights to Morocco provide a heady dose of culture - with enchanting streets, traditions and shopping experiences to remember.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Morocco","seoDescription":"Book flights to Morocco today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-morocco","shortName":"Morocco","longName":"Morocco","code":"MA","isoCode":"MA","destinationType":"countries","parentType":"AFRI","regionCode":"AFRI","lastPublishedDate":"2023-02-23T16:17:04Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"Flights to Morocco provide a heady dose of culture - with enchanting streets, traditions and shopping experiences to remember.","contentDescription":"<p>Even the word Morocco has an allure to it, conjuring up images of crowded souks, silver teapots with long spouts, low couches surrounded by rich draperies, and other images from old movies. Happily, that’s not far off the mark, although flights to Morocco will show you that the modern-day version has much more to offer than camels and the scent of spices.</p><p>Casablanca is Morocco’s most dynamic city, home to the country’s biggest businesses, its most exciting arts scene, most daring designers and a cosmopolitan feel that is almost European. Spending a couple of days here is the perfect way to get a sense of Morocco’s future. To learn more about its past, head to Marrakesh, where the old town (medina) is an entrancing mix of crowded alleyways, dusty souks, elaborate palaces, historic buildings and the occasional brand new boutique or cafe. Searching (and bargaining) for souvenirs in the markets is the ultimate Marrakesh experience. Djemaa el-Fna, the city’s main square, has been a public gathering place for over a millennium and you can still see actual snake charmers performing here.</p><p>To learn more about its past, head to Marrakesh, where the old town (medina) is an entrancing mix of crowded alleyways, dusty souks, elaborate palaces, historic buildings and the occasional brand new boutique or cafe. Searching (and bargaining) for souvenirs in the markets is the ultimate Marrakesh experience. Djemaa el-Fna, the city’s main square, has been a public gathering place for over a millennium and you can still see actual snake charmers performing here.</p><p>Fez has its own wonderful medina, packed with markets selling everything from local snacks to crafts and carpets. Tangier is jam-packed with important bits of Moroccan history, most of which you can find in the old walled city. It’s got its own new city as well, a modern metropolis. Tangier’s mix of cultures – French, Spanish, Portuguese and North African – is intoxicating and is reflected in the food, architecture and appearance of the city.</p><p>Travelling in Morocco can occasionally be challenging – touts can be persistent and haggling is often expected – but a bit of patience goes a long way.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Morocco","cities":[{"preTitle":"Flights to Morocco","title":"Flights to Casablanca (CMN)","summary":"A visit to the largest city in Morocco will reward you with interesting architecture and restaurants galore.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Casablanca (CMN)","seoDescription":"Book flights to Casablanca today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-casablanca","shortName":"Casablanca","longName":"Casablanca","code":"MA-CAS","isoCode":"CMN","destinationType":"cities","parentType":"MA-08","areaCode":"MA-08","countryCode":"MA","regionCode":"AFRI","lastPublishedDate":"2024-08-13T05:15:19Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"A visit to the largest city in Morocco will reward you with interesting architecture and restaurants galore.","contentDescription":"<p>The name Casablanca is more likely to conjure up images of the iconic 1942 film than the Moroccan city itself. But, funnily enough, there were no flights to Casablanca for Humphrey Bogart and the rest of the cast and crew making this wartime classic; the movie was actually shot almost entirely in Hollywood.</p><p>With five million inhabitants, Casablanca is Morocco’s – as well as the Maghreb’s – largest city. Yet it is sometimes easy to overlook due to the preconceived idea it’s more of a business hub as opposed to a tourist destination. This couldn’t be further from the truth.</p><p>It’s best to book your trip to this Moroccan metropolis with an open mind, because the first thing that will strike you upon arrival is the distinct lack of tourists. Most visitors choose Marrakech or capital city Rabat as their first stop, with many coming to Casablanca just on a day trip. With the likes of the Hassan II Mosque and other stunning architecture to see, they’re missing out.</p><p>Casablanca – or Casa as its residents call it – offers the perfect mix of places to see and things to do. Ancient structures and older areas fuse with contemporary neighbourhoods. Moroccans work hard, but know how to relax and enjoy themselves, and the Corniche is where the city really comes to life at night. Locals frequent most of the restaurants and nightlife options here, and the service is always warm and friendly.</p><p>Casablanca is also a foodie haven, offering different types of delicious cuisine – ranging from local and fuss-free to French and fancy. Whatever it is that you decide to do in Casablanca, you’re guaranteed to have a good time.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Casablanca","stationCode":"CMN"}]},{"preTitle":"Flights to Africa","title":"Flights to Nigeria","summary":"We’re back in Nigeria from 1 October 2024. Book flights to Nigeria and explore a diverse cultural and geographical landscape in buzzing Lagos.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Nigeria","seoDescription":"Book flights to Nigeria today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-nigeria","shortName":"Nigeria","longName":"Nigeria","code":"NG","isoCode":"NG","destinationType":"countries","parentType":"AFRI","regionCode":"AFRI","lastPublishedDate":"2024-07-25T04:25:26Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"Flights to Nigeria allow you to explore a diverse cultural and geographical landscape in buzzing Lagos.","contentDescription":"<p>Nigeria is Africa's most populous country – more than 175 million people call it home and its gross domestic product is the highest on the continent as well. It's remarkably diverse too; the Giant of Africa has more than 500 ethnic groups within its borders, each with their own rich history, traditions, and language.</p><p>It's also a great travel destination for anyone fascinated by history and anthropology, as it's one of the cradles of human civilisation. There's evidence of ancient populations dating as far back as 9,000 BC, and flights to Nigeria can take you back through humanity's earliest days.</p><p>Megacity Lagos is the largest metropolitan area in Africa with well over 20 million residents. The economy of the country revolves around the port city on its south-western tip, but it has also developed its own distinct cultural importance. Lagos has a vibrant music scene and a thriving football culture. If you're looking for some sunshine, check out Bar Beach, Lekki Beach, and Badagry Beach.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Nigeria","cities":[{"preTitle":"Flights to Nigeria","title":"Flights to Lagos (LOS)","summary":"We’re back in Lagos from 1 October 2024. Book flights to Lagos and explore Africa’s fastest-growing of Africa's city, teeming with life and sound.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Lagos (LOS)","seoDescription":"Book flights to Lagos today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-lagos","shortName":"Lagos","longName":"Lagos","code":"NG-LOS","isoCode":"LOS","destinationType":"cities","parentType":"NG-LA","areaCode":"NG-LA","countryCode":"NG","regionCode":"AFRI","lastPublishedDate":"2024-07-25T04:26:53Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"Lagos, the second fastest-growing of Africa's cities, surpasses all others for speed, sound and life.","contentDescription":"<p>Known as the heartbeat of Africa, Lagos is the epitome of energy and movement with the labyrinth of districts (the mainland, Greater Lagos, Lagos Island and Victoria Island) all connected by bridges. Now brimming with nearly 17.5 million people, the city is well on its way to becoming the world’s third largest city by population.</p><p>Lagos – a word meaning ‘lakes’ in Portuguese – was annexed as a British colony in 1861 and remained under British rule until Nigeria gained independence in 1960. Before colonial rule it was a Yoruba kingdom and today it still has a ceremonial sovereign, called the Oba of Lagos. Until 1991 this city was the capital of Nigeria and thanks to its history of trade and the country’s wealth of natural resources, Lagos is still the commercial heart of the nation.</p><p>History buffs can delve in the sombre past of the region by heading west to Badagry once their flight to Lagos lands. Badagry was an important port within the slave trade. From here you can visit Gberefu Island, known as the Point of No Return, and walk the slave’s route across this poignantly peaceful island.</p><p>For nature lovers, Lagos offers stunning beaches, beautiful waters and impressive landscapes. The bustling city also has many parks, museums and markets for you to explore, as well as a fine array of local and international cuisine. And those in need of a cultural fix can dive right in to the world famous arts and music scene.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Lagos","stationCode":"LOS"}]},{"preTitle":"Flights to Africa","title":"Flights to Senegal","summary":"Flights to Senegal unlock some of West Africa’s best beaches, breathtaking natural wonders and retail therapy options.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Senegal","seoDescription":"Book flights to Senegal today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-senegal","shortName":"Senegal","longName":"Senegal","code":"SN","isoCode":"SN","destinationType":"countries","parentType":"AFRI","regionCode":"AFRI","lastPublishedDate":"2023-02-23T16:29:19Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"Flights to Senegal unlock some of West Africa’s best beaches, breathtaking natural wonders and retail therapy options.","contentDescription":"<p>The fast-paced city life of capital city Dakar gives way to chilled-out beaches, plenty of top surfing spots, and one of the world’s best bird sanctuaries in Senegal. You can book flights to Senegal safe in the knowledge that the people are friendly, the food is delicious, and there’s enough to do to keep you busy for weeks.</p><p>Dakar is a noisy, vibrant city with a love for music that’s evident everywhere you go. Médina is packed with shops and houses, and it’s one of the liveliest neighbourhoods in the city. You’ll find tailors here who can create a custom-made suit for you, or you can just wander the streets checking out the latest Senegalese pop and fashions, stopping to admire the Grand Mosque, which dates back to 1664. The colonial buildings of the Place de l'Indépendance are worth a look, but allow more time for the Village des Arts, home to the work of Senegal’s most important artists.</p><p>Outside Dakar, Senegal has lots to offer. Saint-Louis was the first French settlement in Africa, and it’s now a Unesco World Heritage Site. Located on an island in the Senegal River, it’s quiet and antiquated with colonial architecture. In the area along the Casamance River there’s a tropical vibe, with mangrove forests, small islands and a series of popular beaches in Cap Skirring. Spend a night in Ziguinchor which has plenty of trees, a laid-back ambience and historic buildings.</p><p>Even if you’re not a birdwatcher, you’ll be impressed with the winged wildlife at Parc National des Oiseaux du Djoudj, also known as the Djoudj National Bird Sanctuary. At 16,000 hectares and with nearly 300 species of bird, the park is a place you’re guaranteed to spot something you haven’t seen before. The best way to see it is by boat, although you can also cycle through.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Senegal","cities":[{"preTitle":"Flights to Senegal","title":"Flights to Dakar (DKR)","summary":"Senegal’s capital city is one of Africa’s most vibrant and varied destinations.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Dakar (DKR)","seoDescription":"Book flights to Dakar today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-dakar","shortName":"Dakar","longName":"Dakar","code":"SN-DKR","isoCode":"DKR","destinationType":"cities","parentType":"SN-DK","areaCode":"SN-DK","countryCode":"SN","regionCode":"AFRI","lastPublishedDate":"2024-08-13T03:54:46Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"Senegal’s capital city is one of Africa’s most vibrant and varied destinations.","contentDescription":"<p>A highly diverse city, Dakar reveals a mix of African, European and Middle Eastern influences that are perhaps most apparent in the cuisine and nightlife. You’ll find restaurants serving local seafood cooked French-style, exquisite street food in unexpected places and locals sipping Moroccan mint tea in cafes. In short, there is something for every palate.</p><p>The architecture also varies widely, from stately cathedrals to majestic mosques, with plenty of colonial buildings converted into museums, hotels and restaurants.</p><p>In essence, Dakar is a cultural melting pot. There’s the Villages des Arts, which focuses on showcasing the work of local artists; as well as the markets of Medina, a neighbourhood that also boasts the impressive Grande Mosquée de Dakar. In the evenings, immerse yourself in Dakar’s vibrant nightlife scene, a mix of cool, low-key lounges and famous venues. Thoissane, for example, owned by musician and singer Youssou N’Dour, is known throughout the country as the best place to experience Senegalese music.</p><p>Don’t book a flight to Dakar without visiting the coast. As you’d expect from a city on a peninsula, there are wonderful bays and beaches to choose from. If you want to experience true seclusion, go island hopping. Ngor Island, just off the coast of Dakar, is a tiny stretch of land that’s ideal for getting away from it all. Check into a surf lodge and spend your days catching waves, and your evenings tucking into some tasty fish fresh off the boat.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Dakar","stationCode":"DSS"}]},{"preTitle":"Flights to Africa","title":"Flights to South Africa","summary":"Now is the time to book flights to South Africa. Will you spot any of the Big Five on safari?","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to South Africa","seoDescription":"Book flights to South Africa today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-south-africa","shortName":"South Africa","longName":"South Africa","code":"ZA","isoCode":"ZA","destinationType":"countries","parentType":"AFRI","regionCode":"AFRI","lastPublishedDate":"2023-02-23T16:29:20Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"Now is the time to book flights to South Africa. Will you spot any of the Big Five on safari?","contentDescription":"<p>The sheer diversity of South Africa, a country with 11 official languages, has earned it the nickname of the Rainbow nation, and no matter where you’re headed once your flight to South Africa lands, you’ll find beauty and wonder at every turn.</p><p>First, there’s the urban sprawl of Johannesburg, a buzzing metropolis with a thriving dining and nightlife scene, and a favourite celebrity haunt. Then you have Durban, a quieter destination on the coast, with beach-side cafes, restaurants and surf shops. And then, right at the southern-most tip of Africa is Cape Town, a melting pot of cultures, with beautiful beaches, vineyards and national parks, all overseen by the iconic Table Mountain.</p><p>Cape Town is one of the best destinations for learning more about South Africa’s past, and the history of apartheid. From the coast you can take a ferry to Robben Island, where the late former president Nelson Mandela was incarcerated for 27 years, and see the cell where he was imprisoned. On the mainland, cultural institutions like the renowned District Six Museum shine a light on the country’s past. Regardless, South Africa is a resilient nation, filled with welcoming residents who are always looking to the future.</p><p>Beyond the city boundaries, the natural beauty of the landscape is breath-taking, as is the sheer scope of wildlife that inhabits it. For a true bucket list experience, book a safari at the Kruger National Park. This nature reserve is one of the largest in Africa, and the best place in the world to see the continent’s Big Five: elephant, rhino, lion, leopard and buffalo. For a more foodie-focused experience of the outdoors, the wine routes from Cape Town cannot be beaten.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to South Africa","cities":[{"preTitle":"Flights to South Africa","title":"Flights to Cape Town (CPT)","summary":"From awe-inspiring beaches to five-star hotels, and gourmet cuisines to thrilling adventures, a visit to Cape Town won’t disappoint.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Cape Town (CPT)","seoDescription":"Book flights to Cape Town today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-cape-town","shortName":"Cape Town","longName":"Cape Town","code":"ZA-CPT","isoCode":"CPT","destinationType":"cities","parentType":"ZA_WE","areaCode":"ZA_WE","countryCode":"ZA","regionCode":"AFRI","lastPublishedDate":"2024-12-06T09:14:07Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"From awe-inspiring beaches to five-star hotels, and gourmet cuisines to thrilling adventures, a visit to Cape Town won’t disappoint.","contentDescription":"<p>South Africa’s oldest city, Cape Town is a captivating fusion of art, music and spectacular natural beauty.</p><p>The iconic ‘Mother City’ stretches out on a peninsula in the shadow of Table Mountain and is adorned by glorious white sand beaches overlooking the turquoise waters of the Atlantic Ocean. Influences from African, European and Asian traditions are widespread in Cape Town, creating an enchanting city brimming with history and culture.</p><p>For outdoor enthusiasts, the Cape of Good Hope Nature Reserve is among the most esteemed locations on the planet. The dramatic headland on the Cape Peninsula is home to over 250 species of birds, including one of only two colonies of African penguins. Inhale the fresh ocean air as you watch the formidable waves of the Atlantic crash into the rocky cliffs more than 200m below.</p><p>The strikingly unique Table Mountain, a Wonder of the World, is the defining feature of the Cape Town skyline and affords commanding views of the city, Table Bay and beyond. Table Mountain is also home to an assortment of fascinating animal and plant species. Keep your eyes peeled for the rodent-like rock hyrax – known locally as the dassie. Reach the summit in five minutes on a state-of-the-art cable car and feel the gondola seamlessly shift beneath your feet as it rotates to provide 360-degree views.</p><p>Robben Island, which sits in the waters of Table Bay, offers a poignant insight into South Africa’s history. Take a ferry from Cape Town and gain a unique perspective of Nelson Mandela’s story as you tour the prison where he was once held.</p><p>Bo-Kaap is another historically significant location back in the city. Head to the former Malay Quarter and lose yourself in a maze of cobbled streets and distinctive multi-coloured buildings. Bo-Kaap is home to a large Muslim community and there are several beautiful mosques in the area. Listen out for the muezzin's calls to prayer echoing through this colourful neighbourhood.</p><p>Cape Town offers a raft of world-renowned restaurants serving international cuisines, from fine dining to tapas-style street food. There’s no shortage of flavourful local dishes to try too. Sample the intricate spices of Cape Malay cuisine, an Indian inspired cooking style honed over 300 years, in an authentic Bo-Kaap eatery. Braai, meanwhile, is a staple of South African culture. Feast on a tantalising selection of meats cooked on a wood or coal fire.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Cape Town","stationCode":"CPT"},{"preTitle":"Flights to South Africa","title":"Flights to Durban (DUR)","summary":"Durban has grown rapidly and is now one of Africa’s top destinations, thanks to both its cultural diversity and astonishing natural beauty.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Durban (DUR)","seoDescription":"Book flights to Durban today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-durban","shortName":"Durban","longName":"Durban","code":"ZA-DUR","isoCode":"DUR","destinationType":"cities","parentType":"ZA_KW","areaCode":"ZA_KW","countryCode":"ZA","regionCode":"AFRI","lastPublishedDate":"2024-08-13T07:21:44Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"Durban has grown rapidly and is now one of Africa’s top destinations, thanks to both its cultural diversity and astonishing natural beauty.","contentDescription":"<p>Downtown Durban is a metropolis, but it's easy to escape the bustle when you want to; all it takes is a stroll down the Golden Mile that hugs the beach. Breathing in that fresh sea air while watching surfers and sunbathers is the perfect tonic.</p><p>Sporty types and lovers of the outdoors board flights to Durban, or Durbs, as the locals refer to it, for its beaches and golf courses. You can also dive into the Indian Ocean with a scuba school and explore the deep. Durban has plenty of family-friendly activities too, from exploring the surrounding wildlife or visiting an attraction such as uShaka Marine World, one of the world’s largest aquariums.</p><p>Durban is also one of the best places to experience Zulu food and culture, with Zulus making up more than half the population of the city. It makes for an eclectic experience and it's great for unique gift shopping. Plus, thanks to its large Indian population, you can easily find great culinary treats such as the Durban specialty ‘bunny chow’ – a fast food dish consisting of a hollowed out loaf of bread filled with curry.</p><p>The suburbs of Durban are worth exploring as they showcase the colonial whitewashed buildings with charming balconies in leafy surroundings. Here, you will find hidden gems such as community cafes and delis. For example, head to the gentrified area of Morningside for its restaurants, entertainment and Edwardian and Victorian period homes.</p><p>With a vibrant music and arts scene, there are also plenty of places to catch a variety of live performances across Durban, although the majority of nightlife venues are located by the Golden Mile. Many Durban theatres stage local and national productions; in particular, check out the National Playhouse on Smith Street.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Durban","stationCode":"DUR"},{"preTitle":"Flights to South Africa","title":"Flights to Johannesburg (JNB)","summary":"Exceptional restaurants, world-class museums and buzzing nightlife venues await you in the up and coming city of Johannesburg.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Johannesburg (JNB)","seoDescription":"Book flights to Johannesburg today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-johannesburg","shortName":"Johannesburg","longName":"Johannesburg","code":"ZA-JNB","isoCode":"JNB","destinationType":"cities","parentType":"ZA-GT","areaCode":"ZA-GT","countryCode":"ZA","regionCode":"AFRI","lastPublishedDate":"2025-01-15T09:55:00Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"Exceptional restaurants, world-class museums and buzzing nightlife venues await you in the up and coming city of Johannesburg.","contentDescription":"<p>Known as the City of Gold, Johannesburg is a diverse hotbed of history and culture, all within striking distance of pristine natural beauty.</p><p>Much of the city is smothered by greenery, with over 10 million trees punctuating its streets. While a key economic hub, Johannesburg is peppered with trendy art galleries and eateries that showcase its vibrant arts and culture scene. Sample jazz music in the characterful suburb of Newtown, wander the terraced ponds of the Johannesburg Botanical Gardens or browse designer brands in the Carlton Centre’s shopping mall, once the tallest building in the Southern Hemisphere.</p><p>Top-level sport is integral to Johannesburg’s culture. Watch Kaizer Chiefs or Orlando Pirates, two immensely popular football teams, or see the leading rugby union team <a href=\"/english/about-us/our-communities/sponsorship/rugby/\" title=\"Rugby\" data-id=\"pagebody_link\" data-link=\"Rugby - Rugby\">Emirates Lions</a> in action at the iconic Emirates Airline Park stadium.</p><p>Aside from its gold mining heritage, Johannesburg is awash with insights into more of the nation’s recent history. Visit the Apartheid Museum for a profound look at 20th century South Africa, or tour the equally moving Constitution Hill, once a notorious prison. Soweto is another significant location where you’ll now find powerful street art – including two decommissioned cooling towers decorated with vivid murals. Nelson Mandela’s former family home is also in Soweto, now a museum housing an array of fascinating artefacts that detail his life.</p><p>Just south of Johannesburg, the Klipriviersberg Nature Reserve is a vast stretch of open grasslands and hills that are teeming with animals and indigenous plants. Spot hundreds of bird species, zebras and wildebeest as you trek through a serene natural landscape. To the north west of Johannesburg, you can take a thrilling drive through Bothongo Rhino & Lion Nature Reserve, where rhinos, lions, cheetahs and hippos roam freely.</p><p>The Bothongo reserve sits within the Cradle of Humankind, a UNESCO World Heritage Site where the largest known concentration of human ancestral remains was found. See these fascinating fossils, dating back more than two million years, as you embark on an evolutionary journey in a visitors' centre designed to resemble an ancient burial mound.</p><p>South African cuisine is renowned around the world, and Johannesburg is no exception to that rule with its many prestigious restaurants. Try a traditional plate of boerewors, a spiced sausage made from coarsely minced beef and grilled over charcoal, and pap, a deliciously creamy porridge made from maize meal.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Johannesburg","stationCode":"JNB"}]},{"preTitle":"Flights to Africa","title":"Flights to Sudan","summary":"A friendly welcome awaits people on flights to Sudan, and even seasoned travellers will be surprised by its ancient heritage.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Sudan","seoDescription":"Book flights to Sudan today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-sudan","shortName":"Sudan","longName":"Sudan","code":"SD","isoCode":"SD","destinationType":"countries","parentType":"AFRI","regionCode":"AFRI","lastPublishedDate":"2023-02-23T16:29:26Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"A friendly welcome awaits people on flights to Sudan, and even seasoned travellers will be surprised by its ancient heritage.","contentDescription":"<p>Sudan sits south of Egypt in North Africa's Nile River Valley and has a long tradition of ancient civilisations that congregated along the river, using its plentiful water supply as a life force to sustain the population. But the Nile wasn't just a boon for ancient peoples; the river also helped thousands of animal species thrive from the biggest beasts to the smallest insects, and the vibrant ecosystem remains intact today, making the country one of the best destinations in the world for nature lovers.</p><p>Flights to Sudan deliver you to a destination that’s at a crossroads, with South Sudan voting for independence in 2011. The split dropped Sudan from the largest country in Africa to the third-largest, and saw 80% of the country's oil fields go to South Sudan. The remaining portion of Sudan is mostly Islamic, with religion playing a strong role in daily life and the culture.</p><p>A trip to Sudan begins in the capital city of Khartoum. The country's second-largest city is at the confluence of the White Nile, which comes north from Lake Victoria, and the Blue Nile that starts in Ethiopia, and a true meeting spot. Don't miss the National Museum and shopping in Souk Omdurman (and don't be afraid to ask for directions if you get lost in its mass of warren-like streets).</p><p>Relics from ancient civilisations including the Meroë and Kouh can still be seen in many areas like the Northern State, Shendi area, Begrawiya, Al-Naqa, Karima, Al-Berkal Mountain and more. Another popular travel destination is Port Sudan, which is brilliant for scuba diving or simply soaking up the sun on its wonderful beaches. In addition, lots of travellers use it as a base before undertaking a Hajj to Mecca as it offers easy access to Saudi Arabia.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Sudan","cities":[{"preTitle":"Flights to Sudan","title":"Flights to Khartoum (KRT)","summary":"Explore the capital of Sudan – your portal to everything Africa has to offer.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Khartoum (KRT)","seoDescription":"Book flights to Khartoum today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-khartoum","shortName":"Khartoum","longName":"Khartoum","code":"SD-KRT","isoCode":"KRT","destinationType":"cities","parentType":"SD_Khartoum","areaCode":"SD_Khartoum","countryCode":"SD","regionCode":"AFRI","lastPublishedDate":"2023-02-23T13:29:40Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"Explore the capital of Sudan – your portal to everything Africa has to offer.","contentDescription":"<p>Flights to Khartoum, the capital of the Republic of Sudan, take you to where the White Nile and Blue Nile meet in northeast Africa. Khartoum is a bustling and modern city, the beating commercial and cultural heart of this huge Islamic African nation.</p><p>To see the two mighty rivers in action – yes, they are different colours – head to White Nile Bridge. Here, you will see the world’s longest river continue its near 7,000km journey, something you can be a part of at the Marin Water Sports Club by taking a sunset cruise. (And as one of the sunniest cities in the world, with over 3,700 hours of sunshine a year, you’ll always be in for a treat.)</p><p>For a dose of local culture, head through the tree-lined streets of the central city to Hamed El-Nil Mosque on a late Friday afternoon for a thrilling performance from a troupe of whirling dervishes.</p><p>If you’re looking for traditional shopping, head south from the Great Mosque (Masjid Al-Kabir) to find the city’s most famous souq, Souq Al-Arabi, which is spread across several blocks. Pick up a few trinkets at the souq dedicated to gold, or – if you’re seeking a more international fashion offering – head to Khartoum’s Al Waha Mall or Afra Mall in Arkaweet which are full of Western-style clothes shops and cafes.</p><p>Khartoum has a handful of international hotels such as the Corinthia and the Al Salam Rotana, but there’s also a range of locally owned properties for all budgets. The city is easy to navigate by taxi or auto-rickshaw and there is a public bus service running almost 24 hours a day.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Khartoum","stationCode":"KRT"}]},{"preTitle":"Flights to Africa","title":"Flights to Tanzania","summary":"Book flights to Tanzania to enjoy wildlife safaris, beaches and Africa’s highest mountain – and that’s just the outdoor entertainment.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Tanzania","seoDescription":"Book flights to Tanzania today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-tanzania","shortName":"Tanzania","longName":"Tanzania","code":"TZ","isoCode":"TZ","destinationType":"countries","parentType":"AFRI","regionCode":"AFRI","lastPublishedDate":"2024-12-10T11:04:36Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"Book flights to Tanzania to enjoy wildlife safaris, beaches and Africa’s highest mountain – and that’s just the outdoor entertainment.","contentDescription":"<p>Adorned with stunning natural landscapes and teeming with wildlife, Tanzania is a touristic gem.</p><p>From the peak of Mount Kilimanjaro, the highest in Africa, across the plains of the Serengeti and to the picturesque shores of Zanzibar, the country’s diverse offering is its biggest attraction.</p><p>Begin your exploration of Tanzania in the cosmopolitan coastal city of <a href=\"/english/destinations/flights-to-dar-es-salaam/\" title=\"Flight to Dar es Salaam\" data-id=\"pagebody_link\" data-link=\"Flight to Dar es Salaam - Link Dynamic\">Dar es Salaam<span class=\"hidden-control\">(Opens page in the same window)</span></a>, a former fishing village that’s now a glorious melting pot of African, Arabic and Indian cultures. The famous Kariakoo Market encapsulates the vibrant city’s pulsating atmosphere. Wade through a sea of local and international traders, hollering to be heard above the hum of motorcycle engines. Oyster Bay offers a retreat from the city hubbub, with the golden sands of Coco Beach meeting the glistening blue waters of the Indian Ocean.</p><p>From Dar es Salaam, you could also take a short <a href=\"/english/destinations/zanzibar/\" title=\"000 Flights to Zanzibar\" data-id=\"pagebody_link\" data-link=\"000 Flights to Zanzibar\">flight to Zanzibar</a>, an idyllic island where the picture-perfect beaches compete with the historic, winding alleyways of Stone Town.</p><p>For safaris, the northern city of Arusha serves as the ideal launchpad. See the ‘Big 5’ - lions, elephants, rhinos, leopards and buffalos – in the famous Serengeti National Park. Here you can experience the ethereal Great Migration, when over a million wildebeest, zebras and other species take on an epic journey across the African plains.</p><p>From Arusha, you can also take a short journey west into the shadow of Mount Kilimanjaro, a colossal dormant volcano rising almost 6,000m above sea level. Embark on an unforgettable expedition to the summit or head to Amboseli National Park, which affords breathtaking views of the world-renowned phenomenon.</p><p>The Mahale Mountains are a lesser-visited Tanzanian natural beauty and rise sharply out of Lake Tanganyika on its western border. Kayak along one of the African Great Lakes and let a guide take you on a magical trek through the jungle to discover its huge population of chimpanzees.</p><p>In central Tanzania, the Udzungwa Mountains National Park is another wildlife hotspot. Tour the park’s breathtaking rolling hills, valleys and tropical rainforest to spot the Udzungwa red colobus, a striking primate endemic to Tanzania.</p><p>When it comes to Tanzanian cuisine, ugali is a vastly popular dish comprised of cornmeal and cassava flour, making it a hearty, high-energy accompaniment. It's often served alongside roasted meat – be sure to try nyama choma, an East African classic made with beef, lamb or goat. Translating to ‘barbecue meat’, it’s expertly marinated for a flavoursome taste.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Tanzania","cities":[{"preTitle":"Flights to Tanzania","title":"Flights to Dar Es Salaam (DAR)","summary":"Be surrounded by natural beauty, stunning landscapes, bustling markets and pristine beaches in Tanzania’s ‘House of Peace’. ","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Dar Es Salaam (DAR)","seoDescription":"Book flights to Dar Es Salaam today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-dar-es-salaam","shortName":"Dar Es Salaam","longName":"Dar Es Salaam","code":"TZ-DAR","isoCode":"DAR","destinationType":"cities","parentType":"TZ-02","areaCode":"TZ-02","countryCode":"TZ","regionCode":"AFRI","lastPublishedDate":"2024-08-13T05:40:37Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"Be surrounded by natural beauty, stunning landscapes, bustling markets and pristine beaches in Tanzania’s ‘House of Peace’.","contentDescription":"<p>There’s an excellent tourist infrastructure in place for travellers on flights to Tanzania. There’s no lack of hotels, good restaurants, helpful safari guides or anything else you might need and it’s easy to get around. Just strap on your backpack (or grab your suitcase) and go.</p><p>Most trips to Tanzania will begin in Dar Es Salaam, a chilled out coastal city where cows in the streets compete with honking minibuses. It’s not a major tourist destination, but Dar is the perfect place to get to know the Africa you can’t see from a safari van. A mesh of Arabic, Indian and African influences makes it visually interesting; the friendly locals make it fun.</p><p>If you’re planning to go on safari to one of Tanzania’s incredible national parks, Arusha will be your base. This city is the launching pad for safaris of almost any length, and for treks up Mount Kilimanjaro. Shop around for the best deals on both – Arusha has plenty to offer. To maximise your chances of seeing of hippos, wildebeests, elephants and more, head to Serengeti National Park for a few days.</p><p>Tanzania’s beaches are the perfect place to recover from a trek up Kilimanjaro. Sipping an ice-cold drink on one of the country’s beautiful coastlines, watching wooden dhows sail by in the distance, is paradise. What could be better than that? Perhaps a trip to Zanzibar, where the picture-perfect beaches compete with beautiful historic buildings and small alleyways of Stone Town.</p><p>Getting further outside the most tourist-heavy areas will give you a chance to meet Tanzania’s captivating peoples. The Maasai are the most noticeable, wrapped in their cloaks, but there are a number of other distinctive tribes.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Dar Es Salaam","stationCode":"DAR"}]},{"preTitle":"Flights to Africa","title":"Flights to Tunisia","summary":"Flights to Tunisia go to one of North Africa's jewels, where Roman ruins and beach resorts vie for attention.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Tunisia","seoDescription":"Book flights to Tunisia today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-tunisia","shortName":"Tunisia","longName":"Tunisia","code":"TN","isoCode":"TN","destinationType":"countries","parentType":"AFRI","regionCode":"AFRI","lastPublishedDate":"2023-02-23T16:42:12Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"Flights to Tunisia go to one of North Africa's jewels, where Roman ruins and beach resorts vie for attention.","contentDescription":"<p>Its beaches are the big draw for most on flights to Tunisia – these long stretches of sand washed by the Mediterranean are packed during the high season, and sun-seekers fill the chain hotels to capacity. If you're looking for something more upscale, the island of Djerba has some of the best beaches in Tunisia, luxury hotels to match, and a group of restaurants along the harbour that sell freshly caught seafood with incredible views thrown in for free.</p><p>In lively Tunis, you’ll find markets, mosques, football stadiums and live music, along with a host of restaurants serving Tunisia’s world-class food. This ranges from desert dishes spiced up with harissa paste to melt-in-your-mouth pastries that could compete with those from any Parisian patisserie. The artsy neighbourhood of Sidi Bou Said is a gorgeous mix of cobblestone streets, wall-climbing bougainvillea and stunning views of the Gulf of Tunis, and its restaurants are some of the best in the city.</p><p>For anyone with even a passing interest in history or archaeology, legendary Carthage is a must-see, with its picturesque ruins encompassing everything from Roman baths to an amphitheatre surrounded by forest. And Dougga, just an hour’s drive from Tunis, has some of the best-preserved Roman ruins in Africa.</p><p>One of the biggest draws about Tunisia is that, apart from in the mega-resorts, tourists are thin on the ground. You’ll often have historic sites to yourself and when you get outside Tunis, you might be the only traveller for miles. The locals are warm and welcoming, though, and you’ll never be short of people to talk to or new friends to make.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Tunisia","cities":[{"preTitle":"Flights to Tunisia","title":"Flights to Tunis (TUN)","summary":"Tunis is a tranquil yet bustling city that packs a punch – visit to indulge in culture, hammams and astonishing cuisine.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Tunis (TUN)","seoDescription":"Book flights to Tunis today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-tunis","shortName":"Tunis","longName":"Tunis","code":"TN-TUN","isoCode":"TUN","destinationType":"cities","parentType":"TN-11","areaCode":"TN-11","countryCode":"TN","regionCode":"AFRI","lastPublishedDate":"2024-08-13T03:31:50Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"Tunis is a tranquil yet bustling city that packs a punch – visit to indulge in culture, hammams and astonishing cuisine.","contentDescription":"<p>On the map it may look like a little sliver of land by the Mediterranean Sea, but don’t let the size of Tunisia’s capital fool you. Right from the moment your flight to Tunis lands, this tranquil yet bustling city packs a punch.</p><p>It was only in 1956 that Tunis achieved independence as the capital of Tunisia, and today there are a number of global influences evident in this North African city, including Spanish, French and German.</p><p>This is particularly reflected in the new areas, where the streets have been likened to those in Paris or Barcelona. It's no surprise, then, that Tunis is one of the most modern cities in the North African and Arab world, not to mention one of the most relaxed.</p><p>Over on the opposite side of the city is The Medina of Tunis, now a Unesco World Heritage Site. This network of narrow alleyways featuring mosques, palaces and souks is where you’ll be able to explore the history of Tunis and meet its local people. It’s dominated by the city’s great mosque, Al-Zaytuna, as well as the beautiful Cathedral of St Vincent de Paul. The district is also the city’s traditional shopping area, with every type of souvenir available.</p><p>Look out for other notable landmarks including the two sea gates: Bab El-Jedid Gate and Bab El-Bahr Gate; as well as the noble houses of Dar Hussein, Dar Ben Abdallah and Dar Lasram. Apart from culture, one of the best things about Tunis is the food, and there are a lot of places to eat. The locals savour their traditional cuisine, which can be found in a plethora of restaurants across the city. So sit back, relax and enjoy the Tunisian way of life during your stay.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Tunis","stationCode":"TUN"}]},{"preTitle":"Flights to Africa","title":"Flights to Uganda","summary":"Flights to Uganda attract travellers who are keen to see the Nile, the Big Five and the Rwenzori Mountains.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Uganda","seoDescription":"Book flights to Uganda today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-uganda","shortName":"Uganda","longName":"Uganda","code":"UG","isoCode":"UG","destinationType":"countries","parentType":"AFRI","regionCode":"AFRI","lastPublishedDate":"2023-02-23T16:42:19Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"Flights to Uganda attract travellers who are keen to see the Nile, the Big Five and the Rwenzori Mountains.","contentDescription":"<p>Most visitors on flights to Uganda begin in Kampala, the country’s capital city. It’s a mishmash of old and new Africa, from lively markets and street hawker stalls to modern, trendy restaurants and nightlife venues. Plus, a selection of some of the very best high-end hotels in the country, all set in a gorgeous, garden-filled district.</p><p>When it comes to wildlife and natural beauty, Uganda is one of the best travel destinations in the world. Not only is it the source of the Nile, Uganda has Africa’s largest lake in the form of Lake Victoria, home of the continent’s largest inland fishery.</p><p>Start your travels in Jinja, which is located on the shores of the lake. It’s home to numerous adventure travel companies that will accommodate your every need, whether that means white water rafting along the Nile or horse riding tours of the stunning surrounding area.</p><p>The sheer diversity of flora and fauna on offer is incredible. It’s one of the few places in the world where you can spot all of Africa’s Big Five – elephants, lions, rhinos, leopards and buffalo. But the biggest draw for a lot of visitors is the chance to head into the jungle on a gorilla safari. Seeing these majestic, shy beasts is a true once-in-a-life time experience (and you might get to spot a chimpanzee or two as well).</p><p>It's no wonder that Winston Churchill once called this country the Pearl of Africa.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Uganda","cities":[{"preTitle":"Flights to Uganda ","title":"Flights to Entebbe (EBB)","summary":"Whether your interests lie in architecture, wildlife, stunning beaches or great cuisine, there’s no shortage of things to do in this fantastic, fascinating city.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Entebbe (EBB)","seoDescription":"Book flights to Entebbe today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-entebbe","shortName":"Entebbe","longName":"Entebbe","code":"UG-EBB","isoCode":"EBB","destinationType":"cities","parentType":"UG_Central Region","areaCode":"UG_Central Region","countryCode":"UG","regionCode":"AFRI","lastPublishedDate":"2024-08-13T03:53:23Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"Whether your interests lie in architecture, wildlife, stunning beaches or great cuisine, there’s no shortage of things to do in this fantastic, fascinating city.","contentDescription":"<p>Perched on the northern shores of Lake Victoria, Entebbe is located in the Wakiso District of Uganda.</p><p>Having served as the capital during British colonial rule (which ended in the 1920s), Entebbe is endowed with a generous share of leafy boulevards and old colonial buildings, which you can easily explore on foot. The city also boasts a generous number of white sand beaches beside Lake Victoria. These beaches are lined with hotels, restaurants and nightlife venues, and have become extremely popular with local and international tourists. It’s worth noting that the beaches are very crowded at weekends but they’re relatively empty during the week. However, you must resist the dive in, as the water isn’t suited to swimming.</p><p>Entebbe is also a great springboard to Lake Victoria’s many islands – most notably, the stunning Ssese Islands and Chimpanzee Island, which, as the name suggests, is a chimpanzee sanctuary.</p><p>You can fly to Entebbe when you’re visiting Kampala, Uganda’s capital city – it’s just 40km away. Both Entebbe and Kampala are verdant, vibrant destinations with friendly populations. You can use either as a launch pad to explore the rest of Uganda, or focus on experiencing the cities in their own right. For a historical lesson on Uganda, Kampala proves itself the perfect destination. Head straight for the Uganda Museum on Kololo Hill to learn about the country’s past.</p><p>The capital city was originally built on seven hills, but it’s undergone almost constant renovation, and it’s beyond the hills that you’ll find a hotel for your stay in Kampala. It’s safe to walk around any time of day or night, but if you really want to immerse yourself in Kampala’s local culture and don’t mind battling with the city’s traffic, get around on a boda-boda motorbike. Local taxis come in the form packed mini-buses called matatus.</p><p>Kampala’s urban centre is studded with important government and religious buildings, such as the monumental Uganda National Mosque which has a capacity of up to 15,000.</p><p>Kampala is alive with a strong arts and culture scene, particularly among the city’s predominantly young population. With burgeoning visual arts groups and ardent support from locals, you can find contemporary and underground galleries alike. Keen shoppers can peruse the city’s many vibrant markets for locally made clothes and jewellery</p><p>.</p><p>Both Entebbe and Kampala have a significant population of residents from India, and as a result, the cities’ food culture takes a distinct Asian slant, although the rise in the number of international restaurants nods towards both Entebbe’s and Kampala’s increasing cosmopolitanism. In short, these close cities have it all: beaches, culture, stunning wildlife and great food.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Entebbe","stationCode":"EBB"}]},{"preTitle":"Flights to Africa","title":"Flights to Zambia","summary":"Flights to Zambia are favoured among nature lovers who value destinations where wild beauty has the space to shine.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Zambia","seoDescription":"Book flights to Zambia today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-zambia","shortName":"Zambia","longName":"Zambia","code":"ZM","isoCode":"ZM","destinationType":"countries","parentType":"AFRI","regionCode":"AFRI","lastPublishedDate":"2023-02-23T16:42:41Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"Flights to Zambia are favoured among nature lovers who value destinations where wild beauty has the space to shine.","contentDescription":"<p>Most of Zambia’s population centres on Lusaka, the capital city. While Christianity is the official religion, many of the diverse ethnic groups and tribes practice their own forms of worship, performing ceremonies that can be at once spectacular and thought-provoking.</p><p>You'll probably find that you spend most of your time in the bush. There's a wealth of opportunities to pursue outdoor activities, many revolving around the three rivers that define the country: the Kafue, the Luangwa, and the Zambezi. Zambia is a tropical environment but it can get cold in the mountains.</p><p>Waterfalls are a major attraction in Zambia too. They can be a trek to reach but stunning when you finally arrive. Victoria Falls is the best known but Kalambo Falls, Kundalila Falls, Lumangwe Falls and Ngonye Falls are also popular destinations. If your flight to Zambia arrived at night and you want a daytime aerial view, a helicopter ride over Victoria Falls might be the ticket. Or you could always swing over Bakoka Gorge, abseil down the gorge or go kayaking or rafting in the Zambezi.</p><p>And then there's the wildlife. Zambia has some of the best safaris in the world; everything from lion walks and experiences with cheetahs to relaxing horse riding through the forest. You can look out for some of the 779 bird species native to the country, sit in a 4x4 for a guided safari, or simply walk around and see what you spot.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Zambia","cities":[{"preTitle":"Flights to Zambia","title":"Flights to Lusaka (LUN)","summary":"Visit Lusaka to experience a city poised for greatness.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Lusaka (LUN)","seoDescription":"Book flights to Lusaka today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-lusaka","shortName":"Lusaka","longName":"Lusaka","code":"ZM-LUN","isoCode":"LUN","destinationType":"cities","parentType":"ZM-09","areaCode":"ZM-09","countryCode":"ZM","regionCode":"AFRI","lastPublishedDate":"2024-08-13T03:36:10Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"Visit Lusaka to experience a city poised for greatness.","contentDescription":"<p>A lot of travellers visit Zambia for the stunning Victoria Falls, but you should consider booking your first flight to Lusaka so you don’t miss out on its beautiful vibrant markets, wildlife parks and game reserves.</p><p>In terms of safety and general wellbeing, Lusaka ranks alongside African counterparts Lagos, Nairobi and Johannesburg, and in truth is no busier than big cities in Europe. Stroll along one of its many wide, tree-lined streets and you'll see it’s a cosmopolitan city, one where new buildings are constantly being contructed.</p><p>There are familiar names in retail and restaurants, and large shopping malls offer all the conveniences you would expect in a modern city.</p><p>Lusaka always looks to the future, but at the same time it also manages to maintain its traditions. For a taste of this, try shopping at the city’s salaula stalls (salaula means ‘to rummage through a pile’), which are the Zambian version of thrift shops. There are also countless traditional open markets where you can practise your bartering skills.</p><p>The burgeoning nightlife scene is built around a hub of cool, contemporary venues. For an authentic Zambian night out, seek out a shebeen – buzzing nightlife venues that often host live bands, where the dancing goes on until the early hours.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Lusaka","stationCode":"LUN"}]},{"preTitle":"Flights to Africa","title":"Flights to Zimbabwe","summary":"Choose flights to Zimbabwe to see its natural beauty for yourself – from the Big Five to the stunning Victoria Falls.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Zimbabwe","seoDescription":"Book flights to Zimbabwe today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-zimbabwe","shortName":"Zimbabwe","longName":"Zimbabwe","code":"ZW","isoCode":"ZW","destinationType":"countries","parentType":"AFRI","regionCode":"AFRI","lastPublishedDate":"2023-02-23T16:42:50Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"Choose flights to Zimbabwe to see its natural beauty for yourself – from the Big Five to the stunning Victoria Falls.","contentDescription":"<p>Government stability and an improving economy make Zimbabwe an increasingly attractive destination for adventure-loving travellers. One of the most diverse countries in Africa, Zimbabwe has 16 official languages, and the people of the country are friendly and happy to offer you tips on their favourite local haunts.</p><p>Frequent flights to Zimbabwe's capital Harare make getting there relatively simple, and then it's on you to get out into the wild.</p><p>The best place to start is one of the country's eight national parks, with Victoria Falls National Park the most famous and Hwange National Park the largest. Or check out Matobo National Park, Chimanimani National Park, or Unesco World Heritage Site Mana Pools. Rafting on the Zambezi River through the Batoka Gorge below Victoria Falls will take you through intimidating rapids like Boiling Point, the Washing Machine and the Devil's Cataract. You'll come out the other side soaking wet but with a smile on your face. Head there from July to February for the best experience.</p><p>Zimbabwe boasts some incredible safaris too, with zebras, wildebeests, giraffes, and the Big Five – elephant, buffalo, lion, leopard, and rhino – all living in their natural habitats. In fact, nearly 15% of the country's land area is reserved for parks and wildlife estates, so you're virtually guaranteed to see something impressive.</p><p>The country has history too, with the Great Zimbabwe ruins in Masvingo worth a visit. You'll see leftover stone from the Kingdom of Zimbabwe, dated between 1300 and 1600. Other interesting sites include Khami Ruins, Danamombe and Naletale.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Zimbabwe","cities":[{"preTitle":"Flights to Zimbabwe","title":"Flights to Harare (HRE)","summary":"Head to Harare to enjoy a city that effortlessly twins modern architecture with a close proximity to Africa’s wildlife.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Harare (HRE)","seoDescription":"Book flights to Harare today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-harare","shortName":"Harare","longName":"Harare","code":"ZW-HRE","isoCode":"HRE","destinationType":"cities","parentType":"ZW-HA","areaCode":"ZW-HA","countryCode":"ZW","regionCode":"AFRI","lastPublishedDate":"2024-08-13T05:36:25Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"Head to Harare to enjoy a city that effortlessly twins modern architecture with a close proximity to Africa’s wildlife.","contentDescription":"<p>Choose the window seat on flights to Harare and you'll see what Zimbabwe’s capital is all about as you soar over its skyline. It has all the trappings of a modern metropolis, but you're never too far from nature.</p><p>When visiting Zimbabwe the temptation is to head straight out on safari or rush to see Victoria Falls, which is on the border with Zambia. But Harare is one of the most attractive capital cities in southern Africa, so it's worth taking some time to explore. Walk its wide avenues, lined with dusty red earth and indigenous plants. There are many beautiful parks and gardens, museums and craft markets, not to mention some of the best coffee shops, restaurants and lounges on the continent. The Book Cafe, for example, has thrived for decades as a place where the creative minds of the city meet and mingle, while Garwe Restaurant serves the best in local cuisine to visitors and residents.</p><p>There’s no ignoring the quality of the nature parks that Zimbabwe is known for, and Harare is no exception. Venture out to the Wild is Life animal sanctuary to see some of Africa’s beloved wildlife up close.</p><p>Harare is a city showing real promise – especially since Zimbabwe adopted the US dollar as its de facto currency, which has encouraged investment in the capital. Harare is the seat of Government, the industrial hub and commercial centre for Zimbabwe, and a safe and laidback place where locals will welcome you with smile.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Harare","stationCode":"HRE"}]}]},{"preTitle":"Where we fly","title":"Flights to Asia and the Pacific","summary":"Stretching from the Indian subcontinent all the way to Australia and New Zealand, Emirates flies to destinations across Asia and the Pacific. From the bustle of Delhi to the economic powerhouse of Hong Kong, to the laid-back style of Sydney, each destination promises something new.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Asia and the Pacific","seoDescription":"Plan and book flights to Asia and the Pacific. Discover something new, from the bustle of Delhi to the laid back style of Sydney. Fly Better with Emirates."},"url":"flights-to-asia-pacific","shortName":"Asia and the Pacific","longName":"Asia and the Pacific","code":"ASIA","isoCode":"ASIA","destinationType":"regions","parentType":"","lastPublishedDate":"2023-02-28T11:09:03Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","countries":[{"preTitle":"Flights to Asia and the Pacific","title":"Flights to Australia","summary":"Start exploring as soon as your flights to Australia touch down, or travel to coastal towns and expanses of wilderness.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Australia","seoDescription":"Book flights to Australia today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-australia","shortName":"Australia","longName":"Australia","code":"AU","isoCode":"AU","destinationType":"countries","parentType":"ASIA","regionCode":"ASIA","lastPublishedDate":"2023-02-23T16:02:53Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"Start exploring as soon as your flights to Australia touch down, or travel to coastal towns and expanses of wilderness.","contentDescription":"<p>Australia is one of those destinations that seems designed with the adventurous traveller in mind. Despite its populous cities, huge swathes of the country remain wild, simply begging to be explored. From the sun-baked Australian Outback (home of the iconic Uluru, or Ayers Rock) to the ocean depths surrounding the Great Barrier Reef and the trails of the Daintree Rainforest, the world’s oldest surviving rainforest.</p><p>Because Australia has a vast, wild interior, most of the urban activity is concentrated on the coasts, making it a popular destination for beach lovers longing for the city life. The biggest draw is Sydney – home of the iconic Sydney Opera House, Sydney Harbour Bay and plenty of restaurants, bars and nightlife venues to keep travellers entertained. Add the sunny climate and golden beaches, and it’s no wonder that more than 1.5 million expats currently call this city home.</p><p>Those in search of a more low-key experience tend to head to Melbourne instead, where life moves at a slightly slower pace. Despite being somewhat smaller than Sydney, Melbourne has plenty to recommend it, from a lively art scene to a bustling cafe culture.</p><p>Besides these two tourist magnets, there are a number of other places in Australia worthy of your attention. Visit the west coast to discover destinations such as the less crowded city of Perth, and the Ningaloo Reef, where some parts of the coral are close enough to swim to from the beach.</p><p>Although it’s hard not to be preoccupied with the many modern attractions that Australia has to offer, you shouldn’t miss out on delving into the country’s past. The indigenous Aboriginal people have a history that dates back at least 50,000 years. Visit Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park to learn more about their culture.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Australia","cities":[{"preTitle":"Flights to Australia","title":"Flights to Adelaide (ADL)","summary":"Consistently ranked as one of Australia’s most liveable cities, Adelaide’s pristine beaches and laid-back attitude won’t disappoint.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Adelaide (ADL)","seoDescription":"Book flights to Adelaide today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-adelaide","shortName":"Adelaide","longName":"Adelaide","code":"AU-ADL","isoCode":"ADL","destinationType":"cities","parentType":"AU-SA","areaCode":"AU-SA","countryCode":"AU","regionCode":"ASIA","lastPublishedDate":"2024-08-13T03:33:24Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"Consistently ranked as one of Australia’s most liveable cities, Adelaide’s pristine beaches and laid-back attitude won’t disappoint.","contentDescription":"<p>Adelaide is the ultimate destination for lovers of food, events and entertainment. Explore hidden laneways bursting with boutique bars and intimate restaurants and discover flavours from across the globe at the Adelaide Central Markets. </p><p>Hit the road and discover the countryside, with the Adelaide Hills, Barossa Valley and McLaren Vale all within an hour’s drive of the city limits. </p><p>Join the party and experience Adelaide’s immersive events calendar, packed year-round with sports, art and cultural events and festivals that are sure to surprise and delight. </p><p>When you’re not cheering on your favourite team or catching a show at the Fringe Festival, soak up the natural beauty of Adelaide by strolling through the city’s lush parklands and Botanic Gardens, or taking a dip at one of the nearby beaches.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Adelaide","stationCode":"ADL"},{"preTitle":"Flights to Australia","title":"Flights to Brisbane (BNE)","summary":"‘Booming Brisbane’, as it’s often called, is one of Australia’s hippest destinations, thanks to its thriving cafe culture, arts and nightlife scenes.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Brisbane (BNE)","seoDescription":"Book flights to Brisbane today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-brisbane","shortName":"Brisbane","longName":"Brisbane","code":"AU-BNE","isoCode":"BNE","destinationType":"cities","parentType":"AU-QLD","areaCode":"AU-QLD","countryCode":"AU","regionCode":"ASIA","lastPublishedDate":"2024-09-12T11:26:59Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"‘Booming Brisbane’, as it’s often called, is one of Australia’s hippest destinations, thanks to its thriving cafe culture, arts and nightlife scenes.","contentDescription":"<p>Pop quiz: What is Australia's third-most populous city? If you said Brisbane, you're correct. If you blanked, don't worry, you're not alone. Sydney and Melbourne tend to get all the attention – understandably, as they are also wonderful places to visit – but the capital of Queensland is a magical city in its own right.</p><p>And despite being a sleek, cosmopolitan city, Brisbane still manages to maintain the air of an easily accessible small town community, which is very welcoming to visitors.</p><p>Getting around on the public transport system is as easy as spotting a well-dressed hipster, and playful nightlife venues will keep you awake well into the night.</p><p>As much as night owls are catered for, this is also a city for the outdoorsy. Endless sunny days and the close proximity to the Sunshine and Gold Coasts make Brisbane perfect for beach lovers, while large green spaces, such as the City Botanic Gardens, provide a break from the buzzing city.</p><p>Brisbane easily links visitors to its iconic regions throughout the state, from the breath-taking Great Barrier Reef to lush rainforests.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Brisbane","stationCode":"BNE"},{"preTitle":"Flights to Australia","title":"Flights to Melbourne (MEL)","summary":"Anything goes in Melbourne, a city that effortlessly blends a cosmopolitan feel with a little bit of the Aussie outback.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Melbourne (MEL)","seoDescription":"Book flights to Melbourne today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-melbourne","shortName":"Melbourne","longName":"Melbourne","code":"AU-MEL","isoCode":"MEL","destinationType":"cities","parentType":"AU-VIC","areaCode":"AU-VIC","countryCode":"AU","regionCode":"ASIA","lastPublishedDate":"2024-08-13T07:55:28Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"Anything goes in Melbourne, a city that effortlessly blends a cosmopolitan feel with a little bit of the Aussie outback.","contentDescription":"<p>Ask anyone to name their favourite city in Australia, and it’s likely that they’ll choose from the two largest: Sydney and Melbourne. There’s a friendly rivalry between the two, and while Sydney might be the biggest, Victoria’s state capital has plenty to offer travellers too.</p><p>For one thing, it’s got one of the most exciting arts and culture scenes in Australia. In many ways, it’s also the country’s cultural capital, boasting institutions such as the National Gallery of Victoria, the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra, and sporting events like the Australian Open tennis tournament. And that’s without mentioning the Australian Football League (AFL) team, Melbourne FC. The fans are some of the most passionate you’ll ever cheer with, so be sure to try and catch a game.</p><p>Melbourne is home to a bustling street art scene, a vibrant community of filmmakers (and film lovers), plus a strong economy that keeps the money flowing and the restaurants and nightlife venues full of happy patrons. The city’s chefs are constantly experimenting; Melbourne's location between East and West, Old World and New World allows them the flexibility to imagine dishes you won't find elsewhere. Dining in Melbourne can be as simple or as complex as you want it to be, and that's all part of the fun. Whether you're willing to try anything on your plate or happy to stick to the basics, there’s a restaurant or five for you.</p><p>There’s a thriving cafe culture too – in fact, the city is home to some of the best cafes in the city. Ask the locals – they’ll definitely have strong opinions about where to go for your morning cup. In the afternoon, head for the coast; Melbourne has some brilliant beaches, from rugged Bushrangers Bay to family-friendly Mothers Beach.</p><p>The hotel options in Melbourne are as endless as the views in the Aussie outback. The inner city has recently experienced a revitalisation as hotels invade the central business district that's also experiencing a population boom. If you're after something completely different, check out Neds Gully Campground for a true Outback experience.</p><p>All things considered, the city has enough luxury hotels, exciting attractions and hidden gems to keep the most enthusiastic visitors entertained. And it’s not just tourists who love Melbourne – in fact, you might find that a short stay turns into something much longer. It routinely ranks among the most liveable cities in the world; no wonder over four million people currently call it home.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Melbourne","stationCode":"MEL"},{"preTitle":"Flights to Australia","title":"Flights to Perth (PER)","summary":"Book flights to Perth (Boorloo) Western Australia’s capital and explore its culture, cuisine and creativity.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Perth (PER)","seoDescription":"Book flights to Perth today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-perth","shortName":"Perth","longName":"Perth","code":"AU-PER","isoCode":"PER","destinationType":"cities","parentType":"AU-WA","areaCode":"AU-WA","countryCode":"AU","regionCode":"ASIA","lastPublishedDate":"2024-08-13T08:03:59Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"The range of things to do in Perth is long, from enjoying one of the city's 19 beaches to sipping a delectable coffee.","contentDescription":"<p>With weather as welcoming as its friendly locals, Australia’s sunniest capital city of Perth (Boorloo) offers adventures for everyone. Framed by the Swan River, home to one of the world’s largest inner-city parks, the city boasts 19 pristine beaches, each blessed with dreamy Indian Ocean sunsets. With its clear blue skies and Mediterranean climate, Perth is a dream holiday destination year-round.</p><p>Perth is home to the Swan Valley, Western Australia’s oldest wine region – just one of the effortless day trips to enjoy within an hour from the central business district. You can also explore Perth’s historic and bohemian port city of Fremantle (Walyalup), swim with playful wild dolphins in Rockingham, or cruise to Rottnest Island (Wadjemup) to meet plenty of quokkas, the world’s happiest animal.</p><p>Add a thriving metropolis of curated cultural experiences, luxury hotels, shopping precincts, rooftop bars and waterfront dining at Elizabeth Quay (Goomup) on the beautiful Swan River, and it’s easy to see why Perth is such a relaxed and naturally adventurous capital city.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Perth","stationCode":"PER"},{"preTitle":"Flights to Australia","title":"Flights to Sydney (SYD)","summary":"There’s no shortage of beauty in this city – from the Sydney Harbour Bridge and iconic Sydney Opera House to the verdant Royal Botanic Garden.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Sydney (SYD)","seoDescription":"Book flights to Sydney today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-sydney","shortName":"Sydney","longName":"Sydney","code":"AU-SYD","isoCode":"SYD","destinationType":"cities","parentType":"AU-NSW","areaCode":"AU-NSW","countryCode":"AU","regionCode":"ASIA","lastPublishedDate":"2024-08-13T08:16:09Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"There’s no shortage of beauty in Sydney – from the Harbour Bridge and iconic Opera House to the verdant Royal Botanic Garden.","contentDescription":"<p>It’s easy to see why so many visitors fall in love with this city, a fact accentuated by the growing number of expats who call it home. It’s a hugely popular destination and the culture, dining and nightlife here are as diverse as the city’s population.</p><p>Many residents have made their mark by setting up restaurants, cafes and shops boasting their native traditions, which have given rise to the city’s wonderful culinary scene. One of the best examples of this is Chinatown, which has some terrific markets and cafes, all drawing on influences from many different corners of Asia.</p><p>But there’s more to restaurants in Sydney than its excellent dim sum joints. There are some truly exceptional dining spots, from Peter Gilmore's spectacular Quay to delicious hole-in-the-wall sushi joints. Sydney has a thriving cafe culture as well.</p><p>Step outside the city into regional New South Wales and enjoy a real diversity of Australian experiences. Head to the Hunter Valley wine region, one of the country's pre-eminent wine and food destinations. You’re spoilt for choice with the restaurants in the Hunter Valley, serving up delicious local produce paired with the region's best wines and overlooking rolling vineyards. Offering high-end dining, classic steakhouses and quaint cafes, you'll never go hungry.</p><p>For wildlife and nature enthusiasts, embark on a bush walking adventure at the Blue Mountains National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage site. Look forward to spectacular scenery and plenty of wildlife - expect to see wombats and wallabies roaming freely in their natural habitat, just 90 minutes away from Sydney.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Sydney","stationCode":"SYD"}]},{"preTitle":"Flights to Asia and the Pacific","title":"Flights to Bangladesh","summary":"Flights to Bangladesh offer a powerfully rewarding travel experience. Meet an extraordinarily friendly population, taste exotic food and see splendid landscapes.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Bangladesh","seoDescription":"Book flights to Bangladesh today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-bangladesh","shortName":"Bangladesh","longName":"Bangladesh","code":"BD","isoCode":"BD","destinationType":"countries","parentType":"ASIA","regionCode":"ASIA","lastPublishedDate":"2023-02-23T16:02:55Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"Flights to Bangladesh offer a powerfully rewarding travel experience. Meet an extraordinarily friendly population, taste exotic food and see splendid landscapes.","contentDescription":"<p>While India draws the lion’s share of travellers to the south Asia subcontinent, Bangladesh is considered more of an off-the-beaten-track destination. Still, that means that if you make a visit to Bangladesh, you’ll be one of the few tourists there. And with a population that’s extraordinarily friendly, as well as a healthy dose of stellar food and gorgeous landscapes, you’ll be glad that you did.</p><p>A visit to Bangladesh usually starts in Dhaka, a bustling metropolis filled with crowds, which is both fascinating and energising. The Old Town is a heady mixture of different architectural styles and narrow streets, with pulsing Banga Bazaar at one end. Packed with stalls crowded into tiny alleyways, this is the place to get a real feel for Dhaka life, and to pick up some bargains while you're there.</p><p>Outside Dhaka, the lush tea plantations of Srimangal await. Or, if you’re feeling more daring, head into the wilds of Sundarbans National Park. It’s home to numerous rivers and waterways, the world’s biggest mangrove forest, and – most excitingly – over 440 Bengal tigers.</p><p>When you travel around Bangladesh, you’ll often travel by boat – this country has more than 700 rivers and a huge amount of territory is under water during the rainy season. Far superior to the sometimes crowded buses, boats are a much more peaceful and relaxed way to get around, with the added benefit of getting to take in some stunning scenery as you go.</p><p>Bangladesh is not a wealthy country and the tourist infrastructure is minimal, but if you’re willing to sacrifice some creature comforts, you’ll be rewarded with a powerfully exciting travel experience most people will never have.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Bangladesh","cities":[{"preTitle":"Flights to Bangladesh","title":"Flights to Dhaka (DAC)","summary":"Colourful street art, cricket-crazed crowds and all you can drink of the world’s greatest chai make Dhaka a spot to seek out.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Dhaka (DAC)","seoDescription":"Book flights to Dhaka today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-dhaka","shortName":"Dhaka","longName":"Dhaka","code":"BD-DAC","isoCode":"DAC","destinationType":"cities","parentType":"BD_Dhaka Division","areaCode":"BD_Dhaka Division","countryCode":"BD","regionCode":"ASIA","lastPublishedDate":"2024-12-12T09:00:49Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"Colourful street art, cricket-crazed crowds and all you can drink of the world’s greatest chai make Dhaka a spot to seek out.","contentDescription":"<p>Bangladesh’s capital Dhaka is one of the world’s most densely populated cities and a fantastic melting pot of culture and commercial development.</p><p>The stunning Baitul Mukarram, the national mosque of Bangladesh, and equally magnificent Star Mosque are two of over 6,000 scattered throughout Dhaka, earning it the distinction of the ‘City of Mosques’.</p><p>Dhaka buzzes with activity both day and night. Endless swarms of colourful rickshaws buzz through its streets, so much so that it has earned a reputation as the rickshaw capital of the world. Hop on one for an intimate tour of Old Dhaka, which will see you sweep through narrow streets and traditional bazaars.</p><p>Old Dhaka also houses Dhakeshwari Temple, an extraordinary 12th century structure distinguished by its red and white-striped design and where stirring celebrations are held every autumn.</p><p>Though modern skyscrapers now pepper the Dhaka skyline, there are countless nods to its rich past. Ahsan Manzil, also known as the Pink Palace, is a striking 19th century building that adorns the banks of the Buriganga River. Lalbagh Fort is another elegant and regal Mughal structure that offers a striking snapshot of Dhaka’s past. Escape the city frenzy and stroll the lush gardens surrounding the fort.</p><p>There is little shortage of retail options in Dhaka, particularly as it’s home to one of South Asia’s largest shopping malls. Jamuna Future Park spans nearly 400,000 square metres and not only features a vast quantity of outlet stores, but also a 22-lane bowling alley, a children’s theme park and multiple swimming pools. </p><p>Head to Sadarghat Port for a true insight into the unwavering appetite for Dhaka. Cargo ships and passenger ferries jostle for position in the beautiful chaos created by one of the world’s busiest river ports. From here, you can embark on tours along the Buriganga River and to the beautiful remote islands of Bengal Bay.</p><p>South-east of Dhaka, the historic city of Sonargaon provides a fascinating flashback to Bangladesh’s storied past. Discover the ancient capital of Bengal, comprised of mesmerising 13th century ruins and relics.</p><p>Bangladeshi cuisine is characterised by rich spices and herbs, as well as succulent fish and fluffy rice. Sample the national dish, hilsa curry, a delicious fusion of local fish and mustard. Duruj kura is another traditional and mouth-watering option, featuring a whole chicken cooked in a rich, aromatic broth.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Dhaka","stationCode":"DAC"}]},{"preTitle":"Flights to Asia and the Pacific","title":"Flights to Cambodia","summary":"Fly to Cambodia to discover fascinating Khmer culture, beautiful coastal beaches, and forested landscapes dotted with ancient temple ruins.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Cambodia","seoDescription":"Book flights to Cambodia today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-cambodia","shortName":"Cambodia","longName":"Cambodia","code":"KH","isoCode":"KH","destinationType":"countries","parentType":"ASIA","regionCode":"ASIA","lastPublishedDate":"2024-05-17T06:53:21Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"Fly to Cambodia to discover fascinating Khmer culture, beautiful coastal beaches, and forested landscapes dotted with ancient temple ruins.","contentDescription":"<p>After flights to Cambodia, many visitors travel to the famous Angkor Wat in Siem Reap, a fascinating temple complex that was once the capital of the powerful Khmer Kingdom of Angkor. </p><p>Explore more Khmer history, art and culture in the capital city, Phnom Penh. Cambodia also offers adventures through stunning landscapes, whether it’s hiking through forests, cycling around ancient temple ruins, or scuba diving off the coast. There are some beautiful beaches and spa resorts on Cambodia’s islands and southern shores, if all you want to do is escape the city and relax. </p><p>Dining in Cambodia means tasting delicious Khmer food including fragrant coconut-based curries, Khmer noodles and soups, alongside international restaurants and high-end dining with a view. </p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Cambodia","cities":[{"preTitle":"Flights to Cambodia","title":"Flights to Phnom Penh (PNH)","summary":"Flights to Phnom Penh are your gateway to a thrilling South East Asian adventure.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Phnom Penh (PNH)","seoDescription":"Book flights to Phnom Penh today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-phnom-penh","shortName":"Phnom Penh","longName":"Phnom Penh","code":"KH-PNH","isoCode":"PNH","destinationType":"cities","parentType":"KH-12","areaCode":"KH-12","countryCode":"KH","regionCode":"ASIA","lastPublishedDate":"2024-08-12T11:27:31Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"Fly Emirates to Cambodia’s capital city to see the ornate Royal Palace and Silver Pagoda, explore captivating Khmer art and history, and reach the enchanting temples of Angkor Wat.","contentDescription":"<p>Emirates flights to Cambodia land at Phnom Penh International Airport with a stop in Singapore on the way. </p><p>Cambodia’s capital city sits on the bank of three rivers – the Mekong, the Bassac and the Tonlé Sap. For many people it’s the gateway to the beaches of the southern coast and the fascinating temple complex of Angkor Wat in Siem Reap. </p><p>Once the capital of the powerful Khmer Kingdom of Angkor, the area has several captivating temple ruins include Bayon Temple, Prasat Preah Khan, and Ta Prohm Temple with its moss-covered walls and roof smothered in giant tree roots. </p><p>Explore Phenom Penh’s historical and architectural marvels like the Royal Palace and Silver Pagoda, with beautiful ornate roofs and a floor of gleaming sliver. It houses an abundance of Khmer cultural treasures and many Buddha statues, including ones in emerald and solid gold. </p><p>Near to the Royal Palace grounds, the National Museum of Cambodia holds relics, sculpture and artifacts of Cambodia’s history, with collections from the 4th to 14th century pre- and post-Angkor periods. You can also enjoy captivating evening performances of Cambodian dances in the museum’s beautiful gardens. </p><p>Shopping in Phnom Penh means exploring the many markets across the city, like Phsar Themei (Central Market) and Tuol Tompoung, bursting with stacks of fabrics, produce, snacks and treasures like carvings, jewellery, artwork, gems and antiques. </p><p>Savour delicious Khmer cooking including Cambodia’s national dish, amok – a fragrant coconut fish curry with kroeung (a Cambodian herb mix of mainly lemongrass and spiced paste) steamed in banana leaves. Alongside Cambodian restaurants and noodle houses, where you can get some breakfast nom banh chok (Khmer noodles), you’ll find dining in Phnom Penh offers an increasing number of options. Explore international restaurants and fine dining experiences overlooking the Mekong River. </p><p>The nightlife in Phnom Penh offers everything from the lively bars of Bassac Lane to evening cultural performances and night markets. Enjoy sundowners at stylish rooftop lounges overlooking the city, or simply take in the atmosphere on a sunset cruise along the Mekong River.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Phnom Penh","stationCode":"PNH"}]},{"preTitle":"Asia and the Pacific","title":"Flights to China","summary":"When you book flights to China you can expect mind-blowing food and a compelling mix of the ancient and modern.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to China","seoDescription":"Book flights to China today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-china","shortName":"China","longName":"China","code":"CN","isoCode":"CN","destinationType":"countries","parentType":"ASIA","regionCode":"ASIA","lastPublishedDate":"2023-02-23T16:03:01Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"When you book flights to China you can expect mind-blowing food and a compelling mix of the ancient and modern.","contentDescription":"<p>Travelling in China is a thrilling ride. It’s so big that each region has its own cuisine, and it’s developing so fast you can almost see it changing in front of your eyes. The cultural and administrative centres of Shanghai and Beijing are home to some of the world’s most amazing historic sights. While the smaller cities (with populations larger than that of many European countries) are what push forward China’s steamroller economy. You’ll find people eager to meet you, food that will blow your mind, and a mix of the ancient and the modern that’s incredibly compelling.</p><p>A visit to Beijing means diving straight into China’s history. Beijing is a bureaucrat’s town that also happens to be packed with beautiful, powerful sights like the Forbidden City and Tiananmen Square. The food in Beijing is particularly good – head to Ghost Street (Guijie) to sample treats from a huge range of stalls. From Beijing, a visit to the Great Wall of China is easy. Standing atop it and watching it stretch into the distance is a thrill unequal to any other.</p><p>Shanghai is Beijing’s noisier, cooler little sister, a city with a more cosmopolitan feel and a diverse range of nightlife venues and restaurants that go from cheap and cheerful street food to some of the world’s most expensive cocktails. Walk down The Bund and check out the juxtaposition of architecturally daring modern skyscrapers and colonial-era buildings.</p><p>Guangzhou, close to Hong Kong, is an up-and-coming Chinese destination, with its own handful of incredibly ancient relics, a booming design hotel scene, and a sub-tropical climate that in the winter makes a welcome change from the frigid north.Because of China’s size, distances are enormous; make sure to take that into account when planning your trip. High-speed train connections exist between some cities, but in other parts of the country you may find yourself on long, leisurely bus rides instead.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to China","cities":[{"preTitle":"Flights to China","title":"Flights to Beijing (PEK)","summary":"When you book flights to China you can expect mind-blowing food and a compelling mix of the ancient and modern.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Beijing (PEK)","seoDescription":"Book flights to Beijing today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-beijing","shortName":"Beijing","longName":"Beijing","code":"CN-BJS","isoCode":"BJS","destinationType":"cities","parentType":"CN-11","areaCode":"CN-11","countryCode":"CN","regionCode":"ASIA","lastPublishedDate":"2024-08-13T06:00:38Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"When you book flights to China you can expect mind-blowing food and a compelling mix of the ancient and modern.","contentDescription":"<p>Beijing thrust itself into the world’s consciousness in 2008 when it hosted a spectacular Olympic Games. China, the sleeping dragon, had awoken, and its capital announced that it was open for business.</p><p>The Olympics brought with it sweeping cultural and physical change to the city. Dizzying architectural heights were reached in the form of the Bird’s Nest stadium, the Water Cube and the Beijing Opera House. These contrast with the traditional courtyard homes, or hutongs, that still remain thanks largely to the city’s emerging middle classes who saw the opportunity these beautiful properties presented, and converted them into restaurants, hotels and high-end private properties.</p><p>The Games also rendered Beijing a far more accessible travel destination than it was before. For example, taking a taxi ride used to be an exercise in skilful diplomacy, innovative communication techniques, a lot of pointing, and seeing parts of the city you never intended to. Now, most cabbies speak some English, and are used to sharing their car with tourists. Furthermore, swathes of luxury hotels have been built, along with high-end restaurants that complement the city’s already excellent (and affordable) restaurant scene.</p><p>Happily, Beijing’s relentless renovation has spared the Forbidden City, which is as awe-inspiring as ever, the Drum and Bell Towers, and the Summer Palace, which sits just outside the city. These magnificent sites offer a reminder of Beijing’s rich imperial history. Meanwhile, the austere government buildings, the vastness of Tiananmen Square and wide boulevards, bespeak China’s modern-day might.</p><p>And while Beijing may be the capital of the People's Republic of China (PRC), the city has always maintained a mischievous undercurrent, which is embodied by the locals’ dry wit, as well as the exciting, often subversive, art and music scene, and pulsating nightlife.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Beijing","stationCode":"PEK"},{"preTitle":"Flights to China","title":"Flights to Guangzhou (CAN)","summary":"Flights to Guangzhou, one of China’s most diverse destinations, may surprise you. The city boasts architectural masterpieces and rich culture.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Guangzhou (CAN)","seoDescription":"Book flights to Guangzhou today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-guangzhou","shortName":"Guangzhou","longName":"Guangzhou","code":"CN-CAN","isoCode":"CAN","destinationType":"cities","parentType":"CN-44","areaCode":"CN-44","countryCode":"CN","regionCode":"ASIA","lastPublishedDate":"2024-08-13T07:28:52Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"For all its breathtaking modernity, Guangzhou is also steeped in history, making it one of China’s most diverse destinations.","contentDescription":"<p>Perched at the mouth of the Pearl River, the port city of Guangzhou is one of China’s most important trade and travel hubs. In fact, it is estimated that during the Chinese New Year holidays, Guangzhou experiences one of the largest human migrations on the planet.</p><p>Its importance throughout the year, though, is highlighted by the action at the city’s Baiyun International Airport, where your flights to Guangzhou will land. In 2013, it ranked among the world’s busiest (16th), with more than 52 million passengers travelling through it.</p><p>Indeed, Guangzhou’s commercial success has given a boost to its cultural standing. One example of the city’s impressive architectural landscape is the Guangzhou Opera House; the brains behind it was Zaha Hadid, an Iraqi architect and the first woman to be awarded the Pritzker Architecture Prize. Then there’s the new Guangdong Museum, which is perhaps the best of its kind in China</p><p>Furthermore, the increasing number of skyscrapers – such as the Guangzhou International Finance Centre, the Pearl River Tower and the CTF Finance Centre – has etched the city’s impressive skyline into our collective consciousness.</p><p>For all its modernity, Guangzhou is also steeped in history, and is home to some ancient Chinese and colonial architecture (check out Kui Garden, Shamian Island and the Museum of the Mausoleum of the Nanyue King).</p><p>The city is also a melting pot of Canton culture – a favourite hangout for Hong Kong movie stars, as well as the go-to destination for some of the best Cantonese food on the planet. There are an increasing number of international restaurants – a nod to Guangzhou’s cosmopolitan leanings, and its status as one of the most diverse and exciting cities in China today.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Guangzhou","stationCode":"CAN"},{"preTitle":"Flights to China","title":"Flights to Shanghai (PVC)","summary":"With flights to Shanghai you can visit one of Asia's most exciting cities and explore the Pearl of the Orient.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Shanghai","seoDescription":"Book flights to Shanghai today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-shanghai","shortName":"Shanghai","longName":"Shanghai","code":"CN-SHA","isoCode":"SHA","destinationType":"cities","parentType":"CN-31","areaCode":"CN-31","countryCode":"CN","regionCode":"ASIA","lastPublishedDate":"2024-08-13T05:23:49Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"The Pearl of the Orient, the Paris of the East – Shanghai’s many names reveal its status as one of Asia’s most exciting cities.","contentDescription":"<p>Shanghai’s dynamism and progress is amazing when you consider that, up until 1842, the city was little more than a fishing village. Today, flights to Shanghai arrive at a diverse and multicultural destination, home to some of the most exciting restaurants, nightlife venues and hotels that China has to offer.</p><p>Shanghai is also the tallest city in mainland China (the 632m Shanghai Tower is the second tallest in the world), as well as its most populated. And, with the Shanghai Stock Exchange being one of the most influential in the world, this is China’s financial centre too.</p><p>If you’re looking for tranquillity in this city of 24 million, it pays to be an early riser. With a lot of popular sites, it’s best to get there early in the morning, when the crowds are lighter and the light makes for great photos. Set your alarm to check out the Yuyuan Gardens and the Jade Buddha Temple.</p><p>Shanghai’s architecture is an interesting mix of old and new – among all the space-age skyscrapers there are many examples of colonial architecture from the city’s boom time in the early 1900s. Travel to Shanghai’s fringes, to ancient water towns such as Zhujiajiao for example, and you’ll see historical architecture that dates back even further.</p><p>Shanghai’s neighbourhoods are as diverse as the architecture, and each one has something different to offer. For the liveliest nightlife, visitors and locals flock to neon-lit Lujiazui. But if what you're really interested in doing is spending your holiday budget, then shopaholic’s heaven Tianzifang is the place to go.</p><p>It’s hard to know where to start in a city that has so much, but that’s half the fun – whether you’re strolling down The Bund along the waterfront, bargaining for souvenirs in Dongtai Lu Antique Market or cycling through the French Concession, there’s always something to do in Shanghai.\"</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Shanghai","stationCode":"PVG"}]},{"title":"Flights to Hong Kong, China","summary":"Embrace an intersection of old and new with flights to Hong Kong, China where traditional temples share land with shimmering skyscrapers.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Hong Kong, China","seoDescription":"Book flights to Hong Kong, China today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-hong-kong-region","shortName":"Hong Kong, China","longName":"Hong Kong, China","code":"HK","isoCode":"HK","destinationType":"countries","parentType":"ASIA","regionCode":"ASIA","lastPublishedDate":"2023-02-23T16:11:19Z","overRulingCountry":"CN","overRulingCountryShortName":"China","overRulingCountryUrl":"flights-to-china","contentText":"Embrace an intersection of old and new with flights to Hong Kong, China where traditional temples share land with shimmering skyscrapers.","contentDescription":"<p>Contrast is everywhere in Hong Kong. Whilst majestic mountain peaks form a dramatic backdrop to one of the world’s best skylines, traditional junk boats float by in the foreground of Victoria Harbour.</p><p>This sense of contradiction is also apparent when you set out to explore Hong Kong – a relatively straightforward task, thanks to its easily navigable public transportation system. Each area seems to have something special to offer, with Hong Kong Island known as the glitzier and more glamorous counterpart to hip, laidback Kowloon. No wonder, then, that more than seven million people choose to live in Hong Kong.</p><p>The area is not short of modern attractions, whether your passion is trawling the shopping malls, lounging in luxury hotels or indulging at some of the best restaurants and lounges in the world. The dining scene is particularly impressive – Hong Kong boasts the world’s most affordable Michelin-starred restaurant – with a cosmopolitan population that ensures you can find cuisine from almost any country across the globe.</p><p>There are ample opportunities to get to know the cultures and traditions of the area too, by visiting the local temples and shrines. Many visitors flock to Wong Tai Sin Temple, a stunning building that hosts devotees from three religions: Taoism, Buddhism and Confucianism. Also worth a visit is the Tin Hau Temple in Fong Ma Po village, where you’ll find Hong Kong’s famous Lam Tsuen Wishing Trees.</p><p>Hong Kong is also well-placed for day trips to other parts of Southeast Asia. If you have time, take a catamaran to nearby Macau and explore the oldest European settlement in the region.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Hong Kong, China","cities":[{"preTitle":"Flights to China","title":"Flights to Hong Kong (HKG)","summary":"Visit Hong Kong to explore one of Asia’s most iconic and cosmopolitan destinations.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Hong Kong (HKG)","seoDescription":"Book flights to Hong Kong today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-hong-kong","shortName":"Hong Kong","longName":"Hong Kong","code":"HK-HKG","isoCode":"HKG","destinationType":"cities","parentType":"HK_Hong Kong Island","areaCode":"HK_Hong Kong Island","countryCode":"HK","regionCode":"ASIA","lastPublishedDate":"2024-08-13T09:35:41Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"Visit Hong Kong to explore one of Asia’s most iconic and cosmopolitan destinations.","contentDescription":"<p>Hong Kong is made up of three distinct regions: Hong Kong Island, the Kowloon Peninsula and the New Territories, each with its own distinct charm. </p><p>On Hong Kong Island, modern skyscrapers and world-class restaurants coexist with quaint alleyways hosting centuries-old tea shops and street markets. Kowloon provides an opportunity to experience atmospheric neighborhoods, shop at street stalls or high-end malls and visit culturally rich museums. </p><p>In the New Territories, you can access nature trails, embark on hikes, explore bird-watching paradises and visit beautiful monasteries. All places offer a wide range of hotels, from luxurious or budget friendly to heritage properties. Hong Kong is also home to over 200 outlying islands, full of charming villages and incredible rock formations. </p><p>Whichever area you choose as your base, travelling across the spectacular Victoria Harbour is easily accomplished by hopping on a ferry like the Star Ferry or taking the train on the Mass Transit Railway (MTR) system. On the island, you can also ride the iconic tram and leisurely soak in the vibes of different neighborhoods. </p><p>Hong Kong is also an ideal destination for a family-friendly holiday. Children of all ages will be excited by the World of Frozen and Iron Man experiences at Hong Kong Disneyland, or they can unleash their creativity at the LEGOLAND® Discovery Centre. </p><p>Wherever you go in Hong Kong, bring your appetite – this is a city that offers an endless variety of options, whether you’re talking about dining, culture or shopping. With over 12,000 restaurants, ranging from Michelin-starred or celebrity chef destinations to street food cafes, you’ll be spoiled for choice. </p><p>When it comes to retail therapy, Causeway Bay and Temple Street Night Market will entice you to spend your Hong Kong dollars. </p><p>And when you want to get away from the bustle of the city, boat trips across the harbour, island hopping, and hiking along the numerous trails will remind you that Hong Kong’s natural beauty is as impressive as its man-made charms.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Hong Kong","stationCode":"HKG"}]},{"preTitle":"Flights to Asia and the Pacific","title":"Flights to India","summary":"Your flights to India are just the start of what's sure to be one of life's great adventures.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to India","seoDescription":"Book flights to India today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-india","shortName":"India","longName":"India","code":"IN","isoCode":"IN","destinationType":"countries","parentType":"ASIA","regionCode":"ASIA","lastPublishedDate":"2024-10-29T08:33:59Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"Your flights to India are just the start of what's sure to be one of life's great adventures.","contentDescription":"<p>One of the world’s most populous and dynamic countries, India’s offering as a destination is expanding seemingly by the day.</p><p>It presents an endless variety of cities, captivating religious sites and stunning natural landscapes. There are sprawling metropolises like <a href=\"/english/destinations/flights-to-mumbai/\" title=\"Flight to Mumbai\" data-id=\"pagebody_link\" data-link=\"Flight to Mumbai - Link Dynamic\">Mumbai</a>, famed for its Bollywood film scene, and cultural hotbeds like <a href=\"/english/destinations/flights-to-kolkata/\" title=\"Flight to Kolkata\" data-id=\"pagebody_link\" data-link=\"Flight to Kolkata - Link Dynamic\">Kolkata</a>.</p><p>The northern city of <a href=\"/english/destinations/flights-to-delhi/\" title=\"Flight to New Delhi\" data-id=\"pagebody_link\" data-link=\"Flight to New Delhi - Link Dynamic\">New Delhi</a> is teeming with historical monuments like the India Gate and the Red Fort. Like much of India, the capital is a thrilling attack on the senses – rickshaws jostle on the narrow streets while market vendors tout their colourful fabrics and aromatic dishes. New Delhi, along with Agra and Jaipur, form the coveted Golden Triangle, a touristic circuit featuring three of India’s most iconic cities.</p><p>To the south is Agra, a beautiful city which sits on the banks of the sacred Yamuna River. It’s home to the Taj Mahal, a world-famous mausoleum renowned for its exquisite domed roof. Jaipur lies west of Agra and is characterised by its elegant pink buildings and majestic City Palace.</p><p>Southern India has many gems to offer, with <a href=\"/english/destinations/flights-to-bengaluru/\" title=\"Flight to Bengaluru\" data-id=\"pagebody_link\" data-link=\"Flight to Bengaluru - Link Dynamic\">Bengaluru</a> a beacon of the country’s whirlwind IT and digital revolution. The densely populated <a href=\"/english/destinations/flights-to-hyderabad/\" title=\"Flight to Hyderabad\" data-id=\"pagebody_link\" data-link=\"Flight to Hyderabad - Link Dynamic\">Hyderabad</a>, known as the City of Pearls thanks to its diamond-trading legacy, is also renowned as a technological powerhouse of the south. Cars and bikes plough relentlessly through the wider streets of these two thriving cities, with glossy modern structures peering above the traditional palaces and temples.</p><p>While India isn’t typically acclaimed for its coastline, it provides a wealth of picturesque beaches dotted along both its eastern and western shoulders. Explore <a href=\"/english/destinations/flights-to-kochi/\" title=\"Flights to Kochi (Cochin)\" data-id=\"pagebody_link\" data-link=\"Flights to Kochi (Cochin) - link new\">Kerala</a>, where the bustling atmosphere subsides to palm tree-lined waterways, lush green hills and tranquil sandy shorelines. Kerala serves as a launchpad for discovering the Western Ghats mountain range, where elephants, monkeys and tigers roam the national parks.</p><p>Mouth-watering food is synonymous with India, with its regions famed for a diverse selection of dishes. From aromatic biryani in Hyderabad and intense vindaloos in Goa, to fresh seafood on the Malabar Coast, there are dishes to satisfy all tastes.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to India","cities":[{"preTitle":"Flights to India","title":"Flights to Ahmedabad (AMD)","summary":"Commerce, culture and charm await in Ahmedabad; India’s new capital of industry.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Ahmedabad (AMD)","seoDescription":"Book flights to Ahmedabad today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-ahmedabad","shortName":"Ahmedabad","longName":"Ahmedabad","code":"IN-AMD","isoCode":"AMD","destinationType":"cities","parentType":"IN-GJ","areaCode":"IN-GJ","countryCode":"IN","regionCode":"ASIA","lastPublishedDate":"2023-02-23T13:04:25Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"Commerce, culture and charm await in Ahmedabad; India’s new capital of industry.","contentDescription":"<p>You can’t escape the fine and complex past of Ahmedabad – the capital of India’s northwest state, Gujarat. This major cricket-loving metropolis is one of India’s largest and fastest-growing centres.</p><p>Split vertically in two by the Sabarmati River, the old city sits on the eastern bank, an ancient maze full of sensational night markets, busy restaurants and interesting museums, such as the Calico Museum of Textiles (which houses one of the world’s finest collections of handmade cloths).</p><p>Ahmedabad was once known as the ‘Manchester of India’ for its cloth-making; today, head to Dhalgarwad for a show-stopping rainbow of fabrics. Different pols (neighbourhoods) specialise in different handicrafts, such as Madhupura, where you can pick up the traditional footwear, mojdi.</p><p>Get lost in the tiny alleyways of Bhadra, stumble on one of 50 Hindu and Jain temples and discover an India with one foot in the past. For a more recent slice of history, follow the river to the peaceful Sabarmati Ashram, the home from which Mahatma Gandhi started the Indian Independence Movement.</p><p>While most of Ahmedabad prefers to be vegetarian, you can try a range of street food delights at the famous Manek Chowk market, which also sells delicate jewellery during the afternoon. If you’re here in October don’t miss a show of garba, the colourful traditional dance of Gujarat that celebrates the Navaratri (Nine Nights) festival.</p><p>As the city’s daily traffic swirls around the ancient gates of the old city, head west over the river for modern shopping complexes, colonial style streets, international hotels and skyscrapers. Modern architectural pioneer Le Corbusier designed a handful of buildings in Ahmedabad, including the insightful city museum, Sanskar Kendra. Once you’ve checked in and unpacked, spend dusk at Kankaria Lake, a 600-year-old manmade expanse of water ringed by family attractions.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Ahmedabad","stationCode":"AMD"},{"preTitle":"Flights to India","title":"Flights to Bengaluru (Bangalore) (BLR)","summary":"If you’re keen to see the future of India, then Bengaluru should top your to-do list.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Bengaluru (Bangalore) (BLR)","seoDescription":"Book flights to Bengaluru (Bangalore) today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-bengaluru","shortName":"Bengaluru","longName":"Bengaluru (Bangalore)","code":"IN-BLR","isoCode":"BLR","destinationType":"cities","parentType":"IN-KA","areaCode":"IN-KA","countryCode":"IN","regionCode":"ASIA","lastPublishedDate":"2024-08-19T04:11:39Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"If you’re keen to see the future of India, then Bengaluru should top your to-do list.","contentDescription":"<p>As the beating heart of India’s IT industry and the main city of the southern part of the country, businesses have flocked to Bengaluru (formerly known as Bangalore). In doing so, the city now boasts a potent mix of youth, wealth and rapid expansion.</p><p>However, unlike some cities that quickly develop into urban jungles, city planners have been careful to maintain Bengaluru’s green spaces and heritage, allowing people to enjoy the parks and the architecture of its colonial past. A great example of this is Cubbon Park, where you can unwind with government workers lounging on the grass over lunch. In fact, Bengaluru is a great city for being outdoors during the cooler months, whether relaxing in a park or exploring the streets and sights with an official walking tour.</p><p>While the city doesn’t have many great historical sites, what it lacks in breathtaking temples and monuments it makes up for in exclusive shopping and fine dining. A trip to Commercial Street will have you continuously reaching for your wallet, as deals on clothing and electronics are plentiful. And, as you might expect from a place with such a cosmopolitan population, Bengaluru has a diverse food scene. As well as the excellent local dishes, you can also feast on Mediterranean, Middle Eastern and American cuisine.</p><p>Overall, this increasingly Westernised and modern city provides a welcome respite for travellers making their way around South India.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Bengaluru (Bangalore)","stationCode":"BLR"},{"preTitle":"Flights to India ","title":"Flights to Chennai (MAA)","summary":"With its hot climate, fascinating culture and tasty cuisine, it should come as no surprise that Chennai is one of India’s most visited cities.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Chennai (MAA)","seoDescription":"Book flights to Chennai today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-chennai","shortName":"Chennai","longName":"Chennai (Madras)","code":"IN-MAA","isoCode":"MAA","destinationType":"cities","parentType":"IN-TN","areaCode":"IN-TN","countryCode":"IN","regionCode":"ASIA","lastPublishedDate":"2025-01-02T07:29:42Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"With its hot climate, fascinating culture and tasty cuisine, it should come as no surprise that Chennai is one of India’s most visited cities.","contentDescription":"<p>Chennai is the capital of India’s southernmost state, Tamil Nadu, and is a hotspot of modern and ancient culture on the Bay of Bengal.</p><p>A typically sprawling Indian metropolis, Chennai features a fascinating blend of skyscrapers, historic temples and vast beaches. Colonial heritage is apparent across an array of landmarks and architecture, while Tamil culture pulses through the city. Learn the classical Indian dance of the Bharatanatyam, which originated in Tamil Nadu, or navigate the thronging Pondy Bazaar where branded stores compete with street vendors.</p><p>The central neighbourhood of Mylapore is an enticing starting point for a trip to Chennai, as it’s home to one of the city’s most esteemed attractions. Admire the uniquely colourful Kapaleeshwarar Temple, a magnificent, stepped pyramid shrouded in statues of warriors, demons and royalty. Visit after dark to see the colours of the temple gloriously illuminated.</p><p>Despite Mylapore being one of Chennai’s busiest areas, it houses a tranquil escape from its energetic streets. Walk through Semmozhi Poonga, a vibrant botanical garden teeming with exotic plants that wrap around a picturesque pond.</p><p>A short journey up the coast to the neighbourhood of Thiruvallikeni offers yet more breathtaking architecture. Wander the serene confines of the sixth century Parthasarathy Temple and marvel at the elaborate carvings that adorn its walls and pillars.</p><p>To fully understand Chennai’s intriguing history, the majestic Government Museum in the Egmore neighbourhood is a must. The museum, the second oldest in India, is brimming with historical artefacts, ranging from Amaravati sculptures and Thanjavur Nayak weapons, to one of the largest collections of Roman antiques outside Europe.</p><p>No Chennai adventure is complete without taking in one of its magnificent beaches. Head to Marina Beach, one of the longest city beaches in the world, and experience a glorious sunrise over the Bay of Bengal. As the day rolls on, you’ll see a hive of activity unfurling on the sand as locals play cricket, vendors sell freshly caught fish and tightrope walkers perform for crowds.</p><p>Chennai is renowned for its hospitality and tantalising cuisine, with its many bazaars and high-end restaurants showcasing a wide range of South Indian food. Try idli, a deliciously fluffy, steamed cake made with fermented rice and lentil batter. This mouth-watering snack may also be served alongside sambar, a popular lentil-based vegetable stew made with a distinctive aromatic spice powder.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Chennai","stationCode":"MAA"},{"preTitle":"Flights to India","title":"Flights to Hyderabad (HYD)","summary":"A beautiful mélange of historic narrow alleys and urban upscale modernity is just one of the many charms of Hyderabad.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Hyderabad (HYD)","seoDescription":"Book flights to Hyderabad today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-hyderabad","shortName":"Hyderabad","longName":"Hyderabad","code":"IN-HYD","isoCode":"HYD","destinationType":"cities","parentType":"IN-AP","areaCode":"IN-AP","countryCode":"IN","regionCode":"ASIA","lastPublishedDate":"2024-08-13T09:57:32Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"A beautiful mélange of historic narrow alleys and urban upscale modernity is just one of the many charms of Hyderabad.","contentDescription":"<p>Symbolised by the Charminar (Four Towers), a 16th century mosque and monument on the east bank of the Musi River, Hyderabad is a modern Indian success story, now nicknamed ‘Genome Valley’ for its numerous biotechnology companies.</p><p>This hilly metropolis once went by another moniker, the City of Pearls, thanks to its part in the global pearl and diamond trade. In fact, the ancient markets of Laad Bazaar and Begum Bazaar, which snake down narrow streets near the city’s iconic landmark, are still hotspots for gold, jewellery and brass.</p><p>As you explore, you’ll no doubt come across other examples of ornate architecture from the founders of the city – the Qutb Shahi dynasty – standing tall amid the chaos of daily life in Hyderabad. There is so much history and culture to pack in here that you’ll be spoilt for choice when it comes to sightseeing. Must-visit places include the medieval Golkonda fort and Birla Mandir – an 85m high Hindu temple made of white marble.</p><p>To get a feel for the Persian influence on the city, spend a morning at the Chowmahalla Palace, built in 1869 and potentially modelled on the Shah of Iran’s Tehran abode. Iranian bakeries and the sweet chai drink can also be found all over the city. Don’t forget to visit the Hussain Sagar lake, in the middle of which stands an impressive monolithic statue of Gautama Buddha.</p><p>Over on the north bank is a city firmly rooted in the present. You will find parks and rail terminals here, as well as upmarket shopping districts such as Jubilee Hills, which is packed full of international brands and boutiques. And, of course, life doesn’t stop at sunset. From posh lounges and clubs to English-themed nightspots, Hyderabad is a hive of activity after dark.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Hyderabad","stationCode":"HYD"},{"preTitle":"Flights to India","title":"Flights to Kochi (Cochin) (COK)","summary":"Whilst Kochi is imbued with historical significance, there’s a modern side too – including one of the finest modern art scenes in India.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Kochi (Cochin) (COK)","seoDescription":"Book flights to Kochi (Cochin) today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-kochi","shortName":"Kochi","longName":"Kochi (Cochin)","code":"IN-COK","isoCode":"COK","destinationType":"cities","parentType":"IN-KL","areaCode":"IN-KL","countryCode":"IN","regionCode":"ASIA","lastPublishedDate":"2024-08-13T05:23:52Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"Whilst Kochi is imbued with historical significance, there’s a modern side too – including one of the finest modern art scenes in India.","contentDescription":"<p>Kochi, or Cochin as it used to be called, is one of the most unique destinations in Asia. Thanks to its history as Kerala’s port city, people from all over the world – from China to Portugal to the Middle East – have passed through Kochi and left their cultural imprint. Today it’s still one of South India’s most important cities, and the many travellers catching flights to Kochi have helped preserve its cosmopolitan roots.</p><p>Kochi is one of South India’s busiest cities too, with 600,000 people calling it home. The city is spread across a series of peninsulas and islands, connected by a network of water taxis and bridges. Think of it as broadly divided between three main areas: the city of Ernakulam on the mainland, Willingdon Island, and to the west, the peninsula of Fort Kochi. It’s on the peninsula, in Mattancherry and Fort Kochi, that you’ll find the city’s top attractions – including St Francis Church and Mattancherry Palace – and the best heritage hotels, plus some fantastic restaurants and cafes.</p><p>But it’s not just about the historic sites. There’s a modern side to Kochi as well, including one of the most interesting art communities in India. That’s thanks in no small part to its role as host of the Kochi-Muziris Biennale, India’s first art biennale, an event that attracts creative people from all over the world.</p><p>Kochi is an easy place to explore on foot and the pace of life is a lot more laid-back than other parts of India. For an even more relaxing experience, head north to Vypeen Island and seek out Cherai Beach. It’s a popular spot for sunbathing and, depending on the season, you might even spot some dolphins.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Kochi (Cochin)","stationCode":"COK"},{"preTitle":"Flights to India","title":"Flights to Kolkata (CCU)","summary":"There’s no shortage of things to do in Kolkata, and its infectious creative spirit is sure to leave a lasting impression.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Kolkata (CCU)","seoDescription":"Book flights to Kolkata today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-kolkata","shortName":"Kolkata","longName":"Kolkata (Calcutta)","code":"IN-CCU","isoCode":"CCU","destinationType":"cities","parentType":"IN-WB","areaCode":"IN-WB","countryCode":"IN","regionCode":"ASIA","lastPublishedDate":"2025-01-07T04:47:11Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"There’s no shortage of things to do in Kolkata, and its infectious creative spirit is sure to leave a lasting impression.","contentDescription":"<p>Often referred to as India’s culture capital, Kolkata is a diverse city on the banks of the Hooghly River that’s brimming with impressive architecture.</p><p>Howrah Bridge is among the city’s most distinctive features and connects its central area with the Howrah district. Join the thousands of pedestrians who use the bridge each day or observe from afar as the impressive steel structure is lit up with coloured lights when night falls.</p><p>Fascinating cultural experiences and rich history are at every turn in Kolkata, and none more so than at the Indian Museum, one of the world’s largest and oldest museums. Tour this grand palace to see rare collections of skeletons, Mughal paintings, and other antiques, including from the Mohenjo-daro civilisation, one of the world's earliest major cities.</p><p>To the north of Kolkata, the Dakshineswar Kali Temple is a glorious sight worth making the trip up the Hooghly River for. See the red and yellow walls of this magnificent 19th-century temple, featuring a nine-spired main complex, reflecting off the river.</p><p>The Victoria Memorial is another unmissable architectural feat back in central Kolkata. This majestic white marble building sits on the edge of the sprawling Maidan urban park and its stunning domed roofs, intricately designed walls and immaculate gardens make for a picturesque view.</p><p>Elsewhere, the sprawling Science City offers an exciting array of interactive exhibits that capture the imaginations of visitors of all ages. Allow your visual perception to be toyed with by mind-bending illusions, or experience the thrills of a space expedition in a state-of-the-art motion simulator.</p><p>Kolkata also plays host to elite cricket, India’s most popular sport. Take your seat alongside over 65,000 others at Eden Gardens, the nation’s oldest cricket stadium, as some of the best players on the planet grace the field.</p><p>There are plentiful shopping opportunities in Kolkata, particularly on Park Street, a famously colourful and lively strip of trendy stores and eateries. For a more traditional retail experience, head to New Market, a staggeringly large maze of stalls and shops that has been serving the city for well over a century.</p><p>While exploring Park Street or New Market, you’ll be inundated with smells of Kolkata’s famous cuisine. For a quick snack, try a kati roll, a delicious skewer-roasted kebab wrapped in a paratha bread. For a more substantial meal, macher jhol is a traditional fish curry with a delightfully tangy flavour.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Kolkata","stationCode":"CCU"},{"preTitle":"Flights to India","title":"Flights to Mumbai (BOM)","summary":"Twenty-first century Mumbai is a city of diversity and excitement, full of vibrant markets, colourful festivals, cricket and Bollywood glamour.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Mumbai (BOM)","seoDescription":"Book flights to Mumbai today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-mumbai","shortName":"Mumbai","longName":"Mumbai (Bombay)","code":"IN-BOM","isoCode":"BOM","destinationType":"cities","parentType":"IN-MH","areaCode":"IN-MH","countryCode":"IN","regionCode":"ASIA","lastPublishedDate":"2025-01-13T08:35:03Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"Twenty-first century Mumbai is a city of diversity and excitement, full of vibrant markets, colourful festivals, cricket and Bollywood glamour.","contentDescription":"<p>Pulsating with life and brimming with culture, Mumbai is a famously enchanting port city on India’s west coast.</p><p>Mumbai is renowned for its relentlessly energetic streets, lively outdoor bazaars and endless list of attractions - not to mention Bollywood, India’s internationally known film industry.</p><p>The iconic Gateway of India is an ideal starting point for exploring Mumbai. This glorious arch-monument overlooks the Arabian Sea and serves as a popular gathering point for locals and tourists, making it a perfect first taste of the city’s ambience.</p><p>Less than a mile inland, Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Vastu Sangrahalaya is an equally impressive structure flanked by palm trees and characterised by its majestic domed roof. This museum boasts terracotta figurines from the Indus Valley, an art section with 11th-century palm leaf manuscripts and a fine selection of historic armour and weaponry.</p><p>The Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Terminus (CSMT) is nearby too, a colossal railway station so beautiful it has earned UNESCO World Heritage status. Catch a train from here, even if it’s purely to see its glorious blend of Victorian, Hindu and Islamic architecture, presented in a series of domes, spires and stained glass.</p><p>A ferry trip will take you to another striking yet vastly different UNESCO World Heritage Site - the Elephanta Caves on Elephanta Island. The site offers a surreal flashback to an ancient time, with structures, sculptures and carvings, dating back to as early as the second century, scattered amongst rock-cut caves.</p><p>For those seeking retail therapy, Crawford Market, Mumbai’s oldest and largest, is another bombardment on the senses. Sidestep through a myriad of stalls selling everything from fruit and vegetables to clothes and crafts.</p><p>No trip to Mumbai would be complete without a visit to Sanjay Gandhi National Park. Featuring a beautiful mix of native plants and animals, alongside 2,400-year-old Kanheri caves, it’s the perfect contrast to the hustle and bustle of the city.</p><p>At the end of the day, head to the famous Marine Drive promenade to see the sun set over the city skyline, bathing Chowpatty Beach and the waters of Back Bay in a warm orange glow.</p><p>When night falls, it’s the perfect time to source one of Mumbai’s famous snacks. Vada pav is among the city’s most popular light bites, featuring a tasty, deep-fried potato dumpling in a bread bun. For an equally delectable side, try bhelpuri, a crispy puffed rice tossed with a mixture of chutneys.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Mumbai","stationCode":"BOM"},{"preTitle":"Flights to India","title":"Flights to Delhi (DEL)","summary":"Once flights to Delhi touch down, it doesn’t take long for the city’s vibrant spirit to charm its guests.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Delhi (DEL)","seoDescription":"Book flights to Delhi today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-delhi","shortName":"Delhi","longName":"New Delhi","code":"IN-DEL","isoCode":"DEL","destinationType":"cities","parentType":"IN-DL","areaCode":"IN-DL","countryCode":"IN","regionCode":"ASIA","lastPublishedDate":"2024-08-13T08:47:43Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"Once flights to Delhi touch down, it doesn’t take long for the city’s vibrant spirit to charm its guests.","contentDescription":"<p>Delhi is a common starting point on India’s famous Golden Triangle tour route (which also takes in Agra and Jaipur), and the city boasts three Unesco World Heritage Sites. As well as the impressive Red Fort, there’s the towering Qutab Minar monument, and Humayun’s Tomb, a 16th century forerunner of the Taj Mahal. Any good sightseeing itinerary should also include the spectacular Jama Masjid, India’s largest mosque, built by the Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan.</p><p>New Delhi is an administrative district of the city, designed by architect Edwin Lutyens in the days of the British Raj. Grand buildings such as the Rashtrapati Bhavan (presidential residence), and the Arc de Triomphe-inspired India Gate war memorial came after Delhi was crowned capital of India by the British in 1911.</p><p>Ever since hosting the 2010 Commonwealth Games, Delhi has been the subject of in-depth regeneration and development. The metro system has been heavily invested in, and older sites such as Connaught Place have been renovated. The colonnaded financial and commercial centre is now full of modern stores and boutiques, as well as restaurants and coffee shops.</p><p>But when it comes to shopping, it’s hard to beat Chandni Chowk for an authentic Delhi experience. This ancient marketplace is a mishmash of restaurants, stalls and shops selling just about everything. Permanently noisy, and filled with the aroma of local spices, nowhere better encapsulates the vibrant spirit of Delhi.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Delhi","stationCode":"DEL"},{"preTitle":"Flights to India","title":"Flights to Thiruvananthapuram (TRV)","summary":"There’s more to Thiruvananthapuram than meets the eye; this city’s got personality and you’ll want to get to know it.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Thiruvananthapuram (TRV)","seoDescription":"Book flights to Thiruvananthapuram today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-thiruvananthapuram","shortName":"Thiruvananthapuram","longName":"Thiruvananthapuram (Trivandrum)","code":"IN-TRV","isoCode":"TRV","destinationType":"cities","parentType":"IN-KL","areaCode":"IN-KL","countryCode":"IN","regionCode":"ASIA","lastPublishedDate":"2024-08-13T03:58:51Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"There’s more to Thiruvananthapuram than meets the eye; this city’s got personality and you’ll want to get to know it.","contentDescription":"<p>Located a few miles from the Arabian Sea, Thiruvananthapuram is a launch pad for those who want to explore the backwaters, Ayurvedic treatments and palm-fringed beaches of the western coastal state of Kerala.</p><p>As opposed to the mega-cities of Delhi and Kolkata, Thiruvananthapuram is relatively small and easy to get around. Once you’re away from the concrete centre, the present seems to ebb away, taking you back to a time of red-roofed temples, winding lanes and street hawkers. One of the greenest cities in India and full of parkland, it’s a gentle introduction to exploring one of the most mystical countries on earth.</p><p>From quiet family home-stays to luxury beach resorts, a city break here costs whatever you can afford. Auto-rickshaws make it cheap to explore on a whim, while the central train station in Thampanoor channels tourists up and down the state.</p><p>Thanks to a trading history that goes back 1,000 years, Thiruvananthapuram is a melting pot of civilisations, all of whom have left their mark, from brightly coloured churches, hill-top palaces and colonial-housed museums, to delectable cuisine.</p><p>Keralan curries have become world famous for their exquisite fusion of coconut and spices – you can head to the Chalai bazaar in one of the oldest parts of the city for authentic street food and some of the world’s best fabric shopping. And don’t forget to sit and absorb the atmosphere with a cup of traditional chai; there’s no rush here.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Thiruvananthapuram","stationCode":"TRV"}]},{"preTitle":"Flights to Asia and the Pacific","title":"Flights to Indonesia","summary":"Flights to Indonesia unlock almost 20,000 islands with a jaw-dropping landscape of volcanoes, tropical beaches, bustling cities and rural retreats.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Indonesia","seoDescription":"Book flights to Indonesia today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-indonesia","shortName":"Indonesia","longName":"Indonesia","code":"ID","isoCode":"ID","destinationType":"countries","parentType":"ASIA","regionCode":"ASIA","lastPublishedDate":"2023-02-23T16:11:23Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"Flights to Indonesia unlock almost 20,000 islands with a jaw-dropping landscape of volcanoes, tropical beaches, bustling cities and rural retreats.","contentDescription":"<p>Indonesia is the world’s fourth most populated country, and magnificently diverse, with more than 500 languages and dialects spoken across the land.</p><p>For many travellers, a trip to Indonesia begins in Bali. This island is synonymous with beautiful beaches, friendly residents and a rich and fascinating culture. Lots of people head here in search of either the laid-back surfer lifestyle or the party scenes of Kuta – and sometimes both. As such, it’s one of the most tourist-friendly of the islands, although there are also vast swathes of wilderness waiting to be explored if you’d rather head off the beaten track.</p><p>Lombok, located east of Bali, has a more relaxed pace of life compared to its neighbour. It is also a great island for trekking and taking in a different side to Indonesian life.</p><p>Alternatively, the hustling, bustling island of Java is a good place to start too. It’s densely populated and always buzzing; the best approach to take is to just throw yourself in at the deep end and fully immerse yourself in Javanese culture. Visit Jakarta, the capital, to experience museums, malls and a lively nightlife scene.</p><p>Indonesia has lots to offer nature lovers. There are thousands of beaches to choose from, whether you want the powder-white shores of the Gili Islands or the atmospheric black sand of Bali’s Lovina Beach. Alternatively, for a jungle adventure, head for Sumatra. This gorgeous island remains relatively unexplored and is home to some incredible plant and animal life including the wonderful native orangutans.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Indonesia","cities":[{"preTitle":"Flights to Indonesia","title":"Flights to Bali (DPS)","summary":"The ultimate island paradise, visit Bali to explore pristine beaches surrounded by glittering seas, and dazzling paddy terraces interspersed with jungle.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Bali (DPS)","seoDescription":"Book flights to Bali today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-bali","shortName":"Bali","longName":"Bali","code":"ID-DPS","isoCode":"DPS","destinationType":"cities","parentType":"ID-BA","areaCode":"ID-BA","countryCode":"ID","regionCode":"ASIA","lastPublishedDate":"2024-08-19T06:54:55Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"The ultimate island paradise, visit Bali to explore pristine beaches surrounded by glittering seas, and dazzling paddy terraces interspersed with jungle.","contentDescription":"<p>There’s more to this Indonesian destination than its stunning good looks. Venture beyond the sunbeds, lounges and nightlife venues, or the chic shops of Seminyak, and you’ll find a diverse and fascinating culture. Visit Bali to explore ancient temples, mesmerising music and dance performances, and a thriving local art scene.</p><p>Where to book your hotel in Bali depends entirely on the type of trip you’re after. Most travellers choose from the larger resorts to the south of the island. Kuta Beach tends to draw the party-going crowds, for sunbathing and water sports during the day and socialising all night. Nusa Dua is a more sedate area known for its luxury hotels and high-end lounges and restaurants, so it’s perfect for a romantic break in Bali and a popular choice with honeymooners.</p><p>If you’d rather spend your holiday soaking up some culture than some rays, then make Ubud your base. Located in central Bali, this charming town was immortalised in Elizabeth Gilbert’s bestselling memoir Eat Pray Love, but it’s actually been drawing backpackers and culture vultures for decades. This is the best place to see traditional Balinese dance and pick up some local arts and crafts. It’s also a fantastic wellness destination, with an abundance of yoga studios, meditation classes, and vegan and vegetarian restaurants to choose from.</p><p>A little further afield – just a short boat ride east – you’ll find the Gili Islands, a tiny archipelago where cars and motorbikes are banned, and little shacks line white sandy beaches.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Bali","stationCode":"DPS"},{"preTitle":"Flights to Indonesia ","title":"Flights to Jakarta (JKT)","summary":"With its diverse mix of cultures and cuisines, catching flights to Jakarta guarantees something for everyone.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Jakarta (JKT)","seoDescription":"Book flights to Jakarta today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-jakarta","shortName":"Jakarta","longName":"Jakarta","code":"ID-JKT","isoCode":"JKT","destinationType":"cities","parentType":"ID_Jakarta","areaCode":"ID_Jakarta","countryCode":"ID","regionCode":"ASIA","lastPublishedDate":"2024-08-19T06:58:14Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"With its diverse mix of cultures and cuisines, catching flights to Jakarta guarantees something for everyone.","contentDescription":"<p>For the adventurous traveller looking for a city break with an edge, there's never been a better time to visit Jakarta.</p><p>Each of the capital's districts has its own distinct identity that alternatively soothes and thrills. Central Jakarta is home to Lapangan Merdeka, or Merdeka Square, as well as the National Museum of Indonesia and the National Gallery of Indonesia. Some of the best shopping malls are here too, while backpacker hub Jalan Jaksa is full of budget hotels and affordable restaurants and cafes.</p><p>At the west is where you'll discover Old Jakarta, also known as Kota Tua. Here, you’ll find the Jakarta History Museum and Indonesia's largest shopping mall, Orchid Garden Mall (Mall Taman Anggrek). There are colonial buildings dating back to the Dutch rule (Jakarta was known as Batavia during the European Colonial empire), and then there’s Chinatown (or Glodok), with its delicious street food and mesmerising temples.</p><p>Well-heeled South Jakarta is the city's most affluent area, with malls, hotels, restaurants and nightlife venues all catering to those with a penchant for the more extravagant. At the opposite end of the spectrum is Kemang, a heady mix of backpackers and younger locals filling an increasingly trendier selection of lounges.</p><p>No trip to Jakarta is complete without seeing the stunning Thousand Islands, which actually comprise more than 100 small islands, many of which are uninhabited. North Jakarta (Jakarta Utara) is known as the gateway to this terrific network, and it’s a district well worth visiting to enjoy its famous seafood and beaches.</p><p>All in all, Jakarta is one of the most lively, exciting and cosmopolitan cities in Asia.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Jakarta","stationCode":"CGK"}]},{"preTitle":"Flights to Asia and the Pacific","title":"Flights to Japan","summary":"Flights to Japan should be on everyone’s bucket list. Every minute you spend there will be filled with unexpected pleasures. ","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Japan","seoDescription":"Book flights to Japan today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-japan","shortName":"Japan","longName":"Japan","code":"JP","isoCode":"JP","destinationType":"countries","parentType":"ASIA","regionCode":"ASIA","lastPublishedDate":"2023-02-23T16:11:35Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"Flights to Japan should be on everyone’s bucket list. Every minute you spend there will be filled with unexpected pleasures.","contentDescription":"<p>Is there a country that fascinates travellers more than Japan? From sushi to anime to technology to ancient temples to cherry blossoms, there’s not a single aspect of the place that you won’t find a recent visitor raving about.</p><p>The best place to begin is Tokyo. Tokyoites work hard and play hard; at rush hour you’ll see the street filled with suits, and later you’ll see those same suits crowded into small bars, lining up at ramen joints and playing video games at internet cafes. Tokyo’s uber-modern skyscrapers and shopping malls compete for city space with shrines that have been in existence for centuries, and that’s what makes Tokyo so fascinating.</p><p>Check the major sights off your list, but schedule plenty of time for exploring Tokyo’s diverse and jam-packed neighbourhoods too, where you might find groups of costumed teenagers sipping cappuccino at a cat cafe, or a Michelin-starred restaurant hidden down a quiet alleyway.</p><p>Japan’s smaller cities have lots to offer as well. Osaka has some of the country’s most outstanding food (and in Japan, that’s saying a lot) and is very modern, lively and fun. Nagoya and Kyoto are, respectively, the country’s automobile manufacturing hub (with a couple of fascinating museums) and a homage to old Japanese traditions, replete with elegant teahouses, gardens and temples.</p><p>The hyper-efficient transportation makes Japan a dream to travel around. The attention to detail makes it a foodie’s paradise. The customer-oriented service means you’ll be treated like royalty. And the love of nature means that even in the most industrial areas, you’ll be surrounded by snow-capped mountains, or within walking distance of a quiet garden.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Japan","cities":[{"preTitle":"Flights to Japan","title":"Flights to Osaka (OSA)","summary":"Osaka houses more than enough luxury hotels, restaurants and other attractions to keep even the most itchy-footed of travellers entertained.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Osaka (OSA)","seoDescription":"Book flights to Osaka today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-osaka","shortName":"Osaka","longName":"Osaka","code":"JP-KIX","isoCode":"KIX","destinationType":"cities","parentType":"JP-27","areaCode":"JP-27","countryCode":"JP","regionCode":"ASIA","lastPublishedDate":"2024-08-19T07:05:30Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"Osaka houses more than enough luxury hotels, restaurants and other attractions to keep even the most itchy-footed of travellers entertained.","contentDescription":"<p>Historically, Osaka was the capital of Japan. Today that title belongs to Tokyo – but Osaka remains the third largest Japanese city. When you’re not marvelling at the cherry blossoms surrounding Osaka Castle, or wandering the gardens of the centuries-old Sumiyoshi taisha, it’s easy to lose yourself in more modern pursuits, from shopping in Shinsaibashi to clubbing in Namba.</p><p>And that’s not forgetting Dotonbori, the heart of Osaka, which has enough flashing neon signs to rival Times Square or Piccadilly Circus.</p><p>Yet perhaps more than any other city in Japan, Osaka is a destination for food lovers. It’s called the kitchen of the nation, where the local attitude to dining is summed up by the concept of kuidaore which means 'to eat oneself bankrupt'.</p><p>Needless to say, people in Osaka appreciate a good meal and you’ll be spoilt for choice. Hole-in-the-wall street joints in particular are an essential part of the Osaka experience. You shouldn’t leave without trying the takoyaki (balls of flour filled with octopus) or okonomiyaki (a savoury pancake filled with veggies and meat) from one of the many street stalls.</p><p>Even more warm and inviting than its restaurants, though, are Osaka’s people. The city’s residents are famously hospitable, and even with a population of nearly three million, Osaka maintains the air of a friendly, small-town community. You’ll probably find the locals are happy to chat or offer travel tips.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Osaka","stationCode":"KIX"},{"preTitle":"Flights to Japan","title":"Flights to Tokyo (TYO)","summary":"Tokyo’s pedestrian-filled intersections, neon-lit night scenes and themed eateries are legendary – as is this buzzing city’s contagious energy.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Tokyo (TYO)","seoDescription":"Book flights to Tokyo today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-tokyo","shortName":"Tokyo","longName":"Tokyo","code":"JP-TYO","isoCode":"TYO","destinationType":"cities","parentType":"JP_TO","areaCode":"JP_TO","countryCode":"JP","regionCode":"ASIA","lastPublishedDate":"2024-08-13T11:01:13Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"Tokyo’s pedestrian-filled intersections, neon-lit night scenes and themed eateries are legendary – as is this buzzing city’s contagious energy.","contentDescription":"<p>Whether you want to immerse yourself in off-the-radar venues, seek peace in the city’s many temples or gorge on sushi, Tokyo is the place to be.</p><p>The city’s energy is contagious. You might find yourself staying up late exploring lively neighbourhoods like Shibuya, then getting up at 5am to eat sushi at Tsukiji, one of the biggest wholesale fish markets in the world. It’s easy to pack a day full of cultural activities, visiting the Meiji Jingu Shrine or the Tokyo National Museum in Ueno Park, or wander the streets of Yanaka in search of traditional Japanese homes and shops. And make sure to stop at hole-in-the-wall soba restaurants and sushi bars for some of the world’s most delicious food.</p><p>Many people visit Tokyo just to eat – and for good reason. Japanese food at its finest is found here, from steaming bowls of ramen to perfect tonkatsu to sashimi that’s better than anything you’ll find elsewhere.</p><p>Hotels in Tokyo run the gamut, from the luxurious to the basic; from massive suites to tiny cabins. And there are options for every taste and budget, including ryokans –traditional Japanese guesthouses where you’ll sleep on tatami mats – and dorms, where you can save a considerable amount of money.</p><p>Throw yourself into Tokyo’s embrace with abandon, and explore everything from the old to the new.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Tokyo","stationCode":"TYO"}]},{"preTitle":"Flights to Asia and the Pacific","title":"Flights to South Korea","summary":"Flights to South Korea will give you a glimpse into the future of travel, architecture and technology. ","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to South Korea","seoDescription":"Book flights to South Korea today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-korea","shortName":"Korea, Republic of","longName":"Korea, Republic of","code":"KR","isoCode":"KR","destinationType":"countries","parentType":"ASIA","regionCode":"ASIA","lastPublishedDate":"2024-12-06T09:47:19Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"Flights to South Korea will give you a glimpse into the future of travel, architecture and technology.","contentDescription":"<p>As a nation that showcases the very best of human innovation and creativity, travelling to South Korea is like stepping into the future.</p><p>Ground-breaking technology, infectious pop music and tantalising food has become synonymous with South Korea, yet it still retains a firm grip on its historical traditions.</p><p>The <a href=\"/english/destinations/flights-to-seoul/\" title=\"Flight to Seoul\" data-id=\"pagebody_link\" data-link=\"Flight to Seoul - Link Dynamic\">capital Seoul</a> is an iconic and hectic fusion of neon lights, modern skyscrapers and Buddhist temples. Absorb this vast metropolis from the colossal Seoul Tower on Namsan Mountain before tackling Gwangjang Market, Seoul’s first and oldest covered market. Here you’ll be met with a hive of activity and inundated with the distinct scents of authentic Korean street food.</p><p>Incheon, South Korea’s third largest city, is just over 30km west of Seoul. It’s famed for its glorious mountain backdrop and expansive green spaces. A stroll through the striking cherry blossoms of Incheon Grand Park during the mild spring months is a must.</p><p>Glorious national parks are dotted throughout South Korea, with the rocky peaks and picturesque trails of Bukhansan National Park, just north of Seoul, a coveted destination for hikers. Further north, close to the east coast, Seoraksan National Park is teeming with wildlife, from the increasingly rare musk deer to the Siberian flying squirrel.</p><p>To the south east, the seaside town of Busan sees one of the world’s largest ports meet the sensational trails of Geumjeong Mountain. This thriving city is a dense blend of beaches, modern architecture and cultural heritage. From one of many rooftop spaces, you can observe the twinkling lights of Gwanhan Bridge, an impressive symbol of Busan’s rapid development. The ancient and magisterial Beomeosa Temple, meanwhile, offers an escape from the urban jungle and a glimpse into the life of Buddhist monks.</p><p>In contrast to South Korea’s buzzing cities, Jeju Island holds some of the nation’s most esteemed natural landscapes. It’s home to Hallasan, a formidable shield volcano and the highest point in the country. Take on the wooden stairs of the Gwaneumsa Trail to discover breathtaking views across the crater lake on the summit.</p><p>Rice, vegetables, seafood and meats form the backbone of Korean cuisine, from the distinctive side dish kimchi to sweet and spicy fried chicken. Enjoy the mouth-watering flavours of Busan’s famous grilled clams or tuck into tteokbokki at Seoul’s Gwangjang Market, a tantalising rice cake dish with fiery red chilli peppers</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to South Korea","cities":[{"preTitle":"Korea, Republic of","title":"Flights to Seoul (SEL)","summary":"South Korea might be known as the Land of the Morning Calm, but there’s nothing low-key about its buzzing capital.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Seoul (SEL)","seoDescription":"Book flights to Seoul today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-seoul","shortName":"Seoul","longName":"Seoul","code":"KR-ICN","isoCode":"ICN","destinationType":"cities","parentType":"KR","countryCode":"KR","regionCode":"ASIA","lastPublishedDate":"2024-08-13T11:01:13Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"South Korea might be known as the Land of the Morning Calm, but there’s nothing low-key about its buzzing capital.","contentDescription":"<p>Seoulites work hard and play harder, and flights to Seoul deliver you to a city that has some of the best restaurants, lounges and nightlife venues in South Korea. Add in the 24-hour ‘bangs’ (rooms) – used for everything from computer gaming to karaoke – and it becomes clear that Seoul doesn’t really sleep. And you don’t have to either.</p><p>Seoul is one of the most affordable capital cities in Asia. Travelling on the metro costs next to nothing, and mid-range and budget hotels give you plenty of value for money. From there, as long as you eat like the locals (easy to do when Korean food is so tasty), you’re unlikely to run out of the local currency won.</p><p>The city is a cool mix of old and new. Every Seoul district has its own quirks and finding your favourite is part of the fun: Insa-dong, Myeong-dong, Yongsan and Gangnam are just a few to add to your list. Hip student neighbourhood Hongdae is a good place to start, chock-full of fashion boutiques, trendy lounges and pet cafes. It’s more than likely that you’ll end up in Itaewon, which is a magnet for expats and has some of the best dining and nightlife in the city.</p><p>It’s amazing when you consider how quickly South Korea recovered from the Korean War to become one of the strongest economies in the world. And speed remains the name of the game – this is the land of super-fast Wi-Fi, an uber-efficient public transport system and a bullet train (the KTX) that travels at a dizzying 300km an hour.</p><p>Yes, Seoul is a modern city, but one that’s proud of its heritage. Throughout the city, you can see temples and teahouses being used the same way they have been for centuries. And don’t be surprised to see people dressed in colourful traditional clothing (hanbok), especially if it’s a national holiday such as Chuseok (Korean Thanksgiving).</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Seoul","stationCode":"ICN"}]},{"preTitle":"Flights to Asia and the Pacific","title":"Flights to Malaysia","summary":"Its diversity makes flights to Malaysia perfect for immersing yourself in a melting pot of culture and history.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Malaysia","seoDescription":"Book flights to Malaysia today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-malaysia","shortName":"Malaysia","longName":"Malaysia","code":"MY","isoCode":"MY","destinationType":"countries","parentType":"ASIA","regionCode":"ASIA","lastPublishedDate":"2023-02-23T16:16:58Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"Its diversity makes flights to Malaysia perfect for immersing yourself in a melting pot of culture and history.","contentDescription":"<p>Malaysia is a remarkably diverse travel destination. The landscape alone is varied; a mix of jungles, beaches and pulsating cities that form the lifeblood of this remarkable nation. While predominantly Muslim, other religions also inhabit the land, so there are some stunning mosques, churches and temples dotted throughout Malaysia.</p><p>Malaysia's territory on the island of Borneo is one for adventure lovers – a place to hike through lush jungles, witness the lives of ancient indigenous tribes and even spot an orangutan or two in the wild.</p><p>Similarly, Peninsular Malaysia is home to an abundance of unspoilt wilderness, including the brilliant Taman Negara National Park, which is located in one of the oldest rainforests in the world. On the other hand, the peninsular is also home to the incredibly cosmopolitan capital city of Kuala Lumpur. It’s one of the most sought after city destinations in the world, home to the famous Petronas Twin Towers, as well as a vast array of high-end restaurants, luxury hotels and supermalls.</p><p>Among Malaysia’s many charms is its incredible dining scene. As you’d expect from such a cosmopolitan country, you can find just about anything you fancy: authentic Chinese and Indian food, Malay delights or the wonderful fusion dishes that take on a life of their own. Chilli crab is very popular, as is the slightly more sedate pepper crab. Sample the sata too – a traditional dish of spiced fish wrapped in banana leaves.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Malaysia","cities":[{"preTitle":"Flights to Malaysia","title":"Flights to Kuala Lumpur (KUL)","summary":"Kuala Lumpur isn't only the largest city in Malaysia, but one of the most exciting in the world.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Kuala Lumpur (KUL)","seoDescription":"Book flights to Kuala Lumpur today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-kuala-lumpur","shortName":"Kuala Lumpur","longName":"Kuala Lumpur","code":"MY-KUL","isoCode":"KUL","destinationType":"cities","parentType":"MY_Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur","areaCode":"MY_Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur","countryCode":"MY","regionCode":"ASIA","lastPublishedDate":"2024-08-13T11:06:50Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"Kuala Lumpur isn't only the largest city in Malaysia, but one of the most exciting in the world.","contentDescription":"<p>Gazing out at Malaysia's cosmopolitan capital as your flight to Kuala Lumpur arrives, you'd never believe it was only 150 years old. Kuala Lumpur in Malay means ‘muddy river confluence’, and it was along the banks of the Klang River that this Chinese tin mining village grew into not just the largest city in the country, but one of the most exciting in the world.</p><p>Kuala Lumpur, like all the best capital cities in Asia, is a mishmash of old and new. Merdeka Square's beautiful 19th century colonial buildings stand in the shadows of some of the biggest and boldest architecture in the world – none bigger or bolder than the iconic Petronas Twin Towers, once the world's tallest building.</p><p>In contrast, the Batu Caves in the northern suburbs are home to the country's most sacred Hindu shrine, and the Forest Research Institute of Malaysia boasts a breathtaking treetop canopy walkway, right over the rainforest. The only sight that can compare is the dazzling light show performed each night by Kuala Selangor's fireflies.</p><p>While Malaysia's largest city isn't short on sights it's also a great place for a wander. A cross-section of cultures such as Malay, Chinese and Indian means the cuisine, like the conversations heard on the street, is deeply diverse. Locals are known for their friendliness toward tourists, and being such a cosmopolitan city, many locals speak English and are quick with a smile and happy to help with directions.</p><p>Make your way downtown to the Golden Triangle, and you'll find all the best restaurants, nightlife venues and shopping malls – lots and lots of malls. KL (as the locals and those in the know call it) has over 50 big shopping malls – including two of the world's biggest, Berjaya Times Square and Mid Valley Megamall.</p><p>The best restaurants in KL include everything from street food to fine dining, and there's something to suit every budget in between. The city specialises in Asian fare – not just Malay, but Chinese and Indian – though it also offers good food from pretty much every major cuisine around the world.</p><p>But where Kuala Lumpur really comes into its own is with its markets. For the true KL experience, head to a night market and sample all of the sights, sounds and smells of the city. Hunt for bargains in Chinatown or stop by Brickfields, home to Little India, to try out the banana leaf rice restaurants. And if you're still not ready for bed after all that, hit the Mamak stalls. A visit to these lively 24-hour curry houses loved by Malaysians of every background is like a little night out in itself.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Kuala Lumpur","stationCode":"KUL"}]},{"preTitle":"Flights to Asia and the Pacific","title":"Flights to Maldives","summary":"Flights to the Maldives touch down in the small capital island of Malé, where your dream holiday begins.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Maldives","seoDescription":"Book flights to Maldives today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-maldives","shortName":"Maldives","longName":"Maldives","code":"MV","isoCode":"MV","destinationType":"countries","parentType":"ASIA","regionCode":"ASIA","lastPublishedDate":"2023-02-23T16:16:59Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"Flights to the Maldives touch down in the small capital island of Malé, where your dream holiday begins.","contentDescription":"<p>With its blue skies, sparkling seas, stunning beaches and some of the best hotels in the world, this island nation in the Indian Ocean is truly a dream destination.</p><p>There are around 1,192 coral islands, more than 100 of which are inhabitable. The main language in the Maldives is Dhivehi, but English is widely spoken, and it’s an extremely easy country to navigate as a tourist. While most of the island resorts tend towards the higher end of the price scale, you can find plenty of budget options that also make great bases for exploring the archipelago.</p><p>Many of the most wallet-friendly resorts are found in the small capital of Malé, which is also where flights to the Maldives land. You’ll see a completely different side of Maldivian life here, where the hustle and bustle is a stark contrast to the laid-back vibe in the resorts. There are lots of restaurants where you can hang out with the locals, and you can also visit the new National Museum.</p><p>However, the biggest draw of the Maldives are perhaps the outer reaching island resorts, which you’ll generally visit via seaplane or speedboat. As with most Indian Ocean destinations, it’s all about the crystal clear waters that wash against stunning white sand beaches. This is one of the best places in the world for underwater exploration, so grab a snorkel or a scuba pack to head below the surface. There’s a huge array of marine life to be discovered, from tropical fish to manta rays, turtles and reef sharks, and you can even go wreck diving.</p><p>When you’re not exploring under the sea, immerse yourself in the Maldives’ wellness scene. There are so many spas, retreats and treatments on offer; add in the stunning scenery and relaxation is virtually guaranteed.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Maldives","cities":[{"preTitle":"Flights to Maldives","title":"Flights to Malé City (MLE)","summary":"Whilst Malé is just a speedboat ride away from many picturesque islands, don’t ignore the opportunity to explore this tiny, modern metropolis.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Malé City (MLE)","seoDescription":"Book flights to Malé City today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-male","shortName":"Malé","longName":"Malé","code":"MV-MLE","isoCode":"MLE","destinationType":"cities","parentType":"MV_Male","areaCode":"MV_Male","countryCode":"MV","regionCode":"ASIA","lastPublishedDate":"2023-02-23T13:56:43Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"Whilst Malé is just a speedboat ride away from many picturesque islands, don’t ignore the opportunity to explore this tiny, modern metropolis.","contentDescription":"<p>Flights to Malé, lying as it does among the scattered islands of the Maldives, are popular with those in search of serious relaxation among some of the most beautiful scenery in the world.</p><p>There are those who think of Malé as merely a gateway to those picture-perfect islands (which it isn’t, as the main airport is on the neighbouring island of Hulhulé). But stick around in the capital a little longer and you will find a miniature jungle of winding streets, high-rise buildings and a diverse and fascinating culture.</p><p>Malé’s colourful streets, wacky skyscrapers, endless alleyways and busy roads can lead you to any number of places attributed to a modern city. Only 1.7km long and 1km wide, the island is no more than a sliver of sand in the ocean. However, its skinny shores are home to more than 100,000 people. The whole island can be covered on foot in no more than an hour, although public transport is cheap and accessible if you’re not too keen on stretching your legs.</p><p>The city was once the home of the king’s palace, from which the royal dynasties of the Maldives ruled the country. However, the palace and its forts were destroyed when the monarchy was abolished and President Ibrahim Nasir took office in the late 1950s. This has resulted in some beautiful ruins and a story that the city is keen to tell. Nowadays, tourism generates nearly a third of the country’s income, so it’s easy to meet backpackers and fellow travellers from all over the world.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Malé City","stationCode":"MLE"}]},{"preTitle":"Flights to Asia and the Pacific","title":"Flights to New Zealand","summary":"Flights to New Zealand promise an exciting catalogue of things to do in some of the planet’s most beautiful surroundings.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to New Zealand","seoDescription":"Book flights to New Zealand today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-new-zealand","shortName":"New Zealand","longName":"New Zealand","code":"NZ","isoCode":"NZ","destinationType":"countries","parentType":"ASIA","regionCode":"ASIA","lastPublishedDate":"2023-02-23T16:17:12Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"Flights to New Zealand promise an exciting catalogue of things to do in some of the planet’s most beautiful surroundings.","contentDescription":"<p>New Zealand is a relatively small country consisting of two islands – north and south – with more sheep than people, but it's still a fantastic destination. New Zealand citizens (nicknamed 'Kiwis') are open, friendly, and perpetually looking to have a good time, happy to share their knowledge with tourists or offer to sit and chat at one of the well-appointed lounges in Auckland and beyond.</p><p>And despite its deserved reputation for ruggedness, New Zealand offers many quality restaurants featuring the freshest ingredients, along with high-end accommodations that will suit any style. These range from the fanciest hotels in the world to simple but comfortable hostels aimed at the backpacking set who wander the country in search of their next adventure.</p><p>Auckland is by far the biggest city in the country with more than one million of the country's 4.2 million citizens calling it home. As a result, it's where you'll find many of New Zealand's best hotels and restaurants. Dine at Kazuya Restaurant or The Shed, and don't miss the Goat Island Marine Reserve.</p><p>Christchurch operates as your jumping-off point to all the south island's adventures but make sure to hit Orana Wildlife Park and take a helicopter ride over the city before you take off into the wild. If you need to stock up on snacks and drinks, King of Snake is an excellent option, while Addington Coffee Co-Op is the place to go for people watching and a late morning pick-me-up. The George Christchurch offers top notch accommodation.</p><p>From Christchurch, head to Queenstown – one of the extreme sports capitals of the world – for everything from white water rafting and skydiving to hiking.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to New Zealand","cities":[{"preTitle":"Flights to New Zealand","title":"Flights to Auckland (AKL)","summary":"A paradise for those who love the great outdoors, Auckland’s unique geography makes it a must-visit for any traveller.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Auckland (AKL)","seoDescription":"Book flights to Auckland today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-auckland","shortName":"Auckland","longName":"Auckland","code":"NZ-AKL","isoCode":"AKL","destinationType":"cities","parentType":"NZ-AUK","areaCode":"NZ-AUK","countryCode":"NZ","regionCode":"ASIA","lastPublishedDate":"2024-08-13T06:59:35Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"A paradise for those who love the great outdoors, Auckland’s unique geography makes it a must-visit for any traveller.","contentDescription":"<p>Almost one-third of New Zealand’s four million people live in Auckland. Although Wellington is the capital, travellers arriving at this buzzing city will find it a strong contender for the economic hub of the country.</p><p>Auckland sits between two harbours; nestled between the Tasman Sea and the Pacific Ocean. And with 48 volcanoes in the Auckland volcanic field – all within about 20km of the city centre – the city has one of the most unique topographies of any in the world. As a result, there’s plenty to do outdoors and indoors, with lots of adventure sports on offer, and even more activities just a short drive from the city centre.</p><p>For those not seeking an all-action adrenaline-pumping time, there are plenty of five-star restaurants and luxury hotels dotted throughout the city. This is especially true around the harbour area, while low-key cafes and boutiques are hidden around many corners. Green space is everywhere, too, with parks, gardens, and paths.</p><p>Much of the action is concentrated near the water, from the restaurants, lounges and boutiques dotted around Waitemata Harbour to the golden sands and surfer-friendly cafes of Takapuna Beach. In short, Auckland is a paradise for travellers who love being outside.</p><p>Like most New Zealanders, the people who call Auckland home are friendly, welcoming, and ready to share whatever they have with you, especially if you’re a willing and interested traveller. And while the pace of life might be a little faster here than it is elsewhere on the North and South Islands, the residents keep smiling. They know they have it good; Auckland is repeatedly ranked as one of the best places to live on the planet. Whether you go for a couple of days, a week, or a month, Auckland is worth the trip.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Auckland","stationCode":"AKL"},{"preTitle":"Flights to New Zealand","title":"Flights to Christchurch (CHC)","summary":"Christchurch can feel small – that's part of its charm – yet intrepid travellers can find something to suit every interest.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Christchurch (CHC)","seoDescription":"Book flights to Christchurch today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-christchurch","shortName":"Christchurch","longName":"Christchurch","code":"NZ-CHC","isoCode":"CHC","destinationType":"cities","parentType":"NZ-CAN","areaCode":"NZ-CAN","countryCode":"NZ","regionCode":"ASIA","lastPublishedDate":"2024-08-13T09:32:46Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"Christchurch can feel small – that's part of its charm – yet intrepid travellers can find something to suit every interest.","contentDescription":"<p>As soon as your flight to Christchurch touches down at Christchurch International Airport, it becomes clear why it’s known as The Garden City.</p><p>From above, it’s easy to see just how many wide open green spaces dot the landscape, centred around Hagley Park in the middle of the city. And bisecting the scenery is the lovely Avon River, whose waters have historically provided the means to keep Christchurch blooming.</p><p>Christchurch is the largest city on New Zealand's South Island and the centre of its adventure sports industry. When you consider how much the Kiwis (as the country’s residents are called) love the outdoors, that’s really saying something.</p><p>Christchurch truly is a paradise for the sporty, and a huge range of activities are easily accessible just a short trip from downtown, from skiing and playing golf to bungee jumping, mountain biking, wind surfing, rafting and more. If you’re content to simply spectate, there are hot air balloon rides and whale watching tours too.</p><p>That being said, you don't go to Christchurch just to leave Christchurch. The city has a charm all its own, and you could have a wonderful vacation sticking to the city centre; staying in its luxury boutique hotels, sipping espresso in its wonderfully cute cafes, dining in its five-star restaurants, and enjoying the relaxing, friendly environment that the locals pride themselves on creating.</p><p>Hagley Park is a picturesque public space where art projects pop up out of nowhere and disappear just as quickly. Outdoor concerts are popular in the summer with AMI Stadium playing host to artists from around the world, and the older world exists, too, witnessed in beautiful cathedrals.</p><p>Christchurch has a well-deserved reputation as an adventure and party centre, and you don't have to look too hard to find either. But there's also a sense of refinement to the city, a cosmopolitan feel that makes it one of the best destinations in New Zealand.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Christchurch","stationCode":"CHC"}]},{"preTitle":"Flights to Asia and the Pacific ","title":"Flights to Pakistan","summary":"Book flights to Pakistan to experience the trip of a lifetime, exploring its magical cities and Himalayan backdrop.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Pakistan","seoDescription":"Book flights to Pakistan today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-pakistan","shortName":"Pakistan","longName":"Pakistan","code":"PK","isoCode":"PK","destinationType":"countries","parentType":"ASIA","regionCode":"ASIA","lastPublishedDate":"2023-02-23T16:29:05Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"Book flights to Pakistan to experience the trip of a lifetime, exploring its magical cities and Himalayan backdrop.","contentDescription":"<p>Events have hindered recent progress in Pakistan’s tourism field, but if you do decide to undertake the journey to this beautiful country, a trip of a lifetime awaits.</p><p>Broadly speaking, while conservative in nature, you’ll find Pakistan’s residents welcoming and keen to chat about your trip (as the fortunes of your country’s cricket team). The national language is Urdu but English is the official language and around half of the population speak it.</p><p>While the capital Islamabad and its ever merging twin Rawalpindi are often only used as starting points for further exploration, the city of Lahore is a cultural hotspot and also boasts some of the most beautiful gardens and buildings in country. There’s plenty to see and do too – book tickets to a cricket match, to cheer along with Pakistan’s most passionate sports fans. Or, for a really unique experience, book a film tour to see local movies getting made.</p><p>Former capital Karachi is an intense place to visit, a vast metropolis almost tearing at the seams of its bustling infrastructure, but it’s worth visiting for an insight into the development of modern Pakistan.</p><p>For history buffs, Shah Faisal Mosque, located at the base of the Margalla Hills, is one of the largest and most unusual mosques in the region, while the 13th century Baltit Fort and the Swat Museum are also worth visiting. Embrace your inner Indiana Jones and explore some archaeological ruins by heading to Mohenjo-daro. While Pakistan’s modern cities and historical sights are all reasons to visit, one of the biggest draws is its natural beauty. For a truly spectacular sight, add Kaghan Valley to your itinerary and make a point to see Lake Saiful Muluk. Surrounded by snow-capped peaks, the reflection of the bright sun on the surface of the lake is nothing less than spectacular.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Pakistan","cities":[{"preTitle":"Flights to Pakistan","title":"Flights to Islamabad (ISB)","summary":"Ringed by verdant hills, Islamabad’s intriguing history, breathtakingly brilliant cuisine and wide range of hotel options are sure to impress.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Islamabad (ISB)","seoDescription":"Book flights to Islamabad today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-islamabad","shortName":"Islamabad","longName":"Islamabad","code":"PK-ISB","isoCode":"ISB","destinationType":"cities","parentType":"PK_IC","areaCode":"PK_IC","countryCode":"PK","regionCode":"ASIA","lastPublishedDate":"2025-01-07T04:08:56Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"Ringed by verdant hills, Islamabad’s intriguing history, breathtakingly brilliant cuisine and wide range of hotel options are sure to impress.","contentDescription":"<p>Islamabad, the capital city of Pakistan, offers lush green spaces and serenity that isn’t typically associated with major metropolises.</p><p>Nestled close to the foothills of the Himalayas, Islamabad’s streets are shrouded in greenery, with low-rise buildings seemingly outnumbered by swathes of trees. One structure that emerges above this canopy of green is the extraordinary Faisal Mosque – one of South Asia’s largest - with its eight-sided sloping roof and four towering minarets. Marvel at this eclectic fusion of modern and traditional architecture that stands proudly in front of the rolling Margalla Hills.</p><p>The Margalla Hills themselves are one of Islamabad’s most renowned attractions. Hike on the trails that wind through Pakistan’s third-largest national park, a stunning gateway to the famous Himalayan mountain range. Find your way to Daman-e-Koh, a peaceful hilltop garden with a viewing point that affords a gorgeous panorama of Islamabad. </p><p>From here, you may be able to spot the Pakistan Monument, another of Islamabad’s significant and imaginative architectural feats. Wander the soothing surrounds of the petal-shaped structure, a symbol of Pakistani unity and solidarity, which is illuminated in a warm glow after dark.</p><p>The Pakistan Monument sits within the Shakarparian National Park, a popular retreat for locals and tourists. Despite its proximity to the city centre, the park provides a welcoming oasis of grassy areas and picturesque gardens, perfect for a quiet picnic. In the north-eastern corner of the park, Rawal Lake is a huge artificial reservoir that presents several idyllic spots to watch the sun set, as well as one of the world’s largest walk-in bird aviaries.</p><p>For an alternative escape just minutes from the city centre, head to Fatima Jinnah Park, Islamabad’s largest. Stroll through a spidering network of paths, stopping to observe the multitude of sculptures that scatter the park, a local cricket game, or the many birds that call from the trees.</p><p>There are ample shopping opportunities in Islamabad too. Giga Mall is a five-floor hub of retail and entertainment that draws visitors from across Pakistan, while Centaurus Mall poses a wide selection of luxury and international brands, housed within one of Islamabad’s tallest buildings.</p><p>There are plentiful food options in Islamabad, none more so than at Melody Food Park, a vibrant culinary hotspot in the heart of the city. Chicken karahi is a must-try, fiery masala curry with a rich tomato and ginger base, exquisitely cooked by both street vendors and restaurant chefs.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Islamabad","stationCode":"ISB"},{"preTitle":"Flights to Pakistan","title":"Flights to Karachi (KHI)","summary":"Your stay in cricket-crazy Karachi can be what you make of it; exciting, commercial or historical.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Karachi (KHI)","seoDescription":"Book flights to Karachi today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-karachi","shortName":"Karachi","longName":"Karachi","code":"PK-KHI","isoCode":"KHI","destinationType":"cities","parentType":"PK-SD","areaCode":"PK-SD","countryCode":"PK","regionCode":"ASIA","lastPublishedDate":"2024-08-13T09:58:57Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"Your stay in cricket-crazy Karachi can be what you make of it; exciting, commercial or historical.","contentDescription":"<p>Spread out along the Arabian Sea coastline, this trading port has boomed over the last few decades with a real entrepreneurial spirit. As the city with the largest population in Pakistan, Karachi has become known as the city that never sleeps. The mix of European, Central Asian and Middle Eastern inhabitants has created a lively, cosmopolitan city which draws visitors back time and again.</p><p>Visit the stunning Mazar-e-Quaid monument, the resting place of Pakistan’s founding father Mohammed Ali Jinnah, or head to Clifton Beach to soak up some sun. If you’re looking for aromatic spices to take home there’s nowhere better than Empress Market, built under the British Raj in the historical city centre, Saddar Town.</p><p>Swing by the vibrant street food market in the shadow of the Port Grand Bridge, it’s one of the largest food streets in Asia. For a more traditional culinary experience, you’ll no doubt end up on Burns Road. Or try the famous food market at Boat Basin and look out for the eternally popular restaurant Bar-B-Q Tonight. Cafe culture is in full swing here, so expect to see plenty of people taking their time perched on the streets’ ubiquitous plastic chairs.</p><p>To cross this bustling city, auto-rickshaws can be hired everywhere and offer the quickest way to navigate the busy streets.</p><p>Known as the City of Lights, you can experience the pulsing nightlife in the city’s many lounges; Karachi has a diverse and dynamic music scene. Or to get away from it all, check into one of the many international hotels to gather your thoughts. This neon-lit city might appear frantic but there’s no real rush, you’ll find what you’re looking for in Karachi.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Karachi","stationCode":"KHI"},{"preTitle":"Flights to Pakistan","title":"Flights to Lahore (LHE)","summary":"Lahore is Pakistan’s unrivalled cultural centre, and the perfect place to lose yourself in history and indulge in some fantastic Pakistani dishes.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Lahore (LHE)","seoDescription":"Book flights to Lahore today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-lahore","shortName":"Lahore","longName":"Lahore","code":"PK-LHE","isoCode":"LHE","destinationType":"cities","parentType":"PK_PN","areaCode":"PK_PN","countryCode":"PK","regionCode":"ASIA","lastPublishedDate":"2023-02-23T13:30:09Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"Lahore is Pakistan’s unrivalled cultural centre, and the perfect place to lose yourself in history and indulge in some fantastic Pakistani dishes.","contentDescription":"<p>As Pakistan’s unparalleled cultural capital, Lahore is full of forts, tombs and mosques – and holds history at every turn. You can easily lose yourself in the Walled City and watch the present melt away.</p><p>Once the capital of Punjab, myths and legends surround this ancient destination. From the moment your flight to Lahore arrives, you’ll be enthralled as you weave in and out of tiny alleyways and discover the many gates that still guard the historical centre.</p><p>A visit to the 16th century Lahore Fort is essential – it’s a sophisticated complex of grand pavilions, halls and gardens. Mughal architecture mixes with colonial remains whilst the daily life of the locals ebbs and flows.</p><p>Badshahi Mosque, one of the world’s largest, is awe-inspiring and is another great introduction to the majesty of this grand old city.</p><p>Lahore’s culinary delights are also remarkable. Indulge rumbling stomachs at Food Street in Gawalmandi, where the smells of delicious curries can be inhaled during all hours of the day. You can take in the vibrant atmosphere with a cold lassi at one of the many street-side cafes. Then pick up trinkets, pashminas, gold and silver at the famous Anarkali Bazar or have an entire wardrobe made to fit at one of the city’s many tailors.</p><p>As with most Pakistani cities, auto-rickshaws are the easiest way to navigate the chaotic streets. Accommodation in Lahore is diverse – you’ll find a collection of international hotels on The Mall road and there has been a spate of new openings around Johar Town and Defence Area.</p><p>Lahore’s famous buzz doesn’t dip at dusk. Visit the Liberty Market or Fortress Stadium for a chance to socialise once the sun goes down.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Lahore","stationCode":"LHE"},{"preTitle":"Flights to Pakistan","title":"Flights to Peshawar (PEW)","summary":"Islamabad may be the capital, but Peshawar is known to be one of Pakistan’s liveliest and most intriguing cities.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Peshawar (PEW)","seoDescription":"Book flights to Peshawar today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-peshawar","shortName":"Peshawar","longName":"Peshawar","code":"PK-PEW","isoCode":"PEW","destinationType":"cities","parentType":"PK_KP","areaCode":"PK_KP","countryCode":"PK","regionCode":"ASIA","lastPublishedDate":"2023-02-23T14:23:51Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"Islamabad may be the capital, but Peshawar is known to be one of Pakistan’s liveliest and most intriguing cities.","contentDescription":"<p>You’ll feel a unique and intriguing charm when your flight to Peshawar lands. This is due in no small part to the city’s rich heritage as a trading port, and its exotic location in Pakistan’s Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (formerly known as the North-West Frontier Province) at the foot of the Khyber Pass. For anyone interested in the region’s history, there are few destinations quite as fascinating as this frontier town.</p><p>Peshawar is also one of the oldest cities in Pakistan. For centuries it’s been a hub of trade between India, Central Asia and Europe, and its close proximity to the borders of Afghanistan has created a diverse and exotic population.</p><p>Evidence of this colourful past is everywhere, from the Mosque of Mohabbat Khan, a unique 17th century Mughal mosque well worth a visit, to the 16th century Mughal fortress Bala Hissar Fort.</p><p>Modern Peshawar itself is a sight to behold, with a buzzing city centre where old colonial buildings sit alongside more contemporary offerings. It’s a cool mix of hotels, shopping malls, restaurants and cafes.</p><p>Yet one of the best things to do in Peshawar is to set aside a day to explore the old city – admiring the architecture, getting lost in the labyrinth of markets and bargaining over goods. Khyber Bazaar and the Qissa Khawani Bazaar are two of the best places to test your haggling skills, and be sure to add flavour to your trip by chatting to the ever-friendly locals.</p><p>But when you need a break from the frenetic pace of life, it’s easy enough to escape into the outdoors. Hiking in the surrounding mountains is a popular pastime and most hotels will be able to organise a guided tour to take you out of the city.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Peshawar","stationCode":"PEW"},{"preTitle":"Flights to Pakistan","title":"Flights to Sialkot (SKT)","summary":"Discover Sialkot, a vibrant city hidden within an eclectic landscape.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Sialkot (SKT)","seoDescription":"Book flights to Sialkot today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-sialkot","shortName":"Sialkot","longName":"Sialkot","code":"PK-SKT","isoCode":"SKT","destinationType":"cities","parentType":"PK_PN","areaCode":"PK_PN","countryCode":"PK","regionCode":"ASIA","lastPublishedDate":"2023-02-23T14:24:56Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"Discover Sialkot, a vibrant city hidden within an eclectic landscape.","contentDescription":"<p>Nestled in the upper right-hand corner of Pakistan sits Sialkot, the capital of the Punjab province. Once the easternmost outpost of Alexander the Great’s empire, this proud, ancient city is full of wonders.</p><p>Having been part of Greek, Mughal, Afghan and British empires, the city’s history is fascinating. To see Sialkot in all its bustling glory head to the centre, Chowk Allama Iqbal, for its plazas, restaurants and bazaars.</p><p>Sialkot has always been a hive of industry. For thousands of years, the city has turned its hand to many things, from making bricks that were transported across Asia, to papermaking in the 16th century, to today’s modern factories producing everything from footballs for FIFA to surgical instruments.</p><p>While this city is focused mostly on business and commerce, there is still plenty to see. The most famous landmark, the Clock Tower, stands tall in Saddar Bazaar, a network of tiny streets selling everything under the sun where the city comes to socialise as well as to trade.</p><p>You can choose from a complete range of accommodation in Sialkot, and there are plenty of newly built hotels conveniently located in the centre of the city. While the road system and infrastructure is modern, public transport is scarce and you’re better off hiring a car or a taking an auto-rickshaw or taxi.</p><p>For a break from the hustle and bustle, locals head up to Marala Headworks, around 40 minutes north of the city. This hydro engineering project has evolved into a popular wildlife sanctuary, wetland and picnic spot.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Sialkot","stationCode":"SKT"}]},{"preTitle":"Flights to Asia and the Pacific ","title":"Flights to Philippines","summary":"Flights to Philippines place you in scenes usually only found on postcards: verdant jungles, limestone towers and beautiful beaches.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Philippines","seoDescription":"Book flights to Philippines today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-philippines","shortName":"Philippines","longName":"Philippines","code":"PH","isoCode":"PH","destinationType":"countries","parentType":"ASIA","regionCode":"ASIA","lastPublishedDate":"2023-02-23T16:29:07Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"Flights to Philippines place you in scenes usually only found on postcards: verdant jungles, limestone towers and beautiful beaches.","contentDescription":"<p>Ask anyone who’s been to the Philippines to describe it, and chances are they’ll draw a comparison with that other traveller magnet in Southeast Asia: Thailand. And the similarities are plenty: tropical jungles, beautiful beaches and excellent food. In general, though, the island nation of the Philippines is significantly less prone to tourist crowds, and offers a lot more opportunities to take the road less travelled.</p><p>Comprising more than 7,000 islands bordered by the South China Sea on one side and the Pacific Ocean on the other, most of the population is concentrated on Mindanao and Luzon. The country was under Spanish rule for more than 300 years, up until the late 19th century, and you can still see the clear European influence in the architecture, particularly the churches and cathedrals.</p><p>While the main two cities – Manila, the capital, and Cebu – are worth visiting for their brilliant hotels, restaurants and lounges, for many, the biggest appeal of the Philippines is its beach life. You might be tempted to make your way straight to the coast after touching down, and catching a ferry to your island paradise.</p><p>Each island destination in the Philippines has its own appeal. Boracay is the best known; a tiny island with a big reputation, it’s a favourite among those looking for the buzziest restaurants, lounges, beach parties and nightlife venues outside the big cities.</p><p>For the ultimate snorkelling and diving destination, there’s nowhere better than Palawan. Commonly described as the Last Frontier, thanks to its largely untouched islands and ecosystems, this chain of islands on the west of the Philippines is rich in marine life. The best part is El Nido, a tiny fishing town where you’ll find the spectacular Bacuit Archipelago. This collection of islands is home to towering limestone cliffs, crystal clear waters and some of the most beautiful and secluded beaches in Southeast Asia.</p><p>There’s also surfers’ paradise Siargao, whose challenging waves are a magnet for the bravest surfers from all over the world. If you’re feeling really bold, head off the beaten track to visit fascinating Siquijor.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Philippines","cities":[{"preTitle":"Flights to the Philippines","title":"Flights to Cebu (CEB)","summary":"Whilst many think of Cebu as a base for island hopping, it has much more to offer than access to stunning beaches.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Cebu (CEB)","seoDescription":"Book flights to Cebu today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-cebu","shortName":"Cebu","longName":"Cebu","code":"PH-CEB","isoCode":"CEB","destinationType":"cities","parentType":"PH-07","areaCode":"PH-07","countryCode":"PH","regionCode":"ASIA","lastPublishedDate":"2024-08-13T09:31:19Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"Whilst many think of Cebu as a base for island hopping, it has much more to offer than access to stunning beaches.","contentDescription":"<p>Cebu’s capital, Cebu City, is bustling but charming, busy but welcoming, and an unexpected feast for the senses. Start on Colon Street, the oldest street in the city (named after Christopher Columbus), situated in the centre of downtown. It’s especially busy in the evenings, but many shops are open during the day and it makes for a lovely and historic stroll.</p><p>Fit in a visit to Fort San Pedro, which dates back to 1565 and was built by Legazpi, the explorer who established the first Spanish settlement here. The enclosed garden is particularly nice – quiet and chilled out, particularly around sundown. Another historic must-do is Magellan’s Cross, a crucifix that is said to contain bits of the cross that the explorer planted in Cebu soil in the early 16th century. It’s housed across the street from city hall.</p><p>For a stunning view of Cebu, rent a bicycle, jump on the back of a motorbike or take a taxi and head up Mount Busay to Tops lookout point. The photo-worthy vistas are especially good at night when the city lights are twinkling.</p><p>When you can’t resist the pull of the beaches any longer, cross one of the bridges to Mactan Island. The glorious beaches on the eastern side of the island are just 15 minutes from the centre of Cebu City, so it’s easy to spend a few hours splashing in the ocean in the middle of your urban explorations.</p><p>If you want to stock up on pasalubong (gifts for those at home, a Filipino tradition), head to Taboan Market. You’ll find all kinds of tasty local treats from salted fish and dried squid to dried mangoes and cookies. For those in need of air conditioning, the city is home to plenty of shopping malls, which provide welcome refuge from the heat, along with lots of Filipino food options and shops.</p><p>For those willing to venture a little bit further, a trip to Boracay – renowned for its sublime tranquillity, lush greenery and award-winning beaches – is well worth the trip. Cebu also offers the perfect base to explore the wider Visayas region, including the islands of Panay and Bohol.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Cebu","stationCode":"CEB"},{"preTitle":"Flights to the Philippines","title":"Flights to Clark (CRK)","summary":"Clark’s 4,500 hectares of verdant land are home to a wide range of outdoor activities and intriguing historic sights.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Clark (CRK)","seoDescription":"Book flights to Clark today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-clark","shortName":"Clark","longName":"Clark","code":"PH-CRK","isoCode":"CRK","destinationType":"cities","parentType":"PH-03","areaCode":"PH-03","countryCode":"PH","regionCode":"ASIA","lastPublishedDate":"2024-08-13T08:47:46Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"Clark’s 4,500 hectares of verdant land are home to a wide range of outdoor activities and intriguing historic sights.","contentDescription":"<p>In the years since Clark transformed from an American base to what’s now known as the Freeport Zone, it’s undergone another kind of transformation – into a grand-scale amusement park for Filipinos and travellers alike. Visitors come here for holidays, to relax, to shop and to party.</p><p>Start with the Clark Veterans Cemetery, an important landmark and one where Americans and Filipinos who lost their lives during 20th century wars are interred. The Salakot, an arch crafted in the style of a traditional farmer’s hat, is another notable site, as is the Clark Museum, which delves deep into the history of the area. It’s a good source of information on U.S.-Philippines relationships, and also houses photos of the major 1991 eruption of Mount Pinatubo and a selection of traditional Filipino crafts. Here you can also walk around the green Parade Grounds, a park that often hosts events.</p><p>Outdoor activities are one of the biggest draws in the Freeport. The Fontana Water Park, with slides and wave pools, offers playful respite from the sun and the El Kabayo Stables are perfect for renting horses and going on treks down to the Sacobia River (the stables are dressed up to look like a scene from the Wild West). There’s also go-kart racing and paintball for adrenaline junkies. Shopaholics will have a field day in Clark, which is jam-packed with duty-free stores and shopping malls where travellers can stock up on everything from kitchenware to sportswear. And restaurants range from upscale Italian to local Filipino snacks, with everything from Japanese to American options in between.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Clark","stationCode":"CRK"},{"preTitle":"Flights to the Philippines","title":"Flights to Manila (MNL)","summary":"Like all the best cities, Manila is a big, busy and bustling metropolis – that much is clear from the moment your flight lands.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Manila (MNL)","seoDescription":"Book flights to Manila today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-manila","shortName":"Manila","longName":"Manila","code":"PH-MNL","isoCode":"MNL","destinationType":"cities","parentType":"PH_NCR","areaCode":"PH_NCR","countryCode":"PH","regionCode":"ASIA","lastPublishedDate":"2024-08-13T07:54:01Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"Like all the best cities, Manila is a big, busy and bustling metropolis – that much is clear from the moment your flight lands.","contentDescription":"<p>The best way to tackle the Philippines’ capital is to immerse yourself in it. Malay, Chinese, Spanish, Arabic, American – all these influences and more are found in everything from Manila's food scene to its architecture.</p><p>As well as having some of the best restaurants and street food in Asia – beef ramen is almost an obsession – the city offers some great sightseeing opportunities. Combine these with visiting the world's oldest Chinatown, in the Binondo district – the food, specifically the Hong Kong fare sold by the hawkers, is unbelievable.</p><p>There are 16 districts in what's called Metro Manila. The City of Manila – the western part of Metro Manila – is in turn made up of eight districts. To see the best sights, spend most of your time in Intramuros. The name – intra and muros – means ‘within the walls’ in Spanish. The Spaniards left in Intramuros some beautiful colonial houses and Fort Santiago, now a museum.</p><p>Also worth a visit in this district are Manila Cathedral, Metropolitan Theatre and National Art Gallery. South of Intramuros is Ermita, which also has must-see sights – Rizal Park, the Manila Ocean Park, and Museum of the Filipino People – and is a good place for bistros, restaurants and nightlife venues.</p><p>Manila is built around its energetic nightlife, creative community, and one of Asia’s coolest indie music scenes. They all come together in the city's modern galleries and live music venues. But before you hit the town, take a jeepney – old US military jeeps used as public transport – to the Port Area to see the sunset at Manila Bay.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Manila","stationCode":"MNL"}]},{"preTitle":"Flights to Asia and the Pacific","title":"Flights to Seychelles","summary":"Flights to Seychelles transport you to the ultimate island escape. Troubles melt away in the sun's rays.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Seychelles","seoDescription":"Book flights to Seychelles today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-seychelles","shortName":"Seychelles","longName":"Seychelles","code":"SC","isoCode":"SC","destinationType":"countries","parentType":"ASIA","regionCode":"ASIA","lastPublishedDate":"2025-02-05T10:59:01Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"Flights to Seychelles transport you to the ultimate island escape. Troubles melt away in the sun's rays.","contentDescription":"<p>The Seychelles is a spellbinding archipelago in the Indian Ocean where lush green forests yield to glorious beaches and dazzling blue water.</p><p>Only a handful of the 115 islands that make up the Seychelles are inhabited, with most visitors frequenting the breathtaking trio of <a href=\"/english/destinations/flights-to-mahe/\" title=\"Flight to Mahe\" data-id=\"pagebody_link\" data-link=\"Flight to Mahe - Link Dynamic\">Mahé</a>, Praslin and La Digue.</p><p>On Mahé, you’ll find Victoria, the world’s smallest capital city that charms with its leisurely pace of life. Explore its colourful marketplace, where local spices and herbs are sold along with a tantalising variety of freshly caught fish, and see its iconic white clock tower, built over a century ago. Aside from world-class beaches, Mahé also features a glorious botanical garden where giant tortoises roam among tropical plant species and lazy palms.</p><p>Jaw-droppingly pretty beaches are in abundance in the Seychelles, and that’s also apparent on the idyllic island of Praslin. Here, Anse Lazio is renowned as one of the world's most beautiful beaches. Wander across brilliant white sand to find a picture-perfect spot in front of its takamaka trees and pink granite boulders.</p><p>Vallée de Mai is another revered location on Praslin. This quaint UNESCO World Heritage site is the Seychelles’ largest intact forest of the endemic coco de mer palm. Bird species exclusively found on the archipelago live here too – listen out for the enchanting song of the Seychelles warbler and keep your eyes peeled for the striking Seychelles black parrot.</p><p>La Digue, meanwhile, is the epitome of laid-back island life, with its rustic buildings, calm, shallow bays and the famous Anse Source D'Argent beach. Bikes outnumber cars here, so a pleasantly slow ride along the island’s spectacular coastal paths is a must.</p><p>The turquoise seas that surround the Seychelles are teeming with marine life and play host to an exhilarating selection of water activities. Paddle across the surface on a transparent kayak, or plunge down on a dive to see parrotfish, eagle rays and octopus among pristine coral reefs. Deep sea fishing is another thrilling experience – head out on a speedboat and bring back a mouth-watering seafood meal.</p><p>Unsurprisingly given its secluded location in the Indian Ocean, the Seychelles is famed for its incredible fish dishes. Pwason griye, a melt-in-the-mouth, Creole-style grilled fish served with chilli sauce, is one of the most popular. Delicious fresh mangoes, papayas and bananas are available at market stalls across the islands too and often feature in delightfully sweet desserts.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Seychelles","cities":[{"preTitle":"Flights to Seychelles","title":"Flights to Mahe (SEZ)","summary":"Mahé is a true slice of paradise. Visit to explore verdant mountains, bustling markets and – perhaps most famously – postcard-perfect natural beaches.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Mahe (SEZ)","seoDescription":"Book flights to Mahe today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-mahe","shortName":"Mahe","longName":"Mahe","code":"SC-SEZ","isoCode":"SEZ","destinationType":"cities","parentType":"SC","countryCode":"SC","regionCode":"ASIA","lastPublishedDate":"2025-01-31T06:32:07Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"Mahé is a true slice of paradise. Visit to explore verdant mountains, bustling markets and – perhaps most famously – postcard-perfect natural beaches.","contentDescription":"<p>Mahé is the largest island in the <a href=\"/english/destinations/flights-to-seychelles/\" title=\"Seychelles\" data-id=\"pagebody_link\" data-link=\"Seychelles | link dynamic\">Seychelles</a> archipelago, hosting an easy-going capital city and a magnificent selection of beaches.</p><p>Encircled by the turquoise waters of the Indian Ocean, Mahé is famed for its thriving sea life and natural beauty. Victoria, the world’s smallest capital city, is backdropped by rolling hills and an ideal starting point with its charming, laid-back atmosphere. Wander through Sir Selwyn Clarke Market, a vibrant collection of stalls where fresh produce is sold alongside local crafts. From Victoria, you can catch a ferry from Inter-Island Quay and travel to the archipelago’s other idyllic islands.</p><p>The tropical city’s streets are a mosaic of history and culture. Its striking white clock tower (known in Creole as Lorloz) and the Seychelles Natural History Museum offer a fascinating window into the past. A short journey from the city centre, the Seychelles National Botanical Gardens is a magical cluster of endemic trees and plants. Stroll through this tranquil haven to spot the rare coco de mer palm and discover a group of majestic giant tortoises.</p><p>On Mahé, a trip to the beach is almost compulsory given its exquisite shoreline. The palm-fringed Beau Vallon Beach is the most popular, and a lively hub that serves as a launchpad for an array of water sports. Head to the south-west end of the beach for the best snorkelling, and discover an extraordinary underwater world where puffer fish, manta rays and turtles glide above astonishing coral reefs. The island is also famed for its dramatic granite boulders, which add a striking contrast to the soft sands and turquoise waters. These natural sculptures are iconic features of Mahé's landscape and make for a memorable backdrop to the best sunsets on the island.</p><p>Mahé’s forest-shrouded interior is best explored with a drive along Sans Souci Road, a meandering route that traverses the centre of the island. Make several stops to take in panoramic views of both coastlines and trek along secluded mountain trails. Visit the Seychelles Tea Factory too for an engrossing insight into tea-making before sampling a cup on a terrace overlooking Port Glaud.</p><p>Aside from local tea, there are a host of tantalising delicacies to try when visiting Mahé. Indian influence is apparent across the island, and delectable seafood curries are commonplace. Coconut-based octopus curry is one particularly esteemed dish, while ladob is a tasty dessert of plantains and breadfruit made with local coconut milk.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Mahe","stationCode":"SEZ"}]},{"preTitle":"Flights to Asia and the Pacific ","title":"Flights to Singapore","summary":"Flights to Singapore are no longer just for refuelling on the way to another destination. This island packs a punch.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Singapore","seoDescription":"Book flights to Singapore today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-republic-of-singapore","shortName":"Singapore","longName":"Singapore","code":"SG","isoCode":"SG","destinationType":"countries","parentType":"ASIA","regionCode":"ASIA","lastPublishedDate":"2025-01-20T07:55:39Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"Flights to Singapore are no longer just for refuelling on the way to another destination. This island packs a punch.","contentDescription":"<p>The tropical island of Singapore is an ultra-modern and meticulously designed fusion of skyscrapers and lush gardens.</p><p>One of South-East Asia's many touristic hotspots, Singapore is renowned for its global financial sector and slick infrastructure. Singapore Gardens by the Bay epitomises the country’s finely balanced blend of futuristic developments, nature and culture. Wander this iconic urban park at night to see a spectacular light show, which illuminates a forest of man-made ‘Supertrees’ that are shrouded in natural plants. The park also houses one of the world’s largest indoor waterfalls, which can be seen from a network of aerial walkways in a colossal greenhouse brimming with exotic plant species.</p><p>Marina Bay Sands is an equally impressive development and a key feature of the Singapore skyline. Head to the SkyPark Observation Deck on top of this magnificent three-towered structure to take in the Gardens by the Bay from above. You’ll see the glittering lights of the city centre too, as well as the waterfront streets that host Formula One races. Take a trip over the bay to the famous Merlion Park, where you’ll see the mythical Merlion statue – Singapore's mascot.</p><p>The Singapore River also offers an alternative view of the city. Embark on a traditional Singaporean bumboat cruise from Clarke Quay, a glowing riverside hotspot of fantastic restaurants and boutique shops, and admire the cityscape from the tranquillity of the water.</p><p>Elsewhere, explore Chinatown, a colourful district where majestic temples punctuate the urban sprawl and trendy eateries spill onto the streets from beautiful traditional shophouses. Little India is a similarly vibrant enclave with fascinating museums, striking street art and lively marketplaces.</p><p>When it comes to world-class shopping and cuisine, there’s no better location in Singapore than the bustling boulevard of Orchard Road. This tree-lined street bursts with character and is dotted with luxury malls in stunningly designed buildings.</p><p>Away from the city bustle, Singapore also offers pockets of serene natural beauty. The Bukit Timah Nature Reserve is a thriving protected rainforest on the island’s highest natural point. Here you’ll spot rare animals and colossal tree species as you navigate the undergrowth on wooden walkways.</p><p>Singapore’s multicultural heritage means you’ll have an array of culinary delights to pick from. Enjoy the delightful sweet and salty combination of chilli crab at Marina Bay Sands, or tuck into Hainanese chicken rice at the famous hawker food market of Lau Pa Sat.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Singapore","cities":[{"preTitle":"Flights to Singapore","title":"Flights to Singapore (SIN)","summary":"Having reinvented itself as a buzzing metropolis, get ready for Singapore’s stunning architecture, natural beauty and countless culinary offerings.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Singapore (SIN)","seoDescription":"Book flights to Singapore today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-singapore","shortName":"Singapore","longName":"Singapore","code":"SG-SIN","isoCode":"SIN","destinationType":"cities","parentType":"SG","countryCode":"SG","regionCode":"ASIA","lastPublishedDate":"2024-08-13T05:32:12Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"Having reinvented itself as a buzzing metropolis, get ready for Singapore’s stunning architecture, natural beauty and countless culinary offerings.","contentDescription":"<p>It’s hard to believe now, but there was a time when flights to Singapore were nothing more than a stopover on the way to some other destination. Nothing could be further from the truth today, and this impressive city has reinvented itself as a buzzing metropolis and one of the most exciting destinations in Asia.</p><p>Singapore is home to awe-inspiring architectural feats such as the Marina Bay Sands Hotel, the city’s iconic centrepiece holding the highest infinity pool in the world. For all its modernity however, the city has retained plenty of natural beauty, from urban oases such as the Gardens by the Bay and the Singapore Botanic Gardens, to the wildlife at Singapore Zoo. Widely regarded as one of the best zoos in the world, the animals here thrive in naturalistic enclosures rather than cages. Plus, in the midst of it all you can still find reminders of the past, such as the teahouses and ancient temples.</p><p>Then again, for a lot of travellers, visiting Singapore isn't so much about what you get to see as what you get to eat. This foodie destination has one of the most diverse and fascinating culinary scenes in the world – Malay, Indian, Chinese, European and Middle Eastern delicacies will all vie for your attention. There are restaurants and cafes in Singapore to suit all budgets, whether you're celebrating a special occasion in Michelin-starred Jaan or slurping on a bowl of cheap laksa noodles from a stall at the Maxwell Road Hawker Centre.</p><p>Once you've filled up, there are enough late night lounges and nightlife venues to keep you entertained well into the early hours. And when you do want to relax and recuperate, Singapore's hotel offering is truly impressive. Many of its accommodation options are destinations in themselves, such as the historic Raffles Singapore, where Alfred Hitchcock and Ernest Hemingway once hung out (albeit not together). As well as the large luxury chains, there are also midrange boutique hotels and backpacker hostels to accommodate those on more modest budgets.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Singapore","stationCode":"SIN"}]},{"preTitle":"Flights to Asia and the Pacific","title":"Flights to Sri Lanka","summary":"Pack your camera for flights to Sri Lanka. The country has beaches, tea plantations, safaris and more.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Sri Lanka","seoDescription":"Book flights to Sri Lanka today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-sri-lanka","shortName":"Sri Lanka","longName":"Sri Lanka","code":"LK","isoCode":"LK","destinationType":"countries","parentType":"ASIA","regionCode":"ASIA","lastPublishedDate":"2023-02-23T16:29:23Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"Pack your camera for flights to Sri Lanka. The country has beaches, tea plantations, safaris and more.","contentDescription":"<p>Sri Lanka’s star is on the rise; tourists are flocking to the Jewel of the Indian Ocean, thanks to the staggering number of attractions packed into this tiny island.</p><p>Visitors generally fly into Colombo, a buzzy city where tuk-tuks compete with buses blasting Indian pop music on the streets, and where a new crop of design hotels, art galleries and chic clothing boutiques is emerging. The Old Colombo Dutch Hospital, renovated by the government, is a plaza ringed with chic new cafes and restaurants. Contrast this with the rickety commuter rail line that cruises down the coast, just feet from the sea, and you’ll see what makes Colombo so appealing.</p><p>Eating is one of the great pleasures of visiting Sri Lanka. The country’s food is a heady combination of delicate flavours that range from coconut to curry, with hearty helpings of rice. Even the most low-key restaurants make their elaborate sauces and sambals by hand, and the result is one of the most flavourful cuisines in the world.</p><p>Explore Sri Lanka’s coastline with visits to some of its best beaches, like those in Kalpitiya, which is slated for mega-development. Arugam Bay is tailor-made for surfers. And Unawatuna is touristy, but heaps of fun. You can also go whale-watching from nearby Mirissa.</p><p>Beautiful Galle, with a massive fort that’s home to small streets, restaurants and cafes with considerable charm, is paradise for anyone interested in colonial architecture. Some of the country’s best hotels are here, housed in old merchants’ homes. But if you’re looking to escape the heat, head into the hill country, where tea plantations cover rolling hills and beautiful views are everywhere you look.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Sri Lanka","cities":[{"preTitle":"Flights to Sri Lanka ","title":"Flights to Colombo (CMB)","summary":"There’s a lot to love about Sri Lanka’s capital city, Colombo.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Colombo (CMB)","seoDescription":"Book flights to Colombo today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-colombo","shortName":"Colombo","longName":"Colombo","code":"LK-CMB","isoCode":"CMB","destinationType":"cities","parentType":"LK_WP","areaCode":"LK_WP","countryCode":"LK","regionCode":"ASIA","lastPublishedDate":"2024-08-19T07:24:17Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"There’s a lot to love about Sri Lanka’s capital city, Colombo.","contentDescription":"<p>Since 2009, Colombo has been enjoying a renaissance and tourism is consequently booming. Flights to Colombo will deliver you to smart new hotels, rooftop nightlife venues, fine dining restaurants, coffee shops and art galleries – all of which are rapidly reviving the fortunes of this increasingly cosmopolitan city.</p><p>Visually, this ancient port is imbued with contrasts. Between 1505 and 1948, Sri Lanka was subject to colonial rule and the architectural styles of the Portuguese, the Dutch and the British are still very much in evidence. Striking landmarks include the Old Dutch Hospital, now a smart restaurant and shopping precinct, as well as the lovingly-restored National Museum and the Galle Face Hotel.</p><p>The up-and-coming Fort area is home to numerous colonial buildings in various states of repair, while the neighbourhood of Pettah boasts a multi-ethnic wholesale market.</p><p>The city has no obvious centre; sights, restaurants and shops are scattered over a large area. The affluent Cinnamon Gardens district, bordered by the city’s biggest green space, the Viharamahadevi Park, has chic coffee shops, boutique hotels and spas. Business-oriented Kollupitiya, a 15-minute walk from the World Trade Centre towers, is dotted with high-end hotel chains. Mount Lavinia, Colombo’s southernmost suburb, is where you’ll find the city’s main beach.</p><p>While Colombo doesn’t lack for smart places to stay, you can save a few rupees by opting for one of a growing number of budget and mid-range hotels and sticking to the local food joints, which dish up authentic Sri Lankan cuisine.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Colombo","stationCode":"CMB"}]},{"preTitle":"Flights to Asia and the Pacific","title":"Flights to Taiwan, China","summary":"When you book flights to China you can expect mind-blowing food and a compelling mix of the ancient and modern.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Taiwan, China","seoDescription":"Book flights to Taiwan, China today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-taiwan","shortName":"Taiwan, China","longName":"Taiwan, China","code":"TW","isoCode":"TW","destinationType":"countries","parentType":"ASIA","regionCode":"ASIA","lastPublishedDate":"2023-02-23T16:41:56Z","overRulingCountry":"CN","overRulingCountryShortName":"China","overRulingCountryUrl":"flights-to-china","contentText":"When you book flights to China you can expect mind-blowing food and a compelling mix of the ancient and modern.","contentDescription":"<p>When you visit Taiwan, remember to bring plenty of energy for all the outdoor activities and a big appetite for the island’s incredible food.</p><p>The mix of cultures in Taipei, including Chinese, Japanese and a healthy dose of Western influence, makes for a fascinating city. Taipei’s up-and-coming neighbourhood is centred on Dihua Street, which has an array of architectural styles ranging from 19th century merchant houses to Japanese modernism. It’s home to some of the city’s funkiest cafes and restaurants, as well as old-fashioned shops selling fabric, herbs and spices. The public transport system (MRT) is efficient for getting around Taipei as well as heading outside the city for day trips.</p><p>Outdoors enthusiasts, particularly hikers, can find plenty of things to do in Taiwan. The Zhuilu Old Trail crosses Zhuilu Cliff (1,100 metres high) and at points cuts right into the face of the cliff with spectacular views over the Liwu River. There’s also the climb to the top of Mount Qixing (1,120 metres) and Qixing Park, which has wonderful views of the island. Stop on the way down to recover with a dip in the hot springs of Lengshuikeng. And hiking the Sandiaoling Waterfall Trail, with its beautiful series of waterfalls, is another refreshing way to spend a day.</p><p>Renting a motorbike to travel around the island is one of the best ways to take in Taiwan’s verdant forests and views of the Pacific, and plenty of people do it by bicycle as well. If you’ve got time, you can head to the smaller surrounding islands, and spend a couple of days relaxing on golden beaches. Green Island and Penghu (the latter is particularly good for windsurfing) are two of the best.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Taiwan, China","cities":[{"preTitle":"Flights to Taiwan, China","title":"Flights to Taipei (TPE)","summary":"Flights to Taipei let you experience buzzing nightlife, exquisite restaurants and compulsive shopping in one of Asia’s most easy-going cities.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Taipei","seoDescription":"Book flights to Taipei today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-taipei","shortName":"Taipei","longName":"Taipei","code":"TW-TPE","isoCode":"TPE","destinationType":"cities","parentType":"TW","countryCode":"TW","regionCode":"ASIA","lastPublishedDate":"2024-08-13T11:01:13Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"Flights to Taipei let you experience buzzing nightlife, exquisite restaurants and compulsive shopping in one of Asia’s most easy-going cities.","contentDescription":"<p>Taipei, which is concentrated in the north of Taiwan, is made up of 12 districts, each with its own identity. Wanhua is one of the oldest, but also one of the trendiest. Neihu is where you'll find old and new Taipei, with temples and shopping malls standing side by side. Shilin is home to the National Palace Museum, which has nearly 700,000 pieces of imperial artefacts.</p><p>Taipei is one of those cities that never seem to sleep. Night markets fill the streets with the sights and smells of dumplings, beef noodle soup and shaved ice desserts.</p><p>Not only can you find a convenience store open at any hour and on every street corner (Taipei has one of the highest per capita concentrations of convenience stores on earth), but also 24-hour karaoke bars – and even a 24-hour bookstore. It’s also known for having some of Asia's best coffee shops and a thriving music scene. But Taipei doesn't take itself too seriously – for proof, visit one of its themed restaurants (Barbie-themed, prison-themed and even toilet-themed are all on offer).</p><p>Sitting in a basin between the Yangming Mountains and the Central Mountains, Taipei is also blessed with gorgeous scenery. Head to the Beitou district for its hot springs and the stunning Yangmingshan National Park, or to Elephant Mountain hiking trail in Nangang and its rolling forest hills overlooking the city.</p><p>You can see the city in all its glory from the top of Taipei 101 – a 101-storey skyscraper. And once you realise it’s all connected by an efficient public transport system, it comes as no surprise that Taiwan's capital is one of the world's most popular cities for visitors.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Taipei","stationCode":"TPE"}]},{"preTitle":"Flights to Asia and the Pacific","title":"Flights to Thailand","summary":"Flights to Thailand, the gateway to South East Asia, will make a serious dent in your travel bucket list.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Thailand","seoDescription":"Book flights to Thailand today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-thailand","shortName":"Thailand","longName":"Thailand","code":"TH","isoCode":"TH","destinationType":"countries","parentType":"ASIA","regionCode":"ASIA","lastPublishedDate":"2023-02-23T16:42:08Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"Flights to Thailand, the gateway to South East Asia, will make a serious dent in your travel bucket list.","contentDescription":"<p>When it comes to destinations in South East Asia, you could say that Thailand is the gateway to them all. And because it’s such a big part of the backpacker trail, flights to Thailand are frequent, and it's one of the easiest destinations to navigate, with well-established tours, resorts and roads.</p><p>A good place to start is Bangkok, the pulsing, neon heart of the country, and one of the most visited capital cities in the world. The noise, energy and crowds can be overwhelming at first, but just go with it; this is where you’ll find some of the best hotels, hostels, bars, restaurants and street food in Thailand.</p><p>If Bangkok is Thailand’s heart, then Koh San Road is its main artery and visiting is a rite of passage. This backpacker magnet is a good place to book Thailand tours, buy second-hand books or simply stop for a breather over a chilled drink or two.</p><p>For those who would like to venture further afield, each of Thailand’s islands offers something different: Koh Phangan attracts the clubbers to its legendary Full Moon Party, while the luxury hotels in Koh Samui make it a good choice for couples. Snorkelling and diving enthusiasts love laid back Koh Tao, where the ocean is full of life. Then there’s calm Koh Lanta, a true hidden gem that's often overlooked by the tourist crowds.</p><p>If you're curious about culture, one of the best places to head to is Chiang Mai, one of the oldest cities in the country. Here you can go trekking in the jungle, see Buddhist monks in ancient temples and visit an elephant sanctuary.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Thailand","cities":[{"preTitle":"Flights to Thailand","title":"Flights to Bangkok (BKK)","summary":"Travellers on flights to Bangkok can expect a city of contrasts; where skyscrapers and five-star hotels tower over ancient temples.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Bangkok (BKK)","seoDescription":"Book flights to Bangkok today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-bangkok","shortName":"Bangkok","longName":"Bangkok","code":"TH-BKK","isoCode":"BKK","destinationType":"cities","parentType":"TH_Bangkok","areaCode":"TH_Bangkok","countryCode":"TH","regionCode":"ASIA","lastPublishedDate":"2024-08-13T06:00:38Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"Travellers on flights to Bangkok can expect a city of contrasts; where skyscrapers and five-star hotels tower over ancient temples.","contentDescription":"<p>There are lots of reasons why Bangkok is one of the most visited cities in the world, and they all guarantee an unforgettable trip. Thailand’s capital city has been welcoming people to its shores for decades – from backpackers to luxury travellers – drawn by the amazing Thai cuisine, fascinating culture and famous party scene.</p><p>Flights to Bangkok land in Suvarnabhumi Airport (also known as Bangkok International Airport). If you’re visiting for the first time, you should know that Bangkok is a city of extremes, in the best possible way.</p><p>When it comes to a place to stay, be sure to choose a location that suits your style of lodging. Certain areas are livelier than others, so if tranquillity is your thing, try one of the beautiful villas on the outskirts of the city. Thai hospitality is renowned across the world – indeed, hospitality brands out of Thailand have blossomed on the international lodging scene. So to get an incredible hotel boasting first-rate service is not difficult.</p><p>Once you’ve settled in, the fun begins. You can spend your morning visiting the Grand Palace and Wat Pho, the temple of the reclining Buddha, and by the evening be living it up on the Khao San Road. This busy street, made famous in Alex Garland’s novel The Beach, is a magnet for backpackers – so its bookshops, boutiques and restaurants cater to those on shoestring budgets.</p><p>Some of the best things to do in Bangkok are often based on joining in with the locals. Whether it’s cheering on a Muay Thai boxer, shopping in one of the numerous markets or hanging out in the lively entertainment districts, the best thing you can do is to get involved and experience it.</p><p>And all of that’s without touching the surface of one of the biggest Thailand attractions of all: the Bangkok dining scene. There are loads of options, whether you prefer fine dining restaurants or would rather grab a snack from a street food hawker. Get started on Sukhumvit Soi 38, a street near Thong Lo Station that’s famous for its food stalls.</p><p>You could always pick up some fresh produce at the famous Bangkok traditional floating markets. There are lots of other great shopping options too, including Central Embassy and Silom Complex (which is located on the buzzing Silom Road, a popular spot for a night out).</p><p>As the sun goes down, the city seems to put on its own neon light show, and takes on an amazing energy as locals and visitors hustle and bustle to get to their favourite restaurants and nightlife venues. It’s clear that Bangkok is bursting with lots to see and do, at all hours of the day and night.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Bangkok","stationCode":"BKK"},{"preTitle":"Flights to Thailand","title":"Flights to Phuket (HKT)","summary":"Make sure you don’t underestimate Phuket – from a vibrant party scene to unbelievable natural phenomena, this small island has it all.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Phuket (HKT)","seoDescription":"Book flights to Phuket today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-phuket","shortName":"Phuket","longName":"Phuket","code":"TH-HKT","isoCode":"HKT","destinationType":"cities","parentType":"TH-83","areaCode":"TH-83","countryCode":"TH","regionCode":"ASIA","lastPublishedDate":"2024-08-13T08:05:25Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"Make sure you don’t underestimate Phuket – from a vibrant party scene to unbelievable natural phenomena, this small island has it all.","contentDescription":"<p>Phuket was one of Thailand’s first resort destinations, meaning there’s plenty to see and do – especially if you are willing to venture past the main strips.</p><p>The island has its own unique cultural attractions and character that ensures visitors keep returning year after year. The food, for example, provides a little extra kick in your cuisine as dishes here are often more spicy than in the rest of Thailand. (But don’t despair if heat isn’t your thing as Phuket is built on catering to tourists from all over the globe and you will find somewhere to suit all tastes.)</p><p>When it comes to natural beauty, Phuket also delivers. You can see the incredible limestone karsts in the south – awe-inspiring rock formations that tower out of the water – or, if you’re feeling bold, you can venture into the jungle in the north for beautiful scenery and wonderful wildlife.</p><p>It makes a great base for a spot of island hopping too. Some authentic and traditional Thai experiences can be found in one of the nearby islands like Ko Yao Noi, from which you can explore the wonderful bay of Ao Phang Nga. And afterwards, you can return to your welcoming accommodation.</p><p>Whether it’s incredibly cheap huts, basic apartments or large mid-range hotels, the island’s hotel offering has something for everyone. The villa-based lodging options offer the wow factor, with many lining the shore or offering private pools. These properties often provide a sanctuary away from the bustle of the party towns such as Patong or Kata.</p><p>Having said this there are great options in the central towns, where clean, spacious and functional lodging can be found, providing an ideal base for exploration of Phuket. But what is virtually guaranteed across all property types and budgets is the traditional and world-renowned Thai hospitality – the warm welcome never comes at an extra cost.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Phuket","stationCode":"HKT"}]},{"preTitle":"Flights to Asia and the Pacific","title":"Flights to Vietnam","summary":"Flights to Vietnam present you with the opportunity to explore a destination so unique and picturesque, you’ll be swept away.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Vietnam","seoDescription":"Book flights to Vietnam today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-vietnam","shortName":"Vietnam","longName":"Vietnam","code":"VN","isoCode":"VN","destinationType":"countries","parentType":"ASIA","regionCode":"ASIA","lastPublishedDate":"2023-02-23T16:42:37Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"Flights to Vietnam present you with the opportunity to explore a destination so unique and picturesque, you’ll be swept away.","contentDescription":"<p>The strength of character in the Vietnamese people can be seen in the way the country has rebuilt itself and has transformed into one of Southeast Asia’s most popular tourist hotspots. Flanked by Cambodia and Laos, and with Thailand within easy reach, Vietnam is now one of the highlights of the backpacker trail.</p><p>A good place to start is the bustling Ho Chi Minh City (formerly Saigon) in the south. With a population of more than seven million people (and seemingly twice as many motorbikes), the frenetic pace of life is exhilarating, especially to first-time visitors. Plus, this is where you’ll find some of the most luxurious hotels, fanciest restaurants and tastiest street food in the country. Ho Chi Minh is also one of the best places to learn more about Vietnam’s history, with cultural attractions such as the Reunification Palace and the War Remnants Museum being located here.</p><p>Hanoi in the north is the (slightly) quieter city, and the capital of Vietnam. It’s a fascinating mix of influences from China and France, which you’ll see evidence of in everything from the architecture to the restaurants. There are plenty of sights to see, including the famous 11th century Temple of Literature and the labyrinthine streets of the Old Quarter.</p><p>But perhaps the biggest reason to head to northern Vietnam is Halong Bay. This Unesco World Heritage Site is astoundingly beautiful – a collection of more than 3,000 limestone karsts jutting out of a serene lagoon, interspersed with islands where you’ll find some of the prettiest and most peaceful beaches in the country. There are plenty of tours to choose from, but the best ones are those that allow for an overnight stay on a boat out on the water – an unforgettable experience.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Vietnam","cities":[{"preTitle":"Flights to Vietnam","title":"Flights to Hanoi (HAN)","summary":"Hanoi, the bustling capital of Vietnam, is a draw for more reasons than can fit in this small space.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Hanoi (HAN)","seoDescription":"Book flights to Hanoi today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-hanoi","shortName":"Hanoi","longName":"Hanoi","code":"VN-HAN","isoCode":"HAN","destinationType":"cities","parentType":"VN_Hanoi","areaCode":"VN_Hanoi","countryCode":"VN","regionCode":"ASIA","lastPublishedDate":"2024-08-13T05:15:16Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"Hanoi, the bustling capital of Vietnam, is a draw for more reasons than can fit in this small space.","contentDescription":"<p>Hanoi’s history is evident in its diverse aesthetic charm – with old streets named after craftsmen, architecturally thrilling government buildings, and tree-lined boulevards that are a legacy of the French. Cafes abound, selling spine-tinglingly strong Vietnamese iced coffees and teas. And the food – from street stalls dishing out pungent bowls of noodle soup to high-end restaurants serving exquisitely plated spring rolls – is some of the best in all of Asia.</p><p>Start a trip to Hanoi with one of its most beautiful sights, the Temple of Literature. Dedicated to Confucius, this place of study and contemplation dates back a millennium, and a stroll around the pavilions and gardens is a reminder of how highly education is valued in Vietnam.</p><p>If you’re an early riser, head to Hoan Kiem Lake just after sunrise, where you’ll find locals practicing tai chi. If you prefer to sleep in, stroll around the lake later in the day (it’s a popular spot for walks), and try to spot one of the legendary turtles said to live in its waters.</p><p>The Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum is more fascinating than morbid: the body of Vietnam’s most famous leader lies in a tomb through which visitors can pass, ushered along by the guards. Follow a visit here with a walk around the thriving Old Quarter of the city, where each small street is named after a different kind of craft. The buildings are antiquated and low to the ground, and you’ll find everything from flags to hand-turned wooden objects to traditional medicine for sale.</p><p>As Vietnam continues to blaze its way into the 21st century, Hanoi is becoming more cosmopolitan by the day, with more and more international restaurants and hotels arriving in the city. It can only be a good thing for travellers to Hanoi, who can stay anywhere from wallet-friendly hostels to the popular Sofitel. Food-wise, there’s something (delicious) to eat to suit every budget.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Hanoi","stationCode":"HAN"},{"preTitle":"Flights to Vietnam","title":"Flights to Ho Chi Minh City (SGN)","summary":"Sample street food, explore fascinating history and become swept away with the crowds, noise and life of Ho Chi Minh City.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Ho Chi Minh City (SGN)","seoDescription":"Book flights to Ho Chi Minh City today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-ho-chi-minh-city","shortName":"Ho Chi Minh City","longName":"Ho Chi Minh City","code":"VN-SGN","isoCode":"SGN","destinationType":"cities","parentType":"VN_Ho Chi Minh City","areaCode":"VN_Ho Chi Minh City","countryCode":"VN","regionCode":"ASIA","lastPublishedDate":"2024-08-13T08:47:43Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"Sample street food, explore fascinating history and become swept away with the crowds, noise and life of Ho Chi Minh City.","contentDescription":"<p>Ho Chi Minh City, better known as Saigon and still referred to that way by locals, makes quite the first impression. As soon as flights to Ho Chi Minh City touch down, the energy of the place engulfs you – the heat, the roar of motorbikes, the mind-boggling traffic and crowds. The memories that remain after a visit, however, are of friendly locals, delicious food and a thrilling buzz.</p><p>The street food in Vietnam is some of the best in the world, thanks in part to the use of fresh noodles, vegetables and meat. Plan to try everything you see, from freshly squeezed passion fruit juice to steaming bowls of pho that are the nation’s breakfast. Add in a Vietnamese iced coffee (a strong, sweet drink made with condensed milk) to energise you for sightseeing, and make sure to grab a bag of chopped pineapple from a passing vendor.</p><p>One of the best things to do in Saigon is indulge in luxuries that may be more expensive than back home. The city’s best hotels have chic rooftop pools that can be used for a small fee, and these are a delightful way to spend a sweltering afternoon after a morning of exploring temples or shopping for tailor-made clothes.</p><p>In Saigon, the locals are warm and welcoming. Sitting among them on a plastic chair on a crowded sidewalk, eating a bowl of noodle soup and watching the stream of motorbikes piled high with everything from stacks of furniture to entire families, is the quintessential Saigon experience. Embrace it.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Ho Chi Minh City","stationCode":"SGN"}]}]},{"preTitle":"Where we fly","title":"Flights to Europe","summary":"We offer flights to Europe's most exciting cities, connecting you to your ideal destination for work or leisure.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Europe","seoDescription":"Plan and book flights to Europe with Emirates. Experience the award winning service as you discover exciting destinations including London, Paris and Rome."},"url":"flights-to-europe","shortName":"Europe","longName":"Europe","code":"EURO","isoCode":"EU","destinationType":"regions","parentType":"","lastPublishedDate":"2023-02-28T11:09:06Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","countries":[{"preTitle":"Flights to Europe","title":"Flights to Austria","summary":"Flights to Austria will leave you seriously impressed by the country’s vast history, alpine slopes and regal poise.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Austria","seoDescription":"Book flights to Austria today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-austria","shortName":"Austria","longName":"Austria","code":"AT","isoCode":"AT","destinationType":"countries","parentType":"EURO","regionCode":"EURO","lastPublishedDate":"2023-02-23T16:02:54Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"Flights to Austria will leave you seriously impressed by the country’s vast history, alpine slopes and regal poise.","contentDescription":"<p>Tucked into the Central European Alps, landlocked by the Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Liechtenstein, Slovakia, Slovenia, and Switzerland, Austria is influenced by many of the surrounding cultures but exists in its own little world.</p><p>Despite its high altitude, Austria’s climate is temperate with summer days frequently reaching into the low 30°Cs. It’s a wealthy country; its gross domestic product ranked 12th in the world, and has a cultural sophistication that stems from its long history and the money in the country coffers as well as with the private citizens.</p><p>Start your trip to Austria in Vienna. The country's largest city has just under 1.8 million residents, the majority of whom speak German (although many people know a second language and third as well). Touring Vienna is as simple as walking out your hotel door and starting on a journey through history. The Schönbrunn Palace is a popular destination, as is the Naschmarkt flea market, and the museum trifecta of the Leopold Museum, the Kunsthalle Wien, and mumok. You can make your base in one of the many five-star hotels, including Hotel Sacher Wien and Hotel Imperial Vienna.</p><p>Once you're done with Vienna – if that's even possible – head to Admont to see the beautiful Benedictine Abbey or travel to Wattens to view the splendour at the Swarovski Kristallwelten, where some of the world's most beautiful crystals are created. And you can't book flights to Austria without going skiing. Cities don't get more perfect than Innsbruck, tucked between two mountain ranges with a wealth of ways to hit the slopes. Salzburg is another skiing option, where you can stay at the divine Hotel Schloss Monchstein.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Austria","cities":[{"preTitle":"Flights to Austria","title":"Flights to Vienna (VIE)","summary":"In Vienna, a rich history and exciting future combine to make one fascinating destination.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Vienna (VIE)","seoDescription":"Book flights to Vienna today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-vienna","shortName":"Vienna","longName":"Vienna","code":"AT-VIE","isoCode":"VIE","destinationType":"cities","parentType":"AT-Vienna","areaCode":"AT-Vienna","countryCode":"AT","regionCode":"EURO","lastPublishedDate":"2024-08-13T11:01:16Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"In Vienna, a rich history and exciting future combine to make one fascinating destination.","contentDescription":"<p>Historically, Vienna has played many parts. It was once the seat of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. The city was home to Freud, Trotsky, Tito, Hitler and Stalin (who all lived in the city at the same time, unaware of one another’s existence and the part they would each play in shaping the century). Later, during the Cold War, it was a playground for spies from both sides of the Iron Curtain. Now, it is home to the largest number of ambassadors, diplomats and political envoys in the world. You can join them with flights to Vienna.</p><p>The city exudes a unique Old World imperial charm – its gilt-edged palaces and opera houses epitomising Europe’s pre-World War One excesses. Now they simply lend the city a fairy-tale feel – especially at Christmas when the festive lights are on and the markets are in full swing.</p><p>This isn’t to say, however, that visiting Vienna is restricted to winter. It is beautiful in summertime – a season that brings with it plenty of al fresco dining, drinking and festivities. Between May and June, there are plenty of outdoor festivals, which culminate in the annual three-day Donauinselfest – Europe's largest free open-air party.</p><p>Vienna’s charm isn’t just limited to its rich history. Today, the Austrian capital is a vibrant, cosmopolitan hub. It is a city of sparkling high-end boutiques, Michelin star restaurants and culture. It is also a hotbed of cutting-edge contemporary art, pop-up restaurants, electronic music and bustling backstreet lounges. All in all, it is a city of wonderful contrasts and contradictions, and a fascinating place to visit.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Vienna","stationCode":"VIE"}]},{"preTitle":"Flights to Europe","title":"Flights to Belgium","summary":"Flights to Belgium set you up for the quintessential European experience. It’s home to one of the most beautiful capitals.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Belgium","seoDescription":"Book flights to Belgium today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-belgium","shortName":"Belgium","longName":"Belgium","code":"BE","isoCode":"BE","destinationType":"countries","parentType":"EURO","regionCode":"EURO","lastPublishedDate":"2023-02-23T16:02:56Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"Flights to Belgium set you up for the quintessential European experience. It’s home to one of the most beautiful capitals.","contentDescription":"<p>Belgium is a delight to visit: it’s small, easy to navigate, packed with incredible restaurants, bursting with beautiful architecture, and even has beaches, forests and caves to explore. And while a plethora of languages are spoken here (Dutch, French and German in addition to the languages spoken by all the European Union staff headquartered here), you’ll get along just fine with English.</p><p>When you book your flights to Belgium you can begin in Brussels, one of the most beautiful European capital cities. Brussels has a sense of whimsy – for every magnificent 17th century building there’s a cheeky, colourful mural featuring Tintin. The gorgeous squares, like the Grand Place, are striking and memorable, but a sight that’s just as popular is the statue of a small boy relieving himself (the Manneken Pis). While Brussels is overflowing with world-class museums, particularly art museums, remember to allot time just to sit. Belgians are world-class relaxers, and lounging at cafes is a huge part of the social scene. Plus, this is when you’ll strike up the best conversations with the locals.</p><p>Visitors to Belgium often forgo a trip to Wallonia, the southern part of the country. But those who make the effort are richly rewarded. Visiting small villages with antiquated inns, cycling past castles and valleys, climbing down into the occasional cave – Wallonia’s an area that’s full of charm and fun. Bruges and Antwerp are not to be neglected either. The first is a gloriously photo-worthy medieval town, the second a fashion-forward nightlife hub that’s the apex of European cool.</p><p>Eating and drinking are two of Belgium’s great pleasures, and your itinerary should reflect this. From hand-made chocolates to beverages made by monks, from pots of mussels to paper cones of frites (fries), the country is a delight for food-lovers. Be prepared, on a trip to Belgium, to bring your appetite.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Belgium","cities":[{"preTitle":"Flights to Belgium","title":"Flights to Brussels (BRU)","summary":"You won’t find yourself short of things to do in Brussels, a city filled with distinguished architecture, legendary art museums and gorgeous eateries.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Brussels (BRU)","seoDescription":"Book flights to Brussels today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-brussels","shortName":"Brussels","longName":"Brussels","code":"BE-BRU","isoCode":"BRU","destinationType":"cities","parentType":"BE_Brussels","areaCode":"BE_Brussels","countryCode":"BE","regionCode":"EURO","lastPublishedDate":"2024-08-13T08:47:46Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"You won’t find yourself short of things to do in Brussels, a city filled with distinguished architecture, legendary art museums and gorgeous eateries.","contentDescription":"<p>Brussels has undergone a true transformation in the years since 1992, when it became the capital of the European Union (EU). During these changes, old buildings were replaced by more modern architecture and the EU brought money to the city. Flights to Brussels became more and more popular, and today the city is a top tourist destination.</p><p>The heart of Brussels life – its cafe and bar culture – is still very much alive, and it’s one of the best things about the city. And while Brussels is home to world-class art galleries and museums, some of the best art can be spotted on the walls and buildings that you pass on your way – the Tintin murals in particular are a Brussels specialty.</p><p>Dining in Brussels is a delight too. Belgian food relies heavily on rich ingredients like cream and pate, which makes it a gastronomic paradise and a place to indulge (and not count calories). Belgian cooking is some of the best in the world, and in fact Brussels has more Michelin stars (per head) than Paris.</p><p>Whilst the best restaurants in Brussels are mostly Belgian, there are some good alternatives around the Grand Place, which is home to a number of small Middle Eastern, Turkish and Greek places where you can fill up for a few euros. Yet simply picking up a paper wrap of frites (French fries), liberally drizzled with mayonnaise, to munch on while you explore the sights is a simple pleasure that should be repeated daily while you’re visiting.</p><p>There's a wide range of hotels in Brussels, from the cheap and cheerful to the ultra-luxurious. A number of boutique and design hotels are available too, so there's something to suit all tastes and budgets.</p><p>More and more accommodation options are opening all the time, reflecting the growing popularity of a city that draws you in with its abundant nightlife, world-class cuisine and relaxed cafe culture. Try to spend at least a few days here – you’ll be surprised at how much there is to enjoy.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Brussels","stationCode":"BRU"}]},{"preTitle":"Flights to Europe","title":"Flights to Cyprus","summary":"Book flights to Cyprus and pack for sun, sea and sand - but remember to plan a few days for adventure.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Cyprus","seoDescription":"Book flights to Cyprus today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-cyprus","shortName":"Cyprus","longName":"Cyprus","code":"CY","isoCode":"CY","destinationType":"countries","parentType":"EURO","regionCode":"EURO","lastPublishedDate":"2023-02-23T16:03:05Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"Book flights to Cyprus and pack for sun, sea and sand - but remember to plan a few days for adventure.","contentDescription":"<p>Cyprus has a reputation as a sunny beach resort and it's well deserved, thanks to an abundance of coastal areas such as Larnaka that make lounging as effortless as it should be. Then there are the party centres such as Ayia Napa that continue to attract party goers as well as youngsters on their first holiday abroad. But there is far more than just sun, sea and sand waiting for you when you book flights to Cyprus.</p><p>As the crossing of the border between Turkish and Greek Cyprus becomes increasingly easy, there has never been a better time to visit the beautiful island. Few countries give the option to visit two capital cities just by walking down a street as Cyprus does in the form of Nicosia.</p><p>History and culture buffs are spoiled for choice when it comes to sites and museums to explore. Byzantine churches, Phoenician tombs and Roman mosaics are dotted throughout the country. Check out Pafos, home to some of the most incredible historical attractions, including the iconic Tombs of the Kings. Alternatively, the Ktima district boasts great boutique hotels and a real sense of history, a million miles away from a run of the mill resort.</p><p>The best things to do in Cyprus almost always involve being active outdoors. Whether skiing in the mountains, taking a cycle tour through the pine forests, or getting involved in the many water sports available across the coast, the true beauty of Cyprus is revealed through its nature.</p><p>For many though, the highlight of a trip to Cyprus is indulging in its cuisine, which benefits from Greek, Turkish and Middle Eastern influences. Kebabs are a must-try, as is the Cypriot speciality of halloumi cheese. Cyprus continues to offer something for all appetites, and the experiences keep getting better.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Cyprus","cities":[{"preTitle":"Flights to Cyprus","title":"Flights to Larnaca (LCA)","summary":"Best known for its sunshine and sandy beaches, Larnaca also houses some fascinating historical attractions for those willing to explore.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Larnaca (LCA)","seoDescription":"Book flights to Larnaca today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-larnaca","shortName":"Larnaca","longName":"Larnaca","code":"CY-LCA","isoCode":"LCA","destinationType":"cities","parentType":"CY_Larnaca","areaCode":"CY_Larnaca","countryCode":"CY","regionCode":"EURO","lastPublishedDate":"2024-08-19T06:15:55Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"Best known for its sunshine and sandy beaches, Larnaca also houses some fascinating historical attractions for those willing to explore.","contentDescription":"<p>The locals sometimes refer to Larnaca as Skala, which means ‘landing stage’. And there was a time when it functioned largely as that for goods and people, a set-off point for wider tours of the region. But today flights to Larnaca aren’t just phase one of the journey – the city is a travel destination in its own right.</p><p>Even though it’s best known for sunshine and sandy beaches, this Cypriot port city is more than a winter holiday spot. There are some fascinating historical attractions here, such as the stunning Byzantine Agios Lazaros (Church of Saint Lazarus), a gorgeous 10th century stone church. Located next door is the Agios Lazaros Byzantine Museum. Other cultural attractions in Larnaca include a Neolithic settlement, as well as the remains of the ancient city of Kition, which dates back to 1,200 BC. Kition was the precursor to modern-day Larnaca before being taken over by the Phoenicians, and you could easily spend an afternoon exploring its atmospheric ruins.</p><p>When you’re not sightseeing in Larnaca, pack a picnic and head for the countryside. There are walking trails dotted with lemon trees, windmills and wild flowers, all bathed in sunshine. As the evening draws in, find a tavern packed with locals in a side street, or a seafront restaurant where you can soak up the views of the Mediterranean.</p><p>Further inland, in the older districts of Larnaca, the seaside resorts give way to traditional whitewashed Cypriot buildings. It’s in these neighbourhoods that you get a feel for the local communities, and find some of the best Cypriot restaurants.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Larnaca","stationCode":"LCA"}]},{"preTitle":"Flights to Europe","title":"Flights to Czech Republic","summary":"Flights to the Czech Republic soar over a patchwork of castles and grand estates, and you’ll find endless diversions upon landing.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Czech Republic","seoDescription":"Book flights to Czech Republic today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-czech-republic","shortName":"Czech Republic","longName":"Czech Republic","code":"CZ","isoCode":"CZ","destinationType":"countries","parentType":"EURO","regionCode":"EURO","lastPublishedDate":"2023-02-23T16:03:07Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"Flights to the Czech Republic soar over a patchwork of castles and grand estates, and you’ll find endless diversions upon landing.","contentDescription":"<p>The Czech Republic was only formed in 1993. Yet not only is it home to one of the most beautiful cities in the world – Prague – it also embodies the historical lands of Bohemia and Moravia, and Czech Silesia.</p><p>This is a country of castles and grand mansions, once home to the richest and most influential of Europe’s elite. Among the most impressive of these is Karlštejn Castle, which looks like something out of a fairy tale. The best way to explore it is to take the official tour; uncovering the incredible history of this special building is fascinating.</p><p>Aside from the history, there are lots of modern cultural attractions too, from museums and galleries to restaurants and brewery tours. And if you’re more into grapes than grains, the beautiful Mikulov region has a great magnitude of top grape producers as well as the staple picturesque towns and villages.</p><p>Getting around by bike is a great way to explore the Czech Republic’s larger cities such as Prague, and as you traverse the cobbled streets, there are opportunities to jump off and revive in one of the many charming cafes.</p><p>As tempting as it is to stick to the delights of Prague, where your flight to the Czech Republic will land, you’ll be rewarded for branching out to explore the more rural side of the country. As you encounter beautiful towns such as Český Krumlov, you might get the urge to park up and go canoeing in the river or hike up into the inviting rolling hills.</p><p>But the best thing to do in the Czech Republic, whether living it up in the city or relaxing in the countryside, is to take it all in at your own pace.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Czech Republic","cities":[{"preTitle":"Flights to Czech Republic ","title":"Flights to Prague (PRG)","summary":"Prague’s exquisite beauty can be seen without entering a single attraction – it’s the gorgeous architecture and breath-taking views that enchant visitors.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Prague (PRG)","seoDescription":"Book flights to Prague today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-prague","shortName":"Prague","longName":"Prague","code":"CZ-PRG","isoCode":"PRG","destinationType":"cities","parentType":"CZ_Hlavnà mÄ›sto Praha","areaCode":"CZ_Hlavnà mÄ›sto Praha","countryCode":"CZ","regionCode":"EURO","lastPublishedDate":"2024-08-13T08:06:49Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"Prague’s exquisite beauty can be seen without entering a single attraction – it’s the gorgeous architecture and breath-taking views that enchant visitors.","contentDescription":"<p>Prague has been through many incarnations: a historic town that grew up in the Middle Ages, a city struggling under Communist rule, and a cheap party spot for international visitors who planned to come for a week and ended up staying for years. These days, catching a flight to Prague means visiting a cosmopolitan city that’s evolved beyond any of these.</p><p>Modern Prague is inventive, creative and more high-end than ever – although it’s still great value. There are trendy cafes everywhere, world-class nightlife venues have taken over former nuclear bunkers, the restaurant scene has improved beyond measure and luxury hotels are everywhere you turn.</p><p>Then there is the Prague’s beauty, which can be seen without entering a single tourist attraction. It’s the gorgeous architecture, elegant spires and romantic bridges that have made it famous – and the reason why the city is best explored on foot. Spend your days wandering the cobblestone streets, exploring out-of-the-way churches, strolling along the Charles Bridge and checking out the view, before spending an afternoon in District 7.</p><p>Once a weather-beaten meatpacking district, in recent years the area has morphed into an artsy neighbourhood with galleries (such as the fabulous DOX Centre for Contemporary Art) and cafes. To learn of Prague’s history, take a trip to some of the city’s most important landmarks, such as the incredible Prague Castle.</p><p>Spend evenings exploring the city’s new restaurants, which are turning Czech cuisine, formerly known for hearty dumplings and meat-heavy dishes, into something lighter, more refined and much more innovative. Once you’ve had your fill, take yourself to Žižkov, Prague’s nightlife neighbourhood, home to more than 300 venues. It’s down-to-earth, friendly and lively.</p><p>So where to stay? The best hotels in Prague are also some of the newest, emphasising great design, daring architecture and modern amenities. Most of these are independent, although the chain hotels are also present and are all of a good standard. Whether you’re focused on historic Prague, or its modern dining and nightlife scene, you’ll find a city that’s surprising in many ways.</p><p>The unexpected, whether it’s a centuries-old bar tucked away in a basement, or a sculpted gargoyle leering down at you from a roof, is all part of Prague’s charm. Welcome to Bohemia.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Prague","stationCode":"PRG"}]},{"preTitle":"Flights to Europe","title":"Flights to Denmark","summary":"Flights to Denmark take you to a stylish country with breath-taking scenery, where impeccable design and world-famous practicality rule.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Denmark","seoDescription":"Book flights to Denmark today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-denmark","shortName":"Denmark","longName":"Denmark","code":"DK","isoCode":"DK","destinationType":"countries","parentType":"EURO","regionCode":"EURO","lastPublishedDate":"2023-02-23T16:03:07Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"Flights to Denmark take you to a stylish country with breath-taking scenery, where impeccable design and world-famous practicality rule.","contentDescription":"<p>A country with one major city and plenty of stunning countryside, Denmark is an absolute pleasure to experience. From cafes to bicycles, everything is beautifully designed as well as practical, and the country chugs along in an organised, efficient fashion that makes it extremely easy to travel here (plus, the Danes as a rule speak great English).</p><p>Wherever your flights to Denmark are taking you, Copenhagen is a must-see. It’s a lovely mixture of the modern and the traditional, all linked together by streets dotted with chic shops, lined with trees and traversed by locals on bicycles. Canals abound, bordered on either side by colourful old merchants’ houses, and the city’s cafes, bars and restaurants are usually full, especially on the long summer nights. In the evenings, head to the enchanting Tivoli Gardens, which has a century-old rollercoaster, open air performances, carnival games and very romantic lighting. It’s been a Copenhagen institution since the mid-19th century.</p><p>In the heart of Jutland, which you can visit in a day trip from Copenhagen, is Legoland Billund – a tourist attraction that packs in visitors of all ages. A theme park in miniature, this is a goofily fun and impressive place that is worth visiting even if you think you’re above it. An aquarium filled with little Lego divers and submersibles? Yes, please.</p><p>More off-the-radar destinations include Ribe, a small ninth-century town with gorgeous 500-year-old houses, a slow-moving river and an old quarter that’s been preserved in its entirety by the National Trust. If you want to see some of Denmark’s natural beauty, make the journey to magnificent Dueodde, where the rolling sand dunes are backed by pine trees and the only other thing to see is a lighthouse that gazes out to sea. And, as an added bonus, all over Denmark you’ll find castles straight out of Hans Christian Andersen’s fairy tales.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Denmark","cities":[{"preTitle":"Flights to Denmark","title":"Flights to Copenhagen (CPH)","summary":"Copenhagen is a small city with a big reputation, which makes it perfect to explore at any pace.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Copenhagen (CPH)","seoDescription":"Book flights to Copenhagen today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-copenhagen","shortName":"Copenhagen","longName":"Copenhagen","code":"DK-CPH","isoCode":"CPH","destinationType":"cities","parentType":"DK_Capital Region of Denmark","areaCode":"DK_Capital Region of Denmark","countryCode":"DK","regionCode":"EURO","lastPublishedDate":"2024-08-13T09:52:32Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"Copenhagen is a small city with a big reputation, which makes it perfect to explore at any pace.","contentDescription":"<p>With its world-class restaurants, cool cafes, intriguing history and a generally civilised air, Copenhagen has become not just one of the best places to visit on the planet, but one of the best places to live, full stop.</p><p>So what makes the liberal, environmentally-friendly capital of Denmark so alluring? Its simplicity. Once your flight to Copenhagen lands, you can go everywhere by bike – and almost everybody does – visiting parks, castles, harbours and beaches. It feels safe, and although nearly a million people live here, it's also a very relaxed city, as if constantly on a coffee break.</p><p>And what coffee. Indeed, the Danish city has one of the best cafe cultures in the world. Check out the coffee shops dotted around Nyhavn, a harbour in the middle of the city.</p><p>Modern Scandinavian design has travelled around the world from Copenhagen – you won’t see flashy, ultra futuristic restaurants or lounges here. Instead, there’s a commitment to the organic and the natural, apparent in the food as well as the furniture. New Nordic Cuisine is now a buzz term across the world of food. Plus, the city can lay claim as the home of (officially) the world’s best restaurant, Noma.</p><p>It’s not just Copenhagen’s cuisine that has the rest of the globe buzzing. One of Denmark’s main attractions in recent years has been its sense of understated but incredible design. Warm fabrics, muted lighting, simple but effective furniture – it all comes together in this effortlessly fashionable destination.</p><p>And certainly this ethos extends to the best hotels in Copenhagen too, with cool establishments such as Avenue and Scandic Front offering a glimpse of what the tastemakers rave about. And with Copenhagen also able to offer both a range of business hotels, and classic old palaces that offer traditional hospitality in spades, there’s something to suit the needs of travellers across the spectrum. One more reason, then, why Copenhagen has become such a popular 21st century destination.</p><p>What’s more, some of the most talked about television shows of recent years – The Killing, The Bridge, Borgen – were all filmed in the city, and despite sometimes depicting Copenhagen’s darker elements, still managed to make it feel attractive and modern. Indeed, they’ve even sparked an interest in the genre Nordic Noir, and it’s possible to take Nordic Noir tours around the city to the most significant filming locations.</p><p>No wonder, then, that in 2014 Copenhagen was named the happiest city in the world. They’ve got nearly everything right.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Copenhagen","stationCode":"CPH"}]},{"preTitle":"Flights to Europe","title":"Flights to France","summary":"Book flights to France to see why the country got its well-deserved reputation for phenomenal art, culture, fashion and food.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to France","seoDescription":"Book flights to France today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-france","shortName":"France","longName":"France","code":"FR","isoCode":"FR","destinationType":"countries","parentType":"EURO","regionCode":"EURO","lastPublishedDate":"2023-02-23T16:11:07Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"Book flights to France to see why the country got its well-deserved reputation for phenomenal art, culture, fashion and food.","contentDescription":"<p>Few destinations in the world have been romanticised quite as much as this one. Flights to France can be the start of a whirlwind getaway.</p><p>The capital, Paris, has so much to offer – the Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame, the Arc de Triomphe and Montmartre – to name just a few attractions. And that’s without mentioning its world-renowned art galleries, which include the Centre Georges Pompidou, the Musée d’Orsay and, of course, the Louvre – where you can view Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa, and see the world’s most famous smile in person.</p><p>Paris is also home to some incredible hotels, restaurants and lounges, many of which are made even more appealing by the legends that go with them. These range from the Ritz, where Coco Chanel stayed in the 1940s, to L’Auberge de Venise, a restaurant that was once the Dingo Bar, a venue frequented by Ernest Hemingway and F Scott Fitzgerald.</p><p>While the dining is phenomenal in Paris, those in the know would argue that it’s Lyon, the country’s third largest city, which is the true food capital of the country. This is the place to linger around in charming, casual bistros over authentic dishes made with local ingredients.</p><p>Nice, France’s second most visited city, combines perennially gorgeous weather, legendary beaches and a glamour-infused history. Traverse the Promenade des Anglais or the historic old town to immerse yourself in this picture-perfect destination.</p><p>Of course, if you’d rather escape the hustle and bustle of city life, France is also home to some glorious countryside, like the iconic rolling hills and fields of Provence. Alternatively, head for the coast – the French Riviera (Côte d’Azur) more than lives up to its reputation for beautiful scenery (and people).</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to France","cities":[{"preTitle":"Flights to France","title":"Flights to Lyon (LYS)","summary":"Once one of France’s best-kept secrets, Lyon offers remarkable food, fantastic culture, gorgeous climate and fascinating history.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Lyon (LYS)","seoDescription":"Book flights to Lyon today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-lyon","shortName":"Lyon","longName":"Lyon","code":"FR-LYS","isoCode":"LYS","destinationType":"cities","parentType":"FR_RH","areaCode":"FR_RH","countryCode":"FR","regionCode":"EURO","lastPublishedDate":"2024-08-13T11:14:14Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"Once one of France’s best-kept secrets, Lyon offers remarkable food, fantastic culture, gorgeous climate and fascinating history.","contentDescription":"<p>There was a time when flights to Lyon were only taken by those in the know; this was very much one of France’s best-kept secrets – overlooked by the masses for Paris, the south of France or the Alps. Turns out the Lyonnais were keeping the city – with its amazing food, fantastic culture, beautiful climate and exceptional history – all to themselves. One short stroll around the Unesco World Heritage Site that is the Old Town confirms why: it’s picturesque, vibrant and fascinating without being overly touristy. Lyon is a city to live in, as well as visit.</p><p>One of the biggest draws of this beautiful French city is its dining scene, which some will argue is the best in France – and that’s saying something. Celebrity chefs and Michelin-starred restaurants seem to be around every corner in Lyon, and you could easily spend most of your holiday budget just on dining out. However, for those who want somewhere more modest but equally pleasing to eat, the city has scores of bouchons (taverns) that, nightly, host locals who are not averse to chipping in with the cooking and general service.</p><p>When you’re not enjoying Lyon’s restaurants, cafes or lounges, there’s a lot of sightseeing to be done. The city’s museums and festivals reflect its status as a place of genuine culture and innovation – this, after all, is where cinema was born (and the Musée Lumière is a must-see attraction for all moviegoers). Lyon is also where you’ll find the largest collection of Impressionist art outside Paris, at Musée des Beaux Arts.</p><p>Even its football team, Olympique Lyonnais, moved to a spectacular new stadium after winning its only first league title in 2002. Once it’s on the up, there’s no stopping this place.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Lyon","stationCode":"LYS"},{"preTitle":"Flights to France","title":"Flights to Nice (NCE)","summary":"Nice’s reputation was largely built on its weather, and its long, hot summers and mild winters make it a perfect destination.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Nice (NCE)","seoDescription":"Book flights to Nice today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-nice","shortName":"Nice","longName":"Nice","code":"FR-NCE","isoCode":"NCE","destinationType":"cities","parentType":"FR_PACA","areaCode":"FR_PACA","countryCode":"FR","regionCode":"EURO","lastPublishedDate":"2024-08-13T08:01:11Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"Nice’s reputation was largely built on its weather, and its long, hot summers and mild winters make it a perfect destination.","contentDescription":"<p>When you board a flight to Nice, one of Europe's most photogenic destinations, you immediately feel more glamorous. The city is a gateway to Cannes, St Tropez and Monte Carlo, and it has a port to make even the wealthiest boat-owners blush. It conjures up images of beautiful coastlines, with beautiful people sunning themselves at sea.</p><p>Nice is rightly known for its stunning Promenade des Anglais, gently curving around the Baie des Anges (Bay of Angels). While you sip a coffee on a sun-drenched terrace overlooking the sparkling blue Mediterranean, it’s tempting to think life can’t get much better than a stay in this French city.</p><p>And yet there’s so much more to Nice than the historical flamboyance of the Hôtel Le Negresco or the multimillion-dollar yachts moored in the port. Vieux Nice (the old town) is crammed with history and character – the architecture dates back to the 17th century – and a wander among its markets, shops and churches feels like stepping back in time. Meanwhile, the bright Mediterranean weather has inspired artists such as Matisse and Picasso.</p><p>The beautiful climate means this is an outdoor city for everyone – the promenade is home to skaters as much as well-dressed couples on their way to one of the city’s Michelin-starred restaurants.</p><p>Encouragingly, for all its genteel history, Nice isn’t resting on its laurels. The new Promenade du Paillon is an urban park in the centre of the city and shopping has become a major attraction, with everything from small boutiques in Vieux Nice to high-end couturiers on Rue Paradis and major brands on Avenue Jean Médecin.</p><p>No wonder, then, that after Paris it’s the most visited city in France.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Nice","stationCode":"NCE"},{"preTitle":"Flights to France","title":"Flights to Paris (CDG)","summary":"One of the world’s most loved cities, explore Paris to enjoy architectural wonders, gourmet food and unparalleled artistic treasures.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Paris (CDG)","seoDescription":"Book flights to Paris today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-paris","shortName":"Paris","longName":"Paris","code":"FR-PAR","isoCode":"PAR","destinationType":"cities","parentType":"FR-J","areaCode":"FR-J","countryCode":"FR","regionCode":"EURO","lastPublishedDate":"2025-01-15T09:45:37Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"One of the world’s most loved cities, explore Paris to enjoy architectural wonders, gourmet food and unparalleled artistic treasures.","contentDescription":"<p>An iconic city, Paris is brimming with famous landmarks and heralded across the world for its incomparable culture and food scene.</p><p>The setting for countless novels and films, France’s capital is a romantic escape where stunning views, charming neighbourhoods and magnificent architecture becomes the norm.</p><p>The Eiffel Tower is the dazzling centrepiece of Parisian culture, and this staggering feat of engineering is a beacon that can be seen from across the city. Ascend 276m to the highest observation deck for breathtaking panoramic views, or find a spot in the Champ de Mars park to watch the tower’s mesmerising golden lights sparkle when night falls.</p><p>Take in the Eiffel Tower and other key landmarks from an alternative angle with an enchanting cruise on the River Seine. Floating along this famous waterway whilst enjoying an exquisite dining experience is an unforgettable way to spend an evening.</p><p>The Louvre is also among Paris’ most esteemed attractions. Enter this glorious museum through its famous pyramid entrance and see priceless collections of art including the legendary Mona Lisa. The Musée d'Orsay is another illustrious museum, housing artwork by Vincent van Gogh and Claude Monet.</p><p>Perhaps the most symbolic of Paris’ architectural marvels is the Notre Dame, a colossal cathedral that stands on an island in the River Seine. Tour this striking Gothic structure and learn about the major historical events that have taken place within its walls.</p><p>No trip to Paris is complete without a journey down the Champs-Elysées, one of the world’s most beautiful tree-lined avenues flanked with chic restaurants, shops and boutiques – and the site of the Tour de France’s final stage. At the western end of this glorious boulevard is the Arc de Triomphe, a majestic arch built on the orders of Napoleon I.</p><p>Elsewhere, the pristine flowerbeds of the Jardin du Luxembourg offer an escape from the city bustle, while Montmartre is an authentically charming village-like district crowned by the jaw-dropping Sacré-Coeur Basilica.</p><p>Paris is a brilliant city to visit all year round, but one big event draws sports fans in summer. Time your visit for <a href=\"/english/about-us/our-communities/sponsorship/tennis/\" title=\"Tennis\" data-id=\"pagebody_link\" data-link=\"Tennis - Tennis\">Roland Garros</a> and watch the stars in action at the premier clay tennis tournament.</p><p>There are few cities, if any, with more distinguished and varied dining experiences than Paris. World-class restaurants serving irresistible international dishes are widespread, but trying the best of Parisian food is a must. Melt-in-the-mouth croissants are served at bakeries across the city, tender steak frites appear on most menus and delectable local cheese boards make for a heavenly after-dinner snack.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Paris","stationCode":"CDG"}]},{"preTitle":"Flights to Europe","title":"Flights to Germany","summary":"Whether your flights to Germany take you to breath-taking countryside or vibrant cities, you’re in for a trip to remember.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Germany","seoDescription":"Book flights to Germany today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-germany","shortName":"Germany","longName":"Germany","code":"DE","isoCode":"DE","destinationType":"countries","parentType":"EURO","regionCode":"EURO","lastPublishedDate":"2024-12-06T07:18:20Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"Whether your flights to Germany take you to breath-taking countryside or vibrant cities, you’re in for a trip to remember.","contentDescription":"<p>Germany is a country echoing with history and brimming with jaw-dropping natural beauty. Its captivating selection of cities pulse with activity and are littered with evidence of a forward-thinking, creative spirit.</p><p>The port city of <a href=\"/english/destinations/flights-to-hamburg/\" title=\"Hamburg\" data-id=\"pagebody_link\" data-link=\"Hamburg - Hamburg | link dynamic\">Hamburg<span class=\"hidden-control\">(Opens page in the same window)</span></a> is epitomised by its charming canals and bridges, striking architecture and vibrant neighbourhoods. Marvel at the Speicherstadt, the world’s largest warehouse district and a UNESCO World Heritage Site where an assortment of neo-gothic buildings stand on timber-pile foundations.</p><p>In the west, <a href=\"/english/destinations/flights-to-dusseldorf/\" title=\"Dusseldorf\" data-id=\"pagebody_link\" data-link=\"Dusseldorf - Dusseldorf | link dynamic\">Dusseldorf<span class=\"hidden-control\">(Opens page in the same window)</span></a> is renowned as the fashion capital of Germany and hosts endless dazzling shows throughout the year. Stroll along the bustling Rheinuferpromenade next to the Rhine River before ascending the impressive Rhine Tower for sweeping views over the city.</p><p>Meanwhile, in the Hesse region, the business hub of <a href=\"/english/destinations/flights-to-frankfurt/\" title=\"Frankfurt\" data-id=\"pagebody_link\" data-link=\"Frankfurt - Frankfurt | link dynamic\">Frankfurt<span class=\"hidden-control\">(Opens page in the same window)</span></a> is characterised by its remarkable skyline, featuring most of Germany’s tallest skyscrapers. The city is also home to a traditional annual market that has been attracting huge crowds since the 14th century. Sample local delicacies like Reibekuchen (hot potato pancakes) as the sound of ringing bells fill the crisp winter air.</p><p>In <a href=\"/english/destinations/flights-to-munich/\" title=\"Munich\" data-id=\"pagebody_link\" data-link=\"Munich - Munich | link dynamic\">Munich<span class=\"hidden-control\">(Opens page in the same window)</span></a>, you’ll discover German festivities at their boisterous best, but the city also offers peaceful escapes like the esteemed Alte Pinakothek art gallery and picturesque Olympic Village. A short journey to the foothills of the Alps and you’ll find the turrets and towers of the fairytale-esque Neuschwanstein Castle peering through the trees.</p><p>The most adventurous will want to venture further into the snowy peaks to Zugspitze, Germany’s highest mountain. Hold your nerve as the world’s longest freespan cable car carries you to a dizzying 3,000m above sea level.</p><p>The Upper Middle Rhine Valley holds further dazzling natural beauty. This breathtaking stretch of river is adorned with panoramic views, quaint towns and evergreen trees.</p><p>Elsewhere, the capital Berlin is home to Germany’s most vibrant neighbourhoods and a progressive party scene, as well as state-of-the-art galleries and fascinating historical locations. Walk through the pillars of the Brandenburg Gate, one of Europe’s most significant landmarks, and relive a turbulent time in human history at the spine-tingling Berlin Wall Memorial.</p><p>Germany is renowned for its hearty, flavourful meats and intricate savoury snacks. Crispy schnitzel - a thin, fried slice of succulent meat - is as delicious from a street vendor as it is from a high-end restaurant. Finish off with a warm pretzel - a salted bread twisted into a distinctive knot.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Germany","cities":[{"preTitle":"Flights to Germany","title":"Flights to Düsseldorf (DUS)","summary":"From intimate streets to exciting, modern architectural developments, flights to Düsseldorf provide a fascinating peek into Germany.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Düsseldorf (DUS)","seoDescription":"Book flights to Düsseldorf today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-dusseldorf","shortName":"Düsseldorf","longName":"Düsseldorf","code":"DE-DUS","isoCode":"DUS","destinationType":"cities","parentType":"DE_NR","areaCode":"DE_NR","countryCode":"DE","regionCode":"EURO","lastPublishedDate":"2024-08-13T07:23:15Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"From intimate streets to exciting, modern architectural developments, flights to Düsseldorf provide a fascinating peek into Germany.","contentDescription":"<p>Düsseldorf is a business and finance powerhouse, attracting as many blue-chip companies as it does trade fairs. But if that makes the city sound staid and boring and puts you off booking flights to Düsseldorf, think again.</p><p>It’s certainly an affluent city, exemplified by the boutiques and high-end hotels that line Königsallee. Yet such economic prowess has resulted in a city that bankrolls its culture – there are more than 100 art galleries and 26 museums, plus landscaped parks, concert halls and an opera house.</p><p>Perhaps that’s why pioneering musical acts such as Kraftwerk are synonymous with Düsseldorf – there is certainly a feeling on those Old Town/harbour streets that creativity is to be celebrated and nurtured rather than stifled.</p><p>Many cultural attractions can be found in the Old Town, or Altstadt, an area best explored on foot. In fact, you could easily spend a few hours either wandering around this fascinating neighbourhood or strolling along the Rheinuferpromenade, a walkway that connects it with the MedienHafen harbour area, creating a literal and figurative pathway between the old and new.</p><p>All of which makes Düsseldorf something of a pleasant surprise for those who come for a trade fair and find themselves with a few hours to spare. With its Michelin-starred restaurants, fashionable cafes and lounges, quality hotels and impeccable transport links, most people who come to the city for business end up returning for fun.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Düsseldorf","stationCode":"DUS"},{"preTitle":"Flights to Germany","title":"Flights to Frankfurt (FRA)","summary":"There is no shortage of things to do in Frankfurt; a city that should be visited for its culture as much as its commerce.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Frankfurt (FRA)","seoDescription":"Book flights to Frankfurt today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-frankfurt","shortName":"Frankfurt","longName":"Frankfurt am Main","code":"DE-FRA","isoCode":"FRA","destinationType":"cities","parentType":"DE-HE","areaCode":"DE-HE","countryCode":"DE","regionCode":"EURO","lastPublishedDate":"2024-08-13T07:26:05Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"There is no shortage of things to do in Frankfurt; a city that should be visited for its culture as much as its commerce.","contentDescription":"<p>Frankfurt, Bankfurt, Mainhattan, the ‘smallest metropolis in the world’ – call it what you will, but Frankfurt am Main is a German city with a difference. It’s the financial capital of continental Europe, Germany’s transportation centre (boasting the country’s biggest and busiest airport), endowed with a skyline spiked with skyscrapers, and host to some of Europe’s biggest trade fares.</p><p>But for all its muscular, economic clout, Frankfurt has a sensitive side – it is a city full of museums, artistic innovation and great music. Cultural highlights include the ‘Museumsufer’ – a collection of 11 museums lined up on either side of the Main River. The Frankfurt Opera House, meanwhile, has been awarded ‘Opera House of the Year’ on three separate occasions.</p><p>It is also a city with great theatre (check out the English Theatre and International Theatre), dance (Tiger Palace Variety Theatre), the city’s impressive zoo and the Römer. Of course much of the joy of this city can be found by simply strolling around its streets and taking in the juxtaposition of older buildings set against the city’s gleaming skyscrapers.</p><p>Frankfurt has a fantastic restaurant scene, too. This isn’t so much to do with the moneyed bankers who fill the tables of the city’s top restaurants at night, and more to do with the local chefs who are taking the German dining scene by storm. The city glitters with Michelin stars – Sra Bua by Juan Amador, Villa Merton, Tiger-Gourmet restaurant, Carmelo Greco, Ernos Bistro, Français, Lafleur, and Weinsinn all have a Michelin star to their name.</p><p>However, you needn’t spend a fortune when visiting Frankfurt’s best restaurants since there are abundant appetising options at affordable prices. And since Frankfurt boasts an exceptionally diverse population – with inhabitants hailing from all across Europe – there’s something to suit every palate. (There’s even a smattering of ‘beachside’ establishments, such as Maincafé and Frankfurt institution King Kamehameha Beach.)</p><p>Flights to Frankfurt are bound to leave a lasting impression on you, and you’ll be just as taken with the soaring skyscrapers as you will with the city’s quaint medieval centre. Frankfurt offers an invaluable insight into Germany’s past – and its future – making it one of the most exciting destinations in Germany, if not Europe.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Frankfurt","stationCode":"FRA"},{"preTitle":"Flights to Germany","title":"Flights to Hamburg (HAM)","summary":"World class cuisine, history and a vibrant counter culture – to put it simply, Hamburg has something for all ages and tastes.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Hamburg (HAM)","seoDescription":"Book flights to Hamburg today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-hamburg","shortName":"Hamburg","longName":"Hamburg","code":"DE-HAM","isoCode":"HAM","destinationType":"cities","parentType":"DE-HH","areaCode":"DE-HH","countryCode":"DE","regionCode":"EURO","lastPublishedDate":"2024-08-13T08:47:43Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"World class cuisine, history and a vibrant counter culture – to put it simply, Hamburg has something for all ages and tastes.","contentDescription":"<p>According to locals, catching a flight to Hamburg means travelling to Germany’s 'Gateway To The World'. Just a few hours spent in this thriving, multicultural and pleasantly liberal port city confirms that the world is coming to Hamburg, enticed by its quality of living, historic city centre and attitude to life. Hamburgers like to have fun.</p><p>Hamburg is where The Beatles learned their trade, and maintains its kudos as a home to alternative culture, with everything from rock music to a famous football team, St Pauli.</p><p>The docks – still the second biggest in Europe – are now populated by new hotels, restaurants, art galleries and the majestic Elbphilharmonie Hamburg concert hall. Old warehouses have been refurbished and become tourist attractions in their own right. Meanwhile, around the Alster Lakes, the mercantile money on which Hamburg was built is evident in the town hall, the Michelin-starred restaurants, the villas and boutiques.</p><p>Hamburg’s a vibrant, buzzy, city and many of eateries reflect that. Parlament’s massive dining hall is the place to try local delicacies amid locals. Similarly, Bullerei’s location in a former livestock hall is a great place to sample steaks from local producers. And of course, being a port city, there are plenty of scintillating seafood options too, from the refined surroundings of Fischereihafen and Se7en Oceans to the cooler, converted warehouse chic of Vlet.</p><p>And just because the city has an industrial heritage as a port city doesn't mean that its hotels are similarly gritty. In fact, many have taken cues from the city’s past and transformed old buildings into wonderfully atmospheric places to stay: East is a conversion of an old iron foundry, while Gastwerk had a former life, as the name suggests, as a gas works.</p><p>These design-conscious hotels make for a unique stay – in fact for all the grand, palatial charms of Hotel Atlantic Kempinski, it’s easy to make a case for East being among the best hotels in Hamburg. Even the new build hotels have got in on the act – 25hours HafenCity has a hip and stylish nautical theme, while Side’s designer lighting is an attraction in itself. There aren’t many places that have such interesting and unique places to stay, which is a reflection on the charms of Hamburg itself.</p><p>In fact, you could say a stay in Hamburg is all things to all people – refinement, excitement, history and modernity all in a place that remains very much a working city. It’s certainly a gateway to all that is good about Germany, and a reminder that a city can reinvent itself without losing sight of what made it great in the first place.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Hamburg","stationCode":"HAM"},{"preTitle":"Flights to Germany ","title":"Flights to Munich (MUC)","summary":"Not only does Munich boast more theatres and art galleries than any other city in Germany, it has some of the loveliest architecture too.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Munich (MUC)","seoDescription":"Book flights to Munich today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-munich","shortName":"Munich","longName":"Munich","code":"DE-MUC","isoCode":"MUC","destinationType":"cities","parentType":"DE_BV","areaCode":"DE_BV","countryCode":"DE","regionCode":"EURO","lastPublishedDate":"2024-08-13T07:59:44Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"Not only does Munich boast more theatres and art galleries than any other city in Germany, it has some of the loveliest architecture too.","contentDescription":"<p>After Berlin and Hamburg, Munich is Germany’s largest city. And while its most famous export may be Oktoberfest – an annual celebration of German culture and cuisine when flights to Munich fill up fast – there’s more to the Bavarian capital than this raucous festival. Culturally speaking, there are enough attractions to rival even Berlin. Plus, despite its size, it has the feel of a small town that's easy to explore on foot.</p><p>While Munich’s art galleries may not be as famous as those of, say, Paris or New York, some of the collections are truly astonishing. The Alte Pinakothek, for example, boasts one of the best and oldest collections of European art, dating all the way back to the Middle Ages.</p><p>Arguably the biggest historical attraction in Munich is Königsplatz (German for King’s Square). This ancient temple was an important site during the Second World War, and today visitors get a real sense of history as they wander around its columns.</p><p>The beautiful Frauenkirche is another highlight – a 15th century cathedral that can hold up to 10,000 people. You should also visit Peterskirche – it’s the oldest church in the city centre.</p><p>Perhaps the most famous example of Munich architecture is Castle Nymphenburg. You’ll need to take a day trip out of the city to get there, but it’s well worth it to see this incredible castle nestled in the Bavarian Alps that looks like something out of a fairy tale.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Munich","stationCode":"MUC"}]},{"preTitle":"Flights to Europe","title":"Flights to Greece","summary":"When you book flights to Greece, all of your senses will be indulged. This sun-drenched Mediterranean paradise is a must-visit.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Greece","seoDescription":"Book flights to Greece today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-greece","shortName":"Greece","longName":"Greece","code":"GR","isoCode":"GR","destinationType":"countries","parentType":"EURO","regionCode":"EURO","lastPublishedDate":"2023-02-23T16:11:14Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"When you book flights to Greece, all of your senses will be indulged. This sun-drenched Mediterranean paradise is a must-visit.","contentDescription":"<p>Historically, Greece was the birthplace of philosophy and architecture. Today, its historical sights, natural beauty and welcoming locals make it one of the most popular travel destinations in the world. There’s no shortage of things to see and do, whether you’re taking in the majesty of the Acropolis in Athens, lying on a deserted beach on the island of Zante while baby turtles scuttle to the sea, or discussing the day’s events over a refreshing beverage.</p><p>Greece’s historical architecture is truly spectacular. In Mystras, the capital of Peloponnese in the 14th and 15th centuries, you’ll find atmospheric medieval ruins set in lush countryside. Then there’s 14th century Metéora, with its six monasteries suspended on the tops of pillars of rock.</p><p>Part of the charm of the Greek islands – and the reason they’re among the world’s most visited – is the fact they all offer something unique. Whether you’d like a tranquil escape or a party-fuelled week in the sun, one is sure to fit the bill.</p><p>But if it’s a lively holiday you’re after, visit Mykonos. Not only does it have the typically stunning Greek architecture set against a sparkling sea, there are enough stylish places to hang out to keep you entertained at all hours. Alternatively, one of the loveliest colour contrasts of land, beach and sea can be found in Myrtos, with its smooth marble pebble beaches and azure waters.</p><p>Then, for the most quintessentially Greek experience in terms of architecture and views, visit the stunning island of Santorini. It’s best known for picture-perfect houses with white-washed walls and distinctive blue roofs. In Santorini’s capital Fira, you’ll find beautiful hotels, tavernas and great shopping options, all waiting to be explored.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Greece","cities":[{"preTitle":"Flights to Greece","title":"Flights to Athens (ATH)","summary":"Whether you want culture, relaxation or a mix of both, you can create your perfect itinerary in Athens.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Athens (ATH)","seoDescription":"Book flights to Athens today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-athens","shortName":"Athens","longName":"Athens","code":"GR-ATH","isoCode":"ATH","destinationType":"cities","parentType":"GR_Attica","areaCode":"GR_Attica","countryCode":"GR","regionCode":"EURO","lastPublishedDate":"2024-08-13T05:08:54Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"Whether you want culture, relaxation or a mix of both, you can create your perfect itinerary in Athens.","contentDescription":"<p>Few, if any, places can boast the historical and cultural credentials of Athens. That's thanks to its rich history – it's the oldest capital city in Europe, was the home to many of the great philosophers and playwrights of the last three millennia, and is one of the oldest cities in the world. Plus, its ancient landmarks are renowned across the globe, such as the Parthenon on Acropolis Hill. Boarding a flight to Athens is like travelling back in time.</p><p>But there's more to Athens than its fascinating history, and the modern day city has a lot to offer. Ever since it hosted the Olympics in 2004, increasing investments in Athens’ infrastructure, along with the regeneration of certain areas and dusting off of its hidden gems, have made the Greek capital more tourist-friendly than ever.</p><p>There are a huge number of options when it comes to things to do, what to eat and where to stay; everything from five-star traditional hotels that host world leaders to hip and funky hostels are available.</p><p>The food is a particular highlight – and small tavernas sit comfortably alongside multi-Michelin-starred eateries that are continually pushing the boundaries of Greek cuisine. High-end treats continue in the upmarket shopping boutiques of Attica or the district of Ermou.</p><p>And while this is a city drenched in history, its youthful, playful attributes are demanding attention. The ancient sites are a must-visit – they are revered for a reason – but it's good to make time for simply hanging out in rejuvenated area such as Gazi.</p><p>Other hip areas have sprung up offering a vibrant choice of lounges, restaurants and nightlife venues, so staying out into the early hours with the locals is as easy as it is fun. Grab a coffee and a plate of keftedes and watch the world go by, or take in the city as a whole from the vantage point of Mount Lycabettus.</p><p>And when you've had your fill of the fun of the city, make your way to one of the beautiful beaches such as Legrena or Votsalakia.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Athens","stationCode":"ATH"}]},{"preTitle":"Flights to Europe","title":"Flights to Hungary","summary":"Flights to Hungary let you pack a lot in to one trip, from architectural sights to delicious food and adventures.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Hungary","seoDescription":"Book flights to Hungary today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-hungary","shortName":"Hungary","longName":"Hungary","code":"HU","isoCode":"HU","destinationType":"countries","parentType":"EURO","regionCode":"EURO","lastPublishedDate":"2023-02-23T16:11:21Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"Flights to Hungary let you pack a lot in to one trip, from architectural sights to delicious food and adventures.","contentDescription":"<p>Hungary’s unique location – counting Slovakia, Austria, Croatia, Serbia, Romania and the Ukraine among its neighbours – makes for a cultural melting pot that’s fascinating to behold. Add to this Unesco World Heritage Sites such as Buda Castle, gorgeous architecture, a lively nightlife scene and stunning national parks and it’s no surprise that flights to Hungary are in such high demand.</p><p>Perhaps Hungary’s most famous travel destination is the capital, Budapest. It’s widely regarded as one of the world’s prettiest cities, and the architecture alone is impressive – with buildings ranging from the Baroque to the Neoclassical. All this is interspersed with shiny new venues in the form of modern hotels, restaurants and lounges.</p><p>Then there are the famous ruin pubs. The restaurants and lounges housed in the (renovated) shells of centuries-old derelict buildings which are some of the trendiest places to be seen in. Hungary’s dining scene is also a delight to explore. Indulge your taste buds with hearty traditional stews or fine cuisine in one of the city’s increasing number of Michelin-starred eateries.</p><p>Feel free to fuel up on plenty of goulash (a meaty stew), as you’ll be burning it all off with the amount of sightseeing to be done in Hungary. Take the trek up Buda Castle Hill in Budapest for superb views, then visit the medicinal baths in City Park to unwind and soothe those aching muscles.</p><p>Outside of the capital, there are many other interesting destinations to explore. In traditional villages such as Hollókő, life continues much the same way as it has for centuries. For sprawling green acres of countryside, visit the Balaton Uplands National Park. And for those who want something more adrenaline-fuelled, head to the Unesco-listed Caves of Aggtelek Karst and Slovak Karst to try your hand at climbing, caving and potholing.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Hungary","cities":[{"preTitle":"Hungary","title":"Flights to Budapest (BUD)","summary":"Traditional attractions, a buzzing nightlife scene and a fascinating history ensure there are plenty of things to do in Budapest.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Budapest (BUD)","seoDescription":"Book flights to Budapest today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-budapest","shortName":"Budapest","longName":"Budapest","code":"HU-BUD","isoCode":"BUD","destinationType":"cities","parentType":"HU-BU","areaCode":"HU-BU","countryCode":"HU","regionCode":"EURO","lastPublishedDate":"2024-08-13T05:11:46Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"Traditional attractions, a buzzing nightlife scene and a fascinating history ensure there are plenty of things to do in Budapest.","contentDescription":"<p>Budapest is, without a doubt, one of the coolest destinations in Europe. A lot of people compare it to Prague – another city that’s got post-Communism appeal, rapidly gentrifying neighbourhoods, trendy lounges housed in derelict buildings, and boutiques that feature cutting edge fashion and art. As soon as your flight to Budapest touches down, you'll know you've arrived in a city that's constantly evolving from historic destination to hip hangout for the young and stylish.</p><p>For anyone with even a passing interest in architecture, the Hungarian capital is a delight, full of beautiful buildings ranging in styles from Baroque to Art Nouveau to neoclassical to super modern. Strolling the banks of the Danube River, with Castle Hill in the distance, you can get a fantastic sense of the history that Budapest has experienced. Its golden age was at the turn of the 20th century, when many of the city’s most gorgeous edifices were constructed.</p><p>It’s not all history, though. New neighbourhoods that should be on your ‘to visit’ list include Józsefváros, the Eighth District, which has been regentrified into a cultural focal point for the city, packed with galleries and restaurants.</p><p>Eating in Budapest is an eye-opening yet leisurely experience. Restaurants run the gamut from self-service cafeterias to high-end splurges, and Hungarian food is varied and rich. The city has received a growing number of Michelin stars, and new restaurants are opening all the time. Desserts, particularly the classic Hungarian treats, are world-class, and the locals spend plenty of time in cafes, appreciating them with gusto.</p><p>The best hotels in Budapest are a varied lot: some small, some big, some pricey, some cheap. Location is important – try to find somewhere close to public transportation if you’re opting to stay outside the city centre. A couple of the newest hotels have an art focus, with their own galleries and eye-catching designs. Older places have a more demure look but can be surprisingly luxurious. And hostels, which are plentiful, are generally of a high standard.</p><p>In essence, to experience Budapest's emergence as a top world destination is truly a fascinating journey. Come to Budapest and immerse yourself in the up-and-coming.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Budapest","stationCode":"BUD"}]},{"preTitle":"Flights to Europe","title":"Flights to Ireland","summary":"Flights to Ireland are on everyone’s travel list thanks to the atmospheric cities, rolling green hills and famously friendly locals.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Ireland","seoDescription":"Book flights to Ireland today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-ireland","shortName":"Ireland","longName":"Ireland","code":"IE","isoCode":"IE","destinationType":"countries","parentType":"EURO","regionCode":"EURO","lastPublishedDate":"2023-02-23T16:11:29Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"Flights to Ireland are on everyone’s travel list thanks to the atmospheric cities, rolling green hills and famously friendly locals.","contentDescription":"<p>There’s a vast swath of things to do in the Emerald Isle that few other destinations can match. Traditional music played in century-old meeting places? Crumbling castles that sit above rolling swathes of bright green grass? Thatched cottages surrounded by fluffy sheep? Check, check and check.</p><p>In addition, Ireland’s got the best of modern life to offer too. Dublin is a cosmopolitan city with world-class shopping and a restaurant scene that’s getting better with each passing day. Its small alleys are home to chic cafes and boutiques, and the bustling streets offer fantastic museums and rows of beautiful Georgian houses. Stroll along the banks of the Liffey River in the footsteps of James Joyce, and wander the cobblestones of Trinity College before stopping in for a look at the Book of Kells.</p><p>Further south, Cork is a warm and welcoming city too, and less visited than Dublin. Galway, a tiny student town, has a thriving music scene and all the charm of the west of Ireland, and the walking paths that curve through Kerry are paradise for anyone who has ever seen a postcard of Ireland and fallen in love.</p><p>While the weather in Ireland leaves something to be desired, the silver lining is the long summer nights, when the sun doesn’t set until a few hours before midnight and people stay out late making the most of the light. In the winter, bundle up and bring a raincoat, and enjoy the added advantage of fewer tourists.</p><p>Ireland’s appeal comes down, in large part, to its people: warm, quick to laugh and with self-deprecating wit, they’ll be the thing you remember most strongly from your visit.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Ireland","cities":[{"preTitle":"Flights to Ireland","title":"Flights to Dublin (DUB)","summary":"Dublin’s got so much history that you see it everywhere, from the eateries that date back centuries to the beautiful Trinity College.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Dublin (DUB)","seoDescription":"Book flights to Dublin today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-dublin","shortName":"Dublin","longName":"Dublin","code":"IE-DUB","isoCode":"DUB","destinationType":"cities","parentType":"IE_Dublin","areaCode":"IE_Dublin","countryCode":"IE","regionCode":"EURO","lastPublishedDate":"2024-08-13T07:20:19Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"Dublin’s got so much history that you see it everywhere, from the eateries that date back centuries to the beautiful Trinity College.","contentDescription":"<p>Pack flat shoes for a flight to Dublin – this is one of the best capital cities in Europe for exploring on foot. Even the most important Dublin attractions – including the Trinity College and Oscar Wilde statue – come second to just walking around and seeing where your steps take you. Stroll down nearly any street and you’ll be shown another side of the city’s history, from ancient churches and Viking ruins to stunning Georgian architecture. The small, pedestrian-friendly centre is chock full of cool restaurants and shops too.</p><p>Once the sun goes down, it’s time to join the locals in search of the good craic (fun). It’s easy to find; Dublin has a reputation as a fun city. Head for the old city area and check out Temple Bar, a lively dining and nightlife hub that’ll put even the most dedicated night owls through their paces. There are some cool, low-key spots too, where local musicians play live to a slightly more chilled-out audience.</p><p>Accommodation in Dublin is worth splashing out on, but if you are looking for something more budget-friendly, there are cheaper options too. Because the city is so small, places that are a bit outside the city centre can offer quite good value for money. The best hotels in Dublin are concentrated in the centre, though – including both the historic landmark hotels and the newest and most stylish places.</p><p>While Dublin’s history is rich, and its community traditions are strong, it’s still a very modern city. You can tell simply from all the contemporary architecture, like the Daniel Libeskind-designed Grand Canal Square.</p><p>Dublin’s dining scene is also increasingly cutting edge, with the arrival of new restaurants that redefine the local cuisine, meaning the city has travelled so far from its roots that it’s actually come full circle. In the Celtic Tiger boom years, the city’s culinary scene expanded frantically, with expensive restaurants creating fusion menus that offered almost everything except Irish food. Now that the economy has deflated and prices have dropped somewhat, the best restaurants in Dublin are the ones that are doing traditional Irish food right – great fish, well-cooked vegetables, and locally sourced meat and cheese.</p><p>Whenever you decide to visit, there’s always a lot going on in Dublin. If you visit over the summer, try to schedule a trip around Bloomsday, when the city celebrates James Joyce. Time your visit right, and you could also go to one of Dublin’s world-class music festivals, which include Longitude and Electric Picnic. Or come in March and join in the St Patrick’s Day party. Finally, if you can brave the winter weather, ring in the New Year at the New Year Festival Dublin.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Dublin","stationCode":"DUB"}]},{"preTitle":"Flights to Europe","title":"Flights to Italy","summary":"Flights to Italy offer travellers the opportunity to shop, socialise and dine your days away in enchanting surroundings.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Italy","seoDescription":"Book flights to Italy today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-italy","shortName":"Italy","longName":"Italy","code":"IT","isoCode":"IT","destinationType":"countries","parentType":"EURO","regionCode":"EURO","lastPublishedDate":"2023-02-23T16:11:35Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"Flights to Italy offer travellers the opportunity to shop, socialise and dine your days away in enchanting surroundings.","contentDescription":"<p>Europe’s famous ‘boot’ has everything you need for the pursuit of ‘la dolce vita’ – the sweet life.</p><p>Most visitors head straight for the capital city of Rome, and rightly so. The Eternal City is home to some of Europe's most iconic sights, including the Pantheon, the Colosseum and the Sistine Chapel (although, technically, that’s in Vatican City). Historical attractions aside, Rome is also where you’ll find some of the best restaurants in Italy, be they Michelin-starred or simple hole-in-the-wall osterias (casual cafes).</p><p>For others, it’s Milan. This is the fashion capital of Italy, as a trip to the designer boutiques in the Quadrilatero d’Oro (Fashion Quadrangle) will reveal. Art and culture lovers are well-catered for too – Milan is home to the world-famous La Scala Opera House, not to mention Leonardo da Vinci’s The Last Supper, which is housed in the Church of Santa Maria delle Grazie.</p><p>Whisking you from fashion to the historical capital of northern Italy, Bologna is a bustling city characterised by terracotta-coloured rooftops, Renaissance structures, and a lively university community. Vibrant architecture and ancient colonnades line the streets, making visitors feel welcome and inspired to explore the many cafes, shops and pathways. Discover famous monuments like the Neptune Fountain and Basilica of San Petronius in the central Piazza Maggiore, or catch a full view of Bologna’s rooftops from the leaning towers Asinelli and Garisenda.</p><p>Venice will capture your imagination with its winding canals, sailing gondola taxis, impressive palaces, and extravagant array of dining experiences. The complete absence of roads has transformed the city into a magical oasis, where you can gaze around you and capture the city’s best sights from the peaceful floating canals, or discover historic monuments with Byzantine, Gothic, and Renaissance influences on land.</p><p>Venture beyond the cities and into Italian nature, and you’ll discover a country of astonishing natural beauty with a rich landscape of sweeping fields, mountain ranges and beaches. It’s little wonder that it’s often referred to as the bel paese, or beautiful country. For the best beaches in Italy, leave the mainland and head for Sardinia’s coast – Cala Goloritzè is such a stunning stretch of white sand and aquamarine sea that it’s been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1995. Or, if you’d prefer to stay on dry land, head to northern Italy and immerse yourself in the truly spectacular Alps.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Italy","cities":[{"preTitle":"Flights to Italy","title":"Flights to Bologna (BLQ)","summary":"Visit Bologna to experience a buzzy university town with energy to burn, architectural masterpieces and some of Italy’s best food.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Bologna (BLQ)","seoDescription":"Book flights to Bologna today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-bologna","shortName":"Bologna","longName":"Bologna","code":"IT-BLQ","isoCode":"BLQ","destinationType":"cities","parentType":"IT-45","areaCode":"IT-45","countryCode":"IT","regionCode":"EURO","lastPublishedDate":"2024-08-13T08:47:48Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"Visit Bologna to experience a buzzy university town with energy to burn, architectural masterpieces and some of Italy’s best food.","contentDescription":"<p>Fly to the historic capital of northern Italy, and immerse yourself in the terra cotta coloured rooftops of beautiful Bologna.</p><p>Capturing imaginations around the world, Bologna’s best sites begin at the heart of the city in the sprawling plaza of Piazza Maggiore. Wind your way through arched colonnades, and discover stunning Renaissance structures from the City Hall to the Fountain of Neptune and Basilica di San Petronio. Don’t miss the city’s leaning towers of its own, Asinelli and Garisenda, and visit the Torre dell’Orologio Clock Tower for an unmissable discovery of the region’s art collections.</p><p>During the warmer months, take a dip in one of Bologna’s outdoor pools and a stroll in the botanical gardens, and stop by the city’s numerous array of cafes, restaurants, and gelateria at any time of year. Trek to the Santuario della Madonna di San Luca basilica, and take in the breathtaking medieval architecture and rooftops from the hilltop basilica, making Bologna a magical destination for every traveler to Italy.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Bologna","stationCode":"BLQ"},{"preTitle":"Flights to Italy","title":"Flights to Milan (MIL)","summary":"Flights to Milan will bring you to a city that is constantly evolving, with new attractions seemingly popping up overnight.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Milan (MIL)","seoDescription":"Book flights to Milan today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-milan","shortName":"Milan","longName":"Milan","code":"IT-MIL","isoCode":"MIL","destinationType":"cities","parentType":"IT-25","areaCode":"IT-25","countryCode":"IT","regionCode":"EURO","lastPublishedDate":"2024-08-13T10:52:05Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"Flights to Milan will bring you to a city that is constantly evolving, with new attractions seemingly popping up overnight.","contentDescription":"<p>While it may not be Italy’s capital, flights to Milan still allow visitors to pursue la dolce vita (the sweet life), whether through its lively dining and nightlife or its renowned fashion scene.</p><p>It’s a key city for the fashion industry, and the boutiques on the Quadrilatero d’Oro (Fashion Quadrangle) draw fashionistas from all over Europe. Indeed, sometimes simply stepping out on to the street and people watching provides a sartorial lesson.</p><p>But Milan is as much about culture as it is about consumption. The city is home to some spectacular architecture – the Duomo di Milano is a gothic masterpiece that’s not to be missed, and the Sforza Castle is also worth adding to your list. West of the Duomo lies the Museo Archeologico, where you can learn more about the city’s history.</p><p>One of the most famous sights in the city is Leonardo Da Vinci’s mural The Last Supper, at the Basilica di Santa Maria delle Grazie, a Unesco World Heritage Site. Plan ahead by booking tickets in advance – the basilica attracts hordes of tourists and viewing time is limited to 15 minutes. You’ll also be moved by the music at Teatro alla Scala, the world-famous opera house at the Piazza della Scala.</p><p>Like Italy’s other famous destinations, Milan is home to some of Europe’s best restaurants. There’s an emphasis on meat and seafood (although vegetarians are increasingly well catered for). You shouldn’t leave without trying the most famous local dishes – risotto and veal.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Milan","stationCode":"MXP"},{"preTitle":"Flights to Italy","title":"Flights to Rome (ROM)","summary":"Whether your passion is paintings or pizza, Rome will have something to whet your appetite.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Rome (ROM)","seoDescription":"Book flights to Rome today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-rome","shortName":"Rome","longName":"Rome","code":"IT-ROM","isoCode":"ROM","destinationType":"cities","parentType":"IT-62","areaCode":"IT-62","countryCode":"IT","regionCode":"EURO","lastPublishedDate":"2024-08-13T10:54:56Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"Whether your passion is paintings or pizza, Rome will have something to whet your appetite.","contentDescription":"<p>There’s a reason why Rome is called The Eternal City. The Italian capital is among the oldest continuously occupied cities in Europe, having been established around 3,000 years ago. The centre of the city is a Unesco World Heritage Site, and simply walking through the streets or wandering around the piazzas makes you feel closer to the past.</p><p>Rome remains a hugely sought after destination, as thousands of visitors descend on the capital each year to see its iconic sights, from the Pantheon to the Colosseum. For some, Rome’s significance lies in its status as home to Vatican City, an independent country that resides within its boundaries. It’s also where you’ll find the Sistine Chapel and its famous ceiling painted by Michelangelo, as well as St Peter’s Basilica, the world’s largest church. In the Vatican Museum, you’ll be bowled over by the art collection of masterpieces from the Italian Renaissance.</p><p>Of course, the city is not without its modern charms, and travellers catch flights to Rome from all over the world in search of the dolce vita, or sweet life. From Audrey Hepburn on her Vespa in Roman Holiday to Julia Roberts eating gelato near a fountain in Eat Pray Love, the city has always been synonymous with the pursuit of pleasure and fun.</p><p>Whatever you do in Rome, do it on foot. While the public transport system is easy enough to navigate, it’s during slow, unhurried walks around the city that you’ll discover the true hidden gems – tucked away cafes, charming boutiques and quaint bookshops, to name a few.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Rome","stationCode":"FCO"},{"preTitle":"Flights to Italy","title":"Flights to Venice (VCE)","summary":"There’s something effortlessly magical and romantic about Venice’s palazzo-lined canals, bridges, maze-like side streets and, of course, singing gondoliers.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Venice (VCE)","seoDescription":"Book flights to Venice today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-venice","shortName":"Venice","longName":"Venice","code":"IT-VCE","isoCode":"VCE","destinationType":"cities","parentType":"IT-34","areaCode":"IT-34","countryCode":"IT","regionCode":"EURO","lastPublishedDate":"2024-08-13T08:21:48Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"There’s something effortlessly magical and romantic about Venice’s palazzo-lined canals, bridges, maze-like side streets and, of course, singing gondoliers.","contentDescription":"<p>Venice is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. After your flights to Venice touch down and you catch a boat from Marco Polo Airport (it’s not a gimmick, but genuinely the easiest way to reach the city centre) it seems almost incredible that this city even exists.</p><p>And while Venice’s spires, domes and palaces might offer spectacular views from the water, once you’re on dry land the city doesn’t disappoint either. The churches and museums are packed with the remnants of when Venice was one of the richest trading posts in the world. Around every corner, you’ll find picture-postcard sights, secret squares and secluded alleyways – none of which are choked by cars. Losing yourself in a city will never be so much fun.</p><p>Indeed, wandering around without a map or itinerary is part of the experience. How else will you stumble upon Venice’s hidden gems and hole-in-the-wall joints? One of the best areas for a stroll is Cannaregio, a neighbourhood hugely popular with locals. It’s easy to spend hours in one of the canal-side cafes or cosy trattorias watching Venetian life go by. For one of the best views of the city, however, head off the mainland and across to the island where the Bell Tower of San Giorgio Maggiore stands. The vista of Venice and its waterways are spectacular.</p><p>It’s impossible not to hail a gondolier or splash out on a canal-side restaurant or hotel with views of the water. It’s absolutely worth it. You’ll never experience anything quite like Venice.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Venice","stationCode":"VCE"}]},{"preTitle":"Flights to Europe","title":"Flights to Malta","summary":"Book flights to Malta and prepare to seriously unwind as you explore this sun-drenched Mediterranean island. You won’t be disappointed.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Malta","seoDescription":"Book flights to Malta today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-republic-of-malta","shortName":"Malta","longName":"Malta","code":"MT","isoCode":"MT","destinationType":"countries","parentType":"EURO","regionCode":"EURO","lastPublishedDate":"2023-02-23T16:29:13Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"Book flights to Malta and prepare to seriously unwind as you explore this sun-drenched Mediterranean island. You won’t be disappointed.","contentDescription":"<p>Whether you’re looking for a lazy holiday or actively want to explore once your flight to Malta lands, there are options to suit both. If all you plan to do is soak up some sun, head for the beaches of the north-east or east of the island. There are some stunning stretches of sand to choose from, and you’ll be well looked after at any number of the luxury resorts. For more active travellers, venture off the shore and into the sea. The coastline is lined with reefs and wrecks just waiting to be explored – Malta has an impressive diving scene – as well as some very cool caves and natural edifices.</p><p>Then again, there’s just as much to keep you entertained on dry land, especially if you’re a history buff, with numerous archaeological sites, ancient ruins and beautiful old buildings dotted all over Malta. Among the highlights are the Ħaġar Qim megalithic temple and Hal Saflieni Hypogeum, the only known prehistoric underground temple in the world. You can also walk around the historical battlements of Valletta before visiting the Cathedrals of Assumption and St John. Check out the National Museum of Archaeology to learn more about their history.</p><p>When it comes to choosing a place to stay in Malta, there’s plenty of variety. Whether a resort by the beach, a five-star luxury hotel in Valletta or a cosy bed and breakfast, the Maltese warmth and hospitality will shine through. And, if you fancy taking a day trip, the sister islands of Gozo and Comino make a great add-on to a Malta holiday.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Malta","cities":[{"preTitle":"Flights to Malta","title":"Flights to Malta (MLA)","summary":"Fly to Malta to discover a diverse travel destination imbued with both history and beauty.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Malta (MLA)","seoDescription":"Book flights to Malta today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-malta","shortName":"Malta","longName":"Malta","code":"MT-MLA","isoCode":"MLA","destinationType":"cities","parentType":"MT","countryCode":"MT","regionCode":"EURO","lastPublishedDate":"2024-08-19T06:15:55Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"Fly to Malta to discover a diverse travel destination imbued with both history and beauty.","contentDescription":"<p>An abundance of historic sites, luxury hotels, exceptional restaurants and the surrounding pristine waters make flights to Malta perfect for those looking to be charmed.</p><p>Many of this rocky island’s biggest attractions are actually under the sea. The abundance of wrecks and reefs has led to a thriving diving industry. And no matter what your level of experience and ability, there’ll be a company that caters to you. If you’d rather stay above the waves, consider an island-hopping tour – the sister islands of Comino and Gozo provide unique attractions of their own. The coastlines make for spectacular viewing as the cliffs warp and widen, creating interesting caves and natural edifices.</p><p>Back on dry land, there are some amazing ancient sites to explore. For history buffs, a wander around the battlements of Valletta will transport you back in time, while the Cathedrals of Assumption and St. John give a fascinating insight into the island’s past. In fact, Malta actually has one of the oldest religious sites on the planet in the form of the megalithic temple Ħaġar Qim, which dates back to 3,600-3,200 BC. Furthermore, the island is also home to the Ħal Saflieni Hypogeum, the only known prehistoric underground temple in the world.</p><p>Once you’re done exploring Malta’s cultural sites, it’s time to unwind. There are plenty of beautiful beaches where you can bask in the sunshine. Għajn Tuffieħa and Golden Bay are particularly special in the north-west of the island, while rockier beaches tend to dominate the east, where many of the resorts are based.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Malta","stationCode":"MLA"}]},{"preTitle":"Flights to Europe","title":"Flights to Netherlands","summary":"Flights to the Netherlands open up a wealth of travel opportunities. The country is compact and transportation is excellent.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Netherlands","seoDescription":"Book flights to Netherlands today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-netherlands","shortName":"Netherlands","longName":"Netherlands","code":"NL","isoCode":"NL","destinationType":"countries","parentType":"EURO","regionCode":"EURO","lastPublishedDate":"2023-02-23T16:17:07Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"Flights to the Netherlands open up a wealth of travel opportunities. The country is compact and transportation is excellent.","contentDescription":"<p>There’s more to the Netherlands than just Amsterdam, but Amsterdam is the beating heart of the country and the draw for most visitors. While exploring the rest of this tiny, water-logged place is rewarding (with windmills, tulips and more), it’s Amsterdam that is the most memorable. Whether you’re stuffing yourself with sugary stroopwafels on the street, riding a bike by the canal alongside dozens of locals, taste-testing Belgian beverages or partying all night long, your experience in Amsterdam will be, above all, fun. Don’t come here to relax; come here to stay up late, meet new people, immerse yourself in the culture and throw caution to the wind.</p><p>In addition to a fabulous array of indie shops, cafes, nightlife venues and restaurants, Amsterdam is a cultural hotspot. In museums alone it’s rich: the fabulous Rembrandts and Vermeers in the Rijksmuseum, the biggest collection of van Gogh paintings in the world at the Van Gogh Museum, and a branch of Russia’s Hermitage Museum that brings some of its treasures to Europe in blockbuster exhibits.</p><p>If you do decide to get out of Amsterdam, there are a few places that are worth seeking out. Try Delft, a small city with more than its fair share of canals and historic buildings, or Haarlem, which has first-rate cafes, excellent museums and beautiful cobblestone streets. In contrast, Rotterdam is hyper-modern. After it was demolished in the Second World War, it was rebuilt with boundless enthusiasm for the new. There’s plenty to see and do here, and it’s a perfect for party animals.</p><p>Happily for travellers, the Dutch speak excellent English, and there’s no expectation that you’ll understand the local language.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Netherlands","cities":[{"preTitle":"Flights to Netherlands","title":"Flights to Amsterdam (AMS)","summary":"Laidback and liberal, Amsterdam boasts a vibrant entertainment scene, vast green spaces, and some of the world's most famous museums.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Amsterdam (AMS)","seoDescription":"Book flights to Amsterdam today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-amsterdam","shortName":"Amsterdam","longName":"Amsterdam","code":"NL-AMS","isoCode":"AMS","destinationType":"cities","parentType":"NL_NH","areaCode":"NL_NH","countryCode":"NL","regionCode":"EURO","lastPublishedDate":"2024-08-13T06:50:41Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"Laidback and liberal, Amsterdam boasts a vibrant entertainment scene, vast green spaces, and some of the world's most famous museums.","contentDescription":"<p>Perhaps more than any other European city, the Dutch capital is associated with a laidback and liberal lifestyle. Holidaymakers taking flights to Amsterdam (AMS) come to experience the city’s restaurants, lounges and cafes. While there’s no doubt that the culturally diverse population and vibrant entertainment scene are part of the draw, there’s more to this city than meets the eye.</p><p>In Amsterdam you’ll discover vast green parks, a buzzing cultural scene and plenty of foodie finds, not to mention some of the most notable museums in the world, including the Van Gogh Museum, Anne Frank House and Rijksmuseum. Culture vultures would be advised to buy a museumjaarkaart (The Museum Card), which gets you free or discounted entry to the city’s museums. Repeat visitors will be pleased to hear it is valid for a year.</p><p>Most of the action here is concentrated in the Old Centre, which is one of the most historic city centres in Europe, dating back to medieval times. In spite of this, the area is packed with plenty of modern attractions. Dam Square is a tourist hotspot, and a great base for exploring the surrounding shops, cafes and restaurants.</p><p>At night the city is family-friendly, and makes for a great holiday with children. When you’re not playing with them in the park, they’ll be delighted with a boat ride on the canal or a cycle around town.</p><p>For a touch of luxury, the picturesque Canal Ring is a Unesco World Heritage Site populated by lovely boutique hotels and independent designer outlets. During the warmer months, there’s nothing nicer than strolling alongside the centuries-old canals and stopping to snack and people watch at one of the waterside cafes.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Amsterdam","stationCode":"AMS"}]},{"preTitle":"Flights to Europe","title":"Flights to Norway","summary":"Book your flights to Norway for a memorable long break, Nordic style – the country’s extraordinary beauty warrants an extended stay.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Norway","seoDescription":"Book flights to Norway today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-norway","shortName":"Norway","longName":"Norway","code":"NO","isoCode":"NO","destinationType":"countries","parentType":"EURO","regionCode":"EURO","lastPublishedDate":"2023-02-23T16:17:13Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"Book your flights to Norway for a memorable long break, Nordic style – the country’s extraordinary beauty warrants an extended stay.","contentDescription":"<p>Norway is a curious combination of urban cool and stunning natural beauty. While the world is becoming interested in the chic design and cutting-edge restaurants of Oslo, this Scandinavian outpost still has plenty of tiny villages where life goes on much as it did one hundred years ago. And then there are the country’s justifiably famous fjords.</p><p>Most visitors start in Oslo, the capital of Norway and the headquarters for Scandinavian cool. It’s got more than its fair share of Michelin-starred restaurants (the eclectic national dishes, from reindeer to juniper berries, have helped give Norwegian food a shot at fame), and it’s packed with high-design cafes serving up excellent coffee to warm you up against the cold. In Oslo, spend as much time checking out the new and dynamic architecture (like the incredible Oslo Opera House) and trendy boutiques as you do exploring the historic and the old-fashioned, like the National Gallery and the open-air statue park in Vigeland.</p><p>Put on your down jacket and leave Oslo for colder but sublime natural areas. The biggest fjord in Norway is Sognefjord, which drops into the North Atlantic and even has its own waterfalls. Venture into the Arctic Circle, where teams of fisherman catch the mackerel and cod that you’ll eat in the big cities, and travel up to Svalbard to spot glaciers, polar bears and reindeer. Between late autumn and early spring, the Northern Lights are an excellent reason to brave the long winter nights. There are plenty of hotels in Norway designed to offer you the best views of this enchanting phenomenon.</p><p>If you truly don’t mind the cold, be sure to visit Røros, which is a Unesco World Heritage Site. It’s a village that was once a copper mining centre, and which is now a gorgeous mix of brightly coloured historic houses surrounded by woods.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Norway","cities":[{"preTitle":"Flights to Norway","title":"Flights to Oslo (OSL)","summary":"Oslo exemplifies Scandinavian cool, and its trendy neighbourhoods, faultless dining options and awe-inspiring architecture won’t disappoint.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Oslo (OSL)","seoDescription":"Book flights to Oslo today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-oslo","shortName":"Oslo","longName":"Oslo","code":"NO-OSL","isoCode":"OSL","destinationType":"cities","parentType":"NO-03","areaCode":"NO-03","countryCode":"NO","regionCode":"EURO","lastPublishedDate":"2024-08-19T07:05:29Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"Oslo exemplifies Scandinavian cool, and its trendy neighbourhoods, faultless dining options and awe-inspiring architecture won’t disappoint.","contentDescription":"<p>Oslo was once considered a bit staid, but it’s now throwing off that reputation and putting some serious energy – and money – into incredible design, architecture, boutiques and cuisine.</p><p>Trendy neighbourhoods have emerged that are well worth visiting, and in-the-know travellers board flights to Oslo with this at the forefront of their plans. Check out Tjuvholmen, where the Astrup Fearnley Museum of Modern Art (a destination in and of itself) has opened. The same area is also bursting with art galleries, restaurants like Fru K, and a stunning hotel; The Thief. Vulkan, on the Akerselva River, is another hot place to check out, with plenty of nightlife venues and a food hall, Mathallen Oslo.</p><p>Design is an important part of life in Oslo, and poking around shops for local goods is a fantastic way to spend an afternoon. Even venerable department stores like GlasMagasinet sell a plethora of Scandinavian-made clothes, accessories and crafts. Wandering Kvadraturen, the old town, is a good way to get a peek into some lovely old buildings, complete with cosy lounges and fun design shops. Oslo has an impressive art scene too, and the Munch Museum (home of Edvard Munch’s iconic painting The Scream) is a must-visit.</p><p>Oslo can be an expensive city, but it offers good value – restaurants and cafes may charge a lot, but the standards are high and the emphasis on beautiful design makes every meal, or even just a quick coffee, feel like an experience. It’s a city that exemplifies Scandinavian cool.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Oslo","stationCode":"OSL"}]},{"preTitle":"Flights to Europe","title":"Flights to Poland","summary":"Flights to Poland unlock some truly fascinating cities and cultural attractions, plus a surprisingly diverse countryside waiting to be explored.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Poland","seoDescription":"Book flights to Poland today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-poland","shortName":"Poland","longName":"Poland","code":"PL","isoCode":"PL","destinationType":"countries","parentType":"EURO","regionCode":"EURO","lastPublishedDate":"2023-02-23T16:29:09Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"Flights to Poland unlock some truly fascinating cities and cultural attractions, plus a surprisingly diverse countryside waiting to be explored.","contentDescription":"<p>Most first-time visitors begin their travels in mesmerising Kraków, which was one of the only Polish cities to come out relatively unscathed from the bombings of the Second World War. Today, it’s among the country’s biggest draws, a marvellous city that deserves its spot in the Unesco World Heritage Site list. Kraków is home to Europe’s largest medieval square, and is a wonderful place to explore on foot – every twist and turn reveals another building that seems to have been plucked from the pages of a history book.</p><p>Another visually stunning city in Poland is Gdańsk, which boasts some very impressive architecture. Its unique buildings reflect its position as an important port that, historically, was caught up in the battles of warring empires, and its location makes a good jumping-off point for exploring other parts of the Baltic Coast.</p><p>Not quite as picturesque but still definitely worth visiting is the capital city of Warsaw. What Warsaw lacks in looks, it makes up for with its energetic, friendly locals, live music venues and plethora of fascinating museums. It’s easy to immerse yourself in the nightlife, and the dining scene is fun to investigate too.</p><p>One of the biggest draws of Poland, once you head out of the cities, is the natural landscape. In rural Poland, you’ll find acres of postcard-worthy green spaces dotted with ancient churches and charming farms. If you like to hike you should head south. There, the terrain rises to meet the Slovakian border, making for some lovely walking and hiking paths, plus great biking trails too.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Poland","cities":[{"preTitle":"Flights to Poland","title":"Flights to Warsaw (WAW)","summary":"Visit Warsaw to experience one of Europe’s most exciting up-and-coming cities.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Warsaw (WAW)","seoDescription":"Book flights to Warsaw today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-warsaw","shortName":"Warsaw","longName":"Warsaw","code":"PL-WAW","isoCode":"WAW","destinationType":"cities","parentType":"PL_Masovian Voivodeship","areaCode":"PL_Masovian Voivodeship","countryCode":"PL","regionCode":"EURO","lastPublishedDate":"2024-08-13T08:23:11Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"Visit Warsaw to experience one of Europe’s most exciting up-and-coming cities.","contentDescription":"<p>Warsaw is experiencing a superlative regeneration. The Polish capital is discarding the shackles of the past and is now busy establishing itself as a hub for Eastern European business and leisure, with flights to Warsaw from all over the world now commonplace.</p><p>The city is growing exponentially – the skyline is dotted with hundreds of cranes, an indication of what the future holds. For now, however, you can enjoy the plentiful cultural attractions. Check out the new Frederic Chopin Museum, which celebrates the legendary composer, as well as the excellent Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw. Meanwhile, the Warsaw Philharmonic Orchestra is one of the best in Europe, and the atmospheric Old Town gives visitors an insight into the history of this fascinating pocket of Eastern Europe.</p><p>Warsaw is also enjoying something of a culinary revolution. An increasing number of young, talented Polish chefs are opening restaurants in the capital and serving original interpretations of traditional Polish dishes. And then, of course, there’s the exciting nightlife scene, which is so good many visitors have likened it to Berlin 10 years ago.</p><p>You can visit Poland’s capital all year round. Though Warsaw winters are harsh, the cold does not stop the festivities. The reputation of the Warsaw Christmas Festival is growing by the year, while spring brings it’s own celebrations. In June there are the Midsummer's Eve celebrations on the longest day of the year. More than 100,000 people turn out to celebrate at the Midsummer Market, many wearing traditional costumes.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Warsaw","stationCode":"WAW"}]},{"preTitle":"Flights to Europe","title":"Flights to Portugal","summary":"Flights to Portugal transport you to a place that will blow you away with its effortless beauty, culture and charm.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Portugal","seoDescription":"Book flights to Portugal today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-portugal","shortName":"Portugal","longName":"Portugal","code":"PT","isoCode":"PT","destinationType":"countries","parentType":"EURO","regionCode":"EURO","lastPublishedDate":"2023-02-23T16:29:12Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"Flights to Portugal transport you to a place that will blow you away with its effortless beauty, culture and charm.","contentDescription":"<p>Portugal’s incredible array of offerings, from stupendous beaches to medieval castles, enjoy the added bonus of being less crowded than many other destinations.</p><p>Lisbon, where you’ll likely start your trip, is one of Europe’s gems. It feels more like a village than a city; with narrow, tree-lined streets, plazas where locals gather to gossip and relax, fado music echoing from crowded nightlife venues, and the occasional stunning monastery. Watch a soccer game, explore Gothic cathedrals, eat world-class seafood from restaurants overlooking the water, or party until dawn in Bairro Alto – Lisbon’s not short of things to do.</p><p>Further afield, explore Portugal’s grape producers in Douro, which has the added bonus of stunning scenery; verdant, rolling hills overlooking the gorgeous River Douro. The town of Porto is a magnet to history buffs too, with a rich array of architectural gems ranging from the Romanesque to the Baroque, and a beautiful old quarter, Ribeira.</p><p>While the Algarve has been largely taken over by package tourism and people catching last minute flights to Portugal for some sun, it’s definitely worth a visit: the beaches are beautiful, the cliffs are rugged, and the inner Algarve is packed with pretty villages, crumbling castles and lush hills.</p><p>To make the most of the great outdoors and the lovely weather, try hiking in the Serra da Estrela or the Parque Nacional da Peneda-Gerês, sailing on the Rio Guadiana, or hitting the walking trails that crisscross the country. This being Portugal, you’ll never be far from a delicious meal, a nice cafe, or a historic hotel.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Portugal","cities":[{"preTitle":"Flights to Portugal","title":"Flights to Lisbon (LIS)","summary":"Visit Portugal’s capital to explore a destination that effortlessly blends fascinating, old-world charm with stunning modernity.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Lisbon (LIS)","seoDescription":"Book flights to Lisbon today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-lisbon","shortName":"Lisbon","longName":"Lisbon","code":"PT-LIS","isoCode":"LIS","destinationType":"cities","parentType":"PT_Lisbon","areaCode":"PT_Lisbon","countryCode":"PT","regionCode":"EURO","lastPublishedDate":"2024-08-13T05:23:52Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"Visit Portugal’s capital to explore a destination that effortlessly blends fascinating, old-world charm with stunning modernity.","contentDescription":"<p>In Portugal’s stunning capital, you can easily find yourself visiting centuries-old cathedrals during the day and dining out in Michelin-starred restaurants at night. So if you’re looking for a travel destination that has something for everyone, flights to Lisbon will get you there.</p><p>Lisbon’s excellent restaurant scene makes it a foodie heaven, and the seafood in particular is excellent. Even if you’re not a fan of fish, you’ll find something to whet your appetite. You might be dining at the famous Belcanto restaurant or picking up some local produce at markets such as Mercado da Ribeira. Just make sure you round off your meal with one of the city’s famously sweet custard tarts.</p><p>When it comes to nightlife, there’s plenty on offer and Lisbon’s residents like to stay out late. After dinner, head for Bairro Alto, a favourite haunt of the city’s night owls. This residential neighbourhood comes alive after dark with cool cafes and lounges.</p><p>But it’s not all about modern attractions. Lisbon ranks as the second oldest capital city in Europe after Athens and has a rich history. Evidence of its heritage is everywhere, with the 16th century Jerónimos Monastery and the historical Belém Tower being just two of the attractions worth adding to your itinerary.</p><p>And those are merely the manmade wonders – Lisbon is a city of natural beauty too. For hiking and walking, head for the natural parks of Sintra and Arrábida. Or, for a more relaxing experience, look to the coast. Lisbon’s urban beaches are some of the best in Europe.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Lisbon","stationCode":"LIS"}]},{"preTitle":"Flights to Europe","title":"Flights to Russia","summary":"Book flights to Russia and pack your camera – the landmarks, waterways and mountainous backdrop make the country seriously photogenic.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Russia","seoDescription":"Book flights to Russia today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-russia","shortName":"Russia","longName":"Russia","code":"RU","isoCode":"RU","destinationType":"countries","parentType":"EURO","regionCode":"EURO","lastPublishedDate":"2023-02-23T16:29:17Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"Book flights to Russia and pack your camera – the landmarks, waterways and mountainous backdrop make the country seriously photogenic.","contentDescription":"<p>Everything in Russia is larger than life, from the museums to the churches to the rivers to the cities (and even the portion sizes). The country’s history is so huge that it can be witnessed everywhere – including in the architecture, the food and the people. Mesmerising, compelling and utterly thrilling, flights to Russia should be on top of everyone’s travel list.</p><p>Moscow, with its Soviet-era landmarks, gilded onion-like domes and upper-crust populace is a magnet for anyone interested in art food and life. You could (and should) spend days exploring the city’s glamorous nightlife venues and internationally-renowned eateries. Of course, there are also the unmissable, iconic landmarks – the Kremlin, Red Square, the Bolshoi – too many to list. Muscovites work hard and play harder, so come here prepared to do the same.</p><p>Russia’s former capital, St Petersburg, is so full of stunning cathedrals, world-class museums, royal palaces, parks and historic buildings once inhabited by Russia’s great writers and politicians, that it’s hard to find time for the other stuff, like strolling on the riverbanks and shopping in its food halls.</p><p>Outside Russia’s major cities there lies a host of smaller towns and villages; imbued with a unique sense of history. Hop on the Trans-Siberian Railway to fly through time zone after time zone. Go skiing in the mountains, read Tolstoy in a 19th century coffeehouse, check out subversive new art, steam out your troubles in a sauna, peruse the paintings in The Hermitage, dance the night away to world-class DJs, check out Pushkin’s country estate – the possibilities are endless. Russia’s history – the stuff in the past and the one it’s creating right now – are enthralling.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Russia","cities":[{"preTitle":"Flights to Russia","title":"Flights to Moscow (MOW)","summary":"The centuries-old capital of Russia was the heart of the Soviet Union. Yet whilst history abounds, Moscow also looks forward with charm and grace.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Moscow (MOW)","seoDescription":"Book flights to Moscow today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-moscow","shortName":"Moscow","longName":"Moscow","code":"RU-MOW","isoCode":"MOW","destinationType":"cities","parentType":"RU_MS","areaCode":"RU_MS","countryCode":"RU","regionCode":"EURO","lastPublishedDate":"2024-08-19T06:27:22Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"The centuries-old capital of Russia was the heart of the Soviet Union. Yet whilst history abounds, Moscow also looks forward with charm and grace.","contentDescription":"<p>The Red Square – home to Lenin’s Mausoleum, the Kremlin and the 16th century St Basil’s Cathedral – draws visitors from all over the world on flights to Moscow, and seems to reverberate with the footsteps of military parades. The centuries-old Russian capital was once the heart of the Soviet Union and evidence of this is everywhere.</p><p>However, the city is not without its modern charms. Even the Bolshoi, Moscow’s oldest theatre, has had a contemporary facelift, although it maintains its old-world charm.</p><p>Near the historic Red Square lies the GUM, a huge shopping complex where locals and residents come to splash their cash. It certainly doesn’t hurt to have a bank-busting budget – you’ll need it for nights out. A huge amount has been invested into the city’s fine dining restaurants. Turandot, for example, is a must-visit eatery said to have swallowed up $40 million dollars with its interior design alone. Then there’s O2 Lounge at the Ritz, a trendy lounge with prices almost as dizzying as the views. .</p><p>Fortunately, there’s another side to the city that does not require Romanov-like riches. In recent years, Moscow residents have embraced a more outdoorsy lifestyle, and there are some lovely green spaces. At Izmailovsky Park, set in a 16th century royal estate, you can browse the market for souvenirs. Alternatively, Gorky Park, named for the Soviet era author Maxim Gorky, draws visitors and locals alike as soon as there’s a hint of sunshine.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Moscow","stationCode":"DME"},{"preTitle":"Flights to Russia","title":"Flights to St Petersburg (LED)","summary":"Palaces and cathedrals, canals and bridges, art and caviar – flights to St Petersburg transport you to a dream city.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to St Petersburg (LED)","seoDescription":"Book flights to St Petersburg today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-saint-petersburg","shortName":"St. Petersburg","longName":"St. Petersburg","code":"RU-LED","isoCode":"LED","destinationType":"cities","parentType":"RU_SP","areaCode":"RU_SP","countryCode":"RU","regionCode":"EURO","lastPublishedDate":"2024-08-19T06:45:56Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"Palaces and cathedrals, canals and bridges, art and caviar – flights to St Petersburg transport you to a dream city.","contentDescription":"<p>St Petersburg is, without question, one of the world’s great destinations. It’s a place where almost every house you see tells a story, and where restaurants are found in buildings that are hundreds of years old.</p><p>This is where Tchaikovsky, Vrubel, Pushkin and Dostoyevsky all lived. All in all, the elegance of its architecture and the weight of its history are almost overwhelming.</p><p>To take advantage of all that this place has to offer, take flights to St Petersburg during the summer. The city’s White Nights – nights in which the city never gets completely dark in the beginning of summer – are legendary. And besides, the snowy, sub-zero temperatures of winter make sightseeing more difficult (although not impossible).</p><p>Once here, stuff yourself with blinis and caviar at the city’s high-end restaurants or pop into hole-in-the-wall bakeries for warm pies and tea. Don’t miss the State Hermitage, which has more than three million artefacts in its collection.</p><p>And make sure that the Peter & Paul Fortress is on your list, for a glimpse into Russian history. If you have time for a day trip, visit suburbs such as Pushkin (Tsarskoye Selo) or Petergof, both recognised as a Unesco World Heritage Sites, to explore stunning royal palaces, fountains and gardens.</p><p>While there are plenty of places to visit in St Petersburg, from markets to churches to Russian baths, some of the best times you’ll spend here will be walking the streets. This is particularly true in Nevsky Prospekt, the main boulevard in the city and home to many shops, restaurants and crowds of locals. Settle into a lounge, or sip tea and watch the world go by from one of the many cafes.</p><p>If the weather is good, take a boat tour along the city’s many rivers and channels and explore the city from water. Try to get a sense of St Petersburg history, but make sure to enjoy where it is today – a city with a sense of fun and adventure.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to St Petersburg","stationCode":"LED"}]},{"preTitle":"Flights to Europe","title":"Flights to Spain","summary":"Flights to Spain will show you why the country consistently ranks as one of the most-visited destinations in the world.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Spain","seoDescription":"Book flights to Spain today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-spain","shortName":"Spain","longName":"Spain","code":"ES","isoCode":"ES","destinationType":"countries","parentType":"EURO","regionCode":"EURO","lastPublishedDate":"2023-02-23T16:29:22Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"Flights to Spain will show you why the country consistently ranks as one of the most-visited destinations in the world.","contentDescription":"<p>Spain is a multi-faceted country, one that mixes rich cultural traditions with the modernity of cities like Madrid and Barcelona. The landscape is beautiful and the Pyrenees make a gorgeous backdrop to a coastline of beautiful beaches, with many boarding flights to Spain every year for a dose of the good life. Huge, ornate cathedrals dot the landscape, and the world-famous nightlife of the cities can keep even the most amped traveller satisfied.</p><p>If you start in Madrid, check out the Palacio Real de Madrid where the King of Spain resides. Catch a Real Madrid football match, then head to Cuenca, located between Madrid and Valencia, to see the well-preserved medieval city. In Barcelona, the Sagrada Familia isn't to be missed – its distinctive angles and shapes are the work of world-famous artist Antoni Gaudi. Stay in Hotel Majestic or Hotel Arts Barcelona; the latter sits right on top of the Mediterranean.</p><p>Alternatively, head to the Mediterranean coast proper for a beach vacation in the summer. Spots like Costa Brava, Costa Blanca, and Costa de Almeria have an old-world charm that you'll struggle to find in other regions of the world. La Concha in San Sebastián might be the best urban beach in Europe. If you're looking to party, Ibiza and its all-night dance fests is the place to go.</p><p>And then there's the food. Many of the world's best restaurants are in Spain, from the El Celler de Can Roca in Girona and Azurmendi in Larrabetzu to the San Sebastian duo Arzak and Mugaritz. If fine dining's not your style, simply go for a wander and walk into any establishment you can find. The home-cooked results are sure to be fresh and fantastic.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Spain","cities":[{"preTitle":"Flights to Spain","title":"Flights to Barcelona (BCN)","summary":"Can’t choose between a beach holiday and a city break? Hop on a flight to Barcelona and you’ll get both.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Barcelona (BCN)","seoDescription":"Book flights to Barcelona today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-barcelona","shortName":"Barcelona","longName":"Barcelona","code":"ES-BCN","isoCode":"BCN","destinationType":"cities","parentType":"ES_CT","areaCode":"ES_CT","countryCode":"ES","regionCode":"EURO","lastPublishedDate":"2024-08-13T09:12:05Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"Can’t choose between a beach holiday and a city break? Hop on a flight to Barcelona and you’ll get both.","contentDescription":"<p>It’s hard to imagine a more traveller-friendly place than Barcelona, which seems to have something for everyone.</p><p>Flights to Barcelona take you to a city that boasts the best of both worlds. On the one hand, there’s the ultra-modern side to the city centre, with its Antoni Gaudí architecture, luxury hotels, high-end restaurants and designer boutiques. On the other, Barcelona has a thriving beach culture, with more than 4km of coastline. The city is a hugely popular surfing destination, and Barceloneta is regularly named as one of the best urban beaches in the world.</p><p>Staying on dry land is just as rewarding though, especially if you decide to explore the city on foot – you never know what you’ll stumble across. You might even want to opt for an official guided tour just to make sure you don’t miss anything. (Runner Bean Tours, for example, host child-friendly guided walks of the city.)</p><p>However, if you’re feeling adventurous and would rather go it alone, Las Ramblas is a great place to start; it comprises five boulevards, with Plaça de Catalunya at one end and the waterfront on the other. This famous promenade is populated by cafes, restaurants, shops and street performers, and is filled with locals and tourists all hours of the day and night.</p><p>In fact, Barcelona is ideal for night owls. The city never seems to sleep, and many of the tapas restaurants, lounges and music venues don’t get going until fairly late in the evening. It’s not uncommon to schedule dinner for 10pm or later, stay out all night, and find yourself at breakfast without having made it back to your hotel. You won’t want to sleep through the day though – not when there are so many cultural sights to take in. There are famous tourist attractions like Gaudí’s Sagrada Familia and the Picasso Museum, both of which are good additions to any Barcelona itinerary. Venture off the beaten track, though, and you’ll be rewarded with leafy parks, quirky boutiques and local markets.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Barcelona","stationCode":"BCN"},{"preTitle":"Flights to Spain","title":"Flights to Madrid (MAD)","summary":"If you’re catching flights to Madrid, bring your appetite – it’s filled with art, architecture, atmosphere and amazing food.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Madrid (MAD)","seoDescription":"Book flights to Madrid today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-madrid","shortName":"Madrid","longName":"Madrid","code":"ES-MAD","isoCode":"MAD","destinationType":"cities","parentType":"ES_Community of Madrid","areaCode":"ES_Community of Madrid","countryCode":"ES","regionCode":"EURO","lastPublishedDate":"2024-08-13T10:20:09Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"If you’re catching flights to Madrid, bring your appetite – it’s filled with art, architecture, atmosphere and amazing food.","contentDescription":"<p>The best way to tackle this cosmopolitan city is to do as the locals do and take to the streets the moment your flight to Madrid arrives. Madrileños are famous for their energy, and you’ll need bags of it to explore the best of what the city has to offer.</p><p>The vibrant Spanish capital is best experienced with a hunger to consume. You could be sampling local cuisine at the Mercado de San Miguel in the morning, wandering the art exhibitions of the Prado Museum in the afternoon, and then losing yourself to Madrid’s infamous nightlife of tapas-tasting and lounge-hopping in upmarket Gran Vía until it’s time for breakfast.</p><p>Breakfast, like every other meal in the city, is taken seriously. Perhaps more than any other destination in Spain, food is a huge part of the culture. Madrid is, in fact, home to the oldest restaurant in the world, Restaurante Botín, which has been open since 1725. As well as experiencing this piece of history, you can also immerse yourself in one of Europe’s most exciting restaurant scenes, where the best meal of your life may come from a Michelin-starred chef or hole-in-the-wall tapas joint.</p><p>Part of the reason the food is so good is because Spain’s largest city is also one of its most cosmopolitan. Communities from all over the world, including Latin America, Africa, Asia and the rest of Europe, have settled here, creating a melting pot of cultures and an exciting travel destination.</p><p>Some of the biggest attractions, however, are home-grown – the Prado Museum, the Picasso Museum and the legendary flamenco venue La Solea, to name a few.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Madrid","stationCode":"MAD"}]},{"preTitle":"Flights to Europe","title":"Flights to Sweden","summary":"Flights to Sweden will inspire your creativity thanks to the country’s famous eye for design, thrilling history and fairy-tale landscapes.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Sweden","seoDescription":"Book flights to Sweden today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-sweden","shortName":"Sweden","longName":"Sweden","code":"SE","isoCode":"SE","destinationType":"countries","parentType":"EURO","regionCode":"EURO","lastPublishedDate":"2023-02-23T16:29:27Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"Flights to Sweden will inspire your creativity thanks to the country’s famous eye for design, thrilling history and fairy-tale landscapes.","contentDescription":"<p>Stockholm, the capital, makes a great starting point on your trip to Sweden, from the medieval cobbled streets of Gamla Stan to its nightlife scene that rivals the trendiest in Europe.</p><p>Despite its chilly winters, Sweden is a great destination for exploring the outdoors too. Take flights to Sweden during the summer, when the sun never seems to set, and traverse the archipelago of Stockholm by bike, or just relax with a picnic in the grounds of one of its castles.</p><p>Gothenburg isn’t quite as busy as the capital, but it’s home to just as much culture and plenty of style. Explore the city by hopping on the uber-efficient tram system to find great fashion boutiques, a thriving arts and music scene and an irresistible cafe culture. Don’t forget to partake in ‘fika’, the Swedish word for the action of drinking coffee and eating sweet treats while hanging out with friends.</p><p>Once you head out of the cities, the wilds of Sweden are like something out of a story book. Head to the north of the country, to Lapland, and you can visit the Sami, who have inhabited the world's Arctic regions for thousands of years. Historically, these indigenous people were a nomadic tribe that made their living from the reindeer industry, and a lot of them still embrace this traditional way of life. You’ll find the biggest Sami population in the village of Sirkas in Jokkmokk.</p><p>In the south, you should check out the fascinating destination of Malmö. It’s a small, friendly place with some very good restaurants, but what really makes it special are the initiatives to make this modern city as eco-friendly as possible. For example, there’s a disused shipyard that’s been converted into an incredible eco-living area.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Sweden","cities":[{"preTitle":"Flights to Sweden","title":"Flights to Stockholm (ARN)","summary":"There’s no doubt about it – the Swedish capital is one of the most beautiful cities in the world.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Stockholm (ARN)","seoDescription":"Book flights to Stockholm today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-stockholm","shortName":"Stockholm","longName":"Stockholm","code":"SE-ARN","isoCode":"ARN","destinationType":"cities","parentType":"SE","countryCode":"SE","regionCode":"EURO","lastPublishedDate":"2024-08-13T08:14:46Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"There’s no doubt about it – the Swedish capital is one of the most beautiful cities in the world.","contentDescription":"<p>Flights to Stockholm take you to a place unlike any other. Instead of row upon row of skyscrapers, the city, which is built across 14 islands, has large sections devoted to parks and woodlands. There’s also the spectacular Lake Mälaren.</p><p>This friendly city can broadly be divided into old and new. The historic part, Gamla Stan, is a labyrinth of cobbled streets and interesting architecture. On the other hand the more modern side has plenty of restaurants, hotels and cultural sights to keep travellers entertained.</p><p>Stockholm is a cosmopolitan city with a diverse population, so there’s a wide range of dining options to choose from, and something to suit all budgets. The shopping scene is quite varied too, with craft shops sitting comfortably alongside high-end boutiques. And at the end of a long day of sightseeing, there are world-class lounges and nightlife venues just waiting to welcome you in.</p><p>When you’re done with all that dining and dancing, it’s time to head outdoors. Stockholm is a brilliant destination for an active holiday, with a natural beauty that is truly breathtaking. Witness it strolling along the shores of the Baltic Sea, or by heading into the woods for a hike.</p><p>You can go island-hopping or stick to solid land and learn about the city’s Viking history (did you know that the Swedes never wore the famous horned Viking helmets?). Once you’re done exploring, there are plenty of hotels to choose from, ranging from the luxurious to the budget-friendly, which more than live up to the Swedish reputation for impeccable design.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Stockholm","stationCode":"ARN"}]},{"preTitle":"Flights to Europe","title":"Flights to Switzerland","summary":"Flights to Switzerland suit those who like the finer things in life, whether that’s nature, hotels or high-end boutiques.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Switzerland","seoDescription":"Book flights to Switzerland today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-switzerland","shortName":"Switzerland","longName":"Switzerland","code":"CH","isoCode":"CH","destinationType":"countries","parentType":"EURO","regionCode":"EURO","lastPublishedDate":"2023-02-23T16:29:27Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"Flights to Switzerland suit those who like the finer things in life, whether that’s nature, hotels or high-end boutiques.","contentDescription":"<p>From the most luxurious hotels to the priciest designer boutiques, and some of the best chocolatiers in the world, Switzerland has your needs covered. Your adventure begins the moment you spot those snow-capped peaks from the window seat of your flight to Switzerland.</p><p>Each Swiss city has its own unique charm. In the capital, Bern, you can marvel over the incredible medieval architecture; Basel, with its many splendid museums, is just as well suited to history buffs keen to learn more about the area. And super-wealthy Zürich is less of an education and more of a playground, filled with trendy art galleries, designer stores and fashionable nightlife venues frequented by the rich and famous. Then there’s Geneva, one of Switzerland’s most sought-after cities, home to powerful international organisations.</p><p>But for lots of travellers, the biggest draw of Switzerland doesn't lie in the cities but in the great outdoors. Its mountainous landscapes are the perfect antidote to busy, urban life; a place where you can wander the lush green fields to the sound of alpine cowbells, or the roar of nearby waterfalls. Head upwards to the peaks and you can get a view of the famous Matterhorn, which stands at over 4km tall.</p><p>This exceptional natural landscape lends itself well to active pursuits. Skiing is hugely popular, as is ice skating and the more family-friendly tobogganing. Plus, nothing beats a mug of Swiss hot chocolate after a day on the slopes. During the warmer months, once the snow melts, the hills become a lush green playground for mountain biking and hiking.</p><p>And while you could easily spend all your time in Switzerland, its location means that the country is a great base for exploring the rest of Europe, with numerous rail and road links to Italy, Austria, Germany and France.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Switzerland","cities":[{"preTitle":"Flights to Switzerland ","title":"Flights to Geneva (GVA)","summary":"A diplomatic hub, Geneva is also a magnet for tourists who come to explore this seat of power and its picturesque setting.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Geneva (GVA)","seoDescription":"Book flights to Geneva today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-geneva","shortName":"Geneva","longName":"Geneva","code":"CH-GVA","isoCode":"GVA","destinationType":"cities","parentType":"CH_GE","areaCode":"CH_GE","countryCode":"CH","regionCode":"EURO","lastPublishedDate":"2024-08-13T05:15:17Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"A diplomatic hub, Geneva is also a magnet for tourists who come to explore this seat of power and its picturesque setting.","contentDescription":"<p>There are few cities in the world that can claim to be as cosmopolitan as Geneva. Thanks to its status as one of the homes of the United Nations, flights to Geneva are packed with dignitaries and world leaders year-round.</p><p>It’s a magnet for tourists as well, who come to marvel at this seat of power and its stunning lakeside setting. Not only is Geneva a hub of diplomacy, it’s a popular spot for shopping, dining, nightlife and leisure.</p><p>In 2014 Geneva won Europe’s Leading City Break Destination at the World Travel Awards. It offers a host of Michelin-starred restaurants – bestowing far more than your typical Swiss cuisine. Combined with its opulent hotels and shopping boutiques, Geneva has become much more than a stopover for skiers or a useful base for the business or government traveller.</p><p>While it’s a cosmopolitan city, Geneva also boasts everything Switzerland is best known for. It’s home to beautiful mountain views (the Jura Alps make a picture postcard backdrop), watch-making expertise, and the highest quality food and drink – think artisan chocolates and indulgent fondues. But there’s ample time and opportunity to burn off those calories, as Geneva is a wonderful outdoor playground for skiing, snowboarding, hiking and mountain biking, depending on the time of year you happen to be there.</p><p>The city’s entertainment has one eye on the more illustrious guests that pass through, with global leaders finding no shortage of celebrity chefs on hand. Yet suits do rub shoulders with ski jackets in Geneva, as thousands extend their time on the piste to enjoy what the city has to offer such as a range of impressive museums, the atmospheric Old Town, and lakeside gardens.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Geneva","stationCode":"GVA"},{"preTitle":"Flights to Switzerland","title":"Flights to Zürich (ZRH)","summary":"Beyond the banks, Zürich is the focal point for much of Switzerland’s art, music and opera. Visit to explore culture and stunning, natural beauty.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Zürich (ZRH)","seoDescription":"Book flights to Zürich today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-zurich","shortName":"Zürich","longName":"Zürich","code":"CH-ZRH","isoCode":"ZRH","destinationType":"cities","parentType":"CH_ZH","areaCode":"CH_ZH","countryCode":"CH","regionCode":"EURO","lastPublishedDate":"2024-08-13T03:57:29Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"Beyond the banks, Zürich is the focal point for much of Switzerland’s art, music and opera. Visit to explore culture and stunning, natural beauty.","contentDescription":"<p>With the age-old joke about the name translating as too rich (zu reich), Switzerland’s biggest city has long been stereotyped as a banking capital, and little else.</p><p>And while there is no disputing the wealth of many of its inhabitants – one third of which are expats who have taken one-way flights to Zürich– the diversity throughout is a joy to behold.</p><p>The city is home to many of Switzerland’s music, arts and cultural highlights, including Schauspielhaus, one of the most revered theatres in the German-speaking world. There’s also the Opernhaus on Falkenstrasse 1, which regularly stages world-class operatic productions.</p><p>But the city doesn’t limit itself to highbrow theatre and opera. There is a wealth of outdoor pursuits and al fresco events for much of the year. Visitors and locals alike can often be found on the enormous Lake Zürich or at one of the many Badi Bars (lidos) dotted along the River Limmat.</p><p>It is also a pedestrian-friendly city that’s popular with runners. Its proximity to the Alps means it’s easy to pop out for a day’s skiing in the winter, or perhaps a spot of cycling or hiking in the summer.</p><p>Zürich also has a sparkling restaurant scene – in 2014, nine of its restaurants were Michelin-starred, with chefs such as Laurent Eperon and Antonio Colaianni driving this culinary revolution.</p><p>In turn, a thriving nightlife scene is boosted every summer by open-air music festivals, the largest of which is the Street Parade, a dance music event that attracts a million people.</p><p>Considering its abundant cultural, gastronomic and recreational options, Zürich is ‘too rich’ in more ways than one.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Zürich","stationCode":"ZRH"}]},{"preTitle":"Flights to Europe","title":"Flights to Türkiye","summary":"Flights to Türkiye offer insight into a country spanning across both Europe and Asia – with visible cultural influences from each.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Türkiye","seoDescription":"Book flights to Türkiye today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-turkey","shortName":"Türkiye","longName":"Türkiye","code":"TR","isoCode":"TR","destinationType":"countries","parentType":"EURO","regionCode":"EURO","lastPublishedDate":"2024-12-06T09:15:42Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"Flights to Türkiye offer insight into a country spanning across both Europe and Asia – with visible cultural influences from each.","contentDescription":"<p>Lying across both Europe and Asia, Türkiye’s unique geographical location and rich history make it a fascinating destination.</p><p>Evidence of ancient civilisations is strewn throughout its rugged mountainous landscape, while bazaars throng with activity in its major cities.</p><p>Straddling two continents, <a href=\"/english/destinations/flights-to-istanbul/\" title=\"Flight to Istanbul\" data-id=\"pagebody_link\" data-link=\"Flight to Istanbul - Link Dynamic\">Istanbul</a> is brimming with a diverse selection of architecture – a nod to the many empires that have wrestled for control of the strategically crucial city.</p><p>Side-step through sprawling and boisterous marketplaces to discover the majestic towers of the Hagia Sophia Grand Mosque, or the mysterious subterranean spaces of the Basilica Cistern. Such is its diversity, Istanbul is also graced with remarkable green spaces. Explore the winding trails and glistening lakes of Belgrad Forest, where the hubbub of the city subsides to bird song and towering oak trees.</p><p>The capital Ankara is a thriving example of modern-day Türkiye, though majestic structures like the Anıtkabir mausoleum and Ankara Castle are unmissable symbols of past centuries.</p><p>For a more tranquil escape, head to the enchanting surroundings of Cappadocia, where cone-shaped rock formations dominate the skyline. Soar above this almost alien terrain in one of the many colourful hot air balloons that pepper the skies above.</p><p>The coastal city of Izmir offers yet more captivating archaeological sites – watch Greek and Roman history uncovered at the ongoing excavation of Smyrna Agora, or soak up a panoramic view of the Gulf of Izmir from the walls of Kadifekale (Velvet Castle). South of Izmir is Ephesus, one of Türkiye’s largest and most significant ancient cities where grand Roman libraries and theatres still stand.</p><p>To the east of Izmir is Pamukkale, a town renowned for its mineral-rich thermal waters and dazzling white travertine terraces. Here you can relax in the thermal pools where the Egyptian queen Cleopatra is believed to have swum.</p><p>If you’re seeking the turquoise waters of the Mediterranean, the coastal cities of Antaly, Bodrum and Marmaris blend modern cafes and restaurants with traditional Turkish culture and history. After recharging on Antalya's sun-kissed beaches, venture to Koprulu Canyon National Park. Embark on a rafting adventure on the Koprukay River, which crashes through ravines and lush forests.</p><p>Türkiye has gained global recognition for its mouth-watering food. It is particularly renowned for sizzling meat kebabs along with a range of rice and vegetable-based dishes. Gaziantep, one of the world’s oldest cities, boasts a cuisine so rich and unique that it has been recognised by UNESCO.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Türkiye","cities":[{"preTitle":"Flights to Türkiye","title":"Flights to Istanbul (IST)","summary":"Visit Istanbul to discover an incredibly diverse destination – where age-old sites sit amidst bustling bazars and high-end restaurants.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Istanbul (IST)","seoDescription":"Book flights to Istanbul today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-istanbul","shortName":"Istanbul","longName":"Istanbul","code":"TR-IST","isoCode":"IST","destinationType":"cities","parentType":"TR","countryCode":"TR","regionCode":"EURO","lastPublishedDate":"2024-08-12T11:30:58Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"Visit Istanbul to discover an incredibly diverse destination – where age-old sites sit amidst bustling bazars and high-end restaurants.","contentDescription":"<p>Book flights to Istanbul to discover an incredibly diverse destination boasting culture, charm and haute cuisine. Iconic landmarks such as the Blue Mosque and Hagia Sophia provide Istanbul’s wondrous skyline that reflects on the mighty Bosphorus River. Narrow, cobbled streets lead to large, open squares, with adventures at every corner, while street hawkers sell cooked mussels with lemon wedges.</p><p>This popular Turkish city is also a brilliant destination for shopping. There are plenty of high-end boutiques in Istanbul, but you can still find great deals in the Grand Bazaar and Spice Bazaar, two world-renowned markets. Vendors play board games and drink coffee as shoppers navigate their way along the bustling corridors. With trendy vintage shops tucked away in hidden side streets, every trinket feels like a well-earned treasure.</p><p>As you walk across the bridges of the Bosphorus, beneath which are many restaurants, locals dangle fishing lines into the water below. At the end of a long day of exploring, head to a rooftop or balcony lounge to take in the spectacular sunset and hear the call to prayer from the minarets as shadows swoop over the city.</p><p>If you want to continue your evening revelry, join the locals and fellow travellers at the 'Golden Mile', which is full of high-end restaurants and low-key lounges that stay open well into the early hours. The bohemian neighbourhood of Beyoğlu is another area with great places to eat and drink.</p><p>Flights to Istanbul land you in either the Asian or European side of the city. Istanbul Airport (IST) is located on the European side of Istanbul, and Sabiha Gökçen International Airport (SAW) is located on the Anatolia (Asian) side. Whether you’re landing in Europe or Asia, you can catch a connecting flight to explore the rest of Türkiye. Or cross the Bosphorus to experience both sides of this marvellous city.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Istanbul","stationCode":"IST"}]},{"preTitle":"Flights to Europe","title":"Flights to United Kingdom","summary":"Choose flights to the UK and discover the rich culture and fascinating history of England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales. ","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to United Kingdom","seoDescription":"Book flights to United Kingdom today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-united-kingdom","shortName":"United Kingdom","longName":"United Kingdom","code":"GB","isoCode":"GB","destinationType":"countries","parentType":"EURO","regionCode":"EURO","lastPublishedDate":"2025-02-07T06:20:33Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"Choose flights to the UK and discover the rich culture and fascinating history of England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales.","contentDescription":"<p>The UK is a compact, captivating nation where culture-rich cities with stunning architecture, world-famous galleries and top-class sporting venues give way to glorious rural scenery.</p><p>The <a href=\"/english/destinations/flights-to-london/\" title=\"Flights to London\" data-id=\"pagebody_link\" data-link=\"Flights to London - Link Dynamic\">capital London</a> is peppered with iconic landmarks, from Buckingham Palace to the Tower of London. Stroll along the River Thames to spot countless world-renowned sites among the bustling streets of this centre of international business.</p><p>North-west of London, <a href=\"/english/destinations/flights-to-birmingham/\" title=\"Flights to Birmingham\" data-id=\"pagebody_link\" data-link=\"Flights to Birmingham - Link Dynamic\">Birmingham</a> is a vibrant city characterised by its intricate canal network and industrial past. Hop on a narrowboat and tour these historic waterways, visit the Bullring shopping centre to browse an array of high-end stores, or enjoy delicious meals at one of many Michelin-starred restaurants.</p><p>Further north-west, <a href=\"/english/destinations/flights-to-manchester/\" title=\"Flights to Manchester\" data-id=\"pagebody_link\" data-link=\"Flights to Manchester - Link Dynamic\">Manchester</a> is another bustling city known for its manufacturing heritage and charming canals. In addition to being home to two of the world’s most iconic football teams and a legendary music scene, it boasts a rich sporting culture. Cricket enthusiasts shouldn’t pass up a trip to <a href=\"/english/about-us/our-communities/sponsorship/cricket/\" title=\"Cricket\" data-id=\"pagebody_link\" data-link=\"Cricket - Cricket\">Emirates Old Trafford</a>, a historic ground that hosts major events as well as cricket games.</p><p>In the north-east, <a href=\"/english/destinations/flights-to-newcastle/\" title=\"Flights to Newcastle\" data-id=\"pagebody_link\" data-link=\"Flights to Newcastle - Link Dynamic\">Newcastle</a> features an energetic, compact centre stretching out from the banks of the River Tyne. Find trendy restaurants at the lively Quayside next to this renowned waterway, or take a short trip to Tynemouth, a picturesque coastal village.</p><p>Head further north and across the border into Scotland to discover further natural and man-made beauty. The Scottish Highlands is a dramatic mountainous region featuring world-class walking trails and vast lochs.</p><p><a href=\"/english/destinations/flights-to-edinburgh/\" title=\"Flights to Edinburgh\" data-id=\"pagebody_link\" data-link=\"Flights to Edinburgh - Link Dynamic\">Edinburgh</a> is Scotland’s capital and its most aesthetic city, crowned by Edinburgh Castle that stands on the black crags of Castle Rock. Step back into medieval times with a tour of its old town before watching the sunset from Arthur’s Seat, an extinct volcano which affords sweeping city views.</p><p>West of Edinburgh, <a href=\"/english/destinations/flights-to-glasgow/\" title=\"Flights to Glasgow\" data-id=\"pagebody_link\" data-link=\"Flights to Glasgow - Link Dynamic\">Glasgow</a> is a buzzing city, celebrated for its Victorian architecture and vibrant music and cultural scene. From the iconic Theatre Royal to the renowned Glasgow Gallery of Modern Art, the city pulses with creativity. It also serves as a launchpad for exploring the breathtaking Loch Lomond & The Trossachs National Park, making it a perfect blend of urban charm and natural beauty.</p><p>Whether you’re in the hills of Scotland or the heart of London, fish and chips is a reliable and hearty dish. This UK staple traditionally includes a portion of mouth-watering battered fish, accompanied by thick, crispy chips. For a quick snack, grab a Cornish pasty – a meat and vegetable-filled shortcrust pastry.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to United Kingdom","cities":[{"preTitle":"Flights to United Kingdom","title":"Flights to Birmingham (BHX)","summary":"Explore Brum, the birthplace of the modern steam engine, the Mini, Cadbury’s chocolate, lawn tennis and the balti.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Birmingham (BHX)","seoDescription":"Book flights to Birmingham today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-birmingham","shortName":"Birmingham","longName":"Birmingham","code":"GB-BHX","isoCode":"BHX","destinationType":"cities","parentType":"GB-ENG","areaCode":"GB-ENG","countryCode":"GB","regionCode":"EURO","lastPublishedDate":"2024-08-19T04:14:41Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"Explore Brum, the birthplace of the modern steam engine, the Mini, Cadbury’s chocolate, lawn tennis and the balti.","contentDescription":"<p>Creativity and invention are in Birmingham’s DNA. At the height of the industrial revolution the English city was known as the ‘workshop of the world’, and it registered three times as many patents as any other city. Catching flights to Birmingham will take you to the city that gave the world the modern steam engine, Cadbury’s chocolate, lawn tennis, HP Sauce, the Mini, Dunlop tyres, the first professional football league, Brylcreem and lots more.</p><p>Today, as one of the youngest cities in Europe, Brum, as it’s affectionately known, continues to re-invent itself. It’s packed with cultural attractions, from historic sights such as the Grade I listed Jacobean mansion Aston Hall, to Villa Park – home of Aston Villa Football Club. Then there are the world-class acoustics of Symphony Hall and the Birmingham Royal Ballet at the Hippodrome Theatre.</p><p>It’s a city on the up, as you can see from its acres of green spaces and miles of rejuvenated canals leading to the stunning new Library of Birmingham and the modernist structure of the Selfridges building at the iconic Bullring shopping centre. In fact, Brum is one of the top destinations for shopping in the UK, with an eclectic retail scene that ranges from the renowned Jewellery Quarter to its exclusive mall, The Mailbox.</p><p>You’ll want to save some of your pennies for Birmingham’s food and drink too, and the diverse dining scene that reflects the city’s cosmopolitan population. There’s everything from Michelin-starred restaurants to a vibrant street-food culture. Add a thriving network of independent coffee shops and it’s clear that Birmingham is a culinary force to be reckoned with.</p><p>Each of Brum’s eclectic neighbourhoods has something to offer. In post-industrial Digbeth you’ll find a vibrant creative community, trendy Moseley has more of an indie vibe, and King’s Heath is pure suburbia. And at the heart of Birmingham’s appeal are the good-humoured, down-to-earth ‘Brummies’.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Birmingham","stationCode":"BHX"},{"preTitle":"Flights to the United Kingdom","title":"Flights to Edinburgh (EDI)","summary":"Flights to Edinburgh land you in a city of historical legends, mythical creatures and craggy castles.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Edinburgh (EDI)","seoDescription":"Book flights to Edinburgh today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-edinburgh","shortName":"Edinburgh","longName":"Edinburgh","code":"GB-EDI","isoCode":"EDI","destinationType":"cities","parentType":"GB-SCT","areaCode":"GB-SCT","countryCode":"GB","regionCode":"EURO","lastPublishedDate":"2024-08-13T07:24:42Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"Flights to Edinburgh land you in a city of historical legends, mythical creatures and craggy castles.","contentDescription":"<p>Book your flights to Edinburgh and land in a beautiful city with mediaeval buildings and an energetic arts and cultural scene.</p><p>Made up of the historic Old Town and the Georgian New Town, the architecture of Edinburgh is one of the city’s striking features. Stories are told through the royal Palace of Holyrood House, the Scott Monument and St Giles’ Cathedral, while modern structures like the Forth Bridge showcase the city’s ingenuity in design and engineering.</p><p>Explore the famous twelfth century Edinburgh Castle perched on Castle Rock - the icon of Scotland’s capital city. Discover the crown jewels, palace and museum, then walk down the cobbled streets of the Royal Mile, dipping in and out of its ‘closes’ and ‘wynds’ (narrow lanes and alleyways). Two must-stops are the local tweed shops that offer Scotland’s most popular tartan fashion statement, and Edinburgh’s taverns, where you can try the Scottish haggis.</p><p>Edinburgh is historically a hub of intellectuals and writers (it’s famously where JK Rowling was inspired to write the Harry Potter series). Home to the University of Edinburgh, and with alumni like Charles Darwin, David Hulme and Robert Louis Stevenson, it’s no wonder this city has dubbed itself the Athens of the North.</p><p>Two of the most popular events in Edinburgh are held in the summer. Be a spectator at the Highland Games, where locals donning kilts test their strength in the caber toss and the Scottish hammer throw. And soak up the atmosphere at the world’s largest arts festival, the Edinburgh Fringe, where the city comes alive with thousands of shows and performances by musicians, dancers, poets, comedians and artists.</p><p>Beyond the city, flights to Edinburgh put you just a couple of hours’ drive from the wilderness of the Cairngorms National Park, home of the royal Balmoral Castle. Or take a tour bus further to Loch Ness. Whether you catch a glimpse of the mythical monster ‘Nessy’ or not, you can enjoy spectacular lake views, fresh air and lush green surroundings.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Edinburgh","stationCode":"EDI"},{"preTitle":"Flights to the United Kingdom","title":"Flights to Glasgow (GLA)","summary":"Scotland is a country that certainly knows how to enjoy itself, and no city in Scotland knows how to enjoy itself more than Glasgow.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Glasgow (GLA)","seoDescription":"Book flights to Glasgow today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-glasgow","shortName":"Glasgow","longName":"Glasgow","code":"GB-GLA","isoCode":"GLA","destinationType":"cities","parentType":"GB-SCT","areaCode":"GB-SCT","countryCode":"GB","regionCode":"EURO","lastPublishedDate":"2024-08-13T07:27:28Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"Scotland is a country that certainly knows how to enjoy itself, and no city in Scotland knows how to enjoy itself more than Glasgow.","contentDescription":"<p>Glasgow is regularly named among the top destinations to visit in the UK and it’s easy to see why. Scotland’s largest city might not be the capital – that’s Edinburgh, on the east coast – but it’s certainly a capital of culture. Flights to Glasgow will help you understand why the city is renowned for its vibrant creative arts and music scene, as well as some of the best restaurants, lounges, and live music venues in the world.</p><p>Glasgow city centre, known as the Merchant City, is home to some the best places to eat, drink and shop in Europe – including the impressive shopping mall, the St Enoch Centre. There are markets, museums and art galleries everywhere, including the beautiful Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum, and lots of traditional eateries offering a warming ambience when the weather gets chilly. These cosy nooks are also good spots to try local dishes, such as haggis with ‘tatties and neaps’ (potatoes and turnips) and ‘cock-a-leekie’ (chicken and leek) soup.</p><p>As one of the finest Victorian cities in Great Britain, the city is rich in history too. You can stroll along the River Clyde and soak up Glasgow’s maritime past, before stopping along the waterfront for a coffee. For sports fans, Glasgow is home to not one but two historic football teams – Celtic and Rangers – one of the oldest and greatest rivalries in club football, the Old Firm derby.</p><p>This passion extends beyond the sporting arena: the city is proud of its past and its traditions, but is also always looking ahead to the future. And as brilliant as the place is, it’s really the people who make Glasgow. Scots are nothing if not convivial, and Glaswegians bring a charm that’s as unique as it is appealing.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Glasgow","stationCode":"GLA"},{"preTitle":"Flights to the United Kingdom","title":"Flights to London (LON)","summary":"Buckingham Palace, Big Ben, the London Underground – it’s no wonder London remains one of the world’s most sought-after travel destinations.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to London (LON)","seoDescription":"Book flights to London today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-london","shortName":"London","longName":"London","code":"GB-LON","isoCode":"LON","destinationType":"cities","parentType":"GB-ENG","areaCode":"GB-ENG","countryCode":"GB","regionCode":"EURO","lastPublishedDate":"2025-02-11T06:22:07Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"Buckingham Palace, Big Ben, the London Underground – it’s no wonder London remains one of the world’s most sought-after travel destinations.","contentDescription":"<p>Characterised by majestic architecture, royal sites and red phone boxes, London is among the world’s most distinguished cities.</p><p>As the capital of the UK, London buzzes with activity. Tourists flock to its countless attractions while its status as an international business hub is apparent across its modern developments. Enjoy the flexibility of Emirates flights to three airports across the city – <a href=\"/english/destinations/flights-to-london-heathrow/\" title=\"Flights to London Heathrow\" data-id=\"pagebody_link\" data-link=\"Flights to London Heathrow - Link Dynamic\">London Heathrow</a>, <a href=\"/english/destinations/flights-to-london-stansted/\" title=\"Flights to London Stansted\" data-id=\"pagebody_link\" data-link=\"Flights to London Stansted - Link Dynamic\">London Stansted</a> and <a href=\"/english/destinations/flights-to-london-gatwick/\" title=\"Flights to London Gatwick\" data-id=\"pagebody_link\" data-link=\"Flights to London Gatwick - Link Dynamic\">London Gatwick</a>.</p><p>Buckingham Palace is among London’s most recognisable landmarks, serving as the British monarch’s official residence. Stand outside the gates on a morning to witness the Changing of the Guard. Soldiers guarding the palace, wearing striking red uniforms, change places in this famous ceremony.</p><p>Many world-class attractions line the River Thames, which snakes through the city. Tower Bridge is an engineering marvel, and the sight of it lifting to allow vessels to pass is unforgettable. Nearby, the Tower of London is a UNESCO World Heritage Site that’s an internationally known symbol of royalty. Tour this notorious fortress to see the Crown Jewels, a glittering collection of jewellery and other treasures.</p><p>The regal clocktower of Big Ben is another riverfront masterpiece, and can be viewed from nearby Westminster Bridge. Alternatively, board the London Eye, a colossal observation wheel, to see this cultural icon from above.</p><p>London is also home to some of the world’s most esteemed museums. See a jaw-dropping collection of dinosaur skeletons at the Natural History Museum, or experience over two million years of human history at the enthralling British Museum.</p><p>Trafalgar Square is home to leading art galleries like the National Gallery, featuring masterpieces by da Vinci and van Gogh. London’s cultural scene also thrives with world-class theatre and music, from Shakespeare's Globe on the South Bank to the dazzling musicals of the West End.</p><p>Football is England's national sport, and in London, the Emirates Stadium stands as a testament to the city’s love for the game. Home to Arsenal Football Club, this iconic venue offers visitors the chance to experience the excitement of Premier League football. Even outside match days, a tour provides a fascinating glimpse into Arsenal’s rich history.</p><p>London’s food scene caters to every taste and budget, from hearty British staples to world-class fine dining and international cuisines. Traditional pubs serve up comforting Sunday roasts, while historic eateries offer classic pie and mash with fragrant parsley liquor. The city also boasts hundreds of Michelin-starred restaurants delivering some of the world’s most diverse dining experiences. For a modern twist, Borough Market tempts with everything from oysters to gourmet sandwiches.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to London","stationCode":"LON"},{"preTitle":"Flights to the United Kingdom","title":"Flights to Manchester (MAN)","summary":"From world-changing history to ground-breaking music, visit Manchester to experience a city which never disappoints.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Manchester (MAN)","seoDescription":"Book flights to Manchester today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-manchester","shortName":"Manchester","longName":"Manchester","code":"GB-MAN","isoCode":"MAN","destinationType":"cities","parentType":"GB-ENG","areaCode":"GB-ENG","countryCode":"GB","regionCode":"EURO","lastPublishedDate":"2024-08-19T06:22:32Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"From world-changing history to ground-breaking music, visit Manchester to experience a city which never disappoints.","contentDescription":"<p>Manchester is a city brimming with history and it’s been at the centre of innovation for decades – from building the first passenger railway station to the invention of the computer.</p><p>This is where Rolls met Royce, where Bob Dylan first plugged in his guitar and played electric and where the first public library was established. Will your flight to Manchester result in something similarly seismic? Or will you just enjoy some of the best restaurants, nightlife venues and hotels in the UK?</p><p>If you want to learn more about Manchester’s past, check out one of the many museums in the city. The Museum of Science and Industry and the National Football Museum are highlights. If the weather’s nice, make like the locals and head for the hills – literally. Manchester is surrounded by the Pennines and the Peak District, so it’s perfect for walking, climbing, biking and hiking.</p><p>Just make sure you’re back in the evening, when Manchester’s brilliant music scene comes alive. Few cities can claim such a cool musical lineage – for a taste, check out the Salford Lads Club, where you can re-create The Smiths’ iconic Queen Is Dead album cover. You can see up-and-coming bands at vintage venues such as the Deaf Institute and the Apollo.</p><p>In recent years, Manchester has become just as famous for its food as for its music scene, with lots of new restaurants raising the bar and causing a stir. Spinningfields has become a foodie destination to rival the best of them. And the Christmas markets pull in visitors from across the world as soon as the first hint of festive chill sets in. Add to that chart-topping bands and you’ve got a city with serious heart and soul. As Stone Roses frontman Ian Brown once said: “Manchester has everything except a beach.\"</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Manchester","stationCode":"MAN"},{"preTitle":"Flights to the United Kingdom","title":"Flights to Newcastle (NCL)","summary":"From its elegant architecture to its energetic nightlife, Newcastle upon Tyne is one of the UK’s most exciting cities.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Newcastle (NCL)","seoDescription":"Book flights to Newcastle today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-newcastle","shortName":"Newcastle","longName":"Newcastle","code":"GB-NCL","isoCode":"NCL","destinationType":"cities","parentType":"GB-ENG","areaCode":"GB-ENG","countryCode":"GB","regionCode":"EURO","lastPublishedDate":"2024-08-19T06:36:21Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"From its elegant architecture to its energetic nightlife, Newcastle upon Tyne is one of the UK’s most exciting cities.","contentDescription":"<p>Newcastle can trace its roots back to Roman Britain, and you can still see the remains of the medieval castle that gave the city its name. The beautiful neoclassical buildings of historic Grainger Town, such as the Theatre Royal and Grey’s Monument, are evidence of Victorian prosperity. Yet there are plenty of contemporary attractions too, such as the restaurants, lounges and apartments of Quayside. Across the Tyne, the neighbouring town of Gateshead boasts Sage Gateshead, a Norman Foster-designed concert hall.</p><p>Another thing you can look forward to when you board a flight to Newcastle is meeting the locals, known affectionately as ‘Geordies’. They have a fierce civic pride that’s matched by their enthusiasm for life. They will tell you just how beautiful the broad steel arches of the Tyne Bridge can be at sundown. Or how you can easily spend a day exploring the city’s many cultural attractions, from the Great North Museum: Hancock to the Life Science Centre.</p><p>If shopping is your thing, you’re sure to find a bargain at Eldon Square, one of the largest city centre malls in the UK; or if you’d prefer to surround yourself with greenery and fresh air, Town Moor is an expansive common that’s bigger than New York’s Central Park. And don’t forget, the beaches of Northumberland and Hadrian’s Wall are nearby – if you can drag yourself away from Newcastle’s many charms, that is.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Newcastle","stationCode":"NCL"}]}]},{"preTitle":"Where we fly","title":"Flights to the Americas","summary":"From the commercial and cultural hub of Toronto in the north, to the energy and culture of Sao Paulo in the south, Emirates flies to destinations across the Americas.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to the Americas","seoDescription":"Plan and book flights to the Americas with Emirates. From the cultural hub of Toronto, to the energy of Sao Paulo in the south. Fly Better with Emirates."},"url":"flights-to-north-south-america","shortName":"The Americas","longName":"The Americas","code":"NASA","isoCode":"NSAM","destinationType":"regions","parentType":"","lastPublishedDate":"2023-02-28T11:09:07Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","countries":[{"preTitle":"Flights to the Americas","title":"Flights to Argentina","summary":"Book flights to Argentina for some of the most diverse and entertaining travel experiences in the world - from tango to gauchos.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Argentina","seoDescription":"Book flights to Argentina today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-argentina","shortName":"Argentina","longName":"Argentina","code":"AR","isoCode":"AR","destinationType":"countries","parentType":"NASA","regionCode":"NASA","lastPublishedDate":"2023-02-23T16:02:52Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"Book flights to Argentina for some of the most diverse and entertaining travel experiences in the world - from tango to gauchos.","contentDescription":"<p>Argentina is simply one of the coolest travel destinations in the world, and its popularity shows no signs of waning. From the pulsing nightlife of Buenos Aires to the wilds of Patagonia, more and more visitors are booking flights to Argentina’s incredible offerings. It’s an all-in-one package – urbanistas can eat, drink, shop and party, while outdoorsy types are spoilt for choice with exceptional skiing, hiking and exploring.</p><p>Most trips to Argentina start in Buenos Aires, which is the epitome of South American style. Trendy Palermo, with its throngs of fashionable people at outdoor cafes and go-all-night nightlife venues, is also a shopping and restaurant destination. Get your fill of culture at the city’s gorgeous museums, historical buildings, and world-famous cemeteries (yes, really).</p><p>If you’re ready to strap on your hiking boots, then head to the stunning mountains, rivers and enormous empty spaces of Patagonia. The 275 magnificent waterfalls of Iguazú are not only astounding; they’re surrounded by a jungle that’s full of exotic animals and plants - making it a heaven for nature lovers. Go skiing in the summer (June, July and August) at chic Bariloche. Alternatively, head all the way south to Tierra del Fuego to find yourself at what feels like the end of the earth.</p><p>Wondering what else to do in Argentina? Tango and steak should both be high on your list. Check out the country’s incredible tango culture at venues in Buenos Aires, Cordoba, Salta and pretty much every other city. Stuff yourself silly at the country’s parrillas – barbecues that boast some of the world’s best beef. And grape lovers can spend days or even weeks in Mendoza, exploring the country and learning about the nuances of Argentina’s beverage offering.</p><p>From gauchos to soccer stars, energetic tango to palate-expanding drinks, Argentina has some of the most diverse and entertaining travel experiences in the world. Be prepared to leave wanting much, much more.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Argentina","cities":[{"preTitle":"Flights to Argentina","title":"Flights to Buenos Aires (EZE)","summary":"Pack your dancing shoes for flights to Buenos Aires. History buffs, tango aficionados, art connoisseurs and architecture lovers won’t be disappointed.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Buenos Aires (EZE)","seoDescription":"Book flights to Buenos Aires today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-buenos-aires","shortName":"Buenos Aires","longName":"Buenos Aires","code":"AR-BUE","isoCode":"BUE","destinationType":"cities","parentType":"AR","countryCode":"AR","regionCode":"NASA","lastPublishedDate":"2024-08-13T07:02:24Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"Pack your dancing shoes for flights to Buenos Aires. History buffs, tango aficionados, art connoisseurs and architecture lovers won’t be disappointed.","contentDescription":"<p>The curious case of Buenos Aires; one of South America’s – and indeed the world’s – most vibrant and exciting cities. It throbs with activity across an enormous 78 square miles, all the while moving at something of a relaxed pace which you’ll quickly adopt when your flight to Buenos Aires touches down.</p><p>The city’s seductive combination of neoclassical architecture, cafe culture, nightlife and world-class restaurants has enough to do to keep you busy for months. If you haven’t got that kind of time, focus on the city’s incredible cultural resources during the day, taking in the Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, the Japanese Gardens, and the stunning 19th century cafes.</p><p>At night, do as the porteños (locals) do and hit the town. Dine on grass-fed beef at a parilla (barbecue) restaurant, sample the incredible grape beverages of Argentina at a lively lounge, and dance until the sun comes up at one of the city’s nightlife venues.</p><p>In addition to its steakhouses and barbecue joints, Buenos Aires has a flourishing culinary scene that offers plenty of other choices. Cheap eats in cafeterias, delectable pastries and strong espressos in coffee shops, or delicate fusion dishes based mostly on fruit and veggies – take your pick. The profusion of cafes and lounges makes this a fantastic city to sightsee in, as you can break up your day with lots of delicious stops that will leave you feeling refreshed and satiated.</p><p>Working off all that food is easy – try taking a tango class, or just joining in at a local tango club. If you're feeling more adventurous, take a polo lesson, and test your mettle at a sport that Argentineans love almost as much as football. More sedentary activities, from theatre to live music to dance performances, are available everywhere – Buenos Aires is a cosmopolitan city and its inhabitants demand sophisticated cultural fare.</p><p>But whatever you do, take time to simply wander the city’s diverse neighbourhoods, exploring the traditional, the new, and everything in between. Among them, Palermo, the trendy neighbourhood du jour, is like a city within a city, large enough to have distinct subdivisions like Palermo Viejo, Palermo Hollywood, and Palermo Soho.</p><p>Argentina’s popularity with visitors, especially since inflation has driven down costs, is escalating on an almost daily basis. Happily, this means that the range of accommodation on offer is ever increasing, and that you’re virtually guaranteed to find something in your price range. (Do book ahead of time in popular seasons, though.)</p><p>The best hotels in Buenos Aires are the small, boutique numbers with a healthy dose of character and a good amount of luxury, although the options for low-budget rooms are also plentiful, and the highest-end choices are the equivalent of anything you’d find in New York or London.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Buenos Aires","stationCode":"EZE"}]},{"preTitle":"Flights to the Americas","title":"Flights to Brazil","summary":"Flights to Brazil have never been in such demand. Go for vibrant culture, exciting sports and a non-stop party atmosphere.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Brazil","seoDescription":"Book flights to Brazil today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-brazil","shortName":"Brazil","longName":"Brazil","code":"BR","isoCode":"BR","destinationType":"countries","parentType":"NASA","regionCode":"NASA","lastPublishedDate":"2023-02-23T16:02:57Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"Flights to Brazil have never been in such demand. Go for vibrant culture, exciting sports and a non-stop party atmosphere.","contentDescription":"<p>Brazil is the most populous country (and one of the most popular ones) in South America. It has something for everyone, from vibrant local culture and incredible sporting experiences to all-night parties and picture-perfect beaches. Whether you're into wild city life or relaxing getaways, you’ll find something for you at the other end of flights to Brazil.</p><p>Modern day Brazil is very much a mishmash of local traditions, Portuguese influence, rapidly changing infrastructure, and, of course, football. As host of the 2014 World Cup and the 2016 Summer Olympic Games, the government put money into upgrading many tourist amenities, and that’s why getting to and staying in Brazil has never been easier.</p><p>The best place to start is Rio de Janeiro, which is one of the most entertaining cities you’ll ever visit. While life in the bustling metropolis centres around the amazing beaches, Copacabana beach being the best known, there's plenty more to see and do. Travel up the mountain to the Christ the Redeemer statue, and don't miss attractions such as the Museu de Arte do Rio and Tijuca National Park. You can't go wrong staying at Santa Teresa Hotel. Or, if you’re travelling on a budget, mingle with the backpacking set at wallet-friendly Discover Hostel.</p><p>São Paulo is not as well-known as Rio, but smart travellers will find pockets of wonderful spaces to visit. From five-star restaurants like the sublime D.O.M to establishments including Hotel Unique and Tivoli São Paulo, there are many things to see and do. Make sure not to miss Parque Ibirapuera and Beco do Batman (Batman Alley). Beyond Rio and São Paulo, there are the beaches of Natal in the north, the amazing biodiversity of the Amazon rainforest inland, and the leisurely cities of Florianópolis and Salvador.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Brazil","cities":[{"preTitle":"Flights to Brazil","title":"Flights to Rio de Janeiro (RIO)","summary":"Chances are, from the moment your flight to Rio de Janeiro touches down, the fun will find you.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Rio de Janeiro (RIO)","seoDescription":"Book flights to Rio de Janeiro today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-rio-de-janeiro","shortName":"Rio de Janeiro","longName":"Rio de Janeiro","code":"BR-RIO","isoCode":"RIO","destinationType":"cities","parentType":"BR-RJ","areaCode":"BR-RJ","countryCode":"BR","regionCode":"NASA","lastPublishedDate":"2024-08-13T10:52:05Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"Chances are, from the moment your flight to Rio de Janeiro touches down, the fun will find you.","contentDescription":"<p>A sun-soaked metropolis that nearly 6.5 million people call home, Rio de Janeiro is one of South America’s most sought after travel destinations and one of its most recognisable too. Along with the splendid beaches of Copacabana and Ipanema, there’s the majestic Sugarloaf Mountain that guards the bay and the iconic Christ the Redeemer statue that towers over the city. Needless to say, your holiday photos will be spectacular.</p><p>Most people who have been to Brazil will tell you that it’s impossible not to have a good time here, whether you’re sunbathing on a perfect stretch of sand, socialising with the locals well into the early hours or using the city’s improved travel infrastructure to explore what’s on offer.</p><p>Rio de Janeiro is a foodie's paradise, with offerings ranging from quick and easy joints on the street or the beach to five-star high-class restaurants where the only thing better than the service is the food. The best restaurants in Rio de Janeiro start with Aprazível, hidden on a hilltop that overlooks the city, and Satyricon, which sits just off the water at Ipanema Beach and features fare so fresh you wouldn't be wrong to think it was caught right in front of you.</p><p>If you're after a more traditional local meal, order leão veloso, a seafood-based soup with lobster, olive oil, and onion, frequently served with tomato and saffron. Another popular local delicacy is coconut water, which comes fresh off the many trees, while fresh fruit juices are just a bodega stop away. Make sure to have Quindim for dessert, an egg yolk, sugar, and coconut cake.</p><p>When it comes to accommodation, most areas in the city have dozens of options for every price range. Chances are you want to be based by the beach, and two of the best hotels in Rio de Janeiro near the sand and shore are Arena Copacabana Hotel and Hotel Maria Santa Teresa. Rio also has a lively and vibrant backpacking culture, and it's not unusual to see happy tourists with large packs and a smile on their face.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Rio de Janeiro","stationCode":"GIG"},{"preTitle":"Flights to Brazil","title":"Flights to São Paulo (SAO)","summary":"A visit to Brazil wouldn’t be complete without exploring São Paulo – a buzzing metropolis guaranteed to create an unforgettable impression.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to São Paulo (SAO)","seoDescription":"Book flights to São Paulo today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-sao-paulo","shortName":"São Paulo","longName":"São Paulo","code":"BR-SAO","isoCode":"SAO","destinationType":"cities","parentType":"BR-SP","areaCode":"BR-SP","countryCode":"BR","regionCode":"NASA","lastPublishedDate":"2024-08-13T08:11:54Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"A visit to Brazil wouldn’t be complete without exploring São Paulo – a buzzing metropolis guaranteed to create an unforgettable impression.","contentDescription":"<p>You can't talk about São Paulo without talking about its size. Everything in the city is big, from the sprawling suburbs that seem to stretch out endlessly as your flight to São Paulo lands to the population that extends to 20 million in the greater metropolitan area.</p><p>The city is one of those living, thriving, teeming masses of humanity that has the power to leave you marvelling at the sheer magnitude of people. It's the largest city in the country and all of the Americas.</p><p>A lot of travellers who head to Brazil think first about Rio de Janeiro, but to overlook São Paulo would be to miss out on a truly exciting destination. Once you become accustomed to the fast pace of activity you'll find an energetic city full of the finer things in life, from luxury hotels and restaurants to cute cafes and all-night lounges.</p><p>São Paulo might not have one restaurant for each of its 20 million residents, but sometimes it can seem that way. The city offers nearly 13,000 distinct venues from which to choose, with dozens of international cuisines on the various menus around the city. One of the main local staples is pastel, a pastry envelope stuffed with all types of fillings, and then deep fried in vegetable oil.</p><p>You could probably spend the entire trip eating pastel at various small spots around the city but make sure to build in time to eat at one or more of the best restaurants in São Paulo. There are so many but two standouts are Greek-themed Restaurante Acrópoles and D.O.M. – Chef Alex Atala's joint that is unlike anything else on the planet.</p><p>There are also world-class museums, parks, memorials, and sporting events scattered throughout. Finding them can be a bit difficult on the winding streets but that's part of the fun. Just bring your sense of adventure.</p><p>When it comes to resting after a full day’s adventuring, São Paulo has your accommodation needs covered. Because it's such a large city, spanning a huge area, picking a hotel in an area you want to explore is one of the more important parts of planning your trip. For most tourists, that means Centro, Higienópolis, or Jardins – three centrally located neighbourhoods with plenty to do.</p><p>As a rule, São Paulo shines for its excellent service and the fun starts at Hotel Unique, a place whose name says it all. Or you can choose to end the night (and start the next day) at one of the best hotels in São Paulo, The Tivoli.</p><p>The city doesn't have the same mass of wandering backpackers who find their way around Rio de Janeiro, but there's still a vibrant, exciting culture that revolves around the city’s many hostels.</p><p>There's excitement around every corner, and literally a million nooks and crannies for you to explore. One thing’s for sure – you won't run out of things to do.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to São Paulo","stationCode":"GRU"}]},{"preTitle":"Flights to the Americas","title":"Flights to Canada","summary":"Flights to Canada take you to the home of 35 million of the friendliest people you’ll ever meet, plus hockey and tranquil scenery.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Canada","seoDescription":"Book flights to Canada today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-canada","shortName":"Canada","longName":"Canada","code":"CA","isoCode":"CA","destinationType":"countries","parentType":"NASA","regionCode":"NASA","lastPublishedDate":"2023-12-12T10:33:46Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"Flights to Canada take you to the home of 35 million of the friendliest people you’ll ever meet, plus hockey and tranquil scenery.","contentDescription":"<p>No matter how you measure it, Canada is huge. It's the second-largest country in the world by total area and the fourth biggest if you only count land mass. And the 35 million residents of the country just to the north of the United States pride themselves on their wide open spaces. When your flight to Canada lands, you’ll be greeted by locals who are easy-going, laid back, and friendly to a fault, quick with a quip and even quicker with a laugh. And yet, it’s a hardy population used to solving problems on their own, whether it’s fixing a faulty vehicle or helping you decipher directions. A can-do spirit ties the country together.</p><p>Toronto, the most populous city and provincial capital of Ontario, boasts diversity with residents that hail from all over the world. You'll find areas like Chinatown, Greektown, Little Italy, Portugal Village, and Little India, each with its own vibrant community, food, and traditions. Needless to say, there are some excellent restaurants.</p><p>Toronto offers tons of other attractions too, from the Art Gallery of Ontario (known as the AGO) and the Royal Conservatory of Music to Toronto Island Park and the Hockey Hall of Fame.</p><p>Montréal is another can't-miss destination, with a strong French influence that runs through the entire province. Some of Montréal’s attractions include Notre-Dame Basilica, Saint-Joseph's Oratory of Mount Royal and the Montréal Canadians. If you can, try to see a hockey game between the Canadians and the Toronto Maple Leafs – it's one of the most intense rivalries in North American sports.</p><p>On the other side of the country lies Vancouver, often ranked as one of the best places in the world to live. It's a great destination if you're an active person. As host of the 2010 Winter Olympic Games, it’s the place to go for sports of all kinds, from skiing to surfing and everything in between.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Canada","cities":[{"preTitle":"Flights to Canada","title":"Flights to Montréal (YUL)","summary":"This vibrant city is the largest in the French-speaking province of Quebec, located at the confluence of the St Lawrence and Ottawa Rivers.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Montréal (YUL)","seoDescription":"Book flights to Montréal today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-montreal","shortName":"Montréal","longName":"Montréal","code":"CA-YMQ","isoCode":"YMQ","destinationType":"cities","parentType":"CA-QC","areaCode":"CA-QC","countryCode":"CA","regionCode":"NASA","lastPublishedDate":"2024-08-13T07:56:53Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"This vibrant city is the largest in the French-speaking province of Quebec, located at the confluence of the St Lawrence and Ottawa Rivers.","contentDescription":"<p>Emirates flights to Montréal land at Montréal–Trudeau International Airport (YUL). This vibrant city is the largest in the French-speaking province of Quebec, located at the confluence of the St Lawrence and Ottawa Rivers.</p><p>Montréal is made up of distinct neighbourhoods celebrating modern city style with a quaint old European feel. Modern skyscrapers in downtown blend into the cobbled streets of Old Montréal, with its cafes, markets and art galleries. The city is a cultural hub and bucketlist destination for locals and international travellers alike. Explore the famous Notre-Dame Basilica of Montréal, beautiful inside and out, and visit the various museums nearby to discover how Montréal found its roots.</p><p>Whether you’re shopping at the chic boutiques and malls along Rue Sainte-Catherine, sipping a coffee and admiring the street art in vibrant Plateau Mont-Royal, or strolling through Parc du Mont-Royal, you’ll find art and creativity wherever you go.</p><p>Start with the Montréal Museum of Fine Arts or the Phi Centre, enjoy the street performances, fly in for major festivals, and explore an entire entertainment district at the Quartier des spectacles. There’s always something special happening in Montréal all year round.</p><p>Foodies will love Montréal and all the culinary delights it has to offer, from the iconic Montréal bagels that rival New York, to high-end restaurants serving cuisine from around the world. One thing you can’t miss is the famous poutine – a classic French-Canadian dish of fries, gravy and cheese curds.</p><p>Work it all off with a hike up Mount Royal – the mountain that gives Montréal its name – and enjoy views across the city and the St. Lawrence River beyond.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Montréal","stationCode":"YUL"},{"preTitle":"Flights to Canada","title":"Flights to Toronto (YTO)","summary":"Big sights and great food will pull you in, but Toronto’s vibrant neighbourhoods and friendly locals will keep you coming back.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Toronto (YTO)","seoDescription":"Book flights to Toronto today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-toronto","shortName":"Toronto","longName":"Toronto","code":"CA-YTO","isoCode":"YTO","destinationType":"cities","parentType":"CA-ON","areaCode":"CA-ON","countryCode":"CA","regionCode":"NASA","lastPublishedDate":"2024-08-13T08:20:22Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"Big sights and great food will pull you in, but Toronto’s vibrant neighbourhoods and friendly locals will keep you coming back.","contentDescription":"<p>A lot of people compare this eastern Canadian city to New York, and it’s easy to see why. Flights to Toronto are taken by both travellers and expats looking to make a permanent move. Young people from all over the world flock to set up home here, making it one of the world’s most multicultural and vibrant cities.</p><p>Almost half of Toronto’s residents aren’t native Canadians, which means that when you visit, you get an unrivalled variety when it comes to food, fashion, the arts and culture.</p><p>Those who like to ‘go big’ need not look further than the CN Tower, once the tallest man-made structure in the world, and still the most daunting thanks to its glass floor and elevators.</p><p>Yorkville’s tree-lined streets are perfect for window-shopping and wandering, while art lovers will enjoy Queen Street West’s independent galleries. Then there are the arts and music festivals held all year round, and its adventurous food scene.</p><p>At the same time, its position on the edge of Lake Ontario, and a population made up of just as many artists and musicians as financiers and entrepreneurs gives the city a unique feel. Toronto still feels like a welcoming, small town, with the same intimacy you’d find in rural Canada.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Toronto","stationCode":"YYZ"}]},{"preTitle":"Flights to the Americas","title":"Flights to Colombia","summary":"Book flights to Colombia to experience adventures in the Andes mountains, cities full of vibrant art and culture, and the sparkling Caribbean coastline.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Colombia","seoDescription":"Book flights to Colombia to experience adventures in the Andes mountains, cities full of vibrant art and culture, and the sparkling Caribbean coastline."},"url":"flights-to-colombia","shortName":"Colombia","longName":"Colombia","code":"CO","isoCode":"CO","destinationType":"countries","parentType":"NASA","regionCode":"NASA","lastPublishedDate":"2024-06-05T09:06:09Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"Book flights to Colombia to experience adventures in the Andes mountains, cities full of vibrant art and culture, and the sparkling Caribbean coastline.","contentDescription":"<p>Fly Emirates to Colombia and delve into the vibrant culture, art, and music of cities like Medellin, coastal Cartagena, Cali, and the capital, Bogotá. </p><p>Visit for the year-round festivals and join in the street parties and traditional cumbia and salsa dances. Landing in Bogotá means getting straight to some of Colombia’s best cuisine, like delicious snacks of arepas or the filling national dish, bandeja paisa, as well as its famous quality coffee. Beyond the cities and their fantastic galleries and museums, the ancient stone monuments and remote jungle ruins offer clues to the fascinating people and cultures of the past. </p><p>As the second most biodiverse country in the world, Colombia has an incredible variety of plants and wildlife. Its diverse landscapes are an adventurer’s dream, whether it’s trekking the snow-capped peaks of the Andes, thrills on the river rapids, hiking in the Amazon rainforest, or diving into the blue of the Caribbean Sea.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Colombia","cities":[{"preTitle":"Flights to Colombia","title":"Flights to Bogota (BOG)","summary":"Fly Emirates to the capital city of Colombia and enjoy a feast of arts, culture and delicious food surrounded by the majestic Andes mountains.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Bogota (BOG)","seoDescription":"Fly Emirates to the capital city of Colombia and enjoy a feast of arts, culture and delicious food surrounded by the majestic Andes mountains."},"url":"flights-to-bogota","shortName":"Bogotá","longName":"Bogotá","code":"CO-BOG","isoCode":"BOG","destinationType":"cities","parentType":"CO_Bogotá, D.C.","areaCode":"CO_Bogotá, D.C.","countryCode":"CO","regionCode":"NASA","lastPublishedDate":"2024-06-03T07:25:21Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"Fly Emirates to the capital city of Colombia and enjoy a feast of arts, culture and delicious food surrounded by the majestic Andes mountains.","contentDescription":"<p>Emirates flights to Bogotá land at El Dorado International Airport with a stop in Miami on the way. Colombia’s capital city and its largest sits at over 2,600 metres above sea level on a plateau of the majestic Andes mountains.</p><p>Bogotá offers some of the best of Colombia’s art, culture and delicious local food. Start with a wander around the historic area of La Candelaria. You can discover incredible street murals and cobbled streets of colourful Spanish colonial buildings. Buskers fill the air with music and performers entertain the crowds in Plaza de Bolívar, where you’ll find many of the main attractions.</p><p>These include the Catedral Primada de Colombia, the Casa de Nariño - residence of the Colombian president, the striking Santuario Nuestra Señora del Carmen church with its distinct red and white stripes, and the popular Museo del Oro, or Gold Museum. </p><p>If you’re looking for art galleries, a must-see is the Botero Museum. This pretty, colonial mansion features the rotund figures of Fernando Botero, a famous Colombian artist and sculptor who created the distinct ‘Boterismo’ style.</p><p>In the evening, Bogotá’s vibrant nightlife offers global cuisine, high-end restaurants, stylish bars, salsa clubs and rowdy pubs, where you can join the locals for a game of tejo, Colombia’s noisy national sport.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Bogota","stationCode":"BOG"}]},{"preTitle":"Flights to the Americas","title":"Flights to Mexico","summary":"Flights to Mexico set you off on an adventure of discovery, from natural cenotes and canyons to ancient ruins and contemporary arts.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Mexico","seoDescription":"Book flights to Mexico today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-mexico","shortName":"Mexico","longName":"Mexico","code":"MX","isoCode":"MX","destinationType":"countries","parentType":"NASA","regionCode":"NASA","lastPublishedDate":"2023-02-23T16:17:02Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"Flights to Mexico set you off on an adventure of discovery, from natural cenotes and canyons to ancient ruins and contemporary arts.","contentDescription":"<p>Say ‘Mexico’ and what usually comes to mind is a pristine coastline that stretches as far as the eye could see. But there’s more to this gem of North America than its 10,000 kilometres of white sand beach.</p><p>Start in the capital, Mexico City, where the country’s best cuisine meets its highest artistic achievements. It’s also the perfect gateway for ancient history buffs to explore the roots of civilisation, with the ancient city of Teotihuacan just a short drive away.</p><p>Moving southeast, to the Yucatán Peninsula, you will find Chichen Itza, a UNESCO World Heritage site that stands testimony to the golden years of the great Mayan empire. The Yucatán’s emerald waters make it a prime spot for scuba diving and sport fishing. Or you can take a dip in one of the district’s 7,000 cenotes. It’s also where the many resorts favoured by tourists are located, with Cancun, Playa del Carmen, Tulum and Cozumel at the top of everyone’s list.</p><p>For a glimpse at the heart of Mexico, visit Oaxaca and immerse yourself in the art and charm of the country’s indigenous cultures. While there, you can treat yourself to a handmade shawl or rebozo made with age-old skills passed down for generations.</p><p>If rugged landscapes are what you’re looking for, take a scenic train ride aboard El Chepe and head northwest to the state of Chihuahua, where you’ll find the Copper Canyon and various trails perfect for a short trek. Of course, no visit to Mexico would be complete without a taste of its world-famous cuisine. Start with the familiar and grab a taco al barbacoa and tortillas from the colourful cantinas lining the streets. Or feast like a local on chiles en nogada, a stuffed poblano chilli served with a walnut cream sauce and pomegranates.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Mexico","cities":[{"preTitle":"Flights to Mexico","title":"Flights to Mexico City (MEX)","summary":"Flights to Mexico City take you on an adventure for the senses, with sights, sounds and tastes, both familiar and new.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Mexico City (MEX)","seoDescription":"Book flights to Mexico City today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-mexico-city","shortName":"Mexico City","longName":"Mexico City","code":"MX-MEX","isoCode":"MEX","destinationType":"cities","parentType":"MX_D.F.","areaCode":"MX_D.F.","countryCode":"MX","regionCode":"NASA","lastPublishedDate":"2025-01-13T08:40:44Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"Flights to Mexico City take you on an adventure for the senses, with sights, sounds and tastes, both familiar and new.","contentDescription":"<p>Mexico City is a unique destination that has much for the budding adventurer, with historic landmarks taking centre stage alongside modern developments. A kaleidoscope of experiences and colour, the capital of Mexico impresses visitors with stunning architecture and buzzing neighbourhoods.</p><p>The beating heart of Mexico City, Zócalo is one of the largest city squares in the world – and a focal point of Mexican history. Here, you’ll find the majestic Metropolitan Cathedral, a baroque masterpiece, and the ruins of the Templo Mayor, an ancient Aztec temple offering a glimpse into the city’s pre-Hispanic roots.</p><p>No trip to Mexico City would be complete without a visit to Chapultepec Park – the second largest city park in Latin America. Spanning 1,700 acres and split into three distinct sections, this exquisite landmark is punctuated by several peaceful lakes and fountains.</p><p>Within the grounds of the park’s ‘Primera Seccion’, the National Museum of Anthropology offers some of the world’s most remarkable collections of artefacts. The museum’s iconic Sun Stone and intricate displays of Mesoamerican art give an intriguing view into the rich history of Mexico’s past.</p><p>Opposite the Parque de la Ciudadela, another of Mexico City’s many green spaces, La Ciudadela Artisan Market allows shoppers a chance to buy authentic Mexican crafts and souvenirs handmade by artisans from across the country.</p><p>If you’re looking to take a break from the city’s hustle and bustle, a romantic boat ride along the Xochimilco canals is an extraordinary experience. A UNESCO World Heritage site, this area in the south comes to life thanks to a variety of colourful trajineras – a type of flat-bottomed boat. As you cruise up and down these historic waterways, enjoy the sound of live music as mariachi bands and xylophone players perform from their own trajineras.</p><p>In the north, the pyramids of Teotihuacan await keen explorers. This ancient city boasts the imposing Pyramid of the Sun, Pyramid of the Moon as well as the Avenue of the Dead. These incredible feats of ancient engineering provide unforgettable views of a civilisation that thrived centuries ago.</p><p>When it comes to dining, Mexico City has a unique mix of cuisines. From bustling street markets serving authentic tacos al pastor to restaurants offering contemporary takes on Mexican classics, the city’s culinary scene is as dynamic as its culture. Make sure you don’t leave without trying churros and hot chocolate at one of the city’s iconic cafés.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Mexico City","stationCode":"MEX"}]},{"preTitle":"Flights to the Americas","title":"Flights to the United States","summary":"Wherever your flights to United States are taking you, you're bound to have an unforgettable vacation.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to the United States","seoDescription":"Book flights to United States today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-united-states","shortName":"United States","longName":"United States","code":"US","isoCode":"US","destinationType":"countries","parentType":"NASA","regionCode":"NASA","lastPublishedDate":"2023-02-23T16:42:37Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"Wherever your flights to United States are taking you, you're bound to have an unforgettable vacation.","contentDescription":"<p>There's something to suit all tastes waiting for visitors when you step off flights to the United States, from metropolises like New York City and Los Angeles to natural attractions including the Grand Canyon, Rocky Mountains, and Mississippi River.</p><p>New York, the country's most populous city, is one of the most important cities in the world, and the constant influx of tourists keeps it fresh and fun. From the bright lights of Times Square to the hipsters of Williamsburg, Brooklyn, you'll find what you're after. Excellent hotels like the Park Hyatt and the Standard Hotel, High Line cater to your needs while restaurants such as Le Bernardin are not to be missed.</p><p>In the middle of the country, Chicago is another amazing city destination, highlighted by attractions including Grant Park and the Navy Pier. For a perfect visit, you may want to eat at Alinea and stay at The Talbott Hotel.</p><p>The West Coast has a more relaxed feel, with Los Angeles playing its role as the centre of the film industry. You never know when you'll run into a movie star or walk by a face you've seen before on television.</p><p>San Francisco is Los Angeles' smaller, quirkier sibling; a wonderful place full of cool characters and amazing (and cheap) cuisine. But it has a fancier side to it as well, as the Silicon Valley millionaires from Apple, Google and the other tech companies in the area infiltrate the city limits. A visit to the US really does have something for everyone.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to the United States","cities":[{"preTitle":"Flights to the United States","title":"Flights to Boston (BOS)","summary":"Boston is a potent mix of American history, working-class traditions and cutting-edge chic.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Boston (BOS)","seoDescription":"Book flights to Boston today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-boston","shortName":"Boston","longName":"Boston","code":"US-BOS","isoCode":"BOS","destinationType":"cities","parentType":"US-MA","areaCode":"US-MA","countryCode":"US","regionCode":"NASA","lastPublishedDate":"2024-08-19T04:14:40Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"Boston is a potent mix of American history, working-class traditions and cutting-edge chic.","contentDescription":"<p>Small and walkable, Boston is jam-packed with centuries-old landmarks, gorgeous parks, world-class universities and some of America’s best restaurants.</p><p>Wherever you’re headed after your flight to Boston lands, you’ll find each neighbourhood in the compact city has a unique appeal – the wealthy Back Bay, the trendy South End, the historic Beacon Hill – while Cambridge, just across the exquisite Charles River, has a thriving cultural and culinary scene all its own. At the heart of the city are baseball’s Boston Red Sox, and their iconic Fenway Park stadium.</p><p>Exploring Boston is best on foot. Stroll along the Freedom Trail, visiting the Old State House Museum for a taste of American history (its impressive collection includes tea from the Boston Tea Party); explore the Greenway with its new public parks; and walk the leafy banks of the Charles River.</p><p>Boston is brimming with impressive cultural attractions that you won’t want to miss. It boasts many museums, including the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum, which looks like a 15th century Venetian palace but has a brand new wing designed in uber-modern style by Renzo Piano. The Institute of Contemporary Art is another architectural triumph, dominating the waterfront with its dramatic glass walls and outdoor deck.</p><p>Sightseeing in Boston certainly is rewarding, and it can build up an appetite. The city has an exciting culinary scene that's constantly evolving – celebrity chefs like Barbara Lynch have opened chic restaurants across the city. Boston's traditional roots are still strong, though, and staples like New England clam chowder, Boston cream pie and oysters are all widely available.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Boston","stationCode":"BOS"},{"preTitle":"Flights to the United States","title":"Flights to Chicago (ORD)","summary":"Chicago is the type of city where you can go for a weekend or a month and you'll be enchanted either way.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Chicago (ORD)","seoDescription":"Book flights to Chicago today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-chicago","shortName":"Chicago","longName":"Chicago","code":"US-CHI","isoCode":"CHI","destinationType":"cities","parentType":"US-IL","areaCode":"US-IL","countryCode":"US","regionCode":"NASA","lastPublishedDate":"2024-08-19T05:02:10Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"Chicago is the type of city where you can go for a weekend or a month and you'll be enchanted either way.","contentDescription":"<p>Chicago is the third largest city in the United States and has a distinctive charm that’s all its own. A lot of that comes down to the people; it’s located right at the heart of the American Midwest, known for its friendly residents, smiling faces and positive attitude.</p><p>Chicagoans will go out of their way to help you (even if you don’t look particularly out of place or lost), in spite of the fast-paced life that goes with being an economic and cultural metropolis.</p><p>Chicago began as a key point between the Great Lakes and the Mississippi River, growing up in an era of expansion into the American West. It continued to play a key role connecting east and west during the 1800s as a railroad hub and growing economic centre.</p><p>Now, the city really is a hotbed of culture, filled with world-class museums, restaurants, concert halls, sports teams, theatres, live music, and more. While your flights to Chicago will uncover a traditional city with old customs holding firm, there’s also a vibrant young energy led by urban professionals pushing into new areas, both in terms of where they live and what they do. It's the home of President Barack Obama, who celebrated his two elections in the massive and magical Grant Park, one of the city's many green spaces.</p><p>Despite its nickname as The Windy City, there’s nothing particularly biting about the cool wind that blows off Lake Michigan. (It’s said that the phrase dates back to the 1800s, when local politicians were referred to as being “full of hot air”). However, you might still want to wrap up warm when you’re taking a stroll around the lake, which is the largest of the Great Lakes in North America.</p><p>When it comes to food – start with the pizza. Chicago is famous for its deep dish pizzas, massive mountains of toppings pilled high on top of huge, thick, satisfying slices of doughy goodness cooked to perfection in a fiery brick oven. In addition, the many ethnic enclaves – ranging from Vietnamese to Polish – offer their own specialties brought directly from their country of origin. The portions in Chicago are as generous and crowd-pleasing as the people who serve them.</p><p>In essence, to spend time in Chicago is to spend time in a cross-section of the United States, a place where the country comes together into one amazing amalgamation of culture and cuisine. It truly has something for everyone.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Chicago","stationCode":"ORD"},{"preTitle":"Flights to the United States","title":"Flights to Dallas (DAL)","summary":"Experience cowboy culture, southern hospitality and dazzling skyscrapers in this bustling metropolis. Be charmed by Dallas-Fort Worth, a tale of two cities.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Dallas (DAL)","seoDescription":"Book flights to Dallas today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-dallas","shortName":"Dallas","longName":"Dallas","code":"US-DAL","isoCode":"DAL","destinationType":"cities","parentType":"US-TX","areaCode":"US-TX","countryCode":"US","regionCode":"NASA","lastPublishedDate":"2024-08-13T08:47:46Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"Experience cowboy culture, southern hospitality and dazzling skyscrapers in this bustling metropolis. Be charmed by Dallas-Fort Worth, a tale of two cities.","contentDescription":"<p>Everything really is bigger in the Lone Star State, with visitors to Dallas-Fort Worth having a choice between two very different destinations. This part of Texas is one of the largest metropolitan areas in the United States. ‘Big things happen here’ they tell us - and they’re not wrong.</p><p>When the old and the new began to infringe on each other’s patch, they came together to form the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex, a bustling hub larger than the states of Rhode Island and Connecticut combined. This means two downtowns, two art and cultural centres, and more restaurants than you could visit if you ate out twice a day for a year.</p><p>It’s not all skyscrapers and shopping malls though; visitors on flights to Dallas are met with a hearty helping of southern hospitality, from historic Dallas to the modern city, with museums, amusement parks, gardens, historic sites and galleries thrown in.</p><p>The pride and joy of Dallas-Fort Worth is its Wild West heritage. The ‘Big D’ is also famous for its contributions to popular culture: the Dallas Cowboys NFL team and their cheerleaders, and the TV series of the city’s name that was once a worldwide symbol of the United States. It’s also the place where you’ll find real, old-fashioned cowboys, so mosey over to Mesquite to watch them racing and roping, or plant yourself in the Fort Worth Stockyards – the city’s historic district – to watch the world’s only daily cattle drive. Socialise at an authentic saloon or two-step at the biggest honkytonk on earth, Billy Bob’s Texas.</p><p>The city is steeped in more recent history, too – every year thousands visit the Dealey Plaza and the Grassy Knoll in Dallas to see the spot where President John F Kennedy was assassinated in 1962.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Dallas","stationCode":"DFW"},{"preTitle":"Flights to the United States","title":"Flights to Houston (HOU)","summary":"Simultaneously a rodeo town, arts destination, space travel innovator and hip foodie destination, Houston is many things to its numerous visitors.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Houston (HOU)","seoDescription":"Book flights to Houston today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-houston","shortName":"Houston","longName":"Houston","code":"US-HOU","isoCode":"HOU","destinationType":"cities","parentType":"US-TX","areaCode":"US-TX","countryCode":"US","regionCode":"NASA","lastPublishedDate":"2023-02-23T13:16:51Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"Simultaneously a rodeo town, arts destination, space travel innovator and hip foodie destination, Houston is many things to its numerous visitors.","contentDescription":"<p>America’s fourth largest city is many things to its 2.2 million residents – and the many tourists who arrive on flights to Houston every year. It’s an energy capital, rodeo town, space travel innovator, international arts destination and is also home to some of the best restaurants in the south.</p><p>Much like its home state Texas, Houston is impossible to pin down. It mixes the old stereotypes of Southern hospitality and cowboys of the Wild West with the affluent skyline and financial districts of a city built on oil. As the only major US city untamed by zoning laws, these multiple facets exist side by side, meaning each street is an unpredictable mix of old and new. This is a city where it’s just as easy to catch a show at the opera house as it is to track down a pair of authentic, handmade cowboy boots. And that’s what makes it such a diverse travel destination.</p><p>Houston is home to three separate skylines jagged with dazzling skyscrapers towering over leafy residential neighbourhoods. These are packed with world famous museums, fashionable shopping districts such as The Galleria, and art galleries including the Museum of Fine Arts Houston.</p><p>The Rothko Chapel is where art meets meditation, offering peaceful respite for the Houston locals, while the Space Center Houston, home of NASA, is a space enthusiast’s dream – and the only place in the world where you can discover how it felt to be in Mission Control when astronaut Jack Swigert said: “Houston, we’ve had a problem.”</p><p>With more than 11,000 restaurants that cater to every possible taste, it’s no surprise Houstonians dine out often. Prepare your taste buds for some of the best food, and biggest portions, in Texas.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Houston","stationCode":"IAH"},{"preTitle":"Flights to the United States","title":"Flights to Los Angeles (LAX)","summary":"From world-class art museums to flawless independent eateries, and classic Hollywood landmarks to exciting outdoor pursuits, LA has it all.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Los Angeles (LAX)","seoDescription":"Book flights to Los Angeles today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-los-angeles","shortName":"Los Angeles","longName":"Los Angeles","code":"US-LAX","isoCode":"LAX","destinationType":"cities","parentType":"US-CA","areaCode":"US-CA","countryCode":"US","regionCode":"NASA","lastPublishedDate":"2024-08-13T07:52:37Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"From world-class art museums to flawless independent eateries, and classic Hollywood landmarks to exciting outdoor pursuits, LA has it all.","contentDescription":"<p>Los Angeles is so much more than the Hollywood sign and tours revealing where movie stars live. In fact, the City of Angels is one of the most exciting places in the world, with its trendy neighbourhoods, restaurants and lounges, a booming arts scene, and – yes, it's true – the thrill of occasional celebrity spotting.</p><p>The best place to start when your flight to Los Angeles touches down is Downtown. Thanks to the light rail Expo line that connects Downtown to west Los Angeles, it’s one of LA’s coolest cultural hubs. Other neighbourhoods you could add to your list are Silver Lake, with its food trucks, record stores and farmers’ markets; Echo Park, an edgy mix of hipsters and young artists; and Koreatown, which the locals call K-town, a place where high-end lounges and invitation-only nightlife venues sit alongside cheap barbecue restaurants and all-night karaoke joints.</p><p>Despite having one of the most famous nightlife scenes in the world, this is also a city that caters to the healthy. LA is a place where you’re never far from a juice bar or a vegan cafe, where sunkissed surfers, runners and rollerbladers co-exist happily. In this city, the latest fitness trends take root more quickly than wheatgrass, and you’ll probably be glowing after your trip.</p><p>While you could easily have an action-packed week in LA without ever going near the ocean, it’s worth spending at least one afternoon at the beach to get that Cali feel. Locals go to Zuma Beach, Will Rogers State Beach and Playa Vista. And let’s not forget Disneyland, or the city’s world-class museums, vintage clothing stores and classic 1950s diners.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Los Angeles","stationCode":"LAX"},{"preTitle":"Flights to the United States","title":"Flights to Miami (MIA)","summary":"Flights to Miami bring you to a vibrant coastal city with iconic art deco buildings, stunning beaches, tropical gardens and incredible food.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Miami (MIA)","seoDescription":"Book flights to Miami today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-miami","shortName":"Miami","longName":"Miami","code":"US-MIA","isoCode":"MIA","destinationType":"cities","parentType":"US-FL","areaCode":"US-FL","countryCode":"US","regionCode":"NASA","lastPublishedDate":"2023-02-23T13:57:44Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"Flights to Miami bring you to a vibrant coastal city with iconic art deco buildings, stunning beaches, tropical gardens and incredible food.","contentDescription":"<p>Your flights to Miami land at Miami International Airport, taking you to a vibrant holiday hotspot stretching along the south-east coast of Florida. You’ll have the lush green of Everglades National Park to the west, and Biscayne Bay and the North Atlantic Ocean to the east.</p><p>Miami will sweep you up with its good-time attitude and have you reaching for your camera at every turn. This colourful, sun-soaked, and creative city draws people from all walks of life to have a good time. The beautiful beaches, famous art deco buildings, palm lined boulevards, and world-class cultural attractions make Miami one of the most-visited cities in the US. It also has a reputation for some of the best food and nightlife in the country. The large Hispanic population means Spanish is widely spoken as well as English, and you can look forward to Latin American culture all over the city.</p><p>Miami’s neighbourhoods reach north to south, with bridges and causeways stretching across the sparkling Biscayne Bay to a series of islands. This is where you’ll find the famous Miami Beach, with laidback North Beach, stylish Mid-Beach, and beautiful South Beach with its brightly coloured lifeguard huts.</p><p>South beach is the poster image of Miami style, characterised by one of the world’s largest collections of 1920s and ‘30s art deco buildings. Miami life bubbles along the famous Ocean Drive and Collins Avenue, with surfers taking to the ocean and sun-seekers cycling on the promenade.</p><p>Into the city, explore distinct neighbourhoods like Little Havana, with its Cuban music, street art, delicious Cuban cuisine, and celebrity walk of fame. There’s also a fantastic art scene in Miami, with the galleries and vibrant street murals of Wynwood Walls as well as the excellent Perez Art Museum Miami.</p><p>Discover Miami’s history in Coral Gables, with the iconic Biltmore Hotel and the Italian style freshwater Venetian Pool built in the 1920s. Explore shops on the Miracle Mile, visit the theatres, and get a nature fix at the Fairchild Tropical Botanical Gardens. And in Coconut Grove, the oldest area in Miami, feel transported to 18th century Europe at the grand Italian-inspired Vizcaya Museum and Gardens. It was built in 1916 and offers spectacular views of Biscayne Bay.</p><p>Food in Miami is a big deal and it’s widely renowned as one of the best places to dine in the US. The incredible designs of its bars and restaurants are a feast for the eyes too. Just like the rest of the city, dining in Miami is creative and heavily influenced by Latin-American culture. You’ll find street food, trendy cafés, boho stops, hidden bars, and fine dining restaurants by top chefs with views of the ocean.</p><p>As the sun sets, South Beach is the big draw, where nightlife buzzes along Ocean Drive with clubs, bars, and live music from salsa to house flowing into the neon lit streets of the Art Deco District. Across the city you can dance the night away to Cuban beats, or take in theatre performances, pick a deckchair at an outdoor cinema, or head out across the waters for a moonlit cruise.</p><p>Whatever you choose to do in Miami, you’re going to be inspired.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Miami","stationCode":"MIA"},{"preTitle":"Flights to the United States","title":"Flights to New York (NYC)","summary":"The Big Apple – where countless iconic landmarks, cultural cornerstones and foodie havens create one eclectic, heady mix.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to New York (NYC)","seoDescription":"Book flights to New York today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-new-york","shortName":"New York","longName":"New York","code":"US-NYC","isoCode":"NYC","destinationType":"cities","parentType":"US-NY","areaCode":"US-NY","countryCode":"US","regionCode":"NASA","lastPublishedDate":"2024-08-19T06:36:22Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"The Big Apple – where countless iconic landmarks, cultural cornerstones and foodie havens create one eclectic, heady mix.","contentDescription":"<p>The Big Apple has it all. Once your flight to New York lands, stroll around Downtown, the centre of world finance on Wall Street and Ground Zero, or venture amidst the commerce and chaos of Times Square in Midtown.</p><p>Around you, there’s the green spaces of Central Park and the posh homes of the Upper West Side further up the island of Manhattan. And don’t forget Brooklyn, the spot in New York where culture culminates; in which you’ll find everything from the best new bands to the coolest new restaurants.</p><p>It's no wonder legendary directors such as Nora Ephron and Woody Allen found inspiration here. From the yellow cabs hustling from street to street, to the Manhattan skyline dominated by the Empire State Building, New York feels familiar even if you’re coming here for the first time.</p><p>People from all cultures walk the streets, or ride the subway system, chatting in different languages; some on holiday, some on business trips, some travelling to and from home. It's a diverse and welcoming place.</p><p>Because of the city’s cosmopolitan nature, you'll find a huge variety of cuisines here. You can get pretty much anything that takes your fancy, from delectable French food to cheap and cheerful dim sum. And of course, there are plenty of opportunities to grab a slice of pizza. Just ask the locals – they’ll have strong opinions about where to get the best pie.</p><p>It’s that incredible pride in their home that really gives the city an edge. New Yorkers are opinionated, sure, but also knowledgeable and proud to tell you their story. Be sure to rub shoulders with as many locals as you can. The range of accommodation from which to base your own fairy tale of New York is extreme; quirky hostels in Brooklyn to lavish Central Park-facing brand hotels. So what are you waiting for?</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to New York","stationCode":"NYC"},{"preTitle":"Flights to the United States","title":"Flights to Orlando (ORL)","summary":"Arguably the world’s most fun-filled city, visit Orlando to enjoy some of the world’s most iconic theme parks, plus so much more.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Orlando (ORL)","seoDescription":"Book flights to Orlando today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-orlando","shortName":"Orlando","longName":"Orlando","code":"US-ORL","isoCode":"ORL","destinationType":"cities","parentType":"US-FL","areaCode":"US-FL","countryCode":"US","regionCode":"NASA","lastPublishedDate":"2024-08-19T06:36:19Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"Arguably the world’s most fun-filled city, visit Orlando to enjoy some of the world’s most iconic theme parks, plus so much more.","contentDescription":"<p>Is there a city more geared towards the pursuit of fun than Orlando? This family-friendly holiday destination in Florida is home to some of the most iconic theme parks in the world, with Walt Disney World Resort being the biggest name of them all. The ‘House of Mouse’ plays no small role in drawing the crowds, and an estimated 50 million visitors take flights to Orlando every year.</p><p>When you’re not rubbing shoulders with your favourite Disney characters, there’s also wildlife spotting at Disney’s Animal Kingdom and seal and dolphin shows at SeaWorld Orlando Florida. For film fans, you can peruse famous stage sets and memorabilia at Universal Studios Florida.</p><p>Away from the resorts, immerse yourself in the city’s dining and nightlife scene. The ‘locavore’ movement has well and truly taken hold, and there are some supremely talented chefs making the most of local, seasonal ingredients to create a dining experience worth travelling for.</p><p>Once you get away from the resorts, the great outdoors of Orlando is a big draw. If you’re feeling active, rent a kayak and take a tour of Shingle Creek, the headwaters of the Florida Everglades. Alternatively, if you have the time to take a day trip out of the city, try wandering the walking trails of the nearby Ocala National Forest or go wildlife spotting at Wekiwa Springs State Park. For another way to soak up the Florida sunshine, visit one of the city’s many award-winning golf courses. There’s a reason Tiger Woods is such a big fan of the city.</p><p>Make the time to see Orlando’s cultural offerings and your enthusiasm will be rewarded with a range of galleries, museums, science centres and more. The Orlando area is home to the renowned Dali Museum and Orlando Art Museum, as well as the Kennedy Space Center.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Orlando","stationCode":"MCO"},{"preTitle":"Flights to the United States","title":"Flights to San Francisco (SFO)","summary":"San Francisco is a city full of contradictions, and that’s what makes it such an interesting travel destination.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to San Francisco (SFO)","seoDescription":"Book flights to San Francisco today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-san-francisco","shortName":"San Francisco","longName":"San Francisco","code":"US-SFO","isoCode":"SFO","destinationType":"cities","parentType":"US-CA","areaCode":"US-CA","countryCode":"US","regionCode":"NASA","lastPublishedDate":"2024-08-13T10:54:56Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"San Francisco is a city full of contradictions, and that’s what makes it such an interesting travel destination.","contentDescription":"<p>Catch a flight to San Francisco and immerse yourself in the type of town where you can choose between a bargain burrito at a hole-in-the-wall Mexican joint off Market Street and an exquisite tasting menu on Spear Street (both of which are guaranteed to be tasty). This is a place where the world-famous Golden Gate Bridge is bathed in sunshine one moment, and shrouded in fog the next.</p><p>Whatever the weather, the architecture in San Francisco is always impressive. As well as its iconic bridge, there’s also Coit Tower on Telegraph Hill. It was built in the 1930s in the legacy of Lillie Hitchcock Coit, who left a $125,000 bequest to the metropolis “for the purpose of adding beauty to the city which I have always loved”.</p><p>It’s a beautiful place, yes, and eclectic too. San Francisco is a community where hipsters live in in the Tenderloin (\"\"TL\"\" to the locals) next to the offices of multi-billion dollar companies like Twitter and Uber. AirBnB, the service that lets people rent out their apartments, started here, and continues to thrive. In fact, staying in a resident's cool loft apartment while they’re out of town can be even cheaper than a hotel, and makes you feel like a true local.</p><p>Given San Francisco’s size – less than a million people cram into the 11km by 11km area – it has historically played a huge role in the culture of the US. As a result, many of the things to do in San Francisco have a historical element to them as well as a modern function.</p><p>Decades ago, the city was at the heart of the 1960s hippie movement that culminated in 1967’s Summer of Love. It even inspired Scott Mckenzie's iconic song San Francisco (Be Sure To Wear Flowers In Your Hair). If you have any interest in that era, then San Francisco’s famous Haight-Ashbury is an awesome place to visit.</p><p>Back in the day, this neighbourhood was the haunt of icons such as Janis Joplin, Jimi Hendrix, the Grateful Dead and Jefferson Airplane. Record shopping at Amoeba Music in this neighbourhood and browsing the books at City Lights offer a glimpse into the past as well as a chance to score a very cool souvenir.</p><p>When it comes to food, there's a rumour that if everyone who lived in San Francisco went out to eat at the same time, they could all find a seat at a restaurant. While the truth of that urban legend is debatable, the reality of the city as one of the best foodie destinations in the United States is not. Nowhere presents the vast range of options – from cheap, good Mexican food to expensive new American classics – in such a small space.</p><p>San Francisco's proximity to farms means exceptionally fresh produce that every restaurant uses, making even the least expensive options healthy and wholesome. The best restaurants in San Francisco all look forward, from the ground-breaking Nopa to Range, where the food's so fresh you'll feel like it might have walked off, well, the range.</p><p>Today, the Summer of Love may be over, but that positive, creative vibe remains strong in the City by the Bay.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to San Francisco","stationCode":"SFO"},{"preTitle":"Flights to the United States","title":"Flights to Seattle (SEA)","summary":"Surrounded by lush forests, Seattle is imbued with fantastic restaurants, sporting grounds and nightlife venues guaranteed to leave a lasting impression.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Seattle (SEA)","seoDescription":"Book flights to Seattle today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-seattle","shortName":"Seattle","longName":"Seattle","code":"US-SEA","isoCode":"SEA","destinationType":"cities","parentType":"US-WA","areaCode":"US-WA","countryCode":"US","regionCode":"NASA","lastPublishedDate":"2024-08-13T08:13:19Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"Surrounded by lush forests, Seattle is imbued with fantastic restaurants, sporting grounds and nightlife venues guaranteed to leave a lasting impression.","contentDescription":"<p>It’s hard to believe, but there was a time when Seattle wasn’t a famous travel destination. Today, this large city in the Pacific Northwest is at the heart of pop culture history. After all, Washington’s capital gave birth to grunge rock and was the home of Nirvana, while films such as Say Anything and Sleepless In Seattle, and TV shows such as Frasier and Grey’s Anatomy put it firmly on the map.</p><p>Seattle is a city for walkers. The centre of town, which runs right to the water's edge, is constantly evolving, while growing suburbs such as Ballard are filled with people who value a quality restaurant, some fun entertainment and an evening in a trendy lounge to welcome in the weekend.</p><p>Like many American cities, Seattle has a vibrant downtown area filled with luxury hotels and high-rise apartment buildings, as well as plenty of restaurants, nightlife venues and cafes. In fact, the city runs on caffeine – Starbucks was founded here and many independent roasters line the streets. The world's best-known coffee chain isn’t the only major company with roots in Seattle – Amazon started here too. The online retailer has a huge presence in the city and helps to drive the local economy.</p><p>Seattleites are extremely proud of the place they call home. Evidence of this is everywhere, perhaps nowhere more so than at local sporting events. From the Seahawks (National Football League – NFL) to the Mariners (Major League Baseball – MLB) to the Sounders (Major League Soccer – MLS), try and catch a game during your visit to see sports fandom at its best.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Seattle","stationCode":"SEA"},{"preTitle":"Flights to the United States","title":"Flights to Washington D.C. (WAS)","summary":"In a word, Washington D.C. is monumental – holding an important place in American history and teeming with iconic landmarks.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Washington D.C. (WAS)","seoDescription":"Book flights to Washington D.C. today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-washington-dc","shortName":"Washington, D.C.","longName":"Washington, D.C.","code":"US-WAS","isoCode":"WAS","destinationType":"cities","parentType":"US-DC","areaCode":"US-DC","countryCode":"US","regionCode":"NASA","lastPublishedDate":"2024-09-02T10:06:33Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"In a word, Washington D.C. is monumental – holding an important place in American history and teeming with iconic landmarks.","contentDescription":"<p>Flights to Washington D.C. deliver you to the seat of the US government. The president calls the shots from the White House, while Congress works just around the corner and the Supreme Court just a few blocks further way.</p><p>And then there are the monuments. Who could fail to be inspired by the Lincoln Memorial, the Martin Luther King Jr Memorial or the Arlington National Cemetery? Close to the cemetery you’ll find the Iwo Jima Memorial (also known as the Marine Corps War Memorial), a bronze sculpture that is one of the most memorable landmarks in the city.</p><p>In the past, Washington D.C. had a reputation for being conservative, but that has changed in recent decades, thanks to an influx of young professionals and an ever-more-exciting downtown, with cool areas to explore such as Chinatown. Although power brokers remain, filling many of the luxury hotels and fine dining spots, D.C.’s youthful energy has strongly injected itself into the city, forming an undercurrent of hip restaurants, trendy hotels and hidden lounges.</p><p>But above all, it’s the historical institutions that draw visitors to Washington time and time again. It's impossible not to be affected by the exhibitions on display at the Smithsonian National Museum of American History or the National Archives – visit the latter to see the Declaration of Independence.</p><p>Then there’s the ever-impressive Washington Monument, as well as the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, where visitors still leave tributes on an almost daily basis. You could spend a week in Washington and not begin to cover everything – and that's a good thing.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Washington D.C.","stationCode":"IAD"}]}]},{"preTitle":"Where we fly","title":"Flights to the Middle East","summary":"Flights to the Middle East, whether to soak up the history and culture of Beirut or experience the ultra-modern metropolis of Dubai, won’t disappoint.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to the Middle East","seoDescription":"Plan and book flights to the Middle East. Whether you are looking to soak up the history of Beirut or the modern metropolois of Dubai. Fly Better with Emirates."},"url":"flights-to-middle-east","shortName":"The Middle East","longName":"The Middle East","code":"MIEA","isoCode":"ME","destinationType":"regions","parentType":"","lastPublishedDate":"2023-02-28T11:09:06Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","countries":[{"preTitle":"Flights to the Middle East","title":"Flights to Bahrain","summary":"Flights to Bahrain will amaze you, thanks to the sheer scope of this tiny island nation’s history and heritage.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Bahrain","seoDescription":"Book flights to Bahrain today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-kingdom-of-bahrain","shortName":"Bahrain","longName":"Bahrain","code":"BH","isoCode":"BH","destinationType":"countries","parentType":"MIEA","regionCode":"MIEA","lastPublishedDate":"2023-02-23T16:11:43Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"Flights to Bahrain will amaze you, thanks to the sheer scope of this tiny island nation’s history and heritage.","contentDescription":"<p>When it comes to culture and history, few destinations in the Middle East can measure up to Bahrain. This island nation known as the Land of the Two Seas might be tiny – sandwiched as it is between Saudi Arabia and Qatar – but you’ll be amazed at the sheer range of its historical things to do when you book flights to Bahrain.</p><p>It’s estimated that the settlement of Bahrain dates back at least 5,000 years, and the country is dotted with museums and archaeological sites that are open to visitors. Perhaps the most impressive attractions are the mysterious Dilmun Burial Mounds, which many historians believe to be the world’s largest prehistoric cemetery. Located just outside Manama, these are thought to be at least 3,000 years old. Then there are the Saar digs, where you’ll find an entire excavated village estimated to date back to the third century BC.</p><p>However, Bahrain’s charms are not limited to its past. The capital city of Manama is a thoroughly modern and thriving urban centre, where you’ll find Bahrain’s best hotels, restaurants, lounges and galleries, not to mention the majority of its expat population. You can also learn more about Bahrain’s pearling history, which for many years was the Gulf nation’s main source of wealth, at the Museum of Pearl Diving.</p><p>And then of course there’s the biggest modern attraction of all: the Bahrain Formula 1 Grand Prix, a massive annual event that draws racing talent and visitors from across the globe. Bahrain has the honour of being the first Middle Eastern country to host the event (it’s now joined by the city of Abu Dhabi), which takes place at the Bahrain International Circuit.</p><p>Sporting events aside, you’ll find something to keep you entertained in Bahrain all year round.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Bahrain","cities":[{"preTitle":"Flights to Bahrain","title":"Flights to Manama (BAH)","summary":"From the historic to the cosmopolitan, the smallest of the independent Gulf States promises big travel experiences.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Manama (BAH)","seoDescription":"Book flights to Manama today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-bahrain","shortName":"Bahrain","longName":"Bahrain","code":"BH-BAH","isoCode":"BAH","destinationType":"cities","parentType":"BH","countryCode":"BH","regionCode":"MIEA","lastPublishedDate":"2024-08-19T06:22:35Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"From the historic to the cosmopolitan, the smallest of the independent Gulf States promises big travel experiences.","contentDescription":"<p>The smallest of the independent Gulf States, this island nation is a cosmopolitan Middle Eastern destination, making flights to Bahrain highly popular with travellers.</p><p>The Portuguese arrived and ruled the Land of Two Seas in 1521, so called thanks to its unique location near freshwater springs hidden under the Gulf Sea’s bed. Ahmad Bin Khalifa’s family took rule in 1783 and has continued to do so, and the country achieved independence in 1971.</p><p>Today, Bahrain is home to more than a million residents, including a large number of expats. Manama, Bahrain’s largest city and its capital, is home to 157,000 people. It continues to rely less and less on its limited oil reserves, instead increasing its capacity for trade and tourism. The cityscape has benefitted, too, with a wonderful skyline of glass towers, many of which are home to world-class hotels.</p><p>As well as modern marvels, like skyscrapers and even the Bahrain Formula 1 Grand Prix, there are plenty of historical attractions too. These range from the bustling markets in the older parts of Manama to the fascinating Dilmun Burial Mounds.</p><p>And if you want to explore beyond the mainland, jump on a boat and head for the tranquil waters of the Hawar Islands off Bahrain’s west coast.</p><p>With its world heritage sites packed with ancient forts and grounds, its winding streets of souqs and markets, and, more recently, its exciting nightlife scene, Bahrain is a country that really does offer the most complete getaway.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Manama","stationCode":"BAH"}]},{"preTitle":"Flights to the Middle East","title":"Flights to Iran","summary":"Flights to Iran open even the most experienced traveller’s eyes. Lose yourself in Iran’s many bazaars, mosques and museums.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Iran","seoDescription":"Book flights to Iran today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-iran","shortName":"Iran","longName":"Iran","code":"IR","isoCode":"IR","destinationType":"countries","parentType":"MIEA","regionCode":"MIEA","lastPublishedDate":"2023-02-23T16:11:27Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"Flights to Iran open even the most experienced traveller’s eyes. Lose yourself in Iran’s many bazaars, mosques and museums.","contentDescription":"<p>Civilisation has existed on the land that the Islamic Republic of Iran now claims as home for more than 5,000 years. It has seen all types of humanity come and go, from the ancient Elamite Kingdom to the Iranian Medes, Cyrus the Greeks' Achaemenid Empire, the Islamic Golden Age, and the Iranian Revolution, which led to the Islamic republic that exists today. Iran's vast oil wealth and position in the Middle East help it hold significant sway in the politics of the region and the wider world.</p><p>There are frequent flights to Iran from cities around the world and Tehran, the capital city of 8.3 million, is the best place to start. It’s a shopper’s haven; lose yourself in bazaars filled with huge piles of saffron and other spices for sale, along with resplendent rugs and traditional wares. You’ll find these markets lining the narrow streets along with other attractions including the Jewellery Museum, the Azadi Tower, the Tehran Museum of Contemporary Art and Jameh Bazaar (which opens on Fridays). There are lots of luxury hotels to stay in during your trip, including the Tehran Grand Hotel and the Safir Hotel, both of which make a great base for sightseeing.</p><p>Further afield you’ll find plenty of other interesting places to visit. There’s Isfahan – with its many bazaars, gardens, mosques, and museums – Mashhad (where the tomb of the famous Imam Reza lies), and Shiraz, which bills itself as the city of poets, literature and flowers. Head out into nature, and you could come into contact with all manner of wildlife including gazelles, wolves and panthers.</p><p>Whenever you visit, and whether you stay indoors or venture out, keep in mind that the weather in Iran is generally hot and dry. You should also make sure to respect the customs of the local culture, which includes dressing modestly. Do so, and you’ll fit in with ease.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Iran","cities":[{"preTitle":"Flights to Iran","title":"Flights to Tehran (THR)","summary":"Imbued with iconic monuments, visit Tehran to meet friendly locals, eat gourmet cuisine and witness its fast-paced drive for modernity.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Tehran (THR)","seoDescription":"Book flights to Tehran today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-tehran","shortName":"Tehran","longName":"Tehran","code":"IR-THR","isoCode":"THR","destinationType":"cities","parentType":"IR_Tehran","areaCode":"IR_Tehran","countryCode":"IR","regionCode":"MIEA","lastPublishedDate":"2023-02-23T14:34:34Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"Imbued with iconic monuments, visit Tehran to meet friendly locals, eat gourmet cuisine and witness its fast-paced drive for modernity.","contentDescription":"<p>A huge city in the north of Iran with pre-Islamic influences, Tehran is now a bustling, buzzing megalopolis. In much the same way that Beirut is reaping the benefits of supporting and promoting a bright, young generation of natives, Tehran has set its eyes on the road to modernity.</p><p>So what can visitors expect to see when their flights to Tehran land? It’s hard to ignore the giant 435m Milad Tower, the centrepiece of an international area and a shining example of the forward-thinking attitude of the city. But of Tehran’s numerous monuments, the most iconic is the Azadi Tower, the true gateway to the city.</p><p>For a throwback to the Persian era, the Golestan Palace and its numerous structures provide a great educational base. The mosaic walls of Karim Khani Nook are among the most beautiful in the region.</p><p>In Tehran modern shopping malls jostle for your attention alongside traditional souks like the Tajrish marketplace. The Grand Bazaar is the city’s busiest shopping area, where food, clothing, jewellery, rugs and trinkets spill out from shops into the streets.</p><p>The range of restaurants puts Tehran in the same league as some of the best foodie cities in the world. On one end of the scale there are humble kebab houses welcoming thousands of people a day. On the other sits Black Gold, or caviar; a popular export which can be found in Tehran’s best restaurants.</p><p>Traditional teahouses are the hub of the social scene for locals and visitors alike. Live music accompanies dinner in these atmospheric settings, which often host guests around large tables – making them great places to meet some of Iran’s friendly locals.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Tehran","stationCode":"IKA"}]},{"preTitle":"Flights to the Middle East","title":"Flights to Iraq","summary":"Flights to Iraq are favoured by history fans. The country has plenty of museums, monuments and palaces to satisfy your thirst for knowledge.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Iraq","seoDescription":"Book flights to Iraq today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-iraq","shortName":"Iraq","longName":"Iraq","code":"IQ","isoCode":"IQ","destinationType":"countries","parentType":"MIEA","regionCode":"MIEA","lastPublishedDate":"2023-02-23T16:11:28Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"Flights to Iraq are favoured by history fans. The country has plenty of museums, monuments and palaces to satisfy your thirst for knowledge.","contentDescription":"<p>As the country on the land that may have played host to the Garden of Eden, the story of Gilgamesh and the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, Iraq boasts a rich and varied past.</p><p>It’s an amazing destination for history buffs. The region has been influenced by societies including the Sumerians, Akkadians, Babylonians, Assyrians and Ancient Persians, as well as more modern people, which has created a unique culture. The best time to catch flights to Iraq is during the spring or autumn; at other times, you might find the climate too hot and dry, with the mercury pushing 40°C during the summer months.</p><p>You may want to start your journey in the port city of Basra rather than Baghdad, where international flights land regularly. The Basra International Hotel or famous five-star Mnawi Basha Hotel make excellent bases for venturing into Basra's attractions, such as Sinbad Island, Sayab's House of Ruins, the Basra Sports City and Sayyed Ali al-Musawi Mosque. Weather-wise, it's one of the hottest cities in the world, so be prepared. A strong Islamic presence exists in most parts of the country, so be sure to dress modestly.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Iraq","cities":[{"preTitle":"Iraq","title":"Flights to Baghdad (BGW)","summary":"As the former centre of the Islamic world, Baghdad is infused with history at every turn.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Baghdad (BGW)","seoDescription":"Book flights to Baghdad today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-baghdad","shortName":"Baghdad","longName":"Baghdad","code":"IQ-BGW","isoCode":"BGW","destinationType":"cities","parentType":"IQ_BG","areaCode":"IQ_BG","countryCode":"IQ","regionCode":"MIEA","lastPublishedDate":"2023-02-23T13:04:31Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"As the former centre of the Islamic world, Baghdad is infused with history at every turn.","contentDescription":"<p>Founded in 762 as the capital of the Abbasid caliphate, Baghdad remains the largest and one of the most important cities in Iraq. Situated 1,000km away from the Arabian Gulf, along the Tigris river, its location reflects its history as the former centre of the Islamic world.</p><p>Upon its construction, Baghdad caused a desertion of Ctesiphon, the then capital of the Persian Empire, located 30km away. And additionally, the famous site of Babylon sits around 85km to the south.</p><p>Its location was chosen for its proximity to water, relatively mild climate and its links to regional and international trade, all of which helped turn Baghdad into one of the healthiest educational hubs in the Islamic world. As trade grew, the combination of cultures helped create a diverse knowledge-based population. And for centuries, Baghdad was seen as the cultural centre of the Arab world.</p><p>The Arabic Free Verse Movement began there, forged by Iraqi poets. And many sculptors, painters and writers came before it. Many of the works remain within the walls of the city’s museums, which exhibit a flurry of unique archaeological articles from ancient Mesopotamian history.</p><p>Many of the great Baghdadi museums and structures remain, and those that have suffered damages from conflict have mostly been renovated. Moreover, the city boasts a wide range of hotels with some fine dining options.</p><p>There’s also an endless list of cultural delights to see when you book flights to Baghdad, including the intriguing Al-Shaheed Monument and the Aljawadain Holy Shrine.</p><p>Unfortunately, Baghdad’s recent history is turbulent, bearing witness to a series of conflicts. Due to the current situation, visitors should do their research and take extra caution before planning a trip.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Baghdad","stationCode":"BGW"},{"preTitle":"Flights to Iraq","title":"Flights to Basra (BSR)","summary":"The scenic river views greeting you upon landing in Basra are only a prelude to the fascinating discoveries that lie ahead.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Basra (BSR)","seoDescription":"Book flights to Basra today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-basra","shortName":"Basra","longName":"Basra","code":"IQ-BSR","isoCode":"BSR","destinationType":"cities","parentType":"IQ_BS","areaCode":"IQ_BS","countryCode":"IQ","regionCode":"MIEA","lastPublishedDate":"2024-12-12T09:13:09Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"The scenic river views greeting you upon landing in Basra are only a prelude to the fascinating discoveries that lie ahead.","contentDescription":"<p>Home to Iraq’s only port, Basra is steeped in history and punctuated by magnificent traditional architecture.</p><p>Once known as the ‘Venice of the East’, Basra holds a special place in Middle Eastern folklore, with the legendary Sinbad the Sailor said to have started his adventures from the city.</p><p>A boat trip on the Shatt al-Arab River is a fantastic way to experience Basra from the tranquillity of the water. Cruise past the Basra Museum, a beautifully repurposed former palace complex, and marvel at the iconic Italian Bridge, a stunning architectural feat that is best admired in the fiery light of sunset. Explore the museum itself and experience a deeper dive into Iraq’s history. This Shanasheel-style building holds a plethora of ancient artefacts tied to the Sumerian, Babylonian, Assyrian and Hellenistic eras.</p><p>Basra Times Square Mall is one of Basra’s primary modern developments and a key social hub. Browse an expansive range of alluring retail outlets and pick from a plentiful array of local and international restaurants.</p><p>Basra International Stadium serves as an additional symbol of Iraq’s innovation. With a capacity exceeding 65,000, this state-of-the-art hub for national and international sport features a stunning honeycomb design and an elite surrounding complex.</p><p>Strikingly designed mosques are a common sight in Basra, none more so than the Imam Ali Mosque, a significant location in the city’s storied history. Admire this revered site, the foundations of which were laid over 1,300 years ago.</p><p>While Basra is Iraq’s third largest city and a densely populated urban environment, immense natural beauty remains within striking distance. To the north are the Iraqi marshlands, a UNESCO World Heritage Site and one of the world’s largest inland delta systems.</p><p>When it comes to Iraqi cuisine, masgouf is a tantalising dish that is as delectable from Basra’s street vendors as it is from one of the superb local restaurants. Exquisitely seasoned carp, caught fresh from the Tigris-Euphrates Basin, is grilled over coals and served on a bed of vermicelli rice. For a sweet treat, caramel coffee is one of Basra’s most popular drinks. Grab a cup of this thick, creamy mixture with chocolate crumbs, walnuts and pistachio and watch the sun set from the Basra Corniche.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Basra","stationCode":"BSR"}]},{"preTitle":"Flights to the Middle East","title":"Flights to Israel","summary":"Emirates flights to Israel land in the city of Tel Aviv, your gateway to ancient cities, Mediterranean shores, beautiful landscapes and world-class cuisine.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Israel","seoDescription":"Book flights to Israel today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-israel","shortName":"Israel","longName":"Israel","code":"IL","isoCode":"IL","destinationType":"countries","parentType":"MIEA","regionCode":"MIEA","lastPublishedDate":"2023-02-23T16:11:33Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"Emirates flights to Israel land in the city of Tel Aviv, your gateway to ancient cities, Mediterranean shores, beautiful landscapes and world-class cuisine.","contentDescription":"<p>Emirates flights to Israel land in the creative business hub of Tel Aviv. It’s the ideal place to start your exploration of Israel’s must-see places, from ancient cities to natural landscapes and incredible cultural attractions.</p><p>Spend some time exploring Tel Aviv’s excellent museums, theatres, and modern art galleries, and enjoy soaking up the summer sun on Tel Aviv’s beaches. Amazing restaurants serve the world’s cuisine and you can join the lively nightlife along Tel Aviv’s boulevards.</p><p>Beyond Tel Aviv, Israel draws visitors to places of cultural and historical significance. Explore crumbling fortresses like the Roman ruins in Caesarea and the ancient fortress of Masada, and enjoy strolling through old port cities along the Mediterranean coast.</p><p>From the Baháʼí Gardens in Haifa, to the expansive Negev Desert and intriguing Red Canyon, you can enjoy lots of outdoor adventures in beautiful landscapes. Many visitors head to the famous Dead Sea and then south to enjoy a stretch of the Red Sea in Eilat, known for its stunning underwater world.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Israel","cities":[{"preTitle":"Flights to Israel","title":"Flights to Tel Aviv (TLV)","summary":"It’s true that flights to Tel Aviv bring you to a party destination by the sea. But that’s just one aspect of the city’s vibrant personality.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Tel Aviv (TLV)","seoDescription":"Book flights to Tel Aviv today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-tel-aviv","shortName":"Tel Aviv","longName":"Tel Aviv","code":"IL-TLV","isoCode":"TLV","destinationType":"cities","parentType":"IL_Tel-Aviv-District","areaCode":"IL_Tel-Aviv-District","countryCode":"IL","regionCode":"MIEA","lastPublishedDate":"2024-08-16T10:33:47Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"It’s true that flights to Tel Aviv bring you to a party destination by the sea. But that’s just one aspect of the city’s vibrant personality.","contentDescription":"<p>It’s true that flights to Tel Aviv bring you to a party destination by the sea. But that’s just one aspect of the city’s vibrant personality.</p><p>Long boulevards offer up fantastic galleries, hipster hangouts, and cool coffee shops among some rather stunning synagogues, bountiful markets, museums, and theatres. Flights to Tel Aviv also bring you to Israel’s financial and business hub, where lots of start-ups take advantage of investment opportunities with entrepreneurial gusto.</p><p>Warm temperatures draw sunbathers and surfers to Tel Aviv’s 14km stretch of sandy beach and Mediterranean shores. And ample green spaces like Park HaYarkon offer an escape for riverside jogging, cycling, or a moment of stillness.</p><p>Views of the city unfold from the ancient Jaffa Port, an area of picturesque restaurants, art galleries, and gardens. From here you can meander down to the heart of Tel Aviv along King George Street, Dizengoff and Rothchild Boulevard. The central White City area is distinct for its German Bauhaus-style buildings and it’s now a UNESCO World Heritage site for the vast number of them in this style.</p><p>Seek out more stories of the city’s foundations and Jewish history at the Eretz Israel Museum and the Grand Synagogue of Tel Aviv. And you can see expressions of Tel Aviv’s history and creative culture at the Tel Aviv Museum of Art, as well as through some excellent street murals.</p><p>If you’re looking for shopping in Tel Aviv, a delve into the markets is a must. Hunt for trinkets in Jaffa Flea Market, crafts in Nahalat Binyamin Market and enjoy the trendy vibe of Sarona. Make sure the largest - Carmel Market, or Shuk HaCarmel - is on the top of your list.</p><p>While you’re there you can indulge in some delicious street food, but leave room for the diverse food scene later on. You’ll find some of the best world cuisine in Tel Aviv, and it’s also known as a top destination for vegan food. Whether you’re sitting outside a street café or fine dining with views of the sparkling Mediterranean, the food is as creative and eclectic as the local culture.</p><p>Into the night, Tel Aviv’s famous party attitude is unleashed, with rooftop cocktail bars, chic clubs and dancing on the beach. Join the action around Rothschild Boulevard or take it slower in arty Florentin, and enjoy being swept up in the energy of Tel Aviv from day to night.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Tel Aviv","stationCode":"TLV"}]},{"preTitle":"Flights to the Middle East","title":"Flights to Jordan","summary":"Flights to Jordan satisfy your curiosity. Discover a bustling capital in Amman, desert landscapes in Wadi Rum and stunning Petra.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Jordan","seoDescription":"Book flights to Jordan today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-jordan","shortName":"Jordan","longName":"Jordan","code":"JO","isoCode":"JO","destinationType":"countries","parentType":"MIEA","regionCode":"MIEA","lastPublishedDate":"2025-01-07T06:44:03Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"Flights to Jordan satisfy your curiosity. Discover a bustling capital in Amman, desert landscapes in Wadi Rum and stunning Petra.","contentDescription":"<p>Jordan is a country teeming with ancient architecture and world-famous sites, many of which have been awarded UNESCO World Heritage status.</p><p>The <a href=\"/english/destinations/flights-to-amman/\" title=\"Flight to Amman\" data-id=\"pagebody_link\" data-link=\"Flight to Amman - Link Dynamic\">capital Amman</a> is an enchanting northern city that houses some of Jordan’s most esteemed historical areas. Navigate this sprawling yet welcoming metropolis of sand-coloured buildings to discover magnificent signposts of former civilisations. Visit the gloriously restored Roman Theatre in the soft light of dawn, or as the sun is setting. Admire this awe-inspiring architectural feat, capable of holding 6,000 people, and absorb fantastic views of Amman from its top tiers.</p><p>The Amman Citadel is another treasured site on one of the city’s signature seven hills. Wander ancient structures, including the Temple of Hercules and the Umayyad Palace, that tell the stories of Amman’s fascinating past.</p><p>However, Jordan’s most famous piece of history lies in the south. Petra, the internationally renowned UNESCO World Heritage Site, is the ruins of an ancient city, once the capital of an Arab kingdom in Hellenistic and Roman times. Tour this spectacular array of sandstone palaces, temples and tombs that are expertly carved into cliff faces and now hidden along stunning hiking trails.</p><p>Jordan is adorned with mesmerising scenery and walking routes, and Wadi Rum Protected Area is a spellbinding landscape just south of Petra, where red dunes and unique rock formations fuse together in an almost alien-like wilderness. Here, you can camp in air-conditioned lodges and enjoy an unforgettable night under a twinkling blanket of stars.</p><p>Jordan is also home to the Dead Sea, a dazzling salt lake on the edge of the Wadi Mujib canyon. Experience the unique sensation of floating effortlessly on the surface due to the lake’s natural buoyancy, or bathe in the invigorating hot spring waterfall of Ma'in nearby.</p><p>Close to the Dead Sea, Madaba is a bustling market town known for its ancient mosaics, including a complex floor map made from two million stone pieces. Aqaba, Jordan’s only coastal city, is an enticing destination for adventure seekers thanks to the coral reefs and shipwrecks that make for unforgettable diving excursions in the Red Sea.</p><p>There are many must-try dishes when visiting Jordan, particularly mansaf. This delicious, distinctive combination of tender lamb, cooked in fermented yoghurt sauce, and rice is the country’s national dish. Jordan is famed for its sweet snacks too – try baklava, a honey-soaked filo pastry layered with a mouth-watering cinnamon and nut filling.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Jordan","cities":[{"preTitle":"Flights to Jordan","title":"Flights to Amman (AMM)","summary":"It doesn’t take visitors to Amman long to realise this is one of the Middle East’s friendliest cities.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Amman (AMM)","seoDescription":"Book flights to Amman today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-amman","shortName":"Amman","longName":"Amman","code":"JO-AMM","isoCode":"AMM","destinationType":"cities","parentType":"JO_Amman","areaCode":"JO_Amman","countryCode":"JO","regionCode":"MIEA","lastPublishedDate":"2024-08-13T06:49:19Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"It doesn’t take visitors to Amman long to realise this is one of the Middle East’s friendliest cities.","contentDescription":"<p>Amman is a pleasant mix of old and new. Leafy, historic districts such as Jebel Al Weibdeh sit next to buzzing metropolitan downtown neighbourhoods where you’ll find cinemas, restaurants, theatres and luxurious hotels.</p><p>There’s no doubt it’s a metropolis on the up and retail is booming in this part of the Arab world. Book flights to Amman and witness the frenetic buying and selling in the souks and a host of uptown shopping districts such as Sweifieh, where travellers can splash their cash. International hotel brands such as Four Seasons, Le Méridien and Marriott all have a presence here.</p><p>There are plenty of distinctive markets to explore. It’s easy (and fun) to haggle for keepsakes to take home, or simply get lost among the intricately embroidered fabrics, locally crafted silver, and the aroma of herbs and spices.</p><p>Like much of the Middle East, Amman’s architecture is a testament to centuries of rich, colourful history. Crumbling classical ruins such as Amman’s Roman Amphitheatre and the faded ruins of a Greek metropolis sit next to stunning Arabic mosques.</p><p>Don’t leave the city without a trip to the ancient Amman Citadel, towering above the capital. Visiting the Amman Citadel is like stepping into the pages of a Greek myth, thanks to the impressive Temple of Hercules. Then there’s the Umayyad Palace and the National Archaeological Museum, both architectural gems in their own right.</p><p>Venture here just before sunset to enjoy one of the region’s most stunning views, matched only by the symphony of sunset calls to prayer from the city’s mosques.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Amman","stationCode":"AMM"}]},{"preTitle":"Flights to the Middle East ","title":"Flights to Kuwait","summary":"Flights to Kuwait’s small capital city will show you that this country has an influence on the rest of world that punches above its modest size.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Kuwait","seoDescription":"Book flights to Kuwait today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-state-of-kuwait","shortName":"Kuwait","longName":"Kuwait","code":"KW","isoCode":"KW","destinationType":"countries","parentType":"MIEA","regionCode":"MIEA","lastPublishedDate":"2023-02-23T16:29:25Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"Flights to Kuwait’s small capital city will show you that this country has an influence on the rest of world that punches above its modest size.","contentDescription":"<p>Oil-rich Kuwait sits on the tip of the Arabian Gulf. The country experienced a ‘Golden Era’ between 1946 and 1982, and today flights to Kuwait are popular among travellers seeking a certain kind of Middle Eastern adventure mixed with some five-star experiences. Kuwait’s size makes it manageable for a short holiday, with a culture that revolves around theatre, soap operas, and the popular Al Arabi magazine, which holds sway in much of the Arab world. Kuwait, like many of its regional neighbours, is hot and dry in climate, with powerful Islamic philosophies governing many aspects of life.</p><p>If you're travelling to Kuwait, you’ll probably spend most of your time in Kuwait City. The capital and largest city in the country sits on the shores of deep-water harbour, Kuwait Bay, making it the natural centre of the country's trade. In fact, more than 90% of the population lives on the coast of the bay.</p><p>Kuwait City is home to most of the country's tourist attractions, including the famous Kuwait Tower rising high into the skyline, the Tareq Rajab Museum and the Mirror House, known for the massive mirror mosaic on the walls. If you're looking to catch a little sunshine, check out Al Kout Beach, while the Kuwaiti Maritime Museum has an amazing collection of ancient and modern vessels. And Al-Boom, a popular restaurant in the hull of a boat, makes the perfect end to a nautical-themed afternoon.</p><p>It’s easy to find a base for all that sightseeing, as one of the biggest draws of Kuwait is its fleet of luxury hotels.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Kuwait","cities":[{"preTitle":"Flights to Kuwait","title":"Flights to Kuwait City (KWI)","summary":"Catch a flight to Kuwait to explore pristine beaches, fantastic restaurants, an action-packed events calendar and magnificent architectural marvels.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Kuwait City (KWI)","seoDescription":"Book flights to Kuwait City today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-kuwait","shortName":"Kuwait","longName":"Kuwait City","code":"KW-KWI","isoCode":"KWI","destinationType":"cities","parentType":"KW_Al Asimah","areaCode":"KW_Al Asimah","countryCode":"KW","regionCode":"MIEA","lastPublishedDate":"2023-06-01T08:14:03Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"Catch a flight to Kuwait to explore pristine beaches, fantastic restaurants, an action-packed events calendar and magnificent architectural marvels.","contentDescription":"<p>Kuwait hasn't always had it so easy, but since the late 1990s, it’s experienced a rebirth. And, like a lot of travel destinations in the Gulf, it celebrates the new and looks towards the future, while keeping strong ties to its history.</p><p>Today, flights to Kuwait City are full of business travellers, who know they’ll be looked after in comfort and style – both in the air and on arrival. The newer resort hotels that have sprung up in recent years, such as Jumeirah Messilah Beach Hotel & Spa, are all set to attract more leisure travellers and holidaymakers.</p><p>Yet a trip to Kuwait isn’t just about relaxing in resorts or chilling out on the beach. Green Island’s amphitheatre offers a year-round events programme, Entertainment City is a fun theme park, there are interesting museums exploring history and culture and the souks are a living example of the past where you can pick up a keepsake.</p><p>Looking out over all these attractions are the three Kuwait Towers. Built in 1979, these icons of the skyline have seen a lot of change but today they preside over a prosperous city ready to welcome the world.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Kuwait City","stationCode":"KWI"}]},{"preTitle":"Flights into the Middle East","title":"Flights to Lebanon","summary":"Flights to Lebanon take you to one of the Middle East’s coolest travel destinations, where you’ll need to dress to impress.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Lebanon","seoDescription":"Book flights to Lebanon today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-lebanon","shortName":"Lebanon","longName":"Lebanon","code":"LB","isoCode":"LB","destinationType":"countries","parentType":"MIEA","regionCode":"MIEA","lastPublishedDate":"2023-02-23T16:16:58Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"Flights to Lebanon take you to one of the Middle East’s coolest travel destinations, where you’ll need to dress to impress.","contentDescription":"<p>Lebanon has got so much to offer – the cosmopolitan chic of Beirut, the medieval architecture of Tripoli, the incredible Roman ruins at Baalbek, plus beautiful beaches and even a handful of ski resorts.</p><p>The best place to start your travels when you book flights to Lebanon is Beirut, the capital. An energetic city with an eye for fashion and a host of great cultural offerings, it’s the place to see and be seen. Nightlife plays a big part in the social scene, and the locals get very dressed up (pack a nice outfit if you plan to hit the nightlife venues). Even on very casual outings, like strolling along the Corniche in the evenings, it seems like everyone in the city is out to have a good time, from the families to the coffee vendors to the gents smoking their nargilehs. The city’s dining scene is also undergoing a renaissance, with celebrity chefs setting up branches here.</p><p>There are lots of interesting sights that you can reach within a day trip from Beirut, such as Tripoli. It’s got a souk you can get lost in for hours shopping for bargains and drinking tea as you wander, plus some world famous Mamluk architecture to admire. Follow this with a meal of mezze at one of the city’s fine restaurants. Baalbek is another great place to visit, home to jaw-dropping ruins of ancient Roman temples (tributes to Jupiter and Bacchus) that date back to 150 AD.</p><p>Round off your holiday in Lebanon with a couple of days at the beach. You can swank around at glitzy resorts or just hit one of the numerous public beaches along the coast, soaking up the sun, sand and fun.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Lebanon","cities":[{"preTitle":"Flights to Lebanon","title":"Flights to Beirut (BEY)","summary":"Beirut is a holiday destination unlike any other – where you spend the morning skiing and the afternoon relaxing on beautiful beaches.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Beirut (BEY)","seoDescription":"Book flights to Beirut today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-beirut","shortName":"Beirut","longName":"Beirut","code":"LB-BEY","isoCode":"BEY","destinationType":"cities","parentType":"LB_Beirut","areaCode":"LB_Beirut","countryCode":"LB","regionCode":"MIEA","lastPublishedDate":"2024-08-19T04:11:39Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"Beirut is a holiday destination unlike any other – where you spend the morning skiing and the afternoon relaxing on beautiful beaches.","contentDescription":"<p>The Lebanese capital is a unique holiday destination and, once you’ve been, you can’t help but sing its praises. From the restaurants, rooftop lounges, luxury hotels and shisha cafes, to the mosques and monuments, it promises to be a memorable trip from the moment your flight to Beirut lands.</p><p>There’s no denying Lebanon’s turbulent past has left its mark, but Beirut’s famously hospitable residents don’t focus on that; they acknowledge their history, but look to the future. What you get as a result is an utterly modern city centre, from the European-style boutiques, cafes and courtyards of Place de l’Etoile to the hip venues of Gemmayze. And never far away are the carefully preserved historic sites, such as the Place Des Martyrs (Martyrs' Square) and the St George Maronite Cathedral. If you have enough time for a day trip from Beirut, you can visit other interesting historic sites, including the ancient city of Byblos.</p><p>There are also plenty of opportunities to get outdoorsy. Beirut is famous for being one of the few places where (depending on the season) you can ski in the mountains in the morning and be sunning yourself on the coast by the afternoon. The ski season runs from mid-December to early April. March is the best month to go, when the snowfall is more consistent.</p><p>The après-ski culture is rather different to Europe’s though – no one lingers in a lodge on the slopes drinking hot chocolate. Generally, once you’re done skiing, you head back to your home (or hotel) to relax and get ready for the evening. Beirut’s reputation as the nightlife capital of the Middle East is well deserved – you might find that you don’t see much of your hotel at all.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Beirut","stationCode":"BEY"}]},{"preTitle":"Flights to the Middle East","title":"Flights to Oman","summary":"Flights to Oman are increasingly popular – and with good reason. Discover a wealth of things to see and do there.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Oman","seoDescription":"Book flights to Oman today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-oman","shortName":"Oman","longName":"Oman","code":"OM","isoCode":"OM","destinationType":"countries","parentType":"MIEA","regionCode":"MIEA","lastPublishedDate":"2023-02-23T16:17:16Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"Flights to Oman are increasingly popular – and with good reason. Discover a wealth of things to see and do there.","contentDescription":"<p>Oman’s stunning deserts, coasts and mountains are finally getting the attention they deserve. Visit to witness the opening of luxury hotels and restaurants, and a country trekking toward modernity at full speed.</p><p>Flights to Oman touch down in Muscat, where you might be distracted from the beautiful coastline by the plethora of swanky hotels, restaurants and shopping malls. The city is crisscrossed by highways and dotted with office blocks. Visitors will likely want to ensconce themselves in the Arabian Nights mystique of the old quarter, where traditional Arab architecture dominates and old Portuguese forts can be found along the seafront. Muttrah, the port district, is a lively place to spend an evening walking along the corniche or exploring Muttrah Souk.</p><p>Outside of Muscat, Oman is mostly empty of people, so you’ll have the sweeping swathes of desert (aim for Wahiba Sands if you can only take one trip) all to yourself. The interior of Sharqiya, south of Muscat, is still home to Bedouin tribes. There are lots of tour companies offering drives through the dunes and camel rides across the sands. In the north, the spectacular Hajar Mountains descend into the Arabian Gulf – take a boat ride to see these at their very best.</p><p>Cool off from Oman’s sunshine at Wadi Bani Khalid, a series of waterfalls and deep pools around which plantations and villages have been built. You can swim here, and explore Moqal Cave, if only to hide from the heat.</p><p>For those who'd rather seek out the sun than run away from it, Oman’s 1,700km of coast are populated by fishermen, birds and not much else. Round off a trip with a few days of lounging and snorkelling on the white sands of Tiwi Beach.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Oman","cities":[{"preTitle":"Flights to Oman","title":"Flights to Muscat (MCT)","summary":"Oman has been a trading post for centuries, and today it’s a tourist magnet – attracting travellers with its gorgeous beaches and mountains.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Muscat (MCT)","seoDescription":"Book flights to Muscat today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-muscat","shortName":"Muscat","longName":"Muscat","code":"OM-MCT","isoCode":"MCT","destinationType":"cities","parentType":"OM_Muscat","areaCode":"OM_Muscat","countryCode":"OM","regionCode":"MIEA","lastPublishedDate":"2024-08-19T06:36:22Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"Oman has been a trading post for centuries, and today it’s a tourist magnet – attracting travellers with its gorgeous beaches and mountains.","contentDescription":"<p>Unlike some of its neighbours in the Gulf, Muscat is not massively built up or saturated with hotels and resorts. Yet the standard of hospitality here is high – nowhere more so than within the succession of beautiful beachside hotels. Surrounded by quality restaurants, beaches and high-end shopping options, it’s tempting never to venture further afield.</p><p>But to stay glued to the sunbed would mean missing out on what makes Muscat truly charming and unique: its carefully preserved history and traditions. Head for the port area of Muttrah and nearby Old Muscat, which teem with old forts from the Portuguese colonial days, and explore mosques, souks and museums. There’s a real sense of cultures coming together here, which is no surprise given the fact that Africans, Iranians, Europeans and, of course, Omanis made this alluring city their home centuries ago.</p><p>And, naturally, they came via the sea, which remains one of the biggest draws of this Omani city. These days, Muscat is a popular diving centre, both for those interested in the wrecks at Bandar Khayran and those who want to explore the marine life around the Daymaniyat Islands. If you want to keep your feet dry, dolphin-spotting trips can also be arranged.</p><p>It’s attractions like these that make flights to Muscat a top pick. Combined with a trip into Oman’s famous mountain regions, and it’s the kind of place where you could spend weeks and not get bored.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Muscat","stationCode":"MCT"}]},{"preTitle":"Flights to the Middle East","title":"Flights to Saudi Arabia","summary":"Flights to Saudi Arabia are the start of what should be a carefully planned trip with unforgettable moments guaranteed.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Saudi Arabia","seoDescription":"Book flights to Saudi Arabia today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-saudi-arabia","shortName":"Saudi Arabia","longName":"Saudi Arabia","code":"SA","isoCode":"SA","destinationType":"countries","parentType":"MIEA","regionCode":"MIEA","lastPublishedDate":"2024-10-29T08:22:14Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"Flights to Saudi Arabia are the start of what should be a carefully planned trip with unforgettable moments guaranteed.","contentDescription":"<p>The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia presents a magnificent fusion of archaeological sites, diverse landscapes and modern innovation.</p><p>The capital <a href=\"/english/destinations/flights-to-riyadh/\" title=\"Flight to Riyadh\" data-id=\"pagebody_link\" data-link=\"Flight to Riyadh - Link Dynamic\">Riyadh</a> epitomises the beauty of modern-day Saudi Arabia, with the Kingdom Centre skyscraper towering over the 19th century Masmak Fortress. Meanwhile, the city’s remote location allows for dazzling night skies and tours into the rolling red sand dunes of the Arabian desert.</p><p><a href=\"/english/destinations/flights-to-dammam/\" title=\"Flight to Dammam\" data-id=\"pagebody_link\" data-link=\"Flight to Dammam - Link Dynamic\">Dammam</a>, a vibrant port city in the east, is a showcase of innovative architecture. The Dammam Corniche is a famous palm tree-lined promenade punctuated by relaxed cafes and restaurants.</p><p>Saudi Arabia’s coastline also presents the jewels of <a href=\"/english/destinations/flights-to-jeddah/\" title=\"Flight to Jeddah\" data-id=\"pagebody_link\" data-link=\"Flight to Jeddah - Link Dynamic\">Jeddah</a> and Al Khobar. Jeddah, in the west, is the Kingdom’s second largest city and features beautiful Red Sea beaches, buzzing souks and pulsating nightlife. Watch King Fahd’s Fountain propel water nearly 300 metres into the sky, a sight best enjoyed after dark when more than 500 lights illuminate the spray.</p><p>Further afield, in the Ashar Valley, the events space Maraya, the world’s largest mirrored building, blends seamlessly into the landscape.</p><p>Mada'in Salih is one of the Kingdom’s most revered historical locations. Venture into the desert to discover 131 tombs, intricately carved into sandstone outcrops over 2,000 years ago.</p><p>From here it’s a short journey to the ancient oasis city of Al-Ula, where profound history meets cutting-edge experiences and accommodation. See neon lights dancing on rockfaces at extraordinary music festivals. Recharge at world-leading wellness retreats and relax at immersive glamping experiences off the beaten track.</p><p>Saudi Arabia’s passion project, Neom will grace the desert in Tabuk with yet more modern architectural beauty. Its aim is to reinvent urban life with tourist resorts and The Line, a linear city completely powered by renewable energy.</p><p>For adventure seekers, Saudi Arabia offers remote landscapes, towering mountains and vast deserts. Aseer National Park near Abha is home to lush juniper forests and the sounds of rare birds. Taif, east of Mecca, features a spectacular cable car ride to Al Hada Mountain’s summit and is famed for its fragrant rose fields.</p><p>The Kingdom has emerged as a key sporting destination too, hosting major events like Formula 1, along with boxing, football and wrestling. Riyadh Season further enriches the cultural landscape, with global stars headlining several weeks of world-class entertainment in the capital each year.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Saudi Arabia","cities":[{"preTitle":"Flights to Saudi Arabia","title":"Flights to Dammam (DMM)","summary":"As your flight to Dammam lands, you’ll see Saudi Arabia’s fifth largest city rise out of the desert, glittering, international and oil-rich.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Dammam (DMM)","seoDescription":"Book flights to Dammam today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-dammam","shortName":"Dammam","longName":"Dammam","code":"SA-DMM","isoCode":"DMM","destinationType":"cities","parentType":"SA_EA","areaCode":"SA_EA","countryCode":"SA","regionCode":"MIEA","lastPublishedDate":"2025-01-13T06:41:20Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"As your flight to Dammam lands, you’ll see Saudi Arabia’s fifth largest city rise out of the desert, glittering, international and oil-rich.","contentDescription":"<p>Dammam is a bubbling port city on Saudi Arabia’s east coast, characterised by its stunning waterfront and golden beaches.</p><p>Incredible modern developments have become synonymous with Dammam, though these seamlessly blend with its natural beauty and cultural heritage. The Dammam Corniche is the city’s crowning jewel. Stroll a charming palm-lined promenade before watching the sun plunge below the horizon as you sip on Arabic coffee in a relaxed waterfront cafe.</p><p>Aside from buzzing eateries and breathtaking views, the corniche also offers a route to the staggeringly beautiful Al-Marjan Island, a man-made archipelago where you can find luxury resorts adorned with picturesque beaches. Dive into an array of water sports or simply glide through this tranquil haven on an electric scooter.</p><p>The Dammam Corniche is also renowned for its lush green spaces, which serve as welcome oases. King Abdullah Park is one of these peaceful escapes, a spacious area popular with locals and tourists and an ideal spot for a picnic.</p><p>The Dammam Heritage Village sits on the edge of the park and provides a fascinating snapshot of the region’s rich history. Wander through striking traditional Saudi buildings to discover a vast collection of antiques, manuscripts and other artefacts. Watch skilled local artisans in action, sample delicious food and look out over the swaying palms of the corniche from the village’s viewpoint.</p><p>There is more wonderful history just north of Dammam at Tarout Castle. This archaeological site, which dates back over 5,000 years, features the remnants of a once impregnable fortress. See its magnificent towers and walls rising from a small hill – a particularly impressive sight in the light of dusk or dawn.</p><p>While Dammam itself offers a selection of glorious beaches, one of the Arabian Gulf’s most popular seaside resorts is just south of the city. Head to Half Moon Bay, where golden-sand beaches stretch for miles and warm, turquoise waters make for unbelievable diving experiences. See coral reefs, shipwrecks and colourful marine life as you float through an underwater paradise.</p><p>When it comes to dining in Dammam, you’ll have a variety of mouth-watering local dishes to pick from thanks to its diverse cultural roots. Samak mashwi is a must-try, consisting of lavishly garnished and spiced fish caught fresh from the Arabian Gulf. Yemeni mandi, which originated in Yemen's Hadhramaut region, is a popular lunch dish featuring succulent meat and aromatic yellow rice, seasoned to perfection.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Dammam","stationCode":"DMM"},{"preTitle":"Flights to Saudi Arabia","title":"Flights to Jeddah (JED)","summary":"Towering over the Red Sea, Jeddah eloquently blends modernity with antiquity.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Jeddah (JED)","seoDescription":"Book flights to Jeddah today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-jeddah","shortName":"Jeddah","longName":"Jeddah","code":"SA-JED","isoCode":"JED","destinationType":"cities","parentType":"SA_SA - Makkah (MA)","areaCode":"SA_SA - Makkah (MA)","countryCode":"SA","regionCode":"MIEA","lastPublishedDate":"2024-12-06T09:42:02Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"Towering over the Red Sea, Jeddah eloquently blends modernity with antiquity.","contentDescription":"<p>Saudi Arabia’s second largest city and its cultural hub, Jeddah is a glistening jewel looking out over the Red Sea.</p><p>Home to one of the largest and busiest ports in the Middle East, Jeddah has expanded into a thriving metropolis strewn with dazzling modern architecture, world class malls and pulsating marketplaces.</p><p>The Jeddah Corniche epitomises the city’s appeal, with the promenade offering kilometres of classy restaurants and cafes. It’s also the perfect vantage point to experience the staggering King Fahd’s Fountain. Visit at nightfall to see a huge plume of sea water propelled over 300 metres into the air and illuminated by coloured lights.</p><p>While sleek structures punctuate the Jeddah skyline, various nods to Saudi Arabia’s fascinating history remain intertwined with the city’s newer developments. The Al Balad Market is a UNESCO World Heritage site which has seen ancient mud brick and stone buildings delicately repurposed as cafes and art galleries. Wade through a sea of spices, ornaments and textiles at one of the oldest markets in the Middle East.</p><p>The city has also become a staple destination of elite sport. F1 cars rip through the stunning Jeddah Corniche circuit in the annual Saudi Arabian Grand Prix, while the world’s best boxers have clashed at the state-of-the-art King Abdullah Sports City.</p><p>As for high-end shopping experiences, the Red Sea Mall features an incredible mix of international and local brands, as well as an unparalleled variety of entertainment options. Wander an exquisitely designed indoor space, with greenery-lined seating areas and spacious food halls providing a calming retreat from browsing.</p><p>Given Jeddah’s coastal location, there are an array of stunning beaches, none more so than Al Saif. Head to this glorious strip of unspoiled golden sand and bathe in the turquoise waters. The Red Sea’s thriving sea life, pristine reefs and temperate climate means it’s a hotspot for scuba diving and snorkelling. Swim alongside stingrays, barracudas and turtles as you explore the fascinating variety of shipwrecks laying on the seabed outside Jeddah’s port.</p><p>A vast selection of international cuisines is available at Jeddah’s many top-class eateries, but there are also plenty of tantalising local dishes to sample. Matazeez is a traditional Saudi Arabian stew featuring a rich combination of meats, vegetables and spices, while madfoon is one of several Arabic dishes that comprise of a mouth-watering blend of meat and rice.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Jeddah","stationCode":"JED"},{"preTitle":"Flights to Saudi Arabia","title":"Flights to Medina (Madinah) (MED)","summary":"A city imbued with religious significance, visit Medina to explore a fascinating mix of old and new.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Medina (Madinah) (MED)","seoDescription":"Book flights to Medina (Madinah) today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-medina","shortName":"Medina","longName":"Medina (Madinah)","code":"SA-MED","isoCode":"MED","destinationType":"cities","parentType":"SA_MA","areaCode":"SA_MA","countryCode":"SA","regionCode":"MIEA","lastPublishedDate":"2023-06-07T06:43:40Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"A city imbued with religious significance, visit Medina to explore a fascinating mix of old and new.","contentDescription":"<p>Medina is a city of major religious and spiritual significance in Saudi Arabia. Around nine million Muslims catch flights to Medina each year for religious pilgrimage. The main attraction for visitors is Al-Masjid an-Nabawi, where they can visit the burial place of the Prophet and pray in Alrawdah Alsharefah. Alrawdah is considered by Islam as a garden from heaven where prayers will be answered.</p><p>Al-Masjid an-Nabawi, or the Prophet’s Mosque, in the city centre attracts thousands of Muslims every day. People travel from all over the world for a chance to see the place where a mosque was built by the Prophet and the site that is now his burial place. Like the majority of the city, the mosque lies in Medina’s forbidden zone, meaning it is accessible only to Muslims, who are provided with an exclusive view of the architecture of the famous Green Dome. They can also see four Orthodox Caliph’s mosques that were renovated and preserved by government.</p><p>Outside the perimeter, the streets are packed with street sellers offering souvenirs and local artefacts, including intricately sewn prayer mats and copies of the Quran.</p><p>Pilgrims and Muslim visitors can also get a glimpse of other sacred sites such as Al-Baqi, where the Prophet’s companions and family members are buried, and a number of other historic mosques, including the Quba Mosque.</p><p>Outside of the forbidden zone, you can stay at one of the internationally renowned hotels, like Le Méridien (previously Sheraton).</p><p>The huge influx of different nationalities each year has brought with it a variety of languages, cultures and cuisines to Medina. Lebanese, Turkish, Indian and Persian restaurants now line Medina’s streets, while huge Arabic shopping malls selling international wares sit next to American and European hotels. It’s typical of the city’s fascinating mix of old and new.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Medina (Madinah)","stationCode":"MED"},{"preTitle":"Flights to Saudi Arabia","title":"Flights to Riyadh (RUH)","summary":"Visit Riyadh, the beating heart of Saudi Arabia, to explore a glittering oasis filled with restaurants, hotels and history.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Riyadh (RUH)","seoDescription":"Book flights to Riyadh today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-riyadh","shortName":"Riyadh","longName":"Riyadh","code":"SA-RUH","isoCode":"RUH","destinationType":"cities","parentType":"SA_RU","areaCode":"SA_RU","countryCode":"SA","regionCode":"MIEA","lastPublishedDate":"2024-08-19T06:45:57Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"Visit Riyadh, the beating heart of Saudi Arabia, to explore a glittering oasis filled with restaurants, hotels and history.","contentDescription":"<p>Once an isolated mud-brick town along desert trading routes, Riyadh is now one of the wealthiest cities in the world. As flights to Riyadh come in, skyscrapers such as Al Faisaliah Tower can be seen rising up from the dusty desert while shiny 4x4s cruise the city’s highways in one of the Kingdom’s premier destinations for business tourism.</p><p>Saudi Arabia’s capital city is much more than a vibrant business destination, however. It’s a glittering oasis where Arab traditions meet western culture, and is packed with enough restaurants, hotels, history and culture to rival any other capital in the Gulf.</p><p>Centrally located in the middle of the country, Riyadh is the beating heart of Saudi Arabia. Take a short drive from the city centre in almost any direction, and you’ll see evidence of its unique Middle Eastern heritage, harking back to Bedouin life in the desert. Try the famous camel souk on Dammam Road, just east of the city, or journey by car to the ‘Edge of the World’ – the stunning Tuwaiq escarpment.</p><p>If you’re craving some relief from the heat, head to the Lake Kharrarah Park and Hifna Waterfall on the outskirts. This national park floods during rainfall, creating a lake deep enough to swim in, and it’s a popular picnic spot on hot afternoons.</p><p>Sport is incredibly popular in Riyadh and the city buzzes on match days as up to 70,000 football fans make their way to the King Fahd International Stadium. If shopping is more your thing, you’ll find streets lined with malls, many exclusively for women, offering the best in local and imported jewellery, clothing and food.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Riyadh","stationCode":"RUH"}]},{"preTitle":"Flights to the Middle East","title":"Flights to United Arab Emirates","summary":"Flights to the United Arab Emirates fill up fast. The UAE is morphing into a tourists’ playground, thanks to its world-class attractions and hotels.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to United Arab Emirates","seoDescription":"Book flights to United Arab Emirates today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-united-arab-emirates","shortName":"United Arab Emirates","longName":"United Arab Emirates","code":"AE","isoCode":"AE","destinationType":"countries","parentType":"MIEA","regionCode":"MIEA","lastPublishedDate":"2023-02-23T16:42:25Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"Flights to the United Arab Emirates fill up fast. The UAE is morphing into a tourists’ playground, thanks to its world-class attractions and hotels.","contentDescription":"<p>The federation of seven emirates was established in 1971 and holds massive oil and natural gas reserves, and the leadership spent much of the revenue from these ventures on improving infrastructure and offerings for visitors. As a result, the United Arab Emirates is one of the easiest and most pleasant places to travel around and there are flights to UAE from all over the world.</p><p>The climate of the UAE is hot and dry, and the national language is Arabic, although many people speak English or other languages. The population is a mix of Emirati citizens and expats from all over the world. As a result, the Emirates – especially Dubai and Abu Dhabi – have a diverse array of influences, with Arabian culture ever-present but strongly affected by other parts of the globe.</p><p>Visiting the UAE is easy. Some visitors will require visas, although most coming from Gulf States do not. The list of the best hotels is long and impressive, on par with any country in the world. In Dubai alone, options include five-star gems like Atlantis The Palm, Burj Al Arab (sometimes referred to as the only seven-star hotel in the world), Marine Beach Resort & Spa, and many, many others. Every major international chain has a presence as well.</p><p>The attractions don't disappoint, either. The Burj Khalifa, the world's tallest building, is impossible to miss and even more impressive up close. Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque, Al-Bidyah Mosque, the Sharjah Arts Museum, and the Sharjah Museum of Islamic Civilisation are must-visits too, while travellers with a bit more time should take a day trip to the Hajar Mountains or Jebel Hafeet.</p><p>When it comes to restaurants, you'll be seriously spoilt for choice. Try Reflets par Pierre Gagnaire or Pierchic or for more traditional dishes try Al Harees or Al Machboos.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to United Arab Emirates","cities":[{"preTitle":"Flights to the United Arab Emirates","title":"Flights to Dubai (DXB)","summary":"In just over 40 years, Dubai has become the face of modernity – where architectural wonders preside over glittering seas and record-breaking malls.","seoMetadata":{"seoTitle":"Flights to Dubai (DXB)","seoDescription":"Book flights to Dubai today. Comfortable seats, gourmet meals and award-winning entertainment – all part of the Emirates experience."},"url":"flights-to-dubai","shortName":"Dubai","longName":"Dubai","code":"AE-DXB","isoCode":"DXB","destinationType":"cities","parentType":"AE_Dubai","areaCode":"AE_Dubai","countryCode":"AE","regionCode":"MIEA","lastPublishedDate":"2024-08-13T05:37:48Z","overRulingCountry":false,"overRulingCountryShortName":"","overRulingCountryUrl":"","contentText":"In just over 40 years, Dubai has become the face of modernity – where architectural wonders preside over glittering seas and record-breaking malls.","contentDescription":"<p>Try and get a seat by the window for your flights to Dubai – as the plane descends, you'll want to see the sheer scale of its dramatic sprawl along the coastline, which is just as impressive as its skyline. In little more than 40 years, this city has transformed itself from a tiny settlement to a glittering metropolis and world-class destination.</p><p>While Dubai's startling feats of engineering such as the Burj Khalifa, the Palm islands, Burj Al Arab and The Dubai Mall are jewels in its crown, the city’s multi-faceted appeal extends to more than just its architecture. Some people are attracted to the buzz of the place – the frenetic pace and energy of a global business city and tourism hub. However, you might prefer the tranquillity of its desert retreats, golf courses, calm seas and beaches.</p><p>Beyond clusters of gleaming five-star hotels, with their luxury suites and infinity pools, there's a historic side to the city too. Visit Al Fahidi Historical District (formerly known as Bastakiya) to see traditional Arabic architecture, then tour the Heritage and Diving Villages of Shindagha.</p><p>Visiting Dubai is largely about consumption and one of the most popular activities here is shopping. As well as record-breaking malls packed with designer names, there are traditional souks and vibrant markets. And while Michelin-starred celebrity chefs have embraced Dubai’s high-end culinary credentials, there are still scores of independent restaurants with authentic flavours to explore.</p><p>It all adds up to a city of contrasts, and there's nowhere better to witness Dubai's diversity than the Dubai Creek. Here, traditional abras cross the waters, and dhows unload their cargo beneath shimmering skyscrapers.</p><p>The latter will have air-conditioned shopping streets, a theme park and a healthcare district. It almost sounds too good to be true, but given Dubai's already incredible rise, you wouldn't want to bet against it.</p>","contentHeading":"Flights to Dubai","stationCode":"DXB"}]}]}]}},"popularODCities":{"fetching":false,"data":{"data":[{"originCode":"DXB","destinationCode":"LHR","combination":"DXBLHR","rank":1,"destinationShortName":"London 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Every major international chain has a presence as well.</p><p>The attractions don't disappoint, either. The Burj Khalifa, the world's tallest building, is impossible to miss and even more impressive up close. Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque, Al-Bidyah Mosque, the Sharjah Arts Museum, and the Sharjah Museum of Islamic Civilisation are must-visits too, while travellers with a bit more time should take a day trip to the Hajar Mountains or Jebel Hafeet.</p><p>When it comes to restaurants, you'll be seriously spoilt for choice. 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